Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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only saw the thing that was on my mind.<br />

Unfortunately, I hurt many people before<br />

I realized that I needed to practice the<br />

Golden Rule daily in all circumstances with<br />

all people. Time and aging have their benefits.<br />

I have improved.<br />

• z Exercise Hope. Hope is a VERB and a skill<br />

set. Augustine of Hippo said, “Hope has two<br />

beautiful daughters; their names are<br />

Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things<br />

are, and Courage to see that they don’t<br />

remain as they are.” Hope starts with the<br />

belief that things can be better, and we all<br />

have a role in making that better happen.<br />

Hope is always in motion.<br />

personal or corporate, helps to see how<br />

close one is hitting the target and if impact<br />

is taking place.<br />

As we celebrate endings that bring about<br />

beginnings, I wonder how effective these<br />

stepping stones would be for an organization<br />

such as FAWCO to continue to strengthen its<br />

foundation, prepare for the unexpected, and<br />

empower its members to live victoriously when<br />

change is just around the next corner.<br />

• z Measure results. Results are where<br />

internal and external change pop like a<br />

firecracker. It is the ultimate accountability<br />

partner. In Change Your World, John Maxwell<br />

and Rob Hoskins propose a positive change<br />

rubric: Discover, Design, Deploy, and<br />

Document. This combination, whether<br />

2. Set your priorities. Priorities may be big or<br />

small, but knowing them and creating intentions<br />

around them is key. In order to keep moving<br />

ahead, I have found that committing to activities<br />

the evening prior is extremely beneficial and<br />

creates order and balance that keeps me<br />

moving in the right direction.<br />

3. Be honest about opportunities and<br />

obstacles. YES! So often, we have high integrity<br />

when it comes to serving others, but not to<br />

ourselves. This is a daily discipline of review<br />

of self.<br />

Are we following through on what we say we<br />

want and is important to us, and are we<br />

delivering in the relationships that matter most?<br />

• z Commit yourself to ongoing learning,<br />

improvement, and development. Change on<br />

the outside is the invitation for change within.<br />

I miss this common sense invitation often,<br />

instead bucking reality. Mistakes have been<br />

my friend in this process as I keep polishing<br />

my skill sets by picking myself up and moving<br />

on. Being teachable is one of my values.<br />

• z Engage in activities that contribute to<br />

the cause. Whether as an individual or an<br />

organization, focus is imperative so the way is<br />

not lost in the process. Having clear, defined<br />

goals or aspirations and a structure that<br />

allows for continual contribution requires<br />

rigorous commitment.<br />

• z Communicate effectively. Francis<br />

of Assisi said, “Use words if necessary.” I<br />

will always be a student when it comes<br />

to communication.<br />

• z Move from good intentions to good<br />

actions. It is ironic that we judge others by<br />

what they do and ourselves by our intentions.<br />

Principle number 3 helps me to assess daily<br />

whether or not my actions are a good<br />

reflection of my hidden intentions.<br />

• z Add value to people every day. My<br />

“Saved my Life” mentor of my 20s would<br />

always repeat, “People are more important<br />

than things.” I was dumbfounded at that<br />

statement until I began to see how often I<br />

failed to see the person in front of me and<br />

Photos courtesy of Annelize Smith, FAWCO member.<br />

Danielle Kuznetsov currently lives in<br />

Speyer, Germany, with her husband Alex.<br />

While in this season of transition, she is<br />

serving the local Russian/Ukrainian<br />

community, maintaining family ties with<br />

kids and grandkids, and helping clients<br />

grow into their best selves. Danielle<br />

enjoys traveling with her husband,<br />

reading, investing in and developing<br />

young mothers, and pursuing God in<br />

prayer. She is a member of the<br />

Heidelberg International <strong>Women</strong>’s Club.<br />

She can be reached at:<br />

Kuznetsov.danielle@gmail.com<br />


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