Kasb-e-HalalLawful EarningEarning of Rightful LivelihoodPRESENTATION BY: DR. MAQBOOL
- Page 2 and 3: ATEXTUAL STUDY OFQuranic Verses2
- Page 4 and 5: INTERPRETATION:This means, Allah Al
- Page 6 and 7: INTERPRETATION:Say, "Who has forbid
- Page 8 and 9: 3Al- A‘raf-33اِنَّمَا ح
- Page 10 and 11: 4Al-Baqarah-188و ََل تَأ
- Page 14 and 15: ِِ(2)وَعَنْ أ بِ
- Page 16 and 17: UNITY OF UMMAH16
- Page 18 and 19: ِلقُQURANIC VERSES)1(Al-e-Im
- Page 20 and 21: QURANIC VERSES)2(Al-e-Imran-103وَ
- Page 28 and 29: ۔ہِAHADITH)1(عَنْ أ
- Page 30 and 31: SUMMARYSuccess of any nation is con
Lawful Earning
Earning of Rightful Livelihood
Quranic Verses
Taha-Verse No. 81
ُكل لوۡا مِنۡ طَ يِبتِ مَا رَزَ قۡنُكل ۡ
وَ َلَ تَطۡ غَوۡا فِيۡهِ فَيَحِلَّ عَلَيُۡكل ۡ
غَضَ ِبِ ۡ ۚ وَمَنۡ ّيَّ ۡلِلۡ عَلَيۡ ِه
غَضَ ِبِ ۡ فَقَدۡ هَو ى۔
Eat of the good things wherewith
We have provided you for
sustenance, and be not inordinate
with respect to them, lest My
wrath come upon you: and he on
whom My wrath cometh, he is
lost indeed.
This means, Allah Almighty said that Eat from this
sustenance which I have provided for you, and do not
transgress against My sustenance by taking it without
necessity or you will be opposing what I have
commanded you. In this case I will become angry
with you. And he on whom My anger descends, he is
indeed perished.
Al- A‘raf-32-33
Al- A‘raf-32
قللْ مَنْ حَرَّمَ زِينَةَ ِ اّلل الَِّتِ َ أخْرَ َج
لِعِبَادِهِ وَالْطَّ يِبَاتِ مِنَ الر ِزْ ِق۔ قل ْل
ِهِ لَِّلَّ ِينَ أ مَنلواْ فِ الْحَيَاةِ ا دلنْيَا
خَالِصَ ةً يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ۔ كَذَ ِلِ َ نل ِ َفص لل
ال َيَ تِ لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَ لموََ ۔
Say, "Who has forbidden the
adornment of Allah which He has
produced for His servants and the
good [lawful] things of provision?"
Say, "They are for those who
believe during the worldly life [but]
exclusively for them on the Day of
Resurrection." Thus do We detail
the verses for a people who know.
)Al- A‘raf-32)
Say, "Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has produced for His
servants and the good [lawful] things of provision?
Since۔۔۔۔ it is God Himself Who has created all good and pure things for human
being, it obviously could not have been His intent to make them unlawful.
Now, if there is any religion, or any ethical or social system which forbids those
things, or considers them an impossible barrier to human being's spiritual
growth, it has an intellectual orientation which itself is evident proof of its not
having been prescribed by God.
This is an important argument which the Qur'an advances in refutation of
false creeds. An appreciation of this argument would help one understand the
Qur'anic line of argumentation as such.
Al- A‘raf-32-33
Say, "They are for those who believe during the worldly life [but] exclusively for them on
the Day of Resurrection."
All the clean and beautiful things created by God are meant, in principle, for the believers even in
this world, for they are God's faithful subjects.
However, all men are under a test in this world. Hence even those who are disloyal to God
have been granted respite to mend their ways and are, therefore, not denied His worldly
bounties. In fact with a view to testing those disloyal to God these bounties are at times lavished
upon them even more abundantly than on God's faithful servants.
But the character of the Next Life will be totally different. For one's station there will be
determined entirely by one's righteousness and justice. God's bounties in the Next Life,
therefore, will be for the faithful alone.
As for the unfaithful, those who were disloyal to God even though every fiber of their being was
nourished by the sustenance provided by Him, they will have no share whatsoever of those
bounties in the Next Life.
Al- A‘raf-33
اِنَّمَا حَرَّمَ رَ بِ َ قللْ
مَا ظَ هَ َر الْفَوَاحِ َش
مِْنْ َا وَمَا بَطَ نَ وَاَلْثْ َ وَالْبَغْيَ ِبغَْيْ ِ
ِ الْحَق وَأ َ تلْشْ ِكلواْ ِبِ ِّلل مَا لَ ْم يلنَ ِ ْل
بِهِ سل لْطَ اًنً وَأ َ تَقلوللواْ عََلَ اّلل ِ مَا َلَ
تَعْلَملوََ ۔
Say: "Verily, my Sustainer has
forbidden only, shameful deeds, be
they open or secret, and [every
kind of] sinning, and unjustified
envy, and the ascribing of divinity
to aught beside Him - since He has
never bestowed any warrant
therefor from on high - and the
attributing unto God of aught of
which you have no knowledge."
)Al- A‘raf-33)
Al- A‘raf-32-33
الْفَوَ احِشََ
Shameful deeds
The word ithm denotes negligence, towards duty. Athimah signifies the she-camel which,
though capable of running at a fast pace, deliberately moves slowly. The meaning of the
word, therefore, carries the idea of sin. Viewed in the context of man, the word convey's
the sense of man's deliberate neglect of his duty to God, his failure to pursue God's pleasure
despite his having the capacity to obey and follow Him.
Envy) (Rebellion and Transgression/ Unjustified وَ الْبَغْ يََ
To exceed the limits set by God and to enter an area which has been declared out of
bounds for man constitute rebellion and transgression. According to this definition of baghy,
the charge of rebellion will apply to all those who act according to their notions rather than in
accordance with the directives of God. It is applicable to those who behave as though they
are the true masters of God's Kingdom, claiming for themselves the prerogatives of God. It
also applies to all those who seize the rights of others.
و ََل تَأُْكل لواْ أ مْ َوالَُكل بَيْنَ لُك
ِبِ لْبَاطِلِ وَتلدْ للواْ ِبِ َا اَِلَ الْحلَّكَّ ِم
لِتَأُْكل لواْ فَرِيقًا مِنْ أ مْوَالِ النَّاسِ
ِبِ َلِْثْ ِ وَأ نُتل ْ تَعْلَملوََ ۔
“Do not take one
another’s possessions by
false means, nor offer
your possessions to the
authorities so that you
may sinfully and
knowingly take a portion
of another’s possessions.”
One meaning of this verse is that people should not try to seek illegitimate benefits by bribing
Another meaning is that when a person is aware that the property, he claims rightfully belongs to
someone else, he should not file a judicial petition either because the other party lacks the evidence to
support their case or because by trickery and cunning the petitioner can take that property.
It is possible that the judicial authority would decide the case in favour of the false claimant on the
basis of the formal strength of the claim, but as this judicial verdict would merely be the result of the
fraud to which the claimant had resorted he would not become its rightful owner. In spite of the
judgement of the court the property would remain unlawful for him in the sight of God.
It has been reported in a Tradition that the Prophet said: “I am merely a human being and you
bring to me your disputes. It is possible that some of you will be more impressive in argument than
others, so that I may give judgement in favour of one on the basis of what I hear. Beware that if I
award to someone what belongs to his brother, I will have assigned to him a lump of Fire.”
(Bukhari, 'Shahadat', 27; Muslim, 'Aqdiayah)
عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ َّللاه ِ النُّعْ مَا ِن بْنِ بَشِ يرٍ رَضِ َي َّللاه ُ
عَنْهُمَا، قَالَ: سَمِعْت رَ سُولَ َّللاه ِ صلى َّللا عليه
و سلم يَقُولُ: "إنه الْحََلَ لَ بَينٌ ، وَ إِنه الْحَ رَ ا َم
بَي نٌ ، وَ بَيْنَهُمَا أُمُورٌ مُشْتَبِهَاتٌ َلَ يَعْ لَمُهُ هن كَثِي ٌر
مِنْ النهاسِ ، فَمَنْ اتهقَى الشُّبُهَاتِ فَقْد اسْ تَبْ َرأَ
لِدِينِهِ وَ عِرْ ضِ هِ، وَ مَنْ وَ قَعَ فِي الشُّبُهَاتِ وَ قَ َع
فِي الْحَ رَ امِ، كَالرهاعِي يَرْ عَى حَ وْ لَ الْحِمَى
يُوشِ كُ أَنْ يَرْ تَعَ فِيهِ، أََلَ وَ إِنه لِكُل مَلِكٍ ِحمًى،
أََلَ وَ إِنه حِمَى َّللاه ِ مَحَارِ مُهُ، أََلَ وَ إِنه فِي الْجَ َس ِد
مُضْ غَةً إذَا صَلَحَ تْ صَلَحَ الْجَ سَدُ كُلُّهُ، وَ إذَا
فَسَدَتْ فَسَدَ الْجَ سَدُ كُلُّهُ، أَ ََل وَ هِيَ الْقَلْ ُب۔"
] رَوَ اهُ الْبُخَارِ يُّ و مُسلِ ُم [
On the authority of an-Nu’man ibn Basheer
(ra), who said: I heard the Messenger of
Allah (ﷺ) say, “That which is lawful is clear
and that which is unlawful is clear, and
between the two of them are doubtful
matters about which many people do not
know. Thus he who avoids doubtful matters
clears himself in regard to his religion and his
honor, but he who falls into doubtful matters
[eventually] falls into that which is unlawful,
like the shepherd who pastures around a
sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Truly every
king has a sanctuary, and truly Allah’s
sanctuary is His prohibitions. Truly in the
body there is a morsel of flesh, which, if it be
whole, all the body is whole, and which, if it is
diseased, all of [the body] is diseased. Truly,
it is the heart.” )Bukhari & Muslim)
وَعَنْ أ بِ هلرَيْرَةَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسل ولل اّللَّ ِ صَ َلَّ اّللَّ ل
عَلَيْهِ وَسَ ّلََّ: " اََِّ اّللَّ َ طَ يِبٌ َلَ يَقْبَلل ا ََّل طَ يِبًا وَأ ََّ
اّللَّ َ أ مَرَ املؤْمننيَ بِمَا أ مرَ بِهِ املرسَ لنيَ فَقَا َل: )َيَ أ ُّيد َا
الردسل لل ُكل لوا مِنَ الطَّ يِبَاتِ واْعْ َلوا صَ احلا(وَقَالَ
أ ُّيد َا اَّلَّ ِينَ أ مَنلوا ُكل لوا مِنْ طَ يِبَاتِ مَا رَزَ قْنَاكل ْ(ْثل َّ ذَكَرَ
الرَّجللَ يلطِ يلل السَّ فَرَ أ شْ عَثَ أ غَْبَ َ يَملدد يَدَ يْهِ ا ََل
السَّ مَاءِ: َيَ رَبِ َيَ رَبِ وَمَطْ عَملهل حَرَامٌ وَمَْشْ َبلهل حَرَامٌ
وَمَلْبَسل هل حَرَامٌ وَغلذ ِيَ ِبِ لْحَرَامِ فَأ َّنَّ يلسْ َتجَابل لہ".
: )َيَ
) رَوَ اهُ مُسْلِمٌ(
Abu Huraira reported God’s Messenger as
saying that :God is good and accepts only
what is good, and He has given the same
command to the believers as He has given to
the Messengers, saying, “0 Messengers, eat
of what is good and act righteously” )Al-
Qur’an 23:51) and also, “You who believe, eat
of the good things which We have provided
for you” )Al-Qur’an 2:172). Then he
mentioned a man who makes a long journey
in a disheveled and dusty state, who stretches
out his hands to heaven saying, “My Lord, my
Lord,” when his food, drink and clothing are of
an unlawful nature, and he is nourished by
what is unlawful, and asked how such a one
could be given an answer.
)Muslim transmitted it.)
Kasb-e-Halal --- Lawful Earning / Earning of Rightful Livelihood
• Lawful earning means earning in the right ways told by the Prophet of Allah Almighty.
Livelihood earned through right ways not only brings prosperity but also causes the social
peace. Lawful earning is a binding duty of every Muslim.
• In Islam earning of livelihood has been accorded great importance with reference to
prayers and mutual dealings. A prayer is not acceptable in the eyes of Allah Almighty if the
worshipper does not earn his livelihood by fair means.
• A Society is doomed where evils like dishonesty, injustice, corruption, theft, robbery,
hoarding, fraud, and lottery are widespread. Islam teaches us to avoid of all these unfair means
to earn livelihood. The people indulging in these malpractices will go to hell.
• A person who believes in Allah Almighty and the Day of Judgment will never resort to
unfair means and will never give up fair means. Only that person would adopt Haram
means who suffers from an evil misunderstanding that he could earn more than his share fixed
by Allah Almighty.
• To avoid malpractices it is necessary that instead of hankering after a high standard of life
we should exercise simplicity soberness, moderation and contentment.
َيَ أ هْلَ الْكِتَابِ تَ عَالَوْاْ اَِلَ ُكَ َمَ ٍة
سَ وَاء بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَ ُكل ْ أ َلَّ نَعْبلدَ اَلَّ َ اّلل وَ ََل
نلْشْ ِكَ بِهِ شَ يْئًا وَ َلَ يَتَّخِذَ بَعْ لضنَا بَعْض ًا
أ رْ ِبَ ِبً مِن دلوَِ ِ اّلل فَاَِ تَوَلَّوْاْ فَقلوللوْا
اشْ هَدل واْ بِأ ًنَّ
ملسْ لِ لموََ ۔
Say: 'People of the Book! Come to
a word common between us and
you: that we shall serve none but
Allah and shall associate none
with Him in His divinity and that
some of us will not take others as
lords beside Allah.' And if they turn
their backs (from accepting this
call), tell them: 'Bear witness that
we are the ones who have
submitted ourselves exclusively to
Allah.' (Al-e-Imran-64)
The invitation here is for the two parties to agree on something
believed in by one of them, the Muslims, and the soundness of
which could hardly be denied by the other party, the Christians.
For this was the belief of their own Prophets and had been taught
in their own scriptures.
وَأعْتَصِ ملوا۟ ِبِ َبْلِ أّللَّ ِ َجَ ِيعًا وَ ََل تَفَرَّقلوا۟ ۚ
وَأذْكلرل وا۟ نِعْمَتَ أّللَّ ِ عَلَيُْكل ْ اِذْ لكنُتل ْ
أ عْدَ ا ءً فَأ لَّفَ بَنيْ َ قلللوبُِكل ْ فَأ ْصبَحْ لُت
بِنِعْمَتِهِۦ اِخْوََٰ ًنً وَكلنُتل ْ عََلَ شَ َفا حلفْرَ ٍة
مِنَ ألنَّارِ فَأ نقَذَ لك مِْنْ َا ۗ كَذََٰ ِلِ َ يلبَنيِ ل أّللَّ ل
لَُكل ْ ءَايَ تِهِۦ لَعَلَُّكل ْ َتَ ْتَدل وََ ۔
And hold fast together to the cable of
Allah 1 and be not divided.
Remember the blessing that Allah
bestowed upon you: you were once
enemies then He brought your
hearts together, so that through His
blessing you became brothers. You
stood on the brink of a pit of fire and
He delivered you from it. 2 Thus Allah
makes His signs clear to you that
you may be guided to the right way.3
1. The expression 'cable of Allah', in this verse, refers to the 'religion of God'. The
reason for use of the word 'cable' (habl) is that it both establishes a bond between man and
God and joins all believers together. To take a firm hold on this cable means that the
believers should attach profound importance to their religion: this should always be the centre
of their concerns; they should continually strive to establish it; and the common desire to serve
it should make them co-operate with each other.
As soon as Muslims turn their attentions away from the fundamental teachings
of their religion and lose sight of establishing its supremacy in life they begin to concern
themselves with matters of secondary importance. If Muslims do this they are bound to suffer
indignity and disgrace both in this world and the Next as happened with the followers of the
previous Prophets.
2. This refers to the state of the Arabs on the eve of the advent of Islam. There
were enmities among the tribes which regularly broke out into fighting; every now and then
there was much bloodshed. Things had reached a point that the entire Arabian nation
seemed to be on the verge of destroying itself. It was due to the blessings of Islam alone
that it was saved from being consumed by the fire to which this verse alludes. The people
of Madina had embraced Islam some three or four years before these verses were
revealed. They had witnessed the blessing of Islam as it unified into one brotherhood the
Aws and Khazraj, two tribes which had long been sworn enemies. Moreover, both tribes
treated the migrants from Makka in a spirit of sacrifice and love seldom seen even among
members of the same family.
3. If they had eyes to see they could conclude for themselves whether their
salvation lay in adhering firmly to this religion or in leaving it and reverting to their former
state; i.e. decide whether their true well-wishers were God and His Messenger or those
Jews, polytheists and hypocrites who strove to plunge them back into their former state.
وَ َلَ
تَسل بدواْ اَّلَّ ِينَ يَدْ علوََ مِن لدوَِ
ِ اّلل فَيَسل بدواْ َ اّلل عَدْ وًا بِغَْيْ ِ عِّلْ ٍ
كَذَ ِلِ َ زَيَّنَّا لِكل ِ أُمَّةٍ ْعَ َلَهل مْ ْثل َّ ا
رَِبِ ِم مَّرْجِ علهلمْ فَيلنَبُِئل لم بِمَا َكَ نلواْ
يَعْمَللوََ ۔
“And do not revile those whom
they invoke other than Allah,
because they will revile Allah in
ignorance out of spite. 1 For We
have indeed made the deeds of
every people seem fair to
them. 2 Then, their return is to
their Lord and He will inform
them of what they have done.”
1. The Prophet (peace be on him) and his followers are reprimanded not to
allow their preaching zeal to dominate them so that their speeches and
controversial religious discussions either lead them to be offensive to the beliefs
of non-Muslims or to abuse their religious leaders and deities. Far from bringing
people closer to the Truth, such an attitude is likely to detach them from it
2. Here we should bear in mind, as we have pointed out earlier, that God
declares those things which take place as a result of the operation of the laws of
nature to be His own acts, for it is He Who has made those laws. Whatever
results from the operation of those laws, therefore, results from His command.
Whenever God states that a certain act was His, the same might be described
by humans as occurring in the natural course of things.
Al- Hujurat-10,
إِنهمَا ٱلْمُؤْ مِنُونَ إِخْ وَ ةٌ
فَأَصْلِحُوا۟ بَيْنَ أَخَوَ يْ ُكمْ ۚ
وَ ٱتهقُوا۟ ٱ هَّللَ لَعَلهكُ ْم
تُرْ حَمُونَ ۔
“Surely the believers are
none but brothers unto
one another, so set
things right between your
brothers, and have fear
of Allah that you may be
shown mercy.”
* This verse establishes a universal brotherhood of all the Muslims of the
world, and it is by virtue of this that the sort of fraternity that exists among the
Muslims exists among the followers of no other religion and creed. The
importance of this command, and its demands, has been explained by the
Prophet (peace be upon him) in many of his traditions from which one can
understand its full significance and spirit.
* The Prophet (peace be upon him) reported to have said: The believers
are with one another like the bricks of a wall so that each is strengthened by the
(Bukhari: Kitab al- Adab; Tirmidhi; Abwab al-Birr was-Silah).
عَنْ أ نَسٍ عَنِ النَِّبِ ِ صَ ََّل ل اّلل
عَلَيْہِ وَسَ ّلََّ قَا َل: َلَ يلؤْمِ لن
أ حَدل كل ْ حََّتَّ ّيل ِبَّ لِ خِ ْيہِ أ ْو
قَالَ لِجَارِ ہِ مَا ّيل ِبد لِنَفْ ِس
Anas (May Allah be pleased
with him) reported: Messenger
of Allah (ﷺ) said, “None of
you believes until he loves his
brother or says to his neighbor
what he loves for himself.”
)Sahi Muslim: Hadith10)
( ملسم، ر مق ۴۵(
عَنْ الندعْمَاَِ بْنِ بَشِ ْيٍ ، قَا َل
رَسل ولل اّللَّ ِ صَ َلَّ اّللَّ ل عَلَيْهِ َوسَ ّلََّ :
مَثَ لل الْملؤْمِنِنيَ ِف تَوَادِِهِ ْ وَتَ َر اُل ِهِ ْم
وَتَعَاطل فِهِمْ ، کَ َ ثَلل الْجَسَ دِ ا َذا
اشْ تََكَ مِنْهل علضْ وٌ تَدَ اعَى َلَ ل سَ ائِ لر
الْجَسَ دِ ِبِ لسَّ هَرِ َوالْحلمَّى۔
)قفتم ہیلع(
Nu'man bin Bashir (May Allah
be pleased with them) reported:
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said,
"The believers in their mutual
kindness, compassion and
sympathy are just like one
body. When one of the limbs
suffers, the whole body
responds to it with wakefulness
and fever".
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Success of any nation is concealed in the mutual unity and harmony between its
members. A strongly united nation becomes an unbeatable force and overcomes every hindrance
which comes in their way. No one dares to confront such a tide and strong nation.
Above discussed Verses of the Holy Quran and Prophetic sayings are evident that Almighty Allah and
His Prophet have educated us about this covert at the very beginning.
In short, at present Muslim's disunity is a major and undeniable problem of the time. The
increasing sectarianism has spattered and blemished the fundamental Islamic teachings. Today's
Muslims are suffering from numerous problems, and the basic reasons for their plight are i.e.
sectarian hatred, creed prejudices, lust for power, intolerance and many other materialistic
interests. All these things have combined to confirm falling for Muslims, which deprived them of their
honor, dignity and power.
On the other hand the enemies of the Muslims are united and they are fully aware that
their strength lies in the weakness of Muslims. Hence they are engaged in making conspiracies to
divide Muslims. Whereas the Holy Quran warns us to be united and to remain aloof from them.
The unity of Muslim Ummah is possible only under the flag of Towheed. Allah Almighty
also commands the Muslims to observe patience and retain unity among them by following the
principles of piety and brotherhood as well. At the same time it remains the core responsibility of the
Muslim rulers to play their role in this connection