Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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My husband retired in 2017, and we returned to<br />

the US but not to a place we’d ever lived before:<br />

Boulder, CO. As much as we loved living in<br />

Munich, it was the least difficult goodbye and<br />

the easiest new beginning as we had much to<br />

look forward to. We built a new home, and I got<br />

involved in FAUSA. Our children married, and<br />

we now have four grandchildren.<br />

Goodbyes and new beginnings are the circles of<br />

my life. Although we leave parts of ourselves<br />

behind when we move, we take what we’ve<br />

learned and use it to reinvent ourselves, grow<br />

and move forward.<br />

As a member of FAUSA, I’ve been able to stay<br />

connected to friends, teams, and priorities from<br />

my FAWCO and The FAWCO Foundation lives.<br />

I’ve met wonderful people who share and<br />

understand the experience of living globally.<br />

We gather annually at the FAUSA Getaway to<br />

socialize, explore new locations and have our<br />

annual meeting. We share virtual activities and<br />

events across North America. I encourage you<br />

to join FAUSA when you return! You’ll find likeminded<br />

people who are Globally Connected,<br />

Locally Active. And you’ll find that many of those<br />

past doors are not really closed.<br />

Liz and her bees (above)<br />

Liz and Eric in Xi'An, China (below)<br />

Liz as a museum docent, Münchner Stadtmuseum<br />

(Munich City Museum) (top right, page 53)<br />

Tharien’s Art is a boutique art studio in<br />

Antwerp, Belgium,<br />

specializing in hand-painted greeting<br />

cards, prints and paintings.<br />

Painting with a Purpose<br />

Are you looking for a unique greeting card<br />

to send to family or friends, or artwork to<br />

brighten up your home?<br />

Browse the collections on the website –<br />

www.thariensart.com<br />

– now to find a special piece of art.<br />

Proceeds from all sales go to Hope for Girls<br />

and <strong>Women</strong> Tanzania to support the tertiary<br />

education of the girls at the safe houses.<br />

Special announcement:<br />

Tharien’s Art will be<br />

supporting the Target<br />

Program Environment<br />

2022-2025 with a<br />

number special offers.<br />

More details will be<br />

provided in the next<br />

newsletter.<br />


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