Robert Scott 2022 ESG Report
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08<br />
IMPACT<br />
Corporate environmental impact covering waste,<br />
emissions and water.<br />
Since 2018, we have reduced our overall carbon emissions by<br />
21%, a step towards the ambitious target of becoming carbon<br />
neutral by 2045. That’s the equivalent of 133 tonnes of C02,<br />
and largely driven by more energy efficient technology.<br />
For example, in 2021 we installed a grid of 330 solar panels<br />
which can produce 100kWh, resulting in a 50% reduction in<br />
electricity consumption at this site. Surplus electricity is fed<br />
back into the National Grid.<br />
In the same year, and after moving to a zero-carbon energy<br />
provider, for the first time all electricity came from zero carbon<br />
hydro, wind and solar sources.<br />
In 2020, we installed LED lighting, replaced a heating,<br />
ventilation and air conditioning system, and upgraded building<br />