The Parish Magazine June 2023

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning, and Sonning Eye since 1869

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning, and Sonning Eye since 1869


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In the garden<br />

Please check for hedgehogs in<br />

long grass before strimming!<br />

Following a spate of injuries, Herbie Hedgehog Rescue has put a timely<br />

plea for all gardeners to check for sleeping hedghogs in long grass<br />

before using a strimmer.<br />

Hedgehogs will curl up when approached by a strimmer and it only<br />

takes a few minutes to check where you are cutting and you could save a life.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y also put out a reminder about how we can all help hedgehogs in<br />

our gardens. This includes making a 13cm square hole in our fence to allow<br />

hedgehogs to move from garden to garden; provide dry cat or kitten biscuits<br />

and a shallow bowl of water.<br />

If you see a hedgehog in daylight, it is most likely in trouble. If so, pick<br />

it up using a towel or wear gardening gloves. Place it in a tall cardboard box<br />

with tea towels and take in indoors into a warm, quiet room away from<br />

children and pets. <strong>The</strong>n contact your local rescue immediately by calling<br />

0159 879 4442.<br />

In spring and summer, if a large hedgehog is out in the day<br />

collecting bedding in its mouth and moving with purpose it could<br />

be pregnant. Please contact the rescue centre for advice as it might<br />

need rescuing.<br />

Herbie Hedgehog Rescue takes in sick/injured wild<br />

hedgehogs and rehabilitate them to be able to release them<br />

back in the wild. <strong>The</strong>y pride themselves in giving the best<br />

care possible to the patients and work with local vets to<br />

facilitate quick and appropriate treatment. <strong>The</strong> health<br />

and welfare of the hedgehogs always come first<br />

For more: https://herbiehedgehogrescue.com<br />

THE ARTS — 1<br />

Book reviews<br />

To A Different Drum - an adventure of<br />

radical obedience<br />

By Pauline Hamilton,<br />

10Publishing, £8.99<br />

Kicked out of<br />

college and hooked<br />

on drink and drugs,<br />

Pauline Hamilton<br />

drove recklessly<br />

towards a cliff near<br />

her home to end it all.<br />

At the last moment, her tyre blew out,<br />

leaving her stunned in the stationary<br />

car.<br />

Pauline’s life changed forever. She<br />

turned to the God who had rescued her<br />

and, in grateful amazement, offered her<br />

whole life to him. This dedication would<br />

eventually take her to China, where<br />

she would serve for over 30 years as a<br />

missionary.<br />

Through many trials Pauline never<br />

lost sight of the God who had promised<br />

never to let her go.<br />

Antigone Kingsley: About Last<br />

Summer By Marina Magdalena<br />

SPCK/ Marylebone House, £8.99<br />

This is the first book<br />

in the Antigone<br />

Kingsley (Tig)<br />

series — a perfect<br />

companion for girls<br />

aged 10 plus going<br />

through the highs<br />

and lows of growing.<br />

Living above her<br />

parent's theatre<br />

gave Tig plenty of practice at being<br />

centre stage. But when the theatre<br />

faces financial crisis, it is her alluring<br />

cousin Amelie, from Paris, who grabs<br />

the attention. As Tig grapples with her<br />

identity she watches her cousin steal the<br />

affection of her family, friends, school<br />

and her social media following! When<br />

tension between the two teenagers<br />

grows, Tig finds herself at a crossroad.<br />

Will her need to be liked outweigh her<br />

raging jealousy towards her cousin?<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> - <strong>June</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 33<br />

Auremar, dreamstime.com<br />

hiclipart.com<br />

<strong>The</strong> Final Lap - navigating the<br />

transitions of later life<br />

By John Wyatt, 10Publishing, £6.99<br />

Life’s a marathon<br />

with many highs<br />

and lows. As we<br />

approach retirement<br />

we transition into<br />

a new stage of our<br />

race, with a range<br />

of possibilities and<br />

pitfalls to navigate.<br />

With experience<br />

and warmth, John Wyatt invites<br />

Christians to think through how we can<br />

approach the next stages of life well.<br />

He considers the move from work<br />

to retirement, then independency<br />

to dependency, and finally from life<br />

to death. While being honest about<br />

the struggles of each transition, <strong>The</strong><br />

Final Lap lays out the wonderful<br />

opportunities God gives in every stage.<br />

And the more prepared we are to face<br />

each transition as it comes, the better.

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