The Parish Magazine June 2023

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning, and Sonning Eye since 1869

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning, and Sonning Eye since 1869


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From page 13<br />


Commonwealth<br />

persecution<br />

are Christians, and most severe<br />

persecution is reserved for those<br />

who come from Muslim, Hindu,<br />

Buddhist or tribal backgrounds.<br />

In Brunei, 12% are Christians and<br />

their insecurity has increased due<br />

to the recent implementation of<br />

Sharia (Islamic law), governing<br />

non-Muslims as well as Muslims.<br />

<strong>The</strong> constitution of Malaysia<br />

says that to leave Islam is<br />

punishable by death, although<br />

this has never been implemented.<br />

Every ethnic Malay is expected to<br />

be Muslim. <strong>The</strong> Maldives contains,<br />

according to Open Doors, ‘a very<br />

small number’ of Christians. No<br />

religious minorities are recognised<br />

by the state and every citizen is<br />

considered Muslim.<br />

Christian converts must follow<br />

Jesus in the greatest secrecy. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

can, if discovered, be stripped of<br />

their citizenship or even given the<br />

death penalty.<br />

PRAYER<br />

In the early days of this new<br />

Carolean era, let us pray for the<br />

new monarch and royal family. Let<br />

us remember to lift up in prayer<br />

the believers in the countries<br />

where Christians are persecuted<br />

in the Commonwealth of Nations<br />

of which he is head.<br />

References and further reading<br />

Good Morning America on the<br />

Commonwealth and the Coronation:<br />

https://www.goodmorningamerica.<br />

com/news/story/monarchy-diedqueen-commonwealth-countriesmuted-view-ahead-99078801<br />

Washington Post on the<br />

Commonwealth:<br />

https://www.washingtonpost.com/<br />

world/<strong>2023</strong>/05/04/king-charlescoronation-commonwealth-realms/<br />

<strong>The</strong> Commonwealth website:<br />

https://thecommonwealth.org/<br />

Open Doors World Watch List <strong>2023</strong>:<br />

https://www.opendoorsuk.org/<br />

persecution/world-watch-list/<br />

Head of the Commonwealth on<br />

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/<br />

wiki/Head_of_the_Commonwealth<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> - <strong>June</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 15<br />

Coronation memories<br />

Claude's<br />

I have been reflecting on my memories<br />

of three Coronations in my lifetime.<br />

From 1937, aged 3 years, I have a remarkable<br />

memory of sitting on a pillar box in Friar<br />

Street for the Coronation of King George VI.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n, in 1953 I remember being<br />

crammed into our living room, with<br />

numerous friends and neighbours, as we<br />

watched Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation<br />

on a 9 inch black and white screen.<br />

This compares with sitting with my<br />

family to watch King Charles III and Queen<br />

Camilla on a colour TV screen 10 times<br />

the size! However, I was disappointed not<br />

to see any notable street decorations, as<br />

there had been in 1953 — and which I had<br />

captured on my Retina camera.<br />

Of course, it was a very different world<br />

then. <strong>The</strong> country was still shaking off the<br />

hardship of World War II and was ready for<br />

a good time. On the other hand, modern<br />

technology makes being part of a national<br />

event so much easier.<br />

1953 decorations: Above: Reading Station,<br />

and right: Heelas (now John Lewis)<br />

Claude's<br />

view<br />

from<br />

the<br />

pew<br />

UK food banks busier than ever!<br />

More food parcels were given out in the UK in the past year than ever before. Last<br />

December an emergency food parcel was handed out every 8 seconds.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are the most recent figures from the Trussell Trust, which supports more than<br />

1,300 food banks in the UK. <strong>The</strong> charity says it gave out nearly 3 million food<br />

parcels between April 2022 and April <strong>2023</strong>. More than 1 million of these were<br />

for children. Compared with 2021, the charity recorded a 37% increase in the<br />

number of food parcels given out in England.<br />

More than 760,000 people used a food bank for the first time, which is up<br />

more than one third in 2021-22. Soaring inflation and energy costs have driven<br />

the increase in demand. <strong>The</strong> charity<br />

reports an unprecedented rise in<br />

the number of employed people<br />

using their food banks, because they<br />

are 'no longer able to balance a low<br />

income against rising living costs.'<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem now, says the trust,<br />

is that food donation levels are not<br />

keeping up with the need. 'This is<br />

putting us under a lot of strain.'<br />

Just think what an impact we at<br />

St Andrew's Church could make if we<br />

remembered to take just one item<br />

each week for the collection bin!<br />

Please remember<br />

your donations for<br />

the Woodley Food<br />

Bank inside<br />

St Andrew's Church

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