RH Collective Information Pack
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<strong>Collective</strong> <strong>Information</strong> <strong>Pack</strong><br />
Be the difference<br />
Prepared for :<br />
Relational Hub<br />
Charity no. 1191732<br />
@relationalhub<br />
office@relationalhub.org<br />
ABOUT<br />
<br />
We support youth workers and their organisations to<br />
provide a #homeawayfromhome and to be-the-difference<br />
for the young people who need help most. With our<br />
support <strong>Collective</strong> members create thriving community<br />
youth work projects that seek to make a sustainable,<br />
long term impact.<br />
Since our inception in September 2018 we have supported<br />
over 40 local organisations to set-up and run community<br />
youth projects that have now impacted thousands of<br />
young people.<br />
<br />
MEET<br />
OUR TEAM<br />
Andy & Holly have a combined 35 years of youth work experience<br />
working in the faith and community youth work sector, setting up<br />
projects from scratch and developing them into sustainable projects that<br />
support young to thrive.<br />
Andy Gill<br />
CEO<br />
Holly Byles<br />
<strong>Collective</strong> Lead
WHAT<br />
YOU GET<br />
<strong>Collective</strong> members receive a<br />
package of coaching, training,<br />
tools and peer to peer support.<br />
Our team will work alongside<br />
your lead worker and wider team<br />
to ensure your project is both<br />
impactful and sustainable,<br />
offering a home-away-fromhome<br />
for young people in your<br />
local community who need one<br />
most.<br />
4 MAIN<br />
ONE<br />
TWO<br />
Our monthly coaching calls give the<br />
opportunity for project leads to<br />
check-in and discuss any challenges<br />
with one of the <strong>RH</strong> team as well as<br />
being guided through our resource<br />
library of project management<br />
templates.<br />
Our termly online & annual in-person<br />
(CYWS) training is topic based & coproduced<br />
with the <strong>Collective</strong> to make<br />
sure it cuting through to their<br />
frontline delivery. We will often bring<br />
in experts to deiliver the sessions.<br />
THREE<br />
TOOLS<br />
Our youth work tools are adopted<br />
from the organisations we support<br />
and have a track record of being<br />
effective in improving our work with<br />
young people and evidencing<br />
progress.<br />
FOUR<br />
We facilitate regular visits for<br />
<strong>Collective</strong> members to be inspired by<br />
other projects in the <strong>Collective</strong>. We<br />
also have our <strong>Collective</strong> WhatsApp<br />
group for youth workers to connect<br />
with each other.
Our termly online training covers<br />
topics that cut through to the<br />
frontline of youth work, such as: The<br />
Drama Triangle, County Lines,<br />
Trauma Responsive Support,<br />
Understanding Eating Disorders,<br />
Tackling Challenging Behaviour, and<br />
much more. Any of your paid or<br />
voluntary team can access the<br />
sessions.<br />
CYWS<br />
The Community Youth Workers<br />
Summit is our annual in-person<br />
training day. A unique opportunity for<br />
youth workers and pastoral workers<br />
to come together to celebrate the<br />
invaluable contribution you bring in<br />
supporting young people. As part of<br />
the <strong>Collective</strong> any of your team can<br />
attend for a subsidised cost.<br />
VISITS<br />
We regulary facilitate visits for your<br />
youth workers to learn and be<br />
inspired by the work of other<br />
organisations within the <strong>Collective</strong>.<br />
This is a great time to benchmark<br />
your work and discover different<br />
weays of working that are making a<br />
positive impact to young people in a<br />
different region of the UK.
Leadership<br />
Training.<br />
Our bi annual Leadership Training Courses are run by Moringa, who<br />
deliver world class training courses to our <strong>Collective</strong> members. As<br />
Moringa are a B-Corp they offer their training to our members at a<br />
subsidised rate. We have found the training to make a huge impact to the<br />
youth workers who have taken part over the past few years.
MAP<br />
<br />
We currently work supporting these amazing<br />
organisations and their brilliant youth workers.<br />
Bell Tower Youth Drop-in<br />
Life Youth Hub<br />
Thirst Youth Café<br />
King's Arms Youth Project<br />
Leatherhead Youth Project<br />
Lux Youth Project<br />
The Well, HTC<br />
Arun Youth Project<br />
St Matthew's Worthing<br />
St Wins – The Pillar Youth Project<br />
St Albans, Fulham<br />
WAM Youth Project<br />
XLP<br />
Thrive Youth Project<br />
Providence House<br />
Plume Church<br />
Milton Youth Project<br />
City Impact<br />
Carshalton Beeches<br />
Parish Youth Trust<br />
Wave Youth Project<br />
Souster Youth<br />
Dreamscheme NI<br />
Oasis Media City
COST<br />
We want to support the youth workers and their<br />
organisations that are making the greatest impact to<br />
young people in their local communities. We know that<br />
such organisations come in different shapes and sizes and<br />
that's why we means test the cost of our annual support<br />
bewteen the cost of £1,500-£2,500.<br />
<br />
As a charity ourselves we are fully aware of the<br />
challenges with making a project sustainable and with our<br />
support we believe your organisation will make an even<br />
greater sustainable impact in future years.<br />
The next step to join the <strong>RH</strong><br />
<strong>Collective</strong> is to sign our <strong>Collective</strong><br />
Agreement and let the support<br />
GET<br />
IN<br />
TOUCH<br />
If you have any questions about<br />
the <strong>RH</strong> <strong>Collective</strong> and how our<br />
support works, we would be very<br />
happy to arrange call to chat<br />
further. Please visit the link<br />
below or scan the QR code to<br />
book in a call.<br />
www.relationalhub.org/contact<br />
Relational Hub<br />
Charity no. 1191732<br />
@relationalhub<br />
office@relationalhub.org<br />