North Canterbury News: April 13, 2023

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Thursday,<strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>,<strong>2023</strong> | Issue1041 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Councils appeal<br />

High Court ruling<br />


TheWaimakariri and Timaru<br />

DistrictCouncils are appealing<br />

theHigh Court’sdecision<br />

declining to grant declarations<br />

about property rights.<br />

The two councils have filed an<br />

appeal in the CourtofAppeal,<br />

andwillbeapproachingother<br />

councils,alsoopposed to Three<br />

Waters Reform, to seeifthey<br />

wish to support the councils in<br />

the proceedings.<br />

Waimakariri, Timaru, and<br />

Whangarei District Councils<br />

had asked the High Court<br />

earlierthisyearfor<br />

declarations on the rights and<br />

interests that property<br />

ownership entails.<br />

While the declarations were<br />

refused,the High Court<br />

judgementconfirmedthe<br />

Government’s Three Waters<br />

planisexpropriatingcouncils’<br />

ThreeWater assetsand thatthe<br />

decision to pay compensation<br />

rests with Parliament.<br />

Waimakariri District Mayor<br />

Dan Gordon saysthecouncils<br />

areappealing as there are some<br />

aspectsofthejudgement worthy<br />

of further scrutiny.<br />

‘‘We know how strongly our<br />

communitiesfeel in opposition<br />

to the ThreeWatersReform,<br />

andthis appeal is afurther<br />

demonstration of our desire to<br />

defendour communities assets<br />

andvoice.<br />

‘‘Wewere pleasedthat the<br />

Government’s ThreeWaters<br />

planwas acknowledged clearly<br />

by the Court as expropriation of<br />

assets without compensation,<br />

anditsignificantly downgrades<br />

communities’ ability to<br />

influence the core services that<br />

generations of them had built.<br />

‘‘We do not agree however that<br />

the declarationssoughtweretoo<br />

❛We know how strongly<br />

our communities feel in<br />

opposition to the Three<br />

Waters Reform, and this<br />

appeal is afurther<br />

demonstration of our<br />

desire to defend our<br />

communities assets and<br />

voice.❜<br />

— Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

generalanddid not reflectlocal<br />

governmentownershiprights in<br />

respect of infrastructureassets,<br />

and donot supporttheassertion<br />

thatthedeclarationsinfringed<br />

theprinciples of noninterference<br />

in the legislative<br />

process,’’ MrGordon says.<br />

‘‘Between our councilsthere<br />

are more than abillion dollars<br />

worth of community assets being<br />

expropriated without<br />

compensation, so wefeel it’s our<br />

duty forall New Zealanders to<br />

ensure that basic property<br />

rights aren’t undermined.’’<br />

The councils will approach<br />

others also opposedto Three<br />

Waters Reform to see if they<br />

wish to join the proceedings.<br />

‘‘As ownersofthis critical<br />

infrastructure, on behalfofour<br />

communities,weare seeking<br />

thatany future changes to Three<br />

Waters Reform respects basic<br />

rightsinaproperty­owning<br />

democracy.<br />

‘‘We have, and every property<br />

ownerinNew Zealand should<br />

have, real concerns that once a<br />

precedent is set through Three<br />

Waters, any and every other<br />

community asset is up for<br />

grabs,’’ Mr Gordon says.<br />

Winning entry ... Ohoka market manager Barbara Warren (left) and champion cake maker Julie Han with<br />

her Peter Rabbit eating an Easter carrot cake creation.<br />


Amixture of creativity<br />


Chocolate, vanilla, lemon, butter, carrot and<br />

meat cakes were all vying to be crowned<br />

champion cake at the Ohoka Market on Good<br />

Friday.<br />

The organiserofthe Great Cakes competition,<br />

marketmanager Barbara Warren, saiditcame<br />

down to amixtureofcreativity and taste, as the<br />

three professional bakers judging the<br />

competition selected Julie Han’s Easter themed<br />

creation as the bestinshow.<br />

‘‘Of the 19 entries in our first competition,<br />

Julie Han’s Peter Rabbiteating an Eastercarrot<br />

cake was truly awesome.<br />

‘‘The quality of hersand all the others was<br />

amazing, they were wonderful creations and<br />

very encouraging for the future of the<br />

competition, as there are some great bakers out<br />

there,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘The judgesfound it avery serious<br />

competition and they took on the task of<br />

selecting the champion cake by comparing<br />

creativity with taste and appeal.’’<br />

There was adecadent richchocolate cake<br />

shaped as avolcano withred jelly lava flowing<br />

from it, an iced pumpkin cake, avanillabutter<br />

layered cake withBlack Boy Peach jam inbetween<br />

the segments, carrot cakesand themed<br />

cakesonshow.<br />

Professional pastry chef Julie Han of<br />

Christchurch, said her Easter themed winning<br />

creation took two days to make.<br />

‘‘Peter was one of the hardest parts as he took<br />

time to set.Ilove making creative cakes and<br />

want to share themwith people,the more<br />

creative the better,’’ Juliesaid.<br />

Creator of one of the most unusual entries, coowner<br />

of The ButchersMistress Jonathan<br />

Blease, said his third placed meat cake was<br />

something he put together on the spur of the<br />

moment.<br />

‘‘It was made with layersofour special<br />

bourbon flavoured brisket, with ricotta cheese<br />

between them, caramelised onions,and tomato<br />

pesto.Onthe top was mashedpotatoesinfused<br />

with slicedtruffle butterand sun­dried olives.’’<br />

Barbara Warrensaid she is hoping the Great<br />

Cakes competition will become an annual event<br />

at the Good Friday market.<br />

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Thursday,<strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>,<strong>2023</strong> | Issue1041 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Thededicated,<br />

local team are<br />

here to help<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Robyn Bristow<br />

027 312 1581<br />

robyn.bristow@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Sales Manager<br />

DaynaBurton<br />

027 312 0089<br />

dayna.burton@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Reporters<br />

ShelleyTopp<br />

027 404 6<strong>13</strong>7<br />

JohnCosgrove<br />

021 195 0284<br />

Hard work foundation for long life<br />


Hard work has helped Alison Hanham<br />

lead along and satisfying life.<br />

Alison, aCharles Upham Retirement<br />

Village resident, turned 100 earlier this<br />

month.<br />

She was born in Fielding on <strong>April</strong> 2,<br />

1923, and lived her early years there and<br />

Ohakune.<br />

When her father, aWorld War Iarmy<br />

veteran, died at the age of 48, she was<br />

just 12­years­old.<br />

She and her mother, Alice, moved<br />

down to Wellington, where Alison<br />

attended Wellington East Girls’ College<br />

before moving into the workforce to take<br />

up ajob at alegal office.<br />

She later worked for MGM, the movie<br />

studio, where she helped with New<br />

Zealand film distribution.<br />

Alison met and married Thomas<br />

Hanham, in 1944, and the newly weds<br />

honeymooned at Hanmer Springs.<br />

Thomas was serving in WWII as a<br />

member of the Royal New Zealand Air<br />

Force, based in the Pacific islands, as a<br />

mechanic.<br />

Alison says she was reunited with<br />

Milestone ... Alison Hanham celebrates<br />

100 years in style at Charles Upham village.<br />


Thomas in Christchurch.<br />

‘‘We met him in the (Cathedral)<br />

Square. It was Labour Weekend when he<br />

came back.<br />

‘‘We had asix­week­ old baby by then,”<br />

Alison says. She remembers the serving<br />

men were “green” and gaunt, with many<br />

having suffered jaundice.<br />

The couple initially stayed with<br />

Thomas’ parents, then moved into a<br />

family home in Warrington St, St Albans.<br />

Noel, the first of six children, was the<br />

end­of­war arrival, followed later by<br />

Keith, Bruce, Ruth, Robyn and Peter.<br />

The advent of children and a<br />

homemaker role led into aseries of<br />

church, scouts and sports club<br />

committee roles.<br />

When the family left home, Thomas<br />

and Alison kept adventuring, living in<br />

Rakautara (north of Kaikōura), where<br />

Thomas had adingy and enjoyed<br />

providing seafood.<br />

Alison and Thomas moved to<br />

Rangiora, where they lived for 30 years.<br />

Thomas died in 2014, and Alison<br />

moved into an over 60s unit in Victoria<br />

Street, and has since moved to the<br />

Charles Upham complex.<br />

She was Rangiora RSA Club Women’s<br />

section treasurer for more than 20 years,<br />

only giving it away nine years ago.<br />

Alison enjoys staying busy and<br />

working hard. ‘‘I don’t like being idle.’’<br />

She enjoys village life at Charles<br />

Upham.<br />

Alison has nine grandchildren and<br />

four great­grandchildren.<br />

Sutton Tools give back following its fire<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Advertising<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

027 536 6224<br />

amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Jillian Dickie<br />

022 024 3092<br />

jillian.dickie@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Graphic Design<br />

Heather Hood<br />

heather.hood@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Get in touch<br />

Phone: 033<strong>13</strong> 2840 or 03 314 8335<br />

14 AshleyStreet, Rangiora<br />

www.starnews.co.nz<br />

Editorial: info@ncnews.co.nz<br />

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Distribution: deliveries@alliedpress.co.nz<br />

WE NEED YOU!<br />

Deliverers required<br />

forthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

AKaiapoi­basedbusinessisgivingback to<br />

the community.<br />

Sutton Tools’ Kaiapoifactory was<br />

guttedbyafire in January last yearand<br />

plant manager GlennMorgan saysthe<br />

companywantedtogive back afterthe<br />

supporthis staff receivedfollowing the<br />

fire.<br />

SheffieldGroup, which owns Sutton<br />

Tools, donated$10,000 to the Community<br />

Wellbeing<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust, after<br />

the trust’s Kaiapoi Community Support<br />

officesupportedSuttonTools families<br />

withfoodparcelsand other support<br />

services.<br />

‘‘Wedidn’tknow much about them, so<br />

we paid them avisit and they showed us<br />

around,’’ Mr Morgansaid.<br />

‘‘Itwas great goingtosee themand to<br />

see the help they are trying to do in the<br />

community.’’<br />

Community Wellbeingisa<br />

collaborationinvolving theWaimakariri<br />

and Hurunuidistrict councils,with<br />

KaiapoiCommunity Support based in the<br />

Waimakariri DistrictCouncil­owned<br />

KaiapoiCommunity Centre.<br />

Trust manager Deirdre Ryan saysitwas<br />

aprivilege to assist Sutton Tools<br />

employees in theaftermath of the factory<br />

fire.<br />

‘‘This donation from thecompanywas<br />

totallyunexpected andIfeelhonoured to<br />

receive it. These much­needed funds will<br />

supportother<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> families<br />

and individuals in need.<br />

Community support ... Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust manager Deirdre<br />

Ryan (left) accepted a$10,000 donation from Sutton Tools engineering manager Richard<br />

Frew and plant manager Glenn Morgan. They were joined by trust board chairperson<br />

Tsarina Dellow and trustees Mary Sparrow and Niki Mealings.<br />


‘‘We simplycouldn't do what we do<br />

withoutthe generosity of communityminded<br />

businesseslikeSutton Tools.’’<br />

Waimakariri Mayor DanGordon says<br />

Community Wellbeing played avaluable<br />

role in thecommunity.<br />

‘‘Like all our social agencies, Wellbeing<br />

playsacriticalroleinthe community and<br />

Kaiapoi Community Support does so<br />

much for the community withthe food<br />

bank and in all the other workthey do.’’<br />

Mr Morgan saysSuttonTools would<br />

look to provide ongoingsupport, such as<br />

donating products to be raffled.‘‘Welike<br />

whatCommunity Wellbeing is doingand<br />

theyare helping people to find jobsand<br />

we willbelooking to hire morepeople.’’<br />

Since the fire, Sutton Tools has<br />

continued to operate, on areducedscale,<br />

fromits Kaiapoisite, using the<br />

engineering building, which survived,<br />

and by converting astoreroom.<br />

Anew factoryistobebuilt in<br />

Southbrook, Rangiora.<br />

Publicinterest journalism funded<br />

through New ZealandonAir.<br />



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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Waimakariri growth continues<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Covid­19 has caused arethinkofgrowth<br />

projections, as Waimakaririplansfor the<br />

future.<br />

The Waimakariridistricthas<br />

experienced abuildingboom on the back<br />

of Covid­19, prompting council staff to<br />

use ‘‘a high growthprojectionscenario’’<br />

as it beginswork on the 2024/34 Long<br />

Term Plan(LTP).<br />

Amedium­high growth scenario was<br />

used in preparing the 2021/31 LTP, which<br />

projected 480 consents ayear would be<br />

issued for new houses.<br />

But awhopping 928 consents were<br />

issued in 2021 and 836 last year, with the<br />

district’s populationnow more than<br />

70,000.<br />

Senior policy analyst Tēmi Allinson<br />

said the highgrowth scenario projected<br />

495 consents for new houses each year.<br />

It suggested there couldbeclose to<br />

5000 new houses builtinthe district over<br />

the nextdecade,equating to more than<br />

12,000 new residents.<br />

And if the lastdecade is anythingtogo<br />

by, there could be even more growth,<br />

MayorDan Gordon said.<br />

He said the growth projections helped<br />

the council planfor infrastructure, the<br />

timing of major projects and the<br />

population growth would have an impact<br />

on rates.<br />

‘‘Our population is now 70,000 and we<br />

are anticipating it could reach 100,000<br />

overthe next 20 years and it could<br />

happen sooner.<br />

‘‘It means we need to be thinkingabout<br />

the provisionoflibraries, swimming<br />

pools and sports facilities, as well as<br />

roading investment and other<br />

infrastructure.<br />

‘‘Weare consideringour roading<br />

projects which were identified in the last<br />

LTP and asking’ are those projects sitting<br />

in the right yearordoweneed to bring<br />

them forward and what other projects do<br />

we need to look at’.’’<br />

Solution’s to Southbrook’s traffic<br />

congestion, the proposed replacement of<br />

Skew bridgeatSilverstream,Kaiapoi,<br />

and other safety improvements were in<br />

the mix, Mr Gordon said.<br />

‘‘The WoodendBypassremains a<br />

priority for the council and we will<br />

continue to lobbyfor it to ensure it is<br />

considered and there are anumber of<br />

other projects to consider which may<br />

need co­investmentfrom central<br />

government.’’<br />

The councilwas also working on<br />

spatialplanning with its Greater<br />

Christchurch partners to determine<br />

where to buildthe extra houses.<br />

He said there were anumber of<br />

reasonswhy Waimakaririwas growing at<br />

afasterrate than the rest of the country.<br />

‘‘The Covid­19 pandemicsaw anumber<br />

of people migrateback to New Zealand<br />

from overseas and from otherparts of the<br />

country.<br />

‘‘We alsohave ahigh quality of living in<br />

our district, at amore affordable rate of<br />

housingthan in other areas.’’<br />

Being close to Christchurchalso<br />

worked in Waimakariri’s favour, Mr<br />

Gordon said.<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

throughNew ZealandonAir.<br />

Planning for growth ... Waimakariri Mayor<br />

Dan Gordon and MP Matt Doocey did some<br />

digging at an official break dirt event at<br />

Rangiora’s Bellgrove sub­division last year.<br />

Planning for growth is keeping Waimakariri<br />

District Council staff busy as work begins on<br />

the 2024/34 Long Term Plan.<br />


Nominations sought for NC Business Awards<br />


Nominations are sought for the <strong>2023</strong> <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Awards.<br />

Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> (ENC),<br />

whichruns the biennial awards,iscalling<br />

for nominations.<br />

Anyone can nominate a<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> business, and all those<br />

nominated will be contacted by ENC,and<br />

encouraged to enter.<br />

‘‘Being nominatedisahuge boost for a<br />

business’smorale,’’ says<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Business Awardsorganiser Guy Graham.<br />

‘‘Often, abusinesshasn’t even thought<br />

aboutentering, but anomination from an<br />

anonymous, or known source, can make all<br />

the difference, encouragethem to enter,<br />

and see them go on to win.’’<br />

Businesses can alsonominate<br />

themselves as away of ensuring they<br />

receive all relevantBusiness Awards<br />

information in the lead­up to entries<br />

opening on May 5.<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Awards<br />

were launched in 2008and have beenheld<br />

every two yearssince,celebrating<br />

businessesoperatingout of the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> region. Traditionally open to<br />

businessesinHurunuiorWaimakariri,<br />

<strong>2023</strong> will see Kaikōura­basedbusinesses<br />

invited to participate.<br />

‘‘The ENC team takesgreat pride in<br />

providingsupport, connections and<br />

training opportunities to businesses in<br />

Kaikōura, so we’rethrilledtobeable to<br />

include them in the <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Business Awards,’’ Guy says.<br />

Kaikōura Mayor Craig Mackle saysitis<br />

great to see Kaikourabusinesses included<br />

for the first time.<br />

‘‘We have many awesome businesses in<br />

Kaikōura and we look forward to seeing<br />

them have the opportunity to get some<br />

recognition through theseawards.’’<br />

The awards will be officiallylaunched<br />

3<br />

on May 4, with entries opening the<br />

following day. An information eveningwill<br />

be held on May 17 at the SudimaHotel,<br />

specifically for Kaikōura businesses.<br />

Entries close on July7and judging will<br />

takeplace throughout July.<br />

The awards culminate in aGala Evening<br />

at MainPower Stadium in Rangiora on<br />

October 6whereall the winnersand<br />

runners­upwill be announced.<br />

It is the first gala evening in five years,<br />

due to the previoustwo events being<br />

scuppered by Covid.<br />

‘‘This year’sGala Eveningwill be the<br />

first we’ve heldsince2018, and it’s set to be<br />

the biggest one we’ve everhad,’’ Guy says.<br />

‘‘With an amazing new venue, and with<br />

businessesjoining us from Kaikōura,<br />

we’re looking forward to atruly<br />

spectacular event.’’<br />

To nominate abusiness or to find out<br />

moreabout the business awards visit<br />

ncbusinessawards.co.nz.<br />

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MattDoocey<br />

MP for Waimakariri<br />

Kaiapoi Office<br />

03 3270514•kaiapoi@parliament.govt.nz<br />

<strong>13</strong>7 Williams Street<br />

RangioraOffice<br />

03 3107468•waimakariri@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Level1Conway Lane,188 High Street<br />

Ienjoy holding constituent<br />

clinics in Oxfordand in<br />

Belfasttobeaccessible;<br />

pleasering my officeifyou<br />

would liketomeetwith me.<br />

Authorised byMatt<br />

Doocey, Parliament<br />

Buildings, Wgtn.<br />

Step Out In Style with<br />

Bond<br />

Coconut, Black<br />

L36-42<br />

Bobby<br />

Scissors, Black<br />

L36-42<br />

Kaiapoi Mill, Ranfurly Street, Kaiapoi<br />

Monday –Friday 9am –5pm<br />

Saturday 10am –1pm<br />

Closed Public Holidays &Long Weekends<br />

Ph 03 327 0576<br />

1637376<br />

2021055<br />


NEWS<br />

4 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Easier location of properties atop priority<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Efforts arecontinuing to make it easierfor<br />

emergency services to locaterural<br />

properties in the Hurunui district.<br />

The Hurunui District Council has<br />

reaffirmed its commitment to working<br />

with Fire and EmergencyNew Zealand<br />

(FENZ) to improve RAPID numbering in<br />

the district.<br />

FENZ representatives firstapproached<br />

the council in November 2020tooutline<br />

concernswith incorrect RAPID<br />

numbering,numbersnot displayed or<br />

located on the wrong access way.<br />

Since then councilstaff have<br />

collaborated with Culverden Volunteer<br />

FireBrigade chieffire officer Craig<br />

Ritchie to complete audits of morethan 70<br />

dairy farms in the Amuri Basin.<br />

Two rights of way havebeen created in<br />

the area and more than 600 RAPID<br />

number plateshave beenpurchased.<br />

At arecent strategy and community<br />

committeemeetingcouncillorsvoted to<br />

introducecharges for allocating RAPID<br />

numberingtonew rural properties,<br />

principalbuildings and new access ways.<br />

The RAPIDnumberplates would be<br />

installed by councilstaff to ensure they<br />

were correctlylocated.<br />

But councillors voted against<br />

introducing aregulatory approach to<br />

enforce correct RAPID numbering.<br />

Councillorsalso votedtoretrospectively<br />

ratify submissions to the Naturaland Built<br />

EnvironmentBill andthe Spatial<br />

PlanningBill.<br />

The bills havebeen proposed to replace<br />

the Resource Management Act.<br />

MayorMarieBlack said the submissions<br />

from the council emphasised the<br />

importanceofretaining ‘‘a community<br />

voice’’.<br />

The council also expressedconcernwith<br />

the plan makingtimeframe and sought<br />

clarification on the composition of the<br />

regional planning committee.<br />

Publicinterest journalism funded<br />

through New Zealand on Air.<br />

Kate Valley landfill on show<br />

Have an<br />

opinion<br />

on a local<br />

topic?<br />

Write us a<br />

Letter to<br />

theEditor!<br />

Email our<br />

Editor<br />

Robyn at<br />

robyn.bristow<br />

@ncnews<br />

.co.nz<br />

Rangiora<br />

March 8, 15, 22, 29<br />

<strong>April</strong> 5, 12, 19, 26<br />

May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31<br />

2560763<br />

Landfillsbear littleresemblance<br />

to thoseofyesteryear, says<br />

Transwaste chairmanGill Cox.<br />

He saysmany people’s<br />

experiences of landfills are shaped<br />

by their earliestexperiences of<br />

dropping off rubbish with their<br />

parents at ‘‘old dumps’’.<br />

Mr Cox was speaking duringa<br />

visit by representativesofthe five<br />

shareholding councils of<br />

Transwaste —Christchurch City,<br />

Ashburton, Hurunui, Selwyn and<br />

WaimakaririDistricts —and<br />

membersofthe Kate Valley<br />

Landfill CommunityTrust, the<br />

Kate Valley Community liaison<br />

group and staff and studentsfrom<br />

the Woodend School, which runs<br />

educationand transport safety<br />

programmes with Transwaste,<br />

during avisit to the regional<br />

landfill east of Waipara.<br />

‘‘The precisionwith which we<br />

manage waste, the collection of<br />

methanefor generating electricity,<br />

andthe positive impact were<br />

having on the adjacent native bush<br />

are all aspectsofour operation<br />

that pleasantlysurprise visitors,’’<br />

Mr Cox said.<br />

Visitors were shown the<br />

monitoringsystems used to track<br />

movements of waste vehicles<br />

across <strong>Canterbury</strong>, the gas<br />

extraction ratesand leachate<br />

management within the landfill.<br />

For many visitors,particularly<br />

councillors elected in last years<br />

local bodyelections, it was their<br />

first in depth look at the landfill<br />

operations.<br />

HurunuiDistrictMayor Marie<br />

Black says it’sinteresting to return<br />

toKate Valley to witness the<br />

development of the landfill.<br />

‘‘It’s greattosee the growthand<br />

development of the site, and how<br />

the quality of the land care impacts<br />

positively on the adjacent<br />

Tiromoana Bush,’’ she said.<br />

‘‘The integrity of how the landfill<br />

Landfill on show ... Chairman Gill Cox, with Hurunui Mayor Marie Black<br />

during the visit by the five shareholding councils.<br />


is managed is improvingthe<br />

environmental outcomes for the<br />

bushinanunexpectedand<br />

inspirational synergy.’’<br />

Other speakers included<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services(CWS)<br />

Regional Manager RangiLord —<br />

who leads the operational team<br />

running the Landfill for<br />

Transwaste —and Transwaste<br />

Board Director GarethJames —<br />

who has been involved with<br />

Transwaste since its inception in<br />

the 1990s.<br />

Mr James gave apresentation on<br />

the development of thejoint<br />

venture, the search for the landfill<br />

site, its constructionand<br />

containerised transportoperation.<br />

The visitors then visited the<br />

container terminal wherefull<br />

containers are dropped off by the<br />

waste truckfleet and empty<br />

containers collected for the return<br />

triptothe waste transfer stations<br />

in each council’s district.<br />

Theywere taken to the gas<br />

platform where landfill gas powers<br />

fourgenerators eachproducing<br />

1MW of electricity,and to a<br />

viewing area to get an in­depth<br />

understandingofthe disposal<br />

processatthe landfillworking<br />

face. Thegroups also visited a<br />

lookoutsitetoview and learn<br />

about TiromoanaBush.<br />

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Rivercare group needs resources<br />


NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

5<br />

Grant Davey is looking for change.<br />

He’s been amember of the Ashley<br />

Rakahuri Rivercare Group since 2016,<br />

but –asoftwo years ago –hehas been<br />

the organisation’s operations manager.<br />

The problem is, says Grant, is that his<br />

group doesn't have the resources to take<br />

care of both the river and the estuary.<br />

‘‘The estuary is an internationally<br />

recognised, bird­biodiverse<br />

environment and it’s being totally<br />

ignored,’’ says Grant.<br />

‘‘As far as what we do in terms of<br />

controlling access to the Ashley riverbed<br />

and monitoring who’s on there through<br />

the cameras, that’s been pretty<br />

successful.<br />

‘‘Even on crate day, for example, the<br />

guys and their trucks tend to head up<br />

towards the Okuku Crossing, so away<br />

from the bird nesting sites.<br />

‘‘The largest threat to the nesting<br />

birds last season was the floods. Humans<br />

are always athreat, but last season, it<br />

was weather, Norway rats and cats,’’<br />

Grant says.<br />

With those elements being monitored<br />

on the river, the major issue now for the<br />

group, he says, is the Ashley estuary.<br />

‘‘There’s been alot of media exposure,<br />

public education, and DOC intervention<br />

around the Ashley river, and it’s really<br />

paying off, in terms of the bird life,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘However, the estuary has been<br />

described as the richest breeding<br />

ground and observation point for<br />

common, rare and protected birdlife on<br />

the east coast of the South Island.<br />

“The estuary is aseriously important<br />

breeding ground. It’s recognised as such<br />

in international literature.<br />

‘‘It’s one of the last take­off points for<br />

the godwits, but there are more than 31<br />

species that nest here. Most of which are<br />

Ashley estuary ... Adog runs loose among birds at the Ashley estuary.<br />

protected under law.’’<br />

The law forbids dogs around the<br />

estuary, and under Waimakariri District<br />

Council bylaws, they must either be<br />

under absolute voice control or on a<br />

leash.<br />

When Grant was walking the lagoon at<br />

the weekend, he was upset to be<br />

photographing dogs chasing protected<br />

birds. When spoken to, the owner,<br />

scoffed at him.<br />

‘‘They’re just shags,’’ she said. The<br />


shags are protected under law.<br />

‘‘The lack of attention and total lack of<br />

awareness is just extraordinary,’’ says<br />

Grant.<br />

The ignorance is bizarre, especially<br />

given the signage in the beach.<br />

That is Grant’s issue.<br />

The signs saying ‘‘No Dogs’’ are all<br />

around the lagoon.<br />

‘‘They’re being totally ignored, to the<br />

peril of some our most endangered<br />

wading bird species’’.<br />

Autumn Just Got<br />

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Ladies 7-11<br />

Leather<br />

Great Selection of Slippers in Store Now.<br />

Kaiapoi Mill, Ranfurly Street, Kaiapoi<br />

Monday –Friday 9am –5pm<br />

Saturday 10am –1pm<br />

Closed Public Holidays &Long Weekends<br />

Ph 03 327 0576<br />

2571989<br />

Let’sTalk<br />

aboutthe Draft<br />

Annual Plan<br />

<strong>2023</strong>/24<br />

We’reseeking your feedback on severaltopicsinthisyear’sDraft<br />

Annual Plan.These focusoncontinuing todeliver highlevels of<br />

infrastructure, community facilities as well as protectingour natural<br />

environment.<br />

Specificallythe Council is asking forfeedbackon:<br />

• Investment needed to meet new water standards<br />

• Stormwater upgrades needed to respond to extreme weather events<br />

• Inflation fuelling higher roading costs.<br />

Have your say before Monday 17<strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />



6 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Good<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Apr <strong>13</strong> Apr 14 Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 19<br />

Rise 6:58am<br />

Rise 6:59am<br />

Rise 7:01am<br />

Rise 7:02am<br />

Rise 7:03am<br />

Rise 7:04am<br />

Rise 7:05am<br />

Set 6:00pm<br />

Set 5:59pm<br />

Set 5:57pm<br />

Set 5:55pm<br />

Set 5:54pm<br />

Set 5:52pm<br />

Set 5:51pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

6:10am<br />

6:41pm<br />

Set 2:25pm<br />

Rise 11:02pm<br />

Moderate Sturning<br />

SE<br />

In the Electoratewith<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP for Waimakariri<br />

Good<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

7:11am<br />

7:41pm<br />

Gentle Sbecoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Good<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

8:10am<br />

8:37pm<br />

Set 3:11pm Rise 12:19am<br />

Set 3:47pm<br />

Moderate SEturning<br />

E<br />

Authorised by Matt Doocey MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.<br />

Long road to recovery<br />

Having spentsome timeupinHawke’s Bay<br />

recently Iwas reminded of the devastation<br />

experienced across many parts of<br />

Waimakariri in the 2010and 2011<br />

earthquakes.<br />

Irememberthe strong sense of<br />

resilience among locals, and the<br />

overwhelming feeling of support from<br />

emergency services and volunteers –<br />

individuals and organisations–that<br />

opened their doors to thosewho losttheir<br />

homes, or got stuckinwith shovelstoclean<br />

up the mess createdbythe silt.<br />

Thanks to the IAmHope Wellness<br />

Centre in Esk Valley, as well as the<br />

Whatever It Takes community mental<br />

health services and the RuralSupport<br />

Trustfor hostingmeand for making time<br />

to talk about how thingsare going<br />

following Cyclone Gabrielle in February.<br />

It’s important to me to hear first­hand<br />

from residents, including localfarmers<br />

and growers, about the support needed on<br />

the ground.<br />

It will be along roadtorecovery for<br />

many of those hardest hit, and my thoughts<br />

go to all those families made homeless by<br />

this year’s catastrophic event.<br />

Many of you are aware of my efforts to<br />

hold Te Whatu Ora HealthNZtoaccount<br />

afterfailing to honourtheircommitment to<br />

Waimakariri residents to provide afterhourshealth<br />

care services by 2022.<br />

Regardless of delays with construction<br />

of the new facility, the community was<br />

promised after­hours health care services<br />

would be in place by last year. That’s why<br />

Ihave invited Te Whatu Ora,South Link<br />

Health, Waitaha Primary Health<br />

Organisationand Pegasus Primary Health<br />

Organisationtoapublic meeting on<br />

Thursday, <strong>April</strong>27, to update the<br />

community. Ihope you willbeable to come<br />

along and hearwhat theyhave to say.<br />

On Friday, May 5, Iwill be hosting<br />

National’sdeputy leaderand finance<br />

spokesperson, Nicola Willis, in the<br />

electorate. Herfirstengagement will be<br />

InspiringWomen, amorning tea event at<br />

Urban Revival in Silverstream, for women<br />

in Waimakariri.<br />

As amother­of­four and asuccessful<br />

leading political figure, Nicolawill share<br />

experiencesfrom her own journey to<br />

success. Nicola will be joinedbylocal<br />

businesswoman Bridget Hope, the director<br />

of Magpie Style and Paula Ryan Online.<br />

The mother­of­twolaunched her high­end<br />

retailbusinessfrom her Ohoka home after<br />

returningfrom Singapore eight years ago,<br />

and has built her successful business<br />

since.Visit my Facebook pageorwebsite<br />

for moredetails and to register.<br />

Finally, it was good to see so many of you<br />

at the OxfordA&P Showthis year. Ienjoy<br />

talking to constituents to findout what are<br />

the mostimportant issuesbeingfaced.<br />

Thankstothosewho cameand had achat.<br />

Good<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:04am<br />

9:30pm<br />

Rise 1:39am<br />

Set 4:16pm<br />

Moderate E<br />

strengthening<br />

Best 9:56am<br />

Good<br />

Times 10:21pm<br />

Rise 2:57am<br />

Set 4:40pm<br />

Moderate SE turning<br />

E<br />

Ok<br />

Focus on<br />

Waimakariri<br />

with Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

Debate over the future of local radio back in the spotlight<br />


Manager Compass FM <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

The recent closureofthe Today FM<br />

brand in New Zealandhas once again<br />

broughttothe forefront the debate of<br />

local radio media versus internationally<br />

owned networks.<br />

There are twoNetwork radio<br />

companies in NZ.<br />

One,NZME whichhas anumber of<br />

brands in the New Zealandmarket<br />

including<strong>News</strong>talk ZB andThe Hits and<br />

two,­Mediaworkswhich owns among<br />

othersThe Breeze, More FM andrecently<br />

Today FM.<br />

NZMEand Mediaworks,bothwho have<br />

wealthy investorstocall on in hardtimes,<br />

receive massivefinancial support from<br />

corporate advertisingagencies in New<br />

Zealandand alsoreceivehundreds of<br />

thousands of dollarsfromNZonAir,<br />

annually.<br />

Localradiomediain<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

does not.<br />

Mediaworks is acompany owned by<br />

Oaktree Capital from theUSA and QMS<br />

Mediaout of Australia.Today FM was<br />

quickly shut down by itsowners<br />

reportedly duetofinancial reasons,<br />

leaving its loyal listenerswithout their goto<br />

stationand 60 people without ajob.<br />

To have asignal stoppedcold turkey<br />

like Today FM is tellingwhenoverseas<br />

ownership is concerned.<br />

This showsalack of respecttowards<br />

both advertisingclientsand loyal<br />

listeners. Radio stationsexist due to<br />

client andlistenerloyalty that has been<br />

builtupover time.<br />

Internationalownershipcan bring<br />

access to greaterresources and awider<br />

pool of talent, whichcan resultinhigher<br />

quality programming.<br />

However, it canalso meanthatlocal<br />

voices and stories are drowned out by<br />

Recharge welcome<br />

Ihope you all had asafe and happy Easter<br />

with family andfriends.<br />

It was nice to have an extra long<br />

weekend with some good weather.<br />

Agreat way to recharge the batteries<br />

before we head into the winter months.<br />

I’ve attended some fantastic events in<br />

our district lately, includingthe Oxford<br />

A&P Show.<br />

It reallyisfantastic to be backenjoying<br />

the shows after Covid­19 severely hindered<br />

them in recent years.<br />

It was agreat day out, watching townand<br />

country cometogether, enjoying some of<br />

that famous Oxford hospitality and seeing<br />

agricultural and pastoral excellence<br />

across all aspects of the industry.<br />

I’d like to congratulate this year’s<br />

presidentSteve Macaulay and the show<br />

committee on another successful event.<br />

Iwas also asked to speak at the Relay for<br />

Life in Rangiora, which Ialso took partin.<br />

It is a wonderfulevent,raising funds and<br />

showing support for all those affected by<br />

cancer, thosestill battling cancer, cancer<br />

survivors,and carers,family and friends.<br />

We all know someone who has been<br />

affected by cancer.Irelayed for my sister,<br />

who is currently in remission.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Relay for Life set a<br />

lofty goal of raising $75,000 and they<br />

knockedthat out of the park, falling just<br />

shy of $80,000.<br />

Iwould like to acknowledge Don Young<br />

international or nationalcontent,leading<br />

to alossofcommunity engagement anda<br />

homogenization of themedialandscape.<br />

Networkradio engulfed most localradio<br />

stationsinthe 90’s and the2000’sand led<br />

to the lossofpreviouslywell­staffed and<br />

supported local brands in towns and<br />

cities acrossNew Zealand.<br />

Local radiomedia, like<strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Compass FM,can foster a<br />

greater sense of communityand<br />

belongingwithits hyper­local<br />

programmingand focus on local issues<br />

and events.<br />

It alsoprovides aplatformfor local<br />

voices to be heard, local musicians to<br />

havetheirmusic playedand forlocal<br />

businesses to reach potentialcustomers<br />

in their area.<br />

Compass FM faces agreaterchallenge<br />

without the backing of alarger network. It<br />

is difficult to competewiththe Networks<br />

for nationaladvertisers especially when<br />


Best 10:45am<br />

Times 11:09pm<br />

Rise 4:14am<br />

Set 5:03pm<br />

Moderate S<br />

Ok<br />

Best 11:33am<br />

Times 11:56pm<br />

Rise 5:29am<br />

Set 5:24pm<br />

Gentle S<br />

strengthening<br />

from councilwho is on the organising<br />

committee, and was also the biggest<br />

individual fundraiser, raising justunder<br />

$2000.<br />

Another council staff memberStacy<br />

Garrett promised to shave his head if he<br />

reached $1000 –which he did!<br />

It was atremendous effort from<br />

everyone involved.<br />

Another highlight for me was attendinga<br />

dance at Rangiora Baptist Church.<br />

The dance was for people with<br />

disabilities, their carers and friends. I<br />

thoroughlyenjoyed myself and want to<br />

acknowledge the amazing work done by<br />

Paula Thackwelland the team of<br />

volunteers who pulled it all together. It<br />

was abrilliant event for our district.<br />

Finally, Iwould like to congratulate<br />

Swannanoa School on its 150th<br />

Celebrations.<br />

Ihad the honourofspeaking at the event<br />

last week and unveiling a commemorative<br />

sculpture. Unfortunately, Covid­19had<br />

delayed the events for two years, but it was<br />

wonderful to see currentand former staff,<br />

students,families and the wider school<br />

communityall come together to celebrate<br />

such asignificant milestone.<br />

Iwelcomecontact from anyone who<br />

needs assistance or has an issue that they<br />

may want to discuss. Emailmeatdan.<br />

gordon@wmk.govt.nz or phone 021906437.<br />

I’m here to help.<br />

most national advertisingbrands do not<br />

support local media andseemingly prefer<br />

the ease with which theycan buythe<br />

national networks.<br />

In the end, it'sclearthat abalance<br />

between local and international<br />

ownership is neededtoensurethat media<br />

outlets in New Zealandand othersimilar<br />

markets canthrive.<br />

Whileinternational ownershipcan<br />

bringvaluableresources andbroader<br />

perspectives, it should notcome at the<br />

expenseoflocalcontentand community<br />

engagement.Localbusiness supportand<br />

communityinvolvement is essential for<br />

the survivalofCompass FM in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, as it is essentialfor other<br />

typesoflocal media.<br />

Ultimately,the closure of the Today FM<br />

brand serves as areminder of the<br />

importanceofsupporting localmedia,<br />

especiallyinthe face of international<br />

ownership in the industry in NZ.<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

SE 0.8 m SE 1.2 m E0.9 m E1.0 m NE 1.3 m NE 1.1 m E0.8 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 10:25am 2.2 4:16am 0.6 11:20am 2.3 5:14am 0.6<br />

6:10am 0.6 12:47am 2.4 7:05am 0.5 1:44am 2.5 7:59am 0.5 2:39am 2.5 8:52am 0.4 3:32am 2.5 9:44am 0.4<br />

Mouth<br />

10:51pm 2.4 4:32pm 0.6 11:49pm 2.4 5:30pm 0.6 12:16pm 2.3 6:28pm 0.6 1:12pm 2.4 7:25pm 0.5 2:08pm 2.4 8:23pm 0.5 3:03pm 2.5 9:20pm 0.4 3:57pm 2.5 10:15pm 0.4<br />

Amberley 10:25am 2.2 4:16am 0.6 11:20am 2.3 5:14am 0.6<br />

6:10am 0.6 12:47am 2.4 7:05am 0.5 1:44am 2.5 7:59am 0.5 2:39am 2.5 8:52am 0.4 3:32am 2.5 9:44am 0.4<br />

Beach<br />

10:51pm 2.4 4:32pm 0.6 11:49pm 2.4 5:30pm 0.6 12:16pm 2.3 6:28pm 0.6 1:12pm 2.4 7:25pm 0.5 2:08pm 2.4 8:23pm 0.5 3:03pm 2.5 9:20pm 0.4 3:57pm 2.5 10:15pm 0.4<br />

10:34am 2.2 4:25am 0.6 11:29am 2.3 5:23am 0.6<br />

6:19am 0.6 12:56am 2.4 7:14am 0.5 1:53am 2.5 8:08am 0.5 2:48am 2.5 9:01am 0.4 3:41am 2.5 9:53am 0.4<br />

Motunau 11:00pm 2.4 4:41pm 0.6 11:58pm 2.4 5:39pm 0.6 12:25pm 2.3 6:37pm 0.6 1:21pm 2.4 7:34pm 0.5 2:17pm 2.4 8:32pm 0.5 3:12pm 2.5 9:29pm 0.4 4:06pm 2.5 10:24pm 0.4<br />

10:36am 2.2 4:27am 0.6 11:31am 2.3 5:25am 0.6 12:00am 2.4 6:21am 0.6 12:58am 2.4 7:16am 0.5 1:55am 2.5 8:10am 0.5 2:50am 2.5 9:03am 0.4 3:43am 2.5 9:55am 0.4<br />

Gore Bay 11:02pm 2.4 4:43pm 0.6<br />

5:41pm 0.6 12:27pm 2.3 6:39pm 0.6 1:23pm 2.4 7:36pm 0.5 2:19pm 2.4 8:34pm 0.5 3:14pm 2.5 9:31pm 0.4 4:08pm 2.5 10:26pm 0.4<br />

10:33am 1.5 4:26am 0.3 11:28am 1.5 5:22am 0.3<br />

6:18am 0.2 12:52am 1.7 7:11am 0.2 1:49am 1.7 8:04am 0.2 2:44am 1.7 8:56am 0.2 3:38am 1.7 9:49am 0.2<br />

Kaikoura 10:57pm 1.7 4:36pm 0.3 11:55pm 1.7 5:32pm 0.3 12:22pm 1.5 6:29pm 0.2 1:16pm 1.6 7:27pm 0.2 2:11pm 1.6 8:24pm 0.2 3:06pm 1.7 9:21pm 0.2 4:01pm 1.7 10:18pm 0.2<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


Advertising Feature<br />

Farmers share knowledge ofWetlands<br />

Anyone interested in wetlands on<br />

farms is encouraged to set aside<br />

May 2.<br />

That’s when afree, day-long<br />

symposium isbeing held at<br />

Christchurch’s Addington Events<br />

Centre, where farmers who<br />

have been part ofthe Managing<br />

Wetlands as Farm Assets project<br />

share what they’ve learned about<br />

the wetland on their farm.<br />

Working with across-section<br />

of farmers, the project has<br />

demonstrated how wetlands<br />

benefit farming systems and the<br />

wider environment. Led by NZ<br />

Landcare Trust, the three-year<br />

project was funded by industry<br />

and government, including<br />

investment from New Zealand<br />

Deer Farmers’ Association,<br />

Deer Industry New Zealand,<br />

New Zealand Merino, DairyNZ,<br />

Overseer Ltd, Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Ministry for<br />

Primary Industries’ Sustainable<br />

Food and Fibre Futures. Federated<br />

Farmers and Fonterra have also<br />

supported this <strong>Canterbury</strong>-based<br />

practical demonstration project.<br />

The symposium isagreat<br />

opportunity for farmers and other<br />

rural professionals tolearn from<br />

farmers who have been actively<br />

restoring wetlands and, in some<br />

cases, developing new wetlands<br />

on their farms. This isabout<br />

finding out where they started,<br />

who helped them, sources of<br />

funding, what work they carried<br />

out in their wetland, and the<br />

results they’ve achieved todate.<br />

Well worthwhile ...Wetlands bring multiple benefits to farms and the wider environment. Learn all about it at the<br />

Farm Wetland Symposium inChristchurch on May 2.<br />


It’s not about telling farmers<br />

how to do their job, it’s about<br />

understanding the opportunities<br />

that wetlands offer, aswell as<br />

finding out where to start.<br />

NZ Landcare Trust project coordinator<br />

Tony Watson said it’s<br />

all about sharing information and<br />

helping farmers understand the<br />

benefits wetlands can offer.<br />

‘‘And the benefits vary —<br />

some farmers want to focus on<br />

improving water quality, trapping<br />

sediment and reducing nutrient<br />

losses, others are looking to<br />

improve native biodiversity or farm<br />

aesthetics.<br />

‘‘Others understand the value of<br />

having awetland that acts as a<br />

sponge absorbing water inhigh<br />

rainfall events and slowly releasing<br />

it into the environment.<br />

‘‘And yet others see recreational<br />

benefits and wetlands asaway<br />

of bringing members of the<br />

community back onto farms,<br />

showing them some ofthe great<br />

work farmers are doing to improve<br />

our environment.’’<br />

If afarm has asticky corner or a<br />

problematic paddock, awetland<br />

could be one way tomake itwork,<br />

Mr Watson said. Some of the 14<br />

demonstration sites set upfor the<br />

project proved exactly that.<br />

The sites, focusing on the<br />

protection and restoration of<br />

wetland areas, are in arange of<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> farming systems and<br />

ecological zones stretching from<br />

Kaikoura toOtematata.<br />

Ninety percent ofNew Zealand’s<br />

wetlands have been lost through<br />

drainage, land development,<br />

and changes inland use. In<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, natural wetlands<br />

on the plains are now very rare;<br />

remaining wetlands tend tobeon<br />

the coast orinthe foothills, high<br />

country, or river margins.<br />

The project offers practical<br />

support and showcases how<br />

farmers can form or preserve<br />

wetlands, with support from<br />

others asneeded. Steering group<br />

chairman Ian Mackenzie, aMid<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> farmer with personal<br />

experience in wetland restoration,<br />

said the project was exciting. It<br />

shows how to control weeds when<br />

stock is excluded, and which plant<br />

species are best suited to different<br />

areas.<br />

‘‘With the protection ofmahinga<br />

kai now part offarm environment<br />

plans for some <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

districts, wewant farmers<br />

to understand why wetlands<br />

are regarded as taonga —as<br />

treasured natural resources. We<br />

have agood opportunity to share<br />

this knowledge,’’ Mr Mackenzie<br />

said.<br />

Mr Watson said the symposium<br />

is agreat chance for farmers and<br />

rural professionals toget together<br />

and swap ideas and information<br />

and is especially aimed atfarmers<br />

and others who would like to<br />

find out more about the potential<br />

wetlands offer individual farms<br />

and the catchments inwhich we<br />

farm.<br />

Afuture edition of The <strong>News</strong><br />

will feature some of the project’s<br />

case studies, showing how<br />

wetlands are helping to transform<br />

landscapes, lives, and the region<br />

we live in.<br />

Farm Wetland Symposium<br />

CHRISTCHURCH -TUESDAY 2ND MAY<strong>2023</strong> —9.30AM TO 5PM<br />

Farmers and rural professionals arewarmly invited to participateinthis one-day symposium.<br />

Wetlands offer manybenefits forfarmers, including potentialfor improvin water quality,biodiversity<br />

and aesthetics ...<br />

If youhaveany interest in wetlandsonfarm, noworinthe future, please join us to discuss the opportunities<br />

andchallengesthatwetlands present.<br />

You’llalsohear from arange of <strong>Canterbury</strong> farmers<br />

who have restored or developed wetlands on<br />

their farms over thelast fewyears—lessons,<br />

observations and their plans forthe future.<br />


Scan theQRcodeand fillout the<br />

form to registerfor the event!<br />


Are you looking tobuild your dream<br />

home in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> this year?<br />

If so, the Build7 team would love to hear from you!<br />

This month, we share anupdate on Rachel and Mitchell Lalor’s<br />

wonderful contemporary home.<br />

Rachel and Mitchell’s home<br />

Spending their first Christmas and summer<br />

holidays in their new Build7 home was adream<br />

come true for Rachel and Mitchell Lalor.<br />

The couple moved into their Lincoln home in<br />

mid 2022, and ever since have been enjoying<br />

everything the spacious, contemporary home<br />

has to offer. “Being able to live inthis special place<br />

and feel settled has been amazing,” Rachel says. “It’s comfortable, low<br />

maintenance and wonderful having all the doors open inthe sunshine.<br />

All the things we set out to achieve have become areality.”<br />

The entertainers’ kitchen/living and dining area isRachel’s favourite<br />

part of the house, along with afunctional built-in wardrobe, which was<br />

specifically designed for the master bedroom.<br />

“I’m really happy with our finished home,” Rachel says. “Our project<br />

manager was great at communicating, which we really appreciated,<br />

especially as we were under COVID-19 restrictions atthe time. And<br />

they didn’t charge usany extra labour when we made tweaks and<br />

changes along the way.”<br />

“It isclear that Build7 really want the best for<br />

their clients.”<br />

Since moving into their new family home, Mitchell and Rachel have<br />

welcomed their daughter Mila, now five-months-old, and enjoyed a<br />

wonderful summer settling into this new chapter of their lives.<br />

Because Rachel has adesign background, and this was the couple’s<br />

second time building, they were keen to be involved in as much of<br />

the process aspossible. After meeting with Build7 <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sales<br />

Partner Tony Hutchison at the end of 2020, Rachel drew up some<br />

plans ofwhat she and Mitchell wanted, and the Build7 team took it<br />

from there.<br />

The modern four-bedroom home includes two bathrooms and two<br />

living rooms with unique features throughout. Emphasis has been<br />

placed on the indoor-outdoor flow, with aroof extension and covered<br />

deck making the most of the spacious backyard.<br />

Fran and Jamie’s villa update<br />

Romantic as it is to be recreating an early twentieth century villa<br />

in <strong>2023</strong>, there are afew small challenges. One is making sure you<br />

have the right people toreproduce traditional features including<br />

special finishes and textures.<br />

We talked about our herringbone engineered timber floors in our<br />

last update and since then we have employed ornate fibrous<br />

plaster specialist Peter deBurgh-Thomas to help us make sure<br />

the plastering and mouldings in the villa are just right.<br />

Peter’s primary task is to create templates and mouldings for<br />

the villa’s two curved archways and aplainer hallway arch, all of<br />

which will feature traditional American style plastering.<br />

The more ornate archways will include inlay panelling, which will<br />

run from the wall columns tothe surfeit ofthe arch. Decorative<br />

bands will finish the outer facing edge and panelling will go<br />

around the inside ofthe arch.<br />

Peter estimates it will take about amonth to complete this work,<br />

which will include manufacturing at his workshop and onsite<br />

installation.<br />

We can’t wait to see the results!<br />

Email:<br />

welcome@build7.co.nz<br />

Call: Matt Vaughan 021 329 528<br />

Tony Hutchision 027 858 8489<br />

Level 1, 337 Asaph Street<br />

Christchurch Central 8011<br />


NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Delivery of meals helping mums<br />


9<br />

Carol Burdon knowsall aboutpostnatal<br />

depression.<br />

HavingemigratedfromEngland just<br />

beforehaving twosons,she really<br />

struggledwithout family support.<br />

Thatisthe key reasonshe’snow the<br />

branch co­ordinatorofthe<br />

Waimakariribranch of Bellyful.<br />

She joined the group in 2017,just<br />

beforeitlaunchedinthe district, in<br />

February 2018, and by July2018,she<br />

had been asked to takeonthe regional<br />

role.<br />

Bellyful wasfounded by Jacqui<br />

Ritchie, who grew up in Mount<br />

Maunganui, butmet alad wholived in<br />

Pukekohe, southofAuckland.<br />

She alsostruggledwith her firstborn<br />

–lackofsleep,financial stress,work<br />

demands,and anxiety.<br />

The savinggrace for her was the<br />

delivery to herdoorstep,from friends,<br />

of meals ready to be servedthenand<br />

there.<br />

Now,Bellyful, around thecountry,<br />

looks out forfamilieswith newborns or<br />

young children,withthe aim of taking<br />

the dinnertime load offtheir<br />

shoulders.<br />

Its website applicationpageisopen<br />

to anyonewho fitsthe criteria, butit’s<br />

alsoconstantly seeking referralsfrom<br />

friendsand familyofpotential<br />

applicants.<br />

‘‘Whenyou’rereallystruggling,just<br />

having thatbit of help, putting ameal<br />

on thetable, canbesohuge, Carol says.<br />

‘‘The hard thing is,here in<br />

Waimakariri, we’re only servicing15to<br />

17 familiesamonth.<br />

‘‘Weknowthat’s nowherenear as<br />

manyhouseholds as we should be<br />

reaching. We reallyneedtoget the<br />

wordout.<br />

‘‘Ifyou’re tootired,orit’s too hard, to<br />

Reaching out ... Struggling mums are urged to contact Bellyfull to help them with ready<br />

to serve meals.<br />


make dinner for yourlittle ones, let us<br />

know.’’<br />

Thegroup’slast Cookathon,saw 170<br />

meals goinginto the freezer,but those<br />

will onlylast about amonth. Carol<br />

wants to grow that to meetwhat she<br />

sees as ahidden need.<br />

‘‘We’re alwaysonthe lookoutfor<br />

people to helpwithmeals, at the end of<br />

eachmonth,’’ she says.‘‘Aswell as the<br />

Cookathons, we’re also planning<br />

another fund­raisinggolf tournament<br />

at the Rangiora GolfClub in<br />

September. Everylittlebit helps.’’<br />

Grass grub &porina<br />

Asolid fertiliser that utilises<br />

natural biocide -harmless<br />

to soil life and animals.<br />

Kills pests with abiocontrol<br />

cocktail of healthy soil<br />

microorganisms.<br />

Naturally control damaging<br />

pests impacting your farm<br />

profitability.<br />


$96<br />

PER/HA<br />

+ Freight & GST. Limited Supply.<br />

Free on-farm consultation<br />

For more information call<br />

Steve 021 779 919<br />

Powerand<br />

Performance<br />


TS 242TXD<br />

Kawasaki FR Series V-Twin -21.5hp-42"Cutting- - Width<br />

$ 9,390 8,640<br />

$<br />

8,890 RRP<br />

$ 9,990 9,240<br />

TS 248TXD<br />

Kawasaki FR Series V-Twin -23.0hp-48" Cutting Width<br />

Your local authorised Husqvarna Dealer:<br />

$<br />

9,490 RRP<br />


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Terms and Conditions apply,see HUSQVARNA.COM fordetails.<br />

$ 11,490 10,140<br />

TS 354<br />

Kawasaki FR Series V-Twin -24.0hp-54" Cutting Width<br />

$<br />

10,390 RRP<br />

275 Flaxton Road, Rangiora |033<strong>13</strong> 6640<br />

sales@brandmowers.co.nz |www.brandmowers.co.nz<br />

husqvarna.com<br />

2565859<br />

256256 8<br />

Awonderful retirement option coming in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

93 Princes Street. Waikari. 7420.<br />

The first 4units in stage 1are finally becoming available.<br />

Pre-Launch information pack available upon request, viewings welcome.<br />

Architecturally designed spacious 2bedroom, 2bathroom, independent<br />

living homes of 182 sqm with double garage.Situated on alarge, fully<br />

landscaped, elevated north facing property, with 2decks looking over a<br />

gorgeous view ofthe village reserve and valley beyond.<br />

Occupation Right Agreement residency with affordable entry fee and<br />

deferred management fee capped at 20%.<br />

Stage 2next year will add afurther 4units to the Village, aheated pool and<br />

residents lounge are to be included.<br />

Medical centre opposite, plus the Waikari Hospital located next door for afull<br />

range of aged care.<br />

View our website at:<br />

www.greatnorthernvillas.co.nz<br />

for more information.<br />

Contact: E: howard@greatnorthernvillas.co.nz P: 027 448 7265


SORTED.<br />

Bosch<br />

Advanced Aquatak<br />

150 Waterblaster<br />

Includes: High-Pressure<br />

Gun, 8m Hose,VariableFan<br />

Jetand RotaryFan Lances,<br />

FixedFan Nozzle, 550ml<br />

DetergentNozzle,Metal<br />

WaterFilter.<br />

399758<br />

Makita<br />

Cordless Lawn Mower<br />

&Line Trimmer Kit 18<br />

Volt x2,5Ah 2Piece<br />

This kitincludes the DLM463<br />

lawn mower, DUR192 line<br />

trimmer,2x18Volt5.0Ah<br />

batteries and adual port<br />

charger.<br />

382924<br />

DeWalt<br />

Compact Cordless<br />

Chainsaw Kit 18<br />

Volt,4Ah30cm<br />

Tool free bar fitment and<br />

chain tensioning with<br />

autooiling. Batteryand<br />

charger included.<br />

353477<br />

Normal $679<br />

Club Price<br />

$579<br />

$929<br />

Was$419<br />

$369<br />

now<br />

Jobmate<br />

Electric Blower Vac<br />

2500 Watt 270km/h<br />

Includes 45 litree collection<br />

bag,shoulder strap,<br />

and supportwheels for<br />

manoeuvrability.<br />

363900<br />

Masport<br />

2Stroke Engine<br />

Oil1litre<br />

Masport2-Stroke<br />

Semi-Synthetic engine<br />

oil is apremium<br />

performance,low<br />

smoke,easy mix<br />

2-strokeoil formulated<br />

with aspecial low ash<br />

additive.<br />

124740<br />

Black+Decker<br />

ShearShrubber<br />

Kit Cordless<br />

Lithium Ion 7Volt<br />

Built in battery foreasy<br />

charging.Docking<br />

station included.<br />

<strong>13</strong>1738<br />

$74 95<br />

$21 98 $89 99<br />

Karcher<br />

K2 PowerControl<br />

Waterblaster<br />

Comes with 500mL<br />

car shampoo,car wash<br />

brush,6mhose,dirt<br />

blaster and Variopower<br />

jet lance.<br />

399769<br />

Black+Decker<br />

Cordless Lawn<br />

MowerKit 330mm<br />

36 Volt,2.5Ah<br />

Cutting width 330mm.<br />

35 litremixed-material<br />

collapsiblecatcher.<br />

366662<br />

MTD<br />

Ride on Mower439ccRed<br />

6speed cruisematic control. Steel chassis.Turning radius 18<br />

inches. Adjustable cutting height.Manual lever clutch. 2year<br />

warranty.<br />

376288<br />

$219 $559<br />

$3,599<br />

Valid until 20th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> or while stocks last.<br />

100% LOCALLY<br />




AFREE<br />

StandardFlue&<br />

Shield valued at<br />

up to $1084.<br />

When purchasingaMasport,<br />

Woodsman or MetrofiresWood Fire.<br />

Floor stock only.Excludes package deals.Whilestocks last. Offer ends Sunday23rd<strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Not in conjunction with anyother discount.T&Cs apply.<br />

Samba<br />

PopOut Firelighters24Pack<br />

Samba ‘Pop Out’Firelighters areindividually sealed and<br />

easyto handle.Made from thesametrusted formula as<br />

the number one sellingsambaoriginal firelighters. The<br />

easyway to lightyour fires.<br />

219994<br />

Masport<br />

Waimakariri<br />

FreestandingULEB<br />

Wood Fire with<br />

Ash PanPedestal<br />

Suitable forsmall to<br />

medium homes (2-3<br />

bedrooms). 20 Year<br />

Fire BoxWarranty.<br />

Manufactured in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

353972<br />

Woodsman<br />

ColeridgeULEB Wood<br />

Fire withPedestal<br />

Metallic Black<br />

8.9kWmaximum average<br />

heatoutput. 15 year firebox<br />

warranty,2yearpartwarranty.<br />

391045<br />

$5 65 $3,159 $2,799<br />

Masport<br />

Hurunui ULEB<br />

Freestanding<br />

Wood Fire Black<br />

Suitable formediumm<br />

to large homes (3-4<br />

bedroom). 15 Year<br />

FireboxWarranty.<br />

Made in New Zealand.<br />

386148<br />

Woodsman<br />

Serene ULEB Wood<br />

Fire with Woodbox<br />

8.6W maximum average<br />

heatoutput.15year<br />

firebox warranty,2year<br />

parts warranty.<br />

354305<br />

Nouveau<br />

Heavy DutyFireside<br />

Tool Set5PieceBlack<br />

Theset includes abrush, shovel,<br />

poker,tongs andastand to keep<br />

them organised.<br />

348760<br />

$3,269<br />

$2,999<br />

$79 98<br />

Valid until 20th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> or while stocks last.<br />

100% LOCALLY<br />



NEWS<br />

12 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Speed reduction proposed<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

A60kph speed limit has been<br />

proposed on State Highway 1,<br />

between Pegasusand Waikuku, in<br />

preference to wire ropebarriers.<br />

The Waimakariri District<br />

Council has agreed to back a<br />

request from local residents for a<br />

speedreduction,aspart of Waka<br />

Kotahi New Zealand Transport<br />

Agency’s Woodendsafety<br />

improvements.<br />

The request followed ameeting<br />

last weekwith Pegasusand<br />

Waikuku residents and Waka<br />

Kotahi director of regional<br />

relationships, JamesCaygill.<br />

Waka Kotahi had proposed<br />

installing awire rope barrier,<br />

knownas‘‘a cheesegrater’’, on the<br />

1.5kmstretch of road between<br />

Pegasus and Waikuku, which has<br />

an 80kphspeed limit,aspart of the<br />

proposed safety improvements.<br />

‘‘Thefeedback we received at<br />

the meeting was thatpeopleare<br />

not in favour of wire ropebarriers<br />

on thatstretch of road,’’<br />

Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon<br />

said.<br />

‘‘Theresidentssuggested a<br />

reduction of speed and asked if<br />

that would negate the need for<br />

wire ropebarriers.’’<br />

Residents said the wirerope<br />

barrier would cause<br />

inconvenience as it would prevent<br />

them from turning and restrict<br />

access to their properties.<br />

Mr Gordon was drafting aletter<br />

in support of the request, with<br />

inputfrom his fellowcouncillors<br />

and Woodend­SeftonCommunity<br />

BoardchairpersonShona Powell.<br />

He said similar concerns had<br />

Safety concerns ... Residents discuss Waka Kotahi New Zealand<br />

Transport Agency’s proposed Woodend road safety improvements at a<br />

public drop in session in the Woodend Community centre.<br />


been raised by residents and<br />

business ownerslocated between<br />

Woodend and PineAcres, Kaiapoi,<br />

to the south.<br />

‘‘Ultimately what will make a<br />

differenceisa[Woodend] bypass.’’<br />

Mr Caygill saidthe meeting was<br />

agood chance to hear the specific<br />

concerns of concerned residents.<br />

He said several issueswere<br />

raised, including powerpole<br />

positions, driveway accesspoints,<br />

speed and the necessityofthe wire<br />

rope barrier.<br />

‘‘Their concernsare being fed<br />

back to theprojectteam as we<br />

continue work on the design for<br />

SH1 Saltwater CreektoCam<br />

River.’’<br />

Cr RobbieBrine said he had<br />

attended 11 road deaths on SH1<br />

between SmithStreet,Kaiapoi,<br />

and Saltwater Creek, north of the<br />

AshleyRiver, in his capacity as a<br />

policeofficer.<br />

‘‘I don’t likethe cheesegraters.<br />

They may save lives, but with the<br />

aesthetics and the inconvenience<br />

they cause, it’s justnot worth it.’’<br />

He saidreducing the speed limit<br />

would add only‘‘a few seconds to a<br />

car journey’’,while saving lives.<br />

DeputyMayorNeville Atkinson<br />

said he was opposedtoboth<br />

options. ‘‘We’renot going to solve it<br />

with aband aid. We need to finda<br />

real solution.’’<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

roading manager Joanne McBride<br />

said it wouldbedifficult to enforce<br />

a60kph speed limit as the 1.5km<br />

stretch of road was through arural<br />

area.<br />

Public interest journalism<br />

fundedthrough New Zealand on<br />

Air.<br />

Work needed ... The Wolffs Road suspension bridge has fallen<br />

into astate of disrepair.<br />


In suspension<br />

By DAVID HILL,<br />

Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Feedbackisbeing sought on<br />

options to save an historic<br />

suspensionbridge near<br />

Oxford.<br />

The Waimakariri District<br />

Council is consulting on the<br />

repair of the Wolffs Road<br />

suspensionbridge at West<br />

Eyreton, which has fallen<br />

into astate of disrepairand<br />

is no longer safe for public<br />

use.<br />

The bridgewas built<br />

around 1948 forpedestrian<br />

access across the Eyre River.<br />

It has acategory 2rating with<br />

HeritageNew Zealand.<br />

The Cust and Districts<br />

HistoricalRecords Society<br />

made asubmission to the<br />

council’s 2021/31Long Term<br />

Plan,which led to asite<br />

inspectionand abridge<br />

refurbishmentreport being<br />

prepared.<br />

The council’s preferred<br />

option is to removethe<br />

timber superstructure,<br />

approachrampsand<br />

suspension cables, and clear<br />

vegetation. This would leave<br />

the heritage fabric of the<br />

bridge, including the<br />

substructureand cable<br />

anchorstoberefurbished, a<br />

councilspokespersonsaid.<br />

The cost of disestablishing<br />

the superstructure,was<br />

estimated in 2021, to cost<br />

$195,000, withongoing<br />

maintenance costs of up to<br />

$2000 ayear. Any funding for<br />

the project would need to be<br />

sought as part of next year’s<br />

2024/34Long Term Plan or<br />

fromexternal funding<br />

sources. Feedback closes on<br />

Monday,<strong>April</strong> 17, at letstalk.<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/.<br />

Real<br />

Change<br />

Tour<br />

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14 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Casting call ... Eliza McDonald (left), Korbin Symonds­Shakespeare, Emelia Coster,<br />

Evangeline Arthur, Maddy Dunn and Jairna Harris are looking forward to taking centrestage<br />

next month.<br />


Kaiapoi horror show<br />

under the spotlight<br />

Ahorror show with audience<br />

participation is in store at Kaiapoi<br />

High Schoolnext month.<br />

The Adventures of Alice in Horrorland<br />

will take centrestage in the school’s<br />

auditorium, with publicperformances<br />

from Thursday to Saturday,May 11 to<br />

<strong>13</strong>.<br />

The titlerole of Aliceisbeingshared<br />

by ElizaMcDonald and MaddyDunn.<br />

‘‘It is aunique script andithas got<br />

some really cool stuff. It is different,<br />

but agood different,’’Maddy says.<br />

Elizasays she loves performing on<br />

stage.<br />

‘‘I was reallyhappy whenIgot the<br />

lead role in aschool production andI<br />

feel likeI’m in areality TV show.’’<br />

Jairna Harris is playing the Mad<br />

Hatter, which she describes as ashort,<br />

but high energyrole.<br />

Korbin Symonds­Shakespeare is<br />

playing RiffRaff fromthe Rocky<br />

Horror Picture Show.<br />

‘‘I enjoy beingquirky and creepy and<br />

bringing people who are over­excited<br />

into acreepy house.’’<br />

Evangeline Arthur is playing<br />

Tweedledeeand says she is havingfun<br />

getting onstage and ‘‘being an idiot’’.<br />

Emelia Arthur is playing Mrs Lovett,<br />

arole which involvesluringpeople<br />

into her pie shop to eat pies made from<br />

humanflesh.<br />

The showisbeing directed by<br />

teacher Brent Morrison, whoalso<br />

wrote the script.<br />

‘‘I wrote bitsofitand grabbed bits<br />

fromother shows,’’ he says.<br />

‘‘There’s afew surprises andthere is<br />

alot of audienceparticipation, so it’s<br />

veryinter­active.’’<br />

It was abusy start to the year,with<br />

auditions heldinweek two and then it<br />

was straight into rehearsals from week<br />

three.<br />

The castwill return early from the<br />

school holidays next week for afull<br />

week of rehearsals.<br />

‘‘There is still abit of technical stuff<br />

to do with mics and some of them<br />

haven’tdone singing on stage before,’’<br />

Mr Morrisonsays.<br />

There will be six performances<br />

during the production week, including<br />

threepublic performances and shows<br />

for local primary schoolchildren.<br />

While there will be 300 seats<br />

availableonthe Thursdayevening, the<br />

Friday and Saturdayshows will be<br />

performed in atheatre­restaurant<br />

withathree­coursemeal.<br />

Ticketsare on saleatthe Kaiapoi<br />

HighSchool office for $15 each for the<br />

Thursday show.<br />

On Friday and Saturday nighttickets<br />

for thetheatre­restaurant show are<br />

$50 each.<br />

Speed limit change backed<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

The speed limit on Kaiapoi’s Smith<br />

Streetwill be reducedtoaccommodate<br />

the growing Waimak JunctionBusiness<br />

Park.<br />

The Waimakariri District Council<br />

gave its backing at last week’s council<br />

meeting to aproposal to reduce the<br />

speed limit from 80kph to 50kphonthe<br />

small stretchofroad between the<br />

southbound motorway onramp and the<br />

existing 50kphsign,90metres to the<br />

east.<br />

Waimakariri District Councilroading<br />

and transportation manager Joanne<br />

McBride saidthe speed limit change<br />

was neededtoimprove safety.<br />

The Waimak Junction Business Park<br />

is expanding, withthe plannedopening<br />

of aCountdown supermarket,alongside<br />

Placemakers, Bunnings, Mitre 10,<br />

Briscoes and other retailers,expected<br />

to significantlyincrease traffic<br />

volumes.<br />

The council will now write to Waka<br />

Kotahitorequest the speedlimit<br />

changeunder the SettingofSpeed<br />

LimitsRule 2022.<br />

Public interest journalism funded<br />

through New ZealandonAir.

Athletes ... Kaiapoi High School’s athletics team at Invercargill.<br />


Kaiapoiathletes at<br />

champs perform well<br />

Kaiapoi High Schoolisenjoyinga<br />

resurgence in athletics.<br />

The school recently sent its largest<br />

ever team to the South Island<br />

secondary schools athletics<br />

championships, held in Invercargill.<br />

Teacher BrentMorrison says the<br />

nine­strong team enjoyed success.<br />

Tia Wynyard placed first in the<br />

under­19 boys high jump, while his<br />

twin brother Paiplacedsecondin the<br />

under­19 boys 3000 metres and fourth<br />

in the 1500 metres.<br />

Para­athlete Jacob Claridge placed<br />

firstinboththe100metresand200<br />

metres,while Tom Swailes finished<br />

ninth in the under­19 boys 100 metres<br />

and 10th in the 200 metres,tonarrowly<br />

missthe finals.<br />

The four joined forces to place fifth<br />

in the under­19 boys 4x400 metres<br />

relay.<br />

‘‘Thetwo Wynyard boys havealways<br />

competed on their own, so just to have<br />

ateamfor themtocompetetogether in<br />

❛It is getting abit of a<br />

resurgence at Kaiapoi and it is<br />

going well.❜<br />

— Brent Morrison, KaiapoiHigh School teacher<br />

wasgreat,’’ Mr Morrison says.<br />

LilyMorrisonplacedfirst in the<br />

under­14 girlslongjump,firstinthe<br />

200metres andthird in the 100metres,<br />

while Sophie Jolly placed 8th in the<br />

under­14 girls800metres.<br />

Lily and Sophie combined with Elina<br />

Seuamuli and Iunaite Amataga Sefo to<br />

place fourth in the under­14 girls 4x100<br />

metres relay.<br />

With the New Zealand secondary<br />

schools championships being held in<br />

Christchurch in December, Mr<br />

Morrison says he is looking forward to<br />

moreathleticssuccess.<br />

‘‘It is getting abit of a resurgence at<br />

Kaiapoi anditisgoingwell.’’<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Open Evening<br />

15<br />

Milestonetobecelebrated<br />

AKaiapoi school’s 150th birthday celebrations are achance to reconnect.<br />

Kaiapoi Borough School is planning abig celebration from November 24 to 25<br />

and principal Hayden van Lent says it is an opportunity to showcase the modern<br />

school.<br />

‘‘There have been many students who have come through the kura, so no doubt<br />

there’s plenty of stories to be shared and it will be achance to reconnect.<br />

‘‘The school has changed alot since the earthquakes, so it will look very different<br />

for many of our former students returning.’’<br />

Mr van Lent says abig welcome is being planned on Friday afternoon, November<br />

24, with the school’s kapa haka group set to add acultural element to the<br />

celebrations.<br />

There will be an open afternoon, with senior student leaders showing people<br />

around the school, before visitors are encouraged to head out for an evening meal.<br />

On Saturday there will be an opportunity to reflect, connect with others and look<br />

at photos from yesteryear.<br />

‘‘We will be drawing people together through kai and we will have atime capsule<br />

where people can put their thoughts down.’’<br />

It will then be buried to be opened in years to come.<br />

Mark the date ... Kaiapoi Borough School<br />

will celebrate 150 years from November 24<br />

to 25.<br />



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NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Te Koromiko Swannanoa School 150th<br />

Generations cake cutting ... The oldest Te Koromiko Swannanoa School past­pupil Derek<br />

Petrie aged 91, and the youngest new­entrant attending the school today, Levi Berry, aged<br />

5, are helped by school principal Brian Price to cut the sesquicentennial (150th) cake.<br />



It wasthird time luckyfor Te Koromiko<br />

Swannanoa School when theyheldtheir<br />

150th celebrations lastweek.<br />

Covid forced the delay ofthe planned<br />

celebrations in 2021 andagain in 2022.<br />

‘‘But we madeitthisyear,” says Gill<br />

Slaughter, chair of the school’s board of<br />

trustees.<br />

‘‘Westarted backin2020withabig event<br />

planned for Easter ‘21but we hadto defer<br />

it, andthenextyearaswell.<br />

‘‘Itwas thirdtimeluckyfor us this year<br />

to be ableto host amuch smaller<br />

celebration which we feltcelebrated the<br />

connections the schoolhas with it’s<br />

history, thecommunity and itspupils,both<br />

young and old.’’<br />

She says it also gave them a chance to<br />

showcase the school as it is today.<br />

‘‘The schools cultural narrative has<br />

changed so much from when we first<br />

started planning forthe 150thfouryears<br />

ago.’’<br />

Gillsaysitwas greattosee everyone<br />

there and she was impressed several of<br />

her teachers fromher owndays at<br />

SwannanoaSchool in the 1970s were also<br />

in attendance.<br />

‘‘Back then it was just two small<br />

classrooms, which later became three<br />

while Iwas there.Thatwas abig dayfor<br />

oursmall school.’’<br />

Ahighlight of last Thursday’s<br />

celebrationsheldintheschools hall, was<br />

theunveiling of the new uniform forthe<br />

school’s KapaHakaGroup.<br />

Nearly 70 Year 7and 8pupilsdressed in<br />

their new uniforms, gave aperformance<br />

duringthe official welcomefor allthe<br />

invited guests,former students,teachers<br />

andparents attending.<br />

To mark the sesquicentennial<br />

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❛We started back in 2020<br />

with abig event planned for<br />

Easter ‘21 but we had to defer<br />

it, and the next years as well.<br />

❜<br />

—Gill Slaughter,Board of Trustee chair<br />

celebrations, a cake wascut by theoldest<br />

past­pupil Derek Petrie aged 91, andthe<br />

youngest new­entrant attending theschool<br />

today,LeviBerry,aged 5.<br />

Derekfirst went to theschool in 1936 as<br />

afive­year­old.<br />

His family settled in theSwannanoa<br />

Districtin1915, in the old Swannanoa<br />

Homestead wheretheystill are today.<br />

Dereksayshis mother Lily Petrie (nee<br />

White) was alsoapastpupil of the school.<br />

‘‘It was verydifferent back then.<br />

‘‘My teacher Miss Emma­Jane Milne<br />

actually boarded with us and whileshe<br />

rode to school on abig bike, we all went by<br />

horse and cart.<br />

‘‘One day she decided to ridewith us in<br />

thecartand on theway ahare startledthe<br />

horse,andupended us into agorse hedge,<br />

so shenever rode withusagain.’’<br />

Waimakariri District MayorDan Gordon<br />

unveiled a 150th anniversary sculpture,<br />

created by the school’s pupils under the<br />

guidanceofChristchurch artistShayn<br />

Briggs.<br />

Thestonesculptureincorporateda<br />

double twist motifand impressions of<br />

local nativebirds.<br />

Its unveiling coincided withthe first<br />

viewing of anew school mural also<br />

depicting the bird and landscape theme<br />

on anearby classroomwall.<br />

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Keep your home warm and dry<br />

Awarm,dry home can help keep you and<br />

your whānau healthy overwinter.<br />

Many homes in New Zealand are damp,<br />

cold and unhealthy.<br />

In winter, theyare on average 6deg<br />

below the World Health Organisation<br />

recommended minimum indoor<br />

temperature of 18deg.<br />

Acold and damphome can increase the<br />

risk of respiratoryillnesses such as asthma<br />

and seriouschest infections.<br />

Damp, draughty and poorly insulated<br />

homes are moreexpensive to heat.<br />

Here aresome simple tips to keepyour<br />

home warm and dry without breaking the<br />

bank:<br />

Insulate your house<br />

Insulation in the roofand underthe floor<br />

keeps your housewarm and dry in winter,<br />

but it’s expensive andmay not be an option<br />

if you're renting or on abudget.<br />

If you're on alow income, you may be able<br />

to get financial help for home insulation<br />

throughthe Ministry of Health's Healthy<br />

Homes Initiative. Some local or regional<br />

councils offerinsulation deals andthe<br />

Winter Energy Payment is available for<br />

some people.<br />

Insulation is also now compulsory in all<br />

rental homes.<br />

There are other ways you can insulate to<br />

help make yourhome warmer:<br />

Window films —these kits have aclear<br />

plasticfilm that sticks to your window<br />

framingand acts like double­glazing,<br />

bubble wrap added to your windows,<br />

providing an extralayer thathelps<br />

insulate yourhome against the cold<br />

outsideair.<br />

If you have awooden, tiled or linofloor,<br />

add alargerug to cover as much of it as<br />

possible.<br />

It's curtains for cold<br />

Having snug­fitting curtains helps keep<br />

your house warm. Floorlength curtains<br />

keep the heat in better than shorter ones.<br />

Addingarolled­uptowel on top of your<br />

curtaintrackalso stops warm air escaping<br />

behind thecurtain.<br />

Theheat from the sunisfree, so make sure<br />

youopen your curtainsinthe morning to<br />

letthe sunsheat in andclosethem just<br />

before sunset to keep the cold out.<br />

If you don’t have curtains,thereare<br />

Insulation ... Sealing gaps can keep you<br />

warmer.<br />


several curtain banks thatprovidegood<br />

quality, secondhand curtains, or you could<br />

try pinningablanket up to stop the heat<br />

escaping.<br />

Draught­proofwindowsand doors<br />

Check there aren’t any draughts coming in<br />

through any windowsordoors,asthis will<br />

makeyour house cold.Adraughtstopper<br />

across the bottom of adoor (orarolled up<br />

dry towel)helpskeep the coldout. Other<br />

options include apool noodle that's been<br />

cut so it fits snugly on both sides of the<br />

door, or self­adhesivebrushstripdraught<br />

excluder strips available from hardware<br />

shops.<br />

Reducecondensation<br />

Condensation, or waterthat'scollected on<br />

windows and walls,makes yourhome<br />

dampand can cause mould to grow. A<br />

damphouse is also more expensive to<br />

heat. To reduce dampness in your home<br />

put lids on pots when cooking, use an<br />

extractorfan in the kitchen and bathroom,<br />

or openawindow. Closethe bathroom<br />

doorwhile showering, and dry your<br />

clothes outside (or in agarage or carport).<br />

If you do have condensation, wipe it off<br />

eachmorning with atowel.<br />

Get agood heater<br />

Electricheatersare cheap to buy and safe<br />

to use. Get aheater that'sthe rightsize for<br />

the room you're heating. Aheat pump with<br />

athermostatisalso agood option, as is a<br />

log burnerifyou haveagood source of<br />

firewood.<br />



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Note:portable or unflued indoor gas<br />

heaters release dangerous toxins and<br />

increase moisture.<br />

Movefurniture<br />

Whereyou have your furniture in your<br />

room can make adifference to how easy it<br />

is to heat. It may feel good to sit close to<br />

your heater or fire, but yourfurniture can<br />

blockthe heatfrom spreading, which<br />

meansitwill take longer for the room to<br />

heat up.<br />

Air yourhouse<br />

Make sure you air your houseout, even in<br />

the colder months, andget rid of any<br />

mouldimmediately with two teaspoons of<br />

bleach to alitre of water,orwhite vinegar.<br />

—Courtesy healthnavigator.org.nz<br />

RetrofitDouble Glazing<br />

Replacement Windows<br />

Frameless Showers<br />

Splashbacks<br />

Balustrades<br />

Mirrors<br />

SecurityDoors<br />

Window Maintenance<br />

1High Street, Rangiora | 03 3<strong>13</strong> 1733<br />

leah.stewart@hagley.co.nz<br />

03 3<strong>13</strong> 0531<br />

(<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>)<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

2567154<br />

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Phone(03)3<strong>13</strong> 7886




Enjoy agreat mix of convenience alongside asemi-rural feel at Ryman’s<br />

<strong>North</strong>wood Village. Just across from the village entrance isthe <strong>North</strong>wood<br />

Supa Centre offering anarray of amenities including apharmacy, café and<br />

restaurant, all within easy walking distance.<br />

The village will provide living and care options in the fast-growing northern<br />

suburbs. Including apartments and townhouses, assisted-living apartments,<br />

as well as resthome, hospital, and specialist dementia care –all within the<br />

same village. Should your health needs change, you can remain<br />

living inthe area and the village you already know and love.<br />



20 Radcliffe Road, <strong>North</strong>wood



Architecturally designed apartments and<br />

townhouses offer spacious open-plan<br />

living with modern interiors.<br />

Quality appliances, fixtures and fiings<br />

Fixed weekly fee, covering rates, house<br />

insurance and exterior maintenance<br />

First stage of townhouses and<br />

apartments are due to be completed<br />

soon, so youcan make the move<br />

this year<br />

Apartments priced from $815,000<br />

Townhousespriced from $865,000<br />

Call Sharyn on 0800685122<br />

for moredetails or visit<br />

rymanhealthcare.co.nz<br />

Images are artist’s impressions<br />


20 RadcliffeRoad, <strong>North</strong>wood

Your local professionals<br />

Let the experienced team<br />

at Vera Setz help you<br />

hear clearly again<br />

Missingout on conversation around<br />

thetable, strugglingtohearthose<br />

quieter notes, or findingitdifficult<br />

to focusonone voice in aroomfull<br />

of people?<br />

If you’veansweredyes to any of<br />

thesequestions,itistimetogive the<br />

friendly, professional teamatVera<br />

Setz Hearingacall and bookina<br />

hearingassessment.<br />

The experiencedprofessionals<br />

areready to make sure you don’t<br />

miss outonall thoseimportant<br />

conversationswithfamilyand<br />

friends.<br />

Vera Setz Hearingcan provide free<br />

hearingchecks, diagnostic hearing<br />

tests, earhygiene services,tinnitus<br />

assessments, hearingaid advice and<br />

fittings, as well as custom earplugs<br />

forhearing protection.<br />

Vera has aMasters degree in<br />

Audiology, andbringsmore than<br />

20 yearsofpractical knowledgeand<br />

experience to theclinic.<br />

Audiologist, CharlotteWatson,<br />

brings over 10 yearsofvaluable<br />

experience to theclinic.<br />

Well versed in paediatricand<br />

adultaudiology, Vera has worked<br />

extensively in both privatepractice<br />

andhospital environments, and is<br />

proudtobebringingbetterhearing<br />

healthcare to <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Vera Setz Hearingclinic is located<br />

at 83b IvoryStreet, Rangiora, and<br />

they hold regularclinics at the<br />

Amberley Medical Centre,and<br />

avisitingclinic at theCheviot<br />

Medical Centre.<br />

Aspecialistear nursealsoholds<br />

regularclinics at Amberley,<br />

Rangiora andKaiapoi.<br />

At your onehourappointment<br />

your audiologist will review<br />

personal health information with<br />

youand ask youafew questions<br />

about whereyou areexperiencing<br />

hearinglossordifficulty in your<br />

day-to-day life.<br />

Raymond Barrow’s<br />

Theywill thenconduct testing to<br />

discover whetherany hearingloss<br />

exists—the degreetowhichitdoes,<br />

what type of hearingloss it is,and<br />

what thebesttreatment optionsare<br />

to suit your individual needs.<br />

Hearinglosscan be linkedtomany<br />

health problems, such as dementia<br />

andcognitive decline, lack of<br />

balanceand possible falls, anxiety<br />

anddepression.<br />

Anyone concernedthatachange<br />

in their hearingmay be impacting<br />

on their health should schedule an<br />

appointment.<br />

Newpatients arewelcome andit is<br />

okay to bringasupport person with<br />

youatyourappointment.<br />

To make an appointment or<br />

findout more abouthow Vera<br />

Setz canhelpyou,call Vera Setz<br />

Hearingon03423 3158 or visit<br />

newzealandhearing.co.nz/vera-setzhearing.<br />


Te kāri kōura<br />

Downsizing and don’tknow<br />

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Wright Move and Call Bev<br />

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022 1726 049<br />

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2521276v3<br />

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10 Albert Street, Rangiora<br />

03 3<strong>13</strong> 5335<br />

www.northcanterburyglass.co.nz<br />

Love Your Hearing, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Charlotte Watson<br />

Audiologust<br />

MNZAS<br />

Your<br />

Preferred<br />

Choice of Glazier<br />


Covering all glass, including...<br />

•Broken window<br />

repairs<br />

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•Splashbacks<br />

...and Much More<br />

• Balustrades<br />

•Mirrors<br />

•Security Screens,<br />

Stays &Doors<br />

•Safety Glass<br />

For All Things<br />

Residential, Commercial and Auto<br />

Vera Setz<br />

Audiologist<br />

MNZAS<br />

Alison Highman<br />

Ear Nurse<br />

RN<br />

We’re your<br />

local hearing and<br />

ear health experts!<br />

Vera Setz:<br />

(03) 423 3158<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Cheviot,<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

Ear Care:<br />

020 4124 2525<br />

Clinics in Rangiora,<br />

Amberley, Kaiapoi<br />

2453203<br />

Call Prosser Quirke Accountants<br />

Chartered Accountants &Business Advisors<br />

2299722v3<br />

2515008v1<br />


6Blake Street, Rangiora, New Zealand<br />

ph. 03 3<strong>13</strong> 7824<br />

email. team@prosser-quirke.co.nz<br />



Servicing your tilt,<br />

sectional or roller garage<br />

door &opener on a<br />

regular basis will help<br />

ensure asafe, secure &<br />

reliable operation.<br />

We offer awide range of<br />

repair and maintenance<br />

solutions.<br />

Phone 027 207 6128 |03310 6577<br />

hamish@abelgaragedoors.co.nz<br />


Your local professionals<br />

Personalised, quality service, every time<br />

Effective accountancyservices areall about<br />

thepersonaltouch,aconceptdeartothe<br />

heartofRachel Liddell andthe team at<br />

Liddell andCrook,Chartered Accountants.<br />

BasedinbothPapanui,Christchurch<br />

andAmberley, Rachel has more than 30<br />

yearsexperience as achartered accountant<br />

workingfor anumberofaccountancyfirms<br />

in Christchurch.<br />

Four yearsago she went into partnership<br />

with JanetCrook whohad purchased the<br />

existingaccountancybusinessowned by the<br />

late PeterGraham.<br />

Rachel said she hadworkedwithJanet<br />

before anditwas agood opportunity forher<br />

as shehad always wanted to setupher own<br />

firm.<br />

SincethenJanet retiredand Rachel took<br />

over runningthe firm.<br />

“Whatwevalue here at Liddell andCrook<br />

is personal service.<br />

“Weget to helpall ourclients, oneonone,<br />

andthatallowsustohelpthemmorethan<br />

anyone offeringanonlineonlyservice.”<br />

The firm’sAmberleyoffice is open every<br />

Wednesdayfrom 9amto2.30pmand<br />

Rachel says this has been alegacyofPeter’s<br />

company.<br />

“Amberleyisafastgrowing community,<br />

andthe services we supply to businessand<br />

individualsherereflectsthe core values of<br />

thebusiness.<br />

“Empathy with acaring, friendlyattitude<br />

to staff and clients, personalised services in<br />

recognisingand understandingour clients’<br />

individual needs, making accountancy<br />

services accessibleand responsive to client<br />

needsall whileremainingforward thinking<br />

andkeeping currentasweall look ahead to<br />

thefuture.<br />

To stay currentLiddell andCrook areXero<br />

Gold Partners.<br />

“WeloveXerobecause it givesusaccurate<br />

data to helpusall make better decisions.”<br />

Those accurate andspeedydecisions<br />

afforded by Xero andtheir personalised<br />

service arecrucial to thecompany’s success<br />

says Rachel.<br />

“Itallowsustokeepworking closelywith<br />

ourclients, to keep them informedall<br />

throughthe year andtohelpthemmanage<br />

their privateorbusinessfinances properly.”<br />

Liddell andCrook offer generalbusiness<br />

accounting forindividuals,families, small<br />

andmediumbusinessesincludingsmaller<br />

farmlets, andinvestors.<br />

“WithAmberleygrowing as well as<br />

Waiparaand Hanmer,weofferavery<br />

personal touchfor all ourclients as they,<br />

like us,preferone on onepersonalisedlevel<br />

of qualityservice.”<br />

Liddell andCrook Ltd’sHQisat62<br />

LangdonsRoad, Papanui, Christchurch,<br />

andcan be reachedat03352 1076 or their<br />

Amberley Office at 2A PoundStreetisopen<br />

on Wednesdays at 03 314 8717.<br />

Visitliddellcrook.nz formore information<br />

andtobookachat.<br />

Fast, Friendly, and Affordable pest<br />

control around <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Spiders, Ants, Flies, Wasps, Silverfish<br />

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Physicaland Mental Health<br />

•Customised<br />

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8High St<br />

Ph 3<strong>13</strong> 0909<br />

2456952v4<br />

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•Experts in Jewellery Design<br />

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Jewellery<br />

•Jewellery Repairs<br />

•Remaking and Remodelling<br />

Jewellery<br />

•Insurance Replacement Service<br />

•Valuations<br />

1Good St, Rangiora<br />

Ph: 03 310 6191<br />

Em: info@crawfordhill.co.nz<br />

Graeme<br />

&Lisa<br />

your local<br />

Mortgage Advisers<br />

2538083v1<br />

PH: 0800 888 485<br />

office@mariathackwell.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/abacusheatpumpcleaning<br />

027 496 8192<br />

johnawright@xtra.co.nz<br />





Accounting Services Business Support<br />

Xero Training and Conversion<br />


2A Pound Street, Amberley<br />

Phone 03 314 8717<br />

Amberley hours: Wednesdays only<br />

9.00am – 12.00pm and 1.00pm -2.30pm<br />

Email rachel@liddellcrook.nz<br />


62 Langdons Road, Papanui, Christchurch<br />

Phone 03 352 1076<br />

www.liddellcrook.nz<br />

2511019v1<br />


NEWS<br />

26 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Coast care top priorty for group<br />

Gettingprojectsdone in<br />

Hurunui's Pegasus Bay coastal<br />

communitieshas become<br />

easier,thankstoanew group<br />

which will be able to assist<br />

with seeking funding.<br />

The <strong>North</strong>ern Pegasus<br />

(Hurunui) Bay Coastcare Inc<br />

has recently become an<br />

incorporated society.<br />

One of its functions will be to<br />

work as an umbrella group so<br />

individuals or informal groups<br />

can obtainfunding from<br />

sourcessuch as the Rata<br />

Foundation or the Department<br />

of Conservation (DOC) for<br />

projects such as trapping or<br />

planting on the coast lines.<br />

Amberley resident Kevin<br />

Roche, the organiser of the<br />

incorporated society, which<br />

has 15 members, is happy to<br />

know therewill be less hurdles<br />

to seeking funding for the great<br />

work that is being done.<br />

Its objectives include the<br />

protection and enhancement<br />

of the naturalfloraand fauna<br />

of the coastalenvironment,<br />

management of recreational<br />

activities in asafe, sustainable<br />

and environmentally friendly<br />

manner,promotion of<br />

sustainableforms of<br />

recreational activities such as<br />

walking, cycling and horse<br />

riding by maintaining and<br />

creating suitable tracks, and<br />

offering support and operation<br />

of pest control activities.<br />

It willliaise withHurunui<br />

District Council,Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, DoCand Land<br />

InformationNew Zealand to<br />

help achievethe protection of<br />

the coastalareas from The<br />

Coastal environment ... Anew group in the Hurunui District is<br />

working hard to take care of the coastal environment. PHOTO: SUPPLIED<br />

Rocksnorth of the Waipara<br />

River, to Ashworths Beach.<br />

‘‘This makesfunding<br />

requests alot easier,because<br />

for manyapplications you have<br />

to be alegal entity such as an<br />

incorporated societyora<br />

trust.’’<br />

With alovefor native plants<br />

and the beatification of<br />

Hurunui District's coastlines,<br />

Mr Roche sayshe's been<br />

thinking aboutsetting up this<br />

entity for acouple of years<br />

now.<br />

‘‘One of the drivers for the<br />

group is coast care and climate<br />

change, mitigating therisk of<br />

threats to settlements by<br />

stabilising dunes.’’<br />

The five­year goalistoget<br />

the wetlands protected,<br />

continue to develop the<br />

trapping programme to remove<br />

predators, establisha<br />

dedicated horse track north of<br />

Leithfield Beach, and get the<br />

Waipara and Kowairiver<br />

mouthsprotectedwith<br />

planting.<br />

‘‘We have agood record of<br />

getting things done,and we<br />

have plentyofknowledgeable<br />

people, but access to more<br />

funding does help.’’<br />

More members are welcome,<br />

to helpwithplanting, checking<br />

traps,orproviding ideas and<br />

support.<br />

An application has been<br />

lodgedtothe DoC underits<br />

threatened speciesand<br />

environments funding,tobuy<br />

additional traps, signage, and<br />

fencing in three wetland areas<br />

of Ashworths Beach, Kowai<br />

River mouth, and awetland<br />

north of Kowai River.<br />

Mr Rochesays he will find<br />

out late<strong>April</strong> if the application<br />

has been successful.<br />

There are alsoplans to apply<br />

for funding to Kate Valley<br />

Community Trust for atoilet at<br />

The Rocks.<br />

Hurunui District Council's<br />

Water and Land co­ordinator<br />

Rima Herber has been<br />

providingMrRochewith<br />

support with contacts and<br />

technicalinformation in the<br />

area of coastalprotection, and<br />

has been what Mr Roche<br />

describes as ‘‘agreat go­to<br />

personinterms of biodiversity<br />

and knowledge’’.<br />

For more information, visit<br />

the societys Facebook page,<br />

ring Kevin Roche on 03 314<br />

9362, or email him on<br />

rochekf2@gmail.com.<br />

Top ram at<br />

Hawarden<br />


Waipara farmerSteven Ellis’s Dorset<br />

Downsram won the champion sheep<br />

awardatthe recent HawardenA&P<br />

Show.<br />

Judges described it as the most<br />

completesheep on show.<br />

The Ellis family of Waipara have<br />

been breeding sheep in the Waipara<br />

district for over 58 years.<br />

Tony and Lois Ellis registered their<br />

Dorset Downs ram stud farm in 1974<br />

with threeewes bred by H. Dalziel<br />

(F.14),five bredbyS.R.<br />

Inwood (F.63) and two bred by<br />

Bayldon Farm (F.65).<br />

Steven has now taken over the<br />

‘Upton’ farm.<br />

Steven says the familylikes the<br />

Dorset Downs breed because they suit<br />

what theywant fromaewe.<br />

‘‘We are aftermeaty rams, early<br />

maturing sheepwith good growth,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘It’s been afantastic season this<br />

year,the summer has beenvery good<br />

and we had rain at the righttimes.’’<br />

The familyfarm ‘Upton’ has 350<br />

hectares with1500 Corriedale<br />

commercial ewes, 200 Dorset Down<br />

stud rams and another 200 Hoggets,<br />

plus 150 Angusheifers.<br />

Steven says he startedcoming to<br />

showswith his father over 50 years<br />

ago.<br />

For him the drawcard to Hawarden<br />

A&P Showwas the strong rural<br />

atmosphere there.<br />

‘‘It’s always beenavery socialday<br />

out with familyand friends. It is also a<br />

good chancetosee what other<br />

breedersare doing with their flocks.’’<br />

STAY AND<br />

play<br />

Wondering what our Centre Environment is like?<br />

Come and join us for our first 'Stay and Play' where you are welcomed into our environment to see how aday runs.<br />

We will have afocus on Messy Play for this visit for your preschool tamariki, so come along to have afun, sensory,<br />

messy play experience alongside your child.<br />

Feel free tobring along your child's lunchbox tohave asnack with us on site as well.<br />

If you're interested incoming along, please let usknow via the contact details below<br />

-we're looking forward tomeeting some new faces!<br />

Wednesday 26th <strong>April</strong> 10am-11.30am<br />

kaiapoi@educare.co.nz | 03 327 0471 | 1 Hakarau Road, Kaiapoi

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Hurunui’sbest hogget, two-tooth flocks<br />

An annualcelebration of<br />

excellenceinthe sheep farming<br />

industry encompassingthe four<br />

HurunuiA&P show districts, saw<br />

the Hawarden A&P Association<br />

take out the overall honours.<br />

Individual honours went to<br />

Dale and Jan Inchwith theirewe<br />

hoggets, and Tom,Milly, James,<br />

Jackie and Di Maxwell with their<br />

two­tooth ewes.<br />

The competition, which<br />

focusesonhoggets and twotooths,saw<br />

the team of Mark and<br />

RachaelZino, and Dale and Jan<br />

Inch, gain the highest points to<br />

take the win.<br />

Each of the A&P showareas<br />

had ajudgingday in March,<br />

where two judgesvisited each<br />

flock entered on farm to score on<br />

acomprehensive set of criteria.<br />

Sectionwinners from each<br />

area were determinedand<br />

announced at aprize giving at<br />

the end of each day.<br />

The eight winnersfrom each<br />

A&P area were thenjudged at a<br />

Champions of Champions day<br />

held on Wednesday,March 29,<br />

and, despite the weather, it was a<br />

great day with agood following.<br />

Judges AaronEatonand Tom<br />

Kernow looked over the eight<br />

finalists markingeach on flock<br />

performance, wool, breed type,<br />

breeding objectives, and<br />

environment and climate<br />

conditions.<br />

The day was open to the public<br />

and asteady stream of farmers<br />

and supporters watchedon.<br />

Historicallywinners from the<br />

variousdistricts throughoutNew<br />

Zealandwould thengo on to<br />

competeinanational<br />

competition, but this has waned<br />

due to Covid.<br />

Assistingthe A&P associations<br />

was major sponsor and organiser<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Vet Clinics,<br />

supported by fellow sponsors<br />

Virbac,Boehringer Ingelheim,<br />

Elanco, Zoetis,Royal Canin,<br />

Vetpak, Allevaand Black Hawk.<br />

Champion of Champion<br />

Finalists:<br />

Cheviot –Hugh &Lucy Dampier­<br />

Crossley,Koromiko(Cross­bred<br />

Hoggets).<br />

Cheviot –Andy Lock,Mendip<br />

Hills Station (Cross­bred Two­<br />

Tooths).<br />

Amuri –Matt &Vicki Gould,<br />

HermitageStation(Cross­bred<br />

Hoggets).<br />

Amuri –Gus Waghorn,The<br />

Priory (RomneyTwo­Tooths).<br />

Hawarden –Mark &Rachael<br />

Zino, ZinoHoldings Ltd<br />

(Composite Two­Tooths).<br />

Hawarden –Dale &Jan Inch,<br />

Allandale (RomneyHoggets).<br />

Amberley –Tom &James<br />

Maxwell, Maxwelton (Cross­bred<br />

Two­Tooths).<br />

Amberley –Robert&Jean<br />

Forrester,Drynie­VALE (CrossbredHoggets).<br />

Individual <strong>2023</strong> Champions:<br />

Hoggets: Dale &Jan Inch.<br />

Two­Tooths: Tom, Milly, James,<br />

Jackie &DiMaxwell.<br />

OverallWinners for the District<br />

(highest points):<br />

Mark&Rachael Zino and Dale &<br />

Jan Inch,HawardenA&P<br />

Association.<br />

Two­tooth ewes ... Tom, Milly,<br />

James, Jackie and Di Maxwell took<br />

out top honours in the Hurunui<br />

district two­tooth flock competition.<br />

Ewe hoggets ... Dale and Jan Inch’s flock won the Hurunui district ewe hogget competition.<br />

27<br />


Trophy winners ... Mark Zino (left) and Dale Inch<br />

with the spoils.<br />

PROUD<br />


OF THE <strong>2023</strong><br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Wearable Arts are excited to announce its categories for this<br />

year’s show in September<br />

Years 1-6:<br />

Years 7-9:<br />

Years 10-<strong>13</strong>:<br />

Adults:<br />

Aotearoa –Flora and Fauna<br />

Open or Iconic Kiwi Places and Objects<br />

Open or NZ Innovators and Innovation<br />

Open or Kiwiana –what it means to be Kiwi<br />

Proud sponsors of our <strong>2023</strong> show are McAlpines Mitre 10 Mega Rangiora<br />

Following on from awonderfully successful showing of some incredible creations from last year’s show in the<br />

Rangiora Town Hall, the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Wearable Arts Committee is actively looking for anew venue for this<br />

year’s show inSeptember which will allow acatwalk and staging with awrap-around audience. This new set up<br />

will add to the atmosphere and enjoyment of those attending, so watch this space.<br />

Just in time forthe schoolholidays, there is plenty of scopeinthe categories for some amazing creativity from our<br />

young school aged designers and adults.<br />

2572433<br />

For more information on categories northcanterburywearablearts@gmail.com<br />

Follow us on Facebook

NEWS<br />

30 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Lots to offer ... Kaiapoi Toy Library committee member Rachel Bennett (left) and librarian<br />

Katja Wilson prepare more toys for the members to sign out.<br />


Toy library well-supported<br />

Demandfor toysfrom the Kaiapoi Toy<br />

Library continues to grow,according to<br />

library committee memberRachel<br />

Bennett.<br />

‘‘The Kaiapoi Toy Libraryisa<br />

wonderful community service as it makes<br />

toys affordable to parents.<br />

‘‘We now have36familiessignedupfor<br />

our service and following the recent<br />

national awarenessweek for toy libraries,<br />

we had morecoming alongtoour library<br />

at 9Cass Street in Kaiapoi to sign up.’’<br />

She sayswhat the toy library offers<br />

makes perfect sense to youngfamilies.<br />

‘‘Childrenneed constant stimulus and<br />

we all knowthey often have ashort like it<br />

or not interest for aparticular toy or<br />

game, so this can mean alot of extra<br />

expenses for parents strugglingtoget by<br />

today.<br />

‘‘That’s where we step in, we’reopen<br />

every Saturday morning and we make the<br />

toys availablefor two weekperiods.<br />

‘‘Parents can return themand pick up a<br />

new toy for their child.<br />

‘‘It reduces costs and clutterand makes<br />

the toys more sustainable for parents.’’<br />

She saysthey also offerawide selection<br />

of party hire toysand costumes ranging<br />

from bouncy castles to costumes.<br />

Mrs Bennett saysthe library has helped<br />

hundreds of families since it first started<br />

in 1992.<br />

‘‘We are unique from some other<br />

librariesasour fees alsocover the actual<br />

toy hire.’’<br />

She saidmany parents come in saying<br />

they didn’t even knowthe service was<br />

available in Kaiapoiand weregrateful for<br />

the help it gives them.<br />

‘‘I like the service because Ican borrow<br />

big bulky toys for acouple of weeksthen<br />

bring them back, saving space and<br />

expense,’’ Mrs Bennett said.<br />

The toys in the KaiapoiToy Library are<br />

current, well maintained and replaced<br />

often.<br />

‘‘We have awonderful committee who<br />

fundraise constantlytoallowusupdate<br />

the toys throughout the year.’’<br />

Contact the Kaiapoi Toy Libraryat:<br />

committee@kaiapoitoylibrary.org<br />

Annual plan submissions<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Feedback is being sought on the<br />

Waimakariri District Council’s draft<br />

<strong>2023</strong>/24 annual plan.<br />

The council is forecasting an average<br />

rates rise of 5.97 percent.<br />

Arates rise of 4.3% for this year was<br />

signalled in the 2021/31 Long Term Plan.<br />

But with inflation now at 7.2%, Mayor<br />

Dan Gordon said he was pleased to be<br />

able to keep rates under 6%.<br />

‘‘During the pandemic we made it a<br />

priority to ensure rates were kept low.<br />

‘‘At the start of the pandemic, we had<br />

just a1.5% increase and subsequent 4.5%<br />

increases.<br />

‘‘In both instances we had one of the<br />

lowest increases in <strong>Canterbury</strong>, but<br />

unfortunately, we can’t keep rates<br />

Rangiora Museum<br />

Due to populardemand, and because<br />

some peoplewere turned away, the film<br />

The Life Adventures of MillyWard will<br />

screenagain on Thursday,<strong>April</strong>27, at<br />

7.30pm, at the Museum, 29 Good Street,<br />

Rangiora.Milly is aRangioraresident<br />

who was born in the Chatham Islands.<br />

All welcome. Donationspleasefrom<br />

non members, Supper will be served.<br />

StringQuartet<br />

An ArtsonTour NZ event at Balcairn<br />

Hall, Saturday, May 6, at 7.30 pm<br />

presents StringQuartet, heartfelt,<br />

soulful and full of life. The Quartet will<br />

bring an eclectic and vibrantmix of<br />

music that promises to excite and<br />

entertain. $30 cash ticketsfrom Sally<br />

artificially low forever without doing a<br />

disservice to our residents in the future<br />

while maintaining the levels of service<br />

the community expects.’’<br />

In this year’s annual plan consultation,<br />

the council was seeking feedback on the<br />

new drinking water testing regulations<br />

and the upgrades needed to remain<br />

chlorine­free.<br />

Feedback was also sought on<br />

stormwater improvements and the<br />

funding of roading projects.<br />

Information was also provided on the<br />

Government’s reform programme,<br />

including Three Waters, Resource<br />

Management Act, the future for local<br />

government, modernising the emergency<br />

management framework and climate<br />

change.<br />

Submissions close on <strong>April</strong> 17 and can<br />

be made at Waimakariri.govt.nz/letstalk.<br />

Mac’s, Amberley; Sefton Garage and<br />

Stan’s 7Day Pharmacy, Rangiora, or<br />

Online: www.balcairnhall.com<br />

Arts Showcase opens<br />

The annual ArtsShowcase Hurunui<br />

begins this Friday, after aCovid break<br />

of two years. Organiser Mike Gilbert<br />

says theyare glad to be back up and<br />

running again showcasing the work by<br />

artistsofthe Hurunui district. The four<br />

day long exhibition covering multiple<br />

mediums opensatthe Hurunui<br />

MemorialLibrary at Amberley, on<br />

Friday <strong>April</strong> 14 at 9am and runs till<br />

<strong>April</strong> 17. For <strong>2023</strong> the theme is<br />

‘HurunuiHarvest.’ Guest artistLissa<br />

Holland will be exhibiting some of her<br />

paintings.<br />


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Promotion periodbetween 1/4/<strong>2023</strong> to<br />

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The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

In tough times Marcus kept YFC fight alive<br />


At times it was tough, butfor the past<br />

eight years oneman —Marcus White —<br />

keptthe fightgoing and today the<br />

HurunuiYoung Farmers’Club is<br />

stronger and much more proactive in<br />

the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>community.<br />

Aregionalchairman’sawardfor his<br />

leadership within young farmers and<br />

the community doesn't seemenough<br />

for Marcuswho hasguidedthe club<br />

throughsome very rough patches.<br />

For acouple of years, he wasthe only<br />

memberand fought hardtokeep the<br />

clubalive.<br />

Now the clubhas astrong foundation<br />

of <strong>13</strong> members and more arejoining<br />

every month.<br />

Marcussays his passionfor farming<br />

started as asix­year­oldduring school<br />

holidays, helping withtailing or<br />

pushingsheepupataneighbours farm<br />

justoutsideofWaikari.<br />

His grandfather had afarm in<br />

Lincoln and hisgreatuncle had an<br />

Angus stud at WaikouaitiinOtago.<br />

‘‘Throwinsome orphanlambsand<br />

watching Country Calendar plus<br />

reading books about the highcountry,<br />

suchasErewhon,Molesworthand<br />

other high country farms and Iwas<br />

hookedonfarming.<br />

‘‘I’velovedeverystep of it and<br />

wouldn’tchange it for the world,’’ he<br />

says.<br />

‘‘I’vealsoworked with some pretty<br />

inspirational local guys whohave<br />

pushed me to where Ineed to be, and<br />

always givenmeahelpinghandand<br />

advice.’’<br />

Committed to his community, Marcus<br />

earnedaTasman regionalservice<br />

award for his service acouple of years<br />

ago,and has beenamember of hislocal<br />

rural fire brigade for 10 years .<br />

He and fianceeAlly, arethe junior<br />

vice chairs of theHawarden A&P<br />

Show.<br />

He currently worksatMtBenger in<br />

Hawarden.<br />

‘‘They are very supportive and<br />

alwayswanting me to be the best<br />

versionofmyself .’’<br />

With theirsupportMarcusstarteda<br />

DorsetDownstudonleaseblocks six<br />

years ago,running60ewesplus30odd<br />

commercial ewesand rams thatwill be<br />

sold.<br />

He says hisfirst two years out of<br />

schoolwereaharshintroduction to<br />

farming.<br />

‘‘Itwas during the lastbad drought in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>,soitwas atough<br />

start andinsighttofarming.’’<br />

He learned how to be proactivewith<br />

his approachtothe situation andlook<br />

for the little milestones to get him<br />

throughthe hardtimes.<br />

‘‘Farmersare very resilientand<br />

passionate aboutwhat they do and<br />

although there are hardtimesitonly<br />

takes agood day of savingalambs or<br />

calf’slife,orbeingoutside to perk us<br />

up.’’<br />

Hisfavourite memories will always<br />

be of mustering sheep forshearing at<br />

sunrise withhis team of sixdogs.<br />

‘‘Ilovebeingabletoget on thehills<br />

forfreshair and spendtime withthe<br />

dogs.<br />

‘‘It allows me to think andforget<br />

aboutthe worldand what is happening<br />

aroundmeand just enjoythe little<br />

things.’’<br />

Hisadvicetothe nextgeneration of<br />

farmersistoenjoy every day, take<br />

learnings fromthe hard times and<br />

never be afraid to ask questions if you<br />

don’tknow something.<br />

‘‘Idefinitelywouldn’t change it for<br />

an officejob evenina­8frostorona<br />

snowy day. ’’<br />

31<br />

Loving it ... Marcus White, winner of the<br />

YFC’s regional chairman’s award for his<br />

leadership within young farmers and the<br />

community.<br />


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32 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Big push on in Nth Canty to harvest grapes<br />


Aslow start to the season hasn’t<br />

bothered <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> grape<br />

growers as they prepare to harvest the<br />

majority of their grapes over the next<br />

fortnight.<br />

Barbour Vineyards Matt Barbour says<br />

this year they are doing really well<br />

despite all the weather.<br />

‘‘The fruit is still clean and although<br />

ripening is alittle slower than normal it<br />

is getting there.<br />

‘‘The next week or so will see the big<br />

push for the majority of it and then there<br />

will only be afew small portions left.’’<br />

Picking has started slightly later than<br />

normal with alater start to the growing<br />

season, and some cooler weather during<br />

flowering.<br />

‘‘January and February saw us catch<br />

up on Growing Degree Days but we still<br />

had our fair share of rain which is<br />

typical of aLaNina season, but still not<br />

typical of our traditional hot, dry <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> summers.’’<br />

Mr Barbour says compared to recent<br />

years this season is looking great for<br />

many of the producers around <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘A lot of lessons were learnt last year<br />

around the timing of spraying, and the<br />

importance of canopy management to<br />

ensure the fruit was in the best possible<br />

condition before nets went on.’’<br />

There are over 90 producers in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> ranging from growers to<br />

wineries and those who do both.<br />

Mr Barbour says this year there seems<br />

to be areal buzz in the Waipara Valley<br />

around the potential they have.<br />

‘‘There have been the first major<br />

plantings of new vineyards for over a<br />

decade, ranging in varieties depending<br />

on the grower. But it is all very exciting.’’<br />

He says volumes always vary around<br />

the valley depending on the grower.<br />

‘‘This year it looks like the whites will<br />

be up on volume due to all the rainfall<br />

we have had over February and March,<br />

while reds with Pinot Noir particularly<br />

being abit lower.<br />

‘‘This is potentially due to the<br />

flowering being abit earlier on Pinot, so<br />

it could have been affected by the wet<br />

humid spell we had at the end of<br />

November/ early December.’’<br />

He says most wines are well<br />

represented all over the wine world,<br />

with the United Kingdom, USA,<br />

Australia and Canada being the NZ wine<br />

industry’s biggest markets.<br />

‘‘China seems to be buying again<br />

which is great news for us as they seem<br />

to love our red varietals,’’ Mr Barbour<br />

says.<br />

For growers this year seems to be the<br />

year everything is finally back to<br />

normal.<br />

‘‘The backpackers have returned so<br />

we have young enthusiastic pickers back<br />

in the vineyard, and in numbers which<br />

means the fruit can be picked at the<br />

optimum sugar and acid ripeness.<br />

‘‘Whereas over the past few years the<br />

picker numbers have been abit lower,<br />

so it has taken longer to get the fruit off<br />

the vine.’’<br />

Mr Barbour says machine harvesting<br />

is fast becoming the cheapest option this<br />

has come along way in the past five<br />

years.<br />

Pumping over ... Pinot Noir grape juice already extracted from the bottom of the vat, is<br />

pumped over the top of fermenting Pinot Noir grapes to mix the vat and keep the berries<br />

on the top fresh during the fermenting process at Barbour Vineyards in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘Many extra features have been added<br />

to the machines to ensure the best<br />


product is delivered to the winery in the<br />

best condition.’’<br />


FARMER<br />









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Proudly supporting sport<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Ashley stamps its mark on senior comp<br />

RUGBY<br />

Ashley had little troubleputting<br />

Oxford to the sword witha52­nil win<br />

in its opening encounter in the<br />

LuisettiSeedsCombined Country<br />

senior rugby competition lastFriday.<br />

Thetwo met after a resolutionwas<br />

foundon when and where the game<br />

would be played —the Loburn Domain<br />

—after the Oxford A&PShow became<br />

ahurdle the previous weekend.<br />

Ashleyquickly stamped itsmark on<br />

the game and wenttohalf timewith a<br />

38­0 lead.<br />

Oxfordrallied in the secondhalf,<br />

but it was alltoo late allowinga<br />

confident Ashleyside to buildonits<br />

first half effort.<br />

Next Saturday’s match ups will see<br />

Kaiapoiaway to Hornby, Glenmark­<br />

Cheviot at West Melton, while<br />

Saracens willhost Oxford.<br />

Hurunui will be at homeagainst<br />

Southbridge, while Ashley will host<br />

Rakaia, and Woodend will play Ohoka<br />

at home.<br />

The <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>division two<br />

competition will commence this<br />

Saturday with 10 teamsentered.<br />

The feature match up will agame<br />

betweenGlenmark­Cheviot and<br />

Kaikōura, to be playedatthe Omihi<br />

Domain.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> rowers help make history<br />

ROWING<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> rowers helpedbring<br />

homethe MaadiRowingCup for St<br />

Bede’s,for thefirsttime since 1991.<br />

JoshHamer, MaxWalshand Sam<br />

Earlwere partofthe St Bede’sCollege<br />

nine­strong winningcrew at Lake<br />

Karāpiro,holding offalatechallenge<br />

by thebarestofmargins—0.06sec —<br />

from HamiltonBoysHighSchool.<br />

The race was aheart stopping affair,<br />

and hasbeen quotedasthe greatest<br />

Maadi race of all timewiththe closest<br />

finish andthe fastesttime ever<br />

recorded —5minutes42.17secs.<br />

St Bede’sstarted strongly and led for<br />

mostofthe race, but alate surge by<br />

defending championsHamiltonBoys’<br />

HighSchoolput all the team’sskills to<br />

the test.<br />

Aphotofinish wasrequiredbefore<br />

the racewas confirmed as won by St<br />

Bede’s.<br />

The winatthe regatta which ran<br />

fromMarch27to<strong>April</strong>1on Lake<br />

Karāpirowas theculmination of four<br />

years preparation by the St Bede’s<br />

crew.<br />

St Bede’sRowingChairKerry Walsh<br />

Celebration time ... The winning St Bede’s team, and coaches, celebrate at Lake Karāpiro.<br />

says it wasafairy­tale ending for the<br />

crew.<br />

‘‘Themajority of theseboyshave<br />

been trainingtogether forthe past four<br />


Amberley GolfClub results<br />

<strong>April</strong>8:RWilshire 69, RTurnbull 69,<br />

TJohnston 71, DSmith 71, RDenby<br />

72,,R Hack 72, GDunlop 72, J Byrne<br />

72, RMcPhail 72.<br />

Women: J Cumming75, SWiddowson<br />

77.<br />

Mid Week Men, <strong>April</strong>5:GRamsay40,<br />

SJohns 38, RHornblow 37,,BGill 36,,<br />

GWilliams 36.<br />

Mid Week Women, Aprul 6: L<br />

Robertson68, DBanton70, RLester<br />

70, J Brown 70.<br />

LGU winner for <strong>April</strong>: J Yates69.<br />

Nine holers:DGoodwin32, R<br />

Hayward35, HKemp35.<br />

AmberleyBridge Clubresults<br />

Monday Evening: Adrienne Paine/<br />

Jim Knight 1, Dianna Faulkner &<br />

Sarah Hoban 2, Douschka &Tim<br />

Saunders 3.<br />

ThursdayAfternoon: N/S:Helen<br />

Phillips &JudithDriver1,May Milne<br />

&Denise Laing2,HelenThornburgh<br />

&Mary Bain3.E/W:Mary Warren &<br />

IreneCarson 1, Nancy Hassall &<br />

Hugh Bradbury 2, Nell McKellow &<br />

Douschka Saunders 3.<br />

years,training six days per week<br />

acrossthe summer monthsand<br />

maintaining fitness throughthe<br />

winters. ‘‘We are veryproud of the 28<br />


boysquad, plus the supportcrew of<br />

over 60 coaches,teachers, committee<br />

andparents. It has been abig four year<br />

campaign.’’<br />

Rangiora bowls success<br />

The Rangiora Bowling Club has won the<br />

Christchurch Bowling Club’s Tuesday<br />

Friendlies tournament for the second<br />

time in 26 years.<br />

Rangiora entered two teams of four<br />

players, with GAlexander, RWilliams, L<br />

Whinwray and Gavin Dunnett (skip),<br />

taking the win.<br />

The second team, skipped by Peter<br />

Gray, came fifth overall.<br />

The win was afitting finish to<br />

Rangiora’s season.<br />

Fitting finish ... The victorious team.<br />




Good entries for classic<br />


SPORT<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

35<br />

Slowand steady wasthe key to<br />

success for riders competing at<br />

the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Classic<br />

MotorcycleTrials annual Cust<br />

ReunionTrialmeeting held<br />

recently.<br />

Atotal of 44 entries fromall<br />

overthe South Island attended<br />

the one­daymeeting,doingtheir<br />

besttobetter theeight<br />

challengingtrials sections<br />

scattered along the banks of the<br />

CustRiver.<br />

Trials riding requires riders to<br />

slowlynavigate their way<br />

around acoursethat’s narrow<br />

and challengingasitwinds it’s<br />

way in andaround or even<br />

throughtrees,upand down<br />

banks, acrossrocky streams or<br />

throughslippery river beds, all<br />

without losing points by putting<br />

their feet down to steady<br />

themselves. Organiser Peter<br />

Barnett saidclassictrials allows<br />

competitorstouse arange of<br />

bikes all manufacturedprior to<br />

the mid 1990’swhen engine<br />

water coolingwas introduced.<br />

‘‘The earliestclasscaters for<br />

motorcycles manufacturedprior<br />

to 1965, with the oldest bike<br />

competingbeing Scott<br />

Harrison’s 1950’sBritishmade<br />

Excelsior, whichisalso the only<br />

bikewithout any rear<br />

suspension.’’<br />

The Twin shockclass<br />

including bothJapanese and<br />

European bikesfromthe 1970’s<br />

and early 1980’s with another<br />

class forair cooledmonoshock<br />

bikes fromthe 1980s and early<br />

90s.<br />

The ridersoftenmeetfor<br />

events on properties located all<br />

overthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> regionand<br />

tackle courses set thataim to<br />

challenge themachinehandling<br />

skillsand nerves of all<br />

competing.<br />

The winnersofeach classwere:<br />

Pre 65 A–BrentDownes,<br />

On alert ... Simon Jones of<br />

Swannanoa on his Honda TLR200.<br />

Swannanoa, on aBSA Bantam,<br />

Pre65B–ScottHarrison,<br />

Rotherham,onanExcelsior,<br />

Twin Shock A+ ­John Regan,<br />

Rangiora, on aYamaha TY175,<br />

Twin Shock A–Dave Mardon,<br />

Christchurch, Yamaha TY175,<br />

TwinShock B–Peter Dunn,<br />

Belfast, on aHondaTLR200,<br />

Air Cooled Mono A+ ­Hamish<br />

Barnett, Christchurch,Yamaha<br />

TY250,<br />

Air Cooled Mono A–Travis<br />

Churchill,Loburn, GasGas Aire<br />

250,<br />

Air Cooled Mono B–Mike<br />

Hennessey, Christchurch,<br />

MontesaCota 310,<br />

Concentration time ... Shirley<br />

McDonald from Swannanoa on her<br />

‘80s era Honda TLM50.<br />


Slow and steady ... Brian<br />

Chambers of Ohoka aboard his<br />

1955 James Trials bike, navigates<br />

his way through the gaps in atrees<br />

branches during one of the eight<br />

trials sections.<br />

Boyle Cup changes hands<br />

GOLF<br />

CheviotLadies successfully<br />

challengedthe Amberley Ladies<br />

Golf team last Tuesday to takethe<br />

Cuphome, winning three of the<br />

fivematches in aclose encounter.<br />

Winners of four of the matches<br />

were found on the 18th hole.<br />

Cheviot,one of the smaller<br />

clubs in<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, last<br />

held the cup in 2003.<br />

Amberley managed to lift the<br />

trophy in June last year, from<br />

CharterisBay, which had held the<br />

cupsince2018.<br />

The BoyleCupwas presented to<br />

theChristchurch Ladies Golf<br />

Club in 1914 and is the<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> InterclubMatch Play<br />

challenge trophy.<br />

It is similartothe Ranfurly<br />

Shield as the holder has to host a<br />

minimumofsix challenges at<br />

their homeclub,peryear.<br />

Clubs from all over<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

arechosen by ballot to be the<br />

challengers.<br />

Each team hasfiveplayers who<br />

playindividual matches.<br />

An interesting tradition of the<br />

Boyle Cup is that playersare<br />

allowed to havecaddies, and<br />

spectators are alsoallowed<br />

Cup on the move ... The Cheviot Ladies golf team with the Boyle Cup they<br />

won from Amberley.<br />


adding to the excitementofthe<br />

matches.<br />

The winner is the teamwith the<br />

most wins.<br />

The Cheviot teamofPhils<br />

Morris, Ann Le Pine, ValParsons,<br />

Jen LePine and Sue Anderson.<br />

The club only hadsix people to<br />

choose from fortheir fivewomen<br />

teamdue to injury, sickness and<br />

being oneofthe smaller clubs in<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />


SENIOR<br />


KICK OFF 2.45<br />

Hornby v Kaiapoi. ...at Hornby<br />

Saracens vOxford. ....at Saracens<br />

Ashley v Rakaia....at Loburn<br />

West Melton vGlenmark/Cheviot...at West Melton<br />

Hurunui v Southbridge ..at Hurunui<br />

Woodend v Ohoka...at Woodend<br />


KICK OFF 1.00<br />

Kaiapoi vOxford....at Kaiapoi<br />

Ashley vAmberley. ....atLoburn1<br />

Ashley v Rakaia....at Loburn<br />

Glenmark/Cheviot vKaikoura ..at Glenmark<br />

Hurunui v Ohoka..atHurunui<br />

Woodend v Saracens ...at Woodend<br />


KICK OFF 1.30<br />

Ashley vOhoka...at Loburn 5<br />

<strong>North</strong>ern-Bye<br />





<strong>2023</strong> rugby<br />

DRAW<br />

15 Good Street. Rangiora. Ph 03 3<strong>13</strong>6158

NEWS<br />

36 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Mahinga kai ... Hanmer Springs School pupils have been learning about the importance<br />

of mahinga kai.<br />


Mahinga Kai lessons<br />

HanmerSpringsSchool is hopingtotap<br />

into the Heritage Forest’s environment<br />

to helpstudents with their learning.<br />

Principal JohnMcBridesays future<br />

plans also include takingsome<br />

ownership of the track and trail<br />

maintenance ‘‘as away of givingback to<br />

the wonderful resource at our<br />

doorstep’’.<br />

Mr McBride and 10 students recently<br />

attended aMahinga Kai workshop,<br />

embracing natural resources and their<br />

relationship to the naturalworld.<br />

Makarini Rupene, Environment<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’spoū matai kō ­mahinga<br />

kai/food gathering facilitator, told the<br />

workshop gathering Mahinga Kai is<br />

about anything from the stones used for<br />

fire making and tools, pounamu, mud<br />

used for dyes, rongoā (medicines) and<br />

for cooking in, as well as birds and fish.<br />

The day proved very popular with a<br />

wide range of peoplefrom school pupils,<br />

to industry groups and farmers.<br />

Mr McBride said the HanmerSprings<br />

Schoolalready has an environmental<br />

club of students passionateabout<br />

reaching positive sustainability goals<br />

and workingwith natural resources.<br />

‘‘Lastmonthweintroduced athree bin<br />

waste managementsystem in our classes<br />

­landfill, recycling, compost ­which the<br />

students in the club havetaken<br />

responsibility for managing each week.’’<br />

Keeping it simple ... Anita Inwood (centre), of Woodend, won an Earthmaker aerobic<br />

composter at the 2021 Back to Basics Waimakariri expo, as EcoEducate rethink<br />

educator Lesley Ottey (left) and Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon watch on. PHOTO: FILE<br />

Back to Basics expo returns<br />

The ‘‘Back to Basics’’Waimakariri<br />

Expo is returning to Rangiora on<br />

Saturday.<br />

Organised by Timebank<br />

Waimakaririand sponsored by<br />

EcoEducate,the expowill be held at<br />

the Rangiora Baptist Church hall on<br />

Saturday from 11am to 2pm.<br />

EcoEducate rethink educator<br />

Lesley Ottey saysthere will be<br />

opportunities to learn about<br />

everything from worm farming and<br />

composting, to tips on how to fix your<br />

bike and ways to save money.<br />

‘‘It is about connecting what is<br />

good in the communityand sharing<br />

basicskills and concerns and<br />

opportunities for people whowant to<br />

volunteer or may not know what<br />

these groups do.’’<br />

The Ashley Rakahuri Rivercare<br />

Group will be on hand to update<br />

people on its efforts to protect local<br />

bird lifewhile other local groups will<br />

also be theretoshow what they do.<br />

The Back to BasicsWaimakariri<br />

expo is based on asimilar expoheld<br />

in Ashburton, Lesley says.<br />

Soup will be available to buyfor<br />

lunch, withthe vegetablesprovided<br />

by Satisfy Food Rescue.<br />

There is also the chance to win an<br />

Earthmakeraerobiccomposter<br />

worth $270.<br />

For moreinformation, followBack<br />

to Basics WaimakaririonFacebook.<br />

Everyone is welcome and entry to<br />

the expo is by koha /donation.<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />


Blairlogie<br />

236 Sherwood Road, Waiau<br />

This well-presented farm is very productive, with most paddocks described in S-maps as being predominantly Mairaki moderately deep silt<br />

over clay, with some areas of Waipara moderately deep silt over clay. There is an area of Eyre stony silt loam along the east of the road, below<br />

the terrace. This gives an excellent balance, enabling stock to be moved to the lighter soil when it is very wet. Considered “summer safe”, the<br />

property has an average rainfall of 1000mm.<br />

The property has very good infrastructure, with good cattle-yards, sheep-yards and covered yards/woolshed complex. The woolshed is a<br />

3-stand raised board layout with agoodsize wool room and the covered yards can be set up for drenching and drafting or using the pneumatic<br />

sheep handler. With 2haysheds on each side of the road, the distance from paddock to shed is kept to aminimum for carting and feeding<br />

out. The other sheds are a7bay implement shed, a3bay implement shed, the new 2bay shed, aworkshop, sundry small sheds and there<br />

are 2large fertiliser bins.<br />

The home is a180m2, 4-bedroom, 2living area, dwelling, in good condition, with aseparate garage. The dwelling has aseparate office,<br />

separate laundry and asunroom. Heating is provided by aWoodsman log-burner, with awetback and aheat-pump and there is an HRV<br />

system<br />

Subdivided into 44 main paddocks, pastures are very good with many new tetraploid pastures, vigorous older pastures, lucerne, some rape<br />

and Sovereign Gold kale, as well as 15 hectares of Pallaton Raphno. Current stocking includes 1950 ewes and 2200 lambs, with around 400<br />

to be retained as ewe hoggets. Cattle numbers are 156, but normally 200. Excellent trimmed shelter belts and some native plantings are a<br />

feature of this property. There is also good natural shelter with the contour and anumber of shade and aesthetic plantings. Soil tests show<br />

good fertility levels and recent applications of 351 tonne of lime in 2022 and 191 tonne already this year will lift the pH levels on the recent<br />

soil tests.<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

closes Wednesday 10th May, <strong>2023</strong><br />

at 4.00pm (unless sold prior)<br />

View by appointment<br />

4 1 2<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M: 027 240 1718<br />

E: mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M: 027 678 888<br />

E: hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />

Property Brokers Ltd<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR117495<br />


Kelly<br />

Burgess<br />

Domett 22 and 28 Manuka Bay Road<br />

New Listing<br />

Amazing views at Gore Bay!<br />

Escape to your very own sliceofparadise with this stunning lifestyle block near Gore Bay. Situated just 8km from Cheviot and<br />

ashort drive from the beach, this propertyboasts breath-takingsea viewsand theperfect balance of privacy andconvenience.<br />

Featuring twolivablebatches that offer comfortable living spaces, with the main batch having180 deg sea views, this<br />

property is the perfect place to unwind andenjoy the beautyofthe surrounding natural landscape. While the batchesmay<br />

need alittle TLC, theyprovide an excellentopportunity for youtoput your personal touch on your newhome.In addition to<br />

the two batches, the property also includes aspacious 3car garage that provides ample space for allyourvehicles and storage<br />

needs. Whether you're looking for apeaceful retreat to call yourown or aplace to host family and friends,this lifestyle block is<br />

suretoimpress. Don't miss out on theopportunity to make this stunning property your own and start living the life you've<br />

always dreamed of.<br />

2+2 2+1 1+1 3<br />

For Sale By Negotiation<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RU108170<br />

KellyBurgess<br />

M 020 412 39212 E kelly.burgess@pb.co.nz<br />

Waiau 236 Sherwood Road<br />

Blairlogie<br />

This well-presented farmisvery productive, with most paddocks described in S-maps as being predominantly Mairaki<br />

moderatelydeep silt over clay, withsome areas of Waipara moderately deepsilt overclay. Thereisan areaofEyre stonysilt<br />

loam along the east of the road, below the terrace. This gives an excellent balance,enabling stock to be moved to the lighter<br />

soil when it is very wet. Considered "summer safe", the property has an average rainfallof1000mm. The property has very<br />

good infrastructure, with good cattle-yards, sheep-yards and coveredyards/woolshed complex. Thewoolshed is a3-stand<br />

raisedboard layout with agood size wool roomand the covered yards can be set up fordrenching anddraftingorusing the<br />

pneumatic sheep handler. With 2 hay-sheds on each side of the road, the distance from paddock toshed is kept to a<br />

minimum for cartingand feeding out. Theother sheds area7bay implement shed, a3bay implementshed,the new 2bay<br />

shed,aworkshop, sundry smallshedsand there are 2 largefertiliserbins. Thehomeisa180m2, 4-bedroom,2living area,<br />

dwelling, in good condition,withaseparate garage.<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |pb.co.nz<br />

4 1 2<br />

Deadline Sale closes Wednesday 10th May, <strong>2023</strong> at4.00pm,<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

View By appointment<br />

Web pb.co.nz/RR117495<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

M 027 240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

M 027 678 8888<br />

E mauricen@pb.co.nz<br />

E hamisha@pb.co.nz<br />


Proud to be here and<br />

supporting local<br />

Aaron Clark<br />

Area SalesManager<br />

027873 5121<br />

BevWright<br />

027 434 2486<br />

SallyDavies<br />

027 359 5509<br />

Janice Clyma AREINZ<br />

027434 7090<br />

KiaraTinirau-Philps<br />

027 545 4272<br />

VictoriaMcKenzie-Browne<br />

021 4<strong>13</strong> 883<br />

Priscilla Stewart<br />

022 407 1993<br />

Richie Moyle<br />

021 904 572<br />

KellyBurgess<br />

020 4123 9212<br />

Wendy Parker<br />

029 771 2667<br />

AlisonMcCall<br />

027 277 2556<br />

Dale Quaife<br />

Property Manager<br />

021 406 686<br />

BevSaunders<br />

Property Manager<br />

027 666 1219<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

Lifestyle/Rural<br />

027240 1718<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

Lifestyle/Rural<br />

027678 8888<br />

DayanMuntz<br />

021 432 926<br />

Kirstyn Barnett<br />

021 312 230<br />

Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 |PB067021<br />

PB067071<br />

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Locations<br />

Belfast<br />

Hanmer Springs<br />

Hornby<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Lincoln<br />

Rangiora<br />

Rolleston<br />

The Palms<br />

Four Seasons Realty 2017Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008

NEWS<br />

The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

41<br />

Support for young Hurunui job seekers<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

The Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs<br />

(MTFJ) programme is bringing<br />

rewards to the Hurunui<br />

district.<br />

Hurunui Mayor Marie Black<br />

hosted an evening in Amberley<br />

recently to recognise the<br />

achievements of the<br />

programme over the past three<br />

years.<br />

‘‘A vision on apiece of paper<br />

is only as good as the people<br />

behind it,’’ she said, paying<br />

tribute to MTFJ business<br />

connector Chris King,<br />

programme co­ordinator<br />

Prudence Roberts and other<br />

supporters of the programme.<br />

‘‘I feel really privileged to be<br />

apart of it and to see these<br />

young people develop.’’<br />

She said young people in<br />

rural communities faced<br />

additional challenges, such as<br />

obtaining adrivers’ licence and<br />

accessing mental health<br />

services.<br />

For Hurunui youth, it meant<br />

atrip to Rangiora to sit driving<br />

tests or heading in to Rangiora<br />

or Christchurch when they<br />

needed counselling.<br />

The programme target was to<br />

place 50 young people in jobs<br />

each year, which was no easy<br />

feat, Mr King said.<br />

‘‘Fifty placements is abig ask,<br />

but it is fantastic to see the<br />

growth in our young people,’’ he<br />

said. ‘‘We are helping them<br />

with alot of small stepping<br />

stones and helping them<br />

Ready for work ... Ayden Kirkwood (17, left), Joel Kirkwood (15), Noah Sunnex (17) and Ben Fowler (18) are keen to find employment, with<br />

the support of Hurunui Mayor’s Taskforce for Jobs programme co­ordinator Prudence Roberts.<br />


overcome challenges with<br />

mental health and wellbeing.’’<br />

Mr King said the team would<br />

be reaching out to local<br />

businesses, as another 20 young<br />

people needed to be placed in<br />

sustainable employment by the<br />

end of June to meet the targets.<br />

‘‘We need to finish the year<br />

well to continue next year.<br />

Mrs Black said the roots of<br />

the MTFJ programme dated<br />

back to 2000 when agroup of<br />

seven mayors met in<br />

Christchurch, including former<br />

Hurunui Mayor John Chaffey.<br />

‘‘Those mayors realised that<br />

communities led by mayors<br />

could play arole in fostering<br />

employment opportunities for<br />

young people.’’<br />

She said the programme had<br />

grown into anetwork of mayors<br />

across New Zealand.<br />

Mrs Black was recently<br />

invited to join the core group of<br />

MTFJ mayors which met in<br />

Wellington four times ayear.<br />

Young people who had been<br />

through the programme said it<br />

had helped to improve their<br />

confidence, opened their eyes<br />

to opportunities and they were<br />

keen for more.<br />

‘‘I would recommend this to<br />

any young scallywag,’’ one<br />

young person said.<br />

Public interest journalism<br />

funded through New Zealand<br />

on Air.<br />


here’s how we can help grow yours too!<br />

Deliver your mailers to your<br />

customers with us:<br />

.<br />

We can deliver your mailer targeted locally to the customers most<br />

likely to buy from you or offer you mass reach via our South Island<br />

network.<br />

Your mailer can be delivered as an insert in our paper or separately<br />

in the letterbox.<br />

Contact us today for<br />

a plan to suit your<br />

business.<br />

SUPERVISORS wanted across the south island<br />

To be asupervisor you will need:<br />

• Asuitable van, mobile phone and computer with internet access<br />

• Ability to handle deliveries of large quantities each week<br />

• Ability to manage your own team of deliverers<br />

DELIVERERS wanted across the south island<br />

To be adeliverer you will need:<br />

• Afew free hours each week<br />

• Ability to home deliver papers and flyers to your own territory<br />

*You must be 11 years or older for this position<br />

Contact Mark Kelly South Island Distribution Manager<br />

P: 029 983 2293 | E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz

What’s happening in your<br />

community…<br />

An update about water, new regulations,<br />

and chlorine<br />

The new drinking water regulator Taumata Arowai<br />

took over from the Ministry of Health in November<br />

2021 signaling anew era for water safety standards.<br />

Under the new rules, all public supplies are required<br />

to have treatment such as ultraviolet (UV) at the<br />

headworks, but also aresidual disinfectant in water<br />

that leaves the plant. All suppliers of water need to<br />

have aDrinking Water Safety Plan (DWSP) in place<br />

as well as residual disinfectant, such as chlorine -<br />

unless awarded an exemption.<br />

The Council believes our District has water of the<br />

highest quality and therefore wehave submitted<br />

six applications seeking exemptions from having<br />

to use chlorine inour urban supplies of Rangiora,<br />

Kaiapoi, Woodend-Pegasus, Oxford Urban, Cust and<br />

Waikuku Beach.<br />

Having secure and safe water is important for the<br />

health of our community and wewant tomeet the<br />

challenge of new regulations.<br />

The Council met with Taumata Arowai officials,<br />

including their Chief Executive, on two occasions to<br />

reiterate our programme of investment and the fact<br />

our residents want to have unchlorinated water.<br />

The regulator listened and while weare waiting<br />

for our applications to be assessed, Taumata<br />

Arowai has allowed the Council to continue running<br />

unchlorinated water supplies on the basis that more<br />

regular testing is undertaken and aprogramme of<br />

work is brought forward, which will increase the<br />

safety of supply. Akey part of this decision was<br />

also that the Council has emergency chlorination<br />

systems in place, which are ready and able to be<br />

used at amoment’s notice.<br />

Despite being able to continue operating<br />

unchlorinated schemes without aresidual<br />

disinfectant we are expected to use emergencychlorine<br />

in response toeven low-level detections of<br />

organic material – as wehave recently experienced<br />

in Kaiapoi and Woodend.<br />

As well as planned and budgeted UVupgrades,<br />

we are also undertaking aprogramme of reservoir<br />

upgrades across the District. To allow these<br />

upgrades to take place in asafe manner, chlorine<br />

will need to be used. This means for schemes such<br />

as Kaiapoi and Woodend, chlorine will remain until<br />

upgrades are completed – approximately July, or<br />

sooner ifpossible.<br />

Residents have been clear that they do not<br />

want chlorinated water and the Council is doing<br />

everything wecan to ensure that happens.<br />

However, the decision to chlorinate or not will<br />

be decided byTaumata Arowai’s assessment of<br />

our applications.<br />

What makes this process challenging is that there<br />

are no clear pass/fail criteria established. As a<br />

Council werespect that this is a new process, with<br />

anew regulator, interpreting new regulations and it<br />

will take time to work through.<br />

The required increased testing, and fast-tracking<br />

of UV treatment projects already underway<br />

does not guarantee asuccessful outcome of the<br />

exemption process.<br />

We will let you know when we have updates about<br />

each chlorinate application.<br />

Waimakariri isone of the few areas nationwide<br />

that doesn’t use chlorine and given this, it’s not<br />

surprising that alot of residents have questions<br />

about it. We have put together answers to some of<br />

the frequently asked questions at<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/chlorination.<br />

Drop-in sessions<br />

We will be hosting drop-in sessions so you can ask<br />

questions about this process and learn more about<br />

water supplies across the District.<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Tuesday 2May, 6.30–8pm<br />

Kaiapoi Borough School Hall, 20 Hilton Street,Kaiapoi<br />

Rangiora<br />

Monday 8May, 5–7pm<br />

Rangiora Service Centre Council Chambers<br />

Cust<br />

Monday 1May, 5–7pm<br />

Cust Community Centre<br />

Woodend<br />

Wednesday 3May, 6–8pm<br />

Woodend Community Centre<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Stash Swap<br />

Browse fornew treasures and find<br />

ahome foryour unwanted craft<br />

supplies withnocash involved!<br />

Bring along your unwanted fabric, haberdashery,<br />

buttons, wool, lace, sewing patterns, craft books,<br />

paints, brushes, zips, needles, card and stamps<br />

from your craft stash!<br />

Saturday22 <strong>April</strong> •10am–12pm<br />

RangioraLibrary<br />

Materials Drop Off:<br />

Monday 17 <strong>April</strong>–Friday 21 <strong>April</strong><br />

Find out more<br />

waimakaririlibraries.com<br />

Huria Reserve<br />

Planting Day<br />

Saturday 15 <strong>April</strong> |10am<br />

NCF Park, Courtenay Drive -parking off Bowler St.<br />

Comedownand helpusplantsomelovely nativeplants<br />

includingharaheke,hoheria and kanuka.<br />

We will have acoffee cart on site and you can grab a<br />

free sausage from the BBQ.<br />

For more information contact<br />

Hannah-Rose White Landscape Architect<br />

Phone: 0800 965 468 (0800 WMK GOV)<br />

AHeritage and Mahinga kai project<br />




Come along to our classes to improve your<br />

speaking, listening and grammar skills<br />

through arange of interesting topics!<br />

Every Saturday, 22<strong>April</strong>–17 June <strong>2023</strong><br />

10am–1pm<br />

Rangiora Town Hall Function Room<br />

303 High Street, Rangiora<br />

Enrol Now<br />

Julie Cloughley |Tutor<br />

Email: cloughju@hotmail.com<br />

Phone: 027 403 8245

Surface feedback wanted<br />


Local Democracy Reporter<br />

Feedbackissought on the surfaceofthe<br />

proposed Kaikōura Link Pathway.<br />

The Kaikōura District Council is<br />

finalisingdesigns for stage one of the<br />

pathwayand will be trialling somesurfaces<br />

in the coming weeks,chief executive Will<br />

Doughty said.<br />

When complete, the link pathway will<br />

connect the town centrewith the Point<br />

Kean seal colony.<br />

‘‘We are assessing anumber of surfaces<br />

and we are looking forward to presenting<br />

some options to the community for<br />

feedbacktohelp decide on the final<br />

surface,’’MrDoughty said.<br />

The councilreceived a$1.9 million grant<br />

from the government’s Tourism<br />

InfrastructureFund (TIF) to develop the<br />

pathwayand to upgrade Dempsey’s Track<br />

and the Kaikōura Peninsula lookout.<br />

‘‘Thecurrent route along the Esplanade<br />

to Point Kean has anumber of path quality<br />

deficiencies that make it unsuitable for<br />

prams, wheelchairs and those with<br />

mobility challenges,’’ Mr Doughty said.<br />

‘‘It is also unsuitable for moreactive<br />

userssuch as skaters or skateboarders, who<br />

need asmooth surface.<br />

‘‘Thefinal surfaces will need to address<br />

all theseproblems to ensure it is accessible<br />

and can be enjoyed by everyone.’’<br />

Mr Doughtysaid councilstaff had<br />

consulted with stakeholders and scoping<br />

work had been completed to develop the<br />

finaldesignsfor stage one of the pathway<br />

from West End to Torquay Street.<br />

Enablingworksfor the pathwayand<br />

Dempsey’sTrack had also been completed.<br />

An erosion assessment ledtosome<br />

amendmentstothe initial design to future<br />

proofthe pathwayagainst extreme weather<br />

events, such as Cyclone Gabrielle.<br />

Council staff were finalising the design<br />

for stage twoofthe pathway, from Torquay<br />

Street to Point Kean, and planned to<br />

submit aresource consent application<br />

soon.<br />

The council was keentohearfeedback<br />

on ideas for specialfeatures along the<br />

route, such as furniture, public artwork and<br />

telling acultural narrative.<br />

Mr Doughtysaid the TIF funding was<br />

purely for the development of the pathway<br />

and any additionalideas wouldneed to<br />

developed and funded over time.<br />

Work on Dempsey’sTrackincluded track<br />

widening, new steps to softenthe gradient,<br />

new benchestoallowfor reststops and<br />

drainage channels being cleared, whilea<br />

general tidy up and beautification was<br />

underway.<br />

Old man’sbeard and bananapassionfruit<br />

vineswere also removed lastyear, with<br />

help from the Student Volunteer Army and<br />

VinesFree Kaikōura.<br />

Improvements at thelookout included<br />

resealing of the entrance andparking.<br />

Public interestjournalismfunded<br />

through NewZealand on Air.<br />


The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />

43<br />


Regulation 11, Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations 1974<br />

NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to regulation 11(3) of the Heavy Motor Vehicle Regulations<br />

1974, the Waimakariri District Council has fixed the following maximum weight and speed limits<br />

for heavy motor vehicles and combinations including aheavy motor vehicle on the bridges described<br />

hereunder:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

[Attention is drawn to the applicable infringement fees set out in Schedule 1ofthe Land Transport<br />

(Offences and Penalties) Regulations 1999, which apply to infringement of these limits].<br />

Date issued: 3<strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Joanne McBride<br />

Transport and Roading Manager<br />

2571796<br />

Old Rage, by Sheila Hancock<br />

Funny,feisty, honest, Sheila makes for brilliant<br />

company as she talks about her lifeasadaughter,<br />

asister,amother, awidow, an actor, afriend and<br />

looks at aworld so differentfrom the wartime<br />

world of her childhood. And yet ­despite age,<br />

despite rage ­she finds there are always reasons<br />

for joy.<br />

Tools for the Top Paddock, by Kane Brisco<br />

Kane shares the experiences that made him<br />

almostquit farming, along withthe simple<br />

methods he developed for dealing with the mental<br />

and physical strains of lifeonthe land. He offers<br />

advicefor people doing it tough, as well as how to<br />

build the fitness required to thrive in good times<br />

and bad.<br />

DestinationBuchenwald,byColin Burgess<br />

Amid great secrecy, 168 airmen –including several<br />

from Australia and New Zealand–were<br />

transported on afilthy, overcrowded nightmare<br />

train journey which ended at the notorious<br />

Buchenwald concentration camp, accompanied by<br />

orders for their execution.<br />

ForeverHome, by GrahamNorton<br />

Carol is adivorced teacher living in asmall town in<br />

Ireland. Her only son is now grown. Asecond<br />

chance at lovebrings her unexpectedconnection<br />

and belonging. The new relationship sparks local<br />

speculation: what does awomanlike her see in a<br />

man like that? What happened to his wife who<br />

abandoned them all thoseyearsago?<br />

I’m Glad my Mom Died, by Jeanette McCurdy<br />

Aheart­breaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly,<br />

and Sam &Cat star Jennette McCurdy, about her<br />

struggles as aformer child actor—including eating<br />

disorders, addiction,<br />

and acomplicated relationship withher overbearing<br />

mother—and how she retook controlofher life.<br />

The Artist’s Secret, by JoelAlexandra<br />

Ayoung woman, brought up by asingle mother in a<br />

hippiecommune on the South Coast of NSW,becomes<br />

acurator at the Sydney Art Museum. After atrip to<br />

Italy,she is assaulted by ajealousmale colleague who<br />

then has her removedfrom her position. After<br />

obtainingaposition as an intern at amajor auction<br />

house in New York,she learns of afamilysecretand<br />

sets out to discoverthe truth behind it, clear her name<br />

and establish herselfasanauctioneer ­and finds love<br />

along the way.<br />

These titles are available in both Waimakaririand<br />

Hurunui libraries. Find out more about recent<br />

additions to the librarycollection by going to the<br />

library catalogue at waimakariri.kotui.org.nz or<br />

hurunui.kotui.org.nz or contact yourlocal library.<br />

Ashburton Fanciers<br />

Society<br />


Sunday <strong>April</strong> 16,<br />

Sports Hall<br />

Tancred Street West<br />

Ashburton<br />

Viewing 11am<br />

Start 12.30pm<br />

Poultry, Bantams,<br />

Ducks,Geese,Guinea<br />

Pigs and Rabbits<br />

Huge selection on offer.<br />

Big birds, little birds.<br />

Something for every body.<br />

2570272<br />

Livestock<br />



MEAT2U.NZ<br />

3<strong>13</strong> 0022<br />

2466978<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 3<strong>13</strong> 2840<br />

Entertainment<br />


school holiday event, The<br />

Boy With Wings,<br />

interactive puppetry show,<br />

Tuesday 18th <strong>April</strong>, 2pm,<br />

tickets (cash) family $60<br />

from Sally Mac’s, Amberley,<br />

Sefton Garage and<br />

Stan’s 7 Day Pharmacy,<br />

Rangiora or online<br />

www.balcairnhall.com.<br />

Toot’n’Croon play at the<br />

RSA. Local 9-member<br />

band Toot’n’Croon entertain<br />

with popular music<br />

from the 1950’s to 1970’s,<br />

for dancing and a fun<br />

night. Rangiora RSA,<br />

Victoria St, 7.45pm<br />

Friday <strong>April</strong> 21st. Entry<br />

$10 cash at the door.<br />

Property Wanted<br />



•NOagentsfees,<br />

NO marketing costs,<br />

100% cash buyer with<br />

flexible conditions to<br />

suit your needs<br />

•Wespecialise in<br />

purchasing properties<br />

with deferred<br />

maintenance,<br />

as-is-where-is,<br />

partially complete<br />

projects/renovations<br />

and urgent cash sales<br />

•Your solicitorsfees<br />

coveredupto$2,000,<br />

withall contracts<br />

drafted subject to your<br />

solicitorsapproval.<br />

Call Duncan today on<br />

022421 7727 to see if<br />

selling privately could<br />

benefit YOU!<br />

Pets<br />


pups for sale. Working line,<br />

straight back, male pups.<br />

Only a few left - sables.<br />

Ready 16th <strong>April</strong> at 8<br />

weeks. Vaccinated, microchipped,<br />

wormed to date,<br />

vet checked. Parents -<br />

Haveloc Skye -imp QLD.<br />

Ted - Wyndova Jericho<br />

(NZ). East German &<br />

Czech bloodlines. Pedigree<br />

at pet prices $2200 ONO.<br />

Phone 027 2622 0394 or<br />

021 149 2210 for more info<br />

and viewing.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 3<strong>13</strong> 7216<br />

CARS, vans, 4WD’s<br />

wanted for dismantling or<br />

repair. Phone 027 258<br />

8366.<br />

FALCONS &<br />


WANTED<br />

Suitable for<br />

dismantling or repairs<br />

Ph 3<strong>13</strong> 7216<br />

2412522<br />

WANTED to buy Ford,<br />

Holden, Chrysler or<br />

Chev’s, Classic cars. Any<br />

other types considered, any<br />

condition. Please phone<br />

Tony 027 3<strong>13</strong> 5000.<br />

Travel &Tours<br />

Join our<br />

Mailing<br />

List<br />

Tours<br />

<strong>North</strong> Island West CoastTour<br />

6days18th May<br />

Wanganui NewPlymouth Raglan<br />

$1895pp twin share<br />

Hokianga Cape Reinga Paihia<br />

8Days23rdAugust<br />

Tasmania 2024<br />

Chathams Islands <strong>2023</strong><br />

Daytrips<br />

Autumn Colours<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Wednesday<br />

19th <strong>April</strong> $25pp<br />

Mt Cook<br />

Saturday<br />

27th May<br />

$65pp<br />

TwoPasses<br />

Saturday<br />

24th June<br />

$55pp<br />

We canprovide shuttleand coach hire<br />

Call Reid Tours 0800 446 886<br />

Email:reidtours@xtra.co.nz www.reidtours.com<br />

Email to join our mailing list<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

TIMBER -H3, 3x2, 4x2, 6x2,<br />

8x2, 4x4, 6x6. Decking<br />

Timber, Plyboard; full or<br />

part sheets suitable for<br />

building ashed. Also clean<br />

lemons. —Ph021-441-400.<br />

$$$<br />

Amalgamated Scrap Metal<br />

Ltd. Specialists in farm<br />

machinery and farm clean<br />

ups, old vehicles etc.<br />

100% locally owned.<br />

Ph 0800 030 712 or<br />

027 695 0480.<br />

2312759<br />

For Sale<br />

FISHING gear, Salmon,<br />

Trout & fly rods, bags,<br />

reels, flys & hardware,<br />

good quality. Phone John<br />

027 364 7318.<br />

Educational<br />

TUITION available. Primary<br />

and secondary up to<br />

NCEA level 3. In centre<br />

(Rangiora) or interactive<br />

online from your home.<br />

Each student onanindividually<br />

tailored programme.<br />

Kip McGrath Rangiora has<br />

been serving the local community<br />

for 30 +years. Give<br />

us acall (03) 3<strong>13</strong> 3638 or<br />

book your free assessment<br />

online https://www.<br />



44 The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />

Proposed Temporary Road Closures<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Lone Star <strong>Canterbury</strong>Rally<br />

Sunday 4June <strong>2023</strong><br />

The Council has received an applicationfrom Autosport<br />

Club Inc. seeking the temporaryclosure of thefollowing<br />

roads, to runthe <strong>2023</strong> LonestarRally. Seven Stages as<br />

detailed below:<br />

Stage 1-Ashley Forest off road<br />

Stage 2-8.30am–12noon:<br />

Happy Valley Rd from Fisherman’s Lane to end.<br />

Stonyhurst Rd from Happy Valley Rd to Blythe Rd.<br />

Blythe Rd fromStonyhurst Rd to NapeNape Rd.<br />

Stage 3-10.00am –1.35pm:<br />

SinclairRd, Rallyruns South to <strong>North</strong>.<br />

Stage 4-10.30am –2.00pm:<br />

HookhamsnyvyRd-Mendip Rd to apoint 750 mbefore<br />

Leader Rd. Rally runs from Ferniehurst Rd to LeaderRd.<br />

Stage 5–11am–2.30pm:<br />

Waiau West Rd from end of seal to end.<br />

Leamington Rd (entire length).<br />

EgglestonRd(entirelength).<br />

Kaiwara Rd fromEgglestonRdtoapoint 1Kmfromthe<br />

beginning of seal.<br />

Stage 6-1.00pm –4.30pm:<br />

Greys Rd (gravel section). Heathstock Rd from Greys<br />

Rd to McDonald Downs Rd.<br />

McDonald Downs Rd (entire length).<br />

Ram Paddock Rd from McDonald Downs Rd to<br />

Laidmore Rd.<br />

Stage 7-1.30pm –5pm:<br />

Onepunga Rd (gravelsection).<br />

BerridaleRd(entire length).<br />

BrodiesRd(fromBerridale Rd to apoint 1Kmfrom the<br />

beginning of seal.<br />

To lodge an objection to the proposed closures, please<br />

contactCouncil by:<br />

Midday Thursday 20 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

This application will go before the Temporary Road<br />

Closure Committee,for their consideration.<br />

Hurunui District Council<br />

POBox <strong>13</strong>,Amberley744<br />

Email: info@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

WANTED:<br />

BOOKS,<br />


&CDS<br />

Forpickups<br />

please contact<br />

Alan -email:<br />

galanmac@xtra.co.nz<br />

2572160<br />

2572872<br />


Ploughing Match Association,<br />

Annual General Meeting<br />

to be held on the 2nd<br />

May in the Ohoka hall,<br />

7.30pm, all welcome.<br />

Enquiries phone Bill Ward<br />

3<strong>13</strong> 4395.<br />

Board &Residence<br />

BOARDER, working<br />

mature female, wanted to<br />

share with retired gentleman<br />

in Kaiapoi, fully furnished<br />

room, garage available,<br />

100m to bus stop. Ph<br />

Bob 021 669 066.<br />

Rangiora High School<br />

Kaiāwhina/Teacher Aide<br />

Rangiora High School is proud to be a caring,<br />

community-based environment inspiring life-long<br />

learning. Students are at the centre of our work.<br />

We are seeking to appoint aKaiāwhina to undertake<br />

learning support work.<br />

•Fixed Term, part-time (25 hours per week) (Term 2)<br />

Relevant experience and/or qualifications are an<br />

advantage. Please visit the Join Us /Employment<br />

page of our website for further information:<br />

www.rangiorahigh.school.nz<br />

Applications close at 9am on Wednesday 26 <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong>. 2572862<br />

Rangiora High School<br />

School Truancy Officer<br />

Rangiora High School is proud to be a caring,<br />

community-based environment inspiring life-long<br />

learning. Students are at the centre of our work.<br />

We are seeking to appoint aTruancy Officer for <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Part-time position (15 hours/week) term time only.<br />

Please visit the Join Us /Employment page of our<br />

website on how to apply:<br />

www.rangiorahigh.school.nz<br />

Applications close at 9am on Wednesday 26 <strong>April</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

2570669<br />

WE NEED YOU!<br />

Deliverers required<br />

forthe <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

<strong>News</strong><br />

To findout more,<br />

contact:<br />

Mark Kelly<br />

South Island Distribution Manager<br />

P: 029 983 2293<br />

E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Retail Sales<br />

Full Time, Fixed Term<br />

We Need You!<br />

McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA are seeking applications from<br />

outgoing, friendly and enthusiastic people to join our<br />

successful Retail team, on aFixed Term.<br />

•Customer focused<br />

•Working inside and outside<br />

•Must be physicallyfitand strong<br />

•Required to climb ladders and use lifting equipment<br />

•Work as part of ateam<br />

•Be able tothinkproactively<br />

•Work hard and smart<br />

•Familiarity in eitherDIY or Customer Service preferred<br />

•Weekend work required, up to 40 hours<br />

McAlpines have an active drug &alcohol policy in place,<br />

apre-employment drug test and medical will be required.<br />

Applicants must be aNew Zealand resident or hold avalid<br />

NewZealand visa.<br />

Please send your application and CV to:<br />

Retail Sales Team Member,<br />

McAlpines Mitre 10 MEGA,<br />

Private Bag 1003, Rangiora 7440<br />

or email applications@mcalpines.co.nz<br />

2571162<br />

WANTED<br />

Person to help<br />

split firewood<br />

for asmall<br />

wood yard<br />

Amberley based.<br />

Part time and flexible<br />

hours.<br />

2472042<br />

Splitters have<br />

mechanical lifters.<br />

Ph 0274 438 462<br />

Firewood<br />

SPLIT Old Man Pine 3.7m<br />

@ $280, Split Hardwood<br />

Mix 3.7m @$400. Mobile<br />

021 993 497.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ARBORIST qualified.<br />

Copper Beech Tree<br />

Services. Tree removal,<br />

pruning, height reduction,<br />

hedge trimming, shaping,<br />

tree planting, firewood.<br />

Free quotes. Contact Angus<br />

Edwards 027 259 6741<br />

copperbeechtreeservices@gmail.com<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BUILDERS Father &son<br />

team. Amac Builders are<br />

available to help you with<br />

your building needs. High<br />

standards, low overheads,<br />

no job too small. Check us<br />

out on fb. Amac Builders<br />

Ltd. Phone 027 318 4400.<br />


Time to service your fire.<br />

Accumulation of soot seriously<br />

affects performance.<br />

Latest rotary brush technology.<br />

Free moisture check<br />

on wood. Safety inspection.<br />

All work insured and guaranteed.<br />

From $80 single<br />

story. 0800 SWEEPME or<br />

www.sweepnz.co.nz.<br />

LABOURER available<br />

hourly, or day. Phone Day<br />

Call 021 063 7501.<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

fade protection<br />

heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

Trade &Services<br />

DIRTY TILES &Grout?<br />

Professional tile cleaning,<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

tiled shower restoration, &Decorating Services<br />

mouldy silcone, shower 20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

glass & we can even service. For all your painting<br />

recolour your old grout! needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

For all your tile and grout 6187 or 021 128 9867<br />

issues call Grout Pro for a<br />

free, no obligation quote. SCREEN PRINTING.<br />

Ph Darryl 0800 882 772. For all your printing<br />

www.theprogroup.co.nz/dpc9385. requirements. T-shirts,<br />


Hoodies, Hi-Vis vests and<br />

Sew Good Services. For all<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

your alterations, repairs,<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

dressmaking, curtains.<br />

3<strong>13</strong> 0261 or email heather.<br />

Phone 327 5535.<br />

norstar@gmail.com.<br />


mowing, spraying,<br />

fertilizing, scarifier. Phone<br />

Hamish 027 349 7986.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant,<br />

exterior, interior. Qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

3<strong>13</strong> 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

PAINTER. Qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or<br />

text Corban 027 846 5035.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 40<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 23 Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />


Plastering &Painting<br />

Services<br />

Locals with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

privacy films<br />

frosting designs<br />

non-darkening films<br />

Workmanship Guaranteed<br />

Lifetime Warranties on Most Films<br />

UV<br />

block<br />

Free Quotes <strong>Canterbury</strong> and Districts<br />

03 365 3653 0800 368 468<br />

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

2502479<br />

2362002<br />

027 216 0000<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

CRAIGS Trees<br />

(03) 327-4190<br />







Free Quotes<br />

027 2299 454<br />

craigstrees@xtra.co.nz<br />

Guide<br />

2225862<br />

2434390<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 3<strong>13</strong> 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Air Conditioning<br />

Appliance Repairs<br />

Builder<br />

Servicing <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>and Kaikoura<br />

03 3<strong>13</strong> 0531 /03319 7559<br />

(<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>) (Kaikoura)<br />

www.northcanterburyenergy.co.nz<br />






Call us<br />

for a<br />

FREE<br />

quote<br />



F&P, Bosch, Smeg,<br />

Ariston,LG, Classique,Haier,<br />

Samsung andmore....<br />

“Forbestresults be sure to useauthorised service”<br />


Rangiora: 03 3<strong>13</strong> 4420 Kaiapoi: 03 327 3810<br />

2332343v2<br />



starnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now to view the paper online &more!<br />

•New Builds •Renovations, Extensions<br />

• Repairs and Maintenance<br />

2549049<br />

Ring Mark 027 229 7310<br />

for afree quote<br />

www.longsilverconstruction.com<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 3<strong>13</strong> 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

Trusted Trades &<br />

Professional Services<br />

Guide<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phoneAmanda Keys 3<strong>13</strong> 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz<br />

Butchery<br />

Chiropractic Services<br />

Construction &Concrete<br />


OxfordButchery<br />

Shane Frahm<br />

We cankill&process yourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 021 269 1817<br />

Digger &Cartage Specialist<br />


Specializing in Excavation;<br />

Rural &Residential<br />

• New Builds<br />

• Driveways<br />

• Demo Stump Removal<br />

• All aspects of cartage<br />

No job too big or small<br />

Over 30 years experience<br />


Ph: Kevin Carter 027 778 5599<br />

E: kandkcontracting2021@hotmail.com<br />


2572396<br />

Firewood<br />

Selection of wood types<br />

Get in early for Winter!<br />

Bags of lighting wood<br />

available<br />

Interested in forestry blocks<br />

suitable for firewood<br />

027 431 2014<br />

2227889v3<br />

2488721<br />

Dr Jess Ross<br />

ACC Registered Dr Chiropractic<br />

Monday&Thursday<br />

Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />

Judy McArthur<br />

Mctimoney Chiropractic,AppliedKinesiology<br />

and Craniosacral|Fridays<br />

Phone 03 3<strong>13</strong> 0350<br />

Select Health<br />

51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />

Electrician<br />

p 03 3<strong>13</strong> 7144 | e info@rgrantelectrical.com<br />

Mention this advert &receive $50 off your next job<br />

Engineering<br />

Kitchen Designer<br />

Paula Humphreys Design<br />

Certified Kitchen Designer<br />

2564272<br />

2570092<br />

For your Engineering needs<br />

187d Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi<br />

Phone 03 327 5246 |027 495 2821<br />

toppeng@xtra.co.nz<br />

2269236<br />

All Construction & Concrete Work<br />

•Driveways, patios &paths<br />

•Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Floors, foundations<br />

•Sheds and buildings<br />

•Dairy Sheds, Herd homes<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

•Precast concrete<br />

•Insulated panels<br />

Daryl Power<br />

027 230 9401<br />

concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

www.concretepower.co.nz<br />

YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 3<strong>13</strong> 2840<br />

Irrigation &Filtration<br />

2273277<br />

2490187<br />



Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical DentalTechncian<br />

Phone (03) 3<strong>13</strong>-9192<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon- Monday to Friday<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />

Glass Services<br />

Retrofit Double Glazing<br />

ReplacementWindows<br />

Frameless Showers<br />

Splashbacks<br />

Balustrades<br />

Mirrors<br />

SecurityDoors<br />

WindowMaintenance<br />

1High Street, Rangiora | 03 3<strong>13</strong> 1733<br />

leah.stewart@hagley.co.nz<br />

2533705<br />

Have an<br />

opinion<br />

on a local<br />

topic?<br />

Write us a<br />

Letter to<br />

theEditor!<br />

Email our<br />

Editor<br />

Robyn at<br />

robyn.bristow<br />

@ncnews<br />

.co.nz<br />

Plasterer<br />

Interior<br />

Renovations<br />

Ltd<br />

Plasterboard,<br />

fixing &stopping<br />

Cornice<br />

Cove and<br />

stippled ceilings<br />

Registered<br />

Tradesman<br />

Call Mark<br />

027 438 0665<br />

From cost effective kitchens to<br />

award-winning bespoke designs<br />

• New builds and renovations<br />

• Kitchens, laundries, wardrobes<br />

• Member of NKBA<br />

• 1 Hour free consultation<br />

Phone Paula Humphreys<br />

027 239 5186<br />

paulahdesign@gmail.com<br />

www.paulahdesign.com<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel•Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



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Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />

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Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />

Email: stress@xtra.co.nz<br />

2009594<br />

Landscaping<br />

For all your landscaping needs<br />

All Landscaping, Retaining Walls (Engineered and<br />

Non-Engineered), Timber Fences, Landscape Structures<br />

and more...Lifestyle Block, Rural and Residential.<br />

Phone Jeremy 021 169 9394<br />

www.blackhill.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/blackhillltd<br />

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Windows & Doors<br />


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8am-5pm Weekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd, Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 379 6159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax (03) 962 1012 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />

ncn1242200aa<br />

To book your spaceinthis guide,phone Amanda Keys 3<strong>13</strong> 2840 or email amanda.keys@ncnews.co.nz

2019 CamryGXHybrid<br />

•2.5LHybrid Petrol, 5-Star Safety<br />

•AlloysCamera,4.7L/100kms<br />

•Only 43,830kms<br />

$ 36,995 ,<br />

2010 Toyota Prius<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybrid, Keyless<br />

•SideAirbags, 4.2L/100km<br />

•Only 47,756kms<br />

$<br />

16,995<br />

2021 Corolla SX Hybrid<br />

•1.8L Hybrid Petrol, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Satnav,Keyless,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 28,300kms.<br />

$<br />

31,995<br />

2017 ToyotaVitz Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolAuto, ClimateAir<br />

•3.8L/100km, Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2017 ToyotaVitz Hybrid<br />

•1.5LPetrolHybridAuto<br />

•5-Door,ClimateAir,Rebate Eligible<br />

•Only 48,600kms<br />

$<br />

20,995<br />

2021 Corolla GX Hatchback<br />

•2.0L Petrol Auto, Alloys, Camera<br />

•Satnav,5-StarSafety<br />

•Only10,200kms<br />

$<br />

31,995<br />

2017 Highlander GXL AWD<br />

•3.5LPetrolAuto, Alloys<br />

•Satnav,Leather<br />

•Only 58500Kms<br />

$<br />

39,995,<br />

2019 CorollaGXBlack<br />

Edition<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys, Satnav,<br />

•Apple&AndroidConnect,5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 33,700kms<br />

$<br />

29,995<br />

2019 CamryGXHybrid<br />

•2.5LPetrolHybrid, Camera<br />

•Bluetooth, 4.7L/100km<br />

•Only 44,700kms<br />

$<br />

36,995<br />

2019 CorollaGXHybrid<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybridAuto<br />

•NZNew,Satnav,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 25,400kms<br />

WAS$34,995<br />

$<br />

33,995<br />

2018 Corolla GX Hatchback<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Satnav<br />

•Climate Air, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Camera, 69,200kms<br />

$<br />

23,995<br />

2020 Yaris Cross GX<br />

•2.1.5LPetrolAuto, •Camera, Bluetooth<br />

•5-Star Safety, 6L/100km<br />

•Only 14,345km<br />

$<br />

29,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GX 2WD<br />

•2.0L PetrolAuto, Alloys, Satnav<br />

•5-Star Safety, 6.7L/100kms<br />

•Only 31,200kms<br />

$<br />

36,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GXLAWD<br />

•2.5Lpetrol8-speed auto<br />

•5-Star safety, satnav, keyless<br />

•Only 39,450km<br />

$<br />

43,995<br />

2021 Toyota Rav4 LTD<br />

•2.5LPetrolHybrid 5.3L/100Km<br />

•Leather,Alloys,Sunroof<br />

•Only 16,050Kms<br />

$<br />

62,995<br />

2019 Rav4 GXL AWD<br />

•2.5LPetrol8-Speed Auto<br />

•5-Star Safety, Satnav, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 48,350kms<br />

$<br />

42,995<br />

2017 Toyota C-HR Hybrid<br />

•1.8L PetrolHybrid; Leather<br />

•Camera, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 55,600km<br />

$<br />

34,995<br />

2020 Rav4 Hybrid AWD<br />

•2.5LHybrid Petrol, Leather,5-StarSafety<br />

•360 Camera,Bluetooth<br />

•Only 29,300kms<br />

$<br />

51,995,<br />

2019 Toyota Fortuner GXL<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, 4WD<br />

•7-Seater,Satnav,Camera<br />

•Only 26,100kms<br />

$<br />

47,995<br />

2022 Hilux SR Extra-Cab<br />

4WD<br />

•150Kw 2.8LTurbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Camera, 5-Star Safety, Bluetooth<br />

•Only 4,050kms<br />

$<br />

59,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel 6-Speed Manual<br />

•Satnav,Keyless,Tonneau<br />

•5-Star Safety, 89,400kms<br />

$<br />

49,995<br />

2018 Hilux SR5 Cruiser 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel ,Auto, Leather Interior<br />

•Keyless,Hard-Lid, 18”Alloys, Santav<br />

$<br />

39,995<br />

2021 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L TurboDiesel Auto, Alloys<br />

•Satnav,Keyless, 150KW Engine<br />

$<br />

53,995<br />

2015 Ford Ranger XLT 2WD<br />

•3.2LTurboDiesel Auto<br />

•Alloys, Tonneau,ParkingSensors<br />

•Bluetooth<br />

$<br />

23,995,<br />

2020 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•150Kw2.8L TurboDiesel,LatestShape<br />

•Satnav,Camera, 5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 23,200kms<br />

WAS$55,995<br />

NOW $ 53,995<br />

2019 LandCruiser Prado VX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 7-Seater, Leather<br />

•360 camera,5-StarSafety<br />

•Only 42,600kms<br />

$<br />

69,995<br />

2022 LandCruiser300 VX<br />

•3.3LTwin TurboVG, leather, 7-Seater<br />

•5-Star Safety, Santav, 360 Camera<br />

•Only 9,250kms<br />

$<br />

149,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, Alloys<br />

•Camera, Satnav, Keyless<br />

•Only 54,850kms<br />

$<br />

51,995<br />

2022 Hilux4WD<br />

• 2.8L Turbo Diesel,all ll set to go towork<br />

•VeryLow 6050Kms<br />

$<br />

61,995<br />

2022 LandCruiser 300VX<br />

•3.3LTwin TurboV6Diesel; Leather<br />

•7-Seater,5-StarSafety, 360 Camera<br />

•GPS, Only8,550kms<br />

$<br />

149,995<br />

2018 Toyota Hiace<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto, 6-Seater<br />

•Fold up Second Row<br />

•Only 68,550kms<br />

$<br />

41,995<br />

2017 LandCruiserPrado TX<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel, 7-Seater<br />

•Leather,Keyless,Camera<br />

•Only 37,150kms<br />

WAS$63,995<br />

$ NOW 57,995<br />

2021 Daihatsu Hijet<br />

•660cc PetrolManual,4WD,Flatdeck<br />

•DropSides, Parking Sensors<br />

•LikeNew<br />

•Only 60kms<br />

WAS$24,995<br />

$<br />

19,995<br />

2019 HiluxSR5 4WD<br />

•2.8L Turbo Diesel Auto<br />

•Facelift Model,Satnav,5-Star Safety<br />

•Only 37,850kms<br />

WAS$52,995<br />

$<br />

51,995<br />

2021 Daihatsu Hijet<br />

DumpTruck<br />

•650ccPetrolManual, 4WD<br />

•Tipper Deck, Diff Locker<br />

•Hi-Lo Ratio<br />

WAS$31,995<br />

•Only 100kms $<br />

25,995<br />

2022 LandCruiserLXSingle<br />

Cab<br />

•4.5LTurbo Diesel V8; Bluetooth<br />

•Toyota Deck, Done less than100kms<br />

$<br />

109,995<br />

Percival Street,Rangiora • Ph (03) 3<strong>13</strong>-8186 any time • www.rangiora.toyota.co.nz<br />

Signature<br />

CLASS<br />



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