Modern Sewing Starts Here Edition 7

Modern Sewing Starts Here is the digital publication which features articles, reviews and handy tips for anyone with an interest in contemporary sewing This month we bring you: Pick of the latest sewing patterns Focus On Fabrics .... what's new and coming soon. Trendsetter - Add glamour and luxury to your wardrobe with velvet and sequins Cloud9 talk about their brand and new directions. Winter’s brightest ... brighten up the winter months. Christmas gifts for Sewists Sewing Coats + more ...

Modern Sewing Starts Here is the digital publication which features articles, reviews and handy tips for anyone with an interest in contemporary sewing
This month we bring you:

Pick of the latest sewing patterns
Focus On Fabrics .... what's new and coming soon.
Trendsetter - Add glamour and luxury to your wardrobe with velvet and sequins
Cloud9 talk about their brand and new directions.
Winter’s brightest ... brighten up the winter months.
Christmas gifts for Sewists
Sewing Coats
+ more ...


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<strong>Edition</strong> 7 – November 2019<br />

<strong>Modern</strong><br />

sewing<br />

starts here...<br />

Velvet...<br />

...a great fabric to wear<br />

all year-round!<br />


A round-up of gifts for stitchers<br />

Introducing<br />


A new brand from Cloud9<br />

Winter<br />

Brights<br />

How to bring colour to<br />

your winter wardrobe<br />

www.modernsewingstartshere.co.uk<br />

Avenir jumpsuit from<br />

Friday Pattern Company<br />

www.hantex.co.uk 1


Patterns<br />

Rayon<br />

The<br />

In the Folds<br />

design aesthetic leans<br />

heavily towards the everyday<br />

They’re pieces that will fit comfortably<br />

into your wardrobe, but will stand out<br />

with their interesting and refined details<br />

timeless, yet modern<br />

beautiful, yet understated.<br />

Finishes are thoughtful and considered<br />

- helping you to create garments that<br />

are beautiful both inside and out and<br />

teaching you the skills to make<br />

clothing that will last.<br />

Choose<br />

from 100’s of<br />

patterns by the best<br />

indie designers and then<br />

find a stockist<br />

More information and stockists at www.hantexonline.co.uk/spring-reverie

Editor’s Letter<br />

Hello<br />

There’s definitely a chill in the air now as we wind down<br />

the year! Make your sewing all about working with warm<br />

fabrics for that cosy feeling. This edition, Rachel Pinheiro<br />

discusses how adding bright colours to your winter<br />

wardrobe can lift your mood, and we look at how velvet<br />

and sequins can actually be great fabrics to use all yearround!<br />

Julie Bonnar explains how sewing a coat can be<br />

made much easier if you plan it first!<br />

Finding it difficult to buy Christmas presents – we share<br />

some wonderful gifts for sewers whatever you like to sew!<br />

The pattern designers have been very busy and there<br />

are lots of gorgeous new sewing patterns to make –<br />

check them out in Pick of the Patterns. We also talk<br />

to Cloud9 about its new fabric brand, Felicity. Have a<br />

wonderful Christmas and happy New Year from all of us<br />

here at Hantex.<br />

Happy stitching!<br />

Hantex<br />

www.hantex.co.uk<br />

www.modernsewingstartshere.co.uk<br />

Subscribe free to get your copy – click here<br />

WIN WIN WIN!<br />

We’ve four new Art Gallery Fabrics<br />

Elements Fat Quarter Bundles to<br />

giveaway. There are 11 different<br />

colourways to choose from. For a<br />

chance to win one of the bundles –<br />

click here<br />

Closing date is<br />

15th January 2020<br />


What do you do when you need help taking your<br />

measurements but nobody is around? Sew to Grow<br />

has introduced this handy little self-measuring tape<br />

where you can simply wrap the tape measure around<br />

your body, stick the end of the tape into the opposite<br />

side of the device, push the button so the tape<br />

retracts and let it contour to the shape of your body<br />

to give you an accurate measurement. This handy<br />

tape measure retails at £12.50.<br />

For your local stockist visit www.hantexonline.<br />

co.uk/self-measure<br />


Focus on<br />


Feast your eyes on the latest<br />

beautiful fabric collections<br />

Art Gallery Fabrics (AGF) is known for its high thread<br />

count, 100% Pima cotton fabrics with a wonderful soft<br />

feel. The on-trend ranges work equally well for garments,<br />

home furnishings as well as quilting, bag making and other<br />

crafts. In addition AGF now offers knitted jersey, rayon and<br />

canvas. <strong>Here</strong> are some of the latest collections:<br />

Available<br />

Jan 2020<br />


By Mr Domestic<br />

Inspired by his daughter Helena,<br />

Mathew Boudreaux has created<br />

this playful collection for children of<br />

all ages. This energetic colour palette has<br />

some cute designs such as finger paints,<br />

watercolours, coloured pencils to bright<br />

beads, and alphabet prints.<br />

To see more of the designs from this<br />

fabric line – click here<br />


By Katarina Rocella<br />

Inspired by the nature that surrounds us daily, this group of<br />

fabrics is an ode to life on our beautiful planet and painted in<br />

earthy tones and enriched with imprinted textures in cotton,<br />

knit and rayon.<br />

To find out more about this range – click here<br />

Available<br />

Jan 2020<br />

Available<br />

Dec 2019<br />


from AGF In House Studio<br />

Now all of your favourite woodland animals from Pine<br />

Lullaby are available in cotton! The gender-neutral prints<br />

were created with a woodsy<br />

theme in mind for little<br />

ones to enjoy. The<br />

range includes beautiful<br />

Pima cottons that are<br />

perfect for nursery<br />

furnishings and<br />

children’s clothing.<br />

To see the<br />

complete collection –<br />

click here<br />


By Sharon Holland<br />

This collection showcases the autumnal shades of clay,<br />

maize, lavender, turquoise and denim, and pays tribute<br />

to the summer’s last blooms. Spirited is a collection<br />

with an attitude as big and bold as the Midwest<br />

prairie! The collection includes beautiful Pima cottons,<br />

knits and rayons.<br />

To see more from this range – click here<br />

Available<br />

Dec 2019

Cloud9 Fabrics use 100% organic cotton in the<br />

manufacturing of its base cloths and eco-responsible low<br />

impact dyes for printing and dying. They work closely with<br />

ethically responsible mills to bring a range of sustainable<br />

fabrics to the market. <strong>Here</strong> are the latest fabric collections:<br />


Ophelia Pang<br />

Designed by Ophelia<br />

Pang, a Hong Kong-based<br />

artist who loves to<br />

express in colour and<br />

shape, you can put your<br />

mark on your sewing project<br />

with this big and bold print<br />

cotton duck fabric collection<br />

including foxes, cacti and seagulls.<br />

To check out all the lovely designs<br />

within this range – click here<br />

Available<br />

Dec 2019<br />

Available<br />

Dec 2019<br />


Sarah York<br />

This quilter’s cotton organic collection<br />

is inspired by the women of the<br />

Bloomsbury Group, living their lives as<br />

a work of art, and extending that<br />

idea into the decoration of their<br />

homes and gardens. Reclaiming<br />

women’s domains as ones of<br />

expression and depth. The prints are<br />

perfect for creating clothing, home<br />

décor, bags and beautiful<br />

soft furnishings.<br />

To view all the colourways – click here<br />


Kate Merritt<br />

Kate is an English illustrator and surface designer living<br />

with her family just outside of Paris. This collection of<br />

organic quilter’s cotton is full of rich autumnal colours<br />

and inspiring designs such as peacocks, tassels and<br />

flowers, and are all perfect for this season’s sewing.<br />

To see the complete range – click here<br />

Available<br />

Nov 2019<br />


Carrie Shryock<br />

Rayon fabrics are<br />

great for garments<br />

especially drapey<br />

blouses and<br />

dresses. Carrie<br />

grew up on a farm<br />

in central Missouri<br />

where she spent<br />

her childhood<br />

picking bouquets<br />

of wildflowers<br />

and exploring the<br />

wide-open prairie<br />

under a big cloud<br />

filled sky.<br />

She still loves visiting wild<br />

and beautiful places, watching<br />

thunderstorms roll across the prairie,<br />

and sleeping under the stars. It’s<br />

the colours of the landscape, the<br />

changing seasons, and the<br />

beautiful complexity of the<br />

natural world that fuels her<br />

designs.<br />

To take a closer look –<br />

click here<br />

Available<br />

now<br />


By Louise Cunningham<br />

Floral and fauna are key<br />

features in this sweet<br />

collection of fabrics. This<br />

GOTS certified organic<br />

cotton is perfect for apparel,<br />

quilting, and home décor<br />

accents. The colourways<br />

include shades of pink,<br />

green, blue, red, and yellow.<br />

To take a closer look –<br />

click here<br />

Available<br />


Environmentally sound<br />

fabrics for everyone!<br />

We chat with Michelle Engel-Bencsko and Gina Pantastico – the founders of<br />

the organic fabric company Cloud9 about its new venture<br />

Cloud9 is one of the<br />

leading companies<br />

offering organic fabrics<br />

– how did it all start for<br />

the both of you?<br />

GP: Michelle and I both<br />

started our careers in the<br />

garment industry. In 1996, we<br />

started working together at<br />

the same company. Michelle<br />

was the Design Director and<br />

I was the Production Director.<br />

While we were responsible<br />

for two very different aspects<br />

of garment production, there<br />

was often times we’d work<br />

very closely in order to move<br />

the prints and designs from<br />

the pre-production stage into<br />

mass production.<br />

We quickly became good<br />

friends, and also respected<br />

each other professionally.<br />

After working together for<br />

eight years, our careers took<br />

us in different directions,<br />

but we always remained in<br />

touch. About five years later,<br />

we got talking over bagels at<br />

breakfast. Neither of us was<br />

feeling particularity fulfilled<br />

professionally, so we decided<br />

we were going to start a<br />

fabric company.<br />

What made you<br />

concentrate on providing<br />

organic fabrics?<br />

GP: Michelle was already<br />

licensing her art with another<br />

fabric company, and I was<br />

working as a consultant for<br />

companies looking to produce<br />

garments in Asia – so between<br />

her design background and<br />

my production and sourcing<br />

background (which often<br />

included sales), as well as our<br />

mutual profession respect for<br />

each other we considered<br />

ourselves a dream team and<br />

knew we could offer beautiful<br />

fabrics in an industry that<br />

needed fresh art!<br />

Back in 2008 when we<br />

started there were no organic<br />

fabric options offered to<br />

quilters. The only organic<br />

options were typically drab,<br />

oatmeal colours! We were<br />

both new moms so the<br />

thought that we could fill a<br />

niche to this segment of the<br />

market really appealed to us.<br />

We knew there was a void that<br />

we could fill!

Why are the main<br />

reasons that sewers<br />

want to choose organic<br />

fabrics?<br />

GP: I think they choose them<br />

for a multitude of reasons<br />

like they want to make<br />

sustainable or eco-friendly<br />

products. They may realise<br />

how environmentally friendly<br />

organic fabric production<br />

is, from seed to finished<br />

product. In most cases, I think<br />

customers have concerns<br />

about the environment and<br />

want to do their part in<br />

keeping it healthy, and even<br />

more so today.<br />

What types of projects<br />

have your fabrics been<br />

designed for?<br />

MEB: Cloud9 offers a wide<br />

variety of substrates from<br />

quilting cottons to airy batiste<br />

to substantial barkcloth and<br />

heavy-duty cotton duck. So<br />

it’s really a wide range of<br />

sewing projects that one<br />

can make.<br />

We are also conscientious<br />

about pairing the designer’s<br />

style to the finished products.<br />

We understand exciting<br />

times are ahead, and<br />

you’re about to launch a<br />

new brand soon. Tell us<br />

about it, and how it will<br />

complement Cloud9?<br />

GP: As everyone knows,<br />

organic fabrics are more<br />

expensive than conventional<br />

cottons. The farming process<br />

is much more labour intensive<br />

and costly than conventional<br />

cotton farming.<br />

Unfortunately, not everyone<br />

is able to afford organic<br />

fabrics. With Felicity Fabrics,<br />

we’re giving these customers<br />

an opportunity to purchase<br />

fabrics that are offered<br />

in beautiful designs and<br />

colours, but at a palatable<br />

price point and still more<br />

environmentally sound than<br />

most others. these will all be<br />

OEKO-Tex certified.<br />

What will the first<br />

Felicity fabric collections<br />

look like?<br />

MEB: Felicity Fabrics will be<br />

formulaic in approach. This<br />

is an intentional decision<br />

in order to facilitate our<br />

deliveries and the shop<br />

owner’s own schedules. There<br />

will be three collections<br />

comprised of five designer<br />

prints in each of the quarterly<br />

deliveries, which begins<br />

March 2020.<br />

Each collection comes<br />

in two unique colour ways<br />

for a total of six ranges per<br />

delivery. Because they’re<br />

made almost exclusively for<br />

quilting and patchwork, you<br />

can expect smaller scaled<br />

prints and most in multidirectional<br />

repeats.<br />

In keeping with our<br />

aesthetics, they will have<br />

a fashionable fresh look in<br />

trendy colour palettes.<br />

There is a core group of<br />

60 basic blenders that we<br />

infuse into each assortment<br />

so there are a total of 12<br />

complementary prints to<br />

work with in each collection.<br />

These are primarily geared<br />

to the patchworker but they<br />

can certainly be used in<br />

any projects where quilting<br />

weight fabric is suitable. We<br />

offer these fabrics by the<br />

yard/metre bolts, as well as<br />

traditional precuts.<br />

There will also be four quilt<br />

project, which are available<br />

to download on our website.<br />

Each uses a fat quarter bundle<br />

of the 12 print assortment,<br />

and are beginner friendly,<br />

completely randomised and<br />

can be used with any range.<br />

There are examples of these<br />

quilts on the collection pages<br />

on the website too. We’ll<br />

develop similar projects for<br />

use with our other pre-cuts,<br />

which you can also be found<br />

at www.felicityfabrics.com.<br />

To keep posted with<br />

this new collection from<br />

Cloud9 - click here

Winter’s brightest<br />

Brazilian-born sewing blogger, Rachel Pinheiro discusses<br />

how to add bright colours to your winter wardrobe<br />

Tips to consider when<br />

styling winter brights<br />

As temperatures start to drop, it’s easy<br />

to find yourself changing the hues of<br />

your wardrobe. Reaching for a sea of<br />

black and greys can be a safe choice<br />

but if you really want to inject some<br />

energy back into your winter wardrobe<br />

why not make something using bold<br />

bursts of colour. Strong and bright<br />

colours have a powerful effect on<br />

our emotions. You will definitely feel<br />

upbeat with this colour combination<br />

of pinks and oranges. The fabric that<br />

I used came ready quilted adding an<br />

extra layer of warmth and texture.<br />

Quilted clothes are having a moment<br />

in fashion, which I love.<br />

Since the weather is cold and dark<br />

already, I chose to make the perfect<br />

snug staple – a loose sweater dress.<br />

There are infinite ways to wear bright<br />

dresses during the winter. This sporty<br />

design makes it easy to dress it down<br />

but still stand out. I often style these<br />

sorts of dresses with non-sport trainers,<br />

boots and even brogues. The sewing<br />

pattern I used is the Lola Dress by<br />

Victory Patterns. It’s super easy to<br />

make, as there are no fastenings – you<br />

just slip it-on. The design features an<br />

angled waistline, and although the<br />

dress has a loose-fit, it doesn’t feel<br />

baggy as it is shaped with princess<br />

seams. You won’t even need a handbag<br />

because the pockets are so generous!<br />

The only alteration from the original<br />

pattern that I had to make was omitting<br />

the ‘V’ detail in the front and avoiding<br />

the topstitching on the pockets.<br />

Editor’s notes<br />

The pink and orange chevron print quilted<br />

sweatshirt fabric that Rachel used was from<br />

Hamburger Liebe’s Park Lane capsule<br />

collection (HAMPL994024-0801). The other<br />

colour available in this fabric is mustard and<br />

blue (HAMPL994024-0802).<br />

To view the full range from the Park Lane<br />

collection – click here<br />

Choose lighter hues for warmer winters<br />

and contrasting fabrics for colder areas.<br />

Consider smart layering. If you’re not<br />

a fan of bright prints, pick a monotone<br />

colour and layer with a bright colour<br />

garment. I’m obsessing about wearing<br />

a beige blazer suit with a neon layer of<br />

a turtleneck underneath. The beauty of<br />

the colourful base layer is that it can be<br />

surreptitiously slipped under anything.<br />

Whatever makes you happy!<br />

An autumn and winter wardrobe<br />

doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom<br />

but if you prefer more classic dressing,<br />

why not sew a bright accessory like a<br />

beret. Line the pockets with your<br />

favourite colour so only you know<br />

what lies beneath!<br />

Top tips for sewing:<br />

I recommend using a walking foot<br />

when working with ready-quilted<br />

fabric. I was able to work with<br />

a standard 2.5mm stretch stitch<br />

length. However, you may wish<br />

to use a longer stitch length. I<br />

would recommend testing your<br />

machine options.<br />

The Lola dress pattern is from Victory Patterns.<br />

It’s a spin-off of the classic crewneck sweater<br />

and ideal for an overlocker. It comes in sizes<br />

2-16 (US). To learn more about this sewing<br />

pattern – click here

Trendsetter<br />

Add glamour and luxury to your wardrobe with velvet and sequins<br />

Jasika Blazer,<br />

Closet Case<br />

Patterns –<br />

click here<br />

“Velvet and sequins always<br />

dominate this time of year but both<br />

these fabrics are great fabrics to<br />

wear all year-round!”<br />

Nicky Velour is such a wonderfully soft fabric. This cotton,<br />

polyester and nylon blend gives durability but without<br />

sacrificing comfort, and is very similar to velvet but<br />

without the price tag!<br />

To view this Modelo collection – click here<br />

Tips for sewing velvet and<br />

sequinned fabrics<br />

1 Finding<br />

the nap or<br />

direction of the<br />

sequins or velvet<br />

is crucial. It’s<br />

important to cut<br />

your pattern out<br />

so the velvet’s<br />

pile or sequins<br />

brush down the<br />

garment. The<br />

best way to do<br />

this is to run your<br />

hand along the<br />

fabric’s right side – the pile will feel smooth when you<br />

move in the nap direction, and rough when you brush<br />

against it. Some sequinned fabrics are a different colour<br />

depending on which way the pile is so make sure all<br />

pattern pieces are cut in the same direction.<br />

2<br />

Cut the pattern from single layers of fabric, and<br />

preferably from the wrong side remembering to<br />

flip the pattern piece over to cut the second piece.<br />

Use pattern weights instead of pins. Before sewing,<br />

mark your seam lines with a basting stitch in a<br />

contrasting thread.<br />

TIPS: Before sewing, remove all sequins from the<br />

seam allowance with a seam ripper. this will make it<br />

easier to sew and prevent needles from breaking.<br />

Keep a scrap of sequinned fabric for spare sequins if<br />

you need to hand sew a few on to cover up any bald<br />

spots near to the seam!<br />

3<br />

Velvet has a tendency to creep when sewn. This<br />

means the two layers of fabric shift independently<br />

as they’re being stitched because the pile slips against<br />

each other when right sides are placed together. Solve<br />

this by using a teflon or walking foot.<br />

4<br />

Both sequins and velvet don’t like heavy pressing.<br />

For velvet, finger press and then use gentle steam.<br />

As sequins are plastic, they will melt so use a pressing<br />

cloth and lowest heat possible.<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Choose a Microtex needle size 70/11 and use a<br />

zigzag stitch.<br />

Both velvet and sequinned fabric garments benefit<br />

from being lined. This also avoids the need for any<br />

special seam finishes.

New sewing<br />

pattern releases<br />

that you’ll want<br />

to sew!<br />


Everyday wear<br />

The Cedar Dolman<br />

Top is a casual, dolman<br />

sleeve top suitable for<br />

both drapey wovens and<br />

knits. The top has a relaxed<br />

fit and an optional pretty<br />

knotted detail. This pattern<br />

is great for beginners,<br />

and as easy to sew as it is<br />

to wear. Make for a yoga<br />

class to brunch with the<br />

girls - the Cedar has you covered!<br />

To view more patterns from Cashmerette – click here<br />


Easy to sew jumpsuit<br />

This beginner level pattern features an easy to sew<br />

jumpsuit with billowy sleeves and wide legs. This garment<br />

will have you breezing into any event looking good and<br />

feeling fine. The Avenir jumpsuit has elastic gathers at<br />

the neck and waistline for a comfortable, easy fit, making<br />

it possible to wear on- or off-the-shoulders. The pattern<br />

includes a good range of sizes from XS-4X.<br />

To find out more about these patterns and others from<br />

Friday Pattern Company – click here<br />


Crafter at heart<br />

The Sienna is a chic utility jacket inspired by vintage<br />

French workwear, and is the newest pattern from<br />

Closet Case. Designed for hardwearing use by<br />

makers and artists, it functions as both stylish<br />

outerwear and a highly practical layer for use inside<br />

the studio. With a slightly dropped shoulder, Sienna<br />

features a crisp notched collar, which can be worn<br />

buttoned at the neck with an optional snap button. It<br />

is unlined and finished with durable seams.<br />

To view more options for the Sienna Maker Jacket<br />

– click here



The perfect partners<br />

The Picasso top and trouser<br />

sewing pattern pack includes<br />

a loose-fitting top with jewel<br />

neckline, off-centre front seam,<br />

square-inset long tapered<br />

sleeves, and front pocket. The<br />

loose–fit lantern pants has<br />

front, side and back panels<br />

finished with tapered bottom<br />

wedges. Together they make a<br />

stylish outfit.<br />

To view the complete range<br />

from The <strong>Sewing</strong> Workshop –<br />

click here<br />


Beginner-friendly sewing<br />

The Estuary Skirt is a body- and beginner-friendly<br />

skirt pattern that you’ll feel like wearing every day<br />

of the week. It comes in sizes 0-30 and features a<br />

comfortable elastic back and big pockets. The button<br />

front placket can be sewn with buttonholes or as a<br />

faux buttonhole-free placket. It can be lengthened<br />

or shortened, making this skirt a great project for all<br />

levels of sewists.<br />

To find out more about this skirt pattern –<br />

click here<br />


Extended sizing<br />

This pattern brand has now<br />

widened its range of sizing on<br />

two of its popular patterns!<br />

The Reed Skirt and Thayer<br />

Jacket now comes in a larger<br />

sizes of 14-30 and smaller sizes of<br />

0-18 too.<br />

To view these sewing patterns –<br />

click here<br />


In print<br />

In the Folds has just released printed versions of the following patterns –<br />

The Rushcutter Dress, Collins Top, Darlow Pants and Flynn Jacket. These<br />

garments will fit comfortably into your wardrobe, but will also stand out<br />

with their interesting detailing.<br />

To find out more about these sewing patterns – click here<br />

Check out the free-to-use resource listing of the very best Indie patterns and filter by fabric, garment, brand or skill<br />

level by visiting www.hantex.co.uk

ChristmasGifts<br />

Find the perfect gift for the sewists in your life!<br />



The purest hues meet Art Gallery Fabrics’ soft hand and superior<br />

quality. Pure Solids come in a vibrant assortment of coordinating<br />

colours, which have been through an improved dip-dye technique<br />

leading to the most brilliant colours ever. This 100% premium cotton is<br />

internationally OEKO-TEX certified, so you can rest assure the dyes are<br />

the most environmentally safe to use for sewing. They almost don’t fray<br />

or shrink, making them ideal for all kinds of projects. The boxed bundles<br />

make great gifts for quilters and those who love making smaller projects,<br />

and consist of 24 colour-coordinated 45cm x 55cm pieces of fabric.<br />

To view the complete collection – click here<br />



GET THE<br />




These fun, retractable tape<br />

measures are crocheted to add<br />

a cuteness and sense of fun to<br />

your sewing. They would make<br />

thoughtful stocking fillers, and<br />

feature both imperial and metric<br />

measurements. We love the fox<br />

design but you can also choose<br />

an owl, penguin, sheep, ladybird,<br />

snail, mouse, bear and elephant!<br />

To take a look at all the designs<br />

– click here<br />



Start planning your quilting<br />

for the next year with the Quilter’s<br />

Planner 2020 from designer, Karen<br />

Lewis from Karen Lewis Textiles.<br />

This edition is full of exciting<br />

improvements made after listening<br />

to suggestions from quilters. Firstly,<br />

it comes in a more convenient 7in x 9in page size and has a laminated cover. It<br />

features weekly and monthly calendar, handy Project Planner, and Projects-At-A-<br />

Glance pages, as well as 12 monthly blocks in the new Quilter’s Planner Sampler<br />

Quilt. It also contains gorgeous quilt photography by Kitty Wilkin, and a fullcolour<br />

glossy magazine with 13 quilting and sewing patterns by top designers.<br />

Choose from Scruffy Daisy in coral (shown here) and Plus in teal.<br />

To view more planners – click here<br />


These bite-sized quilting projects<br />

make such a great present. This is just<br />

two of the kits available. This contemporary<br />

collection of sturdy verdant succulenti plants<br />

burst from colourful pots in this happy little<br />

wall quilt, or if you’re looking for more<br />

seasonal and tradtional design, then Frosty<br />

& Friends is a fun Christmas kit. All kits<br />

include all woolfelt for appliqué, all fabrics<br />

(100% cotton) for background borders back<br />

and binding, plus embroidery floss precise<br />

patterns and complete illustrations.<br />

To take a look at the full range of mini kits –<br />

click here



IRON’S HOT<br />

This minty<br />

mat is such a useful<br />

item for your<br />

sewing room. Sew<br />

Hot Iron Rest from<br />

It’s Sew Emma<br />

provides a place<br />

where you can<br />

rest your iron face<br />

down in between<br />

pressing seams,<br />

saving time and<br />

avoid the chance<br />

of your iron tipping over.<br />

This heavy-duty silicone<br />

surface fits most home<br />

irons and can withstand<br />

up to 260°C. You’ll want<br />

to leave it out as it has an<br />

inspirational message and<br />

a pretty moulded pattern!<br />

To find out more about<br />

this handy mat –<br />

click here<br />


This Prymadonna elegant grey dressform has<br />

everything you would expect. With a base that<br />

can be inserted to mount and work on individual trouser<br />

legs, it’s available in four standard sizes for different<br />

clothing sizes, and give you a spare pair of hands for<br />

making adjustments while dressmaking. The plastic<br />

rotatable torso is covered with a foam-reinforced nylon<br />

cover for easy pin insertion and marking. This dress form<br />

consists of eight parts, and can be individually adjusted<br />

at the neck, bust, waistline and hips – a total of 13<br />

adjustments are possible.<br />

To see the full collection of Prym dressforms – click here<br />


Travelling with your sewing machine can be<br />

a nightmare but this roomy trolley from Prym<br />

ensures that every domestic sewing machine is<br />

transported safely to your sewing class or holiday.<br />

Your sewing machine can be completely stowed in the<br />

trolley and is protected from dust and damage. There<br />

are lots of pockets to store all of your accessories, and<br />

other bits and pieces.<br />

To move the trolley, simply pull on the sturdy<br />

telescopic bar with its wide grip, and off you go!<br />

To take a look at other sewing storage solutions –<br />

click here<br />


LOVERS<br />


CLOVER<br />


NEEDLE<br />

BOOK<br />

This embroidery<br />

sampler is based on<br />

the Alison Glass Clover<br />

Sunshine fabric line.<br />

Within this embroidery<br />

project pattern, you’ll<br />

get the design printed<br />

on white cotton fabric<br />

all ready to stitch up<br />

however you want as<br />

well as instructions to<br />

make it into a needle<br />

book. This pattern<br />

also includes a helpful stitch guide. Any embroiderer<br />

will love to receive this to stitch up or why not make it<br />

yourself to give as a handmade gift!<br />

To find out more – click here<br />



Perfect for newcomers to the art of patchwork and<br />

quilting – this set has everything you need to hand. The<br />

pack contains a folding cutting mat, maxi easy rotary cutter,<br />

extra-long glass-headed pins, handy Omni-grid ruler and an<br />

aqua trick marker. There are also some accessories including<br />

assorted quilting needles, ergonomic stitch ripper and a<br />

storage box containing sewing machine needles for quilting.<br />

To find your nearest stockist and find out more – click here

SEWING<br />

COATS<br />

Julie Bonnar from The Pattern Pages explains how<br />

sewing a coat is easier if you plan it before you start sewing!<br />

Leaf on black soft shell fabric from<br />

Park Lane By Hamburger Liebe –<br />

click here to view the range<br />

Yates Coat from<br />

Grainline Studio<br />

Choosing a pattern<br />

Before choosing a coat<br />

pattern read online reviews<br />

about it to make sure you are<br />

happy tackling all the sewing<br />

techniques involved in<br />

the make.<br />

Most pattern companies<br />

now provide step-by-step sewalongs<br />

and videos which can<br />

be a real help.<br />

Make sure you are familiar<br />

Double-side wool-style<br />

fabric from Modelo comes in<br />

7 trendy colours. To view the<br />

full range – click here<br />

with the construction<br />

processes and<br />

materials involved.<br />

Deciding the right<br />

ease can be tricky<br />

when it comes<br />

to coats as they are<br />

worn over bulky<br />

layers. I would<br />

recommend you<br />

look closely at<br />

the coat’s finished<br />

measurements and<br />

make sure it has<br />

room underneath for<br />

jumpers etc.<br />

Choosing fabric<br />

Think about when you<br />

want to wear your coat<br />

– is it to keep you<br />

warm in the depth<br />

of winter, to stay<br />

dry in the spring or<br />

is it for a special<br />

occasion? This will<br />

help you determine what<br />

fabric to choose.<br />

Wool-based coat fabrics<br />

are great to work with<br />

especially if it’s your first<br />

coat project. Consider the<br />

weight of your finished<br />

coat – linings, interlinings,<br />

interfacing, and the main<br />

fabric can all add up!<br />

Obtain swatches of all<br />

the fabrics/materials and<br />

sandwich them together to<br />

see how bulky they will be.<br />

Can your sewing machine<br />

cope with this thickness?<br />

When working with coat<br />

fabrics, chalk markers can rub<br />

off easily so consider going<br />

back to traditional tailor<br />

tacks. Sew them in brightly<br />

coloured thread so they’re<br />

easily visible for marking<br />

darts and buttonholes as well<br />

as pocket placements.<br />

Choose a lining<br />

The lining can’t be seen for<br />

most of the time but you<br />

shouldn’t skimp on its quality.<br />

Choosing cheap linings can<br />

mean they are under duress<br />

and can tear in areas like the<br />

sleeves and back seam. Coat<br />

linings need to be strong<br />

enough to withstand frequent<br />

wear and rubbing against<br />

your clothes. The lining also<br />

acts as an extra layer to keep<br />

out the cold, but should be<br />

smooth enough to make it<br />

easy to take your coat on<br />

and off.<br />

Interfacing your coat<br />

The pattern instructions<br />

will always advise you of<br />

the obvious areas where<br />

interfacing is needed in a<br />

coat, such as the collar and<br />

facings, but there may be<br />

other places that would<br />

benefit from interfacing<br />

such as sleeve caps, armholes<br />

and pockets.<br />

Make sure you have<br />

the right tools<br />

A tailoring ham and steam<br />

iron is essential. Other handy<br />

tools to have are a tailoring<br />

board and clapper to make<br />

pressing collar seams, pocket<br />

welt and making a crisp edge<br />

on your coat’s hem easier.<br />

Topstitching<br />

on Chilton<br />

Trench from<br />

Cashmerette<br />

Finishing touch<br />

Elevate your coat by finishing<br />

off with topstitching around<br />

the collar, lapels, and down<br />

the centre front.<br />

Topstitching doesn’t only<br />

look stylish, it can help to<br />

keep collars and coat facings<br />

flat and makes your coat<br />

more hardwearing.

WHAT’S<br />

NEW<br />

Love quilting? We keep you posted of<br />

the latest launches<br />

Four new quilt patterns from Alison Glass<br />

Patterns from Color Girl Quilts to<br />

use with the Classic Curve Ruler<br />

Black Jack<br />

This pattern is the most graphic<br />

pattern yet for the Classic Curves<br />

Ruler. All quilters will enjoy putting their own creative<br />

spin on this versatile design, and modern quilters will<br />

love the movement and high contrast. Try it with batiks,<br />

rainbow colours or fabric scraps, and it's easier than it<br />

looks to sew with big blocks and easy curves.<br />

Black Jack<br />

Radiance<br />

This pattern is for curved piecing fabric lovers. Designed<br />

for confident quilters, this fat quarter and 10in square<br />

friendly pattern is ideal for favourite prints and scraps.<br />

Choose colour solids or contrasting prints for the centre<br />

blocks, then mix and match for the scrappy border.<br />

Bloom<br />

A classic design made for today’s quilter, Bloom will<br />

show you that curved piecing can be easy, modern, and<br />

fun! This pattern includes a baby wall quilt and a throw,<br />

and is a must-make for all who love fabric and quilting.<br />

Tuberose<br />

Tuberose is a type of flower used in expensive perfumes,<br />

and it’s a lovely muse for the floral explosion and organic<br />

beauty of this quilt. An original design by Eye Candy Quilts,<br />

the cover version uses a raw edge appliqué technique and<br />

the pattern includes instructions for this technique, as well<br />

as an introductory tutorial for turned and wool appliqué. All<br />

templates are full size, and the quilt measures 64in x 80in.<br />

Lilli<br />

Designed by Lisa Hofmann-Maurer of Sew What You Love,<br />

this quilt is inspired by abstract compositions and modern<br />

design elements, and combines two of the most useful<br />

quilting skills – foundation paper piecing and sewing curves.<br />

Oriana<br />

Another design from Lisa Hofmann, these full size templates<br />

make for accurate and easy cutting plus a colouring page is<br />

included to help in the layout planning.<br />

Alternative<br />

Designed by Nydia Kehnle and Alison Glass, this quilt is<br />

a modern take combining traditional piecing with simple<br />

foundation paper piecing, and is great for beginners.<br />

To read more about these about these quilt patterns<br />

– click here<br />

Untamed<br />

Another curved piecing pattern for modern quilters, this<br />

quilt features three size options. The block-based design<br />

is easy to adapt to your own size and shape too.<br />

To view these quilt patterns – click here<br />

Colourful designs from Elizabeth Hartman<br />

Use your favourite fat-eights and<br />

conventional patchwork techniques to<br />

make these lovely quilts from Elizabeth<br />

Hartman. The Pretty Birds quilt features<br />

cockatoos, toucans, cockatiels, macaws,<br />

and lorikeets. These tropical birds don’t<br />

live together in the wild, but they make<br />

a happy colourful family in this sampler<br />

quilt. Making a Casserole quilt is the<br />

perfect opportunity to use prints, solids<br />

or a combination of the two to piece<br />

graphic blocks inspired by vintage<br />

bake ware.<br />

Make a streak of colour with either the<br />

Antonia Tiger or Koala quilt patterns –<br />

both include instructions for making a<br />

20in square quilted cushion cover, and<br />

two different sized quilts.<br />

To read more about these quilt patterns<br />

– click here


Patterns<br />

The<br />

In the Folds<br />

design aesthetic leans<br />

heavily towards the everyday<br />

They’re pieces that will fit comfortably<br />

into your wardrobe, but will stand out<br />

with their interesting and refined details<br />

timeless, yet modern<br />

beautiful, yet understated.<br />

Finishes are thoughtful and considered<br />

- helping you to create garments that<br />

are beautiful both inside and out and<br />

teaching you the skills to make<br />

clothing that will last.<br />

Choose from 100’s of patterns by<br />

the best indie designers and then<br />

find a stockist.<br />

Pattern Finder let’s you filter by<br />

garment, fabric type, brand and<br />

more!<br />


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