HGT Magazine #125 September/October 2023

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th<br />

ISSUE<br />

Issue 125<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

$6.50 (INCL. GST)<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 1



<strong>October</strong> 20 in Masset, venue TBA | <strong>October</strong> 21 in Daajing Giids<br />

Hall | Show starts at 7:30PM<br />

Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra is the first professional<br />

concert orchestra devoted to performing new intercultural music.<br />

Three members of VICO, Saina Khaledi, Ali Razmi, and Ali Sajjadi<br />

will present “Music of the Whole World”.<br />

January 23 in Daajing Giids Hall<br />

Show starts at 7:30PM<br />

Latin Grammy/Juno winner, singer-songwriter<br />

Alex Cuba needs no<br />

introduction. He will be performing one<br />

solo show in Haida Gwaii, bringing his<br />

brand of world music and calibre of<br />

musicianship that will both inspire and<br />

delight many.<br />

November 3 in Masset, venue TBA<br />

November 4 in Daajing Giids Hall<br />

Show starts at 7:30PM<br />

Enjoy this one-woman whimsical<br />

play where Grease and Grease 2 are<br />

smooshed together in a musical love<br />

letter reclaiming joy, agency, groove,<br />

and meaning. Megan Phillips is a Vancouver-based<br />

writer and performer who<br />

believes that comedy is the only way to<br />

make sense of this wackadoodle world.<br />

February 9 in Masset, venue TBA<br />

February 10 in Daajing Giids Hall<br />

Show starts at 7:30PM<br />

Kunji Ikeda will collaborate with Masset<br />

dancer Alison Keery for this show. This<br />

presentation Rain is inspired by the<br />

importance and abundance of rain<br />

on the North West Coast of BC. Blending<br />

physical theatre, contact improvisation,<br />

and contemporary dance forms, Kunji<br />

will tell stories of love, fatigue, humour,<br />

irritation, and the life-giving magic of<br />

rain.<br />

March 1 in Masset, venue TBA<br />

March 2 in Daajing Giids Hall<br />

Show starts at 7:30PM<br />

Jazz musician Adam Robert Thomas’<br />

unique sound combines elements of<br />

soul, jazz, indie, and top 40 music. He<br />

is a JUNO-nominated vocalist who is<br />

known for his unique upbeat, soulful<br />

songs and favourite hits from the Big<br />

Band era. His trio band aims to get<br />

everyone up dancing in a family-friendly<br />

atmosphere.<br />


(Except Alex Cuba event: HGAC Members $20 / Public $25)<br />

Scan this QR code or email<br />

info@hgartscouncil.ca to<br />

buy your pass!<br />

Season pass for all five shows is only $68 with purchase of HGAC membership!<br />

$80 value - save 15%! (Promotion ends <strong>September</strong> 22/23)<br />

Memberships: Single $10, Couple $15, Family (2 adults & 2 children) $20<br />

2 HG

Subscribe<br />

Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />

right to your post box and save<br />

10% off the retail price. On-island<br />

for one year (six issues): $35.10<br />

plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />

in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />

$74.85 plus GST.<br />

Advertise<br />

Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />

to help spread the word of<br />

businesses of all sizes with<br />

affordable options for everyone.<br />

Rates start as low as $45 per<br />

month plus GST.<br />

Submit<br />

We welcome you to send us your<br />

family-oriented stories, news,<br />

illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />

etc., for publishing consideration.<br />

Contact Information<br />

Phone: 250-557-2088<br />

Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />

BC V0T 1R0<br />

Website: haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<br />

Deadline for NovDec/23 issue<br />

Content we layout: <strong>October</strong> 10 th<br />

<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Classifieds and print ready<br />

submissions: <strong>October</strong> 20 th <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Haida place names as per the<br />

This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />

Káats’a hlaa <strong>2023</strong> publication.<br />

The views and opinions expressed<br />

by the various authors do not<br />

necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />

beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader. © <strong>2023</strong> Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />

Prefer a digital copy?<br />

Scan here for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />

Features<br />

26<br />

Our 125 th Issue<br />

Shining Bright on Haida Gwaii<br />

9<br />

Snorkeling for<br />

Salmon<br />

A Taay.yii Coho Census<br />

19<br />

Haida Gwaii Eats<br />

Changing with the Season<br />

Also In This Issue<br />

Dear Huckleberry ................................... 5<br />

A Naturalist’s Almanac ....................... 6<br />

All Things Music ...................................8<br />

Gwaii Trust Society – Connecting<br />

Generations .......................................... 14<br />

Bellis Book Award ................................ 20<br />

‘Round and About ................................ 22<br />

Where There's a Will ............................ 24<br />

Science Corner ..................................... 32<br />

On the Cover: Haida Gwaii Trader celebrates 125 issues!<br />

Wandering Tattler ................................ 33<br />

Kids' Musings ....................................... 34<br />

Puzzle Page ........................................... 35<br />

Horoscope ............................................. 36<br />

Classifieds ............................................. 37<br />

Tide Tables ............................................ 46<br />

Community Calendar .......................... 47<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 3

Our Valued Contributors<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

Trader Values<br />

<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />

Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />

#85: continuing to develop<br />

media initiatives that inform<br />

and educate the Canadian<br />

public, and connect the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders.<br />


We proudly serve the<br />

unceded traditional territory<br />

of the Haida Nation along<br />

with all those who live,<br />

work and play on Haida<br />

Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />

advertising for all local<br />

businesses and exemplary<br />

off-island businesses whose<br />

products and/or services are<br />

in limited, local supply.<br />

UNITED<br />

Our focus is to build,<br />

maintain and enhance<br />

bridges between the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders<br />

of all ages, genders and<br />

income, between nature and<br />

humanity, and between spirit<br />

and ego.<br />


We support basic,<br />

equitable needs shared<br />

by all, including social<br />

sustainability, clean air,<br />

water and energy, affordable<br />

housing, wellness, and<br />

nutritious, locally produced<br />

food.<br />

Jasmine Beachy is a wife and<br />

proud mother of two active boys.<br />

She is a local StrongStart facilitator<br />

and has lived in Wáan Kún/<br />

Gamadiis Port Clements for 15<br />

years. jasmine970@hotmail.com<br />

Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />

astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />

about helping people develop tools<br />

of awareness and purpose in life.<br />

sageadvisor2u@gmail.com<br />

Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />

who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />

learning, eating things, and<br />

exploring Haida Gwaii.<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset<br />

resident, naturalist and writer.<br />

She uses her skills to build things.<br />

hecatebird@gmail.com<br />

Tyler Hinchcliffe started<br />

law school in <strong>September</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong>. She is interested in art,<br />

nature and sustainability.<br />

She lives in Daajing Giids.<br />

tylerhinchcliffe312@gmail.com<br />

Behind the Scenes<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

Owner<br />

Editor in Chief<br />

shellene.patience@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Claude Adams<br />

Assistant Editor<br />

assistant.editor@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />

of human conduct and love<br />

interactions, is passionate about<br />

finding creative ways to navigate<br />

love, friendships and familiar<br />

relationships<br />

dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com<br />

Jana McLeod has lived on Haida<br />

Gwaii all her life. She’s a mother to<br />

8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and<br />

making people laugh keeps her<br />

grounded.<br />

ja_mcleod@hotmail.com<br />

Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />

a retired university professor,<br />

geologist, NASA scientist and<br />

educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />

beauty, people and nature of<br />

Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />

her dog for walks on the beach.<br />

ro.rosemary@gmail.com<br />

Jamie McDonald<br />

Events Manager<br />

Contributing Writer<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Classifieds & Subscriptions Manager<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />

IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />

4 HG


Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />

nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />

column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />

professional help if you are struggling.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

I’m being choked financially by my fiancé. I have a steady job and a good income and I do my best to provide for my<br />

family and she does her part by taking care of the house and kids. The problem is that while she is at home she spends<br />

hours online shopping, and no matter how much I work my bank account is empty at the end of every month. Is there<br />

anything I can do? – Choked<br />

Dear Choked,<br />

When the responsibilities are divided in a family and the roles are set, each partner loses their ability to enjoy and evolve<br />

in the areas that the other is free to explore. As the breadwinner you gave up your financial freedom, quality time with<br />

family and friends and opportunities you would have taken when you were a single man. Your fiancé, as the homemaker,<br />

is also giving up a variety of options.<br />

Shopping addictions usually develop from that sense of loss, and if you take a closer look at what she is buying you<br />

might learn what she is longing for. You each are more than the household roles you are playing and only when you<br />

make space for joy outside of those roles, will she stop trying to buy it.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

My girlfriend never instigates sex. What can I do? – Wanting More<br />

Dear Wanting,<br />

If you are honest with yourself, do you really know what you want more of? Is it Sex? Passion? Or just the feeling of<br />

being wanted, understood, loved? Have you asked her what she wants? If you have been avoiding this conversation, I<br />

believe that you both are just afraid to be vulnerable. As we experience heartbreak and loss, our sexual impulses become<br />

entangled with our fears and emotions and we build walls around us to hide from the pain of being rejected or abandoned.<br />

There are many reasons why she might not show her desire in the way you wish she would. And until you understand<br />

those reasons, all you can do is start a conversation. Create a safe space for her to open up. The bond that’s created when<br />

two people dare to be vulnerable with each other is called intimacy, and it’s through that bond that you will experience<br />

more of whatever it is you crave.<br />

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

I never wanted to have kids or be a mother. However, recently I was told by a doctor that as a result of a sexual assault in<br />

my childhood, I became infertile and even if I wanted to, I could never be a mother. My family says I didn’t lose anything<br />

because I didn’t want it in the first place but I’m devastated and I don’t understand why. – Defective<br />

Dearest,<br />

Why wouldn’t you be devastated? A choice you thought was only yours was ripped out of your hands. The man who<br />

stole your innocence when you were just a kid came back to steal your choice of motherhood as an adult. You are re-living<br />

the trauma of your assault. And whether you wanted motherhood or not, a loss is a loss and you have the right to<br />

mourn however you want without having to wonder why and without having to justify your feelings to anyone.<br />

But dearest, you are not defective; you have been challenged to adapt and overcome and you are still at the wheel of your<br />

life. Don’t let a soul convince you otherwise.<br />

Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send via mail to<br />

Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full situation<br />

- unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen, only the<br />

overview question will be published.<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 5

A Naturalist’s Almanac<br />

AI vs Nature<br />

Article and photos by Margo Hearne<br />

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is big news<br />

these days. Even though we created it, AI<br />

could take over simply because it may be<br />

smarter than us. And, really, we’re not<br />

very smart. According to Max Tegmark,<br />

researcher with the Massachusetts Institute<br />

of Technology, “We humans have<br />

already wiped out a significant fraction<br />

of all the species on Earth...and the<br />

tricky thing is, the species that is going<br />

to be wiped out often has no idea why<br />

or how.”<br />

“In many cases,” Tegmark continues,<br />

“we have wiped out species because we<br />

wanted resources....so, if machines control<br />

the planet, and they want to scale<br />

up their computing infrastructure, it’s<br />

natural they would want to use our land<br />

for that.” We humans would just be a<br />

pest and a nuisance to AI; it could be a<br />

case of goodbye every living thing, farewell<br />

lovely blue planet and hello metal-covered<br />

ugly sphere.<br />

That’s the downside. The upside is that<br />

we still have time. When birds fly and the<br />

sun is ablaze it’s a reminder that, like AI<br />

rampant, some things are totally out of<br />

our hands. What we have in hand are the<br />

choices we make and whether or not to<br />

pay attention to what’s going on in the<br />

natural world. So, a deep breath and out<br />

into the wild.<br />

Warblers are on the move. Parties of<br />

migrant Townsend’s and Orangecrowned<br />

move through the trees in<br />

feeding parties of three or four. They<br />

travel with chickadees, kinglets and<br />

creepers. A Red-shafted Flicker calls<br />

from the background and out over the<br />

sea a family of Red-throated Loons feed<br />

in the shallows. They have long left the<br />

nest and their young stay near them as<br />

they adapt to the open ocean. Their lives<br />

so far have been spent in the quiet lakes<br />

and ponds of the lowlands; it will take<br />

them a few years to mature before they<br />

can add to the next generation.<br />

Interestingly, Red-throated Loons don’t<br />

need to patter across the water’s surface<br />

to get lift as do Common Loons. They<br />

can take off directly from land if they<br />

have to; many of the lakes where they<br />

nest on Haida Gwaii are small and shallow<br />

and don’t allow for a long take-off<br />

anyway. They are the only loon that regularly<br />

forages far from its nest. They feed<br />

in Masset Inlet or Dixon Entrance where<br />

they pick up small fish for the nestlings<br />

back home. If you hear a mellow “kwak<br />

kwak kwak kwak” overhead look up and<br />

Northern Red-shafted Flicker<br />

you might see a Red-throated Loon flying<br />

back and forth to its nest. They even<br />

call while carrying small fish; the parent<br />

that stayed with the chicks greets them<br />

loudly on their return. These birds nest<br />

in the higher latitudes of the world, as<br />

far away from human contact as possible,<br />

but even there they remain under<br />

threat from oceanic oil-spills and water<br />

pollution.<br />

So, speaking of intelligence, every living<br />

thing on the planet knows how to survive.<br />

They do so because of their own<br />

innate ability. If we are to survive, we<br />

cannot give all the power to AI, but we<br />

must retain our own sense of survival<br />

and practice yakguudang- respect for<br />

living things.<br />

Red-throated Loons<br />

Photographing an<br />

Orange-crowned Warbler<br />

6 HG






Northern Savings is committed to<br />

improving the financial health of<br />

more than 17,000 member-owners.<br />

As a financial cooperative, we are<br />

owned by our members – the people<br />

who bank with us – which means<br />

your bottom line is our bottom line.<br />


Credit unions put people above all. Whatever your hopes, dreams,<br />

needs and wants are—that’s what we put first. Banking is just how<br />

we make it happen.<br />


We have a long history and a lot of experience in the insurance<br />

industry. Whether you need protection for your home, car, boat, or<br />

business, our employees provide insurance expertise to give you<br />

peace of mind.<br />


Our investment professionals provide a wide spectrum of<br />

investment products. From education to retirement, no matter what<br />

stage of life you are in, we can help you reach your financial goals.<br />


Strengthening our members and communities through<br />

an offering of trusted financial services in a<br />

cooperative way.<br />

VISION<br />

Neighbours helping neighbours to build sustainable<br />

communities.<br />

VALUES<br />

Deliver exceptional service<br />

Succeed together<br />

Invest in our communities<br />



Our four locations: Masset, Prince Rupert,<br />

Daajing Giids, and Terrace, are situated on the<br />

traditional unceded lands of the Haida people<br />

and the traditional territories of the Tsimshian<br />

Nation.<br />

Northern Savings’ team of close to 150<br />

Northerners, provides personal and business<br />

financial services, insurance, investing and<br />

financial planning solutions.<br />



100%<br />

All money on deposit with a B.C.<br />

credit union is 100% guaranteed,<br />

including foreign currencies and<br />

accrued interest, regardless of the<br />

length of the term of maturity.<br />



The more people choose us, the more we can<br />

give back. We put members' investments to work<br />

in the community, supporting local people,<br />

businesses and not-for-profits. In the last 5 years<br />

alone, Northern Savings has given back almost<br />

$500,000 to our communities!<br />

www.northsave.com<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 7

All Things Music<br />

News from Local Musicians<br />

By Jamie McDonald<br />

After being blessed with amazing musical performances<br />

at the Edge of the World festival, check out the many<br />

musical delights happening this fall with performances,<br />

album releases and more.<br />

Mobius is in the final stages of production<br />

for their new album which will be released<br />

sometime this fall. Follow MusicofMobius<br />

on Facebook for updates.<br />

The Minstrel Cramps’ debut album<br />

Teeth, set to be released in June, has been<br />

postponed. Stay up to date with them on<br />

FB: theminstrelcramps for more info.<br />

<strong>October</strong> 27 (feature TBA). For more information, follow<br />

on Facebook or visit www.haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com.<br />

HG Coffeehouse’s next featured<br />

performer Ben Cochrane<br />

The Pseudos wanted to thank the community and Gwaii<br />

Trust for all their support as they wrapped up a recording<br />

grant, which produced their music video Vietnam Flashbacks<br />

and debut album Surf Bozos: 30 years of Surf Rock,<br />

available online and on vinyl cassette and cd. They will<br />

be headlining at the Sun Dog Festival in Vernon on <strong>September</strong><br />

22. Check out their FB page ThePseudosSurfRock<br />

for more updates and info.<br />

This year the monthly Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse will<br />

launch its <strong>2023</strong>-24 season on Friday, <strong>September</strong> 29, featuring<br />

the talented Ben Cochrane. The Daajing Giids<br />

Community Hall will open its doors at 6:30pm. The evening<br />

will begin with a shared community meal, so please<br />

remember to bring a bowl, spoon and mug to partake. The<br />

open mic starts at 7pm (sign up between 6:30 and 7pm)<br />

followed by the feature performer. Everything is by donation.<br />

The following HG Coffeehouse will be on Friday,<br />

8 HG

Roly Thompson and Charley Robertson at<br />

Daajing Giids Hospital<br />

Roly Thompson approached me a few weeks ago to tell<br />

me about how happy he’s been playing in the Long Term<br />

Care unit at the Daajing Giids hospital. Marnie Younger,<br />

Performing Arts Director for the Haida Gwaii Arts<br />

Council, confirmed that they started up a pilot project<br />

called Musical Awakenings after they were approached<br />

by a few patients’ families to look at a program in Hazelton<br />

that brings musicians into the hospital to perform. “Mavis<br />

Mark and I used to play ukulele, guitar and sing with patients<br />

in the hospital,” says Marnie. “It became weekly and<br />

with more patients participating. We saw how much joy it<br />

was bringing to the patients. The Haida Gwaii Arts Council<br />

decided to sponsor a three-month pilot project with the<br />

goal to encourage residents/patients participation. Musicians<br />

with experience playing in long term care residences<br />

(Roly Thompson, Charley Robertson, Ivan Marko and<br />

Wendy Watts) were hired and have been “awakening”<br />

residents three days per week this summer. We are now<br />

applying for funding to continue this program. The HG<br />

Arts Council strives to bring music to folks that wouldn’t<br />

otherwise have access to it.” If anyone wishes to donate<br />

some much-needed funds to this program, please contact<br />

Marnie Younger at marnieyounger2@yahoo.ca.<br />

Picture by Jordan Did It<br />

Carsen Gray shared her excitement about the release of<br />

her album called Misadventures, which was dropped on<br />

August 25. She says, “This is my first full length project<br />

where I feel I found my sound, became comfortable with<br />

who I am as an artist, and got to share my experiences in<br />

this life authentically” Pre-save here: carsengray.ffm.to/<br />

misadventures-album<br />






778 230 9871<br />


<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 9

Snorkeling for Salmon<br />

A Taay.yii Coho Census<br />

By Skil Gyaa.ans (Graham Richard)<br />

The old Haida stories, called K’aygang.nga, tell of a child<br />

called Kul K’aluda. When he was still small, he went away<br />

with the salmon-people, and travelled to their village<br />

to live with them. One day the salmon-people gathered<br />

and followed the great crowds of herring-people home<br />

to Haida Gwaii. Kul K’aluda joined the huge schools of<br />

salmon as they arrived home. At the mouth of each inlet<br />

a large group of salmon-people would swim away from<br />

the main school and begin their journeys up into the<br />

many rivers that lead into the rainforests, bogs, lakes and<br />

mountains of the Islands.<br />

Haida Gwaii has 147 watersheds. A watershed is a system<br />

of creeks that join to form a river that empties into the<br />

sea. If you look at a map of Haida Gwaii, you can see<br />

how each of these watersheds reaches deep inland, with<br />

large rivers splitting into smaller and smaller creeks and<br />

rivulets. Together they look like the arteries of a living<br />

body, feeding into the bogs and rainforests and keeping<br />

the Islands alive. It is through this network of “arteries”<br />

that millions of salmon swim every year, bringing renewed<br />

life to Haida Gwaii. Their arrival brings a flurry of activity<br />

as taan Haida Gwaii black bear, ts’aag Bald eagle, and all<br />

kinds of seabirds come to feed on the fish.<br />

Since the time of our arrival during the ice age thousands<br />

of years ago, Haida have always cared for Haida Gwaii.<br />

In the past we managed the rivers, seas, bogs, forests and<br />

mountaintops through ‘waahlGahl, the potlatch legal<br />

system. Today Haida have built a fisheries program to<br />

help protect Haida Gwaii’s rivers. The program organises<br />

technicians who check on the health of salmon habitats.<br />

10 HG<br />

Coho fry | PC Terry-Lynn Wood<br />

Hecate Streamkeepers

By counting how many salmon return every year, Haida<br />

can become better stewards of our territory.<br />

But how do we go about counting fish as they swim up<br />

the rivers? To get the job done Haida technicians don their<br />

dive suits and get ready to swim. With mask and snorkel<br />

gear at the ready, they get in the river and start counting!<br />

The beautiful taay.yii coho love to lay their eggs in gravel<br />

stream beds and they are right at home in the waters of<br />

Diina Gandlaay Deena River. Every Sk’aagii Kung <strong>September</strong><br />

the river fills with taay.yii, and the many smells of<br />

autumn, the clamour of birds, and a surge of life follow.<br />

Diina Gandlaay is 15 km long and its watershed covers 65<br />

square kms. The river is too big for one person to swim in<br />

a single day, so swimmers often do the job a little at a time<br />

with help from DFO technicians from their Community<br />

Economic Development Program.<br />

The swimmers pick a day when the water in the river is<br />

lower. With too much water the taay.yii spread out, and<br />

they’re harder to see. The swimmers drive upstream along<br />

a gravel road. They walk down to the riverbanks, plunge<br />

into the water, and start floating back down towards the<br />

sea again. A pair of friends walk along the riverbanks with<br />

the swimmers to help them and keep them safe.<br />

The waters of Diina Gandlaay churn energetically. The<br />

swimmers use diving masks to see underwater and have<br />

to keep a sharp eye to make sure they see all the taay.yii<br />

swimming. But in Sk’aagii Kung the taay.yii’s skins are full<br />

of colour, and at a distance the great schools of fish can<br />

sometimes sparkle like the stars of Taay.yan.nuhl the Milky<br />

Way. To disguise themselves the taay.yii gather in deep<br />

pools in the river or shelter under gnarly roots, branches,<br />

and riverbanks. This can make them harder to see.<br />

How do the swimmers know where to look? The coho<br />

counters shine their waterproof flashlights under riverbanks<br />

and log jams. They spot two or three hiding amidst<br />

the roots of an upturned tree. They quickly call out their<br />

count to their friends on shore who jot the number down<br />

in a notebook. As they drift downstream with the current,<br />

a large depression in the river appears. A few taay.yii swim<br />

up from the deep and rush past the swimmer. A few more<br />

follow, then suddenly a huge school of bright red salmon<br />

rises up and rushes past. The swimmer estimates their<br />

numbers as quickly as possible: “10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 150!”<br />

After counting, the swimmers leave the taay.yii to their<br />

business. The fish dig wide holes in the gravel of the<br />

riverbed. These fish nests are called “reds”. The men and<br />

women of the salmon-people mix their sperm and eggs<br />

together in the flowing river. The bright little taay.yii<br />

eggs fall into the red, where their parents carefully bury<br />

them. This will be the next generation - bright, beautiful<br />

orange eggs, hidden in the gravel of the streambed. The<br />

following K’ing.Gad spring little baby taay.yii, called fry,<br />

emerge. They will spend up to a year in the river before<br />

going to sea.<br />

Haida Fisheries Program is involved in<br />

marine management and conservation<br />

which includes conducting research and<br />

survey studies on various aquatic populations,<br />

including razor clams, sockeye,<br />

chinook and coho salmon, and herring that serve to improve<br />

the knowledge and understanding of the species . Offices<br />

are located at 272 Eagle Ave, Gaw Tlagée Old Massett (250)<br />

626-3302 and #1 Reservoir Road, HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />

(250) 559-4468.<br />

The Salmonid Enhancement Program<br />

The Salmonid Enhancement Program focuses on the<br />

production of Pacific salmon from hatcheries and<br />

spawning channels to directly provide harvest opportunities<br />

for all sectors (commercial, recreational and<br />

First Nations) under the Fisheries Act and the Pacific<br />

Aquaculture Regulations and to enable harvest opportunities<br />

through the provision of stock assessment<br />

information for domestic and international harvest<br />

management. The program also includes restoration<br />

and enhancement of habitat for fish production, as<br />

well as education and awareness programs to facilitate<br />

the participation of First Nations, local communities,<br />

external parties and other levels of government in<br />

cooperative fisheries and<br />

watershed stewardship<br />

activities.<br />

SEP also supports Canada’s<br />

Wild Salmon Policy<br />

as well as international treaty negotiations and requirements<br />

such as the Pacific Salmon Treaty. SEP plays a<br />

key role in DFO’s work to conserve and manage Pacific<br />

salmon stocks. The program’s activities aim to protect<br />

vulnerable salmon stocks, provide harvest opportunities,<br />

work with First Nations and coastal communities<br />

in economic development, and improve fish habitat to<br />

sustain salmon populations.<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 11

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Cultivating April’s Garden - With Yahguudang Yakguudang (Respect)<br />

When April Churchill bought her house in Daajing Giids<br />

about 15 years ago, she didn’t know anything about gardening.<br />

But the property already had raised garden beds<br />

and good soil. She used books to develop a green thumb<br />

and over the years, April grew to love her garden, which<br />

was full of beautiful flowers and vegetables.<br />

Then she suffered a couple of strokes. The garden overgrew.<br />

She thought about gardening after the first stroke<br />

but it was too much for her. The garden became infested<br />

with rats and raccoons. The second stroke left her with<br />

limited movement and eyesight. She ended up essentially<br />

blind, able to identify colours but little else. It was at this<br />

point that a group of Haida Gwaii Institute students living<br />

with April took it upon themselves to help by cleaning<br />

out the garden. They started by doing some weeding<br />

and removing invasive species. Then one day during<br />

the pandemic, April found the incentive to return to the<br />

garden herself. Inspired by the students, she got back to<br />

work.<br />

However, weeding and mowing were particularly challenging.<br />

There was a young man who stayed with her<br />

during the pandemic. He was one of her former students.<br />

He rebuilt the garden beds which had rotted over time<br />

and put poly tunnels - hoops with plastic sheeting - over<br />

them. Then together they changed the overgrown grass<br />

paths to wood chips.<br />

“My garden is a Monet Garden, like a watercolour wash,”<br />

April says. Since she can see colour, she tends to her<br />

plants by getting down close to them, to smell and feel<br />

what’s going on. To avoid pulling up bedding plants when<br />

she is weeding, she plants purple pipe cleaners, which<br />

she can see, next to them. And since she can no longer<br />

check her garden for caterpillars and slugs, she now<br />

‘over-plants’. Plants require space for their roots in order<br />

to produce the highest quality and quantity of produce.<br />

Article and photos by Tyler Hinchcliffe<br />

Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, Community Market in Daajing Giids and<br />

April’s Garden Sign<br />

April’s Garden Beds<br />

By squishing the plants together April allows the bugs<br />

to naturally thin out the garden, ensuring a bountiful<br />

harvest. And she gets the satisfaction of knowing she’s<br />

feeding wildlife.<br />

But harvesting remains the toughest job for April, so now<br />

she relies on the people who stay with her and her friends<br />

to help with that part of the gardening. “I share with<br />

them,” she says, “and they share with me.” Her helpers<br />

are plentiful. “The most important thing I have learned<br />

gardening as a person with physical limitations,” she says,<br />

“is that for good things to happen, it takes people working<br />

together.” Working with friends has helped her to expand<br />

her understanding of the Haida concept of Yahguudang<br />

Yakguudang - “the principle of respect which identifies<br />

that we are connected to everything and the well being<br />

of one depends on the well being of all”. She also learned<br />

that no matter the challenge, one can always find a way to<br />

address it.<br />

M<br />

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N<br />

D<br />

E<br />

A<br />

S<br />

T<br />

H<br />

FARM ERS'<br />


T<br />

FARM ERS'<br />

12 HG<br />

To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Extended!<br />




GKNS student show<br />

poster art by Julia Fraser<br />

Now available online at:<br />

haidagwaiimuseum.ca/exhibitions<br />

Artists in Gwaii Haanas<br />

by Jason Goetzinger, Danielle Louise Allard<br />

& Saulo Olmedo Evans<br />

Everything Matters: 20 Objects from 20 Years in<br />

20 Windows by Simon Davies (in-house & online)<br />


Haida Gwaii Museum<br />

Gina DaahlGahl Naay<br />

The Trading House<br />

Art . Jewelry . Books . Music . Beauty<br />

Fashion . Home . Toys + so much more!<br />

Shop in-house or online at<br />

haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca<br />

Opens 7pm Sept 22<br />

everyone welcome<br />

Haida Heritage Centre<br />

Memorabilia<br />

Shop in-house or online at<br />

haidaheritagecentre.com/shop<br />

Cultural Tours + Programs<br />

Pricing + bookings available online<br />




TUES — SAT 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br />

250.559.4643 . haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />

250.559.7885 . haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 13

Grant Stream: Arts Mentorship Grant<br />

Project: Seth’s Mentorship<br />

Award: $3,000<br />

The relationship between uncle and nephew is an important one<br />

in Haida culture. In 2021 John Brent Bennett received an arts<br />

grant to begin mentoring his nephew, Seth Bellis (13), in traditional<br />

Haida art, including wood sculpting, tool making and<br />

maintenance, and form line design.<br />

John Brent writes in his application, “I wish to broaden his horizons<br />

culturally and globally. I am thankful for the travel I have<br />

done in my life, it opened my eyes to the beauty and bounty of<br />

Haida Gwaii. One can’t understand what an amazing place we<br />

live in unless we spend time away to miss it.”<br />

Some of you may recall this grant, which we featured in our 2021<br />

annual report. We’ve recently received a final report and we’re<br />

excited to share an update with you.<br />

What results did your project achieve?<br />

“Seth now has a basic understanding of tool making. It is an art<br />

that can take a lifetime to master, so he now has the right foundations<br />

to get a start on that journey and a sense<br />

of the work involved in becoming a carver.”<br />

What in your project went well?<br />

“Seth’s sketches and drawing (...) showed promise<br />

for his future designs. Sketching is a major<br />

part of understanding Haida art and translating<br />

it to spoons, bowls, and other sculptural works.”<br />

Did you face any challenges in the delivery of<br />

your project?<br />

“The main challenge was finding time in a<br />

young person’s busy schedule between school,<br />

sports and other activities. We found a rhythm<br />

though, in the spaces we could create for the<br />

work.”<br />

The next deadline for the Arts, Arts Mentorship,<br />

or Arts Workshop grant is <strong>October</strong> 1st,<br />

<strong>2023</strong>. For more information and to apply online<br />

visit gwaiitrust.com/grants.<br />

14 HG<br />

Connecting generations: Local Haida artist<br />

mentors nephew’s creative journey

Seth made six tools: five curved knives and a skew chisel<br />

Application<br />

Tips<br />

Did you know that you can add a Collaborator in the Grant<br />

Management System?<br />

Are you working with a colleague on your grant application? Invite them to collaborate!<br />

You can provide permission to either View, Edit, or Submit. To send an invitation, click<br />

the ‘Collaborate’ button in the top right corner of any form within your application.<br />

As we continue to work on making the application process easier for all applicants, please<br />

reach out to us if you have any recommendations: admin@gwaiitrust.com<br />

Join our Youth Board!<br />

Are you between 13-21 and have an interest in local youth initiatives? The Gwaii Trust Youth Board may be for<br />

you! Visit gwaiitrust.com/youthboard for more information, or contact carla.lutner@gwaiitrust.com.<br />

Deadline to apply: <strong>September</strong> 22, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Upcoming Grant Deadlines<br />

Travel Assistance and Continuing Education: Visit gwaiitrust.com/grants for details<br />

Community Innovation: Nov 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Arts Grant, Arts Workshops and Arts Mentorships: Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Youth Grant: Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

gwaiitrust.com<br />

1 800 663 2388<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 15

Leaf your Internet problems behind,<br />

while raking in the savings this fall!<br />

Fibre-optic services are here in HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />

Masset and Gaw Tlagée Old Massett!<br />

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16 HG



Article and photos submitted by Haida House at Tll.aal<br />

In 2022 Haida Tourism introduced the Haida House<br />

Garden Initiative (HHGI). This program was introduced<br />

at a time when food security came into a sharper focus<br />

for the islanders. The gardens cultivate so much more<br />

than producing delicious, organically grown food for<br />

the Haida House restaurant.<br />

The four greenhouses and reclaimed heritage garden<br />

create the space for new employment and learning<br />

opportunities, to grow and share the knowledge base<br />

regarding local food production on Haida Gwaii.<br />

For instance, when the abandoned heritage garden<br />

was discovered, it had been overgrown by the naturally<br />

occurring plant, horsetail. Rather than fighting with its<br />

resilience to grow, our gardeners decided to work with<br />

it, planting berry bushes and dwarf fruit trees. Now,<br />

the fenced off area and our orchard lawn is home to<br />

blueberries, gooseberries, currants as well as apple,<br />

plum and pear trees.<br />

Along with the colourful fruit, a variety of the usual<br />

suspects like, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, other leafy<br />

greens and more give life and vibrancy to our bounty.<br />

On your next visit to the Haida House pay attention<br />

to your plate and the fruits & vegetables you feast on;<br />

chances are they are home grown.<br />



<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 17

18 HG<br />

Haida Gwaii Eats<br />

Changing with the Season<br />

Article and photos by Jamie McDonald<br />

As the days become shorter, the air crisper and the colours change, you know fall is on its way. During the summer<br />

many of us tend to eat light foods like salads and fresh fruit. But on cooler days you may find your body wants<br />

warmth like hot soups, teas and spices like ginger and cinnamon. In-season fresh fall foods include pumpkin, mushrooms,<br />

squash, plums and apples. I especially like taking the time to process some food I harvested during the summer<br />

months at the beginning of the fall so I can sample a little taste of summer in the months to come. On top of<br />

pickling and/or cooking down and freezing mushrooms, I love to buy a case of Roma tomatoes and slow roast them<br />

with a little garlic and olive oil and have them on a fresh piece of sourdough bread with squash soup during the fall<br />

and winter. I also love making fruit leather out of a mixture of berries I picked that year. Do you have a favorite fall<br />

transition food you like to eat? If so, please share it.<br />

Fruit leather<br />

Nearly any fruit can be made into fruit leather. Removing the moisture is what preserves<br />

the fruit. Here are some suggestions:<br />

• Berries - like huckleberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries<br />

• Stone fruits – like plum, peaches, apricots<br />

• Other fruits - like apples, pears, kiwi, grapes<br />

Instructions<br />

1. Clean and prep the fruit: Rinse it, take out the pits, peel it, core it, chop it.<br />

2. Cook the fruit for 10-15 minutes or until thoroughly cooked, with a bit of water<br />

(1/2 cup for every four cups of fruit), then purée the fruit thoroughly in a blender<br />

or food processor.<br />

3. Taste the fruit, note how sweet it is. Season with sweeteners and spices, if desired.<br />

Add sugar to balance out the flavor if needed, or use other sweeteners<br />

(honey, agave, maple syrup, etc) instead. Add lemon juice (1 teaspoon at a time)<br />

to help brighten the flavor of the fruit. Add a pinch or two of cinnamon, nutmeg<br />

or other spices to augment the flavor. Continue to simmer and stir until any added<br />

sugar is completely dissolved and the fruit purée has thickened, another five<br />

or 10 (or more) minutes.<br />

Dehydrating the fruit purée:<br />

I use a dehydrator to make my fruit leather, pouring out the puréed fruit onto a tray. If you don’t have trays, you<br />

can also cut out parchment paper or heat-proof plastic wrap to size and line the trays of your dehydrator. I set<br />

mine at 135°F and let it do its magic overnight. The actual time will depend on the type of fruit you’re using and<br />

the thickness of your poured purée. Check it occasionally - it is done when it’s dried and not sticky to the touch.<br />

You can use your oven to make fruit leather if you don’t have a dehydrator, but because you can’t set most ovens<br />

lower than 250 degrees (ideally, you want it at 140 degrees), you may have to check your puréed fruit more often<br />

to make sure it doesn’t get overly dehydrated. Otherwise, the method is the same: pour the purée onto a lined<br />

baking sheet, slowly dry out in the oven. If you have a convection setting, use it as it will speed up the drying process.<br />

To store it, roll it in its plastic wrap, put it in an airtight container and place in the refrigerator or freezer.

Slow roasted tomatoes<br />

Yield: Serves four as a snack or side dish.<br />

• 1 lb small plum tomatoes (like Roma or San Marzano), halved lengthwise<br />

• Coarse salt to taste<br />

• Sugar<br />

• 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil<br />

Instructions<br />

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Put the halved tomatoes in a bowl and<br />

toss with the olive oil. Oil a rack that will fit on top of a baking sheet. Place parchment<br />

paper on the baking sheet and oil it and place the rack on top. Place the tomatoes,<br />

cut side up, on the rack. Sprinkle with coarse salt and a tiny amount of sugar.<br />

Roast for two hours. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for about 30 minutes.<br />

When you bite into the tomatoes you’ll experience a rush of incredibly sweet juice<br />

and pulp.<br />

Tips<br />

• Advanced preparation: I keep these out at room temperature for a day and refrigerate<br />

them for up to three days or stick them in the freezer.<br />

• Add a sliver of garlic and rosemary for the last 10 minutes of roasting for extra<br />

flavour.<br />

Casual Fine Dining<br />

blacktailhaidagwaii.com<br />

604 762 5742<br />

3207 Wharf Way, Daajing Giids<br />

OPEN Tuesday - Saturday @ 5pm<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 19

Nora Bellis Book Honoured<br />

Remembering A Haida Elder<br />

Article and photo by Claude Adams<br />

A book recalling the life<br />

of Gaadgas Nora Bellis has<br />

earned the distinction of an<br />

honourable mention for a<br />

2022 Lieutenant Governor’s<br />

Medal for Historical Writing<br />

from the BC Historical<br />

Federation. The book, So<br />

You Girls Remember That,<br />

is a collection of bittersweet<br />

reminiscences of the muchbeloved<br />

Elder who died in<br />

1997.<br />

Masset’s Jenny Nelson, the<br />

self-described “transcriber,<br />

digger and weaver” of Nora’s<br />

stories, says Nora would<br />

have been delighted by the<br />

recognition. “I imagine her<br />

with a big smile, laughing<br />

eyes. She might have accepted<br />

it as her due. But she would<br />

definitely party with it. She’d<br />

dress up... Maybe she’d wear<br />

the silver sparkly top with the<br />

large red crocheted rose she’d sewn on it. She’d put on her grey<br />

wig… and pull out a piece of cloth or a scarf. Then she’d whoop<br />

whoop whoop the cloth around her head and look classy. At the<br />

party she might make a speech, a bit of wisdom ending in cornball<br />

jokes to get everyone laughing.<br />

“Another reason she’d be so happy is because this honour is an<br />

acknowledgement and a fulfillment. This is what she wanted – her<br />

wish to share her memories, teach a bit, laugh a lot, with family and<br />

friends, with Island and off-Island people. This is where the book<br />

began – before all the recording and transcribing and interviewing<br />

and all. Through Nora, and myself, it felt like a gift to Gaw Tlagée<br />

Old Massett and to HlGaagilda Skidegate people, returning stories<br />

and knowledge from the last century. Included in the givers are all<br />

the people who shared personal or Nora stories. I kept as many of<br />

these as I could fit, in the text or the endnotes, because I imagined<br />

that they might be a small treasure to other Old Massett families<br />

to add to their family story. In a way it is honouring Old Massett.”<br />

20 HG

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Operated<br />

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mackenziefurniture.ca | sales@mackenziefurniture.ca<br />

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 21

‘Round and About<br />

Feeling Down? Dance the Blues Away<br />

By Jana McLeod<br />

I was one of those people who didn’t<br />

have to change a darn thing when the<br />

pandemic hit. I even had a huge supply<br />

of toilet paper. I think it might be<br />

a local thing. Living on Haida Gwaii<br />

means that when you go away, you<br />

stock up coming back.<br />

I never really socialized for the last<br />

thirty years. Unless you count the time<br />

when I was briefly single, and I don’t<br />

really talk about that. My only real<br />

buddies were/are my children.<br />

But there’s something else I want to<br />

talk about. Mental health. It still isn’t<br />

really spoken about in a real way. It’s<br />

a hard cross to bear for the person<br />

suffering and those close to them. I’m<br />

bipolar, and I can be hard to love or<br />

understand. The panic and paranoia<br />

I experience each day is so tiring and<br />

heart-breaking. Any kind of pressure<br />

or disappointment is exacerbated by<br />

this illness. I feel shame that I need<br />

medication, but without it I would<br />

be awake for days before heading into<br />

psychosis. Hence the unwillingness<br />

to talk about the time I was single.<br />

It was a low mania time. Meaning I<br />

was full of energy but not in the best<br />

headspace.<br />

I never really braved any type of outing<br />

since I usually tackled stuff alone.<br />

I had to pick when I would try to battle<br />

the anxiety. The few exceptions were<br />

to dance or to try out some ill-advised<br />

comedy routines. The gift of making<br />

people laugh saves me. I just go somewhere<br />

else when I talk or write about<br />

my lot in life. I jot things down to<br />

think about after. Even sad moments<br />

can bring humor; it helps to be a bit<br />

warped and sarcastic. I volunteer to be<br />

awkward and sometimes it pays off,<br />

although if anyone says something<br />

about an upcoming performance, I<br />

deny that it is happening. I want and<br />

don’t want people to be there.<br />

I love to dance! The amazing workout<br />

and the smiling people around<br />

you can be so exhilarating. It’s been<br />

a few years since I went to Skidegate<br />

Days dances, because of the pandemic<br />

and maybe laziness on my part. But I<br />

found that when I walked in and sat<br />

alone, the world didn’t end. I even<br />

had a few people say hello. I found it<br />

entertaining and managed to laugh<br />

out loud a few times.<br />

Recovery can look like many things.<br />

Dancing and laughing are pretty powerful<br />

against the foibles of life. If you<br />

have gifts, use them even if you doubt<br />

yourself. You never know how much<br />

it will help you and those around you.<br />

Longhouse Gift Shop<br />

haida owned and operated<br />

genuine haida art & crafts<br />

affordable & unique gifts<br />

clothing & accessories<br />

front st, hlgaagilda skidegate<br />

250-559-8013<br />

www.longhousegiftshop.ca<br />

shop in-house or online!<br />

Jana after doing a comedy workshop<br />

to a captive audience of four<br />

Skidegate Days Dance - Featuring<br />

music of John Shewfelt Jr.<br />

PC Jana McLeod<br />

22 HG

Reviving Riparian Zones<br />

Text and images submitted by Taan Forest<br />

Across Taan Forest tenures, we have<br />

been actively working on restoring<br />

the riverside and streamside areas<br />

that were damaged by historical logging<br />

activities. Taan Forest is gearing<br />

up to begin the rehabilitation<br />

of Ghost Gandlaay Creek, Mamin<br />

Gandlaay River and Tl’uuna Gandlaay<br />

Sachs Creek riparian areas.<br />

Sustainable forest management and<br />

safeguarding vital habitats is crucial<br />

to the health of Xaayda Gwaay Haida<br />

Gwaii’s ecosystems and is part of the<br />

Haida Gwaii Land Use Objectives<br />

(HGLUOO). Recognizing our role in<br />

rehabilitation, Taan Forest is working<br />

to restore and protect riparian<br />

(through the HGLUOO) zones in our<br />

operational areas. Riparian zones are<br />

transitional areas between terrestrial<br />

ecosystems and water bodies, including<br />

kwaat’amdaga streams, Gandlaay<br />

creeks/rivers, and suu/siiwaay<br />

lakes. These areas play a central role<br />

in maintaining water quality, providing<br />

habitat for aquatic and terrestrial<br />

species, stabilizing riverbanks and<br />

mitigating erosion. Keeping these<br />

zones healthy contributes to biodiversity,<br />

water filtration, and overall<br />

ecosystem resilience.<br />

Our primary objective revolves<br />

around addressing the aftermath of<br />

historical logging activities, which<br />

left us with densely packed conifer<br />

stands, around 10,000 trees per hectare.<br />

To rectify this imbalance, we’re<br />

targeting a much more sustainable<br />

density range of 500 to 850 trees per<br />

hectare. This will give the space and<br />

light for these trees to grow larger,<br />

form more complex branch and canopy<br />

structures and establish larger<br />

root systems which will stabilize<br />

riverbanks.<br />

Our approach is practical and handson.<br />

We’re implementing techniques<br />

like selective tree mortality, a strategy<br />

that not only enhances soil carbon<br />

stocks but also promotes the overall<br />

health of the ecosystem. By intentionally<br />

girdling standing trees, we’re<br />

creating snags that serve as pivotal<br />

nesting and foraging sites for various<br />

bird and mammal species. In addition,<br />

our method of partial girdling<br />

or slashing mimics natural processes,<br />

providing essential food sources<br />

and enhancing habitat diversity.<br />

Our restoration efforts are already<br />

showing promising outcomes. They<br />

contribute to the revival of raptor<br />

populations, including the Stads<br />

K’un Northern Goshawk, and lead<br />

to improved habitat conditions for<br />

species such as the taan black bear<br />

and sGwaagan salmon. Our comprehensive<br />

approach reflects Xaayda<br />

Haida values, placing a strong<br />

emphasis on yahguudang respect for<br />

all living things and recognizing the<br />

cultural significance of ts’uu western<br />

red cedar.<br />

The project is more than riparian<br />

renewal. The project is about generating<br />

employment opportunities<br />

for the Xaayda Haida. Taan Forest<br />

established a permanent silviculture<br />

crew, the initiative aligns with<br />

Taan Forest’s long-term vision for<br />

sustainable land management and<br />

providing well paid and viable employment<br />

opportunities to the people<br />

of Xaayda Gwaay Haida Gwaii.<br />

Please stay tuned for updates on the<br />

completion of this project and related<br />

employment opportunities.<br />

Girdling trees, this will take<br />

two years for them to fall<br />

Maaman Gandlee<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 23

Where There’s a Will<br />

There’s an Easier Way<br />

Submitted by Jennifer Pigeon<br />

A good friend of mine recently<br />

died without a will. Wanting to be<br />

useful, I googled what needed to be<br />

done to settle their estate.<br />

The rabbit hole of information indicates<br />

that the first thing to do,<br />

after getting the official death certificate,<br />

is to determine who will<br />

apply to become the administrator<br />

of the estate, listed under the law by<br />

order of priority (in brief, spouse,<br />

child, a person nominated by either,<br />

etc.)<br />

Once that person determines that<br />

they wish to be the administrator<br />

of the estate, the next step is to notify each person who<br />

is entitled to a share in the estate and each creditor whose<br />

claim exceeds $10,000 at least 21 days prior to submitting<br />

the application to court. The application itself involves several<br />

documents, including listing all assets and liabilities<br />

and will searches done. Once submitted, the application<br />

may take two to three months to process. In the meantime,<br />

no one has the authority to settle the estate - to pay<br />

any outstanding debts, file a final tax return and get a<br />

clearance certificate from the Canada Revenue Agency or<br />

distribute the estate. Dragging this process out is a barrier<br />

to overcoming grief for those left behind. Even if you have<br />

assets worth less than $25,000, it’s up to the institutions<br />

that hold them to decide if they will transfer them to the<br />

next of kin without a grant of administration. The best way<br />

to avoid this situation is to have a will naming an executor.<br />

Making a will without professional help is entirely possible.<br />

It must be witnessed by two people who are not<br />

beneficiaries. It should name an executor and a backup,<br />

in case the first named is unable to perform the duties<br />

required. However, for anyone with extensive assets I<br />

would advise the counsel of a lawyer or notary.<br />

I have a simple template I would be happy to share. Just<br />

send me an email with ‘Will Template’ in the subject line.<br />

J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting Services has been offering<br />

bookkeeping and income tax services for Haida Gwaii<br />

residents for over 10 years and can be reached by email:<br />

j.pigeon_bookkeeping@live.com or phone: 250.626.7478<br />

Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC<br />

290-309 2 nd Ave W<br />

250-622-2413<br />

taylor.bachrach@parl.gc.ca<br />

24 HG

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The Axe & Anchor Pub<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 25

Our 125 th Issue<br />

Shining Bright on Haida Gwaii<br />

A Q&A with the Editor-in-Chief, Shellene Patience<br />

26 HG

Claude Adams: Shellene, what is the Trader’s origin<br />

story? How did it begin?<br />

SP: as far back as high school, I was drawn to topics and<br />

initiatives that encouraged people to be kind and to work<br />

together. This aspect of my personality is naturally infused<br />

into all that Haida Gwaii Trader is about. In my humble<br />

opinion, the power of a good life is founded on compassion<br />

with ourselves (first and foremost) then with our families,<br />

friends, communities and nations.<br />

Back in 2009 I was looking for a career change from<br />

Ornamental Horticulture, which I had been doing for<br />

about twenty years. I organized a flea market in Wáan<br />

Kún Port Clements and at one point, someone came up<br />

to me and said, “What we need here is a buy and sell.” As<br />

a longtime fan of second-hand goods, I thought I’d give<br />

fulfilling that need a whirl. And so, in February 2010, I<br />

launched the Haida Gwaii Trader website. The first <strong>HGT</strong><br />

“magazine” (more like a pamphlet at that time) appeared<br />

a few months later.<br />

For many years, the “Trader,” as locals call it, had very<br />

few in-depth articles - just classifieds dappled with a few<br />

corny jokes and the odd Haida Gwaii-related blurb.<br />

What was the magazine circulation in its first year<br />

and what is the readership now?<br />

Gosh, I think I printed around thirty<br />

to fifty copies back then… used my<br />

little desktop printer. It took me forever.<br />

It jammed up so many times I<br />

wanted to throw the printer out the<br />

door. The late Advantage Print based<br />

out of Prince Rupert printed it for<br />

many years until a couple of years<br />

ago when I began printing in-house.<br />

Today we circulate an average of 400-<br />

500 hard copies and the e-zines are<br />

seeing between 2000 to 10,000 views.<br />

It never ceases to amaze me that we<br />

have ezine readers from all around<br />

the world. Who would have thunk?<br />

First <strong>HGT</strong> printer<br />

“All growed up” printer<br />

In time, you developed guiding principles<br />

for the magazine. What are<br />

they?<br />

As noted in our tag line, our three core<br />

publishing values are “homegrown,<br />

united and better for all.” We also commit<br />

to the Truth and Reconciliation’s<br />

Call to Action #85: continuing to develop<br />

media initiatives that inform and<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 27

educate the Canadian public, and connect Haida people<br />

and fellow islanders.<br />

Homegrown: over the years, numerous people have shared<br />

their doubts with me about there being enough content/<br />

business on Haida Gwaii to fill/support six magazines per<br />

year. I’ve assured them all, there most certainly is. The<br />

stories? Oh my. They are endless and ever fascinating. I<br />

think the people and business-centric synergies happening<br />

on Haida Gwaii along with nature-based inspirations<br />

and wisdoms are setting positive precedents that are sure<br />

to benefit all of humanity.<br />

United: this is the <strong>HGT</strong> value that resonates with me the<br />

deepest. I am convinced the survival of all living things<br />

depends on the ‘strength in diversity’ concept. A wide<br />

range of viewpoints and skillsets are needed to make well<br />

thought out local and one planet decisions. Unity bolsters<br />

constructive dialogue, collective resilience, regional<br />

stability while still fostering the preservation of people’s<br />

unique heritage and culture.<br />

Better for all: focuses on basic needs shared by all. <strong>HGT</strong><br />

strives to keep topics such as food security, clean air, water<br />

and energy, affordable housing and wellness top of mind.<br />

Social sustainability (healthy, fair and equal communities)<br />

is also a key publishing influence. I’m a fan of Kaufman’s<br />

hierarchy of needs that models how related security and<br />

growth are. Connecting in positive ways so as to promote<br />

safe spaces for authentic expressions makes my heart sing.<br />

What contribution do you see the Trader making to<br />

life on Haida Gwaii?<br />

If we can brighten someone’s day, we’ve accomplished<br />

what we set out to do. Publishing stories about local people,<br />

places and things also helps us better know who we<br />

are, as individuals, and as a collective. I believe local media<br />

has a responsibility to help preserve culture, give people<br />

from all walks of life a voice, educate, inspire and keep<br />

important topics top of mind. Of course, promoting Haida<br />

Gwaii businesses is a vital contributor to our economic<br />

strength and stability.<br />

Scott Barry Kaufman’s heirarchy of needs<br />

Illustration by Andy Ogden<br />

What is unique about the magazine and its content?<br />

Printing the magazine in full colour is one. Although the<br />

expense is considerable, I decided right from the get go<br />

that it was important to publish content that captures<br />

Haida Gwaii’s real-life vibrancy. Being locally owned is<br />

a big one too – a rarity considering the fact that media in<br />

Canada is primarily owned by a small number of giant<br />

companies. Publishing a full-spectrum of perspectives is<br />

one of our goals; giving a voice to as many stakeholders we<br />

can muster. As gossip, fearmongering and negativity are<br />

just not our things, choosing a positive and solutions-oriented<br />

publishing platform also makes the Trader rather<br />

unconventional. It’s not the easy path, but identifying<br />

challenges in a clear, calm and concise manner, then<br />

28 HG

shifting the focus to solutions is what guides our work.<br />

This world has enough negativity. We concentrate on the<br />

aspects of Haida Gwaii, and human nature as a whole,<br />

that undeniably shine bright.<br />

In a world of the internet and overwhelming social<br />

media, how do you keep a print publication relevant?<br />

As the internet and social media often tend to distract and<br />

dilute rather than target local needs, our all about Haida<br />

Gwaii publication is not just relevant, it’s an essential<br />

service. Most of our content comes from our customers<br />

and readership. We’re the wordsmiths, messengers, marketers<br />

and graphic artists of the people of Haida Gwaii.<br />

Relayed through us, their expressions will always be amply<br />

important.<br />

Thirteen years is a long run for a small regional<br />

magazine. What keeps you going?<br />

Besides the necessity of keeping a roof over my head, the<br />

rewards of service and a deep reverence for the spirit of<br />

life and learning are what sustain me. Through the perspectives<br />

and contributions of others, I expand. A sense<br />

of place and Yahguudang principles of respect from the<br />

Haida people. Creativity and authenticity from youth.<br />

Acceptance, grace and resilience from Elders. Focus, perseverance<br />

and citizenry spirit from our business community.<br />

And last but far from least, the air, sea, land, animals<br />

and Spirit of this natural gemspace named Haida Gwaii<br />

continues to open and heal my soul.<br />

I’ve also always been a person who’s wanted to do their<br />

part. Many moons ago, I owned and operated an environmental<br />

retail store called, “Alter-Eco Earth Goods.” It<br />

<strong>HGT</strong> Owner and Editor in Chief<br />

Shellene Patience | Beach time<br />

was based in Kelowna and I sold everything from natural<br />

fiber clothing to tree-free paper, fair trade goods, local<br />

art and non-toxic personal and homecare products. On a<br />

hand-painted banner that ran atop and around most of<br />

the walls of the shop was Margaret Mead’s quote, “Never<br />

doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens<br />

can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever<br />

has.” I guess promoting positivity and proactive solutions<br />

is in my blood.<br />

People’s Agates - Stories Over the Years<br />

Though the Trader’s original raison d’être was helping<br />

people buy and sell things, its main subject matter has<br />

always been the people themselves, the people who make<br />

Haida Gwaii special. For example, last year we profiled<br />

retiring postmistress Bari Williams in a story we called<br />

One Week Became a Career. Here’s an excerpt:<br />

“Only for a week. That’s how long Bari Williams agreed on<br />

a whim, to work in Tll.aal Tlell back in 1989. She didn’t<br />

know a thing about mail sorting, but she was good with<br />

people, and she had management skills. She did the job so<br />

well in fact, that the week became a month and then a year,<br />

and finally, a third of a century until her retirement this<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 29

spring. “I got three half-days’ training and I was left on my<br />

own,” she says. “I wound up staying for 33 years.”<br />

Our nature writer, Margo Hearne, pens a regular column<br />

called A Naturalist’s Almanac which keeps a loving and<br />

often poetical eye on Haida wildlife and weather. Here’s<br />

how Margo started an essay last year about geese.<br />

“Migrant geese call down from the wild blue yonder although<br />

some are so exhausted from fighting the wind that<br />

they have to land and rest for a while. It’s good to let them be.<br />

Although they are a hardy species, they are not super-birds<br />

… A bird’s life is a risky business. Three or four eagles inhabit<br />

Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary and at any given time, one<br />

will swoop over the flats while the geese are feeding. Every<br />

bird will then take to the air in a rush making wonderful<br />

rackety goose calls.”<br />

A focus on Haida Gwaii’s delicate environment has always<br />

been a priority for the magazine’s contributors. A notable<br />

example was an article from the spring of 2022 headlined<br />

Caring for Our Coastlines. Here’s the introduction:<br />

“Everyone who regularly drives Highway 16 on Haida Gwaii<br />

between Daajing Giids and Tlell will have noticed that in<br />

some areas there has been a dramatic shrinking of the buffer<br />

zone, the distance between the shoreline and the road.<br />

Where there used to be many trees and bushes and grasses,<br />

there may be only one tree hanging at a precarious angle.<br />

If you thought that maybe climate change has something<br />

to do with the erosion of the natural buffer zone, you would<br />

not be wrong.”<br />

Among the Trader’s regular features are a puzzle page, a<br />

horoscope and a calendar of noteworthy events on the Islands.<br />

And there’s a popular column, Dear Huckleberry,<br />

that over the years has offered heartfelt advice and home<br />

truths. Example:<br />

“Having some clear expectations about how you want to<br />

be treated DOES NOT equal neediness, and you have an<br />

inherent human right to ask for what you want in life.”<br />

But we never forget that whatever we publish, whomever<br />

we profile, whenever we explore a local issue, it all takes<br />

place in, around and amongst the fabric of the strong<br />

Haida culture. Here’s how writer Jana McLeod begins a<br />

report on an event that drew hundreds of people to Gaw<br />

Tlagée Old Massett last fall. We headlined it On the Road<br />

to Healing.<br />

“Last month’s Yahgu ‘laanaas Pole Raising at the Tluu<br />

Xaadaa Naay Longhouse, and the ceremonies that followed,<br />

were a stirring reminder that life is changing for many of<br />

us. What was once lost is coming back, thanks to the efforts<br />

of artists like Kihlyaadaa Christian White and his family<br />

who teamed up to make the day possible.<br />

It’s been an amazing experience for our family, working<br />

together,’ Christian told me in the days preceding the big<br />

day when I met with him and his wife iihl kaa jaad kiinas<br />

Candace Weir. They made the point that reconnection to<br />

one and other as Indigenous people is imperative to our<br />

survival, and that the time to embrace this fact is now. The<br />

pole raising and the events around it were just one way for<br />

the healing to begin.”<br />

In a May/June 2020 article concerning the Covid pandemic<br />

and entitled Teen Wisdom for Strong Minds,<br />

Julia Weder spoke to Guustlas Trey Rorick, age 17, of Hl-<br />

Gaagilda Skidegate who said:<br />

“Go outside, skip a rock, climb a tree, take a deep breath<br />

of fresh air. Reconnect with your surroundings and nature.<br />

Explore our beautiful backyard which so many of us take<br />

for granted. And most of all, have fun.”<br />

In the summer of 2020, Daajing Giids contributor Lynda<br />

Dixon of Maude Island Farm made a compelling argument<br />

for food security:<br />

“Food security is an important part of community resilience.<br />

By using our fish, forests and land wisely, to meet<br />

community needs before commercial exports, we can build<br />

a strong local economy that benefits everyone. Maybe no<br />

one will be rich, but everyone will be fed, housed and secure<br />

with meaningful work.”<br />

And in 2018, the Swiilawiid Sustainability Society and<br />

the Council of the Haida Nation issued a declaration for<br />

clean energy on Haida Gwaii. Here is an excerpt:<br />

“To take action on this global issue, Haida Gwaii must<br />

30 HG

turn away from diesel-generated energy and invest in clean<br />

sources of power. With our geography, resources and new<br />

technology, we are in a unique position to chart a path that<br />

will take us to the forefront of ending the fossil fuel era.”<br />

At its best, the writing we publish is deeply personal and<br />

evokes the Haida Gwaii spirit of connection and togetherness.<br />

Sometimes, it strikes to the very core of the human<br />

experience, as in an essay we called Caregivers - The<br />

Waiting Room, in which writer Lin Armstrong so beautifully<br />

wrote about how she coped with the heartbreaking<br />

decline of her husband Jack. Here’s an excerpt:<br />

“We made a jigsaw puzzle together. Now, we’re taking it<br />

apart bit by bit. Those pieces are the laughter, the fights,<br />

the compromises, the adventures, the memories, the celebrations,<br />

the tough times and the good times. Those pieces<br />

aren’t lost. They are being lovingly placed in a heart-shaped<br />

box called Life.”<br />

One step gently in front of the others dear ones. I am<br />

honoured to be on this journey with you. – Shellene / <strong>HGT</strong><br />

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<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 31

A Balancing Act<br />

The Science Corner<br />

The Earth, the Sky and Gravity on Mars<br />

By Ro Millham<br />

Nature is constantly striving to balance all things in nature - from air pressure to distribution<br />

of water vapor (and so much more). Earth scientists use a phrase meaning<br />

two opposites - an oxymoron. Like Jumbo Shrimp! My favorite is “dynamic equilibrium.”<br />

Any process is said to be in dynamic equilibrium when the back-and-forth<br />

processes occur at the same rate, resulting in no observable change in the system<br />

over time. Once dynamic equilibrium is established, the concentrations or pressures<br />

of all involved in the process remain constant.<br />

For the Earth, this is a system for balancing nature. Examples include the opening and closing of oceans over<br />

millions of years. When plate tectonics forced the Atlantic Ocean to open, close, open, close, and finally (third<br />

time’s a charm) open, the vast Pacific Ocean was being forced to close. This caused sediments, rocks, islands and<br />

more to be scraped up onto the continents creating mountains, faults and zones where ocean crusts were forced<br />

below the continents. This is a process of dynamic equilibrium as the Earth system strives to balance everchanging<br />

crustal motions. www.geolsoc.org.uk/Plate-Tectonics/Chap3-Plate-Margins/Divergent/Mid-Atlantic-Ridge<br />

Moon and Sparkles in the Sky!<br />

The Full Moon closest to the <strong>September</strong> equinox<br />

(<strong>September</strong> 22 in <strong>2023</strong>) is called the Harvest Moon.<br />

It is unique because the Moon rises close to the same<br />

time several days in a row.<br />

The Orionid meteor shower is the second meteor<br />

shower created by Comet Halley. Halley takes around<br />

76 years to make a complete revolution around the<br />

Sun. It will next be visible from Earth in 2061. Orionids<br />

are named after Orion, because the meteors seem<br />

to emerge or radiate from the same area in the sky as<br />

the constellation. If you have never witnessed a meteor<br />

shower, this one is usually fantastic!<br />

<strong>October</strong>’s Full Moon is the Hunter’s Moon. It is also<br />

called Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, and sometimes<br />

Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon.<br />

Mass stays the same but gravity<br />

changes weight!<br />

Gravity changes how much a person weighs on a<br />

planet or moon. Mars’ gravitational force is lower<br />

than Earth’s, which means if you weigh 200 pounds<br />

on earth, you’ll weigh just 78 pounds on the red<br />

planet. Interesting way to lose weight! However, it<br />

would take about eight months to get to Mars traveling<br />

at the highest speed we can now travel. To find<br />

out what you would weigh on other planets, check<br />

out this resource. www.exploratorium.edu/explore/<br />

solar-system/weight<br />

Image Credit: NASA Space Place<br />

Credit: timeanddate.com<br />

32 HG

The Wandering Tattler<br />

Doings of the Bright and Beautiful<br />

Article by Tyler Hinchcliffe | Photos courtesy Laskeek Bay Conservation Society<br />

You heard it here first. The goings-on<br />

in Laskeek Bay, celebrity hotspot of<br />

Haida Gwaii, brought to you by the<br />

very dedicated paparazzi who make<br />

their home on East Limestone Island<br />

and prefer to be known as ‘scientists’.<br />

Half Moon had a baby!<br />

Last summer Half Moon the humpback<br />

whale was spotted near East Limestone<br />

Island by the team at Laskeek Bay, only<br />

to vanish from the limelight for several<br />

months. Speculation and rumours ran<br />

wild. Chatter included plastic surgery,<br />

a secret elopement, and possibly starring<br />

in a wildlife documentary about<br />

the ongoing disputes between orcas<br />

and humpbacks. Turns out she was<br />

travelling to Hawaii to have a baby!<br />

A reputable source tells us that both<br />

mother and daughter are healthy and<br />

Half Moon is taking time to really enjoy<br />

motherhood. If you like whale gossip,<br />

make sure to upload all your whale ID<br />

photos to the Whale Report App wildwhales.org/wras/<br />

to help researchers<br />

learn about these amazing animals.<br />

Horned Puffin swimming<br />

with dolphins<br />

Spotted soaking up the sun; a Horned<br />

Puffin vacationing in Laskeek Bay.<br />

HPs are a rare sight on East Limestone<br />

Island; they are more often spotted<br />

in the exclusive Cape St. James area,<br />

where they have a nest rumoured to<br />

have cost over ten million dollars.<br />

While on vacation, this fancy bird<br />

dined on herring at a five-star restaurant,<br />

worked on its tan and went swimming<br />

with a pod of Pacific White Sided<br />

Dolphins.<br />

Pigeon Guillemot<br />

Best Dressed Bird<br />

Oystercatcher<br />

Black and orange - who wore it better? While both birds look stunning in<br />

this bold colour combo we have to give it to the Oystercatcher. Although<br />

it is hard to imagine anything cuter than this adorable pigeon guillemot,<br />

who chose to pair black and orange with a tasteful splash of white on its<br />

wings. The Oystercatcher achieved an enviously chic look by sporting a<br />

band. Subtle, yet elegant, this band allows researchers to collect valuable<br />

information about an Oystercatcher’s life including its age and migration<br />

patterns. And it makes a fantastic accessory for any outfit!<br />

The Laskeek Bay Conservation Society conducts research and ecological<br />

monitoring in the Laskeek Bay area. Every May-July, volunteers come to our<br />

field station on East Limestone Island to gain field experience and to assist<br />

our scientists with our programs. For more information about volunteering or<br />

donating, please visit our website at www.laskeekbay.org.<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 33

Kids' Musings<br />

The World According to Carter & Connor<br />

Article and photo by Jasmine Beachy<br />

Kohlen and<br />

Company Appraisals<br />

Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />

Serving Haida Gwaii<br />

since 2015<br />

Contact us!<br />

250-302-1074<br />

richardkohlen@gmail.com<br />


PICK-UP<br />

SIGN UP<br />

NOW!<br />

Biweekly pick-up<br />

Worm Compost<br />

Starting at $14/mth<br />

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34 HG<br />

Just as suspected, the summer flew by. Bedtimes<br />

and routines are back in full swing. Not<br />

the easiest task to achieve with two rambunctious<br />

boys! This summer was full of fishing,<br />

crabbing, camping, swimming, family, friends<br />

and memories. It was so nice to have Carter<br />

around more, but there were times when<br />

the boys got sick of each other and had to be<br />

separated. At the end of the day though, they<br />

are each other’s best friend. I’m so blessed to<br />

watch their special bond.<br />

Me: “Do you see the orcas, Carter?”<br />

Carter: “I do see them! I see them pumping<br />

air!”<br />

C: “Why would you give the grass bad<br />

juice?”<br />

Carter referring to the hot crab water being<br />

dumped after cooking.<br />

M: “Carter, it’s 5:30am, go back to sleep.”<br />

C: “Well how come Otis (our dog) can stay<br />

up? That’s not fair! Is he even supposed to<br />

be on the bed?”<br />

M: “No, you can’t use my brand-new vacuum.”<br />

C: “Ugh! It’s so boring! Mom just gets to<br />

do everything because she thinks she’s a<br />

queen and she gets to do all the things!”<br />

M: “Ha! You think queens vacuum?”<br />

C: “Well, I think so because you want to do<br />

all the things and not let me have fun.”<br />

C: “Why do you have a towel on your<br />

head?”<br />

M: “Because it helps my hair dry faster.”<br />

C: “Well, you look like a mermaid.”<br />

C: “I’m not going to get married when I<br />

grow up.”<br />

M: “Why?”<br />

C: “I’m just kind of sometimes a shy guy.”<br />

C: “Mom! I just saw two slugs getting married!<br />

M: “What do you mean?”<br />

Connor (L) and Carter's catch<br />

C: “They were together like they were<br />

hugging.”<br />

M: “Oh?”<br />

C: “Yah, and then they are going to make<br />

an egg and have a baby!”<br />

C: “What did you do with your dead beta<br />

fish?”<br />

M: “A friend had it, so I didn’t do anything.”<br />

C: “Oh, well what do you even do with<br />

dead fish that don’t taste good? I guess I<br />

would just throw them back in the ocean.”<br />

C: “I don’t want to ride my pedal bike when<br />

I’m sick because I can’t pedal up hills that<br />

fast. Dirt bikes are better because I don’t<br />

have to pedal.”<br />

Reasoning with me on why he should be<br />

allowed to ride his battery dirt bike.<br />

Connor: “No Cahyah, the halibuts not<br />

have spots, cohos do.”<br />

Carter: “Connor! ALL halibuts have spots!<br />

You just don’t know about fish like I do<br />

Connor: “Whatever, I don’t care bout dat.”<br />

Carter is in grade 1 now, hard to believe. Connor<br />

has one more year of StrongStart then it’s<br />

off to kindergarten. Time is racing by faster<br />

than ever! I love hearing how they perceive<br />

the world around them and watching their<br />

little gears turning while they are figuring out<br />

or learning a new thing. Gotta love children!<br />

If you have any funny children’s stories to<br />

share, send them to Shellene at HG Trader<br />

at info@haidagwaiitrader.com.

Puzzle Page<br />

Legends, Myths and Supernaturals<br />

Across<br />

1 A question, thoughtful consideration<br />

5 Halibut: a right-eyed flatfish, same family as the<br />

common ___<br />

9 A myth or legend lesson is often found in the ___<br />

10 Those who experienced the ___ on Xmas eve 2003 will<br />

never forget it<br />

11 ___ , the amount of traditional medicine given-a family<br />

secret<br />

12 To hear a Raven ___ loudly in your space, it marks a<br />

moment to pause and seriously consider the messages<br />

coming your way<br />

14 “The loon flew up to the clouds where Haida House<br />

___ .”- Creation-of-Haida Gwaii<br />

16 The “Council of Nine.” A ___ of dieties who created<br />

Pandora<br />

17 Go’ttca carves two supernatural Killer Whales out of<br />

___ wood<br />

18 The tsunami ___ a Harley here<br />

19 Symbolizes wisdom and good judgment<br />

22 Moana and Zelda both have a magical ___<br />

24 Nuckelavee-___ of the Sea<br />

25 Salmon Boy-a Haida legend about a ___ who did not<br />

respect the salmon<br />

26 Davy Jones’ beard wiggled with ___<br />

27 Some, or even the smallest amount of<br />

Down<br />

2 ___ , legends and Supernaturals<br />

3 Consider it a ___ if you encounter a supernatural being<br />

4 A large hairy creature that is thought to roam the islands<br />

with his family<br />

5 A round hole at the bottom of the front house pole,<br />

serves as the ___ to which once you went through, protects<br />

you from the outside world<br />

By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

Down - cont.<br />

6 Mark IV Fat Man ___ found off the shores of Haida<br />

Gwaii<br />

7 Hecate-Greek ___ of the underworld and witchcraft<br />

8 The boy who looked back became the ___<br />

13 Legend stems from the ancient belief that the ___ of the<br />

stars are supernatural beings peering down at Earth from<br />

the Heavens<br />

15 Patagonian giants ___ over the “The World<br />

Encompassed” ship’s crew<br />

20 Wandering Trickster<br />

21 Balance<br />

23 Athena shape shifted into an ___<br />

24 Our myths ___ inspire belief in the legendary stories<br />

within each of us<br />

Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 35

Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />

Horoscopes for <strong>September</strong> & <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

By Monica Caulfield<br />

Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) You may feel that relationships<br />

are taking some work to maintain, dearest Aries. Maybe<br />

they aren’t running as smoothly as they could. Put in the<br />

effort that you are famous for, and you may find that, eventually,<br />

everyone feels satisfied that they are being heard<br />

and cared for. And this, in turn, helps free up time and<br />

energy in your life. Keywords: stamina, power and drive.<br />

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) The past has returned, dearest<br />

Taurus, to give you another chance at healing. If<br />

you adjust your attitude and learn to play more, even<br />

though you have plenty of work to do, you could find<br />

that the actual work becomes so much easier to bear.<br />

Keywords: decisive, clear-cut and real.<br />

Gemini (May 20 – June 20) You’ve come to a place,<br />

dearest Gemini, where recreating is creating. Finding a<br />

unique activity that gets your creative juices flowing, is<br />

the key to your happiness and positive outlook. Stay in<br />

your groove. Keywords: frolic, exercise and laugh.<br />

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Quiet down into the moment,<br />

dearest Cancer, in order to regroup and recuperate. It is<br />

about to become an active and fun-filled juncture, but it<br />

is prudent that you take some time to yourself so you can<br />

thoroughly enjoy what’s on the horizon. Keywords: rest,<br />

recover and reorganize.<br />

Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) A maze of complex organization<br />

skills is taking place, dearest Leo. Are you moving? Or<br />

deciding to clean out the garage? Whatever is happening,<br />

it’s important to realize that there is freedom to be had<br />

with rearranging the materials of your life. Declutter the<br />

junk, recommit to what you value, and make room for<br />

new opportunities. Keywords: time, space and liberty.<br />

Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Sometimes, dearest Virgo, you<br />

deserve to have your own way, and this is that time. You<br />

have an unusual way of presenting yourself right now,<br />

whatever that is, so embrace the unique you. Balance<br />

out when your individuality is worth fighting for and<br />

when it’s best to consider others. Keywords: dedication,<br />

joy and spirit.<br />

Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) What are your goals and aspirations,<br />

dearest Libra? What do you value above all else?<br />

Consider the answers to these questions to find your next<br />

directional purpose. You may be inspired by friends or<br />

colleagues, so be sure to pay attention to these valuable<br />

relationships. Keywords: kinship, communications and<br />

bond.<br />

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) You are entering a dream<br />

state, dearest Scorpio. One where you can gather valuable<br />

information on your journey for the truth. Look to the<br />

past to succeed in the present and plan for the future. Any<br />

networking you can do now will be extremely beneficial<br />

in the coming months. Stay focused! Keywords: candour,<br />

real-life and passionate purpose.<br />

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) Shine bright, for all to see,<br />

dearest Sagittarius. You are in the public eye, whether you<br />

know it or not. Your mission in life wants to present itself<br />

in a new light. Do the work necessary to invest in your<br />

future and get quiet enough to receive precious messages.<br />

Keywords: cherish, priceless and hold dear.<br />

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Intensity may be bubbling<br />

to the surface, dearest Capricorn. Have you ignored an<br />

issue that needs to be settled? Sometimes the best course<br />

of action is self-action. Become self-confident, have selfworth<br />

and self-resilience. If this has escaped you, do what<br />

you need to do to achieve it. Take a class to learn it, teach a<br />

class to re-learn it, or dedicate time every day for surprises<br />

to show up. Keywords: respect, positive and bold.<br />

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Even though you are giving<br />

everyone the benefit of the doubt, dearest Aquarius, you<br />

still want to give and receive the truth. How will you stay<br />

focused on building relationships with others and keep<br />

your true authentic self, intact? You don’t need to please<br />

everyone, you just need to be your true-blue self, and then<br />

those are the people you will attract. Keywords: trustworthy,<br />

dependable and true-to-life.<br />

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) Your mind is focused on friends<br />

and family, dearest Pisces. On the one hand, you are one<br />

with yourself, and your passions and dreams. On the<br />

other hand, you are charmed by the goodness of others.<br />

This is a time for great strides if you can figure out how<br />

to do both. Concentrate on giving yourself enough time<br />

to practice self-versus others, equally. Keywords: resolve,<br />

affection, and reflection.<br />

36 HG

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com,<br />

click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />

way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />

BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />

noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />

issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />

services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />

Supporting<br />

local makers<br />

Beautiful clothes<br />

for beautiful<br />

women!<br />

Exclusively made<br />

in Canada<br />

Size Inclusive<br />

XS to 3X<br />

Slow Fashion<br />

Sustainable Fabrics<br />

32 Cow Bay Rd<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

250-922-4342<br />

lazycatcloset.ca<br />

In the Home & Office<br />

Brand Spanking New. Too<br />

small for the big guy. Seat<br />

width 19.5 inches, depth 17.5<br />

inches, thick dark brown polyester,<br />

cotton, nylon upholstery.<br />

Price $1550 firm. Call Lin @ 637 1102 or<br />

email armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca<br />

Rotec Fully Adjustable<br />

Bed. Queen size Fully functional<br />

Replaced computer<br />

and remote in last 12 months<br />

Needs a mattress type that’s<br />

compatible (no coil spring!). Price $600 Call<br />

Tauren Collinson at (250) 637-1285 or email<br />

taurencollinson@gmail.com<br />

New Price $75 Smart Hub.<br />

MF279T No fibre optic yet? No<br />

problem, get the Internet from<br />

your cell tower with this ZTE<br />

Smart Hub. Paid $240 from<br />

Telus. $75 George at (250)<br />

559-7899 or email grstein@<br />

qcislands.net<br />

Frigidaire Stainless Steel<br />

Dishwasher. Like brand new.<br />

Approx 24’x 36’ $400 Call Dee<br />

in Sandspit @ 1-623-230-7733<br />

Email: bootscootin58@gmail.<br />

com<br />

Breakers. Assorted square d<br />

breakers. $350 Call Dave Ellis<br />

at (250) 559-4747 or email drellis@qcislands.net<br />

Ceramic Clay Pouring<br />

Equipment. Ceramic clay<br />

mixing machine, clay pouring<br />

machine, 5 molds for pouring<br />

large plant pots, large bowl<br />

and 1 statue. $900 Call Peg Waldron at (250)<br />

637-2401 or email rwaldron@qcislands.net<br />

New Walker for Sale. 2-in-1<br />

Design: Rollator is combined<br />

with an adult rolling walker<br />

and a wheelchair to meet your<br />

different needs. It’s suitable<br />

persons 5’ to 6.2’ tall. The under-seat<br />

storage bag and 4-level adjustable handle<br />

height. Made from high-end metal frame,<br />

this rollator walker with seat is sturdy<br />

enough for individuals with weight less<br />

than 300 lbs/136 kg. $150 Call Randi Ellis at<br />

(250) 637-1205 or email randidel22@gmail.<br />

com<br />

In the Yard & Workshop<br />

Shipping Container/ Sea<br />

Can. 20’ Shipping Container.<br />

Solid, secure and watertight.<br />

Great condition and brown colour.<br />

You pick-up. $6,000 Call Greg at (778)<br />

882-7398 or email gcormier09@gmail.com<br />

Motomaster Tie Downs.<br />

Brand-new heavy-duty tie<br />

downs rachet straps $50 (250)<br />

557-4226 or email derkergreenthumb@gmail.com<br />


Groceries & Liquor<br />

Bakery & Deli<br />

Home & Office Supplies<br />

Gifts & Local Treasures<br />

Owner<br />

Trish Lazar<br />

91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />

Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 37

Galvanized Gates. 2-6ft. and 1-8ft. Galvanized<br />

gates . Need new hinge pins. Price<br />

$100. Call Gord 250 637-5755 or email Patngord2@icloud.com<br />

MISC FOR SALE. Fiberglass<br />

Batt Pieces (R12 & R20)-free 3<br />

bundles cedar shims-15” long,<br />

approx. 40 shims per bundle $15<br />

Shelterlogic Shelter (not pictured - CT<br />

Item #037-1365-0)-12 ft x 20 ft x 8 ft dome<br />

style Includes the used frame and complete<br />

new heavy duty brown cover w/accessories<br />

$500 OBO 2 Aluminum Flashing Coilmill<br />

Finish (not pictured)-6 in x 50 ft-$45/<br />

roll Castrol GTX Oil-10-30W (one sealed 5<br />

L, one opened 2.5 L)-$50 Aluminum Fascia<br />

and Trim (white)-misc 6” and 8”-lot<br />

for $40 Email for more details/pictures Call<br />

Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email acober@<br />

haidagwaii.ca<br />

40 KW Gen Set. 3-phase<br />

diesel gen set. This unit is<br />

trailer mounted and is wired<br />

for 3-phase, 220 and 110 with breaker box.<br />

It has 760 hours on it. $9,800 Call Dave Ellis<br />

at (250) 637-1454 or email drellis@qcislands.net<br />

Bostich Roofing Nailer.<br />

Plus, a box of about 5000 nails.<br />

Phone Toney: 250-637-1986<br />

Email: thecajunace@hotmail.<br />

com<br />

On the Road<br />

BF Goodrich Tires. Two tires<br />

with 10mm thread and one<br />

with 8mm thread. $750 for all<br />

three. Call Martin at (250) 637-<br />

5606 or email ma-trucking@hotmail.com<br />

1967 Triumph Tiger and a Few More<br />

Toys. 1967 Triumph Tiger and a few more<br />

toys. Day time calls only please. Call Lindsey<br />

Doerksen at (778) 260-4733 or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Used Ford V8 Engine. 1998 Triton V8<br />

under 200,000 kms. Frame rusted out on<br />

pickup but engine still ok. Changed most of<br />

the plugs and coils just before dismantle of<br />

pu. It is still sitting on the front part of the<br />

frame including the front diff. which can go<br />

with it. $200 Call Ron Waldron at (250) 637-<br />

2401 or email rwaldron@qcislands.net<br />

38 HG

Haida Gwaii<br />

Auto Inc.<br />

Dealer #50179<br />

2013 Hyundai Elantra<br />

133,800km/Stk#78 $12,300<br />

2014 Nissan Sentra<br />

77,300km/Stk#0018 $15,995<br />

SOLD<br />

2016 Ford F250<br />

207,900km/Stk#51<br />

2015 Grand Caravan<br />

72,000km/Stk#63 $14,500<br />

“No reasonable offer<br />

refused!”<br />

250-559-4641<br />

605 Ocean View Dr.<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

bill@hgauto.ca<br />

2020/21 Hyundai Kona<br />

Electric. Hi-Tech on Haida<br />

Gwaii! This is a pure electric<br />

car, not a hybrid. Rated at 415<br />

km per charge. Mileage: 17,000km. A new<br />

windshield has been ordered and it will be<br />

installed prior to being sold. This is Bob’s<br />

car so any transactions are in his hands.<br />

Located in Daajing Giids. Try making a<br />

serious offer. Call Bob Stratton at (250) 637-<br />

1168 or email stratton@haidagwaii.net<br />

Garmin/Etrex GPS mounts.<br />

GPS mount is for a Garmin,<br />

Etrex. etc. Should accommodate<br />

most GPS’s. Also has an<br />

Etrex bike handlebar mount. Both for $25<br />

or best offer Call George at (250) 559-7899<br />

or email grstein@qcislands.net<br />

Four-Wheel Pop-up Camper.<br />

2013 Fleet model FW<br />

Camper perfect for a Toyota<br />

Tacoma or similar size pickups.<br />

$19,800 Call Warren at (250) 557-8555<br />

or email Wrnwrt@gmail.com<br />

New Tires on Rims. A set of<br />

4 new tires on rims off a Nissan.<br />

205/55R16 MS Don’t need<br />

them so cut the price in half so<br />

only $500 for the set. My loss<br />

your gain. Call Danny Stewart<br />

at (250) 631-3478 or email<br />

Skocumshakers@massett.ca<br />

On the Water<br />

Inflatable Boat 15ft. Kolibrimarine.ca<br />

model DSL450. As<br />

new 25 hrs. 15” SS launching<br />

wheels Racor fuel filter/water<br />

separator X long Bimini top boat cover.<br />

Over pressure relief valves. Made in the EU.<br />

Road runner galvanized trailer. New bunks.<br />

4x40” boat guides. Submersible LED lights.<br />

$6,000 Call Matthew Pierce at (778) 260-<br />

5909 or email mattpierce@iname.com<br />

Scotty Manual Downriggers. 2 of them,<br />

30-inch booms, detachable brackets.<br />

Factory rebuilt by Scotty Victoria. As new.<br />

$400 Call Matt at (778) 260-5909 or email<br />

mattpierce@iname.com<br />

Sacrifice Price. Double Eagle for Sale. Call<br />

Peter at (250) 626-7875 or email davydahl@<br />

ymail.com<br />

2015 Yamaha 4 stroke 9.9.<br />

Electric start remote control<br />

(no tiller) Xl shaft. Great<br />

condition. Bought from Bridgeview<br />

and used twice. $2,500<br />

Call Fin at (250) 889-9426 or<br />

email finbonesmith@gmail.<br />

com<br />

Mustang XL Floater Pants. Red, new.<br />

$150 Call Matthew Pierce at (778) 260-5909<br />

or email mattpierce@iname.com<br />

Ready for Fun!. First come,<br />

first serve! Trailer is only on<br />

Haida Gwaii until <strong>October</strong><br />

10th and if not sold, it will<br />

be headed off island. 2005 Pilgrim 26' 5th<br />

wheel trailer. Model #258RB5SS. Sleeps six,<br />

dinette, couch, 2-way fridge, microwave, gas<br />

stove, linoleum and carpeted areas, stand<br />

up shower, skylights, nice bright and open<br />

concept/layout, 3' x 12' slide out, awning,<br />

screen door, good tires. $21,000 Call Mannie<br />

at 780-233-8422 or email schinner11@<br />

hotmail.com<br />

Real Estate & Rentals<br />

2044 Maple Crescent Masset.3-bedroom<br />

1 bath, half<br />

duplex with immediate access<br />

to the downtown Masset. Renovated<br />

in 2022, this open floor concept with<br />

solid oak gourmet kitchen, plus new appliances<br />

including Samsung Stainless Steel<br />

fridge, dishwasher, microwave, dryer, newer<br />

hot water tank and new vinyl windows.<br />

All furnishing and more included-move in<br />

ready. Bonus-possibility of a much-coveted<br />

marine slip in the village of Masset Marina.<br />

Sold As Is. Price 270,000 Call Brion 778-773-<br />

4242 or email brion.bailey@shaw.ca<br />

1645 Main Street Masset.<br />

This is an excellent opportunity<br />

to own a commercial property<br />

in the heart of the business<br />

district in Masset. This building is in a prime<br />

location and its C1 zoning allows for multiple<br />

uses. There is amazing potential to turn<br />

this property into a thriving business for the<br />

local community, as well as offering services<br />

to the ever-growing number of national<br />

and international tourists who frequent this<br />

world-renowned destination. Price $175,000.<br />

Call Sarah Barnhardt Re/Max Coast Mountains<br />

PR 250 922 5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 39

Offered Below Appraised<br />

Value! 35314 Highway 16 Tlell.<br />

Ready to live your west coast<br />

dream! This stunning 6.6-acre<br />

property includes two separate lots. It has a<br />

welcoming two-bedroom home, as well as<br />

an adorable 330 Sqft detached, one-bedroom<br />

guest cottage. It is in the peaceful rural community<br />

of Tlell, which provides all the best<br />

that Haida Gwaii has to offer. Call Sarah<br />

Barnhardt Re/Max Coast Mountains (PR)<br />

250 922 5409 Price $495,000 Call or email<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

53 Bayview Port Clements.<br />

Over one acre of gently sloping<br />

waterfront in the heart of Port<br />

Clements. Main house is one<br />

level with 2 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms,<br />

spacious living area and large outside deck<br />

to enjoy this amazing waterfront property.<br />

Separate buildings include a self-contained,<br />

detached cottage, an amazing 45’ X 50’<br />

shop, a carport, greenhouse and a waterfront<br />

RV. Minutes to the grocery store and<br />

the marina and a short drive to the airport<br />

in Masset with regular mainland schedules<br />

and half an hour from the mainland ferry at<br />

Skidegate. This property is unique and very<br />

special, probably the nicest property in Port..<br />

This is a rare opportunity to own an acre<br />

of prime waterfront in a great community.<br />

Price $495,000 Call 250 218 9776 or email<br />

Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

563 Beitush Rd Tlell. This<br />

special 10-acre oceanfront<br />

property is surrounded by<br />

dunes, trees, sand and is just a<br />

short stroll to miles of beach. Beachcombing,<br />

fishing and exploring are right at your<br />

fingertips. This private and bright, one level<br />

home features an open layout with vaulted<br />

ceilings, metal roof and wrap around<br />

covered deck. Own a piece of paradise! Price<br />

$750,000 Sarah Barnhardt Re/Max Coast<br />

Mountains Call 250 922 5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

Half Duplex 1848 Balsam<br />

Cres Masset. New roof (‘19),<br />

furnace (‘17), updated kitchen<br />

& bathrooms. Greenhouse &<br />

raised beds. Great family community, lovely<br />

neighborhood. Well-maintained village.<br />

Military-built home. 1 km to public wharf,<br />

nature walk to Cemetery Beach. Cozy<br />

4-bedrooms upstairs, 3-piece bath. Main<br />

floor: 2-piece bath, updated kitchen, large<br />

living room. Greenhouse & raised beds in<br />

backyard. Large family room. Measurements<br />

approx. Don’t miss this potential-filled<br />

gem! MLS R2788990 Andrew Harks eXp<br />

Realty (Kelowna) For more information<br />

go to: https://www.realtor.ca/real-estate/25719746/1848-balsam-crescent-masset<br />

Price $265,000 Call 1-250-299-5201 or email<br />

andrewharks@experienceklownagroup.com<br />

2150 Elm Crescent. A charming<br />

single-detached house with<br />

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, an<br />

unfinished basement. The lovely,<br />

treed lot offers privacy &amp; many places<br />

to relax and enjoy. Windows upgraded<br />

2007. Heat pump Nov 2022. Updated plumbing;<br />

dry well. This well-cared-for home is a<br />

5-min. walk from the beach or downtown<br />

can be yours for $269,000. Please call (250)<br />

626-5256 or email dragonflydeb21@gmail.<br />

com<br />

2083 Collison Ave Masset.<br />

This is an incredible live/<br />

work opportunity awaiting<br />

your ideas, in the centre of<br />

the business district in the Village of Masset.<br />

The 3000 sqft building on a large 8052<br />

sqft lot, is zoned C1, allowing for multiple<br />

commercial uses and residential potential.<br />

Live and work in the heart of this growing<br />

community, with easy access to everything<br />

that Masset and Haida Gwaii has to offer.<br />

Sarah Barnhardt Re/Max Coast Mountains<br />

Price $180,000 Call Sarah 250 922 5409 or<br />

email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

Valley Boat<br />

Service<br />

Fabrication<br />

Custom Upgrades<br />

Insurance for Home,<br />

Auto, Business,<br />

& Recreational<br />

250-557-2057<br />

Port Clements, BC<br />

40 HG

Worker Accommodations<br />

Long or Short-Term Port<br />

Clements and Masset Port<br />

Clements: furnished and<br />

unfurnished 1 and 2 -bedroom apartments.<br />

Newly renovated, including bathroom and<br />

kitchen. Sat. internet, TV, king-size beds,<br />

laundry and parking are incl. Well suited for<br />

worker accommodation. Clean and secure<br />

building. Masset: several renovated housing<br />

units. 3 and 4-bedroom units. Furnished<br />

or unfurnished. Sat. internet, cable, laundry<br />

and parking are included. Please email<br />

dustin@rushworthelectric.ca. For more info<br />

or call/text 250 661 9012<br />

1 Froese 3/4 Acre Port<br />

Clements. Fully serviced and<br />

subdividable in the heart of the<br />

village of Port Clements, now<br />

available at $179,000. Call John Ismay 250<br />

218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.<br />

com<br />

4 Newcombe Ave Port Clements.<br />

This is an incredible<br />

live/work opportunity in the<br />

heart of Haida Gwaii. This<br />

property has it all! It includes a 3-bedroom,<br />

1 bathroom, residence, with kitchen, living<br />

room and dining room. Downstairs you will<br />

enter the motel guest space with an office,<br />

washroom, dining room and fully equipped<br />

commercial kitchen. Additionally, there is<br />

an office, storage room, indoor workshop<br />

and a detached garage. Motel guest rooms of<br />

various sizes are in adjacent buildings. Price<br />

$465,000 Call 250 922 5409 or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

Great Building on Old Beach<br />

Rd. 1605 Old Beach Rd Masset.<br />

Formerly Masset Grocery.<br />

A Great 4,698 sqft building in<br />

top notch condition, includes all equipment,<br />

displays, shelving, walk-in cooler, walk-in<br />

freezer and a fully equipped deli kitchen,<br />

Price $725,000 Call 250-218-9776 or email<br />

Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

Masset Bike Shop. Great<br />

opportunity to run your own<br />

business without “breaking the<br />

bank.” Tremendous potential<br />

for bike sales and service along with other<br />

sports equipment. Building in great shape<br />

on 2 lots and room for small living quarters.<br />

The business is in the heart of Masset and<br />

close to the airport offering daily service to<br />

the mainland. Price $209,000. Call 250 218<br />

9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

Just Move In and Relax.<br />

40 Yakoun St. Port Clements.<br />

This is an immaculate maintained<br />

2-bedroom rancher in<br />

the Village of Port Clements,<br />

Haida Gwaii. The entire home<br />

is in great shape with recent<br />

appliances, double windows and a metal<br />

roof, just steps away from Bayview Market,<br />

the fabulous Axe and Anchor Pub/Restaurant,<br />

the marina, Port Clements elementary<br />

school and magnificent walking trails and<br />

just half hour drive to Masset. Priced to sell.<br />

Price $274,500 Call 250-218-9776 or email<br />

Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

175 Bayview Port Clements.<br />

What a great house to call<br />

home! Main floor entry with<br />

spacious bedroom, large kitchen,<br />

walk-in pantry and lovely open living/<br />

dining room with double doors to outside<br />

deck overlooking the panoramic views of<br />

the ocean and surrounding mountains...<br />

launch your kayak right from the yard! The<br />

walk out basement is bright and features<br />

an additional 3 bedrooms, full bathroom<br />

and a cozy family room with wood burning<br />

stove. The house has had extensive upgrades<br />

in 2022 and comes fully furnished<br />

and equipped. This is a great opportunity to<br />

enjoy the great Port Clements, Haida Gwaii<br />

lifestyle. Price $525,000 Call 250-218-9776 or<br />

email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo<br />

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />

Designed and handcrafted<br />

Tiiiddall SSiiillveer by Silver local artisan Jewellery jeweller by Laura Dutheil SStuddiiioo<br />

Zoonee<br />

Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll<br />

Available Laura at: Dutheil<br />

Designed • Funk and It! handcrafted<br />

by local Earrings, artisan rings, jewellerpendants,<br />

• DG<br />

Laura<br />

Visitor<br />

Dutheil<br />

Centre<br />

bracelets, ear cuffs & more,<br />

• Sandspit with tidal Visitor zone inspired<br />

Earrings, rings, pendants,<br />

bracelets, Centre ear cuffs engravings & more,<br />

with tidal zone inspired<br />

Appointments<br />

Welcome!<br />

engravings<br />

Custom orders welcome!<br />

Custom orders welcome!<br />

Available Available at Funk It! at and Funk the Queen It! and Charlotte the Queen Visitor Information Charlotte Centre Visitor Information Centre<br />

778-260-0434<br />

tidalzonesilverstudio.com<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />

250-559-8561<br />

31857 Hwy 16<br />

in Tll.aal Tlell<br />

3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />

Available at Funk It and the<br />

Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 41

Organic Produce<br />

Groceries & Dairy<br />

• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />

• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />

• Free Range Meats<br />

• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />

• International Cheeses<br />

• Foods for All Diets<br />

250-559-8623<br />

store@isabelcreek.ca<br />

Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />

3219 Wharf Street<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Sarah Barnhardt<br />

Licensed Realtor<br />

Longtime Haida<br />

Gwaii resident<br />

Serving all<br />

island communities<br />

Call me!<br />

Prince<br />

Rupert<br />

250.922.5409<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

519 3rd Avenue West,<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

Haida Gwaii Essentials<br />

Handcrafted Soap<br />

& Body Products<br />

Available at: Or<br />

Masset Market & Shop<br />

Island Retailers Online!<br />

islandwisehaidagwaii.com<br />

Shop for Sale Sandspit, BC.<br />

Located at 361 Beach Road.<br />

Commercial zoning. 72’ L x<br />

60’W x 26’H on 1/2 Hectare<br />

SUP (Special Permit Use). 3-phase power.<br />

Washroom. Well that supplies water to the<br />

shop. Access for large vehicles. A buffer<br />

zone of trees between the shop and the<br />

highway. Price $50,000 Call 250-637-5614 or<br />

email shiels@qcislands.net<br />

Wanted<br />

Wanted: Mini-excavator or compact tractor<br />

to buy. Call Jack 250-626-3436 or email<br />

sales@tostaba.com<br />

Wanted: Exterior Door. Looking for an<br />

exterior door. Needs to be less wide than a<br />

standard 36”. Thank You. Call Russ at (250)<br />

559-8253 or email russfleming9@gmail.com<br />

Wanted: Queen Box Spring.<br />

I’m looking for a Queen-sized<br />

box spring in reasonably good<br />

shape. No mold please. Please contact me if<br />

you have one. Hawaa Call Kim at (778) 260-<br />

7070 or email HygienistKim@gmail.com<br />

Wanted: Forever Homes for Two Puppies.<br />

Two husky labs puppies looking to<br />

find forever homes. Call Harmonie Blais<br />

at (250) 922-4306 or email harmonie@<br />

qcislands.net<br />

Wanted: Husqvarna 2100 parts. Looking<br />

for Husqvarna 2100 and 2101 parts or<br />

complete saws. Will pay cash for parts or<br />

complete saws or anything 2100 or 2101 you<br />

have. Call Chris Burns at (250) 626-8968 or<br />

email chris421sd@gmail.com<br />

Wanted: Simple Stationary Bike. I am<br />

looking for a simple stationary bike. I don’t<br />

want bells and whistles. It is for a small<br />

area. maybe you have one just collecting<br />

clothes or something lol Call Karen at (250)<br />

559-4255 or email karefoe@gmail.com<br />

Wanted: Skookum 14-foot Aluminum<br />

Boat with 20” transom. Call Jack 250-626-<br />

3436 or email sales@tostaba.com<br />

Wanted: Fiddle Lessons. I<br />

am new to Daajing Giids and<br />

would love to learn to play the<br />

fiddle. I have a cricket violin<br />

(from Magic Fluke). If you can<br />

teach me--I am happy to pay<br />

for lessons. Please feel free to<br />

text me at 250-951-7186. Call<br />

Jessa at (250) 951-7186 or email jessajoychupik@gmail.com<br />

Freebies<br />

Free: Kenmore Washer. Older<br />

Kenmore top load washer.<br />

Worked fine until last week.<br />

Needs a new lid switch. Call<br />

Mary 587-336-5504 or email<br />

mps_mary@protonmail.com<br />

Free: Tiles. Free tiles as pictures.<br />

I don’t know what kind<br />

they are. Approximate size: 9<br />

1/2” x 29 1/2” White. Email<br />

Stevie egypt319@gmail.com<br />

Employment & Training<br />

Northern Savings Credit<br />

Union has an opening for a<br />

F/T Financial Service Representative in<br />

Daajing Giids. Minimum Qualifications:<br />

Education: Secondary School Diploma required.<br />

Completion of post-secondary education<br />

is an asset. Experience: Previous sales<br />

and service experience is preferred. Previous<br />

financial services experience is preferred.<br />

Skills: Demonstrated sales skills and knowledge<br />

of products and services required. Ability<br />

to prioritize, organize work within time<br />

constraints and under pressure. Ability to<br />

communicate and liaise professionally with<br />

members, potential customers, community<br />

groups and co-workers while maintaining<br />

confidentiality. Working knowledge, skills<br />

and experience in Microsoft Office. Call<br />

Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356 or email<br />

naomijuetten@northsave.com<br />

Come learn with HGI!<br />

Applications for the Haida Gwaii Semester in Community Resilience are OPEN!<br />

Get in touch for more details and apply today!<br />

hginstitute.ca / hg.institute@ubc.ca<br />

42 HG

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 43

Space Rentals<br />

Online Gift Shop<br />

Events<br />

Tours<br />

#2 Second Beach Road<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

250-559-7885<br />

www.haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

info@haidaheritage.com<br />

Hiring Loans Officer. Northern<br />

Savings Credit Union is<br />

seeking a full time Personal Loans Officer<br />

for our Daajing Giids location. Education:<br />

High School diploma is a requirement.<br />

Completion of post-secondary education<br />

is an asset. Completion of sales training<br />

is an asset. Completion of Personal Lending<br />

course. Experience: Previous lending,<br />

sales and service experience is required.<br />

Previous financial services experience is<br />

required. Skills: Demonstrated sales skills.<br />

Expert knowledge of products and services<br />

required. Ability to communicate and liaise<br />

professionally with members, potential customers,<br />

community groups and co-workers<br />

while maintaining confidentiality. Working<br />

knowledge, skills and experience in Microsoft<br />

Office. Call Naomi Juetten at (250)<br />

628-0356 or email naomijuetten@northsave.com<br />

Casual Bookkeeper in Masset.<br />

Performs Bookkeeping duties<br />

such as coding, recording,<br />

posting, and processing dayto-day<br />

transactions, processes<br />

A/C, A/P, and payroll. Certificate and up to<br />

two (2) years post-secondary or an equivalent<br />

combination of education, training,<br />

and experience. Successful applicants are<br />

required to join the BCGEU and a satisfactory<br />

Criminal Record Check. Knowledge<br />

of accounting principles, good to excellent<br />

working knowledge of Sage 50, office software<br />

suite, organizational and time management<br />

skills with written and verbal communication<br />

skills. Demonstrated teamwork<br />

with ability to handle sensitive information<br />

with tact and confidentiality. Wages: $25.05<br />

- $28.75/hour plus 10.6% in lieu of vacation<br />

and benefits. Variable hours, as needed to<br />

cover staffing gaps. Email ea@hgscp.ca Call<br />

Brie Altrogge (250) 626-4664<br />

Join Our Advertising<br />

Family<br />

Call us at 250-557-2088<br />

or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Riparian Restoration -<br />

Spacers (8 Positions). Taan<br />

Kaydaay, a Stewardship Division<br />

of Taan Forest, is seeking<br />

individuals to conduct riparian<br />

restoration work. This is a 6-month position<br />

starting as early as <strong>September</strong> 18th, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

RESPONSIBILITIES: Safety of yourself<br />

and crew, effective use and maintenance of<br />

work and safety gear including chainsaws<br />

and caulk boots. KNOWLEDGE: Chainsaw<br />

safety certificate, experience running and<br />

maintaining chainsaws, ability to work long<br />

hard days in all-weather, can lead or follow<br />

direction of supervisor, Level I First Aid,<br />

WHMIS, TDG, S100. Taan’s Corporate Management<br />

System training will be provided.<br />

More information call (250) 559-2337 or<br />

email info@taanforest.com<br />

Want an Exciting Career in<br />

Aviation? Executive Aviation<br />

is looking for Ground Handlers to work at<br />

Masset Airport as our operation in Masset<br />

keeps growing and provides our team members<br />

with an amazing opportunity to work<br />

with different airline partners! Are you a<br />

strong team member and enjoy the satisfaction<br />

of completing a task under tight deadlines?<br />

Would you say that going above and<br />

beyond is in your DNA? We are looking for<br />

hands on people who have flexible availability<br />

and who love working with airplanes.<br />

We offer a great paid training. More information:<br />

Call Sy-Lynne Bell at (778) 350-9906<br />

or email slbell@executiveaviation.ca<br />

Do You Enjoy the Aviation<br />

Industry? Looking for a<br />

leadership opportunity? Executive Aviation<br />

is looking for P/T and Seasonal Customer<br />

Service Agents to work the Masset Airport<br />

to support our summer fishing lodge<br />

operations! We are looking for people with<br />

great customer service, who have flexible<br />

availability and love working in the industry.<br />

We offer great training! The successful<br />

applicant(s) may also be eligible for a<br />

continuing part time job in our ZMT Pacific<br />

Coastal Operation. Executive Aviation has<br />

progressive wage ranges plus fantastic flight<br />

benefits. More information, or to apply, Call<br />

Sy-Lynne Bell at (778) 350-9906 or email<br />

slbell@executiveaviation.ca<br />

44 HG


• Office Supplies<br />

• Everything C ricut<br />

• Computers<br />

• Printers<br />

• Accessories<br />

• Office Furniture<br />

• Art Supplies<br />

Happy to be serving<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

(250) 624-3073<br />

essentials2@citywest.ca<br />

Northern Rogue<br />

Technologies<br />

IT Services for Haida Gwaii<br />

Onsite/Remote support for:<br />

• Computer Repairs<br />

• Server & Network<br />

• Data Recovery<br />

Hardware and<br />

Software Sales<br />

1-250-640-9204<br />


www.northernroguetechnologies.ca<br />

Grow your business with Community Futures.<br />

Support and Funding are available now!<br />

Connect with your local Community Futures<br />

office to learn how Taking Care of Business<br />

can unlock a wealth of training resources<br />

- and funding - to help your business grow<br />

and thrive.<br />

Administrative Assistant.<br />

Haida Wild has an exciting<br />

administrative position for an<br />

individual that is interested<br />

in a career in fisheries. The<br />

Administrative Assistant will support the<br />

administration and management of the fishing<br />

licenses, sourcing funding, developing<br />

business plans, and completing any required<br />

reporting. This is a full-time position in<br />

Masset. Call Ramona Gerak at (250) 559-<br />

6809 or email careers@haico.ca<br />

Hiring Insurance Broker.<br />

We are seeking a Full-Time<br />

Insurance Broker for our Masset location.<br />

Supported by a Level I insurance license,<br />

the Broker I processes personal line policies<br />

and ICBC Auto-plan. If you currently work<br />

in the insurance industry and are looking<br />

for a change, consider Northern Savings<br />

for a rewarding new role. Education: High<br />

school diploma is a requirement. Level I<br />

Insurance broker license preferred Skills:<br />

Demonstrated sales skills. Ability to communicate<br />

and liaise professionally with<br />

members, potential customers, community<br />

groups and co-workers while maintaining<br />

confidentiality. Working knowledge, skills<br />

and experience in Microsoft Office. Call<br />

Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356 or email<br />

naomijuetten@northsave.com<br />

Community Service Listings<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous. If<br />

you have a drinking problem we<br />

can help. If you live in the north<br />

end of Haida Gwaii call John<br />

at 250-626-7557. In-person meetings are<br />

on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset Fire<br />

Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the South<br />

end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings<br />

are held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the<br />

United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday nights.<br />

For more info on how to join a local virtual<br />

Zoom meeting, call John at 250-626-7557.<br />

Call John/Lou at (250) 626-7557 or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Quilters - Save the Date!.<br />

Join us for a quilting retreat,<br />

for three days of Stitching<br />

and Fellowship for island and<br />

off-island quilters, in Daajing<br />

Giids. We were inspired to hold<br />

a mid-island quilting weekend<br />

by the Misty Isles Quilting Social held in<br />

Masset in February of this year and look<br />

forward to their 2024 Social! Dates: Friday<br />

November 17th through Sunday November<br />

19th, <strong>2023</strong> Venue: The Community Hall,<br />

134 Bay Street, Daajing Giids. Registration<br />

fee: $125.00, due by <strong>October</strong> 15th to secure<br />

a place in the retreat. Maximum number of<br />

participants: 30; we will keep a wait list once<br />

the 30 places are filled. Meals: Friday (our<br />

set-up day) no meals Saturday. All meals,<br />

snacks Sunday breakfast, lunch, snacks<br />

Access: The hall will be open from 1:00 on<br />

Friday, from 9:00 on Saturday, and from<br />

9:00 4:00 on Sunday. Pop-up shop: Sarah<br />

and Penny of Rain Forest Fabrics in Prince<br />

Rupert plan to be at our retreat! We are<br />

gathering door prizes and craft items for the<br />

retreat, and ask retreat participants to bring<br />

snacks, and contribute door prizes. Please<br />

bring one fat quarter each, to contribute to a<br />

raffle in which one retreat participant takes<br />

all. Our aim is to have one table for each<br />

participant. If you bring lights, they must<br />

be LED. Please do not bring irons, we will<br />

have ironing stations set up. Bring your own<br />

comfy chair if you prefer, and a good extension<br />

cord. To have your name put on the<br />

registration list, please contact Dani at dani.<br />

lacusta@telus.net If you are coming from<br />

out of town, or from off-island, ask Dani<br />

about local places to stay that are offering a<br />

discount for retreat participants. Call Dani<br />

Lacusta at (250) 637-1375 or email dani.<br />

lacusta@telus.net<br />

Haida Gwaii Community Futures<br />

250-626-5594<br />

Visit: TakingCareOfBusiness.biz<br />

Healing Temple<br />

Certified Reiki Teacher • Crystal Healer<br />

Alaskan Essence Practitioner<br />

Shirodhara/Hot Jade Massage<br />

250-534-9405<br />

AngelAuraHealing.com<br />

Put Your Ad Here<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

250-557-2088<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 45

Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2023</strong><br />

<strong>2023</strong> Tide Tables for Prince Rupert<br />

<strong>September</strong><br />

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />

Sep 2: Sunrise 6:58 Sunset 20:37<br />

3:38 22.6<br />

Sep 9: Sunrise 7:11 Sunset 20:20<br />

1 2:52 9:11 23.0 0.7 2 9:49 1.6<br />

Sep 16: Sunrise 7:23 Sunset 20:02<br />

Sep 23: Sunrise 7:36 Sunset 19:45<br />

15:29 22.6 16:07 23.0<br />

Sep 30: Sunrise 7:49 Sunset 19:28<br />

O 21:32 2.6 P 22:18 2.6<br />

4:25 21.3 5:11 19.7 6:02 18.0 0:51 4.9 1:58 6.2 3:19 6.9 4:41 6.6<br />

3 10:27 3.0 4 11:05 4.9 5 11:46 6.9 6 7:00 16.4 7 8:19 15.1 8 10:02 15.1 9 11:27 15.7<br />

16:44 22.3 17:24 21.3 18:08 20.0 12:35 8.9 13:43 10.5 15:28 11.2 17:02 10.5<br />

Q 23:05 3.0 R 23:55 3.9 S T 19:01 18.7 U 20:14 17.4 V 21:42 17.1 W 22:58 17.4<br />

5:45 5.9 6:33 5.2 0:40 19.0 1:18 19.7 1:52 20.0 2:25 20.3 2:58 20.0<br />

10 12:20 16.7 11 12:58 17.7 12 7:11 4.3 13 7:43 3.9 14 8:11 3.9 15 8:38 3.9 16 9:04 4.3<br />

18:01 9.5 18:44 8.5 13:29 18.4 13:57 19.0 14:23 19.7 14:48 20.3 15:13 20.7<br />

X 23:55 18.4 X Y 19:19 7.5 Z 19:50 6.6 * 20:20 5.6 A 20:49 4.9 B 21:20 4.6<br />

3:30 20.0 4:04 19.4 4:40 18.4 5:20 17.4 6:09 16.4 0:53 6.2 2:08 6.6<br />

17 9:31 4.6 18 9:59 5.6 19 10:28 6.6 20 11:02 7.9 21 11:42 9.2 22 7:15 15.4 23 8:55 14.8<br />

15:39 20.7 16:06 20.7 16:36 20.3 17:10 19.7 17:54 18.7 12:38 10.2 14:09 11.2<br />

C 21:53 4.3 D 22:28 4.6 D 23:08 4.9 E 23:54 5.6 F G 18:57 18.0 H 20:25 17.7<br />

3:36 6.2 4:55 5.2 5:54 3.9 0:10 20.7 1:02 22.0 1:51 22.6 2:37 22.6<br />

24 10:33 15.7 25 11:37 17.1 26 12:24 19.0 27 6:42 2.6 28 7:24 2.0 29 8:03 2.0 30 8:41 2.3<br />

15:55 10.5 17:13 9.2 18:10 6.9 13:04 20.7 13:42 22.0 14:18 23.3 14:54 23.6<br />

21:56 18.0 23:10 19.4 18:59 4.9 19:44 3.0 20:27 2.0 21:10 1.3<br />

I J K L M @ N<br />

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />

3:22 22.0<br />

9:18 3.6<br />

4:06 21.0<br />

9:55 4.9 3 10:33 6.9 4 11:14 8.5 5 0:17 6:37 16.4 6<br />

1:21 6.6<br />

7:54 15.4<br />

2:39 7.2<br />

7 9:31 15.4<br />

15:30 23.3 16:06 22.6 16:44 21.3 17:27 19.7 12:04 10.2 13:16 11.2 15:09 11.5<br />

21:53 1.3 22:38 2.3 23:25 3.6 18:19 18.0 19:33 16.7 21:08 16.4<br />

4:01 7.2 5:06 6.9 5:54 6.2 0:14 18.4 0:53 19.0 1:29 19.7 2:03 20.0<br />

10:51 16.1 11:42 17.1 12:18 18.0 6:32 5.6 7:04 5.2 7:33 5.2 8:01 5.2<br />

16:41 10.8 17:37 9.5 18:17 8.2 12:48 19.0 13:15 20.0 13:41 20.7 14:07 21.3<br />

22:28 16.7 23:28 17.4 18:51 6.9 19:22 5.6 19:52 4.6 20:23 3.9<br />

2:38 20.0 3:12 20.0 3:48 19.4 4:26 18.7 5:09 17.7 6:01 16.7 0:35 5.6<br />

8:29 5.6 8:58 6.2 9:29 6.9 10:02 7.9 10:40 8.9 11:28 9.8 7:12 16.1<br />

14:34 21.7 15:01 21.7 15:31 21.7 16:04 21.0 16:44 20.0 17:34 19.0 12:36 10.8<br />

20:55 3.3 21:29 3.3 22:06 3.3 22:47 3.9 23:36 4.9 18:43 18.0<br />

1:49 6.2 3:11 6.2 4:24 5.6 5:23 4.9 6:11 4.3 0:49 21.0 1:37 21.3<br />

8:44 16.1 10:06 17.1 11:05 18.4 11:51 20.0 12:31 21.7 6:54 3.9 7:34 4.3<br />

14:15 10.8 15:50 9.8 16:59 7.9 17:54 5.9 18:41 3.9 13:08 23.0 13:45 23.6<br />

20:14 17.7 21:43 18.0 22:55 19.0 23:56 20.0 19:26 2.3 20:08 1.3<br />

2:23 21.3 3:08 21.0 3:51 20.3<br />

8:13 4.9 8:51 5.9 9:29 6.9<br />

Oct 14: Sunrise 8:15 Sunset 18:54<br />

14:21 23.6 14:58 23.3 15:35 22.3<br />

Oct 21: Sunrise 8:28 Sunset 18:38<br />

Oct 28: Sunrise 8:42 Sunset 18:23<br />

20:50 1.0 21:32 1.3 22:15 2.3<br />

1 2<br />

<strong>October</strong><br />

O P Q R S T U<br />

8 9 10 11 12 13 14<br />

V W X X Y Z *<br />

15 16 17 18 19 20 21<br />

A B C D E F G<br />

22 23 24 25 26 27 28<br />

H I J K L M @<br />

29 30 31<br />

Oct 7: Sunrise 8:01 Sunset 19:10<br />

N O P<br />

November Daylight savings ends Nov 5<br />

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />

1 10:08 4:35 19.4 8.2 2 10:51 5:22 18.0 9.5 3 11:41 6:15 10.5 17.1 0:43 6.2<br />

4 7:20 16.4<br />

16:13 21.0 16:55 19.7 17:45 18.0 12:50 11.5<br />

Q 22:59 3.6 Q 23:48 4.9 R S 18:50 17.1<br />

1:47 7.2 1:57 7.9 3:04 7.9 3:58 7.5 4:41 7.2 5:18 7.2 0:04 18.7<br />

7:38 16.1 8:51 16.4 9:45 17.4 10:25 18.4 10:59 19.4 11:29 20.3 5:52 6.9<br />

13:26 11.5 14:55 10.8 15:56 9.5 16:40 8.2 17:17 6.6 17:51 5.2 11:59 21.0<br />

19:14 16.1 20:37 16.1 21:45 16.7 22:38 17.4 23:23 18.0 18:24 4.3<br />

0:42 19.4 1:19 19.7 1:57 19.7 2:36 19.4 3:18 19.0 4:05 18.4 4:59 17.7<br />

6:24 6.9 6:57 7.2 7:31 7.5 8:08 7.9 8:47 8.5 9:33 9.2 10:29 9.8<br />

12:28 22.0 12:59 22.3 13:32 22.3 14:07 22.3 14:47 21.7 15:34 20.7 16:30 19.7<br />

18:58 3.3 19:33 2.6 20:11 2.3 20:51 2.6 21:36 3.0 22:26 3.9 23:23 4.9<br />

6:05 17.4 0:27 5.6 1:36 5.9 2:43 6.2 3:44 6.2 4:37 6.6 5:25 6.6<br />

11:42 10.2 7:18 17.7 8:26 18.4 9:24 19.7 10:12 21.0 10:56 22.0 11:37 22.6<br />

17:39 18.7 13:09 9.8 14:31 8.9 15:38 6.9 16:34 5.2 17:23 3.6 18:09 2.3<br />

18:59 18.0 20:21 17.7 21:35 18.4 22:40 19.0 23:37 19.7<br />

0:28 20.0 1:14 20.3 1:58 20.0 2:40 19.7 3:22 19.0 Nov 4: Sunrise 8:55 Sunset 18:09<br />

6:10 6.9 6:52 7.2 7:32 7.9 8:12 8.5 8:52 9.2 Nov 11: Sunrise 8:09 Sunset 16:56<br />

12:17 23.3 12:56 23.0 13:35 22.6 14:14 22.0 14:53 21.0 Nov 18: Sunrise 8:22 Sunset 16:45<br />

Nov 25: Sunrise 8:35 Sunset 16:36<br />

18:53 1.6 19:35 1.6 20:17 2.0 20:59 2.6 21:40 3.6<br />

5 6 7 8 9 10 11<br />

T U V W X X Y<br />

12 13 14 15 16 17 18<br />

Z * A B C D E<br />

19 20 21 22 23 24 25<br />

F G H I J K L<br />

26 27 28 29 30<br />

M @ N O P<br />

Adjusted for daylight savings. Tide height in feet. Sunrise/set times for Massett.<br />

The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />

(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />

lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and<br />

new moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring<br />

tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation,<br />

and tidal currents. So before you head out, be<br />

sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust<br />

the time for your specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />

Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />

Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />

K'iis Gwaay<br />

Langara Pt<br />

10 min early<br />

Masset<br />

Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />

Alexandra Narrows<br />

Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />

Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />

Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />

Nesto Inlet<br />

10 min early<br />

Skaats'insii<br />

Dawson Hbr<br />

15 min early<br />

Taan Guu<br />

Trounce Inlet<br />

Low 55 min late<br />

High 20 min late<br />

Daa.ulgaay<br />

East Skidegate Narrows<br />

(Floods west)<br />

West Beacon<br />

Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />

East Beacon<br />

Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />

Juus Kaahlii<br />

Juskatla<br />

Low 5:15 late<br />

High 4:45 late<br />

Designed by:<br />

Stu Crawford<br />

Box 788, Masset, BC<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

(250) 626-3868<br />

Crawford<br />

Ecological Consulting<br />

Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />

significantly from reality<br />

Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />

North Beach<br />

5 min early<br />

Taa Suu<br />

Hunger Hbr<br />

20 min early<br />

Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />

Gaw Kaahlii<br />

Masset Sound<br />

Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />

Gamadiis<br />

Port Clements<br />

Low 3:05 late<br />

High 2:50 late<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Queen Charlotte<br />

Low 20 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Kuuɢahl<br />

McCoy Cove<br />

Low 15 min late<br />

High 5 min late<br />

K'yal Gawɢa<br />

Pacofi<br />

Low 10 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Gwaay K'aas<br />

Copper Is.<br />

Same as P.R.<br />

Kay Tay Daanaay<br />

Cape St James<br />

Low 10 min early<br />

High 5 min early<br />

46 HG<br />

Helping People is our Passion<br />

Now Serving Haida Gwaii!<br />

Extensive Contractor Experience<br />

• New Construction • Renovations • Carpentry • Concrete • General Construction<br />

Tyler Jackson 604-328-0239 (texts preferred) tyler@clearviewconsulting.ca www.clearviewconsulting.ca

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />

<strong>September</strong>/<strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />

Jamie McDonald at events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.<br />

Island Wide & Online<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />

problem we can help. If you live in the north<br />

end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557.<br />

In-person meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm<br />

in the Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live<br />

in the South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held<br />

in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on<br />

Saturday nights. For more info on how to join a virtual meeting,<br />

call John at 250-626-7557 or visit aa.org/pages/en_US<br />

VIRL – Tech support with library Manager<br />

Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact<br />

your local VIRL branch and schedule a time to<br />

come in with your device. Contacts can be found<br />

at virl.bc.ca<br />

StrongStart – Free drop in and play based program<br />

for parents/caregivers and children ages<br />

0-kindergarten. Masset Tahayghen Elementary School / 2151<br />

Tahayghen Dr / For more information contact Beth Kellar at<br />

250-626-5572 or bkellar@sd50.bc.ca or FB: Tahayghen Strong<br />

Start Port Clements Starting Sept 12, every Tuesday, Wednesday<br />

and Thursday / Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West / For<br />

more information contact Jasmine Beachy at 250-557-4333<br />

or jbeachy@sd50.bc.ca or FB: PCES StrongStart. Sandspit<br />

Starting Sept 7, Mon to Fri, 9-12 / Agnes L Mathers Elementary<br />

School /406 Copper Bay / For more information contact<br />

Claire Gauthier at (250) 637-5454 or cgauthier@sd50.bc.ca<br />

or FB: ALM Strong Start Skidegate Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary<br />

/ 500 Skidegate Heights / For more information contact<br />

Janine Wilson at (250) 559-8889 or jwilson@sd50.bc.ca or FB<br />

Sk’aadgaa Naay Strong Start<br />

Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />

Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thursdays<br />

10am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112 Collison Ave.<br />

Open to all self-identifying women! Healthy<br />

snacks provided. For more information contact<br />

Delevina at 250-626-3911 and Maureen Samuels @ Northern<br />

Health 250-626-4725. Rides provided by Ellis Edgars 250-626-<br />

9118. Trauma and Grief Workshop Sep 11-15 / 10am-3pm<br />

Sarah’s Longhouse / 387 Eagle Ave / Open to all men. Facilitator:<br />

David Emerson. For registration, call 250-626-7884<br />

or email wellness.coordinator@haidahealth.ca For more<br />

information contact David Emerson at 778-361-0769 or david.<br />

emerson@haidahealth.ca or FB: Niislaa Naay Healing House<br />

Society<br />

Tawlang Ga Tlaayds - Open Gym Mondays<br />

& Fridays, 1-3pm; Wednesdays 10-12 / Kwiiyaans<br />

Hall / 348 Eagle Ave / Join us, families<br />

with children 0-6 years old & siblings. Snacks<br />

provided. For more information, contact Ashley<br />

Jacobson, TgT Coordinator at 250-626-3573 or check our FB:<br />

Old Massett Tawlang ga Tlaayds for more info on our Together<br />

Tuesdays (1-3pm every Tuesday + dinner monthly 6-8pm),<br />

Breastfeeding group, Pregnancy Outreach Program, Pelvic<br />

Floor Physio (by appointment) and other activities offered at<br />

the Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre<br />

Kwiiyaans Community Hall Activities Every<br />

day of the week / Eagle Ave. / Old Masset / Fun<br />

Sweat, Morning Circuit, Yoga and Open Gym.<br />

For more information and current updates,<br />

contact Tando 250-626-7995 or FB Kwiiyaans<br />

Community Hall<br />

Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre Activities 150B Raven Ave / Preteen<br />

and teen activities, sports, movie nights and more. For<br />

more information contact Toni-Lynn Davidson at Tonilynn.<br />

davidson@haidahealth.ca or FB Old Masset Youth Program<br />

Masset Market Fridays, year-round, 11am –<br />

2pm; Monthly Night Market Last Friday of<br />

the month, 6-8 pm / Across from the HG Co-op,<br />

1575 Main Street in Masset / Locally grown and<br />

prepared foods as well as locally handcrafted items and more!<br />

Delicious hot lunches are a regular feature at the market. For<br />

more info, contact Natalie Affolter at 250-626-9181 or massetmarket@gmail.com<br />

or check us out on Facebook and Instagram:<br />

Masset Market<br />

Breastfeeding group Every 3rd Wednesday of<br />

the month / 11am-12:30pm / Old Masset Youth<br />

Centre / 150B Raven Ave / This peer support<br />

group is for parents who are currently breastfeeding, chestfeeding,<br />

lactating or providing human milk to their little ones,<br />

as well as expecting parents thinking of human milk feeding,<br />

and elders and community care providers with lived human<br />

milk feeding experience. For more information contact<br />

Emma at 250-626-7688 or emma.mt@lllc.ca or FB: LLLC -La<br />

Leche League Haida Gwaii or www.lllc.ca<br />

Haida Gwaii Arts Council presents, venue<br />

TBD / 7:30pm / Vancouver Intercultural Orchestra<br />

performance: Music of the Whole<br />

World Oct 20 Grease Two! whimsical play Nov 3 / Family<br />

friendly. Cost for any show: $15 for HGAC members; $20 for<br />

public. For more information, email info@hgartscouncil.ca<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 47

Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />

Port Clements Historical Society Board Meeting Sep 12<br />

7-8:30pm / Port Clements Museum / 45 Bayview Street / PCHS<br />

regular monthly board meeting. Open to the public. For more<br />

information contact the museum between 10am-4pm at (250)<br />

557-4576 or pcmuseum@qcislands.ca<br />

Port Clements Rod and Gun Club / Juskatla<br />

Road, 5 km out of Port / 12-3pm / Trap Shoot<br />

Sep 17 / Prepare for bird season, or just have<br />

some fun! Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot Oct 1 / A classic<br />

Haida Gwaii Turkey shoot. Compete in a number of different<br />

categories to win a Thanksgiving Turkey. Pumpkin Shoot<br />

Nov 5 / Not sure what to do with your left over pumpkins?<br />

oh, we have some ideas... For more information contact Jason<br />

Rupke at 250-589-1420 or jasonrupke@hotmail.com or FB:<br />

PortClementsRodandGunClub<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Family Connection Drop In Monthly, 2nd<br />

Thursday / 10am-12 / Island Wellness Society<br />

Lounge / 204 Oceanview / Peer-to-peer support<br />

and connection group for folks who are expecting,<br />

or have had a baby in the past year. Join<br />

us for some delicious snacks and good company! Feel free to<br />

bring your baby and/or partner. Drop in Playgroup Fridays,<br />

Sept 15 onwards / 9-11am / This playgroup is available for littles<br />

age 0-5years old. Parents must be in attendance. For more<br />

information contact (250) 559-4711 or ccrrfamilyresource@<br />

islandswellnesssociety.com or FB: Haida Gwaii Child Care<br />

Resource and Referral Program<br />

Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / 10am-<br />

12pm / Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We<br />

are a friendly and welcoming family fellowship Pentacostal-Christian<br />

Church where everybody (including children)<br />

is welcome. Sunday services commence at 10am followed by<br />

fellowship. For more information contact Heather and Bill at<br />

604-989-2364 or bbeamish1@hotmail.com or bethelassembly.<br />

ca<br />


Call us at 250-557-2088 or<br />

email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Forbes Pharmacy<br />

at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />


9 am to 5 pm<br />

Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />

250-559-4910 rxdm1005@nbly.ca<br />

www.forbespharmacy.ca<br />

Find us on Facebook!<br />

Earth Temple Activities & Events 403 Oceanview<br />

Drive. The Groove - Monthly Ecstatic<br />

Dance Party Every 2nd Friday of the month<br />

8-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom of movement.<br />

All ages; suggested donation $10. For<br />

more information contact Jessiquita at 250-617-5013 or jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com.<br />

After School Program<br />

Tuesdays, Sep 19-Oct 24 / 3:30-5pm / Come explore arts and<br />

crafts with Karen after school. Register online for all 6 weeks<br />

or contact Karen to drop in. Yoga for the Golden Years<br />

Tuesdays, Sep 19-Oct 24 / 2-3pm / Yoga poses become accessible<br />

to all with the support of a chair. Drop in or register.<br />

Mindful Belly Moves with S’ya Sep 23 / 3-4:30pm / S’ya<br />

teaches a mindful approach to belly dancing. Rewriting<br />

Your Story: Yoga and Self-Study Retreat Sep 29-Oct 1<br />

A Three-Day Self-Care Experience. The retreat runs Sept<br />

29 (6:30-9pm), Sept 30th and Oct 1st (9am-4:30pm). Price<br />

includes lunch and tea. $325 before tax. Kids Yoga and Art<br />

(Ages3-6) Saturdays, Oct 7 – Nov 25 / 10:30am-12pm<br />

Explore yoga and art through story and song with Karen.<br />

Register for 8 weeks (120$) or drop in (15$). Yoga Inspired<br />

Fitness with Shelley Tuesdays, starting Oct 10 / 6-7pm<br />

Shelley’s fitness classes are inspired by yoga poses along with<br />

pilates and strength training exercises. For more information<br />

on all programs contact Karen at 250-637-1918 or kswalhout@gmail.com<br />

or earth-temple.square.site<br />

VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street<br />

Knitters Social Hour Sept 14 & 28 / 7-8pm<br />

Bring your knitting needles, crochet or spinning<br />

projects, and stories. Storytime Thursdays / 11-<br />

11:30am / Join us at VIRL for stories and songs.<br />

All ages welcome. Chat with local photographer Francis<br />

Sullivan Sep 14 / 6:30-8pm Movie night: Life Off Grid &<br />

Fireside Sep 21 / 6:30-8pm / Join us to watch this Canadian<br />

film about people who have chosen to build their lives around<br />

renewable energy across Canada. Movie night: Beyond<br />

Paper Oct 12 / 6:30-8pm / Join us to watch this National Film<br />

Board production. Filmmaker Oana Suteu Khintirian goes<br />

on a journey around the globe to better understand how she<br />

can preserve her own Romanian and Armenian heritage. For<br />

more information contact Michelle Scott at (250) 559-4518 or<br />

dg1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca<br />

Community Market Saturdays, April 1 to end<br />

of November / 11am-2pm / Market Space by Ball<br />

Field / 134 Bay Street/ What we offer, to name a<br />

few: Maude Island leeks, spring kale, pea shoots,<br />

garlic powder, smoked garlic powder, celery &<br />

their famous dill pickles. Mary S baked goodies,<br />

including bread, cinnamon buns, Nanaimo bars, brownies,<br />

cookies, butter tarts and pies. Marina’s egg rolls. Grandma<br />

Betty’s artisan jams, jellies, chutneys, marmalade and preserves<br />

and locally designed and printed custom products,<br />

and much more! Full season fee or drop in. There is space<br />

for garage sale tables by the main hall as well. Contact: Reine<br />

Pineault / 250-559-4792 / FB: The Community Market in<br />

Daajing Giids on Haida Gwaii<br />

48 HG

Daajing Giids - cont.<br />

Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse 6:30pm / Daajing<br />

Giids Community Hall / Sept 29 / Featuring the<br />

talented Ben Cochrane. Oct 27 (feature TBA).<br />

The doors open at 6:30pm. The evening will<br />

begin with a shared community meal, so please<br />

remember to bring a bowl, spoon and mug to<br />

partake. The open mic starts at 7pm (sign up between 6:30<br />

and 7pm) followed by the feature performer. Everything is by<br />

donation. For more information, follow on FB or visit haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com<br />

Breastfeeding group Last Wednesday of the<br />

month / 9:30-11am / Gather / 223 Oceanview<br />

Drive / This peer support group is for parents<br />

who are currently breastfeeding, chestfeeding, lactating or<br />

providing human milk to their little ones, as well as expecting<br />

parents thinking of human milk feeding, and elders and community<br />

care providers with lived human milk feeding experience.<br />

For more information contact Emma at 250-626-7688<br />

or emma.mt@lllc.ca or FB: LLLC -La Leche League Haida<br />

Gwaii or www.lllc.ca<br />

Coffee Social Tuesdays / 10-11am / Hecate<br />

Strait Employment Development Society Office<br />

101 Causeway / We are thrilled to announce: Tuesday social<br />

hour with coffee and cookies! Drop in at either of our Masset<br />

or Daajing Giids locations to have coffee, cookies and<br />

see what we can do for YOU!!! Job Board Updated Daily. For<br />

more information contact 250-559-0049 or workbc-qcc@<br />

hseds.ca or FB: Hecate Strait Employment Development<br />

Society<br />

Akhanda Yoga For Men Mondays, Sep 11-Oct<br />

30 (No class Oct 9) / 5:30-6:30pm / Earth Temple<br />

403 Oceanview Drive / A class for men to gather<br />

and practice connecting movement with breath.<br />

Instructor: Lance Reid. Cost: Full Registration: $105; Drop-<br />

In: $17/class. Creative Dance with Alison and Ceitlynn<br />

Wednesdays, Sep 13-Nov 15 (no class Oct 11 & 18) / 3:30-<br />

4:30pm / Earth Temple / Explore the basic building blocks of<br />

ballet/contemporary dance forms through creative play. Ages:<br />

5 – 7 years. Instructors: Ceitlynn Epners & Alison Keery. Cost:<br />

$144; A minimum of 8 participants is required for this class<br />

to run, max 12. Adult Dance with Alison and Ceitlynn<br />

Wednesdays, Sep 13-Oct 4 / 7-8pm / Earth Temple / A dance<br />

class designed to get the blood circulating, increase mobility<br />

and flexibility and find an embodied way of moving. Blending<br />

a variety of techniques and styles, class includes floor work,<br />

across the floor and ends with a combination (a piece of<br />

choreography) that you can take home to keep playing with!<br />

For adults (18+). Instructor: Ceitlynn Epners & Alison Keery<br />

Cost: $80; A minimum of 8 participants is required for this<br />

class to run, max 12. Hatha Yoga with Meghan Thursdays,<br />

Sep 7-Oct 26 (No class Sept 14) / 5:30-6:45pm / Earth Temple<br />

This will be a mixed level yoga practice. It’s beginner friendly<br />

with options to step up your practice depending on your<br />

experience. Instructor: Meghan Cross. Cost: Registered: $105;<br />

Drop-in: $17/class<br />

Support Group for Caring for Elders with<br />

dementia Sep 18 / 6:30-8pm / Senior’s room next<br />

to VIRL / 138 Bay Street / Topic: The six pillars of<br />

women’s brain health with information provided<br />

by the Women’s Brain Health Initiative. Do you<br />

care for an elder living with Dementia? Free group sharing<br />

sessions. The meetings take place every three weeks. All are<br />

welcome – refreshments and a sweet treat included. Brown<br />

Bag Lunch Conversations: Suicide Awareness and Prevention<br />

Sep 21 / 11:45am-1pm / You are not alone. Special<br />

Guest, Karen Walhout, ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention<br />

Skills Training) trainer will share her knowledge on how we<br />

can build the skills in our community to reduce incidents<br />

of self-harm and loss. Brown Bag Lunch Conversations:<br />

World Mental Health Day Oct 12 / 11:45am-1pm / In recognition<br />

of this Day, and in keeping with the WHO mission, we<br />

will be gathering to discuss what can be done to make mental<br />

health care accessible for all people. Reserve your free bagged<br />

lunch early as space is limited. For more information contact<br />

Shelley Braun at 250-600-0215 or haidagwaii@bcss.org<br />

Haida Gwaii Arts Council presents, Daajing<br />

Giids Community Hall / 134 Bay Street / 7:30pm<br />

Vancouver Intercultural Orchestra performance:<br />

Music of the Whole World Oct 21 Grease Two!<br />

whimsical play Nov 4 / Family friendly. Cost for any show:<br />

$15 for HGAC members; $20 for public. For more information,<br />

email info@hgartscouncil.ca<br />

K’il Kun Sandspit<br />

Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival Oct 7-8<br />

Community Hall / 411 Alliford Bay / This small<br />

grassroots event is a celebration of the bounty of<br />

our forests, shores, mountains, tidal flats, bogs,<br />

dunes, and all parts of the rich lands and seas<br />

of Haida Gwaii. Explore the website or Facebook page and<br />

see our schedule for the event, find out about our main guest<br />

speakers and many activities. For more information contact<br />

Flavien Mabit at 250-637-5749 or sandspitwildharvest@gmail.<br />

com or sandspitwildharves.wixsite.com/festival<br />

VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm / Vancouver<br />

Island Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza,<br />

Beach Rd / The Sandspit Branch continues to<br />

host craft night every Thursday evening. Bring<br />

a craft project you’re working on and join a<br />

fun, social crafting circle every week! Knitting, embroidery,<br />

crochet, beading, painting, paper crafts, anything goes! Dropins<br />

welcome. For more information Kelsey (250) 637-2247 or<br />

sp1@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca/branches/sandspit<br />


Send your details to Jamie McDonald at<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 49

HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />

Haida Gwaii Museum 2 Second Beach Rd<br />

Life Writ in Water Sept 22-Dec 23 / Opening<br />

Event Sept 22, 7 pm / Featuring art by Benedicte<br />

Hansen and music by David Archer. Anxiety Until Dec 23,<br />

<strong>2023</strong> / Youth art exhibition, a partnership between Gid-<br />

Galang Kuuyas Naay and the Haida Gwaii Museum. Everything<br />

Matters: 20 Objects from 20 Years in 20 Windows<br />

Until Dec 23, <strong>2023</strong> Sculpture by Simon Davies<br />

Red Cross Emergency First Aid + CPR-C<br />

(EFA) course Sep 12 / 9am-5pm / Small Hall<br />

Front Street / Basic one-day course offering<br />

lifesaving first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation<br />

(CPR) skills for the workplace or home. Instructor:<br />

Maryanne Wettlaufer Cost: $160. Registration required.<br />

Emergency Childcare First Aid + CPR-C (EFA) Oct 27<br />

10am-6pm / location tbd / Childcare EFA + CPR-C/AED full<br />

course is 8 hours in-class designed to introduce caregivers<br />

to injury prevention skills and knowledge. Course covers<br />

lifesaving first aid skills and cardiopulmonary resuscitation<br />

(CPR and AED) for children, and babies. Instructor: Meredith<br />

Adams. Cost: 160$ Please email CCRR to register (full costs<br />

may be covered by them!): ccrr@islandswellnesssociety.com.<br />

For more information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or<br />

info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />

Village of Port Clements Regular Council<br />

Meetings: Third Monday of the month – Sept<br />

18, Oct 16, Nov 20; Committee of the Whole<br />

meetings: Sept 5, Oct 2, Nov 6 / 7-8:30pm / 36<br />

Cedar Avenue West / Regular Council meetings. For more<br />

information (250) 557-4295 or office@portclements.ca or<br />

portclements.ca<br />

Daajing Giids Council Meetings 1st and 3rd<br />

Monday of the month / 7pm / 903 A Oceanview<br />

Drive / Regular Council Meetings. In person or via zoom.<br />

Full calendar available on their website. For more information<br />

(250) 559-4765 or office@daajinggiids.ca, daajinggiids.<br />

ca/council-meetings<br />

Puzzle Page<br />

Answer Key<br />

Tll.aal / Tlell<br />

Tll.aal Tlell Farmers’ Market Sundays, until<br />

<strong>October</strong> 8th / 11am – 2pm / Highway 16, behind<br />

and to the left of the Tlell Fire Hall. Look for<br />

the giant carrot! / This year, come out to enjoy<br />

roasted in Tlell, fresh brewed coffee at the market along with<br />

BBQ, take away, picnic foods, micro greens, jellies and treats,<br />

gourmet condiments, seaweed snacks, farm fresh eggs &<br />

produce, fresh baked sourdough bread, cotton candy, artisan<br />

crafts, paintings and more! $10/table. Contact: Marylynn<br />

Hunt / 250-559-8282 / stmarysspring@gmail.com / FB: Tlell<br />

Farmers Market<br />

Your Communities, Your Councils<br />

Masset Council Meetings 2nd and 4th Monday<br />

of each month / 7pm / 1686 Main Street / Regular<br />

Council Meetings. For more information (250)<br />

626-3995 or vomadmin@mhtv.ca or massetbc.<br />

com<br />

50 HG

<strong>September</strong> / <strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 51

6 th annual<br />



<strong>October</strong> 7 & 8, <strong>2023</strong><br />


Haida Gwaii’s<br />

Wildest Event<br />

For more information, visit our webpage or send us an<br />

email at sandspitwildharvest@gmail.com

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