Bay Harbour: April 12, 2023
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WEDNESDAY, APRIL <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Connecting Your Local Community<br /><br />
Your<br />
local news.<br />
Changes likely<br />
for risky<br />
roundabout<br />
Page 3<br />
Smallest bird<br />
keeps<br />
thriving<br />
Page 8<br />
anywhere,<br />
anytime.<br />
Call for cellphone<br />
tower to be moved<br />
• By Heidi Slade<br />
REDCLIFFS residents are<br />
calling for a cellphone tower to<br />
be relocated.<br />
Digital infrastructure<br />
company FortySouth has<br />
begun upgrades to the tower<br />
on Beachville Rd and the<br />
Christchurch Coastal Pathway,<br />
which involves installing a new<br />
tower less than a metre away<br />
from the existing site.<br />
But locals and community<br />
organisations say the new tower,<br />
which is more than twice<br />
as wide as the existing one,<br />
should be relocated.<br />
“That tower will dominate<br />
all the views,” Redcliffs resident<br />
Zara Fleming said.<br />
“This is a really special place<br />
so it deserves special consideration.”<br />
Work to upgrade the existing<br />
tower, built in 2003, began<br />
in late March.<br />
The tower will be the same<br />
height as the existing one, and<br />
will remain in the same area,<br />
FortySouth head of external<br />
affairs Lisa Mulitalo said.<br />
• Turn to page 4<br />
UPGRADE: Redcliffs residents are urging FortySouth to investigate alternative locations<br />
for the new cellphone tower, which will be 0.75m northeast of the original tower (inset).<br />
Flooding<br />
impossible<br />
to fix, city<br />
council<br />
report says<br />
• By Daniel Alvey<br />
REGULAR flooding along the<br />
Heathcote River may never be<br />
fixed.<br />
A staff report at last week’s city<br />
council meeting stated it was<br />
“not possible to ‘fix flooding’ and<br />
some level of flood risk would be<br />
present even if investment were<br />
significantly increased”.<br />
Since 2010, the city council has<br />
spent $300 million reducing the<br />
flood risk around areas including<br />
the Heathcote River, where<br />
water was regularly seeping into<br />
people’s homes.<br />
“There will always be a bigger<br />
flood event, or areas that cannot<br />
be practicably remedied,” the<br />
report stated.<br />
To help, $14 million was set<br />
aside in the 2021-2031 Long<br />
Term Plan to address localised<br />
flood risk in areas including<br />
McCormacks <strong>Bay</strong>, Heathcote<br />
Valley, Hillsborough, and<br />
Redcliffs.<br />
The $14 million did not<br />
include budgets for larger flood<br />
management schemes like the<br />
Upper Heathcote storage areas.<br />
• Turn to page 7<br />
Hardy’s Natural Health - Instore NOW!<br />
We’re your natural health experts - and now we’re a Hardy’s Health Hub!<br />
Lynley, Orla, Lil, Grant (Pharmacist/Owner) Pav, Sue, Brittany, Kellie<br />
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and pick up your copy of our latest My Hardy’s magazine.<br />
Health Hub<br />
1005 Ferry Rd, Ferrymead | Ph 03 943 9635 | OPEN 6 DAYS (Closed Sun)
2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Are you honest, reliable and over<br />
the age of 11? Why not earn money<br />
and get fit doing it. Get in touch<br />
with your interest today:<br /><br />
022 016 9739<br />
Your local community newspaper connects<br />
neighbours in the following suburbs<br />
Brookhaven • Heathcote • Ferrymead<br />
Redcliffs • Mt Pleasant • Sumner • Lyttelton<br />
Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> • Governors <strong>Bay</strong> • Akaroa<br />
<strong>12</strong>,000 readers every week.<br />
Jo-Anne Fuller<br />
Ph: 027 458 8590<br /><br />
Rob Davison<br />
Ph: 021 225 8584<br /><br />
Nielsen Media NRS<br />
‘Reviled’ explored in exhibition<br />
A NEW exhibition<br />
about weeds and insects<br />
has opened at Stoddard<br />
Cottage in Diamond<br />
<strong>Harbour</strong>.<br />
In Substratum, Moana<br />
Lee and Giselle Weir<br />
focus on historically<br />
undervalued and sometimes<br />
reviled members<br />
of our ecosystems. Lee’s<br />
anthotypes are made<br />
from plant<br />
extracts, while<br />
Weir uses watercolour,<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
9 10<br />
<strong>12</strong><br />
15 16 17<br />
11<br />
21 22 23<br />
25<br />
8<br />
13 14<br />
18 19 20<br />
24<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
26<br />
gouache and embroidery<br />
to expose the interconnectivity<br />
that can exist in<br />
unexpected places. <br />
Weir’s work features<br />
the environment, with a<br />
keen interest in the way<br />
things interact together<br />
and the systems that exist<br />
in nature and human<br />
made worlds.<br />
Lee utilises natural<br />
processes, such as light<br />
10/2<br />
sensitive plant juices to<br />
Across<br />
1. It is a frame-up where counters are<br />
concerned (6)<br />
8. How can zoo be adapted for alcoholic<br />
drink? (5)<br />
9. Shelter the East provides for one fleeing<br />
his country (7)<br />
(4)<br />
treasures from the past<br />
11. Their occupation is a needling one (8)<br />
<strong>12</strong>. Anno Domini, to which one is liable to<br />
change and fit (5)<br />
15. Citrus fruit is among several I mention (4)<br />
Hub 16. Vehicle of used port by Vincent Gogh town (3)<br />
17. The supreme feature of a building (4) <strong>12</strong>. Having the skill to be bodied as a rating<br />
For 19. Siam more didn’t finish than in an a environment century, Lyttelton (4) Railway Station provided a vital link<br />
to that’s Christchurch oriental (5) and the wider 13. Fish region. one may catch with an old pram (8)<br />
21. Pure oils mixed can be dangerous (8)<br />
24. Beans provided for certain athletes (7)<br />
25. Bash one over the head with an old coin<br />
(5)<br />
26. As he’s more healthy, he can work in a<br />
repair shop (6)<br />
Page 10<br />
puzzles<br />
capture images of weeds<br />
in the form of anthotypes.<br />
She develops film<br />
with homemade nontoxic<br />
caffenol, in this project<br />
utilising water gathered<br />
from Hinewai streams.<br />
The work is framed using<br />
reclaimed pine furniture<br />
selvages from a roadside.<br />
• Substratum is on<br />
at Stoddard Cottage<br />
until <strong>April</strong> 30, Friday-<br />
Sunday, 10am-4pm.<br />
Down<br />
2. The staff of life is needed in preparation,<br />
one hears (5)<br />
3. Is in creases having credit lumped around<br />
it (8)<br />
4. Go looking for a way to understand a king<br />
5. It will lessen it, to be at a roundabout (5)<br />
6. Closely study an opening in the skin (4)<br />
7. It isn’t so much as it turns up in vessels (4)<br />
10. Attempt to finish over: a u-turn is needed<br />
(9)<br />
14. Feature that was repeatedly toasted (4)<br />
18. The side that is loud, tall and thin (5)<br />
20. Take same gender, number, case or<br />
person (5)<br />
21. Choose something for groundbreaking<br />
work (4)<br />
22. How to cheer for a radical (4)<br />
23. On this board, rider will have ace come<br />
to the top (4)<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Gorse 1 by Moana Lee<br />
Fill the grid so that every column, e<br />
box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />
GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Ph 379 1100<br /><br />
8 9<br />
10 11<br />
<strong>12</strong> 13 14 15<br />
16<br />
17 18 19 20<br />
7<br />
Do you feel lucky?<br />
Take a shot at solving one of our epic crosswords or try the code-cracker<br />
puzzle or sudoku.<br />
Page 14<br />
21 22<br />
23 24<br />
We’re<br />
strengthening<br />
our electricity<br />
network<br />
Across<br />
1. Correct (5)<br />
4. Reduce in rank (6)<br />
8. Sleeping (7)<br />
9. Jeer (5)<br />
10. Choose (5)<br />
11. Dried grape (7)<br />
<strong>12</strong>. Objective (6)<br />
14. Help (6)<br />
17. Determination (7)<br />
19. Stroll (5)<br />
Orion is installing a new 66kV underground power<br />
cable on Ferry Road, as part of a major project we are<br />
undertaking in Christchurch city to replace old cables.<br />
From 17 to 21 <strong>April</strong>, a section of Ferry Road will be closed at night,<br />
between Hopkins Street and Hargood Street. The road will be<br />
closed between midnight and 6.00am. During the day, two lanes<br />
will be open past the work area on Ferry Road.<br />
These are essential upgrades, to enhance the resilience and<br />
security of the network. Please allow extra time for your journey<br />
and follow all signage and instructions from our team on site.<br />
Thank you for your patience.<br />
Find out more about this essential project:<br /><br />
21. Collection of songs or<br />
photos (5)<br />
22. Concerned only with<br />
one’s own benefit (7)<br />
23. Eagerly (6)<br />
24. Bereaved wife (5)<br />
Down<br />
1. Important occasion<br />
(3-6,3)<br />
2. Deep ravine (5)<br />
3. Cooked sandwich (7)<br />
4. Loathe (6)<br />
5. Traveller<br />
accommodation (5)<br />
6. Giant wave (7)<br />
7. Outshine all others<br />
(5,3,4)<br />
13. Laughable (7)<br />
15. Lacking depth (7)<br />
16. Spirited (6)<br />
18. Strongly acidic fruit (5)<br />
20. Sightless (5)<br />
Across: 1. Right, 4. Demote, 8. Dormant, 9. Taunt, 10. Elect, 11. Sultana,<br />
<strong>12</strong>. Target, 14. Assist, 17. Resolve, 19. Amble, 21. Album, 22. Selfish, 23.<br />
Keenly, 24. Widow.<br />
Down: 1. Red-letter day, 2. Gorge, 3. Toastie, 4. Detest, 5. Motel, 6.<br />
Tsunami, 7. Steal the show, 13. Risible, 15. Shallow, 16. Feisty, 18.<br />
Lemon, 20. Blind.<br />
Endeavour <strong>12</strong>. Able 13. Bassinet 14. Chin 18. Flank 20. Agree 21. Pick<br />
22. Root 23. Surf.<br />
16. Van 17. Arch 19. Asian 21. Perilous 24. Runners 25. Crown 26. Fitter.<br />
Down: 2. Bread 3. Crumpled 4. Seek 5. Abate 6. Pore 7. Less 10.<br />
Across: 1. Abacus 8. Booze 9. Refugee 11. Knitters <strong>12</strong>. Adapt 15. Lime<br />
TARGET<br />
caws chow cowpat cows paws<br />
schwa scow show STOPWATCH<br />
stow swap swat swatch swop<br />
swot thaw thaws towpath<br />
tows wash wasp wast watch<br />
watt what whoa whop whops<br />
wotcha<br />
EASY<br />
TARGET<br />
S C T<br />
H W A<br />
P T O<br />
Good 16<br />
Very Good 22<br />
Excellent 27+<br />
How many words of four letters<br />
make? There is at least one nin<br />
Each letter may be used only<br />
words must contain the centre<br />
No words starting with a capit<br />
ending in s unless the word is a<br />
he fires the gun.
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />
NEWS 3<br />
HAVE YOUR SAY: What do you think about the planned<br />
changes to the Dyers Pass Rd, Colombo St, Cashmere Rd<br />
and Centaurus Rd roundabout? Email your responses in<br />
200 words or less to<br />
SAFER: The roundabout connecting Dyers Pass Rd, Colombo St, Cashmere Rd and Centaurus Rd as it is today. Right – what the roundabout is<br />
expected to look like after the proposed changes.<br />
Changes likely for risky roundabout<br />
A BUSY roundabout at the base<br />
of the Port Hills could soon get<br />
a raft of safety improvements to<br />
address the high crash rate.<br />
The Waihoro Spreydon-<br />
Cashmere-Heathcote<br />
Community Board is due to<br />
consider a report tomorrow<br />
recommending safety<br />
improvements to the Cashmere<br />
Rd, Centaurus Rd, Colombo St,<br />
Dyers Pass Rd roundabout.<br />
The changes would include<br />
raised platforms to help prevent<br />
vehicles crashing with cyclists.<br />
Between 2010 and 2021, 27<br />
crashes were reported at the<br />
roundabout. Ten of those<br />
resulted in serious injuries, with<br />
six involving people riding bikes<br />
and four involving people on a<br />
motorcycle or scooter. Cyclists<br />
were also involved in eight<br />
crashes between 2010 and 2021<br />
that resulted in minor injuries.<br />
To address this, city council<br />
staff have recommended changes,<br />
including raised platforms to<br />
encourage safe speeds as vehicles<br />
travel through the roundabout<br />
and make it safer for people to<br />
cross the intersection.<br />
Similar raised platforms added<br />
to intersections across the city,<br />
including Lincoln Rd, Barrington<br />
St and Whiteleigh Ave in<br />
Addington, have faced criticism<br />
from Mayor Phil Mauger.<br />
However, the city council staff<br />
report says the raised platforms<br />
reduce entry speed and improve<br />
safety.<br />
“The Cashmere/Colombo/<br />
Centaurus/Dyers Pass<br />
intersection is a busy intersection<br />
used by many people travelling<br />
to school, work or across the<br />
community. Whether people<br />
are travelling through this<br />
intersection on foot, by bicycle,<br />
by bus or driving, they should<br />
be able to do so safely,” the staff<br />
report stated.<br />
The report also recommended:<br />
• Narrowing the road<br />
widths approaching the<br />
roundabout and installing<br />
sharrow markings to indicate<br />
that people riding bicycles and<br />
vehicles share the lane.<br />
• Widening the existing<br />
pedestrian refuge islands and<br />
add zebra pedestrian and cycle<br />
crossings on Colombo St and<br />
Centaurus Rd to create safer<br />
crossing points.<br />
• Building out the kerb on<br />
the corner of Colombo St and<br />
Centaurus Rd to slow vehicles<br />
turning left into Centaurus<br />
Rd and provide space for<br />
landscaping.<br />
• Building out the kerb on<br />
Dyers Pass and Cashmere Rds<br />
to slow vehicles turning left into<br />
Cashmere Rd.<br />
• Adding a concrete lip around<br />
the centre of the roundabout<br />
to reduce the speed of people<br />
travelling in the roundabout.<br />
More than 400 submissions<br />
were made during the<br />
consultation process, with the<br />
majority calling for traffic lights<br />
to be installed.<br />
However, city council staff say<br />
traffic signals would not improve<br />
safety, may cause more delays for<br />
road users, and would cost $2.5<br />
million, compared to $450,000<br />
for the recommended changes.<br />
The cost will be covered by<br />
the Government through the<br />
Christchurch Regeneration<br />
Acceleration Fund.<br />
Bin Good with<br />
recycling<br />
By putting the right clean items in the yellow bin,<br />
you’re helping to reduce waste going to landfill.<br />
These are the only items that can go in the<br />
yellow bin:<br />
Remember:<br />
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Give your bottles<br />
and containers a rinse<br />
and make sure they<br />
are loose.<br />
Plastic bottles & containers<br />
numbered 1, 2 and 5<br />
(3 litres and under and put lids<br />
in the red bin)<br />
Glass bottles and jars<br />
(put lids in the red bin)<br />
Thanks for<br />
bin good<br />
If you need more<br />
info download our<br />
handy Christchurch<br />
Bins app<br /><br />
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Heat Pumps<br />
Heat Pumps<br />
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Pump Expert<br />
Flattened cardboard<br />
and paper<br />
(no smaller than a standard envelope)<br />
Aluminium cans<br />
and metal tins<br />
(please don’t squash)
<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
4<br />
NEWS<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
Residents call for a better solution<br />
• From page 1<br />
“The cell site . . . will not extend<br />
any further into the footpath<br />
than the existing equipment,”<br />
Mulitalo said.<br />
However, it will be wider. The<br />
existing pole has a diameter of<br />
11.4cm. The new pole has a diameter<br />
of 27.3cm.<br />
“We have selected the slimmest<br />
pole possible to structurally<br />
support the new equipment,”<br />
Mulitalo said.<br />
Work is currently on hold until<br />
<strong>April</strong> 20, so FortySouth and One<br />
NZ can communicate plans to<br />
nearby residents, as they failed to<br />
do so in an initial letter.<br />
“Detailed plans were not<br />
initially shared with neighbours,<br />
but that has now been done and<br />
we have apologised for not doing<br />
this when we first wrote to them,”<br />
Mulitalo said.<br />
In the new letter sent to residents,<br />
FortySouth provided an<br />
email address for queries and<br />
feedback.<br />
But Redcliffs residents are<br />
calling for FortySouth to consider<br />
alternative locations for<br />
the upgrade and to carry out<br />
consultation.<br />
“We would be disappointed to<br />
see (the current tower) getting<br />
more obtrusive,” Redcliffs Residents’<br />
Association secretary Pat<br />
McIntosh said.<br />
The association was alerted to<br />
the details of the upgrade by a<br />
Ferrymead<br />
Second Chances<br />
Facing my demons and finding a better me<br />
by Hayley Holt<br />
A raw and honest story of alcoholism, recovery and courage<br />
in the face of loss.<br />
What do you think<br />
about the cellphone<br />
tower upgrade?<br />
Email your responses<br />
in 200 words or less<br />
to barry@starmedia.<br />
kiwi<br />
Hayley Holt grew up in the public eye. Now it’s time to share her<br />
side of the story.<br />
After breaking free from the strict dance schedule of her childhood, in her late<br />
teens Hayley found freedom at the bottom of a bottle: she became confident,<br />
easygoing, the life of the party.<br />
Before long it became a crutch. As her high-profile TV career grew, Hayley spent<br />
nights drinking, getting kicked out of clubs, and blacking out. In this vulnerable<br />
memoir, she describes the scare that led her to Alcoholics Anonymous, her<br />
journey to sobriety, and an ADHD diagnosis that brought everything into focus.<br />
Then, single, forty, and at the peak of her career, Hayley embarked on a<br />
pregnancy that was cut short by a devastating stillbirth. Yet in the darkest place of<br />
her life, she found hope in a blossoming new love.<br />
Heartbreaking and inspiring, filled with Hayley’s wicked wit, Second Chances is<br />
about finding the courage to face up to your mistakes, and learning that even the<br />
deepest pain can be followed by the greatest joy.<br />
Nostrana<br />
Flavours from my Italian kitchen garden<br />
by Bri DiMattina<br />
Delicious Italian-inspired recipes from a New Zealand home garden<br />
Nostrana means homegrown, ours; growing food with the intent of<br />
sharing it.<br />
Inspired by the abundant lemon trees and trellised tomato vines of her<br />
Italian grandparents’ vegetable garden, Bri DiMattina started her own<br />
edible pantry in her back garden and discovered the joys of bringing food<br />
from seed to table.<br />
Organised seasonally, and with growing guides for each ingredient,<br />
Nostrana shares simple, gorgeous and delicious recipes with fresh<br />
vegetables and fruits you can easily grow and harvest yourself.<br />
CELLPHONE TOWER: FortySouth began work on the<br />
upgrade at Beachville Rd and the Christchurch Coastal<br />
Pathway last month.<br />
resident on Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 1.<br />
“Before then we only knew<br />
works were happening,” McIntosh<br />
said.<br />
“The company is quite correct<br />
to say they can rebuild where<br />
they are . . . we’re just asking<br />
ENTER TO<br />
WIN<br />
book<br />
release<br />
We have one copy of Second Chances by Hayley Holt to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead. To<br />
be in the draw, email with Second Chances by Hayley Holt in the subject line or<br />
write to Take Note Book Giveaway, Second Chances by Hayley Holt , Star Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />
8140. To be eligible for the draw, all entries must include your name, address and contact number. Entries<br />
close Tues <strong>April</strong> 25 , <strong>2023</strong>. The book winner of Tales Of A Vet Nurse was Meghan Tippet of Heathcote Valley.<br />
them to consider other options.”<br />
Fleming, who lives nearby,<br />
sought out more information<br />
after receiving a letter in her<br />
mailbox stating there would be<br />
an upgrade.<br />
She said an installation crew<br />
fLOOr COverinG<br />
Pebble Stone (2nds)<br />
By Bremworth<br />
Save over $100m<br />
100% New Zealand Wool carpet, extra heavy duty,<br />
natural loop pile carpet, factory second.<br />
Sensational value, similar carpets are over $219.00m<br />
Our Price $59.00m<br />
(that’s $16.13m 2 )<br />
Limited stock<br />
arrived on Thursday,<br />
March 30.<br />
She said she was<br />
told by the crew<br />
the tower would<br />
only be slightly<br />
wider.<br />
When the new<br />
pole was bought to<br />
the site, Fleming<br />
thought it was massive.<br />
Pat<br />
McIntosh<br />
“I thought, that’s not slightly<br />
wider, it’s huge,” she said.<br />
After seeing the size of the new<br />
tower, Fleming and her husband<br />
did some research. She said the<br />
dimensions for the upgraded<br />
tower had been left off paperwork<br />
sent to the city council.<br />
“You couldn’t tell how much<br />
bigger it was going to be,” she<br />
said.<br />
Like the resident’s association,<br />
Fleming is asking FortySouth to<br />
investigate other locations.<br />
She also thinks the company<br />
should have consulted the community<br />
and residents.<br />
“If you’re a private company<br />
using public land, you have a<br />
responsibility to properly consult<br />
with the people affected,” Fleming<br />
said.<br />
City council head of planning<br />
and consents John Higgins said<br />
consultation is usually the responsibility<br />
of the operator.<br />
“Sometimes, if the cell tower<br />
significantly exceeds the standards,<br />
then formal consultation is<br />
Westbrook<br />
By Lifestyle<br />
New arrival Heavy duty, solution dyed Polyester<br />
cut pile carpet, looks and feels great, 1 colour,<br />
Pegasus, a beautiful silvery grey colour. Ideal carpet<br />
for the budget conscious.<br />
Special price:<br />
(that’s $20.50m 2 )<br />
Only for a limited time<br />
PLUS<br />
MUCH<br />
MORE<br />
Hanno<br />
Sander<br />
47 Gasson Street • Ph 353 8899 • Hours: 8.30am-5pm Mon-Fri<br /><br />
Only $75.00m<br />
Zenith<br />
(Large format vinyl planks 1.5m x .2m)<br />
Exceptional value and 2 great colours in stock now,<br />
Hadfield Oak & Kinross Oak. Normally planks of<br />
this quality sell for $59.00m 2<br />
Our Price $29.95m 2<br />
Only while stocks last<br />
undertaken under<br />
the resource<br />
consent process.<br />
“This wasn’t the<br />
case here.”<br />
The<br />
Christchurch<br />
Coastal Pathway<br />
Group moved<br />
a unanimous<br />
motion at a meeting last<br />
Tuesday, put forward by CCPG<br />
chair Hanno Sander: “That<br />
the Christchurch Coastal<br />
Pathway Group’s key objective<br />
is to promote the creation of<br />
a 4m wide shared pathway<br />
which includes the Beachville<br />
Esplanade.<br />
“CCPG was not consulted on<br />
the proposed changes to the cell<br />
tower, which will block a large<br />
section of the pathway. Our<br />
position is that the placement of<br />
any structures on the pathway is<br />
unacceptable.”<br />
Sander said the group’s main<br />
concern was structures built on<br />
the path.<br />
“We don’t want structures built<br />
on the pathway blocking the path<br />
of users,” he said.<br />
The cellphone tower upgrade is<br />
part of a nationwide programme<br />
FortySouth has been carrying<br />
out over the last couple of years.<br />
It has been both upgrading and<br />
building new towers throughout<br />
New Zealand, as well as working<br />
on other sites in Christchurch.
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 5<br />
Keep your home cosy this autumn<br />
Hitachi<br />
Heat Pump Air Conditioner<br />
2.5kW/3.2kW Reverse<br />
White<br />
326276<br />
$1,289<br />
Hitachi<br />
Heat Pump Air Conditioner<br />
5kW/6kW Reverse White<br />
326278<br />
$1,799<br />
Pine Firewood<br />
Nouveau<br />
Dehumidifier<br />
10L White<br />
327003<br />
Goldair Platinum<br />
Dehumidifier with<br />
WiFi 20L White<br />
327029<br />
$219 $499<br />
$55 per scoop<br />
available in the mitre10<br />
Landscape Zone, 987 Ferry road<br />
Goldair<br />
Eco Panel<br />
Heater 425W,<br />
Two Pack<br />
369985<br />
Nouveau<br />
Convector Heater with Turbo Fan 2kW<br />
349232<br />
Goldair<br />
Convector Heater with Turbo Fan 2kW<br />
Silver<br />
326984<br />
Nouveau<br />
Convector Panel Heater 2.2kW<br />
349233<br />
$259 $85 $119<br />
$185<br />
Hot mix Firewood<br />
Woodsman<br />
Serene ULEB Wood Fire<br />
with Drawer<br />
394680<br />
Woodsman<br />
Coleridge ULEB<br />
Wood Fire<br />
with Pedestal<br />
Metallic Black<br />
391045<br />
$65 per scoop<br />
available in the mitre10<br />
Landscape Zone, 987 Ferry road<br />
$3,399<br />
Woodsman<br />
Serene ULEB Wood Fire<br />
with Woodbox<br />
354305<br />
$2,999<br />
$2,799<br />
Masport<br />
Waimakariri<br />
Freestanding ULEB<br />
Wood Fire with Pedestal<br />
353973<br />
$2,999<br />
Prices valid until 30th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> while<br />
stocks last, terms and conditions apply.<br />
Mitre 10 MEGA Ferrymead<br />
1005 Ferry Road. Christchurch<br />
Phone: 366 6306<br />
Find us at: /MEGAFerrymead<br />
Opening Hours:<br />
Monday – Friday:<br />
7am – 7pm<br />
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays:<br />
8am – 6pm<br /><br />
6 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
The #1 Plug-in hybrid 4wd family SUV<br />
SCOOP PURCHASE $ 46,990<br />
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10 year / 160,000km Powertrain Warranty (whichever comes<br />
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The All-new X-TRAIL e-POWER<br />
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Now you can enjoy electric driving without the plug.<br />
CHRISTCHURCH NISSAN, 380 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch<br />
Ph: 03 595 6820<br /><br />
No wait times, available for immediate delivery.<br />
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
Walk or wheel around<br />
the Coastal Pathway<br />
NEWS 7<br />
KAREN BRILL’S walking bike<br />
has allowed her to get her life<br />
back.<br />
Karen was struggling with<br />
her weight, had damaged lungs,<br />
difficulty breathing and severe<br />
arthritis.<br />
“In 2020, I went to church and<br />
couldn’t even walk five metres<br />
without needing to take a rest. I<br />
disliked not being able to walk<br />
and live a normal life, and finally<br />
decided that I’d had enough.”<br />
So Karen bought a large<br />
walking frame, hoping it would<br />
extend her mobility. Despite<br />
taking this step, she reached<br />
another hurdle.<br />
“The walker was so wide<br />
I couldn’t even get through<br />
doorframes with it. I put up with<br />
it for a few months, but in early<br />
2021 I thought it was ridiculous.<br />
So I went online and stumbled<br />
across the Alinker walking bike.”<br />
Karen said before the Alinker,<br />
any sort of exercise was hard.<br />
“I was 150kg and I couldn’t<br />
even get to the letterbox. My<br />
neighbour brought in my mail<br />
and took out my bins for me,<br />
and friends picked me up to take<br />
me to Church.”<br />
The new walking bike, created<br />
by Dutch-Canadian inventor<br />
Barbara Alink, allowed Karen to<br />
out of her home and complete<br />
her daily errands by herself.<br />
The walking bike also helped<br />
•From page 1<br />
Last week’s report intended<br />
to present a wider view of<br />
stormwater management that<br />
will enable more informed<br />
decisions to be made.<br />
Also in the report was a brief<br />
summary of options that had<br />
been investigated in the past to<br />
address localised flooding and<br />
stormwater ponding that are not<br />
currently funded.<br />
One of those was pipe and<br />
waterway network upgrades<br />
FITNESS: Karen Brill said her new walking bike has<br />
changed her life.<br />
her lose enough weight to<br />
receive gastric bypass surgery<br />
and improve her quality of life.<br />
“It came down to the social<br />
aspect of it as well. People were<br />
talking to me in the street and<br />
my confidence was improving.<br />
I’d even leave myself extra time<br />
when I went out, so that I could<br />
stop and chat to anyone who<br />
had questions.<br />
“Now, I’m walking about 6km<br />
a day. While I still cannot bend<br />
my knee, my lungs are healthy,<br />
my muscles are growing and I’m<br />
able to do things I haven’t done<br />
in years,” Karen said.<br />
The city council’s Walking<br />
Festival caters to a range of<br />
people like Karen. A new<br />
accessible walk, hosted by the<br />
New Zealand Spinal Trust and<br />
called Te Ara Ihutai Coastal<br />
Pathway – Wheelie Wander will<br />
take place on Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 23.<br />
The participants will meet at<br />
11am at Scotts Park off Main Rd<br />
in Mt Pleasant before they walk<br />
or wheel their way along the<br />
Coastal Pathway.<br />
The walk is open to those in<br />
wheelchairs and their friends<br />
and whānau. New Zealand<br />
Spinal Trust community and<br />
marketing coordinator Tina<br />
Morrell said the organisation<br />
was exited to host the walk.<br />
“As staff, we like to live active,<br />
healthy lives and encourage<br />
the people we work alongside<br />
to remain active too. The<br />
well-being benefits of keeping<br />
physically active are immense,”<br />
Morrell said.<br />
Whether you’re a fan of local<br />
history, getting out into nature,<br />
socialising or pushing yourself<br />
to get that awesome view, there’s<br />
something for all ages and<br />
abilities.<br />
•To find out more or<br />
enter the Te Ara Ihutai<br />
Coastal Pathway – Wheelie<br />
Wander, visit www.ccc.<br /><br />
whats-on/event/te-araihutai-coastal-pathwaywheelie-wander<br />
Some flooding will be inevitable<br />
in the Sumner Stream, which<br />
in 2016 had an estimated<br />
construction cost of $<strong>12</strong>.8<br />
million, with the benefit of<br />
reducing flooding and road<br />
ponding in Sumner.<br />
The report said the community<br />
and city council would have<br />
to accept some surface water<br />
ponding and private property<br />
flooding that could be addressed<br />
through physical work.<br />
Mayor Phil Mauger is no<br />
stranger to working in flooded<br />
areas having taken matters<br />
into his own hands digging<br />
out a trench in Bexley red zone<br />
in 2020, following which the<br />
city council voted to prioritise<br />
works in the area to address the<br />
problem.<br />
During last week’s meeting,<br />
Mauger questioned council staff<br />
whether enough material was<br />
being removed from rivers and<br />
whether more common dredging<br />
could be an option, something<br />
he said was a common<br />
occurrence pre-earthquake.<br />
Council staff responded by<br />
saying dredging is not a simple<br />
process and that multiple factors<br />
had to be considered including<br />
bank stability.<br />
The city council decided to<br />
develop a prioritised list of<br />
works, but staff warned the<br />
scale of the task limited the<br />
city council’s ability to address<br />
all areas at pace and significant<br />
time would be needed to<br />
complete all the work.<br />
CRUISE: The Ovation of<br />
the Seas left Lyttelton on<br />
Monday.<br />
Even more<br />
cruise ships<br />
expected<br />
next season<br />
CRUISE SHIPS will be docking at<br />
Lyttelton in even greater numbers<br />
next season.<br />
Seventy-nine cruise ships<br />
berthed in Lyttelton over the past<br />
seven months, including the last<br />
one of this season, the Ovation<br />
of the Seas, which departed on<br />
Monday.<br />
However, the Lyttelton Port<br />
Company’s forecast is for 98<br />
cruise ship visits next season.<br />
“The return of large cruise ships<br />
to the Port of Lyttelton has been<br />
a welcome return for Lyttelton,<br />
Christchurch and the Canterbury<br />
province after the devastating<br />
Canterbury earthquakes and<br />
Covid-19 pandemic,” Lyttelton<br />
Port Company’s Phil de Joux said.<br />
He said there had been 85<br />
scheduled arrivals this season<br />
but 79 visits. The drop was due to<br />
weather, hull cleaning and vessel<br />
operational issues.<br />
Bus routes through Lyttelton<br />
are changing to try to solve the<br />
congestion problem caused by<br />
cruise ship passengers.<br />
It’s one of a number of<br />
immediate changes being made<br />
after the Te Pataka o Rakaihautu<br />
Banks Peninsula Community<br />
Board faced angry protests from<br />
locals at a meeting in February,<br />
complaining about cruise<br />
ship passengers hogging the<br />
buses, creating congestion and<br />
preventing them from getting to<br />
and from the city on time.<br />
You live here.<br />
We live near.<br />
CITY<br />
WIGRAM<br />
<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
8<br />
NEWS<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
Tiny birds continue to thrive in bush<br />
• By Heidi Slade<br />
TWO PAIRS of New Zealand’s<br />
smallest bird continue to live<br />
in bush near Akaroa – more<br />
than a year after they were first<br />
spotted.<br />
The rifleman were first seen in<br />
the reserve by a city council park<br />
ranger in late 2021.<br />
Typically, rifleman prefer a<br />
more mature forest than that on<br />
Banks Peninsula.<br />
City council<br />
biodiversity<br />
team leader<br />
Alison Evans<br />
said rifleman<br />
are at extremely<br />
high risk from<br />
predators.<br />
Alison Evans<br />
The birds<br />
choose to<br />
nest in holes<br />
of native trees, where they are<br />
preyed on by rats, possums and<br />
other pests.<br />
“Rats and stoats easily get into<br />
their holes in trees.<br />
“They’re like sitting ducks in<br />
there,” Evans said.<br />
To protect the current<br />
Misty Peaks Reserve rifleman<br />
population of four and boost<br />
their numbers, the city council,<br />
Refuge Ecology and Banks<br />
Peninsula Conservation Trust<br />
placed 51 nesting boxes in the<br />
area during <strong>April</strong> last year.<br />
“In many areas, there aren’t<br />
many native trees left with these<br />
kinds of holes. By providing<br />
boxes you’re providing them with<br />
a safe place,” Evans said.<br />
The boxes are designed to<br />
replicate the typical natural<br />
nesting place of the birds.<br />
At the beginning of the project,<br />
the city council was aware of two<br />
male and two female riflemen/<br />
titipounamu living on Banks<br />
Peninsula. A year later the same<br />
two pairs are still living in the<br />
area.<br />
While the number of rifleman<br />
has not increased at the reserve<br />
since the project began, Evans<br />
is pleased the two pairs are still<br />
around.<br />
“We haven’t seen any using the<br />
boxes, but we wouldn’t expect<br />
them to be using the boxes just<br />
yet,” Evans said.<br />
She does not think the city<br />
council will see the birds in the<br />
boxes for about two or three<br />
years, when they need a place to<br />
nest.<br />
“In the meantime, what<br />
we’ve been concentrating on<br />
more is the predator control<br />
there,’’ Evans said.<br />
“The city council is working<br />
will Pest Free Banks Peninsula,<br />
primarily on possum control in<br />
the area.<br />
“We’ve got AT220 traps in<br />
(Misty Peaks Reserve) which<br />
reset themselves.<br />
“We want to know which<br />
species are going to flourish as a<br />
result of no possums.<br />
“We’ve been cleaning up a lot<br />
of possums from those traps, so<br />
that will be really good to have<br />
them gone.”<br />
Rifleman are very sparsely<br />
HOPEFUL: City council<br />
ranger MacKenzie Flight<br />
checks a rifleman nesting<br />
boxes.<br />
dispersed, which makes them<br />
hard to track down.<br />
Due to this, Evans does not<br />
have an estimate of how many<br />
rifleman there are across New<br />
Zealand.<br />
“There’s very few around,<br />
they’re quite secretive birds.<br />
“But they’re hanging in there.”<br />
In the next two to three years,<br />
Evans’ goal is to see rifleman<br />
flourish.<br />
• If you have seen a<br />
rifleman, report the<br />
sighting to alison.evans@<br /><br />
Do you suffer from<br />
dizziness, vertigo or BPPV?<br />
Redcliffs Residents Association<br />
These issues can be treated with vestibular physiotherapy.<br />
Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is a specialised form of therapy,<br />
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and the balance problems that can occur with vestibular<br />
dysfunction. Balance problems and dizziness can all be treated<br />
very effectively.<br />
Our team of experienced physiotherapists have all completed<br />
internationally recognised competency courses in Vestibular<br />
Rehabilitation.<br />
ALL<br />
All welcome to a Public Meeting of the Redcliffs Residents Association.<br />
Presentations by locals on "Visions for Redcliffs" will accompany the AGM of the RRA.<br />
Come and hear Councillor Sara Templeton on climate change issues, Martin Ward on the<br />
Te Awa Kura Barnett Park regeneration project, Mount Pleasant Pottery, and<br />
(if their consents are through) Fletcher Living on their plans for the supermarket site.<br />
Your opportunity to find out what is happening and add your input.<br />
Enquiries and committee nominations to<br />
Contact our<br />
Dizziness Clinic:<br />
Nicole Vercoe,<br />
Clinical Lead,<br />
Physiotherapy<br /><br />
or on 03 335 0541<br />
Dizziness<br />
Clinic<br />
Read local
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 9<br />
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<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
10<br />
Lyttelton Railway Station’s 105 years<br />
The Oxford St entrance to the Lyttelton Railway Station and port, framed by the harbour<br />
board and post office. Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum ref. 14986.172<br /><br />
Top right – The Lyttelton railway yards, 1875. Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum ref. 14985.20<br /><br />
FOR OVER a century, the town<br />
centre of Ōhinehou Lyttelton<br />
revolved not solely around<br />
London St, but extended down<br />
along Oxford St to the port quays<br />
and their public transport hub at<br />
the Lyttelton Railway Station.<br />
In days gone by, turning right<br />
into Oxford St from London St,<br />
you would have passed by HP<br />
Hobson’s, later Collett’s Chemist,<br />
with the borough council offices<br />
and the old library and fire<br />
station across the street, and the<br />
war memorial in the centre of<br />
the intersection.<br />
Walking down the steep footpath<br />
past Norton’s Tea Rooms<br />
and Dance Hall, followed by<br />
the Tin Palace, you would have<br />
come to the busy intersection of<br />
Oxford St and Norwich Quay.<br />
Here, you would find the British<br />
and Canterbury hotels opposite<br />
the fine harbour board and the<br />
post and telegraph office with<br />
its clock tower, with Oxford St<br />
continuing on into the Lyttelton<br />
Railway Station yard and the<br />
wharves beyond.<br />
Established in 1867, the<br />
Lyttelton Railway Station was<br />
constructed to accommodate<br />
passengers traversing the<br />
recently completed Moorhouse<br />
Rail Tunnel, thus rendering the<br />
Ferrymead Railway – New Zealand’s<br />
inaugural public railway<br />
line – obsolete.<br />
The Lyttelton station held<br />
considerable significance as it<br />
facilitated a crucial connection<br />
between the port of Lyttelton<br />
and the city of Christchurch, as<br />
well as linking the port to the<br />
wider Canterbury region. This<br />
connectivity allowed for the<br />
efficient transport of goods and<br />
passengers by means of rail, and<br />
resulted in the rapid expansion<br />
of freight and passenger rail services<br />
through the latter decades<br />
of the 19th century.<br />
The initial station building was<br />
a humble wooden construction,<br />
featuring a gabled roof and<br />
dimensions of just five by 11 metres.<br />
A crowd of approximately<br />
500 citizens gathered there on<br />
December 9, 1867 to welcome<br />
the arrival of the first passenger<br />
train, with some noting the station<br />
appeared to be unfinished,<br />
without a roofed platform, and of<br />
a ‘temporary quality’.<br />
In January 1873, with the<br />
station having survived the<br />
great fire of 1870, designs for a<br />
new and more accommodating<br />
building were devised.<br />
Canterbury Provincial Railways<br />
general manager John Marshman<br />
successfully persuaded the<br />
provincial government to construct<br />
verandas over the station<br />
platforms, arguing he had never<br />
seen a railway station of Lyttelton’s<br />
significance that required<br />
passengers to brave the rain in<br />
order to board a train.<br />
This second rainproof<br />
railway station commenced<br />
operation upon its completion<br />
in August 1873. However, it<br />
would be another six years,<br />
and some <strong>12</strong> years after the rail<br />
tunnel opened, before regularly<br />
scheduled passenger rail<br />
services between Lyttelton and<br />
Christchurch would finally commence<br />
on December 17, 1879.<br />
Through to the 20th century,<br />
the railway station became an<br />
important public transportation<br />
hub for the region, with its<br />
passenger trains connecting<br />
with steam ferries to and from<br />
Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong>, the Corsair<br />
<strong>Bay</strong> Recreation Reserve, and bays<br />
around Horomaka Banks Peninsula,<br />
along with a regular Royal<br />
Mail passenger coach service to<br />
Governors <strong>Bay</strong> and beyond.<br />
Throughout its nine long<br />
decades of service to the community,<br />
this second station saw<br />
a huge growth in passenger<br />
services, along with the advent<br />
of electric trains in 1929, and<br />
went through multiple repairs<br />
and refurbishments. After just<br />
30 years, in 1910, the district<br />
engineer had recommended its<br />
demolition and the building of a<br />
new station, to no avail. A quarter<br />
of a century later, in 1935,<br />
another district engineer noted<br />
a severe borer infestation. Yet it<br />
was not until August 7, 1962 that<br />
the Minister of Railways John<br />
McAlpine finally announced the<br />
demolition and redevelopment<br />
of a rather dilapidated Lyttelton<br />
Railway Station.<br />
The construction project<br />
went ahead despite concerns<br />
surrounding the long-term<br />
sustainability of passenger rail<br />
services between Lyttelton and<br />
Christchurch, as the imminent<br />
completion of the Lyttelton Road<br />
Tunnel was expected to establish<br />
road transport as a serious competitor<br />
for public patronage.<br />
And sure enough, the distinctly<br />
1960s-style third Lyttelton<br />
Railway Station remained operational<br />
for just shy of a decade before<br />
the New Zealand Railways<br />
department made the decision<br />
to terminate passenger services<br />
through the Lyttelton Railway<br />
Tunnel due to diminishing<br />
passenger counts. The regular<br />
passenger rail service between<br />
Lyttelton and Christchurch was<br />
thus discontinued on February<br />
28, 1972, and with it the century-long<br />
history of the Lyttelton<br />
Railway Station at the heart of<br />
the port town became a fading<br />
memory.<br />
Intermittent rail passenger<br />
services continued with the<br />
‘boat train’ express connecting<br />
with the interisland ferry service<br />
until the ferries stopped in 1976.<br />
A Christchurch-Lyttelton Port<br />
shuttle service for cruise ships<br />
was active for some years, as<br />
well as a Tranz Scenic service to<br />
Arthur’s Pass, with the station<br />
building also providing office<br />
space for NZR staff. Following<br />
the devastating Canterbury<br />
earthquakes of 2010-11, the<br />
third Lyttelton Railway Station<br />
building was demolished in 2017.<br />
The second Lyttelton Railway Station, February 6, 1963.<br />
Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum ref. <strong>12</strong>980.1<br /><br />
station-6.jpg<br />
The third Lyttelton Railway Station, September 11, 1963.<br />
Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum ref. 13193.1<br />
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 11
<strong>12</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong>
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 13
<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
14<br />
Latest Canterbury news at<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7<br />
8 9 10<br />
<strong>12</strong> 13 14 15<br />
16 17 18<br />
19 20 21 22<br />
23<br />
11<br />
14/4<br />
Across<br />
7. Agreeable way to be, to cope with man out<br />
on bail (13)<br />
8. Bottle miner might have used as a mixer<br />
(6,5)<br />
<strong>12</strong>. Statement of grievance one put in the<br />
factory (6)<br />
14. Moon is getting less pale, having halved<br />
(6)<br />
16. Followed one that’s caudate… (6)<br />
18. … or is following the rear (6)<br />
19. Quick of mind, as one telling ten off (11)<br />
23. The highest happiness even the shaven<br />
could achieve (7,6)<br />
Down<br />
1. Custom-built part for a sarcophagus (4)<br />
2. The precise location of a pimple (4)<br />
3. Think of a new idea, and make it up (6)<br />
4. The sort of laugh a dimple shows? (6)<br />
5. Gilead’s fragrant substance (4)<br />
6. A scheme for an architect’s drawing (4)<br />
9. Language is in a tail-twisting form (7)<br />
10. There is a view of the circle on the wing<br />
(7)<br />
11. How old French artist wasn’t quite taken<br />
up (4)<br />
<strong>12</strong>. The way to get a bit of sympathy (4)<br />
13. It shows maiden name will require<br />
shortening (3)<br />
15. Ruthlessly cut three-quarters of 21 up (3)<br />
17. Water it down with the lute I’d made up<br />
(6)<br />
18. Plant disease makes top of bloom come<br />
down (6)<br />
19. It occurs to one it’s not quite perfect (4)<br />
20. A branching stand Australian is mad to<br />
be out of (4)<br />
21. First master to follow up 15 in test at<br />
school (4)<br />
22. Hiker turns up, having got round long<br />
journey on foot (4)<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />
box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7<br />
8 9<br />
10 11 <strong>12</strong><br />
13 14 15<br />
16 17 18<br />
19 20 21<br />
22<br />
23 24<br />
Across<br />
1. Men (inf) (5)<br />
4. Minor setback (6)<br />
7. Duo (3)<br />
8. Luxury fibre (6)<br />
9. Prim (6)<br />
10. Blood feud (8)<br />
<strong>12</strong>. Rotate (4)<br />
13. Hush up (6)<br />
15. Frugally make<br />
something last (3,3)<br />
16. Icecream holder (4)<br />
17. Spell of low<br />
temperatures (4,4)<br />
19. Fluid retention (6)<br />
20. Male relative (6)<br />
22. Type (3)<br />
23. Method (6)<br />
24. Tale (5)<br />
Down<br />
1. Sweets and chocolates<br />
(13)<br />
2. Fuss (3)<br />
3. Begin (5)<br />
4. Person held captive (7)<br />
5. Innumerable (9)<br />
6. Regrettably (13)<br />
11. Unlike (9)<br />
14. Cry out (7)<br />
18. Connections (5)<br />
21. In favour (3)<br />
Across: 1. Chaps, 4. Hiccup, 7. Two, 8. Angora, 9. Stuffy, 10. Vendetta,<br />
<strong>12</strong>. Turn, 13. Stifle, 15. Eke out, 16. Cone, 17. Cold snap, 19. Oedema,<br />
20. Nephew, 22. Ilk, 23. System, 24. Story.<br />
Down: 1. Confectionery, 2. Ado, 3. Start, 4. Hostage, 5. Countless, 6.<br />
Unfortunately, 11. Different, 14. Exclaim, 18. Links, 21. Pro.<br />
Across: 7. Companionable 8. Bitter lemon <strong>12</strong>. Plaint 14. Waning 16.<br />
Tailed 18. Behind 19. Intelligent 23. Seventh heaven.<br />
Down: 1. Tomb 2. Spot 3. Invent 4. Hollow 5. Balm 6. Plan 9. Italian 10.<br />
Opinion 11. Aged <strong>12</strong>. Path 13. Née 15. Axe 17. Dilute 18. Blight 19. Idea<br />
20. Tree 21. Exam 22. Trek.<br />
TARGET<br />
anise inane insane kens kinase<br />
kine ness nine sake sane<br />
senna sienna sine skean skein<br />
skies snake snakes SNAKESKIN<br />
sneak sneaks<br />
EASY<br />
TARGET<br />
S K N<br />
I E K<br />
N S A<br />
Good 10<br />
Very Good 13<br />
Excellent 16+<br />
How many words of four letters or more can you<br />
make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />
Each letter may be used only once and all<br />
words must contain the centre letter.<br />
No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />
ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />
he fires the gun.<br />
Mon-Thurs: 7am - 4pm<br />
Fri-Sun: 7am - 5pm
As far as the eye can sea ...<br />
8 Crest Lane, Redcliffs<br />
Auction Thurs 27 <strong>April</strong> 11am (USP)<br />
4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 living room,<br />
2 car garage, 1 carport, 2 off-steet parks<br />
Listing No. FM6019<br />
Open Homes: Sat & Sun 1pm - 1:45pm<br />
Relax & unwind in this low maintenance,<br />
post-earthquake modern home while taking<br />
in the sea & mountain vistas. With a downsize<br />
on the cards, this presents a wonderful<br />
opportunity to secure your next home down<br />
a private lane, to make the most of the coastal<br />
lifestyle without the hard work.<br />
The four bedrooms across two levels feature<br />
dual master suites - one downstairs and<br />
another upstairs - providing great options for<br />
accessibility or guest stays. Open plan<br />
living on the upper level flows seamlessly<br />
onto two generous decks for entertaining<br />
and sun chasing into the early evening.<br />
A double internal access garage is<br />
complemented by an additional covered<br />
parking space (ideal for boat or trailer) and<br />
good off-street parking on the driveway.<br />
Professionally landscaped gardens, recently<br />
completed by highly regarded Inside Out<br />
designers, offer meandering pathways and<br />
garden beds overlooking the nearby valley<br />
& hills, with a feature decked area with<br />
water feature to take in the ocean view.<br />
For a low maintenance lifestyle in a spacious yet<br />
uncomplicated home, 8 Crest Lane offers it all.<br />
Rosa Carter AREINZ<br />
M. 027 533 0319<br />
Alison Carter<br />
M. 0274 318 960<br />
Ferrymead Office<br />
Ph. 03 384 7950<br />
(Licensed Agent REAA 2008)<br />
NEW<br />
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />
Showcase your<br />
business!<br />
Exhibit to over 10,000<br />
potential customers<br />
across three days!<br />
30 Jun - 2 Jul <strong>2023</strong><br />
Christchurch Arena<br />
You could feature in Canterbury’s most<br />
highly marketed Home and Leisure show.<br />
This is the perfect opportunity to reach<br />
new customers, generate ongoing leads<br />
and boost your brand’s awareness.<br />
Your business or services may also fit into<br />
one of our unique zones, including:<br />
Stands are available in a range of sizes to suit all budgets. We also have a new<br />
exhibitor pack and monthly payment options available to get you started.<br />
We have STandS available To SuiT all budgeTS!<br />
Contact Shane now on 021 381 765 or email for a no obligation quote. Payment options available. Terms & Conditions apply.
16 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Public Notices<br />
Trades & Services<br />
Lawn Technician needed<br />
Fortnightly lawn maintenance in<br />
Akaroa township.<br />
Dirty Grout &<br />
Tiles?<br />
Rate is on experience and will be<br />
discussed with employer.<br />
Patios Need Cleaning<br />
NIWA Casual Data Collector<br />
Fisheries Team, Lyttelton<br />
Any questions please call Gerald<br />
Fahey on 0274808217<br />
NIWA is a dynamic research organisation and New Zealand's<br />
largest and pre-eminent provider of climate, freshwater and<br />
marine science.<br />
We are seeking an enthusiastic and reliable Data Collector to<br />
conduct surveys at the Lyttelton boat ramp. The role involves<br />
interviewing recreational fishers and recording data about the<br />
types and volumes of finfish caught.<br />
Our Data Collector will conduct work on boat ramps on 3<br />
weekend days per month from May <strong>2023</strong> until September <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Interview sessions are 4 hours in length hence a total of <strong>12</strong><br />
hours work per month. You will need to be available for a 3 hour<br />
training session in Christchurch (<strong>April</strong> or May <strong>2023</strong>). A vehicle is<br />
essential for this position.<br />
Our successful applicants will be able to work effectively unsupervised,<br />
have good verbal communication skills, and the ability<br />
to accurately record data. A knowledge of fisheries is helpful<br />
but not essential. In return you will receive a competitive hourly<br />
rate and the opportunity to work outdoors!<br />
Interested in knowing more? Contact Niki Davey on email niki.<br /> or call on 0272335336 and we can provide<br />
more information.<br />
Applications close: 21 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> (or until filled).<br />
Seeking an Admin / PA Super Star!<br />
Work from home option available with a minimum of 10 hours a<br />
week required.<br />
If you have strong skills & experience in the following areas and<br />
have great self-motivation and time management, this is the job for<br />
you!<br />
Requirements are:<br />
• Experienced in all Microsoft 365 programs, especially Excel<br />
and Word<br />
• Competent typist<br />
• Database management<br />
• Social media work<br />
• Diary management<br />
• Confident & professional phone manner<br />
• General all-rounder happy to work on ad hoc project based work<br />
This is a professional position with an hourly rate available +<br />
commissions, to be discussed on appointment.<br />
You will be required to have a driving license & car as well as an<br />
up-to-date laptop & smart phone.<br />
Please email your CV and cover letter to<br /><br />
Graeme Brenssell - Business Broker<br /><br />
All LINK NZ offices are licensed REAA 2008<br />
Mouldy Silicone?<br />
+6421-2088-183<br />
99% uv block<br />
fade protection<br />
heat control<br />
reduce glare<br />
25 Years Experience<br />
privacy films<br />
frosting designs<br />
non-darkening films<br />
Workmanship Guaranteed<br />
Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />
UV<br />
block<br />
*<br />
FREE<br />
Quote<br />
tintawindow<br />
advanced film solutions<br />
Free Quotes Canterbury and Districts<br />
03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />
OUR bUSInESS IS gROwIng...<br />
here’s how we can help grow yours too!<br />
Deliver your mailers to your<br />
customers with us:<br />
.<br />
We can deliver your mailer targeted locally to the customers most<br />
likely to buy from you or offer you mass reach via our South Island<br />
network.<br />
Your mailer can be delivered as an insert in our paper or separately<br />
in the letterbox.<br />
Contact us today for<br />
a plan to suit your<br />
business.<br />
SUPERVISORS wanted across the South Island<br />
To be a supervisor you will need:<br />
• A suitable van, mobile phone and computer with internet access<br />
• Ability to handle deliveries of large quantities each week<br />
• Ability to manage your own team of deliverers<br />
DELIVERERS wanted across the South Island<br />
To be a deliverer you will need:<br />
• A few free hours each week<br />
• Ability to home deliver papers and flyers to your own territory<br />
*You must be 11 years or older<br />
Contact Cathy Mark Payne Kelly South Distribution Island Distribution Manager Manager<br />
P: P: 021 029 340 983 77<strong>12</strong>293 | E:<br />
| E:
Trades & Services<br />
Your local professional<br />
GAS &<br />
• Bathroom repairs<br />
• Renovations<br />
• Leaks<br />
• Blocked drains<br />
• Gas and drainage<br />
Classifieds<br />
Trades & Services<br />
& GROUT?<br />
Our unique restoration<br />
processes will make your<br />
tiled areas look NEW again!<br />
We specialise in professional<br />
cost effective solutions for<br />
all your tile & grout issues.<br />
• Tiled shower makeovers<br />
• Re-colouring old grout<br />
• Mouldy silicone replacement<br />
• Professional tile/grout<br />
cleaning, sealing & repairs<br />
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 17<br />
WHAT'S ON<br />
CLUB 328<br />
Carol and Chris<br />
Phone 376 5322 or email<br /><br />
Call today for a FREE quote on 0800 882 772<br /><br />
Trades & Services<br />
George Lockyer. Over<br />
40 years bricklaying<br />
experience. UK trained.<br />
Insurance work, EQC<br />
repairs. Heritage<br />
brickwork & stonework<br />
a speciality. No job too<br />
small. Governers <strong>Bay</strong>.<br />
Home 329 9344. Cell<br />
027 684 4046. E mail<br /><br />
Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />
relaying, restretching.<br />
Phone John on 0800<br />
003181, 027 240 7416<br /><br />
SWEEPS<br />
We’ll sweep your<br />
logburner’s flue, check<br />
firebricks, baffles, airtubes<br />
& controls. We’re experts<br />
on coal-rangers, and can<br />
sweep any sized open fire.<br />
We quote & undertake<br />
repairs, flue extensions &<br />
install bird netting. 0800<br />
22 44 64 www.chimchim.<br />
nz<br />
JMP Electrical.<br />
Experienced & registered..<br />
Expert in all home<br />
electrical repairs &<br />
maintenance.Call James<br />
027 4401715<br />
Total gutter / spouting<br />
clear out & clean. House<br />
wash & windows. For a<br />
professioanl & reliable<br />
service call Greg Brown<br />
A1 Spouting Cleaning 027<br />
616 0331 or 384 2661<br />
Trades & Services<br />
HOME<br />
Decks, fencing, retaining<br />
walls, kitchens, sleepouts,<br />
kitsets, renovations and<br />
more. Greg 022 475 8227<br />
Do you need a reliable<br />
plumber? Quality and<br />
timely services. No job<br />
too big or small. Phone<br />
V Plumbing Ltd. 022 351<br />
4<strong>12</strong>5<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
CASH<br />
CASH<br />
CASH<br />
Any unwanted<br />
cars and vans.<br />
Ph 347 9354 or<br />
027 476 2404<br />
Phone for further details<br />
(03) 379 1100<br />
Gardening<br />
& Supplies<br />
If you want a<br />
dream garden<br />
next summer<br />
then now<br />
is the time<br />
to talk to us!<br />
Garden tidy-ups,<br />
landscaping,<br />
fencing, retaining<br />
walls, patios,<br />
paving, drives &<br />
earthworks<br />
021 227 7223<br /><br />
Real Estate<br />
• NO agents fees,<br />
NO marketing costs,<br />
100% cash buyer with<br />
flexible conditions to<br />
suit your needs<br />
• We specialise in<br />
purchasing properties<br />
with deferred<br />
maintenance,<br />
as-is-where-is,<br />
partially complete<br />
projects/ renovations<br />
and urgent cash sales<br />
• Your solicitors fees<br />
covered up to $2,000,<br />
with all contracts<br />
drafted subject to your<br />
solicitors approval.<br />
Call Duncan today on<br />
022 421 7727 to see if<br />
selling privately could<br />
benefit YOU!<br />
To Lease<br />
Office space to lease,<br />
CBD area. 60 - 100 sqm.<br />
Comp priced. Flexible<br />
lease period. Call Shane<br />
for more details on 021<br />
381 765<br />
ADD SOME<br />
COLOUR<br />
Back to the<br />
DND TRIO<br />
CLUB 328<br />
SPECIAL $20<br />
WED TO FRI FROM 2PM | SAT & SUN FROM <strong>12</strong>PM<br />
Read local<br />
23 Dublin St, Lyttelton | Phone 03 328 8740<br /><br />
18 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
WAS $160 NOW $50<br />
WAS $200 NOW $60<br />
WAS $140 NOW $50<br />
WAS $360 NOW $90<br />
NEW BALANCE 547RS2<br />
WAS $160 NOW $70<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
WERE UP TO $350 NOW $150<br />
<br />
<br />
ASICS 2000 SX M+W<br />
WAS $260 NOW $180<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
WAS $400 NOW $250<br />
<br />
<br />
6000 PAIRS OF NEW<br />
SIZE 1 &2 ONLY<br />
<br />
<br />
WAS $300 NOW $180<br />
WAS $260 NOW $150<br />
WAS $170 NOW $70<br />
ASICS 550TR PS JR<br />
WAS $<strong>12</strong>0 NOW $80 WAS $<strong>12</strong>0 NOW $40<br />
30% OFF ALL SOCKS<br />
20-70% OFF ALL APPAREL<br />
20-70% OFF NEW BALANCE*<br />
WEDNESDAY, APRIL <strong>12</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Connecting Your Local Community<br /><br />
INSIDE<br />
Real deals. No joke.<br />
’<br />
Great prices<br />
however you spin it.<br />
The jokes are bad, but the deals are good.<br />
A good bed joke is<br />
all in the delivery.<br />
FREE DELIVERY on Sleepyhead Beds^<br />
Bosch Series 4 8kg Front<br />
Load Washing Machine<br />
9068078 | WAN24<strong>12</strong>1AU<br />
70%<br />
$1199<br />
off #<br />
Up<br />
to<br />
Sleepyhead Chiropractic HD Ultra Bed<br />
Queen, King, Super<br />
$2499 King same price.<br />
Valid until 2nd May <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
If you find a better bargain on the same item, we’ll match it. ~ Plus you’ll earn 2x Airpoints Dollars. Win-win.<br />
2x Airpoints Dollars offer valid 5 <strong>April</strong> – 2 May <strong>2023</strong>. Terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Visit for detail.<br />
~Price Promise terms, conditions and exclusions apply. Visit for more detail.<br />
^Free delivery on Sleepyhead beds valid 5 Apr - 2 May <strong>2023</strong>. Free delivery terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Applies to Sleepyhead branded beds only. Available in-store and online.<br />
Applies to delivery addresses within 25km of a Smiths City store. Personal shoppers only, trade and commercial not supplied. See individual product pages online for detail.
Real deals. No joke.<br />
’<br />
Up70% off #<br />
to<br />
Sleepyhead Chiropractic HD Ultra Bed<br />
Queen, King, Super King same price.<br />
$2499<br />
+ Free<br />
Delivery on<br />
Sleepyhead<br />
Beds^<br />
Great prices<br />
however you spin it.<br />
Bosch Serie 4 | 8kg Front<br />
Load Washing Machine<br />
9068078<br />
WAN24<strong>12</strong>1AU<br />
$1199<br />
Deals that’ll<br />
light up your face.<br />
LG 65” 4K UQ91<br />
LED-LCD Smart TV<br />
9072858 / 65UQ91006LA.ANR<br />
$1599<br />
Valid until 2nd May <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Ari 2 Seater Sofa - Charcoal Hartley Queen 4 Piece<br />
Ninja Air Fryer Max Miele Triflex HX2 Pro<br />
9064132 Bedroom Suite 9075320<br />
9072674 / AF160ANZ<br />
Handstick Vacuum Cleaner<br />
was<br />
was<br />
$699 $<br />
1399 $2599 $<br />
4499 $249<br />
40% off<br />
was<br />
$<br />
449<br />
9074884 / 11827150<br />
$1199<br />
was<br />
$<br />
1399<br />
Valid until 9th May <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Valid until 2nd May <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
50% off # 30% off # 2550% off #<br />
selected<br />
Sleepyhead Beds<br />
selected Lounge Suites<br />
and Recliners (inc. La-Z-Boy)<br />
to 25% off #<br />
selected Bedroom<br />
and Dining Furniture<br />
Selected Nursery<br />
Woah, look – flying furniture and appliances.<br />
Earn 2x Airpoints Dollars TM storewide.* 2<br />
on purchases<br />
<strong>12</strong>MONTHS<br />
$499 & over*<br />
36MONTHS<br />
$999 & over*<br />
on furniture and beds<br />
Promotion and 2x Airpoints Dollars storewide valid 5 <strong>April</strong> – 2 May <strong>2023</strong>.*2 Promotion and Airpoints terms, conditions and exclusions apply. See in-store or for detail. Offers valid dates vary. Available while stocks last.<br />
Some products on display in selected stores only — please call 0800 764 847 to check availability. *Apple products, selected computers, game consoles, gift cards and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest<br />
free offers. Exclusions, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Equal instalment amounts include a one-off establishment fee of $45.00 and a maintenance fee of $3.75 per month. Current fixed interest rate of 23.95% p.a. applies to any<br />
balance remaining after expiry of any interest free period. See in-store or visit for details.**Terms, conditions, and credit criteria apply. Available in-store and online. Weekly equal instalments are based on a 52<br />
week finance period commencing 7 days from the date interest is first calculated. Setting up an automatic payment authority will help you to avoid missed payments and additional interest charges. There are no set-up, annual, or account<br />
maintenance fees but fees may apply on default. Current interest rate of 25.95% p.a. applies after expiry of the interest free period. See in-store or visit for more details, or to apply for your EasyCard. #Discount is<br />
off our full retail price. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. ^Free delivery on Sleepyhead beds valid 5 <strong>April</strong> - 2 May <strong>2023</strong>. Free delivery terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Applies to Sleepyhead branded beds only. Available<br />
in-store and online. Applies to delivery addresses within 25km of a Smiths City store. Also applies to local Auckland delivery addresses (from Auckland CBD extending to Albany, Henderson, Howick, and Papakura). Deliveries to some rural<br />
areas and the Outer Islands (Chatham Island, Stewart Island, Kawau Island, Waiheke Island, Matakana Island, Great Barrier Island and d’Urville Island) are excluded. Excludes unpacking, set up, and installation. Additional delivery charges<br />
and free delivery exclusions apply in some circumstances. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Personal shoppers only, trade and commercial not supplied.
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 21<br />
Finding the<br />
property<br />
of your<br />
dreams.<br />
Ray White Ferrymead<br />
Lyttelton & <strong>Bay</strong>s<br />
Phone (03) 384 4179 | Email<br /> /RayWhiteFerrymead @raywhiteferrymead<br />
Prier Manson Ltd. (Licensed REAA 2008)
22 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
series<br />
Family Living with Direct Park Access<br />
64 Wakatu Avenue, Redcliffs<br />
4 bedrooms, 2 living, 2 bathrooms, 4 car garaging<br />
Beautifully maintained throughout, this home features four bedrooms, two bathrooms and two living<br />
areas spread across split levels, offering ultimate convenience and privacy for families. Two of the<br />
ground floor bedrooms open to their own rumpus room and spacious patio, while the upper-level<br />
bedrooms boast elevated views, and include a generously sized main bedroom. The expansive living<br />
spaces on the ground floor are complimented by a recently updated kitchen with quality appliances, the<br />
open plan nature of the dining and lounge area, as well as a covered zone that leads out to a large deck,<br />
flat lawn and a private gate out onto Barnett Park.<br />
Position Plus Potential<br />
71 Pine Avenue, New Brighton<br />
2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom<br />
Positioned one block from the beach, this single-level weatherboard bungalow features 2 bedrooms<br />
(1 double and 1 single) on an outstanding 736sqm section and is ready and waiting for enthusiastic<br />
renovators.<br />
The proximity to the beach and its section size will be attractive to potential buyers looking for a<br />
blank canvas with exceptional value and opportunity.<br />
Access to outdoor activities such as swimming, surfing, and beach walks combined with the<br />
refreshing and invigorating qualities of sea air will offer you a range of lifestyle benefits living here.<br />
Simon and Paula Standeven<br />
No.1 sales Consultants<br />
2017 - 2022<br />
M. 0274 304 691<br />
E.<br />
Open Home: sunday 2:00pm - 2:30pm<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday<br />
19 <strong>April</strong> from 5:00pm, sumner surf Life saving Club<br />
(unless brought forward)<br /><br />
Rochelle Sullivan<br />
M. 022 027 3095<br />
E.<br />
Open Homes: Wednesday 13th 5:00pm - 5:45pm<br />
saturday & sunday 11:00am - 11:45am &<br />
2:00pm - 2:45pm<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday<br />
19 <strong>April</strong> from 5:00pm, sumner surf Life saving Club<br />
(unless brought forward)<br /><br />
Huntsbury Hill - Meeting the Market Head On!<br />
4A Ramahana Road, Huntsbury<br />
3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom<br />
What a chance on Huntsbury! Clear instructions from committed owners means this could be the deal<br />
of the decade! Lower slopes, drive on access, awesome views and local brews! Your recipe for lifestyle<br />
living on the favoured lower slopes where convenience is key and views are high. Tick the box for local<br />
parks, Cashmere High, your favourite coffee shop, bike tracks and walking trails or just curl up with a<br />
good book and a cuppa to soak up the privacy and sunshine. Whatever the reason, whatever the season<br />
there is a lot to love about 4A ramahana rd. Boasting 1082m 2 of land and nestled in an established,<br />
leafy surrounds, this tastefully refurbished home with timeless split level style, is ready to move in and<br />
enjoy! At the heart is a spacious family friendly kitchen and dining room, with lovely timber flooring,<br />
and easy access to the private back courtyard and lawn. skylights bathe the area with light and the<br />
mezzanine studio above is a thoughtfully connected space.<br />
Loans made<br />
Loans made<br />
Loans simple. made<br />
simple.<br />
First Home Buyers<br />
First Home Buyers<br />
My service comes<br />
at at My no service cost to comes you.<br />
at no cost to you.<br />
First Home Buyers<br />
Investors<br />
Investors<br />
Investors<br />
Refinancing<br />
Refinancing<br />
Refinancing<br />
Antonia McAtamney,Mortgage Adviser<br />
Open Homes: Wednesday 5:00pm - 5:30pm,<br />
saturday & sunday 11:00am - 11:30am My service 021 021 Antonia 469 244 comes McAtamney,Mortgage Adviser<br />
Auction: Coastal Auction series, Wednesday at no<br />
021 cost 469 244 you.<br />
Rod Cross<br />
19 <strong>April</strong> from 5:00pm, sumner surf Life saving Club<br /><br />
M. 021 763 763<br />
(unless brought forward)<br /><br />
E. rod.cross<br />
Antonia<br />
McAtamney,Mortgage Adviser<br />
ray White Ferrymead | | 03 384 4179 021 469 | 244<br />
| Prier Manson Limited Licensed reAA 2008
Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 23<br />
Your Home - Plus Income!<br />
9 Duncan Street, Sumner<br />
3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom + self contained 1 bedroom 1 bathroom<br />
What an opportunity in central Sumner! Three bedrooms PLUS self contained<br />
studio and so close to St Leonards Park! Your recipe for lifestyle living on the<br />
favoured Sumner flat where convenience is key and the beach is just a few blocks<br />
away. Tick the box for local parks, Sumner School and pool, surfing, cycling and<br />
sailing, bars, bistros and cafes just a stroll away - there is a lot to love about the<br />
Sumner seaside lifestyle!<br />
The separate studio creates a versatile configuration for blended or extended<br />
families, or your teenagers can be the envy of others in their home away from<br />
home!<br />
A flexible layout allows for up to 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms or potential<br />
income from the studio could be an added bonus to your household finances! The<br />
possibilities are endless!<br />
For active lifestylers a separate garage provides loads of storage for a bounty of<br />
bikes or a bevy of boards!<br />
Situated in the heart of the Valley, enjoying the allure of a vibrant community,<br />
easy access to local amenities and top-rated schools nearby, this home is ideally<br />
situated for families, astute investors, or both.<br />
Be quick, this one won’t last long. Don’t miss your chance to make it your own.<br />
Perfectly positioned in established, private, leafy surrounds, this versatile home is<br />
ready to move in and enjoy - or add your own style.<br />
Act now and contact Rod to arrange your viewing!<br />
Open Homes: Thursday <strong>12</strong>:00pm - <strong>12</strong>:30pm, Saturday & Sunday 1:00pm -1:30pm<br />
Auction: Thursday 4 May from 11:00am, Ray White Auction Rooms,<br />
76 Hereford Street (unless brought forward)<br /><br />
Rod Cross<br />
M. 021 763 763<br />
E. rod.cross<br />
Owners Heading North<br />
8 Melleray Place, Redcliffs<br />
4 bedrooms, 2 living, 2 bathrooms, 1 study, 2 car garaging<br />
Beautifully situated within gorgeous established grounds, this substantial<br />
305m² approx European-styled residence is reminiscent of a Tuscan villa with<br />
panoramic views across the estuary and Pacific Ocean to the distant Southern<br />
Alps.<br />
The lower floor is anchored by a recently renovated kitchen with expansive<br />
bench space and quality appliances. Two interconnected living spaces look out<br />
at the breathtaking views and offer access to the dual courtyards, presenting<br />
a floor plan that is expansive and endlessly flexible with space for a living,<br />
dining, and a substantial family room. Four generous bedrooms are all private,<br />
stretching over the top floor and embracing the views. The master bedroom is<br />
a phenomenal retreat, complete with a walk-in wardrobe and spacious ensuite<br />
with a bath. The other bedrooms all offer built-in storage, while sharing an<br />
upstairs family bathroom.<br />
The approx 762m² grounds are sheltered and beautifully maintained with a<br />
combination of formal planting and riotous flowers that complement this lovely<br />
home’s design. A decadent wine cellar, full-size laundry, office space and internal<br />
double access garage complete this picture.<br />
Open Home: Sunday 4:00pm - 4.30pm<br />
Price: By Negotiation<br /><br />
Simon and Paula Standeven<br />
No.1 Sales Consultants<br />
2017 - 2022<br />
M. 0274 304 691<br />
E.<br />
Ray White Ferrymead | | 03 384 4179 | | Prier Manson Limited Licensed REAA 2008
24 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>12</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
THE BAY!<br />
Donate your preloved<br />
boots and/or shoes at<br />
Ray White offices in<br />
Canterbury and we<br />
will deliver them to<br />
clubs in Hawke’s <strong>Bay</strong>.