This Is Our Wellington 12
This is Our Wellington, the official quarterly magazine of Love Wellington and Wellington Town Council
This is Our Wellington, the official quarterly magazine of Love Wellington and Wellington Town Council
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<strong>This</strong> is our<br />
LOVE<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Inside<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> secures<br />
huge ‘Levelling Up’<br />
investment<br />
Charter Day<br />
in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Local businesses feel<br />
the love and support<br />
Follow <strong>Wellington</strong>’s<br />
Easter Bunny trail<br />
<strong>Is</strong>sue Number <strong>12</strong> | April 2023<br />
<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>12</strong>.indd 1 17/03/2023 19:56
<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Town Council<br /><br />
How to contact <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />
Civic Offices, Larkin Way, Tan Bank, <strong>Wellington</strong>,<br />
Telford, Shropshire TF1 1LX<br />
Ward<br />
Councillors<br />
Do you know which Councillor represents<br />
your Ward? See list of Councillors below,<br />
contact details are via the Town Council.<br />
Telephone: 01952 567697<br />
Email:<br />
Cllr Joan<br />
Gorse<br />
Cllr Angela<br />
McClements<br />
Cllr Giles<br />
Luter<br /><strong>Wellington</strong>TCShropshire<br />
COLLEGE WARD<br /><strong>Wellington</strong>TCI<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council Officers<br />
Cllr Dorothy Roberts<br />
Mayor<br />
Karen Roper<br />
Town Clerk<br />
Andrew Roberts<br />
Deputy Town Clerk<br />
Cllr Lee<br />
Carter<br />
Cllr John<br />
Latter<br />
Cllr Usman<br />
Ahmed<br />
Caroline Mulvihill<br />
Communications and<br />
Events Manager<br />
Paola Armstrong<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Festival and<br />
Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Steve Warwood <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Crier<br />
Sally Themans<br />
Love <strong>Wellington</strong>, <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Regeneration & <strong>This</strong> is our<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Magazine<br />
02<br /><br /><br />
Cllr Phil Morris-<br />
Jones MBE<br />
Cllr Karen<br />
Tomlinson<br />
Cllr Lisa Jinks<br />
Important Contacts and Numbers<br />
Rubbish and Recycling team – bins<br />
Email:<br />
Telephone: 01952 384384<br />
Planning and Development<br />
Telephone: 01952 380380<br />
Email:<br />
Housing Solutions team<br />
Telephone: 01952 381925<br />
Neighbourhood and Enforcement<br />
Services<br />
Email:<br />
Telephone: 01952 384384 (office hours)<br />
03451 559955 (out of hours)<br />
Roads and Highways<br />
Highways Maintenance team<br />
Telephone: 01952 384000<br />
Email:<br />
Cllr Miles<br />
Hosken<br />
Cllr Dorothy<br />
Roberts<br />
Cllr Sylvia<br />
Hall<br />
Birth, deaths and marriages<br />
Telephone: 01952 382444<br /><br />
Abandoned rubbish - Neighbourhood<br />
and Leisure Services<br />
Telephone: 01952 384384 (office hours)<br />
or 03451 559955 (out of hours)<br />
Email:<br />
Child sexual exploitation<br />
Telephone: 01952 385385<br />
Citizens Advice Telford & The Wrekin<br />
Telephone: 0300 330 1165<br />
Telford and Wrekin Community Help Line<br />
01952 382030<br />
Family connect 01952 385385<br />
Job Box 01952 382888<br />
Mind 0300 <strong>12</strong>40365<br />
Maninplace 01952 248248<br />
Steer Clear knife crime 01952 214747<br />
Street Link – homeless 0300 500 0914<br />
Dog Fouling Telephone 01952 384384<br />
(office hours) 03451 559955 (out of hours)<br />
Email:<br />
Noise - Public Protection team<br />
Telephone: 01952 381818<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Pest Control<br />
Telephone: 01952 384384<br />
Email:<br />
Citizens Advice consumer helpline<br />
Telephone: 0808 223 1133<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Library<br />
Telephone: 01952 382990<br />
Email:<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Leisure Centre<br />
Telephone: 01952 382720<br />
Email:<br />
Cllr Graham<br />
Cook<br />
Cllr Chris<br />
Brittain<br />
Cllr Stephen<br />
deLauney<br />
Cllr John Alvey<br />
Cllr Julie<br />
Pierce<br />
Cllr Pat<br />
Fairclough<br />
Cllr Crispin<br />
Barker<br />
Cllr Paul<br />
Davis<br />
Cllr Anthony<br />
Lowe<br />
<strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> <strong>12</strong>.indd 2 17/03/2023 19:56
Welcome<br />
A letter from the Clerk of <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Steps forward and positive<br />
news for all of <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> has<br />
been designed and printed by<br />
Plus Two Media Limited.<br />
Plus<br />
Media<br />
Limited<br />
All text copyright<br />
© <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />
2023 / Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Photographs supplied by Love<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> and <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />
Council additional pictures from<br />
Wrekin News / Plus Two Media<br />
Limited archive.<br />
For more information about<br />
newsletter and brochure design<br />
and printing please contact James<br />
Baylis, Telephone: 07977 481186<br />
or email James:<br /><br /><br />
The views expressed in <strong>This</strong> is <strong>Our</strong><br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> are those of the individual<br />
contributors and not necessarily the<br />
views of the <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council,<br />
Love <strong>Wellington</strong> or Plus Two Media<br />
Limited.<br />
I have the honour of writing to you for this<br />
edition of <strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> because all<br />
elected members are subject to pre-election<br />
period rules at this time.<br />
As <strong>This</strong> is <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong> goes to press<br />
we welcomed the fantastic news that<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> has secured £9.8 million<br />
from the Government’s Levelling Up<br />
Fund to support the regeneration<br />
of <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Centre. <strong>This</strong> funding will<br />
mean that there will be further investment in<br />
the market and in the Orbit to create an exciting<br />
eating, shopping, cultural and arts destination<br />
in our town. There will be more details to<br />
come, and some of the plans are outlined in the<br />
regeneration pages of this edition, but needless<br />
to say the future is looking bright for our town<br />
and we thank those involved for persevering<br />
with the funding applications.<br />
As the civic year draws to a close we need to<br />
acknowledge and thank all of the volunteers,<br />
town councillors and staff who put so much into<br />
our community and who work so hard behind<br />
the scenes.<br />
One such volunteer, who was recently<br />
presented with a ‘Mayors Award’ is Kath<br />
Howard. Kath set up the Friends of Bowring Park<br />
some years ago to enable local people to get<br />
the very best out of this wonderful facility and,<br />
together with other volunteers, has worked to<br />
get trim trails, bug boxes, benches, new planting<br />
and noticeboards to name but a few installed in<br />
the park. We thank you Kath, and there are so<br />
many like you who quietly work towards making<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> a better place in which to live, work<br />
and shop.<br />
One of the most exciting steps forward from<br />
the Town Council’s perspective is the purchase<br />
of the freehold of the <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit building,<br />
which is explained in further detail on page 5.<br />
Annual Town Assembly<br />
<strong>This</strong> marks a significant investment both from<br />
the community, shareholders of the Orbit and<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council. We look forward to<br />
a great future for this facility, which has, as<br />
mentioned, just taken a huge step forward with<br />
the announcement of the Levelling Up funds.<br />
You will have noticed there are significant<br />
improvements in Market Street, and we thank<br />
the traders and shoppers for their patience<br />
while these works have taken place. We also<br />
have our fingers crossed that work will shortly<br />
begin on the ‘Wilko’ Car park on Market Street,<br />
which has been facilitated by Telford & Wrekin<br />
Council.<br />
On Thursday 4 May we will hold elections and<br />
for the first time voters at polling stations will<br />
be required to produce photo ID. For further<br />
explanation see page 14.<br />
In May we will be commemorating the<br />
Coronation of our new King. There are plenty of<br />
ways this will be celebrated in <strong>Wellington</strong>, with<br />
a Brass Band concert in the Market Square on<br />
Saturday 6 May, and neighbourhoods coming<br />
together with street parties and garden parties<br />
to celebrate together and ensure that our<br />
communities continue to flourish.<br />
Another exciting project for <strong>Wellington</strong> will be<br />
the creation of a new orchard and wild meadow<br />
area near to All Saints Church, masterminded<br />
by Rob Francis and supported by both Borough<br />
and Town Councils. <strong>This</strong> seems a truly fitting<br />
way to further enhance our town and mark this<br />
momentous occasion.<br />
I wish you all well and hope that you enjoy<br />
this edition and continue to enjoy living in<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
All members of the <strong>Wellington</strong> community are invited to the Annual<br />
Town Assembly, which will take place on Tuesday 25 April 2023 at 6pm<br />
at <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council Offices - it would be super to see as many of<br />
you as possible and you will be most welcome.<br />
Karen Roper<br />
Town Clerk<br />
03<br />
@Love<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
@Love<strong>Wellington</strong>1<br />
lovewellingtonshropshire<br />
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LOVE<br />
Community News<br />
04<br />
GROUP<br />
TALKS<br />
● 18 May<br />
‘Cinderloo’ by Pete Jackson<br />
● 20 July<br />
Walk - Dothill/Apley Area -<br />
earlier start at 6:45pm<br />
Meet at public car park<br />
Apley Castle TF1 6RH<br />
● 21 September<br />
Oral History by Jan Doody<br />
● 16 November<br />
Christmas in the Market by<br />
Stewart Braddock<br />
All talks are held at <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Library at 7:30pm<br />
PULLS<br />
Rabia Eser and friends<br />
from the Telford Turkish<br />
Community Association<br />
got to work quickly to pull<br />
together a fundraiser<br />
for the victims of the<br />
devastating earthquake<br />
in Turkey and Syria in<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>’s market square.<br />
Assisted by the Interfaith<br />
Centre and <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Orbit, with gazebos lent by<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council<br />
and live posts from Love<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>, the first event<br />
raised £5,500.<br />
GARDENS 2023<br />
After the success of last<br />
year’s open garden event<br />
in <strong>Wellington</strong>, local charity<br />
Community Resource is<br />
delighted to be returning with<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Open Gardens 2023. Taking<br />
place over the first weekend in July, the<br />
event will see some of last year’s most<br />
popular gardens re-opening as well as<br />
some exciting additions to the trail.<br />
Sunnycroft will once again be open<br />
to wristband holders over the weekend.<br />
Community Resource are looking for<br />
additional gardens, singers, groups or<br />
performers to be involved with this year’s<br />
event and are asking anyone interested<br />
to email<br />
for more information.<br />
Amazing players<br />
donate to charity<br />
The Crown Players, a <strong>Wellington</strong> group of<br />
keen amateurs who have produced an annual<br />
Pantomime since 1981, staged their first panto<br />
since the pandemic with performances of<br />
‘Jack and The Beanstalk’ at the Charlton school<br />
over February half-term. The successful<br />
run raised £6,000 for the Midland Air<br />
Ambulance Charity – keeping up their<br />
tradition of fundraising which has seen the<br />
group donate over £134,000 to local good<br />
causes in the course of their history.<br />
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<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> |<br />
Town Council helps secure<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit’s future,<br />
levelling-up funding will<br />
take it to a new level...<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit, the<br />
community cinema and<br />
arts centre based in the<br />
former HSBC bank in<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>, is celebrating<br />
two major steps forward: the full acquisition<br />
of its premises thanks to a significant cash<br />
injection from <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council,<br />
and the just announced levelling up funding<br />
from central government which will see the<br />
upstairs space fully opened up and cements<br />
the Orbit’s ambitions to deliver culture,<br />
cinema and arts to the heart of the town.<br />
The Orbit and the town council are now<br />
50% stakeholders each in the freehold<br />
and the full purchase marks a significant<br />
milestone providing future security of this<br />
community owned asset.<br />
“Owning the freehold gives three major<br />
advantages” explained Ray Hughes, director<br />
at <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit. “First of all, we will make<br />
significant savings in rental payments. It also<br />
adds long term security as it means that<br />
there is no risk of the landlord selling the<br />
property and undoing all our improvements<br />
and good work. Finally, it gives us the<br />
opportunity to develop the property as we<br />
see fit, including any structural alterations,<br />
which might have hitherto been refused by<br />
the landlord.”<br />
The funding from the town council marks<br />
the biggest financial decision in the history<br />
of the council. Public consultation about<br />
the loan and how it would best benefit<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> took place through <strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong><br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> in Autumn 2021 with an online<br />
survey which returned a 96% approval for<br />
the loan from the community.<br />
Ray said, “<strong>This</strong> achievement is not only<br />
a milestone for <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit, but also<br />
for the town of <strong>Wellington</strong> as it solidifies<br />
the cinema and arts centre as a vital hub<br />
of renewal and growth and we are grateful<br />
for the support of <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council,<br />
who played an instrumental role in helping us<br />
reach this achievement.”<br />
Clerk of <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council Karen<br />
Roper commented that the councillors were<br />
delighted to provide the assistance to this<br />
excellent and much needed communitybased<br />
organisation. The investment provides<br />
stability to the Orbit and has cross-party<br />
political support.<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit opened in May 2019<br />
following years of community support and<br />
fundraising through the ‘Save the Clifton’<br />
campaign. It opened with a 63 seat-cinema<br />
and café with phase two now in the pipeline<br />
to redevelop the upper floors creating a new<br />
multi-use studio and arts, exhibition, and<br />
meeting spaces for the community.<br />
In addition to financial contributions<br />
from the public, <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit received<br />
support of £150,000 in its set up stage from<br />
Telford & Wrekin Council as part of the<br />
‘Telford 50’ campaign.<br />
Coronation weekend in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> looks set to celebrate the King’s Coronation in style in May, with<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council staging an open-air performance by <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Brass Band in the Market Square on Saturday 6 May, with special coronation<br />
cupcakes for attendees – please bring a chair to sit on.<br />
LOVE<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
runners in<br />
memory of Alan<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
residents Nicola<br />
and David<br />
Butmaro have<br />
been selected<br />
by the Severn<br />
Hospice to run<br />
the TCS London<br />
Marathon<br />
together in<br />
April. Nicola said, “Neither of us<br />
are particularly good at running,<br />
however we are doing this in<br />
memory of our dad Auryel, known<br />
as Alan, who ran Alan’s Barbers in<br />
Ketley for many years and was a wellrespected<br />
pillar of the community.”<br />
Sadly, Auryel passed away last<br />
September and the hospice<br />
provided care, so the siblings<br />
are keen to show their immense<br />
gratitude pledging to raise £10,000<br />
to support this local charity and have<br />
already had generous donations<br />
from DB Roberts, Harwoods and<br />
Dampguard and Plastering. Good<br />
luck to you both in the marathon.<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>’s<br />
‘Italian job’<br />
returns<br />
On Saturday 3 June a repeat of last<br />
year’s successful Italian Scooter Day<br />
looks set to return to accompany<br />
a plethora of upcoming events in<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>; Saturday 10 June will<br />
see the town celebrate with its<br />
traditional Midsummer Fayre.<br />
Coupled with the ever-popular<br />
late night openings in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Market, the Six Saturdays in the<br />
Square over the summer (see festival<br />
pages) – it looks set to be a busy<br />
spring and summer for <strong>Wellington</strong>!<br />
05<br />
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LOVE<br />
Love <strong>Wellington</strong> News<br />
FOR ALL<br />
Interfaith Basketball is a noncompetitive<br />
basketball session for<br />
ages 16+ which started up at Telford<br />
College to encourage individuals to<br />
come and meet likeminded people<br />
and enjoy some fun communal<br />
exercise.<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> businesses<br />
feel the love and support<br />
06<br />
Founded by Hezron Otley, over the<br />
last year the session has grown to<br />
the extent that the group now runs<br />
a second session at Hadley Learning<br />
Centre from 7 till 9pm on a Tuesday<br />
- alongside the Monday sessions at 8<br />
till 9:30pm at the college.<br />
Ben Morgan from the scheme<br />
says, “The group is open to men and<br />
women of all ages and we just get<br />
on and play. We really emphasise<br />
the fact that it isn’t competitive and<br />
welcome everyone – whether you<br />
have played the sport previously or<br />
are just looking to run around and<br />
have a bit of a laugh.”<br />
The first session is free and £5<br />
thereafter. Everyone is welcome to<br />
just turn up to the sports hall.<br />
● Pictured: Telford Interfaith<br />
Basketball supported by Raj Metha of<br />
the Interfaith Hub in <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
@Love<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
@Love<strong>Wellington</strong>1<br />
lovewellingtonshropshire<br />
Love for our local <strong>Wellington</strong> businesses was in the air in February as members<br />
of the community showered local businesses with messages of love and<br />
appreciation in the Love <strong>Wellington</strong> Valentine’s campaign. “It was a great<br />
chance for people to thank the shops, pubs and cafes that they love, as well<br />
as for businesses to raise their profile,” said Sally Themans of Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
“with all the messages appearing on social media and three lucky contributors, Pam<br />
Spellen, Vicky Stones and Gary Hay winning a voucher to eat at The Old Orleton, The<br />
Cock Hotel and The Walnut in <strong>Wellington</strong> respectively.”<br />
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LOVE<br />
Wild <strong>Wellington</strong>: community<br />
orchard and meadow planting<br />
To mark the King’s<br />
Coronation there are plans<br />
afoot to plant an orchard<br />
and mini-meadow in the<br />
centre of <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
The project will start<br />
with the area behind All<br />
Saints Church, but the<br />
plan is to extend the<br />
work around the town to<br />
create a network of fruit<br />
and flower-filled spaces<br />
for people and wildlife to<br />
enjoy.<br />
Rob Francis of<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> H2A and the <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Regeneration Partnership has secured<br />
financial contributions from Telford &<br />
Wrekin Council’s Coronation Fund and<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council to kickstart<br />
the project. Later in the year local faith<br />
groups, community groups and other<br />
residents will be invited to help with<br />
planting here and potentially at other<br />
sites across <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
“All Saints is a fantastic starting point<br />
for this project because it’s so central<br />
and visible. 70 years ago, the lawned<br />
area in front of the church was created<br />
to mark the Queen’s coronation, so<br />
● Pictured above: All Saints at the Queen’s<br />
Coronation, pic thanks to A. Cox<br />
it’s fitting that at the other end of the<br />
churchyard we now mark the next<br />
coronation with something different,<br />
reflecting today’s concerns around<br />
climate change and biodiversity loss.<br />
By planting fruit trees and creating<br />
wildflower areas we can provide food<br />
and habitat for all sorts of birds and<br />
insects, as well as improving air quality<br />
and generally brightening the place<br />
up.”<br />
The legacy will benefit current and<br />
future generations and reflects the<br />
King’s own personal interest in and<br />
commitment to the environment.<br />
Easter trail around town<br />
From Tuesday 4 April to<br />
Saturday 8 April, it’s time for<br />
youngsters to follow an ‘Easter<br />
Bunny Trail’ in <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
The Great <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Easter Trail organised by Love<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> and sponsored by<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council, will<br />
see the return of the fabulous<br />
hand knitted Easter bunnies<br />
which have been kindly knitted<br />
by volunteer crafters and<br />
knitters and coordinated by<br />
Adrienne Taylor of The Daberhashery, displayed in various shop windows around<br />
the town.<br />
Children are invited to collect a trail map from the <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit, find the<br />
names of the bunnies – and then return to the Orbit for a special Easter treat.<br />
Together<br />
we move . . .<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> resident, Paul Kalinauckas, has<br />
been appointed as the first ‘champion’<br />
of a new social movement – called<br />
#TogetherWeMove. The campaign is<br />
designed to encourage others to adopt a<br />
more active lifestyle, whether it be leaving<br />
the car at home more, taking the stairs<br />
rather than the lift through to joining more<br />
formal exercise groups.<br />
Paul (pictured above), established<br />
Shropshire Canicross for people who enjoy<br />
running with their dogs and developed<br />
Bowring Runners and Bowring Walkers at<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>’s local park. He says; “Across<br />
Shropshire we have over 25% of the<br />
population who are inactive, and the<br />
#TogetherWeMove campaign aims to<br />
encourage everyone to adopt a more<br />
active lifestyle to improve their health and<br />
wellbeing.”<br />
Paul believes that the secret to getting<br />
more active is to find fun, social activities<br />
to join in and recommends getting started<br />
by joining local walking groups such as<br />
the ones you can find on the website<br />
walkingforhealthtelfordandwrekin.<br /> there is also more useful<br />
information on and<br /><br />
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LOVE<br />
Regeneration News<br />
08<br />
SHORT<br />
VIDEO<br />
Love <strong>Wellington</strong> have been<br />
working with Creative Media<br />
Production students at Telford<br />
College who have been tasked<br />
with making a short video to<br />
encapsulate just what <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
has to offer.<br />
Creative Media Lecturer Joe<br />
Adams said; “We got in touch<br />
with Love <strong>Wellington</strong> to talk about<br />
possible subject areas for the films.<br />
They suggested looking at their<br />
‘100 reasons to Love <strong>Wellington</strong>’<br />
campaign from 2020 as a starting<br />
place and even came to the<br />
college to share the ethos and<br />
background of their project and<br />
the Love <strong>Wellington</strong> brand.<br />
<strong>Our</strong> students have really enjoyed<br />
working with local businesses<br />
and voluntary organisations and<br />
have produced films on subject<br />
areas from the Wrekin and local<br />
history to the market hall and local<br />
charities.”<br />
Look out for the videos online on<br />
the Love <strong>Wellington</strong> social media<br />
platforms!<br />
ONE YEAR ON....<br />
Celebrating their first birthdays<br />
are the following businesses:<br />
£9.8 million to support regeneration<br />
in <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Centre<br />
A bid led by Telford & Wrekin Council has<br />
secured £9.8 million from the Levelling<br />
Up Fund towards the regeneration of<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Centre. The successful bid<br />
was confirmed as part of the government’s<br />
Spring Budget.<br />
The money means that Telford & Wrekin<br />
Council can continue to build on the<br />
work to develop a thriving food court at<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Market by bringing the wider<br />
market into council ownership, refurbishing<br />
and improving it so that it reaches its<br />
potential as a modern, thriving, shopping<br />
and eating destination.<br />
As mentioned on page 5, this funding also<br />
means that plans can proceed at <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Orbit with full restoration of the building to<br />
create an exciting, vibrant new exhibition,<br />
arts and community events space. These<br />
are exciting times for <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
Love <strong>Wellington</strong> Business Group<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> businesses met<br />
in January and March for<br />
networking and to share<br />
information and news. At<br />
the January meeting guest<br />
speakers included <strong>Wellington</strong> police, The<br />
E-Cargo bike delivery team and Mark Hooper<br />
from Visit Shropshire. The next meeting will<br />
be on 24 May at 6.30pm at The Boardroom<br />
Gaming Café – and all businesses are most<br />
welcome to attend.<br />
A useful tool to help businesses keep in<br />
touch with each other is the Love <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Business WhatsApp group. <strong>This</strong> enables<br />
traders, retailers and businesses to converse<br />
with each other and has proved to be an<br />
invaluable service.<br />
If you are a business and want to join – please send your details to Lovewellington2020@<br /> to be added to the list.<br />
● Zoe Trends on Market Street<br />
● Rosie in the Garden on The Brooklands<br />
● The Boardroom Gaming Café in New Street<br />
● Rachel Wyn in Duke Street<br />
● Garden Room Bistro in Market Street<br />
● The Cock Hotel on the Holyhead Road<br />
● Save it Discount Store on Bridge Road<br />
● Landau in Queen Street<br />
Congratulations to you all on achieving this<br />
important milestone…<br />
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<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> |<br />
Alongside the exciting<br />
Levelling Up Funding<br />
news, and the successful<br />
investment and grants<br />
programme from Telford<br />
& Wrekin Council’s Pride in <strong>Our</strong> High<br />
Street programme, <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />
Council is determined to invest in<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>’s regeneration and works<br />
closely, through the <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Regeneration Partnership, with Telford<br />
& Wrekin Council to fulfil this ambition.<br />
One of the objectives of the town<br />
council is to use a Public Works Loan<br />
to buy and renovate town centre<br />
property. The purchase of a 50% stake<br />
in the ‘Orbit’ building is the first such<br />
investment.<br />
In October and November 2021<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> residents were asked how<br />
this investment could be used to boost<br />
the regeneration programme already<br />
underway in the town. The survey was<br />
launched online with<br />
paper copies available at<br />
the <strong>Wellington</strong> Library.<br />
Town Clerk Karen<br />
Roper of <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />
Council explained that the<br />
government loan was part<br />
of a larger redevelopment<br />
programme and it was<br />
important that local<br />
people had their say,<br />
“<strong>Wellington</strong> will benefit<br />
from the Government’s<br />
Towns Fund and Levelling-<br />
Up support, as well as the<br />
investment from the town<br />
council which will focus on the historic<br />
centre, including landmark buildings,<br />
and on <strong>Wellington</strong>’s retail offer, with<br />
the aim of increasing footfall and<br />
creating tangible, positive changes that<br />
benefit everyone.”<br />
Over 100 survey responses were<br />
received, with an overwhelmingly<br />
positive response (96%) to <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Town Council taking out the loan which<br />
will be used to make a real impact and<br />
make a significant contribution to the<br />
town’s continued revival.<br />
● Pictured below: A ‘Shopjacket’ on<br />
the former Planet of Beauty building<br />
is an example of regeneration work in<br />
progress. Telford & Wrekin council have<br />
bought the building and are undertaking<br />
work there. In the meantime it has<br />
been clad to make it more attractive<br />
– an idea originating at the <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Regeneration meeting.<br />
LOVE<br />
Generous<br />
donation marks<br />
first birthday<br />
The Boardroom Gaming Cafe on New Street<br />
recently celebrated its first birthday and had<br />
an amazing donation of 105 games to coincide<br />
with this. The games came from a single donor<br />
to bring their in-house games to 500 thanks to<br />
the generosity of Steve Briscoe, local gaming<br />
enthusiast, who wanted to downsize his<br />
considerable board-game collection and was<br />
looking for a venue where he knew the games<br />
would be loved and played with. After a quick<br />
search online he discovered the Boardroom<br />
Gaming Cafe.<br />
“We received a phone call from a very friendly<br />
gentleman looking to donate some games<br />
to our collection,” said Jon Drew, owner of<br />
Boardroom, “We were expecting maybe two or<br />
three games so when Steve offered us over 100<br />
we were amazed.”<br />
“We have been lucky to have developed such<br />
a supportive community around us in our first<br />
year,” added Jenni Drew, co-owner of the cafe.<br />
“Steve didn’t want anything in return other than<br />
to know his games are being loved and bringing<br />
enjoyment to others.”<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Regeneration Partnership has linked up with Visit<br />
Shropshire to get access to a wider, more national, audience<br />
and promote tourism and increase visitor numbers to the town.<br />
“<strong>This</strong> is a major development and marks the fact that <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
is emerging into a destination place, noted for its food offer,<br />
fabulous walking routes, easy accessibility by train and beautiful<br />
surrounding countryside” said Mark Hooper of Visit Shropshire,<br />
which has a social media following of almost 85,000 and<br />
regularly hosts journalists from the national press. “It also<br />
means that <strong>Wellington</strong> will be marketed more actively by West<br />
Midlands Trains as a place to get out and visit. “We all know<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> has seen huge improvements in the last couple of<br />
years – now it’s time to show our town off to the outside world”<br />
said Sally Themans of Love <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
09<br />
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LOVE<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Climate Change News<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Cycle Delivery<br />
Scheme<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
achieves ‘plastic<br />
free community’<br />
status<br />
10<br />
<strong>This</strong> outstanding initiative, which owes thanks to<br />
the Shropshire Cycle Hub, started last October<br />
and has rapidly grown over the past few<br />
months. The team of dedicated volunteers has<br />
expanded to 11 cyclists, all of whom are eager to<br />
help the local community.<br />
<strong>This</strong> free service covers a 3 mile radius and<br />
operates on Thursdays and Fridays between<br />
10:30am and 2pm, and on Saturdays from<br />
9:30am to noon.<br />
Recent recipients of the service was an<br />
elderly couple who found themselves with<br />
too many groceries to carry when taking the<br />
bus home after shopping locally. They called<br />
the dedicated number for help, and the<br />
environmentally friendly e-bikes delivered their<br />
shopping directly to their door, completely free<br />
of charge.<br />
Since the scheme’s inception, the cyclists<br />
have made over 150 deliveries, resulting in<br />
almost 500 saved carbon miles. If you would<br />
like more information about this fantastic<br />
enterprise or to book a delivery, please call<br />
07398 136<strong>12</strong>0.<br />
@Love<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
@Love<strong>Wellington</strong>1<br />
lovewellingtonshropshire<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> has successfully<br />
attained the status of a plasticfree<br />
community from Surfers<br />
Against Sewage. In 2022, the<br />
Climate Emergency Steering<br />
Group was established, comprising local<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> businesses, community groups, and<br />
councillors. <strong>Wellington</strong> now joins a ‘Plastic Free<br />
Communities’ network which aims to address<br />
plastic pollution at its source.<br />
Keli King (owner of The Little Green Pantry<br />
who recently received their Silver Business<br />
Award), vice chair of the group, expressed<br />
delight at the level of community involvement<br />
particularly from businesses and community<br />
groups. Keli said, “The town had already<br />
implemented numerous initiatives that<br />
contributed to their efforts to safeguard the<br />
environment and it was heart-warming to<br />
see the community all pull together on this<br />
initiative.”<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> had to complete several tasks<br />
including engaging 30 ‘community allies’ to<br />
reduce or eliminate various types of single-use<br />
plastic.<br />
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<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> |<br />
LOVE<br />
Good for the planet<br />
and good for your<br />
pocket too<br />
The organisation ‘Save <strong>Our</strong> Shropshire’ is organising a series<br />
of workshops to help residents learn how to reduce their<br />
carbon footprint and monthly expenses. On Wednesday<br />
17 May they will be at The Belmont Hall to demonstrate<br />
how small actions can lead<br />
to significant savings. By<br />
making simple changes to<br />
the way we live, we can<br />
achieve warm homes, better<br />
food, and cheaper modes of<br />
transportation.<br />
By attending these funded<br />
workshops, participants can<br />
learn why saving the planet is<br />
crucial, but more importantly,<br />
they can discover how it can<br />
benefit their wallets.<br />
Thanks to the Telford &<br />
Wrekin Climate Change Fund<br />
these events are sponsored<br />
and free of charge, but<br />
registration is necessary to<br />
secure a spot, please register<br />
on<br />
save-our-shropshirecio-34235765467<br />
11<br />
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<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
27 th Year...<br />
The <strong>Wellington</strong> Festival marks its 27 th year in<br />
2023 and, as usual, there will be all sort of<br />
creative competitions for all ages – as well as<br />
the quest for our next resident poet!<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Festival<br />
moves with the times<br />
<strong>12</strong><br />
The <strong>Wellington</strong> Festival has<br />
undergone many changes over<br />
the last 26 years and after<br />
listening to the feedback from<br />
residents, two main objectives<br />
have been decided for the 27th year – to<br />
bring the <strong>Wellington</strong> community together<br />
and to increase footfall in the town.<br />
At the time of going to press, we will<br />
be very near to the closing date of the<br />
competitions and we look forward to<br />
presenting the winners at a small ceremony<br />
at The <strong>Wellington</strong> Orbit in May. Details<br />
of the winners will be in the next edition<br />
of <strong>This</strong> <strong>Is</strong> <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Wellington</strong>, including the<br />
winning short story and poem from our<br />
new Resident Poet.<br />
‘Six Saturdays in the Square’<br />
Over the summer, the festival<br />
will take the format of ‘Six<br />
Saturdays in the Square’ bringing<br />
a varied menu of acts to the<br />
market square. <strong>This</strong> will provide<br />
an additional reason to come<br />
into <strong>Wellington</strong> and enjoy the<br />
entertainment with coffee or<br />
lunch in one of our delightful<br />
eating establishments; do some shopping and perhaps visit<br />
businesses that you’ve never been to before. <strong>This</strong> year we are<br />
hoping to introduce our first ever <strong>Wellington</strong> Green Festival in<br />
August.<br />
More information coming soon...<br />
After the phenomenal success of last year’s Art Exhibition, with<br />
over 300 people coming to view the artwork, we will be hosting<br />
our second exhibition in collaboration with Welli Art, over the<br />
first weekend in August.<br />
More details of this event, and the ‘Six Saturdays in the Square’<br />
will be added over the coming months on the <strong>Wellington</strong> Town<br />
Council and Love <strong>Wellington</strong> websites and social media pages.<br />
We look forward to seeing you and hope you enjoy this new<br />
format festival. As always, entry to everything is free so bring<br />
the family, friends and new visitors to <strong>Wellington</strong> and we look<br />
forward to welcoming you!<br />
Pictured above: Resident Poet Liz Carter (left) and Short Story winner Amanda Goode (right).<br />
‘Joseph and the Amazing<br />
Technicoour Dreamcoat’<br />
On Saturday 13 May, there will be two performances of the<br />
community production, ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour<br />
Dreamcoat’ at All Saints Church. Directed by Sue Pointon, with<br />
Lorna Parkhouse as musical director, the show will feature a<br />
diverse cast of all ages and backgrounds. Performance times<br />
for this dynamic production will be the matinee performance at<br />
2.30pm and then later in the evening at 7pm. Entry will be free<br />
and all are welcome.<br />
Call for entries...<br />
We’re inviting entries for the 2023<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Festival Art Exhibition,<br />
which will take place 4-6 August at<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Community Art Gallery,<br />
Creative Training Spaces, 8-10 Duke<br />
Street, <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
Everyone is welcome to enter, from as young as 5-years old...<br />
all the way to 105 and beyond! The theme this year is ‘The Great<br />
Outdoors’ and we’re inviting original 2-D wall art in any medium,<br />
whether acrylic, charcoal, collage, ink, mixed media, watercolour<br />
or photography.<br />
Look out for details on how to enter on the festival pages of<br />
the <strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council website.<br /><br />
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13<br /><br />
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<strong>Wellington</strong> Town Council News<br />
14<br />
WHAT’S<br />
ON IN<br />
TOWN<br />
4-8 APRIL<br />
Easter Bunny Trail<br />
around <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
29 APRIL<br />
Late Night Opening,<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Market<br />
30 APRIL<br />
Heroes Day at Plough Pub<br />
6 MAY<br />
King’s Coronation - <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Brass Band in Market Square<br />
13 MAY<br />
Community production of<br />
Joseph and The Amazing<br />
Technicolour Dreamcoat All<br />
Saints Church, <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
17 MAY<br />
Bayley Mile, Walker Street<br />
27 MAY<br />
Late Night Opening,<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Market<br />
3 JUNE<br />
Italian Scooter Day - Market<br />
Square & Central <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
10 JUNE<br />
Midsummer Fayre, All Saints<br />
Church and Market Square<br />
Wednesday 17 May<br />
will see <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
youngsters run round<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> competing<br />
in the annual ‘Bayley<br />
Mile’.<br />
The Bayley Mile<br />
started in 1996 when<br />
Jim Mostyn was<br />
marketing manager<br />
at Wrekin College<br />
and Gary Davies was<br />
mayor of <strong>Wellington</strong>.<br />
They decided to hold<br />
an event which would<br />
bring local schools together in a competitive<br />
environment, running round the streets of<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong>. <strong>This</strong> was a combined effort of<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Council and Wrekin College working<br />
together in a way John Bayley would have<br />
approved.<br />
Sir John Bayley was an educationalist, born<br />
a coal miner’s son in Ashton-under-Lyne,<br />
Manchester. At the age of 27 he founded his<br />
own school in <strong>Wellington</strong>, Shropshire. The<br />
school was renamed Wrekin College in 1921<br />
and was a great success.<br />
John Bayley was a friend of David Lloyd<br />
George, the liberal Prime Minister, who<br />
encouraged John to stand as a coalition liberal<br />
candidate in a Shropshire by-election in 1920<br />
where he was unsuccessful. In the same year<br />
he gave a wooden building to set up a club in<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> for men who had fought in the First<br />
World War. He also helped to buy land for the<br />
club which was renamed the Sir John Bayley<br />
club in 1937 and continues as the bowls club<br />
today.<br />
John Bayley was knighted in 1921 for his<br />
services to education. He died in 1952 at the<br />
age of 99 and is buried on the Great Orme in<br />
Llandudno.<br />
It is always a pleasure to see the enthusiasm<br />
of the competitors as they run round the<br />
streets of <strong>Wellington</strong> and we look forward to<br />
another successful event this year.<br />
Local elections on Thursday 4 May -What’s New?<br />
For the first time on 4 May 2023, voters in England will need to show photo ID to<br />
vote at polling stations. <strong>This</strong> will apply to both local elections as well as UK general<br />
elections. If you don’t have accepted photo ID, you can apply for a free voter ID<br />
document, which is known as a Voter Authority Certificate.<br />
The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate for the local elections<br />
in England on 4 May is 5pm on Tuesday 25 April. You need to be registered to<br />
vote before you apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. The requirement to have<br />
photographic ID only affects people voting in person at a polling station. It doesn’t<br />
affect postal voters who have their identification verified by their signatures and<br />
date of births.<br />
For further information contact or call 01952 383206.<br />
Path clearance<br />
by the WEST<br />
team…<br />
before… during<br />
and after!<br />
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<strong>This</strong> is our <strong>Wellington</strong> |<br />
The Big Health and<br />
Wellbeing Conversation<br />
Residents are invited to have their<br />
say to help improve local health and<br />
care services, and to get involved by<br />
attending upcoming public meetings.<br />
The Big Health and Wellbeing<br />
Conversation aims to understand local<br />
views on what is affecting their health<br />
and wellbeing, and what things would<br />
make the biggest difference to improve<br />
experiences of local health and care<br />
services. The feedback gathered at<br />
these events will help NHS Shropshire,<br />
Telford and Wrekin develop its plans for<br />
the future.<br />
“We really want people of all ages,<br />
genders, ethnicities and backgrounds<br />
from across Shropshire, Telford<br />
and Wrekin to come along to these<br />
sessions and tell us what they think”<br />
commented Edna Boampong, Director<br />
of Communications and Engagement<br />
for NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.<br />
To find out more about the Big<br />
Health and Wellbeing Conversation<br />
and to get involved, please visit<br />
shropshiretelfordandwrekin.nhs.<br />
uk/get-involved/events/bigconversation/<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Walkers are<br />
welcome<br />
Meet your safer neighbourhood team<br />
We are a dedicated group of police officers and police community<br />
support officers (PCSOs) who work with local communities and partner<br />
organisations to keep our residents, businesses and visitors safe and to<br />
prevent crime and tackle anti-social behaviour in your locality.<br />
Officers can be contacted on the below numbers concerning community<br />
issues. To report a crime in progress call 999 and for non emergencies,<br />
report online at If you are unable to<br />
report online, you can contact us via the 101 non-emergency number.<br />
Inspector<br />
Matt Sanders<br />
Sergeant<br />
Peter Rigby<br />
15<br />
Hadley and Leegomery<br /><br />
Arleston and College<br /><br />
PC<br />
Kristian Day<br />
07811 761871<br />
PC<br />
Kate Medlam<br />
07811 762092<br />
PCSO Jordan<br />
Newborough<br />
07970 544954<br />
PCSO<br />
Alex Pittam<br />
07970 544940<br />
PCSO<br />
Steve Tyrer<br />
07870 168119<br />
(Safer Schools)<br />
PC<br />
Adrian Dobrin<br />
07929 722547<br />
PC<br />
Jess Hindley<br />
07811 762222<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> North<br /><br />
PC<br />
Simon Webb<br />
07890 390734<br />
PCSO<br />
Lynn Harris<br />
07817 940156<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> West and Rural<br /><br />
PC<br />
Rob McNally<br />
07811 748260<br />
PCSO<br />
Zoe Beven<br />
07870 167791<br />
PCSO Ivan<br />
Collumbell<br />
07817 941151<br />
PCSO Luke<br />
Newborough<br />
07817 940260<br />
PCSO<br />
Trudy Jones<br />
07870 168046<br />
Whilst the information is considered to be true and correct at the date of publication, changes in circumstances<br />
after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information (February 2023).<br />
(Rural)<br />
PCSO<br />
Evie Dunkley<br />
07779 543156<br />
(Safer Schools)<br />
Sign up to receive alerts from<br />
your local policing teams<br /><br />
PCSO<br />
Tayyub Sultan<br />
07967 300421<br />
PCSO<br />
Gareth Rhodes<br />
07971 395039<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Walkers are Welcome aims to make<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> a better place for walkers and to<br />
make <strong>Wellington</strong> better known to walkers<br />
from other parts of the country. The group<br />
organises a Sunday walk on the first and third<br />
Sunday of the month, normally leaving from<br />
the Leisure Centre in <strong>Wellington</strong> at 2pm and<br />
the walk explores the lovely areas around<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> town.<br />
The group also organise an annual walking<br />
festival which attracts people from across the<br />
county and beyond. <strong>This</strong> year the <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Walking Festival will take place from Monday<br />
11 to Sunday 17 September and plans are in<br />
place to introduce new walks as well as some<br />
favourite rambles.<br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Walkers are Welcome also<br />
have an excellent path maintenance team<br />
who carry out an important job keeping<br />
the paths around <strong>Wellington</strong> clear and well<br />
maintained. All information, as well as the<br />
latest walking map can be found by visiting<br /><br />
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Charter Day<br />
in <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
<strong>Wellington</strong> Charter Day 2023 was a huge success with the arrival of the<br />
King’s Messenger on horseback in the Market Square, the ‘Court Leet’<br />
which saw the appointment of the Clerk of the Market, the <strong>Wellington</strong><br />
Ale Taster and the Town Crier. A welcome addition this year was<br />
street games organised by the Boardroom Gaming Café<br />
which kept many bystanders amused.<br />
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