Robert Scott 2022 ESG Report

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We became<br />

ISO 14001 certified.<br />

2020<br />

2021<br />

We were delighted to see the official<br />

opening of Bright Futures School<br />

for autistic children, funded and built<br />

by <strong>Robert</strong> <strong>Scott</strong>.<br />

We diverted seven tonnes of plastic<br />

waste from landfill by reducing the<br />

amount of mop packaging.<br />

2021<br />

2021<br />

We installed a grid of 330 solar<br />

panels which can produce 100kWh,<br />

resulting in a 50% reduction in<br />

electricity consumption at this site.<br />

We replaced key lines with recycled<br />

plastic saving 100 tonnes of virgin<br />

plastic.<br />

2021<br />

<strong>2022</strong><br />

We launched a new range called<br />

Ecofibre, which is made from recycled<br />

materials, including waste plastic<br />

bottles, nut shells and natural fibres.<br />

A combination of initiatives saves<br />

over 270 tonnes of plastic each<br />

year.<br />

2023<br />

2023<br />

Over the last four years reduced<br />

carbon emissions by 21% or 133<br />


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