Modern Sewing Starts Here Edition 5

Modern Sewing Starts Here is the digital publication which features articles, reviews and handy tips for anyone with an interest in contemporary sewing This month we bring you: Pick of the latest sewing patterns Incorporate the Scarf Print Trend In Sewing Trendsetter - add style to your creations Organise Your Sewing Space Free motion Quilting Tips Sewing With Rayon + much more ...

Modern Sewing Starts Here is the digital publication which features articles, reviews and handy tips for anyone with an interest in contemporary sewing
This month we bring you:

Pick of the latest sewing patterns
Incorporate the Scarf Print Trend In Sewing
Trendsetter - add style to your creations
Organise Your Sewing Space
Free motion Quilting Tips
Sewing With Rayon
+ much more ...


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How many collections<br />

have you produced<br />

under the Hamburger<br />

Liebe brand?<br />

Honestly, I didn’t count them!<br />

I started with textile design<br />

eight years ago, and have<br />

been able to create so many<br />

wonderful collections with my<br />

production partners. And of<br />

course, there are always new<br />

ones to come!<br />

My newest collection with<br />

Albstoffe is called ‘Bliss’ and<br />

will be available in the UK<br />

later this year. This autumnwinter<br />

collection contains<br />

wonderful organic jacquards<br />

and prints on organic jersey<br />

and sweatshirt, all produced<br />

in Germany, with matching<br />

cuff, stripes and hoodie<br />

cords.<br />

My autumn-winter<br />

collection for Hemmers Itex<br />

will be called ‘Park Lane’<br />

and will be distributed<br />

exclusively by Hantex Ltd.<br />

It’s a tribute to my time in<br />

London as a young adult.<br />

There will be softshell and<br />

quilted to make warm<br />

jackets, but also beautiful<br />

soft falling blouse fabrics and<br />

embroidered cotton fabrics.<br />

I’m really looking forward<br />

to both these collections<br />

launches. And some designs<br />

for next year are already<br />

finished – and it all stays<br />

very colourful!<br />

What sort of things do<br />

you like to sew?<br />

I love sewing clothes, but<br />

I’m impatient stitcher and<br />

like sewing patterns that are<br />

quick to make!<br />

Tell us about<br />

your collaboration<br />

with Albstoffe?<br />

I’ve been working with<br />

Albstoffe for three years<br />

now, and I think the team<br />

has adopted me! Seriously,<br />

this is a very lovely and<br />

fruitful collaboration, and<br />

I really love the products.<br />

Albstoffe is a young<br />

company, and they were<br />

looking for a designer, and<br />

so glad they asked me!<br />

Albstoffe has emerged<br />

from a traditional family<br />

business producing knitted<br />

fabrics to the highest<br />

organic standards. It took<br />

me a while to deal with the<br />

jacquard fabric as the design<br />

works differently. You have<br />

much less colours than with<br />

printing, because you knit<br />

with the coloured yarns. But<br />

we constantly exchange new<br />

ideas and have brought some<br />

very successful products to<br />

the market together in the<br />

recent years. The ready-made<br />

cuffs called ‘Cuff Me’ are just<br />

one of them.<br />

Where else can we see<br />

your designs?<br />

My most beautiful designs can<br />

be bought in my Redbubble<br />

Shop on a range of products<br />

such a mobile phone cases.<br />

On the website, Not Like You<br />

– you can buy some of my<br />

designs on Converse chucks,<br />

which I think are really cool!<br />

Someday, I’d love to design<br />

my own tableware, too!

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