Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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5<br />

6<br />

in every issue<br />

A Note from the Editor<br />

Advertisers Index<br />

118<br />

119<br />

Photo feature<br />

Our Next Issue<br />

7 Introducing This Issue 120 More About This Issue<br />

<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>: Through My Lens<br />

<strong>Inspiring</strong> You<br />

We are looking for your photos of friends, family or yourself that you think embody<br />

the next issue's theme of "We are Talking Fashion: Innovators, Trendsetters,<br />

Changemakers and ... Activists".<br />

Photos should be in color and a minimum of 300 dpi. Send your photo with your<br />

name, FAWCO Club and a maximum 50-word caption explaining why the photo fits<br />

the theme to:<br />

The deadline for submitting features<br />

and photos for our next issue is ...<br />

June 12, <strong>2023</strong><br />

121<br />

That’s Inspired!<br />

inspiringwomenfeatures@fawco.org.<br />

“T he last time always seems sad,<br />

but it isn't really. The end of one thing<br />

is only the beginning of another.”<br />

– Laura Ingalls Wilder,<br />

These Happy Golden Years<br />

In the summer of 2016, out of the blue, I<br />

received a phone call from Sallie Chaballier, then<br />

1st VP Communications for FAWCO, in which she<br />

said the FAWCO Board had decided to launch a<br />

new magazine and my name had been<br />

suggested as editor.<br />

I had been in Cologne for three years and was<br />

AIWCC club newsletter editor. When Sallie called,<br />

we were in the process of negotiating a return to<br />

our home in Great Britain, but our imminent<br />

departure was under wraps. Mere days before<br />

she called, I had said to Paul that I would like<br />

to find a way to stay involved with FAWCO once<br />

home. My first thought on speaking to Sallie<br />

was: did she have a hotline to Ford HQ!<br />

Over the next few months I got to know the<br />

amazing Elsie Bose, who had first pitched<br />

the magazine‘s concept to the Board, as we<br />

thrashed out our ideas for the magazine.<br />

Between the two of us we found ten courageous<br />

women who trusted us with their stories and<br />

got it printed in time for the launch at the 2017<br />

Biennial Conference<br />

in Mumbai. <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />

<strong>Women</strong> was born!<br />

Over the last six<br />

years I have led the<br />

<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />

team as it has grown<br />

and developed while<br />

publishing an<br />

incredible 32 issues<br />

featuring over 400<br />

women from more<br />

than 65 FAWCO clubs.<br />

That is a lot of words<br />

and a lot of<br />

inspiration in<br />

anyone’s book and I<br />

am so proud of what<br />

we have been able<br />

to achieve.<br />

a note from<br />

the editor<br />

But as John Irving puts it: “You only grow by<br />

coming to the end of something and by<br />

beginning something else.” So it is time for<br />

me to hand over the editorship into the very<br />

capable hands of Michele Hendrikse Du Bois.<br />

(Thanks so much for agreeing to take my baby<br />

on for me, Michele!) But in this my last issue<br />

as editor, the team has allowed me to have a<br />

look back through our archives to find my six<br />

favorite profiles and update them for this<br />

issue: Goodbyes and New Beginnings.<br />

As well as these profiles, we have interviews<br />

with the outgoing and incoming FAWCO<br />

presidents, an article introducing the new<br />

<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> Team and a series of other<br />

interesting features for you.<br />

Before I go I would like to give a big shout out<br />

and massive thank you for all your hard work<br />

to Berit, Hayley and Karen, who are also moving<br />

on to new things. I wish you success in your<br />

new endeavours. The rest of the team, past<br />

and present, also deserve huge kudos and have<br />

my sincere thanks, as do the FAWCO Board for<br />

giving me the opportunity. My biggest thanks of<br />

all go to the wonderful Elsie Bose. It has been<br />

a real pleasure working closely with you for the<br />

last six years Elsie, and I will miss<br />

our working camaraderie very<br />

much (I hope you realise this<br />

is definitely not Goodbye to<br />

our friendship).<br />

So finally thanks to you, our<br />

readers, thanks for six wonderful<br />

years of inspiration, learning and<br />

development. For the record,<br />

I think all FAWCO women are<br />

inspiring and that definitely<br />

includes YOU, not just the<br />

women featured in the <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />

<strong>Women</strong> pages!<br />

Best wishes!<br />

Liz<br />

<strong>Inspiring</strong>women.editor@fawco.org<br />

Raising a toast to the last 6 years<br />


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