Spokesman Volume 59 Issue 2
ARTSWinter Musical9 to 5Page 5SPORTSVarsity Track andField Team OutlookPage 8SPOKESFUNTeachers of theMonthPage 11The SpokesmanMARCH 2023What does BlackHistory Monthat Princeton DaySchool mean?Reflecting ondiversity, inclusion, andimprovementAdeola Egbeleye, IXPRINT STAFF WRITERAs Black History Monthhas recently wrapped up, atime of reflection has arrivedfor many at PDS. What doesit mean to be Black? Is therea lack of representationwithin our school walls?How can the student bodycreate a more progressivecommunity going forward?All these questions have beenlingering throughout PDS, asthe themes of identity and ofbridging between culturesrecur throughout this schoolyear. Over the past years,PDS has been quite diligentabout fully representing thecommunity’s diversity andculture. As a result, mulipleGatherings have been putin place to honor variedtraditions. The annual BlackHistory Month celebration,usually held during thelast week of February,respects and applauds Blackexcellence, Black history,and what the PDS communityaccomplishes when it comesto diversity and inclusion.This Black History Monthgathering that took place onFebruary 27 brought laughs,joy, and black empowermentto the table. With speeches,singing, and dancing—theBHM gathering was the placeto be.Black Student Union coheadand junior SumaiyyaMalik says, “The thing aboutBlack History Month is thatthere’s no one way to celebrateit. You can celebratein any way that feels right forcontinued on page 2Your Honor, PDS Mock Trial is Back!Updates on the successes of the PDS Mock Trial Team,dominating at county and regional competitionsMAX LEVY, IXPRINT STAFF WRITERVictory has been securedfor the PDS Mock Trialteam at the Mercer Countycompetitions. Just a fewweeks ago, PDS MockTrial’s plaintiff team defeatedLawrencville’s opposingdefense team to progress tothe next round of the NewJersey State Bar Foundation’sannual High School MockTrial Competition. Havinglost to Lawrenceville lastyear, this win was incrediblyimportant to members of thePRINCETON DAY SCHOOLSophomore Casey Kuma and Upper School Computer ScienceTeacher Toni Dunlap at the PDS Black History Month Celebration(Photo/PDS Flickr)team. Extensive preparationwas essential in securingthis victory. Senior and PDSMock Trial Co-head VaishnaviBhalla explained, “I was verybig on trying to tell peopleto be confident in ourselvesbecause we know that we cando well.” Maintaining highmorale was crucial in facingoff against Lawrenceville, theteam’s long-standing MockTrial rival. After weeks ofpreparation and countlesshours spent practicing afterschool, the time came tocompete at the Mercer CountyCriminal Courthouse for thecontinued on page 3PDS Mock Trial Team at the Regional Competition(Photo/Jill Brown)At Princeton Day School,every student during theirfreshman year is assigned to aPeer Group. Ten ninth gradersare led by three seniors, whotry to help them adjust to theupper school at PDS throughactivities and lessons. Somestudents, including ninthgrader Angela Du, havehad great experiences andmade strong bonds withboth their leaders and peers.Du exclaims, “I love howinclusive the games are andall the deep conversationswe have. I made so manynew connections that I neverthought I would make.”MAR. 2023 VOL. 59, ISSUE 2College Board Implements AP AfricanAmerican Studies CourseA look into the controversy surrounding this new APcourseSimran Malik, IXPRINT STAFF WRITERThe Value of Peer GroupPDS freshmen reflect on their experienceAmber Pancholi, IXPRINT STAFF WRITERThe College Boardrecently released guidelines forits new Advanced Placement(AP) African AmericanStudies course. The curriculumcovers various topics fromWest African Empires tothe Great Migration, but itscurrent status covers lessthan originally intended. TheCollege Board released a pilotof the course in February 2022,but it came under criticismfrom prominent conservativegroups and figures. The stateof Florida banned the coursewith the support of GovernorRon DeSantis, who calledthe proposed curriculum“indoctrination.” Florida statecontinued on page 2continued on page 3While some, like Du,have already gotten theexperience they wantedout of Peer Group, a fewfreshmen wish to form abetter relationship with theirgroup. One freshman, whoasked to remain anonymous,explained, “If I’m going tobe honest, I have not had thebest Peer Group experience.Sure, my leaders and fellowpeers were nice, I just feltvery bored during the lessonsand did not see the purpose ofit. ”Freshman Sara Nandwanawas hopeful that the PeerGroup retreat would helpcement the bonds her grouphad started making. “PeerGroup was awkward in theeducation officials claimedthat the course was banned dueto historic inaccuracy and theviolation of a law that governshow racial issues are taught.The final version of thecourse guidelines indicatesthat many topics, such as theBlack Lives Matter movementand Queer Studies, werecompletely removed from thecurriculum. These changeshave sparked much controversyas to whether or not theywere a result of DeSanitis’sresponse or whether thesechanges were already planned.The College Board stands bythe latter argument, claimingthat they removed parts ofthe curriculum because theyreceived feedback fromeducation officials that it did
- Page 2 and 3: 2Black History Month at PDSNEWSUppe
- Page 4 and 5: 4FEATURESGetting Ready for the Pant
- Page 6 and 7: 6ARTSBehind the Scenes of 9 to 5: t
- Page 8 and 9: 8SPORTSPDS Track and Field Looks To
- Page 10 and 11: 10AP Precalculus: In or Out?Clara S
- Page 12: 12SPOKESFUNHow to Write the Perfect
Winter Musical
9 to 5
Page 5
Varsity Track and
Field Team Outlook
Page 8
Teachers of the
Page 11
The Spokesman
MARCH 2023
What does Black
History Month
at Princeton Day
School mean?
Reflecting on
diversity, inclusion, and
Adeola Egbeleye, IX
As Black History Month
has recently wrapped up, a
time of reflection has arrived
for many at PDS. What does
it mean to be Black? Is there
a lack of representation
within our school walls?
How can the student body
create a more progressive
community going forward?
All these questions have been
lingering throughout PDS, as
the themes of identity and of
bridging between cultures
recur throughout this school
year. Over the past years,
PDS has been quite diligent
about fully representing the
community’s diversity and
culture. As a result, muliple
Gatherings have been put
in place to honor varied
traditions. The annual Black
History Month celebration,
usually held during the
last week of February,
respects and applauds Black
excellence, Black history,
and what the PDS community
accomplishes when it comes
to diversity and inclusion.
This Black History Month
gathering that took place on
February 27 brought laughs,
joy, and black empowerment
to the table. With speeches,
singing, and dancing—the
BHM gathering was the place
to be.
Black Student Union cohead
and junior Sumaiyya
Malik says, “The thing about
Black History Month is that
there’s no one way to celebrate
it. You can celebrate
in any way that feels right for
continued on page 2
Your Honor, PDS Mock Trial is Back!
Updates on the successes of the PDS Mock Trial Team,
dominating at county and regional competitions
Victory has been secured
for the PDS Mock Trial
team at the Mercer County
competitions. Just a few
weeks ago, PDS Mock
Trial’s plaintiff team defeated
Lawrencville’s opposing
defense team to progress to
the next round of the New
Jersey State Bar Foundation’s
annual High School Mock
Trial Competition. Having
lost to Lawrenceville last
year, this win was incredibly
important to members of the
Sophomore Casey Kuma and Upper School Computer Science
Teacher Toni Dunlap at the PDS Black History Month Celebration
(Photo/PDS Flickr)
team. Extensive preparation
was essential in securing
this victory. Senior and PDS
Mock Trial Co-head Vaishnavi
Bhalla explained, “I was very
big on trying to tell people
to be confident in ourselves
because we know that we can
do well.” Maintaining high
morale was crucial in facing
off against Lawrenceville, the
team’s long-standing Mock
Trial rival. After weeks of
preparation and countless
hours spent practicing after
school, the time came to
compete at the Mercer County
Criminal Courthouse for the
continued on page 3
PDS Mock Trial Team at the Regional Competition
(Photo/Jill Brown)
At Princeton Day School,
every student during their
freshman year is assigned to a
Peer Group. Ten ninth graders
are led by three seniors, who
try to help them adjust to the
upper school at PDS through
activities and lessons. Some
students, including ninth
grader Angela Du, have
had great experiences and
made strong bonds with
both their leaders and peers.
Du exclaims, “I love how
inclusive the games are and
all the deep conversations
we have. I made so many
new connections that I never
thought I would make.”
MAR. 2023 VOL. 59, ISSUE 2
College Board Implements AP African
American Studies Course
A look into the controversy surrounding this new AP
Simran Malik, IX
The Value of Peer Group
PDS freshmen reflect on their experience
Amber Pancholi, IX
The College Board
recently released guidelines for
its new Advanced Placement
(AP) African American
Studies course. The curriculum
covers various topics from
West African Empires to
the Great Migration, but its
current status covers less
than originally intended. The
College Board released a pilot
of the course in February 2022,
but it came under criticism
from prominent conservative
groups and figures. The state
of Florida banned the course
with the support of Governor
Ron DeSantis, who called
the proposed curriculum
“indoctrination.” Florida state
continued on page 2
continued on page 3
While some, like Du,
have already gotten the
experience they wanted
out of Peer Group, a few
freshmen wish to form a
better relationship with their
group. One freshman, who
asked to remain anonymous,
explained, “If I’m going to
be honest, I have not had the
best Peer Group experience.
Sure, my leaders and fellow
peers were nice, I just felt
very bored during the lessons
and did not see the purpose of
it. ”
Freshman Sara Nandwana
was hopeful that the Peer
Group retreat would help
cement the bonds her group
had started making. “Peer
Group was awkward in the
education officials claimed
that the course was banned due
to historic inaccuracy and the
violation of a law that governs
how racial issues are taught.
The final version of the
course guidelines indicates
that many topics, such as the
Black Lives Matter movement
and Queer Studies, were
completely removed from the
curriculum. These changes
have sparked much controversy
as to whether or not they
were a result of DeSanitis’s
response or whether these
changes were already planned.
The College Board stands by
the latter argument, claiming
that they removed parts of
the curriculum because they
received feedback from
education officials that it did
Black History Month at PDS
Upper School Black Student Union Co-Heads Sumaiyya Malik, Tyler Nelson, and
Ziya Brittingham at the PDS Black History Month Celebration (Photo/PDS Flickr)
An Update on Peer Group
you.” Malik also goes on to say, “I
wish more people would celebrate
less famous Black figures, like the
Black Panthers and other hidden
figures in the Black community.”
Although PDS is a growing
community with new ideas rapidly
forming all the time, the concept of
more history being acknowledged
is a constant request. Director of
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Anthony McKinley states, “I
need more than satisfaction. I’m
proud of the progress that we’ve
made in the last 3 years—and I’m
excited about the progress that we
will continue to make in future
years.” Mr. McKinley continued,
“One of the ways students can
help us [progress in inclusivity]
is to think about what it means to
be a community member. To be a
community member, there’s some
personal thing to sacrifice. If
students have more thought about
open mindedness, understanding,
compassion, and patience, there
will be an advancement in PDS for
inclusivity.” Princeton Day School
has accomplished much, but there
is always room for improvement.
And that’s the theme that Black
History at PDS has expressed.
What does being Black entail?
How can the student body foster
a future community that is more
progressive? These questions
linger around the hallways. r
beginning since we were put with
people we did not know yet, but
I am glad they did that because it
allowed me to meet new people. It
is nice to go to Peer Group since it
gives us a break from our academic
day, although I still hope to have
a deeper connection with my
group.” With many other freshmen
also having the same opinion, Peer
Group leaders hoped to fulfill
this wish through the Peer Group
retreat that took place on March 3.
This event is a one-night trip when
every peer group stays at a camp
and participates in a variety of
different activities such as a dance
and lip sync competition and many
other bonding games. Senior and
Peer Group leader Amy Zhou said,
“Peer Group was a bit rough in the
beginning, but I remember when
I was a freshman the Peer Group
retreat was when everyone finally
opened up to one another. I am
hoping the same will happen for
my Peer Group this year.” r
Neha Kalra is ready to bring her play to life (Photo/Neha Khandkar ‘23)
Senior Peer Group Leaders with Freshman (Photo/PDS Flickr)
PDS Model UN Team Takes On ILMUNC
Arjun Bhardwaj, IX
On January 26, PDS halls were
teeming with students in suits, and
each one of them had spent months
in preparation for the upcoming
conference. Weeks of research,
simulations, and practice would
culminate in this 4-day conference.
Ivy League Model United Nations
Conference (ILMUNC) is an annual
conference hosted by the University
of Pennsylvania.
ILMUNC is widely recognized as
one of the toughest conferences at the
high school level. Each conference
session went for up to four hours,
with the team constantly debating,
writing, thinking, and reading about
pressing global issues.
Senior David Cohen—Under
Secretary General and member of
the Secretariat, the Model UN team’s
leadership—explains that ILMUNC
was a great experience for the Model
UN team. He commented, “It was
our first appearance at ILMUNC, but
the Secretariat is extremely happy
with the team’s performance and is
excited for what the future holds.”
Freshman Charlie Kaplowitz, who
found the experience enlightening,
remarked, “ILMUNC really
taught me how to become a better
speaker, and manage my workload.
I enjoyed the constant interactions
with my friends because it’s nice
to do Model UN with people you
know.” Freshman Riya Mani noted
the experience helped improve her
leadership and communication
skills. She shared, “Model UN
forces delegates to take initiative and
enhance their active-listening skills
by ensuring everyone contributes to
the discussion… I was constantly
talking and expressing my ideas.”
Many team members received
awards such as Honorable Mentions
and Verbal Recognitions. They are
moving into the Cornell conference
in the spring with full confidence.
It was not just a weekend of hard
work and competitiveness, but also
a weekend full of memories and
laughter. PDS team members went
to the delegate dance Saturday
night, where they celebrated the end
of the conference with students from
all over the world. Some of the most
defining moments of the conference
were the moments the team spent
with each other. Whether it was a
quick conversation with a teammate
in the hall or spending two hours
with them at Panera Bread waiting
for an order, ILMUNC brought the
team closer together in so many
different ways.
For those looking into future
opportunities in Model UN, Cohen
mentions, “PDS MUN team
is hosting our own conference
titled DAYMUN. There is no
tryout necessary and anybody can
participate.” r
Implications of the New AP African American Studies Course
not focus enough on foundational
African American history.
African American students make
up 15 percent of highschoolers
in America, but they are only
9 percent of students taking at
least one AP class. The College
Board hoped that learning about
something one can personally
resonate with would peak more
interest amongst Black students.
The removal of some current and
recent historical movements in the
curriculum, however, may detract
from connections that students
might make. “You can’t have an
honest conversation about African
American history without including
those things,” says PDS Director
of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Anthony McKinley. “Even if you’re
doing a course on history, there has
to be some way to tie what went on in
the past to what’s happening now.”
The connection between past and
present is often crucial to students’
understanding and connection with
their identity and culture.
Senior and co-head of the Black
Student Union Ziya Brittingham
explained, “I think it opens the
door for opportunities for other
marginalized groups to have their
history learned about … [such
as] South Asian studies and East
Asian studies. Different groups
that have been underrepresented.”
Brittingham thinks of this as an
opportunity to hear the stories of
many cultures, including stories
that are not often woven into the
curriculums of most history classes.
According to History Department
Chair Stephanie Santangelo, the
history department will likely not
make this course available at PDS,
however, because of the African
American history course currently
available. PDS currently has an
elective course, called Modern
African American history that
Brittingham, and others, have taken
which she says was very enjoyable.
The course was taught by Ms.
Santangelo and will return as an
elective choice in the coming years.
(Artwork/Lucinda Peng ‘25)
A Glimpse of the 11th and 12th Grade Days of Service
Juniors volunteering at Arm in Arm (Photo/PDS Flickr) (Photo/PDS Flickr)
(Photo/PDS Flickr)
Mock Trial Wins the Regional Semi-Finals
county competitions. To emerge
as the winners, the PDS Mock
Trial team defeated the nine other
teams in the county, including
Lawrenceville. Senior and PDS
Mock Trial co-head Arjun Kumar
recalled, “When we were going
against Lawrenceville, we were
feeling a bit nervous, but we
were still really confident, and in
the end I think we were just the
better prepared team.” As Kumar
explained, many members of the
team felt nervous about competing
against Lawrenceville, but nobody
let their apprehension get the best
of them. This strategy of confidence
allowed them to harness their weeks
of practice to defeat the competition
and ultimately come out on top.
Looking forward to the next
levels of competition, regionals and
then onwards to states and higher,
the team continues to prepare
for all that is to come. Freshman
Harrison Bagga explained the
team’s preparations: “We’ve been
preparing a lot, meeting every
week. I think the morale is pretty
high. We’re hoping we can win.”
Bagga stated that continual weekly
meetings will allow the team to
develop stronger skills for the next
rounds of competition. Further,
Bagga went on to say that the team’s
continuous positive and hopeful
outlook will allow them to succeed
further into the competition as well.
On February 28, the Mock Trial
team came out on top yet again and
won the regional semi-finals in both
rounds. The team will begin their
next rounds of competition in the
regional finals on March 9. r
Getting Ready for the Panther Hackathon
Ronin Bae, XI
P antherHack, PDS’s annual
Hackathon hosted by the Computer
Science Club is coming up later
this spring. Contrary to the name,
the Hackathon does not involve
any hacking but is suited for
student programmers of any level
to work on projects and learn
more about computer science.
This year’s Hackathon is bringing
new workshops, events, and even
in-person attendance for the first time
since PantherHack’s creation in 2021.
Hackathons are competitions
where teams of students from schools
around the area compete to create
the best computer science project—
websites, apps, algorithms, games,
and more—in under 24 hours. These
products are submitted under different
categories with various prizes
available. Last year, over $23,000
in prize money was available, with
prizes including Nintendo Switches,
drones with cameras, and expensive
Junior Farhan Haque, a lead
organizer of PantherHack, noted that
“We have something for every skill
level, and so we encourage everyone
to attend.” PantherHack includes a
beginner friendly competition section
that accepts blockcode from Scratch or
other platforms, as well as workshops
for coders of all levels. Workshops
are one of the many non-competition
activities where experienced students
can teach others about their areas of
Some new workshops available
this year are “ChatGPT: Breakdown,
History, & Controversy,” “3D
Printing & Designs,” and “Intro to
theoretical CS.” There are many other
workshops covering the basics for
beginners to specialized languages
like R or SQLite.
PantherHack also hosts noncoding
competitions such as a chess
tournament and an AI-art competition.
Junior Shivani Manikandan, a co-head
How Has Technology Changed Education?
Archie Douglas, IX
T echnology and computers
have played an increasingly
significant role in our everyday
lives, especially in education. In the
late 20th century, schools such as
Drexel University shared only one
computer collectively, used only
once a week for one hour, and its
purpose was to teach students how
to solve real-life mathematics and
science problems. In the 21st century,
old-fashioned learning tools such as
whiteboards and chalkboards have
been outmatched by new technology
like SMART boards, D-Tens, and
laptops. While many of these tools
are still commonly used in today’s
world, there is an increasing reliance
on newer technology.
These devices have advantages
as learning tools; they provide
children with a way to learn or gain
information very quickly. With the
click of a few buttons, computers
are capable of finding thousands of
resources that relate to a topic and
can help teach it. When asked about
how technology and computers
have benefited learning, Computer
of the Computer Science Club, also
said “With added possibility of a
hybrid hackathon, we are looking
forward to providing participants
with the full Hackathon experience—
that also includes food and other
in-person events.”
The Hackathon committee
consists of three groups: Tech and
design, Outreach, and Finance. The
Tech and design team is responsible
for making websites, handling
registration, and managing other
platforms like Zoom. Outreach is
Science teacher Toni Dunlap stated,
“Previously, students were only
able to gain information from the
people around them or from books.
With computers, they have much
more access to different sources
from all over and people with
different assets, helping them learn
more information faster.”
Virtual reality is another form
of technology that helps students
learn, especially with “virtual tours”
available, allowing students to visit
museums and historic landmarks
without actually traveling to the
location. This feature is extremely
(Artwork/Hannah Park ‘24)
(Artwork/Kayla Zhang‘24)
responsible for sending interest
emails to nearby schools, managing
social media accounts, and creating
posters and flyers. Finance gets and
manages donations and prizes. The
three groups are directed by the three
co-heads of CS club, Manikandan,
Haque, and senior Jai Kasera, as well
as Mr. Brasoveanu.
The organizers suggest attending
this year for the third ever PDS
Hackathon—whether you are an
experienced coder or someone who
has not tried before. r
helpful as students can learn while
having fun.
When it comes to communication
and collaboration, computers provide
teachers and students the ability to
communicate quickly and efficiently
via the Google applications such as
Gmail, Docs, Slides, and many more.
Director of Academic Technology
Lauren Ledley noted, “Collaboration
is way easier, large groups of people
are capable of working on one project
in an organized manner instead of
ten different people passing papers
around and losing track of previous
edits.” On top of that, online grading
systems like Schoology make it much
easier for students to view and audit
their progress. Teachers are able to
communicate and assist students
much more efficiently as well,
sending emails to organize a meeting
or via emailing in general.
Despite these helpful tools,
computers also give students access
to websites that disengage their
learning ability, such as ChatGPT.
ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that has
just recently launched and is capable
of writing various papers if a subject
is entered. Students from all over
the world started using the website
instead of researching and creating
their own work. However, as schools
have gained knowledge on the
website, boundaries have been placed,
including some schools blocking the
website on their networks.r
ChatGPT: A Shortcut for the Future?
Cynthia Shen, X
Print News Editor
C hatGPT is a chatbot powered
by OpenAI, and it can explain
many complex topics and technical
questions after a user types in their
specific needs. Many users have been
using it to draft emails, write essays,
or even ask the chatbot eccentric
questions. The chatbot is trained on
text data, drawing from information
up to the end of 2021, meaning that
it would not know information about
events that occurred after 2021.
ChatGPT has shown the ability to
accurately answer engineering, law,
medical, and business school exam
questions entered by users. It can
also craft code, completing coding
tasks from large companies such as
Amazon. However, it does have its
flaws, with critics claiming the AI
lacks humanity in its prose, and that it
does not seem to be entirely accurate.
The PDS community has a wide
variety of opinions on utilizing
ChatGPT; sophomore Armaan
Agrawal views it enthusiastically: “It
is an example of how groundbreaking
machine learning technology is, in
terms of helping us advance faster and
farther than ever thought possible.”
Teachers at PDS share a different
sentiment. According to many,
when a student uses this chatbot,
they lose their originality in their
writing, hindering their critical
thinking skills. History teacher Jean
Castellano comments, “Writing is
understanding the individual’s voice
in their works. When a student uses AI
tech to complete their assignments, it
really does not sound like a student.”
While shorter paragraphs in a smaller
assignment might pass without notice, can approach this technology as a
longer writing often lacks the specific community. r
details that many assignments require.
By not providing accurate answers
and neglecting the importance of
critical thinking in their assignments,
students who use ChatGPT are taking
a shortcut. Mrs. Castellano notes, “If
you are heavily relying on AI tech,
you are missing the point of learning
and critical thinking.”
With chatbots and AI technology
experiencing a surge of interest and
users, it seems likely that technology
will fundamentally change the
dynamic of the internet. Sophomore
Krish Saxena states, “[ChatGPT]
shows a transition from technology
being a tool to being a bit more lifelike
and reliable.” Even though there is
no formal ban on using ChatGPT
and other chatbots, the Technology
department is looking into how we (Artwork/Amy Lin ‘26)
The State Energy Program Makes Renewable Energy More Affordable
Parth Khera, X
Print Features Associate
O n August 26, 2022, the
Biden-Harris administration,
through the U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE), created the
State Energy Program (SEP).
This program will allow all 50
states to share $425 million of
funding towards developing and
implementing various clean energy
programs and projects, which will
create jobs, cut Americans’ energy
costs, and reduce carbon emissions.
Furthermore, with the signing of the
Inflation Reduction Act into law,
the Department of Energy will help
ensure all citizens have access to
clean and affordable energy.
The department has plans to
install renewable energy systems and
clean energy infrastructure, create
innovative clean energy technology
demonstration projects, and increase
energy efficiency boosts. They are
also working to finance clean energy
Creating Fun Events For Students From Students: An Update on Student Council
Caleb Willner, IX
Print Staff Writer
T he Student Council has
worked hard creating community
and outreach events this school
year. These initiatives have brought
the Upper School students together
through means outside the classroom
setting with great success. This is
still only the surface of what Student
Council has planned for this year,
with exciting ideas for upcoming
special events in the making.
The Teacher Awards, proudly voted
upon by the Upper School, were
programs and workforce development
presented to our teachers by members
of the Student Council at Gathering
on February 13. Senior Jai Kasera,
who founded the Teacher Awards
three years ago, shared, “Every day,
our PDS teachers and staff inspire,
motivate, and encourage us to reach
our full potential. They are constantly
protecting us, making sure we are
safe, healthy, and doing well.” Some
awards included “most likely to
become a spy,” “rookie of the year,”
and “most witty.” With descriptions
of the award accompanying an
introduction of the award winner,
such as Mr. Muoio’s luscious locks
and Mr. Hunt’s quotable phrases, this
(Artwork/Carter Bergstein ‘25)
event brought joy and laughter to
students and staff alike.
This year’s Valentine’s Day began
with the lollipops and cards taped
onto every student’s locker by our
Service Learning Committee. After
this, there was an event held in the
campus center during community
block where carnations were
distributed and festive cookies were
handed out to everyone. Freshman
Armaan Singhal, who received and
sent carnations to his friends, said,
“Carnations are a fun way to show
your friends how much you care about
them.” This event was an exciting and
fun break in the morning to relax with
Sophomore Krish Saxena stated,
“[the program] is an excellent idea to
counter the rising prices of electricity
today. Renewable energy would allow
for clean and cheap energy since it
is a much more efficient source of
Although renewable energy
can bring many advantages to our
country, there are disadvantages.
For example, wind energy is a great
way to produce clean energy, yet it
impacts wildlife when wind turbines
are installed. Some are concerned
that the government is neglecting key
areas of environmental protection,
such as air and water quality, to also
reduce the effects of climate change.
Junior Will Maschler feels that “[the
SEP] is a risky endeavor,” especially
considering the infrastructure
disruptions in the electric, petroleum,
and natural gas sectors. However,
Maschler also notes, “it is imperative
to the future of the country, and
Biden’s initiative will be key to a
clean and more advanced nation.” r
your friends.
Whether skiing down hills for the
first time or challenging your existing
abilities, the ski trip on February 11
was an entertaining change of pace
for many. The highly anticipated trip
almost instantly ran out of spots,
and those who attended expressed
much enthusiasm reflecting upon
their experiences. Freshman Umang
Sharma said, “This ski trip was an
amazing experience to have fun with
my friends and learn how to ski.” The
ski trip was a great opportunity to
make more memories with those who
you may only see walking by in the
school’s hallways. r
Behind the Scenes of 9 to 5: the Musical
Felicity Kapstein, XI
From February 23–25, members
of the PDS community flooded
the McAneny theater to watch the
production of 9 to 5: the Musical. For
80 minutes, the audience was brought
back to the late 1970s, when women
had to fight to have their voices
heard in the workplace, not much
unlike today. The powerful message
of independent women making their
way through a male-dominated world,
mixed with amusing choreography,
hilarious dialogue, and outstanding
singing, made the show successful.
The cast and crew worked
tirelessly from morning until night
over President’s Day weekend and
rehearsed for many hours each day
after school to ensure the show would
be ready for performance in time.
Director Stan Cahill said they did not
have much time to rehearse on the
stage, stating that “to work efficiently,
the cast and crew need to have time to
work together on the stage …. We had
a fairly simple set but needed to add
extra set shift rehearsals to work out
the kinks.” Junior Sumaiyya Malik,
who worked on the set, shared how
the crew overcame technical issues,
commenting, “We created a run sheet
that detailed all the set transitions…
after that was created and as we
rehearsed, we figured out all our
transitions and got them done in a
timely manner.” Days of extensive
rehearsals dedicated to working out
the technicalities of the show certainly
paid off; during showtime, seamless
transitions kept the audience engaged
and enthusiastic. Malik expressed
that “everything went really well!”
The actors’ chemistry on set was
another aspect that made the show
so enjoyable to watch. The musical
was a bonding experience for cast
members, as they became closer
friends on and off stage. Sophomore
Ryan Falconi, who played Doralee
Rhodes, shared, “my favorite part
of doing the musical was getting to
perform alongside all of the talented
individuals who were involved … I
absolutely loved getting to know each
and every one of them.” Falconi’s
charming Southern character and
extremely believable accent were a
joy to watch. Furthermore, director
Stan Cahill expressed that his
favorite moment from the show
was “when the cast, crew, and
musicians were working together in
the scene shifts … I don’t think the
audience will ever realize how hard
it was to choreograph the transition
sequences.” Everybody involved
put much effort into the musical,
and the final product displayed their
hard work wonderfully. The show’s
end was met with a standing ovation
from the audience, demonstrating
just how much the PDS community
and beyond enjoyed watching our
school’s rendition of 9 to 5: the
Musical. r
(Photo/Umang Sharma ‘26)
(Photo/Umang Sharma ‘26)
(Photo/Umang Sharma ‘26)
Arts Department Update: Fine Arts
Kayla Zhang, XI
A s we approach spring (and,
slowly, the end of the second
semester), the Fine Arts classes
continue their journey, learning
and creating in ways made possible
only by their Fine Arts teacher and
Gallery Director Gwen Shockey.
The Intro to Fine Arts class is
currently engaging in an exploration
that enhances their skills in precision
and consistency and, less obviously,
their balance. You may see your
classmates lugging boxes of various
sizes, labeled with measurements,
that contain carefully placed
objects. The artists composed these
packaged dioramas which they now
sketch. The current unit is a direct
application of the previous, which
was a study of shading; dozens of
sketches of cubes, cylinders, cones,
and spheres are tacked up on the art
classroom’s wall. This unit allows
artists more freedom of expression;
freshman Kristine Wang’s diorama
contains a miniature statue of a
huntress, complete with real moss
and dead leaves, while freshman
Amy Lin placed a bottle of hand
sanitizer near a multicolored stuffed
rabbit wearing a face mask.
Presently, the Advanced Fine Arts
class progresses through their third of
four units, all of which are connected
in some way. Their first unit was an
exploration of the collage medium,
where they constructed their dreams
(in every manner of the word) with
bits and pieces of art or photographs
from other sources; these finished
products can be seen in the science
hallway, right outside of the physics
classroom. The second unit was the
abstraction of these collages using
paint. They currently line the walls
of the arts atrium, so that we can
view the student artists’ canvases.
Now, the class is bringing their
creations into the world of three
dimensions. They are allowed to use
just about anything: some people
are using objects they found and
modified for their piece, while others
bought supplies made specifically
for sculpting. None of the positions
for where the final pieces may be
displayed are concrete except for
the ceiling-piece in the arts atrium
hallway, which you can sneak
glances at while in the math classes.
It seems that the artists have free
reign to express their dreams.
Senior Elizabeth Sun said that
this was a nice change of pace,
since sculpting was a medium that
she rarely engaged in before. She
is excited to use various tools such
as foam, foam coat, and acrylic for
her project. Junior Elena Sichel
explained that the last unit will
be “Performance. It can be pretty
much anything, and it’s mostly up
to interpretation.” I can only assume
that the trend of the dimension of
art being presented corresponding to
the unit number will continue, and
that the year’s end unit will yield
designs that transcend our plane of
comprehension. r
Taylor’s Concerts May be Sunshine, but the Presale was Midnight Rain
Benjamin Masia, XI
O n November 1, 2022, Taylor
Swift announced that she was
planning to go on her sixth ever
concert tour in 2023, specifying
on social media that she was
“enchanted to announce my next
tour: Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour,
a journey through the musical eras
of my career (past and present!).”
Naturally, devoted Swifties began
to frantically and excitedly prepare
to buy tickets to hear their favorite
songs live, such as “Enchanted” and
“Love Story,” both blasts from the
The tour will begin in Arizona and
run from mid-March through August.
November 15 was announced as
the presale day, with the general
sale opening up to the public on
November 18. Around 1.5 million
people were given access through
a presale code, while an additional
2 million registered fans were put
on a waiting list to buy tickets
through Ticketmaster. This was the
largest registration in the history of
Ticketmaster sales. Ticket prices for
the presale went from as low as $50
to hundreds of dollars per ticket.
Unfortunately, what was planned
well did not end well. On the day
of the presale, buyers reported
that the Ticketmaster website was
experiencing crashes and glitches,
with the CEO of Ticketmaster’s
parent company, Liberty, stating that
in total there were 14 million users,
including robots and hackers, that
attempted to buy tickets on November
15. This led to pandemonium for
many Swift fans, who were unable to
purchase tickets on that day. Capital
One postponed their presale, and
although Ticketmaster attempted to
handle the issues, they were unable
to do so.
Many PDS students experienced
difficulty purchasing tickets.
Sophomore Cass Salas stated, “I
was completely unable to navigate
the website and get tickets for the
concert here, but luckily I was able to
buy tickets for her Texas show when
I happen to be going.” Sophomore
Lindsay Newman agreed, “The
only reason I was able to get tickets
was through a family connection I
have that gave me the opportunity
to purchase the tickets at their
normal prices. I tried to go through
Ticketmaster, but it was just too
complicated.” Salas and Newman
will still be able to enjoy Swift’s
concert, but there are many who will
not have that same privilege.
Junior Sumaiyya Malik is one
such student, who expressed, “I’m
really upset that I’m not going. The
presale was absolutely crazy, and
I tried to buy the tickets but just
could not figure it out. Even so, I’m
excited for Taylor Swift to be able
to perform all of her songs the way
she wants to.” Malik, among many
others, will not be able to attend her
concert because of Ticketmaster’s
While an unfortunate turn of
(Artwork/Elena Sichel ‘24)
events, this situation does reveal that
Taylor Swift has fans that love her
and will put in true effort to see her
in person. Even with the difficulty
involved in attaining tickets, it is
ultimately clear that Taylor Swift’s
fans do not blame her, and they will
continue to adore her even after this
fiasco. r
Three PDS Reading Picks of the Month
Amy Lin, IX
T his month, PDS community
members shared their best book
recommendations. The wide range of
genres and themes suggested spoke
to the diversity of interests present
in the school, with recommended
books featuring categories such as
fantasy and nonfiction, authors of
multiple backgrounds, and concepts
including power and oppression.
Due to this variety, anyone looking
for a good read will definitely find
something suitable for them here!
Stop by your local library to pick up
the following books:
1. Lonely Castle in the Mirror by
Mizuki Tsujimura
Seven students, a portal, a castle,
and a hidden key: This Japanese
bestseller is the epitome of a superb
fantasy novel. Whoever locates the
key will be granted one wish, but
terrible consequences await those
who break the rules. Tsujimura
explores heavy topics such as
mental health and bullying while
maintaining an ingeniously creative
plotline, resulting in a heartwrenching
yet gripping tale.
“I loved how it combined elements
of fantasy with real world problems,”
remarked freshman Hannah Kim.
“It would be a wholesome book for
2. Sister Outsider: Essays and
Speeches by Audre Lorde
Lorde’s collection of 15 essays
and speeches was instrumental to the
modern feminist movement through
examinations of struggle, injustice,
and violence.
“In the last few years I’ve found
her work really moving, and it’s
something I keep returning to,”
shared Upper School English teacher
Annu Dahiya. Dr. Dahiya taught a
portion of this book in her Gender
and Literature course during the fall.
“Even though it was written in 1984,
it’s still extremely relevant, and the
writing is just beautiful.”
Whether reading from a literary,
philosophical, political, or historical
angle, firsthand narrations of life
from members of marginalized
groups in America are powerful and
eye-opening. With Lorde sharing
her experiences as a Black lesbian
female, Sister Outsider is a great
collection to check out.
3. Cosmos by Carl Sagan
“[Cosmos] opens your eyes. It
helps you realize how wide the world
is,” commented senior Navaneeth
(Artwork/Hannah Park ‘24)
Information-packed and full of
engaging and eloquent prose, this
publication deserves its reputation as
one of the best science books of all
time. Sagan, a prominent American
astronomer, shares his knowledge on
the origins of the universe, modern
discoveries, and speculations of
extraterrestrial life.
Those who do not have a particular
interest in STEM should not be
discouraged from reading this book.
With clear explanations and minimal
scientific jargon, Sagan ensures
that the book is comprehensible
to everyone. No matter the reader,
Cosmos is truly a book worth
stepping out of comfort zones for. r
PDS Track and Field Looks Towards Second Year as a Varsity Team
Arun Patel, XI
L ast spring, the Varsity PDS
Track and Field team competed in
its inaugural season. Building upon
its club season in the year prior,
the team had a strong showing all
year, with longtime PDS coach
and former NCAA Division III
runner Coach Mark Adams taking
the helm of the program. Coach
Adams brought in former NCAA
Division I runners, Michael
Mazzei and B.G. Graham, to coach
distance and jumps, respectively.
Former NCAA Division III sprinter
and Middle School Humanities
Teacher Jonah Edwards was also
brought to the coaching staff to
help with the sprinters. With the
new coaching staff, the Panthers
were set for an exciting season—
and an exciting season they had.
Elevating their status from a club
to varsity sport allowed them to
compete among the best in the
county, state, and even country.
Although PDS does not have
its own track, the team adapted to
this by holding 6 a.m. practices at
The Hun School’s track. “It was
pretty tough getting up that early,”
junior Emily McCann stated,
“but it was definitely worth those
early mornings to get time on the
track.” These track times became
crucial for the team, especially
for the field events and hurdles.
As the season got underway, the
Panthers proved their worth and
defeated local foes Pennington
and Wilberforce. On the county
level, the team had a great showing
with then-freshman Sophia Zhou
making the 110m hurdle finals.
This is an extremely competitive
event and requires practice on
the track to get the footings right,
however Zhou put in the work on
and off the track to secure a spot
in the finals. At the state level,
the Panthers excelled, placing at
least top ten in almost every event.
McCann also noted that the
cohesiveness of the team allowed
them to succeed: “Normally, those
who sprint and those who run
distance don’t usually interact
because they don’t practice
together. However, we really
emphasized the team aspect, and it
was great to see everyone cheering
on everyone through 6 a.m.
practices, afternoon lifts, and even
9 p.m. under-the-lights meets. It
was really just a fun environment
to train under and pushed me to be
a better runner day in and day out.”
Varsity Track and Field 2022 Team Photo (Photo/Arun Patel ‘24)
This positive team environment
and competitiveness spread
throughout the school, and this year
the Track and Field team expects
an increase in team members.
Junior Aadi Shankar, a new
member to the team, stated, “I
really wanted to join the track
team after talking with a few of
my friends on the team. It seemed
like a really fun environment and
I am excited to try out a bunch
of different events.” Shankar
also went on to add, “The whole
sport, especially at PDS though,
seems very welcoming and open.”
McCann is optimistic about the
addition of members like Shankar.
She explained, “The way track
is scored requires you to have
multiple athletes competing in
each event in order to score the
most points. Last season we had at
least one person in every event, but
we never gained enough points to
put ourselves in the running for a
title. This year, we expect to have
multiple athletes in each event,
which will help us score higher,
and if someone gets injured it is
really great to know that we have
someone else to fill in their role.”
Overall, the introduction of Track
and Field has put PDS on the
map in the running world. With
the recent girls Prep XC title, the
momentum is around PDS, and
there are high expectations for
the Spring. McCann reflected,
“We are really excited for the
spring season, and who knows,
maybe they’ll build a track here
sometime soon. Nevertheless,
last year we proved we can win
without one, so the future is bright
for PDS Track and Field.” r
PDS Spotlight Series: Hearing from Vanessa Kara
Nandini Kolli, X
Print Staff Writer
S potlight is a newly
established club that creates
a space for female athletes to
connect with one another and
voice their concerns. The leaders,
junior Mia Hartman and senior
Grace Romano, are dedicated
athletes themselves. Hartman is a
basketball player who has already
achieved her 500- point milestone
in her junior year. Romano is
committed to Vassar College for
Division III soccer. Both athletes
are passionate about educating
the PDS community on the
experiences that female athletes
go through and bringing awareness
to their individual experiences.
In today’s world, there exists
a larger focus on male athletes
as opposed to female athletes.
Hartman and Romano decided
to upend this double standard by
initiating change and founding the
club. The name Spotlight, written
using the symbol for females
in place of the o, was chosen to
highlight these talented athletes.
Professional soccer player
Vanessa Kara was the first speaker
to visit the club and share her
story with the PDS community.
Kara talked about her personal
experience of feeling burnt out in
high school, as well as how she is
now taking a break for her mental
health. She played soccer at Drexel
University and the University
of Florida, and prided herself in
being fearless enough to undergo
the entire recruiting process,
regardless of the continuous selfdenial
and setbacks she faced due
to the small amount of offers she
received. Kara noted that female
athletes often have to work ten
times harder than male athletes to
achieve their goals because male
athletes have more opportunities
to play a sport professionally, and
she highlighted that hard work will
always be beneficial in the long run.
Hartman and Romano remarked
on how the audience appreciated
Kara’s words and could relate
with the subject matter on a
deeply personal level, since her
experiences are relevant to many
female athletes. They enjoyed her
words and perspective, and felt as
if she connected with them. One of
the many lessons Romano took away
from Kara’s talk was the idea that
“even though I am an athlete, I am
also more than that.” Specifically,
she called attention to balancing
between academics and athletics. r
(Photo/Princeton Day School Instagram)
(Photo/Princeton Day School Instagram)
Preview of the 2023 MLB Season
Hutch Henderson, XI
T he 147th season of Major
League Baseball officially starts
off on Thursday, March 30. The
first of 162 games across six
months, each one a unique version
of the game that is so popular
both in this country and around
the world. Last year ended with
the Houston Astros being crowned
world champions as they defeated
the Philadelphia Phillies in a 4–2
series. The Astros had lots of help
from their rookie shortstop, Gold
Glove winner Jeremy Peña, who
will look to follow his late success
into the new year. Veteran righty,
Justin Verlander, who earned a
Cy Young along with his World
Series Ring, also contributed to
the Astros’ success. Verlander is
now on the New York Mets after
signing a two-year $86 million
deal in the fall. He joins shortstop
Francisco Lindor and first baseman
Pete Alonso in the quest to bring
a championship to Queens. Just
across the way lies the Behemoth
that is the New York Yankees
Organization. The definition of
iconic, the Yankees are the most
successful sports franchise of all
time. New York has been feeling
the pressure lately, with the
Looking Back Upon a Memorable Winter Athletic Season
team’s last World Series win and
appearance in 2009; they look to
goliath outfielders Aaron Judge
and Gincarlo Stanton to lead their
team to the promised land. Despite
being a Dodgers fan, junior Sam
Salguero said, “I think the Yankees
look very strong and might be able
to beat the Dodgers if they meet in
the World Series.” There is reason
to be confident of the Yankees
with the outfield backed by Aaron
(Artwork/Madeline Cook ’25)
Judge, Harrison Bader, Giancarlo
Stanton, and Aaron Hicks, along
with the left side of the infield
manned by Isaiah Kiner-Falefa
and Josh Donaldson, claims junior
Cyril Pandya. Moving all the way
across the country to San Diego,
you will find debatably the best
infield in the world consisting
of veterans Manny Machado and
newly signed Xander Bogaerts, as
well as the future of the game in
Fernando Tatis Jr. In the outfield
for the padres is Juan Soto, a man
on pace to be the greatest ballplayer
of all time. Soto is earning $23
million a year at just 23 years old
and in his fifth year of professional
baseball. This is just a small look
into the fast-approaching MLB
season, but the immense amount
of talent across the league can get
even the most casual fans very
excited for what is to come. r
Laasya Kanumuri, XI
T he 2023 Princeton Day
School Winter athletic season
has undeniably been a memorable
one. School spirit, particularly our
“Panther Pride,” was at an all-time
high, showcasing immense support
for our student-athletes. In addition
to the sports teams, the PDS
Booster Club facilitated Winterfest,
which aimed to coordinate spirit
throughout our community. The
pom-poms and foam paws that the
Boosters distributed helped enliven
the stands. The pep rally that
preceded allowed a great outlet for
acknowledging our winter athletes
and having a fun time.
Girls’ Varsity Basketball showed
immense improvement this season,
especially in creating strong
connections off the court, which
has translated onto their spectacular
performance on the court. Their
ability to have fun together while
still playing basketball with
integrity was admirable. The team
fostered a sense of belonging and
bridging, which is the theme this
school year is built upon. Captain
Mia Hartman expressed, “This
season was definitely a ride. We
won some, and we lost some, but we
never once gave up. This team was
very special. We bonded quickly
and created a family in a matter
of a week. We played basketball
competitively but also made sure
we had fun. I am so grateful for all
the girls on the team, and I can’t
wait to see what the season brings
next year!” Starting shootingguard
junior Kaitlyn Zarish-
Yasunas further affirmed, “It was
an unforgettable season. The closeknit
community that we created
allowed this team to really feel like
a family. I can’t wait to see how we
continue to progress next year!”
Boys’ Varsity Basketball made
a name for themselves this year as
well. The team started off the season
strong, defeating Springfield in the
South Hunterdon tournament, and
has continued to have a significant
number of wins across the board.
Seniors Jaden Dublin and Jaden
Hall were featured on NJ.com. As
the article stated, “Dublin hit for
19 points as Princeton Day earned a
61-56 road win over West Windsor-
Plainsboro South in Princeton
Junction. Hall added 17 in the dual-
Jaden attack.”
The Boys’ and Girls’ fencing teams
have also been very successful this
season. Due to the recent retirement
of Paul Epply-Schmidt, the team
welcomed two PDS soccer coaches
onto their coaching staff, a change
which the team took on positively.
2023 Prep-B Champion junior
Greta Yuan reminisced on the past
season, sharing “Having two soccer
coaches coaching fencing definitely
Sophomore Parth Khera competes at Blair Academy (Photo/Umang Sharma ‘26)
made this season memorable in the
best way possible, whether it was
learning fencing rules from us, or
cheering for my teammates hoping
the referee would give the points
based on how loud we cheered.
Either way, this year’s fencing team
has never been closer. All of this,
and more, led us to an unforgettable
Girls’ Varsity Ice Hockey had
an exemplary record this year,
constituting an extremely strong,
yet amicable team, both on and
off the ice. Junior defender Izzy
Cook stated, “We had a really great
season. We didn’t let the injuries
bring us down, we were extremely
hard-working, and determined.
Even though we lost to [Morristown
Beard] in the regular season, we are
ready to defeat them in the State
Boys’ Varsity Ice Hockey has
proven to be a fan-favorite this
year, as they have continuously
been displaying a great amount of
positive energy, efficiency, and
grit. Regardless of the PDS vs.
Lawrenceville ice hockey game
being held at the Lawrenceville
School’s Louk Ice Center, nearly
100 PDS students, faculty members,
and parents attended, furthering the
notion of just how much enthusiasm
and encouragement the PDS
community expends.
The Boys’ and Girls’ Varsity
Squash Teams had an outstanding
season, not only with their great
number of wins, but also with the
persistance they have demonstrated,
without fail, during their season. The
Girls’ Squash Team unquestionably
has the most creative psychs amongst
the winter-sport teams, and their
Instagram is brimming with spirited
and humorous content (be sure to
check them out @pdsgvsquash)! r
AP Precalculus: In or Out?
Clara Shin, X
Many people are familiar
with the term “AP class” but may
lack understanding of how taking an
Advanced Placement course can be
beneficial. AP classes are collegelevel
courses that the College
Board designed to give high school
students an introduction to more
challenging curricula. Although
some students might take AP
courses solely for college credit,
there are other reasons why people
should consider them.
For students who might be
A Culinary Club At PDS
Sophia Simms, X
PDS seems to have a club for
everything. From Spanish Club to
Science Club, our school usually has
it covered. However, there is one
that seems to be missing: a culinary
For a long time, students wondered
whether PDS should have a cooking
club. While most think it would be
fun, there are logistical problems.
Where would the school hold it?
How would the club get money amid
rising food prices? Despite these
valid concerns, launching a culinary
club would be worth it.
Sophomore Abby Leonardi
commented, “[The club] would
teach people how to enjoy things
that they previously looked at as
futile and hard to do, and [it would]
give them a newfound pleasure.”
In addition to helping students
become more independent through
meal preparation and cooking skills,
this club would teach them how to
be more health conscious by using
nutritious ingredients, such as
locally grown vegetables and fruit.
Director of Sustainability and
Environmental Education Jessica
Clingman agreed that this would
make a difference in terms of
more advanced than the normal
curriculum, AP courses are a good
way to push their learning. They
can also provide students of all
backgrounds with the opportunities
to prepare for higher-level
learning. This is the main reason
for the upcoming implementation
of the new Advanced Placement
Precalculus course. AP Precalculus
will be greatly beneficial to high
school students from varying
education levels, uniquely offering
accessible AP coursework for
students who have no prior
experience taking AP classes.
By taking AP Precalculus,
environmental concerns, noting that,
“Knowing how to cook is essential
to being a sustainable citizen.”
When we use healthy ingredients and
support local farms, we are helping
the environment.
Another factor is that, unlike
other schools, PDS has no Home
Economics class to teach high school
students basic skills like cleaning,
sewing, and cooking. A culinary club
could serve as a substitute for this.
Mrs. Clingman remarked, “It would
be an amazing thing for students to
leave PDS feeling comfortable in a
PDS has a teaching kitchen that
can be used as long as a teacher is
present. Students could even bring
some ingredients from home and
learn how to budget. Mrs. Clingman
mentioned, “It’s not just knowing
how to put together the food into
something you’re going to want to
eat, but it’s shopping, budgeting,
and time management—and cleaning
skills.” The club could also invite
different teachers with recipes and
skills to come and show the club
members how to make a meal.
Overall, a cooking or baking
club would be the perfect place for
people to work together, share food,
learn life skills, and exchange new
recipes, as well as it could benefit
the rest of the community. r
Should the First Semester End Before Winter Break?
VIvann Khanna, IX
Imagine it is the day before
winter break. You are so excited to
have no responsibility for a long
time. You think about how the
second semester starts after winter
break, and how you could rest before
these new beginnings. Should the
first semester really end before
winter break? No, it should not.
Sophomore Rohan Shah said,
“Winter break is such a great and
festive time.” He also said that
December is very busy and that the
arrival of winter break is a necessity
because of the extra amount of
schoolwork. Freshman Armaan
Singhal stated, “I’m really relieved
[over winter break] because I
don’t have to do schoolwork. I can
just relax.” He shared that when
a new semester starts, he feels
relieved that his workload from
the end of the previous semester
has decreased dramatically,
and he can relax for a bit before
the intensity of classes pick up.
Shah said, “Winter break gives
you that time to make an academic
comeback.” This is why he likes
the semester ending after winter
break: it gives you a break to
prepare yourself to really try your
best to make sure that you can
make the end of your semester
the best part of your semester.
Singhal said, “I think it should
end after winter break because
you could get some work done,
and it gives you a break to reflect
and improve your grade.”
I agree with my interviewees.
students who were only able to
take Algebra 1 in ninth grade and
not earlier will be better prepared
for a transition from high school to
college. Many of these students will
only encounter calculus in college,
and AP Precalculus can provide
them with the foundation they
need to succeed in their respective
majors. For students who can take
Algebra 1 before ninth grade,
taking an AP math course before
taking courses such as AP Calculus
AB/BC will prepare them for the
hard work and extra time necessary
to thrive in those classes.
Additionally, in the case that
Like they said, it gives you a well
needed break as well as time to
prepare for the end of the semester.
School can be a stressful time
near the end of the first semester,
a college major does not require
the completion of calculus, AP
Precalculus can help students
fulfill their math requirements.
By scoring well on the exam and
fulfilling the requirement, students
will then be able to focus their time
on other necessary courses and
AP Precalculus will be very
helpful to the success of students
from varying backgrounds. When
asked if they would take AP
Precalculus given the opportunity,
most PDS students stated that they
would, for the experience and the
credit. r
(Artwork/Ashlyn Du ‘24)
and winter break gives you a
space to help take away some
of that stress and make sure you
have enough energy to leave the
first semester on a high note. r
the Spokesman Staff
Print Copy Editors
Print News Editor
Online News Editor
News associate
Print Features Editor
Online Features Editor
Features associate
Print Sports Editor
Online Sports Editor
Sports Associate
print Arts Editor
Online arts editor
Arts Associate
Print Opinions Editor
Online Opinions Editor
Opinions Associate
Managing Artists
Faculty Advisors
Jamie Creasi, XI
Adya Jha, XI
Sam Elkin, XI
Arun Patel, XI
Ben Masia, XI
Cynthia Shen, X
Michael Arnwine, XI
Ruth Mehreteab, X
Gloria Wang, XI
Michelle Xu, X
Parth Khera, X
Cyril Pandya, XI
Hart Nowakoski, X
Laasya Kanumuri, XI
Clara Shin, X
Ethan Wang, X
Ronin Bae, XI
Anagha Konakanchi, XI
Justin Elkin, XI
Amy Lin, IX
Hannah Park, XI
Ashlyn Du, XI
Amy Matlack
Michael Kideckel
Advice Column
Jamie Reilly, XI
J amboris, how do I cook bolognese properly?
A person of culture, I see. Not many have the aptitude
to take on such a challenging dish. However, with
my assistance, you will be able to whip up a plate of
bolognese that even Chef Brian won’t be able to replicate.
First, add your gluten and dairy free water into a pot
and set it to a boil. Whilst you wait, add tomato sauce,
a meat of your choice (or veggies for my vegetarians!
This is for you, Dr. Kideckel!), and ketchup into a
bowl and stir until mixed. Transfer your sauce to a pan
and put it on the stove at medium heat for about five
minutes, ensuring that you stir sufficiently throughout.
After five minutes, remove the sauce from the heat and
immediately add two pounds of Lays Classic Potato
chips (this gives it a nice crunch). At this time, your
water should be done boiling. Add your pasta of choice
to the boiling water and stir for about seven minutes.
Strain the pasta and add it to your sauce. Mix the pasta
and sauce together and enjoy!
Jamboris, how do I beat my friends at chess?
Chess, eh? Not an easy sport to master. It will take
blood, sweat, and tears to demolish your opponents.
However, with these simple steps, you will be able to
defeat anyone who might cross your path. In starting your
chess journey, try playing people with a lower skill level.
For example, juniors Justin Elkin or Hutch Henderson
would be a good choice for your first match. After you
play your first couple of matches, analyze your moves.
Is there anything you might have missed, anything you
did well? Look up chess openings and study different
variations. After you have mastered your openings, you
can start to challenge more difficult opponents. Continue
to analyze your games and after thousands of hours of
practice, you may be able to take down your friends and
be well on your journey to becoming a grandmaster!
Jamboris, is block coding acceptable for Advanced
Placement Computer Science Principles?
Absolutely… Not! Keep your blocks in Minecraft, my
friend! In an AP level course, excellence is expected
from every student who enrolls. For a computer science
class, the bare minimum is that you learn to properly
code. Block coding should be considered cheating, as
you are not learning the skills to code. You will be unable
to use the information you learn in the real world. r
(Photo/Beth He ‘26)
Teacher of the Month:
Gwen Shockey
Gloria Wang, XI
G wen Shockey is one of the faculty members
who joined the PDS community in June, 2021.
Prior to that, she taught college art classes at
Pratt Institute for five years. She graduated from
PDS in 2006 and studied fine arts at Connecticut
College. Ms. Shockey is a member of the visual
arts department and the director of the Anne Reid
‘72 Art Gallery. “I really love the community here
at PDS,’’ she said. “It’s really cool to come back to
see how much PDS has changed and grown since I
graduated. The students at PDS that I worked with
are a group of very bright and motivated people.
I am constantly impressed at the level of artwork
that they exemplified.”
Ms. Shockey shows her classes a lot of artwork
from contemporary artists who have diverse
backgrounds and identities to ensure that all
of her students can identify with the artists. To
make her class more engaging and entertaining,
Ms. Shockey changes her curriculum during the
summer, focusing on a different theme in art history
or the contemporary art world every year. The broad
range of artworks that she shows to her students
allows them to gain a diverse perspective on all
of the possibilities that art can have. Senior Claire
Meehan commented that Ms. Shockey “has created
a very comfortable and welcoming environment
for students to be able to fully express themselves
in a safe space.”
Ms. Shockey believes that art is a very important
aspect of students’ learning experience, and that
“taking art classes can help students improve
in every different way.” She allows all of her
students demonstrate creativity in her class by
giving open-ended assignments and having private
conversations with them to learn their authentic
voice. Senior Elizabeth Sun, who is currently
taking Ms. Shockey’s Advanced Fine Art class,
shared that “Ms. Shockey is a wonderful teacher.
I really love how her class is always chill and
“[She] ‘has created a
very comfortable and
welcoming environment
for students to be able to
fully express themselves
in a safe space.’”
Other than teaching Intro to Fine Art and
Advanced Fine art, Ms. Shockey is also an active
member in the Upper School’s extracurricular and
club activities. She is the faculty advisor of the
Gallery club, which hosts art gallery receptions
for visiting artists at PDS. As a faculty advisor,
her primary responsibilities are organizing events
and exhibitions for the Anne Reid ‘72 Gallery and
events like the open mic event on February 8. For
the most recent exhibition, An Explorer, A Tracer of
Lost Tribes, A Seeker of Clues to Feelings, Junior
Ashlyn Du mentioned that “it is really cool for
our gallery to be featuring artists from outside of
our school. It allows us to gain experiences and
exposure to the outside world of art.” r
Teacher of the Month:
Leila Estes
Addison Figel, X
U pper School English teacher Leila Estes is
having a great month. In addition to winning the
“Rookie of the Year” award at the Teachers Award
Ceremony presented by Student Council, Dr. Estes is
also one of the Spokesman’s teachers of the month!
The always engaging and funny fashion icon from
New York City, Dr. Estes is adored by everyone she
encounters. Advisee and current student of Dr. Estes,
freshman Amber Pancholi talked about Dr. Estes’s
ways of teaching: “English class is very entertaining,
and Dr. Estes makes sure that everyone participates.
I love how she grades different activities very
uniquely from other teachers in order to still get the
lesson across but in a particular way.” Explaining
Dr. Estes’s “unique” teaching, Pancholi shared, “Dr.
Estes was a film major [in college?], so I love how
she incorporates the study of film. For example,
she incorporates the study of film to practice close
reading, and it is really fun. We did a close reading
of The Matrix, so we watched The Matrix in
class, and then we all had to choose an individual
scene and do a close reading assignment on that.”
In addition to being a great teacher, Dr. Estes is
also a terrific advisor. One of Dr. Estes’s sophomore
advisees, Peyton Richardson, shared a fond memory
she has with Dr. Estes: “Last year, Dr. Estes was my
advisor as well as Mr. Hunt, and every time I would
struggle in Spanish, we would meet by the pond
area close to the biology room. We would study
Spanish, and one day this frog made a noise like
it was a bird or something, and we were terrified.
When we went to go look at it, the frog jumped
away, and it was funny.” Freshman advisee Rhea
Ajmera stated, “She always brings so much energy
to every advisory we have. She tells us funny stories
and is very supportive.” Similarly, freshman advisee
Maya Adam said, “She’s a really great advisor. I’m
so happy that I got to have her this year.” Dr. Leila
Estes is truly loved by everyone she encounters here
at PDS, with both faculty, staff, and students showing
their admiration for her. We are immensely lucky
to have Dr. Estes a part of our PDS community! r
(Photo/Thatcher Cook)
How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter
Anagha Konakanchi, XI
S ince REx interviews have wrapped up recently, I
figured I’d give some insight into the next step of the
sophomores’ journey: cover letters. Here’s a list of tips
to help you write the perfect cover letter. Very soon, your
inbox will be littered with emails saying “Internships
within 5 miles want YOU!”
1. Always keep your salutation formal and respectful.
“Dear Dr. Deep Pockets”
2. Start off confident. We both know you’re desperate
for whatever scraps a professor has to offer, but there
will be plenty of time to undermine yourself later during
your interview! Here, confidence is the new humility.
“Let’s be real. I know you should accept me, and deep
down, I think you do too. Here’s why.”
“Half an hour after your coworker’s lunch mysteriously
went missing, you threw a sandwich wrapper with their
name on it into the trash. You thought no one knew. You
were wrong. But don’t worry, it won’t take much to keep
me quiet, and I’m pretty sure you know what I want.”
5. Make a connection. Try throwing around words
like fate. Even if they know the predictions are wrong,
people love hearing about themselves from complete
strangers. And hey, if you don’t get the internship, you
might find a surprisingly lucrative side gig in fortune
“I’m looking for an internship, and, as fate might have
it, you coincidentally happen to have an opening.”
6. Write a sentence to wrap up your cover letter and
then sign off. After how confident you sounded in the
rest of your cover letter, the professor reading your letter
might be feeling a little intimidated. Let them know that
they’re still the boss. For now.
“I expect to be hearing back from you soon with good
Entirely at your disposal,
Your name”
7. Just to make sure they get the message, make
important words and phrases stand out. “I can finally
put my color theory knowledge to use on something
other than a Schoology post!” is what you thought.
Using color at this stage would be highly unprofessional.
Instead, bold and capitalize key ideas. Even better, you
might try to use newspaper clippings instead of simply
writing or typing to make yourself stand out from all
those other cookie cutter cover letters! Here’s how your
final cover letter should look:
3. Let them know you’re better than the others vying
for your spot. Share a fact that will show them how
unique you are. It doesn’t need to be true as long as it
can’t be disproven!
“Unlike the other applicants, I’m not meticulously
and discretely planning your downfall. I have enough
information to make it happen if I wanted to, though.”
4. Show them you’ve done your research.
March/April Word Search!