WWBA May 2023 Newsletter
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<strong>WWBA</strong> Member News and <strong>May</strong> Events<br />
Ninth Judicial District Gender Fairness Awards Ceremony<br />
from page 6<br />
thoughts and perceptions about this topic<br />
in a persuasive manner. Sure enough, the<br />
winners presented well-articulated perspectives<br />
and clear points of view, and the views<br />
expressed in the essays varied. Briefly, and<br />
generally, some suggested that the elimination<br />
of gender pronouns altogether could<br />
lead to a dystopian society in which everyone<br />
is seen as the same. By contrast, the<br />
use of expanded categories of gender pronouns<br />
could be critical to self-expression<br />
and self-identity, and society should be receptive<br />
to recognizing people by their<br />
unique expression. Another view suggested<br />
that the use of expanded categories of gender<br />
pronouns could be likened to political<br />
correctness, and that a better way to achieve<br />
equality and to promote the role of women<br />
in society would be by promoting access to<br />
education and positions of leadership.<br />
The winners received cash prizes and<br />
certificates from the Ninth Judicial District<br />
and local officials. The <strong>WWBA</strong> and other<br />
bar associations contributed funds in support<br />
of the awards, and congratulates the<br />
Award Recipients as follows:<br />
Freshman/Sophomore Category:<br />
❑ 1st Place – Mollie Aisner (Grade 9),<br />
New Rochelle High School<br />
❑ 2nd Place – <strong>May</strong>a Wichman (Grade<br />
10), John Jay High School<br />
Junior/Senior Category:<br />
❑ 1st Place – Sydnie Ampofo (Grade 11),<br />
Nyack High School<br />
❑ 2nd Place – Hinda Goldstein (Grade<br />
11), Fox Lane High School. ◗<br />
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○<br />
Award Recipients Pictured with Elected Officials and Judges, including (l to r) Westchester<br />
County District Attorney Miriam E. Rocah; the Honorable Anne E. Minihan, Administrative<br />
Judge, Ninth Judicial District; the Honorable Karen T. Beltran, Yonkers City Court Judge; the<br />
Honorable Helen M. Blackwood, Westchester County Court Judge; the Honorable James L.<br />
Hyer, Supreme Court Justice; and the Honorable Charles D. Wood, Supreme Court Justice<br />
Mollie Aisner, New Rochelle High School, won first place in the Freshman/Sophomore Category<br />
Jamie O’Connell<br />
Wealth Director<br />
701 Westchester Avenue<br />
White Plains, NY 10604<br />
T 914 299 3050 F 955 498 2839<br />
jamie.o’connell@bnymellon.com<br />
www.bnymellonwealth.com<br />
Thank You to<br />
our Mocktail<br />
Silver Anniversary<br />
Sponsors<br />
at the<br />
celebration of<br />
the <strong>WWBA</strong><br />
Foundation<br />
Mocktail Silver<br />
Anniversary.<br />
There is<br />
still time to<br />
contribute.<br />
Page 8<br />
Westchester Women’s Bar Association News