Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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profile<br />

Revisiting 2022...<br />

Sandra Montgomery<br />

Liz introduces us to her <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />

Woman of 2022 gardener, Sandra<br />

Montgomery, AWC Bogotá.<br />

"Our <strong>May</strong> 2022 issue of <strong>Inspiring</strong><br />

<strong>Women</strong> featured all things gardening<br />

and also went on to become our<br />

very first "live" event with the<br />

Garden Party that we hosted online in June.<br />

Sandra’s story started with a great deal of<br />

trauma in her early years which could easily<br />

have broken her; in fact she was in a life<br />

threatening car crash during this period. But<br />

from those early, very dark years she has moved<br />

on and developed into a woman who is clearly<br />

at peace with herself and her life.<br />

Reading about someone who uses what they<br />

learned through their own personal difficulties<br />

is inspiring. After many years working in the<br />

corporate world, Sandra decided to resign and<br />

retrain in psychology. She subsequently set up<br />

a physical space for others, especially pregnant<br />

teens and those in other vulnerable situations<br />

like the one she had been in many years before,<br />

to come for rest and healing.<br />

While she does this she also has developed a<br />

real passion for gardening and finds it brings<br />

peace to her mind. Not having any formal<br />

training and dealing with gardening in Colombia,<br />

she has learned, mainly by trial and error, what<br />

she can and can’t grow. It clearly has become a<br />

real passion.<br />

Sandra Montgomery<br />

She was good enough to agree to<br />

be one of the presenters at the<br />

Garden Party and it was a real<br />

pleasure to get to know her better<br />

through that experience."<br />

Sandra out in<br />

her gorgeous<br />

garden<br />


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