Martial Arts World News Magazine - Volume 23 | Issue 4
The #1 Business Resource for the Martial Arts Industry
The #1 Business Resource for the Martial Arts Industry
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<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
The #1 Business Resource for the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Industry<br />
The Inspiring Story of<br />
Willie<br />
‘The Bam’<br />
Johnson<br />
& Wife Kimber<br />
ISKA US Open<br />
A Different Kind<br />
of Karate Event!<br />
Zuckerberg<br />
Wins Gold!<br />
Accepts Elon’s<br />
Challenge!<br />
Rothrock<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Cinema Queen<br />
Honored!<br />
Ask<br />
Master<br />
Mom<br />
Raising<br />
Productive<br />
Smart<br />
^<br />
with Cutting-Edge ATLAS <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Software®<br />
M Powerful M<br />
M Lead Gene<br />
M Engaging<br />
M Proven-Su<br />
M Done-For-<br />
M Industry Le
anagement and Marketing Software<br />
rating Website<br />
Social Media Posts<br />
ccessful Marketing Tools<br />
You After School Program<br />
ading Business Strategies<br />
Get a FREE demo<br />
and $438.00 in Bonus Gifts at<br />
Atlas<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><br />
CALL<br />
1-800-275-1600<br />
to speak with a school specialist
14 Tech Mogul Mark Zuckerberg<br />
Surprises <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Community with Gold and Silver<br />
Wins<br />
30 US Open Ushers in the New Era<br />
of Karate Events<br />
36 The Inspiring Journey of Willie<br />
‘The Bam’ Johnson.<br />
103 FREE Tool of the Month<br />
14 Industry Insights<br />
15 Birthdays<br />
18 Industry Innovations<br />
22 Social 411<br />
54 School Profiles<br />
65 Classified Ads<br />
99 Advertiser Index<br />
59 Tell Us Your Story<br />
78 Feature Your School,<br />
Organization, Accomplishment,<br />
or Event<br />
6 Editorial<br />
Es quassunt qui simaxim fugitae velluptatia sam,<br />
Master Toby Milroy<br />
8 <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong> Faculty<br />
12 The Way of the Samurai<br />
Combative Weapons Q & A (Part 6)<br />
Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
58 Teamwork<br />
Creating Your School Owners To-Do List<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar<br />
60 Mind Mastery<br />
Public Speaking for <strong>Martial</strong> Artists (Part 1)<br />
Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br />
62 Growth Hacks<br />
Optimizing Advertising Strategies: Google Vs.<br />
Facebook and Instagram<br />
Mr. Sean Lee<br />
64 Ninja Business Tactics<br />
Finding The Gift of Living Masterfully<br />
An-Shu Stephen Hayes<br />
66 After School Excellence<br />
The Difference Between Babysitting and <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Education<br />
Grandmaster Mike Bugg<br />
68 Pillars of Success<br />
Speak Like Successful People!<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
72 Staff Development<br />
15 Gym Myth That School Owners Should Know (Part 1)<br />
Master Zulfi Ahmed<br />
74 Extraordinary Marketing<br />
Everything is Negotiable (Part 1)<br />
Grandmaster Stephen Oliver<br />
76 Mastering Modern BJJ<br />
Whoever Starts Strong Will Not Always Be the One<br />
Who Finishes Strong<br />
Master Carlos Machado<br />
4 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
STAFF<br />
80 Next Level Strategy<br />
Teaching Commitment (Part 2)<br />
Shihan Allie Alberigo<br />
84 The Millionaire Smarts Coach<br />
Free Yourself From Too Much Stuff (Part 4)<br />
Ms. Lee Milteer<br />
88 Budo Philosophy<br />
Reason and Magic (Part 2)<br />
Shidoshi Alfredo Tucci<br />
90 Master the Basics<br />
3 Secrets to a Great Beginner’s Class<br />
Master Tina Bane<br />
92 Instructional Excellence<br />
The Value of Philosophy<br />
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
94 Business Buzz<br />
The Purpose Driven Academy<br />
Grandmaster Lawrence Arthur<br />
96 <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Philosophy<br />
The Day Mr. Jim “Mattress Mack” Mcingvale Taught<br />
Me a Valuable Lesson<br />
Sensei Gary Lee<br />
98 Management Excellence<br />
Preparing Staff for Success (Part 1)<br />
Grandmaster Kirk Pelt<br />
100 The Warrior Way<br />
Motivation: Towards or Away From? (Part 1)<br />
Grandmaster Bill Clark<br />
102 Tactical Self-Defense<br />
Each Situation Dictates Its Own Response (Part 3)<br />
Grandmaster Tom Patire<br />
104 Tools & Tactics<br />
Protect Your Reputation<br />
Ms. Chris Lee<br />
VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Master Toby Milroy<br />
Mr. Sean Lee<br />
Mr. Jeff Reulbach<br />
Mr. Frank Meyer<br />
Mr. Amen Blue<br />
Ms. Erin Pham<br />
Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed<br />
Shihan Allie Alberigo<br />
Grandmaster Lawrence Arthur<br />
Master Tina Bane<br />
Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br />
Grandmaster Mike Bugg<br />
Grandmaster Bill Clark<br />
An-Shu Stephen Hayes<br />
Professor Willie “The Bam” Johnson<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar<br />
Ms. Chris Lee<br />
Sensei Gary Lee<br />
Mr. Sean Lee<br />
Master Carlos Machado<br />
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
Ms. Lee Milteer<br />
Grandmaster Stephen Oliver<br />
Grandmaster Tom Patire<br />
Grandmaster Kirk Pelt<br />
Shidoshi Alfredo Tucci<br />
The mission of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is to be the definitive<br />
source for information, news, education,<br />
ethical business practices,<br />
product reviews and innovative<br />
developments in the world of martial<br />
arts business.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong> does not accept<br />
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martialartsworldnews.<br />
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MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4 5
A Record-Breaking Summer or<br />
the “Summer Slowdown”<br />
– It’s Your CHOICE!<br />
by Master Toby Milroy<br />
We’re only a couple weeks into the summer season, but already, we’re seeing some recordbreaking<br />
participation in our ‘external’ summer programs, our ‘internal’ summer camps, and<br />
some inspiring results from our community marketing and lead generation activities.<br />
If you’ve been following our series on maximizing the summer<br />
months, you’ll know what I’m describing, if not, visit<br /> where you can get the FREE<br />
Video series and downloads to help you crush it in June, July<br />
and August.<br />
Our communities seem to be excited to get ‘out’<br />
and do things this season!<br />
With upcoming 4th of July events, business to<br />
business promotions, internal marketing and other<br />
external marketing systems, we expect to generate<br />
2000+ leads, and 100+ enrollments (per location)<br />
by the end of August, and we’re off to an exciting<br />
start already.<br />
For some school owners, this level<br />
of ‘effort’ and systemization seem<br />
impossible.<br />
I’ve met some in our industry<br />
who have such deep self-limiting<br />
beliefs, they’ve all but ensured<br />
their own failure in their schools.<br />
They struggle to ‘imagine’ that<br />
it’s even ‘possible’ to enroll 20<br />
or 30 or 40 new students in a<br />
month, so, they don’t.<br />
They have limited beliefs, so<br />
they take limited action(s), therefore<br />
get limited results.<br />
We all learn how to overcome these self-limiting beliefs as<br />
we become more ‘Masterful’ of our art, and ourselves, but all too<br />
often, we fail to apply these same lessons to our business. In my<br />
view, it’s really the largest single ‘problem’ we face, and I believe it<br />
to be the largest limiting factor to our industry.<br />
Why do the top 15% of schools in our industry earn 80% of<br />
the revenue?<br />
It’s an ‘easy’ excuse to make, (and sadly, too common) to say that<br />
these top performing schools have simply “sold out”, or are McDojos/<br />
Belt Factories. But, in LARGE part, this is simply that…an excuse.<br />
The overwhelming majority of the top operators that I know,<br />
work with, and consider to be colleagues, are HIGHLY ethical<br />
people, have VERY, VERY high quality standards, and in truth,<br />
are teaching FAR, FAR more ‘valuable’ lessons than most of the<br />
naysayers.<br />
They also have FAR better ‘systems’ and far better leadership<br />
skills than I see at the lower end of the spectrum.<br />
Part of my mission is to help school owners who ‘want’ to be<br />
top performers, get there. Help them implement these high level<br />
‘systems’ that save them so much time, help them attract more students,<br />
and make a far larger impact in their communities. All while<br />
RAISING their quality standards, and creating better students at<br />
the same time.<br />
I couldn’t be more proud!<br />
If you need help “Systemizing” your school, or implementing<br />
these high impact marketing systems, my team will be happy to<br />
help you - give us a call here at HQ – 1-800-275-1600!<br />
MASTER TOBY MILROY is a 5th degree black belt. Known as “The Master Systemizer,” Master Toby Milroy<br />
has positively influenced more martial arts schools than anyone in our industry. He has built a successful multi-school<br />
organization, lead the national trade association for the martial arts industry, and coached some of the most successful<br />
martial arts school operators in the world.<br />
6 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photo by Pheelings Media
No Egos – No Politics – No Trolls<br />
Just <strong>News</strong>, Tips, Strategies, and Tools to Help You Grow Your School!<br /><strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>
6<br />
Master Toby Milroy<br />
is a 5th degree Black Belt, the CEO and<br />
Publisher of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong>, and the Executive Vice<br />
President for AMS. In addition to building<br />
a successful multi-school organization,<br />
Master Milroy has positively influenced<br />
more martial arts schools than virtually<br />
anyone in our industry.<br />
12<br />
Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed<br />
has amassed acclaim as a world-class<br />
competitor, martial arts educator, and is<br />
most notably founder and designer of<br />
the internationally renowned style, Bushi<br />
Ban. With over 45 years of martial arts<br />
experience and over 300 martial arts<br />
awards, his schools include ten locations<br />
across Texas.<br />
58<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar<br />
is an 8th degree black belt and recognized<br />
as the “Trainer of Trainers.” Hanshi<br />
Kovar is an internationally acclaimed<br />
instructor with black belt degrees in ten<br />
different martial arts styles. His systems<br />
have been implemented in hundreds of<br />
schools around the US.<br />
62<br />
Mr. Sean Lee<br />
is the Executive Director of Sales and<br />
Marketing for hundreds of martial arts<br />
schools and specializes in online and social<br />
media marketing using his extensive<br />
professional experience in sports and<br />
martial arts marketing, contract negotiation,<br />
and investment.<br />
64<br />
An-Shu Stephen Hayes<br />
has authored more than 20 books,<br />
worked as a bodyguard for the Dalai<br />
Lama, supervised over 30 school locations<br />
worldwide, and was named, "One of<br />
the 10 Most Influential Living <strong>Martial</strong> Artists<br />
in the <strong>World</strong>" by Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />
66<br />
Grandmaster Mike Bugg<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and the owner<br />
of a 1.5 million-per-year location, with one<br />
of the largest after school and summer<br />
camp programs in the country.<br />
60<br />
Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br />
is President of Karate International of Durham,<br />
Inc., a member of the American <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong> Association Sport Karate League<br />
and Hall of Fame, and has been a member<br />
of the Duke University PE Staff for over 25<br />
years. He is the author of Zen Mind-Body<br />
Mindfulness Meditation and Zen Mind-Body<br />
Mindfulness Meditation for <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>.<br />
68<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
is the most successful martial arts business<br />
leader in the US, having written<br />
over 30 books on martial arts, business,<br />
leadership, and success. He has won<br />
numerous public service awards and is<br />
the founder of the leading martial arts<br />
marketing and management company in<br />
the US.<br />
8 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
72<br />
Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
is a 7th degree black belt in Kenjutsu,<br />
starting his 14-year education in Tokyo.<br />
He has published five books and designed<br />
a US Patent. Abbott has also<br />
conducted seminars in over 30 countries<br />
and obtained his black belt at the Hombu<br />
dojo in Yokohama. He currently offers<br />
online classes on<br />
74<br />
Grandmaster Stephen Oliver<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and is the<br />
founder and CEO of Mile High Karate<br />
schools, and founder of the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Wealth Mastery Program.<br />
76<br />
Master Carlos Machado<br />
is one of the pioneers of Brazilian Jiu<br />
Jitsu in the United States of America.<br />
Currently a Coral Belt, and promoted<br />
to Black Belt by Carlos Gracie Junior,<br />
Carlos Machado came to the USA in the<br />
early 1990’s with his brothers where they<br />
formed the RCJ Machado Jiu Jitsu Association,<br />
one of the strongest & growing<br />
BJJ organizations in the world today.<br />
80<br />
Shihan Allie Alberigo<br />
is a 7th degree black belt, the founder of<br />
the L.I. Ninjutsu Centers, one of the largest<br />
Ninjutsu schools on the planet, the<br />
author of 4 books, and an entrepreneur<br />
with one of the first online coaching companies<br />
(<br />
84<br />
Ms. Lee Milteer<br />
is an Intuitive Business Coach, awardwinning<br />
professional speaker, and TV<br />
personality who has counseled and<br />
trained over a million people throughout<br />
her career. Lee is Stephen Oliver’s<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Wealth Mastery’s Millionaire<br />
Smarts Coach and is also a best-selling<br />
author of educational resources.<br />
88<br />
Shidoshi Alfredo Tucci<br />
is the CEO and General Manager of the<br />
Budo International Publishing Company,<br />
a leading publisher in the martial arts<br />
with over 35 years in the industry. He<br />
is also author of several books: The<br />
Immaterial Dimension, The Way of the<br />
Warrior, and The Spirit. He currently lives<br />
in Valencia, Spain.<br />
90<br />
Master Tina Bane<br />
is a 6th degree master instructor and<br />
owner of a Top Ten martial arts school<br />
with successful after school and summer<br />
camp programs.<br />
92<br />
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and is a martial<br />
arts educator with a master’s degree in<br />
education. He has been instrumental in<br />
developing two industry-changing programs,<br />
and has directed and been featured<br />
in hundreds of martial arts videos<br />
and webinars.<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4 9
94<br />
Grandmaster Lawrence Arthur<br />
is a martial artist specializing in Karate,<br />
Kung Fu, Kenpo, Shoto-kan, and Gojurue,<br />
with 40 Super Kick Karate locations,<br />
and founder of AFKA. <strong>World</strong> champion<br />
Lawrence also runs the Black Belt Success<br />
Systems consulting firm, training<br />
martial arts instructors on proper business<br />
practices in schools all over the country.<br />
96<br />
Sensei Gary Lee<br />
the American Samurai, is a 9th Dan black<br />
belt, a USA Karate Federation gold medalist,<br />
winner of five Super Grand National<br />
Titles, a featured actor in the movie Sidekicks,<br />
and is the founder of the National<br />
Sport Karate Museum.<br />
100<br />
Grandmaster Bill Clark<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and a former<br />
PKA Fighter of the year. He is widely<br />
considered one of the top experts in martial<br />
arts business with over 40 years of<br />
leadership and innovation, having been<br />
inducted into almost every Hall of Fame<br />
in the industry. He is one of the largest<br />
multi-school owners in the world.<br />
102<br />
Grandmaster Tom Patire<br />
is known as “America’s Leading Personal<br />
Safety Expert” and has appeared on<br />
Good Morning America, The CBS Morning<br />
Show, The Colbert Report, Montel,<br />
plus in mainstream publications such as<br />
Family Circle, Redbook, Fortune <strong>Magazine</strong>,<br />
and The Wall Street Journal.<br />
98<br />
Grandmaster Kirk Pelt<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and is the<br />
President of a multimillion-dollar, multischool<br />
organization, has a 30-year track<br />
record of success, and is currently on the<br />
leading edge of martial arts curriculum<br />
and business innovation.<br />
104<br />
Ms. Chris Lee<br />
is a martial arts business development<br />
consultant with a background in online<br />
and social media marketing.<br />
We’re Seeking Contributors!<br />
Do you have something to share?<br />
We’d love to hear about it!<br />
407-895-1996 Editor@<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com<br />
<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com/Ureport<br />
10 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
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Combative Weapons Q & A (Part 6)<br />
by Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
The Japanese Art of Chanbara Promises<br />
Safe Sparring for All <strong>Martial</strong> Artists<br />
From Foam to Steel<br />
Q: How well do the lessons learned in chanbara translate to<br />
real self-defense with real weapons?<br />
These weapons allow one to see, understand and correct their<br />
weaknesses while polishing their strong points in a safe injury<br />
free environment. Moreover, chanbara allows the martial artist<br />
and combatant to fight at a true speed and power exactly like one<br />
would use in a real life situation. A real weapon used for training at<br />
a true speed and power is not forgiving and all beginning students<br />
will be injured in a very short period of time. That is why most<br />
martial art schools let the student wait until they are higher ranked<br />
colored belts before they go on to weapons. Now,<br />
even white bets can polish their martial art<br />
weaponry aspirations. Even if the student<br />
does not use weaponry one can practice<br />
with a chanbara sword<br />
for 8 to ten hours and<br />
their reaction time,<br />
balance, speed, timing,<br />
etc. will improve<br />
dramatically. One will<br />
almost be able to spar<br />
with an opponent and<br />
be able to eat a sandwich<br />
and drink a coke before the<br />
punch comes in. Chanbara<br />
weaponry allows one<br />
to counter and watch<br />
every strike at a true<br />
speed. When one goes<br />
back to his traditional<br />
weapon they will have a<br />
much stronger feeling of<br />
confidence and martial agility. Nothing will take the place of the<br />
traditional weapon, but using the chanbara weapons will polish the<br />
traditionalist at a much faster and safer pace.<br />
Armed Equivalent of Reality Fighting<br />
Q: Does performing sword techniques at full speed and full<br />
power against an opponent who is striking back cause a person<br />
to eliminate some of the fancier moves taught in the traditional<br />
sword arts?<br />
Yes, anything that is fancy and used at a true speed will put<br />
you into difficulty. All those techniques used in movies and TV<br />
especially would have gotten you cut into ribbons within the first 5<br />
seconds. The sword is like a gun. You go in, take the shot…get out<br />
and go home. Anything else is a waste of time, effort and opens up<br />
huge avenues to injury and the loosing score. Simple is best and<br />
the sword has been kept simple for thousands of years. Moreover,<br />
the combatant does not have the time to think fancy when a sword<br />
is whizzing towards their head. Get it...Get out...Don’t get hit.<br />
Q: Are all the traditional moves exactly the same as<br />
chanbara moves?<br />
Chanbara is nothing new. It uses all the techniques that the<br />
Japanese used for centuries in war and battle. The only thing different,<br />
is that with science and technology one is able to practice<br />
the art of the sword and weaponry safely without getting injured.<br />
If you practiced traditional kendo, you would move this way. If you<br />
practiced from a movie you saw, you would practice your way. It is<br />
all viable in a fight although, through traditional sword technique<br />
one is apt to have a higher percentage of wins vs. loses.<br />
SHIHAN DANA ABBOTT Is a 7th degree black belt in Kenjutsu, starting his 14-year education<br />
in Tokyo. He has published five books and designed a US Patent. Abbott has also conducted seminars in<br />
over 30 countries and obtained his black belt at the Hombu dojo in Yokohama. He currently offers online<br />
classes on, his unique swordsmanship academy.<br />
12 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by Pierre-Yves Beaudouin
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Tech Mogul Mark Zuckerberg<br />
Surprises <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Community<br />
with Gold and Silver Wins<br />
In a stunning turn of events, Mark Zuckerberg, the renowned<br />
Facebook and Meta founder, has triumphed in his debut Brazilian<br />
jiu-jitsu tournament held in Redwood City, California. The 38-yearold<br />
tech billionaire, widely known for his contributions to the digital<br />
world, has now proven his mettle on the<br />
martial arts stage.<br />
During the pandemic, Zuckerberg developed<br />
a keen interest in martial arts, dedicating<br />
himself to mastering the craft. His hard<br />
work and determination paid off as he proudly<br />
claimed both gold and silver medals for the<br />
Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu team. The victory came as a<br />
delightful surprise to many, particularly within<br />
the martial arts community.<br />
Zuckerberg took to Instagram to share his<br />
excitement, stating, “Competed in my first<br />
jiu-jitsu tournament and won some medals for<br />
the Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu team.” His achievement<br />
sparked widespread praise and admiration,<br />
with one of his coaches, Khai “the Shadow” Wu, offering heartfelt<br />
congratulations.<br />
Witnessing Zuckerberg’s remarkable performance, Coach<br />
Wu expressed his awe, saying, “Yesterday, getting to see Zuck<br />
compete was pretty epic. No match was easy,<br />
and everything was earned. It was an honor<br />
to be able to help coach and offer any advice I<br />
could.”<br />
Zuckerberg’s triumph in the martial arts<br />
realm not only demonstrates his versatility but<br />
also inspires others to pursue their passions<br />
outside their comfort zones. As he continues<br />
to make groundbreaking strides in the digital<br />
world, his success in the martial arts arena adds<br />
yet another feather to his already illustrious cap.<br />
Breaking <strong>News</strong>: Recently, Elon Musk has<br />
issued a Challenge to face Mark Zuckerberg in<br />
a cage match potentially in the Vegas Octagon.<br />
Stay tuned as this story develops.<br />
14 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Celebrity Birthdays<br />
May<br />
May 5 ..............................Jim Kelly*<br />
May 12 ..........................Jerry Trimble<br />
May12 ............................Mike Bugg<br />
June<br />
June 17 .........................Scott Adkins<br />
June 17 .......................... Sho-Kosugi<br />
June 20 ......................Benny Urquidez<br />
May 21 ...........................Dave Kovar<br />
May 25 ..............................Cung Le<br />
*Deceased<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4 15
The Legacy Continues:<br />
Honoring Grandmaster Cynthia Rothrock<br />
Join the American <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Alliance as they embark on an<br />
unforgettable journey to celebrate our legacy! The American<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Legacy Weekend is a remarkable event where martial<br />
arts school owners can train with the world’s top martial artists and<br />
experience the true essence of our community.<br />
Mark your calendars for July 28-29,<br />
20<strong>23</strong>, as we gather at the prestigious<br />
Orleans Hotel & Casino in vibrant Las<br />
Vegas, NV. Prepare yourself for a weekend<br />
filled with inspiration, education, and camaraderie<br />
as we honor our martial arts heritage<br />
and recognize over 1,000 incredible martial artists<br />
featured in the renowned “Who’s Who in the <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong>” books.<br />
This extraordinary event will bring together hundreds<br />
of martial artists from around the globe, creating<br />
a melting pot of talent, knowledge, and passion.<br />
Joining us as a special guest speaker is the legendary<br />
Grand Master Cynthia Rothrock, a true icon in<br />
the martial arts world. Imagine the opportunity<br />
to train alongside and learn from one of the<br />
greatest martial artists of our time!<br />
The American <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Legacy<br />
Weekend is more than just an occasion; it is<br />
a celebration of our community and its outstanding<br />
achievements. The VIP reception<br />
offers a unique chance to mingle with martial<br />
arts giants, including Grand Master Cynthia<br />
Rothrock and other distinguished practitioners.<br />
You can even have your copy of<br />
the acclaimed “Who’s Who in the <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong>” biography book signed by some of the<br />
featured martial artists.<br />
Prepare to enrich your martial arts<br />
journey through a series of captivating lectures<br />
delivered by industry experts. From<br />
business strategies to personal development,<br />
these sessions are designed to help<br />
you advance your martial arts career.<br />
Imagine the invaluable knowledge you’ll<br />
gain by connecting with professionals,<br />
expanding your network, and learning<br />
from the best in the field. Together, we<br />
can grow and improve, raising the bar for<br />
martial arts excellence.<br />
Take your skills to the next level with<br />
expert-led workshops that will unlock your<br />
full potential. Our workshops, guided by top<br />
professionals, provide a rare opportunity to<br />
refine your techniques, broaden your knowledge,<br />
and develop essential skills for success.<br />
Whether you aspire to become a better leader<br />
or gain a competitive edge in your profession,<br />
our seminars will equip you with the tools and<br />
expertise you need to excel.<br />
The American <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Legacy Weekend<br />
is not just an event; it’s an experience that will<br />
shape your martial arts journey forever. Join us as<br />
we unite our strengths, celebrate our shared heritage, and<br />
pave the way for a brighter future. Become a part of our<br />
legacy and embrace the martial arts community like never<br />
before.<br />
Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity<br />
to train with the best, learn from the masters, and<br />
celebrate martial arts with like-minded individuals.<br />
Mark your calendars, secure your spot, and get ready<br />
to make history at the American <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Legacy<br />
Weekend in Las Vegas, NV. Let us join forces, embrace<br />
the legacy, and together, we will soar to new<br />
heights of martial arts excellence!<br />
Legends Weekend –July 28-29, 20<strong>23</strong><br />
Orleans Hotel – LasVegas, NV<br />
Visit:<br />
16 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
Boost Your <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School’s Visibility<br />
with Apple Business Connect<br />
As a martial arts school owner, you understand the importance<br />
of promoting your business to attract new students and<br />
provide a seamless experience for existing ones. In today’s digital<br />
age, online visibility plays a crucial role in connecting with potential<br />
customers. Apple Business Connect offers a powerful tool for martial<br />
arts school owners to put their businesses on the map, quite<br />
literally, by utilizing Apple Maps. This article will explore how Apple<br />
Business Connect can benefit your martial arts school and help<br />
you reach a wider audience.<br />
Create an Impressive Place Card: Apple Business Connect<br />
allows you to create and manage your martial arts school’s place<br />
card on Apple Maps. A place card is a concise summary of your<br />
business that potential customers can access easily. With Apple<br />
Business Connect, you have complete control over how your<br />
business is presented. You can add photos, header images, logos,<br />
hours of operation, contact information, and more. By customizing<br />
your place card, you ensure that potential students have all the<br />
necessary information at a glance.<br />
Promote Special Offers and Announcements: Timely offers,<br />
promotions, and seasonal products can be effectively showcased<br />
through Apple Business Connect. You can create engaging<br />
showcases on your place card to inform customers about limitedtime<br />
offers and exciting announcements. Showcase features<br />
can include quick actions such as ordering delivery or booking a<br />
reservation. This functionality enables potential students to take<br />
immediate action with just a tap, increasing their likelihood of<br />
engaging with your martial arts school.<br />
Streamline Customer Engagement: Apple Business Connect<br />
offers convenient quick actions that empower customers to interact<br />
effortlessly with your martial arts school. With these features,<br />
customers can order food, book a reservation, schedule an appointment,<br />
purchase tickets, and more. By providing seamless and<br />
user-friendly ways for customers to engage, you enhance their<br />
overall experience and increase the likelihood of them becoming<br />
loyal students.<br />
Insights for Optimal Impact: Understanding how customers<br />
find and interact with your place cards, showcases, and quick actions<br />
is crucial for optimizing your reach. Apple Business Connect<br />
provides valuable insights that allow you to track and analyze the<br />
performance of your business on Apple Maps. With these insights,<br />
you can make data-driven adjustments to your marketing strategies,<br />
resulting in a more significant impact and improved business<br />
growth.<br />
Unlock the Full Potential of Apple Maps: Apple Maps is not<br />
just a navigation tool; it’s a comprehensive guide for exploring the<br />
world around you. By leveraging Apple Business Connect, your<br />
martial arts school can become an integral part of this global platform.<br />
Interacting with landmarks across the globe or in your local<br />
community, potential students can discover your school more easily.<br />
By aligning your business with Apple Maps, you tap into a vast<br />
user base that trusts Apple’s built-in apps for their everyday needs.<br />
Apple Business Connect offers an excellent opportunity for<br />
martial arts school owners to enhance their online presence and<br />
reach a wider audience. By creating a compelling place card,<br />
showcasing special offers, providing quick actions, and leveraging<br />
insights, you can optimize your marketing strategies and foster<br />
meaningful connections with potential students. By utilizing Apple<br />
Maps, your martial arts school can become a prominent landmark<br />
in the digital landscape, attracting more students and ensuring<br />
your business thrives in today’s competitive market.<br />
18 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
We teach Character through Karate<br />
Kickstart Kids is an award winning in-school<br />
character development program that uses<br />
karate to teach life-changing values to middle<br />
school and high school students. The non-profit<br />
organization was founded in 1990 by martial<br />
artist, actor, and philanthropist Chuck Norris.<br />
For employment opportunities or to find out<br />
how you can help support this great cause, visit<br /><br />
Ask Master Mom: Raising Productive<br />
Kids with Confidence and Discipline<br />
Congratulations! You have kids! It’s an incredible journey<br />
filled with joy, love, and endless possibilities. But let’s face it,<br />
parenting can be a little overwhelming at times.<br />
The pressure to never make a mistake, to raise<br />
exceptional children who excel in every aspect<br />
of life, can feel daunting. But fear not, because<br />
Master Mom is here to guide you on this<br />
incredible adventure and help you become a<br />
true master of parenting!<br />
I’m Amanda Olson, and for over 30 years,<br />
I’ve been dedicated to helping children and<br />
families thrive together. As Master Mom,<br />
I specialize in providing simple and effective<br />
strategies to address behavior<br />
issues, discipline challenges,<br />
and confidence building. My<br />
ultimate goal is to create a<br />
supportive and happy home<br />
environment where children<br />
can grow and flourish.<br />
One common struggle<br />
parents face is getting their<br />
kids to listen. I understand the frustration<br />
that comes with constant<br />
battles and power struggles. That’s<br />
why I offer personalized guidance<br />
to help you find the right methods<br />
that work for your unique family<br />
dynamic. Together, we can bring<br />
harmony and peace back into<br />
your home.<br />
Confidence is the key to unlocking your child’s potential. We<br />
all need a little boost to set us on the right path, and I am here to<br />
provide unwavering support. My approach focuses on fostering<br />
confidence in both you and your child, always<br />
in a positive and uplifting manner. By reaching out<br />
for help, you have already taken the first step<br />
towards achieving the results you desire.<br />
Parenting is a journey filled with ups and<br />
downs, and it’s okay to seek guidance along the<br />
way. With Ask Master Mom, you have access to<br />
a wealth of knowledge, experience, and<br />
proven strategies to help you navigate<br />
the challenges of raising productive<br />
kids. Together, we can turn those<br />
embarrassing and unexpected moments<br />
into valuable opportunities<br />
for growth and learning.<br />
Don’t let the chaos of parenting<br />
consume you. Take control of the<br />
situation and create a harmonious<br />
home where your children<br />
thrive. Visit<br />
for more information and start<br />
your journey towards becoming<br />
a confident and effective<br />
parent today.<br />
Remember, you’re not alone in<br />
this adventure. Master Mom is here<br />
to support you every step of the way!<br />
Visit:<br />
20 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
JOIN US!<br />
Sponsored by <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
Join Us on the<br />
2nd Tuesday<br />
of every month at<br />
1:00 P.M. Eastern<br />
Join Us for Our Business Brainstorming Sessions with Master Toby Milroy!<br />
July 11th<br />
August 8th<br />
SOCIAL 411<br />
What Is a Meta Description and What<br />
Does It Do For Your Website 101? (Part 1)<br />
meta description is an HTML tag used to express to searchers<br />
the content of any of your <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School website<br />
A<br />
pages. This description will show up under the title and URL of<br />
your page as it appears in search engine results. To optimize this<br />
for Google, your meta description should be kept somewhere<br />
between 140-160 characters.<br />
Here’s an example for<br />
“The #1 business resource for the martial arts industry includes<br />
news, feature stories, and columns for martial arts professionals.”<br />
Why are Meta Descriptions Important?<br />
Since meta descriptions appear with your title and URL on the<br />
results pages, they can help or hurt your results’ click, meaning<br />
more or less visits to your trial offer pages.<br />
In terms of your school’s search result, your meta description<br />
has the most real estate (two lines of text compared to one line for<br />
the title and one line for URL), so take advantage of the opportunity<br />
to sell your <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School website with a meaningful<br />
message that benefits searchers.<br />
<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Business <strong>News</strong> and<br />
Tools for School Owners!<br />
<br />
<br />
T<br />
Social Media Tips to<br />
Grow Your <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School<br />
Tip #3 – Post Multiple Times Each Day<br />
The more your market sees your school<br />
name, programs, benefits, offers, and calls to<br />
action, the more quickly they remember and are<br />
prepared to respond. Social media marketing<br />
experts recommend repeating the same post<br />
at least 3 times a day because it takes at least 7<br />
times before it sinks in. Even so you have to find<br />
a balance in frequency because just as water<br />
is a necessity and good for a plant, too much<br />
of it can also destroy it. Using multiple social<br />
platforms to get your special offers out to your<br />
audience can help because it won’t feel as if<br />
you’re bombarding them.<br />
To have growing school enrollment numbers<br />
through social media marketing, you must post a<br />
number of times a day to your market and if you<br />
can automate your posts even better.<br />
22 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Illustration (bottom) by GOCMEN
Our Goal is to Help Young Minds<br />
GROW Stronger and EMPOWER<br />
them through Stories that will:<br />
• Inspire Their Imagination<br />
• Develop Their Moral Compass<br />
• Set Positive Examples Both Visually and Verbally<br />
• Prepare Them for Life’s Challenges<br />
Sarah B. Tucker, Author of<br />
The Adventures of Harry & Friends<br />
Book Series<br />
SOCIAL 411<br />
12 SEO Tactics to Increase <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
School Website Traffic: #3<br />
3. Format Your Content for Search Engines & Target<br />
Featured Snippets<br />
If you want the content you write to perform well, make sure<br />
you’re answering the questions your audience is asking. One way<br />
to do this is to target featured snippets.<br />
Featured snippets appear at the top of the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School<br />
search results page on Google. They’re designed to answer a<br />
user’s question without requiring them to leave the page. They’re<br />
highly visible, helpful, and likely to attract organic traffic since they<br />
appear before numbered results. You might also see them referred<br />
to as SERP features.<br />
These positions are highly sought after by digital marketers. To<br />
win one, you need to optimize your program’s featured content to<br />
target them. The strategies you use to target featured snippets can<br />
make your content more helpful to readers and improve your SEO,<br />
even if you don’t win the snippet in question.<br />
Here’s what to do:<br />
First, choose which content you want to optimize to target a<br />
featured snippet. Use a keyword tool to identify relevant keywords<br />
(Karate and Kung Fu) with the search intent and SERP feature you<br />
want to target.<br />
Next, search for that keyword yourself to see what type of<br />
content is currently featured. Make a note of what question the<br />
content answers and how it’s written.<br />
For example, is the snippet a bulleted list or a table? Is the information<br />
correct? What else ranks well? These observations will give<br />
you an idea of how to edit your content.<br />
Now edit your content.<br />
Make sure your content both asks and answers the target question<br />
in the snippet as clearly and concisely as possible. After all,<br />
studies show that a piece of content that asks a question is more<br />
likely to have a featured snippet.<br />
Organize your page using heading and subheaders. If it makes<br />
sense for your page, try to use one of your subheaders to target<br />
your desired SERP feature. Headings and subheadings make it<br />
easy to understand or search your page, which can help improve<br />
your search ranking.<br />
Finally, tighten up your page’s copy. Try to use short, direct<br />
sentences (no more than 20 words) with language that isn’t too<br />
complicated. And while you should try to avoid single-sentence<br />
paragraphs, you don’t want them to be too long, either.<br />
24 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Illustration by BestForBest
Put Our 30 Years of Tuition Management<br />
Experience to Work for You!<br />
You didn’t open a martial arts school so you could<br />
waste your time being a bill collector…right?<br />
Call one of our friendly Tuition Management<br />
experts to discuss your specific situation.<br />
(800) 275-1600<br /><br />
The Latest Guide<br />
All <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School Owners<br />
Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed’s<br />
newest book, “The Science & Secrets<br />
of Becoming a Master <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Instructor,” is the latest must-have<br />
industry guide for martial arts school<br />
owners and instructors.<br />
The world of martial arts is a very<br />
complicated one, where you can soar<br />
to the heights of the profession or<br />
quickly hit rock bottom, all depending<br />
on your mindset, discipline, and skills.<br />
“The Science & Secrets of Becoming<br />
a Master <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Instructor” is<br />
designed to teach you everything<br />
you’ll need to know to avoid the pitfalls<br />
and succeed as an instructor in the<br />
modern era.<br />
Featuring contributions from<br />
some of the best martial arts minds,<br />
including Grandmaster Ernie Reyes,<br />
Grandmaster Stephen Hayes, and<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar, “The Science &<br />
Secrets of Becoming a Master <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong> Instructor” will no doubt help you<br />
take your career to the next level!<br />
To get your copy today for $29.95,<br />
simply go to and search by author.
Learn the Sword<br />
with Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
Learn Samurai swordsmanship online with Shihan Dana Abbott!<br />
For $1 a day, you can take advantage<br />
of Danna Abbott’s expertise in<br />
Kenjutsu, known as Japanese<br />
Swordsmanship, where he<br />
holds the rank of Shihan 7th<br />
Degree Black Belt.<br />
Abbot has shared his expertise<br />
from the Hombu Dojo in<br />
Yokohama with thousands of<br />
instructors worldwide – and<br />
now he’d like to share it with you.<br />
Samurai Program Online Training<br />
You’ll get unlimited access to videos and tutorials<br />
detailing sword techniques and covering wood,<br />
bamboo, synthetics, and steel for long sword!<br />
Individual Courses & Self Study<br />
Instruction is based on tried-and-true methods<br />
taught in Japan for generations. Experience oneon-one<br />
instruction with a simple, step-by-step,<br />
methodical approach to mastering the sword.<br />
Instructor Courses & Certification<br />
Traditional and combative courses allow<br />
students to grasp the basic dynamics of<br />
traditional & combative sword techniques<br />
and mindsets, making learning and achieving<br />
certification easier!<br />
For more information, head to
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
Receives Doctorate Degree<br />
MAW <strong>News</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> columnist Grandmaster Tim McCarthy was awarded a<br />
Doctorate Degree from the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> Organization on April 29, 20<strong>23</strong>.<br />
MAWN: Grandmaster McCarthy – or should I say Doctor<br />
McCarthy – congratulations on receiving your Doctorate Degree.<br />
TM: Thank you. It was an honor to receive it in front of all my<br />
martial arts brothers and sisters at such a prestigious event.<br />
MAWN: What does this certificate represent to you?<br />
TM: It is the result of a lifetime of dedication to the martial arts<br />
in general and to the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> Organization in particular.<br />
I have always considered myself more of a martial arts educator<br />
than a fighter, so after over 45 years of contributions, I humbly accept<br />
this esteemed recognition.<br />
MAWN: You mentioned the prestigious event. Where did you<br />
receive it?<br />
TM: I was invited as a special guest to the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
Super Show in Orlando. It was a full day of competition and<br />
achievement. Hundreds of students from across the country<br />
came together to express their love and dedication to the martial<br />
arts. It had team competitions and individual competitions, all<br />
without violence. The system designed by Supreme Grandmaster<br />
Y. K. Kim creates a competition where students are motivated<br />
to improve themselves and their technique, yet no one walks<br />
away a loser.<br />
MAWN: In most tournaments students not only fight to win, but<br />
someone has to lose. How is this tournament different?<br />
TM: First of all, the main event is the team exhibition competitions,<br />
where each school puts on their best martial arts demonstration<br />
using costumes, music, forms, breaking, weapons, and<br />
choreographed sparring. The competition creates the motivation<br />
for students to do their best, to gain confidence by performing<br />
in front of a crowd, and to promote their school by showing the<br />
community the benefits of martial arts training. Of course, there is<br />
a prize for the winning team, but every competitor walks away with<br />
a medal for their efforts. No violence, no losers.<br />
During the day there is also individual and small team competitions<br />
in forms, breaking, and action movie style sparring. Each ring<br />
is assigned by age and rank, and then sub-divided into groups<br />
of 4. The 4 competitors or teams compete, and everyone gets a<br />
medal. Again, no losers.<br />
It used to break Supreme Grandmaster Kim’s heart to see one<br />
of his students get a tooth knocked out in traditional sparring. He<br />
came up with the action movie style sparring where two students<br />
form a team and choreograph a short sparring routine as if they<br />
were acting in a action movie. They learn sparring skills without<br />
actually hitting and hurting each other. Again, no violence.<br />
MAWN: Wow! That does sound like a fun day for everyone<br />
involved. Congratulations once again on your achievement, and<br />
we look forward to reading more of your column in future issues.<br />
28 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
Proven Effective<br />
Courses teach PROVEN effective and<br />
successful strategies for martial arts<br />
school owners.<br />
Easy To Learn<br />
You’ll gain new skills and knowledge<br />
quickly with this easy-to-use online<br />
learning system.<br />
Flexible Schedule<br />
Learn at your own pace with bite-sized<br />
course segments built to fit your busy<br />
schedule.<br />
ENROLL TODAY!<br /><br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Business Institute<br />
Available Now!
US Open Ushers in<br />
the New Era of Karate Events<br />
U.S. Open ISKA <strong>World</strong> <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Championships<br />
Orlando, FL | June 29 – July 1, 20<strong>23</strong><br />
The Most Prestigious Event of its Kind<br />
Creative weapons form competitors in final preparations.<br />
The US Open is different.<br />
There are far too many martial arts tournaments out there that<br />
leave students, families and school operators with a bad taste in<br />
their mouth. Too many egos, unsportsmanlike conduct, poor judging,<br />
profanity, and general ‘chaos’ everywhere you look.<br />
For more than 20 years, the US Open has been leading the<br />
charge to change all that, and now, in 20<strong>23</strong>, the difference is<br />
obvious!<br />
Whether you are a world-rated competitor, a novice trying your<br />
hand at competition for the first time, a fan in love with the sport,<br />
or a school owner who wants to see their students bond over an<br />
amazing experience, the US Open is for EVERYONE.<br />
Every year, martial arts enthusiasts from across the globe<br />
gather at the iconic Walt Disney <strong>World</strong> Resort in Orlando, Florida,<br />
to witness the spectacle of the US Open <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Tournament.<br />
Combining the thrill of competition with the enchantment of Disney,<br />
this annual event has become a cherished tradition for martial<br />
artists and fans alike. In this article, we will explore the magic and<br />
excitement that make the US Open a unique experience in the<br />
world of martial arts.<br />
Imagine stepping into the vibrant world of Disney, where dreams<br />
come true and magic fills the air. Now add the intensity and discipline<br />
of martial arts, and you have the extraordinary setting of the<br />
US Open Tournament. The event takes place within the sprawling<br />
confines of the Walt Disney <strong>World</strong> Resort, providing a breathtaking<br />
backdrop for athletes to showcase their skills. From the adrenalinepumping<br />
action to the iconic Disney landmarks, participants and<br />
spectators are immersed in an unforgettable experience.<br />
Master Milroy and<br />
NASKA Promoter, Larry Carnahan<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar with Master Milroy<br />
School owners and team leaders are vip guests<br />
Take advantage of a once-per-year opportunity to earn recognition<br />
in your community by being personally invited to the US Open<br />
ISKA <strong>World</strong> <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Championships. Whether your school<br />
normally attends tournaments or not, the US Open provides the<br />
chance for your students to bond outside the training hall with you<br />
30 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
and their training mates while being inspired by the performances<br />
they will witness and making new friends from around the world –<br />
And it all happens where dreams come true, in the home of magic<br />
itself – Walt Disney <strong>World</strong><br />
ISKA world championships<br />
<strong>World</strong>-Class Competitors and <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Legends: One of the<br />
highlights of the US Open Tournament is the presence of worldclass<br />
competitors and martial arts legends. Renowned athletes<br />
from around the globe gather to showcase their skills, creating an<br />
atmosphere of intense competition and mutual respect. It is not uncommon<br />
to witness awe-inspiring performances from champions<br />
who have achieved legendary status in the martial arts community.<br />
The tournament provides a rare opportunity for aspiring martial<br />
artists to learn from the best and for fans to witness exceptional<br />
displays of skill and athleticism.<br />
Whether you practice Traditional or Contemporary <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>,<br />
Competition Divisions Are Offered for Every Age Group and Skill<br />
Level ranging from Novice First-Timers to the most Experienced<br />
Professional Black Belt Competitors. The US Open <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Tournament offers a wide range of competition categories and<br />
divisions, catering to various martial arts styles and skill levels.<br />
Participants can engage in forms, weapons, and sparring competitions,<br />
showcasing their expertise and artistry. Divisions are available<br />
for different age groups, allowing both seasoned competitors<br />
and young talents to shine. With divisions such as traditional forms,<br />
creative forms, and team demonstrations, the tournament offers<br />
a platform for participants to express their unique styles and push<br />
the boundaries of their martial arts prowess.<br />
Spectator Experience and Disney Magic: The US Open<br />
Tournament offers a unique experience for spectators, combining<br />
the excitement of martial arts with the enchantment of<br />
Disney. Attendees can explore the tournament’s various venues,<br />
each filled with electrifying action and the vibrant energy of<br />
competitors. Between matches, visitors can explore the magical<br />
attractions of the Disney parks, providing a memorable balance<br />
between intense martial arts competition and immersive family<br />
entertainment. The tournament’s synergy with the Disney experience<br />
creates an unforgettable adventure for participants and<br />
spectators alike.<br />
Promoting Camaraderie and Unity: Beyond the competition,<br />
the US Open Tournament fosters camaraderie and unity<br />
among participants. <strong>Martial</strong> artists from diverse backgrounds<br />
come together to share their passion for the art form, forging<br />
lifelong connections and friendships. The tournament serves as<br />
a platform for cultural exchange, where participants can learn<br />
from different styles and approaches. This sense of unity and camaraderie<br />
extends beyond the tournament, enriching the global<br />
martial arts community.<br />
The US Open <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Tournament at Disney is a remarkable<br />
fusion of martial arts excellence and the magic of Disney. The<br />
event’s unique setting, world-class competitors, and enchanting<br />
atmosphere create an unrivaled experience for martial artists and<br />
fans. Whether you are a practitioner seeking to test your skills<br />
or a spectator looking for a captivating blend of athleticism and<br />
entertainment, the US Open at Disney is an event that should not<br />
be missed. It embodies the essence of martial arts and reminds us<br />
that dreams can truly become a reality.<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4 31
ISKA Events<br />
Forms (Empty-Hand)<br />
• Traditional Forms<br />
• Creative Forms<br />
• Musical Forms<br />
• Extreme Forms<br />
Team Events<br />
• Team Point Sparring<br />
• Team Continuous Sparring<br />
• Team Synchronized Forms<br />
• Team Demonstration<br />
Weapons<br />
• Traditional Weapons Forms<br />
• Creative Weapons Forms<br />
• Musical Weapons Forms<br />
• Extreme Weapons Forms<br />
Open Breaking DIvisions<br />
• OPEN Creative Multi-Direction Wood Breaking<br />
• OPEN Creative Breaking<br />
• OPEN Power Board Breaking<br />
• OPEN Speed Board Breaking<br />
• OPEN High Jump Board Breaking<br />
• OPEN Power Concrete Breaking<br />
Sparring Divisions<br />
• Continuous Light Contact Sparring<br />
• Light Contact Point Sparring<br />
• Light Contact Clash Sparring<br />
• Submission Grappling<br />
• Light Contact Sport MM<br />
Feature Divisions<br />
• Handicapable / Adaptive Divisions<br />
• Fight Choreography Demonstration<br />
32 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
presenting<br />
the Ninja<br />
‘Five Elements’ system<br />
Author Stephen K. Hayes presents the Ninja "Five Elements" system to explain fundamental aspects of self-defense.<br />
According to Japanese Buddhist belief, human nature is connected to the natural world and is made up of five elements. By<br />
understanding that connection, essential responses to any threat become clear:<br />
EARTH—Remain grounded in your thinking and footing to repel attempts to distract or deceive you<br />
WATER—Shift, angle and move fluidly to tactically confuse attackers and put them off balance<br />
FIRE—See where a situation is going as it develops and intercept it at the critical moment<br />
WIND—Stay light on your feet and move nimbly to evade and escape attempts to pin you down<br />
VOID—Control a fight's direction by changing dynamics to confuse your attacker<br />
“Ninja Fighting Techniques” explains how the five elements can<br />
become automatic, unconscious responses for fighters who<br />
train the Ninja way. Through study and practice they become<br />
instinctive, effectively employed precisely when you need them<br />
without thinking.<br />
The advantage of Ninja teachings over other martial disciplines<br />
is that, in addition to providing physical combat methods, they<br />
teach you to develop a better understanding of human behavior<br />
and psychology as well as "real-time" awareness of your<br />
surroundings — invaluable in any combat and street fighting<br />
situation.<br />
With over 300 full-color photographs and detailed step-by-step<br />
instructions, this book shows you how the ancient self-defense<br />
techniques developed by the Ninja are still unsurpassed today!<br />
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From Inner City Struggles to <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Mentor:<br />
The Inspiring Journey of<br />
Willie<br />
‘The Bam’<br />
MAWN: You’ve been around for quite<br />
some time and have a truly fascinating<br />
story. Can you please begin by giving<br />
us a little background on how you got<br />
involved in martial arts and the journey<br />
that led you there?<br />
WJ: Thank you. I first became interested<br />
in martial arts when I was just<br />
six years old. It all started when I went<br />
to see the Bruce Lee movie “Chinese<br />
Connection”. This film had a profound<br />
impact on me, especially considering<br />
the challenges I faced as a child growing<br />
up in the inner city. Watching that<br />
movie was an internal awakening for me,<br />
that gave me hope and inspiration.<br />
I believe it’s crucial to recognize that<br />
martial arts allow us to convey our messages<br />
through various mediums. Whether<br />
it’s in a classroom, a book, a movie,<br />
or even music, the power of vibrations<br />
cannot be underestimated. What Bruce<br />
Lee expressed through that movie not<br />
only inspired me but countless others<br />
as well. As I grew older, I began to<br />
understand the significance of what<br />
he represented. He stood up against<br />
the struggles and hardships that afflicted<br />
both him and his community.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> arts became his<br />
vehicle for fighting against<br />
those challenges. During<br />
that time, I found myself<br />
fighting through similar<br />
circumstances as a child.<br />
I’ve shared this story<br />
before, but I experienced<br />
a wide range of hardships<br />
that can happen to<br />
a young person like me,<br />
including bullying and molestation.<br />
These negative<br />
experiences really plagued<br />
me, but I put myself on a<br />
quest to find mentors who<br />
could guide me and help me<br />
learn during that period.<br />
At that time, not a lot of<br />
people truly understood the<br />
power of martial arts. So we<br />
would come out of a movie<br />
theater, attempting to imitate<br />
the kicks, punches, and even<br />
make the weapons we saw<br />
in the movies. However,<br />
martial arts schools were scarce during<br />
that time. Nevertheless, the desire to<br />
learn the art and uncover its mystical<br />
elements drove me to seek out teachers<br />
and attend community centers to<br />
explore disciplines like gymnastics. Of<br />
course, the same things we see happening<br />
to children today were happening<br />
back then, but we didn’t have the<br />
support like they do today. People didn’t<br />
grasp the benefits of the martial arts,<br />
but we could feel them. Unfortunately,<br />
our parents often dismissed it as something<br />
mystical and would say, “This ain’t<br />
going to bring no money” or expressed<br />
other negatives that go along with it.<br />
MAWN: For a lot of people the Bruce<br />
Lee movies were a catalyst in beginning<br />
martial arts training. Who helped you to<br />
get started training in the martial arts in<br />
the environment you were in at that time?<br />
WJ: At the time, I was<br />
visiting different clubs,<br />
but the one that had a<br />
profound impact on me was the McKim<br />
Community Center in the neighborhood<br />
of Baltimore City. I met an instructor<br />
named Kenna Parker, who directed me<br />
in a system of martial arts called Kang<br />
Duk Won. It included Wing Chung,<br />
Aikido, and gymnastics. It was like the<br />
Shaolin temple of the inner city. It was a<br />
place that instilled character in children,<br />
and it helped to build mine. Also, with<br />
the help of Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong> and<br />
other martial arts books, I was following<br />
what martial arts greats like Cynthia<br />
Rothrock and others were doing. Those<br />
magazines were a wealth of knowledge,<br />
providing information about all the martial<br />
arts tournaments and seminars.<br />
Due to my passion and love for the<br />
arts at such a young age, I began to<br />
follow the path of these remarkable individuals.<br />
As a child, I even wrote letters<br />
to potential sponsors like McDonald’s<br />
and 7-Eleven, unaware of the full extent<br />
of what I was doing. Amazingly, my<br />
determination was evident, and these<br />
companies responded by sponsoring<br />
me to participate in karate tournaments<br />
and similar events. That’s how it all<br />
started for me. I seized every opportunity<br />
to connect with martial arts because<br />
I believe the higher levels of martial arts<br />
is a universal connection to all for enhancing<br />
human development. We just<br />
use the tools of kicks and punches<br />
to get there and that’s what I was<br />
attracted to. It allowed me to form<br />
connections with others in the<br />
martial arts community, ultimately<br />
bringing me to where I<br />
am today.<br />
MAWN: You know people<br />
tend to forget that in the ‘70s<br />
and early ‘80s, martial arts<br />
wasn’t widely known. However,<br />
it had a dedicated following,<br />
even though it didn’t have the<br />
same mainstream recognition it<br />
enjoys today. Organizations like<br />
the Professional Karate Association<br />
(PKA) were able to sell out venues<br />
like Madison Square Garden, creating<br />
these huge events. It was similar<br />
to the UFC in a way, with these big<br />
shows that inspired many individuals to<br />
seek out martial arts.<br />
38 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
You had a challenging childhood that<br />
was far from easy, to put it mildly. <strong>Martial</strong><br />
arts became a means for you to cope<br />
with those difficulties and eventually<br />
build a successful life. You’ve shared<br />
stories about your time in jail, struggles<br />
with drugs, and various other obstacles<br />
that you overcame. Can you provide<br />
us with some context regarding those<br />
experiences? What impact did they have<br />
on you?<br />
WJ: Certainly, the challenges we<br />
see our children facing today are not<br />
entirely new. These issues have always<br />
existed, but they were not as exposed<br />
or widely acknowledged in the past.<br />
Often, people failed to pay attention to<br />
such matters when they occurred within<br />
specific segments of society.<br />
We need to remember that the ‘70s<br />
were a very significant period of cultural<br />
expression, following the civil rights<br />
struggle. It was a time when communities<br />
were connected, where people<br />
could leave their doors unlocked, and<br />
respect was valued, especially for<br />
elders. We didn’t have cell phones or<br />
all the technological advancements we<br />
have today. However, if you dared to<br />
disrespect an elder or act out of line,<br />
you could be sure that word would<br />
travel quickly. By the time you reached a<br />
few blocks down the street, your mother<br />
would be waiting with a belt, ready to<br />
discipline you. There was a strong sense<br />
of community and interconnectedness.<br />
Now, I must emphasize that I’m<br />
not implying everyone made perfect<br />
choices or behaved appropriately. Bad<br />
things happened, and people made<br />
poor choices regardless of authority.<br />
Even the police got along with us in the<br />
community. I’m not saying everything<br />
was ideal, but we managed to get along,<br />
and trust was there. We could leave our<br />
doors unlocked, and while drugs and<br />
crime existed, it wasn’t as the media<br />
might suggest.<br />
What we often label today as bullying,<br />
I view as a struggle to communicate<br />
with individuals who are trying to take<br />
advantage of you or exploit you in some<br />
way. You had to fight back and learn<br />
how to communicate effectively. Back<br />
then, your parents would say, “You’ve<br />
got a disagreement? Let’s walk down<br />
the street.” You would go to the other<br />
child’s house, and the parents would<br />
say, “Let them fight it out. Work it out.”<br />
Meanwhile, they would sit on the porch,<br />
enjoying hot dogs while we settled our<br />
differences. It may sound peculiar, but<br />
that’s the power of martial arts. By the<br />
time we were exhausted and leaning on<br />
each other, unable to fight anymore, we<br />
had become the best of friends. It was a<br />
defining moment, fostering growth and<br />
earning respect. However, something<br />
shifted in the ‘80s when communities<br />
became flooded with drugs during the<br />
crack epidemic.<br />
MAWN: We might say, the “good old<br />
days,” with reference to how communities<br />
were back then. So can you tell us<br />
about the change you saw in the ‘80s?<br />
WJ: It was a transformative time in<br />
history. If you look back and do the<br />
research, you’ll see how everything<br />
changed economically. Programs that<br />
once existed in the community were<br />
taken away, and people had to focus<br />
on survival. As a child, witnessing my<br />
mother on welfare, I had to grow up<br />
early, as did many other kids. We had<br />
to step up and help out. We couldn’t sit<br />
around and talk back to our parents. We<br />
didn’t do anything that would make their<br />
problems worse. We may not have fully<br />
understood the details, but we could<br />
sense the fear in our mothers when<br />
continued on page 42<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4 39
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the man knocked on the door at the<br />
beginning of the month, worried that he<br />
might take away her sofa and charge<br />
her triple the amount of money that he<br />
paid for it. I may not have understood it<br />
entirely, but what I did know was that my<br />
mother was handicapped and treated<br />
like a piece of trash. But I refused to let<br />
anyone degrade my mother. So, as a<br />
young man, I had to find ways to hustle<br />
on the streets and do whatever it took to<br />
ensure my mother could have<br />
a better life because martial<br />
arts wasn’t paying the bills.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> arts may provide a<br />
front, making it seem like we<br />
were big successful masters<br />
in our own right. But the truth<br />
was, we weren’t getting paid<br />
for all the time and effort we<br />
put into running the schools<br />
and training. We showed up at<br />
the Dojo early in the morning<br />
or late at night, but we<br />
were not getting paid. It was<br />
an external façade, maintaining<br />
that image, but so many<br />
of us from my generation<br />
were being destroyed. I was<br />
faced with a choice. Should I<br />
continue showing up, participating<br />
in tournaments, and<br />
doing all these things to make<br />
it appear as if I was successful?<br />
But then go back home<br />
and be unable to provide<br />
help to my mom. Also, I was<br />
a young man that had a child<br />
at a young age, and I couldn’t<br />
even afford to buy diapers. So<br />
as man I had to figure out how<br />
to hustle.<br />
MAWN: You were like<br />
the proverbial rock in a hard<br />
place. What were the lessons<br />
you learned and how did the martial arts<br />
come into play in your circumstances?<br />
WJ: I want to make it clear that I don’t<br />
blame anyone else for the choices I<br />
made. I take full responsibility for my<br />
actions. No one in my family chose<br />
to sell drugs and hustle, but I made<br />
the decision to do whatever it took to<br />
ensure that my mom would never be<br />
treated like a piece of trash again. It just<br />
so happened that martial arts was a part<br />
of my life at the same time in my journey.<br />
Although martial arts is my gift, I was<br />
also successful in the streets. But there<br />
are two levels of self-defense and the<br />
stuff we teach in the dojo is completely<br />
different from what goes on in the<br />
streets. The self-defense techniques we<br />
learn in the dojo don’t always apply to<br />
the real dangers we face on the streets.<br />
The people out there committing acts of<br />
violence and murder aren’t walking into<br />
dojos. That’s a whole different level of<br />
energy and danger.<br />
The people who are trying to hurt<br />
you from the street don’t care about<br />
the consequences. They don’t care<br />
about going to jail or even losing their<br />
own lives, but I have a family to think<br />
about. I can talk tough, but if I have to<br />
go to court and potentially face jail time<br />
for defending myself, can I handle that<br />
world on the other side? It’s a harsh<br />
reality we must face. So martial arts<br />
empowers us to make better choices, to<br />
find strength in difficult situations.<br />
Before I got into trouble, something<br />
amazing happened. Can you imagine a<br />
kid from the ghetto getting the opportunity<br />
to travel to mainland China? Because<br />
I was one of the best competitors<br />
in the world, my instructor found a way<br />
for me to travel to mainland<br />
China when the Great Wall had<br />
just opened. I got the chance<br />
to see a completely different<br />
world that I had never seen<br />
before. It was an eye-opening<br />
experience, and it further<br />
solidified the significance of<br />
martial arts in my life.<br />
MAWN: Wow, what a<br />
fantastic opportunity! What<br />
happened next in your journey<br />
because you clearly were<br />
heading straight for the top?<br />
WJ: I got certified and was<br />
training. Everything that I<br />
learned needed to provide an<br />
opportunity for me to succeed<br />
when I came back home, and it<br />
did. When I came back home,<br />
I began to win even more. The<br />
other beautiful thing about this<br />
was that I had been running<br />
a martial arts school since I<br />
was 17 years old. And I was<br />
taught by Nick Cokinos in the<br />
classroom at the beginning of<br />
EFC. I was in a room with Dave<br />
Kovar, Stephen Oliver, Dennis<br />
Brown. I was the youngest kid<br />
amongst these great business<br />
entrepreneurs.<br />
But I didn’t get it back then.<br />
I was taking it for granted. I<br />
was lying on my statistics. I was acting<br />
like I was making more than what I was<br />
making. I was showing up late to staff<br />
meetings, after I told them don’t show<br />
up late. And all this stuff. I was doing<br />
everything that kids do today, because I<br />
was playing on both sides of the fence.<br />
As a side note, if you are running<br />
a business and you have a young kid,<br />
42 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
don’t abuse them and use them because<br />
you don’t know what the hell they<br />
are going through back home. Pay them<br />
for what they are worth and treat them<br />
with some respect.<br />
At the beginning, because we had<br />
this mystical idea about the martial<br />
arts, we thought that everybody would<br />
always have our best interests at heart.<br />
But when I was at the high point of my<br />
martial arts career, my mom died from<br />
cancer. When she died, I wanted to die.<br />
Everything that I did was on the brink of<br />
me wanting to die. Going through the<br />
warfare in Baltimore. Gang wars, shoot<br />
outs, pistol whipping, you name it, I saw<br />
it all. I was either the predator or the prey<br />
because I’ve been on both sides of that<br />
kind of stuff. But one day, I begged and<br />
pleaded because I wanted it to stop.<br />
Guess what? The greatest thing happened<br />
to me, I was incarcerated.<br />
MAWN: Whoa, that’s an amazing way<br />
to see your circumstances. How did you<br />
come to see a situation like this as a<br />
great thing for your life?<br />
WJ: My father had always warned<br />
me that jail was not a place for a man,<br />
especially a young black man. But despite<br />
his advice, I didn’t listen and found<br />
myself locked up. I was incarcerated,<br />
and it was a difficult experience for me<br />
because I was claustrophobic. Confinement<br />
triggered my claustrophobia, and I<br />
felt overwhelmed and wanted to take a<br />
sheet and hand myself. I was panicking,<br />
struggling with my emotions,<br />
and the stuff in my system<br />
only made it worse.<br />
But in April of 1989,<br />
I dropped down on<br />
my hands and knees<br />
and prayed to God for another<br />
chance to use martial arts to empower<br />
kids like me who had nobody<br />
to understand their struggles. When I<br />
left tournaments, nobody knew the hell<br />
I was going back to. No one in the<br />
dojo could speak to the things I<br />
was facing in those projects.<br />
My prayers were<br />
answered during my<br />
one-year sentence<br />
in a maximum security<br />
prison. I was<br />
locked in a small cell which I was let out<br />
for one hour each day. I held onto the<br />
belief that when the student is ready,<br />
the teacher will appear. I knew what I<br />
had to do and now it was time to do it.<br />
In that confined space, I wrote on every<br />
available surface, from toilet paper to<br />
newsletters. During my time in jail I<br />
formulated the ideas and principles that<br />
guide me to this day. <strong>Martial</strong> arts gave<br />
me the strength and direction I needed,<br />
and I began to go down the path.<br />
Remarkably, I never engaged in<br />
a fight while in a maximum security<br />
prison, despite being surrounded by<br />
individuals serving life sentences and<br />
hardened criminals. <strong>Martial</strong> arts was<br />
part of my daily routine, and everyone<br />
knew I was a martial artist. Behind those<br />
prison walls, it didn’t matter how much<br />
money I had or what titles I held to the<br />
murderers. The world inside was controlled<br />
by the prison authorities. I made<br />
a conscious decision not to get involved<br />
in any conflicts. I dedicated myself to<br />
practicing martial arts from the moment<br />
I woke up until I went to bed. I also read<br />
many books on self-empowerment and<br />
sought out places of spiritual guidance. I<br />
peacefully coexisted with everyone.<br />
MAWN: It sounds like a transformation<br />
had taken place in your life. What<br />
realizations did you have and where did<br />
they lead you?<br />
WJ:<br />
Interestingly,<br />
one day when I was released<br />
from jail, I continued my daily workouts.<br />
I pushed myself to do thousands of<br />
push-ups, maintained my physical and<br />
mental discipline. Remembering my<br />
katas, I realized how much I had taken<br />
for granted what Mr. Cokinos, Master<br />
Kovar, Stephen Oliver, and others had<br />
done for me as a young kid. But it was<br />
at this time that I put that knowledge to<br />
use. I developed a business plan. Really,<br />
two plans.<br />
I knew what not to do this time<br />
around. I returned home from jail with<br />
only $20 and a dream.<br />
MAWN: Can you tell us more of what<br />
went into that and how it plays out in<br />
the community?<br />
WJ: First, in the prison, there was a<br />
remarkable man named Brother D, who<br />
still remains the greatest person I’ve<br />
ever met. He told me that I had one responsibility<br />
which was to go home, get<br />
my son, stand up, and be a man. He told<br />
me that I needed to take the martial arts<br />
and use it to empower other children<br />
who went through things like I did. It<br />
was my duty to give away what God had<br />
blessed me with inside that jail cell in<br />
order to keep it.<br />
I didn’t need trophies, money, or accolades,<br />
nor did I require people to pat<br />
me on the back because God had already<br />
changed me. Consider this—when<br />
you leave jail, finding a job becomes<br />
incredibly challenging. Yet, I managed<br />
to open my own business. I started at a<br />
community center, and within 90 days, I<br />
had 100 students. The number grew so<br />
rapidly that my parents and others in<br />
our community had to find a building<br />
for us. When we finally opened<br />
our school, I had 100 contracts<br />
on the very first day. I knew the<br />
system and had my tests and<br />
everything else meticulously<br />
organized. Everything I do<br />
today in terms of running the<br />
business, the blueprint for<br />
success, was already<br />
in place – the<br />
marketing<br />
and promotions.<br />
I had<br />
to promote<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4 43
my product, make sure people knew its<br />
name, and get people to shout it from<br />
the rooftops. It’s all the same—whether<br />
it’s the hustle game or the business<br />
game. It took some maturity to realize<br />
the similarities, but now I pursue them<br />
for the right reasons.<br />
Once I recognized that jail was the<br />
greatest thing that happened to me, I<br />
understood why. It gave me the opportunity<br />
to truly know myself, love myself,<br />
and be my own best friend. It allowed<br />
me to develop a genuine appreciation<br />
for martial arts. We must always remember<br />
the pioneering individuals who started<br />
this movement in martial arts history.<br />
The individuals responsible for initiating<br />
these circumstances possessed the revelation<br />
to uncover the truth, which we<br />
are yet to comprehend fully. The contemporary<br />
urban culture experienced<br />
by our children is an enigma that eludes<br />
the understanding of most individuals.<br />
Nevertheless, I possess the ability to<br />
engage with even the<br />
baddest child and<br />
facilitate their comprehension.<br />
Similarly, I<br />
can aid them<br />
in understanding<br />
the<br />
perspectives<br />
of the wealthiest children.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> has provided me<br />
with this capacity.<br />
MAWN: Wow! Seems<br />
clear that since you’ve been<br />
there, you can relate and<br />
your success and huge<br />
organization growth goes<br />
a long way to say others<br />
could follow your success.<br />
WJ: True, but<br />
the size of the<br />
institution holds no significance to me.<br />
Monetary wealth can be acquired effortlessly,<br />
but true wealth transcends financial<br />
means. True wealth manifests in the<br />
relationships we cultivate, the individuals<br />
who listen to us, and the impact we<br />
make in the world. When we depart from<br />
this realm, wealth and the assurance of<br />
true value. At one point, I despised my<br />
educators for what I perceived as their<br />
indifference towards me. Now, I cherish<br />
I might die on my dojo floor because of<br />
the love I have for teaching.<br />
my teachers, and I can contact Master<br />
Brown at any given time because he assumes<br />
the role of a father figure, extending<br />
beyond that of a martial arts instructor.<br />
I had to mature in order to recognize<br />
the blessings bestowed upon me.<br />
In addition, the most extraordinary<br />
aspect of martial arts emerges<br />
when it becomes monotonous,<br />
exasperating, and<br />
detestable, and we persist<br />
and arrive at the realization<br />
that it was<br />
not the art itself<br />
that was mundane.<br />
Instead,<br />
it was our own<br />
boredom that<br />
hindered us.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> arts<br />
represents<br />
an ongoing journey of self-discovery.<br />
This is the essence of Black Belt—it’s a<br />
new beginning, a platform for learning.<br />
MAWN: Your story is utterly captivating,<br />
serving as a profound motivation to<br />
transform martial arts into more than just<br />
a career, but rather a vocation that influences<br />
not only your own life but also the<br />
community and everyone around you.<br />
There seems to be some common traits<br />
among many individuals that have been<br />
highly successful in the martial arts<br />
industry, can you address that some?<br />
WJ: Yes, it is fascinating to observe<br />
how many of us in the martial arts that<br />
have managed to establish successful<br />
businesses have reached levels of success<br />
that might be considered unattainable.<br />
One thing is that a number of us<br />
have had personal struggles and past<br />
hardships that we had to rise above to<br />
find our path. Secondly, there has to be<br />
willingness to take personal responsibility<br />
for our failures and not simply dismiss<br />
or attribute them to societal factors,<br />
communal influence, upbringing, or any<br />
number of reasonable excuses. Another<br />
thing I have noticed in gaining significant<br />
money, there is the realization that<br />
it is not the ultimate goal. Money may<br />
serve as an indicator of certain things,<br />
but it does not express the fullness of<br />
our purpose. Wealth is far more important<br />
as I have said and that comes from<br />
putting first the things that enhance us<br />
as human beings.<br />
MAWN: Well said. Now, despite the<br />
challenging and enriching<br />
background<br />
you<br />
described,<br />
you also enjoyed<br />
an extraordinary<br />
career as a competitive<br />
martial artist at the highest<br />
level. Could you briefly elaborate on<br />
that journey and how you believe it has<br />
shaped your current path?<br />
WJ: Well, I must admit, I was once<br />
an egotistical natural athlete, going<br />
through that phase where you believe<br />
you’re the best person in the room<br />
and no one can defeat you. But<br />
I think it was necessary to go<br />
through some of that in order to<br />
44 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
Transform Your School<br />
Transform Your School<br />
with Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
The most successful martial arts<br />
business leader in the world<br />
Y. K. Kim<br />
• Author of a best seller<br />
and 14 other books<br />
• Producer, writer, director,<br />
and star of the action<br />
film Miami Connection<br />
• Publisher of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
<strong>World</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
• Motivational Speaker<br />
• Recipient of Y. K. Kim<br />
Day in Central Florida<br />
• Founder of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
<strong>World</strong><br />
• Chairman of a consulting<br />
company on marketing<br />
and software<br />
Meet Modern Educator and<br />
Contemporary Philosopher<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
Motivate Your Students<br />
• Unbreakable Student<br />
Loyalty<br />
• 100% Retention<br />
• Enduring Pride in Your<br />
School<br />
Boost Your School<br />
• Double your<br />
Enrollment<br />
• Double your Income<br />
• Build the #1 School<br />
in your town<br />
I Love to Promote the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> -- I will not<br />
charge even one penny. It is a small token of my<br />
appreciation to the martial arts industry, and my<br />
honor to pay back the debt of gratitude I owe to the<br />
martial arts community.<br />
Book Y. K. Kim at<br />
reach the point where we currently find<br />
ourselves. Wisdom cannot be attained<br />
without experiencing setbacks and<br />
defeats, acknowledging that there is<br />
always more to learn. In my early days,<br />
they called me the “Bus Boy” because<br />
I would enter these karate tournaments<br />
where I would have to travel on a threeday<br />
bus trip just to reach the venue.<br />
Since I couldn’t afford a hotel, I would<br />
compete at the Diamond Nationals, get<br />
eighth place, and immediately get back<br />
on the bus to return home. The first<br />
tournament I won, took place at Madison<br />
Square Garden during the prestigious<br />
Cho’s All American Championships.<br />
I hold a deep affection for New York.<br />
I competed in kung fu tournaments<br />
where I faced some of the best individuals<br />
in the city. I emerged victorious, and<br />
the experience was truly remarkable.<br />
Competing in those old-school events<br />
was intense because I sparred against<br />
renowned figures and watched and<br />
listened to others like Cynthia Rothrock<br />
and Billy Blanks. As the youngest competitor,<br />
I followed one rule and it played<br />
a significant role in my growth—whenever<br />
those guys were talking, I would<br />
shut up and listen attentively. I soaked<br />
up their wisdom, and it paid off when it<br />
was my turn to compete.<br />
Prior to my incarceration, I had<br />
already achieved remarkable success,<br />
winning world championships and being<br />
recognized as one of the top kung<br />
fu competitors in the world. When I<br />
came back I achieved even greater accomplishments<br />
than before. I won the<br />
<strong>World</strong> Championships in Germany and<br />
was honored with the Black Belt Hall<br />
of Fame title for Kung Fu Instructor of<br />
the Year in Baltimore. The accolades,<br />
though significant, are merely byproducts<br />
of my journey.<br />
MAWN: You certainly were at the top<br />
and it was well deserved. How has your<br />
journey impacted your instruction?<br />
WJ: The truth is, the ultimate joy for<br />
me lies in teaching. Seeing my students<br />
surpass anything I have ever achieved<br />
brings me immense happiness. When<br />
you visit my dojo, you’ll find me actively<br />
participating in every class—backflipping,<br />
rolling around, and joking with the<br />
parents. Teaching is what I truly love.<br />
I desired to be a champion more than<br />
anything else, but jail made me realize<br />
that I am a better teacher than I am a<br />
champion. I might die on my dojo floor<br />
because of the love I have for teaching.<br />
I enjoy people from all walks of life and I<br />
don’t get caught in racism.<br />
So the tournaments provided me with<br />
the opportunity to have mentors like<br />
Billy Blanks, who I can reach out to even<br />
now, and he reminds me of my purpose<br />
and helps me understand it. Wesley<br />
Snipes, Brandon Beliso, John Kokinos,<br />
and the list goes on. Knowing these<br />
individuals is the embodiment of true<br />
wealth. In the martial arts community,<br />
you can connect with people from many<br />
levels of economic backgrounds, but<br />
we’re still unified.<br />
My ultimate goal is to become a true<br />
representation of the joy of martial arts<br />
and pass it on to the next generation.<br />
I want the martial arts to evolve into<br />
something bigger and better than what<br />
it is today. The only way to bring this<br />
about is by focusing on passion rather<br />
than chasing money. As Damon John<br />
wisely advises, when you chase your<br />
passion, incredible things happen.<br />
I appreciate the significance of titles<br />
and tournaments, but what I truly cherish<br />
are the connections and camaraderie<br />
among like-minded individuals.<br />
Now when we’re together, we can be<br />
our authentic selves, cracking jokes,<br />
and simply being normal people. The<br />
tournaments provided me with that<br />
experience. I strive to instill that same<br />
spirit in my students and carry forward<br />
the legacy of those legendary figures.<br />
Through our creation of Point MMA, we<br />
aim to honor their contributions and<br />
preserve their memory.<br />
MAWN: Yes, the martial arts can be<br />
a wonderful community! Next, you have<br />
built a successful martial arts school<br />
where you teach children and families.<br />
What does the system of programs<br />
consist of and how is it serving your<br />
community?<br />
WJ: It has been a wonderful and challenging<br />
journey, but I always felt that<br />
there was more I could do to make a<br />
positive impact in the community. That’s<br />
where Point MMA comes into play. Point<br />
MMA is not just a martial arts program,<br />
it’s a mission-driven initiative.<br />
Part of this is the Complete <strong>Martial</strong><br />
Artist is my testimonial which I wrote to<br />
myself while I was in prison. What I’m<br />
doing with that is sharing with my students<br />
and parents is the self-discovery<br />
I hand and the things that I had learned<br />
from my experiences that would be able<br />
to help them through similar situations.<br />
It basically is not about a style, but<br />
more about the principles and values of<br />
martial arts for the whole mind, body,<br />
and spirit.<br />
Now with regard to Point MMA, its<br />
mission is to use martial arts as a catalyst<br />
for personal growth, empowerment,<br />
and social change. I would like to note<br />
that my wife Kimber Johnson is also the<br />
creator of that program, not just me. She<br />
just kind of remains behind the scenes,<br />
but I would not be able to do much of<br />
what we’re doing without her!<br />
At the time of its beginning, we were<br />
thinking about taking out sparring from<br />
our program because it seemed we<br />
were losing a lot of people over that,<br />
but that was mostly because of what<br />
was being seen in UFC. Sparring is<br />
essential to martial arts, but we didn’t<br />
think a child should be exposed to cage<br />
type fighting, so we made sure that the<br />
curriculum included an appropriate type<br />
of sparring. We believe that a complete<br />
46 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
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system of martial arts is a powerful tool<br />
in transforming lives and communities<br />
when it aims at instilling discipline, confidence,<br />
and respect in students while<br />
also addressing important social issues<br />
for the greater good.<br />
MAWN: That sounds great and<br />
beneficial. What are some of the key<br />
components to the program?<br />
WJ: The program goes beyond traditional<br />
martial arts training and incorporates<br />
fitness, self-defense, character<br />
development, and leadership skills. We<br />
want to develop well-rounded individuals<br />
who not only excel in martial arts but<br />
also become responsible and passionate<br />
members of society. The Point MMA<br />
program is not just about training individuals,<br />
it’s about making a difference<br />
on a larger scale. So we actively engage<br />
with the community and collaborate with<br />
other organizations to address social<br />
issues like bullying, violence prevention,<br />
and youth empowerment. We organize<br />
events, workshops, and seminars that<br />
promote positive values and provide<br />
tools for personal growth.<br />
In addition, we connect great martial<br />
artist names to our techniques, like<br />
Chuck Norris and Billy Blanks. So when<br />
the students do, “the Billy Blank’s<br />
technique,” or any other technique with<br />
a name attached to it, it gives them a<br />
sense of connection and inspiration. Because<br />
they don’t know who some of the<br />
people are, they google the name and<br />
find out about the person. Then they<br />
associate themselves with the greatness<br />
of martial arts legends and feel<br />
motivated to achieve those techniques.<br />
This became a way for us to honor the<br />
pioneers and legends of martial arts and<br />
keep their legacy alive.<br />
Our goal is to create a community of<br />
martial artists who are not only skilled<br />
fighters but also advocates for change.<br />
We want to inspire our students to use<br />
their martial arts training and the values<br />
they learn to make a positive impact in<br />
their own lives and the lives of others<br />
because Point MMA is not just a martial<br />
arts program. It’s a philosophy, a mission,<br />
and a movement. It encompasses<br />
the complete martial artist concept,<br />
community engagement, and a commitment<br />
to making a difference in<br />
the world through martial arts for<br />
all children, regardless of their<br />
background or financial situation.<br />
We wanted to create an inclusive<br />
platform where kids could learn<br />
and grow in a supportive environment.<br />
MAWN: The program actually<br />
reached a national level of awareness<br />
and success. What do you<br />
think about the success and its<br />
reach to the world?<br />
WJ: Yes it has been really successful.<br />
We managed to reach<br />
the second round of the reality<br />
television show Shark Tank and<br />
even made it to the cover of Black<br />
Belt <strong>Magazine</strong>. So the program was<br />
nationally recognized, but what I<br />
wanted to do was bring things back<br />
to the community. We wanted the program<br />
to be accessible to all kids so we came<br />
up the the new Kids Point MMA which<br />
focuses on teaching 37 essential skills for<br />
kids by kids. So we got a lot of help from<br />
other industry leaders to help us in the<br />
direction we should go in for the kids.<br />
We also had to recognize the importance<br />
of integrating martial arts with<br />
other sports and activities that kids are<br />
involved in. We don’t want to compete<br />
with football, soccer, or basketball.<br />
Instead, we want to complement and<br />
enhance their overall athleticism. Our<br />
martial arts can provide valuable physical<br />
and mental training that can benefit<br />
young athletes in any sport.<br />
This enables kids to practice the 37<br />
skills outside of the school, like a kid<br />
practicing with a basketball outside<br />
of the gym. <strong>Martial</strong> arts didn’t seem to<br />
have this outside of the school kind of<br />
training element for kids, where they<br />
could train and teach their friends<br />
through the phone, tablet or computer,<br />
so we created it with this intention as<br />
well. The idea of 37, was to connect it<br />
to the pop culture of the 37 chambers<br />
of the Shaolin temple found in classic<br />
movies, etc.<br />
Once again, we believe Point MMA<br />
is not just about competition or winning<br />
championships. It’s about building character,<br />
instilling confidence, and teaching<br />
life skills that will serve children well<br />
beyond the mat, but the appropriate<br />
kind of sparring develops more than<br />
just a champion in the ring. We want our<br />
students to become champions in their<br />
communities, schools, and personal<br />
lives. We believe that the principles of<br />
martial arts, such as discipline, respect,<br />
and perseverance, can positively impact<br />
every aspect of a child’s life. We believe<br />
in the power of mentorship and peerto-peer<br />
teaching, where older students<br />
can guide and inspire younger students.<br />
This creates a sense of responsibility,<br />
leadership, and a deeper connection<br />
within the martial arts community. That’s<br />
the true essence and purpose of Point<br />
MMA and our Kids Point MMA program.<br />
MAWN: You have done a great job<br />
with this program, but it became even<br />
bigger than Point MMA. Can you explain<br />
a little bit more about the certification<br />
program in the Complete <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
system that also allows each student<br />
to learn how to teach martial arts in a<br />
structured environment with supervision?<br />
Also, please briefly explain about<br />
the 1 Million Scholarship Fund?<br />
WJ: That’s a great question. First, the<br />
Complete <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> certification program<br />
equips individuals with the necessary<br />
skills and knowledge to effectively<br />
share our martial arts training curriculum<br />
with others. As mentioned, it’s not just<br />
about learning techniques, but also<br />
48 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
We provide integrity-based coaching and<br />
community resources to busy martial arts<br />
school owners that save you time and<br />
grow your business.<br />
about understanding the principles and<br />
values of martial arts and enables us to<br />
reach into the community by offering<br />
opportunities for individuals to become<br />
certified instructors. It’s about teens<br />
being able to mentor younger kids positively.<br />
This brings the benefits of martial<br />
arts to more people and empowers<br />
them to become leaders and instructors<br />
within their own communities. By training<br />
instructors passionate about martial<br />
arts, they make a positive impact and<br />
create a ripple effect to spread the values<br />
and teachings of martial arts further<br />
and wider.<br />
Additionally, we have established<br />
the 1 Million Scholarship Fund as part<br />
of our commitment to providing access<br />
to martial arts for children who may not<br />
have the financial means to participate.<br />
This scholarship fund aims to support<br />
deserving children who show potential<br />
and dedication to martial arts but may<br />
face financial barriers. By removing the<br />
financial obstacle, we can ensure that<br />
more children have the opportunity to<br />
experience the transformative power of<br />
martial arts and benefit from its positive<br />
influence.<br />
The combination of the certification<br />
program, outreach into the community,<br />
and the 1 Million Scholarship Fund work<br />
together to serve our mission of making<br />
martial arts accessible and impactful<br />
for everyone. Through these<br />
programs, we strive to create<br />
a positive and inclusive<br />
environment where individuals<br />
from all walks of life can<br />
participate and thrive in<br />
martial arts.<br />
Once again, our ultimate<br />
goal is to inspire and empower<br />
individuals to become<br />
champions in their own lives<br />
and make a difference in<br />
their communities. By providing<br />
the tools, resources, and<br />
opportunities for personal<br />
and professional growth,<br />
we aim to create a lasting<br />
impact that goes beyond the<br />
confines of the martial arts<br />
school. We want to contribute<br />
to the improvement of<br />
society by developing strong<br />
individuals who embody the values of<br />
martial arts and positively influence<br />
those around them.<br />
MAWN: This is a well thought out all<br />
inclusive program for your community.<br />
Can you expand a bit more of the impact<br />
on teenagers and younger students being<br />
mentored by them?<br />
WJ: Another excellent question. So,<br />
as the teenagers progress and become<br />
squad team members, we want to harness<br />
their potential and the skills they<br />
have developed to make a positive<br />
impact in their communities. One of our<br />
objectives is to provide opportunities for<br />
teenagers to become mentors and instructors<br />
themselves. By doing so, they<br />
not only enhance their own martial arts<br />
skills and leadership abilities but also<br />
become role models for younger children.<br />
They can pass on their knowledge,<br />
teach the 37 skills, and instill the values<br />
and principles of martial arts in the next<br />
generation.<br />
This mentorship program helps<br />
bridge the gap between teenagers and<br />
younger kids, allowing them to connect,<br />
learn from each other, and grow<br />
together. It fosters a sense of unity and<br />
camaraderie within our martial arts community.<br />
Through this process, the teenagers<br />
who have experienced personal<br />
challenges and growth can now use<br />
their own journey as a source of inspiration<br />
and guidance for others.<br />
Ultimately, our aim is to provide a<br />
platform for teenagers to transform their<br />
own lives and the lives of others through<br />
martial arts. By recognizing their potential<br />
and providing them with the tools<br />
and opportunities to lead, we contribute<br />
to their personal development, build<br />
character, and instill a sense of purpose.<br />
Together, we can create a community<br />
where everyone can thrive and make a<br />
positive difference.<br />
We understand the importance of<br />
creating an environment that caters<br />
to their evolving needs and interests.<br />
We want to provide them with a space<br />
where they can express themselves,<br />
find their own unique path within martial<br />
arts, and even explore entrepreneurial<br />
opportunities. We want to show them<br />
that martial arts can be a lifelong pursuit<br />
that goes beyond just training and competition.<br />
By empowering teenagers to have<br />
ownership over their martial arts journey,<br />
we can retain their interest and<br />
engagement during this crucial phase of<br />
their lives. We encourage their creativity,<br />
support their goals, and guide them<br />
towards realizing their full potential.<br />
Whether it’s through developing their<br />
own training programs, organizing<br />
events, or exploring business opportunities<br />
within the martial arts industry, we<br />
want to nurture their entrepreneurial<br />
spirit and help them succeed.<br />
In essence, our mission is to provide<br />
teenagers with the tools, resources, and<br />
mentorship they need to navigate this<br />
transformative stage of life while staying<br />
connected to the values and principles<br />
of martial arts. By doing so, we can help<br />
them build a strong foundation for success,<br />
both on and off the mat. Together,<br />
we can create a martial arts community<br />
that supports teenagers in realizing their<br />
potential, embracing their individuality,<br />
and making a positive impact in the<br />
world around them.<br />
MAWN: This is a wonderful and<br />
impactful program for the community<br />
and spread of the martial arts culture.<br />
Thank you for sharing your experience<br />
and knowledge with our readers.<br />
50 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
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Reach For The Stars with Master Alirezael:<br />
Star Brazilian Jiujitsu<br />
is the owner and head coach of Star Brazilian Jiujitsu<br />
(BJJ). He is a Pan American Brazilian Jiujitsu Champion<br />
(Gi and No GI), <strong>World</strong> Sambo Champion, and a National<br />
Champion in wrestling. Starr BJJ hosts classes in<br />
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, American<br />
Boxing, Wrestling, MMA, and Children’s BJJ where<br />
students are taught to strive to reach for the stars.<br />
MAWN: How long has your school been in business and what<br />
are the enrollment numbers?<br />
YA: Star Jiujitsu has been in business for 17 years. The average<br />
enrollment at our school is 150–170 students, with a current enrollment<br />
of 170.<br />
MAWN: What is the major contribution that your school is bringing<br />
to your community?<br />
YA: I used to be on the National Level Wrestling Team back<br />
home when I resided in Iran. Back then, people would find out<br />
about me because I had a very strong wrestling background:<br />
working with wrestlers, and helping with high school wrestling. So I<br />
started martial arts and Jiu-Jitsu because I was teaching wrestling,<br />
and then because of wrestling I kind of moved to Jiu-jitsu.<br />
MAWN: What are the most significant programs you provide<br />
and their benefits to participants?<br />
YA: The highlight of my day is the kids program. I especially<br />
enjoy working with kids who are acting out. I love to work with<br />
them because, obviously, martial arts is such a positive way to<br />
bring them peace. I have a bunch of examples of students who<br />
were literally getting up from the middle of the school class and<br />
just running away into the hallway. Now after some time with us,<br />
they’ve got smiley faces. I work with them to see a change in<br />
their attitude.<br />
MAWN: What has been your experience with trying to promote<br />
your school?<br />
YA: In the beginning, I would say I did not have much success.<br />
Although my numbers are not that bad, I did not have much<br />
success with advertising. Over the years, I have done a bunch<br />
of Facebook and Instagram ads. I promoted at the gym and with<br />
some at-home flyers.<br />
Once I hired a company for 4 months to help out and they<br />
promised me 30 students in one month after the initial $500 start<br />
up fee. Now, I’ve been in business long enough to know that they<br />
all will say everything and anything to you to get your business.<br />
They put a bunch of ads on Facebook and Instagram resulting in<br />
few leads, but unfortunately nobody signed up, so I spent 4k or 5k<br />
with no results.<br />
MAWN: So now, what is your process for student acquisition?<br />
YA: I have found that word of mouth promotion works the best.<br />
I get most of my students from the internet. Basically, they just<br />
search for Jiu-Jitsu or martial arts and then they find me. They<br />
visit the school and I let them try a few lessons so they can see<br />
the value.<br />
MAWN: Do you have a lead generating website and what<br />
about it has been most productive regarding leads?<br />
YA: Yes, I have an Amazing <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Website as part of the<br />
ATLAS management system. It has been generating 7 to 10 new<br />
enrollments from around 30 leads each month.<br />
MAWN: So you use ATLAS and what features are providing the<br />
best benefits for running your school more efficiently?<br />
YA: Yes, I use ATLAS which coordinates with the website for<br />
follow up leads.<br />
I do it myself by simply sending an email and giving a call,<br />
then I use the automation in the ATLAS system. I get leads every<br />
time. The email gets sent to me, and I reply to that. I call them<br />
and also I reply with an email, and then I follow up with them in a<br />
week or so. Whatever offer we’re doing at the time, I just follow<br />
up on every lead.<br />
MAWN: What advice do you have for other martial arts school<br />
owners for having business for having success in business?<br />
YA: My advice for other schools is just to create a very friendly<br />
atmosphere, because, especially in a sport like Jiu-Jitsu, which<br />
we teach, which is kind of rough. People have to feel extremely<br />
comfortable, and not be afraid to come in, and that’s where I<br />
come in. I just make sure they have a great time and make sure<br />
they know everybody is their friend. That’s what works for me. I<br />
also let them know this is not a gym where people are trying to<br />
beat you up.<br />
54 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
See<br />
What You’re<br />
Missing<br />
Every Month<br />
Everything You’ll Ever Need to<br />
Market Your <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School!<br /><br />
Which Easy Promotion Could<br />
Help You Open 12 Locations?<br />
25-year industry vet Master Do Hyun Chang reveals the one simple promotion that<br />
has skyrocketed his schools’ profits.<br />
MAWN: What market do you teach?<br />
DC: I’m located in Cary, North Carolina, and I teach primarily<br />
families.<br />
MAWN: What year did you open your school?<br />
DC: 1995.<br />
MAWN: Which martial arts styles do you teach?<br />
DC: Taekwondo only.<br />
MAWN: How many active students do you teach?<br />
DC: I have 12 locations, 2,500 students total, and 200 per<br />
school on average.<br />
MAWN: What do you consider your schools’ strengths?<br />
DC: We have eight kinds of rotations. We have a warming-up<br />
system where we rotate every two weeks for 15 minutes (a fourmonth<br />
circuit). We also rotate action (targets, etc., with music).<br />
Instructors and kids love it because they never get bored.<br />
MAWN: Do you have a Black Belt Club/Master Club/Leadership<br />
Program? If so, could you describe how that works?<br />
DC: We have a tuition-based Leadership Team for teenagers for<br />
$270 per month. We teach them how to understand and motivate<br />
others and students. We take our future staff through this program<br />
to invest time in our own staff. I teach most of the classes myself<br />
among the 12 locations so I also teach them how to run a school,<br />
focusing on finding good leaders and developing them more<br />
widely and deeply. My program is detail oriented to try to prevent<br />
students from burning out due to their lack of time management.<br />
It also develops and identifies their strengths like personality and<br />
intelligence. We spend a couple months on finding strengths.<br />
MAWN: Can you mention a few benefits that having a management<br />
system brings to your business?<br />
DC: It’s improved our relationship with our students, and our<br />
financial management, by not having to take a one-time payment.<br />
Our number one school uses nearly all of the tools.<br />
MAWN: What have been your most successful marketing systems,<br />
promotions, or strategies over the last year?<br />
DC: Birthday parties gain us two new enrollments on average.<br />
We had nine parties last week. If a student brings five or ten<br />
friends, four or five will sign up for a trial. We also sign kids up for a<br />
birthday party when they sign up for their trial. They book on their<br />
first time coming through our door. We’re fully booked with parties<br />
every single weekend. We have a disco ball, DJ booth, and a great<br />
sound system. The kids love it. It’s our biggest marketing strategy.<br />
MAWN: Why are you running multiple schools and expanding?<br />
DC: I want to be a good influence and help others develop life<br />
skills. I wanted to give back. Many of my staff and instructors were<br />
my students and they needed a secure job and money, but I had<br />
more staff than locations. It also makes good revenue; some of my<br />
staff is making more than $100,000 per year. We have no contract<br />
except for a non-compete. We also have a bonus program where<br />
they earn extra money for having over 200 students or $1 million in<br />
income a year in addition to a cut of our profits.<br />
56 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
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Creating Your School Owners<br />
To-Do List<br />
by Hanshi Dave Kovar<br />
In the martial arts industry, it can be easy to feel like there is way too much on the todo<br />
list. Sometimes things can stack up and even the most organized people can get<br />
a little overwhelmed. Whenever this happens to me, I do an exercise I call “Plan, Act,<br />
Review, Renew.”<br />
This is a great exercise for martial arts school owners<br />
and instructors for identifying top priorities and getting them<br />
accomplished.<br />
Here’s how it works:<br />
1. Plan. Write down 10 things or tasks you<br />
would like to get done in your martial arts<br />
school. Don’t take any more than five minutes<br />
to do this. Write down even the most outrageous<br />
ideas that might pop in your head.<br />
Next, prioritize, in order of importance,<br />
everything you wrote down, using a number<br />
one for the highest priority items through 10<br />
for the least important. You need to have<br />
two or three priority one items. Go<br />
ahead and rewrite all of the priority<br />
one items on a separate piece<br />
of paper.<br />
2. Action. Your assignments<br />
for the next week are<br />
to make a plan of action<br />
for all of your number one<br />
priorities and take the first<br />
steps toward accomplishing<br />
these goals.<br />
3. Review. At the end of the<br />
week, take some time out of<br />
your day to look over your plan<br />
and acknowledge everything you accomplished. It helps to do this<br />
with your team so you can all hold each other accountable to your<br />
to-do lists. Set up a time to review your progress on a regular basis<br />
(maybe during your staff meeting) so you can stay on track.<br />
4. Renew. The final step is to renew your goals. Look over your<br />
original list every so often and re-prioritize. Are all 10 items still<br />
important? Have any been fully accomplished. If you decide one<br />
of your goals isn’t as important as it used to be, put it lower on the<br />
list. If it has been achieved, cross it off the list and start back at the<br />
planning step.<br />
HANSHI DAVE KOVAR is an 8th degree black belt and recognized as the “Trainer of Trainers.” Hanshi<br />
Dave Kovar is an internationally acclaimed instructor with black belt degrees in ten different martial arts styles. His<br />
systems have been implemented in hundreds of schools around the US.<br />
58 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by Andres Victorero
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Public Speaking for<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> Artists (Part 1)<br />
by Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br />
This article supports martial artists in the growth and development<br />
of their martial arts programs to become better speakers<br />
and presenters.<br />
When was the last time you had to speak in front of a crowd?<br />
Perhaps you’re a martial arts instructor or school manager, and<br />
talking to a crowd or enrolling students is second nature. But, on<br />
the other hand, maybe you’re already a part of that group, aspiring<br />
to be a leader.<br />
Regardless of whether you’re used to speaking, it’s no<br />
secret that becoming a confident and skilled speaker isn’t<br />
only a necessary part of strong leadership. In many situations,<br />
it’s also an opportunity for you to earn money by<br />
spreading a message you care about. So let’s<br />
look at the path to public speaking and how to<br />
become a public speaker.<br />
My success at running a martial arts school<br />
for over 38 years and expanding that success<br />
into other opportunities has afforded<br />
me the opportunities to grow and develop a<br />
public speaking platform. I attribute this to my<br />
martial arts instructor, Jan Wellendorf, author<br />
and founder of Karate International of<br />
North Carolina.<br />
I began my teaching<br />
career as a martial arts<br />
instructor at the rank<br />
of greenbelt. I was<br />
21 years old, and I<br />
did not have a lot<br />
of life experience.<br />
The first night I<br />
was given the opportunity<br />
to lead<br />
the class, I stood<br />
there as everybody<br />
was looking and waiting for me to give the first command,<br />
but nothing would come out of my mouth. So I went to my instructor’s<br />
office as he was sitting there waiting for me, and I told him,<br />
“ Sir, I can’t do this. “ He said yes, you can. He gave me a manual<br />
that he had developed for his instructor program. It was called the<br />
Methodology of Teaching.<br />
I took the material, studied it, and came back the next day,<br />
and it wasn’t that much better. If I mispronounced a word or my<br />
grammar wasn’t correct after class, he would call me to the office<br />
and correct it. I know that many of you would say you would have<br />
walked out of his school and never returned. But those lessons<br />
and the discipline of returning to receive the corrections changed<br />
my life. In 2 1/2 years, I had my own karate franchise. I became<br />
the martial arts instructor at Duke University, a former sports<br />
coordinator for the US Olympic Committee, developed hundreds<br />
of students to the rank of black belt, a seminar facilitator for the<br />
world-renowned Silver Method training program, and a corporate<br />
educator for Duke Corporate Education traveling the world speaking<br />
the companies such as Nike, Raytheon, Swiss Re, Coca Cola,<br />
American Express, and others. I said all of that to say that when<br />
you become consciously aware of your speech and learn how to<br />
be an effective communicator, the doors of opportunity will open<br />
for you.<br />
Don’t leave it to chance. Instead, create a system of<br />
consistency.<br />
One of the biggest mistakes most martial arts school owners<br />
make is not understanding the telephone’s perceived value.<br />
The first words out of your mouth will “make it” or “break it” as to<br />
whether the person makes an appointment to attend your class.<br />
When a potential client calls to gain information about your martial<br />
arts program, it provides you with the opportunity to impress them<br />
through your voice and the words you speak to make an appointment<br />
and pursue you as a teacher.<br />
Contact Jessie Bowen or subscribe to his online training class if<br />
you need support.<br />
GRANDMASTER JESSIE BOWEN is president of Karate International of Durham, Inc., a member of the<br />
American <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Association Sport Karate League and Hall of Fame, and has been a member of the Duke University<br />
PE Staff for over 25 years. He is the author of Zen Mind-Body Mindfulness Meditation and Zen Mind-Body Mindfulness<br />
Meditation for <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>, as well as several other books, programs, and audio CDs on meditation and success training.<br />
60 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
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Optimizing Advertising<br />
Strategies: Google Vs. Facebook<br />
and Instagram<br />
by Mr. Sean Lee<br />
Let’s discuss the differences between Facebook, Instagram, and Google<br />
advertisements. Each platform targets different audiences.<br />
With Facebook and Instagram ads you can pinpoint a market<br />
based on user demographics through the platforms’ marketing<br />
tools. An example might be to send your promotions to parents<br />
with children between the ages of four and seventeen with a<br />
certain income range and location. In this case, not all of these<br />
individuals may currently be interested in martial arts training, but<br />
some of them could potentially be your target audience.<br />
On the other hand, Google search advertisements allow you<br />
to target people with similar interests, like parents with young<br />
children or individuals interested in martial arts and self-defense.<br />
However, the main difference lies in the nature of<br />
searches. Unlike Facebook and Instagram, where<br />
ads are displayed to users, Google cannot make<br />
people search for specific terms. Although<br />
Google provides options like promotional<br />
emails and affiliated websites, they have<br />
limitations. People tend to search on Google<br />
when they have some specific query or need,<br />
rather than casually browsing. In contrast, social<br />
media channels like Facebook and Instagram<br />
are commonly used for entertainment and<br />
socializing, resulting in users spending more<br />
time on these platforms. Consequently,<br />
ads on social media channels<br />
can be exposed to users more<br />
frequently than on Google.<br />
However, there is an important<br />
caveat. If someone<br />
searches for martial arts and<br />
your school appears on the<br />
first page or within the top results, either organically or through<br />
paid SEO efforts, there is a higher likelihood that they will click<br />
on your link and potentially sign up for a trial lesson. Therefore,<br />
Google search or Google advertisements tend to attract more<br />
qualified leads compared to Facebook and Instagram. While the<br />
latter platforms may indicate some level of interest in martial arts<br />
training, they might not be actively interested or fully aware of<br />
what’s involved. As a result, the opt-in rate for Facebook and Instagram<br />
ads can be lower, sometimes significantly lower, than that of<br />
Google advertisements. With this being the case, you have a better<br />
ratio of browsers showing up and converting into students at your<br />
school through google ads because they are already interested.<br />
Many of our customers who use our advertising services often<br />
ask which channel they should utilize. My recommendation is to<br />
use both channels, but emphasize Google. While Facebook and<br />
Instagram can generate higher lead numbers, it doesn’t necessarily<br />
mean that these leads are qualified or will enroll in your school.<br />
It’s common to see a situation where, out of 60 or 70 opt-ins in a<br />
couple of weeks, only half of them respond to follow-up calls. This<br />
is the nature of social media advertising. Therefore, it’s important<br />
to understand these dynamics. Additionally, it’s crucial to utilize<br />
other channels like flyers, door hangers, or even phone messages<br />
to maximize your reach. Every channel should be utilized because,<br />
ultimately, our goal is to increase the number of students<br />
in your school rather than focusing on conversion percentages.<br />
In summary, these are the differences between Google<br />
advertisements and Facebook/Instagram social media advertisements.<br />
It’s essential to have a comprehensive marketing strategy<br />
that incorporates various channels to achieve the desired student<br />
body numbers.<br />
SEAN LEE is the Executive Director of Sales and Marketing for hundreds of martial arts schools<br />
and specializes in online and social media marketing using his extensive professional experience in<br />
sports and martial arts marketing, contract negotiation, and investment.<br />
62 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
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Finding The Gift<br />
of Living Masterfully<br />
by An-Shu Stephen Hayes<br />
Developing real martial arts skill is not a quick-stick tack-on, but rather a<br />
deep-seeded accumulation.<br />
You have to learn good lessons and then repeat<br />
those over and over to make a part of you the new<br />
insights and ways of being.<br />
Make a point of sharing with everyone who enrolls<br />
alongside you in your martial arts training hall your stories<br />
of how practice has shaped and sharpened your life.<br />
Encourage all newcomers to look beyond the minutes<br />
of each class to the months and years needed<br />
to cultivate the deepest benefits of your<br />
shared martial art practice.<br />
As a seeker in a good and worthwhile<br />
martial arts dojo, you get to<br />
learn that:<br />
1. Most things are achievable,<br />
if you clearly state your goal, hold<br />
to the belief that you are worthy<br />
of succeeding at that goal, and just refuse<br />
to give up. Sure, one person in millions might<br />
win a lottery, but success rarely floats down<br />
as a surprise gift. Progress in the personal development<br />
needed to blossom into the person<br />
you were meant to be takes work<br />
and time because you are<br />
changing who you are and<br />
how the world is.<br />
2. What you<br />
enrolled for is not<br />
achieved in a<br />
class — or even a<br />
month of classes.<br />
The real power<br />
of martial arts<br />
training emerges when approached as a life-practice. Vibrant wellbeing<br />
is not derived from a single careful meal each week. Health<br />
restorative benefits of sleep are not achieved with one good night<br />
of deep, restful sleep on a weekend. Yes, you can certainly attend<br />
a few classes in the dojo to check out how it feels to train, but once<br />
committed training seriously begins, you must understand that<br />
nothing happens without long-term consistent focused effort.<br />
3. The most valuable lessons learned from years of martial<br />
arts practice are not immediately obvious. A powerful deep<br />
knowing, way under the surface and so hard to name and define<br />
before you get there and experience it, builds with sincere life-long<br />
practice of the martial arts. In a worthwhile martial arts school, you<br />
not only become a master of your martial technique, you become a<br />
master of living fully and authentically.<br />
4. And… This study’s benefits are way broader and deeper than<br />
you ever imagined when first enrolling.<br />
AN-SHU STEPHEN HAYES has authored more than 20 books, worked as a body guard for the Dali<br />
Lama, supervised over 30 school locations worldwide, and was named “A legend; one of the 10 most influential<br />
living martial artists in the world” by Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
64 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by BrianAJackson
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<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4 65
The Difference Between<br />
Babysitting and<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Education<br />
by Grandmaster Mike Bugg<br />
What is the difference between<br />
babysitting and a real school?<br />
Two things: attitude and content.<br />
Like everything else, your attitude controls your altitude. If you<br />
have the right attitude, you can soar with the eagles. If you have<br />
the wrong attitude, you may end up sleeping with the fishes.<br />
In a martial art school, the attitude must be CARE. If you care<br />
about your students, you will find or create a quality educational<br />
program. If you don’t care, you might as well be babysitting.<br />
What is a quality educational program? One that teaches<br />
real martial arts values, like honesty, integrity, perseverance, and<br />
leadership.<br />
Some school owners have started an after-school<br />
program because they’ve heard they can make a lot of<br />
money. If they take the easy way out by throwing out<br />
a ball and saying, “Everyone, play dodgeball!” I can<br />
understand that the screaming and chaos might<br />
make this instructor feel like a babysitter. After all,<br />
what is he teaching?<br />
Other school owners have an organized,<br />
quality educational program where students, the<br />
parents, and the instructors all know exactly what<br />
is being taught.<br />
Personally, I love to teach adults, but I also<br />
love to teach children because they will be the<br />
future leaders. In our modern society, there<br />
are too many children in desperate need<br />
of the martial arts because they come<br />
from broken homes. My instructors and<br />
I can spend more time with these students<br />
if they come to our after school<br />
program than if they come to our night time program. The only<br />
challenge is where to get enough high-quality activities to utilize all<br />
of this time.<br />
The AMS Kids monthly support pack makes all the difference in<br />
the world. It is written by martial arts educators, and the activities<br />
are designed hour-by-hour and day-by-day to develop a balanced<br />
child. During the school day they learn reading, math, history, and<br />
science. In the AMS Kids After School Program they learn physical<br />
fitness, mental fitness, and moral fitness.<br />
In addition, the AMS Kids program gives my school financial<br />
security for my adult programs. Most important of all, it helps me<br />
develop future leaders for my community.<br />
You see, I am fortunate to have been teaching martial arts long<br />
enough to have some of my former children and teen students as<br />
CEOs of our branch schools today. I fully expect these leaders of<br />
today to surpass me because the teaching tools I had are much<br />
better than the teaching tools available when I was coming up<br />
through the ranks.<br />
If you want to be a real martial arts educator, you already have<br />
the attitude, so all you need are the tools. With the AMS Kids program,<br />
you can soar with the eagles.<br />
GRANDMASTER MIKE BUGG is an 8th degree black belt and the owner of a $1.52 million-peryear<br />
location, with one of the largest after school and summer camp programs in the country.<br />
66 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by JackF
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Speak Like Successful People!<br />
by Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
The way you speak about yourself and others is so crucial, that it can ruin all your<br />
dreams, or make your lifetime special. Do not speak indulgently, without regard for<br />
feeling: Embarrassing or hurtful words will never be appealing. When your words<br />
are rational they might attract the mind, but self-interest will cause doubt, no<br />
matter how refined. When you speak from principle, others will reflect;<br />
you will build relationships and earn yourself respect<br />
Successful People have a<br />
Successful Communication<br />
Mindset<br />
Speak with C.C.U.L, and your third<br />
mouth (your heart). You can even save<br />
people’s lives. On top of that, you can turn<br />
obstacles into stepping-stones. (Meaning of<br />
C.C.U.L - Choose the right word carefully,<br />
Control your tone of voice, Use the<br />
proper body language, and make<br />
this one more choice: Listen<br />
with sincerity with all three<br />
ears,and you can become<br />
popular with all your<br />
peers!)<br />
Speak positively:<br />
Speak about possibilities<br />
and big hopes;<br />
motivate, recognize,<br />
and admire others<br />
with respect and<br />
care, and talk about<br />
future dreams and<br />
goals. You can open<br />
the door to opportunities.<br />
Speak wisely: Speak<br />
about why (problems) and how (solutions) while understanding<br />
others’ situations. You can even turn negative into positive.<br />
Speak sincerely: Speak truthfully based on principles, and you<br />
will earn trust and respect. You can build reliable networks.<br />
Speak positively, wisely, and sincerely with C.C.U.L. You can<br />
create an unlimited future.<br />
Failures Have a Poor Communication Mindset<br />
Speak negatively, carelessly, stupidly, unfairly, or arrogantly<br />
with your first mouth, and you will offer excuses, rude comments,<br />
and bad mouth others. On top of that, you will speak indulgently<br />
in any situation. You will confuse and irritate other people. You will<br />
break many relationships and close the door to opportunity both<br />
personally and professionally. You will limit yourself and block your<br />
own successful future.<br />
Can you speak like successful people?<br />
1. Intentionally speak positively, wisely, and sincerely with<br />
C.C.U.L until you speak like successful people.<br />
2. Intentionally put yourself in other people’s shoes, until it becomes<br />
second nature.<br />
3. Practice The 5 Pillars of True Success until it becomes a habit,<br />
which will empower you to speak like successful people.<br />
*This is an excerpt from the book The Five Pillars of True Success<br />
in the section on The Top 10 Successful Habits.<br />
GRANDMASTER Y. K. KIM is the most successful martial arts business leader in the US, having written<br />
over 30 books on martial arts, business, leadership, and success. He has won numerous public service<br />
awards and is the founder of the leading martial arts marketing and management company in the US.<br />
68 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
The Best Seller!<br />
Transform your life and<br />
create a successful future with<br />
The 5 Pillars of True Success!<br />
A NEW Paradigm for Modern Success!<br />
1st Pillar: Fight for your body – practice the 4<br />
wheels of physical fitness, so you can do anything<br />
you set your mind to do.<br />
2nd Pillar: Fight for your mind – earn mental<br />
fitness through self-education and self-discipline,<br />
so you can be whatever you want to be.<br />
3rd Pillar: Fight for your heart – believe in yourself<br />
to develop the moral fitness to turn obstacles into<br />
stepping stones, so you can have a winning spirit.<br />
Audio Book<br />
4th Pillar: Fight for your finances – develop<br />
financial fitness to create financial freedom, so you<br />
can have everything you want to have.<br />
5th Pillar: Fight for your life – develop the 7 kinds<br />
of modern leadership to build life fitness, so you<br />
can live the life you’ve always dreamed of.<br />
Embrace The 5 Pillars of True Success to be<br />
healthier, wiser, more confident, wealthier, and<br />
happier. You will create a successful future.<br />
E-Book<br />
AS A BONUS, The 5 Powers of Self-Defense and<br />
The Top 10 Successful Habits will change your life.<br /><br />
Modern Success is Your Choice!
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15 Gym Myth That School<br />
Owners Should Know (Part 1)<br />
by Grandmaster Zufi Ahmed<br />
Every year, around September or October we lose some teenagers from our martial<br />
art programmes to the lure of the gym.<br />
The usual explanation is that they want to go to the gym with<br />
their mates and weight train, despite the fact that the majority of<br />
them have earned their current peak physical conditioning through<br />
our training, they have been exposed to some myth or fad that<br />
promises them an instant fix. Massive arms, chest or abs etc.<br />
Now as I also train in the gym, I know the truth. Instead of 50<br />
minutes of intense physical exercise where they are pushed to<br />
their maximum, 10 or so teens bundle into the gym and tie up the<br />
bench press, lift with poor technique, take selfies of their<br />
abs in the mirrors, get injured and worst of all spend<br />
most of the time chatting. And they think they are<br />
going to be like Arnold?!<br />
Invariably they are convinced that there is<br />
some quick fix or trick which is going to make<br />
them huge, so whilst not attempting to rain<br />
on your parade here are some of these myths<br />
busted by with some<br />
<strong>News</strong> Flashes from yours truly.<br />
Myth #1: Light Weights & High Reps Increase<br />
Muscular Definition Performing high repetitions with<br />
light weights increases muscular endurance,<br />
but does not increase muscular definition.<br />
Following a healthy nutrition plan and<br />
performing cardiovascular exercise<br />
increases muscular definition. This is<br />
what you get in a <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Class<br />
Myth #2: Spot Reducing Fat<br />
Training a specific muscle group to<br />
spot reduce the fat surrounding it<br />
is just not possible. Fat is burned<br />
through cardiovascular exercise<br />
and proper dieting. Doing a set of crunches doesn’t burn the fat<br />
around the stomach. However, martial art training burns the fat<br />
throughout the entire body, including the stomach. Also, following<br />
a proper nutrition plan helps reduce the fat around the stomach<br />
and throughout the entire body. Here you will have easy access<br />
to the best cardio methods for fat loss, general health, endurance<br />
and how to make this seemingly boring activity fun and exciting!<br />
Myth #3: Training Abs Reduces Stomach Size Training the<br />
abdominals does not reduce stomach size. In fact, too much abdominal<br />
training could actually make the stomach bigger. The abs<br />
are muscles and grow as they are trained. Training the abs two to<br />
three times a week is more than enough. Keep in mind that the abs<br />
are also trained when performing many compound exercises such<br />
as squats and deadlifts, so you don’t want to train them too much.<br />
Myth #4: More Training Always Equals More Muscle Working<br />
out each muscle group too many times a week can lead to overtraining<br />
and a loss in muscle. If you are in an overtraining state, you<br />
must allow your body to recover for quite some time before getting<br />
back to regular training, in order for the body to fully recuperate<br />
and get back to normal. Being in an overtraining state and not<br />
allowing your body to recover for prolonged periods can lead to<br />
many severe symptoms, including: It is during the recovery period<br />
that your muscles grow, so not allowing them enough time to recover<br />
prevents muscular growth and could actually result in a loss<br />
of muscle, along with many of the symptoms mentioned above.<br />
Myth #5: Cardio Should Only Be Performed When Trying To<br />
Lose Fat Cardiovascular exercise should always be integrated in a<br />
workout regimen, whether or not you’re trying to lose fat. The only<br />
difference is the amount of cardio performed. If you are trying to<br />
lose fat, then there should be an increase in cardio. If fat loss is not<br />
your goal, then you should perform cardio a few times per week.<br />
GRANDMASTER ZULFI AHMED has amassed acclaim as a world-class competitor, martial<br />
arts educator, and is most notably founder and designer of the internationally renowned style, Bushi Ban.<br />
With over 45 years of martial arts experience and over 300 martial arts awards, his schools include ten<br />
locations across Texas.<br />
72 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
Join a Winning Team!<br />
W Want a Truly Inspiring Career?<br />
W Want to Join a Growing, Creative, Vibrant Organization?<br />
W Want to Help Make the <strong>World</strong> a Better Place<br />
by Expanding the Reach of the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>?<br />
If So, We Want to Meet You!<br />
We’re Expanding Our Teams!<br />
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• Software Engineers<br />
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Benefits:<br />
• Competitive Pay<br />
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• Paid Vacation<br />
• Insurance Options<br />
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• and More!<br />
Everything is Negotiable (Part 1)<br />
by Grandmaster Stephen Oliver<br />
Just assume that anything that you need to buy, paying a monthly payment on or<br />
owe is negotiable. Clearly, some things are more difficult to negotiate than others, but<br />
ultimately, just about anything can be negotiated.<br />
Example: Did you sign a five- or ten-year lease when you<br />
opened — perhaps with stars in your eyes? It looked like the<br />
greatest thing ever. Suddenly a couple of years later, the payment<br />
begins to look like the national debt.<br />
Well, start by taking a look at your situation from the other side<br />
of the table.<br />
Does your owner have a full center and a waiting list to get in at<br />
20% more than you are paying? In that case, it might be real easy<br />
to sublet, or just be excused from your lease, so<br />
that the owner can shift to a “more substantial”<br />
client with an even higher lease payment.<br />
If you were in that owner’s place,<br />
wouldn’t you be in a huge hurry to<br />
release a tenant at a lower rate and then<br />
re-lease to a higher paying tenant, and<br />
possibly even to a national credit tenant?<br />
Discuss the situation with the owner<br />
or a realtor. Look for alternative space that<br />
is either smaller or leases at a lower amount<br />
per foot, or both. Sometimes<br />
it’s also possible to move<br />
within the same center to a<br />
smaller space, or to a less<br />
desirable space. Either<br />
way, this lowers your<br />
monthly outlay.<br />
Or, are you really<br />
about the only substantial<br />
tenant in a shopping<br />
center that looks like it’s<br />
about to be condemned?<br />
That’s a perfect opportunity<br />
to renegotiate your lease.<br />
Why? Well, what happens<br />
if you go out<br />
of business or<br />
just walk on the<br />
lease? First, the<br />
owner has to<br />
go looking for<br />
another tenant.<br />
If he already has<br />
vacancies, he’s<br />
been doing that<br />
without a lot of<br />
luck already hasn’t he? Once he finds a new tenant then he has to<br />
pay the realtor a commission, possibly pay for tenant finish, maybe<br />
provide some free rent, and definitely wait another two to six<br />
months to start collecting rents until the new tenant opens.<br />
You may have to be pretty tough in the negotiations in this<br />
case. Your owner may already be operating on a negative cash<br />
basis. You really have to make sure he believes that you are either:<br />
A. On the brink of insolvency, or that without a break, you won’t<br />
stay in business much longer, or;<br />
B. That you are ready to “walk away” from the lease and that<br />
you are really unconcerned about his possible legal remedies.<br />
Both of these examples are obviously extreme, but they give<br />
you the idea. If you want to pay your landlord $500 less per month<br />
for three years, that adds up to $18,000. What’s it going to cost him<br />
to re-lease the space. Figure out the downtime, realtor fees, tenant<br />
finish and free rent the owner will have to incur. Also, figure out<br />
what your real market rental should be — if you are paying over the<br />
market that’s a negotiating point in your favor. But, it would be one<br />
reason the owner may fight to keep you in your lease rather than<br />
putting the space on the market.<br />
As an aside: You are much better off in dealing with your lease if<br />
you are NOT personally signed on the lease, and don’t have a lot of<br />
assets in the corporation that runs your school. More on this later.<br />
GRANDMASTER STEPHEN OLIVER, is a 9th degree black belt and is the founder and CEO of<br />
Mile High Karate schools, and founder of the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Wealth Mastery Program.<br />
74 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Illustration by Rudzhan Nagiev
Whoever Starts Strong<br />
Will Not Always Be the One<br />
Who Finishes Strong<br />
by Master Carlos Machado<br />
Anyone who has done jiu jitsu for a while will always remember<br />
the starting days, when lack of knowledge and experience<br />
were plenty, and oxygen wasn’t!<br />
The very fact that a novice lacks knowledge makes it likely<br />
that he will be in a struggle when facing a more experienced<br />
team mate. It won’t be just the inability to anticipate or calculate<br />
which moves to go for, but the absence of strategy due to the<br />
lack of vision in regards to the jiu jitsu chess game.<br />
Like it was said in Sun Tzu’s “Art of War”, not knowing yourself<br />
or your opponent guarantees defeat every time. Then it<br />
comes to knowing your opponent but not yourself, which brings<br />
defeat every other time. Unless a student manages to know<br />
enough of what to do and also what to expect from another,<br />
until then no amount of knowledge will make them prevail in a<br />
convincing way.<br />
That is why I recommend the mirror strategy (emulate<br />
good mechanics), the vision (see what the outcome will<br />
likely be), and the seizing strategy (incorporate a move<br />
from an opponent into your game, then address the<br />
counter from more than one perspective).<br />
In Jiu Jitsu, perspective is everything, and strategy<br />
is how it is translated from a mindset to the mat.<br />
A student does not train to win or lose, but to<br />
become proficient in anticipating moves and<br />
capitalizing on opportunities. If one cannot<br />
overcome, at least he tries to delay an<br />
inevitable outcome. Make your training<br />
partner pay with sweat and fatigue<br />
whenever possible. An empty gas<br />
tank is an assurance of diminished<br />
speed and power, and more chances<br />
of imposing a game or reversing<br />
the tide.<br />
Therefore, patience is the first trait a novice should focus<br />
on. Be diligent in repeating the drills, maintaining the pace, and<br />
maximizing the time in which one stays on the mat. If fatigue<br />
overwhelms, slow down and breathe even when in a bad spot.<br />
Being chilled under pressure is a major step towards attaining<br />
another level of both patience and proficiency. In the jiu jitsu<br />
game, seasoned opponents will prevail over one another not so<br />
much when one side possesses a superior skill set, but mostly<br />
when someone has the ability to stay more focused and make<br />
less mistakes, what is not common when someone is rushed.<br />
It is also critical to become more effective on transitions, not<br />
just on positions. The ability to connect between a situation<br />
and another leads to a much higher rate of success.<br />
In order to go and keep on going, a student must learn<br />
how to flow from position to position. Nothing will cause more<br />
frustration than getting or being stuck in a position without<br />
knowing how to get out of it. It makes one feel more helpless<br />
than even getting tapped out. At least getting tapped means<br />
you can restart the rolling and have another chance at it. Being<br />
stuck basically means you watch the clock run without anything<br />
happening until the buzzer is up. Your destiny won’t be in your<br />
own hands.<br />
That is why I like to emphasize working from an early stage<br />
on getting out of bad positions, so that as training evolves and<br />
more time gets spent on rolling, it will be less likely that someone<br />
will remain for too long in the same spot against his will.<br />
Yet, with the correct mindset, a student will develop the<br />
understanding that in many situations, initially unfavorable,<br />
much can be done to mitigate or reverse it. In so doing, the<br />
practitioner will realize that the main objective in jiu jitsu, if nothing<br />
else, is to increase the odds of finishing in a better position,<br />
even from a bad start. And that goes the saying, “whoever<br />
starts strong will not always be the same who finishes strong!<br />
MASTER CARLOS MACHADO is one of the pioneers of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the United States of America.<br />
Currently a Coral Belt, and promoted to Black Belt by Carlos Gracie Junior, Carlos Machado came to the USA in the early<br />
1990’s with his brothers where they formed the RCJ Machado Jiu Jitsu Association, one of the strongest & growing BJJ<br />
organizations in the world today.<br />
76 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
Take your KraV to the<br />
next level.<br />
Our online training course has<br />
been specially designed to give<br />
you EVERYTHING you need to be<br />
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ultimate Krav Maga training course.<br />
Warrior Krav Maga Is A New<br />
Online Krav Maga Training Course<br />
That Will Teach You:<br />
• To become a Krav Maga Instructor<br />
• Boost your school’s income.<br />
• Retain more<br />
students.<br />
Warrior Defence Lab leads the industry<br />
when it comes to helping people reach<br />
their training and fitness goals.<br />
Visit the Online Training Portal<br />
Have Your School, Organization,<br />
Accomplishment, or Event Featured in<br />
As professional martial arts school<br />
owners and instructors, it’s important<br />
that we stay up to date with the<br />
latest tools, tactics, and strategies<br />
for operating a successful martial<br />
arts school or organization.<br />
We here at <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong> are on an unstoppable<br />
mission to help our industry grow,<br />
and one of the best ways to do that<br />
is by sharing “what’s working” and<br />
what’s not.<br />
So, we want to feature schools,<br />
school owners, instructors,<br />
organizations, students, and industry<br />
contributors that might have a story<br />
our readers would find valuable!<br />
No story is too small or too big for<br />
consideration so long as there is<br />
value to our readers.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com/Ureport<br />
Send your Story Idea to us.<br />
Email Editor@<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com<br />
Or Contact us at: 407-895-1996<br />
• One of your students<br />
overcame great obstacles<br />
to achieve their black belt?<br />
Awesome!<br />
• You’ve opened a new<br />
location? We’d love to hear<br />
about it!<br />
• Your martial arts<br />
association just set a new<br />
record? Great! Send us<br />
some information!
the<br />
like a champ<br />
experience<br />
breaking<br />
kicking<br />
training<br />
leadership<br />
C H I P T O W N S E N D<br />
14x ISKA <strong>World</strong> Champion, Multiple <strong>World</strong> Record Holder<br />
"I knew Break Like a Champ could really help our school. We<br />
had been doing several things incorrectly in regards to<br />
breaking, with material selection and holding techniques.<br />
BLAC has made such a huge difference in our school! In a few<br />
months, we will have made back what we spent just by being<br />
associated with BLAC! I really believe BLAC will add<br />
tremendous value to any school!"<br />
-Chance Burleson, owner Chance Legends Dojo<br />
h a m p i o n p a c k a g e<br />
c<br />
1 Hour - Beginner Level Class<br />
- Basic Kicks<br />
- Basic Boxing<br />
- Mat Chats<br />
- Basic Grappling<br />
1 Hour - Intermediate/Advance Level Class<br />
- Flowing Kick Combos<br />
- Basic Reverses/Spin Kicks<br />
- Boxing/Kick Combos<br />
1 Hour - Leadership Team & Instructor<br />
Basic Training<br />
l t i m a t e p a c k a g e<br />
u<br />
Champion Package, PLUS<br />
2 Hour Business Review<br />
- Marketing & Social Media<br />
- Relationship Building in your community<br />
- How to Build a Demo Team<br />
- One 45 minute private lesson for Chief<br />
Instructor<br />
Message me for booking<br />
or appearances<br /><br />
"It doesn't matter the size of your school, the demographics or<br />
ranks of your students, Chip Townsend helps with all aspects<br />
of running a successful martial arts school!"<br />
-Justin Cuellar, Owner of Atalla County <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>
Teaching Commitment (Part 2)<br />
by Shihan Allie Alberigo<br />
Every day you make decisions based on what you feel would be in their best interest<br />
or yours. Don’t you?<br />
Well the truth is as school owners we need to make the student<br />
and the parents understand that the martial arts will change<br />
their lives for the better. How do I do that? Most of all I talk about<br />
it, then I teach it and thirdly I live it. If the student is not present<br />
the lesson is not heard. That is why it is important to exercise<br />
your focus, self-control and self-discipline and<br />
make it to class. To teach the student when<br />
they least expect it. To train them in techniques<br />
of success without them really even<br />
knowing it, to help them achieve Black Belt<br />
Excellence as an everyday occurrence.<br />
Today is only what you have. There is not<br />
past. The future is only a dream. Make the<br />
most out of the moment.<br />
Helpful hints on how to keep<br />
training.<br />
Helpful hints for parents.<br />
1) Don’t let your child relax<br />
before class. Don’t<br />
let them settle into<br />
their favorite video<br />
game or TV show.<br />
Set up some time<br />
before their class<br />
to do some chores<br />
such as cleaning<br />
up their room, doing<br />
homework, or doing<br />
yard work even helping to prepare<br />
dinner. The martial arts school<br />
would be an invited break from this<br />
activity.<br />
2) Don’t give in to, I don’t<br />
want to go today. If you do, you<br />
will show them that they have a choice. This will make it difficult for<br />
you, the next time.<br />
3) Always encourage your child. Promote home practice and<br />
encourage participation in extracurricular events. Watch movies<br />
that are related to the martial arts with your children.<br />
4) Be consistent and organized. The child does not like to be<br />
rushed from here to there and not have the proper uniform or fighting<br />
gear is embarrassing to them.<br />
Adults<br />
Don’t let things get in the way of your routine.<br />
Try to always make your classes each week. In a 168 hour<br />
week, 3-5 hours is not that much.<br />
Don’t relax before training. Stay busy and motivated. Don’t fall<br />
into the pitfall of, I will do it tomorrow. That is one of the killers of<br />
good martial artists.<br />
Don’t let burnout disguise itself as realistic reasoning. If you are<br />
tired, rest properly but don’t quit.<br />
Always trust your teacher and ask them for advice or a fellow student<br />
that may give you insight on the situation you are going through.<br />
SHIHAN ALLIE ALBERIGO is a 7th degree black belt, the founder of the L.I. Ninjutsu<br />
Centers, one of the largest Ninjutsu schools on the planet, the author of 4 books, and an entrepreneur<br />
with one of the first online coaching companies.<br />
80 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Image by Olivier Le Moal
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And MUCH More!<br />
Free Yourself From<br />
Too Much Stuff (Part 4)<br />
By Lee Milteer<br />
Time to Play the Unmanifesting Game<br />
This is the fourth part in our Free Yourself from Too Much<br />
Stuff Series.<br />
Every spring at my home and office, we like to play the Unmanifesting<br />
Game. Unmanifesting is one of my favorite spring-time<br />
activities because it means that we are releasing things that no<br />
longer have value or importance to us. This is critical because<br />
these material items are draining us of time, money, and life energy.<br />
To motivate you, consider thinking of the following strategies<br />
as ways to help charity and yourself.<br />
Think of your time and efforts to clear out your spaces as actually<br />
doing something that could benefit others because of what<br />
you donate into the world.<br />
De-cluttering a whole house can seem overwhelming. BUT if<br />
it’s broken down into bite size chunks, it can be handled with ease.<br />
Start by de-cluttering for 10 to 15 minutes a day. That’s long<br />
enough to achieve something and it’s short enough that we can all<br />
fit it into our busy schedules. If you continue to do this one<br />
thing, it becomes a good habit. It will also ensure you<br />
keep your home or office clutter free in the future.<br />
De-clutter storage space first. Once you get<br />
control of drawers, cabinets, and closets it will be<br />
so much easier to find a home for everything.<br />
Pick one room for your 15-minute daily<br />
sessions and stick to it until everything is<br />
de-cluttered. It doesn’t really matter which<br />
room you start with.<br />
Be ruthless in deciding what to<br />
keep and what to let go. You can’t<br />
succeed at de-cluttering and simplifying<br />
your life or office unless<br />
you are willing to let stuff go. To<br />
make it easy, take the attitude that<br />
you are prosperous enough that if<br />
you happen to get rid of something you need in the future, you will<br />
simply give yourself permission to buy a new one, rent it, or even<br />
buy one from a secondhand store at a bargain.<br />
The bottom line is to go into this STUFF DIET with the mindset<br />
that most stuff can be replaced!! (Because it CAN!)<br />
Deal with paper. Little and often works best. Paper causes a lot<br />
of clutter. Bills, invoices, and receipts without a system get out of<br />
control fast. For example, you can stop paper clutter by creating a<br />
simple system for incoming mail. You’ll need a bin and a 2-tier tray.<br />
Designate one tray for items that require action, and the other for<br />
documents that need to be filed. Set up a filing system that suits<br />
your own personality and needs. Create reminders for scheduling<br />
actions like paying bills, appointments, and events. Microsoft<br />
Outlook on your computer is a good system.<br />
As soon as you bring something new into the house or office,<br />
set aside storage space for it. Always keep it in its place when not<br />
in use.<br />
There is nothing in this world that feels quite the same as looking<br />
around your home or office and seeing it in order. And there’s<br />
nothing more energy-draining than living with clutter, but it goes<br />
far beyond your own environment. De-cluttering will open new opportunities<br />
for you in your personal and career life because it frees<br />
up your life energy for new things.<br />
De-cluttering releases the blocks that have been holding you<br />
back. It ignites the fires of energy within you – energy you didn’t<br />
even know you had! The stress in your face and body will ease and<br />
your confidence will return when you feel more in control. Things<br />
start to fall into place in every area of your life when you de-clutter<br />
your surroundings.<br />
Your new motto:<br />
If It Doesn’t Serve a Purpose, Have Meaning, or Monetary<br />
Value—OUT IT MUST GO!<br />
Up Next: Part 5 of Free Yourself from Too Much Stuff<br />
MS. LEE MILTEER is an Intuitive Business Coach, award-winning professional speaker, and TV<br />
personality who has counseled and trained over a million people throughout her career. Lee is Stephen Oliver’s<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Wealth Mastery’s Millionaire Smarts Coach and is also a best-selling author of educational resources.<br />
Vist<br />
84 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photo (right) by Drazen Zigic
Take Advantage of Over 30 Years Experience in the Industry<br />
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Take advantage of Grandmaster Tim McCarthy’s research and experience, organized for you<br />
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Reason and Magic (Part 2)<br />
by Shidoshi Alfredo Tucci<br />
We are living in a curious time, where<br />
the pendulum that swings back and<br />
forth, takes us from the Renaissance to<br />
the interest in the times when magical<br />
thinking had full validity over the rational.<br />
The resurgence of shamanism and interest in ancient peoples<br />
and cultures, whether Celtic, Amazonian, African, Castanedian<br />
or similar, is explained in the context of an emerging paradigm.<br />
In countries like Brazil, psychiatry and spirituality often go hand<br />
in hand; many leaders secretly seek the help of<br />
shamans, and more than a few people among<br />
celebrities seek help and direction in true<br />
astrology.<br />
There is a background rumor, an undeniable<br />
interest, an insatiable search for answers,<br />
at a time in which physics itself has taken us,<br />
by the micro and the macro, to the illusory limits<br />
of our perception and beyond, to the limits<br />
of the rational, establishing concepts such as<br />
parallel universes, black holes, or dark matter.<br />
A few days ago, and in the context of this<br />
resurgence of magical thinking, I heard<br />
Pope Francis abhor Magic, arguing<br />
that Christians should rely on<br />
divine providence, rather than use<br />
its tools. The fact of resorting to<br />
fortune tellers aiming to “guess the<br />
future or change life situations” is<br />
something that goes against faith,<br />
he claimed. Caramba! This is an<br />
explicit recognition of its values!<br />
If even the Pope pays attention<br />
to the subject, it means that<br />
it has become an enemy to<br />
consider. The “power of God that broke into Ephesus,” remarked<br />
Francisco, unmasked those who “used the name of Jesus to<br />
perform exorcism, without having the spiritual authority to do so.”<br />
Well folks! It seems that instead of denying it, what the man seeks<br />
is having the exclusivity!<br />
With so much information we would like to harbor the hope<br />
that modern man is in better conditions than ever to issue control<br />
commandos over his life and his environment ... and yet it’s not so.<br />
It seems as if by increasing the information, we are witnessing a<br />
parallel movement of formation degradation. The accent is placed<br />
on the continent of things, in their packaging, rather than in the<br />
contents. People choose to live in virtual worlds, instead of confronting<br />
the immediate; escapism has been established as normal<br />
and the systematic emptiness of character has become the canon.<br />
We must not lose hope. We humans have always wandered into<br />
our contradictions with talent, and they have driven us to grow and<br />
impose ourselves on other species. Ancient knowledge is growing<br />
once again, because there is an urgent need to reorder our tools to<br />
deal with the phenomenon of existence, beyond even the empire<br />
of reason.<br />
Knowing how to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s will be the task<br />
of a whole generation of leaders enlightened for such a task (not<br />
easy on the other hand), in order to accommodate the two phases<br />
of the human being within the framework of a coherence, not<br />
imposed as before, in which magicians took hold of everything they<br />
had nearby, to keep their trade afloat. Reason and magical thinking,<br />
left and right hemisphere ... as it always has been, the only way to<br />
tame the opposites is with a strong center, and large portions of the<br />
subtlest glue, composed in fair doses of need, purpose and love.<br />
SHIDOSHI ALFREDO TUCCI is the CEO and General Manager of the Budo International Publishing<br />
Company, a leading publisher in the martial arts with over 35 years in the industry. He is also author of several<br />
books: The Immaterial Dimension, The Way of the Warrior, and The Spirit. He currently lives in Valencia, Spain.<br />
88 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by Kharchenko_irina7
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or Call Jeff @ 407-895-1996
3 Secrets to a Great<br />
Beginner’s Class<br />
by Master Tina Bane<br />
Beginner’s class is the most important class in martial arts training. If you don’t have<br />
a great beginner’s class, it won’t matter how good your other classes are, because<br />
students will quit before they ever get to move up in rank.<br />
For this reason I strongly recommend that you teach a separate<br />
beginner’s class. When you just throw your beginners into your<br />
regular class, it can be very frustrating to all the students. Beginners<br />
have very different needs than more advanced students. When you<br />
put them both in the same class, one or the other will get frustrated,<br />
and your retention will suffer.<br />
All your classes must be educational, motivational, and practical.<br />
Here are three secrets I have discovered over the years for my<br />
beginners classes:<br />
First, take the time to teach your basics properly.<br />
Beginner’s class lays the foundation of the martial<br />
arts for these students. The basics we teach provide<br />
the foundation of every technique the students will<br />
learn, even the most advanced skills. Just as you<br />
cannot build a skyscraper on a foundation of sand,<br />
you cannot build powerful martial arts technique<br />
on sloppy basics. The quality of your<br />
black belts begins here.<br />
Take the extra time to explain the basics,<br />
allow the students to practice,<br />
and then help them improve. I<br />
like the P-I-R method of correction,<br />
which stands for:<br />
Praise, Improvement, Result.<br />
You praise the student<br />
for what he is doing well,<br />
suggest an area of improvement,<br />
and then tell him the result<br />
of following your advice. For example,<br />
“Good! I like the way you snap your kick<br />
out and back. If you point your knee a<br />
little higher, you will be<br />
able to kick higher.”<br />
Second, help<br />
students set shortterm,<br />
mid-term, and<br />
long-term goals. Students<br />
with goals have<br />
a reason to overcome<br />
the inevitable frustrations<br />
that come when<br />
they are pushing their limits. Help them learn to turn obstacles into<br />
stepping stones, to achieve higher levels of mastery. A short-term<br />
goal for a beginner is to pass his or her yellow belt test. A mid-term<br />
goal would be to receive their black belt. A long-term goal would be<br />
to become an instructor, to be able to share what they have learned<br />
with others.<br />
Third, make sure they get a good physical sweat and a good<br />
mental sweat in each class. The more immediate benefits they<br />
receive, the more necessary your classes will become in their lives.<br />
Physical sweat is a sign that they are getting into better shape.<br />
They are improving their strength, flexibility, and health, while<br />
reducing stress. At the end of every class you can measure your<br />
success in gallons of sweat.<br />
Mental sweat comes from understanding the principles behind<br />
the basics, which give us direction in our lives. Be sure to point out<br />
the practical applications of martial arts principles in everyday living.<br />
For example, we teach verbal self-defense alongside physical<br />
self-defense. Chances are your students will use verbal selfdefense<br />
in the next day or so, whereas they will probably not use<br />
physical self-defense for weeks, months, or even years. When they<br />
see immediate benefit, they have to come back for more.<br />
MASTER TINA BANE is a 6th degree master instructor and owner of a Top Ten martial arts school<br />
with successful after school and summer camp programs.<br />
90 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by JackF
Lee Milteer is an Internationally known and celebrated<br />
Entrepreneur, Visionary, Best Selling Author, Award winning<br />
Professional Speaker, TV Personality, and Intuitive Business Mentor.<br />
Lee provides business and success advice and resources to nearly<br />
250,000 people around the world.<br />
Reclaim the Magic<br />
will evoke a consciousness<br />
shift and an awakening<br />
within you to manifest your<br />
heart’s true desires. is<br />
book will give you the tools<br />
and concepts to claim your<br />
natural birthright power as<br />
a manifestor.<br />
Success is an<br />
Inside Job<br />
will empower<br />
ANYONE to<br />
achieve new levels<br />
of self-clarity and<br />
control over their<br />
The Value of Philosophy<br />
by Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
Why are your classes better than any other fitness activities?<br />
Parents of children can choose from gymnastics, ballet, or<br />
various sports teams like baseball, basketball, or soccer. Adults<br />
can choose from zumba, pilates, spinning, kettlebell, yoga, or just<br />
go for a run, a bike ride, or join a gym. Fitness possibilities are everywhere,<br />
and usually cheaper than martial arts classes.<br />
What do you offer that makes your classes better?<br />
On a physical level, depending on your art,<br />
you probably offer a more complete exercise<br />
program. Where weight lifting develops<br />
strength, and running develops endurance,<br />
martial arts classes usually develop both,<br />
along with flexibility, balance, and coordination.<br />
Not many other activities develop the body<br />
in such a balanced way. However, pilates, yoga,<br />
and even P90 might.<br />
You could focus on self-defense.<br />
Certainly your martial arts classes teach<br />
life-saving self-defense techniques<br />
that the other fitness activities<br />
don’t. That’s a definite difference.<br />
However, how often do your<br />
students actually need physical<br />
self-defense? Certainly, when they<br />
do need it, it’s important . . . but if your school is in a<br />
typical suburban community, the chances are<br />
pretty low. If they train at your school for<br />
six months or even a year, and never<br />
need to defend themselves, why<br />
should they keep coming back?<br />
In my opinion, the key is the philosophy<br />
behind what we do. Teaching<br />
someone how to escape from<br />
a wrist grab is interesting: You feel<br />
the hand grabbing you, realize<br />
that the attacker has four fingers<br />
on one side of his hand and only<br />
one thumb on the other side<br />
of his hand, and you use the power of your entire arm to escape<br />
against his thumb. That’s practical, valuable self-defense information<br />
that might actually be used sometime in the future.<br />
However, there are several principles at work behind selfdefense.<br />
For example, evaluating someone else’s strong points<br />
and weak points, and then using your own strong point against a<br />
weak point, can be used on a daily basis in almost any<br />
relationship. The principle of choosing the path of<br />
least resistance (of acting against the thumb rather<br />
than the four fingers) has dozens of applications in<br />
different situations in our daily lives. The feeling of confidence<br />
that goes along with the realization that although<br />
someone may be stronger or in a position of power<br />
over us but has weak points, can be life-changing. The<br />
exercise of having students pull back, then move toward<br />
the fingers, then twist toward the thumb at the<br />
proper angle shows them that sometimes situations<br />
that seem impossible are indeed possible – and<br />
even easy – with the right knowledge.<br />
Now, I don’t recommend you overwhelm<br />
your students with all these possibilities and<br />
more in a single class. That’s a lot to swallow.<br />
However, any one of those principles could be the theme of a<br />
class. If you don’t already do so, simply choose one theme and<br />
build your class around it – like using your own strong points<br />
against an attacker’s weak points – and then choose several selfdefense<br />
applications that illustrate the same principle. At the end<br />
of class, when the student feels like they have gotten a good, balanced<br />
physical workout, and have learned an important principle<br />
that they can use tomorrow at school, at work, or in any relationship,<br />
then they have a good reason to keep coming back.<br />
I believe THAT is the value of philosophy in the martial arts. It<br />
is the difference between your classes and other (merely) physical<br />
activities, and it gives your students value in their daily lives that<br />
they cannot get anywhere else. It gives them a reason to keep<br />
coming back for more, even after they have earned their black<br />
belts and championship trophies.<br />
GRANDMASTER TIM MCCARTHY is a 9th degree black belt and is a martial arts educator<br />
with a master’s degree in education. He has been instrumental in developing two industry-changing<br />
programs, plus has directed and been featured in hundreds of martial arts videos and webinars.<br />
92 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by michaklootwijk
Touch The Future<br />
Of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School Management<br />
• Send automated<br />
2-4-6 week follow<br />
up messages to<br />
keep new students<br />
motivated.<br />
• Create unlimited<br />
automated followup<br />
messages for<br />
students whose<br />
attendance has<br />
“slipped,” effectively<br />
slamming your<br />
“back door” shut!<br />
REPORT<br />
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have to log in to<br />
the system, simply<br />
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over 100 reports<br />
to be automatically<br />
emailed to you or<br />
a staff member<br />
whenever you wish.<br />
• Generate new<br />
leads with a<br />
website that<br />
will find new<br />
prospects,<br />
collect their<br />
information, and<br />
funnel them into<br />
your school.<br />
• Guide new<br />
prospects and<br />
appointments<br />
into your door<br />
with automated<br />
sequential email<br />
and SMS text<br />
messages.<br />
• Reactivate lost<br />
and former<br />
students with<br />
regular automated<br />
communications<br />
about special<br />
events and special<br />
offers at your<br />
school.<br />
• Automatically push, pre-scheduled<br />
posts to Facebook, Twitter and other<br />
Social Networks magnetically attracting<br />
students to your school.<br />
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The Purpose Driven Academy<br />
by Grandmaster Lawrence Arthur<br />
From the book “The Purpose Driven Church” on how to grow a church. There are<br />
many similarities to growing your academy and in growing a church.<br />
Purpose Driven Academy 5 part strategy for growth:<br />
1. Grow WARMER (closer) through fellowship. (activities such<br />
as bowling, picnics, putt-putt, tournaments, etc.) Provide an opportunity<br />
for your students to socialize together with their friends<br />
and fellow students in a non-martial way. Plan at least one activity<br />
(non-martial arts related event) and one martial arts related event<br />
every month. Put up a yearly calendar in your school with all the<br />
different events you have planned on it.<br />
2. Grow DEEPER through discipleship. (Leadership<br />
Training) Develop your students with Leadership<br />
classes and focus your efforts to train 95%<br />
of your students in your leadership program.<br />
Teach them more than just martial arts, teach<br />
them the “how” to teach your classes. Give<br />
them the opportunity to lead small groups to<br />
practice teaching what you are teaching them.<br />
3. Grow STRONGER through worship. (Make<br />
sure you are teaching good martial arts) The real<br />
reason students come to us in the first place is<br />
martial arts training. Train your students<br />
to become great martial artists,<br />
not just good tournament<br />
competitors or good at self<br />
defense, but leaders that<br />
know how to help other<br />
people achieve their<br />
best. Never stop learning<br />
and growing your<br />
martial arts skills.<br />
4. Grow<br />
through ministry.<br />
(VIP, Ask everyone to join) There are so many ways of recruiting<br />
new members and you should be evangelistic about inviting<br />
people to your school. Don’t be timid about asking others to join<br />
you on your quest for black belt excellence. If you truly believe in<br />
what you teach, share it with everyone.<br />
5. Grow LARGER through evangelism. (Train your replacement<br />
so you can grow) Constantly be training your replacement and<br />
your future academy location chief instructor. Provide the type of<br />
training that enables students to gain the confidence to go into the<br />
world and share their martial art training with others.<br />
The Power of Friendly Connection exercise: Make an effort today<br />
to be proactively friendly. Compliment people at random. See<br />
if you can create 10 smiles. It’s easy to do. I do it all the time. It’s like<br />
a friendly exercise. Flex your FRIENDLY MUSCLE EVERYDAY. NICE<br />
PAYS BIG!<br />
GRANDMASTER LAWRENCE ARTHUR has been a martial artist, specializing<br />
in Karate, Kung Fu, Kenpo, Shotokan, and Goju Ryu, since 1968. He owns 40 Super Kick Karate<br />
locations and is founder of the American Freestyle Karate Association (AFKA). A world champion<br />
and hall of famer, Lawrence also runs the Black Belt Success Systems consulting firm, which trains<br />
martial arts instructors on proper business practices and is used by schools all over the country.<br />
94 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by marchmeena29
The Day Mr. Jim “Mattress<br />
Mack” Mcingvale Taught Me a<br />
Valuable Lesson<br />
By Sensei Gary Lee<br />
I was going to roast and give tribute to J. Pat Burleson on behalf of the Sport<br />
Karate Museum.<br />
I received a phone call from Ed Daniel in which he said he<br />
used to work out with “Mattress Mack” before he became the<br />
Furniture Guru. He had become super enthusiastic and said<br />
“Mattress Mack” is an amazing man. What I didn’t know is that<br />
Mr. Burleson and Mr. Daniel used to beat him up regularly and<br />
according to Mr. Daniel he was pretty good in the ring too.<br />
Anyway, they were buddies and then Ed suggested<br />
that I go and meet “Mattress Mack”<br />
and that maybe he could help in some<br />
way at the ROAST in Houston, Texas for<br />
Mr. J. Pat Burleson.<br />
I called Mattress Mack, Mr . Mcingvale,<br />
and set up an appointment<br />
at his main store for lunch and set<br />
the lunch date. The day of the lunch<br />
appointment, I was an airhead, and got<br />
involved with something else and forgot<br />
completely about the lunch engagement<br />
till a couple of hours<br />
later and then I called<br />
“Mattress Mack”.<br />
He answered,<br />
very politely as<br />
I shared with<br />
him that I<br />
had forgotten<br />
about<br />
the<br />
lunch date and asked if I could try again when it was convenient<br />
to him. He quickly said, “Yes. Gary, can you come in tomorrow<br />
morning at the main store?” I said, “Yes, Sir, I will be there when<br />
you open.<br />
Following morning, I arrived at the store at 8:00 AM. He was<br />
larger than life. I walked in and he greeted me, then asked me<br />
to go sit on the couch next to Elvis Presley’s Pink Cadillac which<br />
he had parked in the store. “It was so cool”, I thought to myself.<br />
I am sitting there watching the store open and it starts to get<br />
busy. 9:00 AM goes by, 10:00 AM goes by, and 11:00 AM goes<br />
by. At 12:00 PM, I see salesmen going to lunch. Then finally at<br />
1:00 PM, a lady comes to me and says, “Mr. Mcingvale will see<br />
you now in his office.”<br />
I realized he was teaching me a great lesson on keeping my<br />
word and showing up for appointments. For five hours, I waited<br />
next to Elvis’ Pink Cadillac on that couch. It was a great lesson.<br />
So there I was sitting in his office and he looked at me and said,<br />
“What Can I do for you? You’re a friend of Pat and Ed. What May<br />
I do for you, Gary?”<br />
I asked if he could come speak or could I give away some of<br />
his books. He reached and got 10 of his books, signed them and<br />
looked at me and asked, “Did you enjoy my couch?” I laughed<br />
and said, “Yes, sir.” He said “Please keep your appointments.<br />
Then people will learn to trust you.” I said, “Yes, Sir.”<br />
As I was walking out with the books, he stopped me and<br />
said, “Gary I want to help you with the Roast for Pat. Here is a<br />
check for $1500.” That was an amazing moment and a great<br />
lesson he had taught me . I have never been late to an appointment<br />
ever again. What an incredible lesson he taught me!<br />
SENSEI GARY LEE, the American Samurai, is a 9th Dan black belt, a USA Karate<br />
Federation gold medalist, winner of five Super Grand National Titles, a featured actor in<br />
the movie Sidekicks, and is the founder of the National Sport Karate Museum.<br />
96 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photo (right) by Burak Ceyhan
Preparing Staff for Success (Part 1)<br />
by Grandmaster Kirk Pelt<br />
Probably the most common question that I get whenever anyone asks me about<br />
summer camp is related to staffing. They ask, “How do you staff your camp?” This<br />
question goes back to the planning and original preparation for summer camp. So what<br />
is some of the thinking that must go into the planning and preparation for a great staff.<br />
First you have to have enough staff. If you plan on having a<br />
hundred summer campers and you have your schedule for the<br />
camp, you next have to figure out how many people you need<br />
to operate it for the maximum outcome. Maximum outcome<br />
means it’s the best summer camp ever. It need to be a camp<br />
that the kids love, the parents love, and that the staff<br />
loves.<br />
So you have to make sure you have enough<br />
staff, which may mean that you have to hire<br />
staff. Since you’re making more income, you<br />
can afford to hire more staff. As an alternative<br />
you also may have young black belts or<br />
young teenagers that need volunteer work.<br />
Many of them need volunteer hours for their<br />
high school. Your most loyal black belts can be<br />
reached out for this volunteer work to meet a<br />
requirement for high school.<br />
Currently, I have seven teenagers that<br />
are a part of the volunteer junior leaders.<br />
This volunteer role is going<br />
to help build up their leadership<br />
and help them become better<br />
instructors. It’s a win-win because<br />
it helps us organize and<br />
run summer camp so much<br />
better. We have more eyes,<br />
more engagements, and<br />
improve leadership in the<br />
school. Plus, they are gaining<br />
the volunteer hours<br />
they need for school.<br />
It’s just phenomenal and the parents love it. Now I don’t give<br />
them summer camp for free, but some people do and it’s worth<br />
it if you decide to. Instead I give them a discount for their children<br />
coming to summer camp as a teenager and building their<br />
leadership. Plus, they get their volunteer hours on top of that<br />
and the parents love it.<br />
I preface it to the student and the parent by telling them that<br />
this is training for them to have their own job one day. This is<br />
real world training and real life leadership for them. I expect you<br />
here at whatever time is said, and if you can’t make it, you call<br />
in. The parents love it because they want their kids to have that<br />
type of responsibility. The volunteer aspect is a critical part to<br />
make the stress less during summer camp because your fulltime<br />
staff will have more people to help them watch it. Maybe<br />
you’re the one that’s on the floor with them, but you have more<br />
people to help watch, organize, and engage the students to<br />
make it less stressful.<br />
GRANDMASTER KIRK PELT is an 8th degree black belt and is the President of a multi-million<br />
dollar, multi-school organization, has a 30-year track record of success, and is currently on the leading<br />
edge of martial arts curriculum and business innovation.<br />
98 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
A Touch of Zen<br /> .................................61<br />
Action Mega Convention<br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />
Atlas <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Software<br />
Atlas<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong> ...............2, 40, 93<br />
Action Hero Photos<br /> ............................97<br />
Adventures of Harry & Friends<br /> ................<strong>23</strong><br />
Amazing <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Websites<br />
Amazing<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 81<br />
AMS Billing<br /> ............................. 25, 70, 108<br />
AMSkids<br /> ......................35, 85<br />
Break Like a Champ<br /> ................................79<br />
Budo International <strong>Magazine</strong><br /> .............................82<br />
Extraordinary Marketing<br /> ........................75<br />
Master Karen Eden<br />
Century<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong>.com ............................15<br />
Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br /> ...........................17, 107<br />
Kick Start Kids<br /> ..................................19<br />
Kids Point MMA<br /> ....................................87<br />
Kovar Systems<br /> ................................49<br />
Learn the Sword<br /> ...............................27<br />
Lee Milteer<br /> ........................................91<br />
MA Biz Academy<br /> .......................... 55, 101<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Business Institute<br /> ......................29, 105<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> History Museum<br /> ..................................95<br />
Ninja Fighting Techniques<br /> ...............................31<br />
Otomix<br /> .......................................13<br />
Sport Karate Museum<br /> ..................97<br />
An-Shu Stephen K. Hayes<br /> .............................47<br />
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br /> ........................................86<br />
Grandmaster Tom Patire<br /> ....................................34<br />
Warrior Defence Lab<br /> ...........................77<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br /> ....................................45, 68<br />
Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed<br /> ..........................................26<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4 99
Motivation:<br />
Towards or Away From? (Part 1)<br />
by Grandmaster Bill Clark<br />
Not everyone is motivated the same way.<br />
Some people are “Towards” while others are “Away From”. Let<br />
me explain – Towards people are motivated by achievement and<br />
reward, good results – like being thin, while Away From people are<br />
motivated more to avoid pain, failure, or negative consequences<br />
like punishment.<br />
Towards<br />
Some examples of Towards motivators:<br />
• Get thinner<br />
• Be richer<br />
• Be a teacher<br />
• Win the competition<br />
• Get a raise or promotion • Fame and fortune<br />
Away From<br />
Some examples of Away From motivators:<br />
• Being fat and unhealthy • Being poor<br />
• Getting injured<br />
• Losing or looking stupid<br />
• Being fired<br />
• Broke and homeless<br />
These are all powerful, but different. Interestingly, more people<br />
are Away From types than they are Towards which is hard for the<br />
other to appreciate. For example, if you are a Towards person and<br />
motivated by success and achievement, you will use those same<br />
strategies to motivate the people around you. But guess who it<br />
won’t work on… the Away From folks! The reverse is also true.<br />
What’s also interesting, is that you may at first have an Away From<br />
motivation that finally makes you get off your butt and change your<br />
life, but pretty soon that turns into a Towards attitude because you<br />
set highly motivating goals. Sustaining the motivation will be key.<br />
GRANDMASTER BILL CLARK is a 9th degree black belt and a former PKA Fighter of<br />
the Year. He is widely considered one of the top experts in martial arts business with over 50 years<br />
of leadership and innovation, having been inducted into almost every Hall of Fame in the industry. He<br />
is one of the largest multi-school owners in the world.<br />
100 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph (right) by Nattakorn Maneerat
Each Situation Dictates Its Own<br />
Response (Part 3)<br />
By Tom Patire<br />
Looking at today’s volatile, unpredictable world one can see<br />
that real-world self-defense, situational awareness, and personal<br />
preservation are needed more than ever. People are being<br />
victimized not only on the streets but in their homes, schools,<br />
places of worship and businesses as well. Most attacks happen at<br />
random with the underlying majority are hate crimes, robberies,<br />
car-jackings or wrong-place wrong-time scenarios with the only<br />
common elements of being targeted is extensive physical harm to<br />
the victim(s), making headlines and/or stealing of their<br />
personal possessions.<br />
I personally don’t believe that any material<br />
possession is worth risking your life on and yet<br />
there are some people that disagree. That’s<br />
why in defense you have a choice, and that<br />
choice should be considered if you are alone<br />
(not protecting a loved one), and you want to risk<br />
your own personal harm. Never forget that training<br />
in classrooms (no matter how hard you go at it)<br />
still has control variables like rules or guidelines.<br />
It must be that way otherwise people<br />
would be severely hurt. maybe<br />
even killed, while training in a<br />
martial arts classroom.<br />
In today’s world rules,<br />
guidelines and laws go<br />
out the window when<br />
it comes to malicious<br />
based attacks. Criminals<br />
or physical abusers<br />
don’t respect your<br />
personal welfare or<br />
the laws that govern it,<br />
and the lack of care allows<br />
them to be more<br />
ruthless and vicious<br />
because they fear nothing.<br />
With that in play it all comes down to each situation dictates<br />
its own response. Proficient self-defense skills are a tool in your<br />
toolbox of personalized protection. That along with situational<br />
awareness, readability, de-escalation techniques along with a variety<br />
of physical defensive or offensive martial arts-based skills that<br />
can aid or save you or a loved ones from possible injury or death.<br />
Many variables can dictate the survival outcome of an altercation<br />
in one’s life as long as the mind and body are a cohesive and an<br />
undeniable team. Momentary judgment or lack thereof of what to<br />
do and when to do it along with proficiency and accuracy help or<br />
hinder surviving the situation that presents itself.<br />
To buy yourself some time and create a greater element of surprise<br />
(if you’re looking to execute your defense skills) one must be<br />
able to adapt to the events taking place if the time window of defense<br />
is there. In certain cases, a street-minded attacker expects<br />
you to be in full disarray, scared and emotionally unsettled. Listen<br />
to what he says and how he says it. Give him what he wants and<br />
as you play up your emotions try to get him to constantly speak.<br />
Speaking is a thought process that can help delay his reaction time<br />
and temporarily sidestep his thought process, opening the survival<br />
window a bit more. Remember movement hides movement so use<br />
it to your advantage to get to your best angle of defense or to put<br />
you closer to disabling him by targeting a vulnerable part of his<br />
anatomy.<br />
In executing your strike remember to stick to “Parallel Body<br />
Striking”. Defined as the proper use of equating your legs to strike<br />
his lower limb joints and your upper body hands/elbows to strike<br />
his most vulnerable targets in your direct path. As we all know from<br />
training, the human body is a great machine but has many flaws<br />
that a skilled defensive artist can take advantage of like disabling<br />
the base or disrupting air or blood flow. Any one of them will offset<br />
stability and can open the door to escape or take-out. Remember<br />
life is made up of choices and how we avoid or defend is a personal<br />
choice. If avoidance is not an option, then do what you have<br />
been trained to do without hesitation, regret, or remorse!<br />
Until next time Be Safe Always!<br />
GRANDMASTER TOM PATIRE, is known as “America’s Leading Personal Safety Expert” and has appeared<br />
on Good Morning America, The CBS Morning Show, The Colbert Report, Montel, plus in mainstream publications such as<br />
Family Circle, Redbook, Fortune <strong>Magazine</strong>, and The Wall Street Journal. He has written several books and has personal<br />
safety programs that can be incorporated into your martial arts school, available at<br />
102 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4
FREE<br />
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Summertime is the<br />
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Get this FREE sample of the creative<br />
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To receive this Special Gift, visit<br />
Tools & Tactics<br />
Protect Your Reputation<br />
by Ms. Chris Lee<br />
Fortunately, martial arts instructors and masters enjoy a good reputation. You are<br />
highly respected in your school, and generally, when you meet someone out in public<br />
and tell them what you do, they treat you with the respect you deserve.<br />
The fastest way to diminish that respect and loyalty among your<br />
students is to try to collect your own tuition. Everything starts out<br />
fine when you make your sales presentation and outline the payment<br />
options. Your respect level increases as they attend class.<br />
Things keep rolling smoothly as long as they make their payments<br />
on time, but the minute you have to ask someone about a late<br />
payment, everything changes. You have moved out of the highly<br />
respected instructor/student relationship and into<br />
the adversarial client/bill collector relationship.<br />
They have probably been in that situation<br />
before and have developed an attitude and<br />
some bad behaviors, so it is natural for<br />
them to just revert to that behavior with<br />
you. Many martial arts instructors are<br />
shocked at this sudden shift in behavior.<br />
I know that some school owners<br />
try to avoid directly dealing with this<br />
situation by delegating the collection<br />
of tuition to a member of the staff, but<br />
that still sets up that adversarial<br />
relationship between the school<br />
and the student.<br />
A much better solution is to<br />
hire a professional tuition billing<br />
service to take all those headaches<br />
away. You can then take<br />
all the time you and your staff<br />
currently spend on sending<br />
late notices, calling students on<br />
the phone, and dealing with<br />
frustrated parents in person,<br />
and use that time to recruit<br />
new students. Every hour<br />
you spend collecting current<br />
tuition could be invested in recruiting new students who are worth<br />
thousands in additional income. When you try to handle your billing<br />
in-house, you save a nickel and miss out on making dollars. It’s<br />
just not worth it.<br />
In addition, if your billing company is run by martial artists like<br />
AMS, then the account representatives are trained to direct your<br />
students back to class. Many students think that just because they<br />
have an injury or other problem today, they will stop attending class<br />
and therefore stop paying. Well-trained professionals know how to<br />
remind them of their commitment, and get them to return to class as<br />
soon as they are able, all the while meeting their financial obligations.<br />
Professional companies also provide additional professional services,<br />
like accounting. Whenever you want to know who has paid<br />
and who is late, you can get up-to-date reports online anytime.<br />
If you or any member of your staff is spending time chasing<br />
after students for money, I recommend that you stop acting like an<br />
adversary. Trade in your headaches for extra time to enroll extra<br />
students, and earn extra income. Call the professionals at AMS at<br />
1-800-275-1600 to preserve your dignity and the good reputation<br />
of your school.<br />
MS. CHRIS LEE is a martial arts business development consultant with a background in online and<br />
social media marketing.<br />
104 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 4<br />
Photograph by Sergii Zyskо
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