Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023
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more about<br />
this issue<br />
The <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> Team<br />
That's<br />
Inspired!<br />
Liz Elsie Kristin Michele Cristin Hollis<br />
For more information about this magazine, please contact a member of the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team:<br />
Editor in Chief, Liz MacNIven*,<br />
Advertising and Sponsorship Manager, Elsie Bose,<br />
Layout Coordinator, Kristin D. Haanæs,<br />
Features Coordinator, Michele Hendrikse Du Bois*,<br />
Profiles Coordinator, Cristin Middlebrooks,<br />
Marketing Manager, Hollis Vaughen,<br />
(*As of <strong>May</strong> 12, Editor in Chief, Michele Hendrikse Du Bois and Features Coordinator, Connie Phlipot)<br />
Acknowledgements:<br />
Thanks to our profilees (Ann Marie, Bella, Emily, Karen, Priscilla, Sandra, Sarah and Tamara) and<br />
our feature contributors (Catharina, Danielle, Kristen B, Kristin H, Linda, Liz, Maria, Michele, Mimi,<br />
Saskia and Tharien) for their work on the articles and also for the use of their photos and those of<br />
their friends and families.<br />
The cover photo was taken by Paul MacNiven in Coventry, England in February <strong>2023</strong>. Liz says<br />
“Tristan (16 months old) has only recently started walking, actually he definitely toddles to be<br />
honest. We were waiting for his play activity to start but he was determined to see what was at the<br />
bottom of the field. So I took his hand and off we went. I think we look rather like Pooh and Piglet<br />
walking off into the distance together.”<br />
While Liz is saying "Goodbye" to us at <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>, she has, amongst other things, the "New<br />
Beginning" that Tristan represents to look forward to.<br />
Special thanks to the proofreading team of Karen Boeker (AWC Denmark), Laurie Brooks (AWC<br />
Amsterdam and The Hague/FAUSA), Mary Stewart Burgher (AWC Denmark), Sallie Chaballier (AAWE<br />
Paris), Kit Desjacques (AAWE Paris), Mary Dobrian (AIWC Cologne), Janis Kaas (AAWE Paris/FAUSA),<br />
Carol-Lyn McKelvey (AIWC Cologne/FAUSA), and Jenny Taylor (AIWC Cologne and Düsseldorf).<br />
Please note: images used in this publication are either sourced from our team, the authors<br />
themselves, or through or<br />
Please post the link for this issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong>,<br />
"Goodbyes and New Beginnings," in your club<br />
publications until "We are Talking Fashion ..." is published<br />
on September 14, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Finnish lake<br />
at sunset<br />
Photo by<br />
Ann Marie Morrow,<br />