Message of Thanks Flipbook

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Our Deepest Gratitude<br />

Our community shares heartfelt messages<br />

for Sunnybrook’s brave Veterans.

Our deepest thanks to<br />

all the brave men and<br />

women who served<br />

selflessly and<br />

sacrificed for<br />

our freedom.<br />

May you always<br />

be remembered<br />

in our thoughts<br />

and prayers.

Sometimes it feels as though<br />

“Thank you” is not enough.<br />

Remembrance Day is one <strong>of</strong> those days.<br />

For millions across the country, November 11th is a day <strong>of</strong><br />

gratitude and appreciation. At Sunnybrook - home to Canada’s<br />

largest veteran care facility, this day has special significance. It<br />

means more than can be conveyed in a single “thank you”.<br />

Which is why Operation Raise a Flag was created.<br />

Every year, on November 10th, staff and volunteers plant<br />

thousands <strong>of</strong> flags across the Sunnybrook campus. Ensuring the<br />

hundreds <strong>of</strong> Veterans who call the Sunnybrook Veterans Centre<br />

their home wake up to a sea <strong>of</strong> flags on Remembrance Day.<br />

And over the years our community has shared thousands <strong>of</strong><br />

messages <strong>of</strong> support with our heroes. Here you will find some <strong>of</strong><br />

those heartfelt messages, and hopefully experience some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

gratefulness that extends beyond the words “thank you”.<br />

Through 12 Years <strong>of</strong> Operation Raise a Flag:<br />

Over More than 6,000+ messages Supported<br />

350,000 flags 5,000 volunteer <strong>of</strong> thanks received by over<br />

planted flag planters and counting! 25,000 donors<br />


<strong>Message</strong>s <strong>of</strong> <strong>Thanks</strong> –<br />

Our community shows<br />

their gratitude to<br />

Sunnybrook veterans<br />

“On Remembrance Day, we all pay<br />

honour to those who gave the ultimate<br />

sacrifice and all those who served to<br />

protect our freedoms.”<br />

“A heartfelt thank you for your service<br />

and sacrifice so all Canadians<br />

may be free.”<br />

“In honour <strong>of</strong> all veterans who served<br />

our country so loyally and well.”<br />

“A thousand thanks to you and<br />

those who gave their lives!”<br />

“Remembering so many lives that make me count my<br />

blessings every day. Their Ultimate sacrifices,<br />

will always be remembered.”<br />

“Thank you dear veterans<br />

for the sacrifices you made.<br />

I honor, appreciate and respect<br />

each <strong>of</strong> you. With love from<br />

veteran’s daughter.”<br />

“Thinking <strong>of</strong> you all with a very<br />

grateful heart for all you have done!<br />

You are all in our thoughts<br />

and prayers.<br />

May God bless you!”<br />

“Thank you so much for your service<br />

to this country. Your bravery,<br />

sacrifice, and strength do not go<br />

unnoticed. We will be forever<br />

indebted to you and your family<br />

for all that you have given<br />

for our freedom.<br />

We love you.<br />

God bless you all!”<br />


will not for g et<br />

“We will not for g et your service and sacr ifices.”<br />

“You will always be my her oes!! G od bless you all.”<br />

“Dear Veterans, Sincere thanks for<br />

your selfless, dedicated service<br />

to our country.”<br />

“Thank you for serving C anada,<br />

with no other aim but to pr otect<br />

the fr eedoms that we have today.<br />

I r espect you, I honour you and I<br />

will never for g et the sacr ifices<br />

you have made.”<br />

“Every minute <strong>of</strong> every day we are<br />

thankful for you and will never truly<br />

grasp the magnitude <strong>of</strong> your gift <strong>of</strong><br />

life and freedom for all Canadians.”<br />

“We send you our deepest thanks for<br />

your tremendous sacrifices, which have<br />

allowed us, as Canadian citizens, to live<br />

a life <strong>of</strong> freedom. You are all heroes in<br />

our eyes. From the bottom <strong>of</strong> our hearts,<br />

thank you for your service.”<br />

“Thank you for your sacr ifice and defense for the<br />

country. Because <strong>of</strong> your unselfishness, our g ener ation<br />

and next g ener ations have today’s peace and fr eedom.<br />

Each year this day, I put on the poppy, in memory <strong>of</strong> the<br />

her oes and my late father like you.”<br />

“God Bless you for your sacrifice,<br />

bravery, and for giving us freedom.<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> you, we live in a beautiful<br />

andgreat country. Thank you from the<br />

bottom <strong>of</strong> our hearts.<br />

Please take care.”<br />

“From Winnipeg with love!<br />

We are so proud <strong>of</strong> all <strong>of</strong> you!<br />

Thank you for your selfless<br />

service to our great country.”<br />


“I am a proud Canadian and<br />

thanks to your service in our<br />

armed forces I have been<br />

able to enjoy life in a free and<br />

democratic country.”<br />

“I am very grateful for all you<br />

have done to help our country.<br />

Many thanks.”<br />

“In appreciation for what our<br />

veterans who gave so much so<br />

we have the freedom in Canada<br />

as we know it today.”<br />

“I am grateful for everything you did<br />

to allow my family and my children<br />

the safety and freedom we enjoy.<br />

Thank you.”<br />

“I am so appreciative <strong>of</strong> the contribution our veterans provided to us.<br />

We all own so much to them. I am exceptionally proud <strong>of</strong> my father who<br />

landed on Juno Beach and thankful for the stories he provided me to<br />

pass on to my children.”<br />

“I share this message with Indigenous veterans for the<br />

service they gave and the suffering they endured upon<br />

returning & in history. We honour special skills used on<br />

the battlefield and those they must use today in the fight<br />

against extraction & abuse.”<br />

“It is an honour to donate to raise a flag on<br />

Remembrance Day. Our country is stronger<br />

and safer because <strong>of</strong> your sacrifices.”<br />

“Remembering so many lives that<br />

make me count my blessings<br />

every day. Their Ultimate<br />

sacrifices, will always<br />

be remembered.”<br />

“I want to raise a flag this Remembrance<br />

Day, in honour <strong>of</strong> the Veterans who call<br />

Sunnybrook home.”<br />


“Thank you all for your service. We can<br />

never repay you for what you have done,<br />

but we could not be prouder <strong>of</strong> you.”<br />

“Thank you for all that you have done to make<br />

“Thank you so very much to all<br />

the br ave men and women who<br />

served selflessly and sacr ificed<br />

for our fr eedom. May you always<br />

be r emember ed in our thoug hts<br />

and pr ayer s .”<br />

the world a better place. We commit to carrying<br />

on the work you started.”<br />

“We owe our freedom today to your<br />

courage and commitment. My deep<br />

gratitude to all <strong>of</strong> you.”<br />

“We send you our deepest thanks for your<br />

tremendous sacrifices, which have allowed us,<br />

as Canadian citizens, to live a life <strong>of</strong><br />

freedom. You are all heroes in our eyes.<br />

From the bottom <strong>of</strong> our hearts, thank you<br />

for your service.”<br />

“Words cannot express the way I feel about the<br />

“We will not forget your<br />

sacrifice and valour shown by our veterans. I<br />

service and sacrifices.”<br />

humbly say thank you for your service.”<br />

“You will always be my her oes!!<br />

G od bless you all.”<br />

“A thank you to all who have served our country so well. You have so much<br />

to remember and share with the community. Blessings to you all.”<br />

“A tok en to<br />

r ecog niz e<br />

ser vice to<br />

C anada by our<br />

veter ans who<br />

g ave with<br />

per sonal<br />

sacr ifice.”<br />

“I am forever<br />

grateful for the<br />

tremendous<br />

contributions and<br />

sacrifices the<br />

veterans have made<br />

on our behalf.”<br />


“I am so great full for their service and the freedom it has given to<br />

me and my family. Thank You and God Bless.”<br />

“I cannot express how grateful I am<br />

for your service and for keeping<br />

us free. Thank you from the<br />

bottom <strong>of</strong> my heart for your<br />

service and sacrifice.”<br />

“May God bless you and and keep<br />

you. Thank you for the freedoms<br />

you granted to future generations.<br />

May we always remember and<br />

protect our country!”<br />

“On behalf <strong>of</strong> all Canadians,<br />

thank you for all that you have<br />

given on behalf <strong>of</strong> our country.<br />

You are true heroes!”<br />

“Thank you all who have made<br />

ultimate sacrifices to protect and<br />

save our country, allowing us to<br />

live with freedom!”<br />

“Thank you are insignificant words as a way <strong>of</strong> acknowledging what<br />

you have done for peace and safety. Remembrance Day makes us<br />

stand still and think <strong>of</strong> you deeds but it doesn’t stop there. There are<br />

many moments in the year when you are remembered. Merci!”<br />

“Thank you for being so brave<br />

and protecting our beautiful<br />

country. Myself, my wife and kids<br />

and my entire extended family<br />

are so grateful for your courage!!<br />

We will all be thinking <strong>of</strong> you on<br />

Nov 11th. God bless.”<br />

“Thank you for all that you've given<br />

and continue to give, to allow<br />

for all that we have in this<br />

wonderful country.”<br />

“Thank you for serving our country<br />

does not seem to say enough as to<br />

how grateful and proud we are.”<br />

“Thank you for your sacrifice, that<br />

has given us the freedom that we<br />

treasure and that has given us the<br />

wonderful lives that we live today.<br />

Thank you so much for your<br />

patriotism and great courage!”<br />


“Thank you for your service and for gifting us<br />

the quality <strong>of</strong> life we have enjoyed as a result.”<br />

“Forever grateful for<br />

your service.”<br />

“We appr eciate everything you have done for us.<br />

Keep safe and G od bless you.”<br />

“Thank you all <strong>of</strong> our veterans who<br />

have served their country in the<br />

military, navy <strong>of</strong> in the air forces.”<br />

“We are forever indebted to the<br />

Men and Women who served!”<br />

“We ar e honour ed by & g r ateful to all <strong>of</strong> you who foug ht<br />

for us to be fr ee! The stor ies never cease to amaz e us.<br />

Thank you for your cour ag e & br avery.”<br />

“We honour your courage and sacrifice<br />

to protect our freedom.”<br />

“Without your cour ag e and<br />

sacr ifice we would not be able<br />

to enjoy C anada g lor ious and<br />

fr ee. G od bless you!”<br />

“To the brave veteran reading this, I<br />

want to extend a sincere thank you<br />

for your service and for the sacrifices<br />

you have made to protect our country<br />

and the freedoms it provides. In this<br />

day and age especially, your sacrifices<br />

in the name <strong>of</strong> freedom can not be<br />

taken for granted.”<br />

“You are the bravest <strong>of</strong><br />

the brave and we honour<br />

you not only today but<br />

every day by not taking<br />

for granted the freedoms<br />

and peace we enjoy<br />

because <strong>of</strong> your courage<br />

and sacrifice.”<br />

“We will always remember the<br />

sacrifices you have made<br />

for our freedom.”<br />


“We owe a great debt<br />

<strong>of</strong> gratitude , to the<br />

men and women , who<br />

served and are still<br />

serving in the military .<br />

They have memories <strong>of</strong><br />

events we cannot begin<br />

to imagine , because<br />

they chose to step up<br />

for those who remain<br />

home. Thank you.”<br />

“We thank you from the<br />

bottom <strong>of</strong> our hearts for<br />

the peace and freedom<br />

we enjoy today because<br />

<strong>of</strong> your dedication to<br />

our country.”<br />

“Thank you for your service, sacrifice,<br />

courage and bravery, in defence <strong>of</strong> our<br />

country. You made a difference in<br />

keeping Canada and the world, safe and<br />

free. Hero’s don’t all wear capes!”<br />

“I am an immigrant to this<br />

beautiful free and great land,<br />

Canada. I''m privileged and<br />

proud to call myself a Canadian.<br />

I/we owe it to the sacrifice made<br />

by each soldier and their<br />

families, many gave their lives<br />

for the freedom we enjoy.<br />

Respect is hardly enough!”<br />

“Thank you for your service<br />

and sacrifice so that we can<br />

enjoy freedom.”<br />

“We salute you for your bravery in<br />

the face <strong>of</strong> tyranny and oppression,<br />

so we may live in peace<br />

and freedom.”<br />

“Thank you for your service and<br />

sacrifice for Canada, all Canadians<br />

and the world. I'll never forget.”<br />

“Thank you for your service. We<br />

have so much to be grateful for in<br />

Canada because <strong>of</strong> the sacrifices<br />

you made. I will always honour our<br />

veterans on November 11th.”<br />


“You were the best. You gave up so much for us - families, friends,<br />

education, health and so many gave their lives. We can never say<br />

thank you enough.”<br />

“In gratitude to all the men and women<br />

who served so valiantly for our country,<br />

freedom, and peace. Thank you so much<br />

for your many sacrifices.”<br />

“Thank you for your service and<br />

your sacrifices. Our country is<br />

better because <strong>of</strong> you.”<br />

“Thank you so much for all you have<br />

done for Canada. We all appreciate<br />

you and stand with you. Take care<br />

and stay safe.”<br />

“Thank you Sunnybrook for<br />

providing care and dignity to<br />

those brave men and women who<br />

have stood on guard for us.”<br />

“We will never forget that our freedom is<br />

because <strong>of</strong> your sacrifice. Wishing you<br />

peace and comfort. We honour and<br />

celebrate all that you have given all<br />

through the year. Thank you for your<br />

service without expecting thanks-forever<br />

grateful for your bravery and courage.”<br />

“Your bravery and deep devotion<br />

to our country is cherished and<br />

will never be forgotten<br />

Thank you!“<br />

“Your courage and devotion to keeping<br />

us free and safe will never be<br />

forgotten. Thank you.”<br />


“Your courage, bravery and<br />

sacrifice will never be forgotten.<br />

“Thank you for making it possible<br />

for me, my children, and<br />

You are our heroes!”<br />

“God Bless You Dear Veterans! There<br />

are no words to thank you enough for<br />

your love for mission and country.”<br />

grandchildren not to have to fight<br />

for all that you have given us.<br />

I am ever grateful. Bravo!”<br />

“Thank you for your service. Your<br />

“Thank you for your<br />

service and sacrifice.”<br />

courage, dedication, and sacrifice are<br />

greatly appreciated and never forgotten.<br />

Thank you!”<br />

“We will always remember the sacrifices you<br />

made for freedom. Thank you so very much.”<br />

“A heartful thank you for your service. Thank you for<br />

being brave. Thank you for being a hero. You have<br />

given our country your life, time, energy and love.<br />

We appreciate everything each <strong>of</strong> you sacrificed.”<br />

“Thank you for the sacrifices<br />

you made for your country.<br />

The rest <strong>of</strong> us Canadians are<br />

deeply indebted to you, and<br />

we appreciate everything you<br />

“Thank you for the sacrifices<br />

you made to make life safe and<br />

comfortable for all Canadians.<br />

I truly admire and appreciate<br />

your efforts.”<br />

have done for us.”<br />


“Our whole family is very grateful to you for what you gave our wonderful<br />

country. We have visited the beaches <strong>of</strong> Normandy and other places <strong>of</strong><br />

conflict for Canadians and we stand in awe and admiration <strong>of</strong> what you<br />

contributed. Thank you so much!”<br />

“Thank you for<br />

“With pr <strong>of</strong>ound thanks to all those who<br />

served to defended our fr eedoms, including<br />

keeping the thr ee g ener ations <strong>of</strong> my family. Your<br />

wor ld safer .”<br />

br avery, sacr ifice and contr ibutions will<br />

never be for gotten. You r epr esent the<br />

best <strong>of</strong> C anada.”<br />

“Because <strong>of</strong> your sacrifice, we live<br />

happily and safely. We can voice an<br />

opinion and not fear the backlash.<br />

Thank you for your service and bravery.”<br />

“Your courage and devotion to Canada<br />

will never be forgotten. Thank you<br />

for your service to and for our<br />

country. With sincere gratitude.”<br />

“Dear Veter ans Wher e do we beg in<br />

to thank you all for g iving us the<br />

g ift <strong>of</strong> your selves which enable us to<br />

enjoy the fr eedoms we have. Speeches<br />

and even wor ds cannot expr ess the<br />

g r atitude our hearts feel.<br />

Thank you again.”<br />

“We are grateful for your<br />

service. It is very noble <strong>of</strong><br />

you to defend our freedom.”<br />

“Your cour ag e and her oism<br />

is appr eciated today and in<br />

the futur e.”<br />

“Thank you for all your personal<br />

sacrifices and for risking your<br />

lives for our country and for<br />

freedom everywhere.”<br />

“To the men and women who<br />

volunteer ed their lives dur ing a scary<br />

and tr eacher ous time. Your unselfish<br />

deed br oug ht peace to the wor ld. We<br />

ar e her e today because <strong>of</strong> you. Thank<br />

you, fr om a g r ateful C anadian.”<br />


“Thank you for your service.<br />

We will always remember you.”<br />

“Thank you for your service.<br />

You made Canada a better<br />

place to live.”<br />

“Thank you for all you have<br />

done for us.”<br />

“Our deepest gratitude goes to<br />

you from our family for the<br />

brave sacrifices you endured<br />

defending democracy...thank<br />

you and God bless.”<br />

“You gave so much, so that<br />

we didn''t have to. Thank you<br />

for your sacrifice.”<br />

“Dear Veterans, thank you all for<br />

your service and sacrifices and<br />

keep our country safe and<br />

secure. God bless and reward<br />

you all abundantly.”<br />

Those who fought for my freedom,<br />

with all my heart I thank you!<br />

“I do not have the words to<br />

sufficiently express how<br />

eternally grateful I am to all <strong>of</strong><br />

our amazing veterans, who<br />

gave so much to give us the life<br />

we all enjoy. Thank you, thank<br />

you, thank you!”<br />

“Thank you so very much for<br />

your service and making us<br />

a proud country to have men<br />

and women like you who<br />

defended our freedom.”<br />

“Many thanks for your<br />

sacrifice and for your<br />

service. You have made<br />

Canada and the world a<br />

better place.”<br />

“Thank you for being a real-life hero<br />

and for everything you did to keep<br />

“Thank you for keeping<br />

Canada strong. <strong>Thanks</strong> to all<br />

who defended our freedom.<br />

Your service to the country<br />

will never be forgotten.<br />

Thank you all Veterans.”<br />

Canada strong and free. Canadians<br />

across the country are forever<br />

grateful to you for your dedication,<br />

bravery and unwavering sacrifice.<br />

This Remembrance Day - and every<br />

day, I will remember you.”<br />


“Thank you for<br />

your service and<br />

for giving us the<br />

freedom we live<br />

in everyday.<br />

Where would<br />

we be without<br />

you! Sending<br />

you all my love<br />

and admiration!”<br />

“A very big<br />

thank you to<br />

all the<br />

veter ans who<br />

r isked their<br />

life to make<br />

C anada str ong<br />

and fr ee.”<br />

“Lest We Forget.”<br />

“Thank You for<br />

your service.”<br />

“May Sunnybr ook Health Sciences and Veter ans Centr e always<br />

stand as a per manent memor ial to all C anadians who served<br />

dur ing WW2 and to pr eserve their legacy for our curr ent<br />

and futur e military members serving. I r emember our Vets<br />

with dig nity, tears and g r atitude for our fr eedom.”<br />

“My heart is full <strong>of</strong> love and respect<br />

for our Veterans who fought to give<br />

us freedom. Bless all who served.”<br />

“Your unconditional sacrifice and love<br />

to our country will always be in the<br />

hearts <strong>of</strong> all Canadians.<br />

Thank you so much!!”<br />

“Your kindness and sacrifice did not “We get to l<br />

go unnoticed. May the good Lord<br />

ive in freedom because <strong>of</strong><br />

the sacrifices strong men and woman<br />

continue to bless you and keep you. made. I am forever grateful for their<br />

Lots <strong>of</strong> love.”<br />

service. We would not be able to live<br />

the way we do without these heroes.”<br />

“Thank you for supporting our<br />

country, C anada, in so many<br />

differ ent ways and in differ ent<br />

countr ies. It means so much to<br />

me as my father was also a<br />

Veter an <strong>of</strong> WWII. I wear the<br />

poppy pr oudly every year to<br />

r emember all the sacr ifices<br />

made by all Veter ans.<br />

Thank you!!!”<br />

Thank You<br />

Share your message<br />

& Support Veteran Care<br />

www.raiseaflag.ca<br />


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