GSFE Newsletter-SPRING 2023

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<strong>SPRING</strong><br />


Index<br />

Amazing Woman - Song...................................................................3<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Videos.......................................................................................4<br />

It’s All About Showing Up - Learn about the Co-Authors................5<br />

Letter from our founder / CEO.........................................................6<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Members Birthdays..................................................................15<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Members On The Spotlight......................................................18<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Upcoming Events (date-sensitive information).....................40<br />

News from <strong>GSFE</strong> National Networks.................................................46<br />

News from <strong>GSFE</strong> International Networks..........................................107<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Business Opportunities............................................................117<br />

Business Training................................................................................119<br />

Support Our Members (date-sensitive information).......................122<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Merchandise.............................................................................128<br />

Members Books.................................................................................132<br />

Members Podcasts............................................................................139<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network Directors contact inforamtion..................................142<br />

Important links to have handy:<br />

Find a network near you:<br />

GlobalSocietyForFemaleEntrepreneurs.org/find-a-network<br />

Renewal fee payment:<br />

https://www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org/our-gsfe/Networking-Payment-c49576512<br />

2<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org


-Inspired by Robbie Motter’s motto:<br />

It’s All About Showing Up<br />

Time ßows like a river<br />

It’s nothing to do with you<br />

Take hold of your own life<br />

There’s a lot of things to do.<br />

If you never stop learning<br />

You will be young in your heart<br />

Look for your own motto<br />

Love dressing up and be smart.<br />

Always welcome changes<br />

Use your ability<br />

Be initiative<br />

Take responsibility.<br />

Never give up on your dreams <br />

Widen your hidden wings<br />

Don’t be afraid of your action<br />

But be an inspiration<br />

It’s all abut showing up showing up, showing up,<br />

It’s all about asking ,<br />

It’s about the way to make the world better be.<br />

So restore back the place you belong to<br />

And be blessed that you are: AMAZING WOMAN ! <br />

Music: Mirjana Anastasijevic<br />

Lyrics: Svetlana Cvetičanin<br />

Recording: “Improstudio” by Dejan Nikolic<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs<br />

Why I became a Director<br />

Women Business Owners<br />

What We Stand For<br />

Importance of Community

Book Signing<br />

April 29<br />

Co-Authors<br />

Come pick up your books<br />

and get your copy signed<br />

by every author present!<br />

You are encouraged to<br />

bring other books you<br />

have for sale.<br />

Cherry Hills Golf Club<br />

26583 Cherry Hills Blvd.<br />

Sun City, CA 92586<br />

Co-Authors arrive at 12:00 noon<br />

Guests arrive at 1:00 pm<br />

Event ends at 4:30 pm<br />

Guests<br />

Come get your copy signed<br />

by all the authors present!<br />

Publisher Information<br />

Angela Covany - HAVANA BOOK GROUP LLC<br />

angelawcovany@gmail.com<br />

951-249-6831<br />

Food options to purchase inexpensively, include hot dogs<br />

and burgers (veggie burgers and turkey dogs available).<br />

Sodas and wine will be available for purchase at the bar.<br />

www.<strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


From the Desk of<br />

Lady Dr. h.c. Robbie Motter<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Founder/CEO<br />

Wow, these last three months have been great lots happening. First off I want to welcome all the<br />

new members we have had the last three months up to today. That totals 49 new members since<br />

last quarterly newsletter,<br />

Three networks tied with 7 new members each they are:<br />

Fallbrook, Director Sara Lypps, and Co Director Lisa Ann Mayer<br />

Seven members are:<br />

Rima Aboullosen, Heidi Chance, Amal Elfarra, Melinda Grumblatt, Colleen Robinson, Bristol Scott<br />

and Sandra Starrmar.<br />

New York Director Amb. Dr Omenesa Akomolafe and Codirector Rori Montali also brought in 7<br />

new members and they are:<br />

Ene Tammy Abah, Kathy D |Booker, Lady Sandra Burton, Tamara Godfrey, Joane Mertilien,<br />

Christian Oji, amd Stephanie Popular<br />

Temecula Director Dr Angela Covany and CoDirector Jana Hadany with the help also of Madeline<br />

Plate also brought in 7 new members they are:<br />

Anne Berry, Marinie DeCastro, Sucely DeLaCruz, Darlene Hawley, Judith Roemer and Kimberly<br />

Smith Austin.<br />

Central San Diego Director Marie Waite and Co Director Barbara Ham added 5 new members to<br />

their roster, they are:<br />

Silke Carpenter, Nesreen Kassawa, Corryn Kivett, Melissa Maldonado and Martha Razo.<br />

6<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Menifee Director Regina Lundy and Co Director Adella Sanchez brought in 5 new members to<br />

their roster they are”<br />

Michelle Estelle, Donna Gene Koci Linda Overton, Freddy Trujillo Ambassador, and Dona Ziegler<br />

Virtual Director Dr. h.c. Angeline Benjamin and Co Director Dr h.c. Suzie Mierzwik added 4 new<br />

members to their roster they are:<br />

Aleshia Randolph Bush, Kaachan S Farkiya, Jennifer Hockaday and Jayne Jordon. The first three<br />

will be moving to the Northern Nevada <strong>GSFE</strong> as soon as it starts.<br />

Riverside Director Joan E Wakeland and Co Director Arvee Robinson added three new members<br />

to their roster, they are:<br />

Melody Amaral, Mary Barnett and Jacquelyn Robertson.<br />

Long Beach Director Diana Londyn and Co Director Ilja Haverkorn added 2 new members they<br />

are:<br />

Terry Gunn and Zulmara Cline,<br />

Oceanside Director Debbie Love and CoDirector Cherie Reynolds added 2 new members they<br />

are:<br />

Laureen Barker and Nancy Ceci<br />

South Orange County Director Dr. h.c. Angelique Sunshine added two new members to her<br />

roster they are:<br />

Minj Dannestedt and Veronique Kalantarian<br />

Canada Director Laurie Davis added one new member to her roster and that is Virginia Clark who<br />

is now her CoDirector<br />

Chino Hills one of our new networks Director Tyara Tee Lee whose network will soon be started<br />

added<br />

Renee Chew who will be her Co Director<br />

London network acting director Jaya Sajnani added one new member who is Suki Mayo McKenzie<br />

West Hollywood Director Diana Londyn and Co Director Deborah Thorne added one new<br />

member to their roster :<br />

Pamela Strand<br />

I want to welcome all our new <strong>GSFE</strong> Sisters to <strong>GSFE</strong> and thank our Directors for doing a great<br />

job. Just a matter of info they are counted new members when we receive payment and<br />

applications. Any who joined that I have not gotten information yet will be added to next<br />

quarter’s newsletter.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Our volume 2 book is out and you can purchase it from Barnes n Noble, Amazon or from any of<br />

the Co Authors, the book has amazing stories and is over 600 pages and the stories will motivate<br />

and inspire you.<br />

“Lady Dr. Robbie Motter is a bold thinker who empowers others to help them<br />

reach their full potential for success. She is a Game Changer.”<br />

Lady Amb. Dr. Lenora Peterson- Maclin Ph.D.<br />





DR. (h.c.) ANGELE CADE<br />



DR. (h.c.) ANGELA COVANY<br />


DR. (h.c.) LAURIE DAVIS<br />

DR. (h.c.) YOLANDA DAVIS<br />

DR. (h.c.) CHEBRA “O’CHEA” DORSEY<br />

DR. (h.c.) VIOLA EDWARD<br />



DR. (h.c.) STONE LOVE FAURE<br />







Contributing Authors<br />

DR. (h.c.) LAURYN HUNTER<br />

DR. (h.c.) DEBORAH IRISH<br />








LONG<br />

DR. (h.c.) REGINA LUNDY<br />

DR. (h.c.) SARA LYPPS<br />






DR. (h.c.) SUSIE MIERZWIK<br />




DR. (h.c.) KATHERINE ORHO<br />




DR. (h.c.) CHERIE REYNOLDS<br />

DR. (h.c.) KATHLEEN RONALD<br />

DR. (h.c.) SHELLY RUFIN<br />


DR. (h.c.) JAYA SAJNANI<br />






DR. (h.c.) MARIE WAITE<br />

DR. (h.c.) JOAN E WAKELAND<br />

DR. (h.c.) TOMESHA D. WALKER<br />



DR. (h.c.) VIOLET WILLIAMS<br />


“Robbie not only ‘Shows Up’ everyday in the lives of so many women, she also<br />

makes others want to ‘Show Up’.”<br />

Lauren Raguzin- Author, ‘Women Standing Strong Together Vol. 2’<br />

Change Management and Communications Leader.<br />

It’s all About Showing Up Vol. 2 Dr. (h.c.)Robbie Motter<br />


It’s all<br />

About<br />

Showing<br />

Up<br />

Vol. 2<br />

Lady Dr. (h.d.) Robbie Motter<br />

8<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

We had some great demographics and all networks that were up and running at the time we<br />

closed the entries are represented. The authors represent 22 cities in CA, plus 7 other states and<br />

3 international countries.<br />

Here are some more statistics:<br />

21 networks were represented and we offered the opportunity to all our members, here are the<br />

numbers by network who took action.<br />

Canada 2<br />

Laurie Davis, Dr h.c. Susie Mierzwik<br />

Central San Diego 4<br />

Dharlene Marie Fahl, Dr. h.c. Lynnette LaRoche, Dr Catherine Grace Pope, Dr h.c. Marie Waite.<br />

Coachella Valley 1<br />

Kaye Sheffield<br />

DC Guest<br />

Mary Greene who is a big supporter of <strong>GSFE</strong> and runs a former nafe network in DC Greater<br />

Washington Women’s network<br />

Fallbrook 2<br />

Sara Lypps and Lisa Ann Mayer<br />

Greece Int. 1<br />

Dr Viola Edward<br />

Lake Arrowhead 1<br />

Charmaine Summers<br />

London Int 6<br />

Ada Gartenmann, Amb. Dr Imambay Kamara,H.E. Amb. Pauline Long, Suku Moyo MacKenzie, Prof.<br />

Caroline Makaka and Dr Jaya Sanjani<br />

Marine Del Rey 1<br />

Dr Cherilyn Lee<br />

Menifee 9<br />

Dr Chebra Dorsey,Nicole Farrell, Marneen Lynne Fields, Deborah Irish, Jeannette LaHoullier,<br />

Regina Lundry, Lady Dr. h.c. Robbie Motter, Jean Olexa, Adela Sanchez,<br />

New York 3<br />

Lady Dr Amanada Coleman, Josie Torres, Dr h.c. Tomesha D Walker<br />

Northerm CA 1<br />

Dr h.c. Stone Love Faure<br />

Oceanside 3<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Dr h.c. Yolanda Davis, Cherie Reynolds. Katherine Zaxharius<br />

Philadelphia 1<br />

Dr Nephetina L Serrano<br />

Riverside 2<br />

Mary Barnett, Joan E Wakeland<br />

San Fernando Valley 2<br />

Dr h.c. AnGele Cade, Verlaine Crawford.<br />

South Inland Empire 3<br />

Katherine Orho ,Katherine Setzer, Susan Vandenburgh<br />

South Orange County 2<br />

Linda J Bergh Herring, Dr. h.c. Kara Maldonado<br />

Temecula 8<br />

Dr Barbara Berg, Tina Casen, Dr. h.c. Angela Covany, Denise Gregory, Madeline Plate,<br />

Councilwoman Bridgette Moore, Shelly Rufin,Violet Williams<br />

Virtual 6<br />

Mary Aurtrey, Alesheia Randolph Bush,Jayne Jordan, Annmarie Kelly, Nicole Wild Merl, Dr Randi<br />

Ward<br />

West Hollywood 4<br />

Jackie Goldberg (Pink Lady), Carmelita Pittman, Kathleen Ronald, Janet Walters<br />

Young Leaders 1<br />

Dr h.c. Lauryn Hunter<br />

These authors represent the following cities in CA<br />

Beverly Hills, Cala mesa, Canoga Park, Corona, Cota de Casa, El Cajon, Encinitas, Fallbrook,<br />

Glendale, Granada Hills, Laguna Niguel, Lemon Grove, Marina Del Rey, Menifee, Northern CA<br />

,Oceanside, Pomona, San Diego, San Gabriel, Santa Monica, Temecula, Wildomar, Yucaipa, and<br />

the following states, Atlanta, Georgia, Cleveland, Ohio, Deltona Florida, District of Columbia,<br />

Indianapolis, Indiana, and Myrtle Beach South Carolina,<br />

And the following countries:<br />

Chelsey London , London England and Greece<br />

Whenever there is an opportunity <strong>GSFE</strong> tries to give everyone the opportunity but if they do not<br />

respond then they do not get in, <strong>GSFE</strong> has no favorites all opportunities are open to all, but they<br />

have to take action.<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

Congratulations to all our 40 <strong>GSFE</strong> members soon to be Honorary Humanatarian Doctor Degree<br />

award winners on June 17 they will receive their degrees in Atlanta, Georgia,<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Again all the <strong>GSFE</strong> networks but one are represented, that network the people nominated found<br />

that this year did not work into their schedule.<br />

These are the statistics of how many members are going by networks:<br />

Canada 1, Central San Diego 1, Chino Hills 1, Fallbrook, 1, Lake Arrowhead 1, Marina Del Rey 1,<br />

Menifee 4, New York 5, Northern CA 1, Oceanside 1, Riverside 4, San Fernando Valley 1, South<br />

Inland Empire 2, South Orange County 3, Temecula 3, Virtual t and West Hollywood 3.<br />

Only one network is not represented they were nominated and it did not work out for them. So<br />

there is a total of 40 <strong>GSFE</strong> members going to Atlanta in June.<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

Congratulations to Diana Londyn, Deborah Thorne, Roslyn Kahn and Kelly Breeze who are<br />

nominees for an upcoming Los Angeles Business Journal award and at this same event <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

was nominated for small nonprofit of the year. Maybe we will have some winners but its great<br />

exposure just being a nominee, you must live of work in LA to be a nominee.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> is part of a study by CIAM (California Institute of Advanced Managemen) t who has MBA<br />

Graduates from International come in every year to get advanced training and one of the things<br />

they do is pick Companies and Non profits to study to see what they are doing right and what<br />

they could do better. I saw a posting on Facebook by Senior Professor Elisa Magill PhD and<br />

contacted her. It turns out three years ago I was introduced to her by <strong>GSFE</strong> Member Shelly Rufin.<br />

Dr Magill said they do study non profits and she introduced me to Dr Richard Johnson director<br />

of the consulting institute and we got picked. Our students studying us are from China and very<br />

brilliant and young. It’s great to be studied by our younger generation they will soon be giving<br />

us a formal zoom presentaion of their findings and suggestions. We had one and they think we<br />

are doing great need to do more videos and more social media so when we get the final report<br />

we will look at implementing their ideas. This did not cost us anything. There are so many<br />

opportunities on Social Media if you just look for them, read social media for opportunities not<br />

news.<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

Our Young Ladies Clothing swap that we did at the Cherry Hills Clubhouse was a big success<br />

we had so much fun, so many clothes donated by members and everyone who SHOWED UP<br />

went home with some gems and we still had bags and bags of clothes that we donated to one<br />

of our Vet sisters for two groups that she supports for Women Veterans and they were thrilled.<br />

I was so happy to clean out my closet and donated ten bags of clothes and shoes and purses<br />

and many came in with bags and bags of clothes it was such a wonderful event to see our sisters<br />

from other networks supporting us. There will be photos and things in this newsletter that you<br />

can see. Thank you to Charmaine Summers for letting us use the space and all who helped us lay<br />

everything out on tables and then pack up everything that was left. This is an annual thing that<br />

we do so join us next year, our young ladies got service hours for for helping with the event,<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

Our International Women’s Day and Book Launch was sensational and it was also my 87th<br />

birthday and I want to thank everyone who brought me gifts, including the networks and cards<br />

they were all fabulous and I did not expect any gifts just their presence. We were so excited<br />

when Dr h.c. Angela Covany walked in and said “The Book Was Launched “. I mentioned to her<br />

we wanted to do it about 2:00 pm and at 1:55pm she got official word that the book was now<br />

a published E book and we were thrilled. We also where excited when we found out we made<br />

#1 US and International as a best seller in various categories and in one category one of Oprah’s<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


ooks was under us, another category we were right next to Prince Harry’s book<br />

A big thank you to Dr h.c. Marcy Decato who designed all the certificates, got all the co-author<br />

talks up on facebook and was there with her computer to broadcast us on facebook live that day.<br />

Also a thank you to Hollywood Photographer Dan Kennedy for taking the photos and to Marneen<br />

Lynne Fields who is working with all of the photos and putting them into one file and sent<br />

numerous ones out to the individuals. Once we have the complete file we willhave Marcy post it<br />

on the past event page on our website.<br />

A big thank you to Tim Carney who came and did our Video of the days event that has been sent<br />

out to all <strong>GSFE</strong> members, Robin Moss Manning who was our MC for the Day for the Entertainment<br />

portion and all our entertainers. It was a great fun day for all that were there and all that watched<br />

it on Facebook and all that now will watch the video.<br />

When we come together in a group you can see the sisterhood, love, friendships and kindness<br />

that takes place and makes <strong>GSFE</strong> the dynamic non profit it is. .<br />

The book is amazing over 600 pages. The entertainment for International Women’s Day was<br />

amazing and I was thrilled that my son Ed Burtnette and my daughter Lisa Gritzner also sang.<br />

The food prepared by Denise Gregory was outstanding and the hosts of the day Regina Lundy<br />

and Adella Sanchez the Director and Co Director of Menifee <strong>GSFE</strong> did an outstanding job. 106<br />

people SHOWED UP and all the networks were represented.<br />

On April 29th at the Cherry Hills Clubhouse the Co Authors will be picking up their books and<br />

their will be a book signing you can purchase your book from any coauthor and get the book<br />

chapters signed by all the book authors that are there.<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

Our next event will be our Fashion Show and Luncheon Sunday, August 20th, <strong>2023</strong> at the Cherry<br />

Hills Golf Club we will be getting out the Flyer soon. Our Celebrity Designer Dr h.c. Chebra<br />

Dorsey will be back with two other fashion individuals it is also a luncheon and networking event<br />

with a few entertainers. We also will have a few vendors there.<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

May 29th we have a workshop that Verlaine Crawford is doing for <strong>GSFE</strong> and Dr h.c. Angeline<br />

Benjamin has sent out, the topic is terrific look for the flyer in the newsletter and SHOW UP.<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

Dr h.c. Angelique Sunshine is working on a training for Tic Toc and that flyer should soon be out.<br />

One of <strong>GSFE</strong> ‘s mission is to Educate and we can do more trainings but when we do them we<br />

need people to show up and they will walk away with great information. They are always very<br />

reasonable. But if you do not read your wmails or this newsletter than you are missing out on<br />

opportunities.<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

Another opportunity some jumped on and some did not is the opportunity to write articles for<br />

E the Executive Magazine for women that Althea Ledford does. Sarah Lipps Fallbrook Director<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

jumped on it and I featured two <strong>GSFE</strong> members in it, Lisa Ann Mayer Fallbrook <strong>GSFE</strong> and Latasha<br />

Fennell from Central San Diego <strong>GSFE</strong>. We have a <strong>GSFE</strong> section in the magazine and all our<br />

networks are listed there. Deadline for next issue is in a week I will be highlighting again two<br />

members and doing my column, she has an array of topics so if you want to do an article give her<br />

a call at 310-990-9496 or email editor@etmmedia.net.<br />

Everyone has a book in them and several of our members are doing books and offering<br />

opportunities for individuals to be part of their book here are their names Chebra Dorsey<br />

“Ochea: is doing a book on what Fashion Means to you 619-985-3804 text or call, Verlaine<br />

Crawford is doing one on Miracles, 949-422-7602, Stone Love Faure is doing a book on Decision<br />

Making, her email is Stonelovesays@gmail.com and Omenesa Akomolafe is also doing a book you<br />

need to email her as she is in Nigeria ooooruma@gmail.com, Joan E Wakeland is doing a book<br />

on Networking her phone is 909-721-7648 call them and find out more about their book and how<br />

it fits for you, Being a coauthor is a great way to become a published author and its really easy. I<br />

have been in 40 books as a coauthor and prefer that to writing my own book.<br />

*************************************************************************************<br />

Our vision board class was great and I think New York network also did one, they are powerful.<br />

It’s interesting I put on my board South Africa and just this week I got called to speak at a<br />

women’s conference in Johanesburg South Africa in July, and also I had the words opportunities<br />

abound and I got asked to speak in Chicago end of August and many opportunities have opened<br />

that I have been sharing with members. Several other members will be speaking in South Africa<br />

and Chicago both now have filled their speakers but you can still show up at those events.<br />

I will be taking our books to South Africa where many women from all over the world will be<br />

SHOWING UP. So if you are a Co author in the book you will be getting exposed everywhere I<br />

show up as well as everywhere other coauthors show up. I will also have books in Atlanta for the<br />

graduation 2000 people will be at that graduation.<br />

I want to thank Kimberly Smith Austin for the opportunity for me to be a keynote speaker and<br />

Madeline Plate to be one of the workship presenters at her recent Empowered Women In<br />

Wellness Conference in Temecula, CA and for the lovely award she presented me. Charmaine<br />

Summers was also able to attend with me and we also ran into many other <strong>GSFE</strong> members who<br />

were there. It was a great event and I was honored to be there. Kimberly Smith Austin is a<br />

fantastic speaker and is a new member for the Temecula network.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Thank you to my volunteers for the Ironman event we will be doing on April 1st we will man one<br />

of the booths to give out packets and are one of the non profits that are there. We received a<br />

check for $200.00 last year for being one of the charities. One of our Oceanside members is one<br />

of the persons that works on putting on this annual event.<br />

Working with me as my co team captain is Cherie Reynolds co director of the Oceanside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

network. I am this years team captain for <strong>GSFE</strong> and helping us that day are: Debbie Love Director<br />

of the Oceanside <strong>GSFE</strong>, Donna Weber Oceanside Member and Lisa Dempsey a friend of Cherie<br />

Reynolds who is coming from Arizona, Charmaine Summers Director Lake Arrowhead <strong>GSFE</strong>, From<br />

the Menifee network besides me we have Marneen Lynne Fields, Nicole Farrell, Donna Gene Koci<br />

and Christine Park. It will be fun and we will get to talk to and meet lots of dynamic individuals<br />

while doing a great service.<br />

The next three months we will continue to SHOW UP and ASK and serve all our <strong>GSFE</strong> Sisters and<br />

continue to add new networks and more members. Coming soon is the Chicagp, Philadelphia,<br />

Northern Nevada, Marina Del Rey CA, Chino Hills CA, so we are looking forward to adding them<br />

and their members to our family.<br />

***********************************************************************************<br />

Congratulations to Congresswoman Bridgette Moore for being presented the CA Women of the<br />

Year for her work in the City of Wildomar, she received this special award in Sacramento see<br />

Temecula network news they will have more info on the award there.<br />

Congratulations to Nicole Farrell whose company was nominated for small business of the year at<br />

Menifee Chamber, and to everyone who was nominated for an award, spoke at a conference and<br />

SHOWED UP at other networks. Also congratulations to Coachella Valley <strong>GSFE</strong> Director Bette<br />

King who has now added Zoom to her monthly meeting and is now a HYBRED network.<br />

********************************************************************************<br />

We recently sent out the updated list of networks, one of the greatest thing you can do is jump<br />

on other network meetings and meet your <strong>GSFE</strong> sisters in other networks they are all amazing<br />

and they would like to meet you and learn about what you do and what you need.<br />

In closing if everyone of our members brought in one member we could double our membership,<br />

and serve more women, is tha something you think you might be able to commit to? That is my<br />

ASK….<br />

See you at an upcoming meeting or one of our events. Remember SHOWING UP is like a treasure<br />

map you never know what treasure you will find, and when I SHOW UP I always find a treasure<br />

not necessarily for me but for our members as well.<br />

Robbie Motter<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org


04/01 Aileen Josephat-Bellegarde New York <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/01 Frank King Coachella Valley <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/02 Dr Michelle Lewis PhD South Inland Empire <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/02 Jennifer Timm South Orange County <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/03 Dr Dewanda Hughes Mitchell Riverside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/05 Jacquie Ingle Oceanside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/06 Dr Nanciann Horvath, Co Director South Orange County <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/08 Dr Barbara Rush South Orange County <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/10 Donna Gene Koci Temecula <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/10 Lori Raupe Riverside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/13 Ursula Mentjes San Fernando Valley <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/17 Rhonda Sher Oceanside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/18 Tracy Hartman Coachella Valley <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/18 Adella Sanchez Co Director Menifee <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/21 Dr Kaanchan Farkiya Virtual Thursday Noon <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/22 Rita Boccuzzi West Hollywood <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/22 Jill Lublin Virtual Thursday Noon <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/22 Dr Shelly Rugin Temecula <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/23 Dr Catherine Grace Pope Central San Diego <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/26 Betse Bernstein Oceanside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

04/29 Angelike Von Canal Christie San Fernando Valley <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


16<br />


05/02 Marie Lyles Riverside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/02 Karen Minnfield Victorville <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/02 Karen Pollick Virtual Thursday Noon <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/03 Joan Korayos Coachella Valley <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/06 Dr Felicia Harris Temecula <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/07 John Farrell, Ambassador Menifee <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/08 Bishop Mary Palmer New York <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/09 Oluwakemisola Collorraffi New York <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/12 Cyndi Lemke Riverside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/15 Carrie Chacon Oceanside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/16 Okeke Uche Emy New York <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/16 Dr Kelly Smith Northern CA <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/16 Dr Deborah Thorne, CoDirector West Hollywood <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/17 Carolyn Brown West Hollywood <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/17 Jana Hadany, Co Director Temecula <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/22 Corazon Armenta West Hollywood <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/23 Dr Aleisha Randolph Bush Virtual Thursday Noon <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/25 Lauretta Henry-Okoh New York <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/26 Rosalyn Kahn West Hollywood <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/27 Anne Duson Riverside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/27 Cynthia Rittenhouse Long Beach <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/29 Angel Toussaint Riverside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

05/31 Alicia Couri Virtual Thursday Noon <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

95/31 Karen Moran West Hollywood <strong>GSFE</strong><br />


06/01 Belinda Foster West Hollywood <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/01 Patricia White San Fernando Valley <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/02 Dr Angela Covany Director Temecula <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/03 Kathy Lahlou Central San Diego <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/07 Barbara Brewer South Inland Empire <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

96/07 Dr Nephetina L Serrano Virtual Thursday Noon <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/07 Pamela Strand West Hollywood <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/08 Camille Conti New York <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/09 Catherine Barr South Orange County <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/09 Nichelle Coleman South Inland Empire <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/13 Sheri Determan Long Beach <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/17 Cynthia Nemelka Menifee <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/17 Katherine Setzer South Inland Empire<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

06/19 Sicely De La Cruz Temecula <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/20 Jill Eaton Riverside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/20 Barbara Lenox Coachella Valley <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/21 Bristol Scott Fallbrook <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/21 Melissa Maldonado Central San Diego <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/25 Shugella Weaver-Thomas Riverside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/27 Dr Kara Maldonado South Orange County <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/27 Dorothy Wolons Menifee <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/28 Jennifer Blake Oceanside <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

06/30 Dr Randi Ward Virtual Thursday Noon <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

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<strong>GSFE</strong> Members<br />

On The Spotlight<br />

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Congratulations to AnGèle and Brandon Cade on their 20th<br />

business anniversary, and receiving the Trail Blazzer Award<br />

from the Unsung Heroes Leadership Foundation.<br />

This organization celebrates young academic athletes that are top of their class and postured to do<br />

great things in the world they also take the opportunity to celebrate community leaders.<br />

Being in this business 20 years and helping thousands of clients has been our work and also our<br />

service.<br />

Thank you UHLF, Jeffrey Coprich, Jr., Jeffrey Coprich, Sr. and Queen Dani Coprich for your work and<br />

allowing us to contribute to your journey.<br />

Thank you to all those that have engaged, supported, showed up, and even wished us well - we love<br />

you all!!<br />

Here is to 20 more years!!<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


March 8, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Congratulations on being featured on Loani Magazine<br />

Please find regarding information regarding Loani Magazine<br />

Today is a day to celebrate you.<br />

Loani Magazine<br />

Celebrating International Women’s Month and Global Visionary Female Leaders.<br />

Every other month we feature our stars of the month sharing stories of amazing leaders<br />

from around the globe who are making an impact across the World.<br />

In honor of international women’s day we are celebrating this iconic visionary leader, Lady<br />

Dr Robbie Motter.<br />

She is also one of the Top 25 selected Global Visionary Leaders who are changing the<br />

world as Global Visionary Leaders through their skills , thoughts and actions. It is those<br />

who are truly dedicated to live the values of their community and authenticity every day.<br />

Lady Dr Robbie Motter was also selected as the star of the month on this international<br />

women’s day because she is one amazing woman who has gone above and beyond to<br />

transform so many women’s lives and made such a huge impact in their lives by inspiring<br />

them to become the better version of themselves.<br />

She has taught so many women to be strong.<br />

She taught them that they have a story and that their stories matters. More so, the<br />

importance of completing each other not competing against its other.<br />

A woman on a mission to help more ladies from all over the world to learn from each<br />

other, work together & she has<br />

devoted herself to change many people’s lives for the better.<br />

She has taught all the importance of showing up and the power of asking.<br />

Today we are also celebrating her 87th Birthday<br />

& the Launch of her book it’s all about showing up.<br />

Lady Dr. Robbie Motter is the CEO/Founder of Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs<br />

Congratulations<br />

Happy International Women’s Day &<br />

Happy Birthday .<br />

From All of Us Loani<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Congratulations to Jennifer Timm , Virginia Clark and Joan wakeland<br />

all <strong>GSFE</strong> members who just completed 100 lessons in 100 shades of<br />

entrepreneurship training that Laurie Davis put together<br />

This class was taught by Laurie Davis in Canada on line Laurie is also the<br />

director of the Canada <strong>GSFE</strong> there were others in the class as well<br />

They just graduated today the class started January last year and they<br />

all said this class has helped them so much to grow<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> congratulates them and the other graduates<br />

Other <strong>GSFE</strong> members on the call to congratulate the graduates were<br />

Kaye Sheffield who is in a new class with Laurie , Kaye is with the<br />

Coachella Valley gsfe , also on the call was Katherine Orho the director<br />

of the South Inland empire gsfe network , Sylvia Summerville of our<br />

Canada Gsfe network and Susie Mierzwik co director of the virtual gsfe<br />

network plus others on the call that were not gsfe members<br />

Congratulations also to Laurie Davis who is a fabulous teacher and I<br />

hope that more of our gsfe members will jump on one of the training<br />

courses Laurie offers as they are amazing<br />

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Empowered Women In Wellness Conference in Temecula, CA<br />

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Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/3m5hFul<br />

Amazon: https://amzn.to/413PCKs<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Hi Robbie,<br />


This is great!<br />

I am thrilled to hear about the publication of your book, “It’s All About<br />

Showing Up: The Power is in the Asking Volume 2”.<br />

Congratulations on this incredible achievement! The fact that you were<br />

able to compile 64 unique stories from different authors to provide<br />

readers with insight and guidance on how to incorporate the mantras<br />

of “Showing Up” and “Asking” into their lives is truly remarkable.<br />

It is no surprise to me that you have been able to bring together<br />

such a diverse group of authors and empower them to share their<br />

experiences. Your dedication to empowering women to reach their<br />

potential both personally and professionally is evident in everything<br />

you do. Your tireless efforts to connect people, share knowledge, and<br />

help others succeed are a testament to your character and passion.<br />

As people read through th in your book, I am sure that they will find<br />

inspiration and guidance to help them grow both personally and<br />

professionally. I have no doubt that this book will motivate, captivate,<br />

and deliver a great read to everyone who has the privilege of reading<br />

it. The fact that each story is relatable and insightful is a testament to<br />

the care and attention you put into this project.<br />

Robbie, I am proud to call you my friend, and I am honored to know<br />

you. Your unwavering commitment to empowering others is truly<br />

remarkable, and I have no doubt that this book will make a significant<br />

impact on the lives of many. Congratulations again on this incredible<br />

achievement, and I cannot wait to see what you accomplish next.<br />

Very kindly yours,<br />

Jerome Mikulich<br />

Founder & CEO<br />

City By App Inc.<br />

City By Hero Veteran’s Support<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


So excited and honored this will be my first trip to South Africa and I had<br />

going to South Africa on my vision board and then the opportunity appeared<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

You are invited to join the <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Menifee Members to a Luncheon in celebration of<br />

International Women’s Day,<br />

Book Launch of<br />

It’s All About SHOWING UP<br />

and the Power is in the ASKING (Vol 2),<br />

(Up close and personal with the co-authors)<br />

& the 87th birthday of <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

founder/CEO,<br />

Lady Dr. Robbie Motter.<br />

“EmbracingEquality”<br />

Date: March 8, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Time: 11:30 to 4:00 pm<br />

Place:<br />

Cherry Hills Golf Club (Banquet Room)<br />

26583 Cherry Hills Blvd., Sun City, CA 92586<br />

Cost: $15.00 (Tickets must be bought prior to event for food count)<br />

RSVP:<br />

Lady Dr. Robbie Motter, Founder/CEO <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

951-255-9200 or rmotter@aol.com<br />

Payment:<br />

Zelle 951-255-9200 Robbie Motter<br />

Venmo Robbie Motter 951-255-9200<br />

Lunch catered by Denise Gregory<br />

Entertainment<br />

(over)<br />

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Facebook Live:<br />

https://www.facebook.com/marcy.decato/videos/127238010288740<br />

VIDEO:<br />

https://os5.mycloud.com/action/share/b009aa46-d3f6-4f4e-8f95-3aec38706286<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Sunday, February 26th ~ 1:00 pm<br />

Cherry Hills Golf Club<br />

26583 Cherry Hills Blvd., Sun CIty, CA<br />

Lauryn Hunter, Taylor Tejera and Hanna Carter the directors of the <strong>GSFE</strong> Young Ladies<br />

Network, Charmaine Summers, Co-Director of <strong>GSFE</strong> Mountain Network and Golf Pro,<br />

MGR of Cherry Hills Golf Club and Robbie Motter Founder/CEO of <strong>GSFE</strong> will be doing a<br />

Clothing Swap for <strong>GSFE</strong> members.<br />

• Bring minimum 1 bag of clean clothes, shoes or purses.<br />

• Bring unused/new toilettes and female hygiene products,<br />

hair supplies or makeup<br />

• Show up and leave with a bag of clothes<br />

Thanks to our <strong>GSFE</strong> member Dr. Dewanda Mitchell the remaining cloths<br />

and new toiletries will be donated to the Women’s Vet group.<br />

We all have things we no longer wear in clothes and shoes and purses. We ask that they<br />

all be in good condition.<br />

It will be a fun afternoon. We did this last year in Santa Monica and it was a great<br />

afternoon and we donated what was left there to a homeless shelter. We learned about<br />

the need for these women’s vet and decided this would be a great project to do.<br />

Please RSVP so we know how many are showing up, we will have some lite refreshments<br />

and lots of time to network.<br />

Contact Robbie Motter 951-255-9200 to RSVP or for Questions.<br />

Hope to See you there.<br />

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Kelly Breaux, Diana Londyn and Deborah Thorne were nominees for the La business journals diversity equity<br />

+ inclusion symposium & awards their photos appeared in the La business journal mar 27th thru April 2<br />

paper the event was held in Los Angeles April 29th<br />

Gsfe was also nominated and an honored for small business non profit of the year<br />

Unfortunately none of us were able to go to event so not sure if anyone won and Kelly I guess never got her<br />

photo to them but she was a nominee so that is why no photo for her<br />

But to be a nominee is great exposure as their names and photos appeared on the screen at the event and<br />

on the publication that not only went out to all subscribers but to all attendees that day at event<br />

So maybe just do a congratulations in newsletter to them and gsfe for being a nominee<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


<strong>GSFE</strong> volunteering at the<br />

Oceanside Ironman Annual Race!<br />

Robbie Motter Captain<br />

Cheri Reynolds Co Captain<br />

Donna Webber<br />

Debbie Love<br />

Marneen Fields<br />

Charmaine Summers<br />

Nicole Farrell<br />

Christine Parks<br />

Lisa Dempsey (drove in from AZ)<br />

A big thank you to gsfe member Carrie Chacon who<br />

is also part of the Ironman event for allowing gsfe to<br />

be a part of the Ironman event in Oceanside<br />

Carrie announced last night at the Oceanside<br />

meeting that gsfe would receive a check for $450.00<br />

for being one of the charities at the event<br />

Gsfe is most grateful and looks forward to be back<br />

next year for the Ironman race in Oceanside<br />

Lisa Dempsey (drove in from AZ)<br />

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<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Upcoming Events<br />

40<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Sunday, June 4<br />

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Calendar <strong>2023</strong><br />

Extravaganza 8<br />

An Afternoon of Dessert and<br />

Entertainment Hosted by Lady Dr<br />

Robbie Motter<br />

Cherry Hills Golf<br />

Course Banquet<br />

Room in Menifee<br />

Sunday, August 20<br />

1:00 pm - 5pm<br />

Lady in Blue<br />

Fashion Show & Luncheon<br />

Cherry Hills Golf<br />

Course Banquet<br />

Room in Menifee<br />

Saturday, Sept. 30<br />

8:00 am - 3:00 pm<br />

Monday, Nov. 13<br />

12:30 pm - 5:00 pm<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Online Conference<br />

Kindness Day Luncheon, Awards and<br />

Entertainment<br />

Luxe Buffet<br />

Private Room<br />

108 Westminister<br />

Mall<br />

West Minister<br />

For more information visit our website at www.<strong>GSFE</strong>US.com or<br />

contact Robbie Motter at 951-255-9200 - rmotter@aol.com<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


As you know London Graduates can go to the Atlanta graduation and walk<br />

across the stage if you want here is where the graduation will be and we will<br />

have 40 graduates from <strong>GSFE</strong> getting their degrees if they complete all the<br />

things you all had to do. Here is the date and where it will be more info on hotel<br />

and stuff will be forthcoming you just would need to get there and pay hotel<br />

you don’t need to pay a fee to walk across the stage. But you will need to let Dr<br />

Tincie know that you want to do that. You also would wear your cap and gown<br />

and take your diploma in the brown holder not loose.<br />

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Congratulations to all these deserving <strong>GSFE</strong> members soon in June we will be in Atlanta and<br />

I will be there to cheer them all on in receiving their honorary Humanitarian doctorate degree<br />

each one in their lifetime has sone much to serve others and continues to serve and is<br />

very deserving of this honorary Humanitarian doctor award I will be there on the stage to<br />

see them receive this great honor which they are most deserving to receive.<br />



Present<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Honorary Humanitarian Doctorate Awards to:<br />

Kimberly<br />

Anderson<br />

Jacqueline<br />

Botello Baskett<br />

Robert D.<br />

Bush<br />

Alesheia<br />

Randolph Bush<br />

Verlaine<br />

Crawford<br />

Laurie<br />

Davis<br />

Kaanchan S.<br />

Farkiya<br />

Latasha<br />

Fennell<br />

Vivian<br />

Haire<br />

Felicia<br />

Harris<br />

Raven<br />

Hilden<br />

Nanciann<br />

Horvath<br />

Melissa<br />

Hull<br />

Deborah<br />

Irish<br />

Aggie<br />

Kobrin<br />

Dr. Cherilyn<br />

Lee<br />

Tyara Stacy<br />

Lee (Tee Lee)<br />

Jeannette<br />

LeHoullier<br />

Diana<br />

Londyn<br />

Debbie<br />

Love<br />

Regina<br />

Lundy<br />

Sara<br />

Lypps<br />

Aderomoke<br />

Akanke Martins<br />

Anita<br />

McKaney<br />

Rori<br />

Montali<br />

Christian<br />

Ndubuisi Oji<br />

Katherine<br />

Orho<br />

Lauren<br />

Powers<br />

Lisa<br />

Ray<br />

Leisa<br />

Reid<br />

Cheri<br />

Reynolds<br />

Kathleen<br />

Ronald<br />

Shelly<br />

Rufin<br />

Kelly<br />

Smith<br />

Martha Ebele<br />

Schmidt<br />

Charmaine<br />

Summers<br />

Deborah<br />

Thorne<br />

Joan<br />

Wakeland<br />

Chaplain<br />

Robbie Motter<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Book Signing<br />

April 29<br />

Co-Authors<br />

Come pick up your books<br />

and get your copy signed<br />

by every author present!<br />

You are encouraged to<br />

bring other books you<br />

have for sale.<br />

Cherry Hills Golf Club<br />

26583 Cherry Hills Blvd.<br />

Sun City, CA 92586<br />

Co-Authors arrive at 12:00 noon<br />

Guests arrive at 1:00 pm<br />

Event ends at 4:30 pm<br />

Guests<br />

Come get your copy signed<br />

by all the authors present!<br />

Publisher Information<br />

Angela Covany - HAVANA BOOK GROUP LLC<br />

angelawcovany@gmail.com<br />

951-249-6831<br />

Food options to purchase inexpensively, include hot dogs<br />

and burgers (veggie burgers and turkey dogs available).<br />

Sodas and wine will be available for purchase at the bar.<br />

44<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

presents<br />

Lady 4<br />

Global Society for<br />

th in Annual<br />

BlueSapphire<br />

Female Entrepreneurs<br />

Fashion Show and Lunch<br />

Sunday, August 20th, <strong>2023</strong> - 1:00 to 5:00<br />


Fashion Show By<br />

House of Ochea<br />

Jewelry Designer<br />

Alessandra “Allie”<br />

Thornton<br />

Tickets $45 members, $55 guests<br />

Includes Fashion Show, lunch, and entertainment.<br />

Wear cobalt blue and enjoy<br />

an afternoon of Awards,<br />

Fashion, and Fun!<br />

Catered by<br />

Miranda’s Catering<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


News from <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

National Networks<br />

46<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

News from<br />

Chino Valley<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Coach<br />

Tee Lee<br />

Coach<br />

Renee Chew<br />

Let’s welcome Chino Valley to <strong>GSFE</strong>. Starting this May, they meet every 1st Friday of the<br />

month at 12:00 noon. Meetings are “Hybrid” and their fist speaker is Coach Tee Lee (see<br />

flyer below).<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors<br />

Coach Tee Lee & Coach Renee Chew<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Chino Valley<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Friday, May 5th, <strong>2023</strong> - 12:00pm (PST)<br />

Hybrid<br />

Access ID Will be given after registration payment<br />

Register: GsfeChinoValley.com<br />

Location:<br />

Look for blue baloons<br />

Amelia’s Burger’s & Mexican Food<br />

12150 Ramona Ave., Unit 7<br />

Chino, CA 91710<br />

Speaker<br />

Coach Tee Lee<br />

Topic<br />

Master Social Media<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

Cash app - $CoachTeeLee<br />

Venmo - @CoachTeeLee<br />

Dr. Tyara Lee (h.c.) aka Coach Tee Lee is a pageant queen who has won<br />

many pageants. To list a few She was crowned the very first United<br />

States of America’s Mrs. California 2020 and is currently Mrs. Black Earth<br />

California <strong>2023</strong>. She is a wife, and mom who holds dear to the three E’s<br />

Educate, Empower & Encourage as she leads and empowers everyone<br />

she comes across. She is the CEO and founder of She Is Foundation<br />

Network, Inc. 501(c)(3) Non Profit Organization that provides resources<br />

for women worldwide which was featured on national tv and local radio<br />

stations. She is CEO and founder of My Marketing Needs, LLC providing<br />

business with all of their hiring, coaching, printing, graphics, and marketing<br />

needs. Coach also has an amazing jewelry business. During her free time<br />

Coach Tee loves to play and coach basketball, play the drums, dance, and<br />

create Empowerment Events such as vision board classes, resource fairs,<br />

entrepreneur networking events and more. Coach Tee Lee wants you to<br />

remember that “You can do anything you put your mind to with hard work,<br />

dedication, determination, and drive. If you fall down you can get back up<br />

and succeed because the power is in your hands.”<br />

Here are a few key takeaways:<br />

• Learn How to get the blue check mark<br />

ASAP & be verified of Facebook &<br />

Instagram. We will talk about pros /<br />

cons).<br />

• Learn how to find clients in social media<br />

• Learn about social media algorithms<br />

and more…<br />



<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Coach Tee Lee (Tyara), ChinoValleyGsfe@gmail.com<br />

Coach Renee Chew<br />

Coach<br />

Tee Lee<br />

Coach<br />

Renee Chew<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

News from<br />

Coachella Valley<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Please note due to many conflicts this month and<br />

since there are five weeks in March, we have moved<br />

our meeting back a week to the 22nd and we will be<br />

having a dynamic speaker, our own member Patricia<br />

Welsh who will not only share her musical career but<br />

also share how she has adapted her life to change. We<br />

all go through change but we all handle it differently. It<br />

promises to be a good time to be inspired. I encourage<br />

you to invite a prospective guest.<br />

Bette King<br />



The<br />

Go-to-Gal<br />

Go-to-Gal!<br />

BKP<br />


Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director Bette King<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Coachella Valley<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Wednesday, April 19th, <strong>2023</strong> - 11:30 am<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

Location:<br />

Cocos Restaurant<br />

at Washington and Varner Rd, Palm Desert.<br />

Members: $10 - Non-Members: $15<br />

RSVP to Bette King<br />

bettekingproductions43@gmail.com<br />

760-905-0898<br />

Speaker Maryann Ridini Spencer<br />

Award-Winning Screenwriter, Author, Producer, TV Host, & Business Owner Maryann Ridini Spencer hosts, writes, and produces the Telly-<br />

Winning “How-To” Healthy Cooking PBS-TV series, Simply Delicious Living with Maryann® and the SimplyDeliciousLiving.com online<br />

magazine.<br />

On the television series, Maryann demonstrates easy-to-make healthy recipes that cater to YOU and your busy lifestyle — delectable<br />

recipes made with fresh and natural ingredients. In addition, her SimplyDeliciousLiving.com online magazine, which features Maryann’s TV<br />

show cooking videos (found in The Plumeria Café®) and inspirational and informative podcasts & articles, creative, sustainable, and joyous<br />

living ideas, inspires YOU to create your unique recipe for the joy, harmony, and balance you deserve personally and professionally.<br />

Growing up on the East Coast in a large, close-knit Italian-Irish family, Maryann developed a love for cooking and entertaining at an early<br />

age. This passion for preparing healthy dishes and memorable dining experiences for family and friends led Maryann to develop recipes.<br />

Eventually, she began to write and produce TV cooking segments for entertainment and lifestyle series on such broadcast outlets as Cable<br />

News Network, Lifetime, USA Network, and Time Warner Cable. Maryann also worked as a food and lifestyle writer, contributing editor, and<br />

lifestyle columnist at many magazines and newspapers (Ventura County Star, Palm Springs Life, Desert Magazine, Los Angeles Magazine,<br />

etc.). As fate would have it, Maryann’s lifelong passion for writing, cooking, entertaining with family and friends, and pursuing creative,<br />

joyous living gave birth to “Simply Delicious Living.”<br />

Through Ridini Entertainment Corporation, the PR and Production Company Maryann founded, she has written and produced numerous<br />

movies and series for TV and film, including the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, The Lost Valentine, starring Betty White and Jennifer Love<br />

Hewitt. Maryann is also a partner in the Rancho Mirage-based PR, Marketing & Content Creation Company MPowerMedia. The author of<br />

six books, including Simply Delicious Living with Maryann®—Entrees and the award-winning Kate Grace Novel series, Maryann is currently<br />

writing a new novel series, screenplays, and a new cookbook.<br />

Find out more about Maryann at https://MaryannRidniSpencer.com or https://TheWritersPantry.com<br />

50<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director Bette King bettekingproductions43@gmail.com, 760-905-0898<br />

Bette King<br />



Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />

The<br />

Go-to-Gal!<br />

Go-to-Gal<br />

BKP<br />


News from<br />

Fallbrook/Bonsall<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Sara M.<br />

Lypps, MBA<br />

Lisa<br />

Mayers<br />

Fallbrook <strong>GSFE</strong> is doing amazing things!! Since our conception in October 2022, and in consideration<br />

for being dark in December for our annual Christmas Party, we have been up to incredible things in the<br />

community in a short amount of time. We have gratefully teamed up with the local Fallbrook Chamber of<br />

Commerce and many local businesses, including non-profits. We have been blessed with hearing from<br />

members of <strong>GSFE</strong> speak at our meetings and being educated with important topics such as: Financial<br />

Literacy and Retirement Planning To-Do’s, Estate Planning 101, Being Seen on Your Social Media Presence,<br />

What it Looks Like as an Entrepreneur When “Life Gives You Lemons”… and so much more. We have<br />

members that build houses, remodel houses, clean houses, organize your closet, and know how to get the<br />

next project done. We have members that make clothes and teach you how to sew, sell purses made locally<br />

from artists with authentic leather, sell lingerie, and can build you a web site from the ground up. We are<br />

not only the “Friendly Village” of Fallbrook, but we are here to promote your business and help all our <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Sisters to “Rise Up”, “Show Up”, and “Step Up” to be the best versions of themselves. We are a “GLOBAL<br />

Sisterhood” that has a massive presence in your backyard!<br />

As a member and Director of <strong>GSFE</strong>, I am so blessed to see as well as be a part of all of the amazing things<br />

that we are a part of locally and globally. Whether<br />

it’s attending a local meeting, catching a Zoom<br />

Meeting, or supporting your Sister’s abroad live or on<br />

a recording, there is always something happening in<br />

our network. I’m extremely excited to see what is in<br />

store for us in <strong>2023</strong>. We may have a lot of challenges<br />

with the economy, inflation, and uncertainty… but<br />

one thing for certain is that <strong>GSFE</strong> is leading the<br />

country in inspiring women everywhere to “Show<br />

Up” and make a difference.<br />

Here are some photos of our local <strong>GSFE</strong> ladies that<br />

are making a difference in Fallbrook, Oceanside,<br />

Temecula, Menifee, Riverside, Orange County, etc.<br />

The fact that our group is new and that our members<br />

have come from four different surrounding counties<br />

to support us is incredible. Thank you ladies, and a<br />

few gentlemen, for your unconditional support, we<br />

couldn’t have come this far without you!<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors<br />

Sara M. Lypps, MBA & Lisa Mayer<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Fallbrook / Bonsall<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Wednesday, April 5th, <strong>2023</strong><br />

12:00 noon - 1:30 pm<br />

Location:<br />

127 West Social House<br />

127 W Elder St, Fallbrook, CA 92028<br />

Hybrid:<br />

https://bit.ly/3XIOb2a<br />

Speaker<br />

Bristol Scott<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

Pay via Venmo Sara-Lypps@Venmo<br />

email: lyppsfinancial@gmail.com<br />

(760) 497-5821<br />

Many hats have been worn by this amazing entrepreneur, but currently her favorite role is being a<br />

Social Media Expert. As an elder millennial, she brings a lot to the table for her friends and clients in<br />

the ever so changing world of surviving and thriving in today’s digital arena. Why social media?<br />

While attending law school, Bristol Scott worked as an intellectual property technical advisor assisting<br />

with patent preparation and prosecution in various fields including mechanical devices and many<br />

others. Her entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, and ambition have motivated her to start several successful<br />

business ventures prior to her academic undertakings. As a student, she often took on leadership roles<br />

in project management. Bristol orchestrated, from conception to completion, the Physics Graduation<br />

event as Vice President of the Society of Physics Students at the University of California, San Diego while<br />

earning her Bachelor of Science in Physics, with a specialization in Astrophysics, and minors in Law and<br />

Society.<br />

Bristol also assisted with patent preparation and prosecution for a prestigious law firm’s Intellectual<br />

Property practice in various fields including: data processing, software, video games, social media,<br />

digital currency, mechanical systems, and optics, among others. Her position included drafting utility<br />

and design patent applications, analyzing and drafting office actions and responses, citing references,<br />

as well as performing patentability searches and analysis for new inventions, and preparing IP portfolio<br />

summaries. Leveraging her background in Physics as a technical advisor for Mintz’s Intellectual Property<br />

section, she assisted with patent preparation and prosecution in various fields including mechanical<br />

devices and many others.<br />

Besides social media Bristol is still very passionate about helping others with patents and patent<br />

protection. Her hobbies include astronomy, hiking, camping, overlanding, rally car racing; especially<br />

Subarus and Jeeps. She currently resides in Fallbrook, CA but is building a custom rig with the help of<br />

her talented and loving husband and many sponsors, and they are planning on traveling the country<br />

later this year together with their fur family; two beautiful Australian Shepherds.<br />


1) What Platforms should you be<br />

focusing on for your business??<br />

a. Google, FB, IG, TT, LI, YT,<br />

Twitter??<br />

2) WHY Google & FB are so<br />

important to be affluent in.<br />

3) Marketing w/ FB Ad’s &<br />

Memes- do’s & don’ts using<br />

internet trends.<br />

*BONUS: Up and Coming<br />

Workshops Via ZOOM<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

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For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director: Sara M. Lypps, MBA, lyppsfinancial@gmail.com, (760) 497-5821<br />

Co Director: Lisa Mayer, lisaannmayer@gmail.com<br />

Sara M.<br />

Lypps, MBA<br />

Lisa<br />

Mayer<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

News from<br />

Mountain<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Charmaine<br />

Summers<br />

Lake Arrowhead/Mountain <strong>GSFE</strong> network is fairly new, but we have been having some great<br />

fun meetings. We meet at the Tudor House in Lake Arrowhead the second Sunday of each<br />

month except April as the second Sunday is Easter so for April, we will meet the Third Sunday.<br />

The Tudor House has lots of history and this year will celebrate 100 years of being there. Our<br />

meeting is a champagne brunch where you can have them cook your omelet of choice plus other<br />

great picks. Our host John Connor is also a <strong>GSFE</strong> Ambassador.<br />

At our February meeting after the speaker and door prizes everyone gathered by the grand piano<br />

and John played and we all sang, there was also snow on the ground that month but not ten feet,<br />

but everyone was excited to see the snow that was there as it was the first snow anyone saw up<br />

close this year.<br />

We did not meet in March because they had ten feet of snow and the location The Tudor House,<br />

that we meet at was not open because of the massive snow storm the largest in years.<br />

Our March speaker was to be Debbie Love who was going to talk to us about being safe. We<br />

have rebooked her to be our April speaker, and everyone is looking forward to learning what she<br />

will teach us.<br />

Our May speaker will be Lisa Ann Mayer who is the codirector of the Fallbrook <strong>GSFE</strong> and a<br />

talented marketing guru and has lots of knowledge to share.<br />

June we are waiting for confirmation to have Marneen Lynne Fields as our speaker to share her<br />

story of being one of Hollywood top stuntwomen, a singer, screenplay writer and now directing<br />

her first Hollywood film, so that should be a dynamic presentation. She is also a writer and has<br />

published several books and has a new book coming out soon, she is also as I said a singer but<br />

also a songwriter as well.<br />

Our February speaker was Dr Angela Covany who shared many tips on how to write your book<br />

and how to get it published, Dr Covany owns a publishing company Havana Book Group and has<br />

published many books for <strong>GSFE</strong> members. The information she shared was great and everyone<br />

was taking notes.<br />

Dr Covany said everyone has a story and when you write your story it helps many who read it<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


ecause they think they are the only one going through things and these stories give hope and<br />

inspiration to many and that’s the reason everyone needs to write their story.<br />

If you have any friends that live up at Lake Arrowhead or Lake Gregory share their information<br />

with me so I can invite them to one of our meetings, It is also a great escape to come up the<br />

mountain so I would like to invite you to come and join us as the food is great and its always<br />

a fun time. My number phone /text is 714-350-3626 please RSVP as we have to give John<br />

Connor a count you can pay at the meeting to Charmaine Summers the $10.00 member fee or<br />

$15.00 guest fee and you pay the restaurant direct for your food.<br />

I want to thank all that have been coming up the mountain to support us as we get this new<br />

network built, it is greatly appreciated.<br />

Until our next newsletter, take care of yourself and continue to SHOW UP and ASK. I am<br />

honored as a first-time author to be in Volume 2 of “It’s All About SHOWING UP and the POWER<br />

is in the ASKING’ now available on Barnes n Noble and soon on Amazon, the book has 64<br />

coauthors and is over 600 pages. So, my ASK is come and visit my meeting and buy the book<br />

as well as you will love the stories and make sure the book you buy has Volume 2 on the cover<br />

as a few people bought the first book instead of volume 2 so double check when ordering as<br />

booth books are there when you order, the stories are amazing and motivating.<br />

54<br />

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Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director<br />

Charmaine Summers<br />

invites you to attend<br />

Mountain<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Sunday, April 16th, <strong>2023</strong> - 11:30 am<br />

(due to Easter, meeting is being moved up to the following week this month)<br />

Location:<br />

Tudor House Brunch<br />

800 Arrowhead Villa Rd.<br />

Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352<br />

RSVP: Robbie Motter, (951) 255-9200, rmotter@aol.com<br />

Speaker<br />

Debbie Love<br />

Topic<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

Pay via Venmo @Robbie-Motter<br />

Safety Strategies To Practice Everyday<br />

Debbie Love is a 4th Degree Black Belt and Certified Instructor in Karate. At just 4’11” and 100<br />

lbs, Debbie is living proof that size doesn’t matter if you know the tricks of the trade. While she<br />

has taught self-defense to hundreds, if not thousands of women, Debbie is now focused on<br />

teenagers to make a difference for the next generation of women. Her new movement and<br />

rallying cry “I SAID NO!” (#ISAIDNO) takes #METOO to the next level by adding a simple hand<br />

technique that would stop a sexual predator immediately. What sets Debbie apart from anyone<br />

else is her ability to address safety issues and teach defensive strategies from the point of view<br />

of the women in front of her–because we’ve all been there and experienced things.<br />

Debbie is an award-winning leader, an advocate for women, a sought-after speaker and two time<br />

bestselling author of The Story of Two Loves and From Powerless to Empowered to Powerful<br />

which tells her story of determination and persistence.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Charmaine Summers, (714) 350-3626, charmainegolfandart@gmail.com<br />

Robbie Motter, (951) 255-9200, rmotter@aol.com<br />

Charmaine<br />

Summers<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


News from<br />

Long Beach<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Robbie<br />

Motter<br />

Robbie Motter acting Director<br />

56<br />

What a fun birthday party our <strong>GSFE</strong> member Ellen Bitters_Archer had at a great restaurant<br />

in Westminster Mall, several of our Long Beach <strong>GSFE</strong> Sisters were at the party. What a great<br />

selection of food and we met some great long time friends of Ellen.<br />

We wish a speedy recovery to Karen Douglas who hurt her arm playing pickle ball, we hope to<br />

see her back soon at one of our Long Beach meetings.<br />

Dr Barbara Rush was our speaker one month and it was a great meeting, we met that month in<br />

a different location due to the rain as our normal meeting place was closed due to flooding. It<br />

was a very informative meeting.<br />

Last Month our speaker was Lisa Brugger who did an outstanding job teaching us on how great<br />

various oils can help us with many different ailments and other uses we all learned a lot and she<br />

did a fantastic job. She will be speaking for us again over the summer.<br />

I want to thank Ilja Haverkorn for the great job she has done as the Co-Director of Long Beach<br />

she took a job and her schedule varies so is unable to continue as our co director but will<br />

remain a member and will show up at meetings as her schedule allows.<br />

Also Diana Londyn has been a great director and has worked hard being director of two<br />

networks West Hollywood and Long Beach plus she has been traveling out of town a lot so she<br />

is now going to just focus on being the director of West Hollywood as running two networks<br />

takes lots of time away from her business so we want to thank her for all the great work she did<br />

and we know having one network to do will make it so much easier on her and give her more<br />

time for things for her and her business. I am stepping in temporarily as acting director until I<br />

find the right new director and also a new co director.<br />

My ASK is that all of the Long Beach members ask one person to join them at our next meeting<br />

coming up as we have a dynamic speaker Dr Angelique Sunshine who will motivate us and give<br />

us some great information to help you learn some new tips you can immediately put into use.<br />

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A big congratulations to Diana Londyn who will be joining 37 other <strong>GSFE</strong> members who are<br />

going to Atlanta Georgia to receive their Honorary Humanitarian Doctorate Degree she over<br />

the years has given so much to make a difference, plus all the great work she does with<br />

animals and the work she has done for <strong>GSFE</strong> so she is so deserving of this prestigious award.<br />

Prayers out to <strong>GSFE</strong> member Ethel Lover who was ill and then her husband became ill and<br />

had to be hospitalized. We wish them both a speedy recovery.<br />

It seemed we have had lots of our <strong>GSFE</strong> Long Beach members under the weather and we<br />

hope they all soon will be well and we can see them at an upcoming meeting as we miss<br />

them.<br />

I hope that all had a wonderful Easter and Passover and I hope to see you at our next<br />

meeting April 17th at the Jade Restaurant.<br />

Long Beach News (from Diana Londyn)<br />

We’ve had an inspiring start for <strong>2023</strong> with learning so much<br />

from one another. We discovered how to be heart healthy<br />

and how to take care of ourselves , thanks to Dr. Barbara<br />

Rush. We took away nuggets on how to tap into our inner<br />

peace with Cynthia Rittenhouse. Let’s focus on our energy<br />

with Lisa Brugger as it is her specialty. Our speakers are<br />

Phenomenal !<br />

Our meetings at Jade Restaurant are lovely. The ambience<br />

with the fire pit and the scent of the fresh air off the marina<br />

is Mah~Ve~Lous. We gather during happy hour from 3-5.<br />

This keeps our cost reasonable. Our group has flourished,<br />

yet , with the weather , the attendance has dwindled. I<br />

encourage<br />

Members to invite guests. We are looking to grow once<br />

again.<br />

The weather will be just right to enjoy on our patio area. Feel<br />

Free to join us. Happy spring and soon to be summer !<br />

Diana Londyn<br />

(310)925-8265<br />

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58<br />

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Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

Speaker<br />

Angelique Sunshine<br />

Topic<br />

“Live by design- Join and find out how!”<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director,<br />

Robbie Motter<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Long Beach<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Monday, April 17th , <strong>2023</strong> - 3:00 p.m.<br />

Location:<br />

Jade Restaurant<br />

6380 Pacific Coast Hwy A<br />

Long Beach, CA 90803<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

Pay via Venmo @Robbie-Motter<br />

Your perception, beliefs, and actions create your life<br />

and the reality you live in. Is it where you want to be?<br />

Or do you want more?<br />

Dr. Angelique sunshine is a Master Manifestor,<br />

Motivational speaker, and licensed coach. She is an<br />

expert at seeing the hidden potential and intuitively<br />

creating an inspired action plan. Together you will<br />

clarify what you really want in this life, create the<br />

mindset needed to manifest your dream life, and take<br />

the inspired actions to attract what you truly want.<br />

Your thoughts become your reality, so be mindful of<br />

the thoughts you attach to and manifest the life of<br />

your dreams.<br />

What you will learn from our speaker<br />

1. Master your mindset and increase success<br />

in your life<br />

2. To be grateful for everything in life and<br />

Stop self-sabotage in your journey<br />

3. Have healthier relationships and less<br />

stress in Business<br />

4. Gain Absolute clarity on your path and<br />

raise awareness & confidence<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Robbie Motter, (951) 255-9200, rmotter@aol.com<br />

Robbie<br />

Motter<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


News from<br />

Menifee<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Regina Lundy<br />

Adella Sanchez<br />

The New Year has brought changes to our chapter and many fun events and empowering<br />

meetings. In January we said THANK YOU to Denise Gregory for her dedication and hard work<br />

to our Menifee chapter. Denise stepped down as Director to better support her grandson and<br />

family.<br />

It was an honor to be asked to step in and take over as Menifee’s new director. With this<br />

new opportunity came the privilege of working with Adella Sanchez as my Co-Director. Our<br />

meetings are at Cherry Hills Country Club on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 11:30<br />

a.m. Our incredible <strong>GSFE</strong> sister, Charmaine Summers, is the golf pro and manager there, and<br />

graciously opens the door for us. Not only does she provide us with our meeting place, but we<br />

use this venue for many of our <strong>GSFE</strong> events! We will be doing potluck lunches monthly until the<br />

kitchen is up and running at Chery Hills.<br />

In January, our speaker was Madeline Plate, Temecula’s chapter’s finance expert, she shared her<br />

wisdom on the topic of “Entrepreneurial Success.” In addition, she provided tips and tools for<br />

financial stability.<br />

Charmaine also hosted several events at Cherry Hills in the month of January. Several <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

sisters and friends met on a Sunday afternoon to create Vision Boards. Under the direction of<br />

Robbie, each and every one was engrossed in words and pictures that caught their attention. It<br />

really was an amazing day. And already many have experienced their visions coming true!<br />

Robbie Motter and Charmaine Summers also hosted a day of Glamour, where Liz Mejia-Celis<br />

brought her team of make-up artists, hair stylists and props and proceeded to take amazing<br />

glamour shots. A week later we gathered to see the finished projects and it was spectacular. We<br />

all felt like we had walked down the red carpet. If you have not done this with Liz, I encourage<br />

you to contact her and make a day of it!<br />

And, to finish our fun in January Charmaine also hosted a paint and sip as a fundraiser for<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong>! Our “OWN” Deborah Irish of “ART UNCORKED” led us as we forgot about our day-to-day<br />

schedules and reached down into our creative juices! The great thing about this is…Deborah<br />

will be doing this every other month at Cherry Hills as a <strong>GSFE</strong> fundraiser! And, on the off months<br />

the fundraiser will be going to support women of achievement……. So, please put this on your<br />

schedule… the last Sunday of each month! Keep an eye out for the flyers.<br />

Along came February and we were blessed to have Kara Lynne Maldonado as our monthly<br />

speaker. Kara spoke on Healthy Mind Body and Soul!<br />

60<br />

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Again, we had some more bonding as a group of 9 or 10 of us picked a Friday night and went to<br />

the movies to see “Eighty for Brady”!<br />

On Sunday February 26th Taylor Tejera, Lauryn Hunter and Hannah Carter the Director’s of <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Young Ladies Network, Charmaine, and Robbie again opened up the doors at Cherry Hills. We<br />

had a clothing swap meet and day of amazing fellowship and fun! Thanks to our <strong>GSFE</strong> member<br />

Dr. Dewanda Mitchell all the remaining clothing and new toiletries went to the Women’s vet<br />

group!<br />

Well, if January and February were not enough…March rolled in! March 8th was our Menifee’s<br />

chapters regular meeting day! It also was National Women’s Day, Lady Dr. Robbie Motter’s 87th<br />

birthday AND the Book Launch of Volume 2 “It’s all about showing up and asking”! So, instead of<br />

a regular meeting, we had a PARTY…and oh what a party it was! The entertainment was nothing<br />

but spectacular, the food was great, and the celebration was just off the charts!<br />

In April we look forward to our speaker Adella Sanchez as she speaks on Doing It Afraid! WE also<br />

will be hosting a prom “dress” event on April 22nd. Please look for announcements and flyers!<br />

In May we are honored to have Bette King as our speaker!<br />

Bette has a passport on how to get through life and. How to knock all the barriers and<br />

roadblocks down on the road.<br />

1. How to change the response No to Yes<br />

2. How detours can get you to your goals<br />

3. Learn how to arrive at your goals with determination and respect<br />

And coming up in June we are privileged to have Dr. Susan E. Mierzwik as our speaker… WHAT A<br />

LINE UP!!!!<br />

As Menifee’s new Director I look forward to our chapter growing and to new and lasting<br />

friendships! Thank you Lady Dr. Robbie Motter for this opportunity. Thank all of you from other<br />

chapters that continue to support us and come to our meetings. I look forward to reaching out,<br />

getting to know all of you better and attending your meetings as well!<br />

HAPPY <strong>SPRING</strong>!<br />

Regina Lundy<br />

Director Menifee Chapter<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors,<br />

Regina Lundy and Adella Sanchez<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Menifee/Canyon Lake/Perris<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Wednesday, April 12th, <strong>2023</strong> - 11:30 am<br />

Location:<br />

Cherry Hills Golf Clubhouse<br />

26583 Cherry Hills Blvd, Sun City, CA 92586<br />

Speaker<br />

Adella Sanchez<br />

Topic<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

Doing It Afraid | Courage | Don’t Give Up<br />

Adella is a wife, mother of 3, grandmother to 11 and Great Grandmother to 9. Family is her everything, she has a strong faith and belief in God, which has<br />

seen her go through many difficult times. (which she talks about in Robbie’s New Book)<br />

She is one of 10 Children and was very, very shy. In 1972 she started her sales career and entrepreneurship as a Princess House consultant. She was very<br />

much afraid. In fact, her cousin who hosted her first show said that she sounded like she was going to cry. She overcame that and actually excelled in<br />

Princess House, she became an Area Manager, took many national awards and won many major trips around the world; Spain, twice, Paris, France, Majorca<br />

twice, Canada, Hawaii twice and many more.<br />

After her divorce in 1987 she quit Princess House, she felt if she couldnt motivate herself how could she motivate others. So, she ventured out into the<br />

Corporate world as a Buyer at Northrop Corporation. Actually bought gas for the Stealth Bomber, one of the most exciting purchases for the company.<br />

However, after just 6 months at Northrop, she was contacted to be a sales manager for a new company coming to CA, “Contempo Fashions Jewelry”, and<br />

once again excelled at Direct Sales. Within her first six months, she won National Awards and won a cruise to the Bahamas and had a group of about 20<br />

girls. She realized her passion was direct sales, so she quit the corporate world and started her sales career again.<br />

She also made a daring move and moved to Wildomar not knowing a soul. She was very much AFRAID, but it was the most affordable place to purchase a<br />

home with her 13 year old daughter. After moving and purchasing her home, she found that it was very much country out here and not too many women<br />

wore jewelry. So, she ventured out and got a job with the Californian, a Temecula newspaper, in 995 she became an Advertising Manager for a National<br />

Magazine, the Gold Prospector and sold commercials for The Outdoor Channel. But, once again went back to her love, Direct Sales and was with Premier<br />

Designs Jewelry for over 10 years.<br />

Through many tradergies in her life she kept stepping up to the plate, as Robbie would call it Showing UP and doing it afraid.<br />

After losing her son in 2019, she joined Rodan and Fields Skin Care company, and joined <strong>GSFE</strong>.<br />

She holds on to the bible verse<br />

Pay via Venmo to:<br />

Regina Lundy, 951-764-2590<br />

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.<br />


<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director, Regina Lundy 951-764-2590, reginalundy54@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director, Adella Sanchez, (951) 522-9753<br />

Regina Lundy<br />

Adella Sanchez<br />

62<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

News from Central San Diego<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors<br />

Marie Waite & Barbara Ham<br />

invites you to attend<br />

Central San Diego<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Wednesday, April 5th, <strong>2023</strong> ~ 4 pm to 6 pm<br />

This is a Hybrid Meeting!<br />

In-person meeting will be held at Barbara Ham’s office building:<br />

4025 Camino Del Rio South 3rd Floor, SD 92108<br />

Bring Food - Potluck<br />

Online attendee, please RSVP to obtain the Zoom link: $10 admission<br />

$10 for members and $15 for non-members.<br />

Speaker<br />

Jasmine Willois<br />

Note Investing for Beginners<br />

Note Investing “101”<br />

To register, call Marie Waite at 951-378-5316 for zoom information or pay<br />

Venmo @MarieAntonette-Waite or<br />

Paypal at marie@finestwomeninrealestate.com<br />

To Join the group, go to this site and you can make your payment at:<br />

https://fireupconnect.com/global-society-for-female-entrepreneurs/<br />

Topic The world of trust deed investing<br />

Short 30 min presentation to introduce entrepreneurs and investors to the world of trust deed investing.<br />

Attention investors! Are you looking for a secure and reliable way to grow your wealth? Have you considered note investing?<br />

Join us for a presentation on note investing for beginners, where you’ll learn how to generate passive income by investing in mortgage<br />

notes. Our expert speakers will guide you through the process of buying and selling notes, as well as the risks and rewards involved.<br />

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to diversify your portfolio and potentially increase your returns. Whether you’re a seasoned investor<br />

or just starting out, note investing can be a great addition to your investment strategy.<br />

Event will cover:<br />

-The Opportunity note investing presents<br />

-Why we invest in notes<br />

-What a mortgage note consist of<br />

-Exit Strategies available to note investors<br />

-Examples of recent and past note deals<br />

-How to join a private equity community to continue your note journey<br />

Register now and discover the benefits of note investing. We look forward to seeing you there!<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director: Marie Waite, marie@finestwomeninrealestate.com, (951) 378-5316<br />

Co-Director: Barbara Ham, barbfsa@gmail.com, (619) 252-3245<br />

Marie Waite<br />

Barbara Ham<br />

64<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Dr. Stone Love Fauré<br />

News from<br />

Northern California<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

January<br />

We were anxiously expecting Dr Nephetina Serrano<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director<br />

Dr. Stone Love<br />

invites you to attend<br />

Northern California<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Thursday, January 26th, at 6:00pm PST<br />

Speaker<br />

Ambassador,<br />

Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano<br />

Join Complimentary Zoom Meeting<br />

Topic<br />

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/72822674222<br />

Meeting ID: 728 2267 4222<br />

7 Secrets to Building Legacy “Be the ONE”<br />

Three Points to Presentation:<br />

• Women in the Mirror<br />

Catch Phrases:<br />

Secrets to leaving LEGACY<br />

Relationship Expert<br />

The Marriage CEO Dr Serrano Sharing Secrets to Leaving a Legacy<br />

Building Legacy is not only about the monetary gifts we leave<br />

LEGACY is about how you show UP and the Impact you make.<br />

Her Excellency Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano Ambassador of Peace is the Chief Publisher of Serrano<br />

Legacy Publishing Co., she is an International Inspirational speaker, a committed Influencer who is<br />

changing the game and making a difference in the lives of, women, girls and couples around the<br />

world. She is a Certified Counselor, Certified Life Coach, 8x Best Selling Author, and Mentor.<br />

Dr. Serrano is Co-Founder of Covenant Marriages, Inc., Covenant Rescue 911 a 24 hour hotline for<br />

couples and families in crisis and Covenant Marriages Institute. Co-Author of the Book,<br />

“The Marriage Corporation”, Publisher of Marriage CEO Magazine “For the Entrepreneur Who Leads,<br />

Building Legacy”. Married to Dr. Richard Serrano, daughter Brande Serrano.<br />

H.E. Dr. Serrano has received countless awards and certificates honoring and acknowledging her<br />

Humanitarian contributions nationally and globally such as: The President’s LIFETIME Achievement<br />

Award 2021-2022 signed by President Joe Biden. UN Ambassador of Peace by Global Summit Group<br />

2022, G-9 Global Icon Award DUBAI 2022, Success Magazine named her one of the 100 Best Life<br />

Coaches 2021, City Council of Philadelphia CITATION. State of California SENATE recognition in<br />

honor of <strong>GSFE</strong> Senator Richard D. Roth 31st District, and much more.<br />

Delivery:<br />

Everyone was relaxed and reminded of some valuable tools in building our legacy. Many people<br />

shared their personal experiences as it related to Dr Nephetina’s topic points. It was a pleasure<br />

having her as our first guest of the year.<br />

*****************************************************************************************************<br />

February<br />

We were so excited to greet Dr Cherilyn Lee as our guest!<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director<br />

Dr. Stone Love<br />

invites you to attend<br />

Northern California<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Thursday, February 23rd, at 6:00pm PST<br />

Join Complimentary Zoom Meeting<br />

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/72822674222<br />

Speaker<br />

Dr. Cherilyn Lee<br />

Topic<br />

Meeting ID: 728 2267 4222<br />

*The importance of testing<br />

*New Technology vs Old Technology for testing<br />

*Resources to help Pay for the test that you may need.<br />

London England, November 2022, the Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs (<strong>GSFE</strong>) will Host the 2022 Global of International Alliance<br />

(GIA) & Ladies of All Nations International (LOANI) Conference. The organization(s) announced earlier this month that their prestigious<br />

award of Honorary Doctorate Degree from Westminster University, will be presented to Dr Cherilyn Lee for her vast Humanitarian<br />

contributions in Healthcare to her community and mankind.<br />

Dr. Lee may be known as the “Doctor to the Stars”, having a practice of many celebrity clients, most notably Michael Jackson; she is best<br />

known as a highly sought-after Integrative Healthcare Board Certified Practitioner and Global media personality. Her advancements in<br />

natural health, physical fitness, nutrition, integrative medicine, and self-discovery have garnered her attention on a Global scale.<br />

Her beautiful heart and passion inspired her dedication to serve and educate the masses on the true meaning of health and well-being.<br />

As a survivor herself, Dr. Lee authored “Written Before I was Born”, whereby she became the recipient of the 2019 HerStory Award from the<br />

International Women’s Federation for World Peace USA, where she also serves as an Ambassador.<br />

Dr Lee’s NuWellness Development Foundation will be a Featured invited practice at the Queen’s Royal Society of Medicine when visiting<br />

the UK in November. She will provide Cardiovascular and Autonomic Nervous System Screenings, incorporating conventional medicine<br />

with researched, scientifically proven holistic methods. Her highly anticipated visit will be a service she plans to provide free to the public.<br />

In continuing with her commitment to serve the community, Dr. Lee will be the Keynote Speaker at the 10th Council District WSC Annual<br />

Health & Wellness Seminar this month, proving FREE 3 minute Cardiovascular Metabolic Scans that can save lives. Dr. Lee will also launch<br />

a Flagship Television Show called, “Talk with Dr Cherilyn Lee”, on AEGTV Network on Roku. This show will be spin-off from her popular<br />

show on YouTube. Dr. Lee will invite her colleagues and guests to discuss the latest trends in integrative medicine and demonstrate<br />

screening methods for holistic healings.<br />

66<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director: Dr. Stone Love, 510.972.0528, stonelovesays@gmail.com<br />

Dr. Stone Love Fauré<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

She is an awesome holistic doctor and friend.<br />

Our meeting was Thursday 2/23/<strong>2023</strong>, at 6:00pm Pacific Time<br />

@drleehealthtalk<br />

Topics:<br />

*The importance of testing<br />

*New Technology vs Old Technology for testing<br />

*Resources to help Pay for the test that you may need.<br />

Bio:<br />

London England, November 2022, the Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs (<strong>GSFE</strong>) will Host the<br />

2022 Global of International Alliance (GIA) & Ladies of All Nations International (LOANI) Conference.<br />

The organization(s) announced earlier this month that their prestigious award of Honorary Doctorate<br />

Degree from Westminster University, will be presented to Dr Cherilyn Lee for her vast Humanitarian<br />

contributions in Healthcare to her community and mankind.<br />

Dr. Lee may be known as the “Doctor to the Stars”, having a practice of many celebrity clients, most<br />

notably Michael Jackson; she is best known as a highly sought-after Integrative Healthcare Board<br />

Certified Practitioner and Global media personality. Her advancements in natural health, physical<br />

fitness, nutrition, integrative medicine, and self-discovery have garnered her attention on a Global<br />

scale.<br />

Her beautiful heart and passion inspired her dedication to serve and educate the masses on the true<br />

meaning of health and well-being. As a survivor herself, Dr. Lee authored “Written Before I was Born”,<br />

whereby she became the recipient of the 2019 HerStory Award from the International Women’s<br />

Federation for World Peace USA, where she also serves as an Ambassador.<br />

Dr Lee’s NuWellness Development Foundation will be a Featured invited practice at the Queen’s<br />

Royal Society of Medicine when visiting the UK in November. She will provide Cardiovascular and<br />

Autonomic Nervous System Screenings, incorporating conventional medicine with researched,<br />

scientifically proven holistic methods. Her highly anticipated visit will be a service she plans to provide<br />

free to the public.<br />

In continuing with her commitment to serve the community, Dr. Lee will be the Keynote Speaker at<br />

the 10th Council District WSC Annual Health & Wellness Seminar this month, proving FREE 3 minute<br />

Cardiovascular Metabolic Scans that can save lives. Dr. Lee will also launch a Flagship Television Show<br />

called, “Talk with Dr Cherilyn Lee”, on AEGTV Network on Roku. This show will be spin-off from her<br />

popular show on YouTube. Dr. Lee will invite her colleagues and guests to discuss the latest trends in<br />

integrative medicine and demonstrate screening methods for holistic healings.<br />

Delivery:<br />

Dr Cherilyn Lee was personable and informative. We actually kept her over because her information<br />

was so relevant and important to now. The ladies had many health questions and Dr Lee had the<br />

answers. She had resources for us to write down and refer back to later. Dr Lee was like a trusted<br />

girlfriend on a personal but professional call. She made it safe for us to ask our health questions.<br />

Many of them applied to all of us. We will have her back next month, (April) for a follow up and<br />

professional visit.<br />

**************************************************************************************************<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


March<br />

We looked forward to meeting our dynamic speaker and guest Ms Verlaine Crawford.<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director<br />

Dr. Stone Love<br />

invites you to attend<br />

Northern California<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Thursday, March 30th, at 6:00pm PST<br />

Speaker<br />

Verlaine Crawford<br />

Join Complimentary Zoom Meeting<br />

Topic<br />

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/72822674222<br />

Meeting ID: 728 2267 4222<br />

Ending the Battle Within: The Power of Wholeness<br />

Verlaine Crawford is a Transformational Coach, author<br />

of four books, motivational speaker, and owner of High<br />

Castle Publishing. Her business career included working<br />

for and consulting with small businesses and Fortune 500<br />

companies and serving as the first woman vice president of<br />

two high-tech companies in Silicon Valley. In 1992, she was<br />

invited to teach self-empowerment in Japan, Hong Kong,<br />

Australia, Bali, France, Italy, and the U.S. She is developing<br />

an online course for Ending the Battle Within for coaches,<br />

counselors, and individuals who want to End the Battle<br />

Within. Verlaine’s blog is www.CreativeLifeAdventures.com.<br />

Verlaine will share why Ending the Battle<br />

Within is the key to manifestation. You will<br />

learn to...<br />

• Quickly release hidden blocks stopping<br />

your progress.<br />

• Shift perceptions that affect your thoughts<br />

and emotions.<br />

• Improve your health and expand your<br />

wealth.<br />

• Build loving relationships and enjoy your<br />

self-expression.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director: Dr. Stone Love, 510.972.0528, stonelovesays@gmail.com<br />

Dr. Stone Love Fauré<br />

For this complimentary <strong>GSFE</strong> meeting, we will meet on Zoom. It was Thursday, March 30th at 6:00PM<br />

Pacific. Our speaker was Ms Verlaine Crawford, she will discuss in detail: Why Ending The Battle Within<br />

Is The Key To Manifesting.<br />

I’m looking forward to seeing each of you on Zoom to add your comments and perspectives. This will<br />

be a dynamic discussion on breaking through our own barriers. See you soon.<br />

The Topic is:<br />

Ending the Battle Within:<br />

The Power of Wholeness<br />

Verlaine will share why Ending the Battle Within is the key to manifestation. You will learn to...<br />

Quickly release hidden blocks stopping your progress.<br />

Shift perceptions that affect your thoughts and emotions.<br />

Improve your health and expand your wealth.<br />

Build loving relationships and enjoy your self-expression.<br />

Here is a revised bio:<br />

Verlaine Crawford is a Transformational Coach, author of four books, motivational speaker, and<br />

owner of High Castle Publishing. Her business career included working for and consulting with small<br />

businesses and Fortune 500 companies and serving as the first woman vice president of two high-tech<br />

companies in Silicon Valley. In 1992, she was invited to teach self-empowerment in Japan, Hong Kong,<br />

Australia, Bali, France, Italy, and the U.S. She is developing an online course for Ending the Battle<br />

Within for coaches, counselors, and individuals who want to End the Battle Within. Verlaine’s blog is<br />

www.CreativeLifeAdventures.com.<br />

68<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Delivery:<br />

Ms Verlaine Crowford was an absolute delight! She walked us through a breakthrough exercise that<br />

brought tears, laughter and enlightenment. We were thankful that she took a few more minutes with us.<br />

Please check her website for her upcoming events. I certainly learned a lot. I look forward to having her<br />

back so that more of Northern California has the experience of Ms Verlaine Crowford.<br />

Door prizes:<br />

January: Dr Nephetina’s Book<br />

February: My book Decision Time<br />

March: Verlaine Crowford was a 25.00 Amazon Gift Card.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director<br />

Dr. Stone Love<br />

invites you to attend<br />

Northern California<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Thursday, April 27th, at 6:00pm PST<br />

Speaker<br />

Dr. Cherilyn Lee<br />

Join Complimentary Zoom Meeting<br />

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9182797389?pwd=NVA3QTJFeEZ<br />

zM21pcFZ6Mmo4Ti9ndz09<br />

Topic<br />

Meeting ID: 918 279 7389<br />

Passcode: 2G5TUk<br />

Returning for and continuation and follow up<br />

London England, November 2022, the Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs (<strong>GSFE</strong>) will Host the 2022 Global of InternationalAlliance (GIA) & Ladies of<br />

All Nations International (LOANI) Conference. The organization(s) announced earlier this month thattheir prestigious award of Honorary Doctorate Degree<br />

from Westminster University, will be presented to Dr Cherilyn Lee for hervast Humanitarian contributions in Healthcare to her community and mankind.<br />

Dr. Lee may be known as the “Doctor to the Stars”, having a practice of many celebrity clients, most notably Michael Jackson;she is best known as a<br />

highly sought-after Integrative Healthcare Board Certifi ed Practitioner and Global media personality. Heradvancements in natural health, physical fi tness,<br />

nutrition, integrative medicine, and self-discovery have garnered her attentionon a Global scale.<br />

Her beautiful heart and passion inspired her dedication to serve and educate the masses on the true meaning of health andwell-being. As a survivor<br />

herself, Dr. Lee authored “Written Before I was Born”, whereby she became the recipient of the 2019HerStory Award from the International Women’s<br />

Federation for World Peace USA, where she also serves as an Ambassador.<br />

Dr Lee’s NuWellness Development Foundation will be a Featured invited practice at the Queen’s<br />

Royal Society of Medicine<br />

whenvisiting the UK in November. She will provide Cardiovascular and Autonomic Nervous System Screenings, incorporatingconventional medicine with<br />

researched, scientifi cally proven holistic methods. Her highly anticipated visit will be a service sheplans to provide free to the public.<br />

In continuing with her commitment to serve the community, Dr. Lee will be the Keynote Speaker at the 10th Council District WSCAnnual Health &<br />

Wellness Seminar this month, proving FREE 3 minute Cardiovascular Metabolic Scans that can save lives. Dr.Lee will also launch a Flagship<br />

Television Show called, “Talk with Dr Cherilyn Lee”, on AEGTV Network on Roku. This show willbe spin-off from her popular show<br />

on YouTube. Dr. Lee will invite her colleagues and guests to discuss the latest trends inintegrative medicine and demonstrate<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director: Dr. Stone Love, 510.972.0528, stonelovesays@gmail.com<br />

Dr. Stone Love Fauré<br />

70<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

News from<br />

Oceanside<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Debbie Love<br />

Cheri Reynolds<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Q1 <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

It was a Busy first quarter with the Members of the Oceanside <strong>GSFE</strong> Chapter! January<br />

Meeting was a First! First Meeting for Debbie Love as Director!<br />

First Meeting for Cheri Reynolds as Co-Director!<br />

First Meeting at the Oceanside Broiler and it was Game on! We had 23 Women show up<br />

including 3 Guests who signed up with <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Our Speaker had been already invited by outgoing Director Tammra Graves!

A Fun Event with Robbie Motter, Charmaine Summers, Joan Wakeland and me Cheri<br />

Reynolds again Showing up for my Photo Shoot at Cherry Hills Country Club! Lots of<br />

content for my Social media posts not to mention the satisfaction of Looking really Good!<br />

We are thinking about doing this again in Oceanside!<br />

Then, We Had the Swap Meet at Cherry Hills Country Club!!! Clothes, clothes and more<br />

clothes!!! Oceanside attendees were Tammra Graves, Debbie Love, And Cheri Reynolds!<br />

We brought clothes for the Veterans but when we did we could take clothes that fit us.<br />

Girls were working and having fun finding clothes for their friends!!! So many from all our<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> chapters joined in on the fun and the Opportunity to give to the Veterans 20 bags<br />

of clothes!!!<br />

The Extravaganza of the Month was Huge!!! On February 27 was International Women’s<br />

Day we celebrated Robbie Motter’s 87 th Birthday at the Menefee Chapter at the Cherry<br />

Hills Golf Course and Country Club! We sang and danced and Ate Cake! Robbie’s Son<br />

and Daughter were there to dance with her and she was the Happiest Mom on Earth! She<br />

announced the Book “It’s all about showing up!” Had been released and just made the<br />

No.1 Best seller on the Amazon List! We will pick up our copies on April 29th! Or go to<br />

Barns N Noble and order yours!! Robbie Motter’s book included 64 Best selling authors<br />

including myself Cheri Reynolds from the Oceanside Chapter!<br />

We have amazing photos from this event! This was out of my Comfort Zone but not the<br />

first time that I thought of writing a Book and Now a Best Seller!!!<br />

I am overwhelmed with pride!<br />

Our March came in like a Lion! We had had a fabulous <strong>GSFE</strong> Meeting at Oceanside<br />

Broiler! There were 20 people in attendance including our CEO Robbie Motter and a<br />

New friend joined Cindy Gobert! We congratulated our New Best Selling Authors for the<br />

Book just released<br />

“it’s all about Showing up “<br />

Our Director Debbie Love gave out the prizes for the winners and kept the meeting<br />

organized!<br />

Cheri (me) introduced the Speaker Barbara Berg who told us all about the meaning of<br />

Ring Shui! Everyone had a great time and found there <strong>2023</strong> Ring! We also have a New<br />

Director for our International

moves for everyone up to learn a little belly dancing ..more to come! Debbie Love shared<br />

that she was doing a training for a hundred youth Group!<br />

Cheri shared that a Cindy Check referred a friend to her Solar company and the friend will<br />

have his System installed in June!! Cindy will make $1000 for her referral!!!<br />

The Book fever is trending right now! More best sellers are being created as we speak!<br />

They say there is a Book in Everyone...Time to Write yours!<br />

On the tail end of March Oceanside is getting ready for the Ironman Race! <strong>GSFE</strong> Non<br />

Profit 503c will participate in handing out Packets to the Racers! Robbie Motter Captain<br />

and Cheri Reynolds Co-Captain and Debbie Love Representing as well as Donna Weber<br />

and Donna Gene Kochi, Charmaine Summers, Nicole Farrell, Christine Park, Marneen<br />

Fields, and Cheri’s friend from Arizona Lisa Dempsey driving in just for the event! We will<br />

play full out on April 1 Race Day!!!<br />

We will have full coverage in the Next News letter!!!<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors,<br />

Debbie Love and Cheri Reynolds<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Oceanside<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Monday, April 10th, <strong>2023</strong> 5:30-7:30 PM<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

NEW<br />


Location:<br />

Oceanside Broiler<br />

1325 Harbor Dr North<br />

Oceanside, CA 92054<br />

Members: $10 | Non-Members: $15<br />

Venmo @Debbie-Love-29 or pay at the door<br />

Speaker<br />

Debbie Love<br />

Please RSVP to: Debbie or Cheri<br />

Debbie Love (760) 455-8562, lovedebbi@gmail.com<br />

Cheri Reynolds, (909) 238-5790, cherischallenge@gmail.com<br />

Topic<br />

Safety Strategies To Practice Everyday<br />

Debbie Love is a 4th Degree Black Belt and Certified Instructor in Karate. At just 4’11” and 100<br />

lbs, Debbie is living proof that size doesn’t matter if you know the tricks of the trade. While she<br />

has taught self-defense to hundreds, if not thousands of women, Debbie is now focused on<br />

teenagers to make a difference for the next generation of women. Her new movement and<br />

rallying cry “I SAID NO!” (#ISAIDNO) takes #METOO to the next level by adding a simple hand<br />

technique that would stop a sexual predator immediately. What sets Debbie apart from anyone<br />

else is her ability to address safety issues and teach defensive strategies from the point of view<br />

of the women in front of her–because we’ve all been there and experienced things.<br />

Debbie is an award-winning leader, an advocate for women, a sought-after speaker and two time<br />

bestselling author of The Story of Two Loves and From Powerless to Empowered to Powerful<br />

which tells her story of determination and persistence.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director, Debbie Love (760) 455-8562, lovedebbi@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director, Cheri Reynolds, (909) 238-5790, cherischallenge@gmail.com<br />

Debbie Love<br />

Cheri Reynolds<br />

74<br />

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News from<br />

Riverside<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Joan Wakeland<br />

Arvee Robinson<br />

Greetings from the Riverside Chapter. In March, we had our meeting at the Green Onion Restaurant in Moreno Valley.<br />

Despite the rain Seventeen people showed up !<br />

The Topic was “Passion and Persistence “<br />

Dr. Joan Wakeland was the Speaker. This location was not an ideal place to accommodate us, since we were not able<br />

to get an enclosed room.<br />

In April The Riverside Chapter will do a combined meeting with the Temecula Chapter.<br />

Topic : Put yourself first in your Money Life !<br />

The Speaker : Connie Sands .<br />

Date will be Wednesday April 12.<br />

Start Time : 5:30 pm<br />

Location: The Hobo Restaurant<br />

30590 Rancho California Rd<br />

Temecula, CA 92591<br />

The meal is $20 person including tip and tax.<br />

Member fee is $ 10 , guest $15 ! Please contact Joan by the 4/10 joanewakeland@gmail.com<br />

Or text at (909)721-7648<br />

May 1, <strong>2023</strong> , The Chapter will continue to do Hybrid Presentations. A Big shout out to Gigi Banks and Melody<br />

Amaral for recommending the Cactus Cantina. Thank you so much! This Restaurant has an enclosed room space, a<br />

TV and Wi fi ! There is a variety of food from Steak to Seafood, also American to Mexican food. The choice will be for<br />

members to show up, eat and network from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm on the 1st Monday of every month .<br />

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Meet our next Speaker (Riverside / Temecula in April)<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors,<br />

Angela Covany & Jana Hadany invite you to attend<br />

Temecula<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Wednesday, April 12th, <strong>2023</strong> - 5:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Hobo’s BBQ<br />

30590 Rancho California Rd.<br />

Temecula,CA 92591<br />

Members: $10 - Non-Members: $15<br />

Additional $20 per person for meal<br />

please pay in advance for the<br />

meeting and meal to expedite check in<br />

Pay via Venmo to: @Angela-Covany-2<br />

Speaker Connie Sands<br />

Topic<br />

“Put Yourself First in Your Money Life”<br />

Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly<br />

jhadany@gmail.com or call/text:<br />

480.250.4555<br />

As the Founder and CEO of HOT Money Relationship, Connie Sands (AKA, The Bad-A$$ Bag Lady) mentors women to boldly challenge<br />

and transform their personal history, doubts, fears, and beliefs about Money they may have been socialized to accept since childhood.<br />

The inner work of Money is the key to change. And doing that work NOW is urgent to every woman who handles Money.<br />

50 years from today, Connie wants to be remembered for teaching women to boldly put themselves first in their relationship with Money.<br />

And to do it NOW. Now is the time to name your Money Heart’s Desires, to ask for what you want from your Money and from your life,<br />

and to do it with no apologies, no embarrassment, and no guilt. Connie passionately believes that In a nation of underpaid, overworked<br />

women, wealth-building is not only a noble feminine mission but a highly necessary one. Personal wealth is personal power. It’s beyond<br />

time for women to have both.<br />

With a corporate career spanning 40 years across technology, staffing and non-profit, Connie successfully used her managerial and<br />

human resources positions to inspire, motivate and lead women throughout her professional corporate life.<br />

As a Money Mentor, Connie offers women tools, training, and transformation as the catalysts to creating the kind of feminized wealthbuilding<br />

that gives them more Options, Choices, and Freedom. These are what liberate a woman to audaciously live the life she wants.<br />

That’s what Connie calls having a HOT Money Relationship!<br />

May Speaker: Sabine Becker<br />

Wednesday, May 10th, <strong>2023</strong> - 5:30pm<br />

Topic: “P.U.S.H.- Persevere Until Success Happens”<br />

We look forward to being inspired, empowered, and<br />

educated- See you there!<br />

Kindest<br />

Angela & Jana<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director, Angela Covany at (951) 249-6831, <strong>GSFE</strong>director@mail.com<br />

Co-Director, Jana Hadany (480) 250-555, jhadany@gmail.com<br />

Angela Covany<br />

Jana Hadany<br />

76<br />

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AnGele Cade<br />

Diana Londyn<br />

News from<br />

Los Angeles &<br />

San FernandoValley<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

We thrive off of each other in our <strong>GSFE</strong> community.<br />

Our connections and networking is SO fun. Don’t<br />

you love how we can learn from each other from<br />

training and sharing our experiences. This keeps<br />

us young and stimulates our Neurons.<br />

Angelique Sunshine helped us by taking a step<br />

with Social media and consider Tik tok to create<br />

A following and potentially new business. It’s all<br />

about being open to learning new ways and not<br />

being set in our ways.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> LA & San Fernando Valley invites you to<br />

attend the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM.<br />

~ 8 PM. In August we hope to meet in person like<br />

we previously have. Stay tuned and connected.<br />

Please phone me with any suggestions or questions.<br />

Diana Londyn<br />

(310)925-8265<br />

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GFSE Magazine Submission – Janet Walters,<br />

MS US Woman of Achievement National Ambassador <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> San Fernando Valley Member, Janet Walters<br />

Crowned MS. U.S. Woman of Achievement, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Janet Walters represented Mrs. Southern California Woman of Achievement, was<br />

crowned the <strong>2023</strong> Ms. U.S. Woman of Achievement Ambassador on Sunday,<br />

January 8, <strong>2023</strong>. National finalists competed in Panel Interviews, Community<br />

Service Presentation, Speech, Fitness and Evening gown before each division’s<br />

winners were announced.<br />

Janet’s platform throughout the weekend was titled “Redefining Ageism” which<br />

spans unknown bias against younger members of society as well preconceived<br />

judgments on what is possible for older members of our society. A noted<br />

speaker, garnering one of the highest honors of Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM)<br />

and Presidents Distinguished District 52 Director in Toastmasters, International,<br />

Walters oversaw a district with a membership of 3,000. She also guided the<br />

executive committee which included 25 Area Directors.<br />

She and is a sought-after speaker on the subject of Ageism, especially as it<br />

pertains to women in the workforce.<br />

As the U.S. Ambassador for Woman of Achievement, Janet is playing a key role in<br />

representing the organization throughout <strong>2023</strong> speaking on ageism and other<br />

women’s issues at various events throughout the year.<br />

She is a certified John Maxell coach, speaker, and trainer. More recently, she coauthored<br />

the #1 Amazon best-selling book: Rise Up, Women Who Lead Building A<br />

Legacy.<br />

Additionally, Janet Walters is a contributing author in Lady Robbie Motter’s<br />

upcoming <strong>GSFE</strong> Book 2 “It's All About SHOWING UP and Power is in the Asking.”<br />

The upcoming best-selling book will be published, March 8, <strong>2023</strong> on International<br />

Women’s Day and Robbie’s 87th birthday with a total 86 authors and Robbie<br />

Motter who is the 87 th author.<br />

1<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors,<br />

AnGèle Cade and Diana Londyn<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Los Angeles &<br />

San Fernando Valley<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Tuesday, April 18th, <strong>2023</strong> ~ 6:30 pm<br />

Online Meeting Via:<br />

Please reserve your attendance by<br />

registering with today.<br />

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/plug-in-to-yourpower-tickets-596276488027<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />


<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director, AnGèle Cade at (818) 732-1275, acade@execonthego.com<br />

Co-Director, Diana Londyn at (310) 925-8265, TinselTown<strong>GSFE</strong>@gmail.com<br />

AnGèle Cade<br />

Diana Londyn<br />

80<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors,<br />

AnGèle Cade and Diana Londyn<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Los Angeles &<br />

San Fernando Valley<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Tuesday, May 16th, <strong>2023</strong> ~ 6:30 pm<br />

Online Meeting Via:<br />

Please reserve your attendance by<br />

registering with today.<br />

TBA<br />

Speaker<br />

Elisa Magill,<br />

MBA, Ph.D.<br />

Topic<br />

Dr. Elisa Magill is a Business and Energy Strategist who supports<br />

business go-getters to reclaim their true purpose... re-energizing them<br />

through utilizing performance-improvement, change management,<br />

organizational development/behavior, strategic design, and productivity<br />

techniques. This allows her clients to avoid burnout by finding balance in<br />

both their personal and professional lives.<br />

Elisa is the author of the Amazon best-seller, Harness Your<br />

Entrepreneurial ADD: Moving from Distraction to Action in the Age of<br />

Information Overload to Supercharge Your Profits. She has also authored<br />

additional books including a university textbook on Social Psychology,<br />

and was featured in a book entitled, Wake Up... Live the Life you Love.<br />

Elisa has gone on to create and deliver several programs designed to<br />

guide business owners and managers to get more done in less time<br />

while enjoying the journey. She is the Founder and CEO of the Academy<br />

for Transformational Success, specializing in designing ones’ personal<br />

and professional success.<br />

Her philosophy is founded on principles from psychology, emotional<br />

intelligence (EQ), resiliency, leadership and management development,<br />

team building, including overall health and wellbeing. She also provides<br />

support to understanding and optimizing communication styles, work<br />

styles, relationship management, work/life balance, and living “The<br />

Optimal You!”<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

How to Move from Adrenal Drain to Energy Gain Today!<br />


This training is for you if you’d like to discover:<br />

Top 3 causes of adrenal drain and the role of the fight-or-flight”<br />

mentality<br />

Understand the risk factors associated with adrenal drain...<br />

what is it and why should I care?<br />

Identify personal triggers that can drain your energy and cause<br />

overwhelm and burnout<br />

Learn the risks of hormonal imbalance, chronic stress, and the<br />

lack of self-care<br />

Recognize ways to readjust, rejuvenate and re-engage in work<br />

and life!<br />

Learn to “Energize You!” The role of creating health and vitality<br />

in your brain, body, and business<br />

Tips and tools to live the “Optimal You” today, tomorrow, and<br />

always!<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director, AnGèle Cade at (818) 732-1275, acade@execonthego.com<br />

Co-Director, Diana Londyn at (310) 925-8265, TinselTown<strong>GSFE</strong>@gmail.com<br />

AnGèle Cade<br />

Diana Londyn<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


News from<br />

South Inland Empire<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Katherine Orho<br />

South Inland Empire <strong>GSFE</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> March <strong>2023</strong><br />


Business: IE Stakeholders Association<br />

Where do I begin. The last 3 months have been a challenge yet inspiring. January saw my company taking a<br />

leap of faith in the networking world at a different level I am used to. We gained 2 new members. February<br />

was about the same as January except that we put in motion a pod cast that launches next month. March has<br />

been an interesting month in that I was ill for half of it but gained 2 2 veterans associations and 3 new<br />

members. We have partnered with the Sons of the American Legion post 595 and the Veterans of Foreign<br />

Wars post 888, both in Perris, for a pancake breakfast fundraiser on April 29th from 9-12 at the VFW in Perris.<br />

I am hoping to see some <strong>GSFE</strong> sisters there, but I understand there is a book signing that day. Hmm. Now that<br />

is a concept, I would love to partake in. The next 3 month our calendars are about full. Super excited for what<br />

the future holds for I.E. Stakeholders Assn. Our office is open Monday thru Friday 8:30am until 4:00pm. I can<br />

be reached at 951-309-6601.<br />

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Business: Destined To Travel<br />

Happy New Year! It's been a busy 3 months. I returned in late January from a 21 day trip throughout Tanzania<br />

and Zanzibar with part family and part friends. It was awesome, I hadn't been to Zanzibar for a while. I<br />

returned home to several bookings awaiting my response. Tanzania for 2024 is booking fast, I finished my<br />

book, the story of how I got started in building a business internationally and what led up to it, soon to be<br />

published, wrote a couple of children's stories - that I hope to do more of once I am not traveling so much<br />

internationally. Life has been happening for me lately. I'll be traveling again for two months throughout<br />

Kenya and Tanzania - a leading a group to Giraffe Manor who some of you have heard about breakfast with<br />

the giraffe. Well a few lucky people will be heading there with me in the next couple of months. Trying to<br />

keep up with everything has been difficult, at best, with lots of things around the house to attend to in the<br />

'spare' time that seems to never happen. And now, since we are already into 2024 bookings in early April and<br />

May, more are signing up, even a couple of private groups have jumped on the bandwagon. Over the years<br />

many have told me SOMEDAY, I will go. How many put off that someday? I'll be happy to take the few that<br />

did not. It's ironic, that most who travel, do say, they wish they had done it sooner, don't know what they<br />

were waiting for. They have begun to realize that one trip isn't long enough and now they're planning on<br />

returning. It's clear the prices have risen and now that Africa is back on track, tourism wise, pricing will<br />

continue to rise. Of course that's good for me. I even have one booking, deposited for 2025. Now bookings<br />

for Greece opened for October <strong>2023</strong> and filled up fast (yes, there's still a few spaces left, and India in February<br />

2024, so there's little time to do the many things I have on my list. Apart from booking travel, I've been busy<br />

with other travel related things like Travel Advisory Boards, and Rotary Boards, and Chamber events as an<br />

Ambassador and lots of volunteer projects), domestic travel and all the travel meetings that have now started<br />

up again. In travel you can attend a breakfast in Mexico, a lunch in Hawaii and a dinner in Morocco - there's<br />

never an end to travel meetings - and food. If you have questions you can email me at<br />

safarikayafrica@gmail.com or call me at 951.898.6094 (Landline).<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />




Thankfully, the momentum from my busy year end holiday treat orders as Nana's Old Fashioned Treats carried<br />

over into the first quarter of this year. This was primarily because I showed up for two key events. The first<br />

was as a participating baker in the Hamantaschen for Ukraine fundraiser benefiting the Legacy of War<br />

Foundation's Ukraine Crisis Response team. This was especially meaningful for me since I have Ukrainian<br />

heritage tying back to my great grandparents who were forced to flea from their home country due to the Kiev<br />

Pogroms. The second way I showed up was as a vendor at the Canyon Hills Spring Festival. It was a<br />

tremendous success yielding a 228% increase in sales over my Fall Festival sales and a flow of orders since<br />

then. It felt fantastic to bring joy to returning customers at the event who remembered me from my first<br />

booth ever last October, who remembered my logo from the homemade treats (made in my permitted<br />

kitchen) that I gave for Halloween, plus new customers who saw my social media posts about the event and<br />

already knew what they wanted to buy. The one unexpected thing was my new Health Inspector unexpectedly<br />

coming by to introduce herself and do a spot check of my booth, product labeling and sample distribution at<br />

the start of event. That went well too! It all really helped me to further fine tune my business processes and<br />

product line while gaining additional confidence in expanded marketing channels. I'm thankful for all of that.<br />

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Business: GMG Productions<br />

Greetings ladies,<br />

My business is a Shopify store. During the last three months I have been getting better at this. I have learned<br />

about the ordering process. This is a drop ship business that almost anyone could do. It takes dedication and<br />

patience to be successful in anything. I learned to use my apps to get the order in easily. Every month there’s<br />

something new that helps the business along.I think of it as an opportunity to create revenue. I believe<br />

eventually my store will be doing the numbers and I’ll be happy about that. I believe that the foundation is<br />

important. Once the foundation is in place the sky is the limit.<br />

During the pandemic I created my store. There are still things I need to learn. There are different vendors that<br />

we can use which most user find on Alibaba. Alibaba is a network of many vendors to choose from.<br />

Ultimately, I desire my business to be successful and the more time I spend on this venture the more I will see<br />

the results.<br />

Also, I just started yet another business to help me generate an income. I am now a Legal Shield<br />

representative and I would like to share my products with you and collaborate as well. Give me call and leave<br />

me a message or email me.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />




Business: KOPMF<br />

(Virtual Administrative Analyst & Virtual Director)<br />

86<br />

First of all I'd like to say how proud I am of the ladies in the South Inland Empire <strong>GSFE</strong> Network. These ladies<br />

understand the value of team work and hard work. Each of them had struggles this year. I've watched them go<br />

through some extremely tough times. The day we put our newsletter submissions together, two of us were dealing<br />

with chronic pain that kept us in bed. But when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, set up a lemonade<br />

stand, and sell that lemonade. Right?<br />

There are so many blessings coming my way. I am graduating with an Honorary Humanitarian Doctorate degree<br />

with the Global International Alliance University (GIA) on June 17, <strong>2023</strong>. A huge thank you to Dr. Lenora Wimberly-<br />

Peterson and Dr. Tincie Lynch who have both made the whle process so much less terrifying and made me feel<br />

welcomed. Most of all, thank you to Dr. Robbie Motter for the most amazing nomination I've ever recieved in my<br />

life. I am so honored!<br />

Next, I have the pleasure of being 1 of 64 authors in "It's All About Showing Up: The Power Is In The Asking. Volume<br />

2". This was the third collaboration I've co-authored. I was on an "academic focus haze" while writing my section<br />

and was pleased when I put it all together and listened to it. I hope that our readers will enjoy it and get something<br />

significant from my section, “<strong>GSFE</strong> Show Up & Ask to Building relationships“ (page 400). That is important to me.<br />

The book is on Amazon and in Barnes and Noble.<br />

Along with the book, I want to give a big shout out to Liz Mejia-Celis and her make up artist for doing a marvelous<br />

photo shoot back in January. I am so happy that I showed up to get these professional headshots from Liz. I would<br />

highly recommend her service to anyone.<br />

I have degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis, and a disc in my spinal column has slipped out and is touching<br />

nerves. I was scheduled for spinal surgery the day after our last <strong>GSFE</strong> meeting, but postponed it in favor of getting<br />

a second opinion. Always remember that surgery is forever. You can't simply take it back. Get a second opinion<br />

whenever possible.<br />

For the past three months I've worked from bed to make the best of the situation. And I have to say that I'm proud<br />

of what I've Global produced Society in the For time Female that Entrepreneurs I've been healing. - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />

My dear friend and mentor, Laurie Davis, says that you

a second opinion. Always remember that surgery is forever. You can't simply take it back. Get a second opinion<br />

whenever possible.<br />

For the past three months I've worked from bed to make the best of the situation. And I have to say that I'm proud<br />

of what I've produced in the time that I've been healing. My dear friend and mentor, Laurie Davis, says that you<br />

should do what you are passionate about, and it took this health challenge to help me find out what my passion<br />

is. I've designed sites for friends & family to showcase my skills at designing in Elify Shuffle. I sell subscriptions to<br />

Elify for only $20/month, which is a bargain. And now Elify offers TAP cards. No more business cards! With one tap<br />

of a credit card like object to a person's phone, you can transfer all of your business contact and information that<br />

would ordinarily be on a business card. And I have them! And design them. This would not have been possible<br />

without my tech-buddy, Angel Toussaint, who originally brought me into her Elify Shuffle network. Thank you, my<br />

tech-sister!<br />

My time was well spent. Not only did I enhance my design skills, but I was able to be more strategic in promoting<br />

others online. And it was fun.<br />

Ultimately, I plan to link a 'Museum' page of sorts of my designs to my current KOPMF site. For now, I've<br />

embedded a spinning carousel of photos, all of which (except 1) are LIVE LINKS to other sites that I've<br />

designed. Just tap each photo and they will open to the other site. I can even attach registration forms now, but<br />

I'm saving that for a later date on this card. Take a look. You can use the url link or open the QR code below. But<br />

keep in mind, there's so much more to come from KOPMF.<br />


[https://tinyurl.com/KOPMF]<br />

KOPMF QR code:<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director, Katherine Orho<br />

invites you to attend<br />

South Inland Empire<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Thursday, April 27th, <strong>2023</strong> - 12:30 pm<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom Meeting<br />

Please email Katherine at korho.vips@gmail.com<br />

to obtain the Zoom link<br />

Speaker<br />

Kay Trotman<br />

- Safari Kay -<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

Pay by Venmo @Katherine-Orho<br />

Topic<br />

“Why You Would Want To Go To Africa?”<br />


Kay Trotman, affectionately known as Safari Kay, has over 25 years of experience in the travel industry with over 15<br />

in travel to Africa. Her specialty? You guessed it. Safaris to East Africa, specifically Tanzania. Kay’s passion for Africa is<br />

evident as she has led over 100 groups and traveled from the US to Africa more than 100 times. She continues to lead<br />

several groups a year to this incredible wildlife and cultural experience. Her most recent trip included Tanzania and<br />

Zanzibar, an incredible coastal and historic town on the Swahili Coast of the Indian Ocean. 2024 is now ready, so if you’d<br />

like information be sure and make contact.<br />

Safari Kay is the only African American female safari company owner in Tanzania and the only one leading her own<br />

tours. If you’d like to see future trips, please join her newsletter at findyourselfinafrica.com. We won’t bombard you<br />

with emails, but we will keep you abreast of upcoming trips, including those outside of Africa. Hope to see you on a trip<br />

soon.<br />

safarikayafrica@gmail.com<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director, Katherine Orho at 909-717-4777, korho.vips@gmail.com<br />

Kathrerine<br />

Orho<br />

88<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

News from<br />

South Orange County<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Angelique Sunshine Nanci Ann Horvath<br />

We have had so many changes in the orange county chapter from venue to venue but I’m<br />

pleased to announce that we have finally found our home. Nestled in Mission Viejo at:<br />

Inspirit Spiritual Center<br />

25782 Obrero Dr Unit D, Mission Viejo, CA 92691<br />

They have an opened their doors to us to have our monthly meetings on a regular basis.they<br />

have a huge evening and kitchen so we will have wine for purchase and light snacks will be<br />

available. Feel free to bring you one food and drink.<br />

We have had many great speakers in Q1 who is that taught us so many valuable lessons in<br />

both life and business. Tina Anderson was gracious enough to open up her home for our March<br />

meeting, where she taught us how to undo chaos ourselves based on her new book. Orange<br />

county’s very own codirector NancyAnn Horvath graced our stage in February to teach us<br />

the art of improv to improve our health. Gillian Larson inspired us with her true strength and<br />

passion being on the survivor TV show and how she uses what she learned in her life today.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


90<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Meet our next Speaker<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors,<br />

Angelique Sunshine and<br />

Nanci Ann Horvath invite you to attend<br />

c5()<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Food & Wine<br />

for Purchase<br />

or bring your<br />

own<br />

8<br />

Date: Tuesday, April 25th, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Time: 6:30-8:00 pm<br />

Networking begins at 6 pm<br />

Meeting will be live at<br />


25782 Obrero Dr. Unit D<br />

Mission Viejo, CA 92691<br />


Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

Unlocking Your Potential for Success and Fulfillment<br />

Dr. Kara Lynne Maldonado is a mother of 4 and a<br />

grandmother of 4, She is the founder and CEO of Real<br />

Bodies Period, a wellness company providing holistic,<br />

weight loss management and transformational coaching<br />

to restore mind and body. Kara is an International<br />

Transformational Speaker, Author. and Mindset coach.<br />

She has written several eBooks on these topics and coauthored<br />

personal development books. Kara sits on the<br />

board of I Am Enough Movement. supporting women<br />

and children of domestic violence. Kara received an<br />

Honorary Doctorate. Kara received the 2022 President's<br />

Lifetime Achievement Award ,the 2022 International She<br />

Inspires Me Award (SIMA) and LOANI Award<br />

What you will learn from our speaker<br />

1. Master your mindset and increase<br />

success in your life<br />

2. To be grateful for everything in life<br />

and Stop self-sabotage in your<br />

journey<br />

3. Have healthier relationships and less<br />

stress in Business<br />

4. Gain Absolute clarity on your path<br />

and raise awareness & confidence<br />

The South Orange County <strong>GSFE</strong> meets every 4th Tuesday at 6:oo pm. Please reserve your attendance<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are 550.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>"s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally.<br />

w_e have been serving women for over 48 years. There are 15 <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States.<br />

1 rn Canada. and 2 in the UK. visit globatsocletyforfemateentrepreneurs.org for more information<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

gf A u n n tW\7) j4l2:g:gIritcom<br />

Every meeting has a dynamic speaker and lime for networking<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


News from<br />

Temecula<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Jana Hadany<br />

Temecula has grown so much. What a<br />

wonderful Three months. So much has<br />

happened. We have had fabulous speakers.<br />

Several of our members attended Robbie’s 87<br />

th Birthday and Book launch March 8th and<br />

the Empowerment Conference with Kimberle<br />

Austin Smith on March 18th.<br />

One of our members Councilwoman<br />

Bridgette Moore was even awarded with<br />

a very prestigious award shown here. We<br />

would like to thank Madeline Plate and her<br />

husband for their hospitality during the winter<br />

months. The restaurant we had prior was an<br />

outside seating venue. Temecula would like<br />

to announce that we have two huge changes<br />

to report. First, we have a new location<br />

at HoBo’s BBQ located at 30590 Rancho<br />

California Rd. Unit C-303 Temecula, Ca. 92592. Secondly, we have a new meeting schedule. We<br />

are going to be meeting the second Wednesday of each month instead of the first Wednesday<br />

going forward. We also would like to share two opportunities. Our Co-Director had a private<br />

room for rent if anyone is looking for $1100 a month. Please call Jana directly at (480) 250-4555.<br />

The information is included here in the newsletter.<br />

One of our members would like to share that there is an office available at HeraHub in Temecula<br />

for $750.00 monthly if anyone is interested as well. Please reach out to Anne Berry at<br />

(714) 349-3914. We look forward to seeing you in April. Our next speaker is going to be delivering<br />

a wonderful message. See you April 12th, <strong>2023</strong> @ 5:30pm at our new location.<br />

92<br />

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Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Empowered Women In Wellness Conference in Temecula<br />

International Women’s Day<br />

Book Launch<br />

Robbie’s Birthday<br />

94<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors,<br />

Angela Covany & Jana Hadany invite you to attend<br />

Temecula<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Wednesday, April 12th, <strong>2023</strong> - 5:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Hobo’s BBQ<br />

30590 Rancho California Rd.<br />

Temecula,CA 92591<br />

Members: $10 - Non-Members: $15<br />

Additional $20 per person for meal<br />

please pay in advance for the<br />

meeting and meal to expedite check in<br />

Pay via Venmo to: @Angela-Covany-2<br />

Speaker Connie Sands<br />

Topic<br />

“Put Yourself First in Your Money Life”<br />

Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly<br />

jhadany@gmail.com or call/text:<br />

480.250.4555<br />

As the Founder and CEO of HOT Money Relationship, Connie Sands (AKA, The Bad-A$$ Bag Lady) mentors women to boldly challenge<br />

and transform their personal history, doubts, fears, and beliefs about Money they may have been socialized to accept since childhood.<br />

The inner work of Money is the key to change. And doing that work NOW is urgent to every woman who handles Money.<br />

50 years from today, Connie wants to be remembered for teaching women to boldly put themselves first in their relationship with Money.<br />

And to do it NOW. Now is the time to name your Money Heart’s Desires, to ask for what you want from your Money and from your life,<br />

and to do it with no apologies, no embarrassment, and no guilt. Connie passionately believes that In a nation of underpaid, overworked<br />

women, wealth-building is not only a noble feminine mission but a highly necessary one. Personal wealth is personal power. It’s beyond<br />

time for women to have both.<br />

With a corporate career spanning 40 years across technology, staffing and non-profit, Connie successfully used her managerial and<br />

human resources positions to inspire, motivate and lead women throughout her professional corporate life.<br />

As a Money Mentor, Connie offers women tools, training, and transformation as the catalysts to creating the kind of feminized wealthbuilding<br />

that gives them more Options, Choices, and Freedom. These are what liberate a woman to audaciously live the life she wants.<br />

That’s what Connie calls having a HOT Money Relationship!<br />

May Speaker: Sabine Becker<br />

Wednesday, May 10th, <strong>2023</strong> - 5:30pm<br />

Topic: “P.U.S.H.- Persevere Until Success Happens”<br />

We look forward to being inspired, empowered, and<br />

educated- See you there!<br />

Kindest<br />

Angela & Jana<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director, Angela Covany at (951) 249-6831, <strong>GSFE</strong>director@mail.com<br />

Co-Director, Jana Hadany (480) 250-555, jhadany@gmail.com<br />

Angela Covany<br />

Jana Hadany<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Director,<br />

Jana Hadany invites you to attend<br />

Temecula<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Wednesday, May 10th, <strong>2023</strong> - 5:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Hobo’s BBQ<br />

30590 Rancho California Rd.<br />

Temecula, CA 92591<br />

Speaker Sabine Becker<br />

Topic<br />

“The Power of P.U.S.H.”<br />

We are thrilled to have our powerful speaker Sabine Becker, join us for our May<br />

Temecula meeting! You won’t want to miss this event, and you will want to bring<br />

friends/colleagues.<br />

German-born Sabine Becker is an award-winning inspirational speaker.<br />

She has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Network because she was born with<br />

very short arms and lives a fully independent life using her feet for daily living<br />

tasks.<br />

After a near-death experience, she developed the acronym P.U.S.H.- Persevere<br />

Until Success Happens- Utilizing the diverse lessons she has learned from the<br />

inside out, she is helping audiences worldwide to P.U.S.H. through challenges to<br />

create a purposeful and thriving life regardless of their circumstances.<br />

To learn more, visit her website sabinebeckerspeaks.com<br />

Members: $10 - Non-Members: $15<br />

Additional $20 per person for meal<br />

please pay in advance for the<br />

meeting and meal to expedite check in<br />

Pay via Venmo to: @Jana-Hadany<br />

Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly<br />

and pay in advance to expedite check in.<br />

jhadany@gmail.com or call/text:<br />

480.250.4555<br />

Here are a few key takeaways:<br />

1. How to start every difficult journey<br />

using the skill of HOPE<br />

2. What is Possible” using the skill of<br />


3. How to make Positive Thinking a<br />

Habit<br />

Next month’s speaker:<br />

Jana Hadany - June 14th 5:30 pm<br />

Topic:<br />

Take back your health & create lasting habits<br />

I look forward to being inspired, empowered, and<br />

educated- See you there!<br />

Kindest<br />

Jana<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director, Jana Hadany (480) 250-555, jhadany@gmail.com<br />

Jana Hadany<br />

96<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Omenesa<br />

Akomolafe<br />

Rori<br />

Montali<br />

News from<br />

New York<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

We’ve had a great deal of new members since our last update. Vibrant ladies too! It’s been<br />

awesome. Some of our members had a Revival In Cleveland Ohio March 4th, <strong>2023</strong>. It was<br />

refreshing, led by Dr Omenesa & Evangelist Anita. Queen Aderomoke was featured in a<br />

Yoruba Gospel Music Video, and Lady Amanda is very active with her campaign on Domestic<br />

Violence. Some of our members were featured in Ms Robbie’s latest book which you should<br />

please purchase, and our Co-Chair RORI just celebrated her birthday. Dr Omenesa will be in<br />

Nigeria for a year working on Ministry, Business, and Entertainment. She shuttles and still leads<br />

New York Chapter judiciously. Enjoy your beautiful year. New York <strong>GSFE</strong>.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors<br />

Omenesa Akomolafe & Rori Montali<br />

invite you to attend<br />

New York<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Saturday, April 29th, <strong>2023</strong><br />

9am PST 12 Noon EST<br />

Speaker<br />

Juliet Joseph<br />

Topic<br />

Please RSVP to<br />

ooooruma@gmail.com<br />

to obtain the Zoom link<br />

Members: $10 - Non-Members: $15<br />


Payment options:<br />

Venmo 917 349 7226<br />

Cashapp $ladyomenesa<br />

Zelle ooooruma@gmail.com<br />

GTB 0151583754<br />

PayPal linnel2020@yahoo.com<br />

Juliet Joseph is a Pastor of a growing young vibrant church in the City of<br />

Plymouth, UK. She is an intercessor, mentor Psychiatric nurse, Counsellor,<br />

CEO of an accessory brand and, Founder of the Global Influencers Network a<br />

Christian group for business owner.<br />

Juliet is driven by the zeal to live a purposeful life. She is passionate about the<br />

Kingdom of God, change, transformation, youths, nations and business. She is<br />

sold out to leading a life of legacy.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director: Omenesa Akomolafe, ooooruma@gmail.com, (917) 349-7226<br />

Co-Director Rori Montqali, (917) 450-1890, rorimontali@gmail.com<br />

Omenesa Akomolafe<br />

Rori Montali<br />

98<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Dr. Nephetina L.<br />

Serrano<br />

Dr. Tomesha<br />

Walker<br />

News from<br />

Philadelphia PHILEO<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

WE ARE <strong>SPRING</strong>ING FORWARD<br />

Please Join us for the LAUCNHING of the<br />

Philadelphia PHILEO <strong>GSFE</strong> Chapter<br />

MAY 9, <strong>2023</strong> 8:00 PM EST<br />

Get to know our Co-Director<br />

Dr. Tomesha D. Walker (h.c.)<br />

Dr. Tomesha D. Walker (h.c.) is a certified Birth Doula, Childbirth Educator, Lactation Consultant,<br />

Author and Speaker who specializes in developing and implementing programs to assist pre and<br />

post-pregnancy women while providing classes and workshops through her businesses and<br />

nonprofit organization.<br />

Mrs. Walker primarily works with families, hospitals, nonprofits and community organizations<br />

that seek tailored techniques and solutions for women and youth.<br />

Tomesha lives in Cleveland, Ohio with her husband of 20 years, Darnell. They have 9 children;<br />

four children by birth, four by wedding present and 1 fur baby, Big Mama, the family dog.<br />

Tomesha loves to serve the Lord, sing, dance, travel and learn new things.<br />

"Your life is on purpose and for a reason, live it!"<br />

- Dr. Tomesha D. Walker (h.c.), LCCE, CD (DONA), CBC<br />

See you soon!!!<br />

Director: Ambassador,<br />


Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors<br />

Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano &<br />

Dr. Tomesha Walker<br />

invite you to attend<br />

Philadelphia PHILEO<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Tuesday, May 9th, <strong>2023</strong> - 8:00 pm<br />

(2nd Tuesday)<br />

Speaker<br />

Kim Jacobs<br />

“The Balance Doctor”<br />

Please email Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano at<br />

drnephetinaserrano@gmail.com<br />

to obtain the Zoom link<br />

Members: $10<br />

Non-Members: $15<br />

ZELLE: nephserrano@gmail.com<br />

VENMO: @Nephetina-Serrano<br />

CASH APP: $Nephserrano<br />

Are you a Business Owner or an Entrepreneur? Then, you are<br />

also a TALK SHOW/ PODCAST Host! You will have enough<br />

knowledge through Kim’s persuasive conversation to begin<br />

your new journey as a Talk Show/ Podcast Host. Kim Jacobs will<br />


right away.<br />

You will learn the importance of giving your Business a face<br />

in your community. She will also teach you the basic steps<br />

to start your OWN show from scratch with tips that can be<br />

implemented the same day! During this training, you will learn<br />

how to broadcast your skills to pay your bills. Please be sure to<br />

be present for this life-changing presentation.<br />

Key Takeaways:<br />

Why every Business Owner/<br />

Entrepreneur should have a<br />


3 Steps to get started RIGHT NOW<br />

Now that you’re convinced -<br />

WHAT NEXT?<br />


Stay connected with Kim Jacobs on Social Media: Kimjacobsconsulting.com Facebook:<br />

@Thekimjacobsshow and @thebalancedoctor; Twitter: @Kimthebalancedr; Instagram:<br />

@Thekimjacobsshow<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano, 215-219-1465, drnephetinaserrano@gmail.com<br />

Dr. Tomesha Walker, 216-345-9756, thewalkergroupcle@gmail.com<br />

Dr. Nephetina L.<br />

Serrano<br />

Dr. Tomesha<br />

Walker<br />

100<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

News from<br />

Virtual Thursdays at<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Angeline<br />

Benjamin Susie Mierzwik<br />

New from Virtual Thursdays at <strong>GSFE</strong>:<br />

Lauren Raguzin, a <strong>GSFE</strong> member, is a first-time published author<br />

in a new book, Women Standing Strong Together Volume II, a<br />

collaborative book with 13 women hailing from the U.S., Canada,<br />

Italy, the UK, and Mexico. Lauren’s story, “When God came to My<br />

Pity Party” chronicles a year-long depression following her first<br />

career layoff, journey, and miraculous spiritual awakening. Her book<br />

is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Being a published<br />

author has been a lifelong dream of Lauren’s and her best friend<br />

Nicole Walker (since she was seven years old), a co-author, inspired<br />

her to take a leap of faith and share her story.<br />

Dr. Randi Ward was featured in 4 anthologies and 2 magazines<br />

this past December 2022. In January <strong>2023</strong>, as Chancellor, she<br />

flew to Dubai, UAE, to confer doctorates to 4 recipients in<br />

World University of Leadership and Management. She is also the<br />

editor of Robbie Motter’s collaborative book called Just Show<br />

Up and Ask, Volume 2. She is assisting Lady Dr. Lenora Wembley-<br />

Peterson in writing her book on how to become a humanitarian.<br />

She and her fiancée Masood have created a new international<br />

business called RM Infinite (One Stop Possibilities) which will<br />

provide an umbrella of services including marketing, publishing<br />

and translating. Her own fiction novel will be out soon called<br />

“Random Wanderings” She describes it as a romantic world<br />

adventure tale based on real people.<br />

Dr. Randi Ward<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Our Newest <strong>GSFE</strong> Ambassador<br />

We want to welcome our newest ambassador<br />

to <strong>GSFE</strong>, Chaudry Masood Mahmood Bhallli.<br />

“Masood” will be the ambassador for the virtual<br />

chapter which meets the first Thursday of the<br />

month at 12 p.m. PST. He is an international<br />

businessman from Pakistan who has traveled<br />

widely throughout the world. He and his business<br />

partner Dr. Randi Ward founded their business<br />

RM Infinite (One Stop Possibilities). Their services<br />

include book publishing, branding, graphic<br />

design, marketing, translation and more. He has<br />

a degree in hospitality management and will<br />

receive his honorary doctorate from the Global<br />

International Alliance (GIA). He was also awarded<br />

the Worldwide Superhero award from the Institute<br />

of Global Professionals. He can be reached at<br />

consultneed1@gmail.com.<br />

Dr. Chaudry Masood Mahmood Bhallli<br />

Dr. Nephitina L. Serrano will soon be opening up<br />

the new <strong>GSFE</strong> chapter in Pennsylvania. She holds<br />

a Doctorate in Business Leadership from Trinity<br />

International University and she is also a certified<br />

Business Coach. She received the Legacy Lifetime<br />

Achievement award from President Barack Obama,<br />

and she is the first African American Legacy Queen<br />

for the Woman of Achievement Pageant. Dr<br />

Nephitina was also appointed a United Nations<br />

Ambassador for Peace in Dubai UAE. She is an<br />

author and her newest book is Building Legacy.<br />

Dr Nephitina Serrano<br />

102<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Meet our next Speaker<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Directors<br />

Angeline Benjamin &<br />

Susie Mierzwik invite you to attend<br />

Virtual Thursdays<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

Thursday, May 4th, <strong>2023</strong><br />

12 Noon - 1:30 PM (PST) / 3 PM - 4:30 PM (EST)<br />

Speaker<br />

Verlaine Crawford<br />

Members: $10 - Non-Members: $15<br />

Topic<br />

Registration Link<br />

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gsfe-virtual-thursdaymonthly-meeting-tickets-574965185347<br />

“Ending the Battle Within the Power of Wholeness”<br />


Verlaine Crawford is a Transformational Coach, author of four books, motivational<br />

speaker, and owner of High Castle Publishing. Her business career included working<br />

for and consulting with small businesses and Fortune 500 companies. She also served<br />

as the first woman vice president of two high-tech companies in Silicon Valley. In the<br />

1990s, she was invited to teach self-empowerment in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia,<br />

Bali, France, Italy, and the U.S. She is currently developing an online course for Ending<br />

the Battle Within for coaches, counselors, and individuals who want to experience the<br />

Power of Wholeness. Verlaine’s blog is www.CreativeLifeAdventures.com.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> dues are $75.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both personally and professionally,<br />

we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are multiple <strong>GSFE</strong> networks in the United States,<br />

1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, For more information please visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.com<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director: Angeline Benjamin, 949-445-9368, albenjamin.bb27@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Susie Mierzwik, 909-709-3075, kinderkat9@gmail.com<br />

Angeline<br />

Benjamin<br />

Susie<br />

Mierzwik<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Meet our next Speaker<br />

“Simple Strategies to “Virtual” Speaking Success”<br />

Thursday, April 27th, <strong>2023</strong>: 10:00 AM- 12:00 Noon – PST<br />

Instructor:<br />

Workshop Description:<br />

Have you been to a virtual event and left feeling exhausted, icky, confused or were bored to tears?<br />

Hopefully, YOU weren’t the speaker! Leisa Reid, Founder of Get Speaking Gigs Now, has been in those<br />

“zoom” rooms too, and in this workshop, she highlights the biggest mistakes she sees zoom speakers<br />

make that can have serious consequences.<br />

Leisa is on a mission to help all virtual presenters leave their audiences feeling engaged, inspired to take<br />

action, and wanting more.<br />

After learning and implementing these strategies, you will increase your likeability, book ability, and<br />

profitability in any zoom room!<br />

Leisa Reid<br />

What Will You Learn?<br />

• Become a Zoom Tech Genius {w/o having to do a whole lot}<br />

• Go from Awkward Zoom Presenter to Feeling Like a Rockstar<br />

• Have the Audience Lean-In Instead of Check-Out<br />

Cost:<br />

Cost: $25.00 <strong>GSFE</strong> member, $35.00 Non-<strong>GSFE</strong> member<br />

Do you want to be a speaker but aren’t sure what to talk about, where to go to find gigs, or how to offer your services from the stage? As the<br />

Founder of Get Speaking Gigs Now, Leisa mentors professionals who want to use public speaking to grow their businesses. Clients who work<br />

closely with her build their speaking skills and confidence through the Speaker’s Training Academy. They get their “Talks Ready to Rock,”<br />

and learn how to STAY booked as speakers through easy-to-implement strategies. As a speaker herself, Leisa has successfully booked and<br />

delivered over 600 speaking engagements. In her book, Get Speaking Gigs Now, she shares her 7-Step System to Getting Booked, Staying<br />

Booked & Attracting Your Ideal Clients Through Speaking.<br />

To learn more visit: https://GetSpeakingGigsNow.com<br />

Hosted by:<br />

Registration Link:<br />

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gsfe-workshop-tickets-574947853507<br />

Angeline Benjamin<br />

Action Coach with Results<br />

Author and Motivational Speaker<br />

Director Virtual <strong>GSFE</strong> (Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs)<br />

Email: albenjamin.bb27@gmail.com<br />

Cell: 949-445-9368<br />

Website: www.angelinebenjamin.com<br />

104<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Meet our next Speaker<br />

“Discover The MISSING KEY to Create Your Desired Reality!”<br />

Instructor:<br />

Thursday, May 16, <strong>2023</strong>: 11:00 AM- 1:00 PM – PST<br />

Workshop Description:<br />

• What is stopping you from fulfilling your goals?<br />

• How can you release blocks to the Law of Attraction?<br />

• Is something sabotaging your affirmations, intentions, and positive thinking?<br />

What is Missing in Your Power of Manifestation<br />

• The Missing Key is Understanding How You Manifest Your Reality<br />

• Every person and event appear in your life due to a belief you hold within you<br />

• Beliefs are seeds that blossom into thoughts<br />

• Thoughts activate emotions, generating decisions and actions that create your life<br />

Verlaine<br />

Crawford<br />

What Will You Learn?<br />

• A BREAKTHROUGH PROCESS, which Verlaine developed over many years that has proven<br />

effective for her and her clients worldwide.<br />

• THIS PROCESS clears away confusion, blocks, fears, conflicts, negative beliefs, and upsetting past<br />

events from your mind and heart.<br />

• You will manifest what you desire easier and more quickly than before!<br />

This is an interactive workshop. Attendees will participate in the process<br />

Cost:<br />

Cost: $25.00 <strong>GSFE</strong> member, $35.00 Non-<strong>GSFE</strong> member<br />

Dr. Verlaine Crawford is a Transformational Coach, Inspirational Speaker, and Author of four Books and contributor to three anthologies:<br />

New Cells, New Bodies, New Life; Love Your Haters; and It’s All About Showing Up by Lady Dr. Robbie Motter, CEO & Founder of <strong>GSFE</strong>.<br />

Dr. Verlaine’s career includes Marketing Executive for a variety of companies, and she has taught Personal Growth and Spiritual Development<br />

in Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, Bali, France, Italy, and across the U.S. In <strong>2023</strong>, she received an Honorary Doctorate in Humanitarianism from<br />

The Global International Alliance University.<br />

Visit Verlaine’s blog at www.CreativeLifeAdventures.com and contact her at VerlaineCrawford@gmail.com<br />

Hosted by:<br />

Registration Link:<br />

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gsfe-workshop-tickets-579524903587<br />

Angeline Benjamin<br />

Action Coach with Results<br />

Author and Motivational Speaker<br />

Director Virtual <strong>GSFE</strong> (Global Society for Female Entrepreneurs)<br />

Email: albenjamin.bb27@gmail.com<br />

Cell: 949-445-9368<br />

Website: www.angelinebenjamin.com<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Young Ladies<br />

Network<br />

Our Mission is to help women grow both<br />

Personally and Professionally.<br />

April 30th, <strong>2023</strong><br />

You are invited you to attend the<br />

Young Ladies<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Network<br />

(All ages welcome)<br />


Zoom meetings the last Sunday<br />

of the month at 1pm.<br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

April 30, May 28, June 25<br />

July 30, August 27, September 24, October 29<br />

Speaker<br />

Lauryn J. Hunter<br />

Topic<br />

“Who am I”<br />

Please RSVP to Lauryn J. Hunter<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong>YouthNetwork@gmail.com to obtain<br />

the Zoom link.<br />

Lauryn Hunter LMFT, ATR is an award winning art therapist with experience working with grief,<br />

addiction, eating disorders, the foster care system and severe mental illness in hospitals. As<br />

a collaborative therapist her goal with clients is to integrate art therapy with dialogue to offer<br />

powerful ways to provide insight and improve one’s physical, mental & emotional well-being.<br />

She utilizes a wide variety of therapeutic approaches such as mindfulness, visual imagery,<br />

cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and attachment theory.<br />

Lauryn is employed by Cedars-Sinai Medical Center as a Mental Health Specialist in child<br />

development. She facilitates art therapy-based intervention groups for students, grades K-12<br />

in LAUSD schools. These groups often address emotionally stressful situations such as death<br />

of a loved one, divorce, and violence at home or in neighborhoods. In addition to working<br />

with children, Lauryn has been instrumental in creating curriculums for parent workshops<br />

and teacher trainings that address a variety of topics such as self-esteem, social skills, anger<br />

management, bullying and acts of kindness. For her many years of service to community<br />

mental health Lauryn has been awarded the Distinguished Service Award and the Rawley<br />

Silver Award for Excellence by the American Art Therapy Association. She has also received<br />

numerous Cedar-Sinai Medical Center Standing Ovations from teachers and parents.<br />

You will learn:<br />

The group will introduce<br />

themselves with fun<br />

icebreakers and learn<br />

what key points needed<br />

when speaking in public.<br />

We will focus on how<br />

to write personal and<br />

professional bio.<br />

In addition to her clinical work Lauryn has been an adjunct faculty member at Alliant<br />

International University,<br />

Antioch University and Philips Graduate Institute, teaching core curriculum courses for their<br />

Marriage & Family Therapy (MFT) graduate/doctoral programs.<br />

YOUNG LADIES <strong>GSFE</strong> Network dues are $25.00 a year. <strong>GSFE</strong>’s mission is to help women grow both<br />

personally and professionally, we have been serving women for over 48 years. There are 15 <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

networks in the United States, 1 in Canada, and 2 in the UK, visit <strong>GSFE</strong>US.org for more information.<br />

For more information or to RSVP please contact:<br />

Director: Lauryn J. Hunter, 310-740-7521, <strong>GSFE</strong>YouthNetwork@gmail.com<br />

Lauryn J. Hunter<br />

Director<br />

Ruby & Rose<br />

Witkowski<br />

Connecticut<br />

Co-Directors<br />

Taylor Tejera<br />

Los Angeles,<br />

Co-Director<br />

Hanna Carter<br />

Riverside<br />

Co-Director<br />

106<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

News from <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

International Networks<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


News from<br />

Canada<br />

Canada<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

From the desks of Director Laurie Davis and<br />

Co Director Virginia Clarke<br />

of the Canadian <strong>GSFE</strong> Chapter<br />

Laurie Davis<br />

Virginia Clarke<br />

Greetings <strong>GSFE</strong> Sisters and Friends,<br />

I would like to start off by saying a big “Thank You” for the wonderful welcome in<br />

stepping in as co-director of the Canadian Chapter. I have some big shoes to fill, but I<br />

am enjoying the journey.<br />

So far <strong>2023</strong> has blessed us with 3 empowering guest speakers and we have more<br />

amazing guest speakers lined up. Our intimate group is growing and we can’t wait to<br />

see what the rest of <strong>2023</strong> has in store for us. Here is a photo from our February<br />

meeting.<br />

The Canadian <strong>GSFE</strong> Chapter meets every fourth Thursday at 8:00am PST via ZOOM<br />

and we invite everyone to join <strong>GSFE</strong>’s only Breakfast Club! Our upcoming speaker for<br />

April is Verlaine Crawford. Verlaine will share why Ending the Battle Within is the key to<br />

manifestation.<br />

We can promise you this: you won’t want to miss it so bring your breakfast and join us!<br />

108<br />

So excited to announce that our very own Sylvia Sommerville, along with our fearless<br />

Director Dr. Laurie Davis, is hosting this amazing Writers’ Retreat. We have two dates<br />

available with more to come.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

We’re very excited for what the new year will bring for our <strong>GSFE</strong> sisters and Canadian<br />

organization. Laurie & Virginia<br />

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Meet our next Speaker<br />

110<br />

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News from<br />

United Kingdom<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Ada<br />

Gartenmann Dr. Caroline<br />

Makaka<br />

Join us on another memorable , powerful and life transforming event as we celebrate Vietnam<br />

International Awards 1 Year Anniversary, honoring and recognizing some of the inspiring and<br />

powerful Vietnamese prominent leaders who are transforming the Vietnamese community and<br />

beyond.<br />

We are also bringing together some of the International leaders who are contributing massively within<br />

the Vietnamese community and beyond.<br />

On this occasion we are also celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III and the 50th Anniversary<br />

of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the United Kingdom.<br />

Anna Foundation<br />

Park Pharmacy<br />

@Love Collection<br />

This is an initiative of Ladies of All Nations International Vietnam -United Kingdom<br />

(LOANI VN-UK), which aims to honor heritage, culture, solidarity as well as cultural exchange between<br />

the Vietnamese Community and the diversity of international communities in the United Kingdom.<br />

It is our LOANI VN- UK mission to encourage, equip and help each other to strive and reach greater<br />

heights through supporting each other and the ability to create the Movement of a lifetime with no<br />

limits.<br />

The awards are designed to recognize and honor individuals or organizations who have been making<br />

a difference in the Vietnamese community and beyond. The aim is to honor Vietnamese leaders<br />

in many areas from humanitarian, public health, promoting community development, connecting<br />

community, preserving national culture, role models, corporate leadership, social equality programs<br />

and the youth leaders. The theme is bringing communities together for a noble cause.<br />

We’re marking the Coronation of King Charles III and the 50th Anniversary of diplomatic relations<br />

between Vietnam and the United Kingdom, which makes this year’s <strong>2023</strong> Vietnam International<br />

Awards banquet extremely special.<br />

We expect to have around 300-400 guests including V.I.P special guest, Mrs. Katrin Kadel, CEO of<br />

Facing The World. Katrin Kandel was awarded the Medal of Friendship by the President of Vietnam;<br />

Medal of Peace and Friendship Between Ethnicities; and Certificates of Appreciation for Contributions<br />

to Vietnam’s Economic-Social Development 2021 of Union of Vietnam friendly organizations. Katrin<br />

was also awarded the Points of Light Award for excellence, which was declared by the British Prime<br />

Minister in 2017.<br />

Date and time: 17:00-22:00 07th May <strong>2023</strong><br />

Location: Leonardo Royal London St Paul’s Hotel<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


10 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5AJ<br />

Here is a link of our last year’s event which was held last May in line with the celebration of HM<br />

the Queen Platinum’s Jubilee<br />

https://youtu.be/QDwpCvmsNu4<br />

Come and witness the Unification of Various Cultures and communities as we celebrate the<br />

Vietnamese rich cultural heritage , amazing talents, colorful vibrant fashion, entertainment,<br />

awards , shining light of the Vietnamese leaders and beyond for a greater purpose and much<br />

more.<br />

Our main focus and commitment is to unite Global Diverse Cultures from various nationalities<br />

across the world so we can drive change, peace, stability and development for a better future.<br />

We come together because we have a shared vision and mission to transform the future of the<br />

world collectively standing strongly beside one another and enriching the world with thoughts<br />

regardless of any background or clan.<br />

We are raising funds for the underprivileged communities in vietnam

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />



International Filipino Leaders Award<br />

We are proud to announce our upcoming Annual World Summit in the Philippines during the<br />

United Nations Week as we are also focusing on the<br />

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030<br />

At LOANI we empower all cultures without any borders of caste, religion, or community.<br />



Join us in October as we also celebrate The United Nations Week,<br />

International Filipino Leaders Awards and World Class Super Heroes.<br />

16 - 22 October<br />

Venue: @conradhotels Manila<br />

Coral Way Pasay<br />

It is a place where all great leaders, top professionals, business leaders, political leaders, and<br />

exponents in art and cultural innovation are coming together and work in harmony with a new<br />

enthusiasm to create a better world and spread peace, joy and happiness whilst inspiring each<br />

other to develop new approaches for a better World.<br />

More importantly it is a place to inspire world leaders of the future.<br />

It is an amazing opportunity to meet some of the world’s powerful leaders, Filipino Leaders and<br />

World Super Heroes from around the world meanwhile experiencing the beautiful Philippines<br />

culture and resorts.<br />

At Ladies of All Nations International we have a culture in which individuals engage, collaborate,<br />

grow, and perform at an extraordinary level. We come together as one and unite around our<br />

shared vision as an instrument in bringing every single country in the world under the LOANI<br />

umbrella, in being change makers and in making a utopian society a reality.<br />

On this World Summit in the Philippines, we are bringing together Filipino International leaders<br />

from around the world , World Class Super Heroes , International Beautiful Survivors , Women<br />

Leaders , Entrepreneurs, Trail Blazers, Prominent Leaders , Government officials, Young Leaders ,<br />

Philanthropists, Visionary Leaders ,<br />

Community Champions and much more.<br />

Come and witness this powerful movement in the Philippines as we experience and celebrate the<br />

Philippines rich

Take some time to nominate somebody today who you believe should be recognised for their<br />

excellent work in the community. Nominations are open until ▶️30th April <strong>2023</strong> ◀️.<br />

We are delighted to announce that the International Filipino Leaders Awards and World<br />

Superheroes Awards will be hosted by Ladies of All Nations International (LOANI) in Asia!

116<br />

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<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Business Opportunities<br />

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118<br />

They are looking forward to contributing 9% back to <strong>GSFE</strong> for each subscriber.<br />

https://inspirationsforbetterliving.com/may-2022/0495736001651894018?utm_campaign=RobbieMotter<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Business Training<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Business Training<br />

By Marcy Decato<br />

Creative Solutions Marketing<br />

& Printing<br />

Marcy Decato<br />

Creative Solutions Marketing & Printing, Inc.<br />

marcy@creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

www.creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

951-707-6338<br />

Excellent Customer Retention Strategies<br />

During the next few issues, I will be showing you different strategies for customer<br />

retention. It is my hope that you have already implemented some of them, if not, please<br />

consider them in your upcoming business plan. Would love to hear from you about what<br />

is working best for your company. Let’s chat!<br />

Adopt customer service tools.<br />

If you’re a small to mid-sized business (SMB), your support team may only consist of a<br />

few people. However, as you grow your customer base, service demand might spike and<br />

force you to expand the bandwidth of your support team. Hiring is expensive, which is<br />

why many businesses turn to technology to supplement their customer service needs.<br />

Using a CRM software to record customer interactions and create support tickets.<br />

Reps use the HubSpot task tool to mark open support cases and ensure each ticket is<br />

responded to in a timely manner. This keep your support team organized while creating<br />

a more delightful customer experience.<br />

120<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Get Inspired!<br />

By Gigi Mindreau-Banks<br />

Creative Solutions Marketing<br />

& Printing<br />

Colbie Caillat - Try (Official Video)<br />

https://youtu.be/GXoZLPSw8U8<br />

Gigi Mindreau-Banks<br />

gigi@creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

951-315-8840 Cell<br />

www.creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

Follow us on:<br />

linkedin.com/in/gigi-mindreau-banks-3b049714<br />

facebook.com/CreativeSolutionsMktg/<br />

instagram.com/creativesolutionsmktg/<br />

youtube.com/channel/UCq9ubACDOt_DwUyi46RDcMA<br />

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Support Our Members<br />

122<br />

Many of these Advertisements / Announcements / Invitations<br />

are date-sensitive, please mark your calendars<br />

and support our members by trying to<br />

attend their events.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

CLICK BELOW for<br />


www.GetSpeakingGigsNow.com<br />

Diana Londyn<br />

(310)925-8265<br />


Have you considered getting incorporated?<br />

Have you ever wondered about starting an LLC?<br />

Need to register your fictitious business name?<br />

Executive On the Go - - can help!!!<br />

Give us a call: (818) 886-4895 | (818) 886-0141<br />

Schedule some time with us:<br />

https://calendly.com/eog/free-consultation<br />

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www.execonthego.com<br />

AnGèle M. Cade<br />

Executive on the Go<br />

Legal entities for small business.<br />

Set up the right way, the first time.<br />

(818) 886-4895 | (818) 886-0141<br />

acade@execonthego.com<br />

ExecOnTheGo.Com<br />

19849 Nordhoff St., Ste 305B, Northridge, CA 91324

OUR TEAM<br />




Gigi Mindreau-Banks<br />

951-315-8840<br />

gigi@creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

Marcy Decato<br />

951-707-6338<br />

marcy@creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />


& APPAREL<br />


DESIGN<br />



• Skills & Experience<br />

• Excellent Customer Service<br />

• Surpassing Quality<br />

• Competitive Pricing<br />


DESIGN<br />



CreativeSolutionsMktg.com<br />

126<br />

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Marketing Materials • Letterhead • Checks • NCR Forms • Memo Pads • Signs Posters • Banners • Tablecloths • Greeting<br />

Cards • Calendars • Catalogs • Labels • <strong>Newsletter</strong> • Promotional Items • T-shirts • Graphic Design • Custom<br />

Company Stores • Signs VISIT • Digital Marketing OUR • Stand DIGITAL Up Banner • Hand BROCHURE<br />

Fans • Back Drop Banners • Flags • Booklets •<br />

Polo Shirts • Car Magnets • Window Decals • Aluminum Signs • Door Hangers • Acrylic Signs • Reusable Masks • Yard<br />

Signs • A-Frame https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/65974001/csmp-digital-brochure<br />

Signs • EZ-Up Tents • Hats • EDDM • Envelopes • Business Cards • Flyers • Posters • Programs • Name<br />

Badges • Rack Cards • Playing Cards • Self Inking Stamps • Post-it Notes • Memo Pads • Event Tickets • Presentation<br />

Folders • Hang Tags • Table Tent Cards • Window Clings • Hand Fans • Bumper Stickers • Pens • Personal Protection<br />

Essentials • Menus • Flashlights • Pencils • Lanyards • Memo Boards • Framed Canvas • Jackets • Website Design •<br />

Stickers • Calendars • Envelopes • Announcements • Tumblers • Face Shields • Microfiber Cloth • Towels • Rulers •<br />

Hand Sanitizers • Raffle Tickets • Certificate Holders • Lip Gloss • Glassware • Mugs • Aprons • Stress Reliever • USB<br />

Drive • Journals • Luggage Tags • Puzzles • Beach Balls • Coasters • Coloring Books • Sunglasses • Wristband • Balloons<br />

• Playing Cards • Lapel Pin • Neck Gaiters • Sleeping Eye Mask • Mason Jars • Backpacks • Mint Tins • Golf Divot<br />

• Trophies • Can Cooler • Tumblers • Tote Bags • Koozies • Felt Pennants • Earbuds • Non Touch Keychain • Webcam<br />

Cover • Charging Cables • Popsockets • Flashlight • First Aid Kit • Golf Balls • Totes • Feather Flags • Blankets • Water<br />

Bottles • Door Mats • Wrap-around Books • Invoices • Buttons • Padfolio • License Plate Frames • Safety Vest • Napkins<br />

• Duffel Bags • Binders • Poker Chips • Piggy Banks • Postcards • Embossing • Direct Mailing • Yo-Yo’s • Beach Balls<br />

• Packaging • Thermos • Wine Glasses • Electrical Signs • Vaccine Card Holder • Marketing Materials • Letterhead •<br />

Checks • NCR Forms • Memo Pads • Signs Posters • Banners • Tablecloths • Greeting Cards • Calendars • Catalogs<br />

• Labels • <strong>Newsletter</strong> • T-shirts • Graphic Design • Custom Company Stores • Signs • Digital Marketing • Stand Up<br />

Banner • Hand Fans • Back Drop Banners • Flags • Booklets • Polo Shirts • Car Magnets • Window Decals • Aluminum<br />

Signs • Door Hangers • Acrylic Signs • Reusable Masks • Yard Signs • A-Frame Signs • EZ-Up Tents • Hats • EDDM •<br />

Envelopes • Business Cards • Flyers • WWPrograms • Name Badges • Rack Cards • Playing Cards • Self Inking Stamps<br />

• Social Distance Signage • Post-it Notes • Memo Pads • Event Tickets • Presentation Folders • Hang Tags • Table Tent<br />

Cards • Window Clings • Hand Fans • Bumper Stickers • Pens • Thermometers • Personal Protection Essentials • Menus<br />

• Flashlights • Pencils • Lanyards • Memo Boards • Framed Canvas • Jackets • Website Design • Stickers • Calendars<br />

• Envelopes • Announcements • Tumblers • Face Shields • Microfiber Cloth • Towels • Rulers • Hand Sanitizers • Raffle<br />

Tickets • Certificate Holders • Lip Gloss • Glassware • Mugs • Aprons • Stress Reliever • USB Drive • Journals • Luggage<br />

Tags • Puzzles • Beach Balls • Coasters • Coloring Books • Sunglasses • Wristband • Balloons • Playing Cards •<br />

Lapel Pin • Neck Gaiters • Sleeping Eye Mask • Mason Jars • Backpacks • Mint Tins • Golf Divot • Trophies • Can Cooler<br />

• Tumblers • Tote Bags • Koozies • Felt Pennants • Earbuds • Non Touch Keychain • Webcam Cover • Charging Cables<br />

•<br />


Popsockets • Straws<br />

US TODAY!<br />

• Flashlight • First Aid Gigi Kit Mindreau-Banks<br />

• Golf Balls • Totes • Feather Flags • Blankets • Water Bottles •<br />

Door Mats • Wrap-around Books • Invoices • Buttons gigi@creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

• Padfolio • License Plate Frames • Safety Vest • Napkins • Duffel<br />

Bags • Binders • Poker Chips • Piggy Banks • Postcards 951-315-8840 • Embossing Cell • Direct Mailing • Yo-Yo’s • Beach Balls • Packaging<br />

• Thermos • Wine Glasses • Electrical Signs www.creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

• Vaccine Card Holder •Marketing Materials • Letterhead • Checks •<br />

NCR Forms • Memo Pads • Signs Posters • Banners • Tablecloths • Greeting Cards • Calendars • Catalogs • Labels<br />

• <strong>Newsletter</strong> • Promotional Items • T-shirts • Graphic Follow Design us on: • Custom Company Stores • Signs • Digital Marketing •<br />

Stand Up Banner • Hand Fans • Back Drop Banners linkedin.com/in/gigi-mindreau-banks-3b049714<br />

• Flags • Booklets • Polo Shirts • Car Magnets • Window Decals •<br />

Aluminum Signs • Door Hangers • Acrylic Signs facebook.com/CreativeSolutionsMktg/<br />

• Reusable Masks • Yard Signs • A-Frame Signs • EZ-Up Tents • Hats<br />

• EDDM • Envelopes • Business Cards • Flyers • instagram.com/creativesolutionsmktg/<br />

Posters • Programs • Name Badges • Rack Cards • Playing Cards •<br />

Self Inking Stamps • Social Distance Signage • Post-it youtube.com/channel/UCq9ubACDOt_DwUyi46RDcMA<br />

Notes • Memo Pads • Event Tickets • Presentation Folders • Hang<br />

Tags • Table Tent Cards • Window Clings • Hand Fans • Bumper Stickers • Pens • Thermometers • Personal Protection 127<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />

Essentials • Menus • Flashlights • Pencils • Lanyards • Memo Boards • Framed Canvas • Jackets • Website Design •

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Merchandise<br />

The Best In-Person Marketing Tool EVER<br />

How would you like to have prospects chase after you to start<br />

a conversation and eagerly give you their mobile number?<br />

Starlet Lanyard Necklace & Charms<br />

Beautiful and chic clear rhinestone setting drawing just the<br />

right amount of attention without going over the top;<br />

Interchangeable snap charms at the center of your pendant<br />

to perfectly match your event, mood or fashion color;<br />

Stainless steel adjustable link chain to perfectly position<br />

your lanyard according to your blouse neckline of the day;<br />

Large name badge allowing best viewing of your name —<br />

no more wrestling with sticker name tag that doesn’t<br />

stay on or magnetic name tag that sags your clothing<br />

Removable name badge clip allowing your lanyard to<br />

become a statement necklace with any drop pendant<br />


Starlet Lanyard $50.00<br />

Necklace<br />

Any Charm of your choice $ 8.00<br />

(this Red Heart is an example)<br />

Custom Charm of your choice<br />

(this <strong>GSFE</strong> is an example) $10.00<br />

Subtotal $68.00<br />

Shipping $ 5.00<br />

Sales Tax $ 5.27<br />

TOTAL LIST PRICE $78.27<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> Member Price (25% discount) $59.00<br />

Offer valid until Nov 15th, 2020.<br />

Rosalie Duong 661-910-0859<br />

Rosalie@RDFashionObsessions.com<br />

www.RDFashionObsessions.com<br />

128<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Merchandise<br />

Order your <strong>GSFE</strong> T-Shirt today<br />

S - XL - $25<br />

2XL+ - $30<br />

Contact Robbie Motter<br />

rmotter@aol.com<br />

951-255-9200<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Contact Robbie Motter<br />

rmotter@aol.com<br />

951-255-9200<br />

We encourage you to<br />

purchase our beautiful<br />

rhinestone <strong>GSFE</strong> pin<br />

for the nominal fee of<br />

$10. Please contact<br />

Robbie Motter to order<br />

it. As we are very proud<br />

of our organization and<br />

its brand, and<br />

we love to wear it with<br />

pride to all our events.<br />

130<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

<strong>GSFE</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong> Advertising Opportunities<br />

Advertisement<br />

placement on the<br />

newsletter<br />

Ad Size<br />

Number of Month by<br />

Annual<br />

Advertisers Month<br />

Contract<br />

Half page ad 3 $10 $30 $110 $330<br />

Full page ad 19 $25 $475 $275 $5,225<br />

2-page ad 4 $40 $160 $440 $1,760<br />

Graphic Design Services<br />

(if needed)<br />

Half page ad 2 $45<br />

Full page ad 14 $85<br />

2-page ad 5 $150<br />

You will receive a high resolution PDF<br />

file that you can use for your<br />

marketing.<br />

Ad modifications<br />

Subject to change<br />

based on<br />

modifications<br />

$25<br />

Starting Jan. 2022 the following will apply:<br />

The prices above apply to the advertising section only: "Support Our Members"<br />

No ads will be placed in the "News from <strong>GSFE</strong> Networks" section starting January 2022<br />

Any Non-Profit organizarion events will be advertised at no-charge under the "Calendar of Events" section<br />

To all <strong>GSFE</strong> Network Directors:<br />

Network news to be received the last week of the month for the next month's issue<br />

For example, you will submit December's news for the January's issue.<br />

Company Name:<br />

Contact Name:<br />

Email:<br />

Cell:<br />

YES, please continue running my advertisement and invoice me for:<br />

For payment contact Gigi Banks<br />

gigi@creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

951-315-8840<br />



2-PAGE AD<br />

MONTH BY<br />

MONTH<br />


Please design my ad:<br />



2-PAGE AD<br />

Contact Marcy Decato<br />

marcy@creativesolutionsmktg.com<br />

951-707-6338<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


<strong>GSFE</strong> Members’ Books:<br />

Support our members by buying their books.<br />

You will find them all in Amazon, or contact the<br />

member directly so you get an autograph copy!<br />

“Lady Dr. Robbie Motter is a bold thinker who empowers others to help them<br />

reach their full potential for success. She is a Game Changer.”<br />

Lady Amb. Dr. Lenora Peterson- Maclin Ph.D.<br />

Contributing Authors<br />


DR. (h.c.) LAURYN HUNTER<br />



DR. (h.c.) DEBORAH IRISH<br />






DR. (h.c.) ANGELE CADE<br />


DR. (h.c.) KATHLEEN RONALD<br />






DR. (h.c.) ANGELA COVANY<br />



DR. (h.c.) LAURIE DAVIS<br />

LONG<br />


DR. (h.c.) YOLANDA DAVIS<br />

DR. (h.c.) REGINA LUNDY<br />


DR. (h.c.) CHEBRA “O’CHEA” DORSEY<br />

DR. (h.c.) SARA LYPPS<br />


DR. (h.c.) VIOLA EDWARD<br />







DR. (h.c.) STONE LOVE FAURE<br />


DR. (h.c.) JOAN E WAKELAND<br />



DR. (h.c.) TOMESHA D. WALKER<br />


DR. (h.c.) SUSIE MIERZWIK<br />









DR. (h.c.) KATHERINE ORHO<br />

“Robbie not only ‘Shows Up’ everyday in the lives of so many women, she also<br />

makes others want to ‘Show Up’.”<br />

Lauren Raguzin- Author, ‘Women Standing Strong Together Vol. 2’<br />

Change Management and Communications Leader.<br />

It’s all About Showing Up Vol. 2 Dr. (h.c.)Robbie Motter<br />


It’s all<br />

About<br />

Showing<br />

Up<br />

Vol. 2<br />

Lady Dr. (h.d.) Robbie Motter<br />

132<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

134<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Omenesa+Akomolafe&ref=nb_sb_noss<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


136<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


138<br />

“Lady Dr. Robbie Motter is a bold thinker who empowers others to help them<br />

reach their full potential for success. She is a Game Changer.”<br />

Lady Amb. Dr. Lenora Peterson- Maclin Ph.D.<br />





DR. (h.c.) ANGELE CADE<br />



DR. (h.c.) ANGELA COVANY<br />


DR. (h.c.) LAURIE DAVIS<br />

DR. (h.c.) YOLANDA DAVIS<br />

DR. (h.c.) CHEBRA “O’CHEA” DORSEY<br />

DR. (h.c.) VIOLA EDWARD<br />



DR. (h.c.) STONE LOVE FAURE<br />







Contributing Authors<br />

DR. (h.c.) LAURYN HUNTER<br />

DR. (h.c.) DEBORAH IRISH<br />








LONG<br />

DR. (h.c.) REGINA LUNDY<br />

DR. (h.c.) SARA LYPPS<br />






DR. (h.c.) SUSIE MIERZWIK<br />




DR. (h.c.) KATHERINE ORHO<br />




DR. (h.c.) CHERIE REYNOLDS<br />

DR. (h.c.) KATHLEEN RONALD<br />

DR. (h.c.) SHELLY RUFIN<br />


DR. (h.c.) JAYA SAJNANI<br />







DR. (h.c.) MARIE WAITE<br />

DR. (h.c.) JOAN E WAKELAND<br />

DR. (h.c.) TOMESHA D. WALKER<br />



DR. (h.c.) VIOLET WILLIAMS<br />


“Robbie not only ‘Shows Up’ everyday in the lives of so many women, she also<br />

“Lady Dr. Robbie Motter is a bold thinker who empowers others to help them<br />

reach their full makes potential for others success. She want is a Game to Changer.” ‘Show Up’.”<br />

Lady Amb. Dr. Lenora Peterson- Maclin Ph.D.<br />

Lauren Raguzin- Author, ‘Women Standing Strong Together Vol. 2’<br />

Change Management and Communications Leader.<br />





DR. (h.c.) ANGELE CADE<br />



DR. (h.c.) ANGELA COVANY<br />


DR. (h.c.) LAURIE DAVIS<br />

DR. (h.c.) YOLANDA DAVIS<br />

DR. (h.c.) CHEBRA “O’CHEA” DORSEY<br />

DR. (h.c.) VIOLA EDWARD<br />



DR. (h.c.) STONE LOVE FAURE<br />







Contributing Authors<br />

DR. (h.c.) LAURYN HUNTER<br />

DR. (h.c.) DEBORAH IRISH<br />








LONG<br />

DR. (h.c.) REGINA LUNDY<br />

DR. (h.c.) SARA LYPPS<br />






DR. (h.c.) SUSIE MIERZWIK<br />




DR. (h.c.) KATHERINE ORHO<br />




DR. (h.c.) CHERIE REYNOLDS<br />

DR. (h.c.) KATHLEEN RONALD<br />

DR. (h.c.) SHELLY RUFIN<br />


DR. (h.c.) JAYA SAJNANI<br />






DR. (h.c.) MARIE WAITE<br />

DR. (h.c.) JOAN E WAKELAND<br />

DR. (h.c.) TOMESHA D. WALKER<br />



DR. (h.c.) VIOLET WILLIAMS<br />


“Robbie not only ‘Shows Up’ everyday in the lives of so many women, she also<br />

makes others want to ‘Show Up’.”<br />

Lauren Raguzin- Author, ‘Women Standing Strong Together Vol. 2’<br />

Change Management and Communications Leader.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />

It’s all About Showing Up Vol. 2 Dr. (h.c.)Robbie Motter<br />

It’s all About Showing Up Vol. 2 Dr. (h.c.)Robbie Motter<br />


It’s all<br />

About<br />

Showing<br />

Up<br />

Vol. 2<br />

Lady Dr. (h.d.) Robbie Motter<br />

LIFE IS<br />

Lady D

<strong>GSFE</strong> Members’<br />

Podcasts:<br />

Name of Show: Heart Link Network Value Added Tuesday<br />

When does it air, day and time: 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 11:00am to 12:00 pst<br />

What is the show about: Value Added Tuesday is a virtual stage for empowering<br />

women to educate and inspire viewers!<br />

What type of guests are you looking for: Inspiring and empowering women in<br />

any field that serves others.<br />

Is the guest slot Free or is there a charge and if a charge how much: STAR Heart<br />

Link Network members are free, $50 for <strong>GSFE</strong> and Heart Link Network, $75 normally<br />

Link to show so they can listen to see if it fits for them: https://www.facebook.<br />

com/1636842504/videos/412366513968213/<br />

How to contact you. forhealthyconnections.com. 949-922-8072<br />

Name of Show: POWER HOUR WITH Lauren Powers<br />

When does it air, day and time: Live Mondays at noon 2x a month<br />

What is the show about: Highlighting entrepreneurs on their product, service<br />

or business<br />

What type of guests are you looking for: Professional Women looking for<br />

more exposure. Level up their Brand and Health<br />

Is the guest slot Free or is there a charge and if a charge how much: Flexible<br />

Link to show so they can listen to see if it fits for them: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1peMNcoI7UV_YjKfczJk_w<br />

How to contact you.<br />

https://laurenpowers.com<br />

http://www.powerhourtv.com to apply online.<br />

cell: 949 302-2833.<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Coach Mikki, Mel and Friends - https://coachmikkiandfriends.buzzsprout.com/<br />

We have new episodes every Mondays and Fridays - On Spotify - iTunes<br />

- iHeart and 14 other platforms - We have an International listener base.<br />

About us:<br />

Just Ordinary Friends trying to Live an Extraordinary Life! We share real<br />

stories that we hope will connect, inspire and leave you laughing!! Come<br />

as you are and join our Circle of Friends, perfection is not needed.. We<br />

are genuine friends who love all the things that make us unique!!<br />

We are looking for anyone who would like to share their stories, have fun<br />

and be more than just an infomercial for their product. While we do not<br />

charge a fee at the moment, we want to have a symbiotic relationship by<br />

sharing our link on your social media as we are doing the same for you.<br />

Spoitify - https://open.spotify.com/show/4B2W87BTl1HnZofmP4eRue<br />

iTunes - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/coach-mikki-melfriends/id1586497731<br />

https://coachmikkiandfriends.buzzsprout.com/<br />

If you are interested - Coach Mikki - 949-702-4724<br />

Name of Show: Living the Best Life with Rosalyn Kahn<br />

When does it air, day and time: Tuesday 11am-1130 Chow Entertainment<br />

KXLAtv.com<br />

What is the show about: Overcoming Obstacles<br />

What type of guests are you looking for: Sharing inspirational stories of<br />

overcoming adversity<br />

Is the guest slot Free or is there a charge and if a charge how much:<br />

Free to interview, 250 cost to produce professional quality video to promote<br />

on the Network Tv show.<br />

Link to show so they can listen to see if it fits for them: https://www.<br />

youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjosf2N01q7wiJx4u1nstXbJtzi10hspv<br />

How to contact you: Contact my Associate Producer buonocore.annamarie123@gmail.com<br />

140<br />

Name of Show: Diva Strategies for Success<br />

Description: Diva Strategies for Success. with the Queen Diva Robbie<br />

Motter, who is known as the Master Connector and Networking Queen.<br />

She and her dynamic guests will share many stories, tips and resources<br />

for marketing, PR, Speaking, SHOWING UP, and great opportunities to<br />

help you soar your business to greatness. She is also the CEO/Founder<br />

of Global Society for Female Entrepreneur a 501 c3 non profit whose<br />

mission is to Empower, Inspire, Mentor, Train, form Collaborations with<br />

women so they cab soar to greatness in their personal and professional<br />

lives. We also have monthly networking meetings live and several<br />

monthly meetings on zoom to take care of our many out of California<br />

and out of Country members.<br />

Website www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />

Link to show: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/divastrategiesforsuccess<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org

Name of Show: THE RING WITH OMENESA<br />

When does it air, day and time: DAILY on Spotify, Apple, Google Podcast,<br />

Castbox, Radiopublic, Overcast, Breaker, Podbean, Anchor<br />

What is the show about: Encouraging the masses to keep fighting in<br />

the ring of life because the will win. It is an Inspirational show<br />

What type of guests are you looking for: Emotional Healing Focused<br />

(Therapists, Past Victims(Rape, Sex Workers, Addictions, Divorce, Delayed<br />

job, school, etc) Women comfortable with sharing vulnerability,<br />

etc)<br />

Is the guest slot Free or is there a charge and if a charge how much: $20<br />

Link to show so they can listen to see if it fits for them:<br />

I’m listening to THE RING WITH OMENESA on Podbean, check it out!<br />

https://www.podbean.com/pa/pbblog-fe656-3054cd<br />

How to contact you +19173497226<br />

Name of Show – Silver Sage<br />

When does it air, day and time -- Tuesday 11:30 AM<br />

What is the show about:<br />

Silver Sage is an award-winning television program featuring people<br />

50+ who are living out loud– charting new waters, taking new risks,<br />

fulfilling life-long dreams— proving that life in the second half can rival,<br />

and in some ways, be even be better than the first half!<br />

What type of guests are you looking for—Currently looking for people<br />

50+ who are passionately pursuing a creative outlet/hobby that they<br />

started after turning 50—this could be drawing, painting, quilt-making,<br />

gourmet cooking, photography, music lessons, and such<br />

Is the guest slot Free or is there a charge and if a charge how much<br />

Currently no charge<br />

Link to show so they can listen to see if it fits for them<br />

https://www.youtube.com/c/SilverSageProductions/videos<br />

How to contact you.<br />

Via email Joan@photographywithPurpose.com<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Global Society for<br />

Female Entrepreneurs<br />

CENTRAL SAN DIEGO <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 1st Wednesday at 5:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Call director for location - Hybrid*<br />

Director:<br />

Marie Antonette Waite<br />

Phone: (951) 378-5316<br />

Email:<br />

marie@finestwomeninrealestate.com<br />

Co-Director: Barbara Ham<br />

Phone: (619) 252-3245<br />

Email:<br />

barbfsa@gmail.com<br />

CHINO VALLEY <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 1st Monday at 1:00pm<br />

Location:<br />

Tailor Space & The Shops<br />

13925 City Center Drive<br />

Chino Hills, CA 91709<br />

Director:<br />

Tyra “Tee”Lee<br />

Phone (626) 272-7282<br />

Email:<br />

teesjouneyy@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Renée Chew<br />

Phone: (626) 272-7282<br />

COACHELLA VALLEY <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 3rd Wednesday at 11:30am<br />

Location:<br />

Coco’s - Hybrid<br />

78375 Varner Road<br />

Palm Desert, CA 92211<br />

Director:<br />

Bette King<br />

Phone (760) 905-0898<br />

Email:<br />

bettekingproductions43@gmail.com<br />


Meeting Date: 1st Wednesday at 12:00 (noon)<br />

Location:<br />

127 West Social House - Hybrid<br />

127 Elder Street<br />

Fallbrook, CA 92028<br />

Director:<br />

Sara M. Lypps, MBA<br />

Phone: (760) 497-5821<br />

Email:<br />

lyppsfinancial@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Lisa Mayer<br />

Phone: (949) 202-9906<br />

Email:<br />

lisaannmayer@gmail.com<br />

LONG BEACH / SOUTH BAY <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 3rd Monday at 3:00pm<br />

Location:<br />

Jade Restaurant<br />

6380 Pacific Coast Highway #A<br />

Long Beach, CA 90803<br />

Acting Director: Robbie Motter<br />

Phone: (951) 255-9200<br />

Email:<br />

rmotter@aol.com<br />



<strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 3rd Tuesday at 6:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom*<br />

Director:<br />

Diana Londyn<br />

Phone: (310) 925-8265<br />

Email:<br />

tinseltown<strong>GSFE</strong>@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Deborah Thorne<br />

Phone: (310) 497-1640<br />

Email:<br />

theinformationdivaonline@gmail.com<br />


WINCHESTER <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 2nd Wednesday at 11:30am<br />

Location:<br />

Cherry Hills Golf Course<br />

26583 Cherry Hill’s Blvd.<br />

Sun City, CA 92586<br />

Director:<br />

Regina Kay Lundy<br />

Phone: (951) 764-2590<br />

Email:<br />

reginalundy54@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Adela Sanchez<br />

Phone: (951) 522-9853<br />

Email:<br />

adndsanchez@hotmail.com<br />

MTN / LAKE ARROWHEAD <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 2nd Sunday at 11:00am<br />

Location:<br />

Tudor House<br />

800 Arrowhead Villa Road<br />

Lake Arrowhead, CA 92352<br />

Director<br />

Charmaine Summers<br />

Phone:<br />

(714) 350-3626 text only<br />


Meeting Date: 4th Thursday at 6:00pm<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom*<br />

Director:<br />

Stone Love<br />

Phone: (510) 600-8183<br />

Email:<br />

StoneLoveSays@gmail.com<br />

OCEANSIDE <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 2nd Monday at 5:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Oceanside Broiler Restaurant<br />

1325 Harbor Drive North<br />

Oceanside, CA 92054<br />

Director:<br />

Debbie Love<br />

Phone: (760) 455-8562<br />

Email:<br />

lovedebbi@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Cheri Reynolds<br />

Phone: (909) 238-5790<br />

Email:<br />

cherischallenge@gmail.com<br />



BEAUMONT <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date:<br />

Location:<br />

1st Monday at 5:30pm (Starts in May)<br />

Cactus Cantina - Hybrid<br />

151 E. Alessandro Blvd.<br />

Riverside, CA 92508<br />

Director:<br />

Joan E. Wakeland<br />

Phone: (909) 721-7648<br />

Email:<br />

joanewakeland@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Arvee Robinson<br />

Phone: (909) 645-9147<br />

Email:<br />

arvee@arveerobinson.com<br />


Meeting Date: 3rd Tuesday at 6:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom*<br />

Director:<br />

AnGele Cade<br />

Phone: (818) 732-1275<br />

Email:<br />

acade@execonthego.com<br />


Meeting Date: 4th Thursday at 12:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom*<br />

Director:<br />

Katherine Orho<br />

Phone: (909) 717-4777<br />

Email:<br />

korho2@gmail.com<br />


Meeting Date: 4th Tuesday at 6:30pm<br />

Location:<br />

Bravos California Fresh<br />

27200 La Paz Road<br />

Mission Viejo, CA 92692<br />

Director:<br />

Angelique Sunshine<br />

Phone: (949) 933-6539<br />

Email:<br />

mylife@growyourdestiny.com<br />

Co-Director: Nanciann Horvath<br />

Phone: (714) 394-4989<br />

Email:<br />

improvforhealth@gmail.com<br />

TEMECULA <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 2nd Wednesday at 6:00pm<br />

Location:<br />

Hobo’s BBQ<br />

30590 Rancho California Road<br />

Temecula, CA 92591<br />

Director:<br />

Jana Hadany<br />

Phone: (480) 250-4555<br />

Email:<br />

jhadany@gmail.com<br />

142<br />

Together We Can<br />

Make a Difference<br />

By empowering women and providing leadership resources,<br />

Global Society For Female we Entrepreneurs help female entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />


Global Society for<br />

Female Entrepreneurs<br />

NEW YORK<br />

NEW YORK <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: Last Saturday at 12:00pm (EST)<br />

9:00am (PST)<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom*<br />

Director:<br />

Omenesa Oruma-Akomolafe<br />

Phone: (917) 349-7226<br />

Email:<br />

ooooruma@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Rori Montali<br />

Phone: (917) 450-1890<br />

Email:<br />

rorimontali@gmail.com<br />


PHILEO <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK (starts in May <strong>2023</strong>)<br />

Meeting Date: 2nd Tuesday at 8:00pm (EST)<br />

5:00PM (PST)<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom*<br />

Director:<br />

Dr. Nephetina L. Serrano<br />

Phone: (215) 219-1465<br />

Email:<br />

drserranoministries@gmail.com<br />

Coming...<br />

CHICAGO <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK (starts in July <strong>2023</strong>)<br />

Director:<br />

Martha Razo<br />

Phone: (412) 532-5561<br />

Email:<br />

mrazo202@gmail.com<br />

IDAHO <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK (starts in July <strong>2023</strong>)<br />

Director:<br />

Kimberly Anderson<br />

Phone: (951) 757-7753<br />

Email:<br />

kimberlyacanderson@gmail.com<br />

MARINA DEL REY <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Director:<br />

Dr. Cherilyn Lee<br />

Phone: (310) 880-6892<br />

Email:<br />

drlee@nuwellnesshealthcare.com<br />

NORTHERN NEVADA <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Director:<br />

Jennifer Hockaday<br />

Phone: (775) 777-4348<br />

Email:<br />

jdanstead@gmail.com<br />

VIRTUAL THURSDAYS @ <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

“Virtual Thursdays“ will be always via Zoom<br />

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with<br />

women from all over the country and<br />

around the globe, in a professional,<br />

energetic and fun meeting!<br />

1st Thursday of the Month at 12pm (PST)<br />

Director:<br />

Angeline Benjamin<br />

Phone: (949) 445-9368<br />

Email:<br />

albenjamin.bb27@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Susie Mierzwik<br />

Phone: (909) 709-3075<br />

Email:<br />

kinderkat9@gmail.com<br />

Young Ladies<br />

Network<br />

Global Society for<br />

Female Entrepreneurs<br />


<strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Meeting Date: 3rd Sunday at 11:00am<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom*<br />

Director:<br />

Lauryn Hunter<br />

Phone: (310) 740-7521<br />

Email:<br />

gsfeyouthnetwork@gmail.com<br />

Co-Directors: Taylor Tejera<br />

Hanna Carter<br />

Mission<br />

To empower, inspire, mentor, educate<br />

and connect women so they become<br />

successful entrepreneurs and enjoy<br />

fulfilling, productive and<br />

abundant lives.<br />

Vision<br />

Unlimited success through National<br />

and International networking and a<br />

well-known legacy of making positive<br />

differences in people’s lives.<br />


Canada<br />

CANADA <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

Meeting Date: 4th Thursday at 8:00am (PST)<br />

Location:<br />

Zoom*<br />

Director:<br />

Laurie Davis<br />

Phone: (780) 566-2340<br />

Email:<br />

Thelauriedavisshow@gmail.com<br />

Co-Director: Virginia Clarke<br />

Phone: (403) 506-3309<br />

Email:<br />

virginia.clarke@me.com<br />

United Kingdom<br />

UNITED KINGDOM <strong>GSFE</strong><br />

CHELSEY <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Director:<br />

Ada Gartenmann<br />

Phone:<br />

+44 (789) 096-0284 (WhatsApp)<br />

Email:<br />

info@sheinspiresmeawards.com<br />

LONDON <strong>GSFE</strong> NETWORK<br />

Director:<br />

Dr. Jaya Sajnani<br />

Phone:<br />

+44 (078) 085-22157 (WhatsApp)<br />

Email:<br />

sales@ygtravel.co.uk><br />

501 (c)(3) non profit 30-1005419<br />

Meeting fees are: $10.00 for members and $15.00 for guests.<br />

<strong>GSFE</strong> membership $75.00 a year.<br />

Cell: (951) 255-9200 (WhatsApp) | Phone: 833.775.<strong>GSFE</strong><br />

rmotter@aol.com<br />

29991 Canyon Hills Road, Suite 1709, #435<br />

Lake Elsinore, CA 92533<br />

globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />

Global Society For Female Entrepreneurs - www.globalsocietyforfemaleentrepreneurs.org<br />

Global Society for<br />

Female Entrepreneurs<br />


Mission<br />

To empower, inspire, educate and<br />

connect women so they become<br />

successful entrepreneurs and enjoy<br />

fulfilling, productive and abundant lives.<br />

GlobalSocietyForFemaleEntrepreneurs.org<br />

Find a network near you:<br />


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