Junior Order of Eagles Hand Book - Fraternal Order of Eagles

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Opening ng Ceremony-

-Order of Business-

-Initiation Ceremony-

-Closing Ceremony-

-Installation of Vacant Officers-

-Institution Ceremony-

-Charter Presentation-


Meeting Room Information ...........................................................................Page 3

Duties of Officers...........................................................................................Pages 4

Instructions for Group....................................................................................Page 5

Opening Ceremony ........................................................................................Pages 6-9

Order of Business...........................................................................................Pages 10

Instructions on Balloting................................................................................Pages 11

Initiation of New Junior Eagles .....................................................................Pages 12-13

Closing Ceremony .........................................................................................Pages 14

Installation Ceremony of Vacant Officers .....................................................Pages 15-16

Institution, Initiation and Installation of Officers…………. .........................Pages 17-19

Charter Presentation……………………………………………...................Pages 20-23


Meeting Room Information

Whenever you approach the Altar, officers should vacate their station on the right, and return

to their station from the left.

The only time anyone is allowed to pass between the President and the Altar, is during initiation.

The Flag, taken from the station of the Jr. Past President, should always be placed on the side

of the Altar on which members enter the room when the group is in session.

The Bible, taken from the station of the Chaplain, is placed in the middle of the Altar, and


The Emblem, taken from the station of the Vice President, is placed upon the pedestal at the

side of the Altar farthest from the side where the Flag has been placed.


Duties of Officers

Jr. Past













To advise the President and to urge the right of each

youth to be heard, if he/she is in order.

Shall preside at all meetings, keep order and govern the club at all times.

Shall have general supervision over all affairs of the club.

Has the deciding vote to break ties.

Will conduct the meeting along the guidelines of Robert’s Rules of


Has the right to appoint committees within the club.

Is to prepare the agenda for each meeting.

In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall

preside over the meeting.

Will be in charge of the devotional exercises for the club

and assist the Conductor in examining the official receipts

of each person present.

Shall arrange and dismantle the meeting room. Shall

examine the official receipt of each person present, with

the aid of the Chaplain, and report those not in good

standing to the President.

Will record the minutes of each meeting and read them at

the following meeting.

Will keep a financial record of all incoming and outgoing

money in youth club.

To guard the door and admit no one without an official


To guard the door, and admit no one in during the

Opening Ceremony.

Trustees There should be a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of five (5)

trustees that will work as a youth council to the President.



Explanation and instructions are furnished to assist the group’s officers and

leaders in conducting the opening, closing and initiatory ceremonies.

Departure from the prescribed is not recommended.

The Junior Order of Eagles committee shall provide plans and programs for

the group consistent with the purposes and that of the Fraternal Order of


There are suggested plans and programs available that will be helpful and

be adapted to the various Junior Order of Eagle groups. These may be

obtained by writing to the managing director.

Prior to the opening of the meeting it shall be the duty of the Conductor

under the supervision of the group Chairman, to see to it that the Flag,

unfurled, is placed at the side of the Junior Past President’s station, nearest

the entrance into the meeting room; and that the Bible, unopened, is placed

at the station of the Chaplain; that the Eagle is placed at the station of the

Vice-President. The President will acknowledge the salutation sign by the

wave of the right hand.


Opening Ceremony

The Junior Order of Eagles is to be spoken before a group-not read. Every officer of a group

should within sixty days (60) after installation, commit to memory his/her part of the Ritual. The

President shall stand from the time the meeting opens until after the Prayer of the Chaplain.

President: “Let us have order. Officers take your places. Inside Guard, ask all

members to come into the group room.”

The Inside Guard acting under the order of the President, shall insist that

all, except candidates for initiation, must leave the anteroom; and at no

time while the group is in session shall he/she permit members to remain

in the anteroom longer than necessary.




“Junior President, I have obeyed your orders.”

“Junior Conductor with the aid of the Junior Chaplain.”

Both the Conductor and the Chaplain shall rise as their stations are

named and give the salutation sign.


“You will examine the official receipts of each one present.”

The Conductor and the Chaplain shall go to the Altar, and give the

salutation sign. After being recognized the Conductor and Chaplain shall

go to the station of the President, and present for inspection his/her

official receipt. At this time the President shall call the group to its feet

with a rap of the Gavel. The Conductor, beginning with the nearest

member on the right of the President, and the Chaplain, beginning with

the nearest members on the left of the President, shall examine the official

receipt of each member. After satisfying the examining officer, shall take

his/her seat. If a member is without their official receipt they shall

advance to the Altar, face the President, give the salutation sign and wait

the pleasure of the President. After the official receipts have been

examined, the Conductor and the Chaplain shall go to the Altar and give

the salutation sign and after being recognized by the President, the

Conductor shall say:


“Junior President, we find all present to be in good standing.”

In case any member has been challenged because of being without the

official receipt, the Conductor shall add:



“Except the members at the Altar.”

“Thank you, you may return to your places.”

The Conductor and Chaplain shall return to their stations and be seated.



“Group Secretary, are these members in good standing?”

The Secretary may ask such questions as necessary in order to give the

President the information he/she has asked for. If the Secretary declares

the member in good standing, the President shall excuse him for his

negligence in failing to have his official receipt with him. If the member is

not in good standing, the President must, unless the member declares his

willingness to comply immediately with the Constitutional requirements,

request him to withdraw from the group room.

President: “To all visitors in the group room, I bid you welcome.” “Junior Past


The Past President shall rise and give the salutation sign.


“What are your duties during a session of the group?”


President: “To sit at the station of Liberty and to urge the right of every Junior Eagle to be

heard, if he is in order.”

The Past President shall remain standing until the President seats the



“Junior Vice-President.”

The Vice-President shall rise and give the salutation sign.


“What are your duties?”



“To sit at the station of Truth and to use my voice and influence in urging that all

the interests of this Junior Order of Eagles group are discussed only in the group


The Vice-President shall remain standing until the President seats the



“Junior Chaplain.”

The Chaplain shall rise and give the salutation sign.



“What are you duties?”

“To ask the guidance of God and to insist upon Justice.”

The Chaplain shall remain standing until the President seats the group.


“Junior Conductor.”


The Conductor shall rise and give the salutation sign. The President calls

members to their feet. (gavel)


“Attend the Flag.”

The Conductor shall go to the station of the Past President, receive the

Flag, and place it on the pedestal or other device prepared to receive it.

The Flag shall be placed on the side of the Altar on which members enter

the room when the group is in session and in such a position that those

who enter the room will face the Flag. The Flag shall be attached to a

suitable staff and shall be such size and proportions as shall be prescribed

by the Grand Aerie. The Flag shall hang free. After the Flag is placed on

the pedestal by the Conductor, the President shall say:



“Pledge to the Flag.”

“Our Flag – the Spirit of Liberty – guarding the Honor of the Nation and the

Happiness of the Home.”


“Junior Conductor, you will lay the Bible upon the Altar.”

The Conductor shall go to the station of the Chaplain and receive the

Bible and place it, opened upon the Altar.



“The Bible – its teachings are founded on the Laws of Truth.”

“Junior Conductor, attend the Emblem.”

The Conductor shall go to the station of the Vice-President, receive the

Emblem from him and place the Eagle upon the pedestal for it, at the side

of the Altar farthest from the side where the Flag has been placed. The

head of the Eagle shall be toward the station of the President. The

pedestal shall be such as not to detract from the dignity of the Flag.



“The Eagle – the Emblem of our order – representing Justice and Equality.”

“Junior Conductor.”

Conductor gives the salutation sign.



“What is the motto of this order?”

“If I cannot speak well of a Junior Eagle, I will not speak ill of him.”

The Conductor shall return to his place while the Chaplain makes his way

to the Altar, facing the President. Call the members to their feet. (gavel)


“Let us Pray, Our Father, we ask thy favor on this group. We ask thy presence at

the bedside of our sick and the hearts of those in trouble and in grief. Help us,


Almighty God, to live toward the betterment of our own lives and to be worthy of

the ideals of this order. Amen.”




“I now declare the_______________Eagles group of the Junior Eagles ready to

consider all matters that may come before it.” Seat the members. (gavel)

The Conductor shall stand when the roll of Officers is called, and respond

with “present” or “absent” as the names are called.


Order of Business




















“Juniors, we are about to ballot on the following applications for


Names of applicants will now be read


“The white balls elect, the black balls reject. Junior Conductor, please

prepare the ballot box.”

The Conductor presents the ballot box to the Junior President and

Junior Vice President for inspection. The Conductor shall then

present the Ballot Box to the President, Past President, Vice

President and the Chaplain, in that order, so that they may vote

without leaving their stations. The Conductor then places the

Ballot Box on the Altar, taking five steps away from the Altar

facing the Vice President.


“All who wish to vote, form a line to the right of the Vice President and

proceed to the Altar one at a time.”

Members shall advance to the Altar, give the salutation sign and

after acknowledged, vote and return to their seats. If passing the

Flag, give the salutation sign.


“Have all voted who wish?”

“I declare the Ballot closed. Junior Conductor, present the Ballot Box to

the Vice President for inspection.”

The Conductor shall present the ballot box to the Vice President,

then to the President for inspection.





“How do you find the Ballot?”

“I find the Ballot favorable.” (or unfavorable)

“I, too, find the Ballot favorable.” (or unfavorable)


“Junior Conductor, place the Ballot Box on the Altar for inspection by the


Any member may advance to the Altar and inspect the Ballot Box.



“Junior Conductor, you may destroy the Ballot.”

“I declare the candidates duly elected.” (or rejected)


If the vote is unfavorable, and the candidates have been voted on

collectively, the group shall vote again, but upon each candidate

separately. Should any candidate then be rejected, the President,

in their judgment, the interests of club so demand, may

immediately award another Ballot on such applicant, before any

other business shall intervene.


Junior Eagle


Junior Eagle


Junior Eagle


Junior Eagle


Junior Eagle


Junior Eagle


Junior Eagle


“We will have the initiation of new Junior Eagle Candidates. Junior

Eagles Sponsors, what do these Candidates wish?”

“They wish to be admitted to the Junior Eagles and to take part in all

activities and functions you have.”

“Do these young people qualify for joining our Junior Eagles Club?”

“They do.”

“Junior Eagle Secretary, have the candidates paid their fees?”

“They have.”

“Junior Eagle Conductor, you will retire to the anteroom and bring the

young people wishing to be Junior Eagles before the Altar.”

The Conductor will rise and leave the room-Conductor knocks

once before re-entering.

Junior Eagle


“Junior Eagle President, the young people wishing to be Junior Eagles

advise that they are ready for the ceremony and request admission.”

Junior Eagle


“Please admit them.”

Give one Gavel Rap (call members to their feet)


The Conductor will escort the Candidates past the President’s

Station and place them behind the Altar.

Junior Eagle


“Junior Eagle Chaplain, offer a prayer at the Altar.”

The Chaplain leaves his/her station and goes to stand in front of

the Altar, facing Candidates.

Junior Eagle


“Our Father, who art in Heaven, look down on these young people this

day. Fill their minds with the Spirit of Thy love. Instill in their hearts the

contentment that comes from giving. Give them the strength to do unto

others as they would like others to do unto them. Help them to realize that

whosoever would be first among them must unselfishly serve. And Thine

be the Glory. Amen.”

The Chaplain shall return to his/her station.

The President leaves his/her station and goes to the Altar and

faces the Candidates.


Junior Eagle


“Before God and on my honor I promise to aid the patriotic and the

humanitarian plans of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. I shall recognize the

authority of the Grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of Eagles. I shall obey all

by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of this Junior Order of

Eagles, as provided by the Grand Aerie. I promise never to recommend

for membership a person that I know is unworthy; never to use the

blackball unless my conscience approves; and never to let the religion or

nationality of an applicant influence my ballot. I promise to guard loyally,

at all times, the good name of an applicant, and never purposely do

anything, by word or act, that will make them unhappy.”

“I promise.”

Junior Eagle

President: “I have heard your promises and I will accept them. You are now

members of the Junior Eagles of _______________________

Aerie No.____________, Fraternal Order of Eagles.”

Your duties are to help the Junior Eagles. Your President will

assign you to different activities. Everyone must do their equal

share so that all may enjoy these activities.

The president returns to his/her station.

Junior Eagle



“Junior Eagle Conductor, you will now escort the new members to the

seats that have been reserved for them.”

Give one Gavel rap. (seat the members)

The Conductor seats the new members and returns to his/her


Closing Ceremony


“Junior Chaplain.”

The Chaplain shall rise and give the salutation sign.


“You will give our closing Prayer.”

The Chaplain shall leave his/her station and advance to the Altar, and

facing the President, stand in front of the Bible. While the Chaplain is

approaching the Altar, the president shall call up the group.




“Our Father, we ask thee to favor our Country; to guard our homes; to strengthen

our friendships; and to help us live lives worthy of the principles of our order.



“Junior Past President, you may approach the Altar.”

The Junior Past President shall stand in front of the Flag.


Junior Past



“What is our precept?”

“Although the world may scoff and jest, a life of service is the best; and happiness

will always be to him who serves humanity.”

“Junior Vice-President, you may advance to the Altar.”

The Vice-President shall advance to the Altar, and facing the President,

shall stand in front of the Eagle.


“What motto have we made our own, to heed at all times among ourselves and,

whenever possible, to urge it on the world at large?”

The Junior Past President, the Chaplain and the Vice-President shall each

stretch forth his/her right hand and touch the Bible with the tips of his/her

fingers. The Officers at the Altar and all members shall respond by




“If I cannot speak well of a Junior Eagle, I will not speak ill of him.”

The Altar is dismantled in the following manner: After the motto has been

given, the Vice-President shall take the Eagle, then the Chaplain shall

take the Bible, and the Junior Past President shall take the Flag. Each

shall then turn, face his/her station and walk slowly to it. When they reach

the stations, they shall place that which they are carrying at the station in

the same position it was prior to opening of the meeting, and resume a

standing position in the station. After this is done, the President shall

make the closing announcement:


“I now declare the Junior Eagles of Aerie No.____________________closed until

__________________________at ________________________P.M. unless

convened earlier by notice of the members.”

The President raps his gavel.


(The Installation Ceremony for Vacant Offices should be held under New Business)

Junior Eagle President:

We are filling the vacancy of ________________ today. Junior Eagle Conductor, please escort

_________________________________before the Altar.

Give one gavel rap.

The Conductor escorts the new officer before the Altar.

Junior Eagle President:

_________________________will be the Installing Officer.

The Installing Officer must be a Junior Eagle Past President, a Junior Eagle Sponsor or a Junior

Eagle Assistant Sponsor.

The Installing Officer leaves his/her place and goes to stand in front of the Altar facing the new


Installing Officer:

_________________________, do you accept the responsibilities of the office to which you

have been elected?

The new officer will answer, I do.

Installing Officer:

Do you promise to observe the Constitution of the Fraternal Order of Eagles?


The new officer will answer, I do.

Installing Officer:

Do you pledge yourself to the aims and ideals of _____________________ Aerie No.


The new officer will answer, I do.

Installing Officer:

Do you promise that you will follow the Rules and Regulations of the Junior Eagles Club as well

as the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Aerie and of this Aerie?

The new officer will answer, I do.

Installing Officer:

If it is your desire to serve faithfully in the office to which you have been elected, you will raise

your right hand and keep it so until I have concluded.

The Installing Officer shall also raise his/her right hand and keep it so until the vows have been


Installing Officer:

I promise to serve the Junior Eagles faithfully and to the best of my ability in the office to which

I have been elected. I shall recognize the authority of the Grand Aerie, Fraternal Order of

Eagles. I shall obey all By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of ___________________ Aerie

No. ___________. If I find that I cannot fulfill the responsibilities of my office, I shall resign

from my office.

If you accept these vows, you will now repeat after me, “I do accept them and I will observe

them, so help me God.”

The Installing Officer and the new Officer shall repeat together:

“I do accept them, and I will observe them, so help me God.”

The Installing Officer shall return to his/her place.

Junior Eagle President:

Junior Eagle Conductor, you will now escort the Junior Eagles _______________________ to

his/her station.

Give one gavel rap.

The Conductor returns to his/her station and is seated.


Institution Ceremony

Junior Order of Eagles

This section will only be used when a new Jr.

Order of Eagles is being formed.

The new Organization will be instituted, then the

new members will be initiated, and then the new

officers will be installed, all in the same


Worthy President:



(Give two gavel raps) Let us have order. The purpose of this meeting is to have the institution, initiation

and installation of officers of the Junior Eagles of___________________ Aerie No. ___________,

Fraternal Order of Eagles. Brother _____________________will be the instituting officer.

(Give one gavel rap) The Bible will be opened at this time.

Worthy President turns meeting over to the instituting officer.

Instituting Officer:

Grand _______________________Conductor, you will retire to the anteroom and bring the young people

wishing to be Junior Eagles before the Altar.

The Conductor will rise and leave the room. (Conductor knocks once before re-entering)

Worthy Inside Guard:

(Addressing the Instituting Officer) The young people wishing to be Junior Eagles advise that they are

ready for the ceremony and request admission.

Instituting Officer:

Please admit them.

(The Conductor will escort the young people before the Altar.)

The Worthy Chaplain offers a prayer at the Altar. (The Chaplain will go to the Altar and face the Charter


Opening Prayer:

Our Father, who art in Heaven, look down on these young people this day. Fill their minds with the spirit

of Thy love. Instill in their hearts the contentment that comes from giving. Give them the strength to do

unto others as they would do unto them. Help them to realize that whosoever would be first among them

must unselfishly serve. And Thine be the Glory. Amen.

After the prayer is concluded the Chaplain shall return to his/her station.

Instituting Officer:

Grand ______________________ Conductor, would you now lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Conductor will do so.

Instituting Officer:

My friends, I have the pleasure and honor to be here to institute you, Charter Members of the Junior

Eagles of __________________ Aerie No. _________ , Fraternal Order of Eagles.


The sponsors will read the names of the Charter members either alternately or in divided blocks or have

only one sponsor read all the names.

Sponsors and Charter members are each of you satisfied with the Charter list?

They will answer, I am.

The Instituting Officer will now leave his/her station and go to the Altar and face the Charter members.

Instituting Officer:

Charter Members, do each of you promise to follow the Constitution, Laws, Rules and Regulations of this


They will answer, I do.

Instituting Officer:

If you are entrusted with an Office of the Junior Eagles, will you discharge your duties conscientiously

and to the best of your ability?

They will answer, I will.

Instituting Officer:

I have confidence in your promises. Raise your right hand and keep it so until I have concluded.

The Instituting Officer will raise his right hand and keep it so until the Oath has been accepted.

Instituting Officer:

I promise to support and to obey the Constitution Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Fraternal Order of

Eagles. I shall keep ever in mind that this organization is instituted for the purpose of advancing the

ideals and promoting the welfare of Aerie No. __________ , Fraternal Order of Eagles. I will accept the

terms of the Charter of this Junior Eagles Club. To the faithful promise of this, I pledge, I give my sacred

word and honor.

If you accept these vows and are willing to observe them, you will now answer, I do.

The Instituting Officer now returns to the President’s Station.

Instituting Officer:

I now declare the Junior Eagles of ___________________ Aerie No. ___________, Fraternal Order of

Eagles, to be a duly instituted organization.

Give one gavel rap.

The Instituting Officer shall now seat the assembly and turn the meeting back to the Worthy President.



The presentation of a charter to a newly instituted Junior Order of Eagles (JOE) is very

important. It should be an outstanding occasion, impressive but not too long.

The charter presentation ceremony should be held in conjunction with a regular meeting of the

Aerie or Auxiliary. If it is impossible to hold the ceremony during a regular meeting, be sure that

Aerie and Auxiliary officers and members are urged to attend, whenever it is held.

In some cases it may become necessary to include the ceremony in the JOE meeting.

It is the responsibility of your JOE Advisory Committee (JOEAC) to prepare for and conduct the

charter presentation ceremony. When your meeting is set, your JOEAC representative should be

ready to announce the date they would like to have the charter presented. Discuss this with your

Aerie and Auxiliary.

The Worthy President and/or Madam President make appropriate remarks and conduct the

presentation of the charter to the JOE President and JOEAC representative(s). The JOE

President and JOEAC representative review their responsibilities and, if desired, make

appropriate remarks on behalf of the JOE. .

If there are visiting dignitaries present, the WP/MP presents them to the gathering for remarks.

The JOE may then put on a program in which the leaders tell of their plans, and request

cooperation of parents and the Aerie and Auxiliary. (Optional)



1. To give public recognition of the new Junior Order of Eagles (JOE) and its affiliation with

the local and International Order.

2. To present the charter; the official document of the Grand Aerie creating and defining the

JOE as a branch of the Fraternal Order of Eagles.

3. To impress the members and their families with the purposes and ideals of the Fraternal

Order of Eagles and their responsibilities to the JOE, the sponsoring aerie, their

community and the Grand Aerie and Auxiliary.

4. To educate the community, through publicity of the occasion, concerning the JOE youth

program and the ideals of the FOE in general.



After the charter has been received from the Grand Aerie, most sponsoring aeries plan a special

program to officially present the charter to the JOE. This should a dignified occasion. The

following are some suggestions for conducting such an event. It is intended merely as a guideline

or as an example for a Presentation of Charter Ceremony. Feel free to be creative and design

your own ceremony based on the interests and personalities of your local members.

If using this script, fill in the spaces with the appropriate information.

Junior Order of Eagles Advisory Committee (JOEAC) Representative: Tonight we have the

pleasure of renewing an obligation to the youth of our community, which this aerie and auxiliary

first assumed [Institution date] - namely, the Institution of our Junior Order of Eagles. It gives

me a great deal of pleasure to introduce to you [name], who serves as [title] WP/MP and who

will now present to us our charter.

Worthy President or Madam President: Thank you, [name]. I'm sure everyone here is aware

that the Grand Aerie, FOE issues a charter to a local aerie to operate a JOE unit as part of the

aerie’s program. I would like at this time to congratulate the [name of local aerie] on the way

they have assumed and carried out this obligation as the parent aerie and auxiliary for Junior

Order of Eagles [number].

Now, [name], the Junior Order of Eagles Advisor and [name], JOE President, please come

forward. (They do.)

Worthy President or Madam President:

[name],JOE President and [name], JOE advisor, it is my pleasure to present to you, the Charter

of Junior Order of Eagles _______(Aerie number) of the Fraternal Order of Eagles at

______________________________ (Aerie name).

Worthy President or Madam President: (Speaking to the JOE President and the JOE Advisor,


[Name], as the President of the JOE your job is to work closely with, and direct the activities of

the membership. Will you in the coming year carry out these responsibilities?

JOE President: As President of the JOE, I accept this charter and my responsibility as President

of the Jr. Order of Eagles.


Worthy President or Madam President:

[Name]It will be your responsibility as Jr. Eagles’ advisor to guide them in accordance with the

Program Guidelines in a manner consistent with the aims and purposes of the Fraternal Order

Eagles and of ____________________ (Aerie name and No.).

Advisor: As the duly appointed advisor of Junior Order of Eagles _______ (Aerie No.) of the

Fraternal Order of Eagles, ____________________ (Name and No.), I accept this Charter and

my responsibility as Junior Order of Eagles advisor.

Worthy President or Madam President:

- Introduction of JOE officers for brief Program or Remarks, if any.

- WP/MP Remarks… (If any.) Good subjects include: the benefits of JOE membership, the

growing importance of the youth involvement, or a challenge to continue building the JOE now

that the group has been affiliated.)

- Statement of continued support from the sponsoring Aerie and Auxiliary.

NOTE!! Recommendations are made to place the charter in a conspicuous place in the aerie,

so that visitors and members can see that the FOE support the youth of the community.


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