Robert Scott 2022 ESG Report

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2023 Environmental,<br />

Social and Corporate<br />

Governance <strong>Report</strong><br />

By <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong>

02<br />






<strong>ESG</strong> TARGETS<br />


<strong>ESG</strong> PROJECTS<br />

P3<br />

P4<br />

P5<br />

P6<br />

P7 - P19

03<br />



<strong>ESG</strong> REPORT<br />


It’s increasingly important we reduce any impact on the<br />

planet – by using less chemicals, plastic and energy,<br />

and by sourcing and using greener materials that offer<br />

excellent performance with a lower environmental<br />

impact. That’s why our mission is to:<br />

Help make the world’s workplaces easier to clean - with<br />

better and better products that don’t cost the earth.<br />

But it’s more than that.<br />

It’s also making sure <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong> has a positive impact<br />

on the communities we work with. And that’s something<br />

we have been doing since <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong>’s father, James<br />

<strong>Scott</strong>, established the family run business back in 1925.<br />

A lot’s happened since then of course, but here we<br />

focus on recent years and our efforts to become a more<br />

sustainable business.

04<br />



We became<br />

ISO 14001 certified.<br />

2020<br />

2021<br />

We were delighted to see the official<br />

opening of Bright Futures School<br />

for autistic children, funded and built<br />

by <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong>.<br />

We diverted seven tonnes of plastic<br />

waste from landfill by reducing the<br />

amount of mop packaging.<br />

2021<br />

2021<br />

We installed a grid of 330 solar<br />

panels which can produce 100kWh,<br />

resulting in a 50% reduction in<br />

electricity consumption at this site.<br />

We replaced key lines with recycled<br />

plastic saving 100 tonnes of virgin<br />

plastic.<br />

2021<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

We launched a new range called<br />

Ecofibre, which is made from recycled<br />

materials, including waste plastic<br />

bottles, nut shells and natural fibres.<br />

A combination of initiatives saves<br />

over 270 tonnes of plastic each<br />

year.<br />

2023<br />

2023<br />

Over the last four years reduced<br />

carbon emissions by 21% or 133<br />


05<br />

<strong>ESG</strong><br />


<strong>ESG</strong> TARGETS<br />

<strong>2022</strong> saw for the first time <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong>'s<br />

environmental, social and corporate<br />

governance targets set out over the short<br />

and longer term.<br />

Our <strong>ESG</strong> commitments:<br />

1. <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong> aims to become carbon neutral by<br />

2045, ahead of the UK's 2050 target.<br />

2. The first step was becoming ISO 14001 certified<br />

in 2021, and as a sign of our commitment to<br />

sustainabilty.<br />




25 %<br />

20 %<br />

3. We have put in place a 5-year* plan to reduce our<br />

carbon emissions energy consumption and waste,<br />

while continuing to move away from virgin plastic to<br />

recycled plastic.<br />

4. We will continue to have a positive impact on<br />

our local communities - across 'Friends of', sporting<br />

activities and local events.<br />





20 %<br />

50 %<br />

5. We will support employee wellbeing by ensuring<br />

that all our employees are treated fairly and with<br />

respect, and we are committed to creating a culture<br />

of inclusion and diversity.

06<br />

<strong>ESG</strong><br />

3m<br />

2.9m<br />

2.9m<br />


2.8m<br />


Combined with scope 1 and 2 carbon<br />

emissions, along with the projects<br />

explained over the next pages, this shows<br />

our commitment to the environment,<br />

the communities we work with and our<br />

employees.<br />

21%<br />

Reduction in carbon<br />

emissions over the<br />

last 4 years.<br />

628<br />

13<br />

2018<br />

(Year 1)<br />

602<br />

582<br />

12.4 12.9<br />

2019<br />

2020<br />

(Year 2)<br />

(Year 3)<br />

606<br />

13.3<br />

2021<br />

(Year 4)<br />

2.6m<br />

495<br />

9.4<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

(Year 5)<br />


CO 2<br />


CO 2<br />



07<br />

<strong>ESG</strong><br />


<strong>ESG</strong> PROJECTS<br />

The next few pages summarises <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong>’s<br />

sustainable initiatives, which helps to reduce our<br />

carbon footprint and supports our <strong>ESG</strong> ambitions.<br />

This uses the five pillars for sustainability adopted<br />

by the CHSA, and is designed to help members<br />

become more sustainable.<br />


Corporate environmental<br />

impact covering waste,<br />

emissions and water.<br />


As it is received, used and<br />

disposed of by the end<br />

user.<br />


All the packaging of a<br />

product, throughout the<br />

supply chain.<br />


Encompassing the<br />

movement of raw materials<br />

and delivery of product to<br />

the end user.<br />


Including mental wellbeing,<br />

personal development,<br />

community involvement<br />

and the overall ethical<br />

approach of the business.

08<br />


IMPACT<br />


Corporate environmental impact covering waste,<br />

emissions and water.<br />

Since 2018, we have reduced our overall carbon emissions by<br />

21%, a step towards the ambitious target of becoming carbon<br />

neutral by 2045. That’s the equivalent of 133 tonnes of C02,<br />

and largely driven by more energy efficient technology.<br />

For example, in 2021 we installed a grid of 330 solar panels<br />

which can produce 100kWh, resulting in a 50% reduction in<br />

electricity consumption at this site. Surplus electricity is fed<br />

back into the National Grid.<br />

In the same year, and after moving to a zero-carbon energy<br />

provider, for the first time all electricity came from zero carbon<br />

hydro, wind and solar sources.<br />

In 2020, we installed LED lighting, replaced a heating,<br />

ventilation and air conditioning system, and upgraded building<br />


09<br />


IMPACT<br />


We are shareholders of the local Saddleworth Community<br />

Hydro Electric scheme in the idyllic setting of Dovestones<br />

reservoir, which generates enough renewable energy to<br />

power 85 homes via the national grid, and an annual saving<br />

of 170 tonnes of CO 2<br />

.<br />

The dam height of 31m allows the use of a cross flow turbine<br />

driven by the continuous supply of compensation water<br />

flowing from the reservoir into Chew Brook to generate up<br />

to 51 kW for the next forty years or so. This is the first high<br />

head system in England to use an existing dam.<br />

We felt so strongly about this project that before work<br />

began, we provided a loan to help fund the project preshare<br />

stage. The project was an innovative way to generate<br />

renewable energy and an alternative to wind turbines,<br />

which aren’t permitted on the moors inside the Peak District<br />

National Park.

10<br />

Recycled products saving the most plastic.<br />


As it is received, used and disposed of by the end<br />

user.<br />


Over the last few years, we have moved around 20 product<br />

lines over to 70%+ recycled content. By doing so we are<br />

saving over 220 tonnes of virgin plastic each year. That’s the<br />

equivalent of the weight of the Statue of Liberty!<br />

In 2021, we launched a new range called Ecofibre, which is<br />

made from recycled materials, including waste plastic bottles,<br />

nut shells and natural fibres.<br />

Eco Jolly Trolley<br />

35t<br />

35 tonnes<br />

saved<br />

73%<br />

Recycled<br />

plastic<br />

Recycled products<br />

Eco Caterers<br />

Scourer<br />

67t<br />

67 tonnes<br />

saved<br />

100%<br />

Recycled<br />

plastic<br />

We also realised that small design changes can have notable<br />

environmental impacts. Take our socket mops for example.<br />

A reduction in the amount of plastic by between 5 to 10g has<br />

reduced our annual plastic use by over 17 tonnes, and by 2024<br />

we will be saving around 30 tonnes of virgin plastic each year.<br />

We also make cloths from 100% recycled cotton-rich clothing,<br />

mops from cotton waste, FSC certified wooden brushware, and<br />

a chemical-free disinfectant cleaner you make yourself from<br />

sustainable ingredients.<br />

15L Eco<br />

Professional<br />

Bucket &<br />

Wringer<br />

55t<br />

55 tonnes<br />

saved<br />

97%<br />

Recycled<br />

plastic<br />

14L Recycled<br />

Great British<br />

Bucket &<br />

Wringer<br />

23t<br />

23 tonnes<br />

saved<br />

70%<br />

Recycled<br />


11<br />



In 2020, we added the eSpray to the Toucan Eco range,<br />

bringing the chemical-free cleaning system to the domestic<br />

market.<br />

Since 2020, we have rolled out the larger, commercial Toucan<br />

Eco models across over 40 sites for a defence and energy<br />

client, around 70 sites for the Royal Mail, and over 200 sites<br />

for The Restaurant Group, which includes Frankie & Benny’s,<br />

Chiquito, and Brunning & Price, saving some 2.7 tonnes of<br />

plastic waste and 35,000 tonnes of chemicals.<br />

We manufacture many products here in the UK, localising the<br />

supply chain and reducing global transportation.<br />

We continue to invest in new machinery at our factories in the<br />

North West to both keep up with increased demand and to<br />

retire older, less efficient equipment.

12<br />


All the packaging of a product, throughout the<br />

supply chain.<br />


Our target is to exceed 30% recycled packaging wherever<br />

possible, including for our best seller lines such as Exel<br />

microfibre cloths. By doing this we are saving 10 tonnes of<br />

virgin plastic a year – that’s on top of diverting seven tonnes<br />

of plastic waste from landfill by reducing the amount of plastic<br />

packaging for mops in 2021.<br />

We’re also recycling all of our end-of-life plastic and card<br />

packaging, and in <strong>2022</strong> we recycled over 116 tonnes of<br />

cardboard and 27 tonnes of plastic packaging. That’s the<br />

equivalent of Blue Whale!<br />

We have also introduced vacuum compressed packaging to<br />

maximise the efficiency of container loads.<br />

For products that require protection during transit, to avoid<br />

the use of plastic bubble wrap we’re now securely shredding<br />

all of our waste documentation and using this as void fill<br />


13<br />



Encompassing the movement of raw materials and<br />

delivery of product to the end user.<br />

We try to source onshore or nearshore where possible which<br />

helps to reduce our global transportation footprint.<br />

By optimising packing methods we have reduced our container<br />

load, making a marked difference to our carbon footprint.<br />

We’re also piloting rerouting shipping to reduce road haulage,<br />

which has the highest transportation emissions.<br />

Even seemingly minor alterations, like adjusting delivery<br />

frequencies, can accumulate to sizable CO2 emission reductions.<br />

A reduction from three to two deliveries per week for a single<br />

customer could, for instance, cut about 30 tonnes of CO2<br />

annually.<br />

We also operate a ‘backhaul’ service which means that the return<br />

of a haulage vehicle, instead of being empty, returns with a<br />

shipment over part or all of the route, equating to three full trucks<br />

a week.<br />

Most of our fleet cars are now hybrid models, and all will be by<br />

2030, and we have electrical charging points installed onsite which<br />

are powered by solar technology.

14<br />

SOCIAL<br />

VALUES<br />


Including mental wellbeing, personal development,<br />

community involvement and the overall ethical<br />

approach of the business.<br />

In 2020, we were delighted to see the official opening of Bright<br />

Futures School for autistic children, which we funded after finding<br />

out that the school needed a new home. It’s a fantastic place with<br />

such amazing children and supportive staff, and an real honour to<br />

be involved with.<br />

Bright Futures was founded in 2010 by Zoe Thompson and her<br />

late husband Dixon Milburn, as an independent school dedicated<br />

to helping children with autism from ages five up to 16.<br />

<strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong> invested over £1m in the build of the new 4,000sq ft<br />

school, which comprises 14 classrooms for one-to-one education,<br />

sensory and medical rooms, kitchen and dining areas, a reception<br />

area, staff room, outdoor space and on-site parking.<br />

Zoe Thompson, founder of Bright Futures School, said: “It just<br />

feels right, words cannot describe how happy and grateful we feel<br />

at the moment. It will make a huge difference to our pupils and<br />

staff to be in such a lovely and picturesque setting in a bespoke<br />

building designed to provide a classroom for every pupil.”

15<br />

SOCIAL<br />

VALUES<br />


<strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong> is proud to support local litter heroes by sharing<br />

litter picking equipment, in the past a cleaning up your<br />

community competition, as well as supporting homeless<br />

charities during the Covid pandemic by donating much<br />

needed disinfectant.<br />

We offer a Charity Pledge, matching employee donations for<br />

fundraising activities. In the past this has included the likes of<br />

Help for Hero’s, Royal British Legion, Friends of Bright Futures,<br />

Movember, Christies, Cancer Research, Race for Life and<br />

Pendleside Hospice.<br />

We reward performance with an Employee of the year<br />

award, offer a cycle to work scheme, a refer a friend reward<br />

programme, and health plan so staff can claim money back for<br />

everyday check-ups and treatments.

16<br />

SOCIAL<br />

VALUES<br />


We also support the local community including a raft of local<br />

sports teams, helping them to finance their seasons and even<br />

the shirts they wear on their backs.<br />

Our main support goes to the Saddleworth Olympics,<br />

which recently saw 858 children take part in the games in<br />

154 competitions across 13 different sports. This includes<br />

supplying 600 sports t-shirts for this year’s event.<br />

And we sponsor many of the local community sports teams<br />

including football, cricket, basketball and rugby league teams.<br />

We also support the Wellifest Saddleworth Show, Heywood<br />

Charities Fete, Circus Star, Greenfield Whit Friday and Friezland<br />

Whit Friday.

17<br />

SOCIAL<br />

VALUES<br />


To support employee wellbeing, we have processes in place to ensure that all our employees are treated fairly and with respect, and<br />

we are committed to creating a culture of inclusion and diversity. We promote a working environment that is free from bullying,<br />

harassment, victimisation and discrimination on any grounds.<br />

• All our employees, whether permanent, part time or temporary,<br />

are provided with information, instructions, training and<br />

supervision to enable them to perform their work in a safe and<br />

correct manner.<br />

• It is our policy to promote and protect the mental health<br />

and wellbeing of all our employees through good workplace<br />

practices and encourage everyone to take responsibility for<br />

their own mental health and wellbeing.<br />

• We are committed to protecting human rights and ensuring<br />

that there is no modern slavery and human trafficking in<br />

any part of our business. We have established an integrated<br />

approach to managing human rights across the business,<br />

including risks related to slavery and human trafficking.<br />

• We are committed to protecting the rights of young workers<br />

and will not engage in or tolerate any unlawful mistreatment in<br />

our workplace.<br />

• We are keen to support colleagues who volunteer and<br />

fundraise for charity. We are proud to make a positive<br />

contribution through the services we provide and encourage<br />

participation and engagement at all levels.<br />

• We recognise the social and environmental benefits of using<br />

local suppliers to support our premises and we believe in<br />

and support our local community. It is our aim to build strong<br />

relationships where possible.



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