Bell Tower Annual Review 2022
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nnual<br />
<strong>Review</strong><br />
<strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> Drop-In<br />
Project Manager<br />
The <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> has now been<br />
providing daily after school<br />
youth provision in the city<br />
centre for nine years!<br />
<strong>2022</strong> has been a year of relocating, and<br />
reopening our regular operations, after<br />
Covid restrictions were lifted. We have<br />
seen a record high attendance with<br />
over 130 new young people signing up<br />
to our membership across the year.<br />
It is a privilege to be in a position to<br />
respond to this demand, however, the<br />
negative impact of the pandemic on<br />
the lives of our local young people has<br />
been evident as issues relating to poor<br />
mental health, depression and anxiety<br />
are on the rise.<br />
This, combined with the emerging<br />
energy crisis, where many local<br />
families are having to choose between<br />
heating their home or feeding their<br />
children, means that life for our local<br />
young people is incredibly challenging<br />
and the needs of each individual we<br />
work with continue to grow. Be it<br />
emotional support, safeguarding,<br />
signposting, or simply somewhere<br />
warm to go after school before parents<br />
come home from work, we at The <strong>Bell</strong><br />
<strong>Tower</strong> remain committed to delivering<br />
dependable, relational and attentive<br />
youth work on a daily basis to any<br />
young person in need.<br />
Due to the increase in demand and<br />
growth of our sub projects, we have<br />
permanently relocated the Drop-In<br />
to One O Four in Chichester. Being<br />
here has allowed us to triple our floor<br />
space, with access to a kitchen and<br />
other facilities that can comfortably<br />
accommodate our activities. This has<br />
meant that the drop-in no longer opens<br />
at the Cathedral <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong>, which was<br />
a difficult decision to make, as the <strong>Bell</strong><br />
<strong>Tower</strong> has been such a fantastic home<br />
for the project for almost a decade.<br />
We remain in partnership with the<br />
Chichester Cathedral and are most<br />
grateful for their generous and vital<br />
support in recent years.<br />
This annual review tells our story<br />
through <strong>2022</strong> as well as highlighting<br />
future plans which we look forward to<br />
with anticipation. We are focused on<br />
the challenges ahead which, with our<br />
increased capacity in staff and floor<br />
space, we aim to meet head on. I hope<br />
you find it an encouraging read.<br />
Sam Harding
Ben’s<br />
STORYThe I started to attend the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> Drop In<br />
programme<br />
when I was in Year 8, at the beginning of the<br />
year. I was invited by my friends who had all<br />
been attending since they were in Year 7, so I<br />
thought I would attend with them to see what<br />
it was like.<br />
I didn’t have any other plans after the usual<br />
school day, other than heading straight home<br />
and being in my room. Other than a few<br />
friends, I didn’t know any other people that<br />
attended when I first turned up, but it was a<br />
really friendly and welcoming environment,<br />
so it didn’t take long for that to change. Most<br />
days at school were stressful back then and I<br />
used to look forward to going to the drop-in<br />
to get rid of the stress and tension by playing<br />
games on the computer or watching a film<br />
with the people there.<br />
People within the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> were different<br />
to almost all of the people at School, as it<br />
always felt like they had time to talk and cared<br />
about what you had to say, while offering<br />
relevant advice to whatever the issue was<br />
that you had. Back then, I would’ve attended<br />
<strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> everyday, as it was like a second<br />
home for me as well as many of the people<br />
who came, and you could tell it was making a<br />
difference in their lives<br />
I became a Young Leader, when I was in Year<br />
9. This involved assisting the staff team on<br />
two days out of the five that it was open,<br />
helping around the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> to make things<br />
run smoothly. The role came with trust and<br />
respect, which I had earned from the two<br />
years of prior attendance. It was great to feel<br />
like I wasn’t just attending the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong>, but<br />
making a difference in how things ran.<br />
also really helped me with<br />
my social skills, such as interacting with other<br />
students that I might not know, or just having<br />
the confidence to start a conversation and<br />
talk to them in the first place. All of which will<br />
definitely help when looking for a paying job<br />
as those skills are what employers are mainly<br />
looking for.<br />
Then COVID-19 hit. The pandemic meant<br />
isolation for everyone who attended <strong>Bell</strong><br />
<strong>Tower</strong>. It meant that many of us had lost our<br />
second home, and the space where we could<br />
talk about life and be ourselves. However,<br />
that didn’t stop us altogether. When lockdown<br />
happened, we operated shorter sessions over<br />
Google Meet or Zoom. This allowed people to<br />
talk and share with the others about how the<br />
isolation was affecting them and the good and<br />
bad of how their week was going.<br />
When the restrictions became more lenient,<br />
it allowed the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> to have small<br />
meet up groups in person where we would<br />
play football or frisbee, and talk. This was a<br />
refreshing change of pace, as everyone was<br />
used to being indoors and alone, and it clearly<br />
made a major difference to the lives of those<br />
who attended once again.<br />
I wouldn’t have changed anything from my<br />
experience at the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong>. I’m now in<br />
college and looking for my first job, which the<br />
staff are helping me with. I have learned many<br />
things during my time attending, including<br />
social skills, taking responsibility for myself<br />
and others and how to cook! When I turn 18<br />
I’m planning on coming back to volunteer.<br />
Ben has been attending the <strong>Bell</strong><br />
<strong>Tower</strong> for five years. We are thrilled<br />
that Ben has agreed to tell his story.
Life Group<br />
Catherine Harding<br />
I’ve been volunteering for the<br />
<strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> over the last five<br />
years and have loved seeing the<br />
difference that Life Group has<br />
made.<br />
Unlike the daily Drop-In sessions<br />
where anyone can come and go, Life<br />
Group creates a more intentional<br />
atmosphere of support and discussion<br />
where each young person has the<br />
opportunity to talk about their week<br />
and chat about the bigger things in life.<br />
Along side this we run theme focused<br />
group games and activities and cook<br />
and eat together, which helps the<br />
young people learn new skills.<br />
It has been said many times by the<br />
attendees that “Life Group has a real<br />
family vibe.” - which is something I love<br />
to hear. It’s all about creating space for<br />
each young person to share their feelings<br />
and be listened to in an atmosphere of<br />
mutual respect and support. It’s been a<br />
privilege to facilitate the space and watch<br />
this happen each week, even when young<br />
people share about some of their more<br />
difficult experiences in life.<br />
During one of the Drop-In sessions,<br />
while making gingerbread cookies with<br />
the young people, I overheard one of<br />
the girls saying to another student “you<br />
should come to Life Group! We eat<br />
together and talk about mental health”.<br />
It really made me smile, as although<br />
we’ve never directly said that it was<br />
about mental health, this sentence sums<br />
up Life Group perfectly!<br />
Everyone gets a chance to speak and<br />
to be listened to around the table and<br />
a beautiful culture has developed where<br />
the older young people have taken<br />
responsibility for the welbeing of the<br />
younger ones by getting along side<br />
them while cooking the meals as well<br />
as running the activities.<br />
The impact of having consistent<br />
relationships between young people and<br />
youth workers is so important. Being<br />
noticed and listened to by adults who<br />
show they care, helps to give confidence<br />
and make our young people feel valued.<br />
It’s not hard to listen to them either -<br />
there’s such joy and reward in being a<br />
volunteer here and I’m looking forward<br />
to seeing how Life Group continues to<br />
grown in depth and breadth in 2023!
Below are some testimonials<br />
from young people who have<br />
attended on a regular basis<br />
over the last year.<br />
Ben - Year 7<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
Natalia - Year 9<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
I like <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> because it provides<br />
young people with a warm, safe space<br />
to go after school to hang out with<br />
friends and talk about their feelings in<br />
a way they might not feel comfortable<br />
to do in school. When it’s cold you<br />
can come and warm up with free hot<br />
chooclate and snacks.<br />
<strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> has become my safe space<br />
and given me a place to go that’s<br />
warm after school, before my mum<br />
gets home.<br />
Louise - Year 9<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
Isla - Year 8<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
The <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> is so<br />
important to me, because<br />
there are always people<br />
here to talk to who listen to.<br />
It’s just a safe place where<br />
I know I’m always welcome.<br />
The <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> needs to stay!<br />
Before coming to <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> I spent<br />
all my time in my room and just felt<br />
depressed. When I first came in, I felt<br />
welcomed and safe. I was shy at first,<br />
but I quickly grew on the staff and<br />
people there. I’ve been coming for<br />
2 years now and I’m happy to say<br />
that I’m no longer depressed and<br />
a lot more happy :).<br />
Sam - Year 8<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
I come to <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> because it’s a really<br />
fun place to be. I used to be bored after<br />
school but since coming here, I’ve found<br />
a place to belong. I love helping to cook<br />
the food at Life Group most of all!<br />
Kacper - Year 10<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
I started coming to the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong><br />
after my sister left school. She came<br />
in year 7 and is now an adult! I’ve<br />
been coming for three years now,<br />
because of the sense of community<br />
and the kind people. It’s like another<br />
home for me and the people, like a<br />
separate family when I don’t want to<br />
go home for certain reasons. I feel<br />
safe and like I can really trust people.<br />
Candence - Year 9<br />
<strong>2022</strong> The <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong> is a fun, safe and supportive<br />
Before I started coming to <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong>, I wasn’t<br />
very happy and never really had anything<br />
to do. It’s made me a lot happier and I have<br />
made a load of new friends. I can say it has<br />
helped a lot with my mental health as I can<br />
just be myself and have made loads of new<br />
friends and I’d be so sad if it wasn’t here.<br />
Laciee - Year 8<br />
<strong>2022</strong><br />
place for anyone and everyone. The staff<br />
are really fun to be around and it’s more<br />
supportive than school. Life Group has<br />
helped me realise how important my<br />
friends are and helps me feel better about<br />
myself. I love coming to the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong>!
Dan<br />
Thompson<br />
Dan is the newest addition to<br />
our staff team this year. Dan<br />
works as a sessional youth<br />
worker and helps to plan and<br />
deliver Drop-In sessions and<br />
Life Group. He has shared some<br />
of his experiences so far since<br />
joining us in September.<br />
“I started volunteering at the <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong><br />
last year, while studying music at the<br />
University of Chichester. During this<br />
time, I experienced a growing passion for<br />
youth work as I saw the positive impact<br />
my time spent with the young people was<br />
making. When the opportunity came up<br />
to work as a staff member, I was excited<br />
to join the team.<br />
My favourite sessions so far, have been at<br />
Life Group on a Wednesday evening, as<br />
it gives us an opportunity to intentionally<br />
connect with the young people in a deeper<br />
way than the busy drop-in environment<br />
allows. Chatting with them over good<br />
wholesome food while we address<br />
relevant topics that they have chosen is<br />
incredibly rewarding and you can see why<br />
it’s so popular!<br />
The high level of engagement in Life group<br />
demonstrates the need for safe spaces<br />
where young people feel like they can<br />
freely talk to peer and mentor figures<br />
about the real stuff of life. I especially<br />
like the fact that we have the rule of “No<br />
screens at Life Group.<br />
It’s been a real pleasure getting to know<br />
each young person and I have seen first<br />
hand the positive impact that consistent<br />
relationships built on trust and mutual<br />
respect can make in the life of an individual.<br />
As well as free hot chocolate and toast!<br />
Everything makes a positive difference in<br />
the lives and mental health of our young<br />
people. From the, games and activities<br />
available to the deeper conversations,<br />
as well as the funny banter, like hearing<br />
“HEY DAN” shouted as loud as possible<br />
as they come into the building, (to<br />
which my response must be at the<br />
same dynamic or louder). This shows<br />
me how at home they feel here. A real<br />
encouragement to me, as I know for<br />
many, home life isn’t as straightforward.<br />
I’m excited for what the next year brings<br />
and am looking forward to being a part of<br />
the story!”
IN <strong>2022</strong><br />
23<br />
volunteers on team<br />
33<br />
Life Group Sessions with<br />
community meals cooked and<br />
enjoyed together every week<br />
3062<br />
attendances<br />
across all sessions<br />
139<br />
new young people signing<br />
up to our membership<br />
1360<br />
hours of volunteering<br />
148<br />
sessions<br />
From<br />
226<br />
individual young people
Financials<br />
The <strong>Bell</strong> <strong>Tower</strong>’s annual<br />
budget is £84,400.<br />
We receive the majority<br />
of our funding from<br />
local and national<br />
grant makers as well as<br />
receiving donations from<br />
individuals who believe in<br />
our work. Here is a simple<br />
breakdown of our costs.<br />
£84,400<br />
Staffing £40,500<br />
Partnerships and outsourcing £16,000<br />
Centre maintenance and utilities £10,200<br />
Volunteers and training £5,850<br />
Sub Projects £5,650<br />
New equipment £5,000<br />
In session expenses £1,200<br />
We’d like to thank all our generous funders for<br />
supporting our work over the last year.
Donate<br />
If you would like to partner with us financially,<br />
you can donate in a number of ways.<br />
Online<br />
Scan the above<br />
QR code to go to our<br />
Just Giving page.<br />
Bank transfer<br />
To:<br />
CAF Bank,<br />
Chichester City<br />
Centre Drop-In,<br />
40-52-40<br />
00025627<br />
Cheque<br />
Post to:<br />
Chichester City<br />
Centre Drop-In,<br />
104 The Hornet,<br />
Chichester,<br />
West Sussex<br />
PO19 7JR
Home<br />
way from<br />
ome”<br />
Chichester City Centre Drop-In<br />
Registered office 104 The Hornet<br />
Chichester<br />
West Sussex<br />
PO19 7JR<br />
Charity Registration Number 1154818