Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023
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With her husband and number one supporter, Thomas. (right)<br />
What goodbyes do you anticipate for you<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about them?<br />
Goodbye to following diets, demanding<br />
exercises, famous models and fitness gurus.<br />
I just want to be myself: authentic, transparent,<br />
living in the present, aware of my own<br />
breathing and listening to the wisdom of my<br />
own body by spending time with myself.<br />
How do I feel? Free! Yes, free. Allowing myself<br />
to enjoy variety, colors, smells and all the<br />
abundant medicinal fruits that Mother Nature<br />
unconditionally provides to us. I want to nurture<br />
myself with self-compassion and appreciation,<br />
to value myself by accepting each part of my<br />
body as it is, including my feelings, emotions<br />
and my cravings! Goodbye to old habits of<br />
looking for external recognition, validation,<br />
appreciation and acceptance.<br />
What new beginnings do you see for yourself<br />
in the next two years? How do you feel<br />
about these?<br />
Every morning is a new beginning, an<br />
opportunity to be grateful to be alive to the<br />
miracle of being able to see, feel, move, think<br />
and to manifest creativity, giving the best to<br />
myself and to the world.<br />
I wish to continue to be surprised with simple<br />
things in life — a flower, a tree, a landscape,<br />
the rain, the sun, a hummingbird — as if I were<br />
always on vacation. That’s right, I want my life to<br />
become an endless vacation: no rush, no need<br />
to run, just be calm and joyful. I see myself<br />
enjoying life in acceptance and presence,<br />
continuing with my passion of leading corporate<br />
workshops, facilitating fasting and silent retreats,<br />
sharing knowledge for others’ self-care, personal<br />
development, self-regulation and multiplying<br />
physical, mental and emotional wellness.<br />
and lost my job, but I never lost my positive<br />
attitude. I was happy because I had made it<br />
out alive, and that allowed me to recover and<br />
move on. We humans are resilient beings.<br />
I have been thankful about everything ever<br />
since — the good stuff and also the not so<br />
good stuff — because that’s life: suffering<br />
and joyfulness, pleasure and pain, life and death,<br />
frosts and droughts. Every day is an opportunity.<br />
It is up to us to use days as trampolines for our<br />
personal evolution.<br />
Fountain where hummingbirds and other colorful birds<br />
come to play. (above)<br />
Facilitating a visualization/meditation during a silent and<br />
72 INSPIRING WOMEN fasting retreat. (right, page 73)<br />