Summer Inside NIRMA Issue

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<strong>Inside</strong><br />

Leading the way in Nuclear Information and Records Management<br />

Keynote Speaker,<br />

Erin Hultman<br />

Shares NEI’s View<br />

of Nuclear Energy<br />

During <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />

Symposium<br />

magazine<br />

Visit us at: <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org<br />

Microfilm’s Second Life<br />

nextScan<br />

Message from the Board:<br />

Goldilocks and Nuclear Transition<br />

<strong>Issue</strong> # 17, <strong>Summer</strong> 2023


4<br />

7<br />

8<br />

Message from the Board: Goldilocks and Nuclear Transition<br />

By Bob Larrivee, Director of Technical Programs<br />

Microfilm’s Second Life<br />

By Brad Kvederis, Marketing & Research Manager, nextScan/ST Imaging<br />

Keynote Speaker, Erin Hultman Shares NEI’s View of Nuclear Energy<br />

During <strong>NIRMA</strong> Symposium<br />

5<br />

10<br />

13<br />

Symposium Corner<br />

By Bruce Walters, <strong>NIRMA</strong> Vice-President<br />

Chronicles of NIM: A Retrospective on Information Management in<br />

Nuclear Power<br />

By Eugene Yang, KISMET Consulting, Inc.<br />

SIGET: Focused on Artificial Intelligence<br />

By Ron J. Hedges<br />

2 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>

in every issue<br />


PDBU NEWS—16<br />

RIMBU NEWS—18<br />

M&MBU NEWS—19<br />


Letter from the Editors<br />

We at <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>, value your opinion and are<br />

always looking to improve our magazine. Let us<br />

know what you like and dislike and what you’d<br />

like to see more of. Share your thoughts with our<br />

Communication Team at<br />

DevereauxInc@outlook.com.<br />

If you haven’t already done so,<br />

please take a moment to follow<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong> on YouTube, Twitter<br />

and Instagram, like <strong>NIRMA</strong> on<br />

Facebook, and connect with<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong> on LinkedIn.<br />

Thanks for reading. Please keep in touch!<br />

Neal and Sandra Miller<br />

Editors<br />

Editors<br />

Neal and Sandra Miller<br />

DevereauxInc@outlook.com<br />

Advertising<br />

Neal.F.Miller@gmail.com<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong> Headquarters<br />

Sarah Perkins<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong> Administrator<br />

nirma@nirma.org<br />

In addition to our own<br />

articles, <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />

publishes guest articles from<br />

agencies and vendors. Please<br />

be advised that the views and<br />

opinions expressed in these<br />

articles are those of the<br />

authors and do not<br />

necessarily reflect the<br />

opinions of <strong>NIRMA</strong> or its<br />

Board of Directors.<br />

Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 3


O<br />

nce upon a time, nuclear<br />

power stations were large<br />

stationary facilities where all<br />

the information, records, and<br />

data were collected, classified, and<br />

maintained. This required personnel<br />

like Goldilocks, the Records<br />

Manager, to be onsite to capture,<br />

manage, store, retrieve, archive, and<br />

destroy information and records in<br />

accordance with regulatory and legal<br />

guidelines.<br />

Today, there are huge volumes of<br />

information and data being collected<br />

in various ways from stationary<br />

nuclear power generation facilities.<br />

This data could come from sources<br />

like digital sensors, other systems,<br />

mobile devices, web interfaces, and<br />

more. Even large format drawing and<br />

x-rays are part of this mix, making<br />

information and process<br />

management a growing challenge. As<br />

we like to say, the present is past, the<br />

future is now. In the case of nuclear<br />

power, we are seeing the emergence<br />

of Small Modular Reactors (SMR),<br />

designed to be much smaller in size<br />

for deployment in many locations –<br />

even transportable on a tractor<br />

trailer.<br />

The question for Goldilocks to<br />

ask is, what information will need to<br />

Goldilocks and Nuclear Transition<br />

By Bob Larrivee<br />

be captured in addition to the current<br />

set, how will these impact<br />

information management processes<br />

as in how Goldilocks will capture the<br />

information and manage the<br />

processes related to not only the<br />

smaller stationary nuclear power<br />

generation units, but also those<br />

which are mobile and transportable?<br />

Additionally, many energy<br />

corporations are seeking ways to<br />

expand production and sales of<br />

hydrogen, the by-product of nuclear<br />

power generation. This then begs the<br />

question of who will be responsible<br />

to capture that information and<br />

defining exactly how this impacts<br />

information and process<br />

management by the nuclear<br />

information professionals. Or does<br />

it?<br />

In Our View<br />

Technology development today for<br />

the commercial use of nuclear power<br />

generations promises to bring about<br />

a new age in information and data<br />

capture. It also presents challenges in<br />

the processes used to capture and<br />

manage information as well as data<br />

protection. We have a good handle<br />

on how to protect data once<br />

captured and stored, but what of the<br />

transmission of the data from an<br />

SMR to a central information<br />

management facility?<br />

Perhaps there will be onsite<br />

information managers at each SMR,<br />

but what then of the mobile<br />

reactors? And looking at the future<br />

from a more universal view,<br />

questioning what will be required of<br />

Goldilocks when nuclear power<br />

generation takes place on the Moon<br />

and Mars.<br />

The time is now to be aware of<br />

tomorrow’s technology and prepare<br />

for how your organization can<br />

incorporate it securely and<br />

productively. Information<br />

professionals, like Goldilocks, must<br />

not look at their worlds in the<br />

present with the approach that this<br />

plant is too big, this plant is too<br />

small, and this plant is just right.<br />

There must be a broader view that<br />

there can be, and should be<br />

standardized methods, practices, and<br />

information that is captured<br />

regardless of size and portability.<br />

We encourage you to join us in<br />

August for the <strong>NIRMA</strong> 23<br />

Symposium in Las Vegas. There you<br />

will find answers to some questions<br />

and learn to question some answers.<br />

Additionally, you will continue to<br />

meet other information management<br />

professionals, build your network of<br />

contacts, and exchange ideas on how<br />

to best plan, for the future. The<br />

educational sessions cover a variety<br />

of topics ranging from basic records<br />

management practices, to using the<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong> technical guidelines in your<br />

current practices, to what the future<br />

holds in relation to incorporating<br />

Artificial Intelligence (AI) into your<br />

information management ecosystem.<br />

We look forward to seeing you at<br />

the Symposium and the opportunity<br />

to discuss the exciting and expanding<br />

world of nuclear information and<br />

records management.<br />

4 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>

t<br />

he 2023 Nuclear Information Management<br />

Symposium (August 7-9) and Business<br />

Unit / SIGET Meetings (August 10) at the<br />

spectacular JW Marriott Resort and Spa in Las<br />

Vegas, Nevada are just weeks away.<br />

Once again, we have a mixture of seasoned<br />

(mature) and brand-new (vibrant) speakers and topics<br />

lined up for you. This year we will have international<br />

participation from the United Arab Emirates, Japan,<br />

and Korea. Shall we preview the Keynotes? But of<br />

course.<br />

Ms. Erin Hultman with Nuclear Energy Institute<br />

(NEI) is our kickoff Keynote speaker addressing NEI’s<br />

view on the bright outlook for nuclear energy in the<br />

U.S. and the world.<br />

Mr. Sadamaro Yamashita with NRM Holdings in<br />

Tokyo, Japan, will once again join <strong>NIRMA</strong> to address<br />

the revival of nuclear energy in Japan and their new<br />

digital Regulatory Information Management (RIM)<br />

system.<br />

Mr. Eric Williams with TerraPower will address<br />

insight into their Natrium Small Modular Reactors.<br />

General sessions will include:<br />

• Decommissioning Report from SONGS<br />

• Nuclear Information Technology Strategic<br />

Leadership (NITSL) / <strong>NIRMA</strong> – Bad Day in SQA<br />

and Impact to Nuclear Power<br />

• Numerous standard fundamentals sessions,<br />

including Electronic Records, Document Control,<br />

Records Management, and Federal Regulations<br />

• Special Interest Group for Emerging Technologies<br />

(SIGET) sessions<br />

• Numerous Domestic and International Case<br />

Studies<br />

• Configuration Management – in Korea and<br />

Configuration Management Benchmarking Group<br />

(CMBG) 4 th element to 3-ball diagram<br />

• Nuclear Quality Assurance Audit<br />

• Electronic / Digital Signatures Benchmarking<br />

• Utilities and Government Updates &<br />

Benchmarking<br />

• Assisting Litigation – favorable outcomes due to<br />

Information Governance (IG) & RIM<br />

• Digital Transformation and Nuclear Utilities<br />

• Successful Succession Planning, Leave a Legacy<br />

• Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM)<br />

Panel Discussion<br />

• and so many more.<br />

Following the sessions, we will have a Welcome<br />

Reception on Monday, August 7 and the Exhibitor<br />

Hall Reception will be going strong on Tuesday,<br />

August 8. All are part of your paid registrations, as<br />

well as membership dues for 2024.<br />

Registration for the Symposium and hotel<br />

reservation links are available here. We encourage you<br />

to come for our 47 th gathering. Once again, the<br />

Symposium will be well worth your while to attend.<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong>23<br />

Symposium<br />

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Microfilm’s Second Life<br />

F<br />

or almost 10 years,<br />

Micrographics Data Pte Ltd.<br />

has been an authorized<br />

reseller of ST Imaging<br />

microfilm readers in the Southeast<br />

Asia region – a relationship that<br />

dates all the way back to the<br />

ViewScan I. More recently, they<br />

came aboard as a nextScan<br />

distributor for their home country of<br />

Singapore. It’s been a productive<br />

partnership to be sure, but probably<br />

the most interesting thing about<br />

them is actually the opposite of what<br />

we do. Micrographics Data (MD) is<br />

one of just a few companies in the<br />

world that is actively helping create<br />

new microfilm.<br />

You didn’t misread that! Right<br />

now, in 2023, people are still making<br />

microfilm – actual, physical rolls of<br />

microfilm – and what’s more,<br />

according to MD Head of Business<br />

Development, Kelvin Ong, they’re<br />

making lots of it.<br />

To be sure, the microfilm scene<br />

today is nothing like its heyday in the<br />

1970s and ‘80s, when everything went<br />

Digital Archive Writer, MD AW3<br />

on film as the mass storage media of<br />

choice. When Kelvin’s father, Mr<br />

Samuel Ong, got into the business in<br />

1989, he was just in time to catch the<br />

tail end of the film era and the<br />

beginning of the digital age. The big<br />

difference between then and now,<br />

the younger Ong says, is that people<br />

are a lot more selective about what<br />

needs to go on microfilm.<br />

“Before computers, your default<br />

format for storing the information<br />

that you used every day was either<br />

film or paper, and film took up a lot<br />

less space,” he explains. “Today, you<br />

would never use film for day-to-day<br />

access. But for long-term, sometimes<br />

generational storage, it’s still<br />

unmatched. Modern LE-500<br />

microfilm, stored under controlled<br />

conditions, has a life expectancy of<br />

up to 500 years, and there’s just no<br />

digital equivalent of that.”<br />

Many of Micrographics Data’<br />

biggest customers are,<br />

unsurprisingly, government agencies<br />

with troves of important records to<br />

preserve. Even in those cases, Kelvin<br />

says, only perhaps 10 to 15 percent<br />

of the documents on file are actually<br />

deemed worthy of being transferred<br />

to film.<br />

The other big difference between<br />

film then and now is the production<br />

process itself. Making a film copy of<br />

a piece of paper worked about the<br />

same as taking a picture of it. Most<br />

of today’s film has to be made from<br />

digital files, which takes a different<br />

kind of machine that very few<br />

companies know how to make.<br />

Micrographics Data began<br />

manufacturing its own such<br />

By Brad Kvederis,<br />

Marketing & Research Manager<br />

machine, called the Digital Archive<br />

Writer, MD AW3, in an attempt to<br />

conquer the microfilm production<br />

market in Southeast Asia. So far,<br />

they seem to be doing exactly that.<br />

On top of it, they have also<br />

manufactured digital microfilm<br />

processors with the latest model MD<br />

PRO3.<br />

In fact, you could say that MD are<br />

experts, not just in microfilm, but in<br />

all types of document preservation.<br />

Another arm of the company<br />

focuses on protecting physical paper<br />

collections in museums and libraries<br />

– dealing in equipment for things<br />

like climate control, mold removal<br />

from documents, and anoxic<br />

chambers for insect eradication.<br />

It’s an impressive resume, and an<br />

ideal fit for both the microfilm<br />

readers we make at ST Imaging and<br />

with the conversion scanners made<br />

by nextScan. In fact, until this<br />

February, Micrographics Data was<br />

already selling a competitor’s<br />

conversion scanners, but in part<br />

thanks to our strong existing<br />

MD PRO3<br />

Continued on page 8.<br />

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ANNOUNCING <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />

Symposium Keynote Speaker:<br />

Erin Hultman,<br />

Nuclear Energy Institute<br />

(NEI) Vice-President, Member<br />

and Corporate Services, Chief<br />

Financial Officer<br />

E<br />

rin Hultman is NEI’s Vice President of<br />

Member and Corporate Services, and Chief<br />

Financial Officer. Hultman is responsible for<br />

NEI’s human resources and organizational<br />

development and training activities, finance and<br />

accounting, and investment management. She is also<br />

NEI’s Treasurer.<br />

Erin has over 25 years’ experience assisting nonprofit<br />

organizations align their resource allocation to the<br />

mission. She is a tax-exempt specialist responsible for<br />

financial strategy, business development, and regulatory<br />

compliance.<br />

Prior to joining NEI, Erin served as the chief<br />

financial officer of the American College of<br />

Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Her strong<br />

background in association management includes work at<br />

membership and trade organizations and as a senior<br />

audit manager at a national public accounting firm.<br />

Erin holds a bachelor’s degree in Business<br />

Administration from James Madison University and a<br />

Masters of Taxation from George Mason University.<br />

She is a licensed CPA in the Commonwealth of Virginia.<br />

Ms. Hultman will discuss NEI’s view on the status<br />

of nuclear energy in the U.S. and the world.<br />

Continued from page 7.<br />

relationship on the reader side, we were able to convince<br />

them to switch to nextScan products instead (thanks to<br />

Ninad Chavan, our APAC regional manager, for helping<br />

bring about that change).<br />

On a personal note, Kelvin also takes pride in the<br />

fact that, as of this May, Micrographics Data was<br />

recognized with Singapore’s Silver Enabling Mark, a<br />

national accreditation for companies that use inclusive<br />

hiring practices for the disabled. This level of the award<br />

was presented to MD based on their practices and<br />

outcomes in disability inclusion assessed over 6<br />

categories:<br />

1. Leadership, Culture and Climate<br />

2. Recruitment Practices<br />

3. Workplace Accessibility and Accommodations<br />

4. Employment Practices<br />

5. Community Engagement and Promotion<br />

Extent of Inclusive Hiring<br />

“Apart from the work we do at the company, we like<br />

to try to contribute something back to society and do<br />

some good in our world,” Kelvin says. “I like to think<br />

that preserving history for future generations will benefit<br />

them as well as us, and it feels good to be recognized for<br />

doing right by our employees also.”<br />

8 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>

Computer-Guided Work<br />

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was asked, one day: “Do you know any records<br />

management jokes?”<br />

<br />

Why are records managers seen as the lone<br />

bureaucratic minion, stuck in an office the size of a<br />

broom closet, accessing a giant room of never-ending<br />

shelves of banker boxes? Why are the doors locked,<br />

airless, and usually dark, with a single desk lamp as the<br />

only appliance that lightens the daily slog? What is it<br />

about “records management” that signals humorless,<br />

dour depictions?<br />

Uh, because it really is that way? Perhaps, the<br />

following seven points can illuminate this point for you:<br />

You work in a regulated industry, and it’s a<br />

requirement. But there’s always push back<br />

from the other departments…<br />

By Eugene Y. Yang,<br />

Principal Consultant<br />

KISMET Consulting, Inc.<br />

In this edition’s column, I thought I would interject some levity, as I know that<br />

you all are working hard to do your jobs, keep your plants in compliance, and<br />

care about quality and service. This one is for you!<br />

i<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

You’re all about retention and protection…<br />

Sometimes you have allies…<br />

10 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>

4<br />

But, most of the time… (Engineers, c’mon!)<br />

7<br />

Ultimately, you just want to serve your<br />

customers!<br />

5<br />

Maybe it’s how you’re perceived…<br />

6<br />

Maybe it’s the technology that you deploy…<br />

Let me leave you with this:<br />

How many Records<br />

Managers does it take<br />

to screw in a lightbulb<br />

in their Director’s<br />

office?<br />

Many have tried, but the<br />

light never comes on.<br />

Eugene has been a member of <strong>NIRMA</strong> for over 35<br />

years, and served as President from<br />

1999-2001. At the time he joined,<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong> had only been in existence for<br />

11 years. He would love to hear about<br />

stories and anecdotes from others, so<br />

please email him at<br />

eugene.yang@kismetconsulting.com.<br />

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siget:<br />

Focused on artificial<br />

intelligence<br />

t<br />

By Ron J. Hedges<br />

T<br />

he earlier Message from the Board incorporates<br />

“Goldilocks and Nuclear Transition,” written by<br />

Bob Larrivee. In that piece, Bob discusses the<br />

challenges that new technologies might present<br />

for records and information managers as the nuclear<br />

industry confronts, among other things, artificial<br />

intelligence (AI) in its many “guises.” AI can be used,<br />

for example, to replace traditional paperwork with<br />

electronic records, sift through massive amounts of data<br />

to respond to research inquiries, and, more<br />

controversially, use data to create “original” content<br />

through generative AI such as ChatGPT and assist in or<br />

make hiring decisions.<br />

All this means that, as with any new technology, a<br />

number of questions should be asked when thinking<br />

about -- or choosing -- AI; however, we might define it.<br />

These questions include:<br />

• How should the risks and benefits of AI be<br />

evaluated?<br />

• Who should undertake the evaluation and who<br />

should the decisionmaker be?<br />

• When and how should audits or assessments be<br />

undertaken?<br />

• What additional regulatory obligations might be<br />

triggered?<br />

• What happens when there is a “failure” in terms of<br />

reporting and remediation obligations?<br />

SIGET is the “Special Interest Group on Emerging<br />

Technologies” that was created by <strong>NIRMA</strong> to research<br />

new technologies and enable the assessment of how a<br />

specific technology could impact information and<br />

records management practices in the nuclear industry.<br />

The SIGET team chose to focus on AI as its initial topic<br />

of interest.<br />

SIGET will also<br />

work with the<br />

Regulations and<br />

Information<br />

Management<br />

Business Unit (RIMBU) and the Professional<br />

Development Business Unit (PDBU) on the creation of<br />

technical guidelines (TGs), position papers, white<br />

papers, and educational materials for new technologies.<br />

The questions posed above are among those that<br />

SIGET might consider as it looks at any emerging<br />

technology.<br />

This article is intended to assist in the opening of a<br />

discussion of AI at the <strong>NIRMA</strong> 23 Symposium and,<br />

more generally, how the nuclear industry might<br />

approach whatever technology “comes down the road.”<br />

Remember, there was a time when punch cards were<br />

new!<br />

Not a <strong>NIRMA</strong> Member?<br />

Click here and join TODAY!<br />

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Tammy Cutts, <strong>NIRMA</strong> Treasurer<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Financial Holdings<br />

as of May 31, 2023<br />

Checking Account $82,252.66<br />

Investment Account $85,871.90<br />

14 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>

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Professional Development<br />

Business Unit (PDBU) News<br />

Lou Rofrano, PDBU Director<br />

It’s offIcIally summer!<br />

T<br />

ime for vacations, beach<br />

attire, a cold drink, and<br />

relaxing. It's also a good<br />

time to look back at the Professional<br />

Development Business Unit (PDBU)<br />

accomplishments and look forward<br />

to the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Symposium this<br />

August!<br />

Looking Back:<br />

2022-23 in Review<br />

The PDBU, along with our partners<br />

at iBridge, hosted seven webinars for<br />

the 2022 - 23 season. The following<br />

webinars were presented by subject<br />

matter experts in our industry. An<br />

average of 30 people attended each<br />

webinar.<br />

• <strong>NIRMA</strong> Business Unit overview<br />

- Stephanie Price, Kathi Cole<br />

(CRM), Lou Rofrano<br />

• Mothers for Nuclear - Kristin<br />

Zaitz (Diablo Canyon)<br />

• Get Your House in Order - Erik<br />

Wold (Information First)<br />

• Secure Destruction of Records<br />

Both Paper and Digital - Lou<br />

Rofrano (AMS Store and Shred)<br />

• Cloud Service Offerings in the<br />

Nuclear Environment - Danny<br />

Stewart and Joshua Jenkins (GE-<br />

Hitachi Nuclear Energy)<br />

• SIGET - A deep dive into the<br />

uses of AI by the industry -<br />

Judge Ron Hedges (Ret.) and<br />

Stephen Fleshman (Cohesive<br />

Group)<br />

• 2023 Symposium Overview -<br />

Bruce Walters (CRM/NS)<br />

(AECOM)<br />

The PDBU appreciates each of<br />

the presenters for taking time to<br />

share their expertise, and Ethan<br />

Hayden at iBridge for hosting and<br />

recording the webinars. Thank you!<br />

Looking Forward:<br />

The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Symposium<br />

Have you registered for the<br />

symposium yet? You ARE going to<br />

the symposium, aren't you?! The<br />

Symposium Schedule will be<br />

available soon. Here's a few tips to<br />

maximize the event:<br />

• Review the symposium<br />

schedule - This year's<br />

symposium is packed with<br />

keynote speakers, sessions,<br />

vendor exhibits, and more. Plus,<br />

consider staying an extra day to<br />

attend and participate in the<br />

business unit (BU) meetings. The<br />

BU meetings are where we plan<br />

the next steps for <strong>NIRMA</strong>, and<br />

we'd love to have your input!<br />

• Highlight the sessions that<br />

you want to attend - You'll<br />

want to review the offerings and<br />

plan which sessions to attend.<br />

There are multiple sessions in<br />

each time slot, so pick your<br />

favorites or split up the sessions<br />

with a colleague or friend.<br />

• Identify the vendors and<br />

people you want to connect<br />

with - The symposium schedule<br />

contains the vendors and vendor<br />

exhibit times. You'll want to plan<br />

to see all the vendors and<br />

prioritize which ones you spend<br />

the most time with. <strong>NIRMA</strong> has<br />

awesome vendors! You'll also<br />

want to plan to connect with<br />

friends and colleagues from<br />

across the industry, and make<br />

time to make new connections/<br />

friends too!<br />

• Earn Certified Records<br />

Analyst (CRA) and Certified<br />

Records Manager (CRM)<br />

Certification Maintenance<br />

Points (CMP) - Attendees of<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong> 2023 Symposium are<br />

eligible for CMP from the<br />

Institute of Certified Records<br />

Managers (ICRM). CRA and<br />

CRM need these points to<br />

remain current in their<br />

certification. Individuals who<br />

hold the Federal Specialist (FS)<br />

or Nuclear Specialist (NS)<br />

designations are eligible to earn<br />

CMPs for their designations by<br />

attending the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />

Symposium.<br />

Stay cool and safe this summer.<br />

Your PDBU leaders, Lou Rofrano<br />

and Gil Brueckner, look forward to<br />

connecting with you this August at<br />

the <strong>NIRMA</strong> symposium!<br />

16 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>


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Regulations and Information<br />

Management Business Unit<br />

(RIMBU) News<br />

By Stephanie Price, RIMBU Director<br />

Industry Benchmark - Doing More with Less<br />

I<br />

n February of this year, RIMBU and <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />

distributed a benchmarking survey with the goal<br />

of gathering the most up-to-date information on<br />

the state of our industry. The call to action for<br />

the past several years has been to streamline, simplify,<br />

eliminate, and innovate. The pandemic only<br />

accelerated those initiatives and also presented us with<br />

new challenges as individuals began working from<br />

home. It is RIMBU’s goal to provide the larger<br />

organization with information on best practices and<br />

new innovations while helping utilities remain aligned<br />

with our core standards and regulations.<br />

If you have not already done so, please fill out the<br />

survey. Myself or our <strong>NIRMA</strong> administrator can<br />

provide the link if needed. Results of the survey will<br />

be shared during the utility benchmarking sessions at<br />

this year’s Symposium.<br />

RIMBU 2023 <strong>Summer</strong> Meeting<br />

The RIMBU team will hold our annual <strong>Summer</strong><br />

meeting on August 10th following the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />

Symposium. Topics up for discussion are:<br />

• Industry Foundation Class (IFC) file format for<br />

3D Models<br />

• The Four TGs on Electronic Records<br />

Management<br />

• A white paper on the value proposition of records<br />

management for emerging technologies<br />

• How can we broaden our involvement with other<br />

organizations (e.g., AIIM, ASME, ARMA,<br />

NITSL)<br />

The summer meeting is open to everyone. RIMBU is<br />

a great opportunity to benchmark with others in the<br />

industry, share valuable operating experience, and<br />

have the opportunity to influence industry standard<br />

guidance in records management.<br />

If you’re interested in joining, please reach out to<br />

me at sjprice@southernco.com.<br />

<strong>NIRMA</strong>23 Symposium,<br />

⬧ August 7-9, 2023<br />

⬧ August 10, 2023 – Business<br />

Unit Meetings<br />

Held at the<br />

JW Marriott Resort and Spa<br />

Las Vegas, Nevada<br />

18 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>



Business Unit News<br />

W<br />

e are less than two months away from the<br />

2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong> Symposium. Time to start<br />

really thinking about attending the<br />

symposium. There are great ways to enjoy and<br />

participate in the learning and fun.<br />

We will again have fantastic Keynotes and wonderful<br />

Speakers this year. So much to learn and the<br />

networking opportunity is amazing.<br />

Do you have a vendor or vendors that you do<br />

business with that could benefit from participating in<br />

the <strong>NIRMA</strong> symposium? There may be other<br />

members of <strong>NIRMA</strong> that could benefit from your<br />

vendors and may need exactly what you have in use in<br />

your organization. Please share the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />

symposium information with your vendors and ask<br />

them if they are interested in being a part of it.<br />

Devin Cote, M&MBU Director<br />

“BRING-a-BUDDY”<br />

Consider bringing a colleague to the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />

Symposium from your organization, such as IT, your<br />

boss, procedure writers, auditors, engineers, etc. They<br />

won’t be disappointed with the array of topics covered<br />

and the networking with industry peers. It is a perfect<br />

way to orient newer personnel in your work team to<br />

learn the fundamentals alongside the regulations. Take<br />

advantage!<br />

Remember to register<br />

by July 1st to receive the<br />

Early Bird Discount!<br />

M&MBU is looking for new members to help come<br />

up with new ideas to bring new members to <strong>NIRMA</strong>,<br />

as well as how to share everyone’s expertise with the<br />

membership. M&MBU meets the first Wednesday<br />

every month for one hour at 1:00 PM EST. Please join<br />

us. We are a fun group to work with.<br />

For additional information or questions on anything<br />

mentioned above, please contact nirma@nirma.org.<br />

Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 19

Demand for nuclear energy is unprecedented, with<br />

more and more reports predicting nuclear output will<br />

have to increase substantially to meet energy transition<br />

targets. And that new reality for nuclear was on full<br />

display at last week’s Nuclear Energy Assembly (NEA)<br />

in Washington, D.C.<br />

main objectives will be to strengthen Tennessee’s<br />

existing nuclear industry, allocate $50 million of<br />

incentives, and attract private companies to the state.<br />

Federal and state government officials realize the<br />

power of nuclear is not just in decarbonizing the grid.<br />

Both Congress and the Biden administration have<br />

made moves to not only protect our existing fleet, but<br />

also to incentivize advanced nuclear and restore<br />

American leadership in the industry. During NEA, U.S.<br />

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers addressed recent<br />

efforts to signal to markets that the U.S. is serious about<br />

establishing energy security and using nuclear to do it.<br />

And it’s not just the federal government that’s itching<br />

for more nuclear—states, too, are joining the fray.<br />

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee announced at NEA the launch<br />

of a Nuclear Energy Advisory Council. The task force’s<br />

Nuclear can also provide long-lasting, good-paying jobs<br />

and reinvigorate communities in the process. NEI<br />

President and CEO Maria Korsnick spoke about how<br />

four coal communities in Wyoming competed for the<br />

chance to site TerraPower’s first Natrium reactor.<br />

But excitement for nuclear energy isn’t contained to<br />

just government officials. Nuclear is taking Hollywood<br />

and Wall Street by storm! “Nuclear Now” documentary<br />

co-writer Joshua Goldstein spoke to NEA attendees<br />

about his own journey with nuclear power and answered<br />

questions on how to breakdown fear—and what it was<br />

20 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>

Support for<br />

Nuclear up in<br />

the US, DOE<br />

Awards $22.1 Million to Nuclear Tech<br />

Support for nuclear technology as a source of<br />

electricity in the United States is at its highest level since<br />

2012, according to a Gallup poll.<br />

The Indian Point Energy Center nuclear power plant<br />

in Buchanan New York, closed since April 2021. (Source:<br />

Reuters/Mike Segar)<br />

The poll was taken March 1-23 of a random sample<br />

of 1,009 people living in all 50 states and the district of<br />

Columbia.<br />

like working with Oliver Stone on the film!<br />

While Oliver Stone and Joshua Goldstein tackle public<br />

opinion, private investment is another crucial piece to<br />

realizing the 400 to 800 gigawatts of advanced nuclear<br />

that McKinsey predicts for the global energy transition.<br />

And nuclear is starting to get the attention of<br />

investors—maybe because nuclear is the largest clean<br />

energy source available and the only clean energy source<br />

that has the power to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors<br />

like the manufacturing and chemical industries.<br />

Indeed, Pelican Energy Partners, a private equity firm<br />

that historically invested in oilfield services,<br />

recently announced a new fund strategy that centers<br />

Fifty-five percent of U.S. adults said they “strongly”<br />

or “somewhat” favor the use of nuclear energy, a fourpercentage-point<br />

increase from a year earlier, the poll<br />

noted.<br />

Forty four percent of Americans “strongly” or<br />

“somewhat” oppose such use, down from 47% in 2022.<br />

U.S. citizens tend to be more amenable to the use of<br />

nuclear energy when oil prices have been high and less<br />

open to it when oil prices are low, the study noted.<br />

Public support for the technology hit a high in 2010,<br />

a year before the disaster at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear<br />

Power Plant in 2011, at 62%.<br />

Some 25% strongly favor nuclear power use, 30%<br />

somewhat favor it, while 22% each strongly and<br />

somewhat oppose its usage, the poll showed.<br />

The attitude toward nuclear power is divided among<br />

political lines, with 62% of Republican voters, 46% of<br />

Democrat voters, and 56% of independents favoring its<br />

use to generate electricity.<br />

nuclear energy.<br />

Continued on page 24.<br />

The challenge before us isn’t demand—<br />

it’s meeting demand. And the industry must deliver.<br />

In a recent interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the<br />

Press, NEI President and CEO Maria Korsnick<br />

imagined a future where every town has a reactor.<br />

Because the world needs nuclear energy for what it<br />

provides: energy security, national security, and climate<br />

security. But the world<br />

also wants nuclear energy for what it<br />

provides: hydrogen production,<br />

process heat, nuclear medicine, highpaying<br />

jobs, reliable<br />

power, and more.<br />

Article reprinted with permission of<br />

NEI. Read full article here.<br />

Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 21

Waste will see<br />

combination of repositories, boreholes,<br />

recycling the moon<br />

Recycling is being explored by several companies<br />

developing next-generation reactors,<br />

including Oklo, Orano, Moltex, and Elysium, but until<br />

these technologies are fully commercialized, and with<br />

the public uneasy over on-site storage, waste burial is<br />

the next best option.<br />

Used nuclear fuel in a storage pool at Orano nuclear<br />

waste processing plant in La Hague, France (Source: Reuters/Stephane<br />

Mahe)<br />

Low-level waste (LLW), including clothing,<br />

instruments, and machinery, accounts for around 90%<br />

by volume of all the waste types produced by nuclear<br />

technologies and can be stored safely via land-based<br />

disposal immediately after it is packaged for long-term<br />

management, according to the World Nuclear<br />

Association.<br />

Intermediate-level waste (ILW) contains long-lived<br />

radioisotopes and is stored pending permanent disposal,<br />

while high-level waste (HLW), or spent nuclear fuel<br />

(SNF) may be kept in ponds or dry casks.<br />

The global solutions for ILW and HLW are currently<br />

framed as temporary – though many argue that dry cask<br />

storage at the reactor site or centrally is sufficiently<br />

secure – and the next step is recycling for the new<br />

advanced reactors or to bury it deep underground.<br />

Consent-based siting<br />

By Paul Day<br />

Today, the Posiva Oy facility Onkalo in Finland is the<br />

only permanent geological repository that is licensed<br />

and in construction.<br />

The practice of consent-based siting, whereby a site is<br />

chosen after an exhaustive public inquiry into whether a<br />

particular location is acceptable, has tripped up<br />

governments worldwide.<br />

So-called NIMBYism (Not In My Back Yard) is<br />

common in much of North America and Europe, where<br />

trust in public entities is low, and can lead to long<br />

delays.<br />

There is about 86,000 tons of SNF stored on-site at 75<br />

operating or shutdown power plants in 33 states in the<br />

United States and, of those who believe in nuclear<br />

power, less than half support keeping spent fuel within<br />

50 miles of their own communities, according to a<br />

Morning Consult poll.<br />

Meanwhile, one in three Americans already live within<br />

50 miles of a nuclear waste storage site, according to the<br />

company Deep Isolation.<br />

The U.S.’s long-preferred option of Yucca<br />

Mountain in Nevada was abandoned after strong<br />

opposition both locally and statewide by the public,<br />

local indigenous communities, and, consequently, many<br />

politicians.<br />

The U.S. Congress directed the Department of Energy<br />

(DOE) to concentrate on the Yucca Mountain site from<br />

22 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>

nine other candidates in 1987 and the Secretary of<br />

Energy recommended the site to the President in 2002.<br />

Strong state opposition lead the government to drop<br />

the Nevada option more than 20 years later in 2009.<br />

In Switzerland, the National Cooperative for the<br />

Disposal of Radioactive Waste (Nagra) announced in<br />

September 2022 it had selected a site at Nördlich<br />

Lägern, north of Zurich. Nagra expects to submit a<br />

construction license by 2024.<br />

“A key difference that we've heard from our Swiss<br />

colleagues is that in their country there is a lot of trust in<br />

their government and government scientists, so if the<br />

government says that this is the most scientifically and<br />

technically sound sites, the public will generally accept<br />

that,” said Acting Office Director of Integrated Waste<br />

Management at the U.S. DOE Erica Bickford during the<br />

American Nuclear Society Webinar ‘Spending time on<br />

spent nuclear fuel.’<br />

“I think we know that that may not be the case<br />

everywhere,” she added.<br />

Overview of inventory suitability for Deep Borehole<br />

Disposal (DBD)<br />

Deep and narrow<br />

Berkeley, California-based company Deep Isolation<br />

attempts to apply directional drilling technology to<br />

nuclear waste management and, instead of building a<br />

repository with deep, wide caverns and storage units,<br />

focuses on inserting waste into narrow bore holes that<br />

can reach hundreds of meters into the earth.<br />

“You don't have anybody underground, so you don't<br />

have the kind of mining concerns you'd have with<br />

humans underground, including the ventilation and<br />

other aspects. And, so, it does allow you to do this more<br />

safely and efficiently,” says Deep Isolation's Chief<br />

Operating Officer Rod Baltzer.<br />

Each fuel assembly is around 15 feet (4.6 meters) long<br />

and fits into a standard canister of a little less than 15<br />

inches (38.1 cm) wide or 47 cm wide for larger waste<br />

forms such as vitrified HLW. Each borehole, about 18-<br />

inch-wide, can hold some 200 canisters.<br />

Borehole repositories leave waste in stable geological<br />

formations and are particularly well suited for HLW.<br />

Following an initial study into the suitability of parts<br />

of the UK nuclear waste inventory for Deep Isolation’s<br />

boreholes, the country’s Nuclear Waste Service (NWS)<br />

found that, while a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF)<br />

would also be necessary, the company’s solution could<br />

be considered to dispose of all of the UK’s high heat<br />

generating waste inventory.<br />

Deep Isolation found 11% of the UK’s Inventory for<br />

Geological Disposal (IGD) is operationally and<br />

commercially suitable for disposal in a deep borehole<br />

repository, or all the high heat generating waste<br />

(HHGW).<br />

That would account for 96% of the IGD’s<br />

radioactivity levels in 2200, according to the Nuclear<br />

Decommissioning Authority’s (NDA’s) calculations.<br />

HHGW would typically need to be spaced out within<br />

a mined repository so heat concentration doesn’t rise<br />

too high, a problem which can be solved by placing long<br />

canisters end-to-end in a borehole.<br />

Article reprinted with permission of Reuters. Read full article here.<br />

Source: Deep Isolation study "Deep Isolation and ERDO:<br />

Preliminary assessment of a Deep Isolation borehole repository<br />

as a disposal option for nuclear waste in the ERDO countries."<br />

Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 23

Atomics, and Terrestrial Energy.<br />

ORNL develops AR radiation tool<br />

Continued from page 21.<br />

Democrat support has increased to 46% in 2023<br />

from 39% in 2022, while Republican and Independent<br />

support remained steady year on year.<br />

DOE awards grant to advanced nuclear tech<br />

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has awarded<br />

$22.1 million to 10 industry-led current and advanced<br />

nuclear reactor demonstration projects, the DOE said in<br />

a statement.<br />

The awards will help advance nuclear technology and<br />

ensure nuclear power continues to play a crucial role in<br />

President Joe Biden’s emission reduction and climate<br />

change goals, the DOE said.<br />

Two of the projects are aimed at expanding clean<br />

hydrogen production with nuclear energy and another is<br />

focused on bringing a microreactor design closer to<br />

deployment.<br />

Other projects intend to tackle nuclear regulatory<br />

hurdles, improve operations of existing reactors, and<br />

facilitate new advanced reactor developments, it said.<br />

The projects are funded through the office of<br />

Nuclear Energy’s industry funding opportunity<br />

announcement (iFOA) which, since 2018, has invested<br />

more than $230 million into 48 projects from 31<br />

different companies across 18 states.<br />

To date, 28 of the projects have been completed<br />

successfully.<br />

The hydrogen project teams include General Electric<br />

Global Research and Westinghouse Electric Company,<br />

while other project teams include work by X-Energy,<br />

EPRI, 3M Company, and Constellation Energy<br />

Generation.<br />

Four projects will look at how to breakdown<br />

regulatory hurdles and include teams from RhioCorps,<br />

Analysis and Measurement Services Corp., General<br />

Researchers at the DOE’s Oak Ridge National<br />

Laboratory (ORNL) have developed an augmented<br />

reality (AR) tool that creates accurate visual<br />

representations of ionizing radiation, the laboratory said<br />

in a statement.<br />

The tech has been licensed by Teletrix, a firm that<br />

creates advanced simulation tools to train the nation’s<br />

radiation control workforce.<br />

Ionizing radiation has enough energy to knock<br />

electrons off atoms or molecules, creating ions, and is<br />

linked to cancer and other health problems.<br />

Occupational exposure is a common occurrence for<br />

many radiological workers, the ORNL said.<br />

“This technology will allow radiological workers to<br />

better understand the environments they work in,<br />

enabling a safer and more informed workforce,” ORNL<br />

deputy for science and technology Susan Hubbard said.<br />

“We combined physics-based data with a gaming<br />

interface that provides a visual platform to make<br />

something invisible look and feel real – we took science<br />

and cinematography and brought them together,” said<br />

ORNL’s Michael Smith.<br />

The development team expected the technology to be<br />

used for radiological survey, radiation source search, and<br />

radiological workflow, the statement said.<br />

Microsoft signs fusion PPA with Helion<br />

Microsoft has a reached an agreement with Helion<br />

Energy to buy electricity from its first fusion power<br />

plant, the company’s first customer and the first<br />

consumer to sign a power purchase agreement for<br />

electricity generated by fusion, Helion said in a<br />

statement.<br />

Helion is one of amongst the more than 30<br />

companies and government research laboratories<br />

looking at fusion, the process that powers the sun and<br />

stars but has still not been successfully exploited on<br />

Earth to generate electricity.<br />

24 <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>


August 7-9, 2023 – Symposium<br />

August 10, 2023 – Business Unit Meetings<br />

JW Marriott Resort & Spa<br />

221 N. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada<br />

Not a member?<br />

Click here and join today!<br />

Constellation will serve as the power marketer and<br />

will manage transmission for the project, which Helion<br />

believes will be online by 2028 with power generation of<br />

50 MW or greater after a 1-year ramp up period.<br />

“This collaboration represents a significant milestone<br />

for Helion and the fusion industry as a whole,” said<br />

Helion CEO David Kirtley.<br />

“We are grateful for the support of a visionary<br />

company like Microsoft. We still have a lot of work to<br />

do, but we are confident in our ability to deliver the<br />

world’s first fusion power facility.”<br />

Helion has previously built six working prototypes<br />

and was the first company to reach 100-million-degree<br />

plasma temperatures with its sixth prototype.<br />

The seventh prototype will demonstrate the ability to<br />

produce electricity by 2024, the company said.<br />

Experiments to date have used more energy than<br />

they have produced, but expectations that the<br />

technology could one day generate net power without<br />

any significant waste have many claiming that successful<br />

fusion power generation could completely overturn the<br />

current energy industry.<br />

Article reprinted with permission of<br />

Reuters. Read full article here.<br />

Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Summer</strong> 2023 25

<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> Magazine is<br />

published three times annually.<br />

Click here to view past issues.

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