Waikato Business News | November 1, 2023
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NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
The voice of <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
A tick for tourism<br />
Getting visitors to the<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> to stay longer<br />
and explore deeper is<br />
paying dividends already,<br />
senior writer Mary Anne<br />
Gill discovers.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> tourism has bounced<br />
back bigger and better -<br />
outperforming most of the<br />
country post Covid with the region’s<br />
13.2 million visitors spending $857<br />
million on card transactions.<br />
Tourist operators are treating<br />
visitors to quality and not just quantity<br />
and it is paying off, says Hamilton and<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> tourism chief executive Nicola<br />
Greenwell in her wrap of the year<br />
ended June 30.<br />
That “stay longer and explore<br />
deeper” approach has resulted in<br />
an annual domestic visitor spend of<br />
$751.6 million – up nearly 20 per cent<br />
on the previous year, the fourth best in<br />
New Zealand and $110 million more<br />
than the 12 months ended June 30,<br />
2019.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> people visiting <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
were the top spenders followed by<br />
Aucklanders and Bay of Plenty.<br />
And the international visitors –<br />
Australians, Americans and the British<br />
were the top three - came back to spend<br />
their money leaving $105.5 million in<br />
the regional coffers; up 224 per cent on<br />
the previous year and $11 million more<br />
than 2019.<br />
Sporting, travel and cultural events<br />
are back at places including Lake<br />
Karāpiro, Mystery Creek, Hamilton<br />
Gardens, <strong>Waikato</strong> Stadium and<br />
Claudelands while business events also<br />
returned in a big way with <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
holding 799 and accounting for 10 per<br />
cent of all the business events in New<br />
Zealand.<br />
Only Wellington and Auckland are<br />
ahead of <strong>Waikato</strong> with the region<br />
hosting 108,500 delegates.<br />
Hamilton and <strong>Waikato</strong> Tourism’s<br />
role is to generate competitive<br />
economic benefit through visitor sector<br />
strategies focused on increasing visitor<br />
length of stay and spend.<br />
Its funds come from the region’s<br />
tourism industry and six local<br />
authorities – Hamilton, Matamata-<br />
Piako, Ōtorohanga, <strong>Waikato</strong>, Waipā<br />
and Waitomo.<br />
Greenwell says June 30 seems a<br />
distant memory as the first four months<br />
of this financial year were already busy<br />
with events like the Women’s World<br />
Football Cup bringing even more<br />
people to the region.<br />
Recent promotional trips by staff to<br />
South East Asia, America, United and<br />
Kingdom were looking very strong for<br />
the <strong>Waikato</strong> market.<br />
“We’re feeling quite buoyant.”<br />
The organisation’s approach has<br />
been to promote <strong>Waikato</strong> as a place to<br />
“stop, stay and dwell” and by “selling<br />
the dream” it puts <strong>Waikato</strong> into<br />
people’s minds.<br />
At Hobbiton before Covid and at the<br />
height of the season, a tour bus would<br />
run through the movie set every five<br />
minutes. Now it is 10 minutes, she<br />
said.<br />
At Waitomo Caves where there were<br />
24 people on the boat before, now<br />
there are 20.<br />
Operators are providing tourists with<br />
a better experience, better engagement<br />
while they are there and a lighter<br />
footprint in the community.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>’s $1 million share of the<br />
government’s $26 million Covid<br />
recovery funds was put to good use.<br />
Only $9 million is left unspent, said<br />
Greenwell.<br />
“We have maximised the use of these<br />
funds with many projects, campaigns<br />
and activities for our operators. We’ve<br />
developed tools and content for the<br />
ongoing benefit of the region and the<br />
mahi that we undertake.”<br />
The tourism organisation topped<br />
up its image library used to promote<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> overseas.<br />
It also ran sentiment surveys among<br />
residents on what they thought were<br />
the ups and downs of increasing tourist<br />
numbers.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>’s tourism approval rating of<br />
51 towards international visitors was<br />
streaks ahead New Zealand’s 44 and<br />
the 67 rating for domestic visitors was<br />
ahead of the country’s 63 rating.<br />
Residents liked the benefits tourism<br />
brought such as local businesses<br />
opening longer, employment, a greater<br />
appreciation of buildings and sites and<br />
an enhanced profile.<br />
Challenges came with more litter,<br />
parking and traffic congestion and<br />
damage to the natural environment.<br />
“We look back on the year with pride<br />
in our region and (our) industry’s<br />
resilience to rebound from global<br />
pandemic and cyclone damage to now<br />
be performing very strongly,” said<br />
Greenwell.<br />
• See Nicola Greenwell’s column on<br />
Page 18<br />
This young<br />
Te Awamutu<br />
man is playing<br />
his cards right<br />
– read about<br />
Young Enterprise<br />
Scheme winner<br />
Jacob Chetwin<br />
on Page 5.<br />
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NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Editor<br />
Roy Pilott<br />
027 450 0115<br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
Mary Anne Gill<br />
021 705 213<br />
Viv Posselt<br />
027 233 7686<br />
Jeremy Smith<br />
022 317 9499<br />
editor@goodlocal.nz<br />
maryanne@goodlocal.nz<br />
viv@goodlocal.nz<br />
jeremy@goodlocal.nz<br />
Advertising Director<br />
Janine Davy janine@goodlocal.nz<br />
027 287 0005<br />
Owner<br />
David Mackenzie<br />
david@goodlocal.nz<br />
Office<br />
07 827 0005 admin@goodlocal.nz<br />
Website<br />
wbn.co.nz<br />
Readers’ contributions of articles and letters are<br />
welcome. Publication of contributions are entirely at<br />
the discretion of editorial staff and may be edited.<br />
Contributions will only be considered for publication<br />
when accompanied by the author’s full name,<br />
residential address, and telephone number. Opinions<br />
expressed are not necessarily those of the publishers.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>News</strong> is published by Good Local<br />
Media Limited.<br />
Also publishers of<br />
This newspaper is subject to NZ Media<br />
Council procedures. A complaint must first<br />
be directed in writing, within one month of<br />
publication, to the editor’s email address.<br />
If not satisfied with the response, the<br />
complaint may be referred to the Media<br />
Council P O Box 10-879, The Terrace,<br />
Wellington 6143. Or use the online complaint<br />
form at www.mediacouncil.org.nz<br />
Please include copies of the article and all<br />
correspondence with the publication.<br />
Getting the<br />
<strong>News</strong> to you<br />
When Good Local Media owner David<br />
Mackenzie announced the purchase of<br />
the respected <strong>Waikato</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
masthead a month ago, a simple message<br />
about its editorial content was made<br />
clear.<br />
“Our news stories are pro-business –<br />
but not written to promote business,”<br />
he said.<br />
It is a policy I subscribe to. Many if not<br />
most of our stories will be good news for<br />
business, but that will not be the starting<br />
point for what we write.<br />
Good Local Media believes in<br />
maintaining a healthy wall between<br />
editorial and advertising and has<br />
consistently done so in its two community<br />
publications, the Cambridge <strong>News</strong> and<br />
Te Awamutu <strong>News</strong>.<br />
The two departments do liaise, it would<br />
be folly not to – but the demarcation line<br />
between what is a story and what is an<br />
advert is healthy.<br />
In short, we don’t write complimentary<br />
stories about businesses as a reward<br />
for their decision to spend money on<br />
advertising, and we don’t limit our stories<br />
to businesses who take out adverts.<br />
It is a policy which ensures the content<br />
presented to you, our readers, has passed<br />
the news test.<br />
This month’s first edition of the <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
<strong>Business</strong> <strong>News</strong> under Good Local Media’s<br />
banner contains a raft of stories we have<br />
generated – from the Cambridge Festival<br />
of Sport to a review of Ombudsman Peter<br />
Boshier’s report on council workshops.<br />
It also brings you other stories, like<br />
the report on <strong>Waikato</strong> University’s Hiko<br />
hub, which has benefitted from having<br />
editorial and photographic material<br />
provided by skilled and knowledgeable<br />
writers working in the communications<br />
field for <strong>Waikato</strong> companies.<br />
The Good Local team of writers is led by<br />
Mary Anne Gill – whose award winning<br />
work has featured in the <strong>Waikato</strong> for<br />
many years. Her stories feature in this<br />
edition, and you can expect to see many<br />
exclusive reports from her in future.<br />
Janine Davy leads the advertising team<br />
who will help you promote your business<br />
– and she is another award winning<br />
highly experienced<br />
member of our team.<br />
I look forward to<br />
helping the <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
<strong>Business</strong> <strong>News</strong> continue<br />
a proud history of being<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>’s voice.<br />
Roy Pilott, editor<br />
New bishop appointed<br />
By Mary Anne Gill<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>-born priest Richard Laurenson<br />
has been appointed by Pope Francis as<br />
the new Catholic bishop in the Hamilton<br />
Diocese.<br />
The appointment was announced in Rome<br />
last month. Laurenson replaces Stephen<br />
Lowe, who was appointed Auckland bishop<br />
two years ago.<br />
It means all six New Zealand dioceses now<br />
have a bishop.<br />
Laurenson says he is looking forward to<br />
his new role with a mix of fear and peace and<br />
is praying that he does not disappoint.<br />
He is the parish priest at All Saints by the<br />
Sea in Papamoa Coast and has served in<br />
other parishes around the diocese in Waihi,<br />
Taumarunui and Hamilton.<br />
Laurenson was born in Hamilton in 1968<br />
and was ordained by Bishop Denis Browne<br />
in 1995.<br />
He attended Holy Cross Seminary in<br />
Mosgiel, has a Baccalaureate in Theology<br />
from Otago University (1992) and studied<br />
for and obtained a Licentiate in Canon<br />
Law from Pontifical Urbaniana University in<br />
Rome from 2007 to 2010.<br />
As a military chaplain for a decade, he<br />
served for a time with peacekeeping forces<br />
in Bougainville and Timor Leste.<br />
Laurenson is the first priest since Bishop<br />
Max Takuira Mariu to have been in the<br />
diocese. Mariu, who was auxiliary bishop of<br />
Hamilton from 1988 to 2005 and the first<br />
Māori to be ordained a Catholic bishop, was<br />
born in Taumarunui and died in Auckland<br />
18 years ago.<br />
Laurenson says being a parish priest<br />
means always thinking parochially, with a<br />
nod to diocesan impacts.<br />
“This change in my situation will take<br />
some getting used to, so I beg the indulgence<br />
of my brother priests and the good people of<br />
God in the diocese as we all get to grips with<br />
my new situation.”<br />
Briefs…<br />
Board members<br />
Janey Haringa and Mark Donovan have<br />
joined the <strong>Waikato</strong> Chamber of Commerce<br />
board. They were elected along with<br />
returning member Andrew Boyd at the<br />
chamber’s annual meeting where Tracy<br />
Clark’s nine year service was acknowledged.<br />
New chief<br />
Simon Wickham will succeed Kelvin<br />
Eglinton as Momentum <strong>Waikato</strong> chief<br />
executive in January. Wickham is presently<br />
chief executive at Harkness Henry in<br />
Hamilton. In making the announcement<br />
chair Neil Richardson said the organisation<br />
had evolved under Kelvyn Eglinton’s<br />
stewardship “and we’re delighted to have<br />
someone of Simon’s calibre come onboard<br />
for Momentum’s next phase”.<br />
Bishop-elect Richard Laurenson.<br />
The Hamilton Diocese is a huge one and a<br />
multi million dollar business.<br />
It starts in Huntly at St Anthony’s, down<br />
to Hamilton and across to the Coromandel<br />
and Bay of Plenty, down the eastern coast<br />
to Gisborne, east to Taupō, Tūrangi and<br />
Taumarunui and then up the west coast to<br />
Hamilton with everything in between.<br />
Formed in 1980, the diocese has five<br />
secondary schools, two of them in Hamilton,<br />
28 primary schools and two early childhood<br />
education centres.<br />
Its cathedral is the Blessed Virgin Mary in<br />
Hamilton East where Laurenson is expected<br />
to be ordained on Friday December 8 –<br />
Feast of the Immaculate Conception.<br />
Rail boost<br />
A third daily return run for the Hamilton to<br />
Auckland rail service Te Huia will run on<br />
Thursdays and Fridays, and a second return<br />
service on Saturdays. The additional runs,<br />
announced by <strong>Waikato</strong> Regional Council<br />
and KiwiRail will start on February 8.<br />
Wananga planned<br />
Māori social impact organisation Tapuwae<br />
Roa will stage four wananga – including one<br />
in Hamilton on <strong>November</strong> 18 - as part of<br />
a push to grow the number of Māori startups.<br />
<strong>Business</strong> mentor Saara Tawha said it<br />
was hoped the interactive one-day wānanga<br />
would “ignite the entrepreneurial spirit of<br />
participants while providing key tools and<br />
skills to progress their business ideas into<br />
reality”.<br />
Tim van de Molen<br />
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NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Briefs…<br />
Top trainers<br />
Fleetcoach was crowned<br />
best fleet safety product<br />
at the <strong>2023</strong> Australasian<br />
Fleet Champions Awards<br />
for their online driver<br />
training platform. The<br />
annual awards celebrate<br />
the achievements of fleet<br />
organisations working to<br />
reduce road deaths and<br />
injuries and improve fleet<br />
sustainability. Fleetcoach<br />
was based in Hamilton until<br />
early <strong>2023</strong> when it moved to<br />
Christchurch.<br />
Voting starts<br />
Voting has opened for Mitre<br />
10’s Project Playground<br />
initiative, which so far<br />
has seen seven schools<br />
around the country receive<br />
new areas for children to<br />
play. Fairfield Primary,<br />
Ngāruawāhia Primary,<br />
Whatawhata School and<br />
Rhode Street School are<br />
among schools in a public<br />
voting round. One will get<br />
a new $90,000 playground.<br />
Sister act<br />
Hamilton Mayor Paula<br />
Southgate has hosted<br />
sister city Chengdu<br />
Mayor, Wang Fengchao<br />
for economic, education<br />
and tourism opportunity<br />
discussions. The round<br />
table talks included <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
University and Wintec,<br />
Fonterra, <strong>Waikato</strong> Tourism,<br />
the <strong>Waikato</strong> Chamber of<br />
Commerce, Hamilton and<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> Tourism, Project X,<br />
the <strong>Waikato</strong> Weekly Chinese<br />
<strong>News</strong>paper and the New<br />
Zealand China Friendship<br />
Society.<br />
Hiring in Taupo<br />
Hire company Kennards<br />
Hire has acquired Taupo<br />
Hire. The company, which<br />
has an outlet in Hamilton,<br />
has now extended its New<br />
Zealand footprint to 29<br />
outlets.<br />
New offices<br />
Financial advisors Total Life<br />
have opened a new Victoria<br />
St office in Cambridge. The<br />
company’s head office is in<br />
Invercargill.<br />
Festival fit for a king<br />
A new festival launched to fund a mental health charity could become an annual<br />
fixture. Roy Pilott reports.<br />
Alwyn Poole was so<br />
impressed by Mike King he<br />
undertook to raise $10,000<br />
a year for his I am Hope<br />
mental health crusade.<br />
Poole, an experienced<br />
educationalist with a<br />
sporting background is<br />
making good on that pledge<br />
with his Cambridge Festival<br />
of Sport which will run at<br />
the end of the month.<br />
He has a vision of the<br />
<strong>November</strong> 23-26 festival<br />
becoming an annual event<br />
– yet despite a star studded<br />
start, he readily admits<br />
Alwyn Poole<br />
Looking at art in the city<br />
Ethan Bennett follows Graeme Cairns as he leads a tour as part<br />
of the Boon Street Art Festival in Hamilton.<br />
In the youngest city in<br />
New Zealand, creativity is<br />
thriving and can be seen<br />
from all angles, though<br />
sometimes it is hidden away<br />
from plain sight.<br />
Offering a captivating<br />
glimpse into this is the<br />
Boon Street Art Walking<br />
Tour, open on Saturdays. It<br />
provides the opportunity to<br />
discover Hamilton’s striking<br />
art murals.<br />
Tour guide Graeme Cairns<br />
provides an entertaining<br />
and informative experience<br />
while you roam the city.<br />
He started the tour I<br />
he doesn’t expect the first<br />
one will get him over the<br />
$10,000 mark.<br />
But for King’s Gumboot<br />
Friday “I’ll find the money<br />
one way or another”.<br />
The festival combines<br />
two major events – a<br />
Gumboot Friday concert at<br />
Claudelands and a dinner at<br />
Tieke Golf Estate featuring<br />
Rod Dixon – and marking<br />
the 40th anniversary of his<br />
Yew York City marathon win<br />
– with sporting events where<br />
the greater the participation,<br />
the more benefit it will be<br />
for host clubs.<br />
Poole has lined up Mahe<br />
Drysdale and Juliette Haigh<br />
as spokespeople for the<br />
event.<br />
Cambridge High School<br />
band Pineja will open at<br />
Claudelands for Jason<br />
Kerrison and The Feelers.<br />
The festival of sport<br />
programme includes events<br />
aimed at children, adults,<br />
families and schools.<br />
Swimming, athletics,<br />
golf, rowing, goalkicking,<br />
basketball, cycling, crossfit,<br />
fishing and football events<br />
will be held in and around<br />
Cambridge.<br />
Poole doesn’t hide his<br />
was on by mentioning his<br />
personal experience as an<br />
artist, though his only mural<br />
was done back in the 80s.<br />
This lined up with the first<br />
instance of street art in<br />
Hamilton, the 1980s Artline<br />
scheme.<br />
He also chatted briefly<br />
about the history of<br />
Hamilton’s city centre.<br />
With a liaison between the<br />
Boon Festival, the owners of<br />
buildings and the council, the<br />
opportunity for artists has<br />
brought to life some of the<br />
side streets and prominent<br />
buildings of the city.<br />
admiration for King.<br />
From bawdy – and<br />
successful – comedian,<br />
King has transformed into<br />
a passionate campaigner for<br />
greater awareness of mental<br />
health since launching his<br />
community korero show a<br />
decade ago.<br />
Poole describes King’s<br />
passion for mental health as<br />
almost a conversion.<br />
He was considering<br />
getting King to speak in<br />
schools eight years ago, so<br />
went and watched him at<br />
Tamaki College to be certain<br />
he would be the right fit.<br />
“Phenomenal – he had the<br />
kids laughing, engaged – he<br />
also spoke exceedingly well,<br />
too, to kids who were not<br />
struggling to tell them about<br />
their role to keep an eye out<br />
for others.”<br />
King subsequently spoke<br />
to middle schools for Poole.<br />
“He blew us away – we<br />
thought we knew our kids.<br />
He finished speaking and<br />
invited anyone who wanted<br />
to come up and chat. We<br />
left him with eight students<br />
and what they told him was<br />
extraordinary and resulted<br />
in actions we could take to<br />
ensure they were looked<br />
Cairns said specific<br />
guidelines are in place that<br />
ensure the art is deemed<br />
appropriate for all ages,<br />
something some of the<br />
artists had to look out for.<br />
From northwestern art<br />
styles, such as a bear and<br />
a wolf that are prominent<br />
in native American art and<br />
culture by Mica Still, all the<br />
way to traditional Chinese<br />
imagery on the side of a<br />
Chinese shop by <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
artists who ate there while<br />
studying at Wintec, the<br />
range of style is massive.<br />
For an engaging look<br />
after.”<br />
King was made an Officer<br />
of the New Zealand Order<br />
of Merit in 2019. Two<br />
years later, through tears,<br />
he handed the medal back,<br />
imploring people to do<br />
something.<br />
He spoke of a profound<br />
sense of sadness that “no<br />
one’s listening”.<br />
King’s Gumboot Friday is<br />
a free counselling service for<br />
people 25 and under and<br />
delivers more than 3400<br />
sessions a month.<br />
On his website he laments<br />
that more than 100 families<br />
will lose a loved one this<br />
year, and thousands more<br />
Graeme Cairns chats about the Wintec students who used to<br />
eat at Canton Hong Kong Restaurant and the mural they painted<br />
years later<br />
into Hamilton’s street art,<br />
as well as a way to simply<br />
local businesses and artists,<br />
the Boon Street Art Walking<br />
Mike King<br />
will be destroyed “trying to<br />
navigate a broken system”.<br />
“Sadly, this crucial lifeline<br />
is not funded by central<br />
government and or will it<br />
ever be,” he says.<br />
Rowing champion Mahe Drysdale, in his heyday, is now a<br />
spokesperson for the event. Photo: Supplied.<br />
Tour is definitely something<br />
to dive into.<br />
• Ethan Bennett is a Wintec<br />
journalism student.<br />
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AS SEEN IN<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
A<br />
12-year-old from Te Awamutu<br />
who invented an educational card<br />
game has picked up the Te Pūkenga<br />
Company of the Year at the <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
regional Young Enterprise Awards.<br />
Jacob Chetwin attends Te Awamutu<br />
College.<br />
The year-12 students’ game is designed to<br />
teach year 7 and 8 students about business<br />
concepts and financial literacy.<br />
The strategic game consists of 75-card<br />
deck and has been played by over 700<br />
students across the <strong>Waikato</strong>.<br />
Jacob plans to continue developing and<br />
Jacob plays his cards right<br />
Martin Brock presented Jacob Chetwin, with his certificate.<br />
expanding his business, called Liquidation,<br />
into 2024.<br />
He will compete at the Lion Foundation<br />
sponsored Young Enterprise National<br />
Awards in Wellington on December 4.<br />
More than 250 Year 12 and 13 students<br />
participated in Young Enterprise Scheme<br />
in <strong>2023</strong>, setting up and operating their<br />
own businesses, creating, promoting, and<br />
selling a product or service, conducting<br />
market research, planning, budgeting,<br />
managing risk and turning problems into<br />
opportunities.<br />
The annual event aims to provide young<br />
people with opportunities to develop an<br />
entrepreneurial mindset.<br />
Results from the regional<br />
awards night:<br />
Foster Construction’s Runner Up<br />
– Reusaballs, Sacred Heart Girls<br />
College (Hamilton), <strong>Waikato</strong> Chamber<br />
of Commerce’s Excellence in Financial<br />
Management Award – UniquelyMe, Sacred<br />
Heart Girls College (Hamilton), EMA’s<br />
Excellence in Production Award – Down<br />
to Earth, Hamilton Boys High School,<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> Pacific <strong>Business</strong> Network’s Pasifika<br />
Enterprise Award – Doughnas, Sacred<br />
Heart Girls’ College (Hamilton), <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
<strong>Business</strong> <strong>News</strong>’ Excellence in Promotion<br />
and Marketing Award – Cheeky Chocolates,<br />
Fraser High School, CAL Isuzu’s Excellence<br />
in Innovation Award – Tyred Dogz, Hauraki<br />
Plains College, The University of <strong>Waikato</strong>’s<br />
Excellence in Leadership Award – Anna<br />
Hart, Hauraki Plains College, Excellence<br />
in Sales - Bubble No Trouble, <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
Diocesan School for Girls, Best Trade Fair<br />
Presence – Reusaballs, Sacred Heart Girls<br />
College (Hamilton), E x c e l l e n c e<br />
in Sustainability Award – Sprowt, St<br />
Peters Cambridge, Best Annual Review –<br />
Play Kāri, <strong>Waikato</strong> Diocesan School for<br />
Girls, Commitment to <strong>Business</strong> Award –<br />
Liquidation, Te Awamutu College.<br />
Grayson Clements associate thrives<br />
on simplifying the complex for clients<br />
Banking<br />
by degrees<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> University has introduced the<br />
country’s first Bachelor of Banking, Finance &<br />
Technology.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> Management School pro vice<br />
chancellor Matt Bolger said employers say they<br />
will increasingly need people who can thrive in<br />
both finance and technology:<br />
“The world of finance runs on digital<br />
technology. From investment platforms<br />
and digital currencies to the way we make<br />
payments, nothing happens without digital.<br />
Yet no undergraduate degree in New Zealand<br />
currently recognises the need for these dual<br />
competencies.”<br />
“The BBFinTech will fill this critical skills<br />
gap. Graduates will help businesses continue<br />
to innovate and evolve - whether they are a<br />
local Kiwi champion or a Silicon Valley startup.”<br />
A 2022 Fintech Insights report found that<br />
200 New Zealand tech companies generated<br />
an export revenue of $1.8 billion that year.<br />
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s<br />
investigation into digital currencies also signals<br />
an even more cashless future, according to<br />
Bolger.<br />
Shane Marsh, founder of fintech innovator<br />
Dosh and University of <strong>Waikato</strong> alumni, said<br />
they will require more skilled people<br />
He says this sector has a range of opportunities<br />
and that regulation will be especially critical.<br />
“There is a real need for people with fintech<br />
skills who can help shape the future of financial<br />
services. We need people who understand how<br />
open banking, digital currencies and emerging<br />
technology will define the future solutions we<br />
want in New Zealand and overseas.”<br />
The BBFinTech degree will arm students<br />
with expertise in financial markets,<br />
investment platforms, digital finance, banking<br />
operations, automated trading, blockchains,<br />
cryptocurrencies, cyber security, and more.<br />
Grayson Clements’ Associate Lawyer, Philip McHugh, thrives<br />
on complexity and the challenge of navigating uncertainties.<br />
What sets<br />
him apart,<br />
however, is<br />
his ability<br />
to put the individual, his<br />
client, at the center of<br />
the issue and develop<br />
bespoke legal solutions<br />
to protect them, their<br />
interests, and their<br />
families.<br />
Philip was recently<br />
promoted from lawyer<br />
to associate at Grayson<br />
Clements, a law firm<br />
based at Hamilton’s<br />
Innovation Park. The firm<br />
was established in 2008<br />
by directors Michael<br />
Grayson and Andrew<br />
Clements with the desire<br />
to grow a firm that was<br />
“a little bit different” in<br />
its value-driven, clientcentric<br />
approach. It<br />
now employs 26 legal<br />
professionals across a<br />
wide range of areas.<br />
Philip’s love of<br />
learning is clear, and<br />
it’s an approach that<br />
he carries into his<br />
interactions with clients.<br />
He has a Bachelor<br />
of Arts, majoring in<br />
philosophy and political<br />
science, another<br />
Bachelor of Arts,<br />
majoring in history<br />
and religious studies<br />
and a Bachelor of<br />
Arts with Honours in<br />
Religious Studies from<br />
Victoria University in<br />
Wellington. After forging<br />
a successful career<br />
in retail, including a<br />
stint in the complaints<br />
department for a small<br />
ship cruise line in<br />
London, Philip went back<br />
to university to study law<br />
in 2015, graduating with<br />
a Bachelor of Laws with<br />
Honours in 2018.<br />
He has been<br />
practicing as a solicitor<br />
since then, reaching<br />
associate level after<br />
only four years of his<br />
admission to the bar.<br />
He is also passionate<br />
about developments in<br />
emerging technologies,<br />
including blockchain,<br />
encryption, and AI and<br />
the developing legal<br />
framework to regulate it.<br />
At his best in complex<br />
situations, Philip is<br />
When I’m working<br />
with a client, I start<br />
by getting to know<br />
them, what drives<br />
them, what their<br />
internal motivators<br />
are. By knowing<br />
this, and building a<br />
great relationship,<br />
we can come to a<br />
legal solution that<br />
best suits their<br />
needs and can<br />
grow as they grow.<br />
passionate about helping<br />
his clients achieve their<br />
goals with simple legal<br />
solutions.<br />
“Just because your<br />
life is complex, doesn’t<br />
mean your legal<br />
structure has to be,” he<br />
says.<br />
It’s no surprise then<br />
that Philip thrives on<br />
making his clients feel<br />
comfortable with their<br />
legal structures and<br />
explaining complex legal<br />
terms in plain language.<br />
His specialty is in helping<br />
individual and corporate<br />
clients structure their<br />
relationships with<br />
deeds, agreements and<br />
other documentation,<br />
and he has a particular<br />
interest in the interplay<br />
of legal persons<br />
(companies, trusts,<br />
Limited Partnerships,<br />
etc) to protect, preserve<br />
and commercialise his<br />
Philip McHugh<br />
clients’ potential.<br />
“As a lawyer, I love<br />
exploring the ‘what if’<br />
scenarios with clients,<br />
going down rabbit<br />
holes and getting<br />
to the heart of a<br />
situation and exploring<br />
the opportunities<br />
from there. It’s really<br />
satisfying when you’ve<br />
explored all the options<br />
available and come to a<br />
solution that is beneficial<br />
for the client, not just in<br />
protecting their assets,<br />
but also in knowing you<br />
have looked at every<br />
possibility and come to<br />
the best solution based<br />
Grayson Clements – Design, Deliver, Protect<br />
Grayson Clements was established in 2008 by lawyers Michael Grayson and<br />
Andrew Clements, who both had a desire to grow a firm that focused on designing<br />
solutions, delivering results and protecting people. Their work and reputation have<br />
gained traction and their client base has grown organically to a point where they<br />
now have a team of 26 staff across a range of practice areas.<br />
on their needs.<br />
“I’m particularly<br />
interested in the<br />
technology space as<br />
it relates to the law,<br />
especially as so much of<br />
it has not been legislated<br />
and there’s no right<br />
answer. There’s a huge<br />
amount of work to be<br />
done in that space and<br />
that can only come<br />
through us, as legal<br />
professionals, learning<br />
more and doing more<br />
work in the field to<br />
establish some best<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Hiko will open for business<br />
<strong>Business</strong>es will have an opportunity from next year to work at<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> University. So what is Hiko all about?<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> University<br />
has announced<br />
plans to establish<br />
a new hub for business<br />
opening next year.<br />
The Gateway building,<br />
a short walk from the<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> Management<br />
School and The Pā, will<br />
become the Hiko hub which<br />
will provide opportunities<br />
for businesses, particularly<br />
those who want to work with<br />
students and researchers<br />
and take advantage of<br />
campus grounds and<br />
amenities.<br />
It follows similar<br />
initiatives such as the<br />
Newmarket Innovation<br />
Precinct in Auckland.<br />
Hiko means lightning in<br />
te reo Māori and reflects the<br />
fact the new venture is about<br />
the ignition of big ideas and<br />
the energy needed to grow<br />
them.<br />
The project is being<br />
overseen by chief operating<br />
officer Jim Mercer and<br />
Pro-Vice Chancellor at<br />
the <strong>Waikato</strong> Management<br />
School, Matt Bolger. Natalie<br />
Swart recently appointed as<br />
the Hiko Hub manager.<br />
The university says the<br />
new hub aspires to improve<br />
the connection between the<br />
business community and the<br />
University, acknowledging<br />
it can be a challenging<br />
landscape to navigate.<br />
“This is a concept that’s<br />
been brewing for several<br />
years, motivated by a desire<br />
to be more aligned to the<br />
needs of specific industry<br />
groups, as well as making<br />
smarter use of our space,”<br />
Jim Mercer said.<br />
“We’re confident Hiko hub<br />
meets a real need for small<br />
businesses in the region<br />
who want to offer their<br />
teams a vibrant and modern<br />
workplace and generally be<br />
part of something bigger.”<br />
Hiko will comprise a mix<br />
of open plan, private and<br />
semi-private offices.<br />
Operational costs and a<br />
raft of support services will<br />
be bundled into tenancy<br />
fees.<br />
The Hiko team say interest<br />
has been strong, particularly<br />
from the technology sector.<br />
The university had taken<br />
inspiration from co-working<br />
spaces around the country,<br />
along with feedback from<br />
business owners across the<br />
region. Swart said.<br />
“What we’ve been hearing<br />
is that many of them are<br />
reassessing what they need<br />
from a commercial office<br />
but creating a sense of<br />
community when people<br />
are in the office is more<br />
important than ever.”<br />
Scholars announced<br />
The <strong>Waikato</strong> Regional Council and <strong>Waikato</strong>-<br />
Tainui Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu<br />
scholars for <strong>2023</strong> have been announced.<br />
The list includes 10 <strong>Waikato</strong> tauira studying<br />
a range of academic fields have won.<br />
The scholarships provide up to $4400<br />
to support Māori students pursuing fulltime<br />
undergraduate programmes at<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> University, particularly in resource<br />
management or environmental fields.<br />
Applicants must be enrolled in full-time<br />
undergraduate study at <strong>Waikato</strong> University, be<br />
of Māori descent, and from a family that resides<br />
in the <strong>Waikato</strong> Regional Council boundary.<br />
The scholars are<br />
• Tina Hille-Taylor (Te Waenganuitanga), 19,<br />
who is studying a Bachelor of Management<br />
Studies with Honours and Bachelor of Laws<br />
and lives in Hamilton.<br />
• Jasmine (Ngahuia) Young (Te Rarawa), 20, is<br />
due to complete a Diploma in Te Tohu Paetahi<br />
and is enrolled for further undergraduate study.<br />
• Keana Hepi (Tainui), 19 is studying a Bachelor<br />
of Arts and Bachelor of Laws and lives in<br />
Hamilton.<br />
• Tui Barrett (Tainui/Kaitahu), 26, is from<br />
Hamilton is undertaking a Bachelor of Health<br />
Sport and Human Performance.<br />
• Tiffany Walker (Ngāti Tūwharetoa), 36,<br />
from Tūrangi is undertaking a Bachelor of<br />
Environmental Planning in Te Ara Taiao:<br />
Māori and the Environment.<br />
• Atawhai McDonnell (Tainui), 19, from<br />
Hamilton is undertaking a Bachelor of Arts.<br />
• Mekayla Peneha (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Maniapoto,<br />
Te Rarawa, Ngāti Kahu), 30, from Ngāruawāhia<br />
has just commenced her third year of study<br />
of a Bachelor of Health in Poutū-manahau<br />
Population Health.<br />
• Kimihia Solomon-Banks (Tainui), 24, from<br />
Raglan is undertaking a Bachelor of <strong>Business</strong>.<br />
• Aaron Barnsdall (<strong>Waikato</strong>, Raukawa, Ngāti<br />
Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Pūkenga, Pouākani), 38,<br />
from Hamilton is undertaking a Bachelor of<br />
Environmental Planning in Te Ara Taiao:<br />
Māori and the Environment.<br />
• Ella Cooper-Levin (Whakatōhea), 21, is<br />
completing an honours year of her Bachelor of<br />
Computing and Mathematical Sciences and is<br />
from Te Kauwhata.<br />
Pro Vice-Chancellor for the <strong>Waikato</strong> Management School, Matt Bolger, left, pictured with HIKO hub<br />
Manager Natalie Swart and Chief Operating Officer Jim Mercer.<br />
Celebrating scholars: Back, from left, Bruce Clarkson (<strong>Waikato</strong> Regional Council), Dr Charles<br />
Lee (<strong>Waikato</strong> University), middle, Kimihia Solomon-Banks, Glenda Taituha (<strong>Waikato</strong>-Tainui),<br />
Tim Manukau (<strong>Waikato</strong> University), Aaron Barnsdall, Tui Barrett, Johnny Kenny (Regional<br />
Council), Tina Hille-Taylor, front, Mekayla Peneha, Hone Thompson (Tumuaki o te Kingitanga),<br />
Jasmine (Ngahuia) Young, Atawhai McDonnell, Tiffany Walker and Keana Hepi.<br />
AI – the need for transparency<br />
Heather Claycomb sees huge benefits that will come with artificial intelligence<br />
adoption – but she believes it has muddied the waters of trust between<br />
businesses and their customers.<br />
<strong>Business</strong>es face new<br />
challenges when building<br />
and maintaining trust in<br />
the ‘ChatGPT age’, Heather<br />
Claycomb says.<br />
With the help of artificial<br />
intelligence, AI, businesses<br />
are streamlining operations,<br />
enhancing customer<br />
experiences, and even<br />
creating written and visual<br />
content that was once the<br />
sole domain of human<br />
creativity.<br />
But people are nervous<br />
about the use of AI and<br />
distrustful of companies<br />
using it, Claycomb, a<br />
director of PR agency HMC,<br />
says.<br />
The trust issue is tackled<br />
in the company’s latest<br />
podcast.<br />
A global, 31-country<br />
survey by Ipsos in July<br />
found New Zealanders were<br />
more nervous about AI<br />
and more distrustful than<br />
their global counterparts.<br />
It found only 43 per cent<br />
of New Zealanders trust<br />
companies that use AI will<br />
protect their personal data,<br />
and a similar percentage<br />
trusted companies that use<br />
AI as much as they trust<br />
other companies.<br />
In the same study, 63<br />
per cent of New Zealanders<br />
surveyed said products and<br />
services that use AI make<br />
them nervous - compared<br />
with a 52% global country<br />
average.<br />
“Generative AI is relatively<br />
new – we are just days<br />
away from ChatGPT’s oneyear<br />
launch anniversary,”<br />
Claycomb said..<br />
“However, most people<br />
in our community have<br />
virtually no awareness or<br />
understanding of generative<br />
AI technologies. So,<br />
when they discover that a<br />
photographic image isn’t<br />
a real picture, or that an<br />
article was produced by a<br />
computer, not a person, it<br />
jars their mind. They can<br />
become distrustful very<br />
quickly.”<br />
She says one key to<br />
maintaining trust when<br />
embracing the use of<br />
generative AI is full<br />
disclosure.<br />
“Not only does this<br />
maintain business integrity,<br />
it also helps people<br />
acclimatise to the use of the<br />
technology. As AI becomes<br />
normalised, it’s likely<br />
disclosure will no longer be<br />
necessary. But it is for now,”<br />
she says.<br />
With AI stirring up<br />
nervousness and suspicion,<br />
businesses must be<br />
purposeful to reap the<br />
benefits of trust.<br />
“Creating a high-trust<br />
organisation is basically<br />
your license to operate.<br />
It gives you the power to<br />
take risks and recover<br />
quickly when you make<br />
mistakes. Trust gives you a<br />
competitive advantage. And<br />
high-trust organisations<br />
reap the rewards of loyal,<br />
hard-working staff,” says<br />
Heather.<br />
• See meet your new<br />
partner, Page 18
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
How Company-X grew during the pandemic<br />
It was the worst of times.<br />
Company-X co-founders Jeremy<br />
Hughes and David Hallett called<br />
a companywide meeting as New<br />
Zealand responded to the global<br />
pandemic with its first lockdown.<br />
Hallett and Hughes were prepared for<br />
the worst and hoped for the best.<br />
More than 50 people joined the call<br />
from home offices, bedrooms, dining<br />
rooms and lounges around New Zealand<br />
to hear the co-founders promise that<br />
they would take Company-X to a fourday<br />
week rather than lose anyone in a<br />
pandemic-propelled downturn.<br />
The Company-X team took a<br />
collective sigh of relief.<br />
Three years on and Company-X<br />
has retained and grown its team while<br />
avoiding going to a four-day week.<br />
“We immediately expected a<br />
downturn and a struggle to retain our<br />
team,” Hughes reflected.<br />
“Our goal was to keep everyone<br />
together and leave no one behind,”<br />
Hallett added.<br />
Hughes and Hallett had spent<br />
eight years building a team of around<br />
50 highly skilled, tightly knit, selfmanaging,<br />
and co-located team<br />
of analysts, architects, designers,<br />
developers, testers, and project<br />
managers.<br />
Company-X’s team had earned a<br />
reputation creating tools and systems<br />
that help their clients make evidencebased<br />
decisions.<br />
The software specialist is renowned<br />
for creating solutions that consolidate<br />
“We hired a bunch<br />
of people who are<br />
prepared to take<br />
initiative. That is<br />
one of the things<br />
that really made a<br />
difference.”<br />
asset, financial and other statistical<br />
information from a range of sources to<br />
provide insights into performance.<br />
Company-X supports clients to<br />
improve the quality of business-critical<br />
data for effective decision making.<br />
The team also has deep expertise in<br />
simulation and virtual reality.<br />
“We firmly believed we had a<br />
fantastic team that we wanted to<br />
retain,” Hughes said.<br />
“Looking back, we are so pleased,<br />
grateful and thankful that we came<br />
through the last few years growing as<br />
a company and retaining the team,”<br />
Hallett said.<br />
“We hired a bunch of people who are<br />
prepared to take initiative. That is one of<br />
the things that really made a difference,”<br />
Hallett said.<br />
Company-X had implemented<br />
strategies that supported team<br />
members mental, physical, and<br />
emotional health during the pandemic.<br />
“The vision was to help the team<br />
‘stay the course’,” Hallett said.<br />
“During the pandemic it was<br />
not unusual for team members to<br />
receive a phone call from a wellbeing<br />
representative asking how they were<br />
going.”<br />
Company-X sent care packages to<br />
team members who tested positive for<br />
COVID-19.<br />
“We are proud of what we<br />
have accomplished during the<br />
pandemic,” Hallett said.<br />
“We have shown that we<br />
are a resilient company that<br />
is able to adapt to change,”<br />
Hughes concluded.<br />
Above: Company-X retained and grew<br />
its team during the COVID-19 pandemic.<br />
Below: Company-X co-founders Jeremy<br />
Hughes, left, and David Hallett.<br />
Navigate the<br />
digital landscape<br />
with us
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Being mayor, doing that…<br />
Mary Anne Gill catches up with Waipā’s<br />
first female mayor, Susan O’Regan.<br />
Plenty of people are<br />
prepared to put a<br />
wager on Waipā mayor<br />
Susan O’Regan becoming a<br />
National Party member of<br />
Parliament.<br />
But right now, it would be<br />
a tough ask prising her out<br />
of the job she describes as<br />
the best she has ever had.<br />
Politics pores through<br />
her veins – her mother<br />
Katherine O’Regan was<br />
the first woman elected on<br />
the Waipā County Council<br />
and was then an MP from<br />
1984 to 1999; serving<br />
as a minister in various<br />
portfolios during the fourth<br />
National government.<br />
In 2018 when Katherine<br />
died of breast cancer –<br />
diagnosed through the free<br />
screening programme she<br />
helped set up as Associate<br />
Health minister – Susan was<br />
in her first term as a Waipā<br />
district councillor.<br />
Two years earlier she<br />
turned down the opportunity<br />
to become the National<br />
Party MP in Taranaki-King<br />
Country because she was<br />
pregnant with son Jack.<br />
The 51-year-old is Waipā’s<br />
first female mayor.<br />
O’Regan recently reflected<br />
on the 12 months as<br />
mayor before heading off<br />
to Le Quesnoy in France<br />
to represent Waipā at the<br />
opening of Te Arawhata –<br />
New Zealand Liberation<br />
Museum followed by her<br />
first break in a year.<br />
Cambridge, Waipā’s<br />
largest town, and Le<br />
Quesnoy are sister<br />
cities and in 2018 Waipā<br />
controversially donated<br />
$150,000 towards the<br />
museum’s establishment.<br />
O’Regan abstained early<br />
on from voting on moral<br />
grounds saying she would<br />
have preferred to see that<br />
money go on a museum<br />
of relevance for Waipā<br />
ratepayers – one which<br />
would acknowledge the New<br />
Zealand Land Wars’ impact<br />
on the district.<br />
“I always had a little bit<br />
of reservation in my mind<br />
because there were our own<br />
histories here which needed<br />
attention.<br />
“But this is a crucial piece<br />
of telling New Zealand<br />
history in an area where<br />
there is a paucity of New<br />
Zealand stories.<br />
“It’s such a great story and<br />
the connection Cambridge<br />
has to Le Quesnoy and the<br />
town has with New Zealand<br />
means it is an important<br />
story to tell.”<br />
When O’Regan stood for<br />
the mayoralty last year, her<br />
biggest task was getting to<br />
know what the issues were<br />
in Cambridge.<br />
She is closely aligned<br />
with Te Awamutu. The<br />
Judge Road 240ha dairy<br />
farm she and husband John<br />
Hayward have is closer to Te<br />
Awamutu than Cambridge –<br />
the town is where she and<br />
her family play sport and<br />
gravitate to - plus she had<br />
been a practising barrister<br />
in Te Awamutu specialising<br />
in family law.<br />
So, she worked Cambridge<br />
hard and secured the<br />
business community’s<br />
support at the Chamber<br />
of Commerce’s Town Hall<br />
meeting. She romped home<br />
campaigning on “A Time for<br />
Change” against incumbent<br />
Jim Mylchreest and<br />
newcomer Chris Woodhams,<br />
a brash businessperson<br />
who lost crucial support<br />
when he said Cambridge<br />
businesses had nothing to<br />
offer by way of employment<br />
Meet the family: Susan O’Regan and husband John Hayward with their children, from left: Lily, George, Jack, Emily and Ben.<br />
<br />
Photo: Mary Anne Gill.<br />
opportunities.<br />
As Waipā’s first female<br />
mayor, she joined other<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> women in politics<br />
with two National Party MPs<br />
Louise Upston (Taupō) and<br />
Barbara Kuriger (Taranaki-<br />
King Country) and Labour’s<br />
Nanaia Mahuta, whose<br />
Hauraki <strong>Waikato</strong> seat was<br />
won at the election by Te<br />
Pāti Māori’s Hana Rawhiti<br />
Maipi-Clarke.<br />
There are four <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
women mayors: O’Regan,<br />
Jacqui Church (<strong>Waikato</strong>),<br />
Paula Southgate (Hamilton)<br />
and Adrienne Wilcock<br />
(Matamata-Piako).<br />
Plus, there are three<br />
women deputy mayors –<br />
Angela O’Leary (Hamilton),<br />
Liz Stolwyk (Waipā) and<br />
Carolyn Eyre (<strong>Waikato</strong>) and<br />
rounding out the female<br />
influence is <strong>Waikato</strong> regional<br />
council chair Pamela Storey.<br />
O’Regan threw herself into<br />
the job which she describes<br />
as “full time and then some.”<br />
Her conscience played<br />
havoc with her emotions<br />
and time in those earlier<br />
months. She now admits she<br />
did too much.<br />
“It’s a female thing. If I’m<br />
not here, you are failing the<br />
people, and if you are here<br />
too much, you are failing<br />
the children, the husband,<br />
the farm.”<br />
She feels she has the<br />
balance right now even<br />
tacking on some days away<br />
in Europe with her husband<br />
at their own cost.<br />
“He’s never been to<br />
Europe, and I only had a<br />
fleeting visit 20 years ago.”<br />
O’Regan is expecting<br />
a tough workload on her<br />
return, a reference to rising<br />
Watching you: National’s Christopher Luxon, then Leader of the<br />
Opposition, and Taupō MP Louise Upston will have to wait a bit<br />
longer before Susan O’Regan joins them in Wellington.<br />
<br />
Photo: Mary Anne Gill.<br />
Women in charge: A zone two meeting at Lake Karāpiro brought together some of <strong>Waikato</strong>’s female leaders, from left: Pamela Storey<br />
(<strong>Waikato</strong> Regional chair), Adrienne Wilcock (Matamata-Piako), Susan O’Regan (Waipā), Paula Southgate, Angela O’Leary (both<br />
Hamilton) and Liz Stolwyk (Waipā). <br />
Photo: Mary Anne Gill.<br />
costs and rate increases<br />
or the three Is – inflation,<br />
interest and insurance.<br />
“The very obvious elephant<br />
in the room is that very strong<br />
headwinds in the financial<br />
space. I can’t emphasise<br />
enough the challenges we<br />
will have.”<br />
In that respect Waipā is<br />
not alone among <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
councils but she rules out any<br />
thoughts of a Super <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
City including neighbours<br />
like Hamilton and <strong>Waikato</strong>.<br />
“We already have a high<br />
level of cooperation and<br />
there are a lot of (other) ways<br />
to collaborate.”<br />
Collaborations, shared<br />
services, deals with<br />
neighbours – that is the way<br />
to do it, she says.<br />
“I see we (already) have a<br />
high level of co-operation.”<br />
There are two more years<br />
before another local body<br />
election – O’Regan is in the<br />
camp which thinks it should<br />
be four and not three years.<br />
“We are making decisions<br />
that fit into a picture that<br />
lasts more than a three-year<br />
cycle.”<br />
Decisions should be<br />
longer-term ones making<br />
elected officials better<br />
ancestors.<br />
She wants to keep focused<br />
on the end goals.<br />
Prime Minister<br />
Christopher Luxon once gave<br />
her some advice – ‘write your<br />
last report or letter now and<br />
when you do decide to leave<br />
or are pushed out, you better<br />
hope that what you said at<br />
the beginning has come to<br />
fruition’.<br />
The fact she references<br />
Luxon is a nod to O’Regan’s<br />
continued interest in<br />
national politics but for now<br />
she loves being mayor more.<br />
“It’s been really fun. It’s<br />
such a privilege, a huge<br />
privilege, it’s the best job I’ve<br />
ever had. It just plays to all<br />
of the parts about me as a<br />
person.<br />
“I just love this district.<br />
The more time I spend out of<br />
the district, at mayoral things<br />
and local government things,<br />
I realise how fortunate we<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
ey Toyota whats u<br />
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Warranty, AA Roadservice, WOF Checks and Hybrid Battery Warranty available on Toyota Certified hybrid vehicles imported by Toyota New Zealand that have been first registered overseas,<br />
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NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong>
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Playing pass<br />
the parcels<br />
So, what does the change<br />
of Government really<br />
mean for you?<br />
A <strong>Waikato</strong> couple have gone<br />
head to head with New<br />
Zealand Post – what’s it all<br />
about? Roy Pilott reports.<br />
Dani and Ian Kennedy fear for their company’ future.<br />
The next stage of a festering row over<br />
postal deliveries is days away as<br />
Justice Gault prepared to release a<br />
ruling on an injunction bid.<br />
Te Awamutu couple Ian and Dani Kennedy<br />
are challenging New Zealand Post’s plans to<br />
change delivery services and introduce a<br />
Multi Run business model.<br />
The couple say they have invested<br />
significant money and their company, Three<br />
Hills Group Ltd , is protected by a contract,<br />
while New Zealand Post is attempting to<br />
change who can deliver where.<br />
In particular, the company wants to make<br />
changes in rural areas which are being<br />
swallowed up as towns and cities expand.<br />
One such case is the outskirts of Hamilton,<br />
where the RD3 run Dani and Ian Kennedy<br />
maintain is, they say, under threat.<br />
They were in the High Court in Hamilton<br />
last month challenging the change – now<br />
they are waiting to see whether or not their<br />
injunction application succeeds.<br />
Their case is backed Pro Driver Advocates<br />
whose chief Peter Gallagher said the latest<br />
edition of the company’s communique<br />
discusses the idea of “one network” for one<br />
person to deliver both mail and parcels to<br />
each address.<br />
“What this is saying is what we have been<br />
stating all along – that the contracted right<br />
for an exclusive run is only as exclusive as<br />
NZ Post decides it is – and this is definitely<br />
not what these RD guys have been paying<br />
big money for.”<br />
The Kennedys are well known in their RD<br />
community – when a parcel is dropped off,<br />
they send a text message to someone in the<br />
home.<br />
Gallagher says the couple invested almost<br />
$500,000 in their run four years ago, and<br />
New Zealand Post wants to terminate their<br />
contract to make way for a multi run courier<br />
business model and increase its use of<br />
CourierPost deliveries.<br />
The court has been told the couple were<br />
the victims of a marketing strategy which<br />
was entirely for the benefit of NZ Post “and<br />
its culmination was in the dismembering of<br />
urban fringe rural delivery routes”.<br />
Gallagher says mail is declining, but there<br />
is an increase in parcel fright – and that is<br />
where future profit lies.<br />
Dani and Ian Kennedy updated their<br />
customers last month with a “we need your<br />
support” flyer outlining their concerns and<br />
inviting them to tick a box to indicate their<br />
support.<br />
It says the new One Network model<br />
was announced with no consultation with<br />
existing operators.<br />
Look before you leap…<br />
Two <strong>Waikato</strong> centres have<br />
tapped into an app which<br />
enables users with specific<br />
needs to “call in” ahead of<br />
their visit.<br />
Cerge is a communication<br />
platform which assists<br />
people with disabilities.<br />
In its promotional<br />
material Belgravia Leisure<br />
says “as an individual with a<br />
disability, imagine having an<br />
exceptional guest experience<br />
every time you visit your<br />
local leisure centre, simply<br />
by using an app to alert the<br />
venue ahead of time of your<br />
service preferences.”<br />
It says the facility is now<br />
available in five centres<br />
around New Zealand and 30<br />
venues in Australia.<br />
The New Zealand centres<br />
are the Gallagher and Huntly<br />
aquatic centres in <strong>Waikato</strong>,<br />
Mount Albert Aquatic<br />
Centre, Franklin Pool and<br />
Leisure Centre and Trust<br />
House Recreation Centre in<br />
Masterton.<br />
The Cerge app is free and<br />
allows users to alert customer<br />
service staff to their needs.<br />
Belgravia says it provides<br />
an access pathway.<br />
“This includes personalised<br />
greetings, express check in<br />
or skip the queue, having<br />
accessible equipment set<br />
up before arrival, arranging<br />
guided tours pointing out<br />
accessible features and any<br />
other tailored experience<br />
necessary to allow the guest<br />
to have an exceptional<br />
experience, all whilst<br />
removing the guesswork<br />
for staff to provide these<br />
services.”<br />
The platform can also<br />
provide virtual tours where<br />
visitors can explore venues<br />
in advance and audio guides<br />
powered by A.I.<br />
Belgravia Leisure operates<br />
more than 230 venues across<br />
New Zealand and Australia.<br />
“Launching Cerge in<br />
Belgravia Leisure’s New<br />
Zealand venues is a<br />
significant step towards our<br />
mission of making leisure<br />
venues more inclusive and<br />
accessible,” the company’s<br />
Disability and Diversity<br />
Manager Jeff Walkley said.<br />
If we look at the respective policies<br />
of ACT, National and NZ First,<br />
there’s a lot of commonalities.<br />
They include:<br />
• Cancel the planned fuel tax hikes<br />
which would have added another<br />
12 cents per litre of petrol.<br />
• Repealing the Ute Tax will be a<br />
boon for farmers and the large<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> motor industry.<br />
• Start reducing public sector<br />
expenditure by 6.5% on average<br />
by requiring CEOs to identify<br />
back-office spending not critical to<br />
frontline services.<br />
• Establish a permanent Rural<br />
Regulation Review Panel to assess<br />
regulations affecting the primary<br />
sector in order to cut red tape.<br />
• Introduce legislation to restore 90-<br />
day trial periods for all businesses.<br />
• Begin work on establishing a<br />
National Infrastructure Agency and<br />
issue a draft Government Policy<br />
Statement on Transport reflecting<br />
new Roads of National Significance<br />
and public transport projects.<br />
• Begin work on National’s Going for<br />
Housing Growth policy, to expand<br />
housing supply, build infrastructure<br />
and give councils flexibility to<br />
deliver.<br />
• Introduce legislation mandating<br />
approval of building materials<br />
and product systems meeting<br />
international standards equivalent<br />
to New Zealand’s.<br />
• Repeal the RMA 2.0 legislation and<br />
introduce a fast-track consenting<br />
regime.<br />
• Repeal of the Three Waters<br />
legislation.<br />
And, even if NZ First does come into<br />
a formal coalition arrangement, there<br />
are things they are keen on that would<br />
be good for business. Such as:<br />
• On infrastructure and logistics,<br />
Connect - Grow - Inspire - Represent<br />
Don Good, CEO of <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
Chamber of Commerce.<br />
they want the medium-term<br />
focus to be on infrastructure that<br />
improves productivity. A new<br />
Ministry of Infrastructure will<br />
be tasked with determining an<br />
optimal investment programme<br />
to provide greater investment and<br />
employment certainty for private<br />
sector contractors.<br />
From the <strong>Waikato</strong> Chamber’s<br />
perspective, there have been three<br />
projects we wish to see the new<br />
government start ASAP.<br />
The first is complete the Cambridge<br />
to Piarere extension of the <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
Expressway.<br />
The second is the University of<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> Medical School. It is an<br />
investment in our regional NZ health<br />
and well-being.<br />
The third is the big Southern Links<br />
project which gives the <strong>Waikato</strong> region<br />
a huge economic boost.<br />
So, a lot of positive changes that<br />
will make it easier to do business, both<br />
here in the <strong>Waikato</strong> and around the<br />
country.<br />
We look forward to the proposed<br />
mini budget before Christmas which<br />
will give us clear direction as to<br />
what the new Government wants to<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Looking to maximise<br />
value – well, you can’t<br />
sell a secret<br />
Meta picks up<br />
legacy award<br />
In the current<br />
challenging<br />
environment of<br />
commercial real estate,<br />
marketing your property<br />
for sale is not just a choice;<br />
it’s a strategic necessity.<br />
Effective marketing<br />
can often significantly<br />
increase the likelihood of<br />
a successful sale, firstly by<br />
leaving no stone unturned<br />
to find the best buyer(s)<br />
and secondly by adding<br />
the element of potential<br />
competition.<br />
Many vendors (and I<br />
know of some agents too<br />
for that matter) seem to<br />
think that if it’s on TradeMe<br />
and the agent has fired it<br />
off to a few parties from<br />
their database, then job<br />
done. Not so!<br />
When executed well, marketing is an<br />
investment, not an expense. So why<br />
market your property and what are<br />
the benefits ?<br />
1. Attracting a Larger Pool of<br />
Potential Buyers<br />
• You broaden the buyer pool by<br />
ensuring it is seen by a wide and<br />
diverse audience. This is essential<br />
in a challenging market where<br />
finding the right buyer can be more<br />
complex.<br />
2. Exposure and Competitive<br />
Advantage<br />
• Your property competes with<br />
numerous other listings, so by<br />
highlighting its unique features,<br />
benefits, and potential, your<br />
property is set apart to stand out<br />
and make it more appealing to<br />
potential buyers.<br />
3. Price Optimization<br />
• Wide coverage increases the<br />
likelihood of receiving multiple<br />
offers, which can lead to a<br />
competitive bidding process that<br />
ultimately improves terms and<br />
drives up the selling price.<br />
4. Speed of Sale<br />
• Effective marketing can expedite<br />
the sale of your property. In<br />
a challenging market where<br />
properties may linger, a strategic<br />
marketing plan can reduce the<br />
time your property spends on the<br />
market. Length of time on the<br />
market is often detrimental to its<br />
value.<br />
5. Confidence Building<br />
• A well-planned marketing strategy<br />
demonstrates commitment to<br />
selling, which can instil confidence<br />
in potential buyers. It showcases<br />
a genuine desire to sell and<br />
provides transparency and<br />
honesty in the transaction.<br />
Some Potential Marketing<br />
Components To Consider<br />
• Websites: such as<br />
Realestate.co.nz,<br />
Trademe.co.nz,<br />
Oneroof.co.nz<br />
• Databases: both<br />
the agents and<br />
their companies.<br />
• Print: major daily’s<br />
such as <strong>Waikato</strong> Times, NZ Herald,<br />
The Press, The Post, Sunday Star<br />
Times<br />
• Print: regional papers exist all<br />
around the country and have strong<br />
local followings<br />
• Signage: Pedestrian and vehicle<br />
profile - a call from a sign indicates<br />
that the party knows where the<br />
property is and they like what they<br />
see.<br />
• Social Media: LinkedIn, Facebook,<br />
Instagram, Google etc. this can be<br />
demographic and geo targeted.<br />
• Industry and trade publications:<br />
Real Estate company portfolios,<br />
databases, newsletters, social<br />
media coverage etc.<br />
And there are more ………..<br />
“The number one reason people<br />
don’t sell, is because they believe<br />
there is a better offer out there” -<br />
John Abbott<br />
Marketing isn’t a cookie cutter or<br />
one-size-fits-all approach. Effective<br />
strategies need to be adjusted to<br />
align with the specific property and<br />
changing market conditions. Ensuring<br />
that your property remains attractive<br />
to buyers even in challenging times is<br />
absolutely paramount.<br />
Whether it’s a small vacant<br />
industrial unit likely to attract a<br />
local owner occupier, or a large<br />
commercial building with national/<br />
corporate/government tenants<br />
attracting national and even possibly<br />
international interest, a marketing<br />
investment must be tailored<br />
specifically to the likely buyer pool for<br />
your property.<br />
What is the one thing that potential<br />
purchasers are currently looking<br />
for? – genuine vendors with genuine<br />
motivation to sell. These are the<br />
instances that attract more buyers,<br />
which invariably leads to the prices<br />
being maximised.<br />
Talk to your marketing specialist<br />
today, to ensure that the best<br />
possible plan has been put together,<br />
ensuring maximum exposure –<br />
and that the marketing content<br />
is being reviewed regularly.<br />
Mike Neale. Managing Director<br />
NAI Harcourts Hamilton.<br />
Pacific business successes have been celebrated in Hamilton<br />
The <strong>Waikato</strong> Pacific<br />
<strong>Business</strong> Network has<br />
presented the founder<br />
of a Hamilton East business<br />
with a Legacy Award.<br />
Meta Tyrell is a co-founder<br />
of the LM4 Group which has<br />
its head office in Hamilton<br />
and branches in Auckland<br />
and Tauranga,<br />
Her enterprise was<br />
launched in 2002 when<br />
she set a goal of enhancing<br />
the lives of her community<br />
by fostering better career<br />
opportunities.<br />
The company oversees<br />
three subsidiaries - Alignz<br />
Recruitment, Puatele and<br />
Oyonnx – employing more<br />
than 400 people and serving<br />
more than 100 clients. There<br />
are plans to expand the<br />
business into Christchurch,<br />
Wellington and Samoa next<br />
year.<br />
The company is providing<br />
training and labour for<br />
the civil works across the<br />
Rotokauri Rise Project, a<br />
residential development<br />
which will encompass nearly<br />
900 sections and include<br />
three park areas and several<br />
wetlands.<br />
It is also providing training<br />
and labour for the work on<br />
the Lockerbie retirement<br />
village development at<br />
Morrinsville and has<br />
partnered CB Civil to<br />
provide training and labour<br />
on the Peacocke wastewater<br />
project for Hamilton City<br />
Council.<br />
The country’s largest battery energy<br />
storage system – Bess - will store energy to<br />
meet the daily demands of over 2000 homes<br />
and provide reserve support for the North<br />
Island grid.<br />
Bess was being commissioned lsst month,<br />
marking the completion of the 35MWh<br />
project at Rotowaro, Huntly, started in July<br />
2022.<br />
The project was a joint venture involving<br />
Infratec and its parent company WEL<br />
Networks.<br />
Almost 300 people were<br />
at the inaugural <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
Pacific <strong>Business</strong> Excellence<br />
event where the presentation<br />
was made by network chair<br />
Rachel Afeaki Taumoepeau.<br />
Excellence awards were<br />
also presented to Josh<br />
Stowers (Mixmaster) Robbie<br />
and Jacina Stapleton (Wash<br />
and Pest Control), Pivot Bail<br />
Accommodation, Talents<br />
of the Pacific Academy,<br />
Deep Dive Division, Grace<br />
Ratima (Acie Designs),<br />
JP Landscaping Ltd, TJ<br />
Brothers Construction,<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> Shutters & Blinds,<br />
Felila Asiata-Feausi<br />
(Oyonxx), Ray Allen,<br />
Meleane Burgess (Dynamic<br />
Advisory), Taimaaiono<br />
Grace Stowers (Hartson<br />
Stowers Law), Nanise<br />
Ginnen (Impact Hub<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>), LT8 Design and<br />
Fabrication and Surgeons<br />
on Clarence.<br />
Meta Tyrell, right, pictured with Hamilton mayor Paul Southgate<br />
and, left, Impact hub <strong>Waikato</strong> chief Nanie Ginnen.<br />
Bess be blessed<br />
An aerial view of Bess at Rotowaro.<br />
“The battery will maximise the benefits<br />
of solar power, providing charging capacity<br />
for electric vehicles and back up during grid<br />
emergencies,” WEL Networks chief Garth<br />
Dibley said.<br />
The battery’s role in reducing the need for<br />
non-renewable energy sources would also<br />
be a contributor to lowering emissions in<br />
support of New Zealand’s net zero emissions<br />
target by 2050.<br />
The battery is the first of its scale in the<br />
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
UBARU<br />
SUBARU<br />
*<br />
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Summer won’t wait for economic conditions to be perfect.<br />
mer And<br />
Summer won’t neither wait won’t<br />
should for wait economic you.<br />
for economic<br />
As the conditions days<br />
conditions<br />
grow to longer be to perfect. be<br />
and<br />
perfect.<br />
Summer won’t wait for economic conditions to be perfect. our<br />
d neither minds<br />
And should neither<br />
and calendars you. should As you. the fill with<br />
As days the<br />
adventures grow days grow longer -<br />
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it’s and the<br />
and our<br />
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And Summer neither won’t should wait you. for As economic the days conditions grow longer to be and perfect. our<br />
ds and time<br />
minds<br />
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and<br />
put a<br />
calendars<br />
deposit fill with * fill<br />
down<br />
with<br />
adventures on<br />
adventures<br />
a new - it’s Subaru<br />
- it’s the<br />
the perfect Crosstrek,<br />
perfect<br />
minds And neither and calendars should you. fill with As the adventures days grow - it’s longer the and perfect our<br />
time to put a deposit<br />
e to put Forester a deposit or Outback. * down Then * down on a new Subaru Crosstrek,<br />
time minds to and put a calendars deposit on a you new can Subaru have it All-Wheel Drive,<br />
Forester or Outback. Then * down fill with on adventures a new Subaru - it’s Crosstrek,<br />
the perfect<br />
you can have it All-Wheel Drive,<br />
ester all or Forester time summer Outback. to put or long, Outback. a Then deposit with you Then * a down 6-month can you have can a holiday new it have All-Wheel Subaru it on All-Wheel repayments. Crosstrek, Drive, Drive,<br />
*<br />
all summer long, with a 6-month holiday on repayments. *<br />
ummer all Forester summer or<br />
long, with long, Outback.<br />
a 6-month with Then a 6-month you can<br />
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Book a test drive at Winger Hamilton<br />
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Rapa Hamilton<br />
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*Fixed interest rate of 7.10%p.a. over 60 months with repayments deferred for six months from the finance start date. These payments will be spread over<br />
the *Fixed<br />
all summer<br />
remaining interest 54 rate months. of<br />
long,<br />
7.10%p.a.<br />
with<br />
The 6-month over 60<br />
a<br />
months<br />
6-month<br />
deferred with payment repayments<br />
holiday<br />
period deferred<br />
on<br />
is not interest-free. for<br />
repayments. *<br />
six months Interest from will the accrue finance on start the date. principal These amount payments and will fees. be Overall spread interest over<br />
costs the *Fixed remaining will interest be higher 54 rate months. of as 7.10%p.a. a result The 6-month over when 60 compared deferred months with payment to a repayments non-deferred period is deferred not loan. interest-free. for Subaru six months Crosstrek Interest from will Premium: the accrue finance on RRP start the $48,990 principal date. These amount incl payments GST, and deposit fees. will Overall be $14,697, spread interest over borrow<br />
interest $34,568.39 rate costs the remaining of will 7.10%p.a. be at higher 54 7.10%p.a., months. over as a 60 fixed result The months for 6-month when the with term. compared deferred repayments Pay $777.31 to a non-deferred a period month is for not loan. 54 six interest-free. out Subaru months of 60 Crosstrek from months. Interest the Premium: Total will finance accrue loan RRP start repayments on the $48,990 date. principal These $41,974.21. incl amount GST, payments Forester: deposit and fees. will $14,697, RRP Overall be spread $46,990 interest borrow over incl<br />
aining GST, 54 $34,568.39 costs<br />
*Fixed<br />
months. deposit will<br />
interest<br />
be $14,097, The at higher 7.10%p.a.,<br />
rate of<br />
6-month as<br />
7.10%p.a.<br />
borrow a fixed result deferred $33,186.39 for when<br />
over<br />
the<br />
60<br />
term. payment compared<br />
months<br />
at 7.10%p.a., Pay $777.31<br />
with<br />
period to a<br />
repayments<br />
fixed non-deferred is a month not for the interest-free. for<br />
deferred<br />
term. loan. 54 Pay out Subaru<br />
for<br />
of<br />
six<br />
$745.84 Interest 60 Crosstrek<br />
months<br />
months.<br />
from<br />
a will month Total accrue Premium:<br />
the<br />
for loan<br />
finance<br />
54 on repayments out RRP<br />
start<br />
the of $48,990<br />
date.<br />
principal 60 months. $41,974.21. incl<br />
These<br />
amount Total GST,<br />
payments<br />
Forester: loan and deposit repayments fees. RRP<br />
will<br />
$14,697,<br />
be<br />
Overall $46,990<br />
spread<br />
$40,275.25. borrow interest incl<br />
over<br />
will be higher Outback: GST, $34,568.39<br />
the remaining deposit as RRP a result $53,490 $14,097, at<br />
54<br />
7.10%p.a.,<br />
months.<br />
when borrow incl fixed<br />
The<br />
GST, compared $33,186.39 for<br />
6-month<br />
deposit the term.<br />
deferred<br />
to $16,047, at a 7.10%p.a., Pay non-deferred $777.31<br />
payment<br />
borrow fixed $37,736.39 a month for period<br />
loan. the for Subaru term. is not<br />
at 547.10%p.a., Pay interest-free.<br />
out Crosstrek $745.84 of 60 fixed months. a Interest<br />
Premium: month for the Total for will<br />
term. loan 54 accrue<br />
RRP Pay out repayments $848.10 of on<br />
$48,990 60 the months. principal<br />
a $41,974.21. month incl Total amount<br />
GST, for loan 54 Forester: deposit repayments and fees.<br />
out of 60 RRP<br />
Overall<br />
$14,697, months. $46,990 $40,275.25. interest<br />
Total borrow incl loan<br />
68.39 at repayments Outback: GST,<br />
costs<br />
7.10%p.a., deposit<br />
will<br />
RRP<br />
be<br />
$45,797.11. fixed $14,097, $53,490<br />
higher as<br />
for the borrow Only incl<br />
a<br />
term. GST,<br />
result<br />
New $33,186.39 deposit<br />
when<br />
Pay Zealand $777.31 $16,047,<br />
compared<br />
at new 7.10%p.a., a vehicles borrow<br />
to a<br />
month fixed<br />
non-deferred<br />
qualify. $37,736.39 for for 54 the A out minimum term. at<br />
loan.<br />
of 7.10%p.a., Pay<br />
Subaru<br />
6020% $745.84 months. fixed<br />
Crosstrek<br />
deposit a for Total month the may loan term.<br />
Premium:<br />
for be 54 repayments required, Pay out $848.10<br />
RRP<br />
of 60<br />
$48,990<br />
max months. $41,974.21. a 60-month Total<br />
incl<br />
for 54<br />
GST,<br />
term, loan Forester: out repayments<br />
deposit<br />
principal, of 60 RRP months.<br />
$14,697,<br />
and $40,275.25.<br />
interest Total<br />
borrow<br />
loan loans incl<br />
eposit $14,097, only, repayments Outback:<br />
$34,568.39<br />
and borrow loans RRP $45,797.11. $53,490<br />
at 7.10%p.a.,<br />
with $33,186.39 balloons incl Only GST,<br />
fixed<br />
not New<br />
at applicable. deposit<br />
for<br />
Zealand<br />
the term.<br />
7.10%p.a.,<br />
$16,047, new<br />
Pay<br />
Heartland vehicles<br />
fixed<br />
borrow<br />
$777.31<br />
for Bank qualify.<br />
the<br />
$37,736.39<br />
a month<br />
term. Limited’s A minimum<br />
for<br />
Pay responsible $745.84<br />
at<br />
54<br />
7.10%p.a.,<br />
out<br />
20%<br />
of<br />
a lending deposit<br />
60<br />
month<br />
fixed<br />
months.<br />
for criteria, may<br />
for<br />
the<br />
Total<br />
54<br />
term. be terms, required,<br />
loan<br />
out<br />
Pay<br />
of<br />
$848.10<br />
repayments<br />
conditions, max 60-month<br />
60 months.<br />
a $41,974.21.<br />
and Total fees for term,<br />
loan<br />
54 apply, out principal,<br />
Forester: including of 60 months. and<br />
RRP<br />
an interest<br />
$46,990 establishment<br />
Total loans<br />
incl<br />
k: RRP $53,490 fee only, repayments<br />
GST,<br />
of $136 and<br />
deposit<br />
loans<br />
incl and $45,797.11.<br />
$14,097,<br />
with<br />
GST, a PPSR balloons<br />
borrow<br />
deposit fee Only of not New<br />
$33,186.39<br />
$16,047, $7.39. applicable. Zealand On borrow road new Heartland<br />
at 7.10%p.a.,<br />
costs vehicles<br />
$37,736.39 and Bank qualify.<br />
fixed<br />
accessories Limited’s<br />
for<br />
A<br />
the<br />
minimum<br />
term.<br />
responsible<br />
Pay<br />
at 7.10%p.a., are excluded. 20%<br />
$745.84<br />
lending deposit<br />
a<br />
fixed for Clean criteria,<br />
month<br />
may<br />
the term. Car Discount be terms,<br />
for<br />
required,<br />
54<br />
conditions,<br />
out<br />
Pay $848.10 Fee max<br />
of 60<br />
is a not 60-month<br />
months.<br />
and<br />
month included fees<br />
Total<br />
apply, term,<br />
loan<br />
for 54 - please principal, including<br />
repayments<br />
out of visit subaru.co.nz/CCP and establishment<br />
interest<br />
$40,275.25.<br />
loans<br />
to<br />
find fee only,<br />
Outback:<br />
out of and $136 the loans<br />
RRP<br />
CCP and<br />
$53,490<br />
with a implications PPSR balloons fee<br />
incl<br />
of<br />
GST,<br />
not on $7.39. Subaru applicable.<br />
deposit<br />
On models. road<br />
$16,047,<br />
Heartland costs<br />
borrow<br />
Offer and Bank valid accessories<br />
$37,736.39<br />
Limited’s until 31st responsible are<br />
at<br />
October excluded.<br />
7.10%p.a.,<br />
<strong>2023</strong> lending Clean<br />
fixed<br />
or while criteria,<br />
for<br />
Car<br />
the<br />
Discount<br />
term.<br />
stock terms,<br />
Pay<br />
lasts. Fee conditions,<br />
$848.10<br />
Subaru is not included reserves and<br />
a month<br />
fees -<br />
for<br />
the apply, please<br />
54<br />
right including<br />
out<br />
visit<br />
of<br />
to vary, subaru.co.nz/CCP<br />
60<br />
an<br />
months.<br />
withdraw establishment<br />
Total loan<br />
or extend to<br />
ents $45,797.11. Only New Zealand new vehicles qualify. A minimum 20% deposit may be required, max term, this find fee<br />
repayments<br />
offer, out $136 the which CCP and<br />
$45,797.11.<br />
is a implications only PPSR available fee<br />
Only<br />
of on<br />
New<br />
$7.39. at Subaru<br />
Zealand<br />
participating On models. road<br />
new<br />
costs Authorised Offer<br />
vehicles<br />
and valid accessories<br />
qualify.<br />
Subaru until 31st<br />
A minimum<br />
Centres. October are excluded. Vehicles <strong>2023</strong><br />
20%<br />
Clean<br />
deposit<br />
or were while Car<br />
may<br />
parked stock Discount<br />
be<br />
in lasts.<br />
required,<br />
a controlled Fee Subaru is<br />
max<br />
not reserves<br />
60-month<br />
environment included the - please right<br />
term,<br />
and to<br />
principal,<br />
although visit vary, subaru.co.nz/CCP withdraw<br />
and interest<br />
depicted or in extend<br />
loans<br />
a beach to<br />
nd loans with balloons not applicable. Heartland Bank Limited’s responsible lending criteria, terms, conditions, and fees apply, situation, this find<br />
only,<br />
offer, out<br />
and<br />
the were which<br />
loans<br />
CCP not is<br />
with<br />
implications driven only<br />
balloons<br />
available or on<br />
not<br />
through at Subaru<br />
applicable.<br />
participating salt models.<br />
Heartland<br />
water Authorised Offer conditions valid<br />
Bank<br />
Subaru until<br />
Limited’s<br />
as Subaru 31st Centres. October<br />
responsible<br />
do not Vehicles recommend <strong>2023</strong><br />
lending<br />
were or while parked<br />
criteria,<br />
exposing stock terms,<br />
lasts. a vehicles controlled Subaru<br />
conditions,<br />
to environment salt reserves<br />
and fees<br />
water. the and right<br />
apply,<br />
although to<br />
including<br />
vary, depicted withdraw<br />
an establishment<br />
in or a extend beach<br />
$136 and situation, this a fee PPSR offer,<br />
of $136<br />
were which fee and of not is $7.39. a<br />
only driven<br />
PPSR<br />
available On on<br />
fee<br />
or road of<br />
through<br />
$7.39.<br />
at participating costs salt<br />
On and water<br />
road accessories Authorised<br />
costs<br />
conditions<br />
and accessories<br />
Subaru as are Subaru excluded. Centres. do<br />
are<br />
not<br />
excluded.<br />
Vehicles Clean recommend Car were<br />
Clean Discount exposing parked<br />
Car Discount vehicles Fee a controlled is Fee not to<br />
is<br />
salt included not<br />
environment water.<br />
included - please -<br />
and<br />
please<br />
although visit visit subaru.co.nz/CCP<br />
depicted in a beach<br />
to to<br />
t the CCP situation,<br />
find out the<br />
implications were<br />
CCP<br />
not<br />
implications<br />
on driven Subaru on models. or through<br />
on Subaru<br />
Offer salt<br />
models.<br />
water valid conditions<br />
Offer valid<br />
until 31st as<br />
until<br />
October Subaru<br />
31st<br />
<strong>2023</strong> do<br />
October<br />
not recommend<br />
<strong>2023</strong> or while<br />
or while stock exposing<br />
stock<br />
lasts. vehicles<br />
lasts. Subaru<br />
Subaru to reserves salt<br />
reserves<br />
water.<br />
the right to vary, withdraw or extend<br />
the right to vary, withdraw or extend<br />
this offer, which is only available at participating Authorised Subaru Centres. Vehicles were parked in a controlled environment and although depicted in a beach<br />
er, which is<br />
situation,<br />
only available<br />
were not<br />
at<br />
driven<br />
participating<br />
on or through<br />
Authorised<br />
salt water<br />
Subaru<br />
conditions<br />
Centres.<br />
as Subaru<br />
Vehicles<br />
do not<br />
were<br />
recommend<br />
parked<br />
exposing<br />
in a controlled<br />
vehicles<br />
environment<br />
to salt water.<br />
and although depicted in beach<br />
n, were not driven on or through salt water conditions as Subaru do not recommend exposing vehicles to salt water.
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
What Immigration<br />
Changes can we expect<br />
from the new Government?<br />
New Zealand’s immigration<br />
settings over the last 6 years<br />
of the Labour Government<br />
were very significantly<br />
impacted by the Covid border<br />
lockdown, and then the protracted<br />
border re-opening. It has only<br />
been in the last 15 months that the<br />
Government finally introduced the<br />
employer accreditation regime that<br />
it had announced pre-covid, the new<br />
investor category, and then, and only<br />
very recently, the new Skilled Migrant<br />
residence settings.<br />
Looking back, the main features<br />
of the last few years has been the<br />
transition to online visa application<br />
processing, the staggering number,<br />
and frequency of, policy changes<br />
(almost every week!), and the increase<br />
in incidence of migrant exploitation.<br />
So, what can we expect from the<br />
new Government? – and what would<br />
we like to see!<br />
The National Party has already<br />
announced it will introduce a<br />
5-year visitor visa for parents and<br />
grandparents to visit their family<br />
in New Zealand, and which can be<br />
renewed for a further 5 years. It will<br />
also look to expand the work rights for<br />
international students in an endeavour<br />
to revitalise the international<br />
education sector. Three capped visa<br />
programmes to attract top talent will<br />
also be introduced. The International<br />
Graduates Visa, is a 3 year open work<br />
visa for graduates of the top 100<br />
universities in the world; the Global<br />
Growth Tech Visa is a residence visa<br />
for people who have been working in<br />
top global tech companies earning<br />
NZ$400,000 pa; and the Digital<br />
Nomad Visa which is a 1 year visa<br />
to attract highly mobile people to<br />
come to New Zealand while working<br />
remotely for an overseas-based<br />
company.<br />
Collectively there is a cap of 1,000<br />
people under these three new visa<br />
policies. As always, the devil will be<br />
the policy detail as good visa ideas<br />
often lose their “gloss” once the<br />
policy-writers have their say!<br />
National has already expressed<br />
concerns, in regard to the present<br />
high levels of immigration, that some<br />
60% of the workers now coming<br />
to New Zealand fall into lower skill<br />
job categories. As a consequence<br />
it is likely we can expect some<br />
“tightening” in this area, with maybe<br />
more emphasis on getting NZers<br />
into, or trained for, these jobs and/or<br />
employers having to at least evidence<br />
they are doing more to fill these roles<br />
with NZers.<br />
Because the employer<br />
accreditation, skilled migrant and<br />
investor policies are all still being<br />
“bedded in” it is unlikely that there will<br />
be any immediate changes. However,<br />
there are obvious flaws in all these<br />
policies which will need attention<br />
sooner rather than later.<br />
It is expected the new Government<br />
will introduce a new visa fee regime<br />
in which an additional fee is be paid<br />
for urgent visa processing. This may<br />
be part of a bigger plan to make<br />
Immigration New Zealand a profitcentre<br />
in its own right, and similar to<br />
what is the case in Australia. Expect<br />
visa cost increases!<br />
Most current immigration policies<br />
have a linkage with the New Zealand<br />
median pay rate (currently $29.66<br />
ph). This linkage was introduced<br />
by the Labour Government on the<br />
understanding it was, in some way,<br />
a measure of the skill level of the<br />
employment role.<br />
Clearly this is not the case and,<br />
instead, the arbitrary imposition of<br />
the median pay rate across the various<br />
visa categories has simply had the<br />
effect of pushing up employer costs<br />
across the board.<br />
The median pay rate increase to<br />
$31.61 ph next February should, at<br />
least, be deferred while the new<br />
Government considers the impact<br />
of this additional cost on businesses<br />
– many of whom are under financial<br />
strain.<br />
Overall, what we would most like<br />
to see is the new Government being<br />
much more willing to engage and<br />
consult on the pragmatism, risks and<br />
outcomes of the policies it wishes<br />
to introduce to ensure these can<br />
best deliver the intended objectives.<br />
Taking a little more time to get it<br />
right first time is one lesson the<br />
new Government can learn from its<br />
predecessor – hopefully?<br />
Pathways to New Zealand <br />
Level 2 | 586 Victoria Street | Hamilton 3204<br />
Level 3 | 50 Manners Street | Wellington 6011<br />
07 834 9222 enquiries@pathwaysnz.com pathwaysnz.com<br />
Councils told to<br />
open for business<br />
The Ombudsman has drawn a line under councils who do too<br />
much talking in secret. Mary Anne Gill looks at the ramification.<br />
A<br />
report<br />
criticising<br />
councils for conducting<br />
business behind closed<br />
doors should result in an<br />
end to the secret exchanges<br />
which in some cases protect<br />
councillors from looking<br />
stupid.<br />
Workshops, briefings,<br />
forum, hui, wānanga –<br />
they’ve been given a myriad<br />
names - but too many have<br />
been away from the public<br />
glare, Chief Ombudsman<br />
Peter Boshier’s Open for<br />
<strong>Business</strong> report released last<br />
month concludes.<br />
And opening them up may<br />
make what are some of the<br />
biggest businesses in town<br />
a lot more relevant to their<br />
communities.<br />
District councils across<br />
the <strong>Waikato</strong> - Hamilton<br />
city councillors a notable<br />
exception with their robust<br />
debates - retreat to workshop<br />
style meetings, out of the<br />
public eye, to discuss key<br />
issues while voters’ interest<br />
in the triennial elections<br />
wane.<br />
Boshier’s hard hitting<br />
report tells councils to<br />
get back to their council<br />
chambers rooms and talk in<br />
public.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>News</strong>’<br />
sister publications in<br />
Cambridge and Te Awamutu<br />
have been arguing the point<br />
with Waipā District Council<br />
Expect to see a spade in the ground before<br />
Christmas.<br />
That is the word from Ingham Motor<br />
Group principal dealer John Ingham about<br />
the former Bunnings site in Cambridge.<br />
And the man who started in Ōtorohanga<br />
in 1968 and then expanded into Te<br />
Awamutu and Hamilton as well as across<br />
the upper North Island has confirmed the<br />
development is a four-year project.<br />
Given the nature of the motor industry<br />
today, do not expect to see too much<br />
duplication in the <strong>Waikato</strong> market, he says.<br />
Ingham has eight brands - Hyundai,<br />
Isuzu, Kia, Suzuki, Mercedes-Benz, Renault,<br />
Honda and Mitsubishi – at 17 dealerships.<br />
“The motor industry is really changing<br />
Joe Wilson has received a Billie Award for<br />
Strengths-Based Research at the Te Auaha<br />
Pito Mata – New and Emerging Researcher<br />
Awards, hosted by Community Research<br />
New Zealand.<br />
The award recognises the work of the Lots<br />
of Little Fires initiative, a project under the<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> Wellbeing Project,<br />
“We’re immensely proud of Joe Wilson and<br />
the Lots of Little Fires project,” Wellbeing<br />
Project executive director Harvey Brookes<br />
said.<br />
“Joe’s commitment to the transformative<br />
power of storytelling has not only enriched<br />
our communities but also embodies the core<br />
values of the <strong>Waikato</strong> Wellbeing Project.”<br />
He said his work was a reminder of the<br />
positive change that can happen “when we<br />
focus on the strengths and unique stories of<br />
individuals within our communities”.<br />
Peter Boshier<br />
all year.<br />
The council’s workshops<br />
last four to five times longer<br />
than their actual council<br />
meetings and the “informal”<br />
workshops between<br />
councillors is a chance to<br />
compare diaries, catch up<br />
on issues around the district<br />
and discuss who is going to<br />
attend the various events on<br />
offer.<br />
No decisions are made,<br />
staff are not present but they<br />
come in afterwards where<br />
matters are discussed for<br />
“information only,” according<br />
to the council’s Governance<br />
manager.<br />
The <strong>News</strong>’ issue with Waipā<br />
is the regularity elected<br />
members cite information<br />
they received at workshops<br />
when making decisions at<br />
public meetings.<br />
Sometimes it makes it<br />
difficult to follow the debate<br />
Ingham to drive in<br />
because councillors had<br />
information gleaned at the<br />
workshop which was not<br />
available to the public, or the<br />
media.<br />
Boshier investigated eight<br />
councils, none of them were<br />
in the <strong>Waikato</strong> with Rotorua<br />
Lakes Council the closest.<br />
He found no evidence<br />
that any of the councils were<br />
making decisions in the<br />
workshops.<br />
But the next day a new<br />
councillor at Rotorua –<br />
during a council meeting<br />
where its damning report was<br />
discussed as an “urgent item”<br />
- said he believed decisions<br />
were made in workshops.<br />
Boshier found some<br />
workshop practices were<br />
counter to the principles<br />
of openness and could<br />
contribute to a perception<br />
that workshops are not being<br />
used in the right way.<br />
“I also discovered that<br />
a range of council officials<br />
and elected members didn’t<br />
want to open workshops for a<br />
number of reasons including<br />
that asking questions could<br />
make them look stupid.”<br />
Protecting councillors was<br />
not a valid reason to close the<br />
workshop doors.<br />
“Elected members should<br />
be resilient enough to<br />
withstand reasonable public<br />
scrutiny. It is the job they are<br />
elected to do.”<br />
at the moment,” said<br />
Ingham, who would<br />
not confirm what three<br />
franchises would operate<br />
in Cambridge.<br />
John Ingham<br />
But one of them will<br />
not be Mercedes Benz, he said.<br />
Ingham Group’s resource consent<br />
application to demolish the Bunnings<br />
building and redevelop on the overall 6852<br />
sq m site for a car dealership and associated<br />
vehicle servicing was granted in July.<br />
The development would be in two stages.<br />
Building consents are expected to be lodged<br />
with Waipā District Council next month and<br />
site works, starting with the demolition of<br />
the Bunnings building, soon afterwards.<br />
Joe’s a bright spark<br />
Joe Wilson, pictured with Garth Nowland-<br />
Foreman (left). The Billie award is named after<br />
his mother.<br />
Through the lens of cinematographer<br />
Muredach Daly, Lots of Little Fires celebrates<br />
the journeys, resilience, and unique<br />
contributions of everyday people.
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Talking risk<br />
mitigation<br />
Meet your<br />
new partner<br />
<strong>Business</strong> analysis is all<br />
about identifying business<br />
needs and determining<br />
solutions to business<br />
problems. By taking the time<br />
to understand the business<br />
needs, the current state of<br />
the organisation, and the<br />
potential risks to a project,<br />
business analysts can help<br />
to ensure that the project is<br />
successful.<br />
One of the most important<br />
things that business analysts<br />
do is to help organisations to<br />
identify and understand the<br />
risks to their projects.<br />
This involves gathering<br />
information from<br />
stakeholders, analysing the<br />
data, and identifying the<br />
potential risks.<br />
Once the risks have been<br />
identified, business analysts<br />
can help to develop strategies<br />
to mitigate or avoid them.<br />
There are several different<br />
ways to mitigate risk.<br />
One common approach<br />
is to develop contingency<br />
plans. Contingency plans are<br />
plans that are put in place in<br />
case something goes wrong.<br />
For example, a contingency<br />
plan for a software<br />
development project might<br />
include a plan for dealing<br />
with unexpected delays or<br />
budget overruns.<br />
Another way to mitigate<br />
risk is to use risk-based<br />
decision making. Riskbased<br />
decision making is the<br />
process of making decisions<br />
based on the potential risks<br />
and benefits of each option.<br />
For example, a business<br />
analyst might use risk-based<br />
decision making to help<br />
an organisation to decide<br />
whether to implement a new<br />
software system.<br />
By taking the time to<br />
understand and manage<br />
risk, business analysts can<br />
help to ensure that projects<br />
are successful and that<br />
organisations achieve their<br />
goals.<br />
One of the biggest risks<br />
in software development<br />
is building the wrong<br />
thing. This can happen for<br />
several reasons, such as not<br />
understanding the business<br />
needs, not having a clear<br />
vision for the project, or<br />
not getting feedback from<br />
stakeholders.<br />
There are several things<br />
that can be done to avoid<br />
building the wrong thing.<br />
One of the most important<br />
things is to have a clear<br />
understanding of the<br />
business needs. This involves<br />
talking to stakeholders,<br />
understanding their goals,<br />
and identifying their pain<br />
points.<br />
Another important thing<br />
is to have a clear vision for<br />
the project. What are the<br />
project’s objectives? What<br />
is the scope of the project?<br />
What are the success<br />
criteria? By having a clear<br />
vision, the team can stay<br />
focused and avoid getting<br />
sidetracked.<br />
Finally, it is important<br />
to get feedback from<br />
stakeholders throughout<br />
the project. This will help<br />
to ensure that the team is<br />
building the right thing and<br />
that the stakeholders are<br />
happy with the progress.<br />
<strong>Business</strong> analysis is an<br />
essential part of any software<br />
development project. By<br />
taking the time to understand<br />
the business needs, identify<br />
and manage risks, and avoid<br />
building the wrong thing,<br />
business analysts can help<br />
to ensure that projects are<br />
successful.<br />
• Bryan Miles is a business<br />
analyst at Company-X.<br />
What if I told you that<br />
the most popular business<br />
productivity tools—apps<br />
like Google Sheets, Google<br />
Docs, and Excel—could<br />
now harness the boundless<br />
power of ChatGPT?<br />
It’s like having an<br />
extraordinary mind at your<br />
side, ready to assist, suggest,<br />
and co-create within the<br />
very applications you rely<br />
on daily. This is not science<br />
fiction; it’s the current<br />
reality that businesses are<br />
taking advantage of, and<br />
those who aren’t are getting<br />
left behind.<br />
A joint study just released<br />
from Harvard, MIT,<br />
Warwick <strong>Business</strong> School<br />
and Boston Consulting<br />
Group tested over 700<br />
consultants, requiring them<br />
to complete a series of tasks.<br />
Half were allowed to use AI.<br />
They completed tasks 25 per<br />
cent quicker and produced<br />
40 per cent higher quality in<br />
their results.<br />
Welcome to a world<br />
where ChatGPT becomes<br />
your indispensable partner<br />
in achieving unparalleled<br />
excellence.<br />
You can now use GPT<br />
within Google Sheets or<br />
Microsoft Excel to write<br />
formulas. A small setup<br />
process is required, but once<br />
connected, you can save<br />
time and effort.<br />
Let’s look at an overly<br />
simple example. Having<br />
entered sales data for last<br />
year, you can ask GPT in plain<br />
English, for the formula you<br />
need to calculate the totals.<br />
For example, “total all sales<br />
figures in cells c3 to f3.”<br />
GPT replies saying,<br />
“Assuming the sales figures<br />
are in cells C3, D3, E3, and<br />
F3, you can use the following<br />
formula: =SUM(C3:F3)”<br />
But where the power<br />
really kicks in is writing<br />
complex formulas for you<br />
that would normally take an<br />
Excel expert to write. With<br />
ChatGPT connected you<br />
can just describe in plain<br />
English what you want to<br />
happen, and it will create<br />
the formula for you.<br />
You can also use some<br />
specific GPT functions to<br />
extract information from<br />
within cells.<br />
This can be extremely<br />
useful for extracting<br />
names, emails, domains, or<br />
company names from a big<br />
list of data.<br />
The power comes in<br />
ChatGPT understanding<br />
what you want to extract.<br />
One of our team members<br />
spent three hours manually<br />
creating some very complex<br />
formulas to extract URLs<br />
from a long list of data.<br />
Another team member<br />
used a ChatGPT function to<br />
achieve the same result in<br />
less than four minutes.<br />
One of the things ChatGPT<br />
has become famous for<br />
is its ability to write very<br />
well-written content. We<br />
can tell GPT that we want<br />
it to, “create a brief thank<br />
you email to send to the<br />
people who attended our<br />
networking evening”. The<br />
results come back within<br />
seconds, and it’s very well<br />
written.<br />
We could tell GPT that<br />
we want it to, “write a<br />
LinkedIn post, welcoming<br />
our new sales manager, Tim<br />
Major, formerly Queensland<br />
Territory Manager for XYZ<br />
Widgets in Sydney”.<br />
While the results aren’t<br />
always perfect, the speed<br />
and productivity boost that<br />
comes from embracing AI<br />
is so impressive that every<br />
office-based company<br />
needs to be embracing AI<br />
to boost productivity and<br />
effectiveness.<br />
• Josh Moore is head of<br />
marketing at Duoplus<br />
Good news on<br />
the horizon?<br />
Too big for<br />
our boots?<br />
In the world of recruitment, it often feels<br />
like a rollercoaster ride, swinging between<br />
feast and famine. There are times when<br />
there are too many job openings and not<br />
enough qualified candidates, while at other<br />
times, there’s an oversupply of job seekers<br />
and too few opportunities.<br />
The disruptive impact of Covid-19 wreaked<br />
havoc on New Zealand’s job market.<br />
Lately, talk of a looming recession and<br />
an economic downturn has prompted<br />
businesses to scrutinise their staffing<br />
levels and financial stability. More talent<br />
is entering the job market, but are there<br />
sufficient job opportunities to match?<br />
Is there a glimmer of hope on the<br />
horizon? According to The Jobs Report<br />
(thejobsreport.co.nz), signs of change are<br />
beginning to emerge.<br />
This quarterly report analyses job<br />
demand and opportunities in Australia<br />
and New Zealand, providing a detailed<br />
breakdown by industry, occupation, and<br />
region. The September quarter has brought<br />
some stabilisation to the New Zealand<br />
employment market.<br />
The New Zealand Job Index surged by<br />
a promising 3.7 per cent in the quarter,<br />
marking a welcome return to positive<br />
growth after three consecutive quarters of<br />
contraction.<br />
However, the number of job postings<br />
remains 21.8 per cent lower than in September<br />
of the previous year and significantly down<br />
from the post-Covid peak observed in the<br />
last quarter of 2021. In the same period, the<br />
Flexible Jobs Index dropped by 6.3 per cent,<br />
while the Permanent Jobs Index increased<br />
by 5.7 per cent. It’s evident that employers<br />
are keen to secure scarce talent.<br />
Certain industries have witnessed<br />
substantial growth, notably accommodation<br />
and food services, possibly influenced by<br />
the FIFA Women’s World Cup. The Public<br />
Sector remains relatively stable, with a<br />
modest decline of just 2.7 per cent. However,<br />
there’s cause for concern in the financial<br />
and insurance services sector, which has<br />
experienced a fourth consecutive quarterly<br />
contraction, totalling a 37 per cent annual<br />
decline.<br />
Interestingly, despite the overall “softness”<br />
in employment markets, the demand for<br />
executives and managers remains largely<br />
unscathed, surging by an impressive 20.3<br />
per cent in the last quarter.<br />
Technology professionals have weathered<br />
a relatively minor 2.6 per cent decline in<br />
demand for their services, a significant<br />
improvement compared to the 28.5 per<br />
cent plunge in the preceding June quarter.<br />
Remuneration is also showing signs of<br />
returning to more “normal” market levels.<br />
A particularly heartening development is<br />
the 11.5 per cent rise in trade and technician<br />
roles, following a prolonged decline over the<br />
previous three quarters.<br />
Let’s keep our collective fingers crossed<br />
for a continuation of this positive trend for<br />
2024.<br />
• Sengna Allen is Managing Director for<br />
Everest<br />
Dad used to tell me that the powers that be<br />
had let Hamilton’s Central <strong>Business</strong> District<br />
get too big in the 1970s and ‘80s.<br />
I’m not sure I appreciated what he<br />
really meant during my teen years in ‘90s<br />
Hamilton, but it’s an idea I’ve reflected on<br />
often in the years since.<br />
How much more vibrant would the city<br />
centre be if it extended no further north<br />
than London Street, for example? If the<br />
businesses and workers in those blocks<br />
between London and Liverpool streets were<br />
accommodated in the CBD further south,<br />
how much busier might the retail shops and<br />
cafes be?<br />
What’s more, imagine how many people<br />
we might house in that same area, within<br />
walkable distance of the city centre, the river<br />
and sports stadiums.<br />
More recently, I’ve been asking the<br />
question of what to do about it now. How<br />
do we make a big CBD small again?<br />
It’s not as though we can just pick up<br />
those northern blocks and drop them in the<br />
downtown area.<br />
The last five to 10 years have seen significant<br />
re-invigoration and re-investment in the city<br />
centre – think Genesis Energy, <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
Regional Council, and ACC, not to mention<br />
the regional theatre due for completion next<br />
year.<br />
But there are still empty shops on our main<br />
street, and the area north of London remains<br />
low-rise, low density, and underutilised. A<br />
number of people or organisations have<br />
approached our practice with their concerns<br />
about the vibrancy of the downtown central<br />
city.<br />
To their credit, Hamilton City Council<br />
planners have grasped this challenge – or<br />
opportunity. The current district plan makes<br />
the distinction between the core CBD, the<br />
‘Downtown’ precinct, and what is termed<br />
‘City Living’ to the northern and western<br />
fringe, the objective being to encourage<br />
more residential and mixed use development<br />
around the fringes of the ‘Downtown’ area.<br />
However, in my view we could go a lot<br />
further.<br />
The central city zone features maximum<br />
height overlays that enable more building<br />
up rather than out, but why not have<br />
minimum height limits as well, or explore<br />
other mechanisms to encourage developers<br />
to build up? It seems crazy that we would<br />
allow single storey development to happen<br />
anywhere in our CBD.<br />
Likewise, if we view that it’s desirable<br />
to direct commercial activity to the core<br />
downtown area, we could limit commercial<br />
above ground level in the City Living<br />
precinct, to ensure that this area sees more<br />
of a residential focus.<br />
Those are only a couple of ideas for<br />
starters, but it’s important that our city<br />
planners and elected members - and those<br />
of us who vote for them – are both brave<br />
and creative in thinking about how we can<br />
shape a better, more vibrant central city for<br />
the future.<br />
• Phil Mackay is <strong>Business</strong> Development<br />
Manager for Paua Architects
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
A view from on high…<br />
Viv Posselt was present when sporting legend Rob Waddell shared<br />
his views on what leads to success<br />
Rob Waddell says<br />
a strong work<br />
ethic, striving for<br />
excellence, teamwork and<br />
leadership are the core<br />
values that bring success.<br />
Top those off with joy in<br />
whatever activity you feel<br />
driven to follow, says the<br />
only Kiwi to win Olympic<br />
gold at the Sydney Olympics<br />
in 2000 and arguably a<br />
“living legend”.<br />
Waddell is one of New<br />
Zealand’s most respected<br />
sporting sons and attributes<br />
much of this country’s global<br />
sporting success to its ability<br />
to collaborate effectively.<br />
Kiwi sporting agencies<br />
and organisations work<br />
particularly well together, he<br />
told last month’s Cambridge<br />
U3A (University of the Third<br />
Age) meeting.<br />
“We’re big enough to have<br />
economies of scale but not so<br />
big that we are clumsy. Our<br />
ability to share information<br />
gives us a competitive<br />
advantage internationally.”<br />
He said New Zealand’s<br />
ranking just outside the top<br />
10 listed Olympic nations<br />
rates the country just under<br />
some of the world’s far<br />
larger players, including<br />
the United States, Britain,<br />
China, Australia and France.<br />
Waddell’s multi-faceted<br />
involvement in New Zealand<br />
sport has spanned decades<br />
and covers his roles as a<br />
high-achieving athlete to<br />
that of a successful sports<br />
administrator. The former<br />
brought the talented rower<br />
acclaim as a New Zealand<br />
Olympic gold medallist and<br />
double world champion<br />
single sculler before he<br />
segued into a different<br />
role as America’s Cup<br />
yachtsman.<br />
He was named New<br />
Zealand’s Supreme ‘Halberg<br />
Awards’ Sportsperson of the<br />
year winner three times and<br />
made a fine fist of his later<br />
role as Chef de Mission of<br />
the New Zealand Olympic<br />
team, leading them through<br />
the 2014 Commonwealth<br />
Games in Glasgow and the<br />
Summer Olympics in 2016<br />
and 2022.<br />
His prowess at giving<br />
sports organisations a legup<br />
was shown through his<br />
involvement in helping<br />
secure $32 million in<br />
funding for the Cambridge<br />
velodrome, thereby<br />
providing a local base for<br />
New Zealand’s Home of<br />
Cycling, and through his<br />
extensive contribution<br />
to other organisations<br />
including the Halberg<br />
Disability Trust and Te Awa<br />
River Trust.<br />
He now runs a business<br />
from Cambridge building<br />
partnerships across sport,<br />
business and philanthropy.<br />
The determination that<br />
led to his success was shown<br />
early.<br />
The Te Kuiti-born athlete<br />
arrived in this world at a<br />
whopping 4700g (10lb<br />
6oz) and spent an idyllic<br />
childhood ranging the<br />
family farm in Piopio.<br />
Sporting success came<br />
early through Roller Mills<br />
rugby, the second oldest<br />
provincial rugby tournament<br />
in New Zealand after the<br />
Ranfurly Shield.<br />
It is for players aged 13 and<br />
under and weighing less than<br />
55kg from <strong>Waikato</strong>, Thames<br />
Valley, King Country, Bay of<br />
Plenty, Auckland, Counties-<br />
Manukau, North Harbour<br />
and Northland.<br />
“I remember the<br />
excitement of being<br />
presented with my King<br />
Country rugby jersey by Sir<br />
Colin Meads.”<br />
Despite finding it difficult<br />
to settle in to boarding life at<br />
Auckland’s King’s College,<br />
it was there he found his<br />
passion for doing well in life<br />
and where he found rowing<br />
as a way to focus it.<br />
“I was all arms, legs<br />
and large feet… but I was<br />
determined to do well from<br />
a young age because I didn’t<br />
really have any natural<br />
ability. I worked really hard<br />
at it, but at each stage, I<br />
just wanted to make the next<br />
team above the one I was<br />
in.”<br />
From then on Waddell did<br />
life at a cracking pace,<br />
surging through<br />
his competitive<br />
years to move<br />
into governance<br />
with a view to<br />
aiding sports<br />
organisations<br />
with strategy<br />
management<br />
and funding.<br />
Doing a U3A version of ‘Little and Large’, Cambridge U3A’s standard-sized Lyndall Hermitage<br />
squares up to 2m tall Rob Waddell before his talk.<br />
Strategy keeps <strong>Waikato</strong> at the fore of business events<br />
Anew strategy aims<br />
to see the <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
business events<br />
industry go from<br />
strength to strength.<br />
Launched this month, the<br />
<strong>2023</strong>-2026 <strong>Waikato</strong> <strong>Business</strong><br />
Events strategy was developed<br />
by Hamilton & <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
Tourism in partnership with<br />
event industry leaders and<br />
other key stakeholders, such<br />
as Te Waka and industry<br />
bodies.<br />
It comes on the back of<br />
a solid performance in Q2<br />
<strong>2023</strong>, with the latest figures<br />
from the <strong>Business</strong> Events<br />
Data Programme showing<br />
the region’s market share is<br />
third only to Auckland and<br />
Wellington.<br />
Hamilton & <strong>Waikato</strong> Tourism<br />
Events Manager, Aimee Tyson,<br />
says <strong>Waikato</strong> remains<br />
New Zealand’s leading regional<br />
business events destination.<br />
“While the COVID-19<br />
pandemic hit the business<br />
events sector particularly<br />
hard, our share of the market<br />
remained largely stable<br />
between Q3 2020 and Q2<br />
<strong>2023</strong>.<br />
“We’ve also maintained<br />
our position during a period<br />
where other regional centres<br />
have increasingly prioritised<br />
the attraction and retention of<br />
business events.<br />
“That kind of performance<br />
really speaks to the strength<br />
of what we’ve got to offer<br />
here in the <strong>Waikato</strong> and<br />
to the professionalism of<br />
our local events people,<br />
delivering memorable delegate<br />
experiences resulting in<br />
businesses wanting to come<br />
back.”<br />
The strategy considers<br />
how to build on the region’s<br />
strengths, including its<br />
prime location, awardwinning<br />
venues and thriving<br />
industry sectors such as<br />
agriculture, technology and<br />
high value manufacturing.<br />
It also considers how to<br />
address challenges like<br />
accommodation constraints,<br />
intensifying competition and<br />
workforce shortages, in order<br />
to remain competitive.<br />
“It’s a blueprint for the<br />
considered growth of business<br />
events in the <strong>Waikato</strong> over the<br />
next three years, as well as<br />
laying important groundwork<br />
for the future,” Tyson says.<br />
“We know a thriving<br />
business events sector<br />
supports a thriving region.<br />
We want to ensure the<br />
business events we bring<br />
to the <strong>Waikato</strong> contribute<br />
positively across all four<br />
well-beings – cultural, societal<br />
and environmental, as well<br />
as economic – in line with the<br />
focus on regenerative tourism<br />
in both New Zealand’s Tourism<br />
Industry Transformation Plan<br />
and <strong>Waikato</strong> Destination<br />
Management Plan.<br />
“Regenerative tourism<br />
ensures tourism gives back<br />
more to people and places<br />
than it takes, contributing to<br />
a positive, enduring legacy for<br />
the region.”<br />
<strong>Business</strong> events contribute<br />
to the region in many ways,<br />
whether through local<br />
delegates spending money at<br />
local businesses, or through<br />
facilitation of knowledge<br />
creation and exchange,<br />
attracting trade, external<br />
investment and talent.<br />
Event organisers play<br />
an important role in these<br />
outcomes and a growing<br />
number are supporting<br />
regional communities by<br />
prioritising local suppliers,<br />
sharing of local culture, or<br />
contributions – whether<br />
financial or through<br />
participation – to community<br />
groups or environmental<br />
causes.<br />
“There is a lot of value in<br />
what business events bring to<br />
the <strong>Waikato</strong>, over and above<br />
the economic benefits they<br />
provide.<br />
“As an industry, we’re very<br />
much looking forward to<br />
seeing where that might take<br />
us in the future.”<br />
Meet in the <strong>Waikato</strong>!<br />
The <strong>Waikato</strong> has award winning venues, unique attractions,<br />
and a group of friendly event professionals ready to help<br />
you deliver an exeptional event.<br />
We’re here to assist with your event planning - meetwaikato.com
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
The problem with all<br />
stick and no carrots<br />
Tourism dollars<br />
are good for all<br />
In another life, I spend a<br />
lot of time in the bush, taking<br />
action to support nature and<br />
biodiversity to improve and<br />
grow, and restore native<br />
forests and ecosystems.<br />
A lot of nature is about<br />
symbiosis - our native trees<br />
and birds rely on each other<br />
for survival and longevity,<br />
and it’s magical how these<br />
two come together for food,<br />
seed dispersal and the longterm<br />
success of both species.<br />
This is how I’d like us to<br />
think about providing rental<br />
accommodation in New<br />
Zealand; property owners<br />
being trees that need to<br />
attract birds to spread their<br />
seeds. The birds are like<br />
tenants who come and go,<br />
but often birds return to<br />
areas where there has always<br />
been a good food source of<br />
food over time.<br />
Property has long been the<br />
choice for “mum and dad” to<br />
put their money. Bricks and<br />
mortar, whether residential<br />
or commercial, has been seen<br />
as a ‘safe’ investment that<br />
appreciates over time, and<br />
you can drive down the street<br />
and see with your own eyes.<br />
In recent years, the balance<br />
in property investment<br />
businesses has been affected<br />
by several factors, many of<br />
which have been legislated<br />
by central Government and<br />
are now starting to bite<br />
across the sector.<br />
This includes the extension<br />
of the Bright Line Test to 10<br />
years for existing properties<br />
and five years for new<br />
builds. The loss of interest<br />
deductibility for rental<br />
property businesses, the<br />
Healthy Homes standards<br />
in 2019, the changes to the<br />
Residential Tenancies Act,<br />
and the Credit Contract and<br />
Consumer Finance Act are<br />
some of the other changes<br />
we’ve seen hit investors.<br />
It looks as though<br />
National and Act policies<br />
will be front and centre as a<br />
result of the election. It will<br />
be important to address a<br />
problem we’ve been ignoring<br />
for too long - the demand<br />
for rental properties is<br />
starting to outstrip supply by<br />
a considerable amount, and<br />
this having a negative impact<br />
on tenants.<br />
The big issues we’re trying<br />
to tackle are for tenants to<br />
have the option of warm,<br />
dry, safe homes, ideally for<br />
a decent length of time, so<br />
they can put down roots as<br />
a family and have a level of<br />
certainty about their futures.<br />
Investors want good<br />
tenants to pay their rent,<br />
low maintenance homes,<br />
and a modest return on their<br />
investment, and largely the<br />
freedom to do what they<br />
want with their properties<br />
within reason.<br />
I believe we’re currently<br />
looking at it all wrong,<br />
and we’re all stick and no<br />
carrot. There’s not enough<br />
consideration to pull towards<br />
the positive - where do these<br />
two ‘needs’ intersect?<br />
Warm, dry homes (up to<br />
standard) - big tick for the<br />
Healthy Home rules here<br />
Certainty over time,<br />
both in rent and tenure of<br />
occupation. Why can’t we<br />
incentivise these outcomes?<br />
For investors, if they<br />
provide all these things<br />
(perhaps even guaranteed<br />
rent) for a period of three<br />
years, couldn’t they receive<br />
some form of small tax<br />
benefit? Would that stop the<br />
incidences of selling quickly,<br />
flipping properties, and<br />
having to vacate properties<br />
to maintain them?<br />
For tenants, if they had<br />
certainty of tenure and<br />
rental payments and<br />
successfully completed their<br />
term, could they get some<br />
kind of universally accepted<br />
recommendation?<br />
I’m seeing so many<br />
landlords fed up with<br />
trying to meet a plethora of<br />
legislation requirements,<br />
unable to meet tax payments,<br />
and worrying about whether<br />
their tenants will look after<br />
their property or not. It’s<br />
not encouraging the supply<br />
of better quality, long-term<br />
accommodation, which New<br />
Zealand desperately needs.<br />
I’d love to see the new<br />
government do more to fix it<br />
than just oppose legislation<br />
that wasn’t fit for purpose.<br />
Incentivising positive<br />
behaviour, creating some<br />
real benefits to those who<br />
are putting their money into<br />
building up good quality<br />
rental stock with long-term<br />
outcomes in mind.<br />
And while I advocate daily<br />
for home ownership for<br />
more Kiwis, there are many<br />
who can’t afford to buy a<br />
property, or choose not to<br />
own their own property. They<br />
too deserve the right to put<br />
down roots in a community,<br />
live in good quality homes,<br />
and raise their families in an<br />
environment of certainty.<br />
And some of the great<br />
forests of Aotearoa prove<br />
what’s possible when<br />
symbiosis is at its best. Long<br />
living, quality ecosystems<br />
full of thriving trees, birds<br />
and people.<br />
• Claire Williamson is a<br />
mortgage advisor for My<br />
Mortgage<br />
Tourism is back and so is<br />
its impact on business in the<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>.<br />
With spring well and<br />
truly here in the <strong>Waikato</strong><br />
as a tourism industry we<br />
now turn our attention to<br />
the coming Christmas and<br />
summer season, which is<br />
shaping up to be a busy one.<br />
With the growing air<br />
connectivity from of key<br />
international markets, we<br />
are hearing of predictions<br />
of an influx of international<br />
visitors to our shores, and<br />
if the long-range weather<br />
forecasts materialise, we’re<br />
in for an extended and<br />
scorching summer. A sunfilled<br />
summer not only<br />
means more international<br />
visitors but also more<br />
New Zealanders exploring<br />
our beautiful backyard. In<br />
terms of numbers some are<br />
predicting higher than 2019<br />
visitor numbers and if our<br />
recent months statistics are<br />
anything to go by then this<br />
could be correct.<br />
In August, we welcomed<br />
an average of 51,000 visitors<br />
to the region each day. Of<br />
these, 88 per cent were<br />
domestic visitors and 12 per<br />
cent came from overseas.<br />
In dollar terms, the<br />
impact of those numbers is<br />
significant. In the 12 months<br />
to the end of July, domestic<br />
and international visitors<br />
spent $757 million and<br />
$106.4 million respectively<br />
in the <strong>Waikato</strong>, according<br />
to Tourism Electronic Card<br />
Transactions data. Both<br />
are an increase on 2019<br />
pre-Covid visitor spend –<br />
domestic spend showing<br />
an increase of 18% and<br />
international is up 13 per<br />
cent.<br />
International<br />
visitor<br />
spend was up across<br />
all product categories<br />
compared to the same time<br />
last year, with particularly<br />
impressive growth in<br />
‘cultural, recreation and<br />
gambling services’, such as<br />
concerts, festivals and other<br />
events, and ‘other tourism<br />
products’, such as guided<br />
experiences.<br />
‘Retail sales – other’,<br />
which includes things like<br />
clothing, home appliances,<br />
electronics and books, has<br />
the highest share of both<br />
domestic and international<br />
tourism spend in the<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>, at 26 per cent and<br />
23 per cent of total spend<br />
respectively.<br />
These figures demonstrate<br />
that the economic value<br />
tourism brings to our region<br />
stretches beyond those<br />
directly involved in tourism<br />
- accommodation providers,<br />
tourism operators and<br />
hospitality businesses.<br />
Tourism is generating<br />
growth and creating jobs<br />
for local businesses of all<br />
sizes such as mechanics,<br />
butchers, petrol stations,<br />
supermarkets and<br />
hairdressers.<br />
As the organisation<br />
charged with promoting<br />
the <strong>Waikato</strong> to the world<br />
and converting interest<br />
and inspiration into action,<br />
we’re incredibly proud of<br />
our collective industry’s<br />
work behind these figures.<br />
Alongside the region’s<br />
vibrant and talented<br />
communities, councils,<br />
tourism operators and<br />
other businesses, as well as<br />
national organisations like<br />
Tourism New Zealand, our<br />
team plays a key part in the<br />
success of tourism in the<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>.<br />
This year we’ve brought<br />
international travel media to<br />
the region to help showcase<br />
the <strong>Waikato</strong> on the world<br />
stage through hosting<br />
international broadcast<br />
media and influential travel<br />
sellers, and promoting the<br />
best the region has to offer<br />
to Kiwis through campaign<br />
activations.<br />
As well as launching a new<br />
<strong>Business</strong> Events Strategy<br />
and hosting leaders from<br />
New Zealand and Australia<br />
as part of the Ausae Linc<br />
Conference and offering<br />
educational opportunities<br />
for our tourism operators<br />
to upskill themselves in<br />
management and marketing<br />
practises.<br />
And it’s paying off. While<br />
there is no clear data set,<br />
if we conservatively equate<br />
our efforts to just one per<br />
cent of the $757 million<br />
domestic and $106.4 million<br />
international visitor spend<br />
in the 12 months to the end<br />
of July, that’s a total of $8.6<br />
million extra we would have<br />
brought into the region and<br />
put in the pockets of local<br />
community businesses,<br />
as well as accommodation<br />
providers, tourism operators<br />
and hospitality businesses.<br />
But it doesn’t stop there.<br />
We recognise a thriving<br />
regional tourism industry<br />
is good for business<br />
and a thriving business<br />
community is good for<br />
tourism. Opportunities<br />
for tourism and business<br />
to continue to grow in the<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> are abundant and<br />
I, for one, look forward to<br />
continuing to explore them.<br />
• Nicole Greenwell is the<br />
Chief Executive of Hamilton<br />
and <strong>Waikato</strong> Tourism<br />
Time for another shake-up<br />
The major state-sector reforms<br />
of the late 1980s gave the New<br />
Zealand public sector a huge<br />
shake-up. Its size was significantly<br />
reduced and its performance<br />
significantly improved.<br />
The impact of these reforms<br />
has gradually faded over the last<br />
35 years to the point where it is<br />
hard to know what the systems<br />
of performance monitoring and<br />
accountability are in the New<br />
Zealand public sector today. There<br />
are many examples of poor delivery<br />
of outcomes by government<br />
agencies, but nobody seems to take<br />
responsibility, and nobody seems<br />
to be held accountable.<br />
What we do know is that the<br />
public service has got a lot bigger<br />
again. On June 30, 2017, the public<br />
sector employed 348,000 people<br />
or 13.8 per cent of the work force.<br />
By the end of 2022, that number<br />
had risen to 448,000 or 18.7 per<br />
cent of the work force.<br />
On top of this, most Government<br />
Departments make significant use<br />
of outside consultants for many<br />
of their projects. The spending on<br />
consultants in 2022-23 was just<br />
over $1200 million. The muchvaunted<br />
‘do-it-yourself’ mentality<br />
of New Zealanders seems to have<br />
disappeared from our public<br />
service.<br />
While the number of public<br />
servants has risen strongly,<br />
satisfaction with the delivery of<br />
outcomes from the public service<br />
has fallen. Last year, a survey on<br />
the “Mood of the Boardroom’ gave<br />
the public service a score of only<br />
1.63 out of 5 for the ‘execution<br />
and delivery of policies’. That’s an<br />
extremely low score. Examples of<br />
poor delivery from public sector<br />
agencies appear in our newspapers<br />
frequently. The latest one was the<br />
Electorate Commission failing to<br />
get easy-vote cards to almost a<br />
million voters before the recent<br />
election.<br />
Another survey done last<br />
year titled ‘Working in the<br />
Public Service’ also had some<br />
worrying conclusions. Many of<br />
the respondents said that most<br />
government agencies are riskaverse<br />
and tell ministers what they<br />
think they want to hear. That isn’t<br />
being an advisor. The ministers<br />
are the decision-makers, but their<br />
advisors should give them a range<br />
of options on most issues and if the<br />
advisor thinks something being<br />
considered by a minister would<br />
not be a good policy, they should<br />
say so – and why.<br />
Also, public agencies are<br />
spending more and more on<br />
communication but most of what<br />
is being communicated is more<br />
accurately described as advertising<br />
than information or accountability.<br />
I have been told that the Reserve<br />
Bank of New Zealand now has<br />
26 people in its Public Relations<br />
Department. When Don Brash<br />
was Governor and I was Deputy<br />
Governor, there were 3 public<br />
relations staff – and Don made a<br />
lot of speeches.<br />
The focus of much of the public<br />
sector now seems to be on writing<br />
reports, media campaigns and<br />
advertising programmes rather<br />
than implementing policies.<br />
The new government will have<br />
to reform the public sector’s<br />
culture urgently so the emphasis<br />
goes back on implementation -<br />
and accountability is based on<br />
outcomes and not on writing<br />
long reports or having fancy<br />
advertisements campaigns. If they<br />
don’t, they will have a hard job<br />
implementing their policies too.<br />
The public service, not the<br />
cabinet, is the delivery mechanism<br />
for a government’s policies.<br />
• Peter Nicholl is a former deputy<br />
governor of the Reserve Bank of<br />
New Zealand
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
How is Artificial Intelligence impacting you?<br />
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is<br />
emerging as the defining<br />
technology of our age, with<br />
many industries already<br />
utilising AI in some form whether you<br />
know it or not.<br />
Examples of AI include:<br />
• ‘Personal assistants’ such as Alexa<br />
and Siri and customer chatbots<br />
• Machine learning customer<br />
analytics to predict and<br />
recommend actions to prevent<br />
customer turnover<br />
• Retailers being able to predict<br />
customer orders in advance<br />
• Customised robo-advice for<br />
consumer investments<br />
• Intelligent process automation<br />
(robotic process automation<br />
combined with AI)<br />
• Optimising the scheduling and<br />
rescheduling of healthcare<br />
appointments, including prediction<br />
of non-attendance<br />
• Tesla Autopilot driver assistance<br />
system.<br />
The next big thing<br />
Almost every aspect of our daily lives<br />
has been digitised. Internet and mobile<br />
technologies have transformed the way<br />
that we live and work. A new wave of<br />
technology is now coming through, and<br />
it centres on data. 72% of US business<br />
leaders believe AI will be the business<br />
advantage of the future. AI will utilise<br />
data to assist us with the many tasks<br />
that we currently do ourselves today<br />
and will be able to do things that we’ve<br />
never even conceived of before.<br />
AI at work<br />
Commercially applied AI has expanded<br />
in recent years, driven by a combination<br />
of computing power, the availability of<br />
huge datasets and advances in machine<br />
learning techniques. AI enables<br />
machines to respond on their own to<br />
signals from the world at large, signals<br />
that programmers do not directly<br />
control and therefore can’t anticipate.<br />
The fastest growing category of AI<br />
is machine learning, the ability of<br />
software to improve its own activity,<br />
based on interaction with the world at<br />
large.<br />
The spectrum of AI can be divided into<br />
three areas:<br />
• Assisted Intelligence; widely<br />
available today, improves what<br />
people and businesses are already<br />
doing<br />
• Augmented Intelligence; emerging<br />
today, enables people to do things<br />
they couldn’t otherwise do<br />
• Autonomous Intelligence;<br />
being developed for the future,<br />
establishes machines that act on<br />
their own<br />
PwC’s Global Artificial Intelligence<br />
Study<br />
Highlights from our Global AI Study<br />
include:<br />
• AI has a potential contribution of<br />
$15.7 trillion to the global economy<br />
by 2030 Up to 10.4% boost in GDP<br />
for local developed Asia economies<br />
(including Australia and New<br />
Zealand) from AI by 2030<br />
• Labour productivity improvements<br />
- driving initial GDP gains as firms<br />
seek to “augment” the productivity<br />
of their labour force with AI<br />
technologies and to automate<br />
some tasks and roles<br />
• 45% of total economic gains by<br />
2030 will come from product<br />
enhancements. AI will drive greater<br />
product variety, with increased<br />
3%<br />
personalisation, attractiveness and<br />
affordability over time.<br />
AI is set to be the key source<br />
of of transformation, jobs at potential disruption risk of automation and<br />
competitive by early 2020s advantage in today’s fast<br />
Strategy<br />
Data & AI Ethics<br />
Consider the moral<br />
implications of uses of<br />
data and AI and codify<br />
them into your<br />
organization’s values.<br />
Policy & Regulation<br />
Anticipate and<br />
understand key public<br />
policy and regulatory<br />
trends to align<br />
compliance processes.<br />
changing economy.<br />
Impact on jobs<br />
We analysed over 200,000 jobs in 29<br />
countries to explore the economic<br />
benefits and potential challenges posed<br />
by automation.<br />
AI will both generate the demand<br />
for many jobs, but there are also<br />
concerns that it could displace many<br />
existing jobs. Job displacement will<br />
increase over time as AI technologies<br />
mature and are rolled out across the<br />
economy. Autonomous vehicles and<br />
other machines will replace many<br />
manual tasks and increased automation<br />
will impact those in clerical and other<br />
administrative jobs.<br />
While AI may displace certain jobs,<br />
it is forecast to create more jobs than it<br />
displaces. Some business sectors will<br />
be impacted more than others, with<br />
increases expected in health and social<br />
work, education and professional,<br />
scientific and technical services.<br />
AI will also increase productivity<br />
and make jobs more enjoyable by<br />
automating the more mundane tasks<br />
within a job role, enabling people to<br />
focus more on creative and teamwork<br />
aspects of their job.<br />
Four steps to making the most out of AI:<br />
1. Work out what AI means for your<br />
business<br />
The starting point for strategic<br />
evaluation is a scan of the<br />
technological developments and<br />
competitive pressures within<br />
your sector, how quickly they<br />
will arrive and considering how<br />
you will respond. You can also<br />
identify operational pain points or<br />
opportunities that AI could address<br />
both with what is available now<br />
and more importantly, where the<br />
technology is heading in the future.<br />
2. Prioritise your response<br />
In determining your strategic<br />
evaluation, consider these key<br />
questions: What is your appetite<br />
and readiness for change? Do you<br />
want to be an early adopter, fast<br />
follower or follower? Your answers<br />
will assist in determining how the<br />
different AI options can help you<br />
deliver your business goals.<br />
3. Make sure you have the right<br />
talent and culture, as well as<br />
technology<br />
Investment in AI is expensive<br />
now, but it is anticipated that the<br />
of jobs costs at potential will decline risk over of automation the next ten<br />
by mid-2030s years as the software becomes<br />
more commoditisied. While the<br />
enabling technology is likely to be<br />
increasingly commoditisied, the<br />
supply of data and how it’s used are<br />
set to become the primary assets.<br />
4. Build in appropriate governance<br />
and control<br />
Trust and transparency are<br />
critical. For example, in relation<br />
to autonomous vehicles, AI<br />
requires people to trust their<br />
lives to a machine - a huge leap<br />
of faith for both passengers and<br />
public policymakers. Anything<br />
that goes wrong (malfunction or<br />
crash) is headline news. And this<br />
reputational risk applies to all<br />
forms of AI, not just autonomous<br />
vehicles. Customer engagement<br />
bots have been known to acquire<br />
biases through training or<br />
manipulation.<br />
Key AI risks<br />
• Biased, offensive or misleading<br />
content - AI is only as good as the<br />
data it was trained on.<br />
• Novel privacy breaches - AI’s ability<br />
to connect data from within the<br />
vast datasets could compromise<br />
your privacy controls.<br />
• Unsafe models built on theft - with<br />
so much data underlying some AI,<br />
you may not know its source or if<br />
you have permission to use it.<br />
• Inadvertently sharing your<br />
intellectual property - without care,<br />
you could find your proprietary<br />
data and insights from the<br />
information you enter into a<br />
generative AI model becoming part<br />
of the database and widely shared.<br />
• Hallucinations threaten<br />
performance - Generative AI is<br />
good at coming up with convincing<br />
answers, but sometimes its<br />
answers are flat-out wrong, yet<br />
presented authoritatively.<br />
• Cyber Threats - AI can assist<br />
malicious actors to impersonate<br />
someone’s writing style, manner<br />
of speech and facial expressions.<br />
This could then be used to spread<br />
misinformation or to attempt to<br />
convince you to share sensitive<br />
data or lead to financial loss.<br />
Responsible AI - some mitigations for<br />
the risks<br />
• Equip users for responsible use<br />
Control ds<br />
Responsible Practices Core Practices<br />
Governance<br />
Enable oversight of<br />
systems across the<br />
three lines of defense.<br />
Compliance<br />
Comply with regulation,<br />
organizational policies,<br />
and industry standards.<br />
Risk Management<br />
Expand transitional risk<br />
detection and mitigation<br />
practices to address<br />
risks and harms unique<br />
to AI.<br />
30%<br />
Interpretability &<br />
Explainability<br />
Enable transparent<br />
model decision making.<br />
Sustainability<br />
Minimize negative<br />
environmental impact<br />
and empower people.<br />
Robustness<br />
Enable high performing<br />
and reliable systems.<br />
Bias & Fairness<br />
Define and measure<br />
fairness and test<br />
systems against.<br />
Security<br />
Enhance the<br />
cybersecurity of systems.<br />
Privacy<br />
Develop systems that<br />
preserve data privacy.<br />
Safety<br />
Design and test systems<br />
to prevent physical harm.<br />
44%<br />
and oversight - teach employees<br />
of workers who use with AI low the basics education of how at risk it<br />
of automation works, when by mid-2030s<br />
and how to use it, and<br />
Problem<br />
Formulation<br />
Identify the concrete<br />
problem you are<br />
solving for and whether<br />
it warrants an AI/ML<br />
solution<br />
Standards<br />
Follow industry<br />
standards and best<br />
practices.<br />
when and how to verify or modify<br />
outputs<br />
• Set risk based priorities - based<br />
upon your use of AI, assess the<br />
risks and give greatest attention to<br />
the greatest risks<br />
• Revamp cyber, data and privacy<br />
protections - update your policies<br />
and processes to help mitigate the<br />
risks from malicious actors<br />
• Watch the regulatory landscape -<br />
policymakers around the world are<br />
issuing more and more guidance<br />
on AI development and usage<br />
• Monitor third parties - know which<br />
of your vendors provide content or<br />
services that use AI (including the<br />
software and applications you use -<br />
e.g. Microsoft Copilot for Office)<br />
• Oversight - consider emerging<br />
software tools to identify AIgenerated<br />
content, verify its<br />
output, assess it for bias or privacy<br />
violations and add citations as<br />
needed<br />
Right from the start<br />
It’s better to implement confidence by<br />
design and ethics by design from the<br />
start, rather than racing to close gaps<br />
after systems are up and running. PwC<br />
has a responsible AI framework that<br />
can help manage these risks and others<br />
too. It delivers confidence by design<br />
through the entire AI lifecycle, with<br />
frameworks, templates and code-based<br />
assets and it is relevant at all levels of<br />
your organisation.<br />
Validation<br />
Evaluate model<br />
performance and<br />
continue to iterate on<br />
design and<br />
development to<br />
improve metrics.<br />
Monitoring<br />
Implement continuous<br />
monitoring to identify<br />
drifts and risks.<br />
• For more information visit www.<br />
pwc.co.nz/services/risk-services/<br />
what-is-responsible-ai.html<br />
Local Contact:<br />
Aaron Steele, Director,<br />
Risk Assurance, PwC
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
Applauding future leaders<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong>’s best young talent was celebrated last month at the annual Young Enterprise Awards at Wintec. Photos: Deearn Strawbridge<br />
Foster Construction’s Runner Up was Reusaballs from Sacred Heart Girls College. Pictured with Lee<br />
Patchett were, from left, Ashleigh Smith, Helen De Vries, Abigail Young, Mia Hartstone and Anna<br />
Miles.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> Chamber of Commerce’s Excellence in Financial Management Award went to UniquelyMe<br />
(Sacred Heart Girls College) from left, Ruby Hermann, Isabella Anstis, and Savanna Van Der Lee.<br />
They were pictured with Liam Rodden (left) and Danielle Quigg and Rob Finlayson.<br />
The <strong>Waikato</strong> <strong>Business</strong> <strong>News</strong>’ Excellence in<br />
Promotion and Marketing Award went to Khushi<br />
Sehgal and Jason Cheng of Cheeky Chocolates at<br />
Fraser High School.<br />
CAL Isuzu’s Excellence in Innovation Award went to Tyred Dogz from Hauraki Plains. Alex Boles<br />
was pictured with students, from left, Anna Hart, Sophie Pepper, Ryan Denize, and Julian Upfold<br />
The Excellence in Sustainability Award went to<br />
Sprowt (St Peters Cambridge), represented by<br />
Maia Williams, pictured with Smart <strong>Waikato</strong>’s<br />
Mary Jensen.<br />
The Excellence in Sales Award was won by <strong>Waikato</strong> Diocesan School for Girl’s Bubble No Trouble<br />
- from left, Marina Lyu, Charlotte Bryant and Meg Crawford.<br />
The Best Annual Review award went to Play Kāri (<strong>Waikato</strong> Diocesan School for Girls) and was<br />
presented by Maja Murray. The team comprised Anna Hansen and Emerson Wright.<br />
<strong>Waikato</strong> University’s Excellence in Leadership<br />
Award went to Anna Hart (Hauraki<br />
Plains College) and was presented by Paula Sutton<br />
The <strong>Waikato</strong> Pacific <strong>Business</strong> Network’s Pasifika Enterprise Award went to Doughnas (Sacred Heart<br />
Girls College) and was presented by Rachel Afeaki. The team included Ann Kaninteang, Francesca<br />
Tongol and Raukura Hodges-Macdonald<br />
EMA’s Excellence in Production Award was<br />
awarded to Down to Earth, Hamilton Boys<br />
High School and presented by Kerri Gorrett
NOVEMBER <strong>2023</strong><br />
“Fosters are a superb<br />
team with an innate<br />
ability to manage<br />
stressful situations<br />
and deliver solutions...”<br />
John Daley, Mainstream<br />
Mainstream’s new 2,400m 2 transit freight facility was<br />
constructed in just 5 months, creating cost savings for the<br />
business, and enabling operations to be up and running 4<br />
weeks ahead of schedule.<br />
Mainstream Property Manager John Daley says Fosters was<br />
considered for the job because they were part of the New<br />
Zealand Construction Alliance, with whom Mainstream had<br />
worked to build their Palmerston North depot.<br />
He adds that Fosters won the tender due to their collaborative<br />
approach from the outset.<br />
“Fosters were not the cheapest, nor the most expensive” says<br />
John. “We were simply impressed by how proactive they<br />
were in establishing a relationship and then working through<br />
the tender process. From the get-go, Fosters made it clear<br />
that they would give feedback on the design and areas of<br />
improvement. We welcomed that engagement.”<br />
Fosters knowledge of the area was another key strength,<br />
according to John. “Having an intimate understanding of their<br />
backyard - where and what they were building - they projected<br />
a sense of confidence all the way through.”<br />
The construction agreement was signed in January <strong>2023</strong> and<br />
key materials procured by the end of March, which is when the<br />
construction team broke ground. By the end of August, John<br />
had the keys to the building.<br />
“That turnaround is simply amazing” says John. “I talk to plenty<br />
of people about this job and delivery in five months is unheard<br />
of.<br />
“Fosters are a superb team with an innate ability to manage<br />
stressful situations and deliver solutions, which we very much<br />
appreciated.”<br />
Specific features in the project included installation of pallet<br />
racking, 126 solar panels on the roof, high-end EV charging for<br />
standard and heavy-duty vehicles, rain water collection tanks<br />
for grey water use, and data cabling and security provisions.<br />
“Scheduling contractor work and connectivity added extra<br />
challenges alongside a demanding construction programme,<br />
but Fosters managed it all exceptionally well.<br />
“With their collaborative approach and operational efficiency,<br />
Fosters absolutely exceeded our expectations. We got a highquality<br />
build, delivered ahead of programme and on budget.”<br />
Got a build project in mind?<br />
Get in touch with Fosters today!<br />
07 849 3849