R.P. the Farm Dog
Join R.P. the herding dog on their day of work on a beef cattle farm. Learn all about cattle from R.P. and what a cattle farmer does. This book is a part of the A Bushel of Stories competition for student writers. Learn more about this program at https://www.iowaagliteracy.org/Tools-Resources/General/For-Students/A-Bushel-of-Stories.
Join R.P. the herding dog on their day of work on a beef cattle farm. Learn all about cattle from R.P. and what a cattle farmer does. This book is a part of the A Bushel of Stories competition for student writers. Learn more about this program at https://www.iowaagliteracy.org/Tools-Resources/General/For-Students/A-Bushel-of-Stories.
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written by<br />
Lucy Kehret<br />
illustrated by<br />
Chloe Safley
My name is R.P.<br />
That’s what <strong>Farm</strong>er Fred calls me.<br />
It’s short for R.P.M.<br />
or revolutions per minute.<br />
r.p. <strong>the</strong> farm dog<br />
by lucy kehret<br />
It’s a unique name,<br />
and I’m a unique dog!<br />
of kehret home school<br />
edited by dylan jacobson<br />
illustrated by chloe safley<br />
this book was <strong>the</strong> 2023 elementary division winner<br />
of <strong>the</strong> A Bushel Of Stories Writing Contest.<br />
this program is produced by <strong>the</strong> Iowa Agriculture<br />
Literacy Foundation in collaboration with community<br />
sponsors and partners.<br />
special congratulations to <strong>the</strong> second place<br />
elementary division A Bushel Of Stories winners,<br />
eliza hoy and artemis maddox – I Don’t Live On A <strong>Farm</strong>,<br />
and third place winner, madelyn kehret - Skidder.<br />
Special thanks to <strong>the</strong> following sponsors and supporters for making this<br />
program possible: Iowa <strong>Farm</strong> Bureau Federation, Iowa Pork Producers Association,<br />
Iowa Soybean Association, Silos and Smokestacks Foundation, Iowa Corn Growers<br />
Association, GROWMARK, Corteva Agriscience, Iowa Turkey Federation, Iowa Beef<br />
Industry Council, and <strong>the</strong> National Agriculture in <strong>the</strong> Classroom (NAITC)<br />
https://www.iowaagliteracy.org 1
<strong>Farm</strong>er Fred is a busy man. That’s why<br />
he needs a devoted dog, like me. Fred<br />
has lots of chores to do each day<br />
and that’s where my job comes in.<br />
I have endless energy. I’m super fast,<br />
which is how I got my name. I make<br />
several circles or revolutions,<br />
each minute.<br />
Although I am very energetic,<br />
I am also focused and patient.<br />
These traits are important while doing<br />
my job on <strong>the</strong> farm.<br />
2<br />
Today, <strong>Farm</strong>er Fred needs to clean<br />
out <strong>the</strong> cattle yard. When he opens<br />
up <strong>the</strong> gate to drive <strong>the</strong> tractor<br />
and manure spreader through,<br />
Fred needs me to stand guard<br />
so no cows escape.<br />
It’s easy enough. I’m a<br />
herding dog.<br />
This will be a<br />
piece of cake...<br />
4<br />
6<br />
Oh no!<br />
3 cows have gotten out!<br />
8<br />
...I guess I got<br />
a little distracted... 9
That was close!<br />
You know, cows are interesting animals...<br />
These are Angus cows. They’re one of <strong>the</strong><br />
most popular breeds in <strong>the</strong> United States.<br />
They’re calm and good natured,<br />
which makes my job easier.<br />
10 11
<strong>Farm</strong>er Fred raises<br />
cattle from birth. This is a<br />
cow calf operation.<br />
A baby cow is called a calf.<br />
They drink milk from <strong>the</strong>ir mo<strong>the</strong>r<br />
until <strong>the</strong>y are weaned.<br />
When <strong>the</strong>y get big enough, <strong>Farm</strong>er Fred<br />
feeds <strong>the</strong>m corn and silage, or<br />
alfafa hay bales.<br />
I’m not sure why <strong>the</strong>y<br />
seem to like <strong>the</strong>se foods.<br />
I prefer bones, meat,<br />
and scraps, or even<br />
my dog food.<br />
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Cows have about 25,000 taste buds compared<br />
to 10,000 in humans, and about 1,700 taste<br />
buds in dogs! Maybe that’s why we like different stuff.<br />
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Ano<strong>the</strong>r funny thing about cows is that <strong>the</strong>y<br />
have four compartments in <strong>the</strong>ir stomachs!<br />
The first compartment is called <strong>the</strong> rumen.<br />
The rumen is where food is broken down.<br />
I think it’s funny how cows look like <strong>the</strong>y’re<br />
chewing gum. But <strong>the</strong>y’re not! That’s <strong>the</strong>ir cud.<br />
Chewing cud helps cows digest <strong>the</strong>ir food.<br />
The second compartment is <strong>the</strong> reticulum.<br />
The reticulum is where cud is produced.<br />
The third compartment is called <strong>the</strong> omasum.<br />
The omasum absorbs water from <strong>the</strong>ir food.<br />
The fourth compartment is <strong>the</strong> abomasum.<br />
The abomasum digests food just like your stomach<br />
and mine.<br />
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When cattle grow to<br />
about 1,400 pounds,<br />
<strong>the</strong>y are fully grown.<br />
Then, <strong>Farm</strong>er Fred<br />
sells <strong>the</strong>m.<br />
One way dogs and cows are similar is that we<br />
both get attached to <strong>Farm</strong>er Fred. Cows depend<br />
on Fred every day to feed <strong>the</strong>m. I’ve seen <strong>the</strong>m<br />
lick him to show affection, just like dogs!<br />
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Cows are used for beef. That’s where<br />
hamburgers and steaks come from! Beef is so<br />
healthy, I consider it a superfood.<br />
Beef is rich in protein,<br />
which helps build muscles. Beef also<br />
contains essential nutrients like<br />
zinc, vitamin B6 and B12, selenium, iron,<br />
niacin, phosphorus, choline, and riboflavin.<br />
It’s great for growing children!<br />
20<br />
Most people think beef cattle are only<br />
used for meat, but <strong>the</strong>y are also<br />
used for lea<strong>the</strong>r, gelatin, cosmetics, and<br />
medicine. Cows are important animals,<br />
which makes my job important too.<br />
I’m officially<br />
off duty!<br />
Time<br />
to relax<br />
AND<br />
PLAY!<br />