Robert Scott 2022 ESG Report

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09<br />


IMPACT<br />


We are shareholders of the local Saddleworth Community<br />

Hydro Electric scheme in the idyllic setting of Dovestones<br />

reservoir, which generates enough renewable energy to<br />

power 85 homes via the national grid, and an annual saving<br />

of 170 tonnes of CO 2<br />

.<br />

The dam height of 31m allows the use of a cross flow turbine<br />

driven by the continuous supply of compensation water<br />

flowing from the reservoir into Chew Brook to generate up<br />

to 51 kW for the next forty years or so. This is the first high<br />

head system in England to use an existing dam.<br />

We felt so strongly about this project that before work<br />

began, we provided a loan to help fund the project preshare<br />

stage. The project was an innovative way to generate<br />

renewable energy and an alternative to wind turbines,<br />

which aren’t permitted on the moors inside the Peak District<br />

National Park.

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