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Waste bins for offices and staff facilities<br />
The 2023 Danish Waste Ordinance requires the sorting of<br />
waste generated in offices and crew facilities on construction<br />
sites.<br />
We offer two different solutions for sorting waste at its source in<br />
work and office modules, with labels available featuring pictograms<br />
commonly used in public recycling centres and a wide range of<br />
other sorting systems. You can choose the labels you wish to use.<br />
Please contact your regular CP contact person or call us on:<br />
Zealand and the Islands: (+45) 46 14 06 00<br />
Funen and South Jutland: (+45) 25 22 55 00<br />
Central and North Jutland: (+45) 75 14 06 00<br />
The two solutions available are our familiar zinc waste bins or four<br />
wall-mounted bins.<br />
04.23<br />
CP APS GRØNNING<strong>EN</strong> 10-12, 4130 VIBY SJ. / BARMSTEDT ALLÉ 10, 5500 MIDDELFART / MARKTOFT<strong>EN</strong> 7, 8464 GALT<strong>EN</strong> / CP@CP.DK