Bay Harbour: April 19, 2023

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Cat saves<br />

owners<br />

from fire<br />

Rugby coach<br />

comes<br />

full circle<br />

Buy, Sell,<br />

Discover.<br />

with...<br />

Lynton Hubber<br />

A fresh<br />

approach to<br />

Real Estate<br />

thinking.<br />

Fo<br />

Page 3<br />

Page 9<br />

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Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead -<br />

Licensed Sales Consultant REAA 2008<br />

Museum plan approved<br />

after ‘frustrating’ delay<br />

• By Tony Simons<br />

DELAYS IN dealing with the<br />

city council mean the Lyttelton<br />

Historical Museum Society<br />

will need to fundraise at least<br />

another $2.5 million for the<br />

port’s new museum.<br />

It was hoped the new<br />

museum, Te Ūaka, might be<br />

completed and open this year,<br />

but the volunteer society had<br />

to make changes after concerns<br />

were raised by city council planners<br />

about the height, scale and<br />

visual impact of the building.<br />

Society<br />

president<br />

Peter Rough<br />

said the entire<br />

process since<br />

the consent<br />

application<br />

Peter Rough<br />

was first<br />

lodged in July<br />

2020 has been<br />

“incredibly frustrating”.<br />

The society has received<br />

approval for its plan for the<br />

museum nearly three years<br />

after first lodging a consent<br />

application.<br />

The Te Ūaka project – to<br />

replace the museum destroyed<br />

TAKE TWO: A visualisation of the re-designed building, looking from Albion Square. PHOTO: WARREN AND MAHONEY<br />

in the February 22, 2011 earthquake<br />

– was originally expected<br />

to cost about $9.9 million.<br />

The society has so far raised<br />

$850,000, but the cost has now<br />

increased by 26 per cent. Rough<br />

said it might be significantly<br />

more after additional costs<br />

incurred by the re-design and<br />

new consent application were<br />

factored in.<br />

He now expects it will be four<br />

years before Te Ūaka opens.<br />

Rough said it was frustrating,<br />

because city council planners<br />

and a professional design panel<br />

were consulted at the very start<br />

of the process and said they<br />

were happy with the plans.<br />

Plans were finalised in 2020<br />

and were even discussed at a<br />

pre-resource consent application<br />

meeting with the city council,<br />

with no major issues raised,<br />

Rough said.<br />

He said they did point out the<br />

building was over height but a<br />

senior planner wrote a memo<br />

saying that issue was mitigated<br />

by other factors, so the society<br />

forged ahead.<br />

• Turn to page 6<br />

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2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


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neighbours in the following areas<br />

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Anzac Day services<br />

Anzac Day is a time to reflect on the sacrifices made by our past<br />

and present servicemen and women. Here is where and when<br />

you can honour their courage while serving New Zealand<br />

Lyttelton: War Memorial,<br />

Albion Square – 10am.<br />

Sumner: RSA Memorial<br />

Gates – 11am.<br />

Akaroa: War Memorial –<br />

11.30am.<br />

Little River: Community<br />

Centre – 9.30am.<br />

Little River: Community<br />

Centre – 9.30am.<br />

Heathcote: War Memorial<br />

(Martindale-Bridal Path-Flavell)<br />

– 6.15am.<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong>: A<br />

general get-together on the grass<br />

at Godley House from 9.45am<br />

will include coffee and tea.<br />

Then assemble outside the DHB<br />

Eatery & Bar and march to War<br />

Memorial Hall at 10.30am. A<br />

news<br />

Flight comes closer<br />

Mt Pleasant Community Centre’s purchase of Flight, a $95,000 sculpture<br />

by the late Llew Summers, has received support with Summers’ partner<br />

donating another of his works as a raffle prize.<br />

Page 6<br />

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Page 20<br />

formal<br />

service<br />

followed by<br />

wreaths and<br />

poppy laying<br />

will be held<br />

at the hall at<br />

10.40am. A morning<br />

tea will then be held<br />

from 11.30am at the Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> rugby clubrooms.<br />

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Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 3<br />

DANGER: The Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Volunteer Fire Brigade was called out to the house fire at 3.53am. The occupants had<br />

removed the smoke alarms to change the batteries.<br />

Cat alerts occupants to fire<br />

after smoke alarms taken down<br />

• By Heidi Slade<br />

A HOUSEHOLD was saved from<br />

a potentially life threatening fire<br />

– by their cat.<br />

The Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Volunteer<br />

Fire Brigade responded to the<br />

call-out on <strong>Bay</strong> Heights at<br />

3.53am last Thursday.<br />

The small fire was caused by an<br />

electrical fault.<br />

The occupants had taken down<br />

their smoke alarms to change the<br />

batteries.<br />

They were instead luckily<br />

woken up and alerted to the fire<br />

by their pet cat.<br />

“You could never tell whether<br />

the cat knew something was<br />

wrong or just woke them up,”<br />

chief fire officer Doug Burt said.<br />

He said the occupants were<br />

very lucky. If they had not been<br />

woken up, it could have been<br />

fatal, Burt said.<br />

“The result is generally fatal<br />

because they don’t wake up and<br />

get out.”<br />

The occupants would<br />

likely have suffocated and<br />

been poisoned by the carbon<br />

monoxide emitted from the<br />

blaze.<br />

“Carbon monoxide . . . (is) a<br />

very dangerous gas,” Burt said.<br />

“It’s what we call the silent<br />

death.”<br />

His is advice to anyone inside<br />

during a house fire: “Get out and<br />

stay out.”<br />

Burt said the electrical fault<br />

which caused the blaze could<br />

have been a construction fault or<br />

old wires that had deteriorated<br />

over time.<br />

“There are a couple of ways to<br />

end up with an electrical fault,’’<br />

he said.<br />

Arcing wires could have caused<br />

the blaze, which spread quickly.<br />

Burt urged homeowners to<br />

regularly check their smoke<br />

alarms and put them back in<br />

place immediately after changing<br />

the batteries.<br />

He also encouraged people to<br />

trim any obstructive vegetation<br />

around long driveways to ensure<br />

fire engines can access the<br />

property.<br />

“You don’t always think about<br />

it when you’re driving your car in<br />

but our truck is much bigger.”<br />

He said their appliance had<br />

trouble accessing the <strong>Bay</strong> Heights<br />

property.<br />

“The driveway there had quite<br />

a bit of overgrown vegetation.<br />

“If there had been a bit more<br />

growth it probably would’ve<br />

stopped us.”<br />

• New fire chief, page 7<br />

Occupants<br />

flee scene<br />

after crash<br />

on Evans<br />

Pass Rd<br />

• By Heidi Slade<br />

FIRE FIGHTERS were called to a<br />

car crash on Evans Pass Rd early<br />

on Sunday to find the occupants<br />

had fled the scene.<br />

The Honda had flipped, a front<br />

wheel had been snapped off and it<br />

was left abandoned in the middle<br />

of the road.<br />

“(The car) looked like it hit the<br />

left bank of the road and flipped,”<br />

said Sumner Volunteer Fire Brigade<br />

chief Daryl Sayer.<br />

The body of the vehicle had<br />

sustained considerable damage.<br />

Sayer said it was not known<br />

who made the call to alert emergency<br />

services to the crash.<br />

A search for the driver and any<br />

passengers was carried out at the<br />

scene, unsuccessfully.<br />

The incident has been referred<br />

to the police.<br />




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4 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 5<br />

Medical centre fundraising hits halfway<br />

• By Heidi Slade<br />

TWO MORE grants have pushed<br />

fundraising for the Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> Medical Centre upgrade<br />

to just over half its $600,000<br />

target.<br />

The Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> &<br />

Districts Health Support Group<br />

received $3492 from the Te Pātaka<br />

o Rākaihautū Banks Peninsula<br />

Community Board last week.<br />

“It’s great to be<br />

able to support<br />

initiatives within<br />

our community<br />

that promote health<br />

and resilience,”<br />

Reuben<br />

Davidson<br />

said community<br />

board chair Reuben<br />

Davidson.<br />

“This contribution<br />

from our discretionary<br />

response fund will ensure the<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> Health Centre<br />

can continue with their important<br />

work in the community.”<br />

Lyttelton Port Company also<br />

donated $25,000 in January.<br />

Building consent from the<br />

city council was also received in<br />

January.<br />

“That was a fantastic start to<br />

the year,” DHDHSG chair Gay<br />

Pavelka said.<br />

Pavelka and the group are<br />

grateful for all contributions<br />

made to the project.<br />

“We are progressing really<br />

well,’’ she said.<br />

“We are really grateful to the<br />

LPC and our local Four Square<br />

for their support.<br />

“Most of the effort still comes<br />

from the community.’’<br />

In December, Four Square<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> held a raffle<br />

that raised $3000 for the medical<br />

centre.<br />

DHDHSG has been fundraising<br />

for the centre for over a year.<br />

In December, it was turned<br />

down for Government funding.<br />

The centre is fully community-owned<br />

and leased on a not-forprofit<br />

basis to the local medical<br />

practice. That makes the service<br />

more affordable for the community,<br />

but because the community<br />

owns the centre the Government<br />

won’t help fund it, said Pavelka at<br />

the time.<br />

The upgrade includes constructing<br />

a new wing and renovating<br />

the building so it complies<br />

with current national health<br />

standards.<br />

There will be improved access<br />

for the disabled and for ambulance<br />

stretchers.<br />

“There will be better access for<br />

everyone, especially the elderly<br />

and disabled will benefit.<br />

“It’s for the whole district, not<br />

just Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> itself,”<br />

Pavelka said.<br />

The upgrade will also provide<br />

space for more than one<br />

clinician, and a new respiratory<br />

diseases area.<br />

“Given the national problem of<br />


DRIVE: The<br />

Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong><br />

community<br />

has raised<br />

almost 55<br />

per cent of<br />

the funds<br />

needed for<br />

the Diamond<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong><br />

Medical<br />

Centre<br />

upgrade.<br />

attracting primary health care staff<br />

to rural areas we are in no doubt<br />

of the need to provide an up-tostandard<br />

facility,” Pavelka said.<br />

As the first stage of the upgrade,<br />

construction of the new<br />

wing would hopefully be under<br />

way later this year, she said.<br />

The group has fundraisers<br />

coming up and continues to<br />

apply for funding.<br />

“We hope for success in the<br />

grant applications that are<br />

ahead,” Pavelka said. “We’ll just<br />

keep working at it hard.”<br />

• On <strong>April</strong> 30, there will<br />

be a long lunch at Orton<br />

Bradley Park and a dog<br />

toy-making event on May<br />

17. For more info, see the<br />

Diamond <strong>Harbour</strong> and<br />

Districts Health Support<br />

Facebook page.<br />


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<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

6<br />

NEWS<br />

SCULPTURE: The large bronze by Llew Summers, titled<br />

Flight. Inset – Over the Shoulder, also by Summers,<br />

donated to raise funds for Flight’s purchase.<br />

Closer to Flight<br />

• By Tony Simons<br />

MT PLEASANT community<br />

fundraising for the purchase<br />

of a $95,000 bronze sculpture<br />

by the late Llew Summers is<br />

closing in on its target, with<br />

Summers’ partner Robyn<br />

Webster donating one of his<br />

works to help raise some of the<br />

$25,000 still required.<br />

A large Summers’ bronze, titled<br />

Flight, is waiting at the Tai<br />

Tapu Sculpture Garden, to be<br />

installed next to the Mt Pleasant<br />

Community Centre.<br />

Summers lived in the area<br />

and carved Flight in 2014.<br />

Tickets for the raffle, which is<br />

hoped will raise another $4000<br />

towards its purchase, will be<br />

drawn on Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 29 at<br />

11am at the farmers’ market.<br />

First prize is a 26cm tall indoor<br />

ceramic work by Summers<br />

titled Over the Shoulder.<br />

Webster said she donated it<br />

because she wants to see a memorial<br />

to Summers in the area<br />

that was his tūrangawaewae.<br />

“I loved him and want to do<br />

whatever I can to support that<br />

memorial,” she said.<br />

• Tickets for the raffle<br />

can be purchased from<br />

the community centre. To<br />

donate go to Facebook<br />

page www.facebook.com/<br />

takeflightfundraiser<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Museum’s change of plans<br />

• From page 1<br />

“Council then consulted<br />

affected parties but, just as we<br />

were about to have a hearing,<br />

they told us they’d made a<br />

mistake and it needed to be<br />

publicly notified.<br />

“We were then given the<br />

choice: either continue with the<br />

proposal without council support<br />

and take the risk it might<br />

be challenged; or take council<br />

concerns on board and redo the<br />

plans and submit a new application,”<br />

said Rough.<br />

“So, that’s what we did.”<br />

The amended plans were finally<br />

approved by city council-appointed<br />

commissioner Andrew<br />

Henderson​last week, who stated<br />

the adverse effects of the new<br />

proposal were less than minor.<br />

The architects for Te Ūaka,<br />

Warren and Mahoney, were<br />

appointed to do the design work<br />

in 2017.<br />

The following year the Lyttelton<br />

Design Review Panel, co-ordinated<br />

by senior city council<br />

urban designer John Lonink,<br />

made suggestions about design<br />

elements and recommended incorporating<br />

a mana whenua narrative,<br />

but overall it commended<br />

the plan.<br />

The plan was then refined after<br />

Ngāti Wheke, with local artist<br />

Nathan Pohio (who is now vice<br />

president of the society), were<br />

consulted.<br />

City council head of planning<br />

and consents John Higgins said<br />

some concerns were raised about<br />

the original proposal in 2020,<br />

but soon after Lonink left the<br />

council.<br />

Another staff member then<br />

assessed it, which resulted in the<br />

application being “limited notified”<br />

to 22 affected parties. Nine<br />

submissions were received, six of<br />

which were opposed and three<br />

were in favour, Higgins said.<br />

“While council staff try to<br />

provide consistent advice, that<br />

can sometimes change when new<br />

information is provided or new<br />

professionals are introduced.”<br />

The design changes include the<br />

floor plan, reducing the overall<br />

height by two metres and adding<br />

more windows.<br />

• Museum column, page 11<br />

TE ŪAKA: The north elevation of the museum building originally planned (left). The<br />

amended plan is on the right.<br />


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Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 7<br />

Moving a 100yo landmark<br />

• By Heidi Slade<br />

A 100-YEAR-old yacht and<br />

motor boat clubhouse has been<br />

granted resource consent to<br />

move to its new home next to the<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> jetty.<br />

Built in <strong>19</strong>23, the Canterbury<br />

Yacht and Motor Boat<br />

clubhouse holds a special place<br />

in the yachting and sea scout<br />

community, Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Jetty Restoration Trust secretary<br />

Louisa Eades said.<br />

The trust became involved<br />

in the project in 20<strong>19</strong> with the<br />

aim of relocating and restoring<br />

the historic clubhouse currently<br />

in storage on Lyttelton Port<br />

Company land.<br />

The port company can no<br />

longer store the building so it<br />

must be relocated.<br />

The project has been given<br />

$138,000 in heritage grants and<br />

a $58,000 contribution from<br />

the city council’s sustainability<br />

and community resilience<br />

committee.<br />

The trust is now waiting for an<br />

up-to-date quote to relocate the<br />

clubhouse before it can apply for<br />

further funding, Eades said.<br />

“Costing from 2020 indicated<br />

a total project cost of around<br />

$400,000 – it will be more than<br />

that now,” she said.<br />

“Once we have up-to-date<br />

pricing, we will apply for<br />

other grants, such as Rata and<br />

Lotteries Commission, and do<br />

some fundraising.”<br />

Eades said this is likely to<br />

happen later this year as the trust<br />

is currently focused on funding<br />

the jetty rebuild.<br />

It was gifted the clubhouse by<br />

its previous owners under the<br />

premise it would be relocated.<br />

“The building was special to<br />

many in the yachting and sea<br />

scout community in Lyttelton for<br />

almost 100 years,” Eades said.<br />

“Although it is a humble<br />

building, it launched many<br />

people’s sailing and boating lives.<br />

“A lot of heritage buildings<br />

in Lyttelton were lost after the<br />

earthquakes. This one survived.”<br />

SPECIAL: The<br />

Canterbury Yacht<br />

and Motor Boat<br />

clubhouse at its<br />

original site at<br />

Dampier <strong>Bay</strong>.<br />

Left – The<br />

clubhouse is<br />

being stored<br />

at the Lyttelton<br />

Port, but will be<br />

moved to a new<br />

site near the<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

jetty.<br />

When the club amalgamated<br />

with the Banks Peninsula<br />

Cruising Club and moved to<br />

Naval Point, the Lyttelton Sea<br />

Scouts bought the building and<br />

used it as a scout den until the<br />

mid-<strong>19</strong>90s, Eades said.<br />

Then it became a training<br />

clubroom for the Dampier <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Maritime Club until Dampier<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> was developed into Te Ana<br />

Marina and the building had to<br />

be removed.<br />

“Once relocated, the 12m by<br />

6m building will be renovated<br />

for the community to use,<br />

including storage of kayaks and<br />

boating gear, an indoor venue<br />

for jetty events, a small shop or<br />

artists’ workshop, a classroom<br />

and changing area for school<br />

groups, and a place to tell the<br />

stories of the area,” Eades said.<br />

While the trust has ideas about<br />

what to add to the clubhouse<br />

once it has been relocated, it is<br />

set to run community workshops<br />

on Sunday and May 28 from<br />

3-4pm at the Governors <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Community Centre. Residents<br />

are invited to share what they<br />

think the space could be used<br />

for.<br />

“We are open to ideas, but<br />

our plans are to run it as a<br />

community space,” Eades said.<br />

Chief has ‘high standard’ to follow<br />

• By Heidi Slade<br />


fire chief brings a wealth of<br />

experience to the role.<br />

Doug Burt (left) replaced<br />

Andrew Norris who was the<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> Volunteer Fire<br />

Brigade chief for more than 25<br />

years.<br />

Burt has been with the brigade<br />

since January 2015, but started<br />

as a volunteer with the Runanga<br />

brigade on the West Coast in<br />

<strong>19</strong>99.<br />

He was deputy chief fire officer<br />

at Runanga when he moved to<br />

Governors <strong>Bay</strong> in December<br />

2014. Burt joined the brigade<br />

at the start of 2015 as a senior<br />

firefighter.<br />

“It’s awesome to have such a<br />

good crew,” he said.<br />

In his second year with the<br />

brigade he was called to the Port<br />

Hills fire in 2017.<br />

“My<br />

background<br />

had mainly<br />

been in<br />

structure fires<br />

because of the<br />

demographic in<br />

Runanga.<br />

“So to come<br />

Andrew in and work on<br />

Norris a big vegetation<br />

fire was eye-opening.”<br />

Burt was made a station officer<br />

at Governors <strong>Bay</strong> a few years ago<br />

and wanted to have a go at being<br />

chief fire officer.<br />

“I thought: ‘I wouldn’t mind<br />

having a crack at being the<br />

chief ’.”<br />

When Norris resigned, he put<br />

Burt’s name forward for the role.<br />

“There’s certainly lots to do,”<br />

Burt said.<br />

“[Norris] has left a high<br />

standard to follow. I’m very<br />

much on a learning curve.”<br />

Authorised by Hon Megan Woods MP, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.<br />

Lest we forget. Ka maumahara tonu tātou i ā rātou.<br />

Remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of our country.<br />

Rino<br />

Tirikatene<br />

MP for Te Tai<br />

Tonga<br />

0800 838 2486<br />

Dan<br />

Rosewarne<br />

Labour List MP<br />

03 382 1<strong>19</strong>5<br />

Sarah<br />

Pallett<br />

MP for Ilam<br />

0800 727 244<br />

Poto<br />

Williams<br />

MP for Christchurch<br />

East<br />

03 382 0288<br />

Megan<br />

Woods<br />

MP for Wigram<br />

03 338 6347<br />

Tracey<br />

McLellan<br />

MP for Banks<br />

Peninsula<br />

03 376 4512<br />

Duncan<br />

Webb<br />

MP for Christchurch<br />

Central<br />

03 366 55<strong>19</strong>

8 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

SPORT 9<br />

Baptism of fire for Sumner coach<br />

Gareth D’Almeida<br />

has returned to Sumner<br />

Rugby as head coach<br />

of the Metro Premier<br />

side. He talks to<br />

Jaime Cunningham<br />

GARETH D’Almeida has<br />

come full circle after he was<br />

involved with Sumner for<br />

more than 20 years, playing<br />

100-plus senior games and<br />

as an assistant coach of the<br />

Wave five years ago.<br />

“(Head coach) is something<br />

I’ve wanted to do since<br />

stepping into coaching,” he<br />

said.<br />

“There’s a lot of potential<br />

here at the Wave, which we<br />

haven’t yet reached.”<br />

D’Almeida is back at<br />

Sumner after a coaching stint<br />

at Christ’s College last season<br />

and leading Sumner’s Storm<br />

colts side to back-to-back<br />

titles in 2020 and 2021.<br />

Although Sumner were<br />

pipped 24-20 in the dying<br />

minutes of their first round<br />

game against Linwood on<br />

Saturday – despite leading<br />

17-3 with 10 minutes to<br />

go – D’Almeida is confident<br />

they will have more success<br />

than last season when they<br />

finished eighth.<br />

“Linwood were semifinalists<br />

last year, so to go<br />

down in the last play of<br />

GAME: Sumner lock Joshua Loader carries the ball<br />

in their 24-20 loss to Linwood on Saturday.<br />

the game shows we’re a<br />

better team than we were,”<br />

D’Almeida said.<br />

“It was quite a back and<br />

forward game in the first 20<br />

minutes, but 17-3 was where<br />

it stayed for majority of the<br />

game.”<br />

D’Almeida aims to<br />

bring the same winning<br />

mindset to the division 1<br />

team that saw him take<br />

Sumner’s first-ever colts<br />


team to consecutive titles.<br />

“We all brought in to what<br />

we tried to achieve. There<br />

was a lot of doubt before as<br />

there was no team before<br />

then,” he said.<br />

“We were just really<br />

determined and backed<br />

ourselves. So now it’s about<br />

carrying the Storm’s success<br />

into the Wave.”<br />

The Wave take on<br />

defending Metro Premier<br />

champions Sydenham on<br />

Saturday. D’Almeida said<br />

while it will be a challenging<br />

game, they are focused on<br />

playing 80 minutes of good<br />

rugby.<br />

“You shouldn’t really lose a<br />

game in the last 10 minutes,”<br />

he said.<br />

“It has been a bit of a<br />

challenge getting our squad<br />

together but for the last week<br />

and a half we’ve been able to<br />

– so that really helps.”<br />

After starting last season<br />

with nine straight losses,<br />

D’Almeida said their mindset<br />

will be key to the Wave<br />

producing better results.<br />

“It’s not the way we play, it’s<br />

the mindset we use. There’s<br />

two ways, right, the style we<br />

play and our mindset.”<br />

The team will have to<br />

wait until next month for<br />

their first home game at St<br />

Leonards Square against<br />

High School Old Boys in<br />

round 5.<br />

“Sumner’s pretty unique<br />

with the support we get from<br />

the community,” D’Almeida<br />

said.<br />

“It’s really good for us to<br />

have.”<br />

•The Wave v<br />

Sydenham kicks off at<br />

2.45pm at Sydenham<br />

Park<br />

EXPERIENCE: Gareth D’Almeida coached<br />

the Sumner colts to back-to-back titles in<br />

2020 and 2021.<br />

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[Edition datE]<br />

10 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

keep it local<br />

and support businesses in your community<br />

We’re looking for a senior stylist<br />

to join our team<br />

HUMMING local hair salon, Sirocco<br />

Hair Studio, has an opening for a senior<br />

stylist to join the team in their recently<br />

renovated studio.<br />

Based in Mt Pleasant, Sirocco Hair<br />

Studio has been operating under the<br />

ownership of Rosanne Mark for the past<br />

9 years. It’s serene suburban vibe set<br />

in stylish, comfortable surroundings is<br />

popular with both regular and new clients.<br />

“At Sirocco Hair Studio we offer a wide<br />

range of professional hairdressing services<br />

to men, women and children,” said Rosie.<br />

“Emma and I are both senior stylists with<br />

many years of experience between us.<br />

We recognise how fast fashion styles and<br />

colours change and make sure we always<br />

employ up to date designs, equipment<br />

and techniques. You can trust us to work<br />

with you to ensure that your hair reflects<br />

your own unique style and personality,<br />

while staying in trend. We want to give<br />

the advice needed to have you leave<br />

looking fabulous and feeling relaxed and<br />

pampered.”<br />

With over 20 years experience in the<br />

trade, Rosie is highly regarded in her craft.<br />

Emma has been with the studio for over 5<br />

years and is a creative colour specialist and<br />

skilled barber.<br />

With these credentials, Sirocco Hair<br />

Studio is more than qualified to offer<br />

inspiration by way of a chic new cut and or<br />

a sensational new colour.<br />

“Our wide selection of services doesn’t<br />

just stop at cutting hair,” adds Rosie. “We<br />

also offer Colour/Foils, Men’s, Ladies and<br />

ROSIE<br />

Kids Haircuts, Consultations; Perms,<br />

and Conditioning treatment for hair and<br />

scalp.”<br />

Rosie and Emma also have extensive<br />

product knowledge and assist with<br />

supplying the best take home products to<br />

keep your hair manageable and healthy<br />

between appointments.<br />

“We have space available for a Senior<br />

Stylist to join our team, Rent-A-Chair, or<br />

share our salon. For more information,<br />

EMMA<br />

email me at siroccohair2013@gmail.com,”<br />

said Rosie.<br />

Support local. Sirocco Hair Studio is<br />

open Monday to Wednesday 8am - late,<br />

Thursday 9am - late, Friday 9am to 5pm,<br />

and Saturday 9am to 3pm.<br />

Sirocco Hair Studio, 4/2 Soleares Ave,<br />

Mt Pleasant.<br />

Book your appointment now<br />

on 03 384 1743. Facebook.com/<br />

siroccohairstudio<br />

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Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />


A history of Motu-kauati-rahi Cass <strong>Bay</strong><br />

THE BAY between Corsair<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> and Rāpaki (home of Te<br />

Hapū o Ngāti Wheke), was<br />

named by the Ngāi Tahu<br />

chief Te Rakiwhakaputa as<br />

Motu-kauati-rahi, which<br />

means great fire-making tree<br />

grove, distinguishing it from<br />

neighbouring bay Motu-kauatiiti<br />

or little fire-making tree grove<br />

(Corsair <strong>Bay</strong>).<br />

Both were host to stands of<br />

kaikōmako (Pennantia corymbosa)<br />

trees, which were essential<br />

in making fire. The soft wood<br />

would be rubbed together with<br />

either māhoe whitey wood (Melicytus<br />

ramiflorus) or patē seven<br />

finger (Schefflera digitata) – the<br />

friction producing sparks which<br />

could ignite flame.<br />

The bay acquired its english<br />

name in the early 1850s, after<br />

surveyor Thomas Cass. Born in<br />

Yorkshire in 1817, he was educated<br />

at the Royal Mathematical<br />

School and served a seven-year<br />

apprenticeship as a mariner.<br />

Cass first spent time in New<br />

Zealand in the early 1840s<br />

surveying in Auckland and<br />

Northland, and was involved in<br />

conflicts with Te Rauparaha at<br />

Kororareka Russell in 1846.<br />

After time at sea on the brig<br />

Victoria and a return trip to<br />

England, Cass arrived in Whakaraupō<br />

Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong> on<br />

December 15, 1848.<br />

He was tasked with surveying<br />

the proposed new Canterbury<br />

Association settlement under<br />

chief provincial surveyor<br />

Captain Joseph Thomas and<br />

alongside Charles Torlesse and<br />

Henry Cridland; most notably he<br />

charted the harbour itself.<br />

Upon Thomas’ sacking in<br />

1851 by Canterbury Association<br />

agent John Robert Godley, Cass<br />

succeeded him in the role. For<br />

a time he based himself with<br />

Torlesse and Cridland in the<br />

sheltered bay that would come to<br />

bear his name, before moving to<br />

what was then referred to by the<br />

English as Erskine or Cavendish<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>, now Ōhinehou Lyttelton.<br />

In 1852 Reverend Edward<br />

Puckle pre-purchased 50 acres of<br />

freehold land in Cass <strong>Bay</strong> from<br />

his home in England, arriving<br />

Top – Early view of Cass <strong>Bay</strong> before subdivision, <strong>19</strong>00-<strong>19</strong>50.<br />

Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum ref.14985.83<br />

https://www.teuaka.org.nz/online-collection/1136090<br />

Cass <strong>Bay</strong>. <strong>19</strong>50-2000, Te Ūaka The Lyttelton Museum<br />

ref.14097.1<br />

https://www.teuaka.org.nz/online-collection/1134823<br />

in 1850 on one of the “first four<br />

ships”, the Randolph, with his<br />

wife and children.<br />

After watching much of his<br />

70 tonnes of furniture drift out<br />

on the tide from the beach at<br />

Cass <strong>Bay</strong>, Puckle sold the land.<br />

His lot was taken over by E Salt<br />

to provide grazing pasture to<br />

stock owners. Throughout the<br />

late 1800s the bay was worked<br />

by a number of other farmers –<br />

Richard May Morten, and dairy<br />

farmers John Webb and Roderick<br />

Gallagher.<br />

As early as 1851 butcher<br />

George Hunt was recorded as<br />

working at Cass <strong>Bay</strong>; Garfort<br />

and Lee, Owen and Dyer, and<br />

the aforementioned Morton<br />

were also licensed to operate as<br />

slaughtermen in those early days.<br />

In <strong>19</strong>02 the Lyttelton Borough<br />

Council, having purchased<br />

this section of land, approved<br />

plans for a public abattoir. From<br />

1875 there had been an abattoir<br />

at neighbouring Corsair <strong>Bay</strong>,<br />

which was closed in 1884 due<br />

to the popularity of that bay for<br />

swimming.<br />

The Cass <strong>Bay</strong> abattoir included<br />

a slaughterhouse and drafting<br />

pens and yards for sheep, cattle<br />

and pigs; this facility continued in<br />

operation until its closure in <strong>19</strong>64.<br />

In the mid century the<br />

slaughtermen included Jones<br />

(nicknamed Bones), MacDonald<br />

(Mac) and Wells. The bay was<br />

referred to as “Abattoir <strong>Bay</strong>”<br />

or “Blood <strong>Bay</strong>”; local lads were<br />

drawn to watch sharks feeding<br />

on the gory discharge into the<br />

water. The bay was known by<br />

several other names over the<br />

years too – Sandy <strong>Bay</strong>, Flea <strong>Bay</strong><br />

and Lady <strong>Bay</strong>.<br />

Since <strong>19</strong>30, due to a shortage of<br />

state houses in Lyttelton, the borough<br />

council had been looking<br />

for land for subdivision since;<br />

Cass <strong>Bay</strong> was mooted for development<br />

of a model suburb.<br />

However, the interruption of<br />

World War 2 put such ideas on<br />

hold and the Cass <strong>Bay</strong> Mine Depot<br />

was developed by the Royal<br />

New Zealand Navy in <strong>19</strong>43, in<br />

part attracted by the fact the bay<br />

was largely uninhabited.<br />

The complex included brickand<br />

concrete magazines, an<br />

ammunition processing building,<br />

administration buildings,<br />

a four‐man hut, guard house,<br />

flag station and even a naval gun<br />

adjacent to the road, which necessitated<br />

a naval escort through<br />

that stretch.<br />

After the war the obsolete post<br />

was used by the Department<br />

of Scientific and Industrial Research<br />

and subsequently by the<br />

Navy League Sea Cadets, the TS<br />

(Training Ship) Steadfast unit – a<br />

story for another time.<br />

By the time these photographs<br />

were taken mid-to-late 20th<br />

century, the bay was all but denuded<br />

of vegetation cover and its<br />

relatively flat contours were ideal<br />

for residential development.<br />

In December <strong>19</strong>75, post the<br />

opening of the Lyttelton road<br />

tunnel and consequent improved<br />

connectivity to Christchurch,<br />

plans for a modern subdivision<br />

were released, with sections costing<br />

between £650 and £1400.<br />

The bay has developed over<br />

the years to become today’s<br />

well-manicured suburb, with<br />

strikingly modern buildings like<br />

a somewhat contentious Michael<br />

O’Sullivan designed copper<br />

house, which flanks the access to<br />

popular recreational water and<br />

walkways.<br />

Thomas Cass’ later years were<br />

marred by ill health largely<br />

due to asthma, leading to his<br />

death aged 77 in 1895. He is<br />

buried alongside his wife Mary<br />

(they had no children together,<br />

though he was stepfather to the<br />

children of her first marriage)<br />

in the Barbadoes St cemetery in<br />

Christchurch.<br />

His name also lives on in street<br />

names in Christchurch and Timaru,<br />

in the settlement of Cass<br />

in the Selwyn district (the much<br />

loved <strong>19</strong>36 painting by Rita Angus<br />

of the Cass railway station<br />

is an icon of New Zealand art),<br />

in the Cass River nearby and in<br />

Ōrongomai Cass Peak behind<br />

Ōhinetahi Governors <strong>Bay</strong>, which<br />

is crowned by a <strong>19</strong>80s radar<br />

dome, part of New Zealand’s air<br />

traffic management system.<br />

See also Jane Robertson’s<br />

excellent survey of Motu-kauati-rahi<br />

Cass <strong>Bay</strong><br />

http://lytteltonharbourjetties.<br />

blogspot.com/20<strong>19</strong>/06/cass-baymotukauatirahi.html<br />

Seek the leak to<br />

avoid charges<br />

Let’s use water like we oughta.<br />

Check your water use on the Water Reporter<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

12<br />


Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

CELEBRATION: Last year’s Sumner Ferrymead Foundation scholarship awards. The public is welcome to attend this year’s ceremony on July 7.<br />

Task of deciding winners lies ahead<br />

THE BULK of the Sumner<br />

Ferrymead Foundation’s<br />

grants go to our scholarship<br />

programme.<br />

There are eight scholarships<br />

and awards available. They go<br />

to people in education in areas<br />

as diverse as health sciences,<br />

through to apprenticeships. The<br />

grants range from $2000 apprenticeship<br />

awards to $5000 for<br />

people studying science, health<br />

sciences or humanities at tertiary<br />

level.<br />

Applications for this year have<br />

now closed and we were delighted<br />

to have applications for all<br />

awards except Outward Bound.<br />

The foundation will now begin<br />

the task of deciding the winners,<br />

and the awards will be presented<br />

at a function on Friday, July 7,<br />

at 5.30pm, at the Mt Pleasant<br />

Community Centre. The public<br />

is welcome to attend.<br />

In total, assuming an award<br />

is made for every category, the<br />

cost to the foundation will be<br />

$32,500. This is a considerable<br />

amount given the total capital<br />

we hold is something less than<br />

$300,000.<br />

However, we are fortunate<br />

most of the scholarships are paid<br />

for by donors. These are businesses<br />

and individuals (mostly<br />

local) who have seen the value of<br />

our programme and who cover<br />

the cost. This is most generous –<br />

several of our awards are $5000<br />

and in most cases these costs are<br />

met by our sponsors.<br />

The winners of this year’s<br />

scholarships will be announced<br />

later this year. The funds are<br />

not paid until after successful<br />

completion of the academic year<br />

(winners need to show they have<br />

passed this year’s courses before<br />

they receive the money).<br />

The finance scholarship comes<br />

with a 10-week paid internship,<br />

courtesy of a generous contribution<br />

from SBS Wealth, while the<br />

apprenticeship award, courtesy<br />

of Laser Plumbing, is aimed at<br />

helping new apprentices pay for<br />

tools.<br />

Funds are generally not tied<br />

to any particular purpose – the<br />

money may be used for tuition<br />

fees or living costs at the recipients’<br />

own wishes. Recipients<br />

frequently tell us the money<br />

makes it so much easier to<br />

support themselves through the<br />

academic year.<br />

Our thanks to RJ Begg<br />

and Associates (Oral and<br />

Maxillofacial Surgeons), SBS<br />

Wealth, Laser Plumbing, and<br />

various residents, one of whom<br />

donated in memory of Richard<br />

Brinkman.<br />

OUR bUSInESS IS gROwIng...<br />

here’s how we can help grow yours too!<br />

Deliver your mailers to your<br />

customers with us:<br />

.<br />

We can deliver your mailer targeted locally to the customers most<br />

likely to buy from you or offer you mass reach via our South Island<br />

network.<br />

Your mailer can be delivered as an insert in our paper or separately<br />

in the letterbox.<br />

Contact us today for<br />

a plan to suit your<br />

business.<br />

SUPERVISORS wanted across the South Island<br />

To be a supervisor you will need:<br />

• A suitable van, mobile phone and computer with internet access<br />

• Ability to handle deliveries of large quantities each week<br />

• Ability to manage your own team of deliverers<br />

DELIVERERS wanted across the South Island<br />

To be a deliverer you will need:<br />

• A few free hours each week<br />

• Ability to home deliver papers and flyers to your own territory<br />

*You must be 11 years or older<br />

Contact Cathy Mark Payne Kelly South Distribution Island Distribution Manager Manager<br />

P: P: 021 029 340 983 7712293 | E: cathy.payne@mainlanddistribution.co.nz<br />

| E: mark.kelly@mainlanddistribution.co.nz

Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 13<br />

We’re planning for our<br />

growing city<br />

Find out what this means<br />

for your property<br />

Use our interactive map,<br />

learn more, then have your say:<br />

ccc.govt.nz/growingcity<br />

Christchurch’s housing and business development rules are changing<br />

Ōtautahi Christchurch’s population is growing. Over the next 30 years, it’s predicted we’ll need more than 40,000<br />

new houses to ensure everyone has a place to live, and Christchurch City Council is planning for that now.<br />

Our growth challenge<br />

We need to provide for the growth of housing and<br />

business in the best locations in Christchurch, to<br />

help address issues like climate change and housing<br />

shortage. This means more houses where there’s good<br />

access to shops, services, work, school, public transport<br />

networks and infrastructure.<br />

Where there’s good reason, we also need to ensure<br />

development remains restricted or limited to protect<br />

and maintain areas of value.<br />

These changes won’t happen overnight. Over time the<br />

look and feel of the city will change, and we want to plan<br />

for that and keep what people value.<br />

A new direction in urban planning<br />

The planning rules have changed for New Zealand’s main urban areas. We need to<br />

follow the new national direction to allow greater housing and business development<br />

within Christchurch’s existing urban footprint.<br />

There are new national standards for multi-unit housing developments called the<br />

Medium-Density Residential Standards (MDRS). These aim to make it easier for denser<br />

housing developments to happen. Once they come into effect, up to three dwellings<br />

of up to three storeys can be developed on a property in Christchurch without needing<br />

to apply for a resource consent, as long as all other rules have been met.<br />

Not all parts of Christchurch are suitable for the MDRS, so we’re proposing special<br />

rules, called Qualifying Matters, apply to recognise heritage and cultural features, to<br />

protect major utility, infrastructure, and people in areas vulnerable to natural hazards,<br />

among other things.<br />

What we’re proposing<br />

We’re proposing important changes to the city’s planning rulebook, the District Plan, via two plan changes – the Housing and Business Choice<br />

Plan Change (Plan Change 14), and the Heritage Plan Change (Plan Change 13). Both plan changes were formally notified on 17 March <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Replacing some existing residential zones in<br />

the city with two new ones – a Medium-Density<br />

Residential Zone and a High-Density Residential<br />

Zone. The Medium-Density zone is the baseline for<br />

increasing housing in our city. The High-Density<br />

zone would allow apartment buildings and multistorey<br />

flats in the central city.<br />

Increased height limits for residential and<br />

commercial buildings in and around the<br />

central city, suburban centres and along public<br />

transport routes, as well as enabling residential<br />

development in some industrial areas around the<br />

central city and larger suburban centres.<br />

Special rules (Qualifying Matters) to limit greater<br />

development of housing and business under<br />

the MDRS, in order to better reflect our city’s<br />

environment and climate. One proposes changing<br />

recession planes to increase sunlight access from<br />

what would be possible under the MDRS. This<br />

applies citywide and means the MDRS won’t come<br />

into effect for Christchurch until 2024, when Plan<br />

Change 14 is decided on.<br />

Heritage that should be protected, with a number<br />

of new buildings, items and interiors added to<br />

the Schedule of Significant Historic Heritage.<br />

Have your say on our growing city<br />

You can make a submission on the Housing and Business Choice Plan Change (Plan Change 14) and Heritage Plan<br />

Change (Plan Change 13) until 3 May <strong>2023</strong>. Detailed information about the plan changes and everything you<br />

need to make your submission is available at ccc.govt.nz/growingcity

14 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


TUESDAY APRIL 25, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Remembering our Anzacs<br />

“The darkness, calm and chill of the early morning; the sound of<br />

the single tap of the drum of the parade; the emotionless faces<br />

of the catafalque guard, and the mournful notes of Last Post<br />

sounded by a lone bugler, combine to give a feeling of deep<br />

solemnity. It is the intensity of the symbolism which contributes<br />

to its powerful impact upon participants; indeed what underlies its<br />

popularity. In a country with few public rituals, the Dawn Service<br />

continues to provide a sense of occasion as a meaningful ritual of<br />

remembrance.”<br />

rsa.org.nz<br />

Every year Anzac Day is observed on <strong>April</strong> 25 by communities<br />

throughout New Zealand and Australia to remember those who have<br />

served and those who lost their lives in war. The term ANZAC is the<br />

acronym for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, and was first<br />

used in World War 1. These groups of soldiers back then were known<br />

as ‘the Anzacs’.<br />

Anzac commemorations may consist of one or more ceremonies –<br />

one at dawn (timed to coincide with the initial landings at Gallipoli<br />

by Australian troops who were the first ashore) and/or one later<br />

in the morning. The ceremonies are rich in tradition and generally<br />

begin with a parade of returned servicemen and military personnel<br />

followed by cadets, youth groups and local dignitaries. War veterans,<br />

proudly sporting their medals lead the parade, which leads to a local<br />

cenotaph or memorial gate where the ceremony includes a service<br />

with hymns, laying of wreaths, dedications, prayers and the Last Post<br />

played on a bugle. Morning tea follows and allows people to share<br />

memories and catch up with friends and neighbours.<br />

Anzac Day was first observed by servicemen in <strong>19</strong>16 to mark the<br />

anniversary of New Zealand and Australian soldiers landing on the<br />

Gallipoli Peninsula in <strong>19</strong>15. It soon became a day where all New<br />

Zealanders and Australians took time to remember the men and<br />

women who perished in the Great War. In <strong>19</strong>21, Anzac Day became<br />

an official holiday and by <strong>19</strong>22 it was declared a full public holiday<br />

where shops, banks and hotels remained closed for the day.<br />

Symbol of remembrance<br />

The red (or Flanders) poppy is a symbol of remembrance and hope<br />

all over the world and, in some countries, is worn on Armistice<br />

Day, however in New Zealand the red poppy is commonly worn<br />

on Anzac Day. The first Poppy Day appeal was on <strong>April</strong> 24 in <strong>19</strong>22,<br />

where funds from the sales of small and large silk poppies helped<br />

relieve suffering in war-ravaged northern France. A paper version<br />

of the poppy is now sold by the Royal New Zealand Returned<br />

Services Association on Poppy Day to raise awareness for Anzac<br />

Day and funds for returned soldiers and their families and local<br />

communities.<br />

‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:<br />

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.<br />

At the going down of the sun and in the morning<br />

We will remember them.’<br />

Proud to support <strong>2023</strong> ANZAC remembrance<br />

Tower Junction, Hornby, Marshland<br />


Amazing<br />

Auto<br />

AAE Electric<br />



Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />


TUESDAY APRIL 25, <strong>2023</strong><br />

ANZAC Biscuits<br />

Recipe & photo: Nadia Lim www.nadialim.com/anzac-biscuits<br />

Energy and fibre dense, and able to store for long periods of time, these humble<br />

biscuits helped give the New Zealand and Australian soldiers the energy they<br />

needed during the war. Wives, mothers and daughters at home wanted to do<br />

something to help, and the result was these Anzac biscuits, which were shipped<br />

off and delivered to their men on the front line.<br />


• ¼ cup golden syrup<br />

• 125 g butter or coconut oil<br />

• 1/3 cup brown sugar<br />

• 1 teaspoon baking soda<br />

• 3 tablespoons boiling<br />

water<br />

• 2 cups rolled oats<br />

• 1 cup dessicated coconut<br />

or coconut thread<br />

• ½ cup wholemeal flour<br />


Preheat oven to 180°C/355 Fahrenheit. Line a large<br />

baking/oven tray with baking paper. If you don’t have<br />

a large tray, use 2 medium sized trays and bake the<br />

biscuits in two batches.<br />

Place golden syrup, butter or coconut oil and brown<br />

sugar in a medium saucepan and melt over a low heat,<br />

mixing well.<br />

Mix baking soda with boiling water to dissolve, then<br />

add to melted butter mixture in the pot, along with<br />

the rolled oats, coconut and flour. Stir all ingredients<br />

together until well combined. If the mixture looks too<br />

wet, add a tiny bit more flour. Leave mixture until cool<br />

enough to handle and firm enough to roll into balls. You<br />

can speed this up by placing the mixture in the fridge<br />

for 5 minutes.<br />

Roll heaped tablespoons of mixture into balls and<br />

arrange on prepared baking tray (leaving them at least<br />

3cm apart to allow them to spread during baking).<br />

Flatten slightly with the back of a fork. Bake for 15-18<br />

minutes or until light golden brown.<br />

Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely before storing<br />

in an airtight container. They will crisp up as they cool.<br />

Proud to support <strong>2023</strong> ANZAC remembrance<br />

Trees for<br />

CanTerbury<br />

New Brighton<br />

PaPanuI<br />

Richmond<br />

Discount<br />

Furniture<br />




<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

16<br />



1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11 12 13<br />

14 15 16<br />

17<br />

18 <strong>19</strong> 20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

21/4<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Across<br />

1. Get the paper up and give one a medal (8)<br />

7. So pro gets upset by an animal track (5)<br />

8. Wander aimlessly about with men, dear,<br />

and get upset (7)<br />

9. Waist-belts as used by cooks in Scotland<br />

(7)<br />

10. Simple arithmetic revealed him to be a<br />

tragic figure (4)<br />

12. With endless aplomb, I’d arranged a<br />

certificate of honour (7)<br />

14. I’d gone back to the employees on the<br />

female side (7)<br />

17. Snatch something possibly after a smash<br />

(4)<br />

18. Make out how to riddle the cinders (7)<br />

21. In the main, he was godly (7)<br />

22. Part of house one quits without having<br />

begun (5)<br />

23. Maybe Burns led to mistakes being made<br />

(8)<br />

Down<br />

1. Give a hollow laugh? Smile, rather (6)<br />

2. Case hard to work out, but it’s only a<br />

game (8)<br />

3. For which one is taken on a wild goose<br />

chase (4)<br />

4. Pompous way to turn, almost, and dig it<br />

up (6)<br />

5. A right-on amount of money? (4)<br />

6. A run, from the summit to a finish (6)<br />

7. The misadventures one only narrowly gets<br />

by (7)<br />

11. Last pen to have written about them was<br />

Holst’s (7)<br />

13. Opening bars finished: true, as it turns<br />

out (8)<br />

14. Avoided it, not having a dead dog around<br />

(6)<br />

15. Feel non-u nun might produce something<br />

like dill (6)<br />

16. Could bass be used by an ecclesiastical<br />

mother? (6)<br />

<strong>19</strong>. Except that it is a way to put something<br />

by (4)<br />

20. The air as it is outside is difficult to<br />

forecast (4)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

8<br />

9 10<br />

11 12 13<br />

14 15 16<br />

17 18<br />

<strong>19</strong> 20 21<br />

22 23 24<br />

25<br />

26 27<br />

Across<br />

1. College grounds (6)<br />

5. Refuge (6)<br />

8. Weep (3)<br />

9. Black eye (colloq) (6)<br />

10. Standing (6)<br />

11. Short note (4)<br />

13. Fellow Christians (8)<br />

14. Divine being (5)<br />

15. Ungainly (5)<br />

<strong>19</strong>. Visual vandalism (8)<br />

21. Footpath edge (4)<br />

22. Lure (6)<br />

23. Extreme fear (6)<br />

25. Soft murmur (3)<br />

26. Grief-stricken (6)<br />

27. Dust (6)<br />

Down<br />

2. Sportsperson (7)<br />

3. Cooking vessel (3)<br />

4. Writer (6)<br />

5. Method (6)<br />

6. Sudden memory (9)<br />

7. Ceasefire (5)<br />

12. Behaving incorrectly<br />

(3,2,4)<br />

16. Pub singing (7)<br />

17. Cut in half (6)<br />

18. Circus tent (3,3)<br />

20. Scope (5)<br />

24. Line (3)<br />



Across: 1. Campus, 5. Safety, 8. Cry, 9. Shiner, 10. Status, 11. Memo,<br />

13. Brethren, 14. Deity, 15. Gawky, <strong>19</strong>. Graffiti, 21. Kerb, 22. Entice, 23.<br />

Terror, 25. Coo, 26. Bereft, 27. Powder.<br />

Down: 2. Athlete, 3. Pan, 4. Scribe, 5. System, 6. Flashback, 7. Truce, 12.<br />

Out of line, 16. Karaoke, 17. Bisect, 18. Big top, 20. Range, 24. Row.<br />


Across: 1. Decorate 7. Spoor 8. Meander 9. Girdles 10. Lear 12. Diploma<br />

14. Distaff 17. Grab 18. Discern 21. Neptune 22. Eaves 23. Blunders.<br />

Down: 1. Dimple 2. Charades 3. Ride 4. Turgid 5. Cool 6. Cresta 7.<br />

Scrapes 11. Planets 13. Overture 14. Dodged 15. Fennel 16. Abbess <strong>19</strong>.<br />

Save 20. Open.<br />

TARGET<br />

coif comfier confer confirm<br />

conifer fermion fern ferric fine<br />

finer fire firer firm firmer foci<br />

force forcer fore form former<br />

frier from infer info inform<br />

informer RECONFIRM reform<br />

reniform rife<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

O M N<br />

C F I<br />

R E R<br />

Good 16<br />

Very Good 20<br />

Excellent 35+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />

ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Mon-Thurs: 7am - 4pm<br />

Fri-Sun: 7am - 5pm

Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 17<br />


FOR LESS<br />

LOWEST<br />

PRICES<br />

Everyday<br />




Subscribe<br />

ONLINE<br />



Queen Lift Up Base<br />

Mattress not included<br />


WAS $2299<br />

$<br />

2059<br />

Brooklyn Corner Suite 5 Piece<br />

Flexible Modular Design, 5 Separate Sections<br />

Rustic<br />

Barstool<br />

Liva<br />

Barstool<br />

Flow<br />

Range<br />

Wagner Chair<br />

Rake Chair<br />

WAS $239<br />

$<br />

209<br />

Other Colours Available<br />

WAS $169<br />

$<br />

149<br />

Other Colours Available<br />

Dining table 1500mm $969 $879<br />

TV Unit $1229 $11<strong>19</strong><br />

Sideboard $1749 $1599<br />

WAS $229<br />

$<br />

179<br />

Other Colours Available<br />

WAS $109<br />

$<br />

89<br />

Queen Lift Up Base<br />

Mattress not included<br />

Single $569 $5<strong>19</strong><br />

King Single $599 $539<br />

Double $679 $6<strong>19</strong><br />

Queen $699 $639<br />

King $799 $729<br />

12<br />

M ONTHS<br />

Anders Bedroom<br />

Collection<br />

Black Oak Bedside $679 $559<br />

4 Drawer Tallboy $1489 $1359<br />

6 Drawer Lowboy $1569 $1469<br />

FROM<br />

$<br />

5<strong>19</strong><br />

12 Months interest free is available on in-store Long Term Finance (LTF) Q Card and Q<br />

Mastercard purchases $499 and over until 31 December <strong>2023</strong>. Exclusions apply, see<br />

the offer for details. Lending criteria, $50 annual Account Fee, fees, Ts&Cs apply. $55<br />

Establishment Fee applies to your first Long Term Finance (LTF) transaction, $35 Advance<br />

Fee applies to subsequent LTF transactions. At the end of interest free period, Q Mastercard<br />

Expired Promotional Rate or Q Card Standard Interest Rate of 27.99% p.a. applies. The<br />

standard Interest Rate applies to Standard Purchases after 3 months interest free period<br />

ends (Q Mastercard 26.69% and Q Card 27.99% p.a.). Rates and fees subject to change.<br />

Columbus Financial Services Limited and Consumer Finance Limited reserve the right to<br />

New Zealand Made<br />

Huge range, in stock now.<br />

amend, suspend or terminate the offer and these Ts&Cs at any time without notice. Mastercard<br />

and the circles design are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.<br />

FREE<br />



BATH ST<br />

WE ARE<br />

HERE<br />





MON-FRI 9:30AM – 5:00PM<br />

SAT-SUN 10AM – 5:00PM<br />

0800 268 264<br />

Prices valid until the 11/04/<strong>2023</strong>

18 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Showcase<br />

your business!<br />

30 Jun - 2 Jul <strong>2023</strong><br />

Christchurch Arena<br />


Exhibit to over<br />

10,000 potential<br />

customers across<br />

three days!<br />

You could feature in Canterbury’s most<br />

highly marketed Home and Leisure show.<br />

This is the perfect opportunity to reach<br />

new customers, generate ongoing leads<br />

and boost your brand’s awareness.<br />

Stands are available in a range of sizes<br />

to suit all budgets. We also have a new<br />

exhibitor pack and monthly payment<br />

options available to get you started.<br />

Your business or services may also fit into<br />

one of our unique zones, including:<br />

NZ OWNED<br />





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ONLY<br />

We have STandS available To SuiT all budgeTS!<br />

Contact Shane now on 021 381 765 or email shane@starmedia.kiwi for a no obligation quote.<br />

Payment options available. Terms & Conditions apply.


All Decked Out!<br />

27 Walkers Road, Lyttelton<br />

Auction: Thurs. 4 May 11am (unless brought forward)<br />

4 bedrooms, 1 living, 2 bathrooms, 1 study, 1 car garaging<br />

www.rwferrymead.co.nz/OPA30417<br />

Open Home: Sunday 11:45am - 12:15pm<br />

NEW<br />


Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News <strong>19</strong><br />


Everything in this house feels<br />

substantial. Your family will have<br />

room to grow here.<br />

Four double bedrooms with one<br />

ensuite, a large home office, a separate<br />

laundry, and a sunroom overlooking<br />

the harbour.<br />

An easy-care garden with established<br />

native trees creates private living,<br />

leaving plenty of areas for the<br />

children to explore.<br />

Over 55 square meters of a deck<br />

allows for excellent indoor-outdoor<br />

flow from the living room and two<br />

bedrooms.<br />

Plenty of off-street parking and the<br />

Lyttelton Unicorn - a garage.<br />

I have it on good authority that the<br />

neighbours are fantastic.<br />

If you think you would enjoy living<br />

here, I look forward to seeing you at<br />

the open home.<br />

Gerry Irvine<br />

M. 021 832 203<br />

Office: (03) 384 4179<br />

Ray White Ferrymead<br />

Prier Manson Ltd.<br />

(Licenced REAA 2008)<br />

Open Home:<br />

Sunday 11:45am - 12:15pm<br />

Do you suffer from<br />

dizziness, vertigo or BPPV?<br />

These issues can be treated with vestibular<br />

physiotherapy.<br />

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy is a specialised<br />

form of therapy, in which physiotherapists<br />

work to improve symptoms of dizziness and the<br />

balance problems that can occur with vestibular<br />

dysfunction. Balance problems and dizziness can<br />

all be treated very effectively.<br />

Our team of experienced physiotherapists<br />

have all completed internationally recognised<br />

competency courses in Vestibular Rehabilitation.<br />

Contact our<br />

Dizziness Clinic:<br />

Nicole Vercoe,<br />

Clinical Lead, Physiotherapy<br />

Nicole.vercoe@lfbit.co.nz<br />

or on 03 335 0541<br />

Dizziness<br />


20 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Hybrid with luxury and speed<br />

ADDRESSING fluctuating fuel<br />

prices is a battle many households<br />

are facing at present. Even though<br />

the cost of fuel has dropped a little<br />

in recent months, volatility in the<br />

market will surely mean rises are<br />

inevitable.<br />

That has prompted many buyers<br />

to look at alternative means<br />

of propulsion – the take-up of<br />

electric vehicles is staggering, it’s a<br />

market that is going from strength<br />

to strength.<br />

Although it’s not all that<br />

straightforward, supply issues are<br />

playing a part and there are many<br />

buyers who, like me, don’t want to<br />

fully give up fossil fuel and don’t<br />

want to rely solely on sourcing<br />

electricity as a way of travel.<br />

That’s where hybrids come in,<br />

and in-particular plug-in hybrids,<br />

those that can be charged from<br />

home or a designated charge<br />

port and have the benefit of a<br />

petrol engine in the background<br />

so that you can travel in pure EV<br />

mode for some distance and have<br />

traditional four-cylinder power for<br />

longer trips.<br />

There are an ever-increasing<br />

number of plug-in EVs landing in<br />

our market, most of them sport<br />

utility vehicles, and that is what<br />

the market is also demanding.<br />

However, if it’s a sedan you are<br />

after and want to explore the<br />

luxury market, then Mercedes-<br />

Benz may have the car for you –<br />

the C 350 e – it is a plug-in hybrid<br />

with a 2-litre petrol engine. What’s<br />

more, it is built with the true<br />

Mercedes-Benz logic of comfort,<br />

luxury and performance.<br />

Even though it joins the<br />

C-Class series, it lands here in<br />

one specification only that lists at<br />

$111,200. It’s around $6000 and<br />

$23,000 more expensive than its<br />

non-hybrid counterparts, but it<br />

will give you fuel usage benefits<br />

and will travel up to 100km on<br />

purely electric.<br />

According to Mercedes-<br />

Benz the C 350 e will provide a<br />

combined cycle fuel usage average<br />

of 1.5-litre per 100km. That is, of<br />

course, at best possible usage –<br />

the readouts were listing around<br />

7l/100km during my testing time,<br />

which in real-world terms is about<br />

as good as you can expect on a<br />

commute or highway run. At<br />

100km/h the engine sips fuel at<br />

the rate of 5l/100km.<br />

Under the bonnet sits a 2-litre<br />

turbocharged engine. This is<br />

much the same unit that is fitted<br />

to the C 200 and C 300, although<br />

the power outputs are down<br />

significantly to the latter at 150kW<br />

against <strong>19</strong>0kw and 320Nm against<br />

400Nm. However, when you have<br />

another 95kW and 440Nm from<br />

the electric motor it’s as strong<br />

under the bonnet as it needs to<br />

ECONOMIC: The Mercedes-Benz C 350 e has an average<br />

combined cycle fuel usage of 1.5-litre per 100km.<br />

MERCEDES-BENZ: The C 350 e may be more expensive than its non-hybrid counterparts<br />

but will travel up to 100km purely on electricity.<br />

be. On the subject of figures and<br />

performance, Mercedes-Benz also<br />

claims a 6.1sec to accelerate from a<br />

standstill to 100km/h.<br />

Cleverly, power is directed<br />

through a fairly traditional ninespeed<br />

automatic transmission.<br />

Such are the number of ratios<br />

drive is seamless and smooth, well<br />

the entire driving experience is<br />

smooth, but the point I’m trying<br />

to make as well is that the C 350 e<br />

is little different to drive than any<br />

of its C-Class stablemates.<br />

I took the evaluation car on<br />

a long highway journey, the<br />

scenic route (SH 72) is one of my<br />

favourites and it was perfect the<br />

day I drove to South Canterbury.<br />

Even though the roads were wet<br />

at times, it felt well attached to the<br />

road and comfortable for a long<br />

period at the wheel.<br />

The C 350 e is stunningly quiet<br />

and civilised and it has impeccable<br />

handling manners. Riding on high<br />

quality 18in Bridgestone Turanza<br />

rubber there is a solid footprint on<br />

the road surface that translates to<br />

a very pointy feel at the steering<br />

wheel. Turn-in is precise and<br />

any body movement over the<br />

suspension can be discounted, at<br />

• Price – Mercedes-Benz<br />

C 350 e, $111,200<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

4574mm; width, 1876mm;<br />

height, 1664mm<br />

• Configuration – Fourcylinder,<br />

<strong>19</strong>91cc, 150kW<br />

(+95kW), 320Nm<br />

(+440Nm), nine-speed<br />

automatic<br />

• Performance – 0-100km/<br />

h, 6.1sec<br />

• Fuel usage – 1.5l/100km<br />

just 1.4m tall gravitational forces<br />

aren’t high.<br />

All C-Class models in New<br />

Zealand drive through the rear<br />

wheels, and the C 350 e is no<br />

exception. The energy coming<br />

through the gearbox is harnessed<br />

well by the suspension and<br />

independent axle set-up, there’s<br />

never a point where you think rear<br />

end breakaway would develop,<br />

the engineering refinement<br />

contains all of that, along with<br />

the sophisticated electronic safety<br />

components.<br />

The evaluation car was showing<br />

an almost 800km distance to<br />

empty (petrol) when I picked it up.<br />

After 450km I took it back to the<br />

dealership still showing 500km to<br />

empty. That’s just an example of<br />

how thrifty the C 350 e is on the<br />

highway and associated commute.<br />

If you want to keep the batteries<br />

charged I’m pleased to report<br />

that both a fast charge cable (type<br />

2) and a domestic supply cable<br />

are included; the latter has good<br />

length at 8m, perfect for my<br />

unique charging situation at home<br />

and, as a comparison, it’s twice the<br />

length of that which I was using<br />

recently in the BYD Atto 3.<br />

Mercedes-Benz is launching<br />

head-first into the realm of electric<br />

vehicle transport, it was just a few<br />

weeks ago that I drove the fully<br />

electric EQS, both have impressed<br />

me simply through quality and the<br />

commitment to provide a natural<br />

driving experience, one that you<br />

would find in any new model<br />

from the marque.<br />

Personally, I’d have the<br />

hybrid first, the turbocharged<br />

four-cylinder engine that goes<br />

through much Mercedes-Benz<br />

product is simply a delight, the<br />

benefit hybrid technology brings<br />

in terms of fuel savings is just a<br />

bonus.<br />

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Call today for a FREE quote on 0800 882 772<br />

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Classifieds<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Dominion Trading Co Ltd<br />

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• Canterbury owned & operated<br />

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Open Mon-Fri 8am – 4.30pm Sat. 8.30am-12.30pm<br />

www.happyscrappy.co.nz<br />

03 343 9993 333 Blenheim Rd<br />

WHAT'S ON<br />


CLUB 328<br />




Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 21<br />

Back to the<br />


tintawindow<br />

advanced film solutions<br />

99% uv block<br />

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heat control<br />

reduce glare<br />

25 Years Experience<br />

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Trades & Services<br />


George Lockyer. Over<br />

40 years bricklaying<br />

experience. UK trained.<br />

Insurance work, EQC<br />

repairs. Heritage<br />

brickwork & stonework<br />

a speciality. No job too<br />

small. Governers <strong>Bay</strong>.<br />

Home 329 9344. Cell<br />

027 684 4046. E mail<br />

georgelockyer@xtra.co.nz<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003181, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />


SWEEPS<br />

We’ll sweep your<br />

logburner’s flue, check<br />

firebricks, baffles, airtubes<br />

& controls. We’re experts<br />

on coal-rangers, and can<br />

sweep any sized open fire.<br />

We quote & undertake<br />

repairs, flue extensions &<br />

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JMP Electrical.<br />

Experienced & registered..<br />

Expert in all home<br />

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James<br />

Trades & Services<br />



Total gutter / spouting<br />

clear out & clean. House<br />

wash & windows. For a<br />

professioanl & reliable<br />

service call Greg Brown<br />

A1 Spouting Cleaning 027<br />

616 0331 or 384 2661<br />

HOME<br />


Decks, fencing, retaining<br />

walls, kitchens, sleepouts,<br />

kitsets, renovations and<br />

more. Greg 022 475 8227<br />


Do you need a reliable<br />

plumber? Quality and<br />

timely services. No job<br />

too big or small. Phone<br />

V Plumbing Ltd. 022 351<br />

4125<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH<br />

CASH<br />

CASH<br />

Any unwanted<br />

cars and vans.<br />

Ph 347 9354 or<br />

027 476 2404<br />

Gardening<br />

& Supplies<br />

If you want a<br />

dream garden<br />

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then now<br />

is the time<br />

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Garden tidy-ups,<br />

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scapedesign.co.nz<br />

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and urgent cash sales<br />

• Your solicitors fees<br />

covered up to $2,000,<br />

with all contracts<br />

drafted subject to your<br />

solicitors approval.<br />

Call Duncan today on<br />

022 421 7727 to see if<br />

selling privately could<br />

benefit YOU!<br />

To Lease<br />

Office space to lease,<br />

CBD area. 60 - 100 sqm.<br />

Comp priced. Flexible<br />

lease period. Call Shane<br />

for more details on 021<br />

381 765<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


Mother's Day<br />


Sunday 14 May<br />

Treat Mum in the<br />

Club Restaurant<br />

Special Menu<br />


23/24/25 JUNE<br />

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Celebration<br />








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NIGHT<br />




CLUB 328<br />







SPECIAL $20<br />




23 Dublin St, Lyttelton | Phone 03 328 8740<br />

www.facebook.com/lytteltontopclub<br />


22 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

The self charging hybrid SUV’s<br />

From $59,990 +orc*<br />

From $62,990 +orc*<br />

* Price shown refer to a new Nissan QASHQAI e-POWER Ti and a new Nissan X-TRIAL e-POWER ST-L models. Prices includes GST but excludes on road costs and. ORC includes initial 12 month registration & WOF, fuel and vehicle delivery.<br />

CHRISTCHURCH NISSAN, 380 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch<br />

Ph: 03 595 6820<br />

www.christchurchnissan.co.nz<br />

christchurchnissan.co.nz<br />

The #1 Plug-in hybrid 4wd family SUV<br />

SCOOP PURCHASE $ 46,990<br />

DRIVE AWAY *<br />


Limited number and colours available, first in first served.<br />

*Price listed is for an XLS model drive away. No further rebate eligible. Vehicles are new, preregistered with balance of full factory warranty.<br />


386 Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch<br />

Ph 03 379 0588 | christchurchmitsubishi.co.nz<br />

10 year / 160,000km Powertrain Warranty (whichever comes<br />

first) (non transferable). 5 year / 130,000km New Vehicle<br />

Warranty (whichever comes first) (non transferable).

WEDNESDAY, APRIL <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />


INSIDE<br />

IT’S<br />

APRIL<br />

FOOLS’<br />

MONTH<br />

Real deals.<br />

No joke.<br />

2x Airpoints Dollars offer valid 5 <strong>April</strong> – 2 May <strong>2023</strong>. Terms, conditions<br />

and exclusions apply. Visit smithscity.co.nz/airpoints for detail.

Real deals. No joke.<br />

’<br />

It’s time to put the<br />

<strong>April</strong> Fools pranks to bed.<br />

Up70% off #<br />

to<br />

Sleepyhead Chiropractic HD Ultra Bed<br />

Deals that won’t whiteware<br />

out any time soon.<br />

Beko 10kg AutoDose Front Load Washing<br />

Machine with SteamCure and Bluetooth<br />

9072956 / BFL104ADW<br />

Queen, King, Super King same price. $1<strong>19</strong>9<br />

$2499<br />

+ Free<br />

Delivery on<br />

Sleepyhead<br />

Beds^<br />

Valid until 2nd May <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Samsung ST40B Sound Tower<br />

with Samsung 55” or 65” S95B<br />

OLED TVs* 2<br />

Ninja Foodi Dual<br />

Zone Air Fryer<br />

9065131 / AF300ANZ<br />

$279<br />

BONUS<br />

Can’t decide? Sit on it for a while.<br />

Deals that make your bed…room.<br />

Vienna Fabric 5 Seater Corner Suite<br />

With Built In Recliners - Graphite<br />

was<br />

$<br />

6<strong>19</strong>9<br />

Bramshaw Queen 4 Piece Slatbed<br />

Bedroom Suite - Grey<br />

9021163 Valid until 2nd May <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

9071422 Valid until 16th May <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

$4299<br />

Also available in Stone.<br />

$2149<br />

was<br />

$<br />

4299<br />

50% off<br />

Raidmax Drakon<br />

Gaming Chair - Blue<br />

9066714<br />

$169<br />

Also available in Red.<br />

25% off #<br />

Selected Nursery<br />

Woah, look – flying furniture and appliances.<br />

Earn 2x Airpoints Dollars TM storewide.* 2<br />


on purchases<br />

12MONTHS<br />

$499 & over*<br />


36MONTHS<br />

$999 & over*<br />

on furniture and beds<br />

Promotion and 2x Airpoints Dollars storewide valid 5 <strong>April</strong> – 2 May <strong>2023</strong>.*2 Promotion and Airpoints terms, conditions and exclusions apply. See in-store or smithscity.co.nz for detail. Offers valid dates vary. Available while stocks last.<br />

Some products on display in selected stores only — please call 0800 764 847 to check availability. *Apple products, selected computers, game consoles, gift cards and some promotional items are not available in conjunction with interest<br />

free offers. Exclusions, terms, conditions and credit criteria apply. Equal instalment amounts include a one-off establishment fee of $45.00 and a maintenance fee of $3.75 per month. Current fixed interest rate of 23.95% p.a. applies to any<br />

balance remaining after expiry of any interest free period. See in-store or visit smithscity.co.nz/interest-free for details.**Terms, conditions, and credit criteria apply. Available in-store and online. Weekly equal instalments are based on a 52<br />

week finance period commencing 7 days from the date interest is first calculated. Setting up an automatic payment authority will help you to avoid missed payments and additional interest charges. There are no set-up, annual, or account<br />

maintenance fees but fees may apply on default. Current interest rate of 25.95% p.a. applies after expiry of the interest free period. See in-store or visit smithscity.co.nz/easycard for more details, or to apply for your EasyCard. #Discount is off<br />

our full retail price. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. ^Free delivery on Sleepyhead beds valid 5 <strong>April</strong> - 2 May <strong>2023</strong>. Free delivery terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. Applies to Sleepyhead branded beds only. Available instore<br />

and online. Applies to delivery addresses within 25km of a Smiths City store. Also applies to local Auckland delivery addresses (from Auckland CBD extending to Albany, Henderson, Howick, and Papakura). Deliveries to some rural areas<br />

and the Outer Islands (Chatham Island, Stewart Island, Kawau Island, Waiheke Island, Matakana Island, Great Barrier Island and d’Urville Island) are excluded. Excludes unpacking, set up, and installation. Additional delivery charges and free<br />

delivery exclusions apply in some circumstances. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Personal shoppers only, trade and commercial not supplied. *2 *Terms and conditions apply. Offer valid 12 - 25 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2023</strong> only or while stocks<br />

last. Eligible on purchases of Samsung 65” S95B OLED TV, and Samsung 55” S95B OLED TV only. One bonus gift per qualifying transaction. Availability may vary between stores. Not available in conjunction with any other offer. Limits and<br />

other exclusions may apply, ask in-store for details. In the event of an order cancellation or refund, the bonus product must also be returned. Personal shoppers only. Trade not supplied.

Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 25<br />



26 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />



AUCTION: 12PM, 20 MAY <strong>2023</strong>, ONSITE (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR)<br />

Welcome to 83 Major Hornbrook Road, a HOME constructed in 2021 with family living in mind,<br />

and now poised for immediate enjoyment. This stunning 294sqm HOME offers a luxurious and<br />

modern lifestyle with breathtaking views over the city centre, the Southern Alps, and the<br />

Kaikoura ranges. Designed by AO Architecture, the HOME is situated on a generous, flat 1,012<br />

sqm section that offers plenty of space and privacy for the whole family.<br />

5 BED 3 BATH 4 CAR<br />

1,012 M2<br />

(MORE OR LESS)<br />

The abundance of natural light in this bespoke HOME is further accentuated by the monopitch<br />

cedar ceiling, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere throughout. The open-plan living area<br />

features a modern kitchen with top-of-the-range appliances, a butler's pantry, a large island<br />

bench, and a seamless indoor-outdoor flow onto the balcony, perfect for entertaining.<br />

You have the option of utilizing the HOME as either four bedrooms with two living spaces or five<br />

bedrooms with one expansive living area. There is also a separate double garage that boasts a<br />

bedroom/office and bathroom, providing ample flexibility for any family's needs. The master<br />

suite boasts stunning ocean views and<br />

ensures you start every day with a spectacular sunrise. It also features a large ensuite and a<br />

spacious walk-in robe.<br />

This one-of-a-kind family HOME has all you need to relax, play, and entertain while enjoying an<br />

abundance of privacy and ample space to bring all your dreams to life.<br />


021 363 944<br />


Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 27<br />


AUCTION: 12PM, 13 MAY <strong>2023</strong>, ONSITE (UNLESS SOLD PRIOR)<br />

HOME away from HOME<br />

4 BED 2 BATH<br />

812 M2<br />

(MORE OR LESS)<br />

Introducing a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a stunning waterfront property at along the coast line of<br />

French Farm. This unique bach has it all: 4 bedrooms, recently renovated, on an 812m2 section, with breathtaking<br />

views of Akaroa <strong>Harbour</strong> and Heads.<br />

This property offers the ultimate coastal lifestyle, with the water’s edge only steps away from your door. Imagine<br />

waking up to the serene sound of the water and enjoying your morning coffee while watching the sunrise over the<br />

picturesque harbour.<br />

The property’s recent renovations offer the perfect blend of modern living and coastal charm. The spacious<br />

lounge area boasts large windows that showcase the stunning views and a cozy fireplace to keep you warm on<br />

those chilly evenings. The bedrooms are generously sized and natural light floods through the large windows.<br />

The outdoor area is an entertainer’s dream, with a deck that provides the perfect place to relax, unwind and soak<br />

in the stunning surroundings. This is the perfect spot to entertain friends and family, have a BBQ or simply enjoy a<br />

glass of wine while taking in the breathtaking views.<br />

The property is held by the same owner for 20 years and is now ready for someone else to call it home. The owner<br />

is committed to selling, making this a rare opportunity to own a piece of paradise in one of the most sought-after<br />

locations in the <strong>Bay</strong>s.<br />

Overall, this property offers a unique bach opportunity that is hard to come by, with a waterfront position that is<br />

second to none. Don’t miss your chance to secure this stunning property and enjoy the ultimate coastal lifestyle.<br />


021 156 5884<br />


28 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>April</strong> <strong>19</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />




4 BED 2 BATH 2 CAR<br />


ENQUIRIES OVER $479,000<br />



OFFERS OVER $669,000<br />

3 BED 2 BATH 1 CAR<br />


2/47 CELIA STREET<br />

SOLD | $812,500<br />

3 BED 1 BATH 2 CAR<br />



3 BED 2 BATH 2 CAR<br />


SOLD | $775,000<br />

3 BED 1 BATH 1 CAR<br />

COMING SOON...<br />










03 930 1323

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