Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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2. The move to Kenya, at 59 years old, was for<br />

a one-year posting, but it is a hard country to<br />

leave. Exploring Kenya and Africa has been<br />

incredibly rewarding; it is an amazing vast<br />

continent with wonderful people and we have<br />

only scratched the surface. We have convinced<br />

many friends in the US to make the long trip to<br />

Africa. They never would have come if we were<br />

not here to encourage them, and every single<br />

one wants to return.<br />

What goodbyes do you anticipate for you<br />

in the next two years? How do you feel<br />

about them?<br />

It will be bittersweet leaving Kenya in the next<br />

few years. New adventures await, but saying<br />

goodbye to friends and life here will be difficult.<br />

The expat life is always filled with hellos and<br />

goodbyes, as we all know too well. At the last<br />

American <strong>Women</strong>’s Association coffee I<br />

attended, I learned a wonderful friend I had<br />

just met at AWA a few months ago is already<br />

leaving. Sad, but so happy I met her, and as she<br />

said, “Now you have a friend in a new country to<br />

come to visit!” Leaving my Kenyan friends will be<br />

difficult but at least I know I can return and see<br />

many friendly faces in one visit to Nairobi.<br />

What new beginnings do you see for yourself<br />

in the next two years? How do you feel<br />

about these?<br />

Who knows? Bring them on! The pandemic<br />

was a reminder that things can change very<br />

quickly. We should never assume anything is<br />

permanent. Remember, our actions affect other<br />

people and always live each day to the fullest!<br />

Photos:<br />

Southern Ground Hornbill eating a snake in<br />

the Massai Mara, Kenya. (page 43, top)<br />

Oxpecker looking for bugs. (page 43, bottom)<br />

Sambura tribal women gather to sing at<br />

sunset. (pages 44 and 45)<br />

Lovely leopard posing in Botswana. (left)<br />


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