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Stewarding Biodiversity Protection<br />
Adolf Bitterlich<br />
Fish and Fungi<br />
A Naturalist's Almanac - Salmon at the River's Edge<br />
Round the World with Harry - A Haida Gwaii Stop-over<br />
'Round and About - Used Before New<br />
+Northern Residents Travel Deduction - Did You Know...<br />
Issue 124<br />
<strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
$6.50 (INCL. GST)<br />
<strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 1
GRANT<br />
Unlock your<br />
potential<br />
Open to residents of Haida Gwaii<br />
(min 24 consecutive months)<br />
Open to mature students & recent high<br />
school graduates<br />
Short or long term courses from<br />
designated institutions<br />
Up to $3,750 a calendar year or a max<br />
of five courses, up to $750 per course<br />
Can help cover the cost of tuition and<br />
course materials<br />
Open to both full-time and part-time<br />
students<br />
Subscribe<br />
Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />
right to your post box and save<br />
10% off the retail price. On-island<br />
for one year (six issues): $35.10<br />
plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />
in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />
$74.85 plus GST.<br />
Advertise<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />
to help spread the word of<br />
businesses of all sizes with<br />
affordable options for everyone.<br />
Rates start as low as $45 per<br />
month plus GST.<br />
Submit<br />
We welcome you to send us your<br />
family-oriented stories, news,<br />
illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />
etc., for publishing consideration.<br />
Contact Information<br />
Phone: 250-557-2088<br />
Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />
com<br />
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC V0T 1R0<br />
Website:<br />
<br />
Deadline for SepOct/23 issue<br />
Content we layout: <strong>August</strong> 10 th<br />
<strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Classifieds and print ready<br />
submissions: <strong>August</strong> 20 th <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Haida place names as per the<br />
This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />
Káats’a hlaa <strong>2023</strong> publication.<br />
The views and opinions expressed<br />
by the various authors do not<br />
necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />
beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. © <strong>2023</strong> Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />
Prefer a digital copy?<br />
Scan here for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />
Features<br />
10<br />
A Day in the Life<br />
Adolf Bitterlich<br />
18<br />
Haida Gwaii Eats<br />
Fish and Fungi<br />
26<br />
Gwaii Haanas<br />
Stewarding Biodiversity Protection<br />
Also In This Issue<br />
Dear Huckleberry ................................... 6<br />
A Naturalist’s Almanac ....................... 7<br />
Round the World with Harry ..............8<br />
Haida Gwaii Local Foods Project ..... 12<br />
Gwaii Trust Society – A Year in<br />
Review .................................................. 14<br />
EOTW – Music at the Edge ................. 20<br />
‘Round and About ................................ 23<br />
Through the Eyes of a Senior .............. 28<br />
On the Cover: Grey whale breaching | PC Daniel McNeill<br />
Northern Residents Travel Deduction 29<br />
Science Corner ...................................... 32<br />
Kid’s Musings ....................................... 34<br />
Puzzle Page ........................................... 35<br />
Horoscope ............................................. 36<br />
Classifieds ............................................. 37<br />
Tide Tables ............................................ 46<br />
Community Calendar .......................... 47<br />
College, university, institutes or trade<br />
school<br />
Applications accepted throughout the<br />
year, visit website for deadlines<br />
Grant Coordinator, Pam Hill<br /><br />
250 559 8104<br />
For information on any of our grants, visit<br /><br />
2 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 3
Haida Gwaii<br />
Trader Values<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />
Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />
#85: continuing to develop<br />
media initiatives that inform<br />
and educate the Canadian<br />
public, and connect the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders.<br />
We proudly serve the<br />
unceded traditional territory<br />
of the Haida Nation along<br />
with all those who live,<br />
work and play on Haida<br />
Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />
advertising for all local<br />
businesses and exemplary<br />
off-island businesses whose<br />
products and/or services are<br />
in limited, local supply.<br />
UNITED<br />
Our focus is to build,<br />
maintain and enhance<br />
bridges between the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders<br />
of all ages, genders and<br />
income, between nature and<br />
humanity, and between spirit<br />
and ego.<br />
We support basic,<br />
equitable needs shared<br />
by all, including social<br />
sustainability, clean air,<br />
water and energy, affordable<br />
housing, wellness, and<br />
nutritious, locally produced<br />
food.<br />
Our Valued Contributors<br />
Jasmine Beachy is a wife and<br />
proud mother of two active boys.<br />
She is a local StrongStart facilitator<br />
and has lived in Wáan Kún/<br />
Gamadiis Port Clements for 15<br />
years.<br />
Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />
astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />
about helping people develop tools<br />
of awareness and purpose in life.<br /><br />
Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />
who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />
learning, eating things, and<br />
exploring Haida Gwaii.<br /><br />
Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset<br />
resident, naturalist and writer.<br />
She uses her skills to build things.<br /><br />
Tyler Hinchcliffe will be<br />
starting law school in September<br />
<strong>2023</strong>. She is interested in art,<br />
nature and sustainability.<br />
She lives in Daajing Giids.<br /><br />
Behind the Scenes<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
Owner<br />
Editor in Chief<br /><br />
Claude Adams<br />
Assistant Editor<br /><br />
Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />
of human conduct and love<br />
interactions, is passionate about<br />
finding creative ways to navigate<br />
love, friendships and familiar<br />
relationships<br /><br />
Jana McLeod has lived on Haida<br />
Gwaii all her life. She’s a mother to<br />
8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and<br />
making people laugh keeps her<br />
grounded.<br /><br />
Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />
a retired university professor,<br />
geologist, NASA scientist and<br />
educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />
beauty, people and nature of<br />
Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />
her dog for walks on the beach.<br /><br />
Jamie McDonald<br />
Events Manager<br />
Contributing Writer<br /><br />
Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Administrative Assistant<br />
Classifieds & Subscriptions Manager<br /><br />
Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />
IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />
Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />
Letter From the Editor<br />
Living With Less<br />
My “something needs to change” revelation came to me about a month ago. It was a deliciously sunny spring<br />
afternoon. Whoo hoo! One of my favourite things: a day that’s warm enough (and not too many flesh-eating bugs)<br />
for lunch on the deck. I’d just finished enjoying my yummy light and healthy meal when, snap, I woke up with a<br />
start. What the heck? I’d fallen asleep – sitting up! Now a person might think, “A wee nap, what’s strange about<br />
that?” But it wasn’t the first time. This nodding off thing was happening a lot.<br />
“I’m so tired,” I thought. But not the, “Hmm… I’m a bit sleepy today,” kind of tired. In that moment, the truth was<br />
clear. I was exhausted, right down to my bones.<br />
In the audiobook, “What Happened to You?” splendidly co-written and narrated by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D.<br />
Perry, Bruce notes that, “The speed with which we’re inventing our world is outpacing our ability to understand<br />
the impact of our inventions.” All around us, “modern” things created to make our lives “better,” (convenient,<br />
comfortable, entertaining, etc.) are instead resulting in increased stress, boredom, loneliness, separation, depression<br />
and yes, exhaustion.<br />
I think there is a ton of truth to the awakening of less being more. So, as a part of an accountability protocol, I will<br />
share with you some of my key commitments to living a life with less:<br />
• Less TV. I have dramatically reduced my black box time and now focus on viewing content that is either educational,<br />
inspirational or funny. My TV has a sign on it that says, “Live your life. Your Joy.” Oh, playing music<br />
and kitchen dancing counts as positive TV time too!<br />
• Less device time: texting, addictively scrolling social media posts or those dang reels and short videos. My<br />
phone now sits in the kitchen at night, not beside my bed.<br />
• Less processed foods. After four decades of being on the Lunatic Diet Roller Coaster, my relationship with<br />
food is finally healing. It’s been fifteen months since I cut out most sugar and flour. I resonate with Michael<br />
Pollan’s advice to, “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” At the time of writing, 33 pounds released. About<br />
70 to go.<br />
• Less shame. This is a big one for me. Compassion, for myself and others.<br />
And the benefits of less rather than more go on and on. Less perfection, more progress. Less ego, more Spirit. Less<br />
judgement, more discernment and forgiveness. Less information, more wisdom. Less winning, more win/win.<br />
Less blaming, more taking responsibility. Less possessions, more meaning. Less sitting, more moving. Less talking,<br />
more listening. Less complaining, more gratitude. Less technology, more human and natural world connections,<br />
to name only a few.<br />
Wishing all a beautiful, peaceful and contented summer of less.<br />
If you have a “how less is providing you with more” story to share, I am ever<br />
all ears.<br />
Email me at<br />
Header image: East Beach | PC Shellene Patience<br />
By Shellene Patience<br />
One foot gently in front<br />
of the other,<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
4 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 5
Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />
nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />
column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />
professional help if you are struggling.<br />
A Naturalist’s Almanac<br />
Salmon at the River’s Edge<br />
By Margo Hearne<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
My partner and I have been together for a long time. We have an amazing relationship and I can’t imagine<br />
being with anyone else. However, there is something that’s been confusing me for quite some time. On most<br />
things, we agree or agree to disagree, but there are a few situations/topics where we just don’t meet eye to eye.<br />
When I express a boundary or disagree, anger, jealousy and a few times, (this pains me to admit) even physical<br />
violence have been the response… not anything that caused bodily harm, but incredibly stressful. For these<br />
situations, talking calmly has proven impossible and counselling is a no-go. – Sincerely, Seeking Solutions<br />
Dear Seeker,<br />
As I read your question, I can feel the struggle in your heart between the undeniable love you have for your<br />
partner and your frustration as you try all alone to patch what you both broke. As a result, you’ve adapted yourself<br />
to increasing verbal and mental abuse, justifying it in the hopes of fulfilling the life you imagined together.<br />
But you can’t do this alone. The intrinsic foundation of a relationship is the mutual commitment to work on it<br />
and the mutual agreement to better yourselves through that work.<br />
In essence, fighting for someone who is not willing to fight for you is a wasted effort.<br />
In the end, there are only two questions left to ask yourself. Is it worth the effort? And how much more of this can<br />
you take? The solution you are seeking is in your answers. So just sit down and have the talk he refuses to have, set<br />
new boundaries and expectations for the future. Express the desire for a safe space to share opinions, respectfully<br />
engage in debates or arguments and feel free to calmly express yourselves openly.<br />
Perhaps, all it will take is clear and open communication to re-ignite your relationship. Your partner may surprise<br />
you and commit to working together. However, it will not be easy or quick as setbacks may be inevitable, so my<br />
final advice is not to disregard professional help. Couples counselling and individual therapy can provide the tools<br />
to communicate assertively.<br />
Communication is a skill we acquire from our interaction with our families, society etc. and these experiences<br />
shape the way we react and express ourselves. In a world where most people lack these skills, finding a kindred<br />
spirit who understands and validates our feelings is worth its weight in gold.<br />
Most interactions challenge us in different ways, forcing us to acknowledge that every situation can be perceived<br />
from different angles and each angle will result in different information and new knowledge.<br />
This is magnified inside a long term committed relationship. With time, our emotional reactions and their triggers<br />
align and we become mirrors for each other. By observing ourselves as feelings of anger or betrayal arise, we can<br />
identify the underlying unresolved trauma wounds and feelings of insecurity, rejection and fear that have been<br />
infecting our lives and subsequently break from this harmful response pattern to foster healthier relationships.<br />
I truly hope that no matter what your partner says, you draw the line there and then, let your boundaries be your<br />
higher power. Remember, your feelings matter, your thoughts are valid and your voice is meant to be heard.<br />
Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email or send via mail to<br />
Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full situation<br />
- unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen, only the<br />
overview question will be published.<br />
There are five species of salmon on<br />
the Pacific coast. They are born in the<br />
upstream and move towards the ocean<br />
where they live throughout their adult<br />
lives. Then they migrate home to their<br />
natal stream where female salmon<br />
lays thousands of eggs in the river<br />
gravel and the males release sperm,<br />
or milt, to fertilize the eggs. Then the<br />
adults die. It’s both wonderful and<br />
tragic.<br />
Wonderful because in death there is<br />
life. Not only do tiny salmon grow<br />
from the eggs in gravel, but the salmon<br />
carcasses break down along the river’s<br />
edge, feed the forest along the<br />
river and enrich almost every wild<br />
thing that uses the forest, from bugs to<br />
bears. We have only begun to learn of<br />
the salmon’s importance to all living<br />
things along the coast.<br />
Here on Haida Gwaii they provide<br />
particular wealth. The many rivers<br />
and creeks that run to the sea are rich<br />
with their remains and the old-growth<br />
forests have stood for eons because of<br />
them. It is an almost miraculous cycle<br />
of life and one that is disappearing<br />
quickly. Almost all the watersheds<br />
on Haida Gwaii have been logged<br />
and those that haven’t will be in the<br />
coming years. Road building causes<br />
increased erosion and fine sediment<br />
generation and salmon eggs are buried<br />
under the mess.<br />
According to the Pacific Salmon<br />
Foundation (PSF) “100% of Chinook<br />
spawning habitats in Haida Gwaii<br />
are estimated to be facing a high risk<br />
of habitat degradation as a result of<br />
road development.” The cycle of sustainability<br />
that persisted for so long<br />
is being broken. Although there is<br />
some tree planting occurring, it will<br />
take thousands of years, if ever, before<br />
anything resembling the original old<br />
growth forest reappears.<br />
And then, of course, there are the<br />
salmon themselves. They too suffer<br />
from our depredations. From a human<br />
perspective, it’s one thing to catch fish<br />
to feed one’s family and community.<br />
It’s quite another to wipe out whole<br />
salmon populations. Millions are<br />
taken from the sea by the commercial<br />
fishing industry. Seiners, gillnetters<br />
and trollers catch them offshore<br />
and, just as the surviving salmon have<br />
made it to the river mouth, the sport<br />
fishing industry is waiting for them.<br />
Because the captured sport fish didn’t<br />
have a chance to spawn, there will be<br />
no tomorrow’s salmon from them.<br />
Based on recent airfreight calculations,<br />
each of the five existing fishing<br />
lodges ships out 20,000 lbs of salmon<br />
Chinook Salmon<br />
PC<br />
from Haida Gwaii every week, for a<br />
total of 100,000 lbs. The fish don’t<br />
stand a chance and this drastically<br />
diminishes what’s left for our consumption.<br />
Salmon are beautiful. The blue and<br />
gold of Spring Salmon is as lovely as<br />
sunshine on blue water; sleek Coho<br />
Salmon are quick and darting; Sockeye<br />
are bright slivers of muscle as they<br />
move from ocean to river, river to lake<br />
and on to their small home stream.<br />
The small Pink Salmon is soft and<br />
pliable, not one to push through as<br />
does the Sockeye but it will spawn<br />
and die almost at the river mouth.<br />
The noble Chum Salmon, that late fall<br />
runner with its thin tail and large jaw,<br />
will turn, when close to home, from<br />
silver-bright to mottled brown, like<br />
wild seaweed on offshore rocks. Every<br />
Pacific salmon is faithful to its island<br />
home. Haida Gwaii was once a secure<br />
haven for this brilliant creature. But<br />
sadly, no more.<br />
6 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 7
Round the World with Harry<br />
A Haida Gwaii Stop-over<br />
By Claude Adams | Photos by Cari Jiang<br />
Cari Jiang and Harry are pursuing a<br />
dream, to see the world from the seat of<br />
a bicycle. Well, to be accurate, it’s Cari’s<br />
dream, he does the work and Harry is<br />
in a basket, not the seat. Because Harry<br />
is a dog, probably the best-traveled dog<br />
in modern times.<br />
Nine years ago, they pedalled 25,000<br />
km from China to Europe, covering 23<br />
countries and territories. The second<br />
leg, completed this year, took them from<br />
Los Angeles to the southern-most city<br />
in the world, Ushuaia, in Argentina.<br />
Then, they made a detour. This summer,<br />
they visited Haida Gwaii. “Very<br />
natural, peaceful and nice,” is Cari’s<br />
reaction. “People is nice too.” Some<br />
of the nicest, in fact, were a group of<br />
young Christians that Cari and Harry<br />
met in Daajing Giis, who sang “Amazing<br />
Grace” for them. As Cari tells it:<br />
“I said I went to church for the first<br />
time because of (that) song, so they<br />
sang (it), and it suddenly reminded me<br />
of that afternoon in Trabzon, Turkey,<br />
nine years ago (when) we also met<br />
a group of young missionaries. The<br />
world is so wonderful.” You can find<br />
that happy moment on Cari’s Facebook<br />
page<br />
Cari, 36, wanted to see Haida Gwaii<br />
because he has a friend who lives here.<br />
The friend told him about the Haida<br />
culture, and the heart-stopping scenery,<br />
and so man, dog and bike journeyed<br />
north to see for themselves. They climbed<br />
Sleeping Beauty, and they left sets of<br />
six footprints on the beaches.<br />
The next challenge in their round-theworld<br />
odyssey is the African continent.<br />
“I love the forests and the lakes, and<br />
all creatures of this world,” Cari says<br />
on his website. “I want to know them,<br />
listen to their voices. If you get close<br />
enough, you can hear their voices and<br />
know their story. That is why I choose<br />
to be on the road.”<br />
Along the way, they plan to stop at<br />
animal shelters. Cari wants to draw<br />
attention to homeless animals because<br />
that’s how he met Harry 13 years ago.<br />
They are determined to stay together<br />
for every step of their global journey.<br />
For that reason, they won’t be touring<br />
Australia, because on that continent,<br />
visiting pets have to be quarantined.<br />
“The most precious gift,” says Cari, “is<br />
not how many beautiful things you<br />
see, but who you see it with.”<br />
At a remote school in China<br />
Cari and Harry in Paris<br />
At the Grand Canyon<br />
Cari and Man’s Best Friend<br />
8 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 9
A Day in the Life<br />
Adolf Bitterlich<br />
By Claude Adams<br />
Remembering doesn’t come easily<br />
anymore for Adolf Bitterlich. At<br />
age 89, revisiting his past is a bit<br />
like groping along the walls of dark<br />
cave. But one memory is still vivid<br />
and brings a light to his eyes: His last<br />
climb, 17 years ago, up a 9000-foot<br />
mountain in west-central BC, as a<br />
guest of the Alpine Club of Canada.<br />
That ascent of Mount Howson in the<br />
Coastal Range at age 72, well past his<br />
prime, capped a glorious career as a<br />
climber and adventurer. And it was<br />
a profoundly emotional experience.<br />
“I was crying,” recalls Adolf. “It was<br />
not easy, but I was able to do it once<br />
more - that is happiness. You can cry<br />
Adolf at age 20<br />
By Claude Adams<br />
when you have happiness. My whole<br />
thinking at the time was what I had<br />
done as a young man.”<br />
Today, Adolf lives on a small acreage<br />
in Tl.aal Tlell with two Blackface<br />
sheep, a pair of noisy geese, a cat and<br />
a few pigeons. (His flock of sheep<br />
was ravaged last year by a hungry<br />
black bear. “Bears have to eat too,” he<br />
says wryly.) He invites visitors into<br />
his rustic log cabin with a cheeky<br />
warning: “Watch where you step. I<br />
don’t have insurance.”<br />
But what he does have is a wealth of<br />
rich stories which he will tell you,<br />
slowly and deliberately and in fragments:<br />
How he walked away from<br />
two crashes in his small plane, how<br />
he liked to fly under bridges - “the<br />
things you do when you are a young<br />
man to show off” - and how he once<br />
landed his aircraft on a highway<br />
“because highways are there to land<br />
on!”<br />
However, Adolf turns serious when<br />
telling how he climbed Mt. Howson<br />
in 1958 in search of the body of<br />
another climber, Rex Gibson, killed<br />
in a fall during an ascent a year earlier.<br />
Adolf recalls a conversation he<br />
had with Gibson’s wife before his<br />
expedition. “His widow asked me not<br />
to bring his body out because they<br />
had this arrangement that he wanted<br />
to be buried in the mountains (if he<br />
Adolf outside his home<br />
By Claude Adams<br />
Adolf Bitterlich in 1958 on<br />
Mt. Blackburn<br />
Photo courtesy the John Owen Archive<br />
was killed while climbing.) So, I<br />
made sure of that.” Instead of bringing<br />
back the body, Adolf built a cairn<br />
in Gibson’s memory near where he<br />
died.<br />
You have to earn<br />
the mountain.<br />
Adolf and his brother Ulf were the<br />
first Canadians to scale Mt. Waddington,<br />
BC’s highest peak. They<br />
climbed without all the paraphernalia<br />
of modern mountaineering -<br />
the fancy harnesses, lightweight ice<br />
axes and ropes, boots and helmets<br />
commonly used today. Climbing was<br />
much more physically demanding<br />
then. “You have to earn the mountain,”<br />
is how Adolf puts it.<br />
He was born in Dresden, the capital<br />
city of the German state of Saxony,<br />
and he remembers the fire-bombing<br />
of that city by Allied aircraft when he<br />
was 11. And he recalls the tumultuous<br />
greeting when Adolf Hitler came<br />
to visit. “I remember thousands and<br />
thousands of people going ‘Heil Heil<br />
Heil’ and my grandmother when we<br />
got home said to me ‘Did you wave<br />
at Hitler?’ And I said: ‘I don’t like<br />
Hitler. I waved at him and he didn’t<br />
answer!’”<br />
Adolf left school at 14 and learned<br />
carpentry - “after the war everything<br />
was kaput and we needed carpentry.”<br />
Three years later, he bicycled 500 km<br />
to Stuttgart in what was then West<br />
Germany to train with a mountain<br />
rescue group. He earned the group’s<br />
highest award.<br />
In Canada, he worked as an alpine<br />
guide, a logger and he ran a hobby<br />
farm. But climbing was always his<br />
primary passion. He was only 20<br />
when he was asked to climb Mt.<br />
Arrowsmith on Vancouver Island<br />
to recover the bodies of two pilots<br />
who had crashed in the mountain. “I<br />
brought the bodies out and I became<br />
quite famous,” he says. “But it’s very<br />
difficult to tell that story so I don’t<br />
want to think about it anymore.” He<br />
was still too young to celebrate the<br />
recovery with a beer in a local bar,<br />
but an RCMP officer escorted him<br />
anyway and bought a round.<br />
Adolf was married three times, and<br />
he has two daughters and two grandsons.<br />
In poor health and hard of<br />
Mt Blackburn base camp<br />
By Leon Blumer<br />
hearing, he acknowledges that he’ll<br />
have to let his property go soon. “I<br />
can’t go on for very much longer,” he<br />
says wearily. As a devotee of the spiritualist<br />
philosopher Rudolf Steiner,<br />
he says he is unconcerned about the<br />
end of life. “It doesn’t matter how<br />
you die, there always will be something<br />
from you (remaining). . . In<br />
what form we don’t know. It can be<br />
a kernel of sand. It can be lightning.”<br />
Or it can be in the form of a collection<br />
of stories, of a man who left his<br />
indelible mark on some of the West<br />
Coast’s highest peaks.<br />
“We human beings are connected to<br />
the past,” is Adolf’s personal summing-up.<br />
“We are the makers of good<br />
and bad things. In the end, it’s up<br />
to us.”<br />
Adolf’s Edelweiss Mountain<br />
Rescue service pin<br />
10 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 11
A<br />
R<br />
G<br />
O<br />
A<br />
S<br />
Farmers’ Markets Food Coupons - Empowering Island Communities<br />
By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Here on Haida Gwaii, a ground-breaking initiative is transforming the<br />
way some residents access local food. The Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Markets<br />
food coupons have become a catalyst for change, offering low-income<br />
islanders the freedom to choose locally sourced food at any farmers’ market<br />
on the island.<br />
With the generous support of the Gwaii Trust Food Security grant, the<br />
Graham Island East Coast Farmers Institute and the Masset Market,<br />
these coupons have emerged as a beacon of hope for enhancing food<br />
accessibility for all islanders.<br />
What sets these coupons apart from the existing British Columbia Association<br />
of Farmers’ Markets coupons is their unparalleled flexibility. The<br />
Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Markets coupons, available in $3 and $10 increments,<br />
allow users to explore food items at any farmers’ market on the<br />
island. Users can buy fruits and vegetables, preserves, baked goods and<br />
even hot lunches. Each coupon empowers users to make choices aligned<br />
with their preferences and dietary needs. The coupons are valid until<br />
October 31, <strong>2023</strong>*.<br />
In April and May, the coupons were distributed to community partners,<br />
including the Old Masset Adult Day Program, Niislaa Naay Haida Health<br />
Centre, Island Wellness Society, and other dedicated organizations. Their<br />
mission was clear: ensure that low-income residents, elders, seniors,<br />
and young families are able to benefit from the abundance of local food<br />
options available.<br />
By embracing the Haida coupon program, island residents not only<br />
support local farmers but also bolster the island’s economy. It’s a mutually<br />
beneficial relationship that cultivates a sustainable local food system<br />
while enhancing the overall well-being of the entire community.<br />
*Coupon Error Notification: disregard “valid till December 2022” seen on<br />
the HGFMFC coupons. As noted, coupons are now valid until the end of<br />
Oct/23<br />
Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, Community Market in Daajing Giids and<br />
A<br />
H<br />
To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email<br />
M<br />
I S<br />
L<br />
A<br />
N<br />
D<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
E<br />
A<br />
S<br />
T<br />
C<br />
T<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
Our Food Basket<br />
According to BC’s 2022 Food Costing<br />
report, the average monthly cost of<br />
the nutritious food basket for a family<br />
of four in the Northern Health<br />
region is $1300 and that addressing<br />
household food insecurity requires<br />
policy action to increase incomes<br />
so that “everyone can afford to eat a<br />
nutritious diet that supports health<br />
and overall wellbeing.”<br />
For discussion: what do you do to<br />
stretch your food budget? Email us<br />
at<br />
For action: write/email/mail your<br />
MLA and MP about policy action to<br />
increase incomes.<br />
The full report can be found at bccdc.<br />
ca/Documents/Food_Costing_in_<br />
BC_2022_Report_FINAL.pdf<br />
Extended!<br />
GKNS student show<br />
poster art by Julia Fraser<br />
Cultural Tours + Programs<br />
Pricing + bookings available online<br />
250.559.4643 .<br />
250.559.7885 .<br />
Kay Anniversary Celebration<br />
AUG 18 + 19<br />
Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
Gina DaahlGahl Naay<br />
The Trading House<br />
Art . Jewelry . Books . Music . Beauty<br />
Fashion . Home . Toys + so much more!<br />
Shop in-house or online at<br /><br />
Haida Heritage Centre<br />
Memorabilia<br />
Shop in-house or online at<br /><br />
<strong>July</strong> + <strong>August</strong> Hours<br />
MONDAY — SUNDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br />
12 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 13
We own and manage a multi-million dollar perpetual fund for the benefit of all the people of Haida Gwaii<br />
For more information on grants, featured projects, and current news, visit<br />
The Gwaii Trust Youth Board is for people between the ages<br />
of 13-21 who have an interest in youth initiatives, are willing<br />
to read and discuss funding applications, and are available for<br />
four to six meetings a year. You will be paid an honorarium<br />
for your time, and also receive a generous technology allowance<br />
after successfully completing one full term.<br />
Joining our youth board connects you with other youth,<br />
allows you to help make our communities stronger, and looks<br />
great on your resume or scholarship application.<br />
Terms for youth board members are one year and run from<br />
September to <strong>August</strong>.<br />
The Continuing Education Grant was designed to encourage<br />
Haida Gwaii residents to pursue educational opportunities of<br />
all kinds, both on and off-island.<br />
Who can apply?<br />
Residents who have lived on Haida Gwaii for the past 24<br />
consecutive months. A student who has left Haida Gwaii<br />
to attend school but otherwise maintains their residency is<br />
considered a resident. This grant is open to mature students,<br />
recent high school graduates, and both full-time and parttime<br />
students.<br />
What can I apply for?<br />
This grant can help cover the cost of tuition and course<br />
materials for courses at recognized universities, colleges,<br />
and trades programs (including online courses) that result<br />
in credits towards a certificate, diploma or degree. This<br />
Travel Assistance and Continuing Education: Visit for details<br />
Special Projects: Sep 1, Nov 1 by 11:59 pm<br />
Community Innovation: Sep 1, Oct 1 by 11:59 pm<br />
Current positions available:<br />
Graham Island North: 1<br />
Graham Island Central: 2<br />
CHN Old Massett: 1<br />
Old Massett Village Council: 1<br />
Youth Grant, Arts Grant, Arts Workshops and Arts Mentorships: Oct 1 by 11:59 pm<br />
For more information visit or<br />
contact<br />
Deadline to apply: September 22, 2022<br />
Tahayghen Elementary cedar bark weaving class<br />
Photo courtesy Christine Carty<br />
includes both short-term courses (those that take less than<br />
three months to complete) and long-term courses (those<br />
that are three months or longer)<br />
How much money is available?<br />
Up to $3,750 a calendar year, or a maximum of five courses<br />
to a maximum of $750 per course. Funding will be based on<br />
the actual cost of your course and materials.<br />
When is the application deadline?<br />
Applications are accepted throughout the year. Your application<br />
must be submitted no later than either two weeks<br />
into the semester or course (long-term courses) or the day<br />
before the course starts (short-term courses).<br />
For more information, visit or<br />
contact grant coordinator Pam Hill at<br /><br />
1 800 663 2388<br />
On Saturday, June 17th, we held our 2022 Annual General<br />
Meeting in Old Massett. Haw’aa to Sarah’s Longhouse for the<br />
venue, and to Carrie Carty for catering. Curious about what<br />
$118,630<br />
$123,000<br />
Community<br />
Innovation<br />
TRAVEL<br />
131<br />
participate in<br />
educational,<br />
cultural, arts,<br />
senior, sports<br />
events<br />
GRANTS<br />
Community &<br />
Holiday Events<br />
$60,000<br />
for<br />
Youth<br />
Programs<br />
$48,000<br />
in Arts Grants<br />
$327,000<br />
| food banks | soup kitchens | lunch programs |<br />
| community gardens | farmers’ markets | greenhouses |<br />
$1.2 million<br />
$180,000<br />
HAIDA<br />
for Major Contributions<br />
$341,000<br />
230<br />
supporting initiatives to revitalize<br />
and sustain the Haida language<br />
we funded last year? Our annual report is now available on<br />
our website at, or pick one up at our office in<br />
Old Massett or Skidegate.<br />
Supporting larger projects<br />
in community infrastructure<br />
and planning<br />
GRANTS<br />
Designed to encourage all Haida Gwaii residents to<br />
pursue educational opportunities of all kinds, both on<br />
and off-island<br />
$90,000<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
Staycation<br />
All-Islands<br />
Protocol<br />
Table for<br />
$60,000<br />
for<br />
120<br />
GRANTS<br />
$45,000<br />
14 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 15
Article and photos submitted by Haida House at Tllaal<br />
Fibre-optic services are live in<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate, Masset<br />
and Gaw Tlagée Old Massett!<br />
$83<br />
$88/mo.<br />
Quantum 100<br />
Symmetrical<br />
• Save $5/month<br />
on a 2-year<br />
commitment<br />
$98<br />
$108/mo.<br />
Quantum 500<br />
Symmetrical<br />
• Save $10/month<br />
on a 2-year<br />
commitment<br />
$108<br />
$138/mo.<br />
Quantum Gigabit<br />
Symmetrical<br />
• Save $30/month<br />
on a 2-year<br />
commitment<br />
Hello Summer!<br />
We are one month into peak season<br />
and have already welcomed visitors<br />
worldwide; Manhattan, Chicago, and<br />
even Japan, as well as many fellow<br />
Canadians from various provinces &<br />
cities across the nation.<br />
Accompanying guest arrivals are the<br />
returning staff members who spent<br />
the shoulder season away at university.<br />
They are happy to be home, and we are<br />
happy to have them back.<br />
Once school ends for yet another year,<br />
we’ll be adding a few summer students<br />
to the staff roster and the Haida House<br />
team will be feeling whole again.<br />
You may have seen the Haida Tourism<br />
Discovery bus making stops at carvers,<br />
studios, and quintessential Haida Gwaii<br />
sights.<br />
A week in the life of our all-inclusive<br />
guests generally looks like, a day trip<br />
to the South end for exploring and<br />
museum perusing with Haida Tourism’s<br />
cultural interpreter, Marni York.<br />
Day two is on the water with the Haida<br />
Style Expedition team on a trip to<br />
an ancient village site. Capped by a<br />
traditional Haida meal at Keenawaii’s<br />
Kitchen.<br />
Then we are back on the bus with Marni<br />
& Dareyl, our driver, heading North to<br />
visit carving sheds, studios, and gift<br />
shops. Can’t leave out the halibut fish &<br />
chips, so they refuel at either Charters<br />
or 626 before heading to the top of Tow<br />
Hill.<br />
The fourth and fifth days are spent<br />
on property and around Tlell learning<br />
about the ecosystem, climate, history<br />
and more of the surrounding area.<br />
Guests enjoy a catered lunch by local<br />
eateries before visiting the local shops &<br />
studios.<br />
The final full day often includes<br />
beachcombing & a bonfire of sorts,<br />
more hiking and trail trekking. Followed<br />
by dinner back at the Haida House to<br />
reminisce about their week. Discussing<br />
all they have learned, how full their<br />
hearts are, and the impending sadness<br />
of their eventual departure.<br />
Here is what one of our first guests of<br />
the season had to say about their time<br />
on Haida Gwaii:<br />
“It’s taking a little while for our souls<br />
to catch up with our bodies now<br />
that we are back in Victoria. What a<br />
wonderful time we had! Thank you<br />
so much for all the thought, planning<br />
and incredible opportunities you made<br />
possible for us. We have been deeply<br />
moved by the generosity, honesty, and<br />
wisdom of every person we spent time<br />
with. We will never forget our time on<br />
Haida Gwaii.” - Phillippa, Victoria.<br />
The Haida Tourism team wants to<br />
extend a BIG thank you to all our<br />
partners out in the communities for<br />
hosting, feeding, educating, knowledge<br />
sharing, entertaining, etc., all our guests.<br />
Whether they are part of an all-inclusive<br />
group or B&B guests on their own<br />
exploration of the island, it is the<br />
collective effort showcasing Haida Gwaii<br />
hospitality that creates memories that<br />
last a lifetime.<br />
Sign up for a 2-year<br />
Internet commitment and<br />
SAVE UP TO $30/MONTH!<br />
• Up to 100Mbps<br />
download and<br />
upload speed<br />
• Up to 500Mbps<br />
download and<br />
upload speed<br />
• Up to 1,000Mbps<br />
download and<br />
upload speed<br />
Add Stream TV and home phone<br />
services to save even more!<br />
*Prices subject to change without notice.<br />
Terms and conditions apply.<br />
16 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 17
Haida Gwaii Eats<br />
Light & Refreshing Fish and Fungi<br />
White Fish Ceviche<br />
By Jamie McDonald<br />
Prep Time: 15 minutes / Rest Time: 45 minutes / Servings: 6<br />
Ceviche is made with fresh fish (or shrimp) cured with lime juice, then tossed with onions, cilantro and peppers.<br />
Serve as an appetizer with tortilla chips or as a light, refreshing summer meal. Many Latin American countries<br />
have their own variations. In Mexico, ceviche is topped with avocado, jalapeno, and hot sauce; Peruvian is traditionally<br />
drier and served with cooked potato slices; while in Nicaragua, ceviche is accompanied with fried green<br />
plantains strips called “tajadas”, or soda crackers. Customize yours by adding or changing ingredients to your liking<br />
such as diced avocado, jalapeño, sweet corn, bell peppers, mango, or pineapple.<br />
Ingredients<br />
Sauteed Oyster Mushrooms with Garlic Butter<br />
Prep Time: 10 minutes / Cook Time: 10 minutes / Servings: 4<br />
• 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced and diced<br />
• 1 – 1 1/2 teaspoon salt, add more to taste<br />
• 3/4 cup fresh lime juice (4-6 limes) freshly squeezed<br />
• 1 pound fresh white fish - ling cod, red snapper or halibut – diced into<br />
1/2 inch cubes.<br />
• 1/4–1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped<br />
• 1 cup peppers of various colours, finely diced<br />
• 1 tablespoon olive oil (optional)<br />
Instructions<br />
1. Slice the red onion thinly with the grain, and toss into a bowl with<br />
salt, pepper and lime juice, coating well.<br />
2. Add the fish and gently mix.<br />
3. Add the peppers, cilantro and olive oil, stir and marinate in the refrigerator<br />
for at least 30 minutes before serving (45-60 minutes is ideal).<br />
The longer you marinate the firmer and more “cooked” the fish will<br />
become.<br />
4. Before serving, taste and, if needed, add a pinch more salt. If adding<br />
avocado, this is the time to gently fold it in.<br />
Serve with tortilla chips, soda crackers or lettuce cups.<br />
While walking the beautiful Dover Creek trail last week, I came across a flush of fresh oyster mushrooms. What<br />
a nice and welcome surprise! These delicious mushrooms made my mouth water and inspired this simple recipe.<br />
Serve this quick and easy dish as a side or over pasta.<br />
Ingredients<br />
Instructions<br />
Casual Fine Dining<br /><br />
604 762 5742<br />
3207 Wharf Way, Daajing Giids<br />
OPEN Tuesday - Saturday @ 5pm<br />
• 10 ounces (284 g) oyster mushrooms<br />
• 1 tablespoon (15 ml) extra virgin olive oil<br />
• Salt and freshly ground black pepper<br />
• 2 tablespoons butter<br />
• 1 clove garlic, finely chopped or grated<br />
• ¼ cup fresh Italian parsley leaves<br />
1. Gently pat the mushrooms with a clean towel to absorb any excess moisture.<br />
Trim off the hard stems at the base of each clump of mushrooms.<br />
Separate large clusters into more bite-sized pieces, using your hands or a<br />
knife.<br />
2. Place a large (10-12”) nonstick pan over medium-high heat. Add the oil<br />
to the pan. Arrange the mushrooms in one layer. Cook, without turning,<br />
until one side is golden brown and crisp – 1-2 minutes. Sprinkle with salt<br />
and pepper to taste and toss. If the mushrooms don’t fit in one layer in<br />
your pan, cook them in 2 batches, adding a little more oil as needed.<br />
3. Transfer the mushrooms to a serving platter. Without returning the pan<br />
to the heat, add the butter, garlic and parsley, swirling until the butter<br />
melts and the garlic is fragrant.<br />
4. Pour the garlic butter over the mushrooms and serve. Enjoy!<br />
18 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 19
Edge of the World Music Festival returns on <strong>August</strong> 11, 12, and 13<br />
By Pete Moore<br />
Edge of the World Music Festival is<br />
just around the corner, and we<br />
couldn’t be more excited! The team<br />
has been working hard to bring the<br />
event together over the past 9 months,<br />
and it will be amazing to see<br />
everything come to life in just a few<br />
short weeks.<br />
We have another stellar line-up this<br />
year, with some incredible talent<br />
traveling from far and wide to<br />
perform on Haida Gwaii, but also<br />
with the amazing local talent we have<br />
here. Prince George-based Rock &<br />
Roll band Dead Sexy, and the “rage<br />
funk” band RainCity from Vancouver<br />
will be closing out our Friday night,<br />
while the “godfather of<br />
PowWowStep” DJ Shub will be<br />
finishing the night on Saturday. Also<br />
performing some smooth jams will be<br />
Haleluya Hailu and Blasé Blasé.<br />
Perhaps traveling the farthest to be at<br />
our festival is Argentinian jazz pianist<br />
Gabriel Palatchi, supported by his<br />
backing band to form a trio. Saltwater<br />
Hank will be returning for his 3rd<br />
EOTW, closing out Sunday after<br />
doing so very memorably back in<br />
2019.<br />
Also joining us on Haida Gwaii will<br />
be Ghostly Hounds, Lorissa Scriven,<br />
and Coastal Drifters! We can’t wait to<br />
welcome each of them to our amazing<br />
festival and community.<br />
Repping the local talent will be the<br />
household names you know and love.<br />
JSB 3:33, The Minstrel Cramps, The<br />
Pseudos, Jason Camp and the Posers,<br />
Gig, Badfish, Old’s Kool to name just<br />
a few. Soulshine will be performing a<br />
tribute to Ron Souza, one of the<br />
founding musicians that started the<br />
Haida Gwaii festival back in the 70’s.<br />
See the full line-up on our website!<br />
This year, we are piloting pay-whatyou-can<br />
ticket prices. Weekend<br />
passes are being sold on a sliding<br />
scale from $60 to $100, and we<br />
encourage you to pay the price you<br />
are most comfortable with. We hope<br />
this keeps the festival affordable and<br />
accessible for all, while also making<br />
it easy to further support the event.<br />
Revenue from ticket sales go towards<br />
artists, production, and simply<br />
making the show happen. A weekend<br />
pass gets you access to: every<br />
mainstage performance, workshops<br />
all weekend, free parking, vendors,<br />
and more. Children under the age of<br />
12 get in for free, provided they are<br />
with an adult! Tickets are still on sale<br />
on our website, and tickets will be<br />
available for purchase at the gate<br />
(cash only).<br />
Our logo this year features a beautiful<br />
moon snail design by local artist<br />
Abigail Mitchell. Our perennial logo<br />
by Robert Vogstad will also be<br />
available on merch, but new this year<br />
it will be accompanied by our new<br />
Xaayda Kil and Xaad Kil names!<br />
Hlangwáay jángu in Xaad Kil, and<br />
TIlgaay K'aaysguuxan K'uuna in<br />
Xaayda Kil; these both translate to<br />
“Edge of the World.” A huge haawa<br />
to Xaad Kil Nee and the Skidegate<br />
Haida Immersion Program for<br />
providing these.<br />
While the festival is a fun weekend<br />
centered around music, dancing, and<br />
community, we recognize that<br />
gathering like this can be difficult in<br />
times of grief. We have had a hard<br />
summer here on Haida Gwaii, dealing<br />
with the sudden loss of friends and<br />
family. Creating and holding safe<br />
space for our attendees is very<br />
important to the entire organizing<br />
team. As always, we will have our<br />
First Aid attendants, Harm Reduction<br />
tent, Safety team, and the Chill Zone.<br />
We encourage everybody and<br />
anybody to use these resources<br />
should they need anything. A quiet<br />
place to sit, a person to talk to, or<br />
help from a professional; whatever is<br />
needed, we want to make sure<br />
everybody has a good and safe<br />
weekend.<br />
While an event like this at a time like<br />
we are in can be tough, we believe it<br />
can be healing as well. Be safe, be<br />
kind, be gentle, be patient, look out<br />
for one another, and have fun. Rock<br />
on and dance the night away!<br />
Of things that fire a trusting heart:<br />
the dark, the light,<br />
halt or heal.<br />
That which is: the road, our part.<br />
The Sacred now,<br />
our real.<br />
There comes a sense before a storm:<br />
we purge or take,<br />
grant or need.<br />
Ice on skin or souls do warm.<br />
The choice?<br />
Hinder or heed.<br />
Creative Corner<br />
Eagle Before a Gale<br />
Poem by Shellene Patience | PC Stephanie Markham<br />
To purchase tickets, or for<br />
information on line-up, volunteering,<br />
and more, head to our website:<br /><br />
Have something creative to share? A poem, prose, cartoon, or photo? We would love<br />
tohear from you! Email us at To view more of Stephanie<br />
Markham’s beautiful photos, check out Instagram/Facebook @beautifulhaidagwaii<br />
778 230 9871<br />
Longhouse Gift Shop<br />
haida owned and operated<br />
genuine haida art & crafts<br />
affordable & unique gifts<br />
clothing & accessories<br />
front st, hlgaagilda skidegate<br />
250-559-8013<br /><br />
shop in-house or online!<br />
20 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 21
‘Round and About<br />
Used Before New<br />
Article and photos by Jana McLeod<br />
Authentic, Cultural and Comfortable<br />
• Six private, clean, and comfortable rooms<br />
• Shared access to lounge and dining area<br />
• Fully equipped kitchen and laundry<br />
• Free Wi-Fi<br />
• Cultural and nature tours<br />
I decided I would take a break from wearing my usual<br />
bland black tops. It was a big step. I was told black is so<br />
slimming, but it’s not. I just look like a chubby ninja.<br />
The bright green recycle logo felt loud. I strutted, full of<br />
purpose, into the school. I saw a student looking at my<br />
shirt. I put my shoulders back and he says, “Why do you<br />
have a garbage shirt on, Miss Jana?” Probably a teachable<br />
moment but I went to the staff room and I questioned my<br />
whole existence. Children and their honesty make me do<br />
that at times.<br />
My mother instilled her money-saving techniques in me.<br />
We would be cruising the garage sales and thrift stores for<br />
the best deals. I come from a big family so hand-me-downs<br />
were the norm. I carried on with that but I don’t think<br />
my youngest daughter appreciated her older brother’s<br />
jeans, so I had to get creative. On the last day of school,<br />
I would go in and shop the lost-and-found. I don’t know<br />
how parents didn’t miss the brand-new Nike bags or shoes,<br />
but I sure appreciate them.<br />
I would also head to Masset St. Paul’s thrift store every<br />
Saturday. I was first in the basement; there was always a<br />
line up, so we had to go early. Visiting and catching up<br />
there was so nice. All the Nonnies and Chinnies would<br />
be sitting enjoying a tea and sweet treat from the kitchen<br />
while the children raced around looking at the toys. I<br />
may or may not have donated things that needed a good<br />
cleaning so I could buy them back. It was worth it. I have<br />
a daughter who would change her whole outfit right there<br />
in the store. She still tries stuff on over her clothes. My<br />
son grabbed a vinyl record and shouted, “Mom, look at<br />
the size of this CD!” So funny. CDs are almost obsolete,<br />
but vinyl is coming back.<br />
Now the thrift store is not there anymore so online bargaining<br />
has become more popular. All kinds of local buyand-<br />
sell groups on Facebook feature everything you could<br />
ever want. When I’m bored, I comment on tiny clothes,<br />
asking if they think it would fit me. Turns out creating<br />
awkward situations pleases me. The HG Trader has lots<br />
of listings online and in print so be sure to have a look<br />
there too.<br />
And who could forget the thrift store in Daajing Giids! I’ve<br />
gotten some amazing finds to stick into my five-dollar bag.<br />
Not sure why I need 10 umbrellas or another back scratcher,<br />
but I do. The volunteers are wonderful and friendly.<br />
I will spend two hours in there just picking through the<br />
great variety of merchandise. So many people go there for<br />
Hallowe’en ideas, there’s usually a pretty good selection.<br />
The new year is another busy time with all the cast-offs<br />
after updating our creature comforts.<br />
This country throws out a staggering 500 million kilograms<br />
of clothing each year! We need to do better. Go to<br />
that garage sale, thrift store and second-hand boutique. I<br />
see brand new stuff there all the time! Look up the many<br />
used goods online before buying new. Have a great rest<br />
of your summer.<br />
See Haida Gwaii through Haida Eyes<br />
Make a booking today!<br />
1545 Main Street, Masset, Haida Gwaii | 250 626 9699<br /> |<br />
22 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 23
On Wheels<br />
Selling of a Mobile, Manufactured or Tiny Home<br />
Like all creatures, taan black bears<br />
of Haida Gwaii need safe and secure<br />
shelters, especially during the winter<br />
months. Winter is their denning<br />
period, and it’s a critical time if taan<br />
(Ursus americanus) hope to survive<br />
and reproduce.<br />
A den is much more than a temporary<br />
seasonal resting place. A<br />
well-constructed den can be used<br />
by generations of taan who inhabit<br />
the ancient forests of coastal BC.<br />
It’s also the only place where female<br />
taan can safely produce and nurture<br />
their young.<br />
The dens that taan create in the forest<br />
environment are wonderfully<br />
suited to their needs. For example,<br />
entrances at the base of trees can<br />
be as narrow as 25 centimetres -<br />
just wide enough for the taan to fit<br />
through and snug enough to reduce<br />
heat loss and defend against predators.<br />
Inside, taan build a bedding of<br />
K’inýan mosses, Ts’aagwul ferns and<br />
shrubs to rest on.<br />
In coastal BC, taan usually begin<br />
hibernation by the end of October<br />
and can stay in dens into mid-May,<br />
although this timing depends on<br />
sex, reproductive status, and body<br />
condition of individual taan. Taan<br />
cubs, born during hibernation, are<br />
tiny and helpless and need to grow<br />
and develop in dens for around three<br />
months before they can survive outside<br />
in the wild.<br />
Safeguarding Bear Habitats<br />
Text and images submitted by Taan Forest<br />
The dens Taan Forest, 100% owned<br />
by the Haida, protect are found beneath<br />
large diameter trees, under<br />
high-cut stumps or below root masses.<br />
In some cases, they can be found<br />
within trees that bears have to climb<br />
to access the den.<br />
Using information collected over<br />
25 years, organizations like Artemis<br />
Wildlife Consultants (#savebcbeardens)<br />
have developed tools to<br />
help forestry workers identify these<br />
critical wildlife habitat features within<br />
their operations. These tools teach<br />
general taan ecology, how to identify<br />
taan dens and distinguish them from<br />
day beds, different strategies for den<br />
retention and how the supply of dens<br />
affects taan populations. Taan Forest<br />
worked with Artemis Wildlife Consultants<br />
to create a new bear den in<br />
2022 which was confirmed by video<br />
camera to be used by taan in the winter<br />
which we showed on our website<br />
and Facebook page.<br />
Taan Forest is committed to conservation,<br />
sustainability and strengthening<br />
the Haida and local economy<br />
through employment and capacity<br />
building. For more information go to<br /> or email info@<br /><br />
Disclaimer: Accents for the Haida<br />
Language may not be reflected in this<br />
article due to the font type used.<br />
A home on wheels, whether it’s a mobile<br />
home, manufactured home or a<br />
tiny house, comes with a unique set<br />
of challenges when selling that are<br />
distinguished from a traditional permanent<br />
structure, such as insurance<br />
and financing complications. Homes<br />
on wheels typically experience a higher<br />
rate of depreciation, influenced by<br />
factors like age, wear and tear. Consequently,<br />
the potential resale value<br />
of these homes may be lower than a<br />
typical permanent structure.<br />
As these homes age, wear and tear<br />
resulting from transportation, exposure<br />
to the elements and the need for<br />
maintenance and repairs such as the<br />
roof, plumbing, heating, and electrical<br />
systems may require attention or replacement.<br />
Ever evolving safety standards<br />
and regulations may necessitate<br />
updates to ensure compliance with<br />
current codes. If you have done modifications<br />
without permits, and you<br />
are considering selling, you will be<br />
required to have the home recertified<br />
by an electrician. If in compliance the<br />
electrician will put his seal of approval<br />
on the electrical panel in the form of<br />
a silver label. Failing to meet these<br />
compliance requirements can reduce<br />
insurability and limit financing options<br />
for prospective buyers.<br />
By Tracey De Frane<br />
Expanding or modifying homes on<br />
wheels also presents its own set of<br />
challenges. Ensuring that any additions<br />
or modifications are structurally<br />
sound and seamlessly integrated with<br />
the existing movable and lightweight<br />
structure is crucial. Obtaining the<br />
necessary permits and approvals from<br />
local regulators is essential to ensure<br />
compliance.<br />
Living in a rural or hard-to-reach area<br />
does not exempt homeowners from<br />
complying with regulations when selling<br />
a home on wheels. Regardless of<br />
location, lending institutions impose<br />
specific requirements for insurability<br />
in order to secure a mortgage. If a<br />
home on wheels is deemed uninsurable,<br />
the likelihood of obtaining mortgage<br />
financing becomes minimal. In<br />
such cases, the value of the property<br />
may be limited to the land if it is not<br />
on a leased or rented lot. Buyers would<br />
then need to qualify for a mortgage<br />
solely based on the land, seek alternative<br />
financing options like personal<br />
loans, pay in cash, or ultimately walk<br />
away from the deal.<br />
Determining whether a home on<br />
wheels is classified as a recreational<br />
vehicle (RV) depends on various factors,<br />
including the presence of wheels,<br />
axles, length, weight, adherence to<br />
building codes and regulations, intended<br />
use, and whether it meets<br />
transportation and road safety standards.<br />
Checking for compliance with<br />
industry standards for RVs or manufactured<br />
homes can help ascertain the<br />
classification of a home on wheels. If<br />
a home on wheels is classified as an<br />
RV, buyers will need to pay cash or<br />
obtain personal loans, as these homes<br />
are not financed through mortgages.<br />
If you have a mobile sitting on land<br />
that is uninhabitable, you will want<br />
to consider having it removed or dismantle<br />
it as it devalues the land. Also<br />
make sure it has been deregistered.<br />
Being aware of these facts about the<br />
sale of homes on wheels can assist in<br />
navigating the challenges and making<br />
informed decisions in the real estate<br />
market.<br />
24 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 25
Colourful sea stars<br />
PC C. Cheadle<br />
Gwaii Haanas<br />
Stewarding Biodiversity Protection<br />
Submitted by Annie MacNeil and Mike Hughan-Blazic, from Gwaii Haanas<br />
From the depths of the ocean to the tops of the mountains,<br />
Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine<br />
Conservation Area Reserve and Haida Heritage Site, is like<br />
no other place in Canada - or the world. Gwaii Haanas,<br />
which translates to “Islands of Beauty” in Haida, is an<br />
ecological and cultural treasure.<br />
The protection of Gwaii Haanas is thanks to the unique<br />
partnership between the Haida Nation and Government<br />
of Canada, as they have been working together for the last<br />
30 years to contribute to conservation of Haida cultural<br />
heritage, healthy ecosystems, and to protect species-atrisk.<br />
The Archipelago Management Board (Haida Nation,<br />
Parks Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada), a recognized<br />
leader in cooperative management, is committed<br />
to protecting the cultural and ecological heritage of Gwaii<br />
Haanas for the enjoyment of future generations.<br />
Gwaii Haanas is biodiverse and is often called Canada’s<br />
Galápagos. Many of the species in Gwaii Haanas and the<br />
Haida Gwaii archipelago are endemic (unique) and are<br />
found nowhere else in the world.<br />
In fact, there are more unique subspecies on Haida Gwaii<br />
than in any other equal-sized area in Canada. Distinctive<br />
subspecies of Saw-whet Owl, Hairy Woodpecker, Steller’s<br />
Jay and Peale’s Peregrine Falcon are found.<br />
Eleven species of mammals are native to Gwaii Haanas:<br />
Black Bear, Pine Marten, River Otter, Haida Ermine,<br />
Dusky Shrew, Silver-haired Bat, California Myotis, Keen’s<br />
Myotis, Little brown Bat and Deer Mouse. The eleventh<br />
species, the Dawson Caribou, became extinct in 1908.<br />
Gwaii Haanas is internationally recognized for its seabird<br />
populations. Approximately 1.5 million seabirds from<br />
Ancient murrelets taking flight<br />
PC Carita Bergman<br />
12 species nest on the islands, including the Ancient<br />
Murrelet, a species-at-risk, for which Haida Gwaii is the<br />
only nesting location in Canada. Cassin’s Auklets and<br />
Rhinoceros Auklets also nest in globally significant populations.<br />
Haida Gwaii is known for its Storm Petrels and<br />
Pigeon Guillemots.<br />
The marine area also teems with life. Twenty-three species<br />
of marine mammals inhabit the surrounding waters, including<br />
whales, dolphins and the largest colony of Steller’s<br />
sea lions on Canada’s West Coast. The sea otter was once<br />
plentiful but was hunted to extinction and only recently<br />
has been sighted again in the area.<br />
There are more than 6,800 species of flora and fauna on<br />
the archipelago of Haida Gwaii.<br />
To learn more about how Gwaii Haanas works to protect<br />
biodiversity follow @GwaiiHaanas on Facebook or visit:<br /><br />
Black bear (taan)<br />
PC Pete Moore<br />
26 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 27
Through the Eyes<br />
of a Senior<br />
My Denture Adventure<br />
Story and Illustration by Manzanita Snow<br />
My teeth were lovely once. Like Dad’s, they were straight, strong and attractive. But I’m 78 now, my gums are infected,<br />
they ache and my teeth rock-and-roll all through my mouth. They have to be extracted, every one of them.<br />
My mother had her teeth extracted at the age of 21, after surviving the depression of ’29 and then World War II. She<br />
said, “If you’re gonna get old, ya better be tough.” So I’m off to Prince Rupert to get dentures.<br />
I arrived at the ferry tired and hungry at 9 am on an April morning. After being packed into a tiny, crowded elevator,<br />
I appeared in a claustrophobic state at the dining room. Some friends found me and bought me breakfast and I<br />
joyfully stuffed myself.<br />
The ship came into very rough water. At one point, my walker rolled into a neighbour who cheerfully rolled it back<br />
to me so I could apply the brakes. I consulted my bladder. It was bleating for attention. I couldn’t walk to the washroom<br />
myself, so I grabbed a tall, astonished guy to steer me there. A blushing gentleman, he gave me his arm there<br />
and back. You just don’t know until you ask.<br />
When we docked, I relaxed when told I’d be riding a van to the terminal instead of having to push my walker uphill<br />
in the rain. Sometimes you just have to chill - not worry. My van driver unloaded me with my bags and called me a<br />
cab. Is the world full of angels? Why not just sit helplessly until<br />
life rescues you?<br />
The next few hours in Prince Rupert sobered up my happy expectations.<br />
The hotel restaurant that always served great meals<br />
had just closed, shut for good. Wah! I had to hunt down takeout.<br />
I drooled as I read a Chinese menu. I selected my meal<br />
and called the restaurant. The phone rang and rang. Were they<br />
closed too? “No,” I was told by the people at the front desk, “they<br />
don’t bother answering because they have enough online business.”<br />
It was the same with the pizza palaces. I realized I was<br />
alone, hungry and useless without a smartphone.<br />
I found a package of ramen noodles in one of my bags, added<br />
water, put them in the microwave and then shoveled them in -<br />
realizing too late that they were the extra-spicy-supremely-hot<br />
type. I doused my mouth with cold water and fell back groaning<br />
on the bed.<br />
The following day, while waiting for my dentist appointment,<br />
I visited family, all the while enduring painful gums. I dreaded<br />
the thought of the teeth extractions. When it comes to medical<br />
trips, living on Haida Gwaii, not having family living here, let<br />
alone being a senior, takes guts, baby. My mom was right.<br />
What happened next is the follow-up chapter of my Denture<br />
Adventure. To be continued . . .<br />
Northern Residents Travel Deduction<br />
Did You Know...<br />
The Northern Residents Deduction has<br />
expanded to include a travel deduction<br />
for all residents who qualify for the residency<br />
deduction. Prior to 2021, the<br />
travel deduction was only available if<br />
you received a travel benefit from your<br />
employer.<br />
The travel deduction can be claimed for<br />
up to two personal trips or unlimited<br />
medical trips, but the trip must have<br />
started from a northern zone and been<br />
taken by either you or a family member.<br />
But don’t get too excited! The maximum<br />
deduction you can claim for each eligible<br />
trip is the lowest of the following<br />
three amounts:<br />
• Either the standard amount of<br />
$1,200 or the travel benefit received<br />
by your employer, divided by the<br />
number of trips you are claiming,<br />
• The total travel expenses paid for<br />
the trip, or<br />
• The cost of the lowest return airfare<br />
available at the time of the trip<br />
between your closest airport and<br />
Vancouver (available on the Canada<br />
Revenue Agency (CRA) website<br />
as a table).<br />
And remember, we live in a Zone B, so<br />
the actual deduction is only 50% of that!<br />
By Jennifer Pigeon<br />
Travel expenses include air, train and<br />
bus fare, vehicle expenses, meals, accommodations,<br />
camping fees, and other<br />
incidentals such as taxis and road/<br />
ferry tolls.<br />
The good news is that this does not<br />
need to be complicated. Keep all your<br />
receipts of course, in case you get audited,<br />
but the CRA allows the use of a<br />
simplified method to claim meals and<br />
mileage. For each trip, put your receipts<br />
in an envelope and note your dates of<br />
departure and reåturn and the destination<br />
on the outside. When it comes<br />
to tax time, it will then be easy to determine<br />
the meal expense ($23/meal)<br />
and a quick google search will give you<br />
the number of km you can claim for<br />
mileage ($0.58/km). Add your flight<br />
and/or ferry and accommodation costs<br />
and voila! you have your total travel<br />
expenses.<br />
For more information, go to: www.<br /><br />
tax/individuals/topics/about-your-taxreturn/tax-return/completing-a-taxreturn/deductions-credits-expenses/line-<br />
25500-northern-residents-deductions.<br />
html J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />
Services has been preparing tax returns<br />
for Haida Gwaii residents for over 10<br />
years and can be reached by email:<br /> or<br />
phone: 250.626.7478<br />
Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC<br />
Northern Adventure<br />
PC BC Ferries<br />
290-309 2 nd Ave W<br />
250-622-2413<br /><br />
28 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 29
From Rags to Riches<br />
One Dog’s Story<br />
Article and photo by Tyler Hinchcliffe<br />
Meet Kelev, an adorable pit bull mix who lives in HlGaagilda Skidegate with her parents Hayl and Spencer<br />
and her best friend George, a charming tabby cat. Her name means dog in Hebrew. As you can see from the<br />
picture, today Kelev lives the good life, but her life wasn’t always this cushy.<br />
Kelev is originally from Duncan, where she began her life as a<br />
stray. This winter, Hayl adopted Kelev as a puppy from a rescue<br />
organization called Hugabull. On their way back to Haida<br />
Gwaii they were in a car crash just outside Port Hardy. Thankfully<br />
they were all okay and they eventually made it to Haida<br />
Gwaii.<br />
Today, Kelev loves life. She eats spruce tips from trees, enjoys<br />
salmonberries and playing on the beach. She’s made friends<br />
with lots of Haida Gwaii humans and dogs. Perhaps her most<br />
impressive accomplishment is understanding multiple languages:<br />
Cree, Hebrew, Xaad kíl, Xaayda kil and English. Like<br />
so many of us, Kelev is delighted to call Haida Gwaii home.<br />
Kelev<br />
PC Betsy Cranmer-Wourms<br />
57 th Sandspit Loggers Sports Day<br />
SATURDAY, JULY 29 th <strong>2023</strong><br />
The fun begins at 9am at the Loggers Sports Grounds, K’il Kun Sandspit.<br />
All are welcome to spectate or compete in traditional loggers sports<br />
events.<br />
Events for:<br />
Open Mon-Fri 10am - 4pm<br />
Sat-Sun 2 - 4pm<br />
June - September<br />
Phone:<br />
250-626-5015<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Men<br />
Ladies<br />
Novice Girls and Boys<br />
Junior Kids<br />
Peewee Kids<br />
For more information, contact Betsy Cranmer-Wourms<br />
at<br />
Greased Pole Climb<br />
Dance to cap off the<br />
day!<br />
Beer Gardens<br />
Lots of Delicious Food<br />
30 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 31
The Science Corner<br />
How We Fail our Whales<br />
By Ro Millham<br />
The Garbage Gyre<br />
I look forward to the return of the whales to Haida Gwaii. They<br />
travel the oceans following the foods they need, sometimes getting<br />
tangled in fishing gear or struck by boat propellers. However,<br />
the human impact of consumer debris is a major cause of<br />
many whale deaths. Necropsies conducted on two of the humpback<br />
whales washed ashore here in 2022 found garbage, plastics<br />
and fishing gear in the whales’ stomachs.<br />
How did this happen? The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP)<br />
is a gyre that whales travel through. It’s composed mainly of<br />
plastics (largely microplastics) extending roughly 1.6 million<br />
square kilometres and consisting of trillions of pieces, large and<br />
small, weighing over 88,000 tons.<br />
Clean-up is difficult. Much of the plastic waste has broken down<br />
into microparticles that nets cannot capture (and nets further<br />
endanger sea life). We can reduce our impact on the oceans by<br />
limiting purchases of consumer goods, avoiding merchandise composed of plastics and derivatives and continuing to<br />
research methods to capture and dispose of the garbage properly.<br />
More information on garbage gyres and updates is available at<br />
Image credit: Stephen Maran (Not to scale)<br />
Sky Showers<br />
<strong>July</strong> 17 - New Moon: Moon is between the Sun and Earth.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 29, 30 - Aquarids Meteor Shower peaks on these days (with a full Moon)<br />
and can produce 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by comet debris.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 1 - Full Supermoon. The Moon will be located opposite Earth from the<br />
Sun and is fully illuminated.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 12, 13 - Perseids Meteor Shower. The Perseids is one of the best meteor<br />
showers to observe, up to 60 meteors per hour at its peak.<br />
<strong>August</strong> 31 - Blue Moon. Since this is the second full moon in the same month!<br />
Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Subtropical Gyre)<br />
Image credit:<br />
Newly renovated pub with waterfront patio!<br />
Casual & Fine Dining • Full Bar with Beer on Tap<br />
Live Entertainment • Sports & Themed Events<br />
Daily Drink Specials • Happy Hour Every Day 3pm-5pm<br />
Take-out • Off Sales • Lotto & ATM Machine<br />
Check out our Facebook & Instagram pages for up to<br />
date info or call 250-557-4440<br /><br />
Located at 117 Bayview Drive, Port Clements<br />
Why the Sky Is Blue<br />
I am often asked why the sky is blue as viewed from and above Earth.<br />
Sunlight reaches Earth’s atmosphere and is scattered in all directions<br />
by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered more<br />
than the other colours because it travels as shorter, smaller waves.<br />
This is why we see a blue sky most of the time.<br />
SciJinks is a great resource for more:<br />
Hyper Physics<br />
Georgia State University<br />
The Axe & Anchor Pub<br />
32 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 33
Kohlen and<br />
Company Appraisals<br />
Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />
Serving Haida Gwaii<br />
since 2015<br />
Contact us!<br />
250-302-1074<br /><br />
PICK-UP<br />
SIGN UP<br />
NOW!<br />
Biweekly pick-up<br />
Worm Compost<br />
Starting at $14/mth<br />
Special Event<br />
Composting<br />
SIGN UP AT<br />
(778) 986-3307<br />
Kid's Musings<br />
The World According to Carter & Connor<br />
Article and Photos by Jasmine Beachy<br />
Late nights, sandy feet, camping trips, and<br />
best of all, family time. Summer is finally<br />
here. The boys are sad there isn’t school<br />
anymore but I’m keeping them busy, or is<br />
it the other way around? There’s a post on<br />
Facebook that has been circulating for a<br />
while that says that we only have 18 summers<br />
with our kids. Even fewer once they<br />
get into their teens and only want to hang<br />
out with their friends! This summer, I’m<br />
going to remember that and have fun with<br />
my kids!<br />
Carter: “Mom, what does it feel like to<br />
have your shoulders massaged?”<br />
I rub his shoulders.<br />
Carter: “Oh man, that feels like goodness!”<br />
C: “If dogs pee on trees, it makes the<br />
trees mad so I went over here with Otis to<br />
pee instead.”<br />
Me: “Carter, I still don’t feel well.”<br />
C: “But Mom, who is going to make all<br />
the dinners if you’re sick?”<br />
Carter gave me back a candy he had. “I<br />
like it, but it’s just a little too sugary and<br />
soury for me right now. It’s good, but I’ll<br />
save it for tomorrow because it makes my<br />
mouth feel funny.”<br />
C: “I asked Connor who he liked better,<br />
and he said ‘Dad, Dad, Dad.’ I would just<br />
say both because I like my whole family.”<br />
C: “Mom, massage my feet.”<br />
M: “No.”<br />
C: “Come on Mama! Massage your kiddo’s<br />
feet.”<br />
C: “Look at my thumb toe.”<br />
M: “Your big toe?”<br />
C: “No, well ya, but that’s just what I call<br />
it.”<br />
Carter just got in from fishing.<br />
“Hey Mom, how about you go inside and<br />
start cooking dinner?”<br />
M: “Are you sleeping?”<br />
C: “No. I don’t need to keep my eyes<br />
open, only you need to because you need<br />
to read us the words on the page.”<br />
M: “Connor, why are you in my room<br />
with your boots on?”<br />
Connor: “No, Mom. I have my shoes on.”<br />
M: “Ok, so why do you have your shoes<br />
on?”<br />
Connor: “Because I want me to.”<br />
M: “Connor, your underwear is on backwards<br />
again.”<br />
Connor: “I don’t care about that.”<br />
What I have been really thinking about<br />
lately is that time is fleeting. Kids are only<br />
young once and they bring so much joy<br />
and innocence to our lives. I’m watching<br />
my boys grow up way too fast and I want<br />
to savour every moment of it. I must stop<br />
and remind myself that. It’s ok to say no<br />
to work, for volunteering, or to a friend. If<br />
that means that you’ve put aside more time<br />
for your kids, that’s all that matters. Have<br />
a lovely summer! If you have any funny<br />
children’s stories to share, send them to<br />
Shellene at<br />
Dapper fellows, Connor (L)<br />
and Carter Beachy<br />
1 All ___need connection.<br />
7 One paved___ connects us all.<br />
9 Another word for our inner self, spirit or<br />
soul.<br />
10 A common pastime is to make sure the<br />
beaches are___up.<br />
12 We are lucky to call this___home.<br />
14 Believed primordial first substance from<br />
which we are all formed.<br />
15 We are all stewards of this blue ball<br />
called___.<br />
17 Many Haida Gwaii ___ and fauna are<br />
beloved by “6 across” worldwide.<br />
21 Home sweet home: much wind and many<br />
a ___.<br />
22 All ___ skies rarely last long on Haida<br />
Gwaii.<br />
24 Many of us have a green___.<br />
25 To develop out of something else.<br />
Puzzle Page<br />
Island Connections<br />
By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Answer key can be found after the<br />
Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.<br />
34 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 35<br />
Across<br />
Down<br />
1 Your parents’ sister is your___.<br />
2 Our Islands are on the outer edge of___.<br />
3 It is respectful to___.<br />
4 When visitors___ here, they are asked to sign a<br />
pledge.<br />
5 We are one large Island ___.<br />
8 Living on the___of the world.<br />
11 All living things need___.<br />
13 Local fungi can be mixed in or served ___.<br />
16 A linguistic organ that weaves tales and preserves<br />
traditions.<br />
18 Your sibling’s son.<br />
19 This misunderstood creature returns everything to<br />
the earth.<br />
20 A favourite food at gatherings.<br />
23 Haida Gwaii residents are the___of many.
Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />
Horoscopes for <strong>July</strong> & <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) Working out any challenging<br />
issues within your family is a sign of the times, dearest<br />
Aries. Organize how you want to address getting your needs<br />
met while helping others feel heard. Try to lighten up<br />
the energy around you and allow yourself to play more.<br />
Keywords: familiar, tribe and kindred spirits.<br />
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Stay focused on the general<br />
direction you are heading, dearest Taurus. You are traveling<br />
underground to the place where true feelings live. Your deep<br />
psyche yearns to be seen. Allow yourself to embrace the<br />
truth and bring it up to the light of the day, where healing<br />
is. Keywords: create, adapt and modify.<br />
Gemini (May 20 – June 20) When you can ground yourself,<br />
dearest Gemini, you can calm down and stop worrying.<br />
Everything may present itself to you all at once, so the sooner<br />
you relax and breathe, the easier it is to make decisions and<br />
move on. Rational truths at work can help you to focus your<br />
time and energy. Keywords: unwind, steady and safe.<br />
Cancer (June 21 – <strong>July</strong> 21) Your loved ones are looking<br />
for a place to land, dearest Cancer, that makes them feel at<br />
home. They need your attention but not at the cost of your<br />
sanity. Give what you can without depleting yourself and<br />
ensure you meet your needs wisely. I know it is not your<br />
tendency to help yourself first, but it is important to do this<br />
now. Keywords: clan, complete and determination.<br />
Leo (<strong>July</strong> 22 – Aug 21) Your relationships are progressing,<br />
to speak and hear the truth, dearest Leo. Of course, you<br />
can do this with your version of flair to be heard in your<br />
entirety. It’s a great time to meditate on what you want to<br />
learn and whom you want to be for your future self. When<br />
you dedicate your time to activities in nature, you can receive<br />
some amazing messages about your future endeavors.<br />
Keywords: ponder, consider and design.<br />
Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) It’s time to give your time to your<br />
community, dearest Virgo. Whether that means volunteering<br />
at a local shelter or organizing your family reunion, devote<br />
some of your hard-earned time off to help the masses. Consider<br />
doing this in a unique way and with joy. You can make<br />
an amazing difference in the lives of friends and loved ones,<br />
thus giving you the added benefit of a job well done, your<br />
favorite! Keywords: coach, guide and train.<br />
Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) What’s your mission in life, dearest<br />
Libra? This may be an easy or challenging answer but<br />
By Monica Caulfield<br />
in either case, it’s an important one now. What do you<br />
want to accomplish in your life, and how can you do this<br />
easily? It’s probable that some acquaintances can help you<br />
find your path and you can start walking it with them.<br />
Keywords: alliance, affinity and purpose.<br />
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) This is the time to experience different<br />
cultures than your own, dearest Scorpio. What insights<br />
could you receive about your life while viewing the unusual<br />
civilizations of the world? There is room for improvement,<br />
which may stem from a glimpse into unknown territories.<br />
This can take you, literally, to faraway lands or you can<br />
watch an excellent documentary that stimulates your juices.<br />
Keywords: outlook, landscape and field of vision.<br />
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) This summer has an intensity<br />
to it, dearest Sagittarius. You could view this as positive<br />
or negative or both,but in any case, there is depth and<br />
power to your emotional sensitivity. Go ahead and ride<br />
the wave of these feelings; when you do it with joy in your<br />
heart, you give yourself the opportunity for lifelong healing.<br />
Keywords: restore, revive and regenerate.<br />
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Your tendency is to accomplish<br />
tasks, mostly on your own, dearest Capricorn. But<br />
today I ask you to consider inviting a friend or family member<br />
to help you. Or maybe you feel the need to help them?<br />
Because relationships are the theme of life, now. You don’t<br />
have to compromise your desires to involve your loved<br />
ones. Invite the opinion of others, knowing that you can<br />
take it or leave it, but it was worth considering either way.<br />
Keywords: ally, companion and colleague.<br />
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Networking is fundamental<br />
to your success, dearest Aquarius. You can easily do the<br />
required work, but understanding what people are saying<br />
also takes a bit of finessing to provide for a successful endeavour.<br />
You are coming across with honest feedback, which<br />
helps you get to the heart of the matter. Keywords: authentic,<br />
decent and forthright.<br />
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) There is joy in your steps, dearest<br />
Pisces. Creativity, recreation and fun can be your middle<br />
name at the peak of the summer. I would also suggest that<br />
you value your desires and what you bring to the table and<br />
be sure to include these. You are important and have a right<br />
to your feelings and belief systems. Don’t fall prey to others<br />
invalidating you. Shine on! Keywords: center of attention,<br />
charm and delight.<br />
Supporting<br />
local makers<br />
Beautiful clothes<br />
for beautiful<br />
women!<br />
Exclusively made<br />
in Canada<br />
Size Inclusive<br />
XS to 3X<br />
Slow Fashion<br />
Sustainable Fabrics<br />
32 Cow Bay Rd<br />
Prince Rupert<br />
250-922-4342<br /><br />
Owner<br />
Trish Lazar<br />
Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto,<br />
click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />
way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />
noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />
issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />
services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />
In the Home & Office<br />
MF279T Smart Hub. No<br />
fibre optic yet? No problem,<br />
get the Internet from your<br />
cell tower with this ZTE<br />
Smart Hub. Paid $240 from Telus. $100<br />
Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email<br /><br />
1000-Watt Ballasts. To power lights.<br />
Not electronic ballasts. Call Gord Usher<br />
at (259) 637-5755 or email patngord2@<br /><br />
LG Ultra Fine 24” 4K Monitor.<br />
Fully compatible with<br />
MacBook Pro, MacBook Air,<br />
and Desktops Connectivity: Thunderbolt,<br />
can daisy chain hook ups Optimized Color<br />
Performance for MAC Resolution: 3840<br />
x 2160 Height & Tilt adjustment stand<br />
Note: Less than a year old, used for 6<br />
months. ($800 new). Not compatible with<br />
Windows. View the site for better images<br />
& more info: LG site:<br />
business/monitors/lg-24md4kl $525 Contact<br />
Stevie at<br />
Panasonic Headphones<br />
Headset. Wired, lightweight<br />
design, rich and powerful<br />
sound, comfortable fit. 1<br />
AAA battery required. Excellent<br />
condition. $60 Call Eva<br />
at (604) 932-7994 or email evalazorek@<br /><br />
Groceries & Liquor<br />
Bakery & Deli<br />
Home & Office Supplies<br />
Gifts & Local Treasures<br />
91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />
Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />
FoodSaver. FM2100 vacuum<br />
sealing system food sealer.<br />
Keeps food fresh up to 5x<br />
longer. Sleek, compact design<br />
and easy-to-use manual operation<br />
to preserve a variety<br />
of foods. Along with new technology to<br />
minimize bag waste. Convenient Roll<br />
Storage and Roll Cutter. Accessory port<br />
and hose vacuum seals canisters and marinates<br />
food in minutes. Included Parts: 3<br />
Quart Bags 2 Gallon Bags 1 11’’ x 10’ Roll<br />
1 Accessory Hose, 16.3”x 9.2” Brand new.<br />
$250 Call Eva at (604) 932-7994 or email<br /><br />
Nordik Dehumidifier. -<br />
Control excess moisture in<br />
your home. Its power allows<br />
it to cover an area of 1500<br />
sqft. Provides excellent performance<br />
with its two-speed<br />
fan, operating temperature ranging from<br />
5°C to 35°C and humidity adjustment<br />
range from 35% to 85%. Equipped with<br />
a 24-hour timer and electronic control<br />
panel. Operates with R410a refrigerant,<br />
which considerably reduces energy consumption.<br />
Includes 4 wheels and handle<br />
for better transport. Easy to wash removable<br />
filter. White Tank. Capacity: 30 pint<br />
(14 L) 10 1/4’’ X 15.2’’ X 19 3/4’’ Excellent<br />
condition. $200 Call Eva at (604) 932-7994<br />
or email<br />
36 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 37
250-559-8561<br />
31857 Hwy 16<br />
in Tll.aal Tlell<br />
Kitchen Items. T-Fal Actifry. Paid $190.<br />
Asking $85. Grilled sandwich maker. Paid<br />
$50. Asking $20. All in great condition.<br />
Downsizing and don’t need these anymore.<br />
Call Lin at (250) 637-1102 or email<br /><br />
StelPro Heating Cable Mat. 10’X 8’<br />
Brand new. Heating pad for any flooring<br />
type. Quick, safe and easy to install. $700<br />
Call Eva at (604) 932-7994 or email<br />
In the Yard & Workshop<br />
Drywall Products. 20+ 90-degree wide,<br />
outside tape on corners and a couple of<br />
rolls of tape. Call Gord Usher at (250)<br />
637-5755 or email<br />
Building Supplies/Tools. A variety of<br />
small gadgets, tools and materials. Text<br />
for better photo or prices. Call Maryanne<br />
at (250) 626-7555 or email Rgr.maryanne.<br /><br />
Hornady Reloader. Hornady classic reloading<br />
kit with shell cleaner. Brand new,<br />
never used. $400 Call Toney at (250) 637-<br />
1986 or email the_cajun_ace@hotmail.<br />
com<br />
Chelsea PTO. New, never<br />
mounted PTO. Mounts on<br />
side of transmission. Comes<br />
with all mounting hardware and controls.<br />
$400 Call Dave Ellis at (250) 637-1454 or<br />
email<br />
Set of Collapsible Target<br />
Stands. Two target stands<br />
available, just add a bit of<br />
cardboard over the center<br />
and any target sheets you’re<br />
training with. The wood is treated, in<br />
good shape, built last year. $50 for the<br />
pair. Call Lee at (306) 850-8055 or email<br /><br />
Precision Pet Dog Fence. Exercise<br />
pen, foldable metal with door gate. Folds<br />
directly into itself, takes up minimal<br />
space. Get in and out easily with the stepthrough<br />
gate, two extra-secure latches<br />
that keep them locked in. Can be attached<br />
to a dog crate. A bit of rust but works very<br />
well. $70 Call Eva at (604) 932-7994 or<br />
email<br />
40 KW 3-Phase Diesel Gen Set. This<br />
unit is trailer mounted and is wired for<br />
3-phase, 220 and 110 with breaker box.<br />
It has 760 hours on it $11,500. Call Dave<br />
Ellis at (250) 637-1454 or email drellis@<br /><br />
On the Road<br />
Specialized Sirrus 1.0 Hybrid<br />
Bike. The bike has been<br />
stored indoors, no rust. Excellent<br />
condition. Satin black,<br />
24” frame. I am 5’6”and it fits<br />
me perfectly. 7-speed. Light<br />
weight A1 Alloy frame. Upright position<br />
with Body Geometry touchpoints for<br />
comfort and control. Reflective graphics<br />
on frame for max visibility at night.<br />
Comes with a lot of additional accessories<br />
that were purchased separately: fenders,<br />
back rack and removable basket, front/<br />
rear removable/chargeable lights, mirror,<br />
water bottle, cage, mounted tire air pump,<br />
kick stand, cable combination coil lock,<br />
bike helmet, spare bike tub hex key set.<br />
$900 Call Eva at (604) 932-7994 or email<br /><br />
SOLD! 16’ Trailer for Sale.<br />
This is a completely re-done<br />
retro travel trailer. It has<br />
a new heavy duty, off-road<br />
suspension, ideal for Copper Bay or Rennell<br />
Sound. SOLD! Call Keith Rowsell<br />
at (250) 637-1251 or email anvilcove@<br /><br />
2014 Yamaha Bolt R-Spec<br />
Motorcycle. 950cc. Excellent<br />
condition, 1,574 km aftermarket<br />
tach. Forward controls.<br />
Vance and Hines. Air cleaner. Dual<br />
pipes. Fuel pack. Noco charger. Charger<br />
wires to battery-in place. Noco jump start.<br />
Solo seat. Comes with Yamaha sissy bar<br />
and passenger seat. 2 helmets. Excellent<br />
maintenance. $8,000 Call Stephen<br />
at (250) 626-7915 or email lumenarti@<br /><br />
1967 Triumph Tiger and a Few More<br />
Toys. Day time calls only please. Call<br />
Lindsey Doerksen at (778) 260-4733 or<br />
email<br />
2020/21 Hyundai Kona<br />
Electric. Hi-Tech on Haida<br />
Gwaii! This is a pure electric<br />
car, not a hybrid. Rated at<br />
415 km per charge. Mileage:17,000km. A<br />
new windshield has been ordered and it<br />
will be installed prior to being sold. Try<br />
making a serious offer. $30,000 Call Bob<br />
Stratton at (250) 637-1168 or email<br />
2020/21 Hyundai Kona<br />
Electric. Hi-tech on Haida<br />
Gwaii! This is a pure electric<br />
car, not a hybrid. Rated at<br />
500 Km per charge. Mileage: 17,000 Km.<br />
A new windshield has been ordered and<br />
it will be replaced prior to being sold.<br />
$30,000 Call Bob at 250-637-1168 or email<br /><br />
Car for Sale. 2004 Infiniti, V-6 with cold<br />
air induction system, Bose stereo, heated<br />
leather seats, G38 all-wheel drive. Not<br />
running. Offers. Call Gord Usher at (250)<br />
637-5755 or email<br />
Garmin/Etrex GPS Mounts. Should<br />
accommodate most GPS’s and Etrex bike<br />
handlebar mount. Both for $25 or best offer.<br />
Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email<br /><br />
New Tires on Rims. A set of 4 new tires<br />
on rims off a Nissan. 205/55R16 MS.<br />
Don’t need them so cut the price in half.<br />
$500 for the set. My loss your gain. Call<br />
Danny Stewart at (250) 631-3478 or email<br /><br />
38 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 39
Haida Gwaii<br />
Auto Inc.<br />
Dealer #50179<br />
SOLD<br />
2014 Chevrolet Trax<br />
124,500km/Stk#0017<br />
2016 Ford F250<br />
207,900km/Stk#51 $21,995<br />
SOLD<br />
2020 Dodge Grand Caravan<br />
24,850km/Stk#53<br />
2018 Ford F150XLT<br />
131,000km/Stk#39 $32,995<br />
“No reasonable offer<br />
refused!”<br />
250-559-4641<br />
605 Ocean View Dr.<br />
Daajing Giids<br /><br />
Scissor Jack 2 Ton. Brand new, never<br />
used. $20 Call Eva at (604) 932-7994 or<br />
email<br />
New Trailer for Sale 18’.<br />
Picked up this 18’ trailer in<br />
Terrace this fall for ~16.5k<br />
but my situation has changed<br />
and I will not be needing it, hopefully<br />
someone on island is able to make use<br />
of it. I’ve installed 120v Shore Power,<br />
LED lighting, two outlets (one with USB<br />
charging), and stained the walls to protect<br />
it. 20’ tail to tongue, cargo space is wide,<br />
very roomy and tall. Thanks. $14,000 Call<br />
Lee at (306) 850-8055 or email<br />
On the Water<br />
Mustang XL Floater Pants. Red, new.<br />
$150 Call Matthew Pierce at (778) 260-<br />
5909 or email<br />
25 Mustad Ultra Point Fishhooks<br />
6/0 - NEW. These Perfect Circle hooks<br />
are great for salmon or halibut. Super<br />
sharp and strong. Size 6/0. New pkg of 25.<br />
$20 Call Jack at (250) 626-3436 or email<br /><br />
Inflatable Boat 15ft.<br /> model<br />
DSL450. As new. 25hrs 15”<br />
SS launching wheels, Racor<br />
fuel filter/water separator, X long Bimini<br />
top boat cover, over pressure relief valves.<br />
Made in the EU. Road Runner galvanized<br />
trailer. New bunks. 4x40” boat guides.<br />
Submersible LED lights. $6,000 Call Matthew<br />
Pierce at (778) 260-5909 or email<br /><br />
Humminbird Sounder. As new. Used<br />
5hrs max. With Scotty mount. New $800<br />
plus tax. Helix 7 G2N. $500 Call Matthew<br />
Pierce at (778) 260-5909 or email<br /><br />
Valley Boat<br />
Service<br />
Fabrication<br />
Custom Upgrades<br />
250-557-2057<br />
Port Clements, BC<br />
Real Estate & Rentals<br />
1828 Alder Crescent Masset.<br />
Totally renovated. 3 beds,<br />
2 baths, half duplex with new<br />
heat pump. Ready to enjoy!<br />
Price $297,500 Call John 250-<br />
218-9776 Johnismay2014@<br /><br />
More Tracey De Frane<br />
Listings are Coming Soon!<br />
Keep an eye on the Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader website/real estate section<br />
as she will be posting more listings in the<br />
near future. You can also check them out<br />
on her website at<br />
1645 Main Street Masset.<br />
An excellent opportunity to<br />
own a commercial property in<br />
the heart of the business district<br />
in Masset. This building is in a prime<br />
location and its C1 zoning allows for multiple<br />
uses. There is amazing potential to<br />
turn this property into a thriving business<br />
for the local community, as well as offering<br />
services to the ever-growing number<br />
of national and international tourists who<br />
frequent this world renowned destination.<br />
$175,000 Call Sarah Barnhardt Re/Max<br />
250-922-5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@<br /><br />
An Incredible Live/Work<br />
Opportunity. Waiting for<br />
your ideas, in the centre of<br />
the business district in the<br />
Village of Masset. The 3000 sqft building<br />
on a large 8052 sqft lot, is zoned C1,<br />
allowing for multiple commercial uses<br />
and residential potential. Live and work<br />
in the heart of this growing community,<br />
with easy access to everything that Masset<br />
and Haida Gwaii have to offer. $180,000<br />
Call Sarah Re/Max 250-922-5409 or email<br /><br />
Insurance for Home,<br />
Auto, Business,<br />
& Recreational<br />
3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />
Offered Below Appraised<br />
Value. 35314 Hwy 16 Tlell.<br />
Ready to live your West Coast<br />
dream! This stunning 6.6-<br />
acre property includes two separate lots.<br />
It has a welcoming two-bedroom home,<br />
as well as an adorable 330sqft detached,<br />
one bedroom guest cottage. Located in the<br />
peaceful, rural community of Tlell, which<br />
provides all the best that Haida Gwaii<br />
has to offer. Price $495,000 Call Sarah<br />
Barnhardt Re/Max 250-922-5409 or email<br /><br />
563 Beitush Rd Tlell. This<br />
special 10-acre oceanfront is<br />
surrounded by dunes, trees,<br />
sand and is just a short stroll<br />
to miles of beach. Beachcombing, fishing<br />
and exploring are right at your fingertips.<br />
This private and bright one level home<br />
features an open layout with vaulted ceilings,<br />
metal roof and wrap around covered<br />
deck. Own a piece of paradise! $825,000<br />
Call Sarah Barnhardt 250-922-5409 Re/<br />
Max or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.<br />
net or Mike Morse 250-600-6620 or Nikki<br />
Morse 250-600-4650<br />
Log House on Waterfront<br />
in Daajing Giids. This<br />
charming log house is quintessential<br />
West Coast living.<br />
On a quarter acre of walk-on-waterfront,<br />
it is waiting for you to call it home. This is<br />
a great starter home for someone wanting<br />
to get into the market and it is waterfront.<br />
Kayak, paddle board or swim right<br />
out your back door. $450,000 Call Tracey<br />
De Frane 250-618-2434 or email tracey.<br /><br />
122 Acres Old Growth in Masset. Not<br />
in the ALR. Access by helicopter or hiking<br />
in. Timber opportunity, or off grid living.<br />
$600,000 Call Sarah Barnhardt 250-922-<br />
5409 or email<br />
379 Beach Road Sandspit.<br />
This home is located across<br />
the street from the ocean<br />
shoreline. You will never lose<br />
your spectacular panoramic ocean view.<br />
Enjoy entertaining guests from your wrap<br />
around deck in the glow of a sunset. On<br />
the main floor is the large kitchen, and<br />
living room, a cozy woodstove, air-conditioning/heat<br />
pump, and guest bathroom.<br />
On the second floor are two generously<br />
large bedrooms and full bathroom. And<br />
for those who love to fish, there is a separate<br />
fish cleaning kitchen and room for<br />
your boat and RV in the giant workshop/<br />
garage. $684,900 Call Tracey De Frane<br />
250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@<br /><br />
Essential Worker Accommodations<br />
Long or Short<br />
Term. Port Clements: furnished<br />
and unfurnished 1<br />
and 2 -bed apartments. Newly renovated,<br />
including bathroom and kitchen. Sat.<br />
internet, TV, king-size beds, laundry and<br />
parking are incl. Well suited for worker accommodation.<br />
Clean and secure building.<br />
Masset: several renovated housing units.<br />
3 and 4 bedroom units. Furnished or<br />
unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable, laundry<br />
and parking are included. Email dustin@<br /> or call/text 250-661-<br />
9012 for pricing.<br />
Masset Bike Shop. Great<br />
opportunity to run your own<br />
business without “breaking<br />
the bank.” Tremendous<br />
potential for bike sales and service along<br />
with other sports equipment. Building in<br />
great shape on 2 lots and room for small<br />
living quarters. The business is in the<br />
heart of Masset and close to the airport<br />
offering daily service to the mainland. Call<br />
John at 250 218 9776 Johnismay2014@<br /><br />
40 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 41
Organic Produce<br />
Groceries & Dairy<br />
• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />
• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />
• Free Range Meats<br />
• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />
• International Cheeses<br />
• Foods for All Diets<br />
250-559-8623<br /><br />
Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />
3219 Wharf Street<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Sarah Barnhardt<br />
Licensed Realtor<br />
Longtime Haida<br />
Gwaii resident<br />
Serving all<br />
island communities<br />
Call me!<br />
Prince<br />
Rupert<br />
250.922.5409<br /><br />
519 3rd Avenue West,<br />
Prince Rupert<br />
4307 Husband Road, Daajing<br />
Giids. This 3-bedroom,<br />
2-storey home is perfect for a<br />
young family with plenty of<br />
room to grow with a large outdoor space<br />
for play. This home is designed to capture<br />
the light and stunning views of the Bay.<br />
The open dining and living room are lined<br />
with Port Orford cedar paneled walls<br />
with an impressive fireplace as the centre<br />
piece. It has a large kitchen with a breakfast<br />
nook and views from every window.<br />
A bright high ceiling workshop is perfect<br />
for a carver, metalsmith, glass blower or<br />
pottery studio. $699,900 Call Tracey De<br />
Frane 250-618-2434 or email tracey.<br /><br />
Private Captivating Central<br />
Retreat. Landscaped 1/3<br />
acre, 2200 sqft newly updated<br />
single-family home with 4<br />
bedrooms with 2 full baths.<br />
New kitchen cabinets and appliances, heat<br />
pump, electric forced air furnace. This<br />
home boasts 2 outside entertainment areas,<br />
1/2 finished basement, 44 solar panel<br />
system to offset hydro costs, 30’x60’1800<br />
sqft insulated steel building with 14’x14’<br />
electric door for boats, R.V.’s etc. Grow<br />
your own food 15’Wx36’L greenhouse c/w<br />
cement floors. On city water and sewer,<br />
fiber optic hook-up, c/w most furniture<br />
&1995 Jeep. $690,000 Call Paul Powers @<br />
250-626-9164<br />
1826 Alder Crescent. Single<br />
Family Home in Masset with<br />
2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath and full<br />
basement. Remodeled in 2017<br />
with new vinyl windows, new plumbing,<br />
electrical, insulation, flooring, metal roof,<br />
and interior finishings<br />
This home has a fully fenced back yard,<br />
heat pump, cleaned and serviced 5/23.<br />
$330,000 Call/text/email Brendan 778-<br />
554-5849<br />
Haida Gwaii Essentials<br />
Handcrafted Soap<br />
& Body Products<br />
Available at: Or<br />
Masset Market & Shop<br />
Island Retailers Online!<br /><br />
4511 Oceanview Drive with<br />
Mortgage Helper. Two<br />
3-bedroom houses on private<br />
3 acres. The primary house<br />
has panoramic ocean views with southern<br />
exposure. The open concept living, grand<br />
centre piece wood fireplace, skylights,<br />
and tall ceilings gives this home the sense<br />
of bright speciousness. In your primary<br />
bedroom, walk out to your private patio<br />
and relax watching the sun setting from<br />
the soothing hot tub. Some features of this<br />
home: skylights, quality flooring, fireplace,<br />
spacious kitchen, and air conditioning.<br />
The second house below is an older home<br />
with character, spacious, with its own<br />
sauna, chicken coop, greenhouse and<br />
peek-a-boo ocean views. Income potential<br />
whether you do a long-term rental or a B<br />
& B. $939,900 Call Tracey De Frane 250-<br />
618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.<br />
com<br />
53 Bayview Port Clements.<br />
Over one acre of gently<br />
sloping waterfront in the<br />
heart of Port Clements. Main<br />
house is one level with 2 Bedrooms, 2<br />
full bathrooms, spacious living area and<br />
large outside deck to enjoy this amazing<br />
waterfront property. Separate buildings<br />
include a self-contained, detached cottage,<br />
an amazing 45′ X 50′ shop, a carport,<br />
greenhouse and a waterfront RV. Minutes<br />
to the grocery store and the marina and a<br />
short drive to the airport in Masset with<br />
regular mainland schedules and half an<br />
hour from the mainland ferry at Skidegate.<br />
This property is unique and very<br />
special, probably the nicest property in<br />
Port. Haida Gwaii offers the ultimate in<br />
hiking, fishing, hunting, beachcombing<br />
and appreciation of Mother Nature. This is<br />
a rare opportunity to own an acre of prime<br />
waterfront in a great community. $495,000<br />
Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo<br />
Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />
Designed and handcrafted<br />
Tiiiddall SSiiillveer by Silver local artisan Jewellery jeweller by Laura Dutheil SStuddiiioo<br />
Zoonee<br />
Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />
Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll<br />
Available Laura at: Dutheil<br />
Designed • Funk and It! handcrafted<br />
by local Earrings, artisan rings, jewellerpendants,<br />
• DG<br />
Laura<br />
Visitor<br />
Dutheil<br />
Centre<br />
bracelets, ear cuffs & more,<br />
• Sandspit with tidal Visitor zone inspired<br />
Earrings, rings, pendants,<br />
bracelets, Centre ear cuffs engravings & more,<br />
with tidal zone inspired<br />
Appointments<br />
Welcome!<br />
engravings<br />
Custom orders welcome!<br />
Custom orders welcome!<br />
Available Available at Funk It! at and Funk the Queen It! and Charlotte the Queen Visitor Information Charlotte Centre Visitor Information Centre<br />
778-260-0434<br /><br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />
Available at Funk It and the<br />
Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />
Space Rentals<br />
Online Gift Shop<br />
Events<br />
Tours<br />
#2 Second Beach Road<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
For Sale 2024 Swan Cres<br />
Masset. Embrace the opportunity<br />
of a lifetime with this<br />
lovely 12,000 sq ft lot! Tucked<br />
away on a peaceful cul-desac,<br />
this level and private lot<br />
eagerly awaits the construction of your<br />
dream home. Just steps from the bird<br />
sanctuary, close to shopping, schools, and<br />
restaurants, this location offers the perfect<br />
blend of privacy and convenience. With<br />
water, sewer, and hydro services readily<br />
available, this idyllic lot is ready for you to<br />
turn your vision into a reality. Don’t miss<br />
out on this perfect chance to create the<br />
home you’ve always imagined! $80,000<br />
Call Tracey De Frane 250-618-2434 or<br />
email<br />
1018 2nd Ave Daajing Giids.<br />
Welcome to this meticulously<br />
constructed, custom-built<br />
rancher on a private cul-desac<br />
and in a beautiful seaside community.<br />
This home is ideally situated, just steps<br />
from two trailheads, Gore Brook and<br />
Crabapple Creek. The thoughtfully laid<br />
out 3-bedroom, 2 bath home includes a<br />
large kitchen, 16′ ceilings with 2 skylights<br />
allowing for an open and bright spacious<br />
feel. The living room wood stove for those<br />
cozy winter nights and air conditioning<br />
for hot summer days. There is enough offstreet<br />
parking for 5-6 vehicles. $549,900<br />
Call Tracey De Frane 250-618-2434 or<br />
email<br />
1605 Old Beach Rd Masset.<br />
Be Your Own Boss. Fabulous<br />
opportunity to run a general<br />
grocery store in a great location<br />
in Masset on Haida Gwaii. This was<br />
a thriving business, prior to the owner’s<br />
retirement and pandemic. The building<br />
is in top notch condition and includes all<br />
equipment, displays, shelving, walk-in<br />
cooler, walk-in freezer, fully equipped deli<br />
kitchen, security system and much more.<br />
The C3 zoning allows multiple choices of<br />
business opportunities, get creative and<br />
enjoy the lifestyle on this amazing archipelago.<br />
Just minutes from Masset airport<br />
with regular mainland schedules. Price<br />
$725,000. Call John for details 250-218-<br />
9776<br />
ISO. Small outboard motor. 4 to 6 hp, 2<br />
or 4 stroke. Doesn’t have to be running. It<br />
must be new enough so I can buy parts.<br />
Less than 10 years old. Call Terence E<br />
Haymond at (250) 637-1879 or email<br /><br />
Wanted Reciprocating Saw. Any brand<br />
as long as it works thanks. Call Chris<br />
at (250) 626-8968 or email chris421sd@<br /><br />
Wanted Rooster. Looking for a heritage<br />
breed rooster. Can pay for or trade for.<br />
Call Anicette Labonte at (778) 203-1433<br />
or email<br />
FREE Tiles. Approximate size: 9 1/2” x<br />
29 1/2” White. Contact Stevie by email.<br /><br />
FREE Garmin VivoFit 2 Fitness Tracker.<br />
Heart monitor, fitness tracker, etc.<br />
Manual available online. Needs to have<br />
the batteries replaced. Call George at<br />
(250) 559-7899 or email<br />
42 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 43<br />
250-559-7885<br /><br /><br />
Wanted<br />
Telescope Expert Wanted.<br />
Is there anyone out there<br />
who has the expertise to<br />
clean the inner lens of a<br />
telescope, reassemble and<br />
recollimated? Will pay well for a good job,<br />
thanks. Please leave a voicemail at 250-<br />
559-9089 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />
com.<br />
Simple Stationary Bike. I am looking<br />
for a simple stationary bike. I don’t<br />
want bells and whistles. It is for a small<br />
area, maybe you have one just collecting<br />
clothes or something lol. Call Karen at<br />
(250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@gmail.<br />
com<br />
Freebies<br />
Employment & Training<br />
Delivery Driver. Port Air<br />
Cargo is looking for a Parttime/Casual<br />
delivery driver.<br />
For more information call<br />
Leah Croft at (250) 557-4795<br />
or email
• Office Supplies<br />
• Everything C ricut<br />
• Computers<br />
• Printers<br />
• Accessories<br />
• Office Furniture<br />
• Art Supplies<br />
Happy to be serving<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
(250) 624-3073<br /><br />
Northern Rogue<br />
Technologies<br />
IT Services for Haida Gwaii<br />
Onsite/Remote support for:<br />
• Computer Repairs<br />
• Server & Network<br />
• Data Recovery<br />
Hardware and<br />
Software Sales<br />
1-250-640-9204<br />
FIND OUT MORE AT<br /><br />
Grow your business with Community Futures.<br />
Support and Funding are available now!<br />
Connect with your local Community Futures<br />
office to learn how Taking Care of Business<br />
can unlock a wealth of training resources<br />
- and funding - to help your business grow<br />
and thrive.<br />
Haida Gwaii Community Futures<br />
250-626-5594<br />
Visit:<br />
Hiring Full Time Insurance<br />
Broker. We are seeking<br />
a F/T Insurance Broker for our Masset<br />
location. Supported by a Level I insurance<br />
license, the Broker I processes personal<br />
line policies and ICBC Auto-plan. If you<br />
currently work in the insurance industry<br />
and are looking for a change, consider<br />
Northern Savings for a rewarding new<br />
role. Education: High school diploma is<br />
a requirement. Level I Insurance broker<br />
license preferred Skills: Demonstrated<br />
sales skills. Ability to communicate<br />
and liaise professionally with members,<br />
potential customers, community groups<br />
and co-workers while maintaining confidentiality.<br />
Working knowledge, skills<br />
and experience in Microsoft Office. Call<br />
Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356 or email<br /><br />
Now Hiring Community<br />
Residence Support<br />
Worker. Masset, BC, $25.05-<br />
$28.75 per hour P/T Sat- Mon<br />
8am-3pm. You will provide respectful<br />
daily living support to adult residents<br />
with developmental disabilities living in<br />
the CLBC staffed residence. This position<br />
requires use of their vehicle. Call Daniel<br />
for more details. Daniel Kolpatzik 250-<br />
626-7977 email Visit www.<br /><br />
Now Hiring Full Time<br />
FSR. Northern Savings<br />
Credit Union has an opening for a Full<br />
time Financial Service Representative<br />
for our Daajing Giids branch. Minimum<br />
Qualifications: Secondary School Diploma<br />
required. Completion of post-secondary<br />
education is an asset. Previous<br />
sales and service experience is preferred.<br />
Previous financial services experience<br />
is preferred. Skills: Demonstrated sales<br />
skills and knowledge of products and<br />
services required. Ability to prioritize,<br />
organize work within time constraints<br />
and under pressure. Ability to communicate<br />
and liaise professionally with members,<br />
potential customers, community<br />
groups and co-workers while maintaining<br />
confidentiality. Working knowledge, skills<br />
and experience in Microsoft Office. Call<br />
Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356 or email<br /><br />
Hiring Loans Officer.<br />
Northern Savings Credit<br />
Union is seeking a full time Personal<br />
Loans Officer for our Daajing Giids location.<br />
Education: High School diploma is a<br />
requirement. Completion of post-secondary<br />
education is an asset. Completion of<br />
sales training is an asset. Completion of<br />
Personal Lending course. Experience: Previous<br />
lending, sales and service experience<br />
is required. Previous financial services experience<br />
is required. Skills: sales skills. Expert<br />
knowledge of products and services<br />
required. Ability to communicate and<br />
liaise professionally with members, potential<br />
customers. Working knowledge, skills<br />
and experience in Microsoft Office Please<br />
send your resume to<br />
Call Naomi Kowal at (250) 628-0356 or<br />
email<br />
Haida Tourism Culinary Staff. Interested<br />
in a culinary career? Haida Tourism<br />
has Kitchen Staff spots available at the<br />
Haida House at Tllaal offering flexible<br />
start dates & competitive wages. Experience<br />
not required. Sense of humour<br />
mandatory. Call Haida House at (250)<br />
557-4600 or email<br />
We’re Hiring! Northern<br />
Rogue Technologies is actively<br />
seeking individuals with<br />
experience in the Information<br />
Technology sector. For a<br />
current list of postings, please<br />
visit our website @ Northern-<br /> Call Devin Rawlek<br />
at (250) 640-9204 or email<br />
Community Service Listings<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous. If<br />
you have a drinking problem<br />
we can help. If you live in the<br />
north end of Haida Gwaii call<br />
John at 250-626-7557. In-person meetings<br />
are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset<br />
Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in<br />
the South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568.<br />
Meetings are held in the HlGaagilda<br />
Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm<br />
on Saturday nights. For more info on how<br />
to join a local virtual Zoom meeting, call<br />
John at 250-626-7557. Call John/Lou at<br />
(250) 626-7557 or email<br />
Healing Temple<br />
Certified Reiki Teacher • Crystal Healer<br />
Alaskan Essence Practitioner<br />
Shirodhara/Hot Jade Massage<br />
250-534-9405<br /><br />
Photo Correction: it was brought to our attention that that the Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital Procedure<br />
Room image as it appeared in the MayJune <strong>2023</strong> issue of the <strong>HGT</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>/New Directions in Childbirth<br />
article, was incorrect. Our sincere apology for this error. This is correct photo.<br />
PC Northern Haida Gwaii Hospital<br />
Join Our Advertising Family<br />
Call us at 250-557-2088<br />
or email<br />
Notice is hereby given that The Husby Group of Companies Ltd. will be submitting a replacement Forest Stewardship<br />
Plan for Forest Licenses A16869 and A75084.<br />
The Forest Stewardship Plan is available for review and comment by resource agencies, Council of the Haida Nation<br />
and the public before approval is considered by the Ministry of Forests. The review and comment period is 60 days<br />
ending <strong>July</strong> 28, <strong>2023</strong> as provided for under Section 20 of the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation.<br />
The Forest Stewardship Plan is available for review at MFLNRORD office, 1229 Oceanview<br />
Drive, Dajing Giids, BC from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00p.m. weekdays.<br />
The Forest Stewardship Plan will also be available at or scan QR code to<br />
access a copy of the FSP from the Husby Group of Companies website.<br />
Written comments should be forwarded to: Husby Group of Companies Ltd., 6425 River<br />
Road, Delta, BC V4K 5B9, or be sent by email to, Attention: Jonathan Fane.<br />
44 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 45
Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2023</strong><br />
<strong>2023</strong> Tide Tables for Prince Rupert<br />
<strong>July</strong><br />
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />
Jul 1: Sunrise 5:21 Sunset 22:24<br />
6:47 3.3<br />
Jul 8: Sunrise 5:27 Sunset 22:20<br />
1 13:17 17.7<br />
Jul 15: Sunrise 5:36 Sunset 22:13<br />
Jul 22: Sunrise 5:46 Sunset 22:03<br />
18:42 8.2<br />
Jul 29: Sunrise 5:57 Sunset 21:52<br />
L<br />
0:45 21.3 1:33 22.3 2:23 22.6 3:13 22.6 4:05 22.3 4:57 21.3 5:52 20.0<br />
2 7:35 2.0 3 8:23 1.0 4 9:10 0.3 5 9:57 0.3 6 10:43 1.0 7 11:29 1.6 8 12:15 3.0<br />
14:06 18.4 14:52 19.0 15:38 19.7 16:24 20.0 17:10 20.0 17:58 20.0 18:47 20.0<br />
M 19:32 7.9 @ 20:21 7.2 N 21:10 6.6 O 22:02 6.6 Q 22:56 6.2 R 23:53 6.2 S<br />
0:55 6.2 2:00 6.2 3:08 5.9 4:16 5.6 5:21 4.9 6:18 4.3 0:21 19.7<br />
9 6:50 18.7 10 7:55 17.1 11 9:10 16.1 12 10:30 15.7 13 11:45 16.1 14 12:47 16.7 15 7:09 3.6<br />
13:03 4.6 13:57 6.2 14:58 7.9 16:08 8.9 17:17 9.2 18:17 9.2 13:37 17.4<br />
T 19:39 19.7 U 20:35 19.4 V 21:35 19.4 W 22:34 19.4 X 23:30 19.4 X Y 19:07 8.9<br />
1:07 20.0 1:48 20.3 2:26 20.3 3:02 20.3 3:37 20.0 4:12 19.4 4:48 18.7<br />
16 7:53 3.3 17 8:32 3.0 18 9:07 2.6 19 9:40 3.0 20 10:11 3.3 21 10:41 3.6 22 11:12 4.6<br />
14:18 17.7 14:54 18.0 15:27 18.4 15:59 18.4 16:30 18.4 17:00 18.4 17:32 18.4<br />
Z 19:50 8.5 * 20:27 8.2 A 21:02 7.9 B 21:36 7.9 C 22:11 7.9 D 22:48 7.5 D 23:29 7.9<br />
5:27 17.7 0:16 7.9 1:09 7.9 2:11 7.5 3:18 6.9 4:27 5.9 5:32 4.9<br />
23 11:44 5.2 24 6:11 16.7 25 7:04 15.7 26 8:10 15.1 27 9:32 14.8 28 10:59 15.1 29 12:09 16.1<br />
18:07 18.0 12:20 6.6 13:02 7.5 13:54 8.9 15:01 9.5 16:16 9.8 17:27 9.5<br />
18:46 18.0 19:31 18.0 20:26 18.0 21:29 18.4 22:33 19.0 23:33 20.0<br />
E F G H I J K<br />
<strong>August</strong><br />
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />
Jul 6:30 3.3 Jul 0:29 21.3<br />
30 13:05 17.4 31 7:22 2.0 1 1:23 8:10 22.3 0.7 2 2:15 8:55 23.0 0.0 3 3:05 9:38 23.0 0.0 4 10:19 3:54 22.6 4:43 21.7<br />
0.7 5 10:59 2.0<br />
18:28 8.5 13:53 18.4 14:37 19.7 15:19 20.7 16:01 21.3 16:42 21.7 17:23 21.3<br />
L M 19:22 7.5 @ 20:12 6.2 N 21:01 5.2 O 21:50 4.6 P 22:40 4.3 Q 23:32 4.3<br />
5:33 20.0 0:26 4.9 1:26 5.2 2:34 5.9 3:49 6.2 5:03 5.9 6:07 5.2<br />
6 11:41 3.6 7 6:26 18.4 8 7:27 16.7 9 8:44 15.4 10 10:16 15.1 11 11:40 15.4 12 12:40 16.4<br />
18:07 21.0 12:24 5.6 13:14 7.5 14:17 9.2 15:42 10.2 17:08 10.2 18:12 9.8<br />
R S 18:54 20.0 T 19:48 19.0 U 20:54 18.4 V 22:07 18.0 W 23:14 18.4 X<br />
0:10 19.0 0:56 19.7 1:36 20.0 2:12 20.3 2:46 20.3 3:18 20.0 3:51 19.7<br />
13 6:57 4.3 14 7:38 3.6 15 8:13 3.3 16 8:43 3.0 17 9:12 3.0 18 9:39 3.3 19 10:06 3.9<br />
13:24 17.4 13:59 18.0 14:31 18.4 14:59 19.0 15:27 19.4 15:53 19.4 16:20 19.7<br />
X 18:59 8.9 Y 19:38 8.2 Z 20:12 7.5 * 20:43 6.9 A 21:15 6.6 B 21:47 6.2 C 22:20 5.9<br />
4:25 19.0 5:01 18.0 5:42 17.1 0:27 6.6 1:25 6.9 2:36 6.9 3:58 6.2<br />
20 10:34 4.6 21 11:04 5.6 22 11:36 6.9 23 6:30 16.1 24 7:34 15.1 25 9:05 14.4 26 10:45 15.1<br />
16:48 19.4 17:18 19.4 17:53 19.0 12:15 8.2 13:06 9.5 14:22 10.5 15:56 10.5<br />
D 22:57 5.9 D 23:39 6.2 E F 18:35 18.4 G 19:32 18.0 H 20:47 18.0 I 22:08 18.4<br />
5:14 4.9 6:16 3.6 0:20 21.0 1:14 22.3 2:04 23.0 Aug 5: Sunrise 6:09 Sunset 21:39<br />
27 11:57 16.1 28 12:49 17.7 29 7:06 2.0 30 7:51 1.0 31 8:32 0.3 Aug 12: Sunrise 6:21 Sunset 21:25<br />
17:18 9.5 18:20 8.2 13:33 19.4 14:13 20.7 14:51 22.0 Aug 19: Sunrise 6:33 Sunset 21:10<br />
Aug 26: Sunrise 6:46 Sunset 20:54<br />
23:19 19.7 19:12 6.2 20:00 4.6 20:46 3.3<br />
K L M @ N<br />
September<br />
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />
Sep 2: Sunrise 6:58 Sunset 20:37<br />
2:52 23.0 3:38 22.6<br />
Sep 9: Sunrise 7:11 Sunset 20:20<br />
1 9:11 0.7 2 9:49 1.6<br />
Sep 16: Sunrise 7:23 Sunset 20:02<br />
Sep 23: Sunrise 7:36 Sunset 19:45<br />
15:29 22.6 16:07 23.0<br />
Sep 30: Sunrise 7:49 Sunset 19:28<br />
O 21:32 2.6 P 22:18 2.6<br />
4:25 21.3 5:11 19.7 6:02 18.0 0:51 4.9 1:58 6.2 3:19 6.9 4:41 6.6<br />
3 10:27 3.0 4 11:05 4.9 5 11:46 6.9 6 7:00 16.4 7 8:19 15.1 8 10:02 15.1 9 11:27 15.7<br />
16:44 22.3 17:24 21.3 18:08 20.0 12:35 8.9 13:43 10.5 15:28 11.2 17:02 10.5<br />
Q 23:05 3.0 R 23:55 3.9 S T 19:01 18.7 U 20:14 17.4 V 21:42 17.1 W 22:58 17.4<br />
5:45 5.9 6:33 5.2 0:40 19.0 1:18 19.7 1:52 20.0 2:25 20.3 2:58 20.0<br />
10 12:20 16.7 11 12:58 17.7 12 7:11 4.3 13 7:43 3.9 14 8:11 3.9 15 8:38 3.9 16 9:04 4.3<br />
18:01 9.5 18:44 8.5 13:29 18.4 13:57 19.0 14:23 19.7 14:48 20.3 15:13 20.7<br />
X 23:55 18.4 X Y 19:19 7.5 Z 19:50 6.6 * 20:20 5.6 A 20:49 4.9 B 21:20 4.6<br />
3:30 20.0 4:04 19.4 4:40 18.4 5:20 17.4 6:09 16.4 0:53 6.2 2:08 6.6<br />
17 9:31 4.6 18 9:59 5.6 19 10:28 6.6 20 11:02 7.9 21 11:42 9.2 22 7:15 15.4 23 8:55 14.8<br />
15:39 20.7 16:06 20.7 16:36 20.3 17:10 19.7 17:54 18.7 12:38 10.2 14:09 11.2<br />
C 21:53 4.3 D 22:28 4.6 D 23:08 4.9 E 23:54 5.6 F G 18:57 18.0 H 20:25 17.7<br />
3:36 6.2 4:55 5.2 5:54 3.9 0:10 20.7 1:02 22.0 1:51 22.6 2:37 22.6<br />
24 10:33 15.7 25 11:37 17.1 26 12:24 19.0 27 6:42 2.6 28 7:24 2.0 29 8:03 2.0 30 8:41 2.3<br />
15:55 10.5 17:13 9.2 18:10 6.9 13:04 20.7 13:42 22.0 14:18 23.3 14:54 23.6<br />
21:56 18.0 23:10 19.4 18:59 4.9 19:44 3.0 20:27 2.0 21:10 1.3<br />
I J K L M<br />
Adjusted for daylight savings. Tide height in feet. Sunrise/set times for Massett.<br />
@<br />
N<br />
The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />
(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />
lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and<br />
new moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring<br />
tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation,<br />
and tidal currents. So before you head out, be<br />
sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust<br />
the time for your specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />
Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />
Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />
K'iis Gwaay<br />
Langara Pt<br />
10 min early<br />
Masset<br />
Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />
Alexandra Narrows<br />
Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />
Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />
Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />
Nesto Inlet<br />
10 min early<br />
Skaats'insii<br />
Dawson Hbr<br />
15 min early<br />
Taan Guu<br />
Trounce Inlet<br />
Low 55 min late<br />
High 20 min late<br />
Daa.ulgaay<br />
East Skidegate Narrows<br />
(Floods west)<br />
West Beacon<br />
Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />
East Beacon<br />
Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />
Juus Kaahlii<br />
Juskatla<br />
Low 5:15 late<br />
High 4:45 late<br />
Designed by:<br />
Stu Crawford<br />
Box 788, Masset, BC<br /><br />
(250) 626-3868<br />
Crawford<br />
Ecological Consulting<br />
Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />
significantly from reality<br />
Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />
North Beach<br />
5 min early<br />
Taa Suu<br />
Hunger Hbr<br />
20 min early<br />
Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />
Gaw Kaahlii<br />
Masset Sound<br />
Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />
Gamadiis<br />
Port Clements<br />
Low 3:05 late<br />
High 2:50 late<br />
Helping People is our Passion<br />
Now Serving Haida Gwaii!<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Queen Charlotte<br />
Low 20 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Kuuɢahl<br />
McCoy Cove<br />
Low 15 min late<br />
High 5 min late<br />
K'yal Gawɢa<br />
Pacofi<br />
Low 10 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Gwaay K'aas<br />
Copper Is.<br />
Same as P.R.<br />
Kay Tay Daanaay<br />
Cape St James<br />
Low 10 min early<br />
High 5 min early<br />
Extensive Contractor Experience<br />
• New Construction • Renovations • Carpentry • Concrete • General Construction<br />
Tyler Jackson 604-328-0239 (texts preferred)<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />
<strong>July</strong>/<strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Go to, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />
Jamie McDonald at<br />
Island Wide & Online<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />
problem we can help. If you live in the north end<br />
of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />
meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the<br />
Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the<br />
South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday<br />
nights. For more info on how to join a virtual meeting, call John<br />
at 250-626-7557 or visit<br />
VIRL – Tech support with library Manager<br />
Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact your<br />
local VIRL branch and schedule a time to come in<br />
with your device. Contacts can be found at virl.bc.<br />
ca Budgeting 101 Thursdays 2-4pm & Saturdays<br />
12-2pm / in person (Sandspit VIRL) or virtual / Book a private<br />
session with librarian Kelsey to learn how to use YNAB (You<br />
Need A Budget) online software, a powerful tool to help you gain<br />
clarity and control over your finances. Sharing financial information<br />
is not required. Ages 15+. For more information, contact<br />
Kelsey at 250-637-2247 or<br />
SCIENCE AL!VE Camp 9am-3pm / Science Al!ve,<br />
c/o Simon Fraser University’s Faculty of Applied<br />
Sciences, is offering a safe space for participants to<br />
explore experiential STEAM education and develop an understanding<br />
of how STEAM is all around us. Theme this year is:<br />
Body Systems & Digital Skills. Age(s): Grades 4 – 7 Cost: FREE,<br />
space limited. For more information contact Science Al!ve at<br />
(778) 782-5912 or or Jul 31-Aug<br />
4 / Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary School, 500 Skidegate Heights,<br />
Skidegate; Aug 8-11 / Agnes L Mathers School, 406 Copper Bay,<br />
Sandspit; Aug 14-18 / Multiplex Seniors Room, 36 Cedar Avenue<br />
West, Port Clements; Aug 21-25 / Tahayghen Elementary School,<br />
Tahayghen Dr, Masset.<br />
All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.<br />
Summer Day Camp 9am-3:30pm / Full week of<br />
fun activities for your children ages 5 to 12 years.<br />
<strong>July</strong> 10-14 / Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary School,<br />
500 Skidegate Heights, Skidegate; <strong>July</strong> 17-21 & 24-28<br />
Agnes L. Mathers Elementary, 406 Copper Bay, Sandspit;<br />
<strong>July</strong> 31-Aug 4 / Multiplex Seniors Room, 36 Cedar Avenue<br />
West, Port Clements; Aug 14-18 & 21-25 / Howard Philips Hall,<br />
1590 Cook St, Masset; HG Rec AGM <strong>July</strong> 12 / 5pm / on Zoom.<br />
For more information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@<br /> or<br />
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />
Tawlang Ga Tlaayds - Open Gym Mondays &<br />
Thursdays / 3:15-5pm / Kwiiyaans Hall / 348 Eagle<br />
Ave / Join us, families with children 0-6 years<br />
old & siblings. Snacks provided. Check our FB:<br />
tawlang.gatlaayds.1 for more info on our Together<br />
Tuesdays (1-3pm every Tuesday), Breastfeeding<br />
group, Pregnancy Outreach Program and other<br />
activities offered at the Youth Centre.<br />
Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thursdays / 10am-Noon<br />
Wellness House / 2112 Collison Ave. / Open to all self-identifying<br />
women! For more information contact Delvina Lawrence at 250-<br />
626-3911<br />
Kwiiyaans Community Hall Activities Every day of the week<br />
Eagle Ave. / Old Masset / Fun Sweat, Morning Circuit, Yoga and<br />
Open Gym. For more information, contact Tando 250-626-7995<br />
or FB Kwiiyaans Community Hall<br />
Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre Activities - Volleyball Mondays<br />
7-9pm / ages 13+ / Brunch for School Aged Kids Mon-Fri<br />
9:30 – 11:30 am Summer programs Tuesdays, Wednesdays<br />
and Thursdays / 1-4pm / Ages 9-12 / Pre-teen activities Mon<br />
& Fri 4:30-6pm / Ages 11-12 / Teen Night Wed & Fri / 7-10pm<br />
Ages 13-18. For more information contact Toni-Lynn Davidson<br />
at or FB Old Masset Youth<br />
Program<br />
Exhibitions | Programs | Trading House Giftshop<br />
250.559.4643 | |<br />
46 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 47
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset - cont.<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Daajing Giids - cont.<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit<br />
Masset Market – Make it! Bake it! Grow it!<br />
Fridays, year-round, 11am – 2pm & some monthly<br />
night markets! 6 to 8 pm / Across from the HG Coop,<br />
1575 Main Street in Masset / Locally grown and<br />
prepared foods as well as locally handcrafted items<br />
and more! Delicious hot lunches are a regular feature at the<br />
market. For more info, contact Natalie Affolter at 250-626-9181<br />
or or check us out on Facebook and<br />
Instagram: Masset Market<br />
Haida Days Aug 16, 17, 20 / Old Massett / Crib<br />
night Aug 16, Bingo night Aug 17, Main Events<br />
Aug 20 Food Vendors and vendor spots available.<br />
Lots of events stay tuned for list. Start practicing<br />
for men’s competition, pickles and jams, fry bread<br />
and chowder cook off, baseball games and more. For more information,<br />
contact the Old Massett Village Council at 250-626-3337<br />
or<br />
Breastfeeding Group Every 3rd Wednesday of the<br />
month / 11am-12:30pm / Old Masset Youth Centre<br />
150B Raven Ave / This peer support group is for<br />
parents who are currently breastfeeding, chestfeeding, lactating<br />
or providing human milk to their little ones, as well as expecting<br />
parents thinking of human milk feeding, and elders and community<br />
care providers with lived human milk feeding experience.<br />
For more information contact Emma at 250-626-7688 or<br /> or FB: LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or<br /><br />
Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />
Moms and Tots Tuesdays and Thursdays in <strong>July</strong> / 9-11:30am<br />
Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Drop in program for parents<br />
and children in lieu of Strong Start for the summer. Dates in<br />
<strong>August</strong> may vary from the dates posted here. Contact Jasmine<br />
for more info. For more information contact Jasmine Beachy at<br />
250-557-4333 or or FB: PCES StrongStart<br />
MIEDS AGM Aug 2 / 7-8pm / Port Clements<br />
Council Chambers / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Come<br />
join us for the AGM! For more information contact<br />
Jennifer Rutt at (250) 559-8050 or or<br /><br />
Forbes Pharmacy<br />
at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />
9 am to 5 pm<br />
Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />
250-559-4910<br /><br />
Find us on Facebook!<br />
VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street<br />
Knitters Social Hour Thursdays / 7-8pm / Bring<br />
your knitting needles, crochet or spinning projects,<br />
and stories. Summer Reading Club <strong>July</strong> 4-Aug<br />
22 / Attention Kids! Journey Through Time with<br />
us! Register online and pick up your SRC package at your local<br />
branch. Contact us at or 1-877-415-8475 for more<br />
info Storytime and Lego Play <strong>July</strong> 13, 20 & 27, Aug 3 & 24<br />
11-12 Movie Night: Cat Daddies <strong>July</strong> 20 / 6:30-8 pm / Join us<br />
to watch this documentary about “eight unique men whose lives<br />
have been proudly and forever changed by their love for cats.”<br />
Movie Night: Hotel Salvation Aug 17 / 6:30-8 pm / Join us to<br />
watch this film, based on a real guest house in Varanasi, India.<br />
Over 14,000 guests have died there since it was established in<br />
1958. Summer Reading Club Wrap-up Party with Puppet<br />
Show & Award Ceremony Aug 31 / 11 am. For more information<br />
contact Michelle Scott at (250) 559-4518 or<br />
or<br />
Earth Temple Activities & Events 403 Oceanview<br />
Drive Yoga and Art with Karen <strong>July</strong> 10-13<br />
9am-12 / For children ages 2 to 6. Art and Song<br />
with Jessica Mai Jul 17-19 / 9am-12 / For children<br />
ages 5 to 8. Arts and Crafts with Karen Jul<br />
24-27 & Aug 14-17 / 9am-12pm / Children aged 5 to 12. Arts and<br />
Crafts with Karen Aug 8-10 / 9am-12pm / For children aged<br />
10 to 15. Ocean View Community Yoga Saturdays, all summer<br />
9:30-11am / On the lawn by Rockies / Hosted each week by an<br />
Earth Temple Yoga Instructor; suggested donation $10-20; bring<br />
your props. Join the Facebook Group for ongoing updates. The<br />
Groove - Monthly Ecstatic Dance Party Every 2nd Friday of<br />
the month / 8-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom of movement.<br />
All ages; suggested donation $10. For more information contact<br />
Jessiquita at 250-617-5013 or For<br />
more information on all programs contact Karen at 250-637-1918<br />
or or<br />
Family Connection Drop In Monthly, 2nd Thursday<br />
/ 10am-12 / Island Wellness Society Lounge<br />
204 Oceanview / Peer-to-peer support and connection<br />
group for folks who are expecting, or have had<br />
a baby in the past year. Join us for some delicious<br />
snacks and good company! Feel free to bring your baby and/or<br />
partner. For more information contact (250) 559-4711 or<br />
or FB: Haida Gwaii<br />
Child Care Resource and Referral Program<br />
DG Community Club Meeting Sept 12 / 6:30-<br />
8pm / Daajing Giids Community Hall, EA Ross<br />
Room / 134 Bay Street / The Community Club<br />
meets every other month on Tuesdays. If you’re interested in becoming<br />
a member at large, it’s a one-time fee of $5. If you’d like<br />
to join the board, you must be a member and stand for election<br />
at the AGM. *meeting dates may change if Quorum is not met*.<br />
For more information contact Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792<br />
or on FB: charlottecommunityclub<br />
Send your details to Jamie McDonald at<br /><br />
Community Market Saturdays, April 1 to end of<br />
November / 11am-2pm / Market Space by Ball Field<br />
134 Bay Street/ What we offer, to name a few:<br />
Maude Island leeks, spring kale, pea shoots, garlic<br />
powder, smoked garlic powder, celery & their famous<br />
dill pickles. Mary S baked goodies, including<br />
bread, cinnamon buns, Nanaimo bars, brownies, cookies, butter<br />
tarts and pies. Marina’s egg rolls. Grandma Betty’s artisan jams,<br />
jellies, chutneys, marmalade and preserves and locally designed<br />
and printed custom products, and much more! Full season fee<br />
or drop in. There is space for garage sale tables by the main hall<br />
as well. Contact: Reine Pineault / 250-559-4792 / Facebook: The<br />
Community Market in Daajing Giids on Haida Gwaii<br />
Breastfeeding Group Last Wednesday of the month<br />
9:30-11am / Gather / 223 Oceanview Drive / This<br />
peer support group is for parents who are currently<br />
breastfeeding, chestfeeding, lactating or providing human<br />
milk to their little ones, as well as expecting parents thinking of<br />
human milk feeding, and elders and community care providers<br />
with lived human milk feeding experience. For more information<br />
contact Emma at 250-626-7688 or or FB:<br />
LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or<br />
Brown Bag Lunch Conversations 1st Thursday<br />
of the Month / 12-1pm / Village Office / 903A<br />
Oceanview Drive / An opportunity for constituents<br />
to sit with the Mayor and/or Council in a casual<br />
setting for conversation or questions. Bring your own lunch. For<br />
more information contact Admin at 250-559-4765 or office@<br /> or<br />
IWS Activities 204 Oceanview Drive Community<br />
Lunch <strong>July</strong> 14 / 12-2pm / Mark your calendars!<br />
Please join us Friday <strong>July</strong> 14th to celebrate 40 years of community<br />
service with Islands Wellness Society! All are welcome! Tunes!<br />
Lunch provided. For more information contact (250) 559-4743 or<br /><br />
Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / 10am-12pm<br />
Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We are a friendly<br />
and welcoming family fellowship Pentacostal-Christian Church<br />
where everybody (including children) is welcome. Sunday<br />
services commence at 10am followed by fellowship. For more<br />
information contact Heather and Bill at 604-989-2364 or<br />
or<br />
VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm / Vancouver<br />
Island Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza, Beach<br />
Rd / The Sandspit Branch continues to host craft<br />
night every Thursday evening. Bring a craft project<br />
you’re working on and join a fun, social crafting<br />
circle every week! Knitting, embroidery, crochet, beading, painting,<br />
paper crafts, anything goes! Drop-ins welcome. Garden<br />
Gathering Fridays / 11-noon / For adults & teens, casual drop<br />
in, come chat about gardening, share your seeds and knowledge.<br />
For more information Kelsey (250) 637-2247 or or<br /><br />
Drop-in Summer Playgroup All Summer, Tuesdays<br />
/ 10am-12pm / Sandspit Community Hall<br />
411 Alliford Bay / Parents must be in attendance.<br />
Tea/coffee, lite snack, ages 0-5. For more information<br />
contact (250) 559-4711 or<br />
or FB: Haida Gwaii Child<br />
Care Resource and Referral<br />
Moresby Market Sundays, June 4 to September 3<br />
(no market Aug 13) / 11am – 1pm / Agnes L Mathers<br />
School – walkway / What we offer: fresh produce,<br />
pottery, sweet treats, coffee, photography, sewing,<br />
handmade gifts and much more! Annual membership<br />
$50/year for adults and $25/year for children.<br />
Drop-in fee is $10/table. A collective table is available for those<br />
who are unable to attend in-person for any reason. Simply drop<br />
off your wares at set-up time (10:30-11am) and pick up at closing<br />
time (1-1:15pm). Vendors receive 75% of revenue, paid monthly.<br />
Contact: Kelsey Kricheldorf /<br />
Facebook: Moresby Market<br />
57th Sandspit Loggers Sports Day Jul 29 / 9am-<br />
11pm / Loggers sport grounds / By Community Hall<br />
All are welcome to spectate or compete in traditional<br />
loggers sports events. Events for Men, ladies,<br />
novice girls and boys, junior kids and peewee kids. Greased pole<br />
climb, beer gardens and food and more. Dance to cap off the day.<br />
For more information contact Betsy Cranmer-Wourms at 250 637<br />
5475 or or FB: Sandspit Loggers Sports<br />
Day<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Haida Gwaii Museum 2 Second Beach Rd<br />
Exhibit: Everything Matters 20 objects from 20<br />
years in 20 windows – a survey of Simon Davies’<br />
sculpture related to living on Haida Gwaii. For more information,<br />
contact the Museum Staff at (250) 559-4643 or<br />
or<br />
48 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 49
HlGaagilda Skidegate - cont.<br />
Nanu Group Monthly, every 2nd Wednesday<br />
5:30-7pm / White House across from Health Centre<br />
134 Front Street, upstairs / Pregnant people and<br />
young families with kids under 2 years old, join<br />
us for food and discussions on pregnancy, birth,<br />
infant feedings, postpartum and more. For more information<br />
contact Carla Russ at 250-637-1221 or<br />
Spirit Lake Hike Fridays June 16 to Aug 25<br />
2-4pm / Spirit Lake trailhead across the highway<br />
from the George Brown Recreation Centre / Hwy 16<br />
Come and explore the sights, sounds and smells of<br />
a temperate rainforest with a Gwaii Haanas Interpreter.<br />
Activity Level: Moderate, with two steep sections, easy<br />
pace with many stops along the way - 4.3 km loop. Intertidal<br />
Beach Walk <strong>July</strong> 4 – 9am; <strong>July</strong> 5 - 9:45am; Aug 2 – 8:45am; Aug<br />
3 – 9:25am; Aug 4 – 10:10am; Aug 31 – 8:30am; Sept 1 – 9am<br />
Beach in front of the Haida Heritage Centre / Hwy 16 / Explore<br />
along the seashore and meet the strange and beautiful animals<br />
and seaweeds that live in the world between the tides. Duration:<br />
1.5 hours. Activity Level: Moderate, walking distance is 1 km on<br />
moist, packed mud. For more information contact Parks Canada<br />
at (250) 559-8818 or or parkscanada.<br /><br />
Skidegate Days Jul 20, 21, 22 / 9am-11:30pm<br />
Front Street / Fun filled day with tons of outdoor<br />
and indoor activities for the whole family! Raffles,<br />
bingo, T2T Marathon, Baseball, Kids Games, Basketball,<br />
Volleyball, Canoe Races, Booths, Fish Splitting, Youth Dance,<br />
Adult Dance and more. Culminating with an amazing supper<br />
and dance (20$/ticket). For more information contact Ashley at<br />
250-559-4496 or or FB: Skidegate-Days-Hlgaagilda-Siingaay<br />
New Wellness Centre Grand Opening Sep 08<br />
Skidegate Health Centre / New Wellness Centre and<br />
George Brown Rec Hall / XaaydaGa Dlaang Society<br />
invites you to help us celebrate the opening of our<br />
new Wellness Centre. “Restoring Balance” Unveiling<br />
of Eight Supernatural Being Totem Poles to be<br />
placed in the new Centre. Starting at 1 pm followed<br />
by a feast at George Brown Rec Hall. Everyone is Welcome. For<br />
more information contact Debbie Crosby at 250-559-4610 or<br />
or FB: Skidegate Health Centre<br />
Tlell Fall Fair Aug 6 / Tlell Fair Grounds<br />
Hwy 16 / Animals, Live Music, Door Prizes and<br />
great Vendors makes the Tlell Fall Fair a family<br />
friendly event. Details to follow. For more information<br />
contact Linda Louis at (250) 559-8975 or<br /> or<br />
Edge of the World Music Festival Aug 11-13<br />
Tlell Fair Grounds / Hwy 16 / See website or Facebook<br />
page for details! The EOTW music festival<br />
is an annual event. Music, vendors of arts, crafts,<br />
and delicious foods are too good to resist. For more<br />
information contact Pete Moore at or<br />
Your Communities, Your Councils<br />
Village of Port Clements Regular Council<br />
Meetings: <strong>July</strong> 17, Aug 21 ; Committee of the<br />
Whole meetings: <strong>July</strong> 3, Aug 8, Sept 5 / 7-8:30pm<br />
36 Cedar Avenue West / Regular Council meetings.<br />
For more information (250) 557-4295 or<br />
or<br />
Daajing Giids 1st and 3rd Monday of the month<br />
7:30pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular Council<br />
Meetings. For more information (250) 559-4765 or office@<br />,<br />
Masset 2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm<br />
1686 Main Street / Regular Council Meetings. For<br />
more information (250) 626-3995 or vomadmin@<br /> or<br />
Puzzle Page<br />
Answer Key<br />
Tll.aal / Tlell<br />
Tll.aal Tlell Farmers’ Market Sundays, May<br />
28th to October 8th / 11am – 2pm / Highway 16,<br />
behind and to the left of the Tlell Fire Hall. Look<br />
for the giant carrot! / This year, come out to enjoy<br />
roasted in Tlell, fresh brewed coffee at the market along with<br />
BBQ, take away, picnic foods, micro greens, jellies and treats,<br />
gourmet condiments, seaweed snacks, farm fresh eggs & produce,<br />
fresh baked sourdough bread, cotton candy, artisan crafts,<br />
paintings and more! $10/table. Contact: Marylynn Hunt / 250-<br />
559-8282 / / Facebook: Tlell Farmers<br />
Market<br />
50 HG <strong>July</strong> / <strong>August</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 51
12, 13<br />
$60 - $100<br />
AUGUST 11,<br />