Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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profile<br />

Moving FAWCO into a<br />

Post-COVID-19 World<br />

Ann Marie Morrow, AWC Finland, tells us about herself and her<br />

"new beginning" as FAWCO’s incoming President.<br />

We moved around a lot when I was<br />

younger, mostly within upstate New<br />

York. I remember enjoying moving<br />

to new places, starting new schools<br />

and getting to know new people. Changing high<br />

schools was perhaps more challenging than<br />

changing a school when I was younger, but I was<br />

always on board for another adventure. I even<br />

went to three different universities, but managed<br />

to graduate a year early. I was somehow in a<br />

hurry, taking extra classes, working, volunteering,<br />

and, of course, partying too. My Finnish husband<br />

and I met at university in the US. I never imagined<br />

that I’d live so long in one place as I have now. I’ve<br />

been in Finland for more than 20 years; I came<br />

for one year and continue to “renew my contract”<br />

each year.<br />

Ann Marie<br />

A defining moment in my life was when I was a<br />

freshman at university. I spent a lot of time with<br />

my three-year old cousin, who was getting cancer<br />

treatment. She and her family were staying at a<br />

nearby Ronald McDonald House, and I would stay<br />

there on Fridays as well (Pizza Fridays!) Meeting<br />

all the families and children going through such<br />

battles for life and death was a real perspective<br />

wakeup call for an 18-year-old. The wisdom and<br />

grace of the children and their families was<br />

humbling. It really shaped my outlook and<br />

perspective on what is important in life. I<br />

realized how short and fragile life is.<br />

I don’t want to waste my time doing<br />

things that don’t matter and I try to<br />

spend my time in a way that I won’t<br />

Winter<br />

wonderland<br />

in Finland.<br />


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