Home Visiting of Mecklenburg County LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS: Opportunities for Growth, Expansion & Building Infrastructure
For the purpose of this study, early childhood home visiting is a program that expectant parents and caregivers of young children voluntarily participate in to improve the health and well-being of their families. This broad definition is necessary because the various home-visiting models differ from each other in their level of intensity, target population, and mode of delivery.
For the purpose of this study, early childhood home visiting is a program that expectant parents and caregivers of young children voluntarily participate in to improve the health and well-being of their families. This broad definition is necessary because the various home-visiting models differ from each other in their level of intensity, target population, and mode of delivery.
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1. Contact In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />
First/Last Name_______________________________________<br />
Local Organization Name_____________________________<br />
Local Organization Address__________________________<br />
Email Address_________________________________________<br />
Phone Number________________________________________<br />
2. What is the role <strong>of</strong> the primary contact <strong>for</strong><br />
this survey?<br />
__ Executive Director<br />
__ Program Manager<br />
__ Data/Evaluation Lead<br />
__ Other (please specify)<br />
Module A:<br />
Program Administration<br />
3. Organization Type:<br />
__ Private For Pr<strong>of</strong>it<br />
__ Private Nonpr<strong>of</strong>it<br />
__ Government<br />
__ Other<br />
4. Please select all <strong>of</strong> the positions/groups that<br />
comprise your local organization’s structure:<br />
__ Board <strong>of</strong> Director Community Advisory<br />
__ Board<br />
__ Non-clinical Management Staff<br />
(e.g., Executive Director Administrator)<br />
__ Full-time <strong>Home</strong> Visitor<br />
__ Part-time <strong>Home</strong> Visitor <strong>Home</strong><br />
__ <strong>Visiting</strong> Supervisor<br />
__ Evaluation/Data Team<br />
__ In-house Clinical Consultant<br />
__ Other (please specify)<br />
5. What is the home visiting program model<br />
that your organization implements?<br />
__ Nurse Family Partnership<br />
__ Parents as Teachers<br />
__ Early Head Start <strong>Home</strong> Based<br />
__ Children First<br />
__ Parent Child +<br />
__ A Guided Journey<br />
__ Other (please specify)<br />
6. Currently, how many home visitor positions,<br />
both full-time and part-time, are employed on<br />
your staff? Do not count vacant positions, only<br />
those positions that are currently filled.<br />
Full-time home visitors_______________________________<br />
Part-time home visitors ______________________________<br />
Supervisors (full & part-time) ________________________<br />
7. With current level funding, how many home<br />
visitor positions both full-time and part-time,<br />
are needed to be fully staffed?<br />
Full-time home visitors_______________________________<br />
Part-time home visitors ______________________________<br />
Supervisors (full & part-time) ________________________<br />
8. What are the demographics <strong>of</strong> your<br />
program’s current home visiting staff<br />
(all home visitors and supervisors) in %<br />
percentages?<br />
Race<br />
White__________________________________________________<br />
Black or African American ___________________________<br />
Hispanic or Latino ____________________________________<br />
American Indian or Alaska Native ___________________<br />
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ___________<br />
Another Race _________________________________________<br />
9. What are the demographics <strong>of</strong> your<br />
program’s current home visiting staff<br />
(all home visitors and supervisors) in %<br />
percentages?<br />
Hispanic Ethnicity<br />
Hispanic ______________________________________________<br />
Non-Hispanic _________________________________________<br />
10. What are the demographics <strong>of</strong> your<br />
program’s current home visiting staff<br />
(all home visitors and supervisors) in %<br />
percentages?<br />
Gender Identity<br />
Female ________________________________________________<br />
Male __________________________________________________<br />
Transgender __________________________________________<br />
11. Percentage <strong>of</strong> home visitors who are able<br />
to speak only English in home visits?<br />
12. Percentage <strong>of</strong> home visitors who are able<br />
to speak only Spanish in home visits?<br />
13. Percentage <strong>of</strong> home visitors who are<br />
able to speak languages other than Spanish/<br />
English in home visits?<br />
The next set <strong>of</strong> questions are about the funding <strong>of</strong> your home visiting program.<br />
14. If you were asked to report it to your<br />
funder, what would be your best estimate <strong>of</strong><br />
your average cost per family to deliver your<br />
home visiting program as designed?<br />
15. How did you (or would you) determine this<br />
calculation (i.e. what factors or components<br />
are you including – staff time, overhead costs,<br />
materials, etc.)?<br />
__ Staff time<br />
__ Overhead<br />
__ Materials<br />
__ Other<br />
16. Approximately what percentage <strong>of</strong> funding<br />
is used <strong>for</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essional development?<br />
17. What financial resources support your home-visiting program? For the past three years (2019,<br />
2020, 2021), estimate the percent <strong>of</strong> support your home visiting program receives from each<br />
funding source. Each column should add to 100%. On the next screen you will be asked to list<br />
private foundation or other sources.<br />
Federal Government State __________ __________ __________<br />
Government __________ __________ __________<br />
Local Government __________ __________ __________<br />
Billable services/Medicade __________ __________ __________<br />
Foundation Philanthropy __________ __________ __________<br />
Other __________ __________ __________<br />
2019 2020 2021<br />
19 20