Home Visiting of Mecklenburg County LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS: Opportunities for Growth, Expansion & Building Infrastructure
For the purpose of this study, early childhood home visiting is a program that expectant parents and caregivers of young children voluntarily participate in to improve the health and well-being of their families. This broad definition is necessary because the various home-visiting models differ from each other in their level of intensity, target population, and mode of delivery.
For the purpose of this study, early childhood home visiting is a program that expectant parents and caregivers of young children voluntarily participate in to improve the health and well-being of their families. This broad definition is necessary because the various home-visiting models differ from each other in their level of intensity, target population, and mode of delivery.
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84. If your home-visiting program had<br />
expanded funding and additional staff to<br />
serve all qualified families in your service<br />
area, how many families would you expect to<br />
serve annually?<br />
85. Of the families who left the program last<br />
year, what percent “completed” the program,<br />
based on whatever program standard you use<br />
to indicate “completion” or “graduation”?<br />
86. What strategies exist to promote<br />
continued participation in your program?<br />
87. Please provide a summary estimate <strong>of</strong> the<br />
total number <strong>of</strong> actual home visits provided<br />
by your organization in calendar year 2021<br />
This is the total aggregate number <strong>of</strong> home<br />
visits across all families and all home visitors.<br />
Feedback/End <strong>of</strong> Survey<br />
This is the end <strong>of</strong> the survey, please use<br />
the following space to fill in any additional<br />
in<strong>for</strong>mation that you think is important <strong>for</strong><br />
us to understand about your home visiting<br />
program, or the field <strong>of</strong> home visiting in<br />
<strong>Mecklenburg</strong> <strong>County</strong>.<br />
88. Feedback & Comments<br />
What is the home visiting model that your organization implements?<br />
Other (please specify)<br />
A Guided Journey<br />
Parent Child +<br />
Child First<br />
Early Head Start <strong>Home</strong> Based<br />
Parents as Teachers<br />
Nurse Family Partnership<br />
0<br />
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5<br />
Other = NC Infant Toddler Program; Care Management with Medicaid Prepaid Health Plans (PHPs) through Local<br />
Health Department Suggested language summarizing finding.<br />
Other (please specify)<br />
Yes, Decreasing enrolment capacity<br />
Yes, Increasing enrolment capacity<br />
Yes, Reducing service area<br />
Yes, Expanding service area<br />
Future changes to service delivery in the next year<br />
No<br />
0 1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
Other = Creating new team <strong>for</strong> mental health services <strong>for</strong> children not eligible (ARPA funded); Enrollment Capacity<br />
and Expanding Service Area<br />
What are your program’s top three primary target outcomes?<br />
Referrals to or coordination with other services<br />
Family economic self-sufficiency<br />
Healthy family functioning<br />
School readiness<br />
Maternal health<br />
Health & nutrition<br />
Infant/toddler mental health<br />
Preventing child abuse and/or toddler care<br />
0 1 2 3 4 5<br />
27 28