Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023
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consisting of seven elected members (four<br />
international and three local women), auditors<br />
and its members, of course. We used to have<br />
a Grants Committee, but now the Board fulfills<br />
this role. The board is elected once every<br />
three years by a majority of votes at a General<br />
Meeting of the members.<br />
Does your club have a signature event?<br />
As women, we have the power to change<br />
the world when we come together and work<br />
towards a common goal. The International<br />
ICB is IWCM's biggest fundraising event. Because<br />
of its popularity and success we are able to<br />
support several charitable initiatives during the<br />
following year.<br />
What other kinds of events do you have in<br />
your club?<br />
The impact of IWCM's charitable initiatives<br />
cannot be overstated. The beneficiaries of<br />
IWCM's projects include orphanages, schools<br />
for children with disabilities, hospitals, and<br />
organizations that provide support to victims of<br />
<strong>Women</strong>'s Club of Moldova is a shining example<br />
of what can be achieved when we harness that<br />
power and use it for the greater good. Our<br />
signature event is the International Charity<br />
Bazaar (ICB), held on the first Sunday in<br />
December, with about 30 Embassies and IOs<br />
participating and dozens of local businesses,<br />
artisans and artists from different countries. A<br />
wide range of products are available, including<br />
handmade crafts, clothing, jewelry and food.<br />
domestic violence. The IWCM also supports<br />
various cultural initiatives, such as promoting<br />
local artisans and supporting local festivals.<br />
Besides this we organize events for socializing,<br />
for our members and our friends, and possible<br />
new members: sports, crafts, travel and wine<br />
tasting, cooking, book reading and meeting<br />
local artists.<br />
International Charity Bazaar (above)<br />
IWC Moldova walking and yoga group (top right)<br />
Tea Party for participants of International Charity<br />
Bazaar 2022 (bottom right)<br />