Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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Hollis Vaughen Marketing Manager<br />

AWC Berlin<br />

I am originally from Kentucky and went to<br />

college in Virginia. I have lived, worked and<br />

studied in North Carolina, Japan, California,<br />

Germany and Washington State. It’s hard to say<br />

exactly why I moved around so much – some of<br />

it was by design, some by circumstances out of<br />

my control – but it’s been an adventure to<br />

experience a teeny portion of the world this<br />

way. My number of moves pales in comparison<br />

to those who relocate every two or three years,<br />

but as someone who didn’t get to explore much<br />

beyond the southeastern US for her first 25<br />

years, it’s been a wild ride.<br />

November 2021 – my favorite SDGs at the FAWCO Region 5<br />

meeting in Vienna;<br />

photo credit My-Linh Kunst (top left)<br />

<strong>May</strong> 2022 with AWC Berlin FAWCO Rep Frances Durocher at the<br />

FAWCO Interim Meeting in Luxembourg;<br />

photo credit My-Linh Kunst (top right)<br />

April 2022 with my family in Madrid, Spain;<br />

photo credit Jovan Gibson-Aviance (bottom)<br />

Career-wise, I’m a Recovering Engineer – i.e. I<br />

have the degree and two-plus years of work<br />

experience but it didn’t suit me. So, I left the industry and went to business school for an<br />

international MBA. I sort of fell backwards into marketing and have done a wide array<br />

of jobs for a wide array of companies. About ten years ago, I started doing social media<br />

management, first for my kids’ school and the non-profit organizations I belonged to,<br />

then later for paid clients.<br />

My husband and I have three kids, ages 13, 15 and 18. We lived in Berlin from 2017 to<br />

2018 and moved back in August 2021. We really like living in this one-of-a-kind European<br />

capital and exploring the surrounding continent. In addition to going to many places<br />

within Germany as a family, we’ve visited Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, France,<br />

Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Cyprus. (We’ve all been<br />

able to take some solo trips as well.) Most recently was spring break in Switzerland<br />

because our oldest was a FAWCO Youth Cultural Ambassador Volunteer in Zurich!<br />

We’re hoping for more trips in the second half of <strong>2023</strong>, because our list of places to visit<br />

is very long.<br />

I love conversation, traveling, volunteering, reading, walking, yoga, and swimming. I’ve<br />

always been interested in learning about other cultures and languages. In Berlin, I<br />

relish trying new-to-me cuisines and visiting at least one museum per month. My<br />

German classes are another source of enjoyment.<br />

When we first moved to Berlin, the wife of my husband’s co-worker was an AWC<br />

member and I joined on her recommendation. I have been the club‘s treasurer, the<br />

Nominating Committee Chair, and have been the co-Social Media Manager since 2020.<br />

The Marketing Manager role for <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> is my first FAWCO position.<br />

I wasn’t able to attend any FAWCO events until the Region 5 meeting in November 2021<br />

and am excited to make up for lost time! They check so many boxes for me –<br />

travel, community, education and more. In 2022, I attended the Interim Meeting in<br />

Luxembourg and the Region 5 meeting in Frankfurt. This year, I went to the <strong>2023</strong><br />

Biennial Conference in Bratislava and plan to attend the Region 5 meeting in the fall.<br />

As part of the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> magazine team, I’m excited to try and learn new things,<br />

as well as getting to know my fellow FAWCO members. There’s still so much I don’t know<br />

about FAWCO and the amazing work our organization does!<br />


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