The Parish Magazine June 2023

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning, and Sonning Eye since 1869

Serving the communities of Charvil, Sonning, and Sonning Eye since 1869


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Parish</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> - May <strong>2023</strong> 43<br />

<strong>June</strong><br />

For the very best in<br />

later living care<br />

At Bridge House we care passionately about enabling our residents to live their best lives.<br />

Every day is different, but our exemplary standards of care<br />

remain constant, delivered by a highly trained and dedicated<br />

team of clinical nursing and care staff that ensure our<br />

residents maintain their independence, dignity and enjoy<br />

a fulfilling day.<br />

Our welcoming, elegant Georgian country house on the edge<br />

of Twyford offers a timeless calm with stunning views across<br />

the grounds to the river Loddon, whilst our newly built<br />

rehabilitation centre provides access to short term recovery<br />

and recuperation though the in house team of therapists.<br />

To discuss your nursing, residential or rehabilitation<br />

needs, or a visit, please contact our new Care Home Manager<br />

Rachel Stoneman at info@bridgehouseoftwyford.co.uk<br />

or 01189 340777<br />

Visit bridgehouseoftwyford.co.uk<br />


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