JULY 2023. Blues Vol 39 No. 7
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OUR TEAM<br />
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outdoor editor<br />
contributing editor<br />
contributing editor<br />
contributing editors<br />
contributing editor<br />
light bulb<br />
W.D. “BUDDY” FORD<br />
warstory<br />
aftermath<br />
contributing writers<br />
The BLUES is published monthly by Kress-Barr, LLC, PO Box 2733, League City Texas 77574. The opinions<br />
expressed in some articles, op-eds, and editorials are those of the author and do not reflect the opinion<br />
of The BLUES or its parent company. Rebuttals or submission of news articles and editorials may be<br />
submitted to: The BLUES @ bluespdmag@gmail.com. The entire contents of The BLUES IS copyrighted©<br />
and may not be reprinted without the express permission of the publisher.<br />
Traffic Stops: Attitude can<br />
go both ways.<br />
Traffic stops. Over my career,<br />
I’ve made thousands of traffic<br />
stops and issued hundreds<br />
of citations and thousands of<br />
warnings. The first 30 seconds<br />
of interaction with the motorist<br />
usually dictates how the remainder<br />
of the traffic stop will go.<br />
This goes for both the officer<br />
and the motorist. If your first<br />
sentence is “dude what the fuck<br />
is wrong with you? Do you have<br />
any fucking idea what you just<br />
did back there?” It’s only downhill<br />
from there.<br />
Same with the dirtball motorist<br />
who starts out with, “Why<br />
the fuck did you stop me? Is it<br />
because I’m black?” or “fuck you,<br />
I’m not lowering my window” or<br />
they are on their phone, live on a<br />
social media channel, narrating<br />
your every move. “This fucking<br />
5-0 stopped me for no fucking<br />
reason yo, just wants to fuck<br />
a brother up, ya’ll see this shit,<br />
fuck naw.”<br />
Like I said…first 30 seconds.<br />
A lot of people read this magazine<br />
now, literally from around<br />
the world. Some are active-duty<br />
cops. A lot of retired cops. And<br />
just plain ordinary citizens who<br />
have an interest in Law Enforcement.<br />
Point is, this month’s editorial<br />
is for everyone, regardless<br />
of whether you currently carry a<br />
badge or not. Because everyone<br />
gets pulled over at least once in<br />
their lives. What you say in those<br />
first 30-seconds will probably<br />
dictate whether you get a warning<br />
or a ticket.<br />
Let’s take me for example.<br />
Three years ago, when we<br />
brought the BLUES back to life,<br />
we had a FREE Yeti Insulated<br />
mug promotion. If you (cops)<br />
spotted the BLUES jeep, just<br />
walk up, identify yourself, say<br />
you read the BLUES, and you got<br />
a FREE mug. This didn’t mean<br />
initiate traffic stops with Mike<br />
Barron to get your mug. In six<br />
months, I was literally stopped<br />
50 times. Needless to say, when<br />
the mugs ran out, so did the promotion.<br />
Since then, I almost never get<br />
stopped. Until last week, when<br />
a Friendswood, Texas officer<br />
stopped me for failing to signal<br />
a turn. In my defense, I thought<br />
if you are in a left-turn only lane<br />
and your light is green, you don’t<br />
have to signal. Because where<br />
else am I going other than turning<br />
left. But apparently, I was<br />
mistaken. The officer walked up,<br />
identified herself and asked for<br />
my ID. I handed her my ID, LTC<br />
license and immediately said,<br />
I’m retired law enforcement and<br />
mostly likely, I have a loaded<br />
weapon in my vehicle. She then<br />
advised me why she had stopped<br />
yrs.<br />
me and excused herself while<br />
she went back to her car to<br />
check and see if I was who I said<br />
I was and to check for warrants.<br />
Our interaction was respectful,<br />
and it was yes ma’am and no<br />
ma’am. I didn’t believe I had to<br />
use a signal, but arguing with<br />
the officer is not the answer.<br />
Take the ticket, research the<br />
traffic code and then plead your<br />
case in court. In the end, she<br />
gave me a warning and sent me<br />
on my way.<br />
<strong>No</strong>w I know from experience,<br />
this simple traffic stop could<br />
have gone a dozen different<br />
ways. What if the first words out<br />
of my mouth were, “Do you have<br />
any fucking idea who I am? Why<br />
are you wasting my time stopping<br />
me. I’m obviously in a hurry<br />
here and the last thing I need is<br />
some rookie cop fucking with<br />
me.”<br />
Yeah, in that instance, if I was<br />
the cop, I would have jerked ME<br />
out of that jeep and handcuffed<br />
my ass while calling for backup.<br />
Doesn’t matter who you are. Or<br />
think you are. Everyone, on-duty<br />
or off, deserves respect in a traffic<br />
stop. The first thing I learned<br />
as a rookie, you always start out<br />
nice, you can always be an ass if<br />
the situation turns to shit.<br />
This month’s Light Bulb Award<br />
goes to an Orlando Police Officer<br />
who was driving his ‘marked<br />
unit’ at a high rate of speed<br />
when a Seminole County Sheriff’s<br />
Deputy tried to stop him<br />
and see where he was going<br />
and why he wasn’t running with<br />
lights and siren. Their interaction<br />
can be seen and heard<br />
here: https://www.youtube.com/<br />
watch?v=plO154hvufY. Obviously,<br />
this officer was an idiot and<br />
has since been fired. But it just<br />
goes to show, that had he just<br />
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stopped immediately, said man<br />
I’m so sorry, I’m late to work and<br />
I’m going to get shit from my<br />
sergeant. I’ll slow down and if<br />
you need to write me a citation<br />
for speeding, I’ll meet you after<br />
roll call and you can write my<br />
ass up. I’m pretty sure the Deputy<br />
would have done just that. But<br />
NOPE. Officer Asshole acted like<br />
a common criminal and sped off,<br />
now he IS a criminal and unemployed<br />
as well.<br />
Finally, if you are retired and<br />
haven’t made any traffic stops<br />
in quite some time, I invite you<br />
to watch On Patrol Live, one of<br />
our sponsors, and see the dumb<br />
asses they stop. People are just<br />
stupid these days.<br />
Sir, is this your car? “YES” Has<br />
anyone driven your car other<br />
than you lately? NO Do you have<br />
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anything illegal in the vehicle?<br />
NO Sir, please step out of the car.<br />
OK<br />
Sir, is this crystal meth yours?<br />
But sir it’s in your car and you<br />
said no one has been in your car,<br />
so who’s is it? I DON’T KNOW<br />
BUT ITS NOT MINE. Sir, you’re<br />
under arrest. Is there anything on<br />
you I need to know about. NO<br />
Sir, what is this? Is this your<br />
weed and crack pipe. NO. Sir, it’s<br />
in your pants. IT’S NOT MINE.<br />
Sir, are these your pants? YES.<br />
THERE. Sir, who would wear<br />
you pants? I DON’T KNOW, BUT<br />
Stupid, stupid people.<br />
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yrs.<br />
Summertime!<br />
Summertime is FINALLY here.<br />
<strong>No</strong> ice. <strong>No</strong> snow. <strong>No</strong> freezing cold<br />
mornings. <strong>No</strong> scraping ice from<br />
windshields. <strong>No</strong>pe, all that have<br />
been replaced with 112 heat indexes<br />
and stiffing hot days.<br />
But while most of you enjoy your<br />
summer vacation, Texas School<br />
Districts are busier than ever. The<br />
summer months are when school<br />
district focus on maintenance,<br />
construction, fleet operations, and<br />
bus fleets. These operations all kick<br />
into high gear with only 3-months<br />
to complete projects, training, purchasing<br />
new equipment completing<br />
new budgets, conducting active-shooter<br />
training, and of course<br />
hiring more officers.<br />
Speaking of hiring, Texas ISD Police<br />
Departments are now facing an<br />
even greater need for more officers,<br />
now that the governor has signed<br />
House Bill 3. (HB3) Included in this<br />
education bill is a requirement<br />
for Texas Schools have an armed<br />
security guard or police officer in<br />
EVERY school while the school is in<br />
session. That’s a lot of new cops. As<br />
many as 30,000 if you believe some<br />
reports I’ve read. This need for new<br />
officers is what every police agency<br />
in Texas and around the country has<br />
been facing for quite some time.<br />
But ISD’s are always looking for<br />
quality people to hire. They must<br />
recruit officers through the H.R.<br />
maze, get them the equipment they<br />
need, and then train them for the<br />
upcoming event of a lifetime, “The<br />
First Day of School.”<br />
The best way I can describe “the<br />
FIRST DAY” is like a highly orchestrated,<br />
chaotic event full of children,<br />
adults, parents, grandparents,<br />
educators, ISD employees and of<br />
course Police Officers. All trying to<br />
pull of the day without anyone getting<br />
injured or worse. Sounds easy,<br />
right? You’d better think again. It’s<br />
insane, fun, hilarious, enlightening,<br />
bewildering, frightful and peaceful<br />
all at the same time.<br />
But long before that “First Day”<br />
comes the arduous task of recruiting.<br />
Recruitment for Law Enforcement<br />
is no joke. There’s real competition<br />
out there. Big departments<br />
with big budgets, and sign-on<br />
bonuses. Some go all out and create<br />
commercials that “go viral” on<br />
social media platforms. Everyone is<br />
competing for the one decent quality<br />
candidate that can be hired from<br />
the ever-shrinking pool of potential<br />
applicants.<br />
In plain English, not very many<br />
people want to be cops these days.<br />
Especially an ISD cop. Dealing with<br />
children and their parents on a daily<br />
basis is tumultuous, to say the least.<br />
I surely don’t have all the answers.<br />
Anyone who says they do is either<br />
a liar, an idiot, or worse. Which<br />
leads us all back to “What to we<br />
do?” Well, we do our best. I have<br />
personally turned down multiple<br />
applicants because no matter<br />
how shorthanded we are, they just<br />
weren’t a perfect fit for our department.<br />
Because, down the road, that<br />
person(s) would’ve been a train<br />
wreck to fix. It’s not fair to them and<br />
it’s damn sure not fair to me and my<br />
officers.<br />
One sure fire option is to advertise<br />
in police publications like The<br />
BLUES. In fact, our publisher Michael<br />
Barron, has created an entire new<br />
Help Wanted Section for ISD Recruits<br />
needed to comply with HB3.<br />
The cost is nominal and where else<br />
can you reach 1.5 million readers in<br />
a single month. <strong>No</strong>where!<br />
Another option is to send your<br />
department’s recruiter to the local<br />
Academy’s to try and recruit the<br />
best possible candidates for your<br />
specific agency. You may not have<br />
the best pay or benefits, but every<br />
department has something unique<br />
to offer.<br />
As for the Police Chief’s out there.<br />
Be the Chief. Do that Chief thing you<br />
always wanted a Chief to do or be.<br />
Be that solid, stand-up Chief that<br />
will be there for them. <strong>No</strong>t against<br />
them. Help them learn this profession,<br />
not just another warm body to<br />
fill open slots.<br />
Finally, it’s OK to get out from<br />
behind your desk. It’s OK to get<br />
outside and breathe the air, feel<br />
the sunshine on your face, and yes,<br />
even the heat of a blast furnace this<br />
summer. Or go see how your night<br />
shift is doing, rather than just read<br />
another Pass-on email the next day.<br />
If you seriously want to recruit and<br />
retain high quality people, you can’t<br />
do it from an office. Sometimes<br />
you’ve got to get engaged and find<br />
quality applicants yourself.<br />
Best of luck!! Be safe and take<br />
care!!! God, help us all.<br />
10 The BLUES The BLUES 11
monthly blog<br />
yrs.<br />
Can Paxton be Impeached..<br />
..for conduct that occurred before the last election?<br />
As most of you know, the Texas<br />
House of Representatives has<br />
impeached Attorney General Ken<br />
Paxton. The Articles of Impeachment,<br />
which overwhelming<br />
passed the Texas House, accuse<br />
Paxton of very serious charges<br />
most of which revolve around<br />
his relationship with an Austin<br />
developer and extraordinary<br />
“favors” Paxton did for him in his<br />
office. Included in the articles are<br />
allegations that the developer<br />
received this preferential treatment<br />
because he put Paxton’s<br />
mistress on his payroll and because<br />
the developer did work on<br />
Paxton’s home that Paxton did<br />
not pay for. Paxton has denied<br />
the charges.<br />
Let me begin by saying that<br />
if conduct of which Paxton is<br />
accused is proven, he should be<br />
impeached. As a lawyer, I find<br />
the conduct alleged beyond unprofessional,<br />
and a violation of<br />
his oath as the Attorney General<br />
and as an attorney generally. If<br />
the conduct is proven to be true,<br />
he should be impeached and<br />
disbarred.<br />
However, whether any of us<br />
personally feel he is unfit to be<br />
the Attorney General is not the<br />
relevant issue. He should only<br />
be impeached if the facts justify<br />
impeachment under the applicable<br />
law, which in this case is the<br />
Texas Constitution.<br />
In Paxton’s case, there is an<br />
unusual legal issue which may<br />
keep him from being convicted<br />
which has nothing to do with<br />
whether he is guilty of the conduct<br />
alleged. Indeed, it may<br />
result in the impeachment being<br />
dismissed by the Texas Senate<br />
before the merits of the case are<br />
even considered.<br />
There are two types of impeachment<br />
proceedings under<br />
Texas law. The more common<br />
are statutory impeachments.<br />
These are impeachments which<br />
are authorized under laws<br />
passed by the Legislature. Depending<br />
on the circumstances,<br />
various officials can initiate the<br />
impeachment and those cases<br />
are tried in a court. Statutory<br />
impeachments can ultimately be<br />
appealed to the Texas Supreme<br />
Court.<br />
When the Legislature first<br />
adopted the laws setting out<br />
procedures for statutory impeachments,<br />
it included a section<br />
that provided, “no officer<br />
shall be prosecuted or removed<br />
from office for any act he may<br />
have committed prior to his<br />
election to office.” That provision<br />
has been carried forward<br />
in subsequent reiterations of the<br />
impeachment laws and is currently<br />
found in Tex. Gov’t Code §<br />
665.081.<br />
As you can see from the language,<br />
this provision does not<br />
specify which “election” in the<br />
case of an official that has been<br />
elected multiple times. So, the<br />
question is, does the prohibition<br />
against impeachment apply to<br />
conduct before the official’s first<br />
election or most recent election?<br />
The Texas Supreme Court answered<br />
that question in 1924 in<br />
Reeves v. State of Texas Ex Rel.<br />
Mason, 267 S.W. 666 (Tex. 1924).<br />
In that case, the Supreme Court<br />
held that the conduct must be<br />
after the last election on the<br />
theory that the voters, being<br />
the ultimate sovereign, have the<br />
power to forgive errant conduct<br />
by an official. That ruling has<br />
since been known as the voter<br />
forgiveness doctrine and has<br />
been reaffirmed by the Supreme<br />
Court on multiple occasions.<br />
In Paxton’s case, most of the<br />
conduct on which the House’s<br />
articles of impeachment occurred<br />
before his most recent<br />
election last year. So, if Paxton<br />
was the subject of a statutory<br />
impeachment, most of the arti-<br />
12 The BLUES The BLUES 13
cles of impeachment would be<br />
summarily dismissed under the<br />
voter forgiveness doctrine.<br />
But Paxton’s impeachment<br />
was not brought under statutes<br />
passed by the Legislature. It was<br />
brought under Article 15 of the<br />
Texas Constitution, which gives<br />
the Legislature the exclusive<br />
power to impeach certain state<br />
officers, including the Attorney<br />
General. That article gives<br />
the Texas Senate power try the<br />
impeachment and to set rules<br />
for the trial and determine the<br />
basis for impeachment. Importantly,<br />
the Senate is not bound by<br />
Texas Supreme Court precedents<br />
in statutory impeachment cases<br />
in its deliberations. Therefore,<br />
the Texas Senate is free to rule<br />
whether or not to apply the voter<br />
forgiveness doctrine to Paxton’s<br />
case.<br />
One of the first items the Texas<br />
Senate is likely to take up will be<br />
a motion to dismiss the articles<br />
of impeachment based on<br />
the voter forgiveness doctrine.<br />
Let me say that I think the voter<br />
forgiveness doctrine is an unrealistic<br />
and outdated notion that<br />
the Supreme Court should overrule.<br />
The idea that the roughly<br />
4 million Texans who voted for<br />
Paxton knew about these allegations<br />
and forgave him is a<br />
legal fiction that defies common<br />
sense. <strong>No</strong>netheless, the voter<br />
forgiveness doctrine is a current<br />
Supreme Court precedent and a<br />
decision by the Texas Senate to<br />
rely on it in Paxton’s case would<br />
not be unreasonable.<br />
Most observers believe that Lt.<br />
Governor Dan Patrick will ultimately<br />
decide Paxton’s fate because<br />
his view will prevail in the<br />
Senate. That seems likely to me<br />
as well. But it is hard to divine<br />
what Patrick’s political calculus<br />
will be. My sense is that there<br />
would be few tears shed by most<br />
leaders in the Texas Republican<br />
Party if Paxton were impeached.<br />
He is a constant source of embarrassment<br />
and bad press for<br />
the party and there is a strong<br />
possibility he will eventually<br />
be the subject of a federal indictment.<br />
(The developer who<br />
Paxton alleged gave preferential<br />
treatment was recently indicted<br />
on unrelated federal charges.)<br />
If he is not convicted, there<br />
will undoubtedly be a torrent<br />
of criticism and political fallout<br />
because the conduct alleged is<br />
so egregious. On the other hand,<br />
Paxton is still popular with the<br />
Republican base. Senators voting<br />
for impeachment might face<br />
the wrath of Republican primary<br />
voters. So, the Republican Senators<br />
face a bit of a Hobson’s<br />
choice.<br />
A convenient way out of the<br />
conundrum would be to rely on<br />
the voter forgiveness doctrine<br />
and dismiss the articles of impeachment.<br />
That would avoid a<br />
potentially embarrassing trial<br />
and be forced to cast a vote on<br />
the merits. The Senate could<br />
further window dress the dismissal<br />
by censuring Paxton or<br />
taking some other action short<br />
of impeachment condemning his<br />
conduct.<br />
In any event, we should know<br />
pretty quickly after the trial<br />
begins. Rule 5(b) for the impeachment<br />
trial provides that<br />
immediately after Paxton’s plea<br />
is accepted, the first order of<br />
business will be for the Senate<br />
to rule on any motions that<br />
“would result in dismissal of any<br />
article or articles of impeachment.”<br />
The ruling on any motions<br />
to dismiss will be decided by a<br />
majority vote of the Senators. It<br />
is not hard to imagine that a majority<br />
of the Senators will decide<br />
to follow the Supreme Court’s<br />
precedent and avoid a trial altogether.<br />
I hope I am wrong. I think the<br />
people of Texas deserve to hear<br />
the evidence on Paxton’s conduct<br />
regardless of whether the Senate<br />
ultimately votes to convict him,<br />
because as the Texas Supreme<br />
Court said in their 1924 decision,<br />
the people are the ultimate sovereign.<br />
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14 The BLUES The BLUES 15
police law news<br />
yrs.<br />
Daniel Carr<br />
Three SAPD officers charged with murder<br />
Three police officers with the San<br />
Antonio Police Department (SAPD)<br />
were involved in an officer-involved-shooting<br />
(OIS) with a fortysix-year-old<br />
female named Melissa<br />
Perez on June 23, <strong>2023.</strong> Ms. Perez<br />
sustained fatal injuries and by days<br />
end - all three officers were under<br />
arrest and facing murder charges.<br />
THE CALL<br />
Around 0200 hrs. on listed date<br />
police officers were dispatched<br />
to an apartment complex in<br />
reference to a call where it had<br />
been reported that a woman<br />
(later identified as Ms. Perez)<br />
had destroyed property at the<br />
complex and more specifically<br />
had cut the wires of the fire<br />
alarm system at the apartment<br />
complex. It was reported that<br />
Ms. Perez was experiencing a<br />
“mental health crisis” but it is<br />
unknown if responding officers<br />
possessed that information. But<br />
what police officers did know,<br />
is that the female offender had<br />
committed a felony offense.<br />
Upon the arrival of police officers,<br />
Ms. Perez was speaking<br />
with San Antonio firefighters.<br />
As the officers approached, Ms.<br />
Perez began to walk away, and<br />
an officer gave her a command<br />
to stop. Ms. Perez ignored the<br />
command to comply with police<br />
officers and walked to her<br />
apartment and entered the unit.<br />
At this point officers did have<br />
probable cause to arrest Ms. Perez<br />
for the felony level criminal<br />
damage offense.<br />
Sergeant Flores and Officers<br />
Alejandro and Villalobos followed<br />
Ms. Perez and jumped<br />
over a short fence and onto the<br />
balcony of her apartment. Officers<br />
noticed that there was an<br />
open window and removed the<br />
screen. Officers attempted to<br />
speak with Ms. Perez through<br />
this open window and she remained<br />
uncooperative.<br />
Ms. Perez yelled at police officers<br />
and complained that they<br />
did not have a “warrant”. She<br />
then followed up her brilliant legal<br />
opinion by throwing a glass<br />
candle at an officer through the<br />
open window - causing minor<br />
injuries.<br />
Since the crime had been<br />
committed in a public place and<br />
the police officers attempted to<br />
arrest Ms. Perez in that public<br />
place - the doctrine of “hot pursuit”<br />
would apply¹.<br />
In short, it would not be a violation<br />
of the 4th amendment for<br />
the police officers to enter the<br />
private residence during the initial<br />
pursuit of Ms. Perez. The fact<br />
that Ms. Perez was successful<br />
in her illegal evasion of arrest -<br />
does not grant her a “get out of<br />
jail” pass.<br />
Also, once that “hot pursuit”<br />
goes cold and officers choose<br />
not to make immediate entry after<br />
the suspect - officers would<br />
likely not be able to enter the<br />
apartment without a warrant.<br />
Best practices would instruct<br />
officers to set a perimeter,<br />
obtain a warrant, and call for<br />
additional resources to assist -<br />
that is, if there is no danger in<br />
allowing the offender to remain<br />
in the residence and no risk of<br />
any innocent victims being taken<br />
hostage, etc…<br />
At that point, after the officer<br />
had been struck with the glass<br />
candle, on scene officers made<br />
the right decision and backed<br />
away from the apartment. Officers<br />
requested additional resources<br />
and utilized time and<br />
distance in an effort to de-escalate<br />
the situation. This was<br />
undoubtedly the correct decision.<br />
Once other officers arrived on<br />
scene, they spoke with Ms. Perez<br />
for approximately thirty minutes<br />
in an effort to convince her to<br />
comply with arrest and cooperate<br />
with police officers. But Ms.<br />
Perez refused and continued her<br />
illegal evasion of law enforcement.<br />
At some point a decision was<br />
made to re-engage with Ms. Perez<br />
and officers again scaled the<br />
small fence and made their way<br />
onto her balcony. It has been reported<br />
by SAPD officials that Ms.<br />
Perez then armed herself with a<br />
hammer, approached a closed<br />
glass door that stood in between<br />
herself and police officers, and<br />
swung the hammer at the glass.<br />
At this point an officer fired<br />
his weapon, however, none of<br />
his shots struck Ms. Perez. In<br />
response Ms. Perez again approached<br />
the door with the<br />
hammer and three police officers<br />
fired their weapons. Initial<br />
reports from SAPD officials are<br />
that the officers fired through the<br />
open window and also through<br />
the glass door. Ms. Perez sustained<br />
fatal injuries. (body cam<br />
footage)<br />
In less than twenty-four hours<br />
after the OIS the three involved<br />
officers had been taken into<br />
police custody, arrested, and<br />
charged with murder.<br />
SAPD Chief of Police William<br />
McManus stated that the involved<br />
officers did not follow<br />
department training or policy<br />
and “used deadly force, which<br />
was not reasonable given all the<br />
circumstances as we now understand<br />
them.”<br />
The Chief also stated that Ms.<br />
Perez was experiencing “a mental<br />
health crisis” and was armed<br />
with a hammer when police<br />
shot her through a patio window<br />
and door.<br />
(Even if the OIS was riddled<br />
with issues - the charge of murder<br />
appears extreme and an obvious<br />
example of over-charging<br />
to appease.)<br />
ISSUES<br />
After watching the body cam<br />
footage, here are my initial<br />
thoughts on some of the most<br />
important issues in this case.<br />
Please comment with other<br />
thoughts/ideas.<br />
Ms. Perez was a felony suspect<br />
that had barricaded herself<br />
inside of a residence. This set of<br />
facts alone would trigger a call<br />
to the Tactical (SWAT) supervisor<br />
per policy in many jurisdictions.<br />
Of course, the ultimate<br />
decision to initiate a full SWAT²<br />
call out would be up to the<br />
discretion of Tactical Unit personnel,<br />
but these subject matter<br />
experts can often provide guidance<br />
and advice to on-scene<br />
patrol supervisors if the men in<br />
green are not going to take over<br />
the critical incident.<br />
As part of the analysis for this<br />
case - I would want to know if<br />
the on-scene officers/supervisor<br />
contacted SWAT and/or the<br />
Crisis Intervention Unit? If they<br />
did make this call to advise the<br />
Tactical section - what advice<br />
was given?<br />
Oftentimes, if SWAT does not<br />
come out to a “barricaded suspect”<br />
and police officers know<br />
the identity of the offender -<br />
police will disengage, forward<br />
the case to a detective, and issue<br />
a warrant in lieu of forcing an<br />
arrest in the moment.<br />
This clearly did not happen in<br />
this case as SWAT did not arrive<br />
on scene and patrol officers<br />
forced contact in an attempt to<br />
16 The BLUES The BLUES 17
Enter to win TC Burton's<br />
effect an arrest. Was this a lack<br />
of proper training or established<br />
One caveat is that at least one<br />
officer fired his weapon through<br />
errors and even possibly violated<br />
department policy/law. They<br />
policy or a disregard of training/ the open window. Did the officer did so while enveloped within<br />
policy? The answer to this question<br />
will be vital in the criminal ing the window instead of the felony suspect that was armed<br />
perceive that she was approach-<br />
a dynamic situation involving a apply at TCBurton.com July 12th through August 25th<br />
and civil case against the involved<br />
officers.<br />
It must be mentioned that the<br />
possibility of future harm and<br />
risk to others is also an important<br />
factor in making the decision<br />
whether to arrest immediately<br />
and issuing a warrant. Since<br />
police officers do not possess<br />
psychic ability - Dishonest Critics<br />
will undoubtedly demonize<br />
police if they force an arrest or if<br />
they do nothing and the offender<br />
victimizes additional citizens.<br />
door? This may open a possible<br />
avenue of defense for the officer/<br />
officers that fired through the<br />
open window and were fearful<br />
that she was going to throw the<br />
hammer at them. There is likely<br />
no reasonable defense for firing<br />
at a closed door - essentially<br />
helping to break down the barrier<br />
that stood in between officers<br />
and the hammer.<br />
What if the officers had done<br />
nothing as Ms. Perez entered the<br />
with a hammer. We should not<br />
be shocked when incidents like<br />
this do not always go as planned.<br />
We should also not be shocked<br />
when more and more police officers<br />
choose beta disengagement<br />
overactive enforcement.<br />
Again, Chief McManus stated<br />
that the officers, “used deadly<br />
force, which was not reasonable<br />
given all the circumstances as<br />
we now understand them.”<br />
It is important to remember<br />
that use of force from police<br />
OPEN WINDOW V. CLOSED apartment?<br />
officers is not to be viewed<br />
DOOR<br />
Officers could have written up through the lens of “as we now<br />
There is a vast difference between<br />
a quick report, taken photos of understand”. 20/20 hindsight is Protection...Revolutionized<br />
Ms. Perez - armed with<br />
a hammer - aggressively approaching<br />
the damage, and forwarded the<br />
case to a detective.<br />
not the applicable legal standard.<br />
The correct (yet often not<br />
"This offers so many options - we can get<br />
"An absolute game changer."<br />
an open window and This would have been the least inconvenient) standard can be<br />
cover to where we need it quickly."<br />
-Wendy Osborne, FBI Retired,<br />
a closed door.<br />
amount of work and in the interest<br />
of self-preservation and case³. The inquiry is whether the<br />
Violence and Active Shooter Response<br />
found in that pesky Graham<br />
-Local Law Enforcement Official<br />
Lead Instructor/Consultant for Workplace<br />
If Ms. Perez approached an<br />
open window with a hammer pension protection.<br />
officers’ actions are “objectively<br />
and posed a reasonable threat to<br />
an officer - it is likely that some<br />
level of force would be appropriate<br />
for the officer to defend<br />
himself. A thrown hammer<br />
could cause great bodily injury<br />
If officers did not attempt to<br />
arrest Ms. Perez would that have<br />
been satisfactory to her neighbors<br />
or the apartment complex<br />
staff?<br />
If Ms. Perez harmed herself or<br />
reasonable” in light of the facts<br />
and circumstances confronting<br />
them, without regard to their underlying<br />
intent or motivation.<br />
Two things can be true at the<br />
same time: the Chief misspoke<br />
and officers are able to protect someone else would the same and/or is employing an unreasonable<br />
standard and the use of<br />
themselves from sustaining such anti-police brigade complain<br />
injuries.<br />
that the officers did not “do anything”<br />
force may be outside of the law.<br />
and allowed her to terror-<br />
NIJ III rated<br />
However, if Ms. Perez approached<br />
a closed door with ize the community?<br />
*This article was written prior<br />
Fast & maneuverable<br />
Visit TCBurton.com or<br />
a hammer - there exists a literal<br />
barrier between the offi-<br />
to a Daniel Penny-type civilvolved<br />
officers, police union, or<br />
What would happen if that led to any statements from the in-<br />
Active threat response<br />
scan the QR code for<br />
cers and the hammer-wielding ian taking matters into his own<br />
Large structure clearing<br />
more information!<br />
defense attorneys. Full body cam<br />
middle-aged woman. It would hands as law enforcement refused<br />
footage has also not yet been<br />
Outdoor event control<br />
be very difficult to make an<br />
argument that force should be to engage and protect the<br />
public?<br />
released. It is possible that additional<br />
evidence exists that makes<br />
Indoor/Outdoor ability<br />
Designed to ROP standards<br />
utilized (let alone deadly force) FINAL THOUGHTS<br />
this OIS more or less reasonable.<br />
when there exists a barrier between<br />
With the available informa-<br />
It is important to allow opinions<br />
360º protection for operator<br />
the officers and the oftion,<br />
it is reasonable to suggest to evolve with the availability of<br />
fender.<br />
that the officers made tactical<br />
Kathy@tcburton.com<br />
more evidence.<br />
(463) 272-1476<br />
18 The BLUES 351 W. Muskegon Dr. PO Box 483<br />
TCBurton.com<br />
The BLUES 19<br />
Greenfield, IN 46140
yrs.<br />
A Hamilton County Sheriff’s Deputy, Marcus Zeigler, died after suffering a<br />
medical emergency while training at the police academy.<br />
CINCINNATI, OH. - A Hamilton<br />
County sheriff’s deputy died after<br />
suffering a medical emergency<br />
during “police academy activities,”<br />
the Hamilton County Sheriff’s<br />
Office said last month.<br />
Deputy Marcus Zeigler died on<br />
May 26 “despite medical efforts,”<br />
Hamilton County Sheriff Charmaine<br />
McGuffey explained.<br />
Zeigler was involved in training<br />
activities at the police academy<br />
when he experienced some kind<br />
of medical emergency, the sheriff<br />
said.<br />
Sheriff McGuffey says Deputy<br />
Marcus Zeigler had been with the<br />
sheriff’s office for nine months<br />
and was enrolled at the Great<br />
Oaks Peace Officer Academy.<br />
“He was always happy and<br />
helpful; proud to be a deputy;<br />
and was also a well-known<br />
entrepreneur,” the sheriff said.<br />
“Deputy Zeigler made a strong<br />
impression on us from the moment<br />
he started. His smile is unforgettable.<br />
He was also known<br />
for loving his family and wanting<br />
to leave a legacy they could be<br />
proud of. And he did just that.”<br />
A public visitation was held on<br />
Jun 2 at the Spring Grove Funeral<br />
Home.<br />
Deputy Zeigler was honored<br />
and remembered at a police ceremony<br />
at Spring Grove Cemetery<br />
following the visitation.<br />
20 The BLUES The BLUES 21
yrs.<br />
BRANDON, MS.<br />
Former Police Chief Randy Tyler was shot and killed after a domestic<br />
dispute led to a hostage standoff in Brandon Mississippi.<br />
BRANDON, MS. - Madison Police<br />
Officer Randy Tyler is dead<br />
after a domestic dispute in the<br />
Crossgates neighborhood of<br />
Brandon led to a hostage standoff.<br />
The suspect was shot dead<br />
and a Brandon police officer<br />
also was shot and injured in the<br />
incident.<br />
“We are devastated,” Madison<br />
Mayor Mary Hawkins Butler said.<br />
“We are asking for prayers for<br />
the family and his fellow officers.”<br />
“In addition to being a valued<br />
member of the Department’s<br />
Special Response Team, Randy<br />
Tyler was the Department’s Field<br />
Training Coordinator, responsible<br />
for overseeing the training<br />
and career development of<br />
newly hired police officers,” the<br />
statement reads. “He was also a<br />
supervisor in the Department’s<br />
Narcotics Division.<br />
Prior to working at Madison,<br />
Randy Tyler retired as the Chief<br />
of Police for the Ridgeland Police<br />
Department. Chief Tyler was<br />
a graduate of the 228th Session<br />
of the F.B.I. National Academy in<br />
Quantico, VA and was an active<br />
member of the MS Chapter of<br />
the F.B.I. National Academy Associates.<br />
“Randy will be sorely missed<br />
by all of his colleagues, family<br />
and friends. The Madison Police<br />
Department asks for the community’s<br />
support and prayers<br />
during this difficult time. Funeral<br />
arrangements will be provided<br />
once they have been finalized.”<br />
The Mississippi Association<br />
of Chiefs of Police asked for<br />
prayers for Tyler, his family and<br />
colleagues in a press statement.<br />
“Please join us with your<br />
prayers for officers and family<br />
members of the Madison Ms Police<br />
Department and the Brandon<br />
MS Police Department,” the<br />
statement later retweeted by Lt.<br />
Gov. Delbert Hosemann reads.<br />
The statement also states that<br />
Tyler was “employed part time<br />
with Madison after serving a full<br />
career with the Ridgeland Police<br />
Department from which he<br />
retired as the Chief of Police.”<br />
Hosemann expressed his own<br />
condolences in the retweet.<br />
“Devastated to learn of the<br />
death of Madison Police Officer<br />
Randy Tyler—killed in the line of<br />
duty today. Randy is the former<br />
Ridgeland Police Chief. We are in<br />
prayer for his loved ones.” Hosemann’s<br />
tweet states.<br />
Tyler had served 30 years in<br />
law enforcement and with the<br />
Ridgeland Police Department for<br />
27 years.<br />
“He’s been an asset,” Ridgeland<br />
Mayor Gene McGee said at<br />
the time of Tyler’s retirement in<br />
2015. “I’ve known him most of<br />
my tenure as mayor. Ridgeland<br />
is a better place because of his<br />
service.”<br />
MBI officials said officers received<br />
a call about a possible<br />
hostage situation. Moments after<br />
arriving at the scene, the subject<br />
fired shots at officers.<br />
One Brandon officer received<br />
significant injuries and was<br />
transported to a local hospital.<br />
The identity of that officer has<br />
not been released.<br />
22 The BLUES The BLUES 23
yrs.<br />
Denham Springs Police Corporal Shawn Kelly died June 2 from injuries sustained<br />
during a shootout last May at a local shopping center.<br />
DENHAM SPRINGS, LA. - Denham<br />
Springs Police Corporal<br />
Shawn Kelly died at the hospital<br />
on Friday, June 2 from the injuries<br />
he sustained from multiple<br />
gunshot wounds at a popular<br />
shopping center on May, 11.<br />
On May 11th, Denham Springs<br />
police responded to a call at<br />
Spring Park Plaza Thursday just<br />
after 4 p.m. about an argument<br />
between a man and a woman<br />
in the parking lot outside Petco,<br />
according to law enforcement<br />
officials.<br />
Once officers arrived, 30-yearold<br />
Justin Roberts reportedly<br />
began to fire at them, striking<br />
Kelly multiple times.<br />
Roberts fled the scene toward<br />
Highway 190 but was stopped<br />
soon after by Livingston Parish<br />
Sheriff’s Deputies, who shot and<br />
injured him. Both him and the<br />
officer were in critical condition<br />
and taken to a local hospital.<br />
From Denham Springs Police<br />
Chief Rodney Walker:<br />
On May 11th, 2023, evil and tragedy<br />
struck our community and<br />
because of it, we will forever be<br />
changed. Cpl. Shawn Kelly was<br />
a great public servant, a great<br />
father, grandfather, husband<br />
and just a great human being.<br />
He was one of the finest men I’ve<br />
ever known. The Denham Springs<br />
& Livingston Parish communities<br />
have truly lost one of its finest. On<br />
behalf of Cpl. Kelly’s family and<br />
his DSPD family, we thank you for<br />
your continued love, support and<br />
prayers during this difficult and<br />
tragic time.<br />
DSPD spokesman Sgt. Scott<br />
Sterling said Kelly was POST<br />
certified in 1997 at the Louisiana<br />
State Police Training Academy.<br />
He added Kelly began his career<br />
in 1994 with Louisiana DOC<br />
and other state agencies before<br />
ultimately joining the DSPD in<br />
2019 where he is a Taser instructor<br />
and field training officer.<br />
Cpl. Kelly has received multiple<br />
commendations for his generous<br />
ways and positive attitude.<br />
Livingston Parish Sheriff Jason<br />
Ard released the following statement<br />
on Kelly:<br />
‘I will always remember DSPD<br />
Cpl. Shawn Kelly as a hero. He<br />
died doing what he loved to do<br />
- serving & protecting his community.<br />
In addition to that, he<br />
brought our Livingston Parish<br />
community together reminding<br />
us that we are in this together,<br />
that we need to continue working<br />
together & that - together<br />
- we can do great things. My<br />
heart is full for Cpl Kelly’s family,<br />
for our DSPD partners, for those<br />
who knew & loved Shawn & for<br />
all of Livingston Parish. We will<br />
continue to do what is needed<br />
to support Shawn’s family & his<br />
DSPD family.’<br />
We are ready for 2023! Experience the only first responder owned and<br />
operated THEME studio in the Country! 10 years strong! We are Family!<br />
We look forward to seeing you soon!<br />
24 The BLUES The BLUES 25
yrs.<br />
MATEWAN, W.VA.<br />
West Virginia Sergeant Cory Maynard, as other troopers, were ambushed<br />
while responding to a call in Mingo County.<br />
MATEWAN, W.VA. — State<br />
Police Superintendent Col. Jack<br />
Chambers confirmed Monday<br />
that Sgt. Cory Maynard and other<br />
troopers were “ambushed” while<br />
responding to a shooting call<br />
Friday in Mingo County.<br />
“They were ambushed. Sgt.<br />
Maynard was hit and wounded.<br />
Another trooper that was with<br />
him did return fire, but did not<br />
hit the suspect,” Chambers said<br />
on MetroNews “Talkline.”<br />
Maynard, 37, was taken to<br />
Logan Regional Medical Center<br />
where he later died from his<br />
injuries.<br />
Chambers said a shots fired<br />
call came in around 2:45 p.m.<br />
Friday at a home in the Beech<br />
Creek area of Matewan. Maynard,<br />
along with Troopers C.K. Johnson<br />
and J.P. Ziegler, responded<br />
to the area after Benjamin Baldwin,<br />
<strong>39</strong>, of Matewan, was shot<br />
with a rifle. Baldwin was taken<br />
to Charleston Area Medical Center<br />
to be treated for injuries. <strong>No</strong><br />
word on what lead to the shooting.<br />
The suspect, Timothy Kennedy,<br />
29, of Beech Creek, fled on foot.<br />
Chambers said State Police and<br />
other law enforcement agencies<br />
launched a nearly seven-hour<br />
manhunt and eventually captured<br />
Kennedy around 11 p.m.<br />
Friday.<br />
Chambers confirmed Kennedy<br />
allegedly stole a vehicle before<br />
he was arrested.<br />
“Late that evening, the same<br />
date, the suspect stole a vehicle<br />
in the Beech Creek area, the<br />
same area as where the shooting<br />
happened,” he said.<br />
Kennedy was taken to the<br />
Southwestern Regional Jail<br />
where he’s being held without<br />
bond. He’s been charged with<br />
first degree murder in connection<br />
with Maynard’s death.<br />
Chambers said more charges<br />
involving Baldwin and the stolen<br />
vehicle will be filed at a later<br />
date.<br />
“Pending charges are coming<br />
in the initial shooting of Baldwin.<br />
I understand that he’s still in<br />
intensive care,” he said.<br />
State Police said Baldwin was<br />
listed in serious but stable condition.<br />
Chambers said Maynard had<br />
his whole career ahead of him<br />
and was a well-rounded trooper.<br />
“He looked good in uniform. He<br />
had done a good job, a good investigator,<br />
good with the public,<br />
was involved in the community<br />
and was well-known in whatever<br />
area he was in,” he said.<br />
Maynard grew up just a few<br />
miles from Williamson in Belfry,<br />
Ky. He started his state police<br />
career in Martinsburg in 2007<br />
before making his way back to<br />
Mingo County. He was known in<br />
the Williamson area as being a<br />
positive role model to children.<br />
In 2015, Maynard was honored by<br />
State Police for saving a man’s<br />
life in the Eastern Panhandle.<br />
Maynard leaves behind a wife<br />
and two children, ages 13 and 9.<br />
A Go Fund Me page has been<br />
set up to help Maynard’s family<br />
pay for funeral expenses. Nearly<br />
$40,000 dollars had been raised<br />
as of late Monday morning.<br />
26 The BLUES The BLUES 27
yrs.<br />
JASPER, FL.<br />
Jasper Police Chief Anthony Rickerson died in a vehicle crash<br />
Sunday, June 12th.<br />
JASPER, FL. — Jasper Police<br />
Chief Anthony Rickerson died in<br />
a vehicle crash on Sunday June<br />
12th, according to WTXL.<br />
In a crash report from The<br />
Florida Highway Patrol, troopers<br />
say a Jasper Police Department<br />
vehicle was traveling<br />
northbound on County Road 143<br />
around 10:30 p.m. when it struck<br />
a deer that was in the roadway.<br />
The vehicle then exited the<br />
roadway and hit a tree before<br />
catching on fire, FHP says.<br />
FHP says the sole occupant of<br />
the vehicle, Rickerson, was pronounced<br />
dead on scene.<br />
The Suwannee County Sheriff’s<br />
Office shared condolences on<br />
Facebook.<br />
“We are deeply saddened to<br />
hear of the tragic passing of<br />
Police Chief Tony Rickerson of<br />
the Jasper Police Department<br />
due to a devastating traffic crash<br />
last night, which claimed his life.<br />
Our hearts ache for the entire<br />
law enforcement community, the<br />
Jasper Police Department, and<br />
most importantly, Chief Rickerson’s<br />
family and friends.<br />
Chief Rickerson was a dedicated<br />
and passionate leader, committed<br />
to serving and protecting<br />
the citizens of Jasper.<br />
In this challenging time, the<br />
Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office<br />
stands in solidarity with our<br />
brothers and sisters at the Jasper<br />
Police Department. We extend<br />
our deepest condolences and<br />
offer our full support to Chief<br />
Rickerson’s family, friends, and<br />
colleagues as they navigate this<br />
unimaginable loss.<br />
We ask that you keep Chief<br />
Rickerson’s loved ones and the<br />
Jasper Police Department in<br />
your thoughts and prayers.”<br />
The police department said<br />
Rickerson was a member of the<br />
Jasper Police Department for 12<br />
years.<br />
28 The BLUES The BLUES 29
yrs.<br />
Virginia Police Officer Mark Wagner as shot and killed<br />
during a struggle with a suspect in the woods.<br />
WINTERGREEN, VA. — A police<br />
officer was fatally shot during a<br />
struggle with a Maryland man in<br />
the woods in a Virginia mountain<br />
town, authorities said Saturday.<br />
Wintergreen Police Department<br />
Officer Mark Christopher<br />
Wagner II was killed Friday<br />
night, Chief Dennis Russell said<br />
in a Facebook post.<br />
Wintergreen police received<br />
a call about a man assaulting<br />
two other men at a home, Virginia<br />
State Police said in a news<br />
release. The two injured men<br />
had run away from the home by<br />
the time police arrived, and they<br />
were treated at a hospital for<br />
unspecified injuries that were<br />
not life-threatening, state police<br />
said.<br />
Wagner found the assault<br />
suspect, 23-year-old Daniel<br />
M. Barmak, of Towson, Md., in<br />
nearby woods, and they got into<br />
a struggle. Wagner was shot<br />
during the confrontation and he<br />
died there, state police said.<br />
Barmak, who was also shot,<br />
was taken into custody and was<br />
treated at a hospital for injuries<br />
described as not life-threatening,<br />
according to state police.<br />
Troopers said Barmak was<br />
charged with capital murder, use<br />
of a firearm in the commission of<br />
a felony and two felony counts<br />
of malicious wounding. He is being<br />
held at the Albemarle-Charlottesville<br />
Regional Jail.<br />
Wagner was remembered as<br />
a ‘dedicated officer’ who served<br />
‘with honor’<br />
Russell, the Wintergreen police<br />
chief, said Wagner, 31, had been<br />
with the force since August 2020.<br />
He previously served seven years<br />
with the Massanutten Police Department,<br />
Russell said.<br />
The police chief said Wagner,<br />
who was known as Chris, enjoyed<br />
hiking and photographing<br />
nature in his spare time. Wagner<br />
“asked for and worked the midnight<br />
shift,” Russell said.<br />
“Whenever you saw Chris in<br />
the daylight, he wore dark, dark<br />
sunglasses, and would crack a<br />
smile or two,” Russell wrote.<br />
“Chris was dedicated to his job<br />
and whenever called for extra<br />
duty he was ready, willing and<br />
able.”<br />
Russell said Wagner will be<br />
remembered for “always going<br />
out of his way to cheer others<br />
up.” The chief also said Wagner’s<br />
“infectious laugh was loud and<br />
echoed throughout the office.”<br />
Wagner’s father told Russell<br />
WAGNER<br />
that “Chris was like Batman” and<br />
said he recently gave his son a<br />
batarang to go with the assortment<br />
of tools the officer carried<br />
on his belt.<br />
“Chris is survived by his immediate<br />
family and the men and<br />
women who were his Wintergreen<br />
Police family,” Russell<br />
wrote.<br />
A fund has been established to<br />
help Wagner’s family as Wintergreen<br />
Police is a private police<br />
department, so the officer’s family<br />
is not eligible for state lineof-duty<br />
death benefits.<br />
30 The BLUES The BLUES 31
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Pennsylvania State Trooper Jacques Rougeau Jr. was<br />
shot and killed during an incident in Juniata County.<br />
- Officials have identified the<br />
people involved in a shooting<br />
that left one Pennsylvania State<br />
Police trooper dead and another<br />
seriously hurt on Saturday.<br />
State police say 29-year-old<br />
Trooper Jacques Rougeau Jr.<br />
was shot and killed during the<br />
incident in Juniata County.<br />
Lieutenant James Wagner,<br />
45, was seriously injured in the<br />
shooting.<br />
Wagner is currently listed in<br />
critical condition at an area hospital.<br />
The incident began when officials<br />
say a man engaged with<br />
state troopers just after 11 a.m.<br />
According to state police, the<br />
man arrived at Troop G, Lewistown<br />
station armed with a rifle<br />
and fired shots at patrol vehicles<br />
in the parking lot.<br />
A manhunt for the shooter<br />
began that included helicopter<br />
reinforcement, officials say.<br />
Officials identified the shooter<br />
as 38-year-old Brandon Stine of<br />
Thompsontown, Juniata County.<br />
Wagner located Stine early that<br />
afternoon and they exchanged<br />
gunfire, police said. That’s when<br />
a shot from Stine’s gun struck<br />
and critically injured Wagner.<br />
The shooter was located by<br />
Rougeau sometime later.<br />
Troopers say Rougeau encountered<br />
Stine while driving through<br />
the county, at which point Stine<br />
shot the trooper through his<br />
car’s windshield and killed him.<br />
The shooter made another escape<br />
in what police described as<br />
“a game of cat and mouse,” and<br />
he fled into a rural residential<br />
area in Walker Township, Juniata<br />
County.<br />
Authorities chased Stine<br />
through a residential area and<br />
a parking lot, where they confronted<br />
him again. Stine started<br />
a shootout with police in the<br />
parking lot, which was occupied<br />
by patrons of a nearby store,<br />
police said.<br />
“What I witnessed, and I will<br />
tell you in my many years with<br />
the Pennsylvania State Police and<br />
many serious situations, was one<br />
of the most intense, unbelievable<br />
gunfights I have ever witnessed,”<br />
said Lt. Colonel George Bivens at<br />
a press conference. “Our troopers<br />
put themselves between<br />
those people and by force with<br />
their vehicles and by engaging<br />
him, and forced him away from<br />
the business.”<br />
Police cornered Stine when he<br />
became stuck against a row of<br />
trees on a nearby property and<br />
he was shot and killed, Bivens<br />
said.<br />
“This is a tragedy for the Pennsylvania<br />
State Police,” said Colonel<br />
Christopher Paris, commissioner<br />
of the Pennsylvania State<br />
Police.<br />
“We ask for your continued<br />
prayers for not only our Troopers<br />
but also their families,” he<br />
added.<br />
Rougeau enlisted in the Pennsylvania<br />
State Police in 2020 and<br />
was transferred to Troop G in<br />
Lewistown in March of last year.<br />
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32 The BLUES The BLUES 33
yrs.<br />
Trooper Aaron Smith was struck and killed by a fleeing suspect in a<br />
stolen vehicle, as he tried to deploy stop sticks.<br />
INDIANAPOLIS, IN. — An Indiana<br />
State Police Trooper Aaron<br />
Smith, has died after being hit by<br />
a suspect’s car during a stolen<br />
vehicle pursuit on the city’s west<br />
side.<br />
According to ISP officials on<br />
scene, the collision occurred<br />
around 8:30 p.m. Wednesday<br />
June 28, on Interstate 70 eastbound<br />
near 6 Points Road on the<br />
west side of Indianapolis.<br />
ISP Master Trooper Nick Klingkammer<br />
said that the incident<br />
began as a police chase after<br />
troopers with ISP’s Indianapolis<br />
district spotted a stolen car on<br />
the city’s southwest side.<br />
Troopers attempted to pull<br />
over the car, but ISP said a<br />
pursuit began. Troopers then<br />
chased the suspect vehicle to<br />
Ronald Reagan Parkway, where<br />
one trooper was attempting to<br />
deploy stop sticks to stop the car<br />
and terminate the pursuit.<br />
That trooper was then struck<br />
by the suspect vehicle and<br />
thrown into the air, according to<br />
ISP. The suspect vehicle, Klingkammer<br />
said, then crashed after<br />
hitting the trooper.<br />
Klingkammer said that the<br />
injured trooper was taken to<br />
Eskenazi Hospital in critical condition.<br />
Later, around 11 p.m., ISP<br />
announced outside the hospital<br />
that the trooper had been pronounced<br />
dead.<br />
ISP Superintendent Doug<br />
Carter identified the deceased<br />
trooper as Aaron Smith, a trooper<br />
that joined the department in<br />
2018. He is survived by a loving<br />
wife, Carter said.<br />
“He was one of those guys that<br />
stood out,” Carter said. “<strong>No</strong>t to<br />
be cliché but he was a shining<br />
star for the Indiana State Police.”<br />
Gov. Eric Holcomb released a<br />
statement about Smith:<br />
“Janet and I offer our deepest<br />
condolences to the wife, family<br />
and close friends of Trooper<br />
Aaron Smith.<br />
“Trooper Smith lived and died<br />
a hero. His everlasting inspiration<br />
is a painful reminder of what the<br />
best among us sacrifice everyday<br />
when they leave the house.<br />
I encourage every Hoosier so<br />
inclined to right now stop and<br />
shower Trooper Smith’s bride<br />
with prayer and be there for his<br />
fellow law enforcement members<br />
so shaken by this heartbreaking<br />
loss.”<br />
According to an ISP post from<br />
2018, Smith was a native of<br />
Whiteland and a 2008 graduate<br />
of Whiteland High School. He<br />
joined the Army National Guard<br />
in 2011 and joined ISP in 2018. He<br />
previously worked in insurance<br />
and construction.<br />
The suspect driver and passengers<br />
of the vehicle, which<br />
include an adult and a juvenile,<br />
were taken to local hospitals and<br />
are expected to survive.<br />
UPDATE (6/29/23): Two individuals<br />
were arrested Thursday June 29th<br />
in connection to the deadly incident<br />
involving the trooper. ISP says the<br />
driver identified as 18-year-old Eddie<br />
P. Jones, Jr. of Missouri was preliminarily<br />
charged with murder, Level 1<br />
Felony. The passenger was identified<br />
as 19-year-old DeMareon l. Curry<br />
was preliminarily charged with auto<br />
theft, Level 5 Felony.<br />
A 15-year-old female passenger,<br />
listed as missing from Missouri was<br />
turned over to authorities but not<br />
charged in connection to the incident.<br />
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34 The BLUES The BLUES 35
DETROIT, MI.<br />
Michigan bill could help retain Detroit Officers by charging them for<br />
academy expenses if they transfer to another agency.<br />
By Sarah Roebuck<br />
Reprinted from Police1<br />
DETROIT, MI. — A new Michigan<br />
law could help the City of Detroit<br />
retain officers and recover the costs<br />
of training those officers.<br />
The city pays to train new officers<br />
who often leave to work in the suburbs,<br />
costing Detroit millions, the<br />
city’s assistant police chief told the<br />
Detroit Free Press.<br />
“We have experienced over the<br />
last several years a large number of<br />
individuals joining the Detroit Police<br />
Department for the training with an<br />
apparent plan to leave for suburban<br />
police departments shortly thereafter,”<br />
Detroit Police Department<br />
Assistant Chief David LeValley said<br />
during a legislative hearing.<br />
“I’ve been told that some agencies<br />
have actually encouraged individuals<br />
to do so. And we have even had<br />
police chiefs and command staff<br />
from suburban police departments<br />
attend our academy graduations<br />
only to have a recruit resign the<br />
next day and go work for that agency,”<br />
LeValley added.<br />
In Michigan, it is currently against<br />
the law for employers to accept<br />
fees, gifts, tips or any other type of<br />
compensation as a requirement for<br />
employment. However, two Democratic<br />
legislators from Detroit have<br />
proposed a bipartisan supported<br />
legislation that would establish an<br />
exemption for law enforcement<br />
agencies.<br />
This exemption would enable<br />
these agencies to recover training<br />
expenses from new recruits who<br />
leave before completing four years<br />
of service.<br />
According to an analysis conducted<br />
by the Senate Fiscal Agency, the<br />
tuition fees for law enforcement<br />
training academies in Michigan<br />
vary from $6,000 to $10,000. While<br />
the majority of academies require<br />
recruits to pay tuition, the Detroit<br />
Police Department has its own<br />
training academy, which comes<br />
with a higher cost of approximately<br />
$35,000 per participant. Additionally,<br />
trainees at this academy receive<br />
wages and benefits, according to<br />
LeValley.<br />
LeValley said 58% of officers<br />
who departed from the Detroit<br />
Police Department since 2020 had<br />
served for less than four years.<br />
Among those who left, the department<br />
incurred an estimated cost<br />
yrs.<br />
of $6,389,000 for their recruitment,<br />
hiring and training.<br />
The legislation signed by Gov.<br />
Gretchen Whitmer establishes a<br />
repayment scale that adjusts based<br />
on the duration an officer served in<br />
the department before transitioning<br />
to employment at a different law<br />
enforcement agency.<br />
For officers who serve less than<br />
a year, the agency has the potential<br />
to recover the complete training<br />
cost, up to the officer’s first-year<br />
salary. However, if an officer serves<br />
between three and four years, the<br />
agency is limited to recouping only<br />
25% of the cost, up to the officer’s<br />
first-year salary.<br />
Additionally, the law stipulates<br />
that the repayment for the law<br />
enforcement training academy expenses<br />
would be waived if a newly<br />
recruited officer chooses to leave<br />
the law enforcement agency voluntarily<br />
and pursue an entirely different<br />
profession.<br />
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36 The BLUES The BLUES 37
yrs.<br />
A Florida sheriff’s deputy and motorist are “lucky to be alive” after being<br />
sucked into a flooded drainage pipe and pulled under a four-lane highway.<br />
By Mark Price<br />
The Charlotte Observer<br />
PENSACOLA, FL. — A Florida<br />
sheriff’s deputy and motorist are<br />
“lucky to be alive” after being<br />
sucked into a flooded drainage<br />
pipe and pulled under a fourlane<br />
highway, according to the<br />
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.<br />
The terrifying ordeal was<br />
recorded by the deputy’s body<br />
camera and shows the pair reemerged<br />
gasping for air on the<br />
other side of U.S. 98 near Pensacola.<br />
It happened around 1:40 a.m.<br />
on Friday, June 16, as Deputy<br />
William Hollingsworth was<br />
helping drivers escape “rapidly<br />
rising waters,” the sheriff’s office<br />
said in a news release.<br />
“At one point, Deputy Hollingsworth<br />
exited his patrol car to<br />
approach a citizen who was<br />
trapped in these rising waters. As<br />
he approached, Deputy Hollingsworth<br />
witnessed the citizen go<br />
underwater and rushed to his<br />
aid,” according to the sheriff’s<br />
office.<br />
“Both the citizen and Deputy<br />
Hollingsworth were sucked into<br />
a drainage pipe and were swept<br />
underneath the four-lane roadway<br />
of (Highway) 98. They were<br />
submerged for approximately 30<br />
seconds and traveled nearly 100<br />
feet underwater. They eventually<br />
resurfaced on the other end of<br />
the roadway — lucky to be alive.”<br />
Footage shared on YouTube<br />
shows it was pouring rain and<br />
the road was covered with flood<br />
waters when Hollingsworth<br />
stepped out of his patrol car. He<br />
was sucked into the pipe within<br />
20 seconds.<br />
Only darkness is seen for about<br />
30 seconds in the video, accompanied<br />
by the sounds or roaring<br />
water and gurgling.<br />
Hollingsworth is then heard<br />
calling for the other man and<br />
shouting, “I got you.”<br />
“Can you believe what just<br />
happened to us,” someone is<br />
heard saying. “I’ve never held my<br />
breath like that in my life.”<br />
The video ends with the two<br />
men sitting in Hollingsworth’s<br />
patrol car, as they wait on an<br />
ambulance to examine the driver.<br />
Sheriff’s office officials did not<br />
report any injuries were suffered<br />
by the men.<br />
Some YouTube commenter’s<br />
noted the men endured the stuff<br />
of nightmares.<br />
“I just cried my eyes out. That<br />
was incredible! They way they<br />
hugged and talked to each other<br />
when they surfaced. Humanity<br />
isn’t so bad all the time,” Cambre<br />
Gayle Roberts wrote on the sheriff’s<br />
office Facebook page.<br />
“It is a miracle that they both<br />
survived that ordeal. Culverts<br />
become bottle necks that increase<br />
the velocity of the water<br />
if under sized. ... That had to be<br />
the most terrifying thirty seconds<br />
of their lives,” David Van<br />
Damme wrote.<br />
38 The BLUES The BLUES <strong>39</strong>
yrs.<br />
MODESTO, CA.<br />
‘I’m taking shots’: Video shows gunfire exchange between Calif officer and fleeing suspect.<br />
By Erin Tracy,<br />
The Modesto Bee<br />
MODESTO, CA. — Modesto Police<br />
released video from a June<br />
3 incident in which an officer<br />
exchanged gunfire with a fleeing<br />
suspect.<br />
Video from Officer Raihil Sharma’s<br />
body camera and the dash<br />
camera of his patrol car, as well<br />
as from the department’s new<br />
airplane, captured how the incident<br />
unfolded.<br />
Sharma, a nearly two-year veteran,<br />
pulled over Gordon Massey<br />
on his bicycle just after 10 p.m. in<br />
the area of Phoenix and Glendale<br />
avenues. The video does not say<br />
why Massey was pulled over and<br />
a department spokesperson did<br />
not respond to requests for comment<br />
Saturday morning.<br />
Chief Brandon Gillespie, who<br />
provides narration during the<br />
16-minute edited video, said<br />
Massey was initially cooperative<br />
with Sharma.<br />
But as Sharma ran his name<br />
on the patrol car computer and<br />
learned he had warrants for DUI<br />
and drug offenses, Massey rode<br />
away and Sharma drove after<br />
him.<br />
Sharma followed Massey for<br />
about a minute, through a nearby<br />
shopping center, then into an<br />
adjacent neighborhood, where<br />
Massey allegedly fired three<br />
shots at Sharma.<br />
Sharma notified dispatch, “I’m<br />
taking shots,” then gave a description<br />
of Massey, who allegedly<br />
fired two more rounds at<br />
him.<br />
One shot hit the front passenger<br />
headrest in Sharma’s patrol<br />
car, Gillespie said.<br />
Sharma followed Massey for<br />
about a minute and 50 seconds<br />
as he rode through the neighborhood.<br />
He then stopped the<br />
vehicle, held his gun out of the<br />
window and fired three shots at<br />
Massey.<br />
Massey rode around the corner<br />
and into an alley. When Sharma<br />
caught up with him, Massey was<br />
on the ground lying next to his<br />
bicycle.<br />
Sharma held Massey at gunpoint<br />
and ordered him to keep<br />
his hands visible and stay still<br />
as more officers arrived at the<br />
scene.<br />
Officers can be heard questioning<br />
Massey about where his<br />
gun is and discussing among<br />
themselves whether anyone<br />
has a shield to use to approach<br />
Massey. The video cuts to airplane<br />
footage then back to<br />
officer body camera as they<br />
approach Massey.<br />
Officers handcuffed, then<br />
provided medical aid to Massey.<br />
They cut off his clothes to check<br />
other parts of his body for<br />
gunshot wounds and applied a<br />
tourniquet to his arm. After being<br />
treated he was booked into<br />
the jail.<br />
40 The BLUES The BLUES 41
yrs.<br />
MEMPHIS, TN.<br />
Shelby County Deputy was hospitalized after being dragged by a<br />
suspect’s vehicle. The deputy shot and killed the suspect.<br />
MEMPHIS, TN. — A deputy from<br />
the Shelby County Sheriff’s office<br />
was seriously injured after a<br />
suspect attempted to drive away,<br />
dragging the deputy for almost<br />
100 yards.<br />
Around 9 a.m. on Saturday,<br />
June 24th, a deputy approached<br />
a parked vehicle and attempted<br />
to stop the driver from leaving<br />
the scene. The driver managed<br />
to drive off, dragging the deputy<br />
who was pinned against the<br />
door of the vehicle.<br />
The deputy shot the driver,<br />
who continued driving for<br />
around a half mile before stopping,<br />
the Tennessee Bureau of<br />
Investigation said.<br />
At the request of 30th District<br />
Attorney General Steve Mulroy,<br />
TBI special agents are investigating<br />
the circumstances leading to<br />
an officer-involved shooting that<br />
occurred this morning involving<br />
the Shelby County Sheriff’s<br />
Office.<br />
Preliminary information indicates<br />
the incident occurred<br />
at approximately 9:00 Saturday<br />
morning in the 4100 block of<br />
Rosswood Avenue, where, as<br />
part of an enforcement action,<br />
a deputy approached a parked<br />
car, after which the deputy tried<br />
to stop the driver from leaving<br />
the scene. For reasons still<br />
under investigation, the situation<br />
escalated, resulting in the man<br />
driving off and dragging the deputy<br />
approximately 100 yards. At<br />
some point, the deputy fired his<br />
service weapon at least once,<br />
striking the driver, who drove<br />
about a half mile further before<br />
stopping, and subsequently died<br />
on the way to the hospital. The<br />
deputy has been hospitalized<br />
with a variety of serious injuries.<br />
TBI agents continue to work<br />
to independently determine the<br />
series of events leading to the<br />
shooting, including collecting<br />
evidence and conducting interviews.<br />
Throughout the process,<br />
investigative findings will be<br />
shared with the District Attorney<br />
General for his review and consideration.<br />
The TBI acts solely as<br />
fact-finders in its cases and does<br />
not determine whether the actions<br />
of an officer were justified<br />
in these types of matters; that<br />
decision rests with the District<br />
Attorney General requesting TBI’s<br />
involvement.<br />
The TBI does not identify the<br />
officers involved in these types<br />
of incidents and instead refers<br />
questions of that nature to the<br />
respective department to answer<br />
as it sees fit.<br />
42 The BLUES The BLUES 43
yrs.<br />
Louisiana K-9 dies of heat exhaustion while chasing suspect.<br />
SHREVEPORT, LA. – Shreveport<br />
PD, said Harrie, a 7-year-old<br />
Belgian Malinois relentlessly<br />
tracked the suspects and suffered<br />
from a heat-related injury<br />
during the pursuit.<br />
The Shreveport, Louisiana, police<br />
department says one of its<br />
K9s died of a heat-related injury<br />
after chasing down suspects on<br />
Saturday.<br />
In a Facebook post, the Shreveport<br />
Police Department said K9<br />
handler Sgt. Jeff Hammer and<br />
his partner K9 Harrie began to<br />
assist patrol officers in locating<br />
suspects who fled from a stolen<br />
vehicle just after 4 p.m. on June<br />
24.<br />
Police said Harrie, a 7-yearold<br />
Belgian Malinois relentlessly<br />
tracked the suspects and<br />
suffered from the heat-related<br />
injury during the pursuit.<br />
Harrie was immediately rushed<br />
to a local veterinary hospital, but<br />
despite all efforts to save him,<br />
he died of that injury.<br />
Shreveport’s high temperatures<br />
have been soaring into the 90s<br />
with “feels-like” temperatures<br />
well above 100 degrees, Fox<br />
Weather reports.<br />
44 The BLUES The BLUES 45
yrs.<br />
Officers Charged with Murder<br />
Three San Antonio Police Officers were charged with murder in<br />
the fatal shooting of a woman having a ‘mental health crisis.’<br />
By Ken Miller<br />
Associated Press<br />
SAN ANTONIO, TX. — Three<br />
San Antonio police officers have<br />
been charged with murder in the<br />
fatal shooting of a woman who<br />
was experiencing what the city’s<br />
police chief said was a “mental<br />
health crisis.”<br />
Sgt. Alfred Flores and Officers<br />
Eleazar Alejandro and Nathaniel<br />
Villalobos were suspended<br />
without pay and later arrested<br />
on murder warrants in the shooting<br />
death of Melissa Perez, 46,<br />
when she refused police orders<br />
to come out of her apartment,<br />
Police Chief William McManus<br />
said Friday.<br />
“The officers’ actions were not<br />
consistent with SAPD’s policy and<br />
training,” McManus said during a<br />
Friday night news conference.<br />
“They placed themselves in a<br />
situation where they used deadly<br />
force which was not reasonable<br />
given all the circumstances as<br />
we now understand them,” Mc-<br />
Manus said.<br />
One of the three charged officers<br />
opened fire, McManus said,<br />
after Perez first threw a glass<br />
candlestick at the officers then<br />
swung a hammer at them. All<br />
three officers then fired when<br />
Perez approached them again<br />
with the hammer, hitting her at<br />
least twice, according to McManus.<br />
Court records do not list attorneys<br />
who could speak on behalf<br />
of the three officers.<br />
Perez was suspected of cutting<br />
the wires to a fire alarm, a<br />
felony, at the apartment complex<br />
and was talking to fire<br />
officials about 12:30 a.m. Friday<br />
when an officer approached and<br />
tried to get her to walk toward a<br />
patrol car, McManus said.<br />
Perez was speaking to a fire<br />
department official outside the<br />
complex when an unidentified<br />
officer arrived and is heard on<br />
body camera video calling “hey<br />
lady, get over here,” with Perez<br />
refusing and walking away.<br />
“It appeared that Miss Perez<br />
was having a mental health<br />
crisis,” McManus said without<br />
offering further explanation, she<br />
then ran into her apartment.<br />
The video then shows an officer<br />
on the patio of Perez’s apartment<br />
removing a window screen<br />
as Perez shouts “stop it” and<br />
“you ain’t got no warrant.”<br />
An unidentified officer shouts<br />
“you’re going to get shot,” to<br />
which Perez replies “shoot me -<br />
you ain’t got no warrant.”<br />
The sound of glass breaking<br />
is later heard followed by two<br />
volleys of gunshots.<br />
McManus took no questions,<br />
citing ongoing investigations<br />
into the shooting by the police<br />
department’s Internal Affairs<br />
and Civil Rights divisions and the<br />
Bexar County district attorney’s<br />
Civil Rights Division.<br />
Other officers were also at the<br />
scene, but none are expected to<br />
be charged although all will be<br />
investigated for their actions,<br />
McManus said.<br />
“This incident will continue to<br />
be thoroughly investigated, as<br />
are all officer involved shootings,”<br />
McManus said while expressing<br />
condolences to Perez’s<br />
family.<br />
46 The BLUES The BLUES 47
yrs.<br />
AUSTIN,TX.<br />
New Law Removes Age Cap from Hiring<br />
Gov. Greg Abbott signs law removing the age cap for men and<br />
women interested in applying for jobs in law enforcement.<br />
AUSTIN, TX. – A law set to go<br />
into effect Sept. 1 passed by the<br />
Texas Legislature and signed by<br />
Gov. Greg Abbott, removes the age<br />
cap for men and women interested<br />
in applying for jobs in law<br />
enforcement.<br />
Cleburne Police Chief Rob<br />
Severance, who joined other law<br />
enforcement officers from across<br />
the state in pushing for the bill,<br />
called passage of House Bill 1661 a<br />
win for law enforcement and the<br />
public.<br />
“I’m so excited this bill passed,”<br />
Severance said. “Everywhere<br />
across the state, really across the<br />
nation, law enforcement agencies<br />
are struggling to hire enough officers.<br />
This should help a lot and,<br />
we hope, greatly increase the pool<br />
of potential applicants not just for<br />
the Cleburne Police Department<br />
but everywhere.”<br />
Under the current rule, a person<br />
wishing to take the entrance<br />
exam for a position in most police<br />
departments must be 18 but no<br />
older than 44 with the exception<br />
of officers transferring from one<br />
agency to accept a job as chief<br />
of police at another. The new law<br />
retains the minimum age of 18 but<br />
removes the age limit.<br />
The maximum age limit soon<br />
to be dispensed with applies only<br />
to municipal civil service departments,<br />
of which CPD is one. The<br />
age limit did not apply to law enforcement<br />
agencies not classified<br />
civil service departments, Severance<br />
said.<br />
“Cleburne is one of the departments<br />
in 102 Texas cities, and the<br />
only law enforcement agency in<br />
Johnson County, under municipal<br />
civil service,” Severance said. “It<br />
was adopted at the city’s Jan. 8,<br />
1948, election and approved by the<br />
[Cleburne City Council] on Jan. 23,<br />
1948.”<br />
The benefits of operating under<br />
a civil service model are fairness<br />
and accountability, Severance said.<br />
“The purpose for police and fire<br />
departments, although this new<br />
law only affects police departments,<br />
is to remove politics from<br />
public safety employment decisions,”<br />
Severance said. “It sets up<br />
requirements and due process<br />
steps. So, in other words, I can’t<br />
just hire who I want. There has<br />
to be a competitive exam and a<br />
process to hire or disqualify applicants<br />
in order of that list.”<br />
State Rep. Dewayne Burns,<br />
R-Cleburne, discussed the bill<br />
during a recent visit to the Cleburne<br />
Rotary Club.<br />
“There’s a shortage of police<br />
officers and this should help with<br />
filling those vacancies,” Burns said.<br />
Severance praised efforts by<br />
Burns and state Sen. Phil King,<br />
R-Weatherford, in support of the<br />
bill.<br />
“We approached [Burns] and<br />
asked if he would introduce the<br />
legislation,” Severance said. “We<br />
also communicated with Sen.<br />
King’s office. Both they and their<br />
staffs were great to work with.<br />
I testified for the bill before the<br />
House Committee on Urban Affairs.<br />
They asked a lot of good<br />
questions and there were others<br />
there in support of the bill.”<br />
For a variety of reasons, it’s become<br />
harder to hire police officers<br />
in recent years throughout the<br />
country.<br />
“Fully staffed we would be 55<br />
officers including myself,” Severance<br />
said. “We’re currently eight<br />
short from being fully staffed and<br />
I’ve heard issues of similar or larger<br />
staff shortage challenges from<br />
police chiefs around the state.”<br />
Severance said several at or<br />
near the current age limit have<br />
expressed interest but previously<br />
would not have been able to<br />
apply.<br />
“We’re working through our<br />
last eligibility list to hire or disqualify<br />
candidates,” Severance<br />
said. “But we have fewer people<br />
on that list than we have vacancies.<br />
So, we’re going to have to<br />
test again. Which, we’ll probably<br />
do sometime in September after<br />
the new law goes into effect so<br />
we’ll have a broader pool of applicants,<br />
potentially at least.”<br />
CPD has long recruited at Fort<br />
Cavazos, formerly Fort Hood.<br />
“In talking to police chiefs<br />
around the state we found that<br />
a lot of people who retired after<br />
a career in the military at 45 or<br />
older still have a passion for service,”<br />
Severance said. “Under the<br />
current law they couldn’t apply<br />
to municipal civil service departments<br />
but will be able to now.<br />
Johnson County Sheriff Adam<br />
King said the sheriff’s office isn’t<br />
under civil service but that some<br />
of his best deputies have been<br />
people who were past their 44th<br />
birthday when they were hired.”<br />
One would think that younger<br />
officer candidates would be better<br />
suited for police position jobs, but<br />
such is not always the case, Severance<br />
said.<br />
“Some people at 40, 50 or older<br />
are in better shape than most 20<br />
year olds,” Severance said. “So<br />
it’s really a case-by-case situation<br />
rather than lumping everyone<br />
into age groups. All applicants,<br />
young or old, will still have to<br />
take the fitness test, have a medical<br />
exam and go through all the<br />
requirements everyone has to go<br />
through.”<br />
Another plus, Severance said, is<br />
that CPD pays for accepted applicants<br />
to go through police academy<br />
training and pays them while<br />
they’re attending.<br />
“You can apply to CPD and don’t<br />
have to have a peace officer’s<br />
license,” Severance said. “We’ll<br />
send you to the police academy<br />
pay for that and pay your salary<br />
while you’re attending. <strong>No</strong>t every<br />
department will hire somebody<br />
and fully train them like that.”<br />
The new law, once it goes into<br />
effect, may inspire officers 45 and<br />
over at larger Metroplex police<br />
departments to consider Cleburne,<br />
Severance said.<br />
“Cleburne has a good, hometown<br />
feel and as police here we<br />
get a lot of support and appreciation<br />
from the community,” Severance<br />
said. I think that’s an opportunity<br />
for some of the officers<br />
working in bigger cities who maybe<br />
don’t feel that appreciation.<br />
“Here you get a chance to do<br />
community policing in a manner<br />
where you get to know people in<br />
the community and feel like you’re<br />
making a difference. I don’t know<br />
that you always get the same<br />
sense of satisfaction like that<br />
working in a larger department.<br />
“Overall, this new law should<br />
help us in our continuing goal to<br />
get word out to everybody about<br />
opportunities in Cleburne and<br />
what a great community this is to<br />
work in.”<br />
48 The BLUES The BLUES 49
yrs.<br />
SOLON,OH.<br />
Video shows suspect’s vehicle dragging Ohio officer while fleeing traffic stop.<br />
By Cliff Pinckard<br />
cleveland.com<br />
SOLON, OH. — A police officer<br />
was injured early Sunday morning<br />
when he was dragged by a<br />
vehicle that fled from a traffic<br />
stop, Solon police say.<br />
According to police, Officer<br />
James Cervik, 57, stopped a<br />
black 2015 Nissan Altima on U.S.<br />
422 just before 2 a.m. Sunday<br />
because the Nissan reportedly<br />
had been going 88 mph in a 60<br />
mph zone. When Cervik approached<br />
the car, he could smell<br />
marijuana.<br />
Cervik spent more than four<br />
minutes trying to convince the<br />
male driver to get out of the car,<br />
but the driver refused, police say.<br />
The driver then told Cervik he<br />
had a firearm inside the vehicle,<br />
Be sure and check out<br />
our updated<br />
on Page 162<br />
police say.<br />
Cervik tried to pull the suspect<br />
from the car, but the man<br />
drove off, dragging Cervik a<br />
short distance. He was treated<br />
and released at a hospital.<br />
Another officer later spotted<br />
the Nissan exiting onto Harper<br />
Road but had to stop a brief<br />
pursuit after the suspect’s vehicle<br />
exceeded 100 mph. The car<br />
was last seen heading south on<br />
Cochran Road.<br />
Police say they have issued an<br />
arrest warrant for Termaine Tyrone<br />
Jackson, 27, of Twinsburg,<br />
on charges of assault on a peace<br />
officer, obstructing official business,<br />
and fleeing and eluding.<br />
Anyone with information can<br />
contact police at 440-248-1234.<br />
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Stopping Someone with Aprazia<br />
Message from a Reader<br />
Hi. I thought your readers<br />
might like to learn about the<br />
below initiative to make routine<br />
stops safer and smoother for<br />
officers and drivers.<br />
The Apraxia Foundation is<br />
launching a new initiative to facilitate<br />
communication between<br />
law enforcement and individuals<br />
with speaking difficulties.<br />
Verbal apraxia — also known<br />
as childhood apraxia of speech<br />
— is a neurological speechsound<br />
disorder that interferes<br />
with the brain sending the mouth<br />
signals to move the tongue, lips,<br />
and jaw for the individual to<br />
speak. Despite the word “childhood”<br />
in its name, apraxia is a<br />
lifelong condition that continues<br />
into adulthood. Those who have<br />
it often experience difficulty<br />
articulating the words they want<br />
to say on command and having<br />
their speech responses being<br />
understood by others.<br />
The condition can cause pauses<br />
when answering questions. Both<br />
stress and pressure can make<br />
speech more difficult. This can<br />
lead to problematic or difficult<br />
interactions with law enforcement<br />
when people with apraxia<br />
are pulled over, get stopped at<br />
roadblocks, or interact with police<br />
in other ways.<br />
“As an adult with verbal apraxia,<br />
police officers have questioned<br />
if I’m under the influence<br />
when I have been pulled<br />
over due to the slowness of my<br />
speech,” says Jordan Christian<br />
LeVan, The Apraxia Foundation’s<br />
founder. Unable to speak<br />
a complete sentence before the<br />
age of 12, LeVan is one of many<br />
with apraxia who lead otherwise<br />
everyday lives. To solve this<br />
problem, The Apraxia Foundation<br />
has designed the country’s first<br />
Apraxia Identification Card. Inspired<br />
by diabetic alert bracelets<br />
and visor cards for people who<br />
are deaf or hard of hearing, these<br />
ids can be used with law enforcement<br />
to immediately alert<br />
officers of an individual’s speech<br />
difficulty.<br />
Cards are provided to an officer<br />
together with license and registration.<br />
They are sized to fit easily<br />
in a driver’s wallet and placed<br />
on top of the license for visibility<br />
in case of an emergency. “This is<br />
the first step we are taking to ensure<br />
people with speech disabilities<br />
are being treated equally<br />
by law enforcement due to their<br />
speech difficulties,” says LeVan.<br />
The cards are free and available<br />
for printing online now at<br />
theapraxiafoundation.org/idcards.<br />
About The Apraxia Foundation:<br />
The Apraxia Foundation supports<br />
individuals with apraxia of<br />
speech and other communication-related<br />
disorders by providing<br />
services for evidence-based<br />
treatment; spreading awareness,<br />
acceptance, and pride of<br />
their identity; and giving them<br />
the tools they need to help<br />
them succeed. Learn more at<br />
theapraxiafoundation.org.<br />
Terena Bell PR, Fighting for My<br />
Voice terenaebell@gmail.com<br />
(502) 593-9212<br />
Have a unique story you’d<br />
like to share with the<br />
BLUES readers?<br />
Send it to:<br />
bluespdmag@gmail.com.<br />
50 The BLUES The BLUES 51
yrs.<br />
ALLEN,TX.<br />
BWC video: A lone officer runs toward gunfire and stops a mass shooter at<br />
Texas outlet mall. Officer was at the Mall when the shooting began.<br />
By James Hartley<br />
Fort Worth Star-Telegram<br />
ALLEN, TX. — Allen police<br />
released body-camera video<br />
showing the moment a lone officer<br />
ran toward rapid gunfire and<br />
stopped the deadly rampage.<br />
The officer was already at<br />
the mall on another call and<br />
stopped the gunman less than<br />
four minutes after the attack<br />
began, the video shows.<br />
The shooter, Mauricio Garcia,<br />
killed eight people and wounded<br />
seven.<br />
The video was edited by police<br />
to blur out the faces of civilians<br />
and victims, and some vulgar<br />
language has been removed, the<br />
Allen Police Department said in<br />
a news release. Police cautioned<br />
that some people may find the<br />
video disturbing and recommended<br />
discretion when viewing.<br />
As is standard procedure,<br />
authorities presented evidence<br />
of the officer’s use of force to<br />
a Collin County grand jury. On<br />
Tuesday, grand jurors returned<br />
a “no bill,” confirming that the<br />
officer was justified in shooting<br />
Garcia. The officer has not been<br />
publicly identified.<br />
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52 The BLUES The BLUES 53
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Latest Breaking News as we go LIVE.<br />
Associated Press<br />
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL. — A Florida<br />
sheriff’s deputy was acquitted<br />
Thursday of felony child neglect<br />
and other charges for failing to act<br />
during the 2018 Parkland school<br />
massacre, concluding the first trial<br />
in U.S. history of a law enforcement<br />
officer for conduct during an<br />
on-campus shooting.<br />
Former Broward County Deputy<br />
Scot Peterson wept as the verdicts<br />
were read. The jury had deliberated<br />
for 19 hours over four days.<br />
He could have received nearly 100<br />
years in prison.<br />
The campus deputy at Marjory<br />
Stoneman Douglas High School,<br />
Peterson had been charged with<br />
failing to confront shooter Nikolas<br />
Cruz during his six-minute attack<br />
inside a three-story 1200 classroom<br />
building on Feb. 14, 2018, that left 17<br />
dead.<br />
He could have received nearly 100<br />
years in prison, although a sentence<br />
even approaching that length would<br />
have been highly unlikely given<br />
the circumstances and his clean<br />
record. He also could have lost his<br />
$104,000 annual pension.<br />
Prosecutors, during their twoweek<br />
presentation, called to the<br />
witness stand students, teachers<br />
and law enforcement officers who<br />
testified about the horror they expe-<br />
rienced and how they knew where<br />
Cruz was. Some said they knew for<br />
certain that the shots were coming<br />
from the 1200 building. Prosecutors<br />
also called a training supervisor<br />
who testified Peterson did not<br />
follow protocols for confronting an<br />
active shooter.<br />
Peterson’s attorney, Mark Eiglarsh,<br />
during his two-day presentation,<br />
called several deputies who arrived<br />
during the shooting and students<br />
and teachers who testified they did<br />
not think the shots were coming<br />
from the 1200 building. Peterson,<br />
who did not testify, has said that<br />
because of echoes, he could not<br />
pinpoint the shooters location.<br />
Eiglarsh also emphasized the<br />
failure of the sheriff’s radio system<br />
during the attack, which limited<br />
what Peterson heard from arriving<br />
deputies.<br />
Security videos show that 36<br />
seconds after Cruz’s attack began,<br />
Peterson exited his office about 100<br />
yards (92 meters) from the 1200<br />
building and jumped into a cart<br />
with two unarmed civilian security<br />
guards. They arrived at the building<br />
a minute later.<br />
Peterson got out of the cart near<br />
the east doorway to the first-floor<br />
hallway. Cruz was at the hallway’s<br />
opposite end, firing his AR-15-style<br />
semiautomatic rifle.<br />
Peterson, who was not wearing<br />
a bullet-resistant vest, didn’t open<br />
the door. Instead, he took cover 75<br />
feet (23 meters) away in the alcove<br />
of a neighboring building, his gun<br />
still drawn. He stayed there for 40<br />
minutes, long after the shooting<br />
ended and other police officers had<br />
ATR<br />
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54 The BLUES The BLUES 55
stormed the building.<br />
Peterson spent nearly three decades<br />
working at schools, including<br />
nine years at Stoneman Douglas.<br />
He retired shortly after the shooting<br />
and was then fired retroactively.<br />
Cruz’s jury could not unanimously<br />
agree he deserved the death<br />
penalty. The 24-year-old former<br />
Stoneman Douglas student was<br />
then sentenced to life in prison.<br />
Police1<br />
ANN ARBOR, MI. — The Ann Arbor<br />
City Council voted to pass an ordinance<br />
that would prohibit police<br />
from conducting traffic stops for<br />
some minor traffic violations, the<br />
Detroit Free Press reports.<br />
The minor traffic violations that<br />
fall under the new driving equality<br />
ordinance include cracked windshields,<br />
objects hanging from the<br />
rear view mirror, loud exhaust,<br />
expired registration tags on its first<br />
read and cracked taillights.<br />
Along with the ordinance, the city<br />
also passed a resolution in support<br />
of establishing the city’s first unarmed<br />
crisis response team.<br />
Ann Arbor Police Interim Chief<br />
Aimee Metzer said because of the<br />
overwhelming support for the new<br />
ordinance, the measure will be implemented<br />
immediately.<br />
A council member said the ordinance<br />
is intended to limit interactions<br />
with police officers.<br />
Under the new measure, Ann<br />
Arbor police cannot stop or detain<br />
drivers based on race, gender, religion<br />
or socioeconomic status.<br />
TIFFIN, OH. — A man who abducted<br />
a 7-month-old girl in Ohio<br />
crashed his car into a house while<br />
fleeing police, killing the infant and<br />
critically injuring himself.<br />
The crash occurred shortly before<br />
4 p.m. Tuesday in Tiffin, about 60<br />
miles (100 kilometers) north of Colombus,<br />
authorities said.<br />
The Wood County Sheriff’s Office<br />
sent out an alert naming Jonathan<br />
Baker, 23, of <strong>No</strong>rth Baltimore, Ohio,<br />
after he took the child earlier that<br />
day while reportedly armed with a<br />
gun. Soon after, Baker contacted the<br />
girl’s mother and told her he was<br />
“feeling homicidal and suicidal,”<br />
and saying he had killed the child.<br />
Authorities did not say if Baker<br />
was related to the girl or her mother,<br />
and they did not disclose more<br />
details about how the abduction<br />
occurred.<br />
Tiffin Police Chief David Pauly<br />
said an off-duty city officer spotted<br />
Baker’s car and alerted department<br />
officials. The officer then followed<br />
Baker and provided colleagues with<br />
information about their location.<br />
Officers in police cruisers soon<br />
attempted to stop the vehicle, but<br />
authorities said Baker sped up<br />
before driving off the road, through<br />
the front yard of one home before<br />
crashing into another, knocking the<br />
home off its foundation.<br />
yrs.<br />
Law enforcement officers broke<br />
the car’s back window to retrieve<br />
the infant, whose head was bleeding<br />
and who had labored breathing.<br />
She was taken to a hospital but<br />
died soon after.<br />
Baker was flown by helicopter to<br />
a hospital in Toledo, where authorities<br />
said he remains in critical<br />
condition.<br />
Baltimore Sun<br />
LAUREL, MD. — The former Laurel<br />
police chief accused in a string of<br />
arsons around Maryland was sentenced<br />
Tuesday to life in prison for<br />
the fires he set in Howard County.<br />
Howard Circuit Judge Richard<br />
S. Bernhardt gave David Michael<br />
Crawford, 71, consecutive life<br />
sentences plus 75 years in prison.<br />
Imposing a total of eight life sentences,<br />
Bernhardt ruled that Crawford<br />
could serve six of them at the<br />
same time.<br />
“Arsons destroy persons,” Bernhardt<br />
said.<br />
In March, a jury found Crawford<br />
guilty of eight counts of attempted<br />
first-degree murder — one charge<br />
for each of the people home during<br />
fires he set to houses in Elkridge<br />
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A Day in the Life of a COP.<br />
and Ellicott City — and three counts<br />
of first-degree arson and one count<br />
of malicious burning.<br />
In sum, authorities say, Crawford<br />
is responsible for setting a dozen<br />
fires in six counties from 2011 to<br />
2020.<br />
At trial in March, prosecutors presented<br />
evidence from all 12 fires to<br />
show his pattern: Crawford kept on<br />
his computer a coded list of people<br />
he felt had slighted him in matters<br />
personal or professional, researched<br />
their properties and put flame to<br />
them under the cover of darkness —<br />
sometimes more than once.<br />
The victims include a former<br />
Laurel official, three former law<br />
enforcement officials including<br />
a former Laurel police chief, two<br />
relatives, two of Crawford’s former<br />
physicians and a resident in his<br />
neighborhood.<br />
In Howard County, Crawford set<br />
his chiropractors’ house ablaze<br />
while the doctors, their children<br />
and a relative were home. He also<br />
twice ignited the home of a woman<br />
whom he worked with on a school<br />
redistricting initiative, with one of<br />
the fires taking place when she, her<br />
husband and daughter were home.<br />
He also scorched a car outside of<br />
the house of a nonprofit director<br />
Crawford’s wife butted heads with.<br />
“Crawford is someone who lacks<br />
basic humanity,” Howard County<br />
State’s Attorney Rich Gibson told<br />
reporters after Tuesday’s hearing,<br />
calling the sentence “appropriate.”<br />
Crawford put flame to Scott and<br />
Evelyn Henderson’s Ellicott City<br />
home in 2017 when the couple,<br />
their younger daughter and dog<br />
were there. The fire forced them<br />
into temporary housing and they<br />
took out another mortgage to build<br />
their dream house as a way to heal.<br />
About two weeks before they were<br />
to move into the remodeled house,<br />
Crawford burned it to the ground.<br />
Quinn Henderson was recovering<br />
from substantial leg surgeries<br />
in high school when Crawford lit<br />
the house on fire, with her inside.<br />
She was able to limp out with her<br />
parents, but rushed back into the<br />
burning home to rescue the family’s<br />
beloved dog “Scooby.”<br />
The judge ordered Crawford pay<br />
almost $1.2 million in restitution to<br />
insurance companies that covered<br />
most, but not all, of the fires’ damage.<br />
Saying he was satisfied the state’s<br />
case supported the jury’s verdict,<br />
Bernhardt highlighted pieces of<br />
evidence he found “extremely disturbing.“<br />
SCHEME<br />
alleged enrichment scheme involving<br />
a county sheriff in Virginia<br />
and three accused co-conspirators<br />
to exchange bribes<br />
for badges has led to a federal<br />
indictment.<br />
Culpeper County Sheriff Scott<br />
Howard Jenkins, 51, is accused of<br />
receiving more than $70,000 in<br />
cash while doling out “auxiliary<br />
deputy sheriff” appointments<br />
and other perks to those making<br />
payment, according to a press<br />
release from the U.S. Attorney’s<br />
Office for the Western District of<br />
Virginia.<br />
An overview from the U.S.<br />
Attorney’s Office provided the<br />
following details:<br />
According to the indictment,<br />
from at least April 2019, Culpeper<br />
County Sheriff Scott Howard<br />
Jenkins, 51, accepted cash bribes<br />
and bribes in the form of campaign<br />
contributions totaling at<br />
least $72,500 from Rick Tariq<br />
Rahim, 55, of Great Falls, Virginia,<br />
Fredric Gumbinner, 64, of<br />
Fairfax, Virginia, James Metcalf,<br />
60, of Manassas, Virginia, and at<br />
least five others, including two<br />
FBI undercover agents. In return,<br />
Jenkins appointed each of the<br />
bribe payors as auxiliary deputy<br />
sheriffs, a sworn law-enforcement<br />
position, and issued them<br />
Culpeper County Sheriff’s Office<br />
badges and identification cards.<br />
Jenkins told or caused others to<br />
tell the bribe payors that those<br />
law-enforcement credentials<br />
authorized them to carry concealed<br />
firearms in all fifty states<br />
without obtaining a permit. In<br />
addition, Jenkins assisted Rahim<br />
in gaining approval for a petition<br />
to restore his firearms rights filed<br />
in Culpeper County Circuit Court<br />
that falsely stated that Rahim<br />
resided in Culpeper County.<br />
“Scott Jenkins not only violated<br />
federal law but also violated<br />
the faith and trust placed in<br />
him by the citizens of Culpeper<br />
County by accepting cash bribes<br />
in exchange for auxiliary deputy<br />
badges and other benefits,” United<br />
States Attorney Christopher<br />
R. Kavanaugh said today. “Our<br />
elected officials are expected to<br />
uphold the rule of law, not abuse<br />
their power for their own personal,<br />
financial gain.”<br />
“As law enforcement officers,<br />
we are sworn to protect<br />
and serve our communities. We<br />
do that by upholding the law<br />
It’s become abundantly clear that the press and the public have little understanding<br />
of police work. And something we’ve learned over the years<br />
is that during times of stress and tension, a good chuckle is an extremely<br />
effective medicine. So, here are some things most people don’t know, but<br />
cops do. Please send your additional comments to: bluespdmag@gmail.<br />
com.<br />
1. Most cops understand why tickets are necessary but don’t particularly like writing them. Well, unless they<br />
happen to stop “the guy who pays their wages” and then writing a ticket isn’t so bad. Most cops wonder if they<br />
have something better to do until the person asks in that whiny voice, “Don’t you have anything better to do?”<br />
2. The vast majority of cops have never shot anyone, but most cops can recite a detailed list of people who are/<br />
were deserving of being shot because they posed a deadly threat. This means that most cops have successfully<br />
defused a potentially deadly confrontation using only words and less-lethal weapons.<br />
3. Most cops wonder if they have something better to do until the person asks in that whiny voice, “Don’t you<br />
have anything better to do?” It is then – and only then – the cop knows the answer to that question is, “<strong>No</strong>. This<br />
is good as it gets.”<br />
4. Most cops know the driver they just stopped had more than “two beers” and can estimate with reasonable<br />
accuracy how many beers a driver did, in fact, have.<br />
5. Most cops like donuts, but so does everybody. They are deliberately made to taste really, really good so people<br />
will want to eat them. Please pass me another donut.<br />
6. Most cops wonder why so many members of the community choose to pick up a mobile phone and record<br />
them while the officers are rolling in the dirt with an assailant rather than offering to help the officer.<br />
7. Most cops don’t know the color of the people they stop before the traffic stop takes place. This is especially<br />
true when someone is driving a car with tinted windows at night.<br />
8. Most cops know that if you fix that muffler/tail light/other mechanical issue for which they’ve stopped you, the<br />
cops will stop stopping you.<br />
9. Most cops know it is impossible to stop a patrol car fast enough when the drunk in the back seat says, “Stop!<br />
I think I’ve got to puke.”<br />
10. Most cops know that the national media do not pursue the truth, they pursue a story. Their story and the<br />
truth are too often a little like fraternal twins. They are related, but cops can’t explain why they don’t look anything<br />
alike.<br />
58 The BLUES The BLUES 59
yrs.<br />
– equally, and not abusing the<br />
powers that are entrusted to us,”<br />
Special Agent in Charge Stanley<br />
M. Meador of the FBI’s Richmond<br />
Division said today. “With today’s<br />
announcement, FBI Richmond<br />
re-enforces our commitment –<br />
to the community – of ensuring<br />
abuses of public trust will not be<br />
tolerated and those responsible<br />
will be held accountable.”<br />
Jenkins is charged with one<br />
count of conspiracy, four counts<br />
of honest-services mail and<br />
wire fraud, and eight counts of<br />
federal programs bribery. Rahim<br />
is charged with one count<br />
of conspiracy, three counts of<br />
honest-services mail and wire<br />
fraud, and three counts of federal<br />
programs bribery. Gumbinner<br />
is charged with one count of<br />
conspiracy, one count of honest-services<br />
wire fraud, and<br />
two counts of federal programs<br />
bribery. Metcalf is charged with<br />
one count of conspiracy, one<br />
count of honest-services wire<br />
fraud, and two counts of federal<br />
programs bribery.<br />
If convicted, each defendant<br />
faces up to 5 years in prison on<br />
the conspiracy count, up to 20<br />
years in prison on each of the<br />
honest-services mail and wire<br />
fraud counts, and up to 10 years<br />
in prison on each of the federal<br />
programs bribery counts, the<br />
Justice Department said in the<br />
press release.<br />
According to federal court<br />
documents, Rahim, Gubminner,<br />
and Metcalf pleaded not guilty at<br />
their arraignment on Thursday.<br />
Jenkins has not been arraigned;<br />
according to a court filing, his<br />
arraignment will be “scheduled<br />
with his retained attorney,”<br />
whose name was not immediately<br />
available.<br />
Jenkins has served as the<br />
Culpeper County sheriff since<br />
2012, Law&Crime reported. Court<br />
records indicate that he is not<br />
being held in custody.<br />
TION<br />
Police1<br />
NEW YORK — Live PD alumnus<br />
and retired Tulsa (Okla.) police<br />
officer Sean “Sticks” Larkin will<br />
be hosting a new crime series on<br />
FOX Nation.<br />
The show, “Crime Cam 24/7,”<br />
will be released Friday, July 7<br />
with a new episode streaming<br />
every Friday at 6 p.m. ET. The<br />
program will air in the same<br />
time slot as COPS, which will<br />
return this fall for a new season.<br />
FOX Nation offers a one-year<br />
free subscription for all active<br />
first responders, including police<br />
officers, firefighters, EMTs and<br />
paramedics.<br />
“After green lighting the iconic<br />
series ‘COPS’ back in 2021, we<br />
saw how engaged our subscribers<br />
are in the realm of true crime<br />
and we are thrilled to offer new<br />
content from this genre to meet<br />
the strong demand,” Jason Klarman,<br />
president of FOX Nation<br />
said in a statement. “As a former<br />
member of law enforcement,<br />
Sticks is the perfect voice to<br />
bring this show to life.”<br />
Featuring surveillance footage<br />
captured across the country, this<br />
12-episode series sheds light on<br />
the captivating narratives behind<br />
the most intense crime scenes,<br />
emphasizing the role of cameras<br />
in apprehending criminals and<br />
ensuring their conviction.<br />
“I’m excited to partner with<br />
FOX Nation to continue my passion<br />
of sharing stories of law<br />
and order,” Larkin said in a statement.<br />
“Surveillance footage captures<br />
the essence of crimes and<br />
I’m looking forward to demonstrating<br />
how this tool has helped<br />
in solving cases across the country<br />
with the FOX audience.”<br />
Throughout the series, Larkin<br />
will serve as the narrator, providing<br />
context as the crimes unfold<br />
and offering updates on the<br />
victims and the legal proceedings<br />
against the perpetrators.<br />
CRASH<br />
The Colorado State Patrol this<br />
week released video, from both<br />
dash cam and body-worn camera<br />
footage, of when a suspect<br />
stole a trooper’s car and then<br />
later crashed into a tractor-trailer<br />
after running over a spike<br />
strip. The suspect died from<br />
injuries sustained in the crash.<br />
The situation started when<br />
troopers responded to assist<br />
Otero County deputies June 20 in<br />
pursuit of a vehicle reported to<br />
have been connected to a “shots<br />
fired” call, reports 11News, one<br />
of the local media outlets that<br />
aired the video. The state patrol<br />
reports the fleeing suspect was<br />
reported to have caused multiple<br />
crashes and attempted to cause<br />
head-on collisions with other<br />
vehicles.<br />
Troopers performed a PIT to<br />
stop the suspect vehicle during<br />
the original pursuit, the agency<br />
said in a media release.<br />
However, after being cuffed<br />
and placed into the back of a<br />
trooper’s patrol vehicle, the male<br />
suspect was able to slip his cuffs<br />
under his feet and climb into<br />
the driver’s seat of the marked<br />
vehicle. The state patrol reports<br />
that troopers and officers on the<br />
scene pursued the man in the<br />
stolen patrol vehicle and spikes<br />
were deployed.<br />
“After hitting the spike strip,<br />
the suspect in the patrol vehicle<br />
lost control, crashed into the<br />
side of a stopped commercial<br />
motor vehicle parked on the side<br />
of Highway 50 and caught on<br />
fire,” the state patrol said in a<br />
media release.<br />
That same media release<br />
states the driver suspect was removed<br />
from the wrecked patrol<br />
vehicle and was transported to<br />
an area hospital, where he died.<br />
The driver of the tractor-trailer<br />
was not injured in the collision.<br />
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60 The BLUES The BLUES 61
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62 The BLUES The BLUES 63<br />
police.conroeisd.net<br />
CISDPolice<br />
the abc’s of<br />
UAS<br />
Brandon Karr<br />
One of the most common discussions<br />
that have been increasing<br />
across public safety drone programs<br />
is about data security practices<br />
for the platforms the agency<br />
is planning on employing. As over<br />
90% of public safety agencies<br />
are using Chinese-manufactured<br />
systems, such as DJI, Autel, and<br />
Yuneec, it is important to seriously<br />
evaluate the systems to ensure that<br />
the drones are compliant with your<br />
agency’s data security policies. As<br />
these drones are essentially flying<br />
computers, a data security analysis<br />
should be conducted on any system<br />
that the agency is interested in<br />
flying, American-made or otherwise.<br />
Inevitably, when researching<br />
data security and drones, you will<br />
come across the blue and green UAS<br />
lists. To address these cybersecurity<br />
concerns, the Defense Innovation<br />
Unit (DIU) and AUVSI have developed<br />
two certification programs for<br />
“data secure” UAS: Blue UAS and<br />
Green UAS. We will dive into these<br />
two lists to help shed some light on<br />
what these lists are.<br />
BLUE UAS<br />
Drones are becoming increasingly<br />
popular for both commercial and<br />
government use. In the military, UAS<br />
are used for a variety of missions,<br />
including intelligence, surveillance,<br />
and reconnaissance (ISR), target<br />
acquisition, and strike operations.<br />
The use of UAS in the military raises<br />
several cybersecurity concerns. UAS<br />
are often connected to the internet,<br />
which makes them vulnerable to<br />
cyberattacks. In addition, UAS can<br />
carry sensitive payloads, such as<br />
cameras and sensors, which could<br />
be used to collect classified information.<br />
The Blue UAS program is a government-led<br />
initiative that aims to<br />
rapidly vet and scale commercial<br />
UAS technology for the Department<br />
of Defense (DoD). The program consists<br />
of five lines of effort:<br />
Onboarding: This line of effort<br />
vets commercial UAS to ensure that<br />
they meet DoD cybersecurity and<br />
operational requirements.<br />
Clearance: Once a UAS has been<br />
vetted, it is added to the Blue UAS<br />
Cleared List. This list is available to<br />
DoD users, who can then procure<br />
and operate the UAS without needing<br />
to obtain an exception to the<br />
policy.<br />
Procurement: The Blue UAS program<br />
works with government partners<br />
to procure Blue UAS systems.<br />
Training: The program provides<br />
training to DoD users on how to operate<br />
Blue UAS systems safely and<br />
effectively.<br />
Support: The program provides<br />
technical support to DoD users who<br />
are operating Blue UAS systems.<br />
The Blue UAS program is designed<br />
to make it easier for DoD users to<br />
access and use commercial UAS<br />
technology. By vetting and clearing<br />
commercial UAS systems, the<br />
program helps to ensure that these<br />
systems are secure and reliable.<br />
It’s important to note that the Blue<br />
UAS is designed and intended for<br />
the United States War Fighter. DIU<br />
and other Blue UAS partners have<br />
long stated the Blue UAS list was<br />
never intended to be implemented<br />
for public safety.<br />
The Green UAS program is an<br />
AUVSI initiative that mirrors the<br />
Blue UAS certification program.<br />
The program is designed to expand<br />
the number of commercial UAS<br />
that have been verified to meet the<br />
highest levels of cybersecurity and<br />
National Defense Authorization Act<br />
(NDAA) supply chain requirements.<br />
The Green UAS program is open to<br />
any commercial UAS manufacturer.<br />
To participate in the program, manufacturers<br />
must submit their UAS<br />
to a third-party assessor for evalu-<br />
64 The BLUES The BLUES 65
the abc’s of<br />
UAS<br />
Brandon Karr<br />
ation. The assessor will verify that<br />
the UAS meets the program’s cybersecurity<br />
and supply chain requirements.<br />
Once a UAS has been evaluated<br />
and approved, it will be added<br />
to the Green UAS Cleared List. This<br />
list is available to the public, and<br />
manufacturers can use it to market<br />
their products to potential government<br />
and commercial customers.<br />
The Green UAS program is designed<br />
to help commercial UAS<br />
manufacturers comply with the<br />
NDAA’s cybersecurity requirements.<br />
By participating in the program,<br />
manufacturers can demonstrate<br />
that their products are secure and<br />
reliable and increase their chances<br />
of winning government contracts.<br />
The Blue UAS and Green UAS<br />
programs are similar in many ways.<br />
Both programs aim to vet and clear<br />
commercial UAS systems to ensure<br />
that they meet DoD cybersecurity<br />
and operational requirements. However,<br />
there are some key differences<br />
between the two programs:<br />
The Blue UAS program is government-led,<br />
while the Green UAS<br />
program is industry-led. This means<br />
that the Blue UAS program is more<br />
tightly controlled by the DoD, while<br />
the Green UAS program is slightly<br />
more flexible and allows for more<br />
innovation.<br />
The Blue UAS program is focused<br />
on DoD users, while the Green UAS<br />
program is open to all users. This<br />
means that the Blue UAS program<br />
offers more support and training<br />
for DoD users, while the Green UAS<br />
program is more accessible to commercial<br />
users.<br />
The Blue UAS program has a<br />
longer track record, while the Green<br />
UAS program is newer. This means<br />
more data is available on the Blue<br />
UAS program, but the Green UAS<br />
program may offer more innovative<br />
solutions.<br />
Ultimately, the best program for a<br />
particular UAS manufacturer depends<br />
on their needs and goals. If a<br />
manufacturer is focused on selling<br />
their products to the DoD, then the<br />
Blue UAS program may be the best<br />
option. If a manufacturer is focused<br />
on selling their products to a wider<br />
range of users, then the Green UAS<br />
program may be the better choice.<br />
Every agency needs to evaluate<br />
what system is going to be best<br />
suited for their operations and<br />
environment. If your agency works<br />
closely with military bases, critical<br />
infrastructure, or similar, then at a<br />
minimum, the green list might be<br />
best suited for you. However, there<br />
has not been a single manufacturer<br />
that has been approved for the<br />
green list. Currently, all the Blue<br />
UAS or Green UAS platforms are at<br />
least 5x the price with half the price<br />
and/or half the capability of non-<br />
Blue/Green UAS platforms. However,<br />
there are grant funding options<br />
available for Blue/Green UAS to help<br />
offset some of the costs.<br />
If your agency is not deploying<br />
for these types of environments or<br />
operations, or if your State legislation<br />
is not restricting you to a<br />
specific set of manufacturers, then<br />
your agency can choose any manufacturer<br />
you that suits your needs.<br />
According to multiple FOIA requests<br />
from multiple manufacturer lobbyist<br />
groups, conservatively, over 90%<br />
of public safety agencies are using<br />
Chinese manufacturer drones. This<br />
is due to the fact that they are lowcost,<br />
user-friendly, and have more<br />
capable sensors and aircraft than<br />
the Blue/Green UAS lists for public<br />
safety types of deployments.<br />
The Blue UAS and Green UAS programs<br />
are both important initiatives<br />
that are helping to improve the<br />
cybersecurity of commercial UAS.<br />
By vetting and clearing commercial<br />
UAS systems, these programs<br />
help to ensure that these systems<br />
are secure and reliable, and they<br />
can help to increase the adoption<br />
of UAS technology by both government<br />
and commercial users. As the<br />
use of UAS continues to grow, we<br />
will likely see even more programs<br />
and initiatives that are focused on<br />
improving the cybersecurity of these<br />
systems. This is an important area<br />
of research, and it is one that will<br />
continue to help foster competition<br />
and grow the industry.<br />
When your agency is looking to<br />
start using drones or is looking towards<br />
the future, It is important to<br />
handle these systems the same way<br />
as you would any other computer<br />
system. There are many ways your<br />
agency can safeguard your network/deployments.<br />
Some of those<br />
ways include flying in a 3rd party<br />
software such as DRONESENSE or<br />
a similar platform. Regardless of<br />
what platform you decide on, take<br />
into consideration the following:<br />
1) Does your agency support DoD operations<br />
or fly near national security/<br />
critical infrastructure facilities?<br />
2) Does your State regulate what<br />
platforms you can or cannot fly?<br />
3) What is the primary deployment<br />
the drone will be used for?<br />
4) What sensors will you need to<br />
successfully accomplish the mission?<br />
5) Can your data be safeguarded<br />
with 3rd party applications?<br />
6) Can your platform be flown<br />
off-network or with no connectivity?<br />
66 The BLUES The BLUES 67
68 The BLUES The BLUES 69<br />
By Shawn McCook, Sergeant, Orange County (FL) Sheriff’s Office, Special Operations Division, Aviation Section<br />
With a combination of helicopters, drones and an airplane, the Orange<br />
County Sheriff’s Office Aviation Section has a long history of providing<br />
Florida’s vibrant tourism capital with aerial support in a variety of missions.<br />
Orange County is located in<br />
Central Florida with the county<br />
seat being Orlando, FL. It is<br />
home to approximately 1.5<br />
million residents and the area receives 75<br />
million visitors annually who enjoy the<br />
theme parks, golf courses, conventions,<br />
restaurants, sports and area attractions.<br />
Orlando is a great place for outdoor recreation,<br />
thanks to the year-round sunshine<br />
and the abundance of parks, hiking trails<br />
and green spaces.<br />
Orange County encompasses 1,003<br />
square miles. There are 368 lakes in the<br />
county with Lake Apopka being the fourth<br />
largest lake in the state. Orange County is<br />
home to the University of Central Florida, the<br />
largest university in the nation, and the<br />
second largest convention center in the<br />
country. Orlando is most notably recognized<br />
for being the nation’s theme park destination<br />
with Walt Disney World, Universal Studios<br />
and SeaWorld --- all within jurisdiction of the<br />
Orange County Sheriff’s Office (OCSO).<br />
Orlando International Airport is also<br />
located within OCSO’s jurisdiction and the<br />
Class B airport is currently the seventh busiest<br />
airport in the world. On March 11, 2023,<br />
the airport recorded its busiest travel day<br />
with 95,287 arriving/departing passengers.<br />
OCSO’s History<br />
OCSO started its Aviation Section under<br />
Sheriff Dave Starr in the mid-1950s with two<br />
airplanes, and the air support unit has been<br />
in continuous operation since that time.<br />
OCSO was responsible for medical transports<br />
starting in the 1970s and fulfilled that<br />
mission until this service was turned over to<br />
Orange County Fire Rescue in 1999. Since<br />
then, the Aviation Section has been focused<br />
exclusively on law enforcement operations.<br />
OCSO currently employs 1,610 sworn<br />
personnel and 613 civilian employees. The<br />
agency is responsible for services in all the<br />
unincorporated areas of the county along<br />
70 30 The AIR BLUES BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
www.publicsafetyaviation.org The BLUES l 71 31<br />
with staffing the courthouses and providing<br />
school resource officers to 130 schools.<br />
The Aviation Section is based three<br />
miles east of downtown at the Orlando<br />
Executive Airport. This location places the<br />
Aviation Section in the center of the county<br />
minimizing the response time county-wide.<br />
The Aviation Section has two hangars. One<br />
hangar is used by the duty crew, administration<br />
and houses in-service aircraft ready<br />
to be deployed. The second hangar is used<br />
by maintenance staff to work on aircraft<br />
and store parts and aircraft undergoing inhouse<br />
maintenance.<br />
Currently, the OCSO Aviation Section<br />
operates three Bell 407 helicopters, a Bell<br />
206-L4 helicopter and a Cessna T206H<br />
Stationair airplane. All aircraft are equipped<br />
with Garmin G500-based avionics packages,<br />
along with Wescam MX-10 EO-IR<br />
cameras and SHOTOVER’s Augmented Reality<br />
Mapping Systems.<br />
The Aviation Section is staffed 24/7 with<br />
a pilot and a tactical flight officer, plus additional<br />
crews cover overlapping shifts that<br />
allow two aircraft and crews to cover peak<br />
hours. The Aviation Section currently has 24<br />
full-time members, 13 part-time TFOs and<br />
one reserve deputy pilot who served in the<br />
unit for 22 years before retiring. Two of the<br />
full-time members and one part-time TFO are<br />
officers with the Orlando Police Department<br />
and are assigned to the Aviation Section.<br />
Maintenance is handled in-house. OCSO’s<br />
maintenance department is currently run by a<br />
director of maintenance and staffed by two<br />
airframe and powerplant mechanics and an<br />
avionics technician. As with any other airborne<br />
law enforcement unit, it’s the maintenance<br />
staff that keeps the unit up and running.<br />
Aviation Section’s Missions<br />
The Aviation Section provides aerial law<br />
enforcement support for incidents such as<br />
surveillance, pursuits, suspect searches,<br />
Following an extensive reconfiguration in February 2023, OCSO's newest Bell 407 aircraft<br />
has improved safety and mission effectiveness.<br />
missing persons, aerial support during critical<br />
incidents, water rescues, pre- and postdisaster<br />
damage assessments, search and<br />
rescues, fire spotting and other fire support<br />
missions, public relations details, dignitary<br />
visits, homeland security tasks, and any<br />
other request that may come in.<br />
The Aviation Section also provides aerial<br />
support to a variety of governmental partners,<br />
including the Orange County Board of<br />
County Commissioners, Department of Environmental<br />
Protection, Orange County Fire<br />
Rescue Department, Orange County Code<br />
Enforcement, Orange County Emergency<br />
Operations Center, United States Secret<br />
Service, United States Transportation Security<br />
Administration, and the 12 municipal<br />
police departments within Orange County.<br />
Most of the unit’s flights are conducted to<br />
assist the Uniform Patrol Division with inprogress<br />
felony crimes. Members of the Aviation<br />
Section work these calls closely with the<br />
K-9 Unit and operate a perimeter containment<br />
model. While the K-9 is on the ground tracking,<br />
the patrol units are containing the suspect<br />
and the aircrew is working ahead of K-9 to<br />
provide aerial surveillance and minimize the<br />
risk to the K-9 Unit while tracking suspects.<br />
This method and teamwork have greatly<br />
increased the success rate in apprehensions.<br />
The next most common request received<br />
is to assist surveillance units with felony<br />
suspect apprehensions. These surveillance<br />
missions range from people out on foot in<br />
crowded areas to vehicle surveillance. The<br />
terrain can be congested areas such as<br />
downtown Orlando or near the tourist corridor<br />
to rural sections of the county, which<br />
are primarily pine tree forests or swamp<br />
land. These surveillance missions are where<br />
the Cessna 206 is most often utilized.<br />
The Aviation Section also trains closely<br />
with the agency’s SWAT team. Crewmembers<br />
are trained quarterly on both a Tyler<br />
Special Operations Platform and aerial platform<br />
shooting. These capabilities allow for a<br />
quick response in the event of a critical incident<br />
by moving SWAT operators anywhere in<br />
the county quickly, without being limited by<br />
congestion or traffic.<br />
OCSO has been using Unmanned Aerial<br />
System (UAS) for over 20 years and just<br />
recently brought UAS operations into the<br />
Aviation Section. This has resulted in streamlined<br />
operations and communications with<br />
the UAS operators during deployments in<br />
the field. The agency currently operates 30<br />
UAS in patrol scenarios, explosive ordinance<br />
disposal, and SWAT operations. This portion<br />
of the Aviation Section is rapidly growing<br />
and is expected to double in size in the<br />
coming year.<br />
Last year, the Aviation Section handled<br />
3,925 calls for service, flew 1,656 hours,<br />
made 235 infrared camera apprehensions,<br />
assisted with 580 additional arrests and<br />
located 45 victims.<br />
Also in 2022, OCSO took delivery of its<br />
third Bell 407, which has allowed for a higher<br />
volume of calls and more apprehensions.<br />
With this additional helicopter, the Aviation<br />
Section is on pace to fly approximately<br />
2,000 hours this year and is currently trending<br />
a 40% increase in apprehensions.<br />
Aircrew Recruitment & Selection<br />
The Aviation Section recently revamped<br />
its selection and training process and has<br />
seen great results. An emphasis has been<br />
placed on deputies who have experience<br />
conducting surveillance, high-risk take<br />
downs, tactical units beyond uniform patrol,<br />
and working perimeters. The understanding<br />
of these tactics transitions well into working<br />
the calls in the air from a TFO seat. In the<br />
last posting, there were 38 deputies that<br />
applied for this position and the Aviation<br />
Section was able to select deputies with<br />
extensive experience in this area.<br />
After being selected, the trainee TFOs<br />
go through an intensive 40-hour ground<br />
school including Shallow Water Emergency<br />
Egress Training before beginning their flight<br />
training. Next, trainee TFOs are temporarily<br />
assigned to the Aviation Section for a<br />
month where they alternate day and night<br />
shifts. While flying active missions, there is<br />
a senior TFO in the back coaching and<br />
assisting with calls for service. During this<br />
time, numerous training scenarios are<br />
incorporated as benchmarks to ensure a<br />
progression is met. If the TFO successfully<br />
The tourist corridor known as International Drive features shops, restaurants, amusements<br />
and numerous hotels around the Orange County Convention Center.<br />
completes this training, they are signed-off<br />
for solo duties and remain in a trainee<br />
status for one year before earning their<br />
wings. These part-time TFOs are then<br />
required to work two shifts a month with<br />
mandatory night shifts every 90 days to<br />
stay proficient.<br />
When a full-time vacancy in the Aviation<br />
Section becomes available, the part-time<br />
TFOs are likely the most qualified candidates.<br />
This allows the aviation unit to immediately<br />
fill an open position with a trained<br />
TFO and eliminates the months of downtime<br />
that would result if a trained TFO wasn’t<br />
prepared. This has increased efficiency<br />
since the TFO is already familiar with unit<br />
members and operations, which makes for a<br />
swift, seamless transition. The Aviation<br />
Section has found that the best TFOs make<br />
the best law enforcement pilots. So, when<br />
looking to fill a pilot spot, previous TFO<br />
experience is preferred due to the extensive<br />
experience they have doing the job.<br />
However, anyone with a commercial rotorcraft<br />
rating and second-class medical is eligible<br />
to apply.<br />
Whether protecting the magic, securing<br />
critical infrastructure, catching bad guys or<br />
locating lost individuals, the OCSO Aviation<br />
Section stands ready and willing to assist<br />
the citizens and visitors of Central Florida.<br />
On behalf of the entire OCSO Aviation<br />
Section, we look forward to seeing you at<br />
APSCON 2023 this summer!<br />
Take a tour of the OSCO Aviation Section’s aircraft on<br />
YouTube or watch the OCSO’s Facebook Live tour.<br />
Tour the OCSO Fleet: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNHD1rlsAqI<br />
OCSO’s Facebook Live video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgeR_17fpjI<br />
32 AIR BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
72 The BLUES The BLUES 73<br />
www.publicsafetyaviation.org l 33
The Gold Standard in<br />
Special Mission Aircraft<br />
By John Nielsen,<br />
Director of Airborne Law Enforcement Operations,<br />
Air Bear Tactical Aircraft<br />
A QUICK DIVE DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE I started as a Tactical Flight Officer,<br />
Time and technology ultimately<br />
I’m John Nielsen, Director of Airborne working in both helicopters and airplanes<br />
changed the paradigm in providing efficient<br />
airborne law enforcement sup-<br />
the same stories today from numerous Law<br />
Here we are in 2023 and I’m listening to<br />
Law Enforcement Operations and a founding<br />
member and partner in Air Bear Tacti-<br />
to master the EO/IR camera technology,<br />
for the first few years, and learned how<br />
port. While technology has improved Enforcement programs that are stuck in the<br />
cal Aircraft. My airborne law enforcement which honestly wasn’t very effective or<br />
dramatically, it always seems that law “we’ve always done it this way, and it’s not<br />
experience dates to the mid-1980s, when I reliable at that time. We had to be very<br />
enforcement is slow to adapt to new going to change” mentality. I and my partners<br />
here at Air Bear hear this constantly;<br />
landed my first gig in the Air Support program<br />
for the California Highway Patrol. I during search missions, hence why heli-<br />
low and slow to get a workable image<br />
technologies and capabilities, insisting<br />
upon going with “what works.” Even while there is newer, proven technology<br />
worked the road as a trooper for 5 years, copters became the platform of choice for<br />
for a large modern agency like the CHP, that costs significantly less, many agencies<br />
had tested and waited to be picked up as mounting the rudimentary technology that<br />
change was painfully slow.<br />
insist upon going “with what we know.”<br />
an airplane pilot.<br />
was available.<br />
74 The BLUES The BLUES 75<br />
This is all well and good if it works for you,<br />
however these days budgets are tight and<br />
operating and acquisition costs are pressuring<br />
airborne activities. There is a better<br />
way forward.<br />
I had a great conversation the other day<br />
with an Airborne Law Enforcement team<br />
that is actively researching tactics to become<br />
more effective. I was inspired by the<br />
passion of these young officers. The history<br />
of the Air Support Unit and personal testimonies<br />
from the crew was familiar, as I’ve<br />
listened to the same set of issues and problems<br />
within our unique profession so many<br />
times before. It’s a little like Bill Murray in<br />
Groundhog Day; agencies nationwide have<br />
been caught in the same cycle of provid-<br />
radical idea of adding Intelligence technology<br />
to my assigned airplane, so we could<br />
expand the mission of the Fixed Wing program.<br />
CHP air operations at that time had<br />
largely been a traffic enforcement operation<br />
during daytime hours. As expected,<br />
slow adaptation was the norm. For the next<br />
15 years, I paid very close attention to the<br />
tactics that improved our air program and<br />
continued to gather information to keep the<br />
voice of change active.<br />
In 2005 we received funding from the<br />
Department of Transportation to integrate<br />
our CHP Cessna 206 airplane with a large<br />
format EO/IR camera system. The MX-15<br />
camera was the largest and most powerful<br />
surveillance system available to domestic<br />
tioning to get the best angle for our camera<br />
during searches, practiced the key tactics<br />
of sending out clear concise information,<br />
controlled pursuits, contained perimeters,<br />
and perfected how we hunted crime from<br />
above.<br />
In 2006, we looked back at the 2005 results<br />
with that first ISR airplane, Call sign<br />
Air-21. In 12 months, we flew that single<br />
ship 1,800 hours in patrol support, both<br />
night and day. This resulted in 600 confirmed<br />
felony suspects being located and<br />
in custody arrests; actively engaged in 200<br />
police pursuits that also resulted in arrests<br />
without injuries to allied agencies or the<br />
public. Additionally, Air-21 was successful<br />
in finding numerous lost subjects within<br />
ment is not focusing on the main rule for<br />
success, which is Actively Waiting!<br />
The axiom “If You’re <strong>No</strong>t In The Air, You’re<br />
<strong>No</strong>t There” was proven by Air-21. You must<br />
be in the air, on station and ready to respond,<br />
which requires cost-effective, modern<br />
technology to provide affordable and<br />
reliable support.<br />
Spending time with major agencies<br />
across the nation, I’ve determined the single<br />
issue which restricts many air units from<br />
providing effective air support is that most<br />
programs can’t afford to fly the number of<br />
hours per shift to have a significant impact.<br />
High costs result in responding from the<br />
airport hangar to pursuits and crimes in<br />
progress, which is statistically ineffective.<br />
ing Air Support that is not optimal, hence<br />
not making a solid impact nor providing a<br />
return on their investment. We don’t like<br />
change, so we fight to keep things the way<br />
they’ve always been.<br />
If any of this hit’s home, then it’s time to<br />
take an honest and serious look at how<br />
Pro-active Air Support historically and statistically<br />
“Works!”<br />
It was 1990 when I presented my first<br />
study to CHP management. It included a<br />
Law Enforcement at that time. Our airplane<br />
crews had no tactical experience using<br />
this technology, but thankfully we received<br />
excellent training and support from Kevin<br />
Means, a highly experienced Pilot/ Officer<br />
with the San Diego Police Department.<br />
Kevin wrote the book on how to effectively<br />
search using thermal imaging cameras,<br />
and he was the first to instill that solid tactical<br />
information from above has very little<br />
to do with the platform, or type of aircraft<br />
it is attached to. We focused on the posi-<br />
the Sierra Nevada Mountains; Air-21 was<br />
also active in speed enforcement and other<br />
activities supporting dozens of allied agencies.<br />
All with one fixed wing aircraft.<br />
At that moment in time, we realized the<br />
paradigm had shifted. To date, I have yet to<br />
see this level of activity from any single law<br />
enforcement aircraft; helicopter or airplane<br />
within the U.S., and there is specific reason<br />
for this outcome. Airborne Law Enforce-<br />
Ground response provides you with 90%<br />
chance of arriving overhead on a call that’s<br />
now cold.<br />
Air Support is only effective when a<br />
crew is actively Airborne and can engage<br />
a dispatch priority call immediately. It’s<br />
all about what happens in those first few<br />
minutes. This requires adopting an “Active<br />
Waiting” technique, which is really hours<br />
of boredom interspersed with seconds and<br />
minutes of effective response. In a world<br />
76 The BLUES The BLUES 77<br />
where everything is over in 120 seconds,<br />
ground dispatch just does not provide effective<br />
results.<br />
So, what does work? The aircraft needs<br />
to loiter in a position of opportunity for the<br />
crew to engage in real time. You must have<br />
the window of opportunity to See, Act, Engage,<br />
Control, and Mitigate the risk of the<br />
ground response. Then contain the perimeter,<br />
and coordinate a successful arrest.<br />
Back to rule #1, “If you’re not in the air,<br />
you’re not there.” This requires a cost-effective<br />
platform which you can afford to fly<br />
every day, every shift.<br />
Active Waiting is the starting point to<br />
change the outcome of a critical incident,<br />
and if you can’t afford to loiter above your<br />
city for hours at a time with your current<br />
aircraft, then I would suggest you investigate<br />
other cost-effective solutions.<br />
We run across units who continually<br />
pursue purchasing the same platform as<br />
they currently cannot afford to operate or<br />
are seeking bigger aircraft which are well<br />
beyond the requirements of their mission.<br />
It is little wonder why airborne law enforcement<br />
units are having a difficult time<br />
staying relevant. Buying the same model<br />
aircraft, with the same annual operating<br />
budget that will ultimately handcuff the<br />
crews to a ground-based response isn’t a<br />
solid plan.<br />
THE PLUG<br />
Here at Air Bear Tactical Aircraft, we focus<br />
on modern low-cost turnkey solutions for<br />
the Airborne Law Enforcement community.<br />
Our Diamond DA62-MPP (Multi-Purpose<br />
Platform) is a modern twin diesel powered<br />
airplane that can loiter (Actively Waiting)<br />
for over 8 hours, burning less than 8 gallons<br />
of Jet fuel (total) per hour. Its carbon<br />
footprint and operating costs are extremely<br />
low as compared to turbine helicopters and<br />
fixed wing aircraft that are frequently used<br />
for police programs. The hourly operating<br />
cost of an MPP is equivalent to the most<br />
popular single engine piston in use today,<br />
while providing much better payload capacity<br />
and time on station.<br />
This modern purpose-built platform can<br />
park a flight crew and advanced Eye in the<br />
Sky ISR technology over a city and on station<br />
for more hours per shift, for less money.<br />
This dramatic increase in patrol flight<br />
hours will allow engagement in real time,<br />
which will transform the operational effectiveness<br />
of your Air Support Program.<br />
I’ve spent 14,000 hours hunting crime<br />
from above and instructed nationally for<br />
over two decades to hundreds of Law Enforcement<br />
Air Crews. My advice is to define<br />
the problem, and determine what’s holding<br />
you back. Assemble the team and ask the<br />
questions; someone inside that room will<br />
have the answers. Focus on Pro-active Air<br />
Support, which is keeping a flight crew on<br />
station and Actively Waiting for that next<br />
priority dispatch. Be aggressive with the<br />
response and control it so you can contain<br />
and capture criminals.<br />
With modern technology, you can do this<br />
complex mission using a cost-effective<br />
fixed wing platform. Be passionate, embrace<br />
change, and focus on tactics that<br />
have been proven to deliver results.<br />
Air Bear Tactical Aircraft will provide the<br />
right platform for your mission and budget<br />
when you’re ready to move forward. Come<br />
see us in Booth 707 in Orlando, we’ll be<br />
happy to discuss your needs and how we<br />
can help you become a far more productive<br />
air unit.<br />
78 The BLUES The BLUES 79<br />
Air Bear announces the arrival of<br />
the DA62-MPP in <strong>No</strong>rth America<br />
The Shape of Things To Come Is Here!<br />
The next generation airborne law enforcement surveillance<br />
platform is now shipping to <strong>No</strong>rth American customers.<br />
The highly capable, multi-role aircraft provides exceptionally low<br />
DOC’s (about $260.00/hour with Piston Power’s complete aircraft<br />
tip to tail maintenance program) while providing best in class<br />
surveillance capabilities.<br />
Air Bear is the exclusive DA62-MPP distributor for the USA.<br />
Contact the Air Bear to learn how the MPP can increase your<br />
efficiency while dramatically lowering your acquisition and<br />
operating costs.<br />
Learn more at: www.airbear.aero<br />
Diamond DA62-MPP <strong>No</strong>w Delivering<br />
to <strong>No</strong>rth America!<br />
The MPP uses just 7.6 g/hr (total) of<br />
Jet-A at loiter speed, capable of<br />
sprinting at up to 192 kts.<br />
Multi-role, multi-mission capable<br />
Capable, Efficient & Cost Effective<br />
Air Bear Tactical Aircraft | 19711 Campus Drive #150 Santa Ana, CA 92707 | 855-699-5489<br />
www.airbear.aero | bearsintheair@airbear.aero<br />
80 The BLUES The BLUES 81<br />
By Terry Palmer, APSA Training Program Manager<br />
The Airborne Public Safety Association<br />
is excited to be back in Orlando,<br />
FL for its annual conference,<br />
APSCON <strong>2023.</strong> Located next to the<br />
Orange County Convention Center (OCCC),<br />
the host hotel, Rosen Centre, offers worldclass<br />
accommodations and is attached to<br />
the convention center via a skywalk. Education<br />
and training will take place from<br />
Monday, July 17 through Saturday, July 22,<br />
2023 at the OCCC’s West Concourse.<br />
APSCON 2023 starts with our conference<br />
courses designed for all facets of<br />
public safety aviation. There are eight<br />
Conference Courses offered from Monday,<br />
July 17 through Wednesday, July 19. The<br />
in-depth courses offered are the Aviation<br />
Safety Officer Course, Airborne Thermographer<br />
Certification Course, Aviation Safety<br />
Management Systems Course, Flight<br />
Instructor Refresher Course (Tuesday, July<br />
18 and Wednesday, July 19), Public Safety<br />
Aviation Unit Manager Course, Tactical Flight<br />
Officer Couse, Fixed-Wing Operations<br />
Course and the IA Renewal Course (Wednesday,<br />
July 19 only). Each course has been<br />
updated and new instructors have been<br />
brought in to refresh the courses. See<br />
pages 11-13 for more course information.<br />
There will be a General Session on Thursday,<br />
July 20 from 1300 hours to 1430<br />
hours entitled “Sharing Airspace, Manned<br />
and Unmanned.” The General Session will<br />
feature a panel discussion with industry leaders<br />
on communication, regulation and working<br />
safely in shared airspace. This will be an<br />
informative session and is relevant to everyone<br />
in public safety.<br />
APSA’s Safety Symposium will also take<br />
place on Thursday, July 20 from 1530 to<br />
1700 hours. Safety Program Manager Cory<br />
DeArmitt has put together a fantastic panel<br />
of safety subject matter experts from various<br />
public safety agencies, consultants and<br />
corporate members that will share important<br />
and vital safety information. This also gives<br />
you an opportunity to share ideas and best<br />
practices with other members and request<br />
safety subjects and resources for future<br />
APSA Safety Stand-Tos and Seminars.<br />
As you’ll notice, there will be limited classes<br />
on Thursday so that attendees can spend their<br />
time on the exhibition floor visiting the corporate<br />
members. Classes will then resume on<br />
Friday, July 21 from 0800 to 1700 hours and<br />
on Saturday, July 22 from 0830 to 1200 hours.<br />
For 52 years, APSA has continued to be<br />
committed to providing affordable worldclass<br />
public safety aviation education training<br />
and delivering quality education to its<br />
membership. For APSCON 2023, classes will<br />
focus on the various missions within public<br />
safety aviation. This includes a focus on:<br />
Safety<br />
Law Enforcement<br />
Aerial Firefighting<br />
Fixed-Wing Operations<br />
Drone Operations<br />
Legal and Regulatory Issues<br />
Public Aircraft Operations<br />
Military Excess Aircraft<br />
Training<br />
Night Operations<br />
Search and Rescue<br />
Tactical Operations<br />
Homeland Security<br />
Natural Resources<br />
Public Safety<br />
Unit Management<br />
82 The BLUES The BLUES 83<br />
All of these conference courses will be held at the Orange County Convention Center.<br />
Public Safety Aviation<br />
Unit Manager Course<br />
Mon. July 17 – Wed. July 19<br />
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />
Location: W103A<br />
APSCON 2023 will conduct 37 classes<br />
with these focus areas. The classes will feature<br />
several new classes and traditional classes<br />
(although updated for 2023) that have been<br />
offered at previous conferences. The classes<br />
are designed so that the student can follow a<br />
particular focus area or attend classes from<br />
various focus areas. For APSCON 2023, the<br />
following new classes will be offered:<br />
Spatial Disorientation Induced by<br />
Degraded Visual Environment<br />
Drone Assessment and<br />
Response Tactics<br />
Big Aerial Survey Techniques<br />
FAA Safety Program Updates<br />
Fixed-Wing Patrol Tactics<br />
Human Performance<br />
Human Factors<br />
Tactical Awareness Kits (TAK)<br />
Night Vision Googles – Keeping it<br />
Cloud Free<br />
In addition to these classes, APSA is<br />
pleased to be offering several updated<br />
classes in 2023 that are requested every<br />
year, including:<br />
Tactical Aircraft Operations<br />
Airborne Use of Force<br />
Vehicle Pursuit Management<br />
Thermal Imagery Tactics<br />
Aircrew Roundtable<br />
Unit Manager Roundtable<br />
Safety Officer Roundtable<br />
Upon completion of any of the conference<br />
classes, certificates will be available in<br />
the APSA Education Office, which is located<br />
in the OCCC.<br />
APSCON 2023 will again be conducting<br />
Tech Talks by exhibiting corporate members<br />
on the exhibition floor. Look for the “Tech Talk<br />
Theater” overhead signage in the exhibition<br />
hall. A schedule of these sessions will be in<br />
the onsite Program Guide and posted on our<br />
website prior to the start of APSCON <strong>2023.</strong><br />
These briefings are very informative, so please<br />
be sure to support our corporate members<br />
and stop by and attend them.<br />
Survival Systems USA will conduct the<br />
Water Egress and Survival Training Course.<br />
The class will take place on Thursday, July<br />
20 from 0800 to 1700 hours at the Rosen<br />
Centre Hotel (Salon 20) for the classroom<br />
portion and the Rosen Centre pool area for<br />
the practical portion of the course. This<br />
training requires a separate registration and<br />
medical waiver.<br />
As you continue your professional development,<br />
rest assured that APSA will deliver exceptional<br />
value-based training as it is known as<br />
being the “gold standard” in public safety aviation<br />
training. While attending APSCON 2023,<br />
take the time to meet new friends, reconnect<br />
with old ones and explore all that our corporate<br />
members have to offer regarding new products,<br />
gear, technology and services.<br />
Please take the time to explore the Orlando<br />
attractions after-hours and enjoy the city. We<br />
look forward to seeing you in Orlando!<br />
Tactical Flight Officer Course<br />
Mon. July 17 – Wed. July 19<br />
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM • Location: W104A<br />
The Tactical Flight Officer Course is designed to hone the<br />
airborne tactical skills of aircrews. This year, we welcome Clay<br />
Lacey of the Texas Department of Public Safety as the lead<br />
instructor. The course will provide all the information necessary<br />
to safely and successfully support ground personnel<br />
involved in law enforcement missions.<br />
The course is not just designed for TFOs, but is applicable to pilots and crewmembers<br />
alike. Students will learn how to set up perimeters, effectively direct a scene from the<br />
air, manage critical missions from above and how to conduct a thermal imagery search<br />
using the latest in airborne tactics. In addition, the course will explore the specialized<br />
equipment that is available and how to properly integrate it into your day-to-day operation.<br />
This class is essential to your aviation law enforcement professional development<br />
and a must for all TFOs. This course is sponsored by MD Helicopters, Inc. Maximum<br />
enrollment is 70.<br />
Cost: $<strong>39</strong>5 members; $495 non-members<br />
Sponsored by<br />
The Public Safety Sponsored by<br />
Aviation Unit<br />
Manager Course<br />
continues to be a<br />
popular course. It is designed to provide<br />
both the newly assigned or experienced<br />
aviation unit managers and supervisors with<br />
the latest information and tools to effectively<br />
and efficiently manage, supervise and<br />
lead their agency’s aviation unit. The course<br />
will include topics regarding unit administration,<br />
budgets and finance, safety and SOPs,<br />
training program management, legal and<br />
regulatory issues and personnel selection.<br />
Each class is designed specifically for the<br />
manager and supervisor to enhance his/her<br />
ability to lead their unit.<br />
APSA will again subsidize the cost of course<br />
tuition and conference registration to the<br />
first 20 unit managers or supervisors who<br />
register for this course. (The applicant must<br />
be an APSA member, currently assigned as<br />
the officer in command or supervisor of a<br />
public safety aviation unit, not previously<br />
attended the Unit Manager Course, and the<br />
offer is extended to only one person per<br />
agency.) This course is sponsored by<br />
Airbus. Maximum enrollment is 70.<br />
Cost: $<strong>39</strong>5 members;<br />
$495 non-members<br />
84 The BLUES www.publicsafetyaviation.org The BLUES l 85 11<br />
10 AIR BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023
All of these conference courses will be held at the Orange County Convention Center.<br />
Maintenance IA<br />
Renewal Course<br />
Wed. July 19<br />
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />
Location: W101A<br />
The Maintenance IA Sponsored by<br />
Renewal Course for<br />
maintenance technicians<br />
returns again<br />
this year, but has been totally refreshed.<br />
The course features new topics and<br />
instructors for <strong>2023.</strong> It will focus on<br />
turbine engine maintenance, rotor blade<br />
inspections, avionics, UAS maintenance<br />
and maintenance safety. This course<br />
meets the 8-hour FAA requirement for IA<br />
renewal. FAA IA Renewal Course<br />
Approval Number: C-IND-IM-190411-K-<br />
012-001 (4/30/2023) This course is<br />
sponsored by RMCI, Inc.<br />
Cost: FREE for APSA Members,<br />
$150 non-members<br />
Flight Instructor<br />
Refresher Course<br />
Tues. July 18 – Wed. July 19<br />
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />
Location: W104B<br />
APSA is happy to partner with Randy<br />
Rowles and the staff of Helicopter Institute,<br />
Inc. to offer this course again. The<br />
entire course curriculum is geared<br />
toward guiding the student renewal of<br />
their current flight instructor certificates<br />
under Federal Aviation Regulation Part<br />
61, while enhancing their knowledge and<br />
skill with the latest developments in standardization,<br />
regulations and helicopter<br />
flight techniques. Instructed by the<br />
exceptional instructors from the Helicopter<br />
Institute, Inc., the FIRC is a must<br />
have for those members seeking to<br />
renew their CFI certificates. Presented<br />
by Helicopter Institute. Maximum enrollment<br />
is 65.<br />
Cost: $275 members;<br />
$375 non-members<br />
Fixed-Wing<br />
Operations Course<br />
Mon. July 17 – Wed. July 19<br />
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />
Location: W101B<br />
The Fixed-Wing Sponsored by<br />
Operations<br />
Course was<br />
developed to<br />
enhance the skills of members operating<br />
fixed-wing aircraft in public safety. The<br />
course is designed for all aircrew members,<br />
and it will educate the students on the<br />
missions, specific technology, tactics, CRM,<br />
traffic enforcement, surveillance operations<br />
and other pertinent subjects specific to the<br />
operation of a fixed-wing aircraft in the<br />
public safety mission.<br />
Often overshadowed by helicopters, fixedwing<br />
aircraft are a cost-effective means to<br />
perform airborne public safety missions.<br />
This course will exploit this concept and<br />
assist the student in developing and sustaining<br />
a vibrant, effective fixed-wing aviation<br />
unit. The class is instructed by subject<br />
matter experts from across the United<br />
States and Canada and surely will be a hit at<br />
this year’s conference. This course is sponsored<br />
by Pilatus Business Aircraft.<br />
Maximum enrollment is 65.<br />
Cost: $<strong>39</strong>5 members;<br />
$495 non-members<br />
MONDAY • <strong>JULY</strong> 17, 2023<br />
8:00 AM –<br />
5:00 PM<br />
Airborne Thermographer Certification Course<br />
Sponsored by Teledyne FLIR<br />
Aviation Safety Management Systems Course<br />
Aviation Safety Officer Course<br />
Co-sponsored by Baldwin Safety & Compliance and Loft Dynamics<br />
Fixed-Wing Operations Course<br />
Sponsored by Pilatus Business Aircraft<br />
Public Safety Aviation Unit Manager Course<br />
Sponsored by Airbus<br />
Tactical Flight Officer Course<br />
Sponsored by MD Helicopters, Inc.<br />
TUESDAY • <strong>JULY</strong> 18, 2023<br />
W102A<br />
W103B<br />
W102B<br />
W101B<br />
W103A<br />
W104A<br />
Airborne Thermographer Certification Course<br />
Sponsored by Teledyne FLIR<br />
W102A<br />
8:00 AM –<br />
5:00 PM<br />
Aviation Safety Management Systems Course<br />
Aviation Safety Officer Course<br />
Co-sponsored by Baldwin Safety & Compliance and Loft Dynamics<br />
Fixed-Wing Operations Course<br />
Sponsored by Pilatus Business Aircraft<br />
Flight Instructor Refresher Course<br />
Presented by Helicopter Institute<br />
Public Safety Aviation Unit Manager Course<br />
Sponsored by Airbus<br />
Tactical Flight Officer Course<br />
Sponsored by MD Helicopters, Inc.<br />
W103B<br />
W102B<br />
W101B<br />
W104B<br />
W103A<br />
W104A<br />
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14 AIR BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
86 The BLUES The BLUES 87<br />
WEDNESDAY • <strong>JULY</strong> 19, 2023<br />
8:00 AM –<br />
5:00 PM<br />
Airborne Thermographer Certification Course<br />
Sponsored by Teledyne FLIR<br />
Aviation Safety Management Systems Course<br />
Aviation Safety Officer Course<br />
Co-sponsored by Baldwin Safety & Compliance and Loft Dynamics<br />
Fixed-Wing Operations Course<br />
Sponsored by Pilatus Business Aircraft<br />
Flight Instructor Refresher Course<br />
Maintenance IA Renewal Course<br />
Sponsored by RMCI, Inc.<br />
W102A<br />
W102B<br />
W102B<br />
W101B<br />
W104B<br />
W101A<br />
0800 – 1700<br />
All APSCON classes will be held at the Orange County Convention Center. Tech Talks will be<br />
conducted on Thursday and Friday at the Orange County Convention Center. The Tech Talk<br />
schedule will be posted in the onsite APSCON 2023 Program Guide for your convenience.<br />
THURSDAY • <strong>JULY</strong> 20, 2023<br />
Water Survival/<br />
Egress Classroom Instruction<br />
Survival Systems USA, Inc. will conduct Water Survival<br />
and Egress Training, where students will learn from a<br />
team of experts how to egress after ditching in water<br />
and how to use your emergency air and survival vest.<br />
Equipment and techniques will be discussed in a classroom-ground<br />
school setting, followed by practical application<br />
in the dunker at the hotel pool. The registration<br />
fee for members is $295, plus a waiver form that must<br />
be completed prior to training.<br />
Survival Systems USA, Inc.<br />
Salon 20 and<br />
Rosen Centre Pool<br />
1030 – 1600 NETWORKING & TRADESHOW Exhibit Hall<br />
Public Safety Aviation Unit Manager Course<br />
Sponsored by Airbus<br />
Tactical Flight Officer Course<br />
Sponsored by MD Helicopters, Inc.<br />
W103A<br />
W104A<br />
1300 – 1430<br />
General Session: Sharing Airspace,<br />
Manned and Unmanned<br />
The General Session will feature a panel discussion with<br />
industry leaders on communication, regulation and working<br />
safely in shared airspace. This will be an informative<br />
session that is relevant to everyone in public safety.<br />
Instructor TBD<br />
Room<br />
W101B<br />
1430 – 1600 Maintenance Technician Roundtable<br />
Michael Broderick,<br />
Rotor Doc, LLC<br />
Room W102A<br />
1530 – 1700 Safety Symposium<br />
Facilitated by Cory DeArmitt,<br />
APSA Safety Program Manager<br />
Panelists:<br />
Dudley Crosson, PhD,<br />
APSA Aeromedical Liaison/Delta P, Inc.<br />
Terry Palmer,<br />
APSA Training Program Manager<br />
Chris Young,<br />
Pik West Insurance Agency<br />
Room<br />
W101B<br />
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16 AIR BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
88 The BLUES The BLUES 89<br />
FRIDAY • <strong>JULY</strong> 21, 2023<br />
FRIDAY • <strong>JULY</strong> 21, 2023<br />
Airborne Use of Force: Lessons Learned<br />
(Tactical Operations)<br />
Mike Peck,<br />
Paladin Resources Group, Inc.<br />
Room W105B<br />
Drone Assessment & Response Tactics<br />
(Emergency Management)<br />
Joel Haley,<br />
Energetic Materials Research and<br />
Testing Center, New Mexico Tech<br />
Room W102B<br />
Fixed-Wing Patrol Tactics<br />
(Fixed-Wing Operations)<br />
Jon Pierce,<br />
California Highway Patrol<br />
Office of Air Operations<br />
Room W101A<br />
0830 – 1000<br />
0830 – 1030<br />
Operational Risk Management<br />
(Safety and SMS)<br />
Spatial Disorientation Induced by<br />
a Degraded Visual Environment<br />
Success Stories: Use of Drones in<br />
Public Safety (Drone Operations)<br />
Bryan Smith,<br />
Chief Pilot, Pinellas County (FL)<br />
Sheriff’s Office Flight Unit<br />
Tyson Phillips,<br />
AT Systems, LLC<br />
Facilitated by Sgt. Mike Seligsohn,<br />
El Dorado County (CA) Sheriff’s Office<br />
Panelists: Scott Mlakar, Willoughby (OH)<br />
Fire Department; Matt King, Cass<br />
County (ND) Sheriff’s Office;<br />
Brandon Herring, Crawford County (AK)<br />
Sheriff's Office; Jason Day, Texas<br />
Department of Public Safety; Mike<br />
Uleski, FlightSafety International and<br />
Doug Daniels, Highland County (OH)<br />
Sheriff’s Office<br />
Room W102A<br />
Room W101A<br />
Room<br />
W101B<br />
1300 – 1430<br />
Human Factors: Real Life Applications<br />
to Safety (Safety and SMS)<br />
IIMC – Stay In Control!<br />
Responding To High-Rise Emergencies<br />
(Homeland Security)<br />
Tactical Aircraft Operations & Safety<br />
(Night Operations)<br />
Understanding Aviation Law<br />
Vehicle Pursuit Management and Coordination<br />
(Law Enforcement Operations)<br />
Bryan Smith,<br />
Chief Pilot, Pinellas County (FL)<br />
Sheriff’s Office Flight Unit<br />
Eric Cabana,<br />
Bell Training Academy<br />
Ken Solosky,<br />
New York Police Department<br />
Aviation Unit (Ret.)<br />
Nick Minx and Phil Cady,<br />
Tactical Flying, Inc.<br />
Robert Lakind,<br />
Aviation Attorney<br />
Clay Lacey,<br />
Texas Department of Safety<br />
Aircraft Operations Division<br />
Room W103B<br />
Room W102B<br />
Room W108A<br />
Room W102A<br />
Room W103A<br />
Room W104A<br />
0900 – 1030<br />
Overview of the Natural Resources Aviation Unit<br />
(Natural Resources)<br />
Francis Neeley,<br />
Pilot/Firefighter/EMT,<br />
Florida Forest Service (FFS)<br />
Room W103A<br />
1000 – 1400 NETWORKING & TRADESHOW Exhibit Hall<br />
Flight Simulation & Virtual Reality<br />
Randy Gawenda,<br />
Frasca International, Inc.<br />
Room W104A<br />
1330 – 1500<br />
Aviation Fire Forecasting<br />
(Natural Resources)<br />
Building Community Partnerships for<br />
Your Public Safety Drone Operation<br />
(Drone Operations)<br />
Human Performance: How<br />
Are We Compromising Safety? (Part 1)<br />
(Aeromedical)<br />
National Weather Service<br />
Brandon Herring,<br />
Crawford County (AR) Sheriff’s Office<br />
Dudley Crosson, PhD.,<br />
APSA Aeromedical Liaison/<br />
Delta P, Inc.<br />
Room W108B<br />
Room W202A<br />
Room W101B<br />
1030 – 1200<br />
Lessons Learned from Aviation Accidents<br />
Jeff Guzzetti,<br />
Guzzetti Aviation Risk Discovery,<br />
FAA, NTSB (retired)<br />
Room W103B<br />
Tactical Awareness Kit (TAK)<br />
(Emergency Management)<br />
Brandon Alberd and Jason Day,<br />
Texas Department of Public Safety<br />
Room W105A<br />
1300 – 1400<br />
CFI Roundtable Discussion (Training)<br />
Randy Rowles,<br />
Helicopter Institute/<br />
FAA Designated Examiner<br />
Exhibit Hall<br />
Tech Talk<br />
Theater 2<br />
Register for APSCON 2023 today at www.publicsafetyaviation.org or fill out the registration form on page 53.<br />
1530 – 1700<br />
Aircrew Roundtable<br />
(Public Safety)<br />
Richard Bray,<br />
APSA President/Chief Pilot,<br />
Alachua County (FL) Sheriff’s Office<br />
Room W101A<br />
90 The BLUES www.publicsafetyaviation.org l 17<br />
18 AIR BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
The BLUES 91<br />
Human Performance: How Are We<br />
Compromising Safety? (Part 2) (Aeromedical)<br />
Dudley Crosson, PhD.,<br />
APSA Aeromedical Liaison/<br />
Delta P, Inc.<br />
Room W102A<br />
Integration of Drones into<br />
Emergency Management Operation<br />
(Search and Rescue)<br />
Jamie Stirling,<br />
SAR-1<br />
Room W202A<br />
Natural Resource Aircrew Roundtable<br />
(Natural Resources)<br />
Jason Jenson,<br />
Minnesota Department<br />
of Natural Resources Law<br />
Enforcement Aviation Division<br />
Room W105A<br />
Night Vision Goggles: Keeping it Cloud Free<br />
Tony Tsantles,<br />
Aviation Specialties Unlimited, Inc.<br />
Room W102B<br />
1530 – 1700<br />
Securing the Harbor: Use of Aerial Assets<br />
for Harbor Security Initiatives<br />
(Homeland Security)<br />
Ken Solosky,<br />
New York Police Department<br />
Aviation Unit (Ret.)<br />
Room W101B<br />
Tactical Training and Simulation<br />
David Harper,<br />
FlightSafety International<br />
Room W103A<br />
The Tactics Of Teaching TFOs<br />
(Training)<br />
Matthew Zdunich,<br />
San Diego (CA) Police Department<br />
Air Support Unit/Tactical Flying, Inc.<br />
Room W108A<br />
Thermal Imagery Tactics<br />
(Night Operations)<br />
Nick Minx and Phil Cady,<br />
Tactical Flying, Inc./San Diego (CA)<br />
Police Department Air Support Unit<br />
Room W104A<br />
Wildland Aerial Firefighting Tactics<br />
(Aerial Firefighting)<br />
Karl Cotton,<br />
Helicopter Institute, Inc.<br />
Room W108B<br />
SATURDAY • <strong>JULY</strong> 22, 2023<br />
0830 – 1000<br />
Leadership: How Your Leadership Style<br />
Effects the Operation of Your Aviation Unit<br />
(Unit Management)<br />
Terry Miyauchi,<br />
Bell/Arizona Department of<br />
Public Safety (Ret.)<br />
Room W105A<br />
1030 – 1200<br />
Public Safety Aviation Unit<br />
Commanders Roundtable (Unit Management)<br />
Richard Bray,<br />
APSA President/Chief Pilot,<br />
Alachua County (FL) Sheriff’s Office<br />
Room W105A<br />
Airborne Public Safety Accreditation<br />
Commission Update<br />
(Public Safety Operations)<br />
Bill Probets,<br />
APSAC Chairperson<br />
Room W105B<br />
www.publicsafetyaviation.org l 19<br />
92 The BLUES The BLUES 93<br />
By Terry Palmer, APSA Training<br />
Program Manager<br />
With a mix of courses and classes, as well as a shared exhibit hall<br />
with APSCON 2023, make plans to continue your professional<br />
UAS development in Orlando this summer!<br />
For several years, APSA has<br />
provided education and training to<br />
public safety drone operations,<br />
now known as APSCON<br />
Unmanned. This portion of APSCON is also<br />
being held at the Orange County Convention<br />
Center (OCCC) beginning on Monday,<br />
July 17 with two days of conference<br />
courses covering operations, management,<br />
safety and airborne tactics.<br />
A popular course is the Public Safety<br />
Drone Aerial Thermography and Tactics<br />
Course. This course covers thermography<br />
theory, search and rescue, vehicle<br />
scans, suspect searches,<br />
perimeter containment, drone<br />
positioning, search patterns and<br />
foot pursuits.<br />
Returning again in 2023 is the<br />
Public Safety Drone Operations<br />
Unit Manager Course. Developed<br />
for all aspects of public safety,<br />
this course will provide students<br />
with the latest information and<br />
tools to effectively manage a<br />
small UAS public safety unit. Topics will<br />
include unit administration, budgets and<br />
finance, standard operating procedures,<br />
legal updates, training program management,<br />
personnel selection and other pertinent<br />
topics. The course will be instructed by<br />
experts in the field of public safety sUAS.<br />
APSA’s most popular sUAS course, the<br />
Basic Public Safety Drone Operations<br />
Course, is also being offered. This course<br />
has been updated and refreshed with new<br />
content and instructors. The course will<br />
cover UAS mission and applications, public<br />
acceptance, regulatory updates, program<br />
management, privacy and an in-depth<br />
review of the FAA Part 107 rules and COA<br />
process. This course is instructed by<br />
SMEs and designed for all public safety<br />
personnel operating UAS, and it is an<br />
excellent resource for agencies looking to<br />
develop a UAS unit.<br />
The final conference course is the<br />
Advanced Public Safety Drone Operations<br />
Course. This course was designed for<br />
units that already have a drone unit and<br />
are looking to sharpen their skills and<br />
expand their mission set. The<br />
course includes safety management<br />
systems, thermal imagery<br />
for drones, risk mitigation<br />
tactics, tactical use of drones as<br />
well as using drones for firefighting<br />
missions, search and rescue,<br />
K-9, aerial mapping (forensic use<br />
of drones) and critical incident<br />
reviews. This course is<br />
instructed by leaders in public<br />
safety drone operations.<br />
94 20 The<br />
AIR<br />
BLUES<br />
BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
The BLUES 95<br />
All of these conference courses will be held at the Orange County Convention Center.<br />
Basic Public Safety<br />
Drone Operations Course<br />
Mon. July 17 – Tue. July 18 • 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />
Location: Room W202A<br />
The Basic Public Safety Drone Operations Course is designed to<br />
provide the student with a review of public safety drone operations<br />
start-up, missions and applications, FAA regulations, a<br />
review of the legal and privacy issues, management issues and<br />
all facets of starting and operating a successful program. The<br />
course is a must-have for agencies looking to start a drone unit.<br />
Successful completion requires attendance at all 16 hours of<br />
classroom courses.<br />
Maximum enrollment is 65.<br />
Cost: $<strong>39</strong>5 members; $495 non-members<br />
Public Safety Drone Operations<br />
Unit Manager Course<br />
Mon. July 17 – Tue. July 18 • 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />
Location: Room W202C<br />
The Public Safety Drone Operations Unit Manager Course is<br />
designed to provide public safety small unmanned aircraft<br />
systems unit managers and supervisors with the latest information<br />
and tools to effectively and efficiently manage, supervise and<br />
lead their agency’s sUAS unit. The course will include topics<br />
regarding unit administration, budgets and finance, safety and<br />
SOPs, training program management, legal and regulatory issues<br />
and personnel selection. Each class is designed specifically for<br />
the manager and supervisor to enhance his/her ability to lead<br />
their unit.<br />
Maximum enrollment is 65.<br />
Cost: $<strong>39</strong>5 members; $495 non-members<br />
Course registration includes Day 3 of APSCON Unmanned classes and the<br />
APSCON 2023 Exhibit Hall Opening Reception at the Orange County Convention Center.<br />
96 The BLUES 26 AIR BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
The BLUES 97<br />
22 AIR BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
Advanced Public Safety<br />
Drone Operations Course<br />
Mon. July 17 – Tue. July 18 • 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />
Location: Room W202B<br />
The Advanced Public Safety Drone Operations Course was developed<br />
for all aspects of public safety and will provide the student<br />
with the latest information and tools to enhance their existing<br />
public safety drone unit. The course will include topics on tactical<br />
operations, unmanned and manned operations (risk mitigation),<br />
safety, operating standards, fire service operations, law enforcement<br />
operations, SAR operations, digital media evidence, training<br />
issues and other topics beyond the basic operation of a drone<br />
unit. The course will be instructed by experts in public safety aviation<br />
drone operations.<br />
Maximum enrollment is 65.<br />
Cost: $<strong>39</strong>5 members; $495 non-members<br />
Public Safety Drone Aerial<br />
Thermography and Tactics Course<br />
Mon. July 17 – Tue. July 18 • 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM<br />
Location: Room W203A<br />
The Public Safety Drone Aerial Thermography and Tactics Course<br />
is designed to provide UAS crew members the tactical skills and<br />
information necessary to safely and successfully support ground<br />
units engaged in a variety of public safety missions. This class is<br />
essential to the professional development of public safety personnel<br />
operating drones.<br />
Maximum enrollment is 65.<br />
Cost: $<strong>39</strong>5 members; $495 non-members<br />
Who is hosting this<br />
year’s APSCON?<br />
Orange County (FL) Sheriff’s Office will be<br />
the conference hosts. APSA is very appreciative<br />
of all the hard work and dedication they<br />
have given to planning and hosting!<br />
How do I register<br />
to attend?<br />
Registering is easy! Attendees may either<br />
register online at www.publicsafetyaviation.org<br />
or fill out the form included in this issue of Air<br />
Beat and fax or mail it to APSA. Attendees<br />
registering by June 1, 2023, will receive early<br />
registration rates.<br />
How can I pay?<br />
On the website: Visit www.publicsafetyaviation.org<br />
and use your Visa, Master-<br />
Card, Discover or American Express for<br />
payment. Payment must be received with<br />
all registrations.<br />
By fax: Please fill out the registration<br />
form and fax to APSA with your Visa, Master-<br />
Card, Discover or American<br />
Express payment.<br />
By mail: Please fill out the registration<br />
form and return with your check, Visa,<br />
MasterCard, Discover or American<br />
Express payment.<br />
What if my unit is paying?<br />
If your unit is paying, please register<br />
early to receive the early registration<br />
rates. Payment must be received with all<br />
registrations. Call the APSA office for<br />
assistance with group billing.<br />
What does a full, threeday<br />
registration include?<br />
Admission to all general sessions and<br />
conference classes.<br />
APSCON Exhibit Hall Opening Reception,<br />
Sponsored by Bell, on Wednesday<br />
from 1700-2000.<br />
APSCON Opening Breakfast & General<br />
Membership Meeting, sponsored by<br />
Trakka Systems, at the Orange County<br />
Convention Center on Thursday.<br />
Entry to the APSCON Exhibit Hall<br />
during regularly scheduled hours.<br />
Friday lunch in the APSCON Exhibit Hall.<br />
Awards Reception on Friday at 1800.<br />
Admittance to all networking<br />
events sponsored by various<br />
APSA corporate members.<br />
Where can I pick up<br />
my badge?<br />
All APSCON / APSCON Unmanned 2023<br />
Attendees, Exhibitors and Instructors may<br />
pick up their badges and other registration<br />
materials at the Registration Desk located in<br />
the Orange County Convention Center -<br />
WA1/WA2 Lobby (West Concourse 2nd<br />
Level) beginning on Sunday, July 16 from<br />
1600-1800.<br />
When will APSCON /<br />
APSCON Unmanned<br />
registration be open?<br />
Orange County Convention Center -<br />
WA1/WA2 Lobby (West Concourse<br />
2nd Level)<br />
Registration Desk Hours<br />
Sunday, July 16 1600 - 1800<br />
Monday, July 17 0700 - 1700<br />
Tuesday, July 18 0700 - 1700<br />
Wednesday, July 19 0700 - 2000<br />
Thursday, July 20 0800 - 1700<br />
Friday, July 21 0730 - 1700<br />
Saturday, July 20 0730 - 1200<br />
What if I have to cancel?<br />
Conference course and class attendees<br />
may cancel their registration(s) and receive<br />
a full refund by submitting written notice,<br />
which must be received by the APSA home<br />
office by July 3, <strong>2023.</strong> All cancellations<br />
received after this date will be charged a<br />
$50 administrative fee.<br />
Want to attend the 52nd<br />
Annual Awards Reception?<br />
The awards ceremony will be held<br />
on Friday, July 21 at 1800 at the Rosen<br />
Centre Hotel Grand D Ballroom. Please plan<br />
to attend and honor the recipients.<br />
Registration and Cancellation/Refund Policy:<br />
To receive the advance registration discount APSA<br />
must receive the registration form postmarked no<br />
later than 5PM EDT June 1, 2023 and payment<br />
MUST accompany the registration form.<br />
Conference course and conference attendees may<br />
cancel their registration(s) and receive a full refund<br />
by submitting written notice, which must be<br />
received in the APSA Headquarters by July 3,<br />
<strong>2023.</strong> All cancellations received after this date will<br />
be charged a $50 administrative fee.<br />
Share your public safety aviation<br />
photos and news with us on Twitter,<br />
Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube.
SUNDAY, <strong>JULY</strong> 16<br />
Registration Open • 1600 – 1800<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
‘The Hangar’ APSA Store Open • 1600 – 1800<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
MONDAY, <strong>JULY</strong> 17<br />
Registration Open • 0700 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
‘The Hangar’ APSA Store Open • 0700 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
APSCON Conference Courses (Day 1) • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse Level 1 Classrooms)<br />
APSCON Unmanned Courses (Day 1) • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse Level 2 Classrooms)<br />
Aircraft Fly-In Briefing • 0700<br />
Aircraft Fly-In • 0800<br />
TUESDAY, <strong>JULY</strong> 18<br />
Registration Open • 0700 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
‘The Hangar’ APSA Store Open • 0700 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
APSCON Conference Courses (Day 2) • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse Level 1 Classrooms)<br />
APSCON Unmanned Courses (Day 2) • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse Level 2 Classrooms)<br />
Exhibitor Set-Up • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2)<br />
WEDNESDAY, <strong>JULY</strong> 19<br />
Registration Open • 0700 – 2000<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
‘The Hangar’ APSA Store Open • 0700 – 2000<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
APSCON Conference Courses (Day 3) • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse Level 1 Classrooms)<br />
APSCON Unmanned Classes • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse Level 2 Classrooms)<br />
Exhibitor Set-Up • 0800 – 1500<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2)<br />
Exhibit Hall Opening Ceremony • 1700 – 1715<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2 Lobby)<br />
Exhibit Hall Opening Reception • 1715 – 2000<br />
Sponsored by Bell<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2)<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>JULY</strong> 20<br />
Registration Open • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
‘The Hangar’ APSA Store Open • 0800 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
Water Survival Training • 0800 – 1600<br />
Rosen Centre Hotel (Salon 20) AM<br />
Rosen Centre Hotel (Pool) PM<br />
Opening Breakfast/General Membership Meeting<br />
0900 – 1030 • Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Room W109 1st Level)<br />
Breakfast sponsored by Trakka Systems<br />
Exhibit Hall Open • 1030 – 1600<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2)<br />
Tech Talks • 1100 – 1500<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2 Theaters)<br />
Conference General Sessions • 1300 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Level 1 Classrooms)<br />
Teledyne FLIR Vision Awards • 1800 – 2000<br />
Rosen Centre Hotel (Grand Ballroom C/D/E)<br />
MD Helicopters Event • 2000 – 2300<br />
Location TBA<br />
FRIDAY, <strong>JULY</strong> 21<br />
Registration Open • 0730 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
‘The Hangar’ APSA Store Open • 0730 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
APSCON Conference Classes • 0830 – 1700<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse Level 1 Classrooms)<br />
Exhibit Hall Open • 1000 – 1400<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2)<br />
Tech Talks • 1000 – 1300<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2 Theaters)<br />
Exhibit Hall Attendee Lunch • 1200 – 1300<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2)<br />
Exhibitor Move-Out • 1400 – 2100<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2)<br />
Aircraft Fly-Out • 1400<br />
APSA Awards Reception • 1800 – 1900<br />
Rosen Centre Hotel (Grand D Ballroom)<br />
SATURDAY, <strong>JULY</strong> 22<br />
Registration Open • 0730 – 1200<br />
Orange County Convention Center - WA1/WA2 Lobby<br />
(West Concourse Level 2)<br />
Exhibitor Move-Out • 0800 – 1200<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse - Halls WA1/WA2)<br />
Conference Classes • 0830 – 1200<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
(West Concourse Level 1 Classrooms)<br />
28 AIR BEAT MAGAZINE l Conference Preview l 2023<br />
www.publicsafetyaviation.org l 29<br />
98 The BLUES The BLUES 99<br />
What to Do This Summer?<br />
Head Down to<br />
Galveston Island<br />
Welcome to Galveston Island – the Playground of the South!<br />
If you’re looking for the perfect spot for your next vacation, you’ve come to the right<br />
place! Being less than an hour south of downtown Houston, Galveston Island is Texas’<br />
friendliest and most accessible portal to the Gulf.<br />
There are 32 miles of beaches in Galveston, whether you’re looking for a relaxing afternoon<br />
soaking up the sun or an adventure through the waters as you swim, fish or sail.<br />
Galveston Island may be small, but offers a wide variety of things to do, no matter the<br />
season or interests; adventure, amusement parks, water parks and other water activities,<br />
sports, thrift and boutique shopping, a vast array of restaurants, biking, sports, history,<br />
and more tours than most can imagine. The possibilities are truly endless on your Texas<br />
coastal vacation!<br />
With Galveston Island’s friendly community of locals and its sub-tropical weather, the<br />
island has become a favored home-away-from-home for tourists from around the world.<br />
100 Go The to BLUES visitgalveston.com to plan your trip today.<br />
The BLUES 101
Head Down to<br />
Galveston Island<br />
Plan Your Stay!<br />
Galveston Island boasts a tremendous variety of accommodations for every budget<br />
and preference. From luxury hotels and resorts to elegant bed & breakfasts, and from<br />
vacation rentals and condos to RV parks, you will find just the place to suit your needs.<br />
And if you’re cruising from the Island? A number of hotels on the Island offer parking<br />
and transfer packages with an overnight stay, so guests can leave their car at the hotel<br />
and catch a ride to the cruise ship terminal. Spend a night or two in one of the Island’s<br />
beautiful resorts or bed and breakfasts, or find a condominium on the beach for a relaxing<br />
view. Bon voyage!<br />
Casa del Mar Beachfront Suites<br />
Seawall & 61st, Galveston • 409-572-0371<br />
The BLUES recommends:<br />
Casa del Mar offers 2 pools, a<br />
BBQ area and several meeting<br />
rooms ideal for small groups<br />
and family reunions. Centrally<br />
located to all of the Island attractions,<br />
each suite has a small<br />
private bedroom, a living area<br />
with fully stocked kitchen amenities,<br />
a sofa sleeper, and bunks<br />
ideal for small children. Casa<br />
del Mar is perfect for a family<br />
vacation or weekend getaway,<br />
so let their friendly staff help<br />
you plan a vacation that’s relaxing<br />
and fun!<br />
102 The BLUES The BLUES 103
Head Down to<br />
Galveston Island<br />
Beach Time Vacation Rentals<br />
Book Online at: beachtimevacationrentals.com<br />
Attention all Heroes!! Are you looking for a well-deserved break? Beach Time Vacation Rentals in Galveston<br />
has the perfect getaway for you and your family.<br />
Our vacation homes and condos are located on beautiful Galveston Island, close to all the local attractions<br />
and activities that make Galveston a popular vacation destination. Whether you’re looking for a<br />
quiet, secluded retreat or a fun-filled family adventure, we have something for everyone.<br />
Our properties offer a comfortable “home-away-from-home,” providing all the amenities you need to<br />
relax and recharge. From fully equipped kitchens to comfortable sleeping arrangements, we have everything<br />
you need to make your vacation as stress-free as possible.<br />
At Beach Time Vacation Rentals, we understand the importance of taking time off to rejuvenate your<br />
mind, body, and spirit. That’s why we offer special discounts to all law enforcement personnel and their<br />
families.<br />
Whether you want to spend your days soaking up the sun on the beach or taking a stroll in the Historic<br />
Strand District, Galveston is the perfect vacation spot. And, we have everything you need to make<br />
your stay unforgettable.<br />
Book your stay with us today and experience all that Galveston has to offer. Contact us directly to<br />
learn more about our vacation rental properties and special discounts for law enforcement officers…<br />
Call and mention your law enforcement affiliation for our<br />
Hatmaker’s Heroes Discount!<br />
(409)9744598<br />
104 The BLUES The BLUES 105<br />
1021 61st St., Galveston, TX 77551
Head Down to<br />
Galveston Island<br />
What to See & Do.<br />
Making the Most of Island Time.<br />
Galveston Island is home to some of the best attractions Texas has to offer, including Moody Gardens<br />
as well as Schlitterbahn Galveston Island Waterpark and the Galveston Island Historic Pleasure Pier<br />
amusement park. Galveston also offers a plethora of unique museums, including The Bryan Museum,<br />
Texas Seaport Museum, Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig & Museum and Galveston Railroad Museum.<br />
Having one of the largest and well-preserved concentrations of Victorian architecture in the country,<br />
Galveston allows visitors to explore the island’s interesting history by touring one of its popular historic<br />
mansions.<br />
Cruise Ships<br />
The Port of Galveston is the fourth busiest<br />
home port in the United States with<br />
departures from Carnival, Royal Caribbean<br />
and Disney Cruise Lines. Need an itinerary?<br />
We’ve got suggestions no matter<br />
how much time you have before that ship<br />
sails.<br />
Historic Homes<br />
Although most of the original structures are long<br />
gone, the stories of early islanders live on in renovated<br />
structures and new establishments created in<br />
memory of the past. Visit the Homes Tour during the<br />
month of May.<br />
106 The BLUES The BLUES 107
Head Down to<br />
Galveston Island<br />
What to See & Do.<br />
Making the Most of Island Time.<br />
Galveston Beaches<br />
With 32 miles of shoreline and a variety of<br />
parks, Galveston Island offers something for<br />
every kind of beach goer. And with warm Gulf<br />
waves from spring through October, there’s<br />
plenty of time to explore each beach’s unique<br />
personality. Whatever your sun seeking fancy,<br />
Galveston has a beach for you.<br />
Tours & Sightseeing<br />
Whether you prefer to stroll down quaint<br />
alleyways by foot or trot through the<br />
streets in a carriage, all paths can lead<br />
you on an unforgettable journey back in<br />
time. You’ll be entertained and enlightened<br />
by knowledgeable guides giving tours on<br />
foot, carriage, shuttle or even boat. If you<br />
prefer to do you own thing, we’ve assemble<br />
self-guided tours of popular sights<br />
with maps designed for mobile devices.<br />
108 The BLUES The BLUES 109
Galveston Railroad Museum<br />
2602 Santa Fe Place, Galveston • 409-765-5700<br />
The Galveston Railroad Museum,<br />
2602 Santa Fe Place, a living<br />
history museum, allows visitors to<br />
step into exhibits and participate<br />
in interactive displays. Located<br />
supervised welfare program, the<br />
trains operated from 1854 – 1929,<br />
transporting more than 200,000<br />
children from the East Coast to the<br />
West Coast in search of adoptive<br />
for Transportation and Commerce,<br />
this is the story of the last dreadnought<br />
battleship that fought I<br />
both World War I & II, the Atlantic<br />
and Pacific theater, D-Day, Okinawa,<br />
Iwo-Jima, Operations Torch,<br />
the restored 1932 train depot, the<br />
museum sits on 5 acres of railyard<br />
families. Galveston was one of<br />
the last stops on the Orphan Train Overlord-Neptune, Detachment,<br />
The Orphan Train: <strong>No</strong>w thru <strong>No</strong>vember 15<br />
District.<br />
The centerpiece of the museum’s<br />
exhibits are restored railcars<br />
that include dining and baggage<br />
cars, post office, military transport,<br />
and more. The museum is also<br />
home to a unique RailHotel that<br />
hosts guests overnight accommodations<br />
on restored luxury railcars.<br />
For a virtual tour or to make a<br />
reservation go to www.galvestonrrmuseum.org.<br />
“Ghosts of Travelers Past” in<br />
the Train Depot give a face to rail<br />
travelers from the past. Lift the<br />
handset in a phone booth to overhear<br />
their conversations. Adjacent,<br />
visit the Map Room to view a new<br />
exhibit. The Orphan Train, a quiet<br />
part of American history that some<br />
looked upon as a tragedy, and others<br />
as a godsend. America’s first<br />
in the heart of the Strand Historic<br />
through photographs, and testimonials.<br />
Continue your tour through the<br />
Exhibit Hall adjacent to the depot<br />
to visit Dining in Style - the largest<br />
collection of 20th Century Railroad<br />
Porcelain China and Silver serving<br />
pieces. America’s romance with<br />
rail travel spanned a century and a<br />
half, during which time enjoying a<br />
meal in the dining car as the scenery<br />
rushed by was the epitome<br />
of luxury travel. The fundamental<br />
characteristics of quality manufacture<br />
and design endured until the<br />
end of privately owned rail passenger<br />
service.<br />
Coming soon: “Traveling the<br />
World on a City at Sea: The Story<br />
of the Battleship Texas”. A collaboration<br />
of Texas Parks and Wildlife,<br />
Battleship Texas, and the Center<br />
journey. The exhibit tells the story<br />
Learn of Her illustrious career as<br />
seen in graphics and artifacts.<br />
Groups welcome. July 1 – January<br />
31, 2024.<br />
Never travel by rail? Experience<br />
the thrill of rail travel by hopping<br />
aboard the Harborside Express for<br />
a train ride. Available on weekends<br />
weather permitting, or by group<br />
reservation during the week. Tickets<br />
required to board.<br />
A family friendly attraction,<br />
there’s lots to do for all and kids<br />
enjoy free Blue Bell Ice Cream<br />
all summer. Military veterans and<br />
first responders receive admission<br />
discounts year ‘round.<br />
For information, membership,<br />
student field trips, group tours,<br />
and admission go to www.GalvestonRRMuseum.org.<br />
(409) 765-<br />
5700. All Aboard!<br />
Iceberg and Magic Carpet Ride.<br />
110 The BLUES The BLUES 111
Head Down to<br />
Galveston Island<br />
When You’re Hungry.<br />
Best Places to Eat.<br />
Shrimp ‘N Stuff Downtown<br />
2506 Ball Street, Galveston • 409-974-4609<br />
Since 1976, Shrimp ‘n Stuff’s<br />
<strong>39</strong>th Street location has been<br />
“the place where the locals<br />
love to eat.” This downtown<br />
location features many of<br />
the same delicious po-boys,<br />
gumbo, and salads but they’ve<br />
also added broiled versions of<br />
Snapper, Flounder, Salmon,<br />
and several other fish. The<br />
downtown spot also ups the<br />
ante with full, tableside service,<br />
and custom table ware<br />
made in Mexico.<br />
List Your Restaurant Here<br />
email us: bluespdmag@gmail.com<br />
Katie’s Seafood House<br />
2000 Wharf Rd., Galveston • 409-765-5688<br />
For more than 20 years, Katie’s Seafood<br />
Market has provided the highest quality<br />
seafood to Galveston locals and visitors.<br />
In September of 2019, Katie’s husband,<br />
Buddy, opened Katie’s Seafood House right<br />
next to the store. The market supplies the<br />
restaurant with its fresh seafood, which is<br />
a unique attribute among restaurants and<br />
takes each dish to the next level. Stop in<br />
for a delicious shrimp platter and enjoy a<br />
house cocktail next time you in Galveston!<br />
The Spot<br />
3204 Seawall Blvd., Galveston • 409-621-5237<br />
Rudy & Paco<br />
2028 Post Office Street, Galveston • 409-762-3696<br />
When visiting Galveston Island, you simply<br />
can’t miss the Island’s most unique<br />
dining experience, Rudy & Paco. Awarded<br />
Top 100 Restaurants of 2017 and Top 100<br />
Romantic Restaurants of 2018, Rudy &<br />
Paco features grilled seafood and steak<br />
with a South and Central American sabor.<br />
Relax and unwind with your favorite<br />
cocktail while enjoying delicious Antojitos.<br />
Whether you’re dining for a special<br />
occasion or just grabbing a drink at the<br />
bar, coming to Rudy & Paco will surely<br />
be an experience like no other.<br />
Island Famous: Five Venues, One Spot: The<br />
Spot, Tiki Bar, SideYard, Rum Shack and<br />
Squeeze! You can’t go wrong at The Spot, Galveston<br />
Island’s premier beachfront dining and<br />
entertainment destination. Dive into a mouthwatering<br />
burger or fresh seafood, grab a beer<br />
and find a sweet spot to relax inside or out on<br />
our multi-level beachfront patios. Whether you<br />
want to catch the game on one of our many<br />
HDTVs or enjoy the sparkling views of the Gulf<br />
of Mexico, every seat’s the best seat in the<br />
house. It’s the perfect setting to hang out with<br />
your friends and meet new ones.<br />
112 The BLUES The BLUES 113
new products<br />
TRIKKE’S<br />
Trikke’s Electric Personal Police<br />
Vehicle: Transforming Law<br />
Enforcement Patrols with Efficiency<br />
and Enhanced Community Engagement.<br />
In the realm of law enforcement,<br />
effective patrolling is paramount<br />
to maintaining public safety and<br />
building positive community relationships.<br />
With the introduction of<br />
Trikke’s electric personal police vehicle,<br />
the Positron, law enforcement<br />
agencies can transform how your<br />
agency patrols, offering a cost-efficient<br />
solution that enhances citizen<br />
engagement and ensures quicker<br />
response times compared to traditional<br />
foot patrols.<br />
Trikke Positron bridges the gap<br />
between police vehicles and foot<br />
patrols for better community engagement.<br />
Here’s why your agency should<br />
deploy the Positron:<br />
Enhanced Mobility & Agility:<br />
The Trikke Positron provides law<br />
enforcement officers with an agile<br />
and maneuverable means of patrolling.<br />
Its compact design and<br />
electric-powered functionality<br />
allow officers to navigate through<br />
crowded urban environments and<br />
narrow pathways with ease. This<br />
enhanced mobility enables officers<br />
to reach areas that are inaccessible<br />
to larger patrol vehicles, ensuring<br />
comprehensive coverage and effective<br />
policing.<br />
Cost Efficiency: With tight budgets<br />
and limited resources, law enforcement<br />
agencies are constantly<br />
seeking cost-effective solutions.<br />
The Trikke Positron offers a financially<br />
viable alternative to traditional<br />
patrol vehicles. Its electric<br />
powertrain significantly reduces<br />
operational costs, as it eliminates<br />
the need for fuel and minimizes<br />
maintenance requirements. Moreover,<br />
the compact size of the vehicle<br />
reduces the overall investment<br />
compared to larger patrol cars.<br />
Quick Response Times: In<br />
emergency situations, every<br />
yrs.<br />
second counts. The Trikke Positron<br />
enables law enforcement agencies<br />
to achieve faster response times by<br />
leveraging its swift acceleration and<br />
maneuverability. Compared to foot<br />
patrols, officers using the Positron<br />
can quickly cover larger areas and<br />
reach incident scenes promptly. This<br />
speed can make a crucial difference<br />
in critical situations, ensuring the<br />
safety of both officers and citizens.<br />
Citizen Engagement and Community<br />
Policing: Building positive<br />
relationships with the community<br />
is a fundamental aspect of modern<br />
law enforcement. The Trikke<br />
Positron facilitates increased citizen<br />
engagement due to its open<br />
design and approachable presence.<br />
LEOs can interact with community<br />
members more effectively,<br />
fostering trust and collaboration.<br />
Officers patrolling on the Positron<br />
can engage in meaningful conversations,<br />
address concerns, and provide<br />
a visible presence, reinforcing<br />
community policing efforts.<br />
Environmental Sustainability:<br />
The Trikke Positron aligns with<br />
the growing global emphasis on<br />
environmental sustainability. By<br />
utilizing an electric powertrain, it<br />
significantly reduces greenhouse<br />
gas emissions compared to traditional<br />
patrol vehicles. The Positron’s<br />
eco-friendly nature not only<br />
helps reduce climate change but<br />
also showcases law enforcement<br />
agencies’ commitment to environmental<br />
stewardship, positively<br />
influencing the public perception<br />
of these institutions.<br />
The Trikke Positron is the ultimate<br />
tool for community policing. With<br />
enhanced mobility, cost efficiency,<br />
quick response times, improved citizen<br />
engagement, and environmental<br />
sustainability, the Positron holds<br />
immense potential to revolutionize<br />
law enforcement operations. By<br />
embracing this innovative vehicle,<br />
agencies can reshape their approach<br />
to patrols, fostering safer communities<br />
and establishing stronger bonds<br />
with the public they serve.<br />
114 The BLUES The BLUES 115
new products<br />
yrs.<br />
Protection… Revolutionized<br />
Most people don’t think of<br />
armored vehicles as ‘fast’<br />
and ‘maneuverable’. Is your<br />
agency’s armored vehicle<br />
capable of navigating tight<br />
spaces such as school corridors,<br />
warehouses, and multiple<br />
building levels via freight<br />
elevators? TC Burton offers<br />
the LD-1, which will provide<br />
the equipment necessary for<br />
law enforcement to defend<br />
themselves and others in active<br />
shooter and other deadly<br />
incidents.<br />
TC Burton Enterprises, LLC<br />
is an Indiana-based company<br />
whose mission is “to provide<br />
awesome equipment to<br />
the good guys, to protect us<br />
from the bad guys”. TC Burton<br />
innovates, produces, and<br />
distributes unique, patented,<br />
ballistically capable products<br />
to primarily serve law<br />
enforcement, private security<br />
and military markets.<br />
The LD-1, made in the USA<br />
and designed and built in<br />
Indiana, is a patented, lightweight,<br />
ballistic armor kit for<br />
a single-rider ATV. It is the<br />
next generation of ballistically<br />
capable kits for vehicle protection.<br />
While maintaining<br />
the ATV’s inherent maneuver-<br />
ability, the LD-1 utilizes a high<br />
tech, laser cut steel exoskeleton<br />
integrated with NIJ III<br />
capable ballistic panels that<br />
can stop up to a 7.62x51mm<br />
round, which includes AR-15<br />
and AK-47. The product offers<br />
360-degree protection for the<br />
operator, as well as cover of<br />
up to 120 lateral inches when<br />
the rapid deployment doors<br />
are open. The LD-1 kit is easily<br />
installed or removed with no<br />
modification to the host ATV<br />
platform.<br />
According to FBI statistics,<br />
in 2022, there were 50 active<br />
shooter incidents, with a total<br />
of 313 casualties. This is a<br />
25% increase from 2020, and a<br />
67% increase from 2018. Most<br />
incidents occurred in areas of<br />
commerce, education locations,<br />
government properties,<br />
and outdoor spaces. The term<br />
“active” indicates the ongoing<br />
nature of the incident, and<br />
thus the potential for law enforcement<br />
response to affect<br />
the outcome. Law Enforcement<br />
can be most effective in<br />
their efforts to confront and<br />
end these situations if they<br />
have the right equipment.<br />
This has always been the<br />
dream of Todd and Cathy Burton,<br />
the founders of TC Burton<br />
Enterprises. Inspired by their<br />
daughter, who is a combat<br />
veteran and police officer, and<br />
educated by Todd’s years of<br />
construction experience, and<br />
Cathy’s 26-year career with<br />
the FBI, they have grown this<br />
business from humble beginnings<br />
in their own garage to<br />
the company it is today. The<br />
original idea was sparked<br />
14 years ago, when Todd felt<br />
strongly that those law enforcement<br />
heroes who rush<br />
into harm’s way needed more<br />
nimble and maneuverable<br />
protection.<br />
The LD-1 provides just that…<br />
speed, agility, offensive maneuverability,<br />
defensive prowess,<br />
and the ability to stop<br />
large-round weapons. It is<br />
fully capable in all weather<br />
and terrain to offer unprecedented<br />
access in spaces<br />
where a BearCat or MRAP are<br />
unable to go, with unrivaled<br />
ballistic protection that cannot<br />
be accomplished with the<br />
motorcycles, bicycles, golf<br />
carts or squad cars utilized<br />
by our law enforcement and<br />
security agencies. You will<br />
find nothing else like it on the<br />
market.<br />
This month, TC Burton Enterprises,<br />
at the behest of an<br />
anonymous donor, will be<br />
taking applications to award<br />
an LD-1, complete with an<br />
850cc Polaris ATV and all<br />
available LD-1 accessories to<br />
a law enforcement agency<br />
within the United States at no<br />
cost. Agencies who wish to<br />
apply may visit our website at<br />
tcburton.com to complete an<br />
application.<br />
116 The BLUES The BLUES 117
yrs.<br />
11-14 Cognitive Interviewing and Analytic Interviewing Humble, TX<br />
11-13 AZ Association of Chiefs of Police (AACOP) Summit Flagstaff, AZ<br />
13-14 Child Abuse Investigations Denton , TX<br />
16-19 NY Chiefs of Police Annual Training Conference Albany, NY<br />
17-18 Proactive Leadership Humble, TX<br />
17-21 Basic Instructor 1014 Texas City, TX<br />
17-22 APSCON Aviation Conference Orlando, FL<br />
18-21 Reid Technique of Inv. & Advanced Interrogation Houston, TX<br />
22-25 TX Sheriffs Association 145th Annual Training Conference Fort Worth, TX<br />
23-26 PA Chiefs of Police Conference Pocono Manor,PA<br />
24-27 53rd Annual Texas Narcotic Officers Association Training Conf. San Marcos, TX<br />
25-26 2023 Indiana Chiefs of Police Summer Conference Indianapolis, IN<br />
29-1 FBINAA 59th National Annual Training Conference Denver, CO<br />
1-4 Reid Technique of Inv. & Advanced Interrogation Kileen, TX<br />
2 De-Escalation #1849 Texas City, TX<br />
7-11 Interview & Interrogation for New Detectives BY LLRMI Georgetown, TX<br />
7-11 Rolling Surveillance presented by LCI Services Texas City, TX<br />
8-11 Reid Technique of Inv. & Advanced Interrogation Dallas, TX<br />
14-16 Pat McCarthy’s Street Crimes - Galveston, TX<br />
14-18 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC League City, TX<br />
15-18 Chop Shop Investigations presented by LCI Services Texas City, TX<br />
16-17 Leadership for Front-Line Supervisors Denton, TX<br />
18 Statement Analysis® Interviewing Techniques Dallas, TX<br />
22-23 Overdose Investigations Course Georgetown, TX<br />
28-31 National Internal Affairs Investigators Assoc (NIAIA)<br />
Annual Training Conference<br />
<strong>JULY</strong><br />
AUGUST<br />
Fort Worth, TX<br />
10-13 VA Chiefs Conference <strong>No</strong>rfolk, VA<br />
12-14 AACOP Annual Training and Vendor Expo Laughlin, NV<br />
11-15 Force Science Certification Course Houston, TX<br />
19-21 WZ Criminal Level I Investigative Interviewing Techniques McKinney, TX<br />
19-22 Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing Denton, TX<br />
21-22 Homicide Investigations Seminar Denton, TX<br />
22 WZ Criminal Investigative Interviewing Techniques McKinney, TX<br />
22 WZ Criminal Level II - Advanced Interviewing Techniques McKinney, TX<br />
25 Bulletproof Courtroom Testimony by Blue to Gold Fort Worth, TX<br />
25-27 Proactive Leadership Waxahachie, TX<br />
25-29 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Crowley, TX<br />
26 Advanced Search & Seizure by Blue to Gold Denton, TX<br />
27 Advanced Traffic Stops by Blue to Gold Denton, TX<br />
28 Advanced Criminal Investigations by Blue to Gold Denton, TX<br />
2-3 SLR15 AR15 / M16 / M4 / AR308 Armorer Course Waxahachie , TX<br />
2-4 FTO for today’s recruits and Pgm. Mgr. McKinney, TX<br />
3-6 Reid Technique of Inv. Interviewing & Advanced Interrogation Ft Worth, TX<br />
4-5 Extracting the Truth-Advanced Interview and Interrogation Denton, TX<br />
4-5 SLR15 Law Enforcement Shotgun Armorer Course Waxahachie , TX<br />
5 Forensic Statement Analysis - Deception Detection McKinney, TX<br />
6 SLR15 1911 Pistol Armorer Course Waxahachie , TX<br />
9-11 LPVO Operator Course Dallas, TX<br />
10-12 Pat McCarthy’s Street Crimes - Real World Training for the Real Police Lufkin, TX<br />
14-17 IACP Conference & Expo San Diego, CA<br />
16 TrapMate* Hidden Compartment Training (Dynamic Interdiction) Burleson , TX<br />
16-18 Interview & Interrogation for New Detectives BY LLRMI Beaumont, TX<br />
16-18 Leadership 101 - Professionalism Defined (TX New Supervisor) McKinney, TX<br />
16-20 5 Day New Detective and New Criminal Investigator By LLRMI Pharr, TX<br />
16-20 Detective and New Criminal Investigator *BY PATC Rockport, TX<br />
19-20 Advanced Forensic Statement Analysis - Deception Detection McKinney, TX<br />
23-24 Advanced Field Training Officer Course Pharr, TX<br />
23-24 Covert Surveillance *BY PATC Texas City, TX<br />
24-26 Inside the Tape Homicide Investigation & Crime Scene MGT Training Rio Grande , TX<br />
31-1 Death Investigation: Cause, Manner and Mechanism By LLRMI Ft. Worth, TX<br />
31-3 Reid Investigative Interviewing & Advanced Interrogation Rockport, TX<br />
1-3 Sexual Deviant Offenders *BY PATC Texas City, TX<br />
5-10 National Honor Guard Academy Texas City, TX<br />
6 Bulletproof Report Writing by Blue to Gold Denton, TX<br />
6-8 Background Investigator Training by ProFirst Training Pharr, TX<br />
6-9 Tactical Training for Narcotics & Vice Units Cedar Park , TX<br />
6-10 Hostage Negotiations Phase 1 By LLRMI Pharr, TX<br />
7 Bulletproof Courtroom Testimony by Blue to Gold Denton, TX<br />
7-9 Reid PEACE Method of Investigative Interviewing Dyess , TX<br />
13-17 GST Defensive Tactics Instructor Course Seguin, TX<br />
13-17 Methods of Instruction - Training Practical Professional Policing Skills McKinney, TX<br />
14 Mastering Search & Seizure (In-Person & Live-Online) by Blue to Gold San Antonio, TX<br />
14-15 Protests, Demonstrations and Civil Unrest Operations By LLRMI Georgetown, TX<br />
15-16 Bulletproof Report Writing Blue to Gold (In-person & Live Stream) San Antonio, TX<br />
16 Duty to Intervenes (In-Person & Live-Online) by Blue to Gold San Antonio, TX<br />
16 Real World De-Escalation (In-Person & Live-Online) by Blue to Gold San Antonio, TX<br />
28-30 Pat McCarthy’s Street Crimes - Real World Training for the Real Police Jourdanton, TX<br />
1 High Performance Leadership - By Leading Blue Cincinnati, OH<br />
4-6 Advanced Homicide Investigation by IPTM Jacksonville, FL<br />
4-6 Effective Strategies for Staff Inspections by IPTM Altamonte Sp., FL<br />
4-6 Officer Involved Shooting-3 Day *BY PATC Columbus, OH<br />
4-6 Pat McCarthy’s Street Crimes - Real World Training for the Real Police Billings, MT<br />
4-6 Pat McCarthy’s Street Crimes - Real World Training for the Real Police Lafayette, LA<br />
4-6 Pat McCarthy’s Street Crimes - Real World Training for the Real Police Marysville, WA<br />
4-6 Penn State - Grant Writing - Virtual University Park, PA<br />
4-6 Recovery of Human Remains by Suncoast Forensics St. Cloud, FL<br />
4-6 Tactical Breaching Instructor Course Warrensburg, MO<br />
4-7 PRW Police Sniper BASIC Nunn, CO<br />
4-8 Advanced Undercover Techniques and Survival Westminster, CO<br />
4-8 Covert Entry Specialist I & II Course (5-Days) San Marcos, TX<br />
4-8 Criminal Investigations Using Cellular Technologies SME 40 hour Palm Beach, FL<br />
12722 Hwy. 3 Webster, Texas • 281-486-97<strong>39</strong><br />
118 The BLUES The BLUES 119<br />
120 The BLUES The BLUES 121
122 The BLUES The BLUES 123
TCPA Invites<br />
You To<br />
Join Us!<br />
IHIA<br />
August 6 - 11, 2023 OKLAHOMA CITY<br />
Texas Crime Prevention Association<br />
48th Annual Conference<br />
July 9 - 13, 2023<br />
Hilton Dallas/Rockwall Lakefront<br />
2055 Summer Lee Dr.<br />
Rockwall, Texas 75032<br />
TCPA invites public safety personnel, crime<br />
prevention practitioners, and organizations<br />
with crime prevention products or services to<br />
network at the largest event in the southern<br />
U.S. focused on suppressing criminal activity!<br />
Register Online Today!<br />
tcpa.wildapricot.org/conference<br />
AUGUST<br />
7 - 11<br />
Case Presentations/<br />
Training For:<br />
• Detectives<br />
• Crime Analysts<br />
• Prosecutors<br />
• Investigators<br />
• Crime Scene<br />
Investigators<br />
• Coroners<br />
• Medical Examiners<br />
IHIA<br />
OR SCAN<br />
THE CODE<br />
BELOW TO<br />
Member<br />
Early Bird<br />
Before 4/30/2023<br />
$515<br />
Member<br />
$545<br />
<strong>No</strong>n-Member<br />
$595<br />
124 The BLUES The BLUES 125
END OF WATCH FRIDAY, MAY 26, 2023<br />
AGE: 36 TOUR: 9 MONTHS BADGE: 669<br />
Deputy Sheriff Marcus Zeigler passed away after suffering a medical emergency during participation in mandatory<br />
running activities at the Great Oaks Police Academy in Sharonville. He was transported to a local hospital<br />
where he passed away two days later.<br />
Deputy Zeigler had served with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office for nine months as a corrections deputy<br />
and was assigned to the Patrol Academy. He is survived by his wife and five children.<br />
Police Officer Horren Tyler was shot and killed during a tactical operation at a home on Terrapin Hill Road <strong>No</strong>rth<br />
in Brandon, Mississippi. A subject armed with a rifle and handgun, and wearing a bulletproof vest, had broken<br />
into the home at about 1:20 am and took two women hostage. As Brandon Police Department officers arrived at<br />
the scene one of the women was able to escape but the second remained a hostage. Negotiators were able to<br />
arrange for the release of the hostage but the man remained in the home At approximately 6:00 he opened fire<br />
on officers, critically wounding an officer with the Brandon Police Department. Officer Tyler had served with the<br />
Madison Police Department for seven years and was the supervisor of the Narcotics Division. He had previously<br />
retired as the police chief of Ridgeland Police Department after serving 27 years. He was a graduate of the 228th<br />
Session of the FBI National Academy.<br />
AGE: 53 TOUR: 29 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />
Corporal Shawn Kelly succumbed to gunshot wounds sustained on May 11th, 2023, after responding to a<br />
disorderly subject call at the Spring Park Plaza in the 2300 block of South Range Road at about 4:30 pm. A<br />
man had been involved in several road rage incidents in the area and was arguing with a woman he did not<br />
know in the parking lot of the shopping center. Corporal Kelly was working a traffic assignment but responded<br />
to the scene because patrol officers were on other calls. As he and another officer arrived at the scene the<br />
man opened fire from his car, striking Corporal Kelly multiple times. Corporal Kelly was transported to a local<br />
hospital where he remained in critical condition until succumbing to his wounds 22 days later on June 2nd,<br />
<strong>2023.</strong> Corporal Kelly had served with the Denham Springs Police Department for four years. He is survived by<br />
his wife, children, and grandchildren.<br />
AGE: 37 TOUR: 15 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />
Sergeant Cory Maynard was shot and killed while responding to a shooting call in the Beech Creek area of<br />
Mingo County at about 3:30 pm.<br />
The subject opened fire on responding officers, fatally wounding Sergeant Maynard. The man fled the scene<br />
but was captured approximately six hours later.<br />
Sergeant Maynard had served with the West Virginia State Police for over 15 years. He is survived by his wife<br />
and two children.<br />
END OF WATCH SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2023<br />
AGE: 43 TOUR: 13 YEARS BADGE: 100<br />
Chief of Police Tony Rickerson was killed in a vehicle crash on CR 143 and Southwest 28th Lane in Hamilton<br />
County at 10:25 pm. He was en route to backup officers who were responding to an unauthorized block<br />
party in Jasper when his vehicle struck a deer in the road. His patrol truck careened off the roadway, struck a<br />
large tree, and became engulfed in flames.<br />
Chief Rickerson had served with the Jasper Police Department for 13 years and was appointed as the Chief in<br />
September 2022. He had previously served with the Jennings Police Department and the Florida Department<br />
of Corrections. He is survived by his wife and three children.<br />
END OF WATCH FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2023<br />
AGE: 31 TOUR: 4 YEARS BADGE: 15<br />
Police Officer Chris Wagner was shot and killed after responding to a domestic disturbance call at a home<br />
on Arrowood Lane at about 10:00 pm. A man had assaulted two other men in the home and then left the<br />
residence. Officer Wagner located the subject in the wood line near the house after arriving at the scene. A<br />
struggle ensued during which Officer Wagner was shot and killed with his own duty weapon. The subject was<br />
also shot during the struggle.<br />
Officer Wagner had served with the Wintergreen Police Department for three years and had previously served<br />
as a police officer with the Massanutten Police Department for one year.<br />
AGE: 29 TOUR: 3 YEARS BADGE: N/A<br />
Trooper Jay Rougeau was shot and killed by a wanted man near the intersection of Swamp Road<br />
and Baumgardner Drive in Walker Township shortly after 3:00 pm. At about 11:00 am, the subject<br />
had entered the parking lot of the Pennsylvania State Police’s Troop G, Lewistown Station, and<br />
shot several patrol cars using a large caliber hunting rifle. The man fled the scene and called 911<br />
several times as they searched for him. The man then shot and critically wounded a Pennsylvania<br />
State Police lieutenant in Mifflintown Borough at about 12:45 before fleeing again. Shortly before<br />
3:00 pm, the man was located in a shopping center in Walker Township and then fled into a nearby<br />
wooded area where he and Trooper Rougeau were both killed during a shootout. Trooper Rougeau<br />
had served with the Pennsylvania State Police for almost three years. He is survived by his wife.<br />
Trooper Aaron Smith was struck and killed by a stolen vehicle at about 8:30 pm while deploying spike strips<br />
to terminate a vehicle pursuit on eastbound I-70, near 6 Points Road, in Plainfield. Other troopers initiated a<br />
pursuit when the vehicle fled as they attempted to stop it. Trooper Smith was on I-70, deploying spike strips,<br />
when he was hit by the fleeing vehicle. The car crashed after hitting Trooper Smith. The driver and vehicle<br />
passengers, including a juvenile, were taken to local hospitals.<br />
Trooper Smith was a United States Army National Guard veteran and served with the Indiana State Police for<br />
five years. He is survived by his wife.<br />
WORDS & PHOTOS BY W.D. ‘Buddy’ FORD,<br />
first ones landed/crashed<br />
here in 1947.<br />
The following story first appeared<br />
in the April, 2020 edition<br />
of The BLUES. With all the<br />
talk about Aliens, excuse me.<br />
NON-HUMAN entities, visiting<br />
our planet, we thought we’d<br />
rerun this war story. Twenty<br />
years ago people would laugh<br />
at you for telling such a story,<br />
now, it’s “tell me more Grandpa.”<br />
My grandson showed me a<br />
copy of this magazine on his<br />
fancy notepad thingy. He said<br />
“grandpa you should write<br />
about the time you found that<br />
crashed spaceship out in New<br />
Mexico.”<br />
“Ah Sonny ain’t nobody gonna<br />
care about what happened<br />
76 years ago out in the desert.<br />
Besides I ain’t no good as writin’<br />
nothin’ noways.”<br />
Tell me the story Grandpa, I’ll<br />
write it down.<br />
Well Sonny alright. It was my<br />
first night on highway duties by<br />
myself. It was June, Nineteen<br />
and a Forty-Seven. I remember<br />
cause I was a drivin’ a spakin’<br />
new ’47 Ford, and it was hotter<br />
in hell in that thing.<br />
Anyhow, I was driving out on<br />
Route 8, about 30 miles northwest<br />
of Roswell, when I saw<br />
what I thought was some kind<br />
of airplane flying low across the<br />
sky, and it looked like it was on<br />
fire. <strong>No</strong>w back then the military<br />
was always flying experimental<br />
this or that and them crashing<br />
was a regular thing. But for<br />
some reason I paid more attention<br />
to this plane cause it was<br />
flying all crazy around the sky<br />
before I seen it go out of sight<br />
near the old Foster ranch.<br />
I headed that way and no<br />
sooner than I turned on to the<br />
old ranch road, I met up with my<br />
old friend Bill Brazel, who was<br />
a foreman for the Fosters. I said,<br />
“Bill, did them Air Force fly boys<br />
crash another plane out yonder<br />
on ya’lls ranch?”<br />
He said, “I saw that too, but I<br />
don’t know what it was.” So Bill<br />
jumped on in the cruiser and we<br />
headed up that ole dusty road<br />
about 5 miles or so from the<br />
highway and there up on the hill<br />
we seen something a burning.<br />
The closer we got to it, we noticed<br />
it wasn’t the kinda fire you<br />
regularly see from a plane crash<br />
– it was all blue and green kinda<br />
flame.<br />
There really wasn’t that much<br />
fire, but a lot of debris scatted<br />
all over the place. But when<br />
we got to what was left of the<br />
plane, Bill said, “What is God’s<br />
name is that? I’ve never seen<br />
anything like that before.”<br />
Having been raised in this part<br />
of New Mexico you see a lot of<br />
planes being tested for the Army<br />
and some are kinda strange, but<br />
I had never seen a round one<br />
before.<br />
Bill and I got out and ran up to<br />
the what we assumed was the<br />
front of the saucer and found a<br />
huge gaping hole in the side of<br />
whatever the hell it was. And<br />
just outside that hole was someone<br />
and they were hurt bad.<br />
The closer we got…we’ll let’s<br />
just say neither one of us could<br />
tell what it was. I guess it was<br />
right about that time Bill and I<br />
realized what was going on. We<br />
had come upon a something or<br />
someone that surely wasn’t from<br />
Earth. <strong>No</strong>w I know you’re thinking<br />
‘Grandpa were you and Bill<br />
drinking that night?” Naw sir.<br />
We were as sober as your Aunt<br />
Betty in church on Sunday.<br />
But anyway, as we were trying<br />
to see what we could do for<br />
that man, or whatever it was,<br />
I looked up and there was a<br />
dozen of them Army base trucks<br />
and Jeeps coming up the ranch<br />
road. As soon as they pulled up,<br />
there were soldiers all over the<br />
place carrying rifles and shotguns<br />
yelling for us to get away.<br />
<strong>No</strong>w I might have been a rookie<br />
law man, but I was smart<br />
enough to know when a man is<br />
out-gunned, and we were outgunned<br />
for sure. So, we got up<br />
and backed away and watched<br />
them guys grab that feller and<br />
load him up in the back of a<br />
truck.<br />
The Soldier doing all the<br />
talking and shouting commands,<br />
walked up to Bill and I and said,<br />
“Officer we got this from here.<br />
Take this man and go back up<br />
to the highway and make sure<br />
nobody comes down this road.<br />
<strong>No</strong>w get on out of here…. this is<br />
our mess and we got to clean it<br />
up.”<br />
So, with that we got back in<br />
the cruiser and headed back up<br />
to the highway. For the next few<br />
hours there must have been over<br />
a hundred trucks, Jeeps, flatbed<br />
trucks and helicopters head up<br />
the road. Bill and I didn’t quite<br />
know what to say. We just sat<br />
and watched all them men come<br />
and go for hours.<br />
I walked into the Highway<br />
Patrol office the next morning<br />
and the place was crawling<br />
with reporters and news people.<br />
The Sgt. grabbed me by the<br />
arm as soon as I walked through<br />
134 The BLUES The BLUES 135<br />
134 The BLUES The BLUES 135
the door and dragged me into<br />
his office. “Have you seen the<br />
paper?” he asked. “They say a<br />
weather balloon crashed out in<br />
the desert. Did you see that?”<br />
I can tell you that wasn’t no<br />
weather balloon, it was a damn<br />
flyin’ saucer. “What the hell you<br />
talking about Buddy, what the<br />
hell went on here last night.<br />
I got the damn governor calling<br />
me wanting an explanation.<br />
News people are crawling all<br />
up my ass with people saying<br />
a damn flying saucer thing<br />
crashed out in the desert and<br />
there are dead aliens from Mars<br />
or some such shit dead up there.<br />
What the hell happened?”<br />
So, I told him what Bill and I<br />
saw.<br />
“What did he say when you<br />
told him Grandpa?”<br />
Hell, he asked me if I was<br />
drunk on duty?<br />
But once he talked to Bill and<br />
he told the same story, he made<br />
us wait until someone from the<br />
governor’s office came to talk<br />
to us. A couple of hours later a<br />
bunch of government men all<br />
dressed in suits and ties come<br />
walking in and sat us down in<br />
the office. The one man who<br />
seemed to be in charge, ask me<br />
if I had written a report on what<br />
I’d seen and I said, “Yes sir, I got<br />
it right here.” I handed it to him,<br />
and he went right ahead and<br />
ripped it to pieces.<br />
He looked at me and Bill and<br />
said, “Gentlemen what you saw<br />
last night was a crashed weather<br />
balloon. There weren’t no<br />
green men, no aliens or Martians.<br />
Just a dummy we loaded<br />
up into that weather balloon.<br />
So, forget everything you hear.<br />
Forget everything you saw. Do<br />
you understand?” Bill and I got<br />
up out of there and never talked<br />
about that day again.<br />
Sonny there’s been a lot of<br />
things happen in my life both<br />
good and bad. But I’m almost 93,<br />
and to this day I’ve never seen<br />
or heard anything about aliens<br />
coming back here. But I tell you<br />
one thing. If they do come back<br />
and them g’men don’t cover it<br />
up, heaven help you and your<br />
sister. Cause from what I’m<br />
seeing on the TV set with this<br />
here beer virus or whatever it<br />
is. If people gonna grab all the<br />
food and toilet paper up over<br />
something they can’t even see….<br />
what in God’s name are they<br />
gonna do if a damn outer space<br />
guy shows up on main street.<br />
Or maybe they already here and<br />
just ain’t no body saying for just<br />
that reason. People are crazy<br />
son, they crazzzzyyy. <strong>No</strong>w get<br />
on up outta here it’s time for my<br />
nap. If your grampa has a story<br />
about aliens or earthlings, send<br />
it to: bluespdmag@gmail.com.<br />
136 The BLUES The BLUES 137
T.J. Cleboski, J. Meliski and Falllen Harris County<br />
Deputy Donald “Pastor Doug” Knowlton<br />
Perhaps the earliest memory<br />
I have of my grandfather was<br />
him putting on his Harris County<br />
Sheriffs uniform and strapping<br />
on his gun belt. That six-inch .38<br />
caliber Smith & Wesson seemed<br />
like a canon to a six-year-old.<br />
(My brother and I still have<br />
that very same gun.) He stood<br />
so proud in that uniform as he<br />
kissed my grandmother goodbye<br />
and made his way out the door<br />
to a waiting sheriff’s car outside.<br />
I remember looking out the window<br />
as they pulled away thinking<br />
that will be me someday,<br />
and some sixteen years later it<br />
was.<br />
I have no recollection of any<br />
‘war stories’ that my grandfather<br />
John Meliski might have told. In<br />
fact, I knew very little of what<br />
he did for Buster Kern, the High<br />
Sheriff of Harris County back<br />
in the day. It wasn’t until 1983<br />
that I learned what a hero my<br />
grandfather really was, and that<br />
information came in a strange<br />
but somewhat funny way.<br />
It was a slow Saturday afternoon,<br />
and I was working the day<br />
shift out of District 2. My LT. was<br />
none other than Tommy Cleboski.<br />
Tommy was somewhat of icon at<br />
Harris County and according to<br />
legend, he had worked there for<br />
50 years or more. It was more<br />
like 30, but nevertheless it was<br />
a long time, at least for a rookie<br />
like me. Despite the fact I saw<br />
him almost every day, I knew<br />
little about this cigar smoking<br />
man other than he reminded me<br />
of my grandfather. Something<br />
about elderly polish men all<br />
looking alike. LOL<br />
Anyway, I stuck my head inside<br />
his door to say hello and he immediately<br />
started interrogating<br />
the latest rookie to his shift.<br />
“Barron is it? Come on in and<br />
have a seat. Tell me something<br />
about yourself. What the hell<br />
kind of name is Barron anyway?<br />
Irish? German? Where your people<br />
come from? How the hell did<br />
you end up on day shift?<br />
I had no idea where to start.<br />
Well sir…<br />
“Stop right there. Never, never<br />
call me SIR. I’m old as dirt and I<br />
sure as hell don’t need to be reminded<br />
of it with rookies calling<br />
me sir.”<br />
Well okay LT. Anyway, I’m half<br />
Irish on my dad’s side and polish<br />
on my mom’s side.<br />
“What’s your mommas name<br />
son?<br />
Meliski sir…I mean Meliski LT.<br />
“Meliski? What was her first<br />
name? It wasn’t Victoria was it?”<br />
Yep, it was. Wait, you know<br />
her?<br />
“Victoria Meliski? Went to<br />
Sacred Heart Academy and her<br />
daddy’s name was John? Big<br />
John Meliski was your grandfather?”<br />
Yes sir? He worked for Buster<br />
Kern and….<br />
“Son you don’t have to tell ME<br />
who he was. I tried taking your<br />
momma out once and her daddy<br />
Lt. Tommy J. Cleboski<br />
pulled her out of my 1940 Ford, and he<br />
said if I ever came around again, I’d be<br />
looking at the business end of a shotgun?<br />
Wait you dated my mother? Never<br />
mind, I don’t want to know the details.<br />
So, you knew my grandfather? I guess<br />
in a way I ended up here because of<br />
him. He was larger than life to me and<br />
I guess I always wanted to grow up to<br />
be like him. In fact, Jack Heard agreed<br />
to give me his badge number when I<br />
started.<br />
“Well let me tell you about your<br />
grandfather. Besides wanting to kick<br />
my ass on a regular basis, he was<br />
pretty much the reason I joined up too.<br />
Buster Kern hired damn near everyone<br />
that applied back in the day, but when<br />
they asked me if I knew anyone that<br />
worked for Buster I said, I know John<br />
Meliski and his daughter Victoria.”<br />
Wait, you told them my grandfather<br />
threatened to kick your ass for dating<br />
his daughter?<br />
Deputy John Meliski<br />
138 The BLUES The BLUES 1<strong>39</strong><br />
138 The BLUES The BLUES 1<strong>39</strong>
Enter to win TC Burton's<br />
“Yes sir, damn sure did and<br />
they said anyone with enough<br />
crazy motherfucker and Pastor<br />
noticed mud tracks leading from<br />
of the old Tribune Newspaper<br />
with John Meliski holding this<br />
balls to even think about running the back of the house to the outhouse…lar<br />
dragging him through the<br />
bloody old man up by the col-<br />
around with big John’s kid was<br />
damn sure good enough to carry Outhouse?<br />
dirt. Seemed like the headline<br />
apply at TCBurton.com July 12th through August 25th<br />
a badge. They hired me right<br />
then and there.”<br />
<strong>No</strong> Shit!<br />
“You know, back in the day,<br />
your grandfather was somewhat<br />
of legend after he pulled an<br />
asshole out of an outhouse for<br />
shooting another deputy. They<br />
beat the crap out of that guy<br />
even though he had been shot<br />
and was bleeding like a stuck<br />
pig? Harris County lost a good<br />
man that day.<br />
Wait. What happened?<br />
“Yes Barron, this was way<br />
before indoor plumbing and<br />
air conditioning ...anyway Doug<br />
yelled for them to come around<br />
back and as soon as he did the<br />
old man shot right through that<br />
outhouse and those shotgun<br />
pellets hit Pastor right in the<br />
neck and chest. But Pastor had<br />
the Lord with him for at least a<br />
few more seconds, because as<br />
he was falling, he emptied that<br />
revolver right through the shitter<br />
door and hit the old man just<br />
said something like ‘Hero Deputy<br />
takes down Deputy Killer.’<br />
Yeah son, your grandfather was<br />
something else.”<br />
So, what did he think about<br />
you working at the SO? And did<br />
you ever take his daughter…my<br />
mom out again?<br />
“Well, that’s a whole other<br />
story there, but he did make it a<br />
point to let me know that Deputy<br />
or not, that shotgun was still<br />
waiting for me if I came around<br />
again.”<br />
“Big John and another deputy above his eye. Big John and Earl From that day on, Tommy<br />
had answered a shots fired call ran to the back and while Earl Cleboski was like family to me.<br />
on Darwin, just off the Eastex helped Pastor, your grandfather Hell according to him, he WAS Protection...Revolutionized<br />
Freeway. Of course, it wasn’t a<br />
freeway back then, more like a<br />
jerked the old man out of the<br />
shitter and commenced to beating<br />
almost family…but let’s not go<br />
there. Over the next few years,<br />
"This offers so many options - we can get<br />
"An absolute game changer."<br />
the crap out of him…. did Tommy told me several more<br />
cover to where we need it quickly."<br />
-Wendy Osborne, FBI Retired,<br />
wide-open road. When they got<br />
there, this crazy old man was you see how I used crap and he stories about the good old days<br />
-Local Law Enforcement Official<br />
Lead Instructor/Consultant for Workplace<br />
on the porch with a shotgun was in an outhouse.”<br />
and Big John Meliski. I wish that<br />
Violence and Active Shooter Response<br />
shooting at anyone and everyone<br />
Yeah, you’re a regular Johnny my grandfather had lived longer<br />
because someone stole his<br />
vegetables…”<br />
Vegetables?<br />
“Yep…tomatoes, I think. As<br />
soon as they arrived the old man<br />
ran around behind the house and<br />
Carson.<br />
“Anyway, Earl loaded Pastor<br />
in his car and took him to the<br />
hospital while John waited on<br />
an ambulance to come get the<br />
old man. But Pastor Doug died<br />
and had the chance to share his<br />
days as a Deputy Sheriff with his<br />
grand kids and see one of them<br />
follow in his footsteps. It was<br />
also an honor for me to wear his<br />
badge number thanks to Sheriff<br />
disappeared. They called for help on the way to the hospital, bleed Jack Heard.<br />
and that’s when Pastor Doug and out in the back seat. He was only Lt. Tommy Cleboski passed<br />
his reserve Earl showed up. 31 years old and just the nicest<br />
away in 1994 after serving 40<br />
guy you’d ever wanna meet. years with the Harris Coun-<br />
NIJ III rated<br />
Wait! Pastor Doug? They called<br />
in a priest? What the hell… At the time, I think he was only ty Sheriff’s Office. Hearing he<br />
Fast & maneuverable<br />
Visit TCBurton.com or<br />
“<strong>No</strong>. Doug Knowlton was a like the seventh or eighth Harris<br />
County Deputy to ever get my grandfather all over again.<br />
had passed, was like losing<br />
Active threat response<br />
scan the QR code for<br />
deputy and an ordained Methodist<br />
minister. He preached at killed while on duty. His service<br />
Large structure clearing<br />
more information!<br />
Never again would I hear all the<br />
a church over on the mail route was the largest I had ever been great war stories about Big John<br />
Outdoor event control<br />
every Sunday. He was the nicest<br />
guy trying to save everyone on<br />
to at the time. Damn near half<br />
the county showed up. After the<br />
Meliski and Tommy Cleboski.<br />
Both were heroes to me and<br />
Indoor/Outdoor ability<br />
Designed to ROP standards<br />
Sunday and then busted their funeral, Buster presented your larger than life. I only hope that<br />
ass come Monday on the street. grandfather with a medal for law enforcement officers today<br />
360º protection for operator<br />
Anyway, Doug and Earl showed capturing the old man. I remember<br />
a picture on the front page<br />
continue to be their grandkids<br />
up and helped look for this old<br />
Kathy@tcburton.com<br />
heroes.<br />
(463) 272-1476<br />
140 The BLUES 351 W. Muskegon Dr. PO Box 483<br />
The TCBurton.com<br />
BLUES 141<br />
Greenfield, IN 46140
healing our heroes<br />
By Retired NYPD Detective,<br />
John Salerno, Co-founder of<br />
A Badge of Honor<br />
As a young cop in the NYC<br />
Police Department, some of<br />
the first things I learned in the<br />
academy was to make sure<br />
you always wear your body<br />
armor, it will protect you,<br />
always carry your radio in<br />
case you need to call for help,<br />
it will Save you. The tools on<br />
your gun belt will keep you<br />
alive. If you are in a bad situation,<br />
use the code 10/13 which<br />
will alert Officers to respond<br />
fast and get you backup.<br />
Every Law Enforcement Officer<br />
in the nation has a code<br />
for assistance, it is our lifeline<br />
when we are in distress or<br />
injured. It is the way we communicate<br />
with each other to<br />
ask for help.<br />
But what happens when we<br />
are off duty? What code do<br />
we use to call for help when<br />
we are stripped of all our<br />
protective armor? When we<br />
have no radio to request assistance?<br />
When we are most<br />
vulnerable? When we are in<br />
distress.? These codes do not<br />
exist. Or do they?<br />
Just like we were trained,<br />
we need to train our Loved<br />
ones, our friends and those<br />
in our closest social circles<br />
the signs and symptoms of<br />
Post-Traumatic Stress. Let<br />
them in on your own distress<br />
code. This way they know<br />
how to respond. Many want<br />
to help; they just do not know<br />
how.<br />
So, it is important that we<br />
take the step and educate<br />
those around us.<br />
The hardest thing for us to<br />
do is ask for help. Sadly to<br />
say, many will not. The open<br />
wound is covered by a Band-<br />
Aid. We mask our hurt and<br />
our pain with what our culture<br />
has trained us to do. This<br />
process seems to work in the<br />
beginning as we shield ourselves<br />
until the next tour.<br />
FOR HELP and our families<br />
and friends do not know how<br />
to offer help.<br />
The quick fix for us is to get<br />
back to the JOB and allow<br />
more wounds and more pain<br />
to cover the past ones. This<br />
yrs.<br />
is a cycle that is ongoing and<br />
infectious. We never treat our<br />
wounds, we only treat the<br />
pain.<br />
Many Officers use alternative<br />
means to ease this pain, such<br />
as alcohol, drugs and seclusion.<br />
But what we do not see<br />
is the infection as this wound<br />
continues to fester.<br />
The soreness becomes red,<br />
the redness soon turns to<br />
black, everything around it becomes<br />
numb, the nerve endings<br />
soon begin to die, until<br />
there is absolutely no feeling.<br />
Mental Health is no different.<br />
When we cover up our injuries<br />
in our brain, the things we<br />
see, hear and experience daily,<br />
WILL cause damage, sometimes<br />
irreversible.<br />
When one of the band-aids<br />
falls off, it makes the wound<br />
visible to others exposing the<br />
damage, sparking a response<br />
that says, “YOU NEED TO<br />
But by that time, the wound<br />
is already numb and dying.<br />
Therefore, it is so important<br />
for others to notice the bandaids<br />
before they fall off. This<br />
will help treat the infection<br />
before the damage becomes<br />
irreversible or at the very<br />
least, difficult to repair.<br />
Even the smallest of<br />
wounds need to be addressed,<br />
no matter how<br />
insignificant you think they<br />
may be. The smallest of untreated<br />
cuts may cause us to<br />
lose something irreplaceable,<br />
your marriage, your kids, your<br />
family, or maybe your life.<br />
Every wound can be treated<br />
differently. Some may<br />
just need a quick antibiotic,<br />
whereas others may take a<br />
longer healing process. But<br />
99.9% of all wounds are treatable,<br />
if they are addressed<br />
early on.<br />
It's time to stop putting<br />
Band-Aids on bullet holes.<br />
Rubbing dirt on it, walking it<br />
off and sucking it up, are the<br />
days of the past.<br />
We have the knowledge<br />
now to identify, address and<br />
treat every aspect of PTSD<br />
from the crisis onset to post<br />
outpatient care if needed.<br />
The Buy-in of each department<br />
is the key that will<br />
unlock the tools which can<br />
dismantle and Smash the<br />
Stigma.<br />
John and Sam host MAD (Making a<br />
Difference) Radio, Wednesdays 7pm<br />
central live on FB @Makingadifferencetx.<br />
For more about Sam & John<br />
and the wellness and resiliency<br />
workshops for first responders, visit<br />
ABadgeofHonor.com.<br />
The BLUES<br />
Delivered to Your<br />
Email Every Month<br />
click or scan here<br />
142 The BLUES The BLUES 143
daryl’s deliberations<br />
yrs.<br />
“CHARGE!”<br />
Under intense artillery fire from<br />
British cannoneers, American<br />
General Casimir Pulaski lead<br />
French troops into a withering<br />
fusillade of English grapeshot. He<br />
was blown from his horse trying<br />
to break the Siege of Savannah in<br />
the Revolutionary War. He led the<br />
charge with the complete confidence<br />
of General Washington,<br />
having saved the future president’s<br />
life at the Battle of Brandywine.<br />
His battlefield wounds were<br />
mortal.<br />
General Pulaski died at a local<br />
plantation and was buried where<br />
he died. In 1825, the Marquis de<br />
Lafayette laid the cornerstone<br />
for a monument to<br />
Pulaski since he was leading<br />
French troops at the<br />
time of his death. In 1854,<br />
the monument was being<br />
created in Savannah and<br />
someone got the idea to remove<br />
the general’s remains<br />
and place them in the base<br />
of the monument. Workers<br />
respectfully moved the body<br />
and the general rested in<br />
peace under his monument<br />
until amateur sleuths came<br />
up with reasons why the<br />
body in the monument was<br />
not the general’s.<br />
The general’s body was<br />
disturbed, yet again, and<br />
over the course of nine<br />
years scientists applied<br />
modern forensics to prove<br />
the body in the monument was<br />
not the general’s. The initial<br />
forensic scientists were startled<br />
when they found the pelvic bone<br />
belonged to a female, rather than<br />
a man. The sleuths were right. Or<br />
were they? DNA was extracted<br />
and compared to known Pulaski<br />
descendants in Poland. The body<br />
was, indeed, Pulaski’s.<br />
Further detective work in Poland<br />
revealed that Pulaski was<br />
born with an unknown birth condition.<br />
Although his birth records<br />
did not reveal what the problem<br />
was, circumstantial evidence<br />
suggests he was a hermaphrodite<br />
or intersex. The extremely<br />
rare condition was something<br />
that could have limited his ability<br />
to live a normal life. He never<br />
married or fathered children. He<br />
chose to overcome any obstacles<br />
and pursue a life of military hardships,<br />
including the crossing<br />
of the Atlantic Ocean.<br />
He was a courageous<br />
cavalry general who led by<br />
example. He gave his life<br />
believing that our God does<br />
not create us to live with<br />
society’s limitations but to<br />
seize opportunities that fulfill<br />
our potential. Fortunately<br />
for us, General Pulaski still<br />
provides his adopted country<br />
with an excellent example of<br />
outstanding character and<br />
personal courage. A grateful<br />
nation proclaims him to<br />
be the “Father of American<br />
Cavalry.” The photo is of<br />
me visiting General Pulaski<br />
at his grave/monument in<br />
Savannah. Do statues really<br />
mean anything? They do<br />
indeed. Thoughts or comments?<br />
Email: DarylLott.Texas@<br />
gmail.com<br />
144 The BLUES The BLUES 145
yrs.<br />
“Honoring our fallen heroes<br />
through running while providing<br />
financial support to the families<br />
of our fallen Heroes,<br />
First Responders injured in the<br />
Line of Duty and Safety<br />
Equipment to K9s in need.”<br />
Zechariah<br />
Cartledge:<br />
a True American Hero<br />
AS OF 6/16/23<br />
Total Grants Awarded to Injured First Responders: 48<br />
Total Amount Awarded: $437,500<br />
Total Funds Awarded to Families of Fallen Heroes: 47<br />
Total Amount Awarded: $317,951<br />
Funds/Equipment Awarded to K9 Officers: $40,150.10<br />
Total Amount of Grants Given: $795,601.10<br />
- - - -<br />
2023 Run Tracker:<br />
Total Miles Run in 2023: (as of 7/1/23): 112<br />
- Zechariah - 46<br />
- Jayden - 9<br />
- Andrew - 14<br />
- Giuliana - 5<br />
- Anthony - 10<br />
- Morgan - 27<br />
- Theresa - 1<br />
Total Miles Run in 2022: 325<br />
Total Miles Run in 2021: 325<br />
Total Miles Run in 2020: 401<br />
Total Miles Run in 2019: 376<br />
Overall Miles Run: 1,538<br />
Overall Miles Run (K9’s): 72<br />
- - - - - - - - -<br />
2022 Run Stats:<br />
Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen LEO’s (<strong>No</strong>n COVID-19): 135<br />
Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen Firefighters (<strong>No</strong>n COVID-19): 80<br />
Total Miles Run for <strong>No</strong>n-LODD/Suicide: 13<br />
Total Miles Run for 2022 Fallen Canada LEO’s: 3<br />
Total Miles Run in 2022 for Fallen COVID-19 Heroes: 18<br />
Total Miles Run for 2021 Fallen LEO’s: 21<br />
Total Miles Run for 2021 Fallen Firefighters: 2<br />
Total Tribute Runs by State/Country: 17<br />
States/Cities Zechariah has run in:<br />
Florida - Winter Springs, Lake Mary, Clearwater, Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach, Orlando, Temple Terrace, Blountstown,<br />
Cocoa, Lakeland, Daytona Beach, West Palm Beach, Starke, Melbourne<br />
New York - New York City, Weedsport • Georgia - Cumming, Augusta, Savannah<br />
South Carolina - <strong>No</strong>rth Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Sumter • Pennsylvania - Monaca<br />
Illinois - Springfield, Naperville, Glen Ellyn • Texas - Houston (2), Fort Worth, Midland, New Braunfels, Freeport, Madisonville,<br />
Irving, Sadler, San Antonio • Kentucky - Nicholasville • Arkansas - Bryant, Hot Springs, Springdale, Prairie Grove<br />
Nevada - Henderson • Kansas - Overland Park • California - Mt. Vernon, La Jolla • Arizona - Mesa<br />
<strong>No</strong>rth Carolina - Concord, Raleigh • Virginia - <strong>No</strong>rton, Richmond • Tennessee - Bristol, Bartlett<br />
Oklahoma - Stilwell (2) • Delaware - Milford • Maryland - Towson • Minnesota - Arden Hills • Indiana - Sullivan, Spencer<br />
Mississippi - Grenada, Olive Branch • Missouri - Springfield, Rolla, Joplin • Iowa - Independence, Des Moines, Cedar Rapids<br />
District/Countries/Territories: Washington D.C. • Puerto Rico - San Juan<br />
The BLUES 147
blue mental health<br />
The Emotional Toll of the<br />
Sheepdog Identity<br />
On June 29, 2023, journalist<br />
Terry Spencer with the Associated<br />
Press released the<br />
following story: “A Florida<br />
sheriff’s deputy was acquitted<br />
Thursday of felony child<br />
neglect and other charges for<br />
failing to act during the 2018<br />
Parkland school massacre,<br />
concluding the first trial in U.S.<br />
history of a law enforcement<br />
officer for conduct during an<br />
on-campus shooting. Former<br />
Broward County Deputy Scot<br />
Peterson wept as the verdicts<br />
were read. The jury deliberated<br />
for 19 hours over four<br />
days. After court adjourned,<br />
Peterson, his family, and<br />
friends rushed into a group<br />
hug as they whooped, hollered,<br />
and cried. “I got my life<br />
back. We’ve got our life back,”<br />
Peterson said as he exited the<br />
courtroom, his arm around<br />
his wife, Lydia Rodriguez,<br />
and his lawyer, Mark Eiglarsh.<br />
“It’s been an emotional roller<br />
coaster for so long. Calling<br />
Mark at 1 in the morning.” He<br />
also said people should never<br />
forget the victims. “Only one<br />
person was to blame, and<br />
it was that monster (Nikolas<br />
Cruz),” Peterson said. “It<br />
wasn’t any law enforcement<br />
officer who was on that scene.<br />
... Everybody did the best they<br />
could with the information we<br />
had.”<br />
“Peterson said he hopes to sit<br />
down one day with the Parkland<br />
parents and spouses to tell them<br />
“the truth” that he did everything<br />
he could. He could have received<br />
nearly 100 years in prison, although<br />
a sentence approaching<br />
that length would have been<br />
highly unlikely given the circumstances<br />
and his clean record. He<br />
also could have lost his $104,000<br />
annual pension. During their<br />
two-week presentation, prosecutors<br />
called to the witness<br />
stand students, teachers, and<br />
law enforcement officers who<br />
testified about the horror they<br />
experienced and how they knew<br />
where Cruz was. Some said they<br />
knew that the shots were coming<br />
from the 1200 building. Prosecutors<br />
also called a training supervisor<br />
who testified Peterson did<br />
not follow protocols for confronting<br />
an active shooter. Security<br />
videos show that 36 seconds<br />
after Cruz’s attack began, Peterson<br />
exited his office about 100<br />
yards from the 1200 building and<br />
jumped into a cart with two unarmed<br />
civilian security guards.<br />
They arrived at the building a<br />
minute later. Peterson exited the<br />
cart near the east doorway to<br />
the first-floor hallway. Cruz was<br />
at the hallway’s opposite end,<br />
yrs.<br />
firing his AR-15-style semiautomatic<br />
rifle. Peterson, who was<br />
not wearing a bulletproof vest,<br />
didn’t open the door. Instead, he<br />
took cover 75 feet away in the<br />
alcove of a neighboring building,<br />
his gun still drawn. He stayed<br />
there for 40 minutes, long after<br />
the shooting ended, and other<br />
police officers had stormed the<br />
building (Associated Press).”<br />
Peterson’s attorney, Eiglarsh,<br />
called several deputies who<br />
arrived during the shooting<br />
and students and teachers who<br />
testified they did not think the<br />
shots were coming from the<br />
1200 building. Peterson, who did<br />
not testify, has said that because<br />
of echoes, he could not pinpoint<br />
the shooter’s location. Eiglarsh<br />
also emphasized the failure of<br />
the sheriff’s radio system during<br />
the attack, which limited what<br />
Peterson heard from arriving<br />
deputies (Associated Press).<br />
When this news broke, I received<br />
numerous texts and calls<br />
from active law enforcement<br />
officers expressing their anger<br />
and frustration at Peterson’s<br />
actions (or lack thereof) and the<br />
consistent failure of the criminal<br />
justice system, especially as it<br />
related to this horrific event. On<br />
<strong>No</strong>vember 2, 2022, a Florida jury<br />
failed to return a unanimous<br />
verdict on a death sentence for<br />
Cruz. He was formally sentenced<br />
to life in prison without the<br />
possibility of parole for each of<br />
the 17 counts of murder to which<br />
he had pleaded guilty, with the<br />
sentences to run consecutively. I<br />
offered that their anger was justified;<br />
they are excellent officers<br />
who would not have hesitated<br />
to put their lives on the line to<br />
stop the threat. They are what Lt.<br />
Col. Dave Grossman would call<br />
sheepdogs; we need them more<br />
in our dangerous society.<br />
Since the Parkland massacre,<br />
there have been numerous examples<br />
during active shootings<br />
of bravery, courage, and dedication<br />
by officers who clearly<br />
view their role as “custodians<br />
or caregivers” of our children.<br />
In my counseling role with law<br />
enforcement, I learned that there<br />
are three major types of emotional<br />
betrayals for police officers.<br />
The first is the agency’s lack<br />
of support for officers who must<br />
use justified deadly force, especially<br />
in high-profile events. The<br />
second is the unjustified prosecution<br />
of officers who made a<br />
difficult split-second decision<br />
under extreme critical incident<br />
stress. The third is the inaction of<br />
Scot Peterson. It takes an emotional<br />
toll on officers who see<br />
their identity as the sheepdog<br />
and would never hesitate to act.<br />
click or scan<br />
here, for your<br />
Subscription.<br />
I am deeply thankful for their<br />
service and, yes, their sacrifice.<br />
“The bravest are surely those<br />
who have the clearest vision of<br />
what is before them, glory and<br />
danger alike, and yet notwithstanding,<br />
go out to meet it. —<br />
Thucydides”<br />
Dave Grossman, On Combat:<br />
The Psychology and Physiology<br />
of Deadly Conflict in War and in<br />
Peace<br />
148 The BLUES The BLUES 149
Light Bulb Award<br />
Another Soros-backed DA signs off on plea deal for a woman who plead<br />
out to a Murder for Hire plot and gets probation!! WTF Garza!<br />
Residents of Austin, Texas,<br />
and crime victims’ families are<br />
speaking out after District Attorney<br />
Jose Garza signed off on<br />
a plea deal for a woman for her<br />
part in a murder-for-hire plot<br />
that targeted her in-laws.<br />
Jaclyn Alexa Edison was sentenced<br />
last week in Travis County,<br />
Texas, to 10 years probation<br />
after pleading guilty to conspiracy<br />
to attempt to commit<br />
capital murder by hiring two hit<br />
men who ultimately killed her<br />
then-husband’s father. The boyfriend’s<br />
mother survived.<br />
Edison’s husband, Nicolas<br />
Shaughnessy, and the two hit<br />
men accepted plea deals of<br />
35 years in prison. The victims’<br />
families said that deal was too<br />
lenient, but Austin Police Retired<br />
Officers Association President<br />
Dennis Farris told Fox News<br />
Digital that Edison should have<br />
faced the same punishment as<br />
the others.<br />
“She should have gotten the<br />
same thing they got,” Farris said.<br />
“They literally are just as guilty,<br />
she’s just as guilty as the person<br />
who pulled the trigger.”<br />
Edison, who was 19 years old<br />
at the time of the crime, was<br />
offered “deferred adjudication,”<br />
which means she accepted responsibility<br />
for the crime but the<br />
conviction was not placed on her<br />
record. The lawyer for the surviving<br />
victim said he has never<br />
seen a similar outcome.<br />
“In the close to half a century<br />
that I’ve worked with criminal<br />
law as a prosecutor and a defense<br />
attorney … I have never<br />
seen anything like this,” attorney<br />
Steve Brittain told KXAN-TV. “I<br />
can’t put it together in my mind,<br />
and I just don’t understand it.”<br />
Edison and her now ex-husband<br />
were accused of hiring<br />
Arieon Smith and Johnny Leon in<br />
2018 to kill Shaughnessy’s adopted<br />
parents who owned Gallerie<br />
Jewelers in Austin in a scheme<br />
they hoped would net them their<br />
$2 million life insurance policy.<br />
Ted Shaughnessy was found<br />
dead of multiple gunshot<br />
wounds in a hallway of his home<br />
after his wife, Corey Shaughnessy,<br />
returned fire at the hit<br />
men until she ran out of ammunition<br />
and hid in a closet to call<br />
911, authorities said.<br />
“You can withdraw money<br />
from the bank to pay to have<br />
your in-laws killed, and this district<br />
attorney is going to let you<br />
basically walk away,” Farris said.<br />
“I mean this is just insane.”<br />
While part of Edison’s probation<br />
says she must check in to<br />
the Travis County Jail for two<br />
yrs.<br />
Wipe that smile off your face,<br />
you’re an idiot and the Winner<br />
of this Month’s Light Bulb<br />
Award.<br />
days each year on the anniversary<br />
of the murder as part of her<br />
probation, Farris told Fox News<br />
Digital that’s a slap on the wrist<br />
and that she will probably end<br />
up spending less than two days<br />
in jail based on the way the jails<br />
credit time served based on the<br />
time of day you clock in.<br />
Garza, who was backed by a<br />
PAC linked to billionaire George<br />
Soros, has been criticized for<br />
years for what the families of<br />
crime victims say is a soft-oncrime<br />
approach that stems from<br />
adherence to progressive politics<br />
and “reimagining” the justice<br />
system.<br />
One of those family members is<br />
Nicholas Kantor, whose brother,<br />
Doug, was an innocent bystander<br />
when he was shot and killed<br />
in 2021 when two rival gangs of<br />
teenagers opened fire on each<br />
other in downtown Austin in one<br />
of the worst mass shootings in<br />
the city’s history. Two years later,<br />
Nicholas Kantor says Garza’s office<br />
has yet to deliver justice for<br />
his family and has even impeded<br />
progress toward that goal.<br />
Kantor told Fox News Digital<br />
in response to news of Edison’s<br />
probation sentence that people<br />
need to ask themselves how they<br />
would feel if Edison had killed<br />
their mother or their father.<br />
“Would you feel contentment<br />
that the DA provided you with<br />
justice and peace of mind to settle<br />
your heart?” Kantor said.<br />
“This is about the future of the<br />
justice system, if we continue<br />
to stand idle through deals and<br />
decisions like this without any<br />
protests and outrage, that this<br />
will become the new normal,”<br />
Kantor added. “And while today<br />
it may be somebody else’s<br />
broken heart, tomorrow it could<br />
very well be yours.”<br />
Garza ran on a platform of<br />
prosecuting police officers and<br />
has already gone after several of<br />
them, including the indictment<br />
of over 20 Austin police officers<br />
for their roles in subduing<br />
a Black Lives Matter riot in the<br />
wake of George Floyd’s death.<br />
He also worked to convict Army<br />
Sgt. Daniel Perry to 25 years in<br />
prison for shooting an armed<br />
Black Lives Matter protester who<br />
approached his car with a raised<br />
AK-47 style weapon.<br />
“This is a sweetheart deal,”<br />
Farris said. “Do you think he<br />
would offer or make a deal with<br />
the police officers he’s charged?<br />
Things are getting worse in<br />
Travis County because we are<br />
refusing to put people in jail for<br />
the worst crimes they commit.”<br />
Garza’s office did not respond<br />
to a request for comment from<br />
Fox News Digital.<br />
Reprinted from foxnews.com.<br />
150 The BLUES The BLUES 151
“OK, I like it, Picasso”<br />
That little phrase made famous on Tik Tok sums up the reaction<br />
I have and many others I encounter on the water have about my<br />
new Axopar 37 Cross Cabin boat. I wrote about this new boat back<br />
in the October issue of last year. Well, she finally arrived in June,<br />
and we love it. We named her Rare Waters because of the beautiful<br />
Caribbean like water we like to hang around in near the pass to<br />
the Gulf of Mexico in Destin, Florida.<br />
152 The BLUES The BLUES 153
For a 37-foot boat, it drives like<br />
a sports car. It gets up on plane<br />
quickly, turns on a dime, and<br />
with the pilot house doors and<br />
sunroof closed, you can hardly<br />
tell that you are cruising at<br />
40 mph. Or you can open them<br />
all up and you feel like you are<br />
running in a large center console<br />
fishing boat. The twin 300<br />
Mercury Verado outboards are<br />
great engines that I have noticed<br />
top out my boat at about 51 mph<br />
but cruise very fuel efficient at<br />
35-38 mph. Yes, I know with<br />
gas at the marinas running over<br />
$7.00 per gallon, it is a terrible<br />
time to be getting a new boat<br />
that gets 1.5 mpg, but it wasn’t<br />
like this a year ago when I ordered<br />
the boat. The good news<br />
is that I have found you can also<br />
enjoy the boat when it is just<br />
anchored!<br />
My friends often ask, what am<br />
I like most about the boat so far?<br />
For sure, the uniqueness of the<br />
boat grabs your attention right<br />
away and is a favorite feature.<br />
Having an enclosed pilot house<br />
is not something you see on the<br />
water much, but it is very nice to<br />
cruise with the doors open, but<br />
still have the AC vents blowing<br />
on you to counter the 95-degree<br />
days we’ve been having. Another<br />
favorite feature is the ease in<br />
which the boat handles. With<br />
having twin engines and a bow<br />
thruster, docking the boat has<br />
not been an issue at all. We also<br />
have enjoyed the full accessibility<br />
of the boat. Getting in and out<br />
of the V-berth is easy from the<br />
bow using the Gull wings and<br />
from the pilot house using the<br />
wide access door down to the<br />
shower and head then on to the<br />
sitting and sleeping area. We<br />
have used the shade awnings for<br />
the bow and the stern as well to<br />
hide from the sun when anchored<br />
out.<br />
So, what has been challenging<br />
about the boat? Well, it has<br />
to be the electronics. The glass<br />
touch screens SIMRAD navigation<br />
system is easy enough to work<br />
the basics, but still after 10 trips<br />
out, I have not begun to unleash<br />
its full potential. With every<br />
Youtube video, I get better, but<br />
wish I could just have an expert<br />
spend a full day with me and<br />
master it. Likewise, the safety<br />
features associated with boat<br />
have been equally challenging<br />
to fully understand and get<br />
operational. Between the VHF<br />
radio and the AIS system setup,<br />
I have become an FCC licensed<br />
radio operator and spent many<br />
hours researching exactly what I<br />
need to do to be prepared for an<br />
emergency at sea.<br />
While Axopar doesn’t try to<br />
compete in the fishing boat market,<br />
with some of their standard<br />
fishing options and my modifications<br />
it has done quite well,<br />
and I am happy to call it a fishing<br />
boat. The live well has plenty of<br />
capacity and is easy to use and<br />
clean. The added bait station table<br />
with trolling rod holders was<br />
a great addition along with the<br />
outriggers, large cooler, saltwater<br />
rinse, and storage cabinet for<br />
all of my gear. <strong>No</strong>w I just need<br />
to find and mark some great<br />
fishing spots because so far, we<br />
have caught some fish, but nothing<br />
to write about yet. However,<br />
that is what retirement is for.<br />
As I started this article, we<br />
love this boat and love sharing<br />
it with others. The last time we<br />
were on the water, I was idling<br />
in a no wake zone in the Destin<br />
Harbor and this fishing charter<br />
captain comes cruising up next<br />
to me and tells me he really<br />
likes the look of my boat and<br />
asks all kinds of questions.<br />
After about 5 minutes of me<br />
proudly describing all the features<br />
I love about my boat like a<br />
proud new papa, he smiles and<br />
says, “OK, I like it, Picasso” and<br />
speeds away.<br />
154 The BLUES The BLUES 155
156 The BLUES The BLUES 157<br />
156 The BLUES The BLUES 157
158 The BLUES The BLUES 159
parting shots...<br />
yrs.<br />
... pardon our humor<br />
Headed into Academy in Cypress Texas.<br />
Maybe it’s time to start shopping at Dicks.<br />
160 The BLUES The BLUES 161
yrs.<br />
Your Source for<br />
Law Enforcement<br />
Products &<br />
Services<br />
162 The BLUES The BLUES 163
yrs.<br />
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Alan & Blake Helfman are the named<br />
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E-BIKES<br />
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In every community, ensuring public<br />
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With over 20 years of NIBRS compliance,<br />
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regulations.<br />
Starting in 2003, Cop Stop Inc.<br />
Opened with a vision and goal to<br />
service first responders; “Our everyday<br />
heroes.” Catering mainly to Police,<br />
Fire, Military and EMS, but also open to<br />
the public, Cop Stop offers a variety of<br />
products, gear and apparel. Open and<br />
operated by Rick Fernandez, a former<br />
officer of 10 years, he prides himself<br />
on maintaining the highest standards<br />
of customer service. Cop Stop understands<br />
its our customers who drive<br />
our success, and we strive to offer the<br />
best service to everyone who walks<br />
through our doors. At Cop Stop we<br />
offer quality products at great low<br />
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Enforcement in<br />
TEXAS<br />
ProForce’s commitment to providing excellent customer<br />
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ProForce’s relationships with top industry manufacturers<br />
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ProForce’s industry relationships and direct contact through<br />
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Planet Ford on I-45 in Spring, Tex-<br />
SAN DIMAS, CA – As law enforcement<br />
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nearly 50 years with the absolute best<br />
164 The BLUES The BLUES 165
yrs.<br />
choose the heading<br />
FOR ONLY $50<br />
Starting in 2003, Cop Stop Inc.<br />
Opened with a vision and goal to<br />
service first responders; “Our everyday<br />
heroes.” Catering mainly to Police, Fire,<br />
Military and EMS, but also open to the<br />
public, Cop Stop offers a variety of<br />
products, gear and apparel. Open and<br />
operated by Rick Fernandez, a former<br />
officer of 10 years, he prides himself<br />
on maintaining the highest standards<br />
of customer service. Cop Stop understands<br />
its our customers who drive our<br />
success, and we strive to offer the best<br />
service to everyone who walks through<br />
our doors. At Cop Stop we offer quality<br />
products at great low prices. With<br />
access to over hundreds of brands and<br />
products, and constantly adding more,<br />
we are confident we can fulfill your<br />
needs.<br />
“If you provide good service and a<br />
fair price, customers will talk about<br />
you and come back. It’s that simple!”<br />
Rick Fernandez<br />
add your logo<br />
add a photo<br />
up to 250 word to describe your business<br />
166 The BLUES The BLUES 167<br />
166 The BLUES The BLUES 167
LE job positions<br />
Galveston Police Dept. Get Info PO Exam - Galveston Convention Center 07/21/2023 - 9am<br />
Abilene Police Dept. Get Info Cadet police academy applicants 07/23/2023 - 5pm<br />
Waco Police Department Get Info Police Officer 07/10/2023 - 5pm<br />
Waco Police Department Get Info Police Recruit 07/10/2023 - 5pm<br />
<strong>No</strong>rth Richland Hills PD Get Info Police Officer 07/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Texas A&M Univ. Corpus Christi Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 07/15/2023 - 5pm<br />
Travis County Sheriff's Office Get Info Sheriff's Deputy - Facilities 07/15/2023 - 5pm<br />
Grimes County Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 07/15/2023 - 5pm<br />
Hemphill Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff - Patrol 07/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Killeen - Municipal Court Get Info City Marshal 07/17/2023 - 5am<br />
TSTC Police Department Get Info Police Officer 07/18/2023 - 5pm<br />
Bovina Police Department Get Info Police Officer 07/18/2023 - 5pm<br />
Nacogdoches ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 07/22/2023 - 5pm<br />
Richardson Police Department Get Info Police Officer 07/23/2023 - 5pm<br />
Tarrant County Get Info Detention Officer 07/23/2023 - 11am<br />
Wilmer Police Department Get Info Police Officer 07/23/2023 - 5pm<br />
Floyd County Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 07/23/2023 - 5pm<br />
Paris ISD Dept. of Safety & Security Get Info Police Officer 07/23/2023 - 5pm<br />
Liberty Hill ISD PD Get Info Police Officer 07/25/2023 - 5pm<br />
Montgomery ISD Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 07/21/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Rollingwood Get Info Patrol Officer 07/26/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Trinidad Police Department Get Info Police Officer 07/29/2023 - 5pm<br />
Schleicher County Sheriff’s Office Get Info Sheriff Deputy 07/29/2023 - 5pm<br />
Nacogdoches County 145th District Court Get Info Court Bailiff 07/29/2023 - 5pm<br />
Dallas County Marshal Service Get Info Police Officer 07/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Tyler Junior College Get Info Police Cadet 07/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Tyler Junior College Get Info Sergeant 07/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Dimmitt Police Department Get Info Police Officer 07/31/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of San Elizario Get Info Deputy Marshal 08/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Waller Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/01/2023 - 5pm<br />
Missouri City Police Department Get Info Police Officer/Cadet 06/28/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Harker Heights Get Info Police Officer Trainee 06/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Waller Police Department Get Info Detective 08/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
Austin County Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 08/01/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Killeen - Municipal Court Get Info Deputy City Marshal 08/06/2023 - 5pm<br />
Alvin Community College Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/01/2023 - 5pm<br />
Alvin Community College Police Department Get Info Police Officer (Part Time) 08/01/2023 - 5pm<br />
<strong>No</strong>rth Richland Hills Police Dept. Get Info Lateral Police Officer 08/25/2023 - 5pm<br />
COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Get Info State Police Officer/Investigator 08/07/2023 - 5pm<br />
Aubrey ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/07/2023 - 5pm<br />
Morgan's Point Police Dept. Get Info Police Chief 08/08/2023 - 5pm<br />
Pflugerville Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/07/2023 - 5pm<br />
<strong>No</strong>lan County Sheriff's Office Get Info Criminal Investigator 08/08/2023 - 5pm<br />
<strong>No</strong>lan County Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 08/08/2023 - 5pm<br />
Conroe ISD Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 08/08/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Mathis Get Info Patrol Officer 08/11/2023 - 5pm<br />
Saint Jo Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/10/2023 - 5pm<br />
Hutchins Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/12/2023 - 5pm<br />
Alief ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/12/2023 - 5pm<br />
Dallas Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer/Lateral 08/13/2023 - 5pm<br />
Lockhart Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 07/19/2023 - 5pm<br />
yrs.<br />
Stanton Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Division 08/09/2023 - 5pm<br />
Van Zandt Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 08/13/2023 - 5pm<br />
Kyle Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/10/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Fort Worth Municipal Court Get Info Deputy City Marshal 08/13/2023 - 5pm<br />
Breckenridge Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Nueces County Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff 08/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Aransas Pass Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Waxahachie Get Info Police Officer 07/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Lakeway Police department Get Info Police Cadet 07/16/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Caney City Get Info Police Chief 08/16/2023 - 5pm<br />
Anderson County Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy 08/16/2023 - 5pm<br />
Anderson County Sheriff's Office Get Info Investigator 08/16/2023 - 5pm<br />
Elm Ridge Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/16/2023 - 5pm<br />
Argyle ISD Get Info Police Officer 07/16/2023 - 5pm<br />
Waco Police Department Get Info Police Recruit 07/28/2023 - 5pm<br />
Texas A&M University Police Department Get Info Police Cadet 08/01/2023 - 5pm<br />
Lago Vista Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 08/20/2023 - 5pm<br />
Alief ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/18/2023 - 5pm<br />
Floresville ISD Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 07/21/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of University Park Get Info Police Officer 08/21/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Baytown Get Info Patrol Officers 08/21/2023 - 5pm<br />
GALVESTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Get Info Telecommunicator 08/22/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Wylie Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/21/2023 - 5pm<br />
GALVESTON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Get Info School Liaison Deputy 07/10/2023 - 5pm<br />
Ector County ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/25/2023 - 5pm<br />
Hutto Police Department Get Info Lateral Officer 08/25/2023 - 5pm<br />
Whitewright ISD Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 08/21/2023 - 5pm<br />
Ingram Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/27/2023 - 5pm<br />
Ingram Police Department Get Info Police Chief 08/27/2023 - 5pm<br />
West Lake Hills Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/28/2023 - 5pm<br />
Manvel Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/28/2023 - 5pm<br />
Florence Police Department Get Info School Resource Officer 08/15/2023 - 5pm<br />
Alvin Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 07/28/2023 - 5pm<br />
Eastland Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/29/2023 - 5pm<br />
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Mt. Pleasant ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputies 08/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Breckenridge Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 08/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Victoria County Sheriff's Office Get Info School Resource Officer 09/03/2023 - 5pm<br />
Rusk Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Patrol Deputy 09/05/2023 - 5pm<br />
Saginaw Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/23/2023 - 5pm<br />
Bulverde Police Department Get Info Police Officer 09/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
Sterling Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff 08/31/2023 - 5pm<br />
Blanco Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Deputy Sheriff 09/05/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Lakeway Get Info Police Lieutenant 07/16/2023 - 5pm<br />
Harris County Sheriffs Office Get Info LATERAL DEPUTY 09/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
Mesquite Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/09/2023 - 5pm<br />
Freestone County Attorney's Office Get Info Investigator 09/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
West Texas A&M University Police Department Get Info Police Officer 08/31/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Leonard Get Info Police Officer 09/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
Beaumont Police Dept. Get Info Police Cadet 09/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
Beaumont Police Dept. Get Info Police Officer 09/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
<strong>No</strong>rthside ISD Police Department Get Info Police Officer 09/05/2023 - 5pm<br />
Port Aransas Police Dept. Get Info Patrol Officer 09/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Trinity University Police Department Get Info Peace Officer 09/05/2023 - 5pm<br />
168 The BLUES The BLUES 169
<strong>No</strong>rth Richland Hills PD Get Info Detention Officer 07/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Travis County Sheriff's Office Get Info Corrections Officer 07/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Grimes Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 07/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Richardson Police Dept. Get Info Detention Officers 07/23/2023 - 5pm<br />
Wilson Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Jail Administration 07/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Farmers Branch Police Dept Get Info Detention Officer 08/06/2023 - 5pm<br />
Van Zandt Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officers 08/13/2023 - 5pm<br />
Nueces County Sheriff's Office Get Info Cadet Corrections Officer 08/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Anderson County Sheriff's Office Get Info Jailer 08/16/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Wylie Get Info Detention Officer 08/25/2023 - 5pm<br />
Victoria County Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer 09/03/2023 - 5pm<br />
Rusk Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Detention Officer 09/05/2023 - 5pm<br />
Harris County Sheriffs Office Get Info Detention Officer 09/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
<strong>No</strong>rth Richland Hills PD Get Info Dispatcher 07/14/2023 - 5pm<br />
Richardson Police Department Get Info Telecommunicator 07/22/2023 - 5pm<br />
Wilmer Police Department Get Info Telecommunicator 07/23/2023 - 5pm<br />
Tyler Junior College Get Info Telecommunicator 07/30/2023 - 5pm<br />
Harris Co. Toll Road Authority Get Info Public Safety Dispatcher 08/02/2023 - 5pm<br />
Williamson County Emergency Communications Get Info Telecommunications Officer 07/21/2023 - 5pm<br />
Rowlett Police Dept. Get Info Communications Officer 07/15/2023 - 5pm<br />
University Park Police Dept. Get Info Communications Specialist 08/31/2023 - 5am<br />
Hutchins Police Dept. Get Info Communications Officer 08/11/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Wylie Get Info Dispatcher 08/25/2023 - 5pm<br />
Dallas Police Department Get Info Telecommunicator 08/25/2023 - 5pm<br />
Rusk Co. Sheriff's Office Get Info Telecommunicator 09/05/2023 - 5pm<br />
Harris County Sheriffs Office Get Info Communications Officer 09/04/2023 - 5pm<br />
City of Austin Get Info Emergency Communications Manager 09/05/2023 - 5pm<br />
170 The BLUES The BLUES 171
The Aransas Pass Police Department is a progressive agency, employing some of the sharpest<br />
minds and equipping them with some of the best technology available. We continue to seek<br />
applications from those desiring to become part of our law enforcement family.<br />
Making a positive dierence in our community is what APPD is all about! Are you in?<br />
Opportunities<br />
Bike Patrol<br />
Crisis Intervention Team<br />
DEA Task Force<br />
Field Training Officer<br />
Gang/Narcotics Investigations<br />
Criminal Investigations Div.<br />
Marine Patrol & Dive Team<br />
Mental Health Officers<br />
School Resource Officer<br />
TCOLE Training Instructor<br />
Salary<br />
Annual Salary:<br />
$44,200.00 Base<br />
$6,600 Retention Stipend<br />
Hourly Incentives:<br />
$1.50 Max for College Degree<br />
$0.50 Per TCOLE License Step<br />
$0.50 Bi-Lingual<br />
$0.50 Special Assignment<br />
Benefits<br />
Paid Bereavement Leave<br />
Cell Phone<br />
Holiday Pay/Leave<br />
Longevity Pay<br />
Paid Personal Leave<br />
Sick Leave<br />
TMRS Retirement (2:1 at 6%)<br />
Tuition Reimbursement<br />
Vacation Leave<br />
Weapon Purchase Program<br />
Point of contact: Administrative Captain Troy Poe (361) 758-5224 ext. 2421 or tpoe@aptx.gov<br />
For an application or more information visit: police.aptx.gov/jobs<br />
172 The BLUES The BLUES 173<br />
The City of Aransas Pass is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or disability.
• Sick Leave<br />
• Paid Vacation<br />
• Paid Holidays<br />
• Personal Days<br />
• Teacher Retirement System<br />
• Intermediate PO: $2,400<br />
• Advanced PO: $4,800<br />
• Master PO: $7,200<br />
• Must be 21 Years Of Age<br />
• Must Hold an Active Tcole Peace Officer License<br />
• Must Complete the Following:<br />
• Pass Physical Agility Test<br />
• Uniforms Provided, Including Duty Weapon<br />
• Department Provided Training<br />
• Starting Pay Depends on<br />
Qualifications / Experience<br />
• TCOLE Certification / Education Pay<br />
• Most Officers work Day Shift with Weekends Off<br />
• Criminal Investigations<br />
• Emergency Response Team<br />
• Honor Guard<br />
• Gang Task Force<br />
• Community Outreach Division<br />
• K-9 Division<br />
• Firearm Instructor<br />
$1,000 SIGNING BONUS<br />
• Background Investigation<br />
174 The BLUES<br />
• Psychological Evaluation<br />
The BLUES 175<br />
SGT. HALL AT 281.442.4923<br />
• Drug Screening<br />
176 The BLUES The BLUES 177
austin officers<br />
austin dispatch<br />
178 The BLUES The BLUES 179
NOW<br />
HIRING<br />
APPLICATION DEADLINE IS <strong>JULY</strong> 26, 2023<br />
180 The BLUES The BLUES 181
182 The BLUES The BLUES 183
October 15<br />
184 The BLUES The BLUES 185
Montgomery County’s 3 rd Largest Law Enforcement Agency<br />
• $50,363 minimum starting salary<br />
• Certification pay:<br />
Int - $1,600, Adv - $2,400, Mstr - $3,700<br />
• Competitive insurance & benefits<br />
• Teacher Retirement System (TRS)<br />
• 20 paid leave days & 12 paid holidays<br />
Opportunity<br />
multiple divisions including<br />
Investigations, Patrol, and<br />
K-9 services<br />
Growth<br />
100+ annual training hours,<br />
promotion opportunities,<br />
Field Training Officer<br />
Balance<br />
overtime pay, comp time,<br />
most weekends off, prior LE<br />
experience pay<br />
186 The BLUESpolice.conroeisd.net<br />
CISDPolice @CISDPolice<br />
The BLUES 187
188 The BLUES The BLUES 189
Paid academy up to<br />
$70,560<br />
Lateral pay up to<br />
$81,321.70<br />
Forney ISD<br />
Police Department<br />
Additional Pay<br />
Education Pay<br />
Bachelor's<br />
Intermediate Cert.<br />
Advanced Cert.<br />
Master Peace Officer<br />
Shift Differential<br />
FTO Pay<br />
Language Pay<br />
21-44 YEARS OLD<br />
45 COLLEGE<br />
WE'RE<br />
HIRING<br />
300+ NEW OFFICERS<br />
$2,880/yr<br />
$3,600/yr<br />
$600/yr<br />
$4,800/yr<br />
$7,200/yr<br />
3.5%-6.5%<br />
$1,200/yr<br />
$1,800/yr<br />
19.5-21 YEARS<br />
OLD<br />
60 COLLEGE<br />
Tuition Reimbursement<br />
Pension plan<br />
Compensation plan<br />
15 paid vacation days<br />
12 paid holidays<br />
15 days military leave<br />
Additional 6 weeks paid<br />
parental leave<br />
Health/ Vision/Dental/ Life<br />
Insurance<br />
Benefits<br />
3 YEARS<br />
Description<br />
School-based police officers work<br />
with school administrators, security<br />
staff, and faculty to ensure the safety<br />
and well-being of students at various<br />
campuses. This officer works as the<br />
main security arm of a school.<br />
Requirements<br />
U.S. Citizen<br />
Accredited High School Diploma<br />
or equivalent<br />
Valid Texas Peace Officer License<br />
Valid Texas Driver's License<br />
Two or more years of college or<br />
advanced training preferred<br />
NOW<br />
HIRING<br />
Police Officers<br />
Experience<br />
SBLE Experience preferred<br />
Demonstrate the ability to<br />
teach & engage with youth<br />
Positions starting<br />
at $29.89/hr<br />
Retention Stipends<br />
Clothing Allowance<br />
Health/Childcare Incentive<br />
Paid Training<br />
Lateral Entry<br />
dallaspolice.net/join-dpd 214-671-4409<br />
www.forneyisd.net<br />
190 The BLUES The BLUES 191<br />
Civilian positions available: (Apply at www.Dallascityhall.com)<br />
COUNTY<br />
Seeking Individuals Who Are Interested in a Rewarding Career in Corrections<br />
Begin Your Career Today!<br />
Position: Corrections Deputy I<br />
Bureau/Division: Corrections/Jail<br />
Title/Rank: Corrections Deputy/Deputy I<br />
Reports to: Sergeant - Corrections<br />
Starting Salary: $51,250.00<br />
Maintains the security of the facility by conducting security checks, settling disputes, and performing cell searches and<br />
inspections; conducts outside perimeter checks.<br />
Preparation and proper completion in the documentation of inmate records.<br />
Issues inmate meals, clothing, linens, and personal items.<br />
Supervise inmate programs (recreational, legal, health care, visitation and religious services)<br />
Prepares reports on jail and inmate activities, enforce inmate handbook rules.<br />
Supervises inmates performing such assignments as cleaning and maintaining the jail facility and continuously observe<br />
locations and activities of inmates.<br />
• High School / GED Certificate and must be at least 18 years of age.<br />
• Must be a U.S. Citizen and resident of the contiguous United States for a period of time sufficient to conduct a<br />
background investigation.<br />
• Must be able to work days, nights, weekends, holidays and mandatory shifts when needed.<br />
• Must be able to work during natural disasters and or under declarations.<br />
• Must possess a valid Texas driver's license and an acceptable driving record as determined by the Galveston County<br />
Sheriff's Office in effect at the time of application.<br />
• Must have favorable employment history. All information given regarding past employment will be thoroughly checked.<br />
• Must have a stable credit history.<br />
• Must possess good computer skills and demonstrate comprehensive reading and comprehension skills.<br />
• <strong>No</strong> conviction above a Class B Misdemeanor or a Class B misdemeanor within the last 10 years nor have been on or<br />
currently on court-ordered community supervision or probation for any criminal offense and no Family Violence<br />
convictions of any level.<br />
• Applicant must pass all phases of the required testing.<br />
• Must be eligible for licensing by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) for the position applied for, if not<br />
presently licensed.<br />
TO APPLY<br />
An applicant interested in any of GCSO position shall first download, complete and return<br />
the Application Packet, per the instructions on the downloadable form.<br />
The Application Packet can be found at SHERIFF.GALVESTONCOUNTYTX.GOV<br />
192 The BLUES The BLUES 193<br />
JOIN US<br />
The Galveston County Sheriff’s Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer<br />
194 The BLUES The BLUES 195
196 The BLUES The BLUES 197
Place your department’s recruiting ad<br />
in The BLUES for only $250 for an<br />
entire year, only $20 a month.<br />
198 The BLUES The BLUES 199
TIME.<br />
The Harris County<br />
Precinct 4<br />
Constable’s Office is<br />
accepng<br />
The Harris County Precinct 4 Constable’s Office is searching for lateral<br />
transfer depues to be sworn in on September 14, <strong>2023.</strong><br />
Whether you have recently rered, looking for an opportunity to<br />
expand your current skill set or relocang to the Houston, Texas area,<br />
Constable Mark Herman would like to welcome you to our family.<br />
The physical and wrien test will be waived and up to 14 years of<br />
service will be credited for Lateral Transfer Depues.<br />
To Apply Contact<br />
Recruing at<br />
832-927-6229 or visit<br />
www.constablepct4.com<br />
STARTING SALARY up to $68,184.00<br />
Plus Thousands In Incenves Per Year<br />
Master Peace Officer $6,000.00<br />
Drug Recognion Expert $2,700.00<br />
Bachelor’s Degree $3,180.00<br />
Accident Reconstrucon $2,700.00<br />
And many more<br />
200 The BLUES The BLUES 201
WE ARE<br />
HIRING!<br />
• Free basic Medical, Dental, and Vision insurance for<br />
employee<br />
• Free basic Life insurance<br />
• Long Term Disability (LTD)<br />
• Affordable Medical, Dental and Vision benefits for<br />
eligible family members<br />
• Flexible Spending Accounts<br />
• 10 paid holidays per year<br />
• Generous Paid Time Off (PTO) including 10 vacation<br />
days and 13 sick days per year accrued biweekly<br />
• Paid Parental Leave<br />
• Harris County matches your investment at 225%<br />
• 7% of your salary is invested pre-tax in your<br />
retirement account<br />
• Retirement Vesting after 8 years<br />
• Eligible upon earning 75 points (age+years of service)<br />
DEPUTY I 0-47 $26.23 $54,558<br />
DEPUTY II 48-83 $28.07 $58,386<br />
DEPUTY III 84-119 $29.73 $61,838<br />
DEPUTY IV 120-155 $31.23 $64,958<br />
ANNUAL<br />
Intermediate $1,560<br />
Advanced $3,420<br />
Master $6,000<br />
ANNUAL<br />
Associate Degree $1,320<br />
Bachelor Degree $3,180<br />
Master/Doctorate $4,500<br />
• Must be a licensed Peace Officer by the Texas Commission on Law<br />
Enforcement (TCOLE) in good standing<br />
• Must be currently employed as a Peace Officer (any break in service<br />
will be considered on a case-by-case basis)<br />
• Must have a minimum of 12 consecutive months experience as a<br />
Peace Office at any one agency<br />
• Must successfully pass the HCSO Physical Abilities Test (PAT)<br />
• Meet HCSO firearms qualification standard<br />
• Must pass a thorough background investigation (criminal<br />
background check, fingerprinting, personal interview, etc.) as<br />
required by TCOLE<br />
• Must pass a physical and psychological evaluation as required by<br />
TCOLE<br />
• Valid driver’s license and liability insurance (Texas by start date)<br />
• Eyesight must be correctable to 20/20, normal color, and peripheral<br />
vision<br />
• Correctable normal audible range in both ears<br />
• A two (2) year minimum commitment to Patrol before being eligible<br />
to transfer to other Bureaus<br />
TO APPLY<br />
For additional information contact<br />
Harris County Sheriff’s Office Recruitment Unit<br />
(713) 877-5250<br />
<strong>No</strong>w Hiring<br />
TCOLE Certified Peace Officers<br />
Hutto ranked one of the<br />
safest cities in Texas.<br />
Our fast-growing City shows a trending decrease in crimes based<br />
on four offenses from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting.<br />
Additional Pay<br />
+ Education Pay up to $175/month<br />
+ Specialty/Certication up to $260/month<br />
Highlights<br />
Top-of-the-line Equipment<br />
and Technology<br />
Beards and Tattoos Allowed<br />
<strong>No</strong> Written Test for Most Lateral Officers<br />
To learn more or apply, visit or scan<br />
https: //linktr. ee/huttopd<br />
Benets<br />
Retirement<br />
2-to-1 City match with TMRS<br />
Take-home Patrol Car<br />
For officers living within 25 miles<br />
Starting Salary<br />
$62K to $81K<br />
Annual Leave Accruals<br />
12 paid holidays, 80 hrs vacation, 96 hrs sick leave<br />
Multiple Positions Available<br />
A wide variety of units and assignments available<br />
Sign On Bonus!<br />
$5,000*<br />
DEPUTY V 156+ $32.78 $68,182<br />
Questions? Email: PDrecruiting@huttotx.gov<br />
202 The BLUES<br />
Bilingual Pay $1,800<br />
Harris County<br />
The BLUES 203<br />
@HCSOTexas<br />
HCSOTexas HCSOTexas @HCSOTexas<br />
Tenure agreement required.<br />
Receive up to fourteen (14) years of credit for time served! (Restrictions apply) SCAN THIS CODE<br />
Sheriff’s Office
204 The BLUES The BLUES 205
L A P O R T E<br />
P O L I C E D E P A R T M E N T<br />
Lateral Police Officer<br />
Starting Pay $ 62,416. to $73,775.<br />
Effective October 1, 2022<br />
<strong>No</strong> prior experience required. High School diploma or GED required.<br />
Possession of Class C Texas Driver License.<br />
Must possess a TCOLE License or be enrolled in accredited Basic Peace Officer Academy.<br />
Certification Pay (bi-weekly):<br />
$46.15 - Intermediate Peace Officer<br />
$69.23 - Advanced Peace Officer<br />
$92.31 - Master Peace Officer<br />
Education Pay (bi-weekly):<br />
$46.15 - Associates Degree<br />
$69.23 - Bachelors Degree<br />
$92.31 - Masters Degree<br />
Employee Benefits:<br />
Medical / Dental / Vision Insurance<br />
Longevity Pay<br />
Tuition Reimbursement<br />
TMRS Retirement (2 to 1 match)<br />
ICMA Deferred Compensation/Roth IRA<br />
$1,000 Physical Fitness Program<br />
Weapon Purchase Program<br />
Take-home Vehicles<br />
Specialized Divisions:<br />
SWAT / Bomb Squad<br />
Bike Patrol<br />
Criminal Investigative Division<br />
Crime Scene Unit<br />
Drone Pilots<br />
School Resource Officers<br />
Traffic/DOT Officers<br />
Police Area Representatives<br />
Apply online at<br />
www.laportetx.gov/jobs<br />
Paid Leave Benefits<br />
15 days vacation (Civil Service)<br />
15 days sick leave<br />
Military Leave<br />
9 observed holidays per year<br />
2 employee holidays per year<br />
Bereavement Leave<br />
Comp Time<br />
206 The BLUES The BLUES 207
E<br />
Benefits and Additional Pay:<br />
• $2500 Sign - On Bonus<br />
• Lateral Entry Program<br />
• Take - Home Vehicle<br />
$77,314 - $97,679<br />
• Cross Fit G ym<br />
• 24 /7 Private Indoor/Outdoor Range<br />
• Load Bearing Vests<br />
• Tattoos and Beards<br />
• Tuition Reimbursement<br />
• 20 Year TMRS Retirement 7% , 2:1 match<br />
• 457 Deferred Compensation p lan with 3.76% city match<br />
• 3 Weeks Paid Vacation<br />
• 15 Days Paid Sick Leave<br />
• 9 Paid Holidays<br />
• Field Training Officer<br />
• Bilingual<br />
• Longevity<br />
• Education /Certification<br />
Specialized Units :<br />
• SWAT<br />
• Street Crimes<br />
• K - 9<br />
• Narcotics<br />
• UAS Drone<br />
• Bicycle Patrol<br />
• Criminal In vestigations<br />
• Traffic<br />
• DWI<br />
• Commercial Vehicle Enforcement<br />
• Training<br />
• School Resource Officer<br />
• Neighborhood Resource Officer<br />
• Co - Care Crisis Team<br />
• 1 YEAR $83,566<br />
• 4 YEARS $93,677<br />
• 2 YEARS $86,877<br />
• 5 YEARS $97,679<br />
208 The BLUES • 3 YEARS $90,373<br />
The BLUES 209
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---<br />
Police Officer<br />
EXAMINATION: DATE: Saturday, July 22, 2023<br />
TIME: 9:00 a.m.<br />
PLACE: Clark Library Annex-Council Chambers<br />
217 South Main Street<br />
Lockhart, Texas 78644<br />
ELIGIBILITY LIST: The Eligibility List established through this testing will be<br />
effective for twelve months from the date of the test or until<br />
exhausted, whichever comes first.<br />
INTENT TO TEST: Application packets can be obtained from the Civil Service<br />
Director at 105 S. Colorado Street, Lockhart, Texas 78644<br />
or on-line at www.lockhart-tx.org.<br />
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.<br />
HOW TO APPLY: Submit application packet to the Director of Civil Service by<br />
deadline.<br />
Application packets may be returned:<br />
• In person at City Administration Building, 105 S. Colorado Street,<br />
Lockhart, Texas 78644;<br />
• By mail to City of Lockhart, Attn Julie Bowermon, PO Box 2<strong>39</strong>, Lockhart,<br />
Texas 78644;<br />
• By email to jbowermon@lockhart-tx.org.<br />
Faxed applications will not be accepted. Applications<br />
post-marked by the deadline, but not physically<br />
received by the Director by the deadline will not be<br />
accepted.<br />
Failure to return a completed application<br />
packet by the above date, time, and method of<br />
delivery shall render the candidate ineligible to<br />
take the examination.<br />
Physical Agility & Firearm Qualification will<br />
follow the written examination for top scoring<br />
applicants who pass the written examination.<br />
Candidates must be certified as a TCOLE Texas Basic Peace Officer OR expect to<br />
obtain TCOLE certification on or before October 1, <strong>2023.</strong> Proof of certification must<br />
be given to the Civil Service Director by October 1, 2023 for that candidate to<br />
remain on the entrance eligibility list.<br />
<br />
210 The BLUES The BLUES 211
JOIN OUR<br />
$65,709-$67,685<br />
Based on Population and Experience<br />
TEAM<br />
$60,085<br />
$3,000<br />
$60,085 - $84,308<br />
Insurance<br />
120 Hours Vacation<br />
11 Paid Holidays<br />
80 Hours Sick Leave<br />
20-Year Retirement Plan<br />
2/1 City Match TMRS<br />
Beards & Tattoos Allowed<br />
Academy Pay<br />
Equipment Provided<br />
Excellent Training Provided<br />
Speciality/Cerification Pay<br />
Community Support<br />
Plentiful Outdoor Activities<br />
COMING 2023<br />
212 The BLUES The BLUES 213
Serving the Villages of Bunker Hill, Piney Point and Hunters Creek<br />
The Memorial Villages Police Department is currently looking for experienced officers who are<br />
self-motivated, innovative, enthusiastic and love working for a community that supports them.<br />
5+ Years Patrol Experience Required<br />
Hiring Bonus $1,500<br />
Night Shift Differential $3,600<br />
E.C.A $1300<br />
Bi-lingual Pay<br />
Education Pay<br />
Intermediate, Advanced, Master<br />
Peace Officer Certification Pay<br />
Healthcare, Dental and Vision Insurance<br />
100% paid for employee, 75% for<br />
spouse/dependents.<br />
Paid long-term disability and Life Insurance<br />
for employee, additional life insurance<br />
available for spouse/dependents.<br />
Health Savings Account with Department<br />
contributions up to $4,200 annually.<br />
TMRS Retirement 7% w/ 2:1 match (20 yr).<br />
457 Deferred Compensation Plan with<br />
employer contribution of 2.5% of annual<br />
salary.<br />
Tuition Reimbursement<br />
Longevity Pay up to a max of $2,400<br />
annually at 10 years of service.<br />
12 Hour shifts with every other Friday,<br />
Starting at $83,459 up to $94,164<br />
Scan for more<br />
information<br />
W W W . M V P D T X . O R G<br />
214 The BLUES<br />
11981 Memorial Drive – Houston, Tx 77024<br />
713.365.3700<br />
The BLUES 215
Community Supported Law Enforcement<br />
Advancement Opportunities:<br />
Criminal Investigations - Special Response Team -<br />
Honor Guard - Special Response Group - Swift Water<br />
Rescue Team - K9 - Mounted Patrol - Drone Team<br />
Overtime Opportunities:<br />
STEP - OT Initiatives - Special Teams - DWI<br />
Stipend Pay:<br />
K9 - Specialist - FTO Deputy<br />
Paid Time Off:<br />
Holiday - Vacation - Comp Time - Personal -<br />
Paid Training<br />
Qualifications:<br />
Current TCOLE License - <strong>No</strong> Convictions (including<br />
deferred) Class A or Above - <strong>No</strong> DWI Convictions -<br />
<strong>No</strong> Family Violence Convictions<br />
Salary - Step Pay Slotted Based on TCOLE Full-Time<br />
Years of Service:<br />
Under 2 YRS - $53,788.80 9 YRS - $65,644.80<br />
2 YRS - $56,472.00 12 YRS - $68,536.00<br />
4 YRS - $59,259.20 15 YRS - $71,968.00<br />
6 YRS - $62,171.20 16+ YRS - $75,566.40<br />
License Certification (up to $6,600) and Longevity Pay<br />
Civil Service Protected<br />
Application Process:<br />
1. Pickup and complete applicant questionnaire in<br />
person or apply online.<br />
2. Firearms qualification, fitness assessment and,<br />
written exam.<br />
3. Successfully passing candidates will receive<br />
personal history book.<br />
4. Oral board<br />
Constable Kenneth "Rowdy" Hayden - Pct. 4 Constable, Montgomery County, TX<br />
21130 Hwy 59 Ste. C New Caney, TX 77357<br />
www.mocopct4.org - 281.577.8985 - @mocopct4<br />
216 The ____________________________________________________________________________<br />
218 The BLUES The BLUES 219
MAKE A<br />
IN YOUR<br />
Welcome Aboard<br />
Lewisville Police Department<br />
We are looking for outstanding individuals to<br />
join our team! As a Pearland Police Officer your<br />
mission will be to prevent crime and disorder, build<br />
partnerships within the community, and positively<br />
impact the quality of life for all our residents.<br />
• Competitive Salary • Outstanding Training<br />
• Career Advancement • Exceptional Benefits<br />
The City of Pearland is one of the fastest growing<br />
communities within the region. Pearland is located<br />
approximately 20 minutes south of Downtown Houston<br />
and the current population is approximately 130,000<br />
residents.<br />
$5,000 Hiring Incentive for T.C.O.L.E Certified Police<br />
Officers who qualify with at least 2 years of experience.<br />
Benefits and Additional Pay:<br />
• $2500 Sign - On Bonus<br />
• Lateral Entry Program<br />
• Take - Home Vehicle<br />
$77,314 - $97,679<br />
• Cross Fit G ym<br />
• 24 /7 Private Indoor/Outdoor Range<br />
• Load Bearing Vests<br />
• Tattoos and Beards<br />
• Tuition Reimbursement<br />
• 20 Year TMRS Retirement 7% , 2:1 match<br />
• 457 Deferred Compensation p lan with 3.76% city match<br />
• 3 Weeks Paid Vacation<br />
• 15 Days Paid Sick Leave<br />
• 9 Paid Holidays<br />
• Field Training Officer<br />
• Bilingual<br />
• Longevity<br />
• Education /Certification<br />
• 1 YEAR $83,566<br />
• 2 YEARS $86,877<br />
• 3 YEARS $90,373<br />
• 4 YEARS $93,677<br />
• 5 YEARS $97,679<br />
Specialized Units :<br />
• SWAT<br />
• Street Crimes<br />
• K - 9<br />
• Narcotics<br />
• UAS Drone<br />
• Bicycle Patrol<br />
• Criminal In vestigations<br />
• Traffic<br />
• DWI<br />
• Commercial Vehicle Enforcement<br />
• Training<br />
• School Resource Officer<br />
• Neighborhood Resource Officer<br />
• Co - Care Crisis Team<br />
TEST DATE:<br />
SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 8:30 A.M.<br />
Register by: April 12.<br />
Pearland Recreation Center & Natatorium<br />
4141 Bailey TEST Road, DATES Pearland, TX IN 77584. 2022<br />
Doors Open: 7:15 a.m. <strong>No</strong> admittance after 7:45 a.m.<br />
Candidates must park in the north parking lot.<br />
• Attendance limited to first 150 arrivals<br />
• Mandatory temperature checks<br />
• Masks required, hand sanitizer available<br />
• Candidates seated 6 feet apart<br />
220 The BLUES For additional information and to register for an upcoming Civil Service Exam, The BLUES visit 221<br />
WE ARE<br />
HIRING<br />
SIGN UP TODAY! www.porthouston.com/careers-2<br />
• Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance<br />
eligible first day of employment<br />
• Wellness Program<br />
(can earn up to $600 credit per year if requirements met)<br />
• Enrollment with Calm App for Wellbeing<br />
• Defined contribution plan (401a)<br />
– Employer Sponsored<br />
• Deferred Compensation Plan (457 Plan)<br />
– Employee Contributions<br />
• Vacation<br />
• Sick Leave<br />
• Paid Holiday 12 days/year<br />
• Life and Accidental Death and<br />
Dismemberment Insurance<br />
• Short Term and Long-Term Disability Benefits<br />
• Flexible spending account (FSA)<br />
• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)<br />
• Pet Insurance<br />
• Legal and Identity Theft Protection<br />
• Tuition Reimbursement<br />
Up to the IRS annual limit and a maximum lifetime<br />
reimbursement of $25,000<br />
• Onsite Credit Union – Port of Houston Credit Union<br />
Are you looking for a career with meaning?<br />
Do you want to make a difference in a highly<br />
supportive community?<br />
Join our team at Port Houston!<br />
$60,000 up to $71,000<br />
• Must be 21 years old<br />
• Must have 2+ years of police officer<br />
experience<br />
• Must have valid Texas Driver’s License<br />
• Must be a U.S. Citizen<br />
• Must have an honorable discharge<br />
from the military (if applicable)<br />
• Must never have been convicted of a<br />
Class A Misdemeanor or above<br />
Employment is contingent on passing<br />
any post-offer pre-employment<br />
screening as listed below:<br />
• Criminal background check<br />
• Motor Vehicle Record check<br />
• Drug screening<br />
• Physical exam<br />
• Psychological exam<br />
SCAN<br />
QR CODE<br />
TO APPLY<br />
• <strong>No</strong>t been convicted of a Class B<br />
• Additional as required<br />
* Salary depends on experience<br />
misdemeanor within the last 10 years<br />
• Must have a GED or high school diploma<br />
222 The BLUES The BLUES 223
Welcome Aboard<br />
Rowlett Police Department<br />
Provide Exceptional<br />
Service to All!<br />
US NOW<br />
972-412-6240<br />
kharrelson@rowlett.com<br />
4401 Rowlett Rd.,<br />
Rowlett, TX 75088<br />
Accepting Lateral<br />
Police Officers.<br />
Get paid for your<br />
experience!<br />
Starting salary is $65,554<br />
Top Out Police Officer salary is $90,861<br />
Lateral Transfer - May be eligible for a starting<br />
salary of up to $75,221<br />
Containment Team<br />
SWAT<br />
Bike Unit<br />
Community Services<br />
School Resource Officer<br />
Field Training Officer<br />
Criminal Investigations Division<br />
Traffic<br />
Crisis Assistance Team<br />
Crisis Negotiation Team<br />
TMRS Pension 7/14<br />
Medical Insurance<br />
Dental Insurance<br />
Vision Insurance<br />
10 paid vacation days during<br />
first year & 10 Paid Holidays<br />
Paid Sick<br />
Beards and tattoos are<br />
authorized<br />
Longevity Pay<br />
Long Term Disability<br />
Life Insurance<br />
Dry cleaning<br />
Three department issued<br />
firearms<br />
224 The BLUES The BLUES 225<br />
US NOW<br />
972-412-6240<br />
kharrelson@rowlett.com<br />
4401 Rowlett Rd.,<br />
Rowlett, TX 75088<br />
Accepting Lateral<br />
Police Officers.<br />
Get paid for your<br />
experience!<br />
Starting salary is $65,554<br />
Top Out Police Officer salary is $90,861<br />
Lateral Transfer - May be eligible for a starting<br />
salary of up to $75,221<br />
Containment Team<br />
SWAT<br />
Bike Unit<br />
Community Services<br />
School Resource Officer<br />
Field Training Officer<br />
Criminal Investigations Division<br />
Traffic<br />
Crisis Assistance Team<br />
Crisis Negotiation Team<br />
TMRS Pension 7/14<br />
Medical Insurance<br />
Dental Insurance<br />
Vision Insurance<br />
10 paid vacation days during<br />
first year & 10 Paid Holidays<br />
Paid Sick<br />
Provide Exceptional<br />
Service to All!<br />
Beards and tattoos are<br />
authorized<br />
Longevity Pay<br />
Long Term Disability<br />
Life Insurance<br />
Dry cleaning<br />
Three department issued<br />
firearms<br />
WE’RE<br />
HIRING<br />
Patrol & Onsite Officers (HS/MS)<br />
Gang Officer<br />
Mental Health Officers<br />
Community Relations Officer<br />
Emergency Management<br />
Criminal Investigations<br />
K-9 programs<br />
*All equipment provided including duty weapon<br />
**Training opportunities available<br />
55 officer department<br />
44 square mile district<br />
47 schools<br />
35,000 population<br />
24/7 Patrol<br />
We want you to preserve, protect, and defend our future.<br />
Starting Pay $63,000 (TCOLE Basic Peace Officer certification with no experience)<br />
Language pay<br />
Shift differential pay<br />
Intermediate, Advanced and<br />
Master Peace Officer<br />
certificate pay<br />
Paid time off<br />
Ample overtime opportunities<br />
Apply online today. springbranchisd.com/join-our-team<br />
226 The BLUES GROW WITH US!<br />
The BLUES 227
228 The BLUES The BLUES 229
230 The BLUES The BLUES 231
Welcome Aboard<br />
Alief ISD Police Department<br />
232 The BLUES <br />
The BLUES 233
WORDS<br />
“ I never spoke to Hunter about<br />
his overseas business dealings ”<br />
234 The BLUES<br />
“ Hey dad, did you get the money? ”<br />