HGT Magazine #122 March/April 2023
Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.
Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.
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A Who’s Who on the Wing<br />
Where Basketball is Life<br />
Wildlife Monitoring<br />
All Things Music - Meet Dark Shawn<br />
A Clean Sweep - The Upside of Downsizing<br />
The Living Forest – A Human Imperative<br />
+Handling Grief Through Ceremony – Ways of Knowing<br />
Issue 122<br />
Mar / Apr <strong>2023</strong><br />
$6.50 (INCL. GST)<br />
<strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 1
Subscribe<br />
Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />
right to your post box and save<br />
10% off the retail price. On-island<br />
for one year (six issues): $35.10<br />
plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />
in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />
$74.85 plus GST.<br />
Advertise<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />
to help spread the word of<br />
businesses of all sizes with<br />
affordable options for everyone.<br />
Rates start as low as $45 per<br />
month plus GST.<br />
Features<br />
8<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
Where Basketball is Life<br />
Starting a Garden BOOK LAUNCH<br />
at the Haida Gwaii Renewable Energy Symposium on<br />
<strong>March</strong> 11 + 12 at the Haida Heritage Centre<br />
Published by the Haida Gwaii Museum and Swiilawiid<br />
Sustainability Society, the book is free for all local residents!<br />
SERIES<br />
Mar 02, 7-9 pm Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
Mar 09, 7-9 pm VIRL Massett Library Branch<br />
Mar 16, 7-9 pm Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
Mar 23, 7-9 pm VIRL Massett Library Branch<br />
Mar 30, 7-9 pm Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
Apr 01, 1-3 pm Sarah’s Seedy Saturday,<br />
Tlell Farmers’ Market<br />
TUESDAY — SATURDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br />
FREE<br />
in-house<br />
+ online<br />
Submit<br />
We welcome you to send us your<br />
family-oriented stories, news,<br />
illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />
etc., for publishing consideration.<br />
Contact Information<br />
Phone: 250-557-2088<br />
Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />
com<br />
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC V0T 1R0<br />
Website: haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
<br />
Deadline for MayJune/23 issue<br />
Content we layout: <strong>April</strong> 10 th<br />
<strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Classifieds and print ready<br />
submissions: <strong>April</strong> 20 th <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Haida place names as per the<br />
This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />
Káats’a hlaa 2022 publication.<br />
The views and opinions expressed<br />
by the various authors do not<br />
necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />
beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. © 2022 Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />
Prefer a digital copy? Scan here<br />
for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />
28<br />
Annual Bird Count<br />
A Who’s Who on the Wing<br />
36<br />
Conservation<br />
After Covid<br />
Wildlife Monitoring<br />
Also In This Issue<br />
Dear Huckleberry.................................... 6<br />
Haida Gwaii Local Foods Project ........ 10<br />
HG Eats .................................................. 12<br />
All Things Music ................................... 16<br />
Science Corner ..................................... 18<br />
A Clean Sweep ....................................... 20<br />
The Living Forest .................................. 23<br />
Round and About NEW! ...................... 25<br />
Handling Grief ...................................... 26<br />
On the Cover: Birds of a Feather Flocking<br />
Together | Illustration by Charlene Emerson<br />
Kid’s Musings ........................................ 35<br />
Puzzle Page ............................................ 38<br />
Horoscope .............................................. 39<br />
Classifieds .............................................. 40<br />
Tide Tables ............................................. 50<br />
Community Calendar ........................... 51<br />
In partnership with: Graham Island East Coast Farmer’s Institute, Local Foods 2 School Haida Gwaii, VIRL,<br />
Northern Savings Credit Union, Canadian Agricultural Partnership, Province of BC<br />
Cultural Tours + Programs<br />
Pricing + bookings available online<br />
250.559.4643 . haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />
250.559.7885 . haidaheritagecentre.com<br />
Winter Hours<br />
TUESDAY — SATURDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br />
T<br />
2 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 3
Haida Gwaii<br />
Trader Values<br />
We proudly serve the<br />
unceded traditional territory<br />
of the Haida Nation along<br />
with all those who live,<br />
work and play on Haida<br />
Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />
advertising for all local<br />
businesses and exemplary<br />
off-island businesses whose<br />
products and/or services are<br />
in limited, local supply.<br />
UNITED<br />
Our focus is to build,<br />
maintain and enhance<br />
bridges between the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders<br />
of all ages, genders and<br />
income, between nature and<br />
humanity, and between spirit<br />
and ego.<br />
We support basic,<br />
equitable needs shared<br />
by all, including social<br />
sustainability, clean air,<br />
water and energy, affordable<br />
housing, wellness, and<br />
nutritious, locally produced<br />
food.<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />
Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />
#85: continuing to develop<br />
media initiatives that inform<br />
and educate the Canadian<br />
public, and connect the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders.<br />
Our Valued Contributors<br />
Roberta “Byrd” Aiken loves<br />
being a mom, knitting and has<br />
been a freelance writer and<br />
photographer for over 3 decades<br />
- starting with basketball and fast<br />
pitch on Haida Gwaii.<br />
rlaiken33@hotmail.com<br />
Lin Armstrong loves reading,<br />
writing, jigsaws, theatre, sports and<br />
volunteering at the Thrift Store.<br />
She lives in Daajing Giids with<br />
hubby Jack and cat Lady Bean.<br />
armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca<br />
Jasmine Beachy is a wife and<br />
proud mother of two active boys.<br />
She is a local StrongStart facilitator<br />
and has lived in Wáan Kún/<br />
Gamadiis Port Clements for 15<br />
years. jasmine970@hotmail.com<br />
Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />
astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />
about helping people develop tools<br />
of awareness and purpose in life.<br />
sageadvisor2u@gmail.com<br />
Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />
who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />
learning, eating things, and<br />
exploring Haida Gwaii.<br />
stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />
Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset<br />
resident, naturalist and writer.<br />
She uses her skills to build things.<br />
hecatebird@gmail.com<br />
Behind the Scenes<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
Owner/Editor in Chief<br />
shellene.patience@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Claude Adams<br />
Assistant Editor<br />
assistant.editor@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />
of human conduct and love<br />
interactions, is passionate about<br />
finding creative ways to navigate<br />
love, friendships and familiar<br />
relationships<br />
dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com<br />
Jana McLeod has lived on Haida<br />
Gwaii all her life. She’s a mother to<br />
8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and<br />
making people laugh keeps her<br />
grounded.<br />
ja_mcleod@hotmail.com<br />
Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />
a retired university professor,<br />
geologist, NASA scientist and<br />
educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />
beauty, people and nature of<br />
Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />
her dog for walks on the beach.<br />
ro.rosemary@gmail.com<br />
Rhonda Lee Russ is an<br />
Anishnaubek writer, storyteller,<br />
and researcher. I write to<br />
share important stories about<br />
people, places, and the issues<br />
that affect them. For content<br />
and photography needs email<br />
gooseeyes@gmail.com<br />
Manzanita Snow is a full-time<br />
artist, writer and poet who lives<br />
in Wáan Kún Gamadiis Port<br />
Clements. She is fully enjoying<br />
her retirement. 250-557-8579<br />
Jamie McDonald<br />
Events Manager<br />
Contributing Writer<br />
events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Administrative Assistant<br />
Contributing Writer<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />
IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />
Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />
Letter From the Editor<br />
Wisdom of the Purple Splotches<br />
Publishing locally inspired articles is such an honour for the <strong>HGT</strong> Team and I. There are endless deeply meaningful<br />
Haida Gwaiian people, places and things to write about. Personally, I have never learned so much since I called these<br />
Misty Isles home.<br />
On the topic of learning, one recent morning my waking words were, strangely, “Purple is power.” Call me kooky,<br />
but the first words of the day have long been oracles of growth and expansion for me. This mind-utterance had me<br />
stumped… and I liked it cuz I love puzzles. So, I sat quietly for a while, focused on my breath and just listened. The<br />
words that popped into my head next were, “purple rocks.” A while back I found these three little purple-splotched<br />
rocks on the beach at low tide. The pack rat for pretty stones that I am, I took them home and placed them on the<br />
dining room table. Perhaps they were rare minerals, or hey, maybe gems!<br />
Then one day I noticed the purple splotches were not purple anymore, they were grey… and not a faded purplish<br />
grey. Grey as storm clouds.<br />
About a month later, I shared a cool Sedona Exploration Haida Gwaii Facebook post. It was one of their underwater<br />
videos featuring sea urchins, starfish, sea cucumbers and, hang on a minute, purple splotched rocks! A lightbulb<br />
moment then hit me like a freight train. The rocks I found weren’t gems. They were alive and I killed them. Believe<br />
it or not, I cried (perhaps a wee menopausal thang).<br />
Purple power lesson #1: as per one of the Haida Guiding Laws, Gina gii sdaahlas sGun isda Only take what you<br />
need. Had I first learned that those purple splotches were living creatures, I most certainly wouldn’t have brought<br />
them home. And, I now only collect treasures that might have a creature associated with them above the high tide<br />
line. I tried to find the purple splotch creatures’ name, but no luck. If anyone knows, do let me know.<br />
Wishing to learn more about ‘powerful purple’ symbolisms, I spent some time on the Internet. Turns out, inspiring<br />
the mind, body and spirit to connect and be in harmony, purple is said to be<br />
the divine energy that flows throughout life, unseen, but very potent and<br />
invigorating.<br />
Purple power lesson #2: is based on another Haida law called Gina<br />
‘waadxan gud ad kwaagid Everything depends on everything; all things are<br />
connected. Just like my eyes being opened by the impact I had on those three<br />
little living rocks; our planet is also beginning a new chapter. We ‘hoomans’ are<br />
finally realizing we’re not just living on the planet, we’re a part of it and it’s a<br />
part of us. We’re starting to understand and appreciate things differently while<br />
better embracing oneness consciousness - a state of being without the illusions<br />
of separateness. New directions are-a-brewin’. As I often say, “Whoo hoo!”<br />
We Will Miss You Pat<br />
By Shellene Patience<br />
We here at Haida Gwaii Trader were sad to hear the<br />
news of Pat Fricker’s passing. Pat was one of our<br />
original contributors to the <strong>HGT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> (2015-<br />
2017). Her light-hearted and informative Food for<br />
Thought articles were a joy to publish. Our deepest<br />
condolences to her family and friends. As Pat<br />
often said, “Bye for now.” May she rest in peace.<br />
One foot gently in front<br />
of the other,<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
Thank you, Haawa Greg<br />
A shout out to Greg Morris for his passionate<br />
Yippieneck submissions about<br />
sustainable living. Greg has moved<br />
on to focus on his family’s gardening,<br />
hunting, and harvesting etc., endeavors.<br />
We appreciate his shared expressions<br />
and wish him the very best.<br />
4 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 5
Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />
nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />
column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />
professional help if you are struggling.<br />
The Sweetness in the Sour<br />
I don’t know about you, dear ones, but sometimes life seems kind of scary to me, and as <strong>2023</strong> gets rolling,<br />
I’m already losing sleep over the uncertainty of tomorrow and the curve balls and obstacles ahead.<br />
I’ve tried to distract myself with work - the daily routine, social life, my goals - but deep down a part of me<br />
is always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I guess humans have mastered the art of avoiding vulnerability<br />
and powering through the tears, but the thing about avoiding anything is that sooner or later, everything<br />
catches up to us. Because we don’t go through life, it goes through us.<br />
I don't have all the answers since I'm still learning a whole lot about life. Ignoring and avoiding it hasn't<br />
really worked for me. Instead, I’m finally letting myself be without expectations of strength or perfection<br />
or whatever mask I’ve been wearing to feel like I belong. One thing I'm starting to understand is that the<br />
happy days don't teach me as much about myself as well as the stormy ones do.<br />
Life can be hard and unfair but it seems a little less so when I try to find the gift in the door that closes and<br />
the gift in the one that opens. Be grateful for this loss that brings darkness like I was grateful for the love<br />
that brought light. Let go of both the regrets of my past and my expectations of the future.<br />
It’s when life throws your curve balls that you find your real strength,<br />
when you build character and learn to adapt. It’s when you learn just<br />
what you are made of that you find you can hit any ball out of the park.<br />
Take anything<br />
painful and turn<br />
it into joy.<br />
My grandma always used to say, “Life will never give you mangoes<br />
to make mango juice, kiddo. Because there is nothing magic about<br />
turning one sweet thing into another. Life is all about its lemons. Some days the lemons you receive will<br />
be juicy and fresh and they’ll be wasted on lemonade but perfect to put on your tacos and have a fiesta!<br />
Other days you’ll only have one stinky lemon which again won’t work for lemonade but you can use it to<br />
squirt into the eyes of your enemies and watch them squirm in pain. But most times you will receive a<br />
ton of old and sour lemons, the kind that are begging to be thrown in the garbage. However, these are the<br />
ones you need and accept them for what they are, and then you add sugar as needed. You are in charge of<br />
the sweetness. You are the one that can take a sour thing and make a sweet thing from it.”<br />
This all made little sense to me back then but as I am growing up, I'm beginning to feel that she gave me<br />
the key to how life works. You have a chance to take anything painful and turn it into joy. So whatever the<br />
year ahead brings us, dear ones, just add sugar, whatever kind of sweetness you have to give.<br />
Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send via mail to<br />
Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full situation<br />
- unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen, only the<br />
overview question will be published.<br />
Spring<br />
Escaping from Winter’s Grasp<br />
It would be nice to think that, now<br />
that spring is here, gentle breezes will<br />
blow and spring flowers will appear.<br />
But this time of year has been known<br />
to dump gallons of rain, bristling<br />
winds, sleet, snow and hail on us. It’s<br />
the price of living on an island within<br />
a few miles of the western abyssal<br />
depths. Temperatures and winds create<br />
the storms out there and bring<br />
them here.<br />
Most of the winter so far has seen<br />
northeast winds flow down the mainland<br />
mountains and across Hecate<br />
Strait to be met with southeasters<br />
moving in from the Pacific. Neither<br />
system, however, seems to have the<br />
edge; so, a cold rain drips from the<br />
trees and a gloomy fog hangs over<br />
us. We are both too far east for the<br />
relative warmth of the deep ocean<br />
and too far west for the snappy, dry<br />
cold from the mainland. While the<br />
temperature hovers around 5 Celsius,<br />
which is relatively pleasant for winter,<br />
the easterly chill remains. You could<br />
say that these islands are unique. The<br />
only other island at this latitude is<br />
Ireland, but the British Isles buffer it<br />
from mainland Europe while Haida<br />
Gwaii is directly affected by mainland<br />
Canada.<br />
Article and photos by Margo Hearne<br />
Haida Gwaii is generally cloud-covered.<br />
The forces mentioned above<br />
cover us with cloud; so do the ‘normal’<br />
prevailing southeasters (with wind<br />
and rain). The ‘sunshine and shower’<br />
south-westerlies of spring can lighten<br />
things a bit but even the sunny summer<br />
northwesters often deliver a low<br />
sea-fog; sunburn is not generally an<br />
issue here.<br />
Despite the winter<br />
king’s battle to<br />
stay in power,<br />
he just can’t.<br />
Haida stories, as told to J.R. Swanton<br />
by Walter McGregor of the Sealiontown<br />
people (Haida Texts and Myths<br />
1900-1901) tell us that the clouds are<br />
made from the skin of a wren, the<br />
sky from that of a blue-jay and the<br />
sunset from the woodpecker with a<br />
red head. Even the birds that reside<br />
on Haida Gwaii adapt to the clouds.<br />
Many resident species, including the<br />
Song Sparrow, are darker than their<br />
mainland kin because it’s dark and<br />
humid here.*<br />
Sunset over Haida Gwaii<br />
But the ground will warm up and<br />
buds will form. It will soon be mild<br />
enough to plant a few seeds as daffodils<br />
poke their heads above ground to<br />
flower in time for Easter. Huckleberry<br />
and salmonberry flowers will appear.<br />
Despite the winter king’s battle to stay<br />
in power, he just can’t. Persephone,<br />
the goddess of vegetation and spring,<br />
trapped in the underworld for six<br />
months, always escapes. The inexorable,<br />
slow turn of Planet Earth as it<br />
orbits on its axis around the sun will<br />
forever bring us spring, even beneath<br />
the clouds.<br />
*“Gloger’s rule” states that “individuals<br />
of many species of insects, birds<br />
and mammals are darkly pigmented<br />
in humid climates and lightly coloured<br />
in dry ones. This may well be a camouflage<br />
adaptation—moist habitats<br />
are usually well vegetated and tend<br />
to lack pale colours.” (C. W. L. Gloger<br />
(1803–63)).<br />
Resident Song Sparrow<br />
6 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 7
After a two-year hiatus for Covid,<br />
the annual Clan Tournament of<br />
basketball resumed this winter in<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate with a competition<br />
that had the crowd on the edge<br />
of their seats right to the final buzzer.<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
Where Basketball is Life<br />
By Roberta Aiken | Photos by Byrds Eye View Photography<br />
The Skedans and Ts’aahl teams met<br />
in the championship game and finished<br />
regulation time in a tie; in<br />
overtime, Skedans narrowly pulled<br />
ahead and won the <strong>2023</strong> title, with<br />
supporters of the two clans doing<br />
their best to be the loudest cheering.<br />
It was the 21st year for the tournament,<br />
a dream for founder Dan Burton<br />
who came up with the concept<br />
to bring the clan families together in<br />
mid-winter and also an opportunity<br />
to raise money. This year’s competition<br />
included seven men’s teams,<br />
two women’s teams and two youth<br />
teams.<br />
Skidegate Rec coordinator Desi Collinson<br />
has taken over this tournament<br />
and really added to it by bringing<br />
in the strong cultural aspect and<br />
keeping it going solid. “The youth<br />
are so integral in keeping this tournament<br />
going,” said Desi. “They<br />
learn their history while they’re<br />
doing what they enjoy . . . We are<br />
all proud of being Haida . . . and it<br />
just creates that ripple effect for our<br />
young while our chiefs, matriarchs<br />
and elders watch from the sidelines.”<br />
Dan Burton said the tournament has<br />
become “a source of pride for clans<br />
and an opportunity for some to find<br />
their place.”<br />
He added: “It’s exciting as this year<br />
is the first one after Covid. To see<br />
the youth that are up and coming<br />
into the game for their clans. I really<br />
enjoyed seeing my son Levi this year<br />
and watching all the young ones and<br />
the ‘old’ guys play for one more hurrah.”<br />
Mike James has been an official for<br />
over 30 years covering basketball<br />
across Canada. He said the passion<br />
of the participants and the organizers<br />
is remarkable. “Every person<br />
in the building has a passion to be<br />
there to support family, friends, their<br />
community or their culture. It is an<br />
experience that is incomparable to<br />
any tournament I have experienced<br />
and will keep me wanting to return.”<br />
<strong>2023</strong> All Native<br />
The Skidegate Senior Saints team<br />
brought the same level of passion<br />
last month to this year’s 63rd annual<br />
All Native Basketball Tournament<br />
in Prince Rupert, as they won the<br />
Senior Division championship banner<br />
for <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Making their presence known,<br />
this veteran squad played a total of<br />
five games, culminating in a finals<br />
matchup against the Burnaby Club.<br />
Once again the Saints hit the floor<br />
with the kind of determination that<br />
we have seen many times throughout<br />
their years playing together in<br />
Juniors, Intermediates and now the<br />
Senior Veterans. The final score was<br />
100-95 for the Saints.<br />
Congratulations Senior Saints of<br />
Skidegate!<br />
Solidly drawing the foul Gaagwiis Jason Alsop<br />
needs more than two to check him<br />
Senior Saints of Skidegate, All Native Champions <strong>2023</strong><br />
Skedans <strong>2023</strong> Clan Tournament Champions<br />
Longhouse Gift Shop<br />
Genuine Haida art & crafts<br />
Affordable & unique gifts<br />
Clothing & accessories<br />
Front St, HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
250-559-8013<br />
www.longhousegiftshop.ca<br />
Shop In-house or Online!<br />
8 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 9
R<br />
G<br />
A<br />
A<br />
S<br />
Local Food Preservation and Speaker Series<br />
Ultimately, says Paul Biron, freeze-drying<br />
can be a solution to world hunger.<br />
Until then, you can dehydrate and<br />
vacuum-pack your mushrooms, berries,<br />
spaghetti, low-fat meat and other<br />
foods and keep them almost-as-fresh<br />
for years, with 97% of the original nutritional<br />
value.<br />
Paul’s $10,000 freeze drying machine<br />
was the main attraction of a food processing<br />
workshop earlier this year at<br />
Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa Nay Secondary<br />
School in Masset, organized by members<br />
of the Haida Gwaii Local Food to<br />
School Program and the Old Massett<br />
Village Council.<br />
‘Til the Pressure Canner Stops<br />
Article and photo by Claude Adams<br />
The emphasis was on the processing<br />
of traditional foods like salmon,<br />
crab, octopus and berries, but Biron’s<br />
machine – as big as a small fridge –<br />
introduced high tech to the conversation.<br />
“The freeze-dried food loses<br />
no nutritional value,” said Paul, “and<br />
it retains its shape. The mushrooms<br />
don’t shrink, they’re super fluffy; they<br />
are basically as good as fresh.”<br />
He said the shelf life of most well-packaged<br />
food is an astonishing 25 years.<br />
Then you just add water, cook and<br />
serve.<br />
At another table, Zena Thierstein<br />
was grinding octopus meat and deep<br />
frying it into núu balls - traditional<br />
octopus fritters. Tasters came by and<br />
someone commented that you could<br />
add chopped onion, celery and carrot<br />
to the seafood for a bit of variety.<br />
Elsewhere, Ivy Bell was demonstrating<br />
how best to prepare fresh salmon<br />
for the smokehouse, using the sharp<br />
fillet knife so that nothing was wasted.<br />
She said even the spines, bellies and<br />
fins can be marinated for 24 hours,<br />
and then smoked.<br />
Across the room, Christine Carty was<br />
revealing her secret for making huckleberry<br />
jam that isn’t runny. “I take my<br />
frozen berries out the night before so<br />
that they’re thawed out and, in the<br />
morning, I put them in a strainer and<br />
let all the natural juices flow into a<br />
bowl.” The thawing and straining are<br />
key; otherwise the jam is overly liquid.<br />
Nearby, Todd White was teaching Sandra<br />
Chanin the essentials of canning<br />
crabmeat before pressure cooking. A<br />
pot of Stinging Nettle Tea was boiling,<br />
for anyone looking for a boost of energizing<br />
iron. Nettles contain more iron<br />
than spinach.<br />
Local Food Speaker Series<br />
Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Markets 2022<br />
By Shellene Patience<br />
Overseeing the workshop was Elizabeth<br />
Moore who is passionate about<br />
seeing more traditionally preserved<br />
food served in schools and hospitals<br />
island wide.<br />
Local Food<br />
Book Launch!<br />
“It’s a good feeling to see the gardening<br />
A farmer’s community market getting is more than excited just a and cornucopia of local food, plants, artisan handicrafts and other bounty. It’s also an occasion to<br />
Rooted in the Haida Ways of Being,<br />
share some relaxing time with friends and neighbours, to savor some local culture, and to contribute<br />
Tawk’ii<br />
to<br />
Daanaay<br />
the community’s<br />
Tll Kunsda<br />
economy.<br />
|<br />
sharing ideas,” says longtime Lawn<br />
And you might even get to enjoy a hot meal! Haida Gwaii has four such markets, three on Tl’a Graham Táwk’aa Island, Kúnst’ayee and one on Moresby Starting<br />
Hill gardener, Christine Rowan.<br />
Island, so most of us are only minutes away from an enriching weekly a Garden: experience. Ten Food Plants to Grow<br />
Historic Haida Food Cultivation, presented<br />
by Marnie Smith kicked off this<br />
created through the Hlk'yak'ii<br />
Masset Market- Make it! Bake it! Grow it!<br />
Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />
on Haida Gwaii is a new book<br />
community sponsored<br />
Date/Time:<br />
and<br />
Fridays,<br />
food<br />
11am-2pm,<br />
security-inspired<br />
series.<br />
partnership of the Haida Gwaii<br />
year-round<br />
Date/Time: Saturdays, 11am—2pm, year-round<br />
Location:<br />
She<br />
Across<br />
summarized<br />
Museum and Swiilawiid Sustainability<br />
Society and the collabora-<br />
from the HG Co-op, 1575 Main<br />
(with a short break around Christmas/January).<br />
her work at Local Street Food in Masset. 2 School and<br />
Location: Gather, 223 Oceanview Drive, Daajing<br />
the history of cultivation, colonization<br />
PC Jisgang Nika Collison<br />
Giids.<br />
tion of many knowledge sharers<br />
and What agriculture we offer: Locally on Haida grown and Gwaii. prepared foods including vegetables,<br />
greens and microgreens, eggs, preserves, Dave ferments, Whitehead baked spoke What about we offer: Com-<br />
and food growers.<br />
Christine Rowan’s talk on Seed, Selection<br />
and Storage, noted the joy and the<br />
You’ll find The delicious book encourages baked treats of new all kinds, and<br />
goods and treats, plant starts and seedlings, posting cut flowers, from mushrooms<br />
and berries are available in season. Locally munity, handcrafted Karl Puls presented rooms, locally Season harvested kelp products, and more!<br />
the backyard locally grown to the fresh com-<br />
produce, experienced gorgeous gardeners flowers, foraged to create mush-<br />
a<br />
cost savings of starting plants from<br />
garden in a good way and shares<br />
items include soap and body products, jewellery, Extension pottery, and and Pest Control Techniques,<br />
seed. It’s a gift that keeps on giving!<br />
knowledge on how to grow ten<br />
knitted, painted, felted and beach-combed treasures and Daniel and more! Schulbeck Contact: shared Heidi his Archer, Market Manager / queencharlottemarket@gmail.com<br />
/ Instagram: @qc_market / Facebook: @<br />
“Whether your seeds are self-harvested<br />
or purchased, keeping them<br />
wiid | sk’áw.áan gíidii raspberries<br />
food plants including beets, k’uu-<br />
Delicious hot lunches are a new regular feature thoughts at the market. on DIY Hydroponics.<br />
QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />
dry,<br />
Contact:<br />
cool<br />
Natalie<br />
and dark<br />
Affolter<br />
is the<br />
/ 250-626-9181<br />
key.”<br />
and sgaawsid | sgúusíid potatoes.<br />
/ massetmarket@gmail.<br />
This book will be launched at the<br />
com<br />
Up and coming series<br />
Moresby Haida Artisan Market Gwaii (K’il Renewable Kun Sandspit)<br />
Energy<br />
Date/Time: Sundays, 11am-1pm, starting Sunday,<br />
June<br />
7-9pm | HG Tll.aal<br />
Museum Tlell Farmers’ Market<br />
at Kay Llnagaay:<br />
Symposium on <strong>March</strong> 11th and<br />
12th<br />
12, 2022,<br />
in HlGaagilda<br />
through mid-September<br />
and will be free<br />
• <strong>March</strong> Date/Time: 16 th – Propagation Sundays, 11am—2pm, and Soil Preparation starting June by FREE Location: In front of ALM Elementary School,<br />
to all local residents.<br />
Marnie 5, Smith 2022, until and the Miranda last week Barnhardt of October.<br />
in-house 406 Copper Bay Road<br />
• <strong>March</strong> Location: 23 rd – Fruit Highway Trees: 16, Establishing behind and to and the Pruning left of and online<br />
the Tlell by Fire Will Hall. Murphy Look for and the giant Veronika carrot! Higlister<br />
What we offer: Baked goods, occasional fresh produce, art by<br />
• <strong>March</strong> 30 th – Market Gardening by Lynda Dixon local kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, photography<br />
and more!<br />
What • we <strong>April</strong> offer: 1Spring st – Root greens, Cellar hot by lunch John items, Stevenson farm fresh (This eggs, one<br />
baked goods, is from jams 1-3pm, and jellies, located canning, at the sourdough Sarah Seedy bread, Saturday kombucha,<br />
strawberry, located this raspberry, year at rhubarb the Tlell and Farmers currant seedlings Market) and Contact: Kelsey Kricheldorf / moresbymarket@gmail.com /<br />
much In partnership more! with: Graham Island East Coast Farmer’s Facebook: @MoresbyMarket<br />
Institute, Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay, Local Foods<br />
2 Contact: School Haida Marylynn Gwaii, Hunt VIRL, / 250-559-8282 Northern Savings / stmarysspring@<br />
Credit Union,<br />
gmail.com Canadian / Agricultural Facebook: Tlell Partnership Farmers Market and the Province of BC.<br />
Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, QC Farmers’ Market, Moresby Market, and<br />
M<br />
I S<br />
L<br />
A<br />
N<br />
D<br />
E<br />
A<br />
S<br />
T<br />
H<br />
A<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
C<br />
O<br />
T<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
Paul Biron and his freeze dryer<br />
To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
10 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 11
Haida Gwaii Eats<br />
Glaayingwaal & Vanilla Mousse<br />
By Miguel Jimenez Clarke and Jamie McDonald | Photos by Miguel<br />
You can find Glaayingwaal licorice fern growing all along<br />
the Pacific coast from Alaska to California and all over<br />
Haida Gwaii. The root (or rhizome) has been used medicinally<br />
by the Haida people for generations, as well as by the<br />
Squamish, Sechelt, Comox, Nuxalk, Coquille and Kwakwaka’wakw.<br />
As tea or chewed raw, it’s commonly used as a gentle painkiller<br />
as well as to treat sore throats and cold symptoms.<br />
Aside from the medical uses, licorice fern is also very sweet,<br />
so it makes for a quick and easy dessert.<br />
Ingredients<br />
5 large licorice fern rhizomes* - roughly 3-4 tablespoons<br />
once chopped well<br />
2 cups whipping cream<br />
3 egg whites<br />
½ cup sugar<br />
½ tsp vanilla extract<br />
1 tbsp sea salt<br />
Licorice fern rhizome<br />
Instructions<br />
Clean well and roughly chop your fern root into small pieces and combine with<br />
cream in a saucepan over low heat. Heat for about 10 minutes, then allow the<br />
mixture to cool before straining. The cream should taste very strongly of sweet<br />
licorice fern as the other half of the mousse won’t contain any. Feel free to add<br />
more if needed!<br />
Once the strained cream is completely cooled, add vanilla and salt and begin<br />
whipping. Gradually add ¼ cup sugar into cream as it whips into stiff peaks. In<br />
a separate bowl, separate three eggs and set aside the yolks. Mind you don’t get<br />
any yolk in your whites or they won’t whip properly. Again, whip and gradually<br />
add ¼ cup sugar until egg whites are glossy and hold stiff peaks, essentially a<br />
meringue. It should look roughly the same volume as your whipped cream.<br />
With a large spatula, gently add ⅓ of your egg whites to the bowl with your<br />
cream and gently fold the two together. We want to incorporate both halves together,<br />
while being as gentle as we can to keep the air in both. Once your egg<br />
whites are fully mixed with the cream, set mousse in the fridge for at least six<br />
hours.<br />
Your licorice fern mousse is now ready to enjoy with any fresh, frozen or canned<br />
berries. It’s pictured here with some graham cracker crumbs and last year’s local<br />
blueberries.<br />
*Ethical Harvesting Note: please harvest the licorice fern responsibly. Don’t take the<br />
entire plant, so it may continue to grow and continue to be a delight for everyone.<br />
Fibre-optic services are live in Masset and Gaw Tlagée Old Massett!<br />
We’re currently constructing our fibre-optic networks<br />
in HlGaagilda Skidegate and Tll.aal Tlell.<br />
Contact us today to sign up for services.<br />
12 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 13
Youth Program provides support and opportunities to<br />
strengthen cultural identity<br />
Ciara and Nikayla preparing healthy snacks at the Skidegate Youth Centre<br />
Grant Stream: Youth Centred Communities Grant<br />
Organization: Skidegate Youth Centre<br />
Project: Peer2Peer Support Staff<br />
Award: $10,000<br />
The Peer2Peer Support Staff Project was born at the request of<br />
local teens following a conversation on how the community<br />
can better support them as they work through life’s challenges.<br />
Two teen workers are hired who are in charge of organizing<br />
and running the weekly Friday Teen Night. But they are more<br />
than that, acting as the initial points of contact for the 50-60<br />
youth aged 13-19 who participate in the program throughout<br />
the course of the year. Should those youth require additional<br />
assistance they are there to help connect them to the appropriate<br />
community supports with the aid of the Youth Centre<br />
Coordinator.<br />
For more information on the Skidegate Youth Centre visit<br />
Facebook (HiitaGan.iinaKuuyasNaaySkidegateYouthCentre)<br />
or contact Julia Weder at julia.weder@haidawellness.org.<br />
Save the Date - Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust Community Update<br />
& Consultation Sessions<br />
Want to learn about the next steps for the Athlii Gwaii Legacy<br />
Trust? Join us at the session nearest you and hear from the<br />
Gwaii Trust Executive.<br />
There will be a meet & greet followed by a presentation and<br />
Q&A session for the public, plus door prizes, refreshments,<br />
and dessert.<br />
Questions? Carla Lutner, carla.lutner@gwaiitrust.com<br />
New Grant - School Field Trip Fund<br />
Time: 6:30-8:30pm<br />
Locations:<br />
HIGaagilda/Skidegate, Small Hall – <strong>April</strong> 3<br />
K’il Kun Llnagaay/Sandspit, Sandspit Adventures – <strong>April</strong> 5<br />
Gaw Tlagée/Old Massett, Sarah’s Longhouse – <strong>April</strong> 24<br />
Gamadiis Llnagaay/’Wáan Kún/Port Clements, Fire Hall –<br />
<strong>April</strong> 26<br />
The Gwaii Trust Board of Directors recognizes that travel costs can be a barrier to students’ participation in sporting, cultural<br />
and educational activities. The Field Trip fund provides direct funding to School District 50 to assist in offsetting travel costs for<br />
school teams, classes, and clubs to participate in Field Trips.<br />
Eligible uses of the grant<br />
• Travel by air, train, bus, taxi fares and/or ferry, including berths<br />
• Car rental<br />
• Accommodation costs<br />
• Food to a maximum of $80/day<br />
• Registration fees<br />
GMS<br />
Tips<br />
Did you know that all your claim and final reporting processes are<br />
now done through the grant management system * ?<br />
As we continue to work on making the application process easier for all applicants, we encourage<br />
you to reach out to us if you have any suggestions or comments: admin@gwaiitrust.com<br />
*(the grant management system is where your application is located)<br />
Upcoming Grant Deadlines<br />
Travel Assistance and Continuing Education: Visit www.gwaiitrust.com/grants for details<br />
Youth Centred Communities Grant: <strong>April</strong> 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Special Projects: Apr 1, Jun 1, Sep 1, Nov 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Community Innovation: Apr 1, Jun 1, Sep 1, Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Youth Grant, Arts Grant, Arts Workshops and Arts Mentorships: Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />
Taking part in SYC programs: Joey, Vesta, and Reannah<br />
Planning for the future using a visioning board<br />
gwaiitrust.com<br />
1 800 663 2388<br />
14 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 15
All Things Music<br />
Meet Dark Shawn aka Shawn Gairdner<br />
By Jamie McDonald<br />
You may have seen Shawn at one of the<br />
shows in the past few months at the<br />
Small Hall in HlGaagilda Skidegate.<br />
He would be the slick-looking tattooed<br />
guy playing drums! Shawn came up<br />
here in 2019 to do some video work<br />
for the Northwest Fishing Team. “I left<br />
Vancouver out of boredom and came<br />
to Haida Gwaii for a video project. I<br />
was ready to leave the island when I<br />
met Joey. He needed a drummer and<br />
somebody to do videos, I happened to<br />
do both. He convinced me to stay, best<br />
thing I ever did for my career.” Shawn<br />
was born in Edmonton and grew up<br />
in Dawson Creek but spent most of<br />
his adult life in Prince George and<br />
Vancouver. He started playing music<br />
at around five years of age, dropped<br />
out of high school in grade 12, moved<br />
to PG and joined a metal band called<br />
Fueled by Ignorance as their drummer.<br />
They produced two records, Tears<br />
and Widow, and went on a BC/USA<br />
tour. Fueled by Ignorance clawed their<br />
way up the ranks of the underground<br />
to sit among its elite, playing at the<br />
‘96 Warp tour in Vancouver. The band<br />
broke up in about 2001 and Shawn<br />
went back to school and obtained a<br />
Bachelors in Fine Arts – video production<br />
(directing and editing) from<br />
the University of Victoria. Shawn took<br />
a break from music for a while and<br />
worked on a cruise ship as a videographer.<br />
“I got to travel everywhere, on all<br />
continents. I didn’t play a lot of music<br />
but got to see the world.”<br />
Shawn was into metal for the longest<br />
time but now plays a lot of jazz and<br />
improv. He was influenced by late<br />
night jazz on CBC. “I get together<br />
a few times per year with a collective<br />
called Bermeja in Vancouver. We<br />
record improv sessions.” In this threepiece<br />
band, he bounces from bass to<br />
drums to keyboards to percussion.<br />
“It’s great to be versatile. I can still<br />
do what I used to do and shift into<br />
old school music roles. When we do<br />
improv, we just start coming up with<br />
something and it brings us to so many<br />
places, it gives me a chance to flex my<br />
drummer skills.”<br />
Meeting Joey Stylez helped continue<br />
to broaden his musical ear and the<br />
album he’s putting out now is live<br />
drums with hip hop. “Joey got me into<br />
playing hip hop. He hired me to join<br />
on his tour, and although the tour was<br />
cancelled, it got me playing hip hop<br />
and R&B.” Will Russ and Joey have<br />
done some tracks with him for the<br />
album, which has three songs com-<br />
Dark Shawn aka Shawn Gairdner. “I’ve been<br />
playing for 38 years now. I know I can do that<br />
well. I’m proud of my talent in drumming.”<br />
PC Joey Stylez<br />
pleted to date. “I might sing on one<br />
song but mainly I’m playing guitar,<br />
drums, bass and percussion. Joey is<br />
doing the 808’s (low bass, kick drum<br />
and bass) and produced the songs.<br />
He’s giving the direction to the songs<br />
- he’ll suggest how the song could go.<br />
I used to write songs very differently,<br />
it would take me a long time to write<br />
a song, second guessing everything.<br />
When Joey and I write a song, I’ll sit<br />
down and play a beat, he’ll say tone<br />
it down or up and once we record a<br />
good four bar loop, we’ll copy and<br />
paste it and repeat it. We’ll continue<br />
with a bass line and add an 808 onto<br />
that. Then we come up with guitar or<br />
piano ideas and layer that on. Then<br />
we’ll come up with a hook. It usually<br />
takes us a day or two to come up<br />
with a whole song. It’s a very different<br />
process for me. This is refreshing and<br />
easier. Technology plays a big role in<br />
that.”<br />
Shawn’s main gigs at the moment<br />
are as a drummer for Joey Stylez and<br />
sometimes for Joey’s wife Carsen<br />
Shawn and Joey<br />
PC Jordan_Did_It<br />
Gray. Nevertheless, he is also signed<br />
to Ble$$ed Street, Joey’s label and has<br />
started putting out his own songs.<br />
“When I play with Carsen or Joey, my<br />
role is more supportive, less creative.<br />
It’s a more subdued role and although<br />
it’s sometimes hard for me to be in the<br />
background, it makes me more versatile.<br />
I want to put out a few records<br />
and hope to be touring soon. A lot of<br />
different artists will be featured on the<br />
album (Will Russ, Lancelot Knight,<br />
etc), mostly indigenous artists.” There<br />
are a lot of things in the works. They<br />
have been shooting videos locally and<br />
recording through Ble$$ed Street’s<br />
studio in Skidegate where there is a<br />
full production studio for music and<br />
film.<br />
Apart from putting out his own album<br />
and touring, Shawn teaches drumming<br />
on island. “I was teaching out<br />
of the Youth Centre in Skidegate and<br />
in the future, I would like to teach out<br />
of my house.”<br />
You can hear Shawn’s drumming on<br />
Horsethieves and Bootleggers, Joey’s<br />
Cover Art By @tomcrier<br />
latest album. You can also hear him on<br />
Carsen’s newest album Notes to Self.<br />
Or you can hear his own songs on Spotify<br />
now, “Gods General” and “Mask<br />
Up.” The latter is a collaboration with<br />
Will Russ on Spotify or Soundcloud.<br />
In Other<br />
Music News<br />
• Award-winning Canadian hiphop<br />
artist Joey Stylez dropped<br />
his latest album Horsethieves<br />
and Bootleggers on January 13.<br />
Executive producer: DJ Kemo<br />
from Rascalz. Listen to it on<br />
your favorite listening platform.<br />
778 230 9871<br />
• The next Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse<br />
is on <strong>March</strong> 31 and will<br />
feature The Minstrel Cramps.<br />
Doors open at 6 pm for a community<br />
meal. Please bring a dish,<br />
spoon and your own drink. Open<br />
mic starts at 7 pm followed by the<br />
feature performer around 8 pm.<br />
Entrance is by donation. Please<br />
note that there will be no HG Coffeehouse<br />
in <strong>April</strong>.<br />
16 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 17
The Science Corner<br />
Plates, Pleiades & Peanuts<br />
By Ro Millham<br />
SHELBY<br />
Movers and Shakers<br />
We may like to dance, as long as it is not from the movement of the earth! Haida Gwaii’s west coast is one long<br />
transform fault extending to Alaska. That’s where tectonic plates slide past one another. When they move, we<br />
shake. Other faults and plates impact movement, too. Nature is, in fact, always shifting and balancing in a<br />
dance known as dynamic equilibrium (changing and balancing). So we must prepare for safety in several ways.<br />
• Have a plan in place to meet up with, check on, travel with or assist family and friends.<br />
• Stockpile enough food and water for a week or two.<br />
• Secure large appliances and install flexible gas and water connections.<br />
• Anchor top-heavy furniture to the wall and place heavy objects on<br />
lower shelves.<br />
• Never hang anything heavy above where you sleep.<br />
• When the shaking starts, move away from buildings, streetlights,<br />
utility wires and overpasses.<br />
If inside, get under a sturdy table or desk and hold on, or crouch in a<br />
strongly supported doorway or inside corner and protect your head.<br />
The earthquakes in Syria and Turkey are a<br />
devastating reminder of just how powerful<br />
earthquakes can be.<br />
PC Honn Kao: Natural<br />
Resources Canada<br />
Look Up!<br />
<strong>April</strong> is a great month for viewing the night sky. Venus will be hanging out<br />
with the massive red giant star, Aldebaran, in the Hyades asterism, and the<br />
Pleiades will be visible just below Venus. This night sky event will also include<br />
the Lyrid meteor showers from <strong>April</strong> 15-29. The showers are at their<br />
height during a new moon so the skies will be dark! The best views will take<br />
place <strong>April</strong> 21-23.<br />
PC EarthSky.org<br />
The Peanut<br />
Something to ponder next time you are munching on a peanut: they do not<br />
grow on trees. Unlike most plants, the peanut plant flowers above the ground,<br />
and the fruits are below ground. Peanut seedlings rise out of the soil about 10<br />
days after planting. They grow into a green, oval-leafed plant about 18 inches<br />
tall. Yellow flowers emerge around the lower portion of the plant at 40 days.<br />
After pollination, the petals fall off and the remaining buds, called pegs, grow<br />
small stems directed in the soil where peanuts grow. And remember, peanuts<br />
are not nuts. They are legumes!<br />
18 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 19
Originating in Europe centuries ago,<br />
the idea of spring cleaning used to be<br />
cause for celebration. After dreary<br />
months of closed-in living, windows<br />
and doors were thrown open and the<br />
residue of months spent indoors in<br />
stale, cramped and smokey hovels<br />
was washed and swept away.<br />
For three weeks in February, a nasty<br />
bug forced me to sit and survey my<br />
living spaces from the recliner or<br />
bed as I read books on downsizing,<br />
decluttering and reassessing what I<br />
truly want to be in my space. This<br />
A Clean Sweep<br />
The Upside of Downsizing<br />
Text and photos by Lin Armstrong<br />
year, as I approach spring cleaning,<br />
my focus is not only to freshen my<br />
living space but to honestly assess<br />
whether I find items useful, needed<br />
or in fact, loved.<br />
Did you know that the average<br />
Canadian home holds 300,000 items?<br />
That’s a lot of stuff. Clutter is defined<br />
as too much stuff scattered in the<br />
wrong place. Decluttering programs<br />
on TV ask participants to arrange<br />
everything in their home onto three<br />
tarps: keep, donate, trash. I used to<br />
think I’d just pile everything onto<br />
the keep tarp! Surprisingly, that is<br />
no longer the case.<br />
Did you know clutter affects your<br />
health? Apparently, it can cause<br />
stress and that increases our cortisol<br />
levels. Cortisol taxes the body and<br />
can lead to anxiety, depression,<br />
sleep problems, weight gain, loss of<br />
mental focus and fatigue. There are<br />
studies that correlate high cortisol<br />
levels in women with high-density<br />
households. It contributes to our<br />
mental load and women especially<br />
struggle to carry the emotional<br />
weight of family belongings.<br />
With that in mind my first focus was<br />
my clothes closet. Everything in it is<br />
my size, color preference and style.<br />
However, it also contained items I<br />
used to wear for board meetings and<br />
office wear, clothes that no longer fit<br />
my lifestyle. I’m advised to only make<br />
two decisions: let go or keep and to<br />
put fewer items back into the closet<br />
with an inch between hangers and<br />
only five spare hangers. I fudged a<br />
bit on this one.<br />
Following more tips, one at a time,<br />
I emptied my dresser drawers onto<br />
my bed where I discovered nine<br />
black turtlenecks, six black T’s and<br />
five black sweaters. Another tip: the<br />
discard pile needs to go out of my<br />
house right away lest I be tempted<br />
to rethink, resort and rehang. Only<br />
the clean and gently used items will<br />
go to the thrift shop in Daajing Giids.<br />
One book suggests I not buy more<br />
bins to store items unless they are<br />
seasonal clothing, decorations or<br />
sporting gear. The author asks: why<br />
is it in a bin anyway? With this one<br />
question, a lot of items exited my life.<br />
Most of us are excellent consumers<br />
and consumerism accounts for 70%<br />
of our nation’s overall economic<br />
activity. Buying gives us a hit of<br />
dopamine. For a short time, we have<br />
bought happiness. But consider this:<br />
each item will end up somewhere and<br />
in our disposable society more and<br />
more will go to a landfill. I’m asked to<br />
consider this, to pause before buying.<br />
Maybe edible gifts are the answer!<br />
My aim is to end up with a space<br />
that makes me happy, contributes to<br />
my good health and is a warm and<br />
welcoming home.<br />
Useful Downsizing and Spring Cleaning Tips<br />
• Moving? Take measurements, sell, donate or trash anything that won’t fit. Pack only what you truly want.<br />
Unpack beds and bedding first.<br />
• Retired? Someone will eventually have to deal with all your stuff. Consider gifting special items now.<br />
Consider sorting, donating or tossing items no longer needed.<br />
• Toss all fridge items beyond their best-by dates. An opened box of bicarbonate<br />
of soda keeps the fridge fresh.<br />
• Break something whilst moving or cleaning? Use bread to pick up any tiny<br />
broken shards of glass.<br />
• Use half a lemon and sprinkle with salt to clean chopping boards. Rinse with<br />
hot, soapy water.<br />
• Clean the toilet with a can of cola. Let it sit overnight.<br />
• Store glasses upright. This discourages bacterial growth.<br />
• Wash windows on a cloudy day. Sunshine dries the cleaner too quickly and<br />
that means streaks. Coffee filters are great wipes for streak-free windows.<br />
• Layer coffee filters between cast iron pans. Prevents rust.<br />
• Cover food in microwave with a coffee filter.<br />
• White wine vinegar used in a water solution kills germs (but<br />
don’t use on marble, waxed furniture, hardwood floors, kitchen<br />
knives or device screens).<br />
• Half a lemon cleans shower glass.<br />
• Hairspray cleans dry-erase boards.<br />
• Mayonnaise removes rust stains on porcelain tubs and sinks.<br />
Before<br />
During<br />
After<br />
20 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 21
The Living Forest<br />
A Human Imperative<br />
JOIN OUR<br />
TEAM<br />
Located downtown<br />
Masset, across<br />
from the Co-op<br />
Find us on<br />
Facebook for<br />
specials and<br />
events!<br />
250-626-7573<br />
Text or phone ahead for pick-up<br />
Serving Breakfast<br />
7am Mon-Fri<br />
Lunch and Dinner<br />
from 11:30<br />
Wednesday Special<br />
ucts o Frid hic<br />
Local halibut fish + chips<br />
Pizza Friday +<br />
Saturday<br />
Quesadillas and tostadas<br />
Fish tacos<br />
Latte/cappuccino<br />
Hand-scooped milkshakes<br />
and Italian sodas in<br />
25 flavours<br />
Indoor and patio dining<br />
✦ Competitive wages<br />
✦ Excellent health and retirement savings plans<br />
✦ Work/life balance<br />
✦ Supportive learning environment<br />
✦ Opportunities for paid educational development<br />
✦ Potential for annual bonus<br />
✦ Paid vacation time starting at 3 weeks for full-time employees<br />
✦ Bonus vacation for long-term employees<br />
✦ Staff volunteer program (GIVE)<br />
Learn more at www.northsave.com/AboutUs/Careers<br />
Some of What We Sell:<br />
Thank you for<br />
your patronage!<br />
1498 Main St, Masset<br />
250–626–5559<br />
MON – SAT 8:30 – 5PM<br />
Owners<br />
The forest is a living, breathing, sentient<br />
being, a repository of carbon—<br />
the essence of life—and a connecting<br />
force in indigenous life. And we must<br />
harvest the trees with care, lest this<br />
connection is lost. That was the theme<br />
of a public meeting, called the Forest<br />
Forum, held in January at the Tluu<br />
Xaada Naay longhouse in Gaw Tlagée<br />
Old Massett.<br />
UBC forest ecologist Suzanne Simard<br />
of the Mother Tree Project (mothertreeproject.org)<br />
told the Forum that preserving<br />
our native forests is an important<br />
part of the fight against drastic<br />
environmental change. “Twenty percent<br />
of the excess carbon dioxide in<br />
the air is from land use change - from<br />
harvesting forests,” she said.<br />
“The more trees you take away from<br />
the ecosystem, the more it threatens all<br />
levels of biodiversity in the soil, in the<br />
mosses, in the lichens, in the shrubs, in<br />
the herbaceous plants. They all change<br />
and we lose things.”<br />
As an example of the connectivity of<br />
living things in the forest, Suzanne<br />
drew attention to the salmon that<br />
swim in our streams - an important<br />
food source for bears, who leave the<br />
salmon remains on the forest floor.<br />
“The whole soil/food web,” she said,<br />
“is changed by the nutrients that these<br />
salmon carry into the forest (which)<br />
end up moving thru the mycelium<br />
networks right into the trees.”<br />
Rande Cook, a hereditary chief and<br />
artist of the Kwa’kwa’ka’wakw nation<br />
who lives in Victoria, spoke in an<br />
online talk about the importance of<br />
By Claude Adams<br />
the forest in indigenous life. “If we’re<br />
talking about our very essence of who<br />
we are as a human species. then why<br />
are we allowing the impacts of colonization<br />
to carry on? Why are we<br />
allowing industry to interfere with this<br />
relationship that we’ve had for thousands<br />
of years? Why are we allowing<br />
governments and corporations to come<br />
in and still extract and take what they<br />
need and push us aside when we talk<br />
about our very needs? We’re running<br />
out of time and that’s the scary part.”<br />
Underlying all this urgency is the need<br />
for people to learn what some scientists<br />
call “the language of nature.” The<br />
American mycologist Paul Stamets<br />
(who did not attend the Forum) puts<br />
it this way: “If we don’t get our act<br />
together and come in commonality<br />
and understanding with the organisms<br />
that sustain us today, not only<br />
will we destroy those organisms, but<br />
we will destroy ourselves.”<br />
Carver Rande Cook wearing his Cedar Child mask<br />
PC Joshua Cogan<br />
22 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 23
Haida Gwaii Co-op<br />
Equity Days Explained<br />
Submitted by Kim Mushynsky | Photos courtesy HG Co-op<br />
‘Round and About<br />
North End Happenings<br />
By Jana McLeod<br />
As one of the main sources of groceries<br />
for Haida Gwaii residents, locally<br />
owned food stores have been a vital<br />
part of island communities since<br />
1945, when Delmas Co-op incorporated<br />
in Masset. Now called the Haida<br />
Gwaii Consumers Co-op (HG Co-op),<br />
it employs between 60 to 70 people<br />
year-round. In addition to supplying<br />
its 2700 active members with food,<br />
hardware and lumber, the HG Co-op<br />
returns patronage refunds to members<br />
when financially able to do so.<br />
When an individual decides they<br />
would like to become a member they<br />
go into any of our locations and purchase<br />
a “member share” for $10. They<br />
will receive a Co-op Number and a<br />
$10 Co-op Gift Card. Individual member<br />
purchases are tracked through the<br />
year using their number. Annually the<br />
Board of Directors decides whether a<br />
refund can be made. Allocations made<br />
are a % of member’s purchases for the<br />
last fiscal year.<br />
Example: A member spent $10,000<br />
last year and the Co-op Board set an<br />
allocation rate of 2.0% with 25% of the<br />
allocation in cash.<br />
$10,000 x 2.0% = $200 total allocation<br />
to the member<br />
$200 x 25% = $50 cash portion of the<br />
allocation<br />
$200 -$50 = $150 would go into the<br />
members equity account<br />
Equity continues to grow every year<br />
an allocation is made.<br />
At 60 years of age, members can apply<br />
for their equity to be paid out less the<br />
original $10 share to keep their membership<br />
open.<br />
Should a member decide to leave<br />
Haida Gwaii they would apply for<br />
equity withdrawal. The Board requires<br />
a six-month waiting period before an<br />
equity is paid out. Should a member<br />
die, their estate can apply for a payout.<br />
At the <strong>2023</strong> AGM, a 2% allocation<br />
with 25% cash back was announced.<br />
Equity cheques will be distributed<br />
May 18 & 19, <strong>2023</strong>. Watch for ads<br />
about this event on the HG Co-op<br />
Facebook page and posters in-store.<br />
For more info on Equity Days, contact<br />
the Controller at 250-626-3933 ext.<br />
227 or General Manager at 250-626-<br />
3933 ext. 228.<br />
Finally, as the days grow longer,<br />
things are looking up for those of us<br />
affected by the lack of light. And my<br />
New Year’s resolution list has shrunk.<br />
Not because I’ve accomplished anything;<br />
it’s just that my focus has simply<br />
changed and I’m eating whatever<br />
I want.<br />
I could blame it on the abundance of<br />
comfort foods offered at the farmer’s<br />
market in Masset. Besides being in<br />
the middle of town, across from the<br />
Co-op, this market happens rain or<br />
shine. I finally tried the freeze-dried<br />
skittles and it’s my new favorite snack.<br />
The Mennonites’ fresh produce and<br />
eggs are very tasty and well worth<br />
the walk around on the occasionally<br />
windy Friday. Last time I went, Alex<br />
Rinfret made some super tasty cake<br />
pops and other sweets. I’m not sure<br />
how long the mural has been on the<br />
wall beside the building, but it sure is<br />
a nice colorful display.<br />
The murals on the Causeway building,<br />
meanwhile, are gone and the ongoing<br />
renovations will be well worth the<br />
wait. Right beside the Mile Zero bar<br />
is a new laundromat and inn. Ian has<br />
also ramped up his food truck with a<br />
whole new layout. It’s nice to have so<br />
many options when it comes to great<br />
food.<br />
In Gaw Tlagée Old Masset there seems<br />
to be a lot of construction as well.<br />
The new houses are going up quite<br />
fast and I imagine the families will<br />
soon be all moved in to enjoy their<br />
forever homes. Another project is the<br />
new park overlooking the baseball<br />
field. The renewal of that spot will be<br />
refreshing, to say the least.<br />
Another fairly new structure is the<br />
extension of Chief Matthews School<br />
on Eagle Avenue. I watched the construction<br />
go from a huge fenced-off<br />
beehive of activity to a modern place<br />
of learning for students.<br />
Another sign of growth is the variety<br />
of jobs available on Haida Gwaii.<br />
Take a peek sometime; it’s crazy how<br />
many opportunities there are around<br />
here. hseds.ca/job-board-category/<br />
haida-gwaii/ Northern Health is on<br />
the lookout for doctors and nurses.<br />
My practice A has lost its two doctors.<br />
If you know anyone who’d like to live<br />
here, please let them know; like many<br />
rural locations, we are in dire straits<br />
when it comes to health care.<br />
HG Co-op Food Store<br />
Masset<br />
250-626-3933 / Open Mon – Sat<br />
9am to 6pm<br />
1562 Main Street, Masset<br />
HG Co-op Home Centre<br />
Masset<br />
250-626-3933 Ext#3 / Currently<br />
open Sun - Thurs 8am to 5pm<br />
1538 Main Street, Masset<br />
HG Co-op Food Store<br />
Skidegate<br />
250-559-8078 / Open Mon – Sat<br />
9am to 6pm<br />
Highway 16, HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Masset Market Masset Causeway renovations New Laundromat<br />
Masset Market mural by Thomas Arnatt and Josh Davidson<br />
New homes in Old Massett<br />
24 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 25
Handling Grief<br />
Through Ceremony<br />
Ways of Knowing<br />
Cedar and spruce embers burn low<br />
on a spent sacred fire on a rainy afternoon.<br />
Curls of smoke; with the bared<br />
emotions and prayers of community<br />
members, rise from the hot coals.<br />
Boughs of cedar, bits of sweetgrass,<br />
sage, tobacco, and even lavender lay<br />
By Rhonda Lee Russ<br />
on soot-blackened rocks. The sacred<br />
fire burns for hours surrounded by<br />
Elders, Cultural Knowledge Keepers,<br />
drummers and singers, all providing<br />
comfort, warmth and healing.<br />
Grief follows a death, a breakup,<br />
or any sudden change in one’s life.<br />
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross<br />
developed a five-stage grief theory to<br />
explain complex emotions associated<br />
with the grief process. The different<br />
stages of grieving are denial, anger,<br />
bargaining, depression and acceptance.<br />
Denial is the first stage that helps ease our emotions, pain, sudden disconnection and helps us process what we<br />
have lost and miss. In missing and yearning for someone or something, we suffer shock and have to get used to<br />
the new situation in our attempts to move ahead, as painful as it may be.<br />
Anger is next in the grieving. Our emotions are strong and despair and anger arise as we deal with our vulnerabilities,<br />
our fears, confusion and frustrations over the loss we have experienced. We turn inward, away from those<br />
who would comfort us, sit by us, and love us in our sadness. Anger is natural and is easily moved through with<br />
understanding and care.<br />
Bargaining follows anger. In the disbelief of our loss, we begin to speak to Creator, God or another higher power<br />
in the hopes of changing our situation, of worrying and dealing with the regrets, and asking for a do-over, what<br />
if’s, and saying things like “I’ll be better“ or “I will do better” or begging for “one more day” or “one more chance,”<br />
even though we know there can be no change in our loss.<br />
Depression is the next step as we continue to cope with our new situation. Our sadness takes over and overwhelms<br />
us like heavy clouds in the sky. Emotions begin to round out, our minds become clearer, order begins to<br />
take over and the loss is present and clearer than ever before. We turn inwards, we have a tendency to be alone,<br />
feel less social, and vulnerable in our grief. Isolation and tears take over.<br />
Acceptance is the final stage of grief. The loss no longer stings like it did in the beginning. We accept the loss and<br />
have a clearer outlook on our reality. We may still feel sad and miss the person or thing we have lost. We do not<br />
turn to the four earlier stages. We move towards healing and an adjusted view of our reality.<br />
resulted in the resurgence and practice<br />
of ceremonies. Residential and<br />
Indian Day Schools also forced Indigenous<br />
people to deny their feelings<br />
A match sparks a low flame. Rounds of split spruce, cedar, and<br />
hemlock, light up. The fire builds up and burns. Sacred fires are<br />
a part of ceremonies, celebrations, rituals, or events. Offerings of<br />
traditional medicines, water, food, or even clothing can be made<br />
in the fire. Healing is one benefit that comes from this circle.<br />
PC Rhonda Lee Russ<br />
and reject their culture and heritage.<br />
Stories of resistance have emerged as<br />
ceremonies, songs, regalia, stories and<br />
teachings were kept secret. Ceremonies<br />
were quietly taught or secretly<br />
practiced away from prying church<br />
and police eyes. End of life, death protocols,<br />
and ceremonies are important<br />
so that Nations can grieve in a culturally<br />
relevant manner.<br />
In sharing some general protocols,<br />
traditional teachings are best practiced<br />
in person. Indigenous cultures<br />
are not the same. Ceremonies have<br />
specific protocols that only a local<br />
Elder or Cultural Knowledge Holder<br />
can share. It is also recommended to<br />
bring a small gift for the Elder or Cultural<br />
Knowledge Holder and bring<br />
food to share the ceremony. As an<br />
Indigenous person or ally in the circle<br />
it is respectful to ask for guidance,<br />
watch, listen, and come with an open<br />
mind and heart. Unless otherwise<br />
noted, all ceremonies are open for<br />
the community to attend. These are<br />
just guidelines and as always, don’t<br />
be afraid to ask questions about protocols<br />
and expectations.<br />
Cultural ceremonies like the sacred<br />
fire held for grieving families can be<br />
requested by any community member<br />
by calling the XaaydaGa Dlaang Society<br />
Haida Wellness Society at Xaaynangaa<br />
Naay House of Life at 250-559-<br />
4610, the Niislaa Naay Health Society<br />
Healing House at 250-626-3911 or the<br />
Gwaay.yay Guudang.ngaay Hltaanawa<br />
Islands Wellness Society at 250-<br />
559-4743.<br />
If you or someone you love is suffering<br />
from grief and loss, please contact your<br />
health care provider(s). This should not<br />
be used as a substitute for professional<br />
diagnosis and treatment.<br />
People, like their emotions, are all different.<br />
Some may skip, move through,<br />
or even fail to experience all stages of<br />
grief. There are also no set time spans<br />
for these stages. Ceremony and cultural<br />
healing methods are only one<br />
way to manage grief, especially nowadays.<br />
It was not long ago that Indigenous<br />
ceremonies were legally banned<br />
across the country. Over the years,<br />
changes to the Indian Act have<br />
Exhibitions | Programs | Trading House Giftshop<br />
250.559.4643 | haidagwaiimuseum.ca | haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca<br />
26 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 27
Annual Bird Count<br />
A Who’s Who on the Wing<br />
Statistics are critical when it comes<br />
to knowing what lives in the wild<br />
world because we lose so much all<br />
the time. Rising sea levels due to<br />
climate change erode the beaches<br />
of Haida Gwaii and our constant<br />
incursions into the wild places are<br />
so destructive. It’s important to<br />
record what is here now so it can<br />
be compared to what will be here<br />
in the future. How do we measure?<br />
Well, we can count birds. They are<br />
visible evidence of the health of the<br />
planet; where there are birds, there<br />
is life and there are birds on Haida<br />
Gwaii. We have now completed<br />
198 Christmas Bird Counts over 41<br />
years, the longest continuous stretch<br />
of winter records ever undertaken<br />
on Haida Gwaii. They will be an<br />
important reference in coming<br />
years. Without the participation of<br />
countless numbers of volunteers,<br />
it would never have been possible.<br />
Article and uncredited photos by Margo Hearne<br />
Overall, this year we counted 102<br />
species and 16,075 individual birds<br />
throughout the islands.<br />
Nee Kun Rose Spit<br />
The counts started at Rose Spit<br />
and what a brisk day it was. Waves<br />
pounded on shore and we were<br />
lucky to pick out 50 Sanderlings<br />
on the tide-line first thing; it wasn’t<br />
easy as they skittered through the<br />
foam and seaweed from the recent<br />
westerly winds. It seems as though<br />
it’s colder each December; the threeyear<br />
influence of La Nina might have<br />
something to do with it. Despite the<br />
wind, a cold, foggy gloom hung over<br />
land and sea. Visibility was limited<br />
and the small ducks far offshore<br />
were hard to identify, except for<br />
20 Black Scoters with their bright<br />
yellow bills. At Hl’Yaalan Galguusd<br />
Agate Beach and the Horseshoe<br />
it was even foggier and only four<br />
Black Turnstones poked among<br />
the rocks. We returned to Taaw<br />
Tlldaawee Tow Hill Beach where<br />
we upped the Sanderling count to<br />
239, added 50 Surf Scoters and three<br />
species of Loon: Pacific, Common<br />
and Red-throated. A surprising Hairy<br />
Woodpecker called from the forest<br />
behind us, nine Pacific Wrens were<br />
dotted throughout the designated<br />
route and one lonely Brown Creeper<br />
called from high in the trees. The<br />
foggy drizzle and reduced visibility<br />
finally got the better of us; we left<br />
the long, lonely beach before the sun<br />
went down.<br />
Total species: 35.<br />
Total individuals: 583.<br />
Gaw Tlagée Old Massett<br />
The tide was too high to walk<br />
the Sanctuary in the beginning,<br />
so the beach was the place to be.<br />
At Skonun Point, a flock of 1,730<br />
Harlequin Ducks<br />
Dunlin streamed over the intertidal<br />
against a backdrop of Tow Hill.<br />
Smaller flocks of Sanderlings and<br />
Black Turnstones fought the waves<br />
crashing ashore and distant diving<br />
ducks rose and fell in the swell. But it<br />
wasn’t until the photos were checked<br />
that we discovered one tiny Ancient<br />
Murrelet away offshore with Surf,<br />
Black and White-winged Scoters.<br />
Common, Pacific and one Yellowbilled<br />
Loon also fed out there and<br />
five tiny Horned Grebes mixed with<br />
the Common Goldeneyes. Back at<br />
Gaw Kaahlii Masset Inlet 18 Redbreasted<br />
Mergansers surfed the<br />
falling tide but the most amazing<br />
bird of the day caught Robert’s eye<br />
at Gaw Tlagée Old Massett. “It was<br />
blue,” he said. “And smaller than a<br />
robin.” It was, in fact, a Mountain<br />
Bluebird. They have been seen onisland<br />
before in December, but it’s<br />
the first one ever for the Greater<br />
Massett count. Another surprising<br />
find was a Wood Duck, bright and<br />
handsome among the scaup feeding<br />
in a local pond. A Canvasback duck<br />
also fed there; they are mostly seen<br />
in the prairie potholes so it was way<br />
out of range. A very unusual winter<br />
Sooty Grouse showed up and four<br />
Red-tailed Hawks made up for the<br />
lack of hawks island-wide. A tiny<br />
Ruby-crowned Kinglet and two<br />
Anna’s Hummingbirds completed<br />
the exotic streak.<br />
Total species: 84.<br />
Total individuals: 5,133.<br />
Wáan Kún/Gamadiis<br />
Llnagaay Port Clements<br />
There was snow everywhere and<br />
we had to maneuver around the<br />
snowploughs that worked to clear<br />
the village streets. It was seasonal<br />
but as the day warmed up, the lovely<br />
white snow began to melt, a low dark<br />
drizzle arrived and fog settled over<br />
the water. Visibility was about as bad<br />
as it gets but that didn’t deter the<br />
Red Crossbills overhead and the 27<br />
Trumpeter Swans feeding in Yakoun<br />
Sooty Grouse<br />
Wood Duck<br />
Mountain Bluebird - a rare visitor<br />
PC Lorrie Joron<br />
28 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 29
Estuary. The lovely swans are always<br />
a pleasure to see as their low trumpet<br />
call echoed over the quiet water. They<br />
fed with 193 Northern Pintail and 181<br />
American Wigeon. The big surprise<br />
was a flock of 66 Ring-necked Ducks<br />
that were startled out of the pond on<br />
the way to Kumdis Bay. It was one of<br />
the few places where there was open<br />
fresh water. You won’t find them in<br />
Brant geese<br />
many other places on island; the<br />
relative calm of Port Clements seems<br />
to attract them. Forest birds were<br />
few; the snow-covered trees along<br />
with a rising wind made for difficult<br />
conditions. However, two Brown<br />
Creepers, 10 Pacific Wrens and 30<br />
Golden-crowned Kinglets appeared.<br />
Fourteen European Collared Doves<br />
were the most seen island-wide.<br />
Their numbers have declined sharply<br />
since they arrived about fifteen years<br />
ago; they are easy prey for hawks.<br />
Twelve robins faded into the fog as<br />
the day drew to a close; they brought<br />
a bright end to an overcast day.<br />
Total species: 42.<br />
Total individuals: 2,822.<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit,<br />
Daajing Giids and<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Plans were made, people were<br />
organized and they all found<br />
birds. Even in the snow with the<br />
temperature at minus five. We are a<br />
hardy lot on Haida Gwaii. The birds<br />
were initially reluctant to show up<br />
except for a surprising Wilson’s<br />
Snipe perched in the middle of the<br />
snow-covered highway. Clearly,<br />
not its usual habitat. We shooed it<br />
towards the shoulder lest it be run<br />
over. Water coverage was from land<br />
except for the 20-minute trip aboard<br />
the “Kwuna” from where a single<br />
Marbled Murrelet was picked out<br />
from a bevy of Common Murres.<br />
Western Grebes were scant; over<br />
4,000 have been seen in Skidegate<br />
Inlet on previous counts but there<br />
were only eight this time around.<br />
We slogged through the snow to<br />
get to Kilkun Bay and found a nice<br />
flock of 170 Brant geese and those<br />
marvellous winter Mallards that<br />
ride the wild surf all winter. Two<br />
Hermit Thrushes that should have<br />
left in September braved the sharp<br />
northeast wind that swept over the<br />
spit. These lovely summer songsters<br />
usually winter in Mexico. There<br />
Daajing Giids to Skidegate and two<br />
Anna’s Hummingbirds came to a<br />
local feeder to prove that the cold<br />
hadn’t driven all the exotic birds<br />
away. Sparrow sightings included<br />
White-crowned, Golden-crowned<br />
and Savanna along with one Fox and<br />
seven Song Sparrows. Not bad.<br />
Total species: 74. Total<br />
individuals: 6,217.<br />
Tll.aal Tlell<br />
Our count in Tlell started on a sad<br />
note at Sitka Studios where we<br />
learned that their whole flock of<br />
chickens and some of their geese<br />
had died from Avian Flu in early<br />
December. Noel advised that anyone<br />
with chickens needs to be super<br />
cautious; keeping them in a run is<br />
no guarantee that they won’t get<br />
the virus. Whole colonies of birds<br />
in other countries were wiped out<br />
this winter; this flu has always been<br />
around but the recent outbreak is<br />
particularly virulent.<br />
Two Sandhill Cranes wintered over<br />
last year and four returned this<br />
year. They could be the original pair<br />
with chicks. We are not sure where<br />
these cranes are from; they could be<br />
Lesser Sandhill Cranes from Siberia<br />
or northern Alaska and they seem<br />
Two Anna’s<br />
Hummingbirds<br />
came to a local<br />
feeder to prove<br />
that the cold<br />
hadn’t driven all<br />
the exotic birds<br />
away.<br />
smaller than the island birds. It’s<br />
an interesting, unusual occurrence;<br />
cranes have never wintered here<br />
and the nesting pairs are usually all<br />
gone by early October. The count<br />
More on the Avian Influenza<br />
Signs of a sick bird:<br />
• lack of energy or movement<br />
• nervousness, tremors or lack of coordination<br />
• swelling around the head, neck and eyes<br />
• coughing, gasping for air or sneezing<br />
• diarrhea or<br />
• sudden death<br />
continued. We struggled through a<br />
howling gale at Misty Meadows for<br />
some ‘scratch birding’ as we didn’t<br />
think we’d find anything in the storm.<br />
However, 10 Black-bellied Plovers, 51<br />
Sanderlings and 36 Dunlin braved<br />
the weather to feed on the inter-tidal<br />
flats as the tide fell. It was hard to<br />
hear anything in the roaring forest<br />
but Martin’s keen ears picked up the<br />
sound of a Red-breasted Sapsucker<br />
tapping on a spruce. The southeast<br />
gale blasted Southeast Harbour but<br />
brought in a flock of Mew Gulls, a<br />
California and a Ring-billed Gull,<br />
the latter a first for the Tlell count.<br />
The wind eased in the afternoon and<br />
as daylight faded, a mixed flock of<br />
juncos, crossbills and chickadees<br />
took a bath in an upright skiff near<br />
the dunes. There had been lots of<br />
warning chatter from them until<br />
a Sharp-shinned Hawk that had<br />
hidden in the nearby trees took to<br />
wing. Then they all went quiet.<br />
Total species: 50.<br />
Total individuals: 1,320.<br />
Prevention protocols:<br />
• Do not touch or feed wild birds by hand.<br />
• Clean backyard bird feeders and baths regularly.<br />
• Separate domestic and wild birds.<br />
• Support bird habitat conservation on Haida Gwaii. Call<br />
the Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary @ 250-626-5015 for more<br />
information.<br />
Full list of protocols can be found at Canada.ca/Avian-flu. To report a sick or dead bird, call the<br />
provincial Wildlife Emergency Hotline @ 1-866-431-BIRD (2473).<br />
Song Sparrow<br />
was great waterfowl coverage from<br />
30 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 31
Appraisals, Market Analysis<br />
and Assessments<br />
What are the differences?<br />
By Tracey De Frane<br />
An appraisal is a professional opinion<br />
of the market value of a property<br />
ordered by a financial lender or<br />
homeowner. A Market Analysis is<br />
conducted by a Real Estate Agent and<br />
is called a Comparative Market Analysis<br />
or CMA. It determines the current<br />
market value of a property through<br />
comparative analysis of similar homes<br />
that have recently sold, usually within<br />
a 30-to-90-day time frame. A property<br />
assessment is the estimated value of a<br />
FOR SALE<br />
Buying on<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
is investing in a<br />
West Coast Lifestyle<br />
Tracey De Frane<br />
250-618-2434<br />
tracy.defrane@gmail.com<br />
sellinghaidaqwaii.com<br />
property determined by a government<br />
agency for the purposes of property<br />
taxation.<br />
In BC, property assessments are conducted<br />
annually by the BC Assessment<br />
Authority. The assessments are<br />
based on the property market values<br />
as of July 1st of the previous year, and<br />
the results are usually mailed to property<br />
owners in January of each year.<br />
The system used by the BC Assessment<br />
Authority to determine the value<br />
of a property in BC is a mass appraisal<br />
system, which considers various factors<br />
such as community location, size,<br />
age, and condition of the property, as<br />
well as recent sales of similar properties<br />
in the area. The BC Assessment<br />
Authority also considers any physical<br />
changes or improvements made<br />
to the property, such as additions or<br />
renovations, and market trends and<br />
conditions, when determining the<br />
value of a property.<br />
The BC Assessment Authority typically<br />
becomes aware of changes to a<br />
property through a combination of<br />
sources, including:<br />
• Property owner self-reporting:<br />
Property owners are required<br />
to report any changes to their<br />
properties to the BC Assessment<br />
Authority.<br />
• Municipal and government<br />
data: The Authority may<br />
receive information from<br />
municipalities and government<br />
agencies, such as building<br />
permits and property<br />
transfer records.<br />
• On-site inspections: The<br />
Authority may conduct on-site<br />
inspections of properties to<br />
verify the information on file<br />
and ensure that the property<br />
is being assessed accurately.<br />
• Aerial imagery and data analytics:<br />
The Authority uses<br />
aerial imagery and data analytics<br />
to detect changes to<br />
properties, such as new construction<br />
or additions.<br />
Overall, the BC Assessment Authority<br />
uses a combination of data sources<br />
to keep property assessment records<br />
up-to-date and ensure that properties<br />
are assessed accurately and fairly.<br />
If you have concerns about your property<br />
assessment, you can contact the<br />
BC Assessment Authority and request<br />
a review of your assessment. The<br />
Authority will review your concerns<br />
and may adjust your assessment if it<br />
is found to be inaccurate. With any<br />
government agency, you will have to<br />
produce photos and documents which<br />
prove the inaccuracy.<br />
If you successfully dispute your BC<br />
property assessment and the value<br />
is adjusted, it will likely result in a<br />
change to your property taxes. If the<br />
assessment is lowered, your property<br />
taxes will likely decrease, while if the<br />
assessment is increased, your property<br />
taxes will likely increase.<br />
It is important to note that the outcome<br />
of a dispute of a property assessment<br />
does not necessarily reflect the<br />
market value of your property, but<br />
rather the estimated value used for<br />
tax purposes by the BC Assessment<br />
Authority. The market value of your<br />
property may still be different from the<br />
assessed value. Many buyers and sellers<br />
make the mistake of believing the<br />
assessed value is the market value and<br />
you will notice some gross inconsistencies<br />
in what a property is assessed<br />
at and what it actually sold for.<br />
A real estate agent typically determines<br />
the market value of a property<br />
by analyzing recent sales of similar<br />
properties in the area, considering<br />
factors such as location, size, age, and<br />
condition of the property, and taking<br />
into account any physical changes or<br />
improvements made to the property<br />
with or without permits (another topic<br />
coming soon). The real estate agent<br />
may also provide recommendations<br />
for improving the value of the property,<br />
if necessary and how to get your<br />
property ready for listing.<br />
The real estate agent will also consider<br />
market trends and conditions,<br />
such as supply and demand, interest<br />
rates, and the current state of the local<br />
economy. Additionally, the real estate<br />
agent may consider factors such as the<br />
views, vista, and natural features of<br />
the property, as well as the quality of<br />
nearby amenities and services.<br />
The real estate agent will use this<br />
information to arrive at a market value<br />
estimate for the property, which is<br />
intended to provide a reasonable estimated<br />
range of what the property is<br />
likely to sell for in today’s market. It’s<br />
important to note that a market value<br />
estimate is not an appraisal and is<br />
not intended to be a formal, binding<br />
estimate of value.<br />
An appraisal in BC is conducted by<br />
a licensed appraiser, who is professionally<br />
trained for the purposes of<br />
determining the market value of the<br />
property normally for a financial<br />
lender if a mortgage or loan is needed<br />
to purchase or improve the property.<br />
A homeowner can also hire an<br />
appraiser for independent purposes.<br />
The appraiser will consider various<br />
factors, similar to the market analysis.<br />
The final report from the appraiser<br />
will include a detailed description of<br />
the property, an analysis of the market<br />
and the factors affecting value, and an<br />
estimate of the market value of the<br />
property. The appraisal may come in<br />
lower than the market analysis that a<br />
Real Estate Professional conducted.<br />
Free Market<br />
Analysis<br />
• If you are thinking of<br />
selling your home, you can<br />
contact Tracey De Frane<br />
for a free market analysis.<br />
• Visit her website<br />
sellinghaidagwaii.com<br />
or Facebook page www.<br />
facebook.com/groups/<br />
haidagwaiirealestate/ and<br />
send Tracey a private message.<br />
FOR SALE<br />
32 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 33
Through the Eyes<br />
of a Senior<br />
Back from the Brink<br />
Memoir and Illustration by Manzanita Snow<br />
Manzanita suffered a stroke in June 2021 and went through an arduous rehabilitation, a series of challenging ups<br />
and downs. This is the closing chapter of her story.<br />
I extend a thin, unwilling arm to the nurse so she can attach me to the dripping jaws of the drug dispenser. I am<br />
back in hospital after a six-week stint in the Prince George rehab. I was hale and hearty then, released to a new life<br />
at home. A week later I’m starving but I can’t eat solids - only guzzle that awful drink given to seniors to up their<br />
nutrition that should be appetizing but isn’t. And to make matters worse, I’ve developed a rollicking case of septic<br />
infection - often a killer.<br />
The new drugs stage a revolt in my veins. My doctor looks down on me unsmiling. He’s usually cheerful and upbeat<br />
– but not today. He tells me I have no immune system left and no white blood cells.<br />
That night I sink myself down in my bed and resign myself to a Higher Power. I call it “over.” I’m not afraid to die.<br />
I’ve been through so much. Normally I’m full of fight. But I have no fight left.<br />
However, at death’s door, there’s a sudden turn-around. The next morning, the doctor comes dancing in waving his<br />
arms. “You’re back,” he beams, “all back, and you’re going home!”<br />
He tells me he’s read my blood again and to his astonishment, my white blood cells are back, and so is my immune<br />
system. There’s no clear explanation. The only word that comes to mind is “miracle.”<br />
Who can say what happened? Even though I had surrendered to the possible demise of my body, I think I still wanted<br />
to live. Maybe it was simply a matter of Faith. I guess that despite my surrender, I never really lost it. Anyone who<br />
has ever been in a crisis knows what I’m talking about. Many people who have no Faith find it in a time of crisis. I<br />
guess that’s what happened to me.<br />
Springtime is coming fast. We have<br />
been able to take walks, bike rides<br />
and play in the park after dinner now<br />
with the boys and it has been great.<br />
This spring we will be planting seeds<br />
and gardening now that the boys are<br />
interested. I’m finding hobbies we can<br />
do together and I can’t wait to spend<br />
quality time teaching, learning and<br />
chatting with my boys.<br />
Carter (five years old): “No singing<br />
in my bed.”<br />
Me: “Why?”<br />
C: “Because I don’t like it and if you do<br />
it again, I’ll kick you out of my room.<br />
I’m allergic to music, but only in bed.”<br />
C: “Mom, the upside over thumbs up<br />
means you’re bad, but the right side<br />
over thumbs up means you’re good.”<br />
Carter refers to Sour Patch Kids candies<br />
as Sour Humans.<br />
C: “Mom, has it been eight minutes<br />
yet?”<br />
M: “It’s actually been 10 minutes.”<br />
C: “What?! Why did you go past? Ok,<br />
well now we are going to have to start<br />
over. Way to go.”<br />
Carter: “Ugh! I don’t know how to<br />
stop breathing the slobber out of my<br />
nose. It keeps coming out!”<br />
M: “Wow Carter! You’re really good<br />
at this game.”<br />
C: “Yah I know, it’s because I’m awesome.”<br />
C: “Mom, is there school tomorrow?”<br />
M: “No.”<br />
C: “Is there school the next tomorrow?”<br />
M: “Carter, why are you letting the<br />
Kid's Musings<br />
The World According to Carter & Connor<br />
Article and Photos by Jasmine Beachy<br />
girls tell you what to do?”<br />
C: “I dunno, I’m just always going to<br />
let girls control me.”<br />
Carter: “Connor! Why did you scratch<br />
me? Now my skin is peeling!”<br />
Connor (three years old): “I didn’t,<br />
Pine Cone Cahyah.”<br />
Carter: “Yes you did! Now I’m peeling<br />
and you’ve wasted my skin!”<br />
Connor: “Ha ha Cahyah!”<br />
M: “Carter, stop taking my water<br />
glasses! You can’t keep drinking everyone’s<br />
drinks, that’s how you get sick.”<br />
C: “But mom, you don’t have any<br />
germs.”<br />
M: “Carter, can you please scratch<br />
my back?”<br />
C: “No. When we get home and I’m<br />
done playing with the Nerf Guns, I’ll<br />
probably scratch your back.”<br />
C: “Come on Mom! We are going to<br />
French!”<br />
M: “Where?”<br />
C: “To French, you know, at the pub.”<br />
M: “Oh! Brunch.”<br />
C: “Yah, that. Let’s go.”<br />
M: “Connor, you can’t eat that yogurt<br />
in the bedroom.”<br />
Connor: “No mom, my tummy is in<br />
here.”<br />
M: “Then your tummy can go in the<br />
kitchen and eat there.”<br />
Connor: “Ugh! Fine!”<br />
Carter lost his wiggly tooth I mentioned<br />
in the last magazine. He swallowed<br />
it though, of course! He lost a<br />
second tooth at home with me; I cried,<br />
he fainted. He was ok! The milestones<br />
are so exciting to witness but it’s also<br />
so bittersweet. My babies are growing<br />
up so fast and so I try to document as<br />
much as I can. If you have any funny<br />
children’s stories to share, send them<br />
to Shellene at HG Trader at info@<br />
haidagwaiitrader.com.<br />
Junior chefs Carter<br />
(Back) and Connor<br />
Carter (L) Jasmine<br />
and Connor<br />
34 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 35
Conservation After Covid<br />
Wildlife Monitoring<br />
New initiatives to track the movement<br />
of birds and whales on and around<br />
Haida Gwaii, using the latest in high<br />
technology, have been undertaken by<br />
the Gawga Kwaan Gawga kaaganda<br />
gud ad is Laskeek Bay Conservation<br />
Society (LBCS), a non-profit conservation<br />
and education organization.<br />
Submitted by Laskeek Bay Conservation Society<br />
From its field station on East Limestone<br />
Island, the LBCS has, for the last<br />
33 years, given hundreds of volunteers<br />
and students the opportunity to learn<br />
about the natural environment. Its<br />
area of study lies within the K’uuna<br />
Gwaay Haida Heritage Site/Conservancy<br />
which is formally protected<br />
by both the Haida Nation and the<br />
province. It was founded by a group<br />
of Haida Gwaii residents and Dr.<br />
Anthony Gaston, a seabird scientist<br />
with the Canadian Wildlife Service,<br />
Lately, the society has done<br />
ground-breaking work in three areas:<br />
• New night-time cameras allow<br />
the monitoring of the Ancient<br />
Murrelet colony on East Limestone<br />
Island without having<br />
to conduct overnight watches<br />
in person. The remote cameras<br />
record chick movements<br />
as they emerge from their<br />
burrows and run through the<br />
dark forest down to the sea, to<br />
re-unite with their parents in<br />
the waters around the island.<br />
• The use of “smart nest-box<br />
technology” in the LBCS collection<br />
of Pigeon Guillemot<br />
nest boxes. Solar-powered<br />
video cameras record Pigeon<br />
Guillemot nesting activity<br />
within the nest box colony,<br />
capturing parent birds as they<br />
lay, incubate and hatch their<br />
Nest boxes<br />
PC Andrew Jacobs<br />
eggs. They also monitor what<br />
the parents feed the chicks,<br />
how long the chicks stay in<br />
the nest box, and the early life<br />
cycle of this seabird with the<br />
distinctive bright red feet.<br />
• The expansion of its cetacean<br />
monitoring program. LBCS<br />
has received funding from the<br />
Department of Fisheries and<br />
Oceans to expand its monitoring<br />
of killer whales, humpbacks,<br />
other cetaceans and sea<br />
lions in the Laskeek Bay area.<br />
Coincidently, the society’s<br />
humpback whale data matches<br />
two individuals on the Happywhale<br />
website at happywhale.<br />
com/user/15619 - humpbacks<br />
sighted in Alaskan waters and<br />
off the southwest coast of Vancouver<br />
Island. One of the latter<br />
humpbacks was recently<br />
sighted in Hawaii.<br />
The society believes its work will<br />
lead to greater understanding of the<br />
dynamic interactions between ocean<br />
and forest. The vision grew into an<br />
opportunity to involve local people,<br />
school groups and off-island volunteers<br />
in citizen science. LBCS activities<br />
continue to grow and expand. It<br />
Pigeon Guillemots<br />
PC Andrew Jacobs<br />
Killer whale photographed from a land-based observation blind<br />
PC Andrew Jacobs<br />
offers programs in local schools, produces<br />
annual newsletters, books and<br />
research papers, and hosts internships<br />
via post-secondary institutions.<br />
During the last three years of uncertainty<br />
due to the global pandemic,<br />
LBCS was able to maintain its research<br />
programs by operating a limited field<br />
season. It met local and provincial<br />
health and safety guidelines. School<br />
groups and general volunteers were<br />
not able to participate in LBCS activities,<br />
but the society is now ready to<br />
welcome people back to East Limestone<br />
Island for the upcoming <strong>2023</strong><br />
field season.<br />
Interested in<br />
Volunteering?<br />
During the May-July field season<br />
each year, small groups of<br />
volunteers and school groups<br />
are invited to make the journey<br />
to East Limestone Island to<br />
assist our biologists with their<br />
research. Volunteers camp at our<br />
field station for one week at a<br />
time, helping with all field camp<br />
operations. School groups come<br />
and tour the island and participate<br />
in whatever the biologists<br />
are doing that day. Other groups<br />
may also visit East Limestone,<br />
coming via local charters and<br />
tour operators.<br />
Sound interesting? If so, please<br />
visit our website www.laskeekbay.org<br />
to apply for one week<br />
time slots throughout the <strong>2023</strong><br />
field season. Volunteers must be<br />
able to climb in and out of boats<br />
on rocky shores and be comfortable<br />
living in tents in a remote<br />
field camp setting.<br />
36 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 37
Puzzle Page<br />
Boats on the Water<br />
By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />
Horoscopes for <strong>March</strong> & <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
By Monica Caulfield<br />
Aboard<br />
After<br />
Beam<br />
Below<br />
Boat<br />
Bow<br />
Bulwark<br />
Davits<br />
Deck<br />
Fall<br />
Gangway<br />
Gunnel<br />
Gunwale<br />
Halibut<br />
BONUS<br />
Head<br />
Ladder<br />
Maude<br />
Island<br />
Mess<br />
Port<br />
SOS<br />
Unscramble the unused letters to<br />
answer this clue?<br />
A popular collector’s item<br />
Stack<br />
Steward<br />
Thwart<br />
Topside<br />
Westcoast<br />
Wings<br />
Answer key can be found after the<br />
Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.<br />
Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) Try to get quiet enough, dearest<br />
Aries, to hear all the chatter in your head. Not an easy pursuit<br />
for you, but something worth striving for. When you do<br />
this, you’ll see that it is much easier to see the path that you<br />
should take. Keywords: advice, inform, and network.<br />
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) When you reflect on your past<br />
life, dearest Taurus, you may see things you misunderstood.<br />
Now you know what gifts those challenges were and how you<br />
can use them for your added benefit of wisdom. Be kind to<br />
yourself and unwind. Keywords: insist, unravel, and live-free.<br />
Gemini (May 20 – June 20) You’re seeing your mission in<br />
life in a new light, dearest Gemini. You’ve come to a time<br />
that’s for reflection and new insights based on your personal<br />
experiences. A new day is dawning, and it’s good to be up<br />
early to enjoy it. Keywords: ponder, consider, and dream.<br />
Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Do you see that those pesky<br />
issues seem to be coming to a head, dearest Cancer? And I<br />
mean this in the best possible way. The sooner they peak, the<br />
sooner you will find yourself completing the most important<br />
lesson. Then you can relax and rejuvenate into a new and<br />
improved person with ease. Keywords: revitalize, restore, and<br />
renew.<br />
Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) It’s surprising how much adventurous<br />
spirit is in the air, dearest Leo. Please take what you<br />
learn about other cultures and attitudes and run with it. This<br />
is a time for significant breakthroughs and perceived luck.<br />
So stay calm but stay awake to opportunities coming your<br />
way. Keywords: serendipity, triumph, and goals.<br />
Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Some relationships need to be<br />
re-looked at, dearest Virgo. And not with a fine-toothed<br />
comb but more with a broad-brush stroke. No need to pick<br />
it down to the bone. How can you enhance the relationships<br />
that are already pretty good but could significantly<br />
improve with minimal determination and a whole lot of love?<br />
Keywords: convey, connect, and reach out.<br />
Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) You derive a lot of benefit in service<br />
to others, dearest Libra. You are already an expert in the field<br />
of compromise. You are getting ready to role model how it<br />
looks to balance what others need with what you need. It’s<br />
not selfish to have your needs met too. In fact, it’s vital to<br />
your health and happiness. Keywords: robust, stamina, and<br />
well-being.<br />
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) It’s quite the feat, dearest Scorpio,<br />
to experience life to the fullest. And now is the time to do<br />
it. It’s okay to lighten up your load a little and allow yourself<br />
to enjoy the life choices you’ve made along the way. Be<br />
honest with your words but also kind. You can see the new<br />
opportunities bouncing down the street. Play with them.<br />
Keywords: fortune, moment, and hope.<br />
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) Going within to feel your<br />
inner desires and beliefs, dearest Sagittarius, is where it’s<br />
at. You have the courage, initiative, and experience to process<br />
whatever may come up. So I want to say the Star Trek<br />
meme to you: Boldly go where no person has gone before.<br />
Keywords: determination, fearless, and daring.<br />
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Take another look at your<br />
past life, dearest Capricorn, to squeeze out any last-minute<br />
life lessons. When you re-visit some experiences, you might<br />
see they can build your self-confidence. You did the best<br />
that you could because you always do your best. But you<br />
might need to find this out on your own. Keywords: tenacity,<br />
backbone, and grit.<br />
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) It’s like you are having an inauguration,<br />
dearest Aquarius. You are here to debut the new<br />
you. So what does this new you do and look like? These are<br />
the questions you should start asking yourself. Surprising<br />
answers may be on the tip of your tongue if you just listen<br />
to yourself. Keywords: launch, lift-off, and propel.<br />
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) Rise and shine, dearest Pisces,<br />
and I do mean it literally. A new day and way are upon<br />
you; you just need a little push. What might you observe<br />
on the horizon, not quite close enough to touch but certainly<br />
close enough to see? Initiate your desires as you see fit.<br />
Keywords: set-in-motion, influence, and motivate.<br />
38 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 39
Supporting<br />
local makers<br />
Beautiful clothes<br />
for beautiful<br />
women!<br />
Exclusively made<br />
in Canada<br />
Size Inclusive<br />
XS to 3X<br />
Slow Fashion<br />
Sustainable Fabrics<br />
32 Cow Bay Rd<br />
Prince Rupert<br />
250-922-4342<br />
lazycatcloset.ca<br />
Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com,<br />
click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />
way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />
noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />
issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />
services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />
In the Home & Office<br />
Glass Tabletop. 30” x 30” with etched<br />
hummingbirds and butterflies in the corners.<br />
I’d like to get $50 but would prefer to trade<br />
somebody for a handmade set of 4 table legs<br />
to compliment a wood slab tabletop. Call<br />
George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@<br />
qcislands.net<br />
Video Security System. New.<br />
4 cameras, see photos on <strong>HGT</strong><br />
website for all features. $150<br />
Call Daniel at (416) 732-0157 or<br />
email Danielkolpatzik@gmail.<br />
com<br />
Smart Hub MF279T. Get the<br />
Internet from your cell tower<br />
with this ZTE Smart Hub. $240<br />
from TELUS Asking $100. Call<br />
George at 559-7899 or email<br />
grstein@qcislands.net<br />
Panasonic TV. 43in Works awesome. $400<br />
Darlene (250)640-4365 or emailbondd06@<br />
hotmail.com<br />
Elegant Pedestal Platter. Fine<br />
lead crystal pedestal platter.<br />
$15 Regina at (250) 626-9009 or<br />
email scouttsy@gmail.com<br />
Coffee Maker. Copo stove top<br />
percolator $10 Call Regina Williams<br />
at (250) 626-9009 or email<br />
scouttsy@gmail.com<br />
George Foreman Electric<br />
Grill. Family size $55 Call Regina<br />
at (250) 626-9009 or email<br />
scouttsy@gmail.com<br />
Hand Tailored Dress. About a<br />
medium $25 Call Toni at (250)<br />
626-5472 or email tintintooni@<br />
gmail.com<br />
12v Power Supply. 4ch 5amp<br />
12vdc power supply. $20 Call<br />
Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email<br />
tintintooni@gmail.com<br />
Pet Carrier. Small animal soft carrying case.<br />
17.5in x 17.5in. New condition. Used once.<br />
$50 firm. Call LaVerne at 250-559-4637or<br />
email pescador@live.ca<br />
Antique Forged Hangers. Mid-19th Century<br />
industrial hangers for hats and coats.<br />
We use them for our wet gear, rope, walking<br />
sticks. Could be rod holders. Can be mounted<br />
on wooden dowl or iron pipe. $15 Call Bill at<br />
(604) 989-2364 or email bbeamish1@hotmail.<br />
com<br />
Digital Video Recorder.<br />
Excellent condition. Tivo Series<br />
2 SDOC-00102-001. $100 Call<br />
Daniel at (416) 732-0157 or<br />
email danielkolpatzik@gmail.<br />
com<br />
Pyrex Set. 5-piece Pyrex set<br />
casserole x3, pie plate, measuring<br />
cup $25 Call Regina Williams<br />
at (250) 626-9009 or email<br />
scouttsy@gmail.com<br />
Programmable Thermostat.<br />
New. Honeywell RTH221B $50<br />
Call Daniel at (416) 732-0157 or<br />
email danielkolpatzik@gmail.<br />
com<br />
Plug-in Thermostat. Great for<br />
electric heaters and heating panels.<br />
Shuts off when desired room<br />
temperature is reached. New.<br />
$30 Call Daniel at (416) 732-<br />
0157 or email danielkolpatzik@gmail.com<br />
Down-Filled Hooded Jacket.<br />
Designed for duck hunting.<br />
Game pouch that folds out for<br />
sitting on. Size 44 $75 Call Marla<br />
at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net<br />
220V Surge/Voltage Protector.<br />
BSEED. US/SPAIN plug,<br />
power suppressor for refrigerator/water<br />
heater/oven, 4400w<br />
20amp (2 PACK). These units<br />
have the 220V input, but the output plug is<br />
for a 120V wall socket. Paid $60.40 US plus<br />
shipping. $50 Call Shellene at (250) 626-7758<br />
or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
In the Yard & Workshop<br />
Tennis Rackets. Wilson TX 25<br />
MID (High Beam Series) tennis<br />
rackets - used once or twice. $50<br />
each or both for $90. Marla at<br />
(250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net<br />
100A Underground Tec Cable<br />
&Fittings. NEW 40 feet (12m)<br />
$175 Call/Text John at (250)<br />
637-1100 or email john@amsltd.<br />
ca<br />
Caulk Boots. Dayton caulk<br />
boots with caulk wrench and<br />
extra caulks; size 10 1/2. $50<br />
($400-$500 new). Call Graham<br />
at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net<br />
Chelsea PTO. New, never<br />
mounted. Mounts on side of<br />
transmission. Comes with all<br />
mounting hardware and controls.<br />
$400 Call Dave at (250)<br />
637-1454 or email drellis@qcislands.net<br />
Best Place to Pick Up Chicks.<br />
It’s Time to Think Chicks. Have<br />
your order in by <strong>March</strong> 10th<br />
for pick up <strong>April</strong> 14 th . Order by<br />
<strong>March</strong> 31 for pick up May 5 th .<br />
Order by May 19th for pick up June 23. Call<br />
Ranch Feeds @ 250-557-4276. Have look at<br />
the catalogue in store. Call Leslie at (250) 557-<br />
4348 or email rfeeds@qcislands.net<br />
Stick and Sand. $10 for both<br />
Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or<br />
email tintintooni@gmail.com<br />
Deep Skillet. Family sized<br />
6-quart electric deep skillet. $40<br />
Call Regina at (250) 626-9009 or<br />
email scouttsy@gmail.com<br />
Buffet Server. 3 station<br />
stainless steel buffet server and<br />
warming tray $50 Call Regina<br />
at (250) 626-9009 or email<br />
scouttsy@gmail.com<br />
Coffee Maker. Black & Decker<br />
12 cup programable coffee<br />
maker in white $25 Call Regina<br />
at (250) 626-9009 or email<br />
scouttsy@gmail.com<br />
Body Pillow Cover. New,<br />
never used. 20” x 53”. dinosaur<br />
pattern. $15 Call Toni at (250)<br />
626-5472 or email tintintooni@<br />
gmail.com<br />
Knee Brace. Patella sleeve.<br />
Never used. Medium. 14”-15”<br />
measurement knee with leg extended<br />
$25 Call Daniel at (416)<br />
732-0157 or email danielkolpatzik@gmail.com<br />
Garment Rack. Rubbermaid<br />
basic garment rack $15 Call Regina<br />
at (250) 626-9009 or email<br />
scouttsy@gmail.com<br />
iPad Cover. Targus universal<br />
cover for various sized iPads<br />
with adjustable corners. Like<br />
new, paid $45 from The Source<br />
$20 Call George at (250) 559-<br />
7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net<br />
Plastic Shredder Mechanism.<br />
Needs stand, motor, hopper.<br />
Comes with 50 to 1 reduction<br />
gear. $300 Call Craig at (250)<br />
559-7735 or email CraigXC@<br />
post.com<br />
3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />
40 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 41
Haida Gwaii<br />
Auto Inc.<br />
Dealer #50179<br />
2014 Chevrolet Trax<br />
124,500km/Stk#0017 $16,995<br />
2015 Ford Fiesta<br />
64,000km/Stk#0007 $12,995<br />
SOLD<br />
2016 Dodge Ram 1500<br />
125,500km/Stk#0021<br />
2018 Toyota Corolla<br />
61,800km/Stk#6253 $19,995<br />
“No reasonable offer<br />
refused!”<br />
250-559-4641<br />
605 Ocean View Dr.<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
bill@hgauto.ca<br />
40 KW 3-Phase Gen Set. This<br />
unit is trailer mounted and is<br />
wired for 3-phase, 220 and 110<br />
with breaker box. It has 760<br />
hours on it $11,500 Call Dave at<br />
(250) 637-1454 or email drellis@qcislands.net<br />
ABS Piping/Connections<br />
($575 new). 7x 12ft x 1 1/2”<br />
(black) 2 x 12f x 4” (white) 2<br />
boxes of connectors (black) I’m<br />
assuming $240 for the pipes and<br />
$140 for both boxes of connectors/glue/brackets.<br />
More details of the connectors available<br />
on request. Willing to split. New prices: 54<br />
connectors @ $4.50 each = $243 box of glue<br />
= $8 7 pieces of 1 1/2” piping @ $22 each =<br />
$154 2 pieces of 4” piping @ $85 each = $170<br />
Total = $575. Price: $380 Call Paul at (250)<br />
984-8916. or email hgtads@runbox.com<br />
On the Road<br />
Two Bike Mounts. For transporting your<br />
bike in the back of a truck. Bolt the fork<br />
mount to a cross piece secured to the truck<br />
box. Remove the front wheel and lock the<br />
forks into the fork mount. Holds the bike<br />
upright. $20. (Sorry, won’t split them up) Call<br />
George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@<br />
qcislands.net<br />
2008 Chrysler 300 - Touring<br />
Model. Go cruising in style<br />
with this classic! Runs well and<br />
it recently passed a commercial<br />
vehicle (taxi) inspection. Asking<br />
$5000. Phone Bob at 250-637-1168 for details<br />
or email stratton@haidagwaii.net<br />
HJC M/C Helmet. FG-2 DOT<br />
approved. Zip out neck liner<br />
Size 7 3/6 - 7 5/8 Good condition,<br />
some minor scratches. $50<br />
Call George at (250) 559-7899 or<br />
email grstein@telus.net<br />
Quad Trailer. Aluminum Quad trailer with<br />
cover. 2 walking axles. $2,000 Call Gord at<br />
(250) 637-5755 or email patngord2@icloud.<br />
com<br />
‘99/’01 Toyota Tacomas Pkg<br />
Deal. 1999 automatic transmission<br />
approx. 230,000 km,<br />
3.4L engine, rotten frame but<br />
good power train and lotsa extra<br />
parts: custom bumpers, c/w winch, newish<br />
ball joints/suspension/lift kit. 2001 standard<br />
transmission, daily driver, similar km,<br />
3.4L engine, extra wheels/tires, canopy/box<br />
liner. Mechanic warrior to build best of both<br />
into one and have spare everything! $10,000<br />
Call Greg at (250) 557-2456 or email gmorris.5707@gmail.com<br />
BakFlip Tonneau Cover. Fits<br />
Ford F150 2015-2022 / 5,5ft/66”<br />
Bed G2 Model Hard Aluminum<br />
Core Tri Fold Tonneau Cover<br />
-Black. Off my 2020 F150 Lariat.<br />
$800 Call John at (250) 637-1100 or email<br />
john@amsltd.ca<br />
5.4L Trition V8. Engine out of 98 F250. It<br />
was running but still needs some tuning. It<br />
had fuel supply issues. Has new spark plugs<br />
and most of the coils are new. I was told it had<br />
less than 200,000kms but the frame rotted out<br />
of the pickup. $200 Call Ron at (250) 637-2401<br />
or email rwaldron@qcislands.net<br />
1975 Harley, 1967 Triumph Tiger and a<br />
few more toys. Day time calls only please.<br />
Call Lindsey at (778) 260-4733 or email info@<br />
haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
On the Water<br />
New 1000W Inverter. In the<br />
box with instructions. Industrial<br />
Grade 1000w Continuous/ Peak<br />
2000 DC/AC Inverter. $100 Call/<br />
Text John at (250) 637-1100 or<br />
email john@amsltd.ca<br />
2014 Shorelande 16.5’ Boat Trailer. The<br />
trailer is in good shape but has some rust.<br />
$300 obo. Call/text Kyle at (778) 878-8869 or<br />
email hireenkyle@gmail.com<br />
“<br />
“Thank you for your gorgeous magazine which<br />
also happens to be relevant! And interesting!<br />
Lynda Dixon<br />
Maude Island Farms, Daajing Giids<br />
Receive up to<br />
*<br />
$150<br />
when you sign up for<br />
a new credit card!<br />
*Visit our website for Terms and Conditions<br />
Akko Chan, 41ft Fibreglass<br />
Freezer Troller. Price reduced<br />
to $130,000 from $180,000 Very<br />
clean, well-maintained. Brand<br />
new John Deere 240hp engine<br />
installed 2017, new twin disc gear, new<br />
exhaust, and tail shaft; lots of fishing gear<br />
included. Packs 600 gallons of fuel. More information<br />
can be found at https://akkochan.<br />
northernrogue.ca/ This vessel is ready to fish.<br />
Call Colin at (250) 559-4637 or email info@<br />
haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Clam Digger. Handle is 28”<br />
long. $40 Call Toni at (250)<br />
626-5472 or email tintintooni@<br />
gmail.com<br />
17ft Malibu 162. Very good<br />
condition. Comes with a 90hp<br />
Mercury 2 stroke outboard (serviced<br />
in the fall) in top running<br />
condition and a new (less than<br />
10hrs) 4hpYamaha kicker. Comes with full<br />
towing and sun cover, downrigger, Lorwance<br />
GPS and a Calkins galvanized trailer with<br />
new tires. More pictures available on request.<br />
Boat sold as a package only, no parting out.<br />
$9,000 Call Martin at (250) 637-5606 or email<br />
ma-trucking@hotmail.com<br />
Racor/Parker Fuel Filter<br />
Water Separator S3228SUL.<br />
This Racor/Parker 2-micron fuel<br />
filter/ water separator fits Racor<br />
filter housings with a metal collection<br />
bowl. The top thread is about 1”, and<br />
the bottom thread is about 3 1/8”. Comes with<br />
gasket & O-ring. Brand new in sealed package.<br />
Several available. $25 Call Jack at (250)<br />
626-3436 or email sales@tostaba.com<br />
Spark Plugs for Sale. NGK<br />
BU8H spark plugs are used in<br />
outboard motors. I have 2 boxes<br />
of 10 spark plugs per box. $100<br />
if you purchase both boxes. Call<br />
Harold at (250) 626-3305 or email hkmackay@telus.net<br />
Volva Penta 151A Marine<br />
Engine Parts. This is a reconditioned<br />
Volvo Penta151A cylinder<br />
head for sale. $600 Call Harold<br />
1988 Century Fibreglass<br />
Boat. With a 5 litre Mercruiser<br />
inboard with a Brovo 3 leg.<br />
Comes with heavy duty trailer,<br />
vhf & dragonfly-7 pro sonar/gps<br />
$12,000 Call Tubby at (250) 626-9110 or email<br />
adam__davis@hotmail.com<br />
42 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 43
Sarah Barnhardt<br />
Licensed Realtor<br />
Longtime Haida<br />
Gwaii resident<br />
Serving all<br />
island communities<br />
Call me!<br />
Prince<br />
Rupert<br />
250.922.5409<br />
sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />
519 3rd Avenue West,<br />
Prince Rupert<br />
Real Estate & Rentals<br />
Masset Bike Shop - Great<br />
opportunity to run your own<br />
business without “breaking the<br />
bank.” Tremendous potential for<br />
bike sales and service along with<br />
other sports equipment. Building is in great<br />
shape on 2 lots and room for small living quarters.<br />
The business is in the heart of Masset and<br />
close to the airport offering daily service to the<br />
mainland. Call John at 250 218 9776 for more<br />
info. Price $279,500 email johnismay2014@<br />
gmail.com<br />
3/4 Acre Fully Serviced Lot<br />
- Port Clements. Fully serviced<br />
lot in the heart of Port Clements<br />
with subdivision potential, includes<br />
holiday trailer and small<br />
building with panel and washer/dryer. Offered<br />
at $198,000 Call John Ismay 250-218-9776 or<br />
email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
3/4 Acre View Lot - Daajing<br />
Giids. Incredible view lot just<br />
above the new hospital. Offered<br />
for sale at $215,000 Call John<br />
Ismay 250-218-9776 or email<br />
johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
Bloom and Shoe - Masset. Free<br />
standing commercial building in<br />
the heart of Masset. Bring your<br />
ideas. Building and 2 lots Priced<br />
$249,500 Call 250-218-9776 or<br />
email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
Open House! Sat <strong>April</strong> 29<br />
11am-1pm 3 Br 3 Ba - Daajing<br />
Giids. Reduced to $699,900 and<br />
soon to have a new metal roof.<br />
This home is designed to capture<br />
the light and stunning views of Bearskin Bay<br />
from almost every window. The grand living<br />
room is lined with Port Orford cedar paneled<br />
walls with an impressive fireplace as the<br />
centrepiece. There are opportunities to have<br />
a home business; a bright high ceiling workshop<br />
is perfect for an artisan. Your family will<br />
enjoy great outdoor play space, with a fire pit<br />
with ocean views as well. Call 250-618-2434 or<br />
email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />
1828 Alder Cres – Masset. Totally<br />
renovated 3 beds, 2 baths, half<br />
duplex with new heat pump.<br />
Ready to enjoy! Price $297,500<br />
Call 250-218-9776 or email<br />
johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
Open House! Sun <strong>April</strong> 30 12-<br />
3pm Mortgage Helper - Daajing<br />
Giids. REDUCED to $939,900.<br />
Two 3-bedroom houses on a<br />
private 3 acres. The primary<br />
house has panoramic ocean views with southern<br />
exposure. The open concept living, grand<br />
centrepiece wood fireplace, skylights, and<br />
tall ceilings give this home a sense of bright<br />
spaciousness. In your primary bedroom, walk<br />
out to your private patio and relax watching<br />
the sun setting from the soothing hot tub. Call<br />
250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.<br />
com<br />
Open House! Sat. <strong>April</strong> 29<br />
3-5pm Perfect House for Fishing<br />
Charter Business – Sandspit.<br />
REDUCED from $774,900 to<br />
$684,900. This home is perfect<br />
It’s close to the boat launch, a huge workshop<br />
to store a large fishing boat on a trailer, room<br />
for your truck and RV plus there is a kitchen<br />
designed just for cleaning your catch at the<br />
end of the day. This home is across the street<br />
from the ocean shoreline. Paddle board, kayak,<br />
or swim practically right outside your front<br />
door. You will never lose your spectacular panoramic<br />
ocean view. Enjoy entertaining guests<br />
from your wrap around deck in the glow of a<br />
sunset, the perfect setting for that coastal ambiance.<br />
On the main floor is the large kitchen,<br />
living room, family room, a cozy woodstove,<br />
air-conditioning/heat pump, and guest bathroom.<br />
The second floor has 2 large bedrooms<br />
and a full bath. The perfect family or vacation<br />
home with the airport and golf resort only 5<br />
minutes away and ferry only a short distance<br />
away. Price $684,900 Call 250-618-2434 or<br />
email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />
Oceanfront - Tlell 34985 HWY<br />
16. 3/4 Acre of amazing waterfront<br />
with a 1 bedroom, very<br />
comfortable log home with a<br />
woodstove. Large, attached shop<br />
and a detached 435 square foot 2-bedroom<br />
cottage. The view over the open ocean is stunning<br />
with amazing beachcombing. Please note<br />
this is a Crown lease that can be renewed with<br />
permission. This is a stunning piece of property<br />
on the amazing archipelago of Haida Gwaii.<br />
$259,000, bring your offers! Call John 250-218-<br />
9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
1854 Balsam Crescent - Masset.<br />
Super clean, half duplex with<br />
lots of updates and a self-contained<br />
basement suite. Priced<br />
@ $265,000 Call John Ismay, or<br />
email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
Organic Produce<br />
Groceries & Dairy<br />
• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />
• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />
• Free Range Meats<br />
• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />
• International Cheeses<br />
• Foods for All Diets<br />
250-559-8623<br />
store@isabelcreek.ca<br />
Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />
3219 Wharf Street<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Space Rentals<br />
Online Gift Shop<br />
Events<br />
Tours<br />
#2 Second Beach Road<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
www.haidaheritagecentre.com<br />
info@haidaheritage.com<br />
44 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 45<br />
250-559-7885<br />
Handcrafted soap<br />
& body products<br />
islandwisehaidagwaii.com<br />
2143 Collison - Masset. This<br />
is now the BEST priced home<br />
in Masset! This manufactured<br />
home is now on a concrete foundation<br />
with full above ground<br />
basement area just waiting for your ideas...<br />
mortgage helper, rec room, workshop?? The<br />
main floor features 3 bedrooms, including<br />
the main bedroom with full ensuite, a 4-piece<br />
main bath, spacious kitchen with eating area<br />
and a bright, sunny living room with partial<br />
view of the inlet. Just minutes to the airport<br />
with regular Mainland schedules. This is a<br />
perfect “first home” or a great holiday spot...<br />
come and enjoy the amazing lifestyle of<br />
Haida Gwaii. $189,000 Call John Ismay, Re/<br />
Max Ocean Pacific 250 218 9776 email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
1 Froese Subdivision - Port<br />
Clements. 3/4 acre, fully serviced,<br />
subdividable lot, great<br />
potential. Price $198,000 Call<br />
John Ismay at 250-218-9776 or<br />
email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
Worker Accommodations<br />
Long or Short Term - Port Clements<br />
and Masset. Port Clements:<br />
furnished and unfurnished<br />
1 and 2 -bedroom apartments.<br />
Newly renovated, including bathroom, kitchen,<br />
Sat internet, TV, king-size beds, laundry<br />
and parking are incl. Well suited for worker<br />
accommodation. Clean and secure building.<br />
Masset: several renovated housing units, 3/4<br />
- bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished.<br />
Sat internet, cable, laundry and parking are<br />
included. Call for prices. Please email dustin@<br />
rushworthelectric.ca for more info or call/text<br />
250 661 9012.<br />
Promote your business | Call us at<br />
250-557-2088 or email<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Affordable rates / Web and print<br />
exposure / Ad design assistance<br />
Open House! Sat <strong>April</strong> 29<br />
11am-1pm 3 bedroom - Daajing<br />
Giids. This lovely turnkey,<br />
3 br 1400sq ft rancher is located<br />
on a quiet cul-de-sac. You’ll be<br />
surprised when entering the home, with 16’<br />
ceilings and 2 skylights in the living room<br />
allowing for an open, bright, and spacious<br />
feel. Price $549,900 Call 250-618-2434 or email<br />
tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />
Fabulous Waterfront Home -<br />
Port Clements. WATERFRONT<br />
AT ITS FINEST. 175 Bayview Dr.<br />
What a great house to call home!<br />
3Beds, 2 Baths. This home has<br />
had extensive upgrades in 2022. Price $599,000<br />
Call 250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@<br />
gmail.com<br />
Spectacular Waterfront<br />
Home - Masset. 4 beds, 2 baths,<br />
situated on a beautiful, private,<br />
peninsular beach front lot at the<br />
end of a quiet cul-de-sac, close to<br />
the centre of Masset. Price $899,000 Call 250-<br />
218-9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
Great Building - 1605 Old<br />
Beach Rd Masset. Formerly<br />
Masset Grocery. 4,698 sqft<br />
building in top notch condition,<br />
includes all equipment, displays,<br />
shelving, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer and a<br />
fully equipped deli kitchen. Priced @ $725,000<br />
Call John 250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />
Wanted<br />
Telescope Expert Wanted Is<br />
there anyone out there who has<br />
expertise to clean the inner lens<br />
of a telescope, reassemble and<br />
recollimate? Will pay well for a<br />
good job, thanks. Pls. leave voicemail at 250-<br />
559-9089 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Working Washing Machine.<br />
Can pick up anywhere on-island.<br />
Not picky. Call Dominic<br />
at (250) 626-7896 or email<br />
dominicpottery@gmail.com<br />
Pex Pipe Crimper. I’m hoping<br />
to find a second hand pex pipe<br />
crimper for plumbing. Preferably<br />
a multi sized one like the<br />
picture or one that does 1/2in<br />
Thanks! Call Frances at (250) 637-1759 or<br />
email Haidagwaiiseasalts@gmail.com<br />
Rock Scaler Wanted. I’m<br />
looking for an experienced rock<br />
scaler to clear rocks and debris<br />
above a recent localized landslide.<br />
Own WorkSafe coverage<br />
preferred. Tiiiddall If Zoonee interested, SSiiillveer call SStuddiiioo<br />
or email me for<br />
more information. Call George Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll at Ennggrrrraavveeeeed (250) Siiillllvveeeeerrrr 559-<br />
Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio 7899 or email grstein@telus.net<br />
Designed and handcrafted<br />
Tiiiddall SSiiillveer by Silver local artisan Jewellery jeweller by Laura Dutheil SStuddiiioo<br />
Zoonee<br />
Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />
Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll<br />
Available Laura at: Dutheil<br />
Designed • Funk and It! handcrafted<br />
by local Earrings, artisan rings, jewellerpendants,<br />
• DG<br />
Laura<br />
Visitor<br />
Dutheil<br />
Centre<br />
bracelets, ear cuffs & more,<br />
• Sandspit with tidal Visitor zone inspired<br />
Earrings, rings, pendants,<br />
bracelets, Centre ear cuffs engravings & more,<br />
with tidal zone inspired<br />
Appointments<br />
Welcome!<br />
engravings<br />
Custom orders welcome!<br />
Custom orders welcome!<br />
Available Available at Funk It! at and Funk the Queen It! and Charlotte the Queen Visitor Information Charlotte Centre Visitor Information Centre<br />
778-260-0434<br />
tidalzonesilverstudio.com<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />
Available at Funk It and the<br />
Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />
250 624 4164<br />
PrinceRupert<br />
www.facebook.com/Princerupertlutheran<br />
Valley Boat<br />
Service<br />
Fabrication<br />
Custom Upgrades<br />
250-557-2057<br />
Port Clements, BC<br />
Looking for John and Jennifer Davies<br />
Pottery. I am looking to add to my collection<br />
of John and Jennifer Davies/ Bottle-n-Jug<br />
Works pottery collection. I’m interested in<br />
coffee mugs and their distinctive fish motive<br />
platters and bowls. Call Dave at (250) 889-<br />
1016 or email cdbyng@shaw.ca<br />
Urantia Book. Anybody want to read/study<br />
the Urantia Book? We could meet weekly or<br />
monthly. Give me a call or email! Call Craig at<br />
(250) 559-7735 or email CraigXC@post.com<br />
60lb Propane Tank Wanted.<br />
Sixty-pound propane tank is<br />
needed. Reasonably good condition.<br />
Call Michel at (250) 808-<br />
6330 or email maudeisland@<br />
yahoo.ca<br />
Simple Stationary Bike. I don’t want bells<br />
and whistles, it is for a small area. maybe you<br />
have one just collecting clothes or something<br />
lol Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@gmail.com<br />
Wanted Shipping Container. Looking to<br />
purchase a used shipping container Call Steve<br />
at (403) 609-5576 or email konikrsteve@<br />
hotmail.com<br />
Freebies<br />
FREE! Sliding Door. Good condition used<br />
sliding door. FREE just take it away! Call<br />
Erica at (250) 637-1777 or email erica_jean_<br />
ryan@hotmail.com<br />
Employment & Training<br />
Part Time Business Account<br />
Manager-Northern Savings<br />
Credit Union has an opening for<br />
a Part Time Business Account<br />
Manager for our Masset or<br />
Daajing Giids location. If you are passionate<br />
about improving people’s financial health and<br />
have experience with sales and service, we<br />
would like to hear from you. Minimum Qualifications:<br />
Education: Completion of post-secondary<br />
education is required. Completion of<br />
sales and service training or a business credit<br />
lending program is preferred. Experience: Previous<br />
business lending experience required.<br />
Previous retail lending or financial services<br />
experience preferred. Travel is a requirement<br />
of this position. Please send your resume to<br />
info@northsave.com. Call Naomi Kowal at<br />
(250) 628-0356 or email naomikowal@northsave.com<br />
Hiring F/T Member Service<br />
Representative-Masset<br />
Northern Savings Credit Union.<br />
Minimum Qualifications:<br />
Education: Secondary School<br />
Diploma required. Experience: Previous sales<br />
and excellent customer service is preferred<br />
or an equivalent combination of education,<br />
training and experience. Skills: Excellent written<br />
and verbal English communication skills.<br />
Working knowledge, skills and experience in<br />
Microsoft Office. Please send your resume to<br />
naomikowal@northsave.com or Call Naomi<br />
Kowal at (250) 628-0356<br />
• Office Supplies<br />
• Everything C ricut<br />
• Computers<br />
• Printers<br />
• Accessories<br />
• Office Furniture<br />
• Art Supplies<br />
Happy to be serving<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
(250) 624-3073<br />
essentials2@citywest.ca<br />
Northern Rogue<br />
Technologies<br />
IT Services for Haida Gwaii<br />
Onsite/Remote support for:<br />
• Computer Repairs<br />
• Server & Network<br />
• Data Recovery<br />
Hardware and<br />
Software Sales<br />
1-250-640-9204<br />
www.northernroguetechnologies.ca<br />
Hiring F/T Member Service<br />
Representative-Daajing<br />
Giids. Minimum Qualifications:<br />
Education: Secondary School<br />
Diploma required. Experience:<br />
Previous sales and excellent customer service<br />
is preferred or an equivalent combination of<br />
education, training and experience. Skills:<br />
Excellent written and verbal English communication<br />
skills. Working knowledge, skills and<br />
experience in Microsoft Office. Please send<br />
your resume to naomikowal@northsave.com<br />
or Call Naomi Kowal at (250) 628-0356<br />
Sous Chef-Tlell. The Sous Chef<br />
will report to and work with the<br />
Head Chef to deliver the culinary<br />
program at Haida House to<br />
ensure that the quality, quantity,<br />
and presentation of all dishes meets the highest<br />
standards. This position will begin in early<br />
May and will end in mid-October and based<br />
at Haida House located in Tlell. Depending<br />
on the individual needs there is potential<br />
staff housing and travel options. Schedule<br />
and compensation will be discussed with the<br />
hiring manager. Call Haida Tourism at (888)<br />
602-0989 or email careers@haico.ca<br />
Full Time and Part Time-DG.<br />
Alder House is seeking full time<br />
and part time Program Support<br />
workers. Alder House provides<br />
supportive living for the residents<br />
that includes two meals a day and assistance<br />
with life skills. As a Program Support<br />
Worker (PSW), you will work as part of the<br />
team to provide a range of supports for our<br />
vulnerable residents. If you have a genuine<br />
interest in people and a deep commitment to<br />
helping others, we hope that you will consider<br />
joining our team. Your ability to gain trust<br />
and build relationships with the residents will<br />
be important, as will strong problem-solving<br />
skills and a high level of patience and emotional<br />
resilience. You should be organized, efficient<br />
and flexible with good oral and written<br />
communication skills. Previous experience<br />
providing life skills and supportive services, as<br />
well as basic computer skills would be an asset.<br />
You must be able to work independently<br />
and as part of a team. You will be expected to<br />
have a non-judgmental attitude and maintain<br />
confidentiality of all personal and private<br />
information. If you would like to join our<br />
team, please send a cover letter and resume to<br />
Sandra Dean McKay, manager@alderhouse.<br />
ca, or call 250 559 0040. Call Sandra Dean<br />
McKay at (250) 559-0040 or email manager@<br />
alderhouse.ca<br />
Head of Food & Beverage-Tlell.<br />
Haida Tourism has<br />
an exciting opportunity for a<br />
service-oriented individual.<br />
Reporting to the Haida Tourism<br />
Directors, the Head of Food and Beverage will<br />
ensure that the front of house staff of Haida<br />
House are operating efficiently to deliver an<br />
exceptional guest experience and a positive<br />
and supportive team environment. The Head<br />
of Food and Beverage responsibilities will include<br />
supporting recruitment, training, scheduling,<br />
and providing daily service to guests.<br />
The hours of work will include evenings and<br />
weekends. Call Haida Tourism at (888) 602-<br />
0989 or email careers@haico.ca<br />
Head of Housekeeping-Tlell. Haida<br />
Tourism has an exciting opportunity for an<br />
individual that wants to support the leadership<br />
and growth of the Haida House team.<br />
Reporting to the Haida Tourism Directors, the<br />
Head of Housekeeping will ensure that the<br />
housekeeping team of Haida House lodge and<br />
cabins are operating efficiently to deliver an<br />
exceptional guest experience and a positive<br />
and supportive team environment. The Head<br />
of Housekeeping responsibilities will include<br />
supporting recruitment, training, scheduling,<br />
procurement, and maintaining<br />
a high standard of cleanliness.<br />
The hours of work will include<br />
evenings and weekends. Call<br />
Haida Tourism at (888) 602-0989 or email<br />
careers@haico.ca<br />
Kitchen Staff-DG. Alder House<br />
is seeking a part time Kitchen<br />
Staff member for our facility in<br />
Daajing Giids. This is a supportive<br />
living facility that provides<br />
two meals a day; a cold breakfast and a hot<br />
dinner. Food is an integral part of support and<br />
healing and we are looking for an individual<br />
who wants to share their love of cooking with<br />
our residents. Previous experience working in<br />
a commercial kitchen is required. You must<br />
be able to work independently and in cooperation<br />
with others. You should be organized,<br />
efficient and flexible with good oral and written<br />
communication skills. Kitchen shifts are<br />
7 hours with a starting salary of $22.50/ hour.<br />
If you would like to join our team, please send<br />
your cover letter and resume to Sandra Dean<br />
McKay at manager@alderhouse.ca or call<br />
250-559-0040 for a copy of the job description<br />
or if you have any questions.<br />
46 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 47
Haida House Seasonal Positions<br />
<strong>2023</strong>-Tlell. Haida Tourism<br />
is now hiring for its seasonal<br />
summer positions at Haida<br />
House at Tllaal for the upcoming<br />
<strong>2023</strong> season. These seasonal opportunities<br />
are generally offered from May to October. For<br />
specific job descriptions, start dates, housing,<br />
transportation information, and required<br />
certifications for each role, please email careers@haico.ca.<br />
or call (888) 602-0989<br />
Hiring Full Time FSR-Daajing<br />
Giids. Education: Secondary<br />
School Diploma required.<br />
Completion of post-secondary<br />
education is an asset. Experience:<br />
Previous sales and service experience is<br />
preferred. Previous financial services experience<br />
is preferred. Skills: Demonstrated sales<br />
skills and knowledge of products and services<br />
required. Ability to prioritize, organize work<br />
within time constraints and under pressure.<br />
Ability to communicate and liaise professionally<br />
with members, potential customers,<br />
community groups and co-workers while<br />
maintaining confidentiality. Working knowledge,<br />
skills and experience in Microsoft Office.<br />
Naomi Kowal at (250) 628-0356 or email<br />
naomikowal@northsave.com<br />
Hiring FT Loans Officer-<br />
Daajing Giids. Education: High<br />
School diploma is a requirement.<br />
Completion of post-secondary<br />
education is an asset.<br />
Completion of sales training is an asset. Completion<br />
of Personal Lending course. Experience:<br />
Previous lending, sales and service experience<br />
is required. Previous financial services<br />
experience is required. Skills: Demonstrated<br />
sales skills. Expert knowledge of products<br />
and services required. Ability to communicate<br />
and liaise professionally with members,<br />
potential customers, community garoups and<br />
co-workers while maintaining confidentiality.<br />
Working knowledge, skills and experience<br />
in Microsoft Office Please send your resume<br />
to Naomi Kowal at (250) 628-0356 or email<br />
naomikowal@northsave.com<br />
Hiring FT Loans Officer-<br />
Daajing Giids. Education: High<br />
School diploma is a requirement.<br />
Completion of post-secondary<br />
education is an asset.<br />
Completion of sales training is an asset. Completion<br />
of Personal Lending course. Experience:<br />
Previous lending, sales and service experience<br />
is required. Previous financial services<br />
experience is required. Skills: Demonstrated<br />
sales skills. Expert knowledge of products<br />
and services required. Ability to communicate<br />
and liaise professionally with members,<br />
potential customers, community garoups and<br />
co-workers while maintaining confidentiality.<br />
Working knowledge, skills and experience<br />
in Microsoft Office Please send your resume<br />
to Naomi Kowal at (250) 628-0356 or email<br />
naomikowal@northsave.com<br />
YOUR<br />
• Affordable rates<br />
• Web and print exposure<br />
• Ad design assistance<br />
Call us at 250-557-2088<br />
info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Helping People is our Passion<br />
Now Serving Haida Gwaii!<br />
Extensive Contractor Experience<br />
• New Construction • Renovations • Carpentry • Concrete • General Construction<br />
Tyler Jackson 604-328-0239 (texts preferred) tyler@clearviewconsulting.ca www.clearviewconsulting.ca<br />
Groceries & Liquor<br />
Bakery & Deli<br />
Home & Office Supplies<br />
Gifts & Local Treasures<br />
91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />
Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />
Kohlen and<br />
Company Appraisals<br />
Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />
Serving Haida Gwaii<br />
since 2015<br />
Contact us!<br />
250-302-1074<br />
richardkohlen@gmail.com<br />
Community Service Listings<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous. If you<br />
have a drinking problem we can<br />
help. If you live in the north end<br />
of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-<br />
626-7557. In-person meetings<br />
are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset Fire<br />
Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the South<br />
end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are<br />
held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United<br />
Church, at 8 pm on Saturday nights. For<br />
more info on how to join a local virtual Zoom<br />
meeting, call John at 250-626-7557. Call John/<br />
Lou at (250) 626-7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Custom Seafood<br />
Processing & Sales<br />
Queen Charlotte Government Dock<br />
1-604-837-1518<br />
William “Willy” Grewe, aged 94, passed away<br />
peacefully on December 24, 2022, in Williams Lake, B.C.<br />
He was born to Julius and Hildegard Grewe on February<br />
6, 1928, in Sewell B.C. He logged with his uncle before<br />
moving to Masset and starting Masset Auto Marine.<br />
After breakfast at the Surf, Willy could be found at the<br />
docks working on fishing boats. He married Ann in<br />
1978 and in one year he became a husband, stepfather<br />
and grandfather. He retired from the B.C. Hydro plant<br />
in Masset and went commercial fishing on his boat the<br />
“Playboy” with his first mate Ann. Willy returned to work<br />
at B.C. Hydro (apparently, they couldn’t get the job done<br />
without him).<br />
At Your Service<br />
Tax Time! It’s that time of year!<br />
Individual Tax Returns for as<br />
low as $55 (plus GST). We are<br />
located just north of Port Clements.<br />
Call to book your in-office<br />
appointment or to arrange how best to get<br />
your information to me - Canada Post, courier<br />
and email are all great options! Serving Haida<br />
Gwaii since 2013. Thank you for the last 10<br />
years, I look forward to providing many more!<br />
Call Jennifer Pigeon at (250) 626-7478 or<br />
email j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com<br />
250-559-8561<br />
31857 Hwy 16<br />
in Tll.aal Tlell<br />
Insurance for Home,<br />
Auto, Business,<br />
& Recreational<br />
Remembering Willy Grewe<br />
Willy always had a twinkle in his eye and loved to share<br />
a naughty limerick with anyone willing to listen. He was<br />
a giving and honest man who was loved by all. He will<br />
be missed. He is survived by stepson John Hack (Ria) and stepdaughter Bev Fradette (Victor). Grandchildren<br />
KC (Shawne), Amanda (Mat), Lacie, Suzanna (Jerry), Kalvin (Jen) and Nicole. Great-grandchildren William,<br />
Isaac (Diamond), Annie, Katrina, Ollie and Cassandra and great-great-granddaughter Cleo.<br />
48 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 49
Mar 5 7:27 18:34<br />
Mar 12 7:10 18:48<br />
Mar 19 7:53 20:01<br />
Mar 26 7:35 20:14<br />
Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2023</strong><br />
2022 Tide Tables for Prince Rupert<br />
<strong>March</strong> Daylight savings starts Mar 13<br />
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />
Sunrise Sunset<br />
1 Z 2 * 3<br />
0:45 20.0 1:24 21.0 1:59 21.7 2:34 22.0 3:06 22.0<br />
6:28 6.6 7:13 5.2 7:55 4.3 8:35 3.9 9:14 4.3<br />
12:30 22.3 13:16 22.6 13:59 22.6 14:39 22.0 15:18 21.0<br />
19:04 1.6 19:42 1.6 20:18 2.0 20:51 3.0 21:22 4.3<br />
6 D 7 D 8 E 9 F 10 G 11 H 12 I<br />
3:38 21.3 4:10 20.7 4:43 19.4 5:22 18.4 6:13 17.4 0:52 11.5 2:45 11.8<br />
9:53 4.6 10:35 5.2 11:20 6.2 12:13 7.2 13:21 7.9 7:29 16.7 8:58 16.7<br />
15:57 19.7 16:37 18.0 17:22 16.7 18:19 15.4 19:44 14.4 14:44 8.2 16:02 7.5<br />
21:53 5.9 22:25 7.5 22:59 8.9 23:43 10.5 21:34 14.8 22:47 15.4<br />
13 J 14 K 15 K 16 L 17 M 18 @ 19 N<br />
5:15 11.2 0:31 16.7 1:06 17.7 1:36 19.0 2:06 20.0 2:35 21.0 3:05 22.0<br />
11:09 17.4 6:09 10.2 6:49 8.5 7:25 7.2 7:59 5.9 8:35 4.6 9:11 3.6<br />
17:59 6.6 12:02 18.4 12:47 19.4 13:27 20.3 14:05 21.0 14:43 21.3 15:22 21.3<br />
18:42 5.2 19:18 4.3 19:50 3.6 20:22 3.0 20:53 3.0 21:26 3.3<br />
20 O 21 Q 22 R 23 S 24 T 25 U 26 V<br />
3:36 22.3 4:08 22.3 4:44 22.0 5:24 21.3 0:00 8.5 1:04 9.8 2:38 10.8<br />
9:50 3.3 10:31 3.0 11:16 3.6 12:07 4.3 6:14 20.0 7:21 18.7 8:50 18.0<br />
16:01 21.0 16:43 20.0 17:29 18.7 18:23 17.4 13:09 5.2 14:26 5.9 15:56 5.9<br />
21:59 4.3 22:34 5.2 23:13 6.9 19:35 16.1 21:13 15.7 22:47 16.4<br />
27 W 28 X 29 Y 30 Z 31 *<br />
4:20 10.2 5:36 8.5 0:40 19.4 1:20 20.3 1:55 21.3<br />
10:20 18.4 11:33 19.4 6:31 6.9 7:16 5.2 7:57 4.3<br />
17:14 5.2 18:13 4.3 12:31 20.3 13:19 21.0 14:03 21.3<br />
23:53 17.7 18:59 3.3 19:39 3.0 20:15 3.3<br />
A 4 B 5 C<br />
Adjusted for daylight savings. Tide height in feet. Sunrise/set times for Massett.<br />
The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />
(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />
lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and new<br />
moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring tide<br />
pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation, and<br />
tidal currents. So before you head out, be sure to check<br />
the date, time, and tide height, and adjust the time for<br />
your specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />
Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />
Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />
K'iis Gwaay<br />
Langara Pt<br />
10 min early<br />
Masset<br />
Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />
Alexandra Narrows<br />
Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />
Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />
Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />
Nesto Inlet<br />
10 min early<br />
Skaats'insii<br />
Dawson Hbr<br />
15 min early<br />
Taan Guu<br />
Trounce Inlet<br />
Low 55 min late<br />
High 20 min late<br />
Daa.ulgaay<br />
East Skidegate Narrows<br />
(Floods west)<br />
West Beacon<br />
Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />
East Beacon<br />
Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />
Juus Kaahlii<br />
Juskatla<br />
Low 5:15 late<br />
High 4:45 late<br />
Designed by:<br />
Stu Crawford<br />
Box 788, Masset, BC<br />
stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />
(250) 626-3868<br />
Crawford<br />
Ecological Consulting<br />
Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />
significantly from reality<br />
Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />
North Beach<br />
5 min early<br />
Taa Suu<br />
Hunger Hbr<br />
20 min early<br />
Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />
Gaw Kaahlii<br />
Masset Sound<br />
Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />
Gamadiis<br />
Port Clements<br />
Low 3:05 late<br />
High 2:50 late<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Queen Charlotte<br />
Low 20 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Kuuɢahl<br />
McCoy Cove<br />
Low 15 min late<br />
High 5 min late<br />
K'yal Gawɢa<br />
Pacofi<br />
Low 10 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Gwaay K'aas<br />
Copper Is.<br />
Same as P.R.<br />
Kay Tay Daanaay<br />
Cape St James<br />
Low 10 min early<br />
High 5 min early<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />
Strong Start A Ministry of Education drop-in, playbased<br />
program for children ages 0 – 5 accompanied<br />
by a parent/caregiver. Check each community’s Facebook page for<br />
photos, updates on events, and tips from our support team! Masset<br />
Weekdays / 9-12 / Tahayghen Elementary School / 2151 Tahayghen<br />
Drive / Contact Beth Kellar at 250-626-5572 or bkellar@sd50.bc.ca<br />
or FB: Tahayghen Strong Start. Port Clements Tuesdays, Wednesdays,<br />
and Thursdays / 9-12 / Port Clements Multipurpose Building<br />
36 Cedar Avenue West / Contact Jasmine Beachy at 250-557-4333 or<br />
jbeachy@sd50.bc.ca or FB: PCES StrongStart. Sandspit Weekdays<br />
9-12 / Agnes L Mathers Elementary School / 406 Copper Bay / Contact<br />
Claire Gauthier at (250) 637-5454 or cgauthier@sd50.bc.ca or<br />
FB: ALM Strong Start. Skidegate Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays<br />
10:30-12:30 / Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary School / 500 Skidegate<br />
Heights / Our program includes: breakfast and coffee, circle times<br />
(featuring Moe the Mouse), gym time and more. Contact Hayley<br />
Zacks at 250-637-1681 or hayleyzacks@gmail.com or FB: qccstrongstart<br />
<strong>March</strong>/<strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />
Jamie McDonald at events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Island Wide & Online<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />
problem we can help. If you live in the north end of<br />
Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />
meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset<br />
Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the South end,<br />
call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday nights. For more<br />
info on how to join a virtual meeting, call John at 250-626-7557 or<br />
visit aa.org/pages/en_US<br />
VIRL - Tech support with library Manager Patrick.<br />
If you need any tech support, contact your local VIRL<br />
branch and schedule a time to come in with your device.<br />
Contacts can be found at virl.bc.ca Budgeting<br />
101 Thursdays 2-4pm & Saturdays 12-2pm / in person<br />
(Sandspit VIRL) or virtual / Book a private session with librarian<br />
Kelsey to learn how to use YNAB (You Need A Budget) online software,<br />
a powerful tool to help you gain clarity and control over your<br />
finances. Sharing financial information is not required. Ages 15+.<br />
For more information, contact Kelsey at 250-637-2247 or sandspit@<br />
virl.bc.ca<br />
Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust Community Update<br />
and Consultation Sessions 6:30-8:30pm /<br />
<strong>April</strong> 3 / Skidegate Small Hall; <strong>April</strong> 5 / Sandspit;<br />
<strong>April</strong> 24 / Old Massett, Sarah’s Longhouse; <strong>April</strong> 26<br />
/ Port Clements, Firehall / Want to learn about the<br />
next steps for the Athlii Gwaii Legacy Trust? Join us at the session<br />
closest to you and hear from the Gwaii Trust Executive. There will<br />
be a meet & greet, followed by a presentation and Q&A session for<br />
the public. + Door prizes and dessert! For more information contact<br />
Joey Rudichuk at 250-626-5139 or joey.rudichuk@gwaiitrust.com or<br />
gwaiitrust.com<br />
Haida Youth Suicide Prevention Workshops<br />
10am-4:30pm / <strong>March</strong> 28 / Tluu Xaada Naay / 107A<br />
Raven Rd, Masset; <strong>March</strong> 30 /Skidegate Youth Centre<br />
/ Front St / This 5 hour session will look at the<br />
spirt of suicide from a Haida social justice lens and<br />
explore how we can resist the spirit of suicide. Lunch<br />
is Provided. Haida Parents/Caregivers Suicide Prevention<br />
Workshops 10am-4:30pm / <strong>March</strong> 28 / Old Massett Health Centre<br />
347 Eagle Road; <strong>March</strong> 30 / Skidegate Health Centre / 156 2nd ave<br />
This 5 hour session offers support to the parents, caregivers or family<br />
members of Haida youth who live with the spirit of suicide by<br />
equipping loved ones with the tools and resources to support youth<br />
during times of crises. To register, contact deena.arens@haidahealth.ca.<br />
For more information contact Avis at 604-839-8853.<br />
Local Food Speaker Series Every Thursday in<br />
<strong>March</strong> 7-9pm / In person @ VIRL Masset or Haida<br />
Gwaii Museum (alternating weeks) or Online on Zoom<br />
Meeting ID: 876 3088 2880 Passcode: 937519 / Check<br />
out this line up of speakers to support growing food<br />
on island. Tune in or come in person! Prizes and give aways each<br />
week. Check out the poster for dates, facilitators and subjects. For<br />
more information contact Local Foods to School HG at (250) 626-<br />
7617 or nelocalfoodpantry@gmail.com or FB: localfoodtoschoolhaidagwaii<br />
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />
Sharing Songs Thursdays / 7-9pm / Wellness House / 2112 Collison<br />
Ave / Come join me in sharing and learning songs and the traditions<br />
and protocols that accompany them. Welcome to anyone who wishes<br />
to learn and connect with our culture and community. Please<br />
come share a snack and your voice, help us heal through connection<br />
with our songs and traditions. For more information contact Jeff<br />
Samuels at 250-626-9236 or jeffrey.samuels@haidahealth.ca or FB<br />
Jeffrey Samuels<br />
Niislaa Naay Healing House Society – Walk/<br />
run Group Saturdays until <strong>April</strong> 22 / 10-11 am /<br />
Various locations / Join us, everyone is welcome!<br />
Train with us for a 5 km or 10 km walk or run. For<br />
more information contact Shauna or Goldie at 250-<br />
626-3911 or shauna.smith@haidahealth.ca or check<br />
the FB page.<br />
Tawlang Ga Tlaayds - Open Gym Mondays & Thursdays<br />
3:15-5pm / Kwiiyaans Hall / 348 Eagle Ave / Join us, families with<br />
children 0-6 years old & siblings. Snacks provided. Check our FB:<br />
tawlang.gatlaayds.1 for more info on our Together Tuesdays, Breastfeeding<br />
group, Pregnancy Outreach Program and other activities<br />
offered at the Youth Centre.<br />
Kwiiyaans Community Hall Activities Every day of the week<br />
Eagle Ave. / Old Masset / Bootcamp, Mindful Movements and Open<br />
Gym. For more information, contact Tando 250-626-7995 or check<br />
out FB Kwiiyaans Community Hall<br />
50 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 51
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset - cont.<br />
Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time – Masset Thursdays<br />
/ 10am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112 Collison<br />
Ave. / Open to all self-identifying women! For more<br />
information contact Delvina Lawrence at 250-626-<br />
3911<br />
Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre Activities - Volleyball<br />
Mondays / 7-9pm / ages 13+ / Afterschool programs Tuesdays,<br />
Wednesdays and Thursdays / 3-4:30pm / Ages 9-12 / Pre-teen<br />
activities Mondays & Fridays 4:30-6pm / Ages 11-12 / Teen Night<br />
Fridays / 7-10pm / Ages 13-18. For more information contact Toni-Lynn<br />
Davidson at Tonilynn.davidson@haidahealth.ca or visit the<br />
Old Masset Youth Program FB<br />
HGREC Activities – Drop in Badminton<br />
Tuesdays / 7-9pm / Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa Naay<br />
Secondary School / 1647 Cook St / Free, please wear<br />
indoor shoes. Open to ages 13+. Follow Greater<br />
Masset Racquet Sports on FB for pictures and closures.<br />
Mindful Belly Moves Tuesdays in <strong>March</strong> & <strong>April</strong> 18 – May<br />
16 / 6-7pm / Anahata Yoga / 1644 Main St / Imagine a relaxing,<br />
free-flowing movement workshop where anything can happen –<br />
from yoga to meditation, from me time to playtime, all infused with<br />
beautiful, flowy belly dance movements. Instructor: S’ya ~ Bellycian<br />
(bellymagic.ca, FB: bellymagician). Cost: $18/class. Drop-in may be<br />
available. Pottery Class: beginner throwing <strong>March</strong> 18 th , 19 th or<br />
20th / 10 am-2:30pm / Masset Market Place / Main Street / Masset<br />
This one-day introductory pottery class will have 4 hours of handson,<br />
one-on-one instruction at the pottery wheel. No experience is<br />
necessary. Ages 18+. Cost: 140$. Instructor: Dominic Legault. For<br />
more information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.<br />
com or hgrec.com<br />
Masset Market Fridays / 11am-2pm / Across from<br />
the Co-op / 1575 Main St. / The Masset Market is a<br />
collective of Haida Gwaii growers, bakers and makers.<br />
We brave the elements year-round to offer locally<br />
grown and prepared foods including vegetables, eggs,<br />
preserves, ferments, baking and treats; cut flowers, mushrooms and<br />
berries are available in season. Locally handcrafted items include<br />
soap & body products, jewellery, pottery, and knitted, painted,<br />
felted and beach combed treasures. Delicious hot lunches are a new<br />
regular feature at the market. Sanitize hands before entry. “Park”<br />
your dogs at our onsite leash area while you shop. Picnic tables and<br />
outdoor seating available. For more information contact Natalie<br />
at 250-626-9181 or massetmarket@gmail.com or check us out on<br />
Facebook or Instagram.<br />
Forbes Pharmacy<br />
at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />
9 am to 5 pm<br />
Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />
250-559-4910 rxdm1005@nbly.ca<br />
www.forbespharmacy.ca<br />
Find us on Facebook!<br />
Tll.aal / Tlell<br />
Tlell Community Association Annual General meeting<br />
Mar 5 11am-2pm / Firehall / 36542 Hwy 16 / Tlellians come out to<br />
vote for your new President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary,<br />
and Director at Large. It is free to attend and cookies will be served.<br />
For more information contact Kim at kimnickel@telus.net<br />
Sara’s Seedy Saturday Apr 1 / 11am-2pm / Tlell<br />
Farmers Market / Hwy 16 / A swap and shop for<br />
gardeners. Seed exchange and plants. There will be<br />
vendors and concession. Email to book a table - 1 per<br />
vendor. For more information contact Linda Louis at<br />
sewwhat@qcislands.net or FB: Graham Island East<br />
Coast Farmers Institute<br />
Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />
Seniors’ Yoga Thursdays <strong>March</strong> 16-<strong>April</strong> 6 / 11-12<br />
pm / Port Clements / Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West<br />
Learn to respect your body and discover its intelligence<br />
as you stretch, strengthen, open and relax.<br />
Mats available, please bring a blanket and arrive a<br />
few minutes early. FREE. Taught by Jennifer Pigeon. Drop-in<br />
Volleyball Fridays / 7-9pm / Port Clements Elementary School Gym,<br />
Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West / *Closed during Stat Holidays<br />
and <strong>March</strong> Break. Cost: Free! AGE(S): 13+. Please wear indoor<br />
shoes and do not eat food/drink in the gym (water only). For more<br />
information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.com or<br />
hgrec.com<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
DG Community Club Meeting <strong>March</strong> 7 & May<br />
2/ 6:30-8pm / Daajing Giids Community Hall, EA<br />
Ross Room / 134 Bay Street. If you’re interested in<br />
becoming a member at large, it’s a one-time fee of $5. If you’d like<br />
to join the board, you must be a member and stand for election at<br />
the AGM. ***meeting dates may change if Quorum is not met*** For<br />
more information contact Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792 or on<br />
FB: charlottecommunityclub<br />
Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / 10am-12pm<br />
Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We are a friendly<br />
and welcoming family fellowship Pentacostal-Christian Church<br />
where everybody (including children) is welcome. Sunday services<br />
commence at 10am followed by fellowship. For more information<br />
contact Heather and Bill at 604-989-2364 or bbeamish1@hotmail.<br />
com or bethelassembly.ca<br />
VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street Knitters<br />
Social Hour Thursdays / 7-8pm / Bring your<br />
knitting needles, crochet or spinning projects, and<br />
stories. We are so very much looking forward to having<br />
you join us. Movie Night: Old Dog & Animated<br />
Shorts <strong>March</strong> 15th / 6:30-8 pm / Old Dog shows how elderly dogs’<br />
lives are improved by technology. Movie Night: The Magnitude<br />
of All Things <strong>April</strong> 20th / 6:30-8 pm / This movie draws intimate<br />
parallels between the experiences of grief—both personal and planetary.<br />
For more information contact Michelle Scott at (250) 559-4518<br />
or daajinggiids@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca<br />
Daajing Giids - cont.<br />
Brown Bag Lunch Get Together <strong>March</strong> 16th<br />
noon / VIRL DG Library / 138 Bay Street / Join us, all<br />
are welcome! Pre register by the 14th through the<br />
BC Schizophrenia Society Short Film & talk about<br />
Dementia <strong>April</strong> 6 th / 6:30-8pm / Join us, all are welcome!<br />
For more information, contact Shelley Braun<br />
at haidagwaii@bcss.org or 778-361-0260<br />
Earth Temple Activities & Events 403 Oceanview<br />
Drive Spring Tune-up Kundalini Yoga &<br />
Meditation Course Mondays, <strong>March</strong> 13-<strong>April</strong> 3<br />
5:30-7pm Yoga For The Golden Years Tuesdays in<br />
<strong>March</strong> / 3:30-4:30pm / For more information, contact<br />
kswalhout@gmail.com or visit earth-temple.square.<br />
site The Groove - Monthly Ecstatic Dance Party Now every<br />
2nd Friday of the month / 8-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom of<br />
movement. All ages; suggested donation $10. For more information<br />
contact Jessiquita at 250-617-5013 or jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com.<br />
Temple of Lakshmi <strong>March</strong> 12 / 4-5:30pm / For more information,<br />
contact Rashael at rashaelnunley@gmail.com Sound Baths <strong>April</strong><br />
7 & May 5 / 11am-1pm & 5-7pm / Registration required. For more<br />
information & to register, contact Kiki van der Heiden at kikivanderheiden07@gmail.com<br />
or kikivanderheiden.com.<br />
Haida Gwaii Rec Free Drop-in Activities<br />
GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School Gymnasium<br />
801 Oceanview *Not open on stat holidays or<br />
<strong>March</strong> Break Racquet Sports Mondays, Wednesdays<br />
& Fridays / 6-8pm / Come out and play table tennis,<br />
pickleball or badminton at drop-in racquet sports night!. Ages 13+.<br />
Volleyball Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays / 6-8pm Floor Hockey<br />
Wednesdays & Fridays / 8-10pm / Ages 16+. Futsal Indoor Soccer<br />
Thursdays / 8-10pm / Ages 16+. Haida Gwaii Rec Other Activities<br />
– Earth Temple / 403 Oceanview Drive Evening Yoga with<br />
Chantal Tuesdays, <strong>March</strong> 14-<strong>April</strong> 17 / 7:30-8:30pm / A mix of<br />
Hatha, Yin and Forrest, Chantal’s classes have a focus and intention<br />
to explore various shapes, flows and experiences, aimed at landing<br />
you somewhere a little lighter. Cost: 105$. Registration required. Instructor:<br />
Chantal Bacchus. Hatha Yoga with Meghan Thursday,<br />
<strong>March</strong> 2 – <strong>April</strong> 6 / 5:30-6:45 pm / This will be a mixed level yoga<br />
practice, with a wide variety of poses and breath work. Instructor:<br />
Meghan Cross. Cost: $90 / Registered for 6 classes, Drop-in $17/<br />
class. For more information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or<br />
info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />
Send your details to Jamie McDonald at<br />
events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
IWS Activities 204 Oceanview Drive Women’s<br />
Drop-in Coffee Club Wednesdays / 11am-12:30pm<br />
Drop-in Coffee Club for self-identified women Need something<br />
printed? Need help with paperwork? Looking for a resource?<br />
Just want a warm drink and a snack? Want to see other humans?<br />
Children Welcome. Trans* / 2-Spirit / Non-binary Adult Peer<br />
Support Group Monthly, Every 2nd Monday / 7:30-8:30pm / In person<br />
meetings. For more information contact Sheyla at 250-559-8828<br />
or socialwork@islandwellnesssociety.com or islandswellnesssociety.<br />
com<br />
Haida Gwaii Listening Together Support<br />
Group Thursdays / 7-9pm / The Health Happiness<br />
Healing Habitat / 974 Oceanview Drive / This is a<br />
support group offering a confidential safe place for<br />
everyone. Healthy organic snacks provided by Isabel Creek Store<br />
and weekly door prize. For more information contact Alexander<br />
MacDonald or Sheyla Ventura at 778-260-8645 or hg.listeningtogether@gmail.com<br />
or FB: Haida Gwaii Listening Together Peer Support<br />
Group<br />
Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse - Featuring The<br />
Minstrel Cramps <strong>March</strong> 31 (none in <strong>April</strong>)/ 6:30-<br />
9:30pm / Daajing Giids Community Hall / 134 Bay<br />
Street / Come to the Community Hall starting at 6<br />
pm, bring a bowl, a spoon, and something to drink<br />
and share a meal with fellow community members and sign up for<br />
the Open Mic. Open Mic starts at 7 pm, followed by feature artist,<br />
starting around 8 pm after an intermission. By Donation. For more<br />
information contact Caroline Shooner at haidagwaiicoffeehouse@<br />
gmail.com or haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com<br />
Youth Centre: Workshops, Drop Ins & More<br />
DG Youth Centre / 924 3rd Ave / Wed-Fri, 3:30 – 6pm<br />
Come by and hang out. Special hours during <strong>March</strong><br />
Break – open 1 to 4 pm! For more information contact<br />
Jay Myers at (250) 559-4769 or jmyers@daajinggiids.ca<br />
or Facebook: dgyouthcentre<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit<br />
VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm / Vancouver<br />
Island Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza, Beach Rd<br />
The Sandspit Branch continues to host craft night<br />
every Thursday evening. Bring a craft project you’re<br />
working on and join a fun, social crafting circle every<br />
week! Knitting, embroidery, crochet, beading, painting, paper crafts,<br />
anything goes! Drop-ins welcome. Garden Gathering Fridays / 11-<br />
noon / For adults & teens, casual drop in, come chat about gardening,<br />
share your seeds and knowledge. For more information Kelsey<br />
(250) 637-2247 or sp1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca/branches/sandspit<br />
Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC<br />
290-309 2 nd Ave W<br />
250-622-2413<br />
taylor.bachrach@parl.gc.ca<br />
52 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 53
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Shito Ryu Satokai Karate Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary<br />
School Gym / Skidegate / Tuesdays & Thursdays,<br />
<strong>April</strong> 25-June 1 / 6-7:30pm / Ages 7+; Cost: 50$<br />
/ 6 weeks. Registration required. For more information<br />
contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@hgrec.<br />
com or hgrec.com<br />
Word Search - Answer Key<br />
Haida Gwaii Renewable Energy Symposium<br />
Mar 11-12 / 9:30am-4:30pm / Haida Heritage Centre<br />
/ 2 Second Beach Road / Hosted by the Council of the<br />
Haida Nation and Swiilawiid, this event will be a continuation<br />
of the 2018 symposium. Lunch, door prizes,<br />
event swag, childcare + fuel subsidies*. ALL ARE<br />
WELCOME! For more information contact Swiilawiid Sustainability<br />
Society at info@swiilawiid.org or swiilawiid.org<br />
Caturday Night Fever v.4 Apr 1 / 9pm-2am<br />
Skidegate Small Hall / Front St / Let’s dance our way<br />
to raise $ for the Gwaii Animal helpline. We’ll be<br />
mixing things up a bit this year and celebrating disco<br />
and funk throughout the decades. Tickets sold at the<br />
door. For more information contact Erica Rae Reid at<br />
Ericaraereid@gmail.com 604-356-6026<br />
All Islands’ Art Show - Art Drop Off Apr 14-15<br />
/ 10am-4pm / Haida Gwaii Museum / 2 Second Beach<br />
Rd / Come drop your art off for the All Islands’ Art<br />
Show. Please remember to fill out your entry form<br />
before coming and make sure your art is ready to hang! Art Show<br />
Opening May 5 / 7-9:30pm / Join us for the Opening of the All<br />
Islands’ Art Show! All are welcomed. For more information contact<br />
Jamie Mcdonald at 514-238-7953 or allislandartshow@gmail.com or<br />
FB: All Islands’ Art Show<br />
Your Communities, Your Councils<br />
Big Glass Ball<br />
HSEDS.CA | facebook.com/hsedsHG<br />
Limited spots available for upcoming Basic and Standard First Aid and CPR.<br />
Basic First Aid and CPR <strong>March</strong> 16, <strong>April</strong> 15, <strong>April</strong> 28 & May 10<br />
Standard First Aid and CPR <strong>April</strong> 20 & 21 and May 24 & 25<br />
GET READY ... tourist season is coming soon!<br />
GET SET … with the certifications you need, like First Aid, Super Host, & Serving it Right.<br />
AND GO ... to your closest HSEDS office!<br />
We can help you with everything you need to get a job this summer.<br />
Village of Port Clements 1st & 3rd Monday of<br />
each month / 7pm / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Regular<br />
Council meetings. For more information (250) 557-<br />
4295 or office@portclements.ca or portclements.ca<br />
Daajing Giids 1st and 3rd Monday of the month<br />
7:30pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular Council<br />
Meetings. For more information (250) 559-4765 or office@queencharlotte.ca,<br />
queencharlotte.ca<br />
Masset 2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm<br />
1686 Main Street / Regular Council Meetings. For<br />
more information (250) 626-3995 or vomadmin@mhtv.<br />
ca or massetbc.com<br />
It’s fun, effective and affordable!<br />
Call us at 250-557-2088<br />
or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />
Online | Engaging | Learn | FUN | Skills | Growth | New Futures<br />
A 12-week virtual personal growth program to<br />
support women entering the work force.<br />
Next Group Starts<br />
APRIL 4th<br />
54 HG <strong>March</strong> / <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 55
May 5th to June 10th, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Workshop - Gestural Botanicals<br />
May 27th, 10am-4pm<br />
Facilitor: Yvonne Vander Kooi<br />
Cost: $50<br />
Register by May 15th<br />
<strong>2023</strong> Adjudicator<br />
Yvonne Vander Kooi<br />
Adjudicator Lecture<br />
May 27th, 7 pm<br />
Cost: free<br />
Adjudication<br />
May 29th, 10am-4pm<br />
Adjudicator: Yvonne Vander Kooi<br />
Cost: FREE<br />
Register by <strong>April</strong> 15th<br />
HaidaGwaiiAllIslandArtShow<br />
allislandartshow@gmail.com<br />
514-238-7953<br />
Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
@ temporary gallery