Martial Arts World News Magazine - Volume 23 | Issue 6
The #1 Business Resource for the Martial Arts Industry
The #1 Business Resource for the Martial Arts Industry
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<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
The #1 Business Resource for the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Industry<br />
From Poverty to Prominence,<br />
From Victim to Victor<br />
20<strong>23</strong> Global Open<br />
Kukkiwon Cup<br />
A Raging Success<br />
Warrior <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Nearly 1000 Certified<br />
Smart<br />
^<br />
with Cutting-Edge ATLAS <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Software®<br />
M Powerful M<br />
M Lead Gene<br />
M Engaging<br />
M Proven-Su<br />
M Done-For-<br />
M Industry Le
anagement and Marketing Software<br />
rating Website<br />
Social Media Posts<br />
ccessful Marketing Tools<br />
You After School Program<br />
ading Business Strategies<br />
Get a FREE demo<br />
and $438.00 in Bonus Gifts at<br />
Atlas<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><br />
CALL<br />
1-800-275-1600<br />
to speak with a school specialist
14 Global Open Kukkiwon Cup<br />
Taekwondo Championships: A<br />
Spectacular Event to Remember!<br />
28 Warrior <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Certification<br />
Event Draws Instructors from<br />
Across the Globe<br />
36 Grandmaster Karen Eden<br />
Herdman’s Impactful Story:<br />
From Poverty to Prominence,<br />
From Victim to Victor<br />
103 FREE Tool of the Month<br />
14 Industry Insights<br />
15 Birthdays<br />
18 Industry Innovations<br />
22 Social 411<br />
54 School Profiles<br />
65 Classified Ads<br />
99 Advertiser Index<br />
63 Tell Us Your Story<br />
78 Feature Your School, Organization,<br />
Accomplishment, or Event<br />
6 Editorial<br />
Will Your Winter Season Be Ice Cold, or Red Hot for<br />
Your Business?<br />
Master Toby Milroy<br />
8 <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong> Faculty<br />
12 After School Excellence<br />
Gain the Secret to Skyrocket Your Enrollment<br />
Grandmaster Mike Bugg<br />
58 Teamwork<br />
The Power of Choice<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar<br />
60 Mind Mastery<br />
Why Publish a Book?<br />
Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br />
62 Growth Hacks<br />
14 Trend Marketing Strategies To Elevate<br />
New Leads Fast<br />
Mr. Sean Lee<br />
64 Ninja Business Tactics<br />
Compassion and the <strong>Martial</strong> Artist<br />
An-Shu Stephen Hayes<br />
66 Extraordinary Marketing<br />
Fire Those Who “Suck the Life” from Your School (Part 1)<br />
Grandmaster Stephen Oliver<br />
68 Pillars of Success<br />
Network Like Successful People!<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
72 Staff Development<br />
15 Gym Myth That School Owners Should Know (Part 3)<br />
Master Zulfi Ahmed<br />
74 The Way of the Samurai<br />
The Best Block Is No Block At All!! (Part 2)<br />
Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
76 Mastering Modern BJJ<br />
The Mat Never Lies!<br />
Master Carlos Machado<br />
4 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
STAFF<br />
80 Next Level Strategy<br />
Developing Love and Compassion<br />
Shihan Allie Alberigo<br />
82 Complete <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Concepts<br />
7 Keys to Authenticity In Branding Your School (Part 1)<br />
Professor Willie “the Bam” Johnson<br />
84 The Millionaire Smarts Coach<br />
Strategies for Success (Part 1)<br />
Ms. Lee Milteer<br />
88 Budo Philosophy<br />
Ideology or Biology? (Part 2)<br />
Shidoshi Alfredo Tucci<br />
90 Master the Basics<br />
Three Ways to Bring Excitement Back into Your Classroom<br />
Master Tina Bane<br />
92 Instructional Excellence<br />
The Value of Tournament Teams<br />
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
94 Business Buzz<br />
How to Plan for Success (Part 2)<br />
Grandmaster Lawrence Arthur<br />
96 <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Philosophy<br />
Garett and Mr. Harrison’s Wisdom – Stop, Maim,<br />
Disable, Destroy (Part 2)<br />
Sensei Gary Lee<br />
98 Management Excellence<br />
5 Points You Must Remember<br />
Grandmaster Kirk Pelt<br />
100 The Warrior Way<br />
Maintain Motivation Through the Pain of Hardship<br />
Grandmaster Bill Clark<br />
102 Tactical Self-Defense<br />
Executive Protection: The New Profession For<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> Artists (Part 2)<br />
Grandmaster Tom Patire<br />
104 Tools & Tactics<br />
Thousands of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Schools Have This<br />
Priceless Resource – but Don’t Know How to Use It!<br />
Ms. Chris Lee<br />
VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Master Toby Milroy<br />
Mr. Sean Lee<br />
Mr. Jeff Reulbach<br />
Mr. Frank Meyer<br />
Mr. Amen Blue<br />
Ms. Erin Pham<br />
Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed<br />
Shihan Allie Alberigo<br />
Grandmaster Lawrence Arthur<br />
Master Tina Bane<br />
Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br />
Grandmaster Mike Bugg<br />
Grandmaster Bill Clark<br />
An-Shu Stephen Hayes<br />
Professor Willie “The Bam” Johnson<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar<br />
Ms. Chris Lee<br />
Sensei Gary Lee<br />
Mr. Sean Lee<br />
Master Carlos Machado<br />
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
Ms. Lee Milteer<br />
Grandmaster Stephen Oliver<br />
Grandmaster Tom Patire<br />
Grandmaster Kirk Pelt<br />
Shidoshi Alfredo Tucci<br />
The mission of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is to be the definitive<br />
source for information, news, education,<br />
ethical business practices,<br />
product reviews and innovative<br />
developments in the world of martial<br />
arts business.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong> does not accept<br />
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Our preferred method of<br />
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martialartsworldnews.<br />
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MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 5
Will Your Winter Season<br />
Be Ice Cold, or Red Hot<br />
for Your Business?<br />
by Master Toby Milroy<br />
As I considered what I could include in this month’s column, I tend to think about<br />
what could serve our readers best. What could make the biggest impact on my fellow<br />
martial arts school operators, in a real, tangible way.<br />
It occurred to me that far too many school operators ‘suffer’<br />
through the holiday season. They suffer from a lack of new<br />
students coming in the door. They suffer from lower than usual<br />
revenue with students putting their memberships on ‘hold’ as they<br />
travel over the holidays. They suffer from increased<br />
student dropouts for some of the same reasons.<br />
How do I know this….well, I’m not afraid to<br />
admit it, it happened to me too! It used to drive<br />
me nuts!<br />
So, what changed, and what do we do now?<br />
Well, the short answer to ‘what changed’ is….<br />
me. I changed. I changed the way I looked at the<br />
season. I changed the way I thought about the<br />
season. Where I used to see the ‘obstacle’, I<br />
now see the opportunity. I used to<br />
see all the old, rusty Chevys driving<br />
around town, now I see the<br />
BMWs, Mercedes and Lexus.<br />
NOW is your chance to see<br />
the opportunities too!<br />
NOW is a time where the<br />
‘market’ is out and about<br />
town. They are out for<br />
Halloween activities, fall<br />
festivals, car shows, concerts,<br />
and holiday shopping.<br />
What a GREAT opportunity for our community outreach<br />
marketing systems!<br />
Over the next few weeks, our ideal target market will be shopping<br />
for holiday gifts, donating to charities, and attending events in<br />
FAR, FAR greater numbers than ever before. What a great opportunity<br />
for ‘us’ to ‘get in front’ of our market!<br />
Over the next few weeks, parents will NEED (not want, but<br />
NEED) extra activities for their children to do while they have to<br />
work when school is out. (ie. Holidays etc…). What a great opportunity<br />
to service that NEED, and help them see the value of our<br />
martial arts programs at the same time!<br />
Our current students and their families will be looking for the<br />
‘perfect’ gift for their loved ones, for ‘nice’ gifts for friends and family,<br />
and even some ‘stocking stuffers’. What a great opportunity for<br />
us to SOLVE that problem for them too!<br />
Many of our current students are not yet in our Leadership<br />
program. Could you imagine a better ‘big’ Christmas Gift than moving<br />
your child into the Program they’ve been working toward for<br />
MANY months or even years? Me either…so let’s make it easy for<br />
all of them to benefit from the program now!<br />
Take this time to adjust your point of view, and make this Christmas<br />
season the best part of the year on record.<br />
You’ll thank me in December!<br />
If you need help with ANY of these concepts, or need great<br />
‘tools’ to help execute them, my team will be happy to help you -<br />
give us a call here at HQ – 1-800-275-1600!<br />
MASTER TOBY MILROY is a 5th degree black belt. Known as “The Master Systemizer,” Master Toby Milroy<br />
has positively influenced more martial arts schools than anyone in our industry. He has built a successful multi-school<br />
organization, lead the national trade association for the martial arts industry, and coached some of the most successful<br />
martial arts school operators in the world.<br />
6 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
No Egos – No Politics – No Trolls<br />
Just <strong>News</strong>, Tips, Strategies, and Tools to Help You Grow Your School!<br /><strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>
6<br />
Master Toby Milroy<br />
is a 5th degree Black Belt, the CEO and<br />
Publisher of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong>, and the Executive Vice<br />
President for AMS. In addition to building<br />
a successful multi-school organization,<br />
Master Milroy has positively influenced<br />
more martial arts schools than virtually<br />
anyone in our industry.<br />
12<br />
Grandmaster Mike Bugg<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and the owner<br />
of a 1.5 million-per-year location, with one<br />
of the largest after school and summer<br />
camp programs in the country.<br />
62<br />
Mr. Sean Lee<br />
is the Executive Director of Sales and<br />
Marketing for hundreds of martial arts<br />
schools and specializes in online and social<br />
media marketing using his extensive<br />
professional experience in sports and<br />
martial arts marketing, contract negotiation,<br />
and investment.<br />
64<br />
An-Shu Stephen Hayes<br />
has authored more than 20 books,<br />
worked as a bodyguard for the Dalai<br />
Lama, supervised over 30 school locations<br />
worldwide, and was named, "One of<br />
the 10 Most Influential Living <strong>Martial</strong> Artists<br />
in the <strong>World</strong>" by Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />
58<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar<br />
is an 8th degree black belt and recognized<br />
as the “Trainer of Trainers.” Hanshi<br />
Kovar is an internationally acclaimed<br />
instructor with black belt degrees in ten<br />
different martial arts styles. His systems<br />
have been implemented in hundreds of<br />
schools around the US.<br />
66<br />
Grandmaster Stephen Oliver<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and is the<br />
founder and CEO of Mile High Karate<br />
schools, and founder of the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Wealth Mastery Program.<br />
60<br />
Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br />
is President of Karate International of Durham,<br />
Inc., a member of the American <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong> Association Sport Karate League<br />
and Hall of Fame, and has been a member<br />
of the Duke University PE Staff for over 25<br />
years. He is the author of Zen Mind-Body<br />
Mindfulness Meditation and Zen Mind-Body<br />
Mindfulness Meditation for <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>.<br />
68<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
is the most successful martial arts business<br />
leader in the US, having written<br />
over 30 books on martial arts, business,<br />
leadership, and success. He has won<br />
numerous public service awards and is<br />
the founder of the leading martial arts<br />
marketing and management company in<br />
the US.<br />
8 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
72<br />
Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed<br />
has amassed acclaim as a world-class<br />
competitor, martial arts educator, and is<br />
most notably founder and designer of<br />
the internationally renowned style, Bushi<br />
Ban. With over 45 years of martial arts<br />
experience and over 300 martial arts<br />
awards, his schools include ten locations<br />
across Texas.<br />
74<br />
Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
is a 7th degree black belt in Kenjutsu,<br />
starting his 14-year education in Tokyo.<br />
He has published five books and designed<br />
a US Patent. Abbott has also<br />
conducted seminars in over 30 countries<br />
and obtained his black belt at the Hombu<br />
dojo in Yokohama. He currently offers<br />
online classes on<br />
76<br />
Master Carlos Machado<br />
is one of the pioneers of Brazilian Jiu<br />
Jitsu in the United States of America.<br />
Currently a Coral Belt, and promoted<br />
to Black Belt by Carlos Gracie Junior,<br />
Carlos Machado came to the USA in the<br />
early 1990’s with his brothers where they<br />
formed the RCJ Machado Jiu Jitsu Association,<br />
one of the strongest & growing<br />
BJJ organizations in the world today.<br />
80<br />
Shihan Allie Alberigo<br />
is a 7th degree black belt, the founder of<br />
the L.I. Ninjutsu Centers, one of the largest<br />
Ninjutsu schools on the planet, the<br />
author of 4 books, and an entrepreneur<br />
with one of the first online coaching companies<br />
(<br />
82<br />
Professor Willie “The BAM” Johnson<br />
is a 7th degree black belt and seven-time<br />
sport karate and Kung-Fu world champion.<br />
He has appeared in four movies,<br />
16 plays, and 11 television shows. He is<br />
also the national spokesperson for the<br />
Stronger than Drugs Foundation and the<br />
Champions Against Drugs.<br />
84<br />
Ms. Lee Milteer<br />
is an Intuitive Business Coach, awardwinning<br />
professional speaker, and TV<br />
personality who has counseled and<br />
trained over a million people throughout<br />
her career. Lee is Stephen Oliver’s<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Wealth Mastery’s Millionaire<br />
Smarts Coach and is also a best-selling<br />
author of educational resources.<br />
88<br />
Shidoshi Alfredo Tucci<br />
is the CEO and General Manager of the<br />
Budo International Publishing Company,<br />
a leading publisher in the martial arts<br />
with over 35 years in the industry. He<br />
is also author of several books: The<br />
Immaterial Dimension, The Way of the<br />
Warrior, and The Spirit. He currently lives<br />
in Valencia, Spain.<br />
90<br />
Master Tina Bane<br />
is a 6th degree master instructor and<br />
owner of a Top Ten martial arts school<br />
with successful after school and summer<br />
camp programs.<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 9
92<br />
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and is a martial<br />
arts educator with a master’s degree in<br />
education. He has been instrumental<br />
in developing two industry-changing<br />
programs, and has directed and been<br />
featured in hundreds of martial arts videos<br />
and webinars.<br />
94<br />
Grandmaster Lawrence Arthur<br />
is a martial artist specializing in Karate,<br />
Kung Fu, Kenpo, Shoto-kan, and Gojurue,<br />
with 40 Super Kick Karate locations,<br />
and founder of AFKA. <strong>World</strong> champion<br />
Lawrence also runs the Black Belt Success<br />
Systems consulting firm, training<br />
martial arts instructors on proper business<br />
practices in schools all over the country.<br />
96<br />
Sensei Gary Lee<br />
the American Samurai, is a 9th Dan black<br />
belt, a USA Karate Federation gold medalist,<br />
winner of five Super Grand National<br />
Titles, a featured actor in the movie Sidekicks,<br />
and is the founder of the National<br />
Sport Karate Museum.<br />
100<br />
Grandmaster Bill Clark<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and a former<br />
PKA Fighter of the year. He is widely<br />
considered one of the top experts in martial<br />
arts business with over 40 years of<br />
leadership and innovation, having been<br />
inducted into almost every Hall of Fame<br />
in the industry. He is one of the largest<br />
multi-school owners in the world.<br />
102<br />
Grandmaster Tom Patire<br />
is known as “America’s Leading Personal<br />
Safety Expert” and has appeared on<br />
Good Morning America, The CBS Morning<br />
Show, The Colbert Report, Montel,<br />
plus in mainstream publications such as<br />
Family Circle, Redbook, Fortune <strong>Magazine</strong>,<br />
and The Wall Street Journal.<br />
104<br />
Ms. Chris Lee<br />
is a martial arts business development<br />
consultant with a background in online<br />
and social media marketing.<br />
98<br />
Grandmaster Kirk Pelt<br />
is a 9th degree black belt and is the<br />
President of a multimillion-dollar, multischool<br />
organization, has a 30-year track<br />
record of success, and is currently on the<br />
leading edge of martial arts curriculum<br />
and business innovation.<br />
We’re Seeking Contributors!<br />
Do you have something to share?<br />
We’d love to hear about it!<br />
407-895-1996 Editor@<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com<br />
<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com/Ureport<br />
10 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
Cutting-Edge <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
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Amazing<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><br />
Friendly, Dedicated US-Based<br />
Support Team - At Your Service!<br />
(800) 275-6900
Gain the Secret to Skyrocket<br />
Your Enrollment<br />
by Grandmaster Mike Bugg<br />
The best place for you to find students to join your school is in school… academic<br />
schools, that is. Academic schools are the best places to find potential students for<br />
your kids program: Thousands of potential students in your neighborhood, all in<br />
one place.<br />
What gives your martial arts school a secret advantage over<br />
other businesses when it comes to getting into academic schools?<br />
You also run a school and you are also an educator! Your goals are<br />
in line with those of your local academic schools: To help children<br />
learn and grow in a positive environment, and to equip them with<br />
the skills to be the leaders of the future. You are not selling video<br />
games or junk food. You are selling a better way of life, better<br />
behavior, and the hope of a successful life.<br />
The best-kept secret for you to “break into” the school system<br />
is the Partners in Education program. The Partners in Education<br />
program is designed to connect businesses that care<br />
about the education of children in their community<br />
with schools. The type of relationships and opportunities<br />
are limited only by your imagination. You<br />
can go to the academic school and teach a gym<br />
class or be a judge at the science fair. You can<br />
teach a class on how to Stop the Bully or donate<br />
athletic equipment to the physical education<br />
program. You buy an ad in their school newsletter<br />
(online or printed) or offer prizes for school<br />
contests and competitions. You can even sponsor<br />
a fundraiser for the school or the Parent-Teacher<br />
Association (PTA).<br />
The secret advantage of being a Partner<br />
in Education is that it gives you an<br />
opportunity to get to know the children<br />
in your community, the teachers,<br />
and the parents. You can gain great<br />
exposure for your school without ever<br />
distributing a single flyer or hanging even one poster. While<br />
other schools struggle to make a name in their communities<br />
with expensive radio buys, you are building real relationships<br />
with prospective students. Then, when you circulate flyers, hang<br />
posters, or post on social media concerning a special event or to<br />
make a special offer at your school, you’re likely to see a much<br />
better response.<br />
Being a Partner in Education also opens doors to you with other<br />
local businesses for joint promotions and partnerships. You can exchange<br />
coupons and offers, trade flyers, hang posters, and share<br />
posts on each other’s social media pages. You can co-promote the<br />
release of new films, work with family restaurants, and even work<br />
with other martial arts schools.<br />
Getting involved in the Partners in Education program is easy.<br />
Just call each school in your immediate community and ask about<br />
their program. If they don’t have one, perhaps you can start one<br />
and become their new favorite community supporter. The key to<br />
any communication with public (and private) schools is to begin<br />
with what YOU can offer THEM. They are not particularly interested<br />
in helping you get rich. They are interested in their own goals<br />
and events, so the quicker you can provide something of value for<br />
them, the quicker you will earn their trust and cooperation. Then,<br />
after you have done enough for them to feel indebted to you, you<br />
can ask for something in return.<br />
I personally have a great relationship with my local schools from<br />
being a partner in education and from teaching P.E. classes. It has<br />
been so successful for my after school martial arts program that<br />
teachers and guidance counselors often refer students (and their<br />
parents) to my program.<br />
GRANDMASTER MIKE BUGG is an 8th degree black belt and the owner of a $1.52 million-peryear<br />
location, with one of the largest after school and summer camp programs in the country.<br />
12 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
Bodybuilding Shoes<br />
Weight-lifting<br />
Boxing & <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Sneakers<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Gear<br />
1-800-597-5425<br />
Global Open Kukkiwon Cup<br />
Taekwondo Championships:<br />
A Spectacular Event to Remember!<br />
The excitement was<br />
great as Taekwondo<br />
enthusiasts from<br />
around the world gathered<br />
in Raleigh, NC.,<br />
on September 29-30,<br />
20<strong>23</strong>, as Grandmaster<br />
Jun Lee presented the<br />
Global Open Kukkiwon<br />
Cup Taekwondo<br />
Championships. Hosted<br />
at the state-of-the-art Smithfield Recreation & Aquatics<br />
Center and Smithfield-Selma Senior High, this event was<br />
a celebration of martial arts excellence.<br />
Day 1: The action-packed event kicked off with the<br />
much-anticipated Master Summit, bringing<br />
together Taekwondo masters from<br />
across the globe. They shared their wisdom<br />
and experience in an atmosphere<br />
charged with passion for the art.<br />
Referee Training was an essential<br />
component of the day, ensuring that the<br />
championships would be officiated with<br />
the utmost fairness and precision.<br />
NC Governor Roy Cooper For those seeking to deepen their<br />
understanding of Traditional Taekwondo,<br />
a seminar on pressure<br />
points and effective<br />
striking techniques was<br />
a valuable opportunity<br />
to harness the power of<br />
precision.<br />
Then a School Management<br />
Seminar for<br />
Taekwondo professionals<br />
offered insights into profitable business practices while maintaining<br />
the essence of this martial art.<br />
Next, attendees enjoyed Wine Tasting social with live music<br />
and the day culminated with a Banquet & Dinner, featuring<br />
an awards ceremony that honored the best in the Taekwondo<br />
featuring live music and<br />
entertainment, concluding<br />
with a breathtaking<br />
fireworks display that lit<br />
up the North Carolina<br />
night sky.<br />
Day 2: September<br />
30, 20<strong>23</strong> The championship’s<br />
second day<br />
was the pinnacle of<br />
competition. Athletes<br />
showcased their skills and dedication in breaking, forms, weapons,<br />
para events, and sparring. Each competition was a testament<br />
to the discipline and artistry of Taekwondo.<br />
The start of the day was a spectacular demonstration by Team<br />
Korea, leaving the audience in awe of their precision and athleticism.<br />
Adding to the prestige of the event was the presence of the<br />
Special Guest – Kukkiwon President Grandmaster Dr. Lee Dong<br />
Sup. His wisdom and leadership were a source of inspiration for<br />
everyone in attendance.<br />
As the Global Open Kukkiwon Cup Taekwondo Championships<br />
came to a close, attendees commented that the memories<br />
created and the bonds formed during those two days will endure.<br />
It was a celebration of the martial arts spirit, a testament to<br />
dedication and passion, and an event that will be remembered for<br />
years to come.<br />
14 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Celebrity Birthdays<br />
November<br />
November 3. ................... Dolf Lundgren<br />
November 8. ...................Jeff Speakman<br />
November 9. ..................... Hwang Kee*<br />
November 9. ............ General Choi Hong-hi*<br />
November 10 ................ Michael Jai White<br />
October<br />
December 1. .......................Bill Wallace<br />
December 1. .....................Daniel Pesina<br />
December 2 ..................Masaaki Hatsumi<br />
December 8 .................. David Carridine*<br />
December 10 .....................Jigoro Kano*<br />
November 10 ..................... Matt Mullins<br />
November 17. ......................... Jun Lee<br />
November 19 ..................... Troy Dorsey<br />
November 20. ...................... Jeff Smith<br />
November 27. ..................... Bruce Lee*<br />
*Deceased<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 15
The <strong>World</strong> Head Of Family/Sokeship<br />
Council Celebrates Its 31st Anniversary<br />
America’s first internationally<br />
recognized grandmasters/masters<br />
organization, the <strong>World</strong> Head of<br />
Family/Sokeship Council, held<br />
its first live event after a 3-year<br />
hiatus due to Covid-19. They were<br />
celebrating the 31st Anniversary<br />
of its founding in Florida in 1992 by<br />
Grandmaster Frank E. Sanchez of<br />
Guam, now residing in Jacksonville,<br />
Florida.<br />
The event, which took place<br />
in Orlando, Florida, on May 26th<br />
-27th, featured its Annual Meeting,<br />
international seminar symposium,<br />
and awards banquet dedicated<br />
to the recent passing of members<br />
Fumio Demura, Sensei, and Soke<br />
Michael DePasquale Jr.<br />
The event began with 27<br />
international seminars conducted<br />
over the two-day period, followed<br />
by the group’s Annual Meeting<br />
and ending with its Annual Awards<br />
Banquet, where a brief eulogy<br />
of Demura and DePasquale was<br />
made to open up the ceremonies.<br />
During the awards ceremony,<br />
a message was shown on the<br />
two screens which bordered the<br />
head tables of the awards banquet<br />
from Grandmaster Tetsuhiro<br />
Hokama of Okinawa (well-known<br />
Goju Grandmaster/Chairman<br />
of the Goju Ryu Kenshikai Dojo<br />
Headquarters in Japan and<br />
curator of Okinawa’s Karate and<br />
Kobudo Museum) congratulating<br />
the Council on its 31st Anniversary.<br />
Afterward, there was a<br />
brilliant performance from the<br />
Grandmaster Bobby Taboada<br />
Balintawak Arnis Cuentada demo team.<br />
Award recipients for the <strong>World</strong> Head of Family/Sokeship<br />
Council’s 20<strong>23</strong> awards presentation included, amongst others,<br />
Grandmaster John Pellegrini (Historical Figure Award), Grandmaster<br />
Jessie Bowen (Leadership Award – American <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Alliance),<br />
and Grandmaster Moti Horenstein (Leadership Award - Federation<br />
of Israeli <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>).<br />
Portions of the event, including a cameo with WHFSC founder,<br />
Grandmaster Frank E. Sanchez, were also filmed for inclusion in<br />
an upcoming new film by MW Films Inc and England’s European<br />
martial arts film star, Grandmaster Gary Wasniewski entitled “The<br />
Karate Breaker.”<br />
For more information on the <strong>World</strong> Head of Family/Sokeship<br />
Council and details and its activities, go to<br />
16 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
Exciting <strong>News</strong> for <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
School Owners!<br />
We’re thrilled to announce a new, powerful educational resource for the martial arts<br />
business community: introducing <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Business Innovations - your key to<br />
unlocking the secrets of success in the industry!<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is proud to present this<br />
cutting-edge platform, designed exclusively for you, the passionate<br />
and dedicated martial arts school owners. In this dynamic new<br />
initiative, we’re bringing you unparalleled access to the strategic<br />
methods that drive business excellence and elevate your martial<br />
arts school to new heights.<br />
Get Ready for Exclusive Insights!<br />
Through captivating video interviews, we’ll be putting the spotlight<br />
on some of the most influential and accomplished leaders in<br />
the martial arts business world. These visionaries will share their<br />
time-tested tactics, insights, and strategies that have paved the<br />
way for their extraordinary success.<br />
Discover a wealth of knowledge in areas such as marketing,<br />
management, and instruction systems. These are the very tools<br />
that can be easily implemented, allowing you to construct and<br />
maintain a thriving, prosperous, and ever-growing martial arts<br />
school.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Business Innovations is your gateway to innovation,<br />
inspiration, and transformation. Are you ready to harness the<br />
power of expert guidance to take your martial arts school to new<br />
horizons?<br />
Get ready to elevate your business game!<br />
Stay tuned, as <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Business Innovations is coming soon<br />
to empower you on your journey to greatness. Don’t miss out on<br />
this opportunity to revolutionize your business!<br />
Get ready to ignite your success and join us on this incredible<br />
journey. Together, we’ll raise the bar in the martial arts<br />
business world.<br />
18 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
We teach Character through Karate<br />
Kickstart Kids is an award winning in-school<br />
character development program that uses<br />
karate to teach life-changing values to middle<br />
school and high school students. The non-profit<br />
organization was founded in 1990 by martial<br />
artist, actor, and philanthropist Chuck Norris.<br />
For employment opportunities or to find out<br />
how you can help support this great cause, visit<br /><br />
Prepare for a Revolution in<br />
Student Communication!<br />
Have you ever found yourself wishing for a more effective and timely way to connect<br />
with your students? Well, your wishes are about to come true with the ALL NEW Atlas<br />
Member Direct Mobile App, tailor-made for martial arts schools and coming soon!<br />
Unlock a Direct Line to Your Students and Staff!<br />
With the impending release of the Atlas Member Direct Mobile<br />
App, you’ll gain a powerful tool to communicate with your student<br />
body and staff. Say goodbye to the struggle of reaching your martial<br />
arts community, and say hello to a direct and efficient means<br />
of communication.<br />
Need to send an encouraging message? Promote an exciting<br />
event? Share important instructions? Or simply engage in open<br />
communication with your students? The Atlas Member Direct App<br />
will make it effortless and quick, allowing you to keep everyone in<br />
the loop.<br />
Elevate Retention and Enrollment to New Heights!<br />
This innovative tool is not just an app; it’s your next level solution<br />
to boost retention and enrollment for any martial arts school.<br />
Stay ahead of the curve and position your school for success like<br />
never before.<br />
Get ready for the release of the ATLAS Member Direct Mobile<br />
App - your key to transforming the way you connect with your<br />
martial arts community. It’s time to take your school to new heights<br />
and unleash the power of enhanced communication.<br />
Stay tuned for BLOCK this groundbreaking INSURANCE release – the future of martial<br />
arts school management is on the horizon!<br />
20 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
JOIN US!<br />
Sponsored by <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
Join Us on the<br />
2nd Tuesday<br />
of every month at<br />
1:00 P.M. Eastern<br />
Join Us for Our Business Brainstorming Sessions with Master Toby Milroy!<br />
November 14th<br />
December 12th<br />
SOCIAL 411<br />
Augmented Reality:<br />
Not Just A Gimmick (Part 2)<br />
Remember with AR, you step into a world where reality and<br />
imagination merge, creating experiences that are beyond the<br />
ordinary? Augmented Reality (AR) is not just a fleeting fad; it’s a<br />
game-changer that has revolutionized the way businesses operate<br />
and interact with their customers. In this article, we’ll dive into the<br />
realm of AR, explore its profound benefits for business profitability,<br />
and discover how a <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School owner can leverage this<br />
cutting-edge technology to transform their training sessions into<br />
extraordinary adventures!<br />
2 Examples With Obvious Benefits of AR for<br />
Instruction:<br />
Let’s explore the potential of how an innovative <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
School owner can use AR to create an exceptional experience for<br />
their students:<br />
1. Form Mastery with AR Kata Challenges: Learning and<br />
perfecting forms or katas are fundamental in martial arts training.<br />
With AR, students can superimpose the image of a virtual sensei<br />
demonstrating the kata right in front of them. They can follow<br />
along, receiving real-time feedback on their form and execution.<br />
The AR system can analyze their movements and provide valuable<br />
insights to help them refine their techniques, empowering students<br />
to progress faster and achieve higher proficiency.<br />
2. AR-Enhanced Sparring Sessions: Traditional sparring is<br />
fantastic for testing skills, but what if students could take it a step<br />
further? AR can introduce simulated opponents with varying fighting<br />
styles, allowing students to practice against virtual fighters who<br />
respond intelligently to their moves. This adaptive training ensures<br />
that students face new challenges regularly, honing their adaptability<br />
and problem-solving skills, making them more confident and<br />
competent martial artists.<br />
Once again, Augmented Reality is far from being just a gimmick;<br />
it is a powerful tool that businesses, including <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Schools, can utilize to revolutionize their operations. AR opens up<br />
a new world of possibilities, from enhancing customer engagement<br />
and increasing brand awareness to transforming training<br />
and learning experiences. So <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School owners don’t<br />
miss out on the AR revolution – the future awaits, and it’s more<br />
exciting than ever!<br />
2 Tips For Improving Your School’s<br />
Meta Description? (Part 1)<br />
Tip #1: Include Your <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School’s Unique Selling Point(s)<br />
You want to write a description that conveys your website’s<br />
unique selling point (USP). Think: why is my page specifically better<br />
than all the other <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Program pages in the results?<br />
Use this piece of research:<br />
A study in 2014 conducted by the Institute of Neuroscience and<br />
Psychology at the University of Glasgow suggested that human<br />
emotion can be categorized into four main buckets:<br />
1. Happy<br />
2. Sad<br />
3. Angry/disgusted<br />
4. Afraid/surprised<br />
So be sure to make an emotional<br />
appeal with your message because<br />
emotional advertising has<br />
always been found to<br />
have a lot of success<br />
tapping into people’s<br />
feelings. Using emotion<br />
the right way is<br />
sure to turn potential<br />
customers visiting<br />
your website into<br />
full time <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Students.<br />
22 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (top) by Yurich84, Photograph (bottom) by Elena Uve
Our Goal is to Help Young Minds<br />
GROW Stronger and EMPOWER<br />
them through Stories that will:<br />
• Inspire Their Imagination<br />
• Develop Their Moral Compass<br />
• Set Positive Examples Both Visually and Verbally<br />
• Prepare Them for Life’s Challenges<br />
Sarah B. Tucker, Author of<br />
The Adventures of Harry & Friends<br />
Book Series<br />
SOCIAL 411<br />
12 SEO Tactics to Increase <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
School Website Traffic (Part 5)<br />
5. Use Short, Descriptive URLs<br />
Improving your URL structure can significantly<br />
impact your <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> website<br />
on-page SEO with relatively little effort.<br />
A clean URL can help search engines<br />
understand your program pages and gives<br />
you a more user-friendly appearance in<br />
the SERPs.<br />
Best of all, it’s relatively easy to do, even<br />
for SEO beginners.<br />
An effective URL should:<br />
• Use keywords: Try to include your primary<br />
keyword, if you can. (<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>)<br />
• Be readable: When your visitor reads<br />
the URL, it should be easy for them to<br />
understand what the page is about.<br />
AfterSchool<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong>.org<br />
• Be concise: Shorter URLs (around<br />
60 characters) are preferable. That’s<br />
because many search engines can’t<br />
process longer URLs and might rank<br />
you lower as a result.<br />
Social Media Tips to Grow Your <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong> School<br />
Tip #5 – Use Interactive Content to Engage<br />
Prospects<br />
One of the most challenging<br />
tasks that must take place<br />
for successful <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
School social media marketing<br />
is getting visitors<br />
to engage. Fortunately, a<br />
number of social media platforms<br />
provide tools to easily<br />
engage your audience. Twitter<br />
and Facebook have polls and<br />
Instagram provides Q&A’s to<br />
get people engaged. You could ask<br />
something as simple as: From 1 to 5, with 1 being the least<br />
and 5 being the most, How important is it<br />
for your child to be involved in activities<br />
that develops their character? The<br />
same idea could easily be turned into a<br />
poll that would get people interacting<br />
on your page.<br />
To have growing school<br />
enrollment numbers through<br />
social media marketing, you<br />
must engage people to get prospects<br />
and students to respond<br />
to your <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School Special<br />
Offers and CTA’s.<br />
24 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Illustration by SurfUpVector
Put Our 30 Years of Tuition Management<br />
Experience to Work for You!<br />
You didn’t open a martial arts school so you could<br />
waste your time being a bill collector…right?<br />
Call one of our friendly Tuition Management<br />
experts to discuss your specific situation.<br />
(800) 275-1600<br /><br />
The Latest Guide<br />
All <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School Owners<br />
Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed’s<br />
newest book, “The Science & Secrets<br />
of Becoming a Master <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Instructor,” is the latest must-have<br />
industry guide for martial arts school<br />
owners and instructors.<br />
The world of martial arts is a very<br />
complicated one, where you can soar<br />
to the heights of the profession or<br />
quickly hit rock bottom, all depending<br />
on your mindset, discipline, and skills.<br />
“The Science & Secrets of Becoming<br />
a Master <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Instructor” is<br />
designed to teach you everything<br />
you’ll need to know to avoid the pitfalls<br />
and succeed as an instructor in the<br />
modern era.<br />
Featuring contributions from<br />
some of the best martial arts minds,<br />
including Grandmaster Ernie Reyes,<br />
Grandmaster Stephen Hayes, and<br />
Hanshi Dave Kovar, “The Science &<br />
Secrets of Becoming a Master <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong> Instructor” will no doubt help you<br />
take your career to the next level!<br />
To get your copy today for $29.95,<br />
simply go to and search by author.
Learn the Sword<br />
with Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
Learn Samurai swordsmanship online with Shihan Dana Abbott!<br />
For $1 a day, you can take advantage<br />
of Danna Abbott’s expertise in<br />
Kenjutsu, known as Japanese<br />
Swordsmanship, where he<br />
holds the rank of Shihan 7th<br />
Degree Black Belt.<br />
Abbot has shared his expertise<br />
from the Hombu Dojo in<br />
Yokohama with thousands of<br />
instructors worldwide – and<br />
now he’d like to share it with you.<br />
Samurai Program Online Training<br />
You’ll get unlimited access to videos and tutorials<br />
detailing sword techniques and covering wood,<br />
bamboo, synthetics, and steel for long sword!<br />
Individual Courses & Self Study<br />
Instruction is based on tried-and-true methods<br />
taught in Japan for generations. Experience oneon-one<br />
instruction with a simple, step-by-step,<br />
methodical approach to mastering the sword.<br />
Instructor Courses & Certification<br />
Traditional and combative courses allow<br />
students to grasp the basic dynamics of<br />
traditional & combative sword techniques<br />
and mindsets, making learning and achieving<br />
certification easier!<br />
For more information, head to
Warrior <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Conducts Another Successful Certification Event - Nearing 1000 Instructors Certified!<br />
Warrior <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Certification<br />
Event Draws Instructors from<br />
Across the Globe<br />
In Jacksonville, Florida, on September 15-16-17, the Warrior <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong> Certification event brought together a over 150 instructors from<br />
Europe, South America, and the United States. Hosted at the prestigious<br />
Grandmaster Clark Warrior <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> Headquarters, this gathering<br />
was a remarkable testament to the global reach and impact of Warrior<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>.<br />
This immersive event spanned over 20 hours of intensive training,<br />
encompassing various specialized certifications. Instructors<br />
dedicated themselves to honing their skills and earning certifications<br />
in disciplines such as:<br />
1. Warrior Fight Club: A rigorous training program designed to<br />
cultivate combat prowess.<br />
2. Warrior Krav Maga: Focusing on practical selfdefense<br />
techniques, Krav Maga equips individuals to<br />
handle real-world threats.<br />
3. Warrior Kali: The art of Filipino martial<br />
arts, renowned for its use of weaponry and<br />
striking techniques.<br />
4. WarriorXFIT 2.0 Training: A comprehensive<br />
fitness program tailored to martial artists,<br />
promoting physical strength and conditioning.<br />
5. Lifetime Athletic Performance Development<br />
Program Training: A holistic approach to athletic development,<br />
ensuring long-lasting physical prowess.<br />
The overarching goal of the Warrior certification is to empower<br />
individuals on three fundamental levels: physical strength,<br />
mental and emotional fortitude, and technical fearlessness. These<br />
certifications are not just about combat skills; they are about developing<br />
well-rounded individuals who can face life’s challenges with<br />
resilience and confidence.<br />
Notably, Warrior <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> has already certified almost 1000<br />
instructors worldwide, with a broader mission to impact one million<br />
individuals positively. This commitment to spreading the martial<br />
arts philosophy is at the core of what makes Warrior <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong> a global leader in the industry.<br />
Don’t miss the NEXT certification event! Join<br />
us at the Warrior Headquarters in Jacksonville,<br />
Florida, from January 19th to 21st for an<br />
epic martial arts experience like no other.<br />
This event is designed for martial arts<br />
enthusiasts and instructors eager to elevate<br />
their skills to the next level. Whether<br />
you’re an aspiring Warrior Krav Maga expert,<br />
looking to dominate in Fight Club, or seeking to<br />
master the art of Kali, this certification event is your<br />
gateway to unparalleled expertise. It’s an opportunity<br />
to learn from world-renowned trainers, gain cutting-edge<br />
techniques, and become a certified Warrior. So, why wait? Secure<br />
your spot and join us at Warrior Headquarters this January to unleash<br />
your inner warrior and transform your martial arts journey.<br />
28 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
Visit to learn more.<br />
The Warrior System Focuses on Practical Tactics to Defend Yourself and Your Family.<br />
More than 150 Instructors Sharpened their Saw Over this Important Weekend.<br />
Tuhon Apolo Ladra brings a fresh, innovative approach to Kali for the Warrior team!<br />
Great Teachers and Operate Great Businesses With the Right Strategies and Tactics.<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 29
presenting<br />
the Ninja<br />
‘Five Elements’ system<br />
Author Stephen K. Hayes presents the Ninja "Five Elements" system to explain fundamental aspects of self-defense.<br />
According to Japanese Buddhist belief, human nature is connected to the natural world and is made up of five elements. By<br />
understanding that connection, essential responses to any threat become clear:<br />
EARTH—Remain grounded in your thinking and footing to repel attempts to distract or deceive you<br />
WATER—Shift, angle and move fluidly to tactically confuse attackers and put them off balance<br />
FIRE—See where a situation is going as it develops and intercept it at the critical moment<br />
WIND—Stay light on your feet and move nimbly to evade and escape attempts to pin you down<br />
VOID—Control a fight's direction by changing dynamics to confuse your attacker<br />
“Ninja Fighting Techniques” explains how the five elements can<br />
become automatic, unconscious responses for fighters who<br />
train the Ninja way. Through study and practice they become<br />
instinctive, effectively employed precisely when you need them<br />
without thinking.<br />
The advantage of Ninja teachings over other martial disciplines<br />
is that, in addition to providing physical combat methods, they<br />
teach you to develop a better understanding of human behavior<br />
and psychology as well as "real-time" awareness of your<br />
surroundings — invaluable in any combat and street fighting<br />
situation.<br />
With over 300 full-color photographs and detailed step-by-step<br />
instructions, this book shows you how the ancient self-defense<br />
techniques developed by the Ninja are still unsurpassed today!<br />
Get The Book<br />
Proven Effective<br />
Courses teach PROVEN effective and<br />
successful strategies for martial arts<br />
school owners.<br />
Easy To Learn<br />
You’ll gain new skills and knowledge<br />
quickly with this easy-to-use online<br />
learning system.<br />
Flexible Schedule<br />
Learn at your own pace with bite-sized<br />
course segments built to fit your busy<br />
schedule.<br />
ENROLL TODAY!<br /><br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Business Institute<br />
Available Now!
George Chung Led “Jungo TV” Acquires<br />
the Iconic Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
A New Era of Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong> Merging Past, Present, and Future<br />
Hello,<br />
For more than 60 years, Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong> has been a leader and innovator for<br />
the martial arts community. Our mission has always been to inspire and empower<br />
the world’s most passionate followers, fans, and practitioners of martial arts.<br />
Jungo TV has acquired Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong>. For several years, Jungo TV has worked<br />
side-by-side with Black Belt’s former parent company developing and launching digital<br />
solutions that include video channels, apps, and social media content, which has made<br />
the acquisition a seamless endeavor.<br />
Jungo TV is a global media company based in Los Angeles co-founded by CEO<br />
George Chung. Under his leadership the company has developed several successful international<br />
digital channels with major telcos, broadcast networks and digital platforms<br />
around the world. Chung is a martial arts expert and is a former 5-time world martial<br />
arts forms champion, former Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong> Male Competitor of the Year, Black<br />
Belt <strong>Magazine</strong> Hall of Fame Man of the Year, and the first and only martial arts master<br />
ever to receive a NFL Super Bowl ring for his martial arts training contribution to the<br />
San Francisco 49ers. Rest assured under his management Black Belt is in great hands<br />
he shepherds the brand into the future.<br />
The Future of Black Belt<br />
As in battle, every martial artist must adapt to changing environments. Black Belt embraces<br />
this challenge as we move to deliver our community the best content across the digital platforms.<br />
With the new team in place, we are taking the time to listen to you, our community, about<br />
your hopes for Black Belt. One constant theme was the desire for Black Belt to return to innovating<br />
and prioritizing excellence and mastery. In order to do this, we will be adding offerings and<br />
trimming services that no longer serve that goal. The shift of benefits that we want to make sure<br />
you’re aware of are:<br />
• Launching an upgraded website that will be easier to read, navigate, and watch hundreds of<br />
hours of free video content.<br />
• Updating the print magazine to an all digital format that gives faster access to the content<br />
and multiple options to consume such as web, tablet or mobile devices.<br />
• Digital access to the entire digital master library of Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong> dating back to the<br />
1960s to present.<br />
• Access to content never before offered that includes past and present video instructional<br />
programming.<br />
• • Increasing coverage to include more diversity in content such as styles and geographical<br />
regions like Asia and Europe.<br />
• Introducing the world to a new generation of innovative martial artists from around the<br />
world.<br />
• Advancing our editorial to focus on more self defense and authentic traditional arts.<br />
• Exciting print on-demand services for your favorite editions.<br />
• And finally introducing the live induction ceremony of the legendary Black Belt Hall of<br />
Fame.<br />
Make sure you’re following us on Facebook and receive our newsletters for future updates<br />
and announcements.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Black Belt Team<br />
32 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
George Chung, CEO of Jungo TV<br />
Jungo TV is a privately-held media company that owns and<br />
operates television channels and streaming apps founded in 2016<br />
based in Los Angeles, California. Jungo was founded by George<br />
Chung(CEO), Mehmet Oz, and Sany Climan. The company website<br />
says, “Our name is our mission”, Jungo means to unite and bring<br />
together! We unite millions of people everyday through our content<br />
and channels.<br />
The company’s disruptive innovative approach to content<br />
creation, localization, and global digital delivery has yielded massive<br />
upstream growth across the markets of Southeast Asia, Latin<br />
America, and the Middle East resulting in over 3 billion minutes of<br />
delivered content a month.<br />
Of note, George Chung is a member of the Black Belt Hall of<br />
Fame and was a 5-time <strong>World</strong> <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Forms Champion. He<br />
along with Cynthia Rothrock ran a martial arts academy back in the<br />
1980’s. During the period of time he trained many of the <strong>World</strong> Champion<br />
San Francisco 49ers and actually received a Super Bowl ring<br />
from the team since he was also a martial arts consultant to the team.<br />
Chung is also an author, actor, director, and producer. He was<br />
the executive producer for the American reality television series,<br />
Call to Cosplay and Bushido Battleground. As an actor, he played<br />
the lead role in the 1988 film Hawkeye. He and Rothrock are the<br />
co-authors of the book, Advanced Dynamic Kicks.<br />
Download and subscribe to Black Belt+ now by clicking HERE<br />
Or find Black Belt+ on the App Store or Google Play<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 33
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KAREN<br />
EDEN<br />
From Poverty to Prominence,<br />
From Victim to Victor
A Remarkable Journey<br />
In the world of martial arts, where discipline,<br />
dedication, and determination are the guiding<br />
stars, Grandmaster Karen Eden Herdman<br />
stands out as an inspirational example<br />
of overcoming adversity, living the <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong> lifestyle, giving back, and , challenging<br />
conventions at every step. Her path, which led<br />
her from abject poverty and a broken home,<br />
to a prominent career as a television reporter<br />
and meteorologist, to her current status as a<br />
celebrated Grandmaster martial artist, prolific<br />
writer, and devoted protector, is nothing short<br />
of astonishing.<br />
Born in Memphis, Tennessee, where her<br />
father studied medicine at the University Tennessee,<br />
Karen faced dramatic challenges from<br />
the youngest age. Her Mother was from Tokyo, Japan and of Chukchi<br />
tribe Native American descent, and her Father of European and<br />
Cherokee Native American lineage, give Karen roots that extend<br />
back to 14 nationalities.<br />
The Hustle and Bustle of the <strong>News</strong>room Was Exciting and Energizing to the Young<br />
Up and Coming Journalist<br />
Then moving to Roanoke, Virginia, after her Father began<br />
his internship at Roanoke Memorial Hospital, family life was<br />
anything but ‘easy’. Karen’s Father left the home when she was<br />
just 3, and her Mother suffered from profound emotional and<br />
personality disorders.<br />
Karen recounts a horrifying story: “I don’t talk about it too much,<br />
but when I was a child I was in a situation where I was going to be the<br />
victim in a double murder-suicide at the hands of my own Mother”.<br />
As you might expect with a family dealing with these types of<br />
challenges, they often didn’t have enough money for food, and<br />
had frequent encounters with child protective services.<br />
During her school age days, she faced plenty of new obstacles<br />
in the form of racism, bullying and intolerance. It was tough growing<br />
up as a girl of mixed ethnicity at that time. Kids can be cruel,<br />
and Karen remembers being singled out for looking ‘different’ than<br />
everyone else.<br />
“I certainly was bullied. People making ‘slanted eyes’, pointing<br />
and laughing at me in the halls was a daily occurrence.” She<br />
remembers. “If you looked different, you were going to be picked<br />
on, that’s just how it was.”<br />
Eden Loved Being in Front of the Camera on<br />
the Nightly <strong>News</strong><br />
“Today, I’m thrilled that things are different.<br />
I do a lot of work in public school systems,<br />
and I see that ethnicity isn’t really even<br />
a ‘thing’ any more! It’s very encouraging”.<br />
The wounds we suffer when we’re young<br />
can often create deep scars that stay with us<br />
for a lifetime, and can dramatically influence<br />
our path. Karen now uses these experiences<br />
as fuel to help other people face and overcome<br />
their own tramas in their lives.<br />
The Roots of Passion<br />
Karen remembers wanting to study<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> as a child for many years, but<br />
her family’s financial situation didn’t allow for<br />
many extra curricular activities. Even though<br />
she was not able to explore this passion in<br />
her youth, her desire to study simmered just under the forefront.<br />
While in High School, her drive to be and do “more” began to<br />
come to the surface.<br />
Now in the rustbelt heartland of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A city<br />
known for its steel mills, bridges, and a rich cultural heritage, Karen<br />
embarked on a career as a journalist and television broadcaster<br />
nearly three decades ago, in her late teens.<br />
She honed her skills as a television reporter and meteorologist<br />
at an NBC affiliate just outside Pittsburgh. The fast-paced world of<br />
news reporting became her daily canvas, where she informed and<br />
engaged with audiences across the region. It was during this time<br />
that she began to see the power of the media in shaping public<br />
opinion and disseminating vital information.<br />
She loved the fast paced ‘action’ of the newsroom, the writing,<br />
the research, and the camera.<br />
Karen admits, “I was pretty selfish in those days. I wanted to be<br />
on Camera, I wanted to be famous, I wanted people to come and<br />
ask for autographs. I wanted to be the biggest star in the world.”<br />
In a very short time, a testament to her determination and ‘get<br />
it done’ attitude, she built a career that many lifelong journalists<br />
would envy, working for news agencies in Roanoke, VA, Johnston,<br />
PA, Virginia Beach, VA, Pittsburgh, PA and Denver, CO.<br />
Even in the beginning of her career in broadcasting, she<br />
found herself drawn to the world<br />
of martial arts, a realm where<br />
physical prowess and spiritual<br />
growth intertwined. Her fascination<br />
with martial arts was more<br />
than just a passing interest—it<br />
was a calling deeply rooted<br />
in her soul. The disciplined,<br />
centuries-old practices and the<br />
profound philosophy that underpinned<br />
martial arts resonated<br />
with her at a deep level. It was<br />
as if the universe had whispered<br />
to her, urging her to explore this<br />
uncharted path.<br />
Eden Enrolled in Tang Soo Do Classes<br />
the Instant She Had an Income<br />
38 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
Karen says<br />
“As soon as I got<br />
a job and had an<br />
income, I signed<br />
up for lessons!<br />
“When I started, I<br />
was not a naturally<br />
talented, Bruce<br />
Lee type student,<br />
but I just kept going<br />
to class, and<br />
never gave up!<br />
Now, all these years later, I wouldn’t change it for the world.”<br />
She used the ‘yellow pages’, and called a few schools in her<br />
area. On one fortuitous call, Grandmaster (then Master) CS Kim<br />
answered the phone personally, and spoke with her.<br />
“He was so engaging, and passionate about what he<br />
was doing, I went right down there and signed up! And I<br />
just kept going back. I never quit!” She recalls.<br />
Immediately falling in love with training in Tang<br />
Soo Do, Karen found a surrogate family that would<br />
help her explore her limiting beliefs, expand her<br />
limitations, and build a balance of mind-body and<br />
spirit. The training was very ‘strict’ and hard core,<br />
very focused on self defense, ‘old school’ hand<br />
to hand combat, and composed of nearly all<br />
Men. Quite a challenge indeed!<br />
Perhaps it was this ‘intense’ training, in combination<br />
with her grit and determination that led<br />
her to also become a notable national and<br />
world level competitor, with frequent<br />
visits to the podium.<br />
The Talented Budding<br />
Writer<br />
Karen’s transition from the<br />
bright lights of television to<br />
the world of martial arts writing<br />
was a journey marked by<br />
serendipity, talent, and an<br />
unwavering determination<br />
to follow her true calling.<br />
It was a path that not only<br />
opened new doors but<br />
also allowed her to leave<br />
an indelible mark on the<br />
martial arts community.<br />
With the experience<br />
she’d gained in the newsroom,<br />
and in the Dojang, Karen<br />
decided to blend her passions.<br />
She decided to explore writing for<br />
the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> community.<br />
She reached out to the prolific, and<br />
now legendary <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Journalist,<br />
John Corcoran, the editor of<br />
several martial arts magazines<br />
within the CFW enterprise,<br />
including “Inside Karate” and<br />
“TaeKwonDo.” Her unique background<br />
as a TV personality and<br />
a black belt martial artist piqued<br />
John’s interest. On her first submission,<br />
John knew that she<br />
was something special.<br />
John decided to do a full<br />
feature story on Karen, but<br />
when he reached out to his<br />
reporter network, he wasn’t<br />
able to get a writer in the area<br />
when he needed them.<br />
In a serendipitous<br />
moment, Karen<br />
volunteered, and suggested, “Why don’t you let me<br />
write about myself?” John agreed and she meticulously<br />
assembled a detailed, but entertaining and<br />
inspiring feature story, and submitted it to the renowned<br />
editor. The story resonated deeply with<br />
John. He immediately recognized her talent as<br />
a writer. He saw her potential and offered her<br />
a regular column in “Inside TaeKwonDo.”<br />
Karen decided to accept, but only if she<br />
could do something ‘different’. Most of the<br />
columns in the magazine at this time were<br />
focused on the ‘technical’ aspects of<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> techniques. But, Karen’s<br />
contribution would be no ordinary<br />
feature—it was imbued with<br />
philosophy, inspiration, and personal<br />
reflections, providing a<br />
fresh perspective—a journey<br />
into the soul of martial arts.<br />
As it turns out, she was<br />
in the right place at the right<br />
time with the right idea!<br />
This column filled a void in<br />
martial arts literature by<br />
delving into the internal<br />
aspects of martial arts that<br />
had often been too long<br />
overlooked.<br />
Crafting a Literary<br />
Legacy<br />
As Grandmaster Eden’s<br />
journey into the world of<br />
martial arts writing continued<br />
to unfold, her initial feature<br />
became a stepping stone that<br />
continued on page 42<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 39
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continued from page 39<br />
led her to the pinnacle of literary achievement within the martial<br />
arts community.<br />
The impact of her writing resonated with readers worldwide.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> artists and enthusiasts alike found solace, motivation,<br />
and guidance within the pages of her articles. Karen’s writing became<br />
a source of inspiration, encouraging individuals to not only<br />
hone their physical skills but also nurture their inner strength and<br />
resilience.<br />
As Karen’s reputation as a martial<br />
arts writer continued to grow, she<br />
received a remarkable invitation that<br />
would shape the trajectory of her<br />
literary career. Simon and Schuster<br />
McMillan, a renowned publishing<br />
powerhouse, recognized the<br />
significance of her writing style and<br />
the demand for martial arts literature<br />
that delved into the internal aspects<br />
of the discipline. They extended an<br />
offer for her to co-author “The Complete<br />
Idiot’s Guide to TaeKwonDo.”<br />
This invitation marked a significant<br />
turning point in Karen’s<br />
journey. Collaborating with Keith<br />
Yates, who specialized in the<br />
technical aspects of TaeKwonDo,<br />
she embarked on a literary endeavor<br />
that would further solidify her status as a respected martial arts<br />
author. The book aimed to provide readers with comprehensive<br />
insights into TaeKwonDo, combining her philosophical approach<br />
with Keith’s technical expertise.<br />
“The Complete Idiot’s Guide to TaeKwonDo” was met with<br />
acclaim, establishing Karen as an authoritative voice in martial arts<br />
literature.<br />
Grandmaster Eden’s ability to turn everyday occurrences into<br />
life lessons started in the martial arts industry more than 20 years<br />
ago, where she became known as<br />
the “Master of Inspiration.” She has<br />
authored 5 books along with two<br />
columns a month for MASuccess<br />
magazine and Taekwondo Times<br />
magazine.<br />
Her poem “I Am a <strong>Martial</strong> Artist”<br />
was so popular, and gained so much<br />
positive attention in the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
community, it spun off a new book<br />
and an entire product line which has<br />
successfully sold around the world<br />
(Copyright Century <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>.)<br />
The success of “I Am A <strong>Martial</strong><br />
Artist” paved the way for a remarkable<br />
collaboration with Century <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong>. Karen’s powerful messages<br />
were transformed into a product<br />
line that carried her inspirational quotes and<br />
themes. From mugs to t-shirts, these<br />
products allowed individuals<br />
to carry a piece of<br />
her wisdom with them,<br />
a constant reminder of<br />
their own potential and<br />
strength.<br />
Next, she authored “They<br />
Call Me Master”, further solidifying<br />
Karen’s role as a beacon<br />
of inspiration in the martial arts<br />
community. From the perspective<br />
of a martial arts practitioner<br />
and instructor, the book delves<br />
into the intricacies of martial arts<br />
training and the valuable lessons it imparts. <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> instructors,<br />
in particular, found the book invaluable in shaping<br />
their teaching philosophy and connecting with<br />
their students on a deeper level.<br />
Even universities<br />
recognized the profound<br />
value of these books and<br />
incorporated them into<br />
their curriculum, allowing<br />
students to explore martial<br />
arts philosophy and the<br />
internal aspects of the discipline.<br />
Karen’s words became<br />
a source of guidance for those<br />
embarking on their martial arts<br />
journey, both within and outside<br />
the dojo.<br />
Also in collaboration with<br />
Century <strong>Martial</strong> arts, she pioneered another line of product “Dojo<br />
Darling” / “Dojo Disciple” wear, which was created to give inner city<br />
students something to wear when they couldn’t afford a uniform.<br />
Many martial artists will buy the very same T-Shirt to provide a<br />
uniform for a less fortunate student today.<br />
Next, she poured her heart and sole into the pages of: “Will I<br />
Ever Feel Happy Again”, the journey of five individuals who have<br />
survived the loss of a loved one<br />
by suicide.These survivors share<br />
their life-changing ordeal and the<br />
effects it had on them personally.<br />
They also give details of what got<br />
them through it, when and how<br />
they felt a sense of happiness<br />
again, and at what point their lives<br />
took on a sense of “normalcy”<br />
once more.<br />
Most recently, Grandmaster<br />
Eden has crafted a compendium<br />
that she is particularly proud of:<br />
“The Women of the Sport Karate<br />
42 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
Eden’s Latest Tome Celebrates the Pioneer Women of the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> in America<br />
Museum”, honoring the FIRST women in the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> in America,<br />
and the impact they’ve had on the industry. Here she illustrates<br />
the rocky road these pioneers crossed, and the foundation they<br />
laid for future generations of Women in the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>!<br />
In quite stunning fashion, at a recent event honoring Grandmaster<br />
Eden, she stopped the proceedings dedicated to herself, and<br />
called on each of these powerhouse Women to take the stage as<br />
the audience rose for a meaningful round of applause in respect<br />
for the trail these ladies blazed!<br />
Championing the Underserved<br />
Grandmaster Eden’s commitment to martial arts goes far<br />
beyond her writing; she has built deep roots in her community, and<br />
provides services and tools to inner city youth programs, Native<br />
American communities, and much more!<br />
Seeing the life changing results the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> had on herself,<br />
even with her challenging past, and realizing the powerful impact it<br />
can have on people, especially children, Grandmaster Eden felt an<br />
irresistible force compelling her to reach out and help people less<br />
fortunate.<br />
In 2010, Grandmaster Eden partnered with The Salvation Army<br />
in building the largest inner-city martial arts program in the world.<br />
Instructors volunteer their time at their local Salvation Army corps,<br />
and the program is funded by the organization. This program is<br />
now facilitated by Christ Central Ministries.<br />
A Crisis in Native American Communities<br />
Karen’s passion for martial arts and her unshakable belief in<br />
its transformative power drive her to bring self-defense training<br />
to those who need it most. Her journey into community programs<br />
began with a desire to share the benefits of martial arts beyond<br />
the confines of a dojo. She envisioned a world where self-defense<br />
skills could empower individuals, especially those facing unique<br />
challenges.<br />
One of the most remarkable examples of Karen’s community<br />
work is her partnership with Native American communities. In the<br />
heartland of the United States, thousands of indigenous women,<br />
young and old, have gone missing or fallen victim to violence in<br />
recent years. It’s a heart-wrenching crisis that often remains overshadowed<br />
by other news headlines.<br />
Recognizing the urgency of this issue, Karen took action. Her<br />
approach was rooted in empowerment, particularly for Native<br />
American women who have been disproportionately affected<br />
by this crisis. Karen’s unique perspective, as someone of native<br />
descent herself, allowed her to connect with these communities on<br />
a profound and personal level.<br />
She initiated self-defense training programs in Native American<br />
areas, tribal lands, and reservations. These programs weren’t just<br />
about teaching physical techniques; they were about instilling<br />
a sense of confidence, self-worth, and resilience in the women<br />
who participated. It went beyond kicks and punches; it was about<br />
equipping these women with the tools to protect themselves and<br />
stand strong in the face of adversity.<br />
A crucial factor in the success of these programs was Karen’s<br />
ability to relate to the native women she worked with. Her shared<br />
heritage and understanding of their cultural nuances created trust<br />
and a deep connection<br />
that broke down<br />
barriers and fostered<br />
empowerment.<br />
Through these<br />
programs, Karen<br />
addressed a critical<br />
need in the Native<br />
American community—an<br />
urgent need<br />
for personal safety<br />
and self-defense<br />
skills. Her work<br />
became a beacon<br />
of hope for women<br />
who had been living<br />
in fear and vulnerability.<br />
The Power of<br />
Media<br />
Grandmaster Eden Has Built Numerous Programs for<br />
Disadvantaged Youth<br />
Karen’s unique perspective, as both a martial artist and a<br />
seasoned media professional, positions her as a knowledgeable<br />
advocate, resource and consultant for martial arts schools and<br />
instructors, to learn how to use the media, and its reach, as a tool<br />
to promote their programs, their schools, and the positive change<br />
they bring within their community. Her insights and advice are<br />
invaluable to school operators, instructors, and martial artists seeking<br />
to make a meaningful impact and raise awareness.<br />
One of Karen’s key messages is the importance of creating<br />
compelling stories and angles that resonate with a broader audience.<br />
While martial arts may have niche appeal, there are universal<br />
themes that can capture the attention of mainstream media<br />
and the general public. Karen encourages martial artists to think<br />
beyond what’s interesting to another martial artist, but instead, to<br />
focus on the ‘average’ Joe watching the nightly news.<br />
The human interest stories, inspirational journeys, and lifechanging<br />
experiences that martial arts can offer can be quite<br />
compelling if ‘packaged’ appropriately for each individual news<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 43
media, Television, Print, Digital, etc. These “traditional media” outlets<br />
provide a platform for martial artists to share their stories with<br />
a wider audience, but each media has different requirements, and<br />
benefits, depending on what you’re trying to accomplish for your<br />
school. Karen’s deep experience in this area has made her the ‘go<br />
to’ person in the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Industry for building compelling narratives,<br />
unique angles, and human interest stories that resonate with<br />
viewers and readers.<br />
For example, she often advises school owners to ‘think’ like<br />
the producer of the news show. “What do THEY want?” she’d ask.<br />
“They want to attract an audience. They want imagery/video that<br />
looks compelling on the screen. They want ACTION. They want<br />
stories that compel emotion.”<br />
“No one outside your school cares that your esteemed Grandmaster<br />
from Korea is visiting your school. Or that your business has<br />
won some sort of award.”<br />
“They DO care about the inspiring story of one of your students<br />
overcoming a physical disability to accomplish something amazing.<br />
They DO care about lots of action on the screen, people doing<br />
cool kicks and breaking boards flying across the screen. That’s<br />
how you capture and keep an audience!” She advises.<br />
Now, in today’s digital age, the influence of social media also,<br />
cannot be underestimated. Karen<br />
emphasizes the need for martial<br />
artists to embrace social media<br />
platforms as a means of reaching<br />
a global audience. Whether<br />
through blog posts, videos,<br />
podcasts, or live streams, social<br />
media allows martial artists to<br />
share their knowledge, insights,<br />
and experiences directly with<br />
their followers.<br />
As an example, Karen’s own<br />
presence on social media, particularly<br />
through her radio blog<br />
show, “The Eden Assignment,”<br />
has allowed her to engage with martial<br />
arts enthusiasts and pioneers from around the world. It’s a testament<br />
to the reach and impact that social media can have in uniting<br />
the martial arts community and spreading valuable insights.<br />
School owners should seriously consider similar strategies to<br />
attract and engage with their communities as well!<br />
Training for Protection: A Calling, Not Just a Job<br />
Karen is also active in the more ‘practical’ area of the <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong>. From the Dignitary Protection program, to the Federal Air<br />
Marshal Services tactical maneuvers programs, she is one of the<br />
few Women to be certified to deliver these types of important<br />
courses.<br />
She’s affiliated with the KDI Dignitary Protection Training, a<br />
renowned organization in the field.<br />
Here, participants, many of whom are not lifelong <strong>Martial</strong> Artists,<br />
gain firsthand insight into the demanding and often perilous<br />
world of those entrusted with safeguarding the lives of others. This<br />
training exposes them to<br />
the rigorous discipline,<br />
unwavering vigilance,<br />
and personal sacrifices<br />
required of a protector,<br />
where the stakes are immeasurably<br />
high (literally<br />
life and death), and the responsibilities<br />
are immense.<br />
From tactical shooting,<br />
driving, hand to hand combatives,<br />
and much more,<br />
each ‘protector’ is charged<br />
with the deep responsibility of defending someone else’s life,<br />
given the training to be able to do so successfully, and understand<br />
the gravity of that commitment!<br />
Well Earned Accolades<br />
Appearing in every major martial arts magazine in the country,<br />
including six magazine covers of her own, Karen’s story is a testament<br />
to the indomitable human spirit—a narrative of reinvention,<br />
passion, and unwavering dedication. Spanning across the realms<br />
of media, martial arts, literature, and personal security, providing a<br />
glimpse into the diverse career of a woman who constantly pushes<br />
her own boundaries and challenges the world around her. Beyond<br />
the glitz of headlines and newsrooms, Karen’s life experience embodies<br />
profound transformation, fueled by an insatiable thirst for<br />
knowledge, personal growth, and a steadfast belief in the ability of<br />
a single individual to make a significant impact on the world.<br />
Not only a Grandmaster of Tang Soo Do, one of the VERY few<br />
Women to have ever earned this honor, In 2012, the Honorable<br />
Mayor Michael Hancock of the City and County of Denver, Colorado<br />
Proclaimed “Karen Eden Day” - “in recognition of your compassion<br />
for others, Denver and the world are a much better place.”<br />
In August of 2017, Karen was<br />
presented with “The President’s<br />
Lifetime Achievement Award”<br />
from the office of the President<br />
of the United States, citing “…for<br />
her lifelong commitment to building<br />
a stronger nation through<br />
volunteer service.”<br />
In addition to being a highly<br />
sought after speaker, instructor,<br />
and media advisor, Karen has<br />
been inducted into numerous<br />
‘Hall of Fame’s”, and appeared in two major Hollywood productions,<br />
including stunt work in Van Damme’s “Sudden Death,” and a<br />
feature role in “Sworn to Justice” (w/Cynthia Rothrock).<br />
Her transformation from a television anchor to a martial arts<br />
philosopher, protector, media consultant, and prolific writer is a testament<br />
to her unwavering dedication to martial arts and personal<br />
growth. As we reflect on her accomplishments, it becomes evident<br />
that she is a true martial arts renaissance woman, forever pushing<br />
boundaries and challenging norms.<br />
44 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
Transform Your School<br />
Transform Your School<br />
with Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
The most successful martial arts<br />
business leader in the world<br />
Y. K. Kim<br />
• Author of a best seller<br />
and 14 other books<br />
• Producer, writer, director,<br />
and star of the action<br />
film Miami Connection<br />
• Publisher of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
<strong>World</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
• Motivational Speaker<br />
• Recipient of Y. K. Kim<br />
Day in Central Florida<br />
• Founder of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
<strong>World</strong><br />
• Chairman of a consulting<br />
company on marketing<br />
and software<br />
Meet Modern Educator and<br />
Contemporary Philosopher<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
Motivate Your Students<br />
• Unbreakable Student<br />
Loyalty<br />
• 100% Retention<br />
• Enduring Pride in Your<br />
School<br />
Boost Your School<br />
• Double your<br />
Enrollment<br />
• Double your Income<br />
• Build the #1 School<br />
in your town<br />
I Love to Promote the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> -- I will not<br />
charge even one penny. It is a small token of my<br />
appreciation to the martial arts industry, and my<br />
honor to pay back the debt of gratitude I owe to the<br />
martial arts community.<br />
Book Y. K. Kim at<br />
Sport Karate Museum<br />
Honors 3 <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Heroes<br />
Mike Stone: Awarded 10th Dan, Celebrating A Life of<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Excellence<br />
Mike Stone, born on June 29,<br />
1943, is a living legend in the world<br />
of martial arts. His journey from<br />
humble beginnings to international<br />
acclaim is a testament to his dedication,<br />
resilience, and extraordinary<br />
talent.<br />
Mike’s martial arts journey began<br />
on the island of Maui, Hawaii. It<br />
was at Lahainaluna High School<br />
where he first encountered the art<br />
of Aikido. Little did he know that this<br />
initial exposure would set the stage<br />
for a lifetime of martial arts excellence.<br />
After graduating, Mike joined the US Army in 1962. It was during<br />
his time stationed at<br />
Fort Chaffee in Arkansas<br />
that he began studying<br />
Shorin-ryu Karate.<br />
Remarkably, he achieved<br />
his black belt in just six<br />
months under the tutelage<br />
of Herbert Peters. His<br />
tenacity and aggressive<br />
style in the ring earned<br />
him the nickname “The<br />
Animal,” and he went on<br />
to amass an incredible record of 93 consecutive wins.<br />
In 1964, Mike Stone achieved a defining moment in his career<br />
by winning the sparring grand championship at the inaugural<br />
International Karate Championships in Long Beach, California. This<br />
victory catapulted him to the forefront of the martial arts world.<br />
But Mike’s contributions didn’t stop at the dojo; he also shared his<br />
knowledge with the world through his book, “Mike Stone’s Book of<br />
American Eclectic Karate.”<br />
Mike Stone continued to achieve<br />
greatness in his martial arts career. He<br />
won the Southwest Karate Championship<br />
in 1963 and became Grand<br />
Champion at Ed Parker’s 1964 Internationals<br />
Karate Championship. His<br />
victories extended to the First <strong>World</strong><br />
Karate Tournament in Chicago and the<br />
U.S. National Karate Championships<br />
in 1965. In 1968, he clinched the <strong>World</strong><br />
Professional Karate Championship title.<br />
Mike Stone’s legacy extends far beyond his martial arts<br />
achievements. He embodies resilience, dedication, and the pursuit<br />
of excellence. His life story serves as an inspiration to all, reminding<br />
us that with unwavering determination, one can reach the<br />
highest levels of success. Mike Stone is not just a martial arts icon;<br />
he is a testament to the transformative power of martial arts and<br />
the indomitable spirit of a true champion.<br />
In some sense, with all of these fantastic achievements, Mike<br />
didn’t receive the highest level of rank in the martial arts. To<br />
rectify this huge oversight, on October 6, 20<strong>23</strong> at the Sport Karate<br />
Museum Legend event, Mike Stone was honored and received his<br />
10th Dan Certificate which was signed off on by some of the most<br />
notable leaders in sport karate history and it was a historical first<br />
of its kind award. Well deserved and a huge vindication for Mike<br />
Stone’s exceptional career and contribution to the martial arts!<br />
Grandmaster Karen Eden Herdman: Unstoppable<br />
Dedication to <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> and Community<br />
Grandmaster Karen Eden<br />
Herdman, a 7th-degree martial<br />
arts master, is not just a martial<br />
artist but a living testament to the<br />
indomitable spirit that martial arts<br />
can nurture. Born on June 18, 1962,<br />
her life’s journey is a remarkable<br />
testament to the transformative<br />
power of martial arts and unwavering<br />
determination.<br />
Karen Eden Herdman’s path<br />
in martial arts was paved with extraordinary<br />
resilience. In the face of<br />
personal struggles and challenging<br />
circumstances, she discovered solace, strength, and purpose<br />
in the martial arts. Her unwavering dedication not only transformed<br />
her life but also illuminated a path of hope for others facing similar<br />
challenges.<br />
Her achievements in martial arts are nothing short of exceptional.<br />
Karen is one of the very few women in the art of Tang Soo Do to<br />
attain the rank of 7th-degree black belt, a remarkable accomplishment<br />
that reflects her dedication and expertise. Furthermore, she<br />
possesses unique qualifications, being among a select group of<br />
women trained to teach anti-terrorist tactical maneuvers by the<br />
Federal Air Marshal Services.<br />
However, what truly sets Grandmaster Karen Eden Herdman<br />
apart is her unwavering commitment to community service. She<br />
dedicates her time to teach underprivileged youth and former<br />
gang members in the inner-city of Denver, Colorado. Her work<br />
with these young individuals led to the prestigious recognition of<br />
46 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
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learning the skills of the legendary ninja!<br />
“Karen Herdman Day,” awarded by Michael Hancock, the mayor of<br />
Denver, for her invaluable contribution to the community.<br />
Karen’s impact reaches beyond borders. Her martial arts program,<br />
known as the “Blood and Fire Federation,” has gone global<br />
through The Salvation Army, with affiliates in Africa, Canada, Eastern<br />
Europe, and across the United States. Being of Native American<br />
descent, she visits reservations and Indian schools to inspire<br />
Native American youth. She also engages with the public school<br />
system, motivating young people to make positive decisions and<br />
stay drug and alcohol-free.<br />
In 2017, Karen Eden Herdman received the “Lifetime Achievement<br />
Award” from the Office of the President of the United States,<br />
recognizing her lifelong commitment to building a stronger nation<br />
through community service. Her documented thousands of community<br />
service hours and her own life story serve as an inspiring<br />
testament to the power of choice and determination, reminding all<br />
that they can be unstoppable in the face of adversity.<br />
Grandmaster Karen Eden Herdman’s life embodies the martial<br />
arts’ core values of discipline, perseverance, and empowerment.<br />
Her dedication to both martial arts excellence and community<br />
service serves as an enduring source of inspiration, proving that<br />
martial arts can empower individuals to not only overcome their<br />
personal challenges but also uplift entire communities. She stands<br />
as a living testament to the positive impact one person can make<br />
in the world.<br />
With all of these wonderful accomplishments, Karen was<br />
honored on October 7, 20<strong>23</strong> at the Sport Karate Museum Legend<br />
event, for her pioneering inspiration and contribution to the martial<br />
arts through a Celebrity Tribute Roast. She also was there to promote,<br />
along with other women martial arts pioneers, the debut of<br />
the book, Women of the Sport Karate Museum.<br />
Jerry Smith: A <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Legacy of Innovation and<br />
Dedication<br />
Jerry Smith, a former professional<br />
full-contact fighting<br />
coach, left an indelible mark<br />
on the world of martial arts.<br />
As the co-founder of the<br />
Black Karate Federation<br />
(BKF) and the visionary behind<br />
The Five-Level Method/<br />
Shorin-Ju Kenpo, his story is<br />
one of perseverance, innovation,<br />
and empowerment.<br />
Born on August 17, 1942,<br />
Jerry Smith’s journey in martial arts was a testament to his unyielding<br />
dedication. He rose to prominence not only as a three-time<br />
international champion in semi-contact karate but also as a mentor<br />
and trainer of world-rated full-contact fighters. His impact on the<br />
martial arts world extended far beyond the accolades he earned.<br />
In the late 1960s, a group of passionate martial artists, including<br />
Jerry Smith, gathered to train and exchange techniques. This<br />
diverse group, which included martial artists like Cliff Stewart, Ron<br />
Chapel, Steve Sanders, Donnie Williams, Karl Armelin, and Curtis<br />
Pulliam, would play a pivotal role in shaping the future of martial<br />
arts. Jerry Smith’s graphic design skills led to the creation of the<br />
BKF logo, and from this, the Black Karate Federation was born,<br />
with Steve Sanders<br />
as the first president<br />
and Jerry Smith as<br />
the first vice-president.<br />
The BKF opened<br />
its first official school<br />
in Los Angeles in<br />
1971, known as “The<br />
103rd Street School.”<br />
It became a hub for martial arts champions such as Joe Lewis,<br />
Cecil Peoples, and Benny Urquidez. This school even gained<br />
cinematic fame when scenes from the legendary martial arts film<br />
“Enter The Dragon” were filmed there, immortalizing Jerry Smith<br />
and the BKF.<br />
Jerry’s journey extended beyond the dojo as he became an<br />
illustrator for Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong> in 1973. He also served as a<br />
tournament official at prestigious events like Mike Stone’s East vs.<br />
West Coast Team Championships.<br />
In 1980, Jerry Smith founded “The Five-Level Method,” a<br />
unique martial art training system. Born from his own fighting<br />
career and years of training professional fighters, this system emphasized<br />
physical conditioning,<br />
technique, mechanics,<br />
psychology, and academia.<br />
It taught not only fighting<br />
principles but also practical<br />
self-defense from every<br />
angle.<br />
Jerry’s dedication to<br />
martial arts extended to<br />
celebrity students, personal<br />
security work, and a roster<br />
of regional and world-rated<br />
fighters. His contributions<br />
were documented in various<br />
martial arts publications, books, and TV specials, including “Who’s<br />
Who in the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>.”<br />
Jerry Smith’s legacy continues through his students and the<br />
martial art he founded, Shorin-Ju Kenpo, which embodies his dedication<br />
to character development. He instilled values of discipline,<br />
perseverance, and excellence in generations of martial artists.<br />
In the annals of martial arts history, Jerry Smith’s name shines<br />
as a beacon of innovation, empowerment, and dedication. His<br />
teachings and legacy continue to inspire and empower individuals<br />
to reach their fullest potential, not only in martial arts but in life<br />
itself. Jerry Smith will forever be remembered as a martial arts<br />
luminary whose impact knows no bounds.<br />
To honor Jerry’s huge overlooked contribution to the martial<br />
arts, especially within the African American community, on October<br />
7, 20<strong>23</strong> at the Sport Karate Museum Legend event he received<br />
a long overdue tribute from many legendary industry leaders.<br />
48 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
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<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> America —<br />
Rochester, NY: Nurturing<br />
Excellence for Over 40 Years<br />
Since its inception in 1980, <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> America - Rochester, NY, under the<br />
stewardship of Matt Dorsey, has been an embodiment of dedication, excellence, and<br />
empowerment. Situated in Rochester, New York, this institute has been committed to<br />
imparting martial arts wisdom to both children and adults alike.<br />
Dorsey’s Success is Building the Leaders<br />
of Tomorrow.<br />
At the heart of their curriculum<br />
lies the art of Isshin ryu,<br />
Iaido, and Fitness Kickboxing.<br />
These diverse offerings<br />
cater to a wide spectrum of<br />
students, ensuring a comprehensive<br />
and holistic martial<br />
arts experience.<br />
Spanning three locations<br />
across Rochester, <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
America has grown to serve its<br />
community effectively, touching<br />
the lives of around 350<br />
active students. The institute’s<br />
reach is a testament to their<br />
commitment to fostering a<br />
martial arts community that<br />
spans generations.<br />
Matt Dorsey, the driving<br />
force behind <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
America, boasts an illustrious<br />
martial arts journey.<br />
His martial arts odyssey began in 1980, and since then, he has<br />
earned black belts in Isshin ryu karate, Tae Kwon Do, and Iaido.<br />
Matt’s journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication to the<br />
arts and his continual pursuit of excellence.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> America’s commitment to growth and progress is<br />
evident in their comprehensive offerings. With Black Belt Club,<br />
Master Club, and Leadership programs, they nurture a culture of<br />
continual learning and self-improvement.<br />
The institute’s efficient utilization of school management<br />
software applications enhances their administration and ensures<br />
a seamless experience for their students. Regular student newsletters<br />
reflect their dedication to transparent communication and<br />
community engagement.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> America’s digital presence is optimized for lead<br />
generation, with their website generating over 30 leads each<br />
month. This robust digital strategy underscores their forward-thinking<br />
approach to growth and expansion.<br />
Over the years, <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> America - Rochester, NY, has<br />
achieved significant milestones. By teaching thousands of students<br />
over four decades, they have created a legacy of excellence<br />
that continues to impact lives. Their success stories are a<br />
testament to their commitment to fostering personal growth and<br />
empowerment.<br />
Their marketing strategies over the last 12 months have incorporated<br />
a multi-faceted approach, including direct mail, Facebook<br />
ads, and email marketing. These efforts have contributed to their<br />
sustained growth and engagement.<br />
As they look to the future, <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> America’s developmental<br />
goals for the next five years are centered around continuous<br />
improvement. They aspire to enhance their services and further<br />
invest in staff development, ensuring that their legacy of excellence<br />
continues for generations to come.<br />
54 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
See<br />
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Master Kim’s Cuong <strong>Martial</strong><br />
<strong>Arts</strong>: A Premier <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Destination<br />
Master Kim’s Cuong <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> is one of the top locations<br />
for self-defense training in St. Louis, Missouri. Under his<br />
dedicated leadership and pursuit of his vision, Master Hun<br />
Kim has turn his school into a premier example of excellence<br />
in martial arts professionalism.<br />
Master Kim’s Cuong<br />
A New Home for a Thriving Legacy<br />
Master Kim’s Cuong <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> recently found its new home<br />
in a expansive 12,000 square foot space, strategically located right<br />
next door to its previous location. This spacious venue was previously<br />
a Gold’s Gym, which closed during the pandemic. Master<br />
Kim, seizing an incredible opportunity, secured this new location,<br />
ensuring that his school could continue to thrive.<br />
Expanding Horizons<br />
One of the primary reasons for this move was to offer a broader<br />
range of programs to the community. Master Kim aimed to provide<br />
an exceptional summer camp, winter camp, and after-school program.<br />
In addition to traditional martial arts instruction, the school<br />
also offers an American Ninja Warrior program, ensuring that students<br />
have access to diverse, engaging, and challenging activities.<br />
Dedication to Community<br />
Master Kim’s commitment<br />
to the community<br />
is evident through his investment<br />
in after-school<br />
programs, which have<br />
not only sustained during<br />
the pandemic but are<br />
now on an upward trajectory.<br />
This dedication<br />
to youth development<br />
is mirrored in his focus<br />
on summer camps and<br />
after-school programs,<br />
showcasing his vision<br />
for a brighter future for<br />
children in the area.<br />
Birthday Parties: A<br />
Unique Experience<br />
Master Kim’s Cuong<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> is well-known<br />
for its exceptional birthday<br />
party offerings. The<br />
school offers a thrilling<br />
experience for kids with<br />
a vast array of equipment<br />
and the opportunity to<br />
try martial arts during<br />
their special day. Master<br />
Kim’s expertise in creating<br />
memorable birthday<br />
celebrations is truly commendable,<br />
offering a fantastic<br />
value for families.<br />
Education and Trust<br />
One of the keys to Master Kim’s success is the trust he builds<br />
with parents. When meeting with potential after-school program<br />
candidates, he provides them with instructor guides and detailed<br />
program information. This transparent approach allows parents to<br />
understand the educational value and commitment to excellence<br />
Master Kim’s Cuong <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> provides.<br />
Master Kim’s Cuong <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> is not just a martial arts school,<br />
but a community cornerstone dedicated to enriching the lives of<br />
children and families. Master Hun Kim’s vision, hard work, and<br />
commitment to quality have transformed this school into a top<br />
notch martial arts institution. With a new and expansive facility,<br />
diverse programs, and a focus on community and trust, Master<br />
Kim’s Cuong <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> stands as a shining example of martial<br />
arts excellence.<br />
56 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
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The Power of Choice<br />
by Hanshi Dave Kovar<br />
Many consider the martial arts a source of power. Certainly it is that. However, power<br />
without principle is a temporary phenomenon and ultimately leads to dissipation of<br />
effort or failure.<br />
Long-term success in the martial arts<br />
industry, as in other industries, can be<br />
equally challenging for those with the<br />
added power of experience and those who<br />
are just starting in the industry. Short-term<br />
success can be achieved by many, but it<br />
is the few who are able to utilize time-honored<br />
principles that maintain<br />
long-term success.<br />
One of those principles<br />
is the power of<br />
choice.<br />
The power of choice<br />
lies in your ability to<br />
remember that even a<br />
difficult situation presents<br />
you with a number<br />
of options. Each day<br />
we make several<br />
choices with<br />
regard<br />
to our eating habits, personal<br />
style, leisure, and entertainment.<br />
However, many forget<br />
to choose mindfully.<br />
In other words, if you<br />
don’t like the way things are<br />
going, change how you deal<br />
with your circumstances. “The<br />
definition of insanity is doing<br />
the same thing over and over<br />
again and expecting different<br />
results.”<br />
You can put this power to work by simply being aware of the<br />
number of options you have available to you at any given time.<br />
If A is the power of choice: A= B + C<br />
Where...<br />
B is mindfulness of the infinite options<br />
C is the wisdom to choose the right option<br />
Remember, every choice you make affects the direction your<br />
life takes. Choose wisely.<br />
Gan batte kuda sai = “Always doing your best”<br />
Focusing on your business and teaching martial arts to others<br />
should be at the top of the list, but don’t leave your own training<br />
out of the equation! Take time to be a martial artist.<br />
HANSHI DAVE KOVAR is an 8th degree black belt and recognized as the “Trainer of Trainers.” Hanshi<br />
Dave Kovar is an internationally acclaimed instructor with black belt degrees in ten different martial arts styles. His<br />
systems have been implemented in hundreds of schools around the US.<br />
58 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) byValleraTo
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Why Publish a Book?<br />
by Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br />
In 1986, as a support tool for my martial arts schools, I released my first training<br />
guidebook. I had no idea how powerful having work published could be. This was<br />
all before the digital age of self-publishing. Nevertheless, my training handbook was<br />
one of the instruments that helped me land a job teaching martial arts in a physical<br />
education class at Duke University, which I held for 28 years.<br />
Since then, I’ve published over 20 books, won numerous<br />
awards, and founded my own publishing company (Elite Publications)<br />
to assist self-publishing authors in achieving success.<br />
Producing and promoting a decent book that generates cash<br />
and promotes you as an author takes a lot of effort. If so much<br />
goes into self-publishing, you may wonder why you should<br />
bother. Different people have different reasons for<br />
writing a book. Some of them have a great idea<br />
for a book, often a fiction book, and they have<br />
always wondered if they could really write and<br />
publish it. It could be a life-long dream. There<br />
are other reasons as well, and ones you may<br />
not have thought of.<br />
Increase Authority—If you are a martial<br />
arts instructor, coach, online business<br />
owner, trainer, or niche blogger,<br />
writing a book is<br />
a fabulous way to<br />
improve your perceived<br />
authority in<br />
your industry. In our<br />
society, authors<br />
enjoy high status.<br />
Therefore, writing a<br />
quality book automatically<br />
increases<br />
your authority in<br />
your field.<br />
Grow your audience—Adding a book to your business model is<br />
just another way people can find you and the advice they seek.<br />
Increase your income—A book is just another way to offer your<br />
expert advice to a broader audience looking for help. It gives you a<br />
way to help more people and bring in more income while you do it.<br />
Create a career—Not a coach, online business owner, or blogger<br />
yet? Or maybe you don’t want to do those things, but you want<br />
to share your knowledge or creativity with the world while making<br />
a good living at it. Many people are now making a full-time living<br />
writing and self-publishing books. If they can do it, so can you!<br />
GRANDMASTER JESSIE BOWEN is president of Karate International of Durham, Inc., a member of the<br />
American <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Association Sport Karate League and Hall of Fame, and has been a member of the Duke University<br />
PE Staff for over 25 years. He is the author of Zen Mind-Body Mindfulness Meditation and Zen Mind-Body Mindfulness<br />
Meditation for <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>, as well as several other books, programs, and audio CDs on meditation and success training.<br />
60 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by graffoto8
January 19th – 21st, 2024<br />
Join Us! January 19th – 21st, 2024<br />
Energize yourself and your staff by training<br />
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Grand Master Clark is hosting this<br />
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14 Trend Marketing Strategies<br />
To Elevate New Leads Fast<br />
by Mr. Sean Lee<br />
Trend marketing strategies for martial arts school owners at this moment should be<br />
aligned with the latest industry trends and the evolving needs and preferences of your<br />
target audience. Here are some strategies to consider:<br />
1. Health and Wellness Focus:<br />
Promote the physical and mental health benefits of martial<br />
arts training, emphasizing how it enhances fitness, reduces stress,<br />
and supports overall well-being.<br />
2. Personalized Training Programs:<br />
Provide personalized training plans for students based on<br />
their fitness level, goals, and preferences to cater to their individual<br />
needs.<br />
3. Self-Defense and Safety Workshops:<br />
Highlight the value of safety and self-defense classes, showcasing<br />
your school as a place where individuals can learn practical<br />
skills to protect themselves and others.<br />
4. <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> for Kids and Teens:<br />
Target younger demographics by emphasizing<br />
the discipline, confidence, and focus that martial<br />
arts can instill in children and teenagers.<br />
5. Online Marketing and Social Media:<br />
Leverage the power of social media and<br />
online marketing through targeted advertising,<br />
influencer partnerships, and engaging content on<br />
platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.<br />
6. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices:<br />
If applicable, promote your commitment to<br />
sustainability and eco-friendly practices,<br />
aligning with the growing importance of<br />
environmental consciousness.<br />
7. Diverse and Inclusive<br />
Marketing:<br />
Ensure your marketing<br />
materials reflect diversity and<br />
inclusivity by showcasing students and instructors from various<br />
backgrounds, creating a welcoming environment for all.<br />
8. Engage with User-Generated Content:<br />
Encourage students to share their training experiences on<br />
social media using a unique hashtag. Repost and celebrate this<br />
user-generated content to build a sense of community.<br />
9. Mobile Apps and Technology Integration:<br />
Invest in mobile apps or platforms that offer convenient<br />
scheduling, training resources, and a way for students to track their<br />
progress.<br />
10. Community Involvement:<br />
Engage with your local community by offering free or lowcost<br />
self-defense workshops or hosting charity events, demonstrating<br />
your commitment to making a positive impact.<br />
11. Collaborations and Partnerships:<br />
Partner with local gyms, health food stores, or wellness<br />
businesses for co-promotions, helping you reach new audiences<br />
through cross-promotions.<br />
12. Video Marketing and Live Streaming:<br />
Create instructional videos, conduct live Q&A sessions, or<br />
live stream classes to engage your audience with shareable video<br />
content.<br />
13. Storytelling and Brand Narrative:<br />
Develop a compelling brand story that connects with your<br />
audience emotionally. Share your journey, successes, and the positive<br />
impact you’ve had on your students’ lives.<br />
14. Competitive Edge:<br />
Highlight what makes your martial arts school unique, whether<br />
it’s a specialized discipline, renowned instructors, or exceptional<br />
facilities. Emphasize what sets you apart from the competition.<br />
SEAN LEE is the Executive Director of Sales and Marketing for hundreds of martial arts schools<br />
and specializes in online and social media marketing using his extensive professional experience in<br />
sports and martial arts marketing, contract negotiation, and investment.<br />
62 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
BE RECOGNIZED in future editions of<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>.<br />
Our goal at <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is to<br />
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arts school. It’s incredibly useful for our readers to hear<br />
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You are part of a wonderful industry and community<br />
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• Opening a New Location<br />
• Winning an Award<br />
• Discovering a Successful Marketing Strategy<br />
• Building a Retention System that Works Well<br />
• Tournament Results<br />
• Anything else that our readers might find valuable!<br />
<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com/Ureport<br />
Or send your story ideas to Editor@<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com
Compassion and the<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> Artist<br />
by An-Shu Stephen Hayes<br />
I truly believe you can only give as much compassion as you can afford. When you<br />
are very strong, you can afford to show a lot of compassion. Not very strong? You risk<br />
your compassion being perceived as weakness, and you are vulnerable to suffering<br />
intolerable loss. This is one irony of martial arts training: the better fighter you are, the<br />
less you seem to need to fight.<br />
I wanted to study martial arts when I was a youth, to be ready<br />
to stand up for those unfairly abused by bullies. Does<br />
that make sense to you that I would want to<br />
learn “how to win fights” as a way to encourage<br />
more compassion and peace in the<br />
world?<br />
As we study how to be protectors, we<br />
might find it easier talking about compassion<br />
than actually putting those insights<br />
to work. Theory is easier than practice,<br />
especially when it comes to making<br />
space for people who may annoy us.<br />
There are two aspects of compassion.<br />
First there is “feeling of compassion”.<br />
You look at others and empathize with<br />
their feelings and perspectives,<br />
understand why they do or<br />
say or think what they do,<br />
and wish them a better<br />
experience.<br />
Second is “application<br />
of compassion”,<br />
where you<br />
know how and<br />
when to offer a<br />
helping hand –<br />
or in some cases a loving kick in the rear end.<br />
Compassion is a skill. Developed over time, it gives us an<br />
increasing appreciation of the human condition and cultivates a<br />
set of skilful means for handling the challenges of life inside and<br />
outside the dojo. We are less likely to short-circuit to violent treatment<br />
of others when we understand their confusion or pain –<br />
maybe we can rise above taking their hostility personally. We are<br />
so well-trained and powerful that we are less likely to fear and<br />
be threatened by those who are dominated by fear and threat in<br />
their lives.<br />
AN-SHU STEPHEN HAYES has authored more than 20 books, worked as a body guard for the Dali<br />
Lama, supervised over 30 school locations worldwide, and was named “A legend; one of the 10 most influential<br />
living martial artists in the world” by Black Belt <strong>Magazine</strong><br />
64 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by ronstik
Browse the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
Do You Have Items to Sell?<br />
Is There Something You Need?<br />
Selling Your School?<br />
Looking to Buy a School?<br />
Are You An Instructor Looking For a<br />
Career in The <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong>?<br />
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Looking to Hire Instructors?<br />
<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 65
Fire Those Who “Suck the Life”<br />
from Your School (Part 1)<br />
by Grandmaster Stephen Oliver<br />
I was listening to Tom Peters one day and he was talking about an accounting firm that<br />
took a rather radical approach to building their business: they fired the bottom 30% of<br />
their clients!<br />
They sat down, took a look a their client roster, and evaluated<br />
them on the basis of several factors:<br />
• Is this someone that we enjoy working with, who adds value to<br />
our practice and who enhances our business?<br />
• Is this someone who pays on time and contributes at a level<br />
proportionate to the time they take to service.<br />
I really hate to admit it, but I used this idea<br />
rather aggressively a few years back, and<br />
gee, it really worked.<br />
How did I go about this?<br />
Well, I had a branch that had been<br />
doing extremely poorly. Things just really<br />
hadn’t been run properly. Unfortunately,<br />
my staff really enjoyed working out, but<br />
didn’t care much for marketing, or even for<br />
paying attention to student retention.<br />
When I personally took over<br />
the location, there were major<br />
problems, to say the least.<br />
Radical changes upset<br />
many (if you can say many<br />
with the tiny active count<br />
they had accrued).<br />
As usual, the major<br />
problems come from the<br />
Black Belts, followed by<br />
the Brown Belts.<br />
Maybe I was just in<br />
a bad mood, but I basically<br />
made radical changes.<br />
When senior students complained,<br />
I explained as nicely as possible that it was my way or the<br />
highway. They would either adjust and be supportive, or find some<br />
other place to be happy.<br />
Sure enough, I irritated or just plain fired about 24 people. Then<br />
guess what? The school got to be a lot more fun. The negative<br />
undercurrents disappeared, and the school went from 95 to 310<br />
students in about 12 months! The really loyal Black Belts chipped<br />
in and suddenly became strong leaders when space was made for<br />
them, and the negative energy was erased.<br />
I was speaking to a very well-known industry leader several<br />
years ago while holding a seminar for and teaching his staff and<br />
associates. He actually suggested that he wanted to eliminate the<br />
parent seating area in his school to “keep the parents from sitting<br />
there bitching about things the entire class.”<br />
One way you could evaluate this comment is that there must<br />
be a really mediocre level of student service overall in that school,<br />
if the complaining parents were prevalent enough to actually consider<br />
eliminating the seating area.<br />
However, I’d be the first to admit that no matter how good you<br />
are, there’s always that bottom 5% who, no matter what you do, are<br />
going to be negative — and a certain group for whom your philosophies<br />
and theirs are just never going to completely align.<br />
You may be far better off to address the bitching/ moaning<br />
crowd head-on whenever possible, one on one, never in groups.<br />
Before you do, take an OBJECTIVE look at what’s going on. You<br />
might find they are RIGHT. If you’ve dropped the ball on service<br />
with this family, generally been sloppy in your follow-through, or<br />
just haven’t performed at your peak, then by all means, admit it, fix<br />
it, regain trust and create a friend. Those who complain — if treated<br />
properly and paid attention to at the right time — can become your<br />
most loyal students.<br />
GRANDMASTER STEPHEN OLIVER, is a 9th degree black belt and is the founder and CEO of<br />
Mile High Karate schools, and founder of the <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Wealth Mastery Program.<br />
66 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
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Network Like Successful People!<br />
by Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br />
You cannot see behind your back, unless you have a mirror. You need another’s point<br />
of view to see yourself much clearer. A network is the best resource to help you solve<br />
a problem, as long as they are positive and counsel you with wisdom. Invest your time<br />
and energy to build a winning team, and listen well to their advice, to help you reach<br />
your dream.<br />
Successful People Have a Network Mindset!<br />
Successful life begins with a successful network; the purpose of<br />
social media is building a successful network. Building<br />
a successful network means creating a successful<br />
future.<br />
Network positively: Choose positive and intelligent<br />
people. Motivate, recognize, and support<br />
one another to build a successful network. Positive<br />
networking creates a productive future.<br />
Network wisely: Choose confident and wise<br />
people. Treat other people fairly, not equally, depending<br />
on their abilities, strengths, talents, skills,<br />
and education. On top of that, recognize and admire<br />
others with respect, understanding, and true care.<br />
You will have reliable relationships.<br />
Failures Have a Destroying<br />
Mindset<br />
Network negatively: Associate<br />
with pessimistic people, criticize<br />
and discourage others, and you<br />
will destroy many relationships<br />
and make lots of enemies.<br />
Network carelessly: Associate<br />
with stupid and careless<br />
people, and you will do stupid<br />
things together. You can’t have<br />
any reliable relationships.<br />
Can you network like successful people?<br />
1) Invest your time to find positive and wise people and treat<br />
them fairly. Think twice about the consequences before speaking<br />
or acting, and put yourself in other people’s shoes. You will be<br />
surprised. You will have many reliable relationships.<br />
2) Recognize others genuinely, care for them deeply, and treat<br />
them fairly until it becomes second nature.<br />
3) Practice The 5 Pillars of True Success. It will guide you to network<br />
positively and wisely.<br />
*This is an excerpt from the book The Five Pillars of True Success<br />
in the section on The Top 10 Successful Habits.<br />
GRANDMASTER Y. K. KIM is the most successful martial arts business leader in the US, having written<br />
over 30 books on martial arts, business, leadership, and success. He has won numerous public service<br />
awards and is the founder of the leading martial arts marketing and management company in the US.<br />
68 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by Caiaimage/Martin Barraud
The Best Seller!<br />
Transform your life and<br />
create a successful future with<br />
The 5 Pillars of True Success!<br />
A NEW Paradigm for Modern Success!<br />
1st Pillar: Fight for your body – practice the 4<br />
wheels of physical fitness, so you can do anything<br />
you set your mind to do.<br />
2nd Pillar: Fight for your mind – earn mental<br />
fitness through self-education and self-discipline,<br />
so you can be whatever you want to be.<br />
3rd Pillar: Fight for your heart – believe in yourself<br />
to develop the moral fitness to turn obstacles into<br />
stepping stones, so you can have a winning spirit.<br />
Audio Book<br />
4th Pillar: Fight for your finances – develop<br />
financial fitness to create financial freedom, so you<br />
can have everything you want to have.<br />
5th Pillar: Fight for your life – develop the 7 kinds<br />
of modern leadership to build life fitness, so you<br />
can live the life you’ve always dreamed of.<br />
Embrace The 5 Pillars of True Success to be<br />
healthier, wiser, more confident, wealthier, and<br />
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15 Gym Myth That School<br />
Owners Should Know (Part 3)<br />
by Grandmaster Zufi Ahmed<br />
Once again, remember, these are some of the ideas that your prospects and students<br />
have, so being aware can help you to educate them better and endear them to all that<br />
your school truly provides.<br />
Myth #11: Supplements Can Replace A Good Diet Supplements<br />
can never replace a good diet. They are made to add to a<br />
good diet, not replace it. The body prefers whole foods and they<br />
are actually absorbed better than supplements. Combining a good<br />
diet with supplements is recommended and will provide the best<br />
results. Supplements Can Never Replace A Good Diet.<br />
Myth #12: You Can Eat Anything If You Train Without Gaining<br />
Fat If a person doesn’t eat correctly, they run the risk of gaining<br />
fat whether or not they train. Performing cardio<br />
helps rid of the fat, but it can be mind boggling<br />
performing endless amounts of cardio to fight off<br />
all the fat gained from bad eating habits. Having<br />
a small cheat meal every one to two weeks is recommended<br />
and will keep you mentally in check.<br />
Myth #13: Eating Any Food At Night Is Bad It<br />
is important to eat at night before going to sleep,<br />
so the body has the needed nutrients throughout<br />
the long sleeping period. Eating high fat foods is<br />
definitely bad and should be completely avoided.<br />
However, consuming protein-rich foods that<br />
contain a slight bit of fat and foods with<br />
complex carbs is highly recommended,<br />
as it helps the body recover and restore<br />
its energy reserves.<br />
Myth #14: Machines Are Better<br />
Than Free Weights It is common to<br />
see ads about new fancy machines<br />
that are supposedly better than free<br />
weights in every aspect. Those are always false, as machines,<br />
similarly to free weights, have just as many disadvantages as they<br />
do advantages. Combining free weights with machines is best,<br />
as you obtain the best of both worlds. Free weights allow for free<br />
range of motion and the use of stabilizer muscles. However, the<br />
risk of injury is high because incorrect movements out of the range<br />
of motion can easily occur. Machines on the other hand have less<br />
range of motion most of the time, but they often minimize the risk<br />
of injury because of the fixed range of motion. However, injury can<br />
still occur. Also, most trainees have differences in their anatomical<br />
structures and the fixed positions that machines provide might not<br />
fully suit the trainee. In such cases, the particular machines should<br />
be avoided to prevent risking injury. <strong>News</strong> Flash – Body Weight exercises<br />
use more muscle groups, have a strong body not a strong<br />
arms and a weak back, unless you like casualty!<br />
Myth #15: Training Like A Pro Bodybuilder Is Best Most pro<br />
bodybuilders have been training for many years and are taking<br />
drugs. What works for them doesn’t necessarily work for everyone<br />
else. Each individual has a different body and needs to adjust<br />
their workouts according to that. Duplicating a pro bodybuilder’s<br />
workout will not make a person look like a pro bodybuilder. It<br />
takes many years of hard training, proper eating, and dedication<br />
to gain loads of muscle mass. There are no shortcuts that lead to a<br />
bodybuilder-like physique. There Are No Shortcuts That Lead To<br />
A Bodybuilder-Like Physique. It doesn’t hurt to take advice from<br />
a pro, but that advice should be first analyzed and researched<br />
before included in your workout regimen, to see whether or not it<br />
is acceptable for your level of training and if it would benefit you.<br />
GRANDMASTER ZULFI AHMED has amassed acclaim as a world-class competitor, martial<br />
arts educator, and is most notably founder and designer of the internationally renowned style, Bushi Ban.<br />
With over 45 years of martial arts experience and over 300 martial arts awards, his schools include ten<br />
locations across Texas.<br />
72 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (center) by monticelllo
Join a Winning Team!<br />
W Want a Truly Inspiring Career?<br />
W Want to Join a Growing, Creative, Vibrant Organization?<br />
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Benefits:<br />
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• and More!<br />
The Best Block<br />
Is No Block At All!! (Part 2)<br />
by Shihan Dana Abbott<br />
Remember, a block is the last defense and one that is not usually put into effect until<br />
all other avenues of protection have failed.<br />
The failure to get out of harm’s way, deflect and or block the<br />
weapon is mainly caused by the person’s inability to recognize<br />
danger before it is too late. The more one understands the concepts<br />
of protection, defense, focus, timing, rhythm and balance the<br />
easier it is for them to recognize oncoming strikes and acting on<br />
them before they become too close for comfort.<br />
With this concept understood you should know that you must<br />
be out of the way of the weapons path. It is now our endeavor to<br />
instruct you on the “ins and outs” of protecting yourself against an<br />
opponent who is wielding a dangerous weapon.<br />
To successfully compete against and hopefully best an armed<br />
opponent without a weapon you must first think of<br />
utilizing large amounts of energy. That is, to be<br />
“the fastest you can be” within the guide lines<br />
of balance and focus. Most people do not<br />
understand the depth of<br />
weaponry and neglect<br />
to realize that even if you<br />
think about all the movements<br />
and techniques you<br />
must physically practice<br />
them over and over until rote<br />
memory sets in. Moreover,<br />
most people refuse to learn to<br />
such a heightened plateau because<br />
they find it is too challenging<br />
for them mentally<br />
and physically.<br />
But, for those who want<br />
to go full circle and be able to<br />
defend, fight or compete with<br />
or without weaponry they must learn to integrate the theories and<br />
techniques at full speed….and that is, if you use simple blocks and<br />
deflections with a weapon you must also follow those same basic<br />
moves without one. The person who does not have the luxury of<br />
having a weapon in their hands must compensate for that fact by<br />
being faster than their attacking opponent. They have the choice<br />
of either running for safety, attacking first or countering thus giving<br />
them the upper hand for that brief moment.<br />
That brief moment or “window of opportunity” is short lived<br />
therefore; you must go in for the shot, point or kill without hesitation<br />
and unwavering focus, speed and energy. Anything else<br />
would put you into difficulty and most people wielding a weapon<br />
will not offer you a second chance to get the upper hand.<br />
It should be noted that fancy movements will not work on an<br />
opponent who wants to win the match or take your life. Your defensive<br />
movements should be simple, to the point and executed with<br />
perfection in order to achieve the desired results.<br />
SHIHAN DANA ABBOTT Is a 7th degree black belt in Kenjutsu, starting his 14-year education in Tokyo. He has<br />
published five books and designed a US Patent. Abbott has also conducted seminars in over 30 countries and obtained<br />
his black belt at the Hombu dojo in Yokohama. He currently offers online classes on, his unique<br />
swordsmanship academy.<br />
74 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 Photograph (right) by Shutter2U
The Mat Never Lies!<br />
by Master Carlos Machado<br />
The measure of progress is not related to who has the upper hand one day or<br />
another, but to the degree of consistency someone applies to their time on the mat,<br />
whether practicing a drill or rolling with a partner.<br />
The outcome of who taps whom or who smashes who is not a<br />
factor, although it can be a reference. What counts the most is the<br />
ability to put into execution the moves one learns while doing drills,<br />
initially without resistance, and later on with increasing difficulty.<br />
The gap between learning a move and the ability to execute<br />
that same move against a resisting opponent is called threshold.<br />
The only way someone can push the threshold is through gradual<br />
steps. The slow and steady approach will eventually turn into the<br />
fast and furious approach. Between the two extremes lies the<br />
truth of the mat, which always reveals itself at every session. The<br />
one who succeeds the most is not the one who gets right every<br />
time, which is not always the case, but those who continually push<br />
the threshold higher and higher towards full completion.<br />
When the focus is on threshold, the student does not<br />
worry whether he/she taps or sweeps someone, but<br />
on how far he or she can stretch the line towards the<br />
finish, which on the mat means start and finish a<br />
particular technique.<br />
Any sequence of a jiu jitsu skill follows three<br />
stages: Set up, transition, and completion. Every move<br />
that exists follows this sequence. Many can start<br />
but can’t finish, many can finish but can’t<br />
start, while many can start and finish but<br />
lack the transition in between the two.<br />
In the end it is all about connecting the<br />
dots, in gaining inches and preserving<br />
every gain. Those little bits of progress<br />
allow a person to continually<br />
push the threshold closer and<br />
closer to the desired outcome.<br />
In the greater scheme<br />
of things, jiu-jitsu should be<br />
considered the art of frustration, and done right, it is about<br />
frustrating first the opponent. If you can’t defeat him/her, make<br />
them work harder than you ,to sweat more, to get more tired.<br />
Once that part is done, focus on the transitions, the ability to get<br />
out of positions most get stuck with, while improving the ability<br />
to break someone’s balance in the process. And finally, before<br />
any submission is to be attempted, let weight distribution be the<br />
key, adding pressure to everything, from smashing to squeezing.<br />
Once those are accomplished, the submission is no longer<br />
the target, but the consequence when all the right strategies are<br />
played out.<br />
Not every day will be as planned! Some days you will be the<br />
hammer, while on others you will be the nail! Enjoy every bit of it,<br />
and remember that a bad day on the mat will always beat a bad<br />
day in the office!<br />
MASTER CARLOS MACHADO is one of the pioneers of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in the United States of America.<br />
Currently a Coral Belt, and promoted to Black Belt by Carlos Gracie Junior, Carlos Machado came to the USA in the early<br />
1990’s with his brothers where they formed the RCJ Machado Jiu Jitsu Association, one of the strongest & growing BJJ<br />
organizations in the world today.<br />
76 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by swilmor
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Have Your School, Organization,<br />
Accomplishment, or Event Featured in<br />
As professional martial arts school<br />
owners and instructors, it’s important<br />
that we stay up to date with the<br />
latest tools, tactics, and strategies<br />
for operating a successful martial<br />
arts school or organization.<br />
We here at <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>World</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong> are on an unstoppable<br />
mission to help our industry grow,<br />
and one of the best ways to do that<br />
is by sharing “what’s working” and<br />
what’s not.<br />
So, we want to feature schools,<br />
school owners, instructors,<br />
organizations, students, and industry<br />
contributors that might have a story<br />
our readers would find valuable!<br />
No story is too small or too big for<br />
consideration so long as there is<br />
value to our readers.<br />
<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com/Ureport<br />
Send your Story Idea to us.<br />
Email Editor@<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><strong>World</strong><strong>News</strong>.com<br />
Or Contact us at: 407-895-1996<br />
• One of your students<br />
overcame great obstacles<br />
to achieve their black belt?<br />
Awesome!<br />
• You’ve opened a new<br />
location? We’d love to hear<br />
about it!<br />
• Your martial arts<br />
association just set a new<br />
record? Great! Send us<br />
some information!
the<br />
like a champ<br />
experience<br />
breaking<br />
kicking<br />
training<br />
leadership<br />
C H I P T O W N S E N D<br />
14x ISKA <strong>World</strong> Champion, Multiple <strong>World</strong> Record Holder<br />
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Developing Love and<br />
Compassion<br />
by Shihan Allie Alberigo<br />
I got an overwhelming response from the article on “Developing Your Spiritual<br />
Connection”. An individual saw me in town and told me that the lesson on developing<br />
compassion actually is changing her life. She took the plan has been using it daily to<br />
make herself a more empathetic and loving person. My heart was touched.<br />
I hope that through this series of articles<br />
I will be writing that many other people may<br />
find benefits in this unique philosophy. Buddhism,<br />
Christianity, Hinduism, Catholicism,<br />
Taoism, Judaism as well as all other religions<br />
have one common goal and that is to be<br />
a loving, compassionate and empathetic<br />
individual. Imagine what a euphoric world we<br />
would live in if everyone just practiced<br />
a bit of these philosophies.<br />
I propose that you follow<br />
a martial arts practice that I<br />
teach in the L.I. Ninjutsu<br />
Centers regularly.<br />
This practice should<br />
be done for a<br />
minimum of 30 days<br />
and is called “The<br />
Random acts of<br />
Kindness.” This was<br />
developed by a team<br />
of martial artists and is<br />
a take off from the motion picture<br />
“Pay it forward.” Perform 3 acts of<br />
kindness to 3 different individuals.<br />
One a family member, the other<br />
an acquaintance and last but not<br />
least, a perfect stranger. Now of<br />
course when dealing with strangers make sure that you are careful<br />
about whom you deal with and in what manner. The good deeds<br />
or “Random acts of Kindness can be anonymous or you can let the<br />
person know. The acts themselves could be as easy as holding a<br />
door, paying a toll for the car behind you or cutting your neighbors<br />
lawn while they are on vacation. You may take a home cooked<br />
meal to an elderly person or invite them to a family function. How<br />
about going to the local soup kitchen or a senior citizen home and<br />
helping develop the music program. You can come up with some<br />
on your own.<br />
Here is the fun part. If someone does know that you did the<br />
good deed for them and wants to thank you, you in return tell them<br />
that they have to pay it forward to three other people following the<br />
same rules. Keep track and get back to me. Let’s make the world a<br />
better place one good deed and person at a time. Please keep me<br />
posted on your progress.<br />
SHIHAN ALLIE ALBERIGO is a 7th degree black belt, the founder of the L.I. Ninjutsu<br />
Centers, one of the largest Ninjutsu schools on the planet, the author of 4 books, and an entrepreneur<br />
with one of the first online coaching companies.<br />
80 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by fizkes
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7 Keys to Authenticity In<br />
Branding Your School (Part 1)<br />
by Professor Willie “The Bam” Johnson<br />
Everyone is a brand but they just don’t realize it.<br />
All big brands start as a personal brand company like coca cola,<br />
Mcdonalds, and Starbucks and then they place great importance<br />
in marketing and promoting their brands as well as protecting them<br />
and from that they make billions of dollars. They can do the same<br />
thing by emulating what the big boys do and the authenticity is<br />
based on what your destiny is, what dreams you have, what skills you<br />
have developed and what value you live by and bring to your job.<br />
1. Authenticity<br />
This is all about being true to yourself, being honest and<br />
respected for what you bring to the world based on<br />
your experiences and values. This sort of brand<br />
focus brings life to whatever system of martial arts<br />
you teach. For example, the Gracie legacy is defined<br />
by the Gracies family’s experience and that<br />
is what makes their brand powerful. Bruce Lee<br />
also once said “The individual is more important<br />
than the system.” That is just another way to<br />
show you the value in your personal<br />
branding. So do you as the hip<br />
hop believer brand founder<br />
Russell Simmons once said.<br />
2. Leadership not<br />
management<br />
We live in the age of<br />
leadership which is all<br />
about leading by example,<br />
not cracking the whip to<br />
demand that people do<br />
things. People move faster<br />
and are empowered by our<br />
actions. They naturally want<br />
to emulate that example as<br />
Franklin Covery said in his book Principle Center Leadership.<br />
Individuals and organizations survive, thrive and transform by<br />
holding onto principles just like those you’re reading. Principles<br />
are the tools that teach others how to function well beyond their<br />
leaders. They learn to take ownership for all they do running your<br />
business like it is theirs because their own personal unique brand<br />
adds power to our own brand.<br />
3. Thinking out of the box<br />
Creative and innovative thinking is the only way for any<br />
progress to grow beyond its own industry; it must transcend into<br />
pop culture and beyond. It has to satisfy and desire the need for<br />
invisible the from all walks of life even if they cannot enter your<br />
doors. And once again the root cause of being your brand that really<br />
is your mission statement should provide solutions to societal<br />
problems. For example, I created the kung fu hip hop curriculum.<br />
It was created to help the next generation of kids and teens avoid<br />
my path. Along with that, I and my family created street combat<br />
to deal with the violence that plagues our world to help kids and<br />
teens change the path chosen. And finally then our diva empowerment<br />
program that is based on my wife being attacked and raped<br />
in college, so all our moms can learn to be tough but tender.<br />
With all these curriculum used to empower others outside our<br />
core curriculum its nothing to stay relevant as a brand.<br />
More to come next issue.<br />
PROFESSOR WILLIE “THE BAM” JOHNSON is a 7th degree black belt and seven-time sport<br />
karate and Kung-Fu world champion. He has appeared in four movies, 16 plays, and 11 television shows. He is also<br />
the national spokesperson for the Stronger than Drugs Foundation and the Champions Against Drugs.<br />
82 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photo (right) by Olivier Le Moal
• Instructor Tips and Tricks<br />
• Class Management Skills<br />
• <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Events<br />
• Classified Marketplace<br />
• Social Media Marketing Tactics<br />
• Marketing Breakthroughs<br />
• Industry <strong>News</strong><br />
• <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School Profiles<br />
And MUCH More!<br />
Strategies for Success (Part 1)<br />
By Lee Milteer<br />
Clearly, we are living at a time none of us, as business owners, ever imagined.<br />
The ever-changing landscape of our current reality<br />
forces us to deal with restrictions put upon us, as<br />
well as challenges that seem so out of our control. In<br />
times like these we must sincerely gather our own grit,<br />
resilience, and determination to keep making good<br />
decisions. It is helpful to leverage the words of the<br />
“philosopher king” Marcus Aurelius: “The impediment<br />
to action advances action. What stands in the way<br />
becomes the way.” WE HAVE THE POWER WITHIN to<br />
find a way to turn every negative into a positive.<br />
“The obstacle is the way.” No matter how bad<br />
or seemingly undesirable a situation becomes—we<br />
can always practice virtue, using the situation as<br />
an opportunity to be our best selves. We do not<br />
control when things get hard, but we always control<br />
how we respond. We can show patience, courage,<br />
humility, resourcefulness, reason, justice, and<br />
creativity. The things that test us make us who we are. WE<br />
CAN grow stronger and better with every obstacle we<br />
face. WE CAN rally to every challenge and thrive<br />
as a result. With this all said, we must get serious<br />
about our own accountability strategies. Daily<br />
you have to remind your TEAM of the brutal<br />
fact that your company ONLY gets paid for<br />
RESULTS for your customers, clients, and<br />
patients. Entrepreneurs are on a RESULTS<br />
economy, not a time economy like people<br />
who have “jobs.” You as the Business<br />
Owner need to have task-oriented<br />
behavior versus emotional<br />
behavior. Without the taskoriented<br />
behavior, it’s much<br />
harder to make your 2021<br />
goals become real.<br />
Set Up Accountability for<br />
Your Progress. Find someone<br />
in your life that you trust enough to hold you accountable. Many<br />
entrepreneurs con themselves by doing busy work instead of profit<br />
work in their businesses. Or get lost in social media, wasting precious<br />
creative energy that could be used for profitable ventures.<br />
Keep this very important rule of success in mind: There are real<br />
consequences for not doing the right work at the right time. Your<br />
lack of personal responsibility will show up in many ways including<br />
your bank account, lack of self-care, stress in your relationships,<br />
and a host of other aggravating & annoying problems.<br />
Create a Vision. Everyone needs a clear roadmap to where you<br />
are going and all the details of how to get there. Yet most people<br />
wing it, with no serious time spent creating an effective action<br />
plan. If you look at all the high achievers in your profession, you’ll<br />
notice that they plan their work and work their plan. High achievers<br />
are very aware of the fact that “luck” means being prepared to<br />
take advantage of situations that come unannounced.<br />
Take Action. The people who take purposeful, directional, and<br />
persistent action, are the ones who achieve their aspirations. Take<br />
action on at least one of your goals every day.<br />
MS. LEE MILTEER is an Intuitive Business Coach, award-winning professional speaker, and TV<br />
personality who has counseled and trained over a million people throughout her career. Lee is Stephen Oliver’s<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Wealth Mastery’s Millionaire Smarts Coach and is also a best-selling author of educational resources.<br />
Visit<br />
84 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by Olivier Le Moal
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Ideology or Biology? (Part 2)<br />
by Shidoshi Alfredo Tucci<br />
The negation of biology seems a constant in our days.<br />
An ideological constant, of course, that responds to a pendulum<br />
effect, in which the emphasis of everything in general<br />
declines towards the feminine. I have written ad nauseam<br />
about these contradictions and their absurdities, now and in<br />
the past, and I don’t wish to be repetitive; today my intention<br />
is to point out two very concrete points, which are probably<br />
the largest sources of neurosis existing in the first world,<br />
namely: The denial of biology, which may only be overcome<br />
by another lack, that of ignoring the power of the invisible<br />
world, that is, spirituality.<br />
We are bent to describing our world in a small<br />
way, reducing it to the material and rational;<br />
as a result, developed societies are<br />
becoming more emotional, sentimental<br />
and neurotic, while, curiously, we remain<br />
vested with the absurd certainty that we<br />
are primarily rational beings. Against that<br />
background, it’s hardly surprising that we<br />
have such a high suicide rate and that antidepressant<br />
drugs and opiates in general<br />
have become a huge problem in societies<br />
such as North America. Problems classified<br />
as “mental” are the most serious pending<br />
task of our days.<br />
As a Master of mine said,<br />
contradictions in termini are<br />
ticking time bombs and sooner<br />
or later they explode. Any<br />
ideology that goes against<br />
the natural order will inevitably<br />
decay and be exposed<br />
and judged by history, which<br />
on the other hand does not<br />
mean anything, because,<br />
as the old Spanish saying<br />
has it, “man is the only<br />
animal capable of stumbling<br />
twice with the same stone”, that is, capable of making<br />
the same mistake over and over; and on top of that, man has a<br />
very faulty memory. Normal.<br />
The only possible solace is, as usual, individual. Keeping lucidity<br />
and memory is a personal exercise, because the masses always<br />
take the streets with only one thing in mind, to shout “long live<br />
x…!” or “down with x...! And in general, they do it predominantly<br />
impelled by their emotions or their guts, although giving form of<br />
intellectual discourse to such outbursts looks good today.<br />
No, gentlemen, nothing justifies foolishness or stupidity.<br />
Use your head for what it’s worth, read, inform yourself, and<br />
reflect. Don’t believe anything just because someone says<br />
it, whoever he or she is, including myself; because the more<br />
options you study, the more possibilities you have to decide<br />
freely. Let’s render unto Cesar what is Cesar’s; use your head<br />
to think, not to believe that you know something dispatching<br />
any issue with a quote, or sailing the rolling sea of knowledge<br />
in a boat made of badly-crafted scraps of other people’s experiences<br />
or extemporaneous achievements, sewn together in<br />
haste and nonsense.<br />
Stop identifying yourselves only with your head and, occasionally,<br />
only when it presses, and on the slant, with other peremptory<br />
parts. We are ovoids of energy, spirits living a material experience,<br />
beings nevertheless subject to biological commands and not<br />
conscious imperatives.<br />
Raising the human condition is always a personal exercise,<br />
the only job and task for which in the end we are transiting these<br />
byways, not to make money, or screw out people with our bad<br />
temper. Raising the human condition goes through the development<br />
of awareness of who we are and through learning to live in<br />
it, giving the best of ourselves to fulfill our personal design, that<br />
each one has his own. To turn a deaf ear to our spiritual essence,<br />
because materialism is fashionable, is as idiotic as to deny and<br />
ignore the commands of our biological nature, the hardware on<br />
which we necessarily process our applications, because, believe<br />
me, whatever they say, apple trees bear apples ... and pear trees<br />
bear pears.<br />
SHIDOSHI ALFREDO TUCCI is the CEO and General Manager of the Budo International Publishing<br />
Company, a leading publisher in the martial arts with over 35 years in the industry. He is also author of several<br />
books: The Immaterial Dimension, The Way of the Warrior, and The Spirit. He currently lives in Valencia, Spain.<br />
88 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by Inside Creative House
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or Call Jeff @ 407-895-1996
Three Ways to Bring Excitement<br />
Back into Your Classroom<br />
by Master Tina Bane<br />
1. Energize Yourself.<br />
It all starts with you. If the teacher is bored,<br />
the students will be bored. If the teacher is<br />
serene, the students will be serene.<br />
You have to get excited about teaching<br />
again. How? By finding or creating something<br />
new and exciting to you, so you are excited<br />
about sharing it with your students.<br />
2. Energize Your Presentation.<br />
Even if you present the same techniques<br />
that you’ve taught for years, the same techniques<br />
your great-grandmaster taught your<br />
grandmaster hundreds of years ago, you can<br />
present them in a new and exciting way.<br />
A. Ki-hap! Yelling adds excitement.<br />
B. Encourage your students<br />
to clap – when they line up, clap and chant a school<br />
cheer. When someone answers a question or<br />
demonstrates a technique, cheer for him.<br />
C. Do more activities for a shorter period<br />
of time. Instead of practicing 3 drills for 10<br />
minutes each, practice 5 or 6 drills that<br />
teach the exact same thing, but only last<br />
5 minutes each.<br />
3. Energize your<br />
Content.<br />
Add a mental and moral<br />
component to every class.<br />
If we teach just physical<br />
techniques, we tend to develop<br />
street fighters who know<br />
HOW to fight, but not WHEN to fight.<br />
In addition, most people don’t<br />
get into fights in our modern, civilized<br />
society on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. However,<br />
they do face physical, mental, and moral challenges<br />
every day. If you focus your curriculum on overcoming the<br />
challenges of everyday life, it will be more relevant and more<br />
exciting to your students. Everyone wants success. The<br />
martial arts are the greatest way to integrate physical, mental,<br />
and moral fitness into a proven success philosophy that is<br />
both fun and exciting.<br />
Teaching this kind of curriculum is exciting for both the instructor<br />
and the student. It is constantly challenging for the instructor<br />
to come up with new and interesting ways to apply the techniques<br />
to life, and it is motivating for the students to see how they are<br />
improving themselves on a daily basis.<br />
The most difficult part of this whole process is developing the<br />
philosophical basis for your teaching, and then organizing it in a way<br />
that is effective for your students as they progress through the ranks.<br />
Fortunately, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Contact an<br />
AMS marketing consultant for more advice on building an innovative<br />
and exciting curriculum at 1.800.275.1600.<br />
MASTER TINA BANE is a 6th degree master instructor and owner of a Top Ten martial arts school<br />
with successful after school and summer camp programs.<br />
90 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by JackF
Lee Milteer is an Internationally known and celebrated<br />
Entrepreneur, Visionary, Best Selling Author, Award winning<br />
Professional Speaker, TV Personality, and Intuitive Business Mentor.<br />
Lee provides business and success advice and resources to nearly<br />
250,000 people around the world.<br />
Reclaim the Magic<br />
will evoke a consciousness<br />
shift and an awakening<br />
within you to manifest your<br />
heart’s true desires. is<br />
book will give you the tools<br />
and concepts to claim your<br />
natural birthright power as<br />
a manifestor.<br />
Success is an<br />
Inside Job<br />
will empower<br />
ANYONE to<br />
achieve new levels<br />
of self-clarity and<br />
control over their<br />
The Value of Tournament Teams<br />
by Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br />
Tournaments are a double-edged sword.<br />
I can speak from experience that they are a powerful<br />
motivational tool: When you have a tournament coming, you<br />
train harder and longer to be prepared. That is a very positive<br />
benefit. They can also have negative benefits in that I’ve seen<br />
many students quit the martial arts because of the behavior<br />
they have seen at tournaments.<br />
Whether I was a student or a teacher, the schools I attended<br />
always emphasized discipline and respect. We were taught<br />
to respect our opponents (actually partners in training), the<br />
officials, and all senior ranks. Unfortunately, not all masters and<br />
instructors are able to hold themselves to the high standards<br />
I was taught. When students or parents of students see high<br />
ranking members of other schools behaving badly, it reflects<br />
badly on the martial arts in general and brings into question the<br />
principles we profess. Whether it’s other competitors<br />
displaying bad sportsmanship, referees blatantly<br />
cheating, or instructors and masters making a<br />
scene with emotional tirades (or even fights), the<br />
bad behavior can do more harm than good for<br />
participating students. For those reasons, you<br />
must choose your tournaments carefully, attending<br />
only those with like-minded leaders.<br />
That being said, I believe it is important to<br />
have a competitive outlet for your students. Some<br />
schools focus on competition and develop students<br />
able to compete on the national or<br />
international stage. If that’s your focus,<br />
I applaud you, your students, and your<br />
accomplishments. Other schools just<br />
attend local tournaments, and find<br />
fulfillment there. Some organizations<br />
even hold their own internal<br />
tournaments to avoid some of<br />
the problems I identified above.<br />
No matter how you choose to<br />
compete, I believe you are doing<br />
your students a great service.<br />
However, not all students are competitive and if you<br />
emphasize tournaments too much, you may be chasing some<br />
students away. There are many benefits to training in the<br />
martial arts and a competitive spirit is only one. I believe all<br />
students should learn to be competitive for the situations in life<br />
that require it, but I also believe that cooperation is better than<br />
confrontation. A competitive spirit is a great skill to acquire,<br />
but should not be taught at the expense of all others. For that<br />
reason I believe that competition in regular classes should be<br />
limited, and special classes for your Tournament Team is the<br />
proper outlet for the highly competitive students to get what<br />
they are looking for.<br />
Some might say that having a sparring class should be<br />
enough – maybe, but it depends on how that fits into your<br />
other classes. Some students might only come to sparring<br />
class, while other students might avoid sparring class like the<br />
plague. You have to evaluate your class attendance and your<br />
student retention rates to see if there is a certain time, level, or<br />
class requirement that causes more students to quit. You need<br />
to create a class schedule and curriculum design that works<br />
best for your goals. My goals revolve around getting the most<br />
students to gain the benefits of martial arts training.<br />
Some might say that limiting the amount of sparring in regular<br />
classes is “watering down” the curriculum. If you think like a<br />
fighter, that may be true. If you think like a teacher, you have to<br />
meet your students where they are before you can bring them<br />
to where you want them to be.<br />
I believe having a Tournament Team for the students with<br />
the competitive personalities is a proper outlet. You can<br />
provide them with the instruction they desire and the time to<br />
practice their skills with like-minded, competitive partners. You<br />
can provide them with a group identity so they feel they belong<br />
to a team. You can provide them with an outlet for achievement<br />
when they win medals or trophies. I believe it is an excellent<br />
way to help certain students achieve what they are looking<br />
for, without sacrificing the non-competitive students and their<br />
goals. Having a Tournament Team is a win-win scenario.<br />
GRANDMASTER TIM MCCARTHY is a 9th degree black belt and is a martial arts educator with<br />
a master’s degree in education. He has been instrumental in developing two industry-changing programs, plus<br />
has directed and been featured in hundreds of martial arts videos and webinars.<br />
92 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6
Touch The Future<br />
Of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> School Management<br />
• Send automated<br />
2-4-6 week follow<br />
up messages to<br />
keep new students<br />
motivated.<br />
• Create unlimited<br />
automated followup<br />
messages for<br />
students whose<br />
attendance has<br />
“slipped,” effectively<br />
slamming your<br />
“back door” shut!<br />
REPORT<br />
• You don’t even<br />
have to log in to<br />
the system, simply<br />
schedule any of the<br />
over 100 reports<br />
to be automatically<br />
emailed to you or<br />
a staff member<br />
whenever you wish.<br />
• Generate new<br />
leads with a<br />
website that<br />
will find new<br />
prospects,<br />
collect their<br />
information, and<br />
funnel them into<br />
your school.<br />
• Guide new<br />
prospects and<br />
appointments<br />
into your door<br />
with automated<br />
sequential email<br />
and SMS text<br />
messages.<br />
• Reactivate lost<br />
and former<br />
students with<br />
regular automated<br />
communications<br />
about special<br />
events and special<br />
offers at your<br />
school.<br />
• Automatically push, pre-scheduled<br />
posts to Facebook, Twitter and other<br />
Social Networks magnetically attracting<br />
students to your school.<br />
Atlas<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong><br />
CALL 1-(800) 275-1600<br />
How to Plan for Success (Part 2)<br />
by Grandmaster Lawrence Arthur<br />
Black Belt Club is just one of the steps necessary to become a<br />
certified instructor. After a student has been training for four to six<br />
months, add them to a CIT (Certified Instructor Training) upgrade<br />
list. Again, make an appointment to sit down with their family and<br />
discuss how far they’ve come and the leadership skills they’ve<br />
been learning, and let them know that you believe they are ready<br />
for a bigger challenge in their training and that you want them to<br />
enroll in your CIT program. The bigger commitment you can get<br />
your students to make to your program, the longer they’ll stay with<br />
you. Don’t be afraid of asking for the commitment. The price should<br />
have an enrollment fee and an additional monthly fee.<br />
Who else would you like to speak with about making a bigger<br />
commitment to your program? Make a list of students and set up<br />
appointments to discuss programs like private lesson programs<br />
($500 per month for five private and group classes). Be sure<br />
to offer all your students the Ultimate Black Belt Program that includes<br />
absolutely everything forever, including all equipment with<br />
a new uniform every year, all testing fees, seminars, camps, tournaments,<br />
and anything else you offer through 4th degree black belt.<br />
This program may have a real value of $20,000 or<br />
more, but you can discount it for prepayment<br />
with a substantial savings of 20 –30% off.<br />
Another upgrade program would be<br />
their Next-Level Black Belt Program.<br />
Regardless of what level black belt they<br />
are, present them with a goal of achieving<br />
their next-level black belt or help them set<br />
their goal for mastership, and ask<br />
them to make the commitment<br />
by enrolling now.<br />
Make a list of all students<br />
that are currently<br />
paying you monthly and<br />
offer them a discount<br />
of 20–30% for prepayment.<br />
You should offer<br />
this to every student<br />
first and then reoffer it on a regular basis. Normally you’ll get<br />
about 20% of whatever amount of money you ask for, so if you ask<br />
for $5,000 per day, you’ll average $1,000 per day income.<br />
Don’t forget to make a list of students that don’t have all their<br />
training gear yet. This could also include parents’ training gear for<br />
at-home practice like a body shield or hand targets. Every program<br />
should have a training gear package that goes with the program,<br />
such as a basic “Success Kit,” which might include a small duffle<br />
bag, bag gloves, school t-shirt, beginner DVD, and a manual of<br />
curriculum and sell it for about $95. The Black Belt Club has a bigger<br />
package with a much larger bag, and includes all their safety<br />
equipment, targets, foam safety weapons, black belt curriculum<br />
manual, leadership manual, new BBC uniform, etc., and should<br />
retail for about $500.<br />
Each week have a planning session with your team to go over<br />
class announcements for this month, the calendar of events and<br />
who’s in charge of what, what money was supposed to happen last<br />
month that needs to be moved to this month, what marketing was<br />
supposed to happen last month that needs to be moved over to<br />
this month—any small monsters that we need to kill before going<br />
into this month.<br />
Try to identify your WHY for this month. Help your team<br />
get motivated by recognizing their personal “why” for going<br />
the extra mile and doing the extra work that it takes to become<br />
successful. Take some time as a group first, and then have mini<br />
meetings after to help them clarify their goals and motivations.<br />
Always finish your planning session with positive encouragement<br />
to everyone.<br />
GRANDMASTER LAWRENCE ARTHUR has been a martial artist, specializing<br />
in Karate, Kung Fu, Kenpo, Shotokan, and Goju Ryu, since 1968. He owns 40 Super Kick Karate<br />
locations and is founder of the American Freestyle Karate Association (AFKA). A world champion<br />
and hall of famer, Lawrence also runs the Black Belt Success Systems consulting firm, which trains<br />
martial arts instructors on proper business practices and is used by schools all over the country.<br />
94 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph by champpixs
Garett and Mr. Harrison’s<br />
Wisdom – Stop, Maim, Disable,<br />
Destroy (Part 2)<br />
By Sensei Gary Lee<br />
I was running the exercise when Mr. Jim Carol Harrison and Garett’s Mother arrived.<br />
We stopped, and we all got up and bowed because a real legend had just entered<br />
the ballroom.<br />
Mr. Harrison asked me to stop the test and replace all the<br />
circled of 12 and 16 year olds and replace them with all black<br />
belt adults in the room.<br />
I replaced them all with black belts in the room, exactly what<br />
he asked me to do. I got adults who were dressed in Gi’s, plain<br />
clothes, people I knew were black belts, and<br />
even a couple police officers. It was about<br />
15 big adult men surrounding my son<br />
and we started all over with the drill.<br />
One of the first black belts I called<br />
to attack him, jump spins Garett<br />
against the Wall. It was hard, real hard!<br />
He gets up and walks over to Mr. Harrison<br />
crying and I heard him ask him,<br />
“Sir, what do I do?” in tears. Mr. Harrison<br />
said, “Do what you have to do, Son”,<br />
he said to him sternly. Mr.<br />
Harrison wiped his face<br />
and sent him back out<br />
to the center.<br />
The next attacker<br />
was a<br />
police officer<br />
friend of<br />
mine, a<br />
brutal<br />
type<br />
of guy. He grabbed Garett and would not let go, no matter what<br />
Garett did to symbolize the technique. So I stopped the drill,<br />
called a time out, and Garett went over to Mr. Harrison.<br />
He goes back in with the same police officer who grabs<br />
him very hard this time by the lapel of his Gi. This time Garett<br />
kicks him the groin twice, hits him in the throat, gouging his<br />
eyes, kicks the groin again, symbolizes breaking his little finger,<br />
symbolizes stomping his toes, sweeps him, jumps up lands on<br />
his chest, ridge hands the groin, “Texas Handshake” symbolizes<br />
ripping the eyes and then elbows his face.<br />
Then he gets up, stomps his groin, starts to walk away, and<br />
back heels the groin again. He then turns and bows to Mr. Harrison.<br />
The wisdom of the Great Jim “Ronin” Harrison – Stop,<br />
Maim, Disable, Destroy.<br />
SENSEI GARY LEE, the American Samurai, is a 9th Dan black belt, a USA Karate<br />
Federation gold medalist, winner of five Super Grand National Titles, a featured actor in<br />
the movie Sidekicks, and is the founder of the National Sport Karate Museum.<br />
96 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Illustration (right) by ChrisGorgio
5 Points You Must Remember<br />
by Grandmaster Kirk Pelt<br />
Your planning for summer camp must be guided principles in order for things to be solid<br />
and go well. I think there are five points to remember when organizing in order to make<br />
summer camp memorable in the way that we want it to be memorable. These points or<br />
principles need to be kept in mind while you are planning the camp for success.<br />
The Five Points:<br />
1. Fun. This goes with everything including the operation of<br />
summer camp. This does not merely mean the activities like field<br />
trips and games, which I’ll also address.<br />
2. Engaging. The kids have to be engaged. You can’t<br />
play Dodgeball for an hour and a half. That’s not going<br />
to work.<br />
3. Competitive. We all know this. So throughout<br />
camp, have different ways that the students<br />
will be competing in good ways, not in bad ways.<br />
Who’s the team leader today? Who’s gonna be<br />
the team leader tomorrow. It’s based on what<br />
you do today. Competition that makes the student<br />
do more and try harder.<br />
4. Recognition. We know this psychology, we<br />
teach it in the class. Recognizing students in the<br />
summer camp builds that tight bond. Of<br />
course, you’re always their instructor,<br />
but it builds a bond for that student<br />
and instructor to where there’s a<br />
bigger respect and they want to<br />
do better for you and better for<br />
themselves.<br />
5. Improving. The kids have<br />
to be getting better, making<br />
some progress so they stay<br />
motivated.<br />
To make things memorable,<br />
you have to consider<br />
the above mentioned<br />
points for everything in the camp. For example consider days or<br />
field trips through the lens of those five points. Like Superhero<br />
Friday, or Action Movie Talent Contest. Tell the kids, “We’re gonna<br />
have an action movie talent contest and choose our best winners”.<br />
You can do it at the park.<br />
Maybe you can have a Lions versus dragons demo, Super<br />
Show. Have a demo team competition and then summer camp<br />
championships every year. Call field trips an adventure trip, doesn’t<br />
it sound more exciting than going to the park.<br />
It’s important to point out that you are not selling your field<br />
trips, your program is where the value is. Your adventure trips are<br />
just a bonus. Remember, simple things and doing different activities<br />
at the park where you control what you can do to engage<br />
the kids. You can have the best time with the kids because you<br />
control that.<br />
Our biggest adventure last year was a boat tour. It was a<br />
pontoon boat. It was the best field trip of the year. The kids<br />
totally loved it. It was like a glass bottom thing and they enjoyed<br />
it. Early during our registration process we announced some<br />
things in class trying to motivate the kids. One kid says, “Are we<br />
doing the glass bottom boat thing again?” So you have to make<br />
it memorable.<br />
You have to plan with those five points in mind. We have to<br />
be fun, have to engage, have competition, recognize them, and<br />
we have to make sure they improve, but we don’t have to sell the<br />
field trip. We have a lot of different things within our martial arts<br />
menu that we can do like bo staff week, nunchuck week, action<br />
movie week. These are engaging them, they’re learning, and<br />
having a lot of fun which will bring you the ultimate success that<br />
you’re seeking.<br />
GRANDMASTER KIRK PELT is an 8th degree black belt and is the President of a multi-million<br />
dollar, multi-school organization, has a 30-year track record of success, and is currently on the leading<br />
edge of martial arts curriculum and business innovation.<br />
98 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by JackF
Action Mega Convention<br /> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51<br />
Atlas <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Software<br />
Atlas<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong> ...............2, 40, 93<br />
Action Hero Photos<br /> ............................97<br />
Adventures of Harry & Friends<br /> ................<strong>23</strong><br />
Amazing <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Websites<br />
Amazing<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 81<br />
An-Shu Stephen K. Hayes<br /> .............................47<br />
AMS Billing<br /> ............................. 25, 70, 108<br />
AMSkids<br /> ......................35, 85<br />
Break Like a Champ<br /> ................................79<br />
Budo International <strong>Magazine</strong><br /> .............................50<br />
Extraordinary Marketing<br /> ........................75<br />
Master Karen Eden<br />
Century<strong>Martial</strong><strong>Arts</strong>.com ............................15<br />
Grandmaster Jessie Bowen<br /> and ........17, 107<br />
Kick Start Kids<br /> ..................................19<br />
Kids Point MMA<br /> ....................................87<br />
Kovar Systems<br /> ................................49<br />
Learn the Sword<br /> ...............................27<br />
Lee Milteer<br /> ........................................91<br />
MA Biz Academy<br /> .......................... 55, 101<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> Business Institute<br /> .......................31, 105<br />
<strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong> History Museum<br /> ..................................95<br />
Ninja Fighting Techniques<br /> ...............................30<br />
Otomix<br /> .......................................13<br />
Sport Karate Museum<br /> ..................97<br />
Grandmaster Tim McCarthy<br /> ........................................86<br />
Grandmaster Tom Patire<br /> ....................................34<br />
Warrior Certification<br /> ......................61<br />
Warrior Defence Lab<br /> ...........................77<br />
Grandmaster Y. K. Kim<br /> ....................................45, 68<br />
Grandmaster Zulfi Ahmed<br /> ..........................................26<br />
MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 99
Maintain Motivation Through<br />
the Pain of Hardship<br />
by Grandmaster Bill Clark<br />
There are two ways in which you can motivate yourself or others toward<br />
accomplishing the goals you desire to reach. First, there is positive motivation in which<br />
you promise yourself a reward in order to get excited and motivated to achieve it. In<br />
this case, you are motivated by the rewards you will receive for your efforts.<br />
Successful people seem to be able to motivate<br />
themselves into action, no matter what is going on<br />
around them. In fact, very often negative things<br />
around them motivates them even more. We are<br />
going to mention some of the different techniques<br />
successful people use to put “the get up and go”<br />
into their lives.<br />
There are basically just two simple motivational<br />
forces at work in the world. They are<br />
pleasure and pain. We will do anything<br />
to avoid pain and everything to gain<br />
pleasure.<br />
Many successful people succeed<br />
in life because of a burning<br />
desire to leave the poverty of<br />
their childhood behind.<br />
They use the poverty<br />
and hopelessness<br />
in the cities and<br />
ghettos of their<br />
upbringing to<br />
fuel their fire<br />
for success.<br />
Others<br />
who needed money<br />
for an operation to<br />
keep a loved one alive,<br />
but failed to provide the<br />
needed funds, are driven<br />
never again to be in such a<br />
helpless position.<br />
Some people find their<br />
physical handicap becomes<br />
the driving force, knowing<br />
they must work harder in<br />
life to prove their worth.<br />
These are all examples<br />
of negative motivation.<br />
These people are driven to<br />
achieve in order to avoid<br />
the pain and frustration of<br />
their situations.<br />
Your ability to motivate<br />
yourself and others will<br />
ultimately determine how<br />
successful you are in life<br />
and how successful you<br />
continue to be. Lose motivation<br />
and things fall apart<br />
fast! The more motivated<br />
you are, the more you will<br />
accomplish. Motivation defeats procrastination, encourages positive<br />
action, boosts energy and increases performance at every<br />
level – personally, professionally and in any organization.<br />
GRANDMASTER BILL CLARK is a 9th degree black belt and a former PKA Fighter of<br />
the Year. He is widely considered one of the top experts in martial arts business with over 50 years<br />
of leadership and innovation, having been inducted into almost every Hall of Fame in the industry. He<br />
is one of the largest multi-school owners in the world.<br />
100 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph (right) by ClausAlwinVogel
Executive Protection: The New<br />
Profession For <strong>Martial</strong> Artists (Part 2)<br />
By Tom Patire<br />
In general, people in our society are not allowed to use force against one another.<br />
The American Heritage Dictionary defines force: 1)<br />
to compel through pressure or necessity, 2a) to gain<br />
by the use of force or coercion, 2b) to move or effect<br />
against resistance or inertia, 2c) to inflict or impose<br />
relentlessly. There are two basic types of force within<br />
the context of the law: deadly and non-deadly or less<br />
than deadly force. For the purpose of this article and<br />
the type of techniques that will be shown,<br />
we will concentrate on non-deadly force<br />
techniques. The NJ Model Jury Charge<br />
(1994) states non-deadly force as any<br />
violence, compulsion or constraint<br />
executed against a person short of<br />
force that poses a threat causing<br />
death or serious bodily harm. People<br />
who are employed as security personnel<br />
(i.e. bodyguards or bouncers) do<br />
not have any more special privileges<br />
in employing force than<br />
any other private citizens. This<br />
means that the protection agent<br />
must be sure of the threat on<br />
his client and must act in accordance<br />
to the laws or he<br />
could be held criminally and/<br />
or civilly responsible.<br />
But just for clarification<br />
this profession is not all<br />
about force. In a documented<br />
1,000 plus details<br />
that I have performed<br />
successfully in my career<br />
less than 50 had any type<br />
of physical force and most it being removals or escorts. Most<br />
of these incidents happened in front of public crowds and the<br />
techniques had to look professional and people friendly, yet be<br />
very effective. If not those onlookers will now become witnesses to<br />
acts of over aggressive force, which can hurt you in the courtroom<br />
should it go that route. Even worst, it could spark a chain reaction<br />
and the friendly crowds now becomes hostile and then mayhem<br />
begins, and injuries and death can prevail.<br />
Realizing this is why many martial artists with a cool demeanor<br />
and a calm temperament work well in this profession. Of course,<br />
there are many other certifications that are need to become a true<br />
agent in the protective service world but I must admit that the martial<br />
arts is a good place to start. I should know that is how I started.<br />
Be Safe Out There!<br />
GRANDMASTER TOM PATIRE, is known as “America’s Leading Personal Safety Expert” and has appeared<br />
on Good Morning America, The CBS Morning Show, The Colbert Report, Montel, plus in mainstream publications such as<br />
Family Circle, Redbook, Fortune <strong>Magazine</strong>, and The Wall Street Journal. He has written several books and has personal<br />
safety programs that can be incorporated into your martial arts school, available at<br />
102 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6 Photograph (right) by AndreyPopov
FREE<br />
TOOL<br />
It’s almost time for a shopping<br />
frenzy. Prepare now for The<br />
Black Friday Parents Night<br />
Out promotion. You’ll retain<br />
and gain more students and<br />
prospects with this Black<br />
Friday themed promotion.<br />
Get this FREE sample of the creative<br />
events MA Biz Academy members<br />
enjoy every month to lock in student<br />
retention and bring dozens of new<br />
students into your school! Members<br />
also receive a fully developed<br />
promotion outline and other support<br />
materials.<br />
To receive this Special Gift, visit<br />
Tools & Tactics<br />
Thousands of <strong>Martial</strong> <strong>Arts</strong><br />
Schools Have This Priceless<br />
Resource – but Don’t Know How<br />
to Use It!<br />
by Ms. Chris Lee<br />
What is It?<br />
The most powerful form of advertising<br />
there is: Word of mouth.<br />
You might think you have it, because your<br />
students enjoy your classes and say great<br />
things about you, but here’s a simple test: Do<br />
you get at least ten new students from referrals<br />
each month?<br />
If not, perhaps you need a better system.<br />
How to Get More<br />
The BEST system for<br />
word-of-mouth advertising<br />
is the Smart Card. It can<br />
turn each new enrollment<br />
into two, and each two<br />
into four. Member schools<br />
get 20, even 30 new<br />
students a month just<br />
from Smart Cards.<br />
They work because the Smart Card<br />
systematizes word-of-mouth advertising,<br />
creating a culture that makes it easy<br />
for your students to talk about your<br />
school; students have a simple tool that<br />
guides them through what to say and<br />
do, and a powerful incentive to bring as<br />
many guests as possible.<br />
You’ll even get contact information<br />
to follow up on each lead.<br />
We have different designs featuring<br />
Taekwondo, Karate, grappling, Chinese arts, and more. You<br />
can customize the cards with your own logo, name, address,<br />
phone number, and website, plus your picture and credentials. We<br />
even have a Holiday Card for Christmas gifts!<br />
The Community Appreciation Smart Card can add thousands<br />
of dollars to your monthly income by bringing dozens of new<br />
students into your school. It’s available through Atlas, the ONLY<br />
martial arts school management software that includes this incredibly<br />
powerful marketing tool.<br />
Call 1-800-275-1600 to find out how you, too, can systematize<br />
your word-of-mouth advertising to bring in 10, 20, even 30 additional<br />
new students a month. You can’t afford to wait.<br />
MS. CHRIS LEE is a martial arts business development consultant with a background in online and<br />
social media marketing.<br />
104 MARTIAL ARTS WORLD NEWS VOLUME <strong>23</strong> | ISSUE 6<br />
Photograph by Antonio_Diaz
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