Ideagen Global - Catalyze Magazine - Summer 2023

With Ideagen's extensive member network and influential platform, Catalyze Magazine serves as an aggregate for all content, events, articles, and collaborations of Ideagen Global. It is a monthly magazine where you will find transcriptions from Ideagen events, content, articles, and information surrounding how we are completing our mission. With this magazine, we want to highlight the nature of cross-sector collaboration and how we infuse it into our daily mission on a global scale. Ideagen's monthly Catalyze Magazine is back in 2023 with our Summer edition. Inside, view key conversations from the first half of 2023 & our upcoming Local Change for Global Impact Summit! This month's covers feature speakers: Matt Hellman, Michelle Korsmo, Phyllis Barkman Ferrell, Kartik Tyagi, Nick Larigakis, Sharron Rush, and Dr. Debra Tann!

With Ideagen's extensive member network and influential platform, Catalyze Magazine serves as an aggregate for all content, events, articles, and collaborations of Ideagen Global. It is a monthly magazine where you will find transcriptions from Ideagen events, content, articles, and information surrounding how we are completing our mission. With this magazine, we want to highlight the nature of cross-sector collaboration and how we infuse it into our daily mission on a global scale.

Ideagen's monthly Catalyze Magazine is back in 2023 with our Summer edition. Inside, view key conversations from the first half of 2023 & our upcoming Local Change for Global Impact Summit!

This month's covers feature speakers: Matt Hellman, Michelle Korsmo, Phyllis Barkman Ferrell, Kartik Tyagi, Nick Larigakis, Sharron Rush, and Dr. Debra Tann!


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B Y I D E A G E N<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

Edition<br />

PLUS<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>'s Local<br />

Change for<br />

<strong>Global</strong> Impact<br />

Summit<br />

Matt Hellman<br />

Director Sustainability Transformation<br />


B Y I D E A G E N<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

Edition<br />

PLUS<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>'s Local<br />

Change for<br />

<strong>Global</strong> Impact<br />

Summit<br />

Michelle Korsmo<br />

President & CEO<br />

National Restaurant Association

B Y I D E A G E N<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

Edition<br />

PLUS<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>'s Local<br />

Change for<br />

<strong>Global</strong> Impact<br />

Summit<br />

Phyllis Barkman Ferrell<br />

Executive On-Loan<br />

Davos Alzhemier’s Collaborative

B Y I D E A G E N<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

Edition<br />

PLUS<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>'s Local<br />

Change for<br />

<strong>Global</strong> Impact<br />

Summit<br />

Kartik Tyagi<br />

International President<br />

HOSA Future Health Professionals

B Y I D E A G E N<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

Edition<br />

PLUS<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>'s Local<br />

Change for<br />

<strong>Global</strong> Impact<br />

Summit<br />

Nick Larigakis<br />

President & CEO<br />

American Hellenic Institute

B Y I D E A G E N<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

Edition<br />

PLUS<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>'s Local<br />

Change for<br />

<strong>Global</strong> Impact<br />

Summit<br />

Sharron Rush<br />

Founder & Executive Director<br />


B Y I D E A G E N<br />


<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Summer</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

Edition<br />

PLUS<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>'s Local<br />

Change for<br />

<strong>Global</strong> Impact<br />

Summit<br />

Dr. Debra Tann<br />

CEO<br />


TABLE OF<br />


01 Matt Hellman<br />

Director, Sustainability Transformation at Microsoft<br />

02 Michelle Korsmo<br />

President & CEO, National Restaurant Association<br />

03<br />

04<br />

05<br />

06<br />

07<br />

Phyllis Farrell<br />

Executive On-Loan, Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative<br />

Kartik Tyagi<br />

International President, HOSA Future Health Professionals<br />

Nick Larigakis<br />

President & CEO, American Hellenic Institute<br />

Sharron Rush<br />

Founder & CEO, Knowbility<br />

Dr. Debra Tann<br />

CEO, Reminiscent

A S S E S S I N G T H E P R O G R E S S O F M I C R O S O F T ’ S<br />

S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y C O M M I T M E N T S<br />



George Sifakis: Could you kindly outline<br />

the state and progress of Microsoft's<br />

sustainability commitments and how<br />

Microsoft Cloud for sustainability fits into<br />

that plan?<br />

Matt Hellman: Absolutely. First off, I think<br />

it's important to outline exactly what<br />

Microsoft's sustainability goals are. We're<br />

not new to sustainability, and we set forth<br />

our first sustainability goals back in 2009.<br />

By 2012, we had achieved carbon neutrality<br />

and instituted many different sustainability<br />

initiatives in the following years. But in<br />

2020, we decided we weren't doing enough<br />

and that we should do more. To help use our<br />

influential power in political forums, but<br />

also in taking a lot of the key learnings and<br />

knowledge we've been able to build out and<br />

support other organizations through their<br />

sustainability journey.<br />

Matt: In 2020, we upped our sustainability<br />

goals and said we would be carbon-negative<br />

by 2030, which means we're taking more<br />

carbon out of the atmosphere than we're<br />

putting into it. We then furthered the goal and<br />

said by 2050, we would retroactively take all<br />

carbon Microsoft has emitted since its<br />

founding in 1975 out of the atmosphere for<br />

scopes one, two, and three emissions.<br />


A S S E S S I N G M I C R O S O F T ’ S<br />

S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y C O M M I T M E N T S P G . 2<br />

Matt: In addition to our carbon goals, we set forth similar objectives to be a waterpositive<br />

company by 2030, a zero waste company by 2030, and then to protect more land<br />

than we use by 2030. In terms of where we are in achieving some of those goals, I think<br />

it's always important to note that our number one goal around sustainability is getting our<br />

own house in order. Microsoft's Sustainability goals are truly our first sphere of influence,<br />

and we remain focused internally to deliver on our 2030 commitments.<br />

We made those ambitious goals in 2020, and we knew progress was not always going to<br />

be linear. While those commitments are rooted in science, it takes many steps to protect<br />

our ecosystems and prevent the most severe impacts of climate change. We are very much<br />

firmly committed to those 2030 goals and making the right long-term investments to<br />

support the sustainability of our business in the years to come.<br />

A quick update on 2022; as was released in our most recent sustainability report, our<br />

business grew by over 18%, and our overall emissions declined by about 0.5%. This is in<br />

part from a reduction of our overall direct operational emissions. This is a reduction in<br />

both scopes one and two by 22.7%. At Microsoft, Scope 1 and 2 emissions account for<br />

less than 4% of our total emissions, while indirect emissions, or Scope 3, account for over<br />

96% of our emissions. Our scope three reported emissions increased slightly in 22 by<br />

0.5%, despite a 25% increase in the purchased goods and services due to our business<br />

growth.<br />


A S S E S S I N G T H E P R O G R E S S O F<br />

M I C R O S O F T ’ S S U S T A I N A B I L I T Y<br />

C O M M I T M E N T S F I N A L<br />

Matt: The final thing is that some of the more positive outcomes in 2022 are a result of<br />

the improvements in our operation we've built out through real-time device telemetrybased<br />

measurements. For some of the renewable energy investments, we just announced<br />

a purchase power agreement with fusion technology that will go into effect in the next<br />

couple of years, as well as some of our sustainable aviation fuel purchases and<br />

procurement of unbundled renewable energy credits or RECs, as we call them. So these<br />

are bold goals, but we remain committed and are slowly making progress year after year.<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>global.com | Presented <strong>Global</strong>ly by<br />


O P P O R T U N I T I E S A N D<br />

C H A L L E N G E S W I T H I N T H E<br />

R E S T A U R A N T I N D U S T R Y<br />

W I T H M I C H E L L E K O R S M O : P R E S I D E N T & C E O O F<br />

T H E N A T I O N A L R E S T A U R A N T A S S O C I A T I O N<br />

NRA Website<br />

George Sifakis: Could you describe what<br />

Covid-19 was like for you and your members<br />

and how you adapted through the incredible<br />

challenges and headwinds we experienced?<br />

Michelle Korsmo: At their core, every<br />

restaurant operator is an entrepreneur, and the<br />

thing about entrepreneurs is they're always<br />

looking for new opportunities and finding<br />

new growth potential. It was a challenge, and<br />

not every restaurant made it out of the<br />

pandemic, which is heartbreaking on so many<br />

levels. However, in the spaces where<br />

restaurant operators really found an<br />

opportunity in those challenges, I think we're<br />

seeing new growth opportunities in a postpandemic<br />

environment. Specifically, we've<br />

seen growth opportunities in off-premise<br />

dining and in cocktails to-go. Off-premise<br />

would be those meals consumed outside of<br />

the dining room of a restaurant. Traditionally,<br />

that was done through drive-throughs or at<br />

some level of carryout. Now, we're seeing so<br />

much of that beyond drive-through and<br />

carryout, but in third-party delivery in mealsto-go<br />

and different off-premise environments.<br />

Michelle Korsmo, National Restaurant<br />

Association<br />

Michelle: In fact, one of the interesting<br />

data points is that 66% of consumers<br />

are more likely to take their meals offpremise<br />

than they did before the<br />

pandemic. Consumers are looking for<br />

the value and enjoyment of restaurant<br />

meals outside the dining room, and<br />

that's exciting. We really see offpremise<br />

as a space for growth in the<br />

restaurant industry and one that will<br />

continue to thrive.<br />

The other thing that we've seen is an<br />

increase of cocktails to-go. This was a<br />

space where the industry pivoted to<br />

provide a great experience for<br />

customers during the pandemic, when<br />

so many meals were ordered through<br />

takeout.<br />


O P P O R T U N I T I E S A N D C H A L L E N G E S<br />

W I T H I N T H E R E S T A U R A N T I N D U S T R Y<br />

Michelle: At first, cocktails to-go was a new law needing to be passed by localities and<br />

states permitting them. Most of those provisions were temporary, but we now see that 21<br />

states have made cocktails to-go permanently legal. When we look at how we've innovated<br />

to ensure safe delivery and maintain control over the product so it's served to those of legal<br />

drinking age, it's been a nice growth space for restaurants serving consumers.<br />

George: Incredible, Michelle. That's a change in the process, but you're optimistic in<br />

terms of the opportunity. Let's look at another area, which I know you know well, and<br />

that's the workforce. How have workforce expectations changed in the restaurant industry,<br />

and what effect specifically has this had on your members?<br />

Michelle: I think every industry is facing workforce expectation changes. It's definitely<br />

been a situation where we all feel the shortage of workers, and we're trying to ensure we<br />

can be an attractive place for people looking for work. We think a lot in the association<br />

and with our members about how we change and improve the image of restaurant jobs.<br />

We want to change it from a tough job, with a tough culture, or potentially a job of last<br />

resort, to a career of choice. Employees are looking for flexible schedules and different,<br />

open-ended compensation models from their work right now.<br />


O P P O R T U N I T I E S A N D C H A L L E N G E S<br />

W I T H I N T H E R E S T A U R A N T I N D U S T R Y<br />

Michelle: They're looking for the<br />

opportunity to make a difference in<br />

people's lives and to serve others. That's<br />

really the heart of what restaurants have<br />

to offer. There's a way for us to take<br />

advantage of this changing expectation of<br />

the workforce and really drive home what<br />

we offer to workers in the industry.<br />

Diversity has been a big part of the<br />

conversation of all companies and<br />

figuring out what they can do to make<br />

sure they're an attractive place to work<br />

for people of all races and genders.<br />

Restaurants have always been a leader<br />

and a place of opportunity for people.<br />

That remains a focus for us.<br />

We're thinking about the recognition of<br />

employee contributions and how we can<br />

help our operators and training managers<br />

focus on that in a positive and productive<br />

way. The importance of getting to know<br />

each team member and what's important<br />

to them. What they want out of their<br />

work, what they're looking for from a<br />

career path, but also who they are as<br />

people, what's important to them in their<br />

lives. Knowing something about<br />

everyone as an individual and then letting<br />

them be.<br />

The individual in the workplace is crucial<br />

when restaurants have so much to offer to<br />

the workforce. For us, it's really about<br />

making the workforce understand that<br />

restaurants are attractive places to be.<br />

They're a place where you can find a home,<br />

success, and an opportunity to do<br />

meaningful work. I think this will result in<br />

tremendous retention of current employees<br />

as we're working to fill so many jobs.<br />

George: Incredible, and that perspective is<br />

so vital for folks to understand about the<br />

individuals behind the industry; and by the<br />

way, it's called the hospitality industry for a<br />

reason. It's about being hospitable and<br />

helping others. It's a powerful way to derive<br />

happiness, that contribution when you're in<br />

the industry. There are not a lot of<br />

industries that allow you to serve others in<br />

the way the hospitality industry does, and<br />

specifically the restaurant industry.<br />


<strong>2023</strong> <strong>Ideagen</strong> <strong>Global</strong><br />



SUMMIT<br />

From Corfu, Greece<br />

Streaming September, <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong><strong>Global</strong>.com<br />



The Scope and Mission of the<br />

Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative<br />

Phyllis Barkman Ferrell, Executive on Loan to the Davos Alzheimer’s<br />

Collaborative Healthcare System Preparedness Program<br />

Phyllis Barkman Ferrell: Executive On-Loan,<br />

Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative<br />

George Sifakis: Could you outline the<br />

impacts Alzheimer's currently has on<br />

the globe from both a health and<br />

wellness perspective but also from an<br />

economic and financial perspective?<br />

Phyllis Ferrell: We've been so<br />

successful in 21st-century medicine,<br />

tackling the highest mortality and<br />

morbidity causes in health care, and as<br />

a result, we have a global aging<br />

population.<br />

Phyllis: It's starting in Japan, which is<br />

known as a super-aging society, and is<br />

marching its way across the world.<br />

There isn't a country that won't be<br />

impacted by this, and age is the number<br />

one risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.<br />

As a result, it's a financial burden on<br />

more than just the health system<br />

budget. It's also a financial burden on<br />

the Social Security budgets and the<br />

social systems, since we now have<br />

more people of older age than we do at<br />

a younger age.<br />

Every single one of the ministers in<br />

these government organizations and<br />

institutions needs to be thinking about<br />

how we deal with aging brains, how we<br />

deal with longevity, and as it relates to<br />

Alzheimer's disease, how we slow<br />

down this disease so that it doesn't take<br />

away these quality life years that we all<br />

want when we're getting older.<br />




Phyllis: By the numbers, the World Health Organization sees this as one of the single<br />

greatest drivers of the economic impact. The global cost of dementia care was $1.3<br />

trillion in 2019, with 50% of those costs due to informal caregiving. We need to think<br />

about family caregivers because that's when people are pulled out of the workforce. It<br />

affects your GDP as a country, and for those of us who have lived with this in our<br />

families, we know the sad story that the standard of care for Alzheimer's disease is an<br />

unpaid family caregiver.<br />

In the US, we estimate that as of 2022, about $320 billion was spent on the care of<br />

people with Alzheimer's disease, then an additional almost $300 billion in unpaid<br />

caregiving. By 2050, the number of Americans living with Alzheimer's is expected to<br />

reach almost 13 million people, which would bring our total cost here in the US to<br />

nearly $1 trillion. You're starting to talk about 1-2% of our GDP. We can impact the<br />

cost of Alzheimer’s by taking better care of our brains, thinking about brain health, and<br />

making sure that the innovation we've been so successful with here recently gets to the<br />

right patients at the right time to slow this disease.<br />

George: It's incredibly exciting to hear where we are and the impacts and progress<br />

across the globe, but what about the overall mission of the Davos Alzheimer's<br />

Collaborative? What is the mission, and what is your role within the collaborative?<br />




Phyllis: We've been incredibly successful as an advocacy and scientific community in<br />

Alzheimer's disease, seeing some of the world's largest multilateral organizations sign on to put<br />

dementia at the forefront of their agendas. From the World Health Organization to the G7 and<br />

G20, we've had great success. However, what we found is these policy communiques were not<br />

making a change at the bedside of patient care. Someone with Alzheimer's disease today was<br />

getting the exact same care they might have received 30 years ago. So we looked into that and<br />

found it takes almost 20 years for an innovation in the research setting to make its way into<br />

clinical care. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neuropathological disorder. Patients don't<br />

have 20 years to wait for these scientific innovations to get into clinical practice.<br />

After some research, we found two large global health initiatives, Gavi and CEPI, making<br />

progress in communicable diseases, immunizations, and vaccines. Gavi and CEPI were<br />

commissioned by the World Economic Forum. Why is that? Well, the World Economic Forum<br />

is where the public and private sectors can come together, and I know that's something <strong>Ideagen</strong><br />

is also super passionate about. We lobbied the World Economic Forum, and they agreed to kick<br />

off together with the <strong>Global</strong> CEO Initiative on Alzheimer’s Disease, the third major global<br />

health initiative, and that is called the Davos Alzheimer's Collaborative, or DAC. As part of the<br />

Healthcare System Preparedness program of DAC, which I'm leading as an executive on loan,<br />

our goal is to make sure that innovations happening in academic and research settings are<br />

actually getting to the bedside, making sure that the clinical care workflow for patients changes<br />

so that patients can benefit from the success we've had on the research side. This fall, we are<br />

completing our first global round of 19 healthcare system preparedness projects in 12 countries<br />

and preparing to launch the next round of programs.<br />


I D E A G E N G L O B A L<br />

P R E S E N T S<br />

<strong>2023</strong><br />

GLOBAL<br />


SUMMIT<br />

A S S E S S I N G T H E P R O G R E S S O F T H E U N<br />

S D G ' S A T T H E M I D W A Y P O I N T T O 2 0 2 3<br />

H O S T E D A T T H E E M B A S S Y O F E T H I O P I A<br />

N O W S T R E A M I N G O N I D E A G E N<br />

<strong>Ideagen</strong>global.com | Presented <strong>Global</strong>ly by<br />


The Power of HOSA's<br />

Member-led Chapters<br />

Kartik Tyagi: International President, HOSA Future Health Professionals<br />

George Sifakis: What is the inherent<br />

value of member-led chapters? Why is<br />

that so important, and what is the role<br />

of the advisor in that structure?<br />

Kartik Tyagi: Two great questions.<br />

The first piece is anyone involved with<br />

HOSA will tell you it's a student-led<br />

organization. We pride ourselves on<br />

this because we know that students<br />

will be critical in the future of health<br />

care, and they're really the leaders of<br />

this organization. Across the world,<br />

we have chapters, schools, and<br />

institutions at local levels, which we<br />

say are member-led. Each member<br />

elects students to lead the activities of<br />

these chapters to understand what<br />

matters to each school, region, and<br />

area.<br />

As it relates to the advisor, no<br />

chapter's operations would be possible<br />

without mentors in our community,<br />

the health and science teachers, or any<br />

educator in the community supporting<br />

our HOSA chapters.<br />

Kartik Tyagi, HOSA Future Health Professionals<br />

Though there might be one, two, or<br />

three outline HOSA advisors, it's the<br />

community of mentors that allows<br />

students to lead, compete, and gain<br />

skills that will be undoubtedly<br />

beneficial to them. Those are two<br />

very critical points and crucial to the<br />

success of our organization.<br />


Kartik Tyagi Continued...<br />

George: You mentioned competition. There are 88 competency-based events at<br />

HOSA. These events help shape, address, and engage students on their<br />

competency in any given area. How do these events relate to what students are<br />

actually learning in the classroom?<br />

Kartik: As you mentioned, there are 88 competitive event opportunities for HOSA<br />

members. Many of these are actually tied to the core curriculum standards and<br />

health science education objectives across the country, as well as globally, at heart<br />

relating to the fact that what students are competing in directly relates to what<br />

they're doing in the classroom.<br />

Other than that, students have opportunities to build skills that will supplement<br />

what they're learning in the classroom. Whether it's building a more niche or<br />

unique skill set, participating in a specific subfield of a course, or taking the<br />

knowledge they've learned in the classroom to then take as a skillset. Whether it's<br />

CPR or nursing, sports med, first aid, or whatever that might be, there are several<br />

opportunities for students to either continue growing from what they learn or take<br />

those skills and apply them differently.<br />






George Sifakis: What aligns Greece and the<br />

United States so well as partners and allies?<br />

American Hellenic Institute<br />

Nick Larigakis: It goes back almost 250 years<br />

when this great republic of ours was founded<br />

on the values and principles of democracy in<br />

ancient Greece. Our Constitution is steeped in<br />

that ideology. It's present even in our<br />

architecture in the city that we live in<br />

(Washington, DC.).<br />

Nick Larigakis, American Hellenic Institute<br />

The United States and Greece have never been on opposite sides of any conflict<br />

in the 20th and 21st centuries; only one of four countries ever to be so aligned.<br />

As I said earlier, Greece is the vanguard regarding the eastern outermost<br />

border of the European Union and a member of NATO along with Turkey.<br />

But because of the unfortunate situation we've had in recent years with Mr.<br />

Erdogan and Turkey, its duplicitous nature regarding its cozying up with Iran,<br />

its support of Hamas, and its support of Mr. Putin, they blow with the wind in<br />

terms of their own self-interests, which do not always align with the<br />

geostrategic interests of the West or United States. But Greece does.<br />

Greece understands its part in NATO, and they have an obligation within the<br />

context of that alliance. Greece is a very faithful, loyal, and strategically<br />

important ally to the United States and does not generally promote issues<br />

regarding the Eastern Mediterranean or that of the United States in a quid pro<br />

quo fashion.<br />



Nick: Regarding the Ukrainian war, Greece was one of the first countries<br />

to come out and condemn this. They were one of the first countries to call<br />

for sanctions. In contrast, to this day, Turkey, a NATO ally, still has not<br />

done that and has benefited from both sides.<br />

Alexandroupolis, the northeast city in Greece, is a major staging area for<br />

logistics and assets flowing into Ukraine today and throughout Eastern<br />

Europe. It will play a bigger role regarding energy transport for the region<br />

and keeping Russia at bay regarding energy in the future. Greece is a major<br />

alternative for a transient country wanting energy to flow through to<br />

Western Europe. There are all sorts of plans for possible pipelines, but even<br />

today, Greece is a growing country as it relates to energy.<br />

It's also a growing asset regarding the potential for liquefied natural gas<br />

throughout various areas of the country. The United States today has as<br />

many as eight military facilities throughout Greece, mostly on a rotational<br />

basis. Souda Bay is a permanent base and is one of the most important<br />

facilities for the U.S. geostrategically for naval operations in the<br />

Mediterranean Sea, and they're looking to upgrade those facilities. Right<br />

now, the US-Greek relationship continues to grow on multiple levels, the<br />

defensive side certainly being one, but we're looking to go even further in<br />

terms of areas of cooperation.<br />


G L O B A L<br />

Addressing the<br />

Technical Barriers of<br />

Those With Disabilities<br />

Sharron Rush<br />

AARP Purpose Prize Winner &<br />

Founder of Knowbility<br />

Knowbility<br />

Sharron Rush: Founder, Knowbility<br />

Barb Quaintance: Let's step back for a second. I imagine people listening are<br />

thinking, 'I understand closed captioning that makes sense to me.' But could you give<br />

us 2 or 3 other examples to help us broaden our thinking on other ways to make the<br />

web more accessible?<br />

Sharron Rush: One of the easiest things to understand is how blind people interact<br />

with the Internet. That's maybe not the largest group of people with disabilities, but it's<br />

easy for people to understand that if you can't see, you might have trouble navigating a<br />

screen. Screen reading technology is one of the many types of assistive technologies,<br />

and there are coding techniques that allow a screen reader to understand the structure<br />

of the page. If you are sighted and look at a web page, you see the big headings and<br />

know these are sections, and you can browse through them. You can do the same thing<br />

in the code so that assistive technology has access to that same structure.<br />

People who are blind can't use a mouse. You can't point and click, so you have to have<br />

another way to move the focus of the page to those clickable elements. If you have<br />

buttons or links, you need to make those accessible and operable from the keyboard.<br />

You need to be able to use the tab key or arrow keys to move around the page, and<br />

that's not always the case.<br />


A D D R E S S I N G T H E T E C H N I C A L B A R R I E R S<br />

O F T H O S E W I T H D I S A B I L I T I E S<br />

Sharron: The basic language of the web (HTML) is inherently accessible when used<br />

in the proper semantic structure designed for. But technology people love shortcuts,<br />

and they tend to design for themselves. Thinking, 'This is slick, and this is cool, I'm<br />

going to do these things. I'm going to use this JavaScript interactive language,' and<br />

they don't always bring over the accessibility features built into the language.<br />

There's a group at the W3C, the World Wide Web Consortium, that focuses on<br />

accessibility called the Web Accessibility Initiative. They maintain standards that help<br />

designers make applications accessible for disabled people. Their principles require<br />

content to be perceivable whether you see it, hear it, or not. You might, for example,<br />

use a refreshable Braille display, where the screen reading technology goes through<br />

and changes text to dots on an output device that people can feel with their fingers.<br />

Content must be understandable, for example, using plain language rather than jargon.<br />

Another principle is that the interface must be operable. I have to be able to operate<br />

even if I don't use a mouse through different techniques. Think about mobile phones<br />

and how you use the one, two, or three-fingered swipe. You can operate or control<br />

how you move through it in different ways. The last design principle is to be sure it is<br />

robust - that content can be rendered in different ways on various devices. In other<br />

words, the design principles for accessibility require that content can be discovered,<br />

used, and understood on a variety of devices. People with disabilities may use<br />

different devices than the more typical users of mouse and screen.<br />

Barb: It sounds like the technology essentially exists to do this, but it's a matter of<br />

actually doing it and being aware that this is a necessary component of whatever that<br />

might be. Is that a fair characterization?<br />

Sharron: That's exactly right. The technology is absolutely there to create accessible<br />

interfaces and make information accessible for people with disabilities. It's a matter of<br />

awareness and requirements to do so<br />


“WHAT IS<br />

DEMENTIA?”<br />


CEO<br />


Reminiscent<br />

Dr. Debra Tann: So, what is dementia? If you don't recall anything else I say on this platform,<br />

please remember that dementia is not a disease. Not at all. Dementia is not a disease, but the<br />

symptoms thereof. You must be thinking, what is she talking about? I just told you that dementia<br />

is symptoms, so symptoms like what? Hallucination, delusion, colorful language sometimes, a<br />

little profanity, if you will. Memory loss, repetitiveness, confusion, lack of sleep, or disruptive<br />

sleep are all called dementia symptoms. Believe it or not, there are over 100 dementias because<br />

dementia, again, is just the symptoms. At this point, you might be asking yourself, "The<br />

symptoms of what?" Let's unpack that just a bit.<br />

The top five diseases that go along with the symptoms of dementia are Alzheimer's Dementia<br />

Disease, Vascular Dementia Disease, Parkinson's Dementia Disease, Lewy Body Dementia<br />

Disease, and last, but certainly not least, Frontotemporal Dementia. Those symptoms go along<br />

with one of those diseases.<br />

You may be thinking, 'I've only heard of Alzheimer's,' and there's a good reason for that. You've<br />

probably heard the most about Alzheimer's simply because Alzheimer's has the most prevalence<br />

in terms of cases of dementia diseases. It lies between 60 and 80% of the given diagnosis, so<br />

typically it's Alzheimer's dementia disease. I must reiterate that dementia are the symptoms that<br />

go with the disease. Diseases like Alzheimer's, Vascular, Lewy Body, Frontotemporal, or<br />

Parkinson's Dementia Disease, so please keep that in mind. As we've identified the five top<br />

dementia diseases, it is very important to note that there is no cure. I'm sad to say there is<br />

absolutely no cure for any of the five I just mentioned to you. So bear that in mind as we continue<br />

this journey on "What is dementia?"<br />



CONTINUED...<br />

Dr. Tann: Diagnoses are crucial, and I'm going to share with you why I believe that. Of course,<br />

the scientists, researchers, and literature point to this as well. Early diagnoses can give someone<br />

living with one of the dementia diseases the quality of life they deserve. They then have an<br />

opportunity to look at their financials and an opportunity to impact a lot of the decisions as they<br />

relate to the disease.<br />

It gives them an opportunity to better manage the disease, it allows them to modify comorbidities<br />

present with the disease, and it gives the family a chance to talk about advance directives. How<br />

do you want to live your best life at this particular point?<br />

Early diagnosis is important. It offers so many thumbs-up kinds of things by way of<br />

communicating. I say, and I will continue to say, just because you have a diagnosis of dementia,<br />

particularly if it's early on, you can still live life well. It just has to be managed by you and your<br />

care team.<br />

Dr. Tann receiving her Award from the<br />

BrightFocus Foundation<br />

Dr. Debra Tann’s Graphic from BrightFocus<br />

Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Celebration<br />


Editor's Note<br />

Dear Friends and Colleagues, as we approach an exciting Fall<br />

<strong>2023</strong>, there are numerous positive trends and advancements to be<br />

optimistic about. From breakthroughs in technology to inspiring<br />

advancements in sustainability, it's an exciting time. The world<br />

continues to evolve, with AI and virtual experiences becoming<br />

increasingly accessible and diverse, including the latest from<br />

ChatGPT and OpenAI.<br />

We are also thrilled about our upcoming #17DaysOfSustainability,<br />

including the <strong>Ideagen</strong> <strong>Global</strong> Partnerships Summit at the Nasdaq<br />

and <strong>Ideagen</strong> <strong>Global</strong> Goals Summits at the United Nations on 10.19-<br />

20 and the 1st Annual <strong>Ideagen</strong> AI, Health, Tech & Finance Summit<br />

in Coral Gables, Florida on 12.6. <strong>Catalyze</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>, by <strong>Ideagen</strong><br />

<strong>Global</strong>, is also impacting the awareness of the <strong>Global</strong> Goals and<br />

connecting the dots across sectors as we highlight all the exciting<br />

developments with our readers for <strong>2023</strong> and into 2024!<br />

The Best is Indeed Yet To Be!<br />



Editor-in-Chief & CEO<br />

-<strong>Ideagen</strong><br />



Senior Editor<br />


Publication Co-Editor<br />

Pictured Top to Bottom<br />

George Sifakis & Rawle Andrews Jr.<br />

Craig Cookson, ACC<br />

Nasdaq Board Times Square

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