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Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole<br />
In the Giving Spirit<br />
Stewardship in Action<br />
Gwaii Trust Society – Drumming up Success<br />
Haida Gwaii Eats – Venison Delights<br />
Curtain Rises for Playhouse – New Masset Arts Centre<br />
+The Science Corner – Comes the Darkness into the Light<br />
Issue 126<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
$6.50 (INCL. GST)<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 1
2 HG
Subscribe<br />
Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />
right to your post box and save<br />
10% off the retail price. On-island<br />
for one year (six issues): $35.10<br />
plus GST. Off-island (anywhere<br />
in Canada): $51.00 plus GST. US:<br />
$74.85 plus GST.<br />
Advertise<br />
Haida Gwaii Trader is committed<br />
to help spread the word of<br />
businesses of all sizes with<br />
affordable options for everyone.<br />
Rates start as low as $45 per<br />
month plus GST.<br />
Submit<br />
We welcome you to send us your<br />
family-oriented stories, news,<br />
illustrations, cartoons, poems,<br />
etc., for publishing consideration.<br />
Contact Information<br />
Phone: 250-557-2088<br />
Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />
com<br />
Mail: PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC V0T 1R0<br />
Website:<br />
<br />
Deadline for JanFeb/24 issue<br />
Content we layout: Dec 10 th ,<br />
<strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Classifieds and print ready<br />
submissions: Dec 20 th , <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Haida place names as per the<br />
This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla |<br />
Káats’a hlaa <strong>2023</strong> publication.<br />
Features<br />
24<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
Non-Profits<br />
In the Giving Spirit<br />
26<br />
Mountain Top to<br />
Seafloor<br />
Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole<br />
32<br />
Youth Caring for<br />
the Land<br />
Stewardship in Action<br />
On the Cover: Monumental cedar and Kayd guudang Jaalen Edenshaw,<br />
the lead carver of the Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole | PC Jason Shafto<br />
Also In This Issue<br />
The views and opinions expressed<br />
by the various authors do not<br />
necessarily reflect the opinions,<br />
beliefs or viewpoints of Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. © <strong>2023</strong> Haida<br />
Gwaii Trader. All rights reserved.<br />
Prefer a digital copy?<br />
Scan here for the <strong>HGT</strong> Ezine!<br />
Dear Huckleberry ................................... 5<br />
A Naturalist’s Almanac ....................... 7<br />
More Gumboots .....................................9<br />
Haida Gwaii Local Food Project ...... 12<br />
Drumming up Success ......................... 14<br />
Venison Delights .................................. 18<br />
'Round and About ................................ 21<br />
Causeway Mural ................................... 23<br />
New Masset Arts Centre ...................... 29<br />
The Science Corner .............................. 31<br />
Kids' Musings ....................................... 34<br />
Puzzle Page ........................................... 35<br />
Horoscope ............................................. 36<br />
Classifieds ............................................. 37<br />
Tide Tables ............................................ 46<br />
Community Calendar .......................... 47<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 3
Our Valued Contributors<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
Trader Values<br />
<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />
Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />
#85: continuing to develop<br />
media initiatives that inform<br />
and educate the Canadian<br />
public, and connect the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders.<br />
We proudly serve the<br />
unceded traditional territory<br />
of the Haida Nation along<br />
with all those who live,<br />
work and play on Haida<br />
Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />
advertising for all local<br />
businesses and exemplary<br />
off-island businesses whose<br />
products and/or services are<br />
in limited, local supply.<br />
UNITED<br />
Our focus is to build,<br />
maintain and enhance<br />
bridges between the Haida<br />
people and fellow islanders<br />
of all ages, genders and<br />
income, between nature and<br />
humanity, and between spirit<br />
and ego.<br />
We support basic,<br />
equitable needs shared<br />
by all, including social<br />
sustainability, clean air,<br />
water and energy, affordable<br />
housing, wellness, and<br />
nutritious, locally produced<br />
food.<br />
Jasmine Beachy is a wife and<br />
proud mother of two active boys.<br />
She is a local StrongStart facilitator<br />
and has lived in Wáan Kún/<br />
Gamadiis Port Clements for 15<br />
years.<br />
Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />
astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />
about helping people develop tools<br />
of awareness and purpose in life.<br /><br />
Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />
who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />
learning, eating things, and<br />
exploring Haida Gwaii.<br /><br />
Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset<br />
resident, naturalist and writer.<br />
She uses her skills to build things.<br /><br />
Lin Armstrong loves reading,<br />
writing, jigsaws, theatre,<br />
sports and volunteering at<br />
the Thrift Store. She lives in<br />
Daajing Giids with hubby<br />
Jack and cat Lady Bean.<br /><br />
Behind the Scenes<br />
Shellene Patience<br />
Owner<br />
Editor in Chief<br /><br />
Claude Adams<br />
Assistant Editor<br /><br />
Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />
of human conduct and love<br />
interactions, is passionate about<br />
finding creative ways to navigate<br />
love, friendships and familiar<br />
relationships<br /><br />
Jana McLeod has lived on Haida<br />
Gwaii all her life. She’s a mother to<br />
8 and grandma to 7. Writing, and<br />
making people laugh keeps her<br />
grounded.<br /><br />
Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />
a retired university professor,<br />
geologist, NASA scientist and<br />
educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />
beauty, people and nature of<br />
Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />
her dog for walks on the beach.<br /><br />
Jamie McDonald<br />
Events Manager<br />
Contributing Writer<br /><br />
Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Administrative Assistant<br />
Classifieds & Subscriptions Manager<br /><br />
Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />
IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />
Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />
4 HG
Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />
nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you smile a little too. This<br />
column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />
professional help if you are struggling.<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
My long-time mate and I are in a transitional time in<br />
our lives, with a house being sold and moving in with<br />
my elderly Mom. My concern is that my partner is very<br />
anxious about living with my Mom, as we will become<br />
basement dwellers in her long-time home. But he is<br />
still not convinced this is what he wants to do. I have to<br />
make this move and I want my man to be with me. How<br />
do I help him adjust? - Unsure<br />
Dearest Unsure,<br />
Selling a house is a situation similar to jumping between<br />
trapezoids in a circus. On one hand you had something<br />
stable that you were holding onto but once you jump<br />
you don’t know what is awaiting you on the other side.<br />
Your husband is anxious because he probably didn’t<br />
even want to let go of that first trapezoid. Now he’s<br />
uncertain what’s going to happen and truth is you don’t<br />
know either so don’t help him adjust, but adjust together.<br />
Appreciate him for this sacrifice, acknowledge his<br />
concerns, compromise, and show him that if there are<br />
obstacles you will face them together.<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
I’ve had a few serious relationships, but none survived<br />
the test of time. What key, but not often talked about<br />
things do you think are needed for a truly healthy relationship?<br />
- Ready to Learn<br />
Dear Ready to Learn,<br />
The secret for a healthy relationship is honesty but<br />
I’m not just talking about honesty between each other,<br />
which in itself is a huge part of the success of any relationship.<br />
The honesty I’m talking about is the honesty<br />
you have with yourself. You will see at each stage of<br />
your relationships how they align with your expectations,<br />
your goals, your standards etc. The best relationships<br />
are ones where both parties are at peace, within<br />
themselves.<br />
Dear Huckleberry,<br />
I recently started dieting because I’ve been suffering<br />
from different health conditions related to my weight.<br />
However, since I started, I haven’t felt supported by my<br />
family. Especially by my husband. I understand that just<br />
because I need to change, everyone doesn’t need to suffer.<br />
But am I really being entitled? (Just asking because<br />
I don’t want to have to do this alone.) – On the Path to<br />
Health<br />
Oh Dearest on the Path to Health,<br />
This topic affects so many folks, myself included.<br />
Although it’s wonderful when people we love support<br />
us, the truth is, they don’t live in our body and thus,<br />
expecting them to know what we are experiencing and<br />
what we need is misguided. To be frank, it’s not their job<br />
to care for your body, it’s your job. Healing our relationship<br />
with food and our bodies comes from within.<br />
Self-awareness, compassion and acceptance are excellent<br />
starting points to finding wellness, strength and<br />
peace. Remember, you are doing this because you want<br />
to be healthier, so, you need to stand up for yourself,<br />
with yourself. Bonus: by doing so, you can embrace the<br />
love your family and friends do give you, not the love<br />
they don’t. You will then better realize you were actually<br />
never alone to begin with. Seeking support from wellness<br />
professionals and people on similar journeys is also<br />
worth its weight in gold.<br />
Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email or send via mail to<br />
Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full situation<br />
- unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen, only the<br />
overview question will be published.<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 5
6 HG
A Naturalist’s Almanac<br />
The Call of the Wild - Nature Conversing<br />
Article and photos by Margo Hearne<br />
Will this be one of those years when<br />
large flocks of small birds show up?<br />
It could be, because there is an abundance<br />
of spruce cones right now and<br />
alder catkins will be along eventually.<br />
It suits members of the finch family<br />
that come from the north to spend<br />
the winter. Pine Siskins make up<br />
most of the flocks. They are small,<br />
cheery, energetic birds that fly in a<br />
weaving wave above the trees, then<br />
dip in to feed upside-down on seeds.<br />
They swing away again, bright balls of<br />
energy in the dead of winter.<br />
Pine Siskins busy on an alder<br />
Siskins are small, striped birds, whitish<br />
underneath and darker above with<br />
yellow wing-bars and yellow streaks<br />
on their tail. They often nest within a<br />
few metres of each other and forage<br />
together. They are nomads, that is,<br />
they follow the seed crop, which is<br />
why one year there are none and the<br />
next year the skies are full of them.<br />
Red Crossbills also follow the food.<br />
They use their crossed bills to pry<br />
open spruce cones and pick out the<br />
soft part inside.<br />
In nature, everything depends on<br />
everything else. The seeds feed the<br />
birds, the birds spread their droppings<br />
and eventually new trees show up. Not<br />
overnight of course. While we might<br />
want an instant response to almost<br />
everything, slow forest time is something<br />
to rest in. It is not frantic.<br />
“<br />
Plants communicate, they just<br />
use different methods.<br />
My husband Peter recently gifted me<br />
Braiding Sweetgras. It has marvellous<br />
descriptions of the life around us and<br />
how important everything is to everything<br />
else. “In the old times, our elders<br />
say, the trees talked to each other,”<br />
writes the author. “They’d stand in<br />
their own council and craft a plan.<br />
But scientists decided long ago that<br />
plants were deaf and mute, locked<br />
in isolation without communication.<br />
The possibility of conversation was<br />
summarily dismissed.”<br />
The author suggests that plants might<br />
‘speak’ to one other. “Pollen had<br />
been carried on the wind for eons,<br />
communicated by males to receptive<br />
females...if the wind can be trusted<br />
with that fecund responsibility, why<br />
not with messages?”<br />
We are just beginning to catch up<br />
to what the Elders have known all<br />
along. Plants communicate, they just<br />
use different methods. Pheromones,<br />
hormone-like compounds wafted on<br />
the breeze, are laden with meaning.<br />
There is now proof that if a group of<br />
trees on one side of a hill is attacked<br />
Red Crossbill on spruce<br />
by gypsy moths, the trees will send<br />
out a distress call to trees on the other<br />
side of the hill, thus giving them time<br />
to manufacture defensive chemicals.<br />
The invaders are repelled. “There is<br />
so much we cannot yet sense with<br />
our limited human capacity,” writes<br />
Kimmerer. “Tree conversations are<br />
still far above our heads.” And so is<br />
bird communication, otherwise how<br />
would siskins and crossbills know<br />
that it’s a good seed year. Someone,<br />
or something, has told them. The call<br />
of the wild.<br />
Red Crossbill nibbling on<br />
a spruce cone<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 7
&<br />
Regular hours:<br />
Tues-Sat 10am-5pm<br />
Dec 24-Jan 1: Closed<br />
Haida Gwaii Museum<br />
Gina DaahlGahl Naay | The Trading House<br />
\Gifts for Everyone!!!<br />
Regular hours: Tues-Sat 10am-5pm<br />
<strong>December</strong> 19-23: 10am-8pm<br />
<strong>December</strong> 24, <strong>2023</strong>-January 16, 2024: Closed<br />
Haida Heritage Centre<br />
Memorabilia<br />
Shop in-house or online at<br /><br />
Event/Space Rentals<br />
Phone: 250.559.7885<br />
Shop online at<br />
Phone: 250.559.4643<br />
visit in-house, or online at<br />
SIMON<br />
DAVIES<br />
20 objects from 20 years<br />
in 20 windows<br />
Life Writ<br />
in Water<br />
8 HG<br />
250.559.7885 |<br />
250.559.4643 |
More Gumboots<br />
Bloke Chronicles<br />
By Lin Armstrong<br />
Front: Lenny Ross, George Farrell, Paul Manson, Bill Smith, Ramana Waldhaus, Lon<br />
Sharpe Middle: Rick Sobel, Jane Kinegal, Larry Hill, Hans Elfert, Gene Logan, Norm<br />
Cheadle, Rob Pettigrew, Vici Johnstone (Caitlin Press publisher), Douglas Laird, Lou<br />
Allison Back: Bill Edbrooke, Gregg Best, Alan Carl, Marvin Boyd, Sebastien<br />
Lienard, Steve Clarke<br />
Photo by Jane Wilde<br />
Lon Sharpe remembers being allowed<br />
into Flo and Louis’ bar in bare feet<br />
but not into Margaret’s Café. Lon also<br />
admits he was not a fan of Wellies and<br />
stuck to hiking boots or runners.<br />
Greg Martin recalls a town court that<br />
was held in the Café. No one was allowed<br />
to sit at the table on the far left<br />
by the kitchen except the regulars who<br />
would make a decision as to whether<br />
or not you were a welcome addition<br />
to the community. Margaret’s Café,<br />
Hippy Hill and Hayden Turner Park<br />
were three places newcomers were<br />
encouraged to visit.<br />
Caitlin Press in Qualicum, BC, is the<br />
publisher of this latest book in the series<br />
which also includes Gumboot Girls<br />
and Dancing in Gumboots. Copies are<br />
for sale throughout Haida Gwaii.<br />
It’s the 1970s and you are newly<br />
bound for the North Coast of British<br />
Columbia. Name four items you will<br />
absolutely need to stay warm and dry.<br />
How about Stanfield’s (aka the coastal<br />
tuxedo), slickers (aka rain gear), wool<br />
socks and gumboots? This last pair of<br />
essentials is the focus for the third in<br />
a series of books from Jane Wilde and<br />
Lou Allison, two women who lived on<br />
Haida Gwaii in the 70s.<br />
Their book Gumboot Guys: Nautical<br />
Adventures on British Columbia’s North<br />
Coast was released in September. Lou<br />
Allison calls it “stories of young men<br />
who arrived in the area seeking opportunity<br />
or adventure, and who became<br />
entranced by boats.”<br />
Sixteen of the 31 men who tell their<br />
stories lived on Haida Gwaii in the<br />
70s. Five of them, George Farrell, Greg<br />
Martin, Keith Rowsell, Lon Sharpe and<br />
Dave Prosser, still live on Haida Gwaii.<br />
Their stories were only lightly edited<br />
to keep their voices intact.<br />
A favourite gathering place for the<br />
newcomers was Margaret’s Café where<br />
they found great food and got to know<br />
the community. George Farrell remembers<br />
going into the Café early in the<br />
morning and finding Margaret hadn’t<br />
arrived in the kitchen yet. George and<br />
his brother Dan would start the coffee.<br />
Sometimes they would be serving<br />
breakfast to customers (as they were<br />
both short-order cooks) when Margaret<br />
appeared in her rollers. They<br />
watched in amazement as Margaret<br />
took over 20 orders for breakfast, didn’t<br />
write anything down and delivered<br />
them all exactly as ordered. Another<br />
time George and Carl Coffey went<br />
halibut fishing on a troller and they<br />
caught over 300 red snappers which<br />
they brought as a gift for Margaret.<br />
She thanked them and said, “Here’s<br />
the filleting knife.” (Margaret’s Café<br />
was on the corner across from the Sea<br />
Raven Motel in Daajing Giids, where<br />
the J & T Chinese Restaurant is today.)<br />
Margaret’s Café<br />
A Bit of Gumboot History<br />
Gumboots were originally<br />
called Wellingtons, or “Wellies”<br />
after the Duke of Wellington<br />
who asked his shoemaker in<br />
the 1800s to modify his riding<br />
boots. The heel is less than ¾<br />
inches high to take stress off the<br />
wearer’s Achilles heel, which<br />
can help posture, ankles, knees<br />
and spine.<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 9
Through the Eyes of a Senior<br />
A Dentures Story<br />
Article and illustration by Manzanita Snow<br />
Kohlen and<br />
Company Appraisals<br />
Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />
Serving Haida Gwaii<br />
since 2015<br />
Contact us!<br />
250-302-1074<br /><br />
This past May, I rode the health bus to<br />
Prince George from the coast. I had two<br />
evenings of extractions (of all teeth)<br />
which were bloody but pain free and<br />
my hotel was the sole cost. I missed my<br />
teeth and had to subsist on soups and soft<br />
foods like mashed potatoes and gravy.<br />
I seldom looked in a mirror because an<br />
old hag looked back at me with sagging<br />
cheeks and a puckered scowl.<br />
Finally, August 28th came golden and<br />
fine, and I rode with my daughter to<br />
Smithers. The denturist came from a<br />
long line of professionals starting with<br />
her grandfather. I was fitted with a mold<br />
and the next day returned for the dentures.<br />
They changed the whole shape and<br />
look of my face and fit well.<br />
It’s taken months to get used to the dentures<br />
and food (such as meat) still needs<br />
to be cut small. Salad takes work to chew,<br />
and apples need to be cut into slender<br />
pieces. Corn on the cob is a battle but I<br />
fight and win.<br />
I’ve taken to looking in the mirror again<br />
without wincing.<br />
The moral of my story is this: take care<br />
of your teeth and gums and they will<br />
serve you well. Lifelong maintenance<br />
will reward you with lifelong service and<br />
better health generally.<br />
PICK-UP<br />
SIGN UP<br />
NOW!<br />
Biweekly pick-up<br />
Worm Compost<br />
Starting at $14/mth<br />
Special Event<br />
Composting<br />
SIGN UP AT<br />
(778) 986-3307<br />
10 HG
24th Year of Financial Aid<br />
Helping Students<br />
By Jennifer White<br />
Hospital Day <strong>2023</strong> is proud to announce<br />
the Margie Colcol Bursary recipients for<br />
the <strong>2023</strong>/24 academic year. Each student<br />
has received $1,000 to further his/her<br />
education in a health care related field.<br />
Congratulations this year to:<br />
Davan Boyko from Gaw Tlagée Old<br />
Massett. Devan has attended Vancouver<br />
Island University for three years and is<br />
studying for his Bachelor of Kinesiology<br />
degree. He plans to continue his schooling<br />
with the goal of becoming a physical<br />
therapist.<br />
Reilly Douglas is enrolled in the Bachelor<br />
of Science in Nursing program at<br />
Camosun College. When she completes<br />
her program in 2026 she plans to return<br />
to Haida Gwaii as a registered nurse.<br />
Reilly and her family live in HlGaagilda<br />
Skidegate.<br />
Noel Strombom moved to Daajing Giids<br />
when he was eight and graduated from<br />
GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary<br />
School with the class of 2019. He is entering<br />
his fifth year in the Human Kinetics<br />
Program at UBC Okanagan in Kelowna.<br />
His goal is to return to Haida Gwaii with<br />
a master’s degree in physiotherapy.<br />
The bursary is in honour of Margie Colcol,<br />
a beloved local Haida Gwaii nurse<br />
who passed away from cancer in 1999. A<br />
year later the first bursary was awarded<br />
to Farley Hennigan who had plans to<br />
enter the dental field.<br />
Since 2000, the Hospital Day Committee<br />
has awarded $74,500 to a total of 59<br />
different individuals in post-secondary<br />
programs. Students awarded this bursary<br />
have gone on to jobs as nurses, health<br />
administrators, lab techs, pharmacy<br />
workers, radiology techs, doctors, x-ray<br />
techs, paramedics, social workers, medical<br />
health workers and more.<br />
Our current count shows that 25 recipients<br />
are working for Northern Health<br />
Authority either on Haida Gwaii or along<br />
the northern corridor; seven are working<br />
for other BC health authorities; six<br />
are employed at Niislaa Naay Healing<br />
House (Old Masset), Skidegate Health<br />
or other First Nations health authorities;<br />
nine are employed in private health<br />
facilities including pharmacies; and<br />
six are continuing their education in a<br />
health-related field.<br />
Davan Boyko, Vancouver<br />
Island University, Kinesiology,<br />
Physiotherapy<br />
Photo by Kevin Channy<br />
Noel Strombom, UBC<br />
Okanagan, Kelowna, Kinesiology,<br />
Physiotherapy<br />
Photo by Rowan Frost<br />
Reilly Douglas, Camosun<br />
College, Nursing<br />
Photo by Davin McDonald<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 11
R<br />
G<br />
A<br />
A<br />
O<br />
A<br />
S<br />
Nobody Goes Hungry – You Can Bank on Food<br />
By Jamie McDonald<br />
At this time of year, when available<br />
income is spread thin for many, we<br />
are so lucky on Haida Gwaii to be<br />
supported by various organizations<br />
that provide regular and/or emergency<br />
food to anyone in need. We asked<br />
these organizations what they need<br />
the most to answer the communities’<br />
needs. Here is what they had to say:<br />
South End Food Bank<br />
Contact info: 250-559-4100 or FB/iwshaidagwaii<br />
The food bank distributes grocery<br />
gift cards once a month (usually on<br />
the second Friday) and the dates and<br />
times are on their dedicated food<br />
bank message line. All you need to do<br />
to receive a food bank subsidy is call<br />
250-559-4100 and leave your name,<br />
number of people in the household,<br />
contact number, and specify the community<br />
you will be picking up from.<br />
Pick-up happens at two main locations:<br />
the IWS or Skidegate United<br />
Church, although the nurse at the<br />
clinic in K’il Kun Sandspit distributes<br />
them as well as other volunteers in<br />
Tll.aal Tlell and ‘Wáan Kún Port Clements.<br />
If anyone needs an emergency<br />
box of food at any other time in the<br />
month, they are asked to call 250-<br />
559-4743. All requests are confidential,<br />
and people are invited to refer<br />
folks they know are in need as well.<br />
When asked what they need most,<br />
Shani Sparrow, IWS Financial Administrator,<br />
said: “Our main need is<br />
definitely cash. Gwaii Trust covers<br />
a big chunk of our financial needs,<br />
but we rely on donations and other<br />
grants as well. We try to include fresh<br />
products like cheese, butter/margarine,<br />
eggs, etc. in the boxes. If we get<br />
cash, we try to buy things by the case<br />
so we can stretch our resources.” Donations<br />
may be dropped off at Islands<br />
Wellness Society during office hours<br />
or contact 250-559-8843 if you have<br />
donations that you need picked up.<br />
“<br />
Our main need is<br />
definitely cash.<br />
- Shani Sparrow, IWS<br />
Christmas Hampers: baskets with<br />
donations from Forbes Pharmacy –<br />
Haida Gwaii, Daajing Giids Thrift<br />
Shop and other businesses will be<br />
available in <strong>December</strong>. Check for<br />
posters around town or check FB for<br />
deadlines to apply. Regular foodbank<br />
recipients will get a hamper automatically<br />
and need not apply.<br />
Masset Food Bank<br />
Photo by Christopher Horner<br />
North End Food Bank<br />
Contact: Chris Horner 250-626-7517<br />
or<br />
Food or money donations are also<br />
the best for the north end food<br />
bank. “When we receive a substantial<br />
donation,“ Chris says, “we can<br />
buy in bulk and make that money<br />
go a long way. We obtain processed<br />
fish and deer from The Old Masset<br />
Village Council and veggies from the<br />
local growers who donate their extras<br />
to the food bank.” The north end<br />
food bank serves approximately 100-<br />
120 families/single individuals on<br />
average although the need increases<br />
in the winter and decreases in the<br />
summer when wild harvested foods<br />
are readily available. Folks in need<br />
of food can go to the Elders Center at<br />
510 Naanii Street in Gaw Tlagée Old<br />
Massett every other Monday, between<br />
1 and 4 pm (on the following Tuesday<br />
if Monday is a statutory holiday).<br />
Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, Community Market in Daajing Giids and<br />
M<br />
I S<br />
L<br />
A<br />
N<br />
D<br />
E<br />
A<br />
S<br />
T<br />
H<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
C<br />
T<br />
FARM ERS'<br />
To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email<br />
12 HG
The Sandspit Community Society<br />
would like to extend a huge Haawa<br />
to all those involved in our<br />
6th Annual Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival!<br />
We hosted presentations on a wide variety of topics, from Wild Dyes to Traditional Wild<br />
Harvesting, as well as some more hands-on workshops!<br />
It was an amazing turn out and we want to thank all those who came to<br />
enjoy this joyful event in our community!<br />
Haawa to our festival organizers: Flavien Mabit & Amber Faktor<br />
Haawa to all our presenters, workshop leaders and guides:<br />
Jenny Cross, Bryce Kendrick, Shyla Cross, Lynn Lee, Laura<br />
Pattison, The ALM School, Bush Foods, Laura Sample, Dolly<br />
Garza, Dafne Romero, Amber Faktor, Cathy Baran, Jamie Polk<br />
and Charly Schamp.<br />
Haawa to:<br />
CCRR for the supplies and the folks (esp. Nadine & Jessica)<br />
involved in the “Kids Zone.”<br />
The Wild Harvest Cafe bakers (Alison & Gail) and helpers.<br />
All who helped for the set up and take down.<br />
Rachel from “I Love Local” for providing delicious food.<br />
Moresby Explorers for the van use donation<br />
Musical guests Jay The Alkemist, as well as Sasha Aubin.<br />
All the vendors for their fabulous table displays.<br />
Haawa to our sponsors,<br />
to the Gwaii Trust Society,<br />
and to our community members.<br />
We hope to see you all next year!<br />
The Wild Harvest Festival is a Sandspit Community Society Event.<br />
For more information visit our webpage<br /><br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 13
Drumming up success: PALS program fuels<br />
family connections in School District 50<br />
Grant Stream: Community Innovation<br />
Organization: SD50 Early Learning Program<br />
Project: PALS Drum Program<br />
Award: $4,861.50<br />
PALS (Parents As Literacy Supporters) is a kindergarten<br />
based program through School District 50. It brings parents<br />
and caregivers of Kindergarten students into the classroom<br />
to participate in their children’s learning of Haida and schoolbased<br />
skills.<br />
A significant component of the program is a drum-making<br />
workshop. Students not only make their own drums, but also<br />
get to take them home, ensuring a lasting connection to their<br />
cultural and educational journey.<br />
Early Learning coordinator, Janine Wilson, shares the following<br />
from the project’s final report:<br />
“We were very successful with this project and it has become<br />
a sought after program that parents wish to participate in. It<br />
is a difficult project that can be intimidating to parents and<br />
students alike, but they are always happy that they participated<br />
in the end.<br />
“Funding for these programs guarantees the opportunity to<br />
keep offering these wonderful memories and gifts year after<br />
year, which in turn will keep making a positive impact on our<br />
communities.”<br />
For more information about PALS or any of the SD50<br />
early learning programs, visit<br />
About the<br />
This grant funds innovative small projects that<br />
contribute to enhancing the overall wellbeing of<br />
islanders, our communities, and Haida Gwaii. While a<br />
wide variety of projects are eligible for funding, key<br />
priorities for this grant are job creation, health and<br />
wellness, and education and training.<br />
Up to $10,000 is available to local nonprofits and<br />
governments. For more information and to apply<br />
online, visit<br />
14 HG
Instructor April Churchill prepares a drum<br />
Families working together in the classroom<br />
Grant<br />
Tip<br />
Have you been approved for a grant and are now wondering<br />
how to access funds?<br />
Check out our Instructions to Access Funds documents for more information<br />
Go to the Grants & Funding tab on our website, and click on Forms & Templates,<br />
or visit<br />
Holiday Hours<br />
Our office will be closed beginning at noon on <strong>December</strong> 15th,<br />
and reopening at 8:30 am on Tuesday, January 2nd. Wishing you<br />
all a healthy and happy holiday season!<br />
Upcoming Grant Deadlines<br />
Travel Assistance and Continuing Education<br />
Open throughout the year. Visit for details.<br />
Details about 2024 grant offerings and deadlines will be available<br />
soon. Be sure to check out our website, Facebook, or Instagram for<br />
updates.<br /><br />
1 800 663 2388<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 15
$83<br />
$88/mo.<br />
$98<br />
$108/mo.<br />
$108<br />
$138/mo.<br />
Fibre-optic services are live in<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate, Masset<br />
and Gaw Tlagée Old Massett!<br />
Quantum 100<br />
Symmetrical<br />
• Save $5/month<br />
on a 2-year<br />
commitment<br />
Quantum 500<br />
Symmetrical<br />
• Save $10/month<br />
on a 2-year<br />
commitment<br />
Quantum Gigabit<br />
Symmetrical<br />
• Save $30/month<br />
on a 2-year<br />
commitment<br />
Sign up for a 2-year<br />
Internet commitment and<br />
SAVE UP TO $30/MONTH!<br />
• Up to 100Mbps<br />
download and<br />
upload speed<br />
• Up to 500Mbps<br />
download and<br />
upload speed<br />
• Up to 1,000Mbps<br />
download and<br />
upload speed<br />
Add Stream TV and home phone<br />
services to save even more!<br />
*Prices subject to change without notice.<br />
Terms and conditions apply.<br />
16 HG
Article and photos submitted by Haida House at Tll.aal<br />
Nothing makes it feel more like fall than the<br />
grey skies, whistling winds, and misty rains.<br />
The quiet lodge and dining hall are missing<br />
the movement of guests coming and going<br />
for their day’s adventure and the chatter<br />
around the dinner table, reminiscing about<br />
the highlights of their explorations.<br />
There is a lot of joy in what we do, year in<br />
and year out. Whether we assist our Bed +<br />
Breakfast guests on their itinerary planning<br />
to ensure they make the most of their trip<br />
to Haida Gwaii. Or guiding our all-inclusive<br />
guests we do it with our community partners<br />
in mind.<br />
So many businesses, from the North to the<br />
South, opened their doors to Haida House<br />
visitors; the Haawa, thank yous are endless.<br />
As we head into the planning phase of the<br />
year, we are already looking forward to next<br />
season. Wishing the community a happy and<br />
healthy holiday season… see you next year!<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 17
Haida Gwaii Eats<br />
Venison Delights<br />
Article and photos by Jamie McDonald<br />
As we transition from fall into winter<br />
and have filled our freezers up with<br />
delicious venison and wild harvested<br />
mushrooms, now comes the time<br />
to enjoy a good hardy meal to keep<br />
us warm and satiated! If you are not<br />
a hunter or are having difficulties<br />
accessing venison, try these recipes<br />
with beef or bison.<br />
12 hours before cooking, season the<br />
backstraps on all sides. Refrigerate,<br />
covered. One hour before cooking,<br />
remove the backstraps from the<br />
fridge and let them come to room<br />
temperature. Heat the grill on your<br />
BBQ on max heat for 10 minutes and<br />
cook the backstraps for 7-10 minutes<br />
per side (for medium doneness, longer<br />
for well-done backstrap). If you<br />
don’t have a BBQ, you can get a similar<br />
result by using the Broil – Hi option<br />
in your oven. Remove from heat<br />
and serve with your favourite veggies<br />
and chimichurri sauce.<br />
Grilled Backstrap with<br />
Chimichurri Sauce<br />
Venison backstrap is considered one<br />
of the best cuts of wild game. It’s<br />
tender, juicy, flavourful, and easy<br />
to cook. Chimichurri sauce hails<br />
from Uruguay & Argentina and is<br />
an excellent accompaniment for any<br />
grilled meat.<br />
Backstrap<br />
• 2 venison backstraps (1-2 lbs<br />
each)<br />
• ½ tablespoon of both garlic and<br />
onion powder<br />
• 1 tablespoon salt<br />
• Freshly cracked black pepper<br />
18 HG<br />
Chimichurri Sauce<br />
• ½ cup olive oil<br />
• 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar<br />
• ¾ teaspoon dried oregano<br />
• 1 teaspoon coarse salt<br />
• 3-4 cloves garlic, finely chopped<br />
or minced<br />
• Pepper, to taste<br />
• ½ cup finely chopped fresh parsley<br />
• 1 small red chili (optional)<br />
Mix all ingredients together in a<br />
bowl. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes<br />
to release all the flavours into the<br />
oil before using. Ideally, let it sit for<br />
more than two hours if time allows.<br />
Chimichurri can be prepared earlier<br />
and refrigerated, if needed. Add<br />
a couple of tablespoons over your<br />
grilled backstrap (or beef or bison) to<br />
serve. It can also be used as a dressing<br />
on salads!<br />
Venison Mushroom<br />
Terrine<br />
• 1 lb venison, diced<br />
• 1 lb pork, diced<br />
• 1 onion, diced<br />
• 1 clove of garlic, minced<br />
• ½ tablespoon fresh parsley<br />
• ¾ cup chanterelles, boletes, morels<br />
or other mushrooms, diced<br />
• 1 ½ teaspoon of salt<br />
• ¼ teaspoon of pepper<br />
• 1 pinch of allspice<br />
• ¼ cup milk<br />
• 1 tablespoon of flour<br />
• 45 ml cognac (any kind)<br />
• 2 eggs<br />
• 1 cup of nuts (walnut, almond or<br />
hazelnut)<br />
• 1 bay leaf
Mix meat, onions, garlic, parsley and<br />
mushrooms. Grind together in a meat<br />
grinder or food processor. In another<br />
bowl, mix salt, pepper, allspice, milk,<br />
flour, cognac and eggs with a whip.<br />
Mix all ingredients together and add<br />
nuts. Place in glass or ceramic dishes.<br />
You want to get about 1 1/2 inches<br />
thickness throughout. Place bay<br />
leaf on top of the mix and cover with<br />
aluminium foil.<br />
tasty appetizer, serve with a fresh<br />
baguette, crackers or sliced toasted<br />
bread. Terrines can last, sealed under<br />
a thick layer of rendered fat, for<br />
weeks, if not months. This recipe<br />
will keep, wrapped tightly in foil, for<br />
up to two weeks in the refrigerator.<br />
Pre-heat oven to 375ºF. Cook for two<br />
hrs, removing the foil 30 min before<br />
the end. Remove from oven and wait<br />
until it is at room temperature before<br />
refrigerating. For an elegant and<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 19
1498 Main Street, Masset<br />
250-626-5559<br />
Hours of operation:<br />
Monday – Saturday 8:30-5:00<br />
Closed:<br />
Christmas Day, Boxing Day and<br />
New Year’s Day<br />
Best wishes for the holiday<br />
season. We hope the new year<br />
brings all joy and prosperity!<br />
Thank you for your local support!<br />
20 HG
‘Round and About<br />
Shopping Basket Blues - Some Coping Ideas<br />
By Jana McLeod<br />
Grocery prices sure are staggering.<br />
I was going to celebrate some good<br />
news by purchasing a roast. I looked<br />
and the cost of a handful of meat was<br />
out of my reach. I mean I have the<br />
money; I just cannot justify such an<br />
extravagance on my budget.<br />
I do make exceptions. I buy fruit and<br />
veggies and not look at the price. I absolutely<br />
love buying the bagged salads<br />
and the Co-op’s yummy Greek salad.<br />
The chicken pasta is tasty too. When<br />
I get grapes, I look at the price and<br />
always exclaim, WOOOW. Then I tell<br />
myself I don’t smoke or drink alcohol,<br />
so it evens out in the scheme of things.<br />
I joined a weight loss group, I felt like<br />
donating sixty bucks for the winners<br />
to enjoy. I noticed it’s expensive as<br />
heck eating healthy. I buy frozen berries<br />
even though the price has gone up<br />
exponentially. I try not to get yogurt/<br />
cheese/eggs/margarine unless they’re<br />
on sale. I cannot imagine big families<br />
on a fixed income coping with the<br />
price of milk. Must be so frustrating.<br />
My daughter is celiac so that’s not easy<br />
to manage. I must admit there’s more<br />
of a selection of gluten-free products<br />
and if you’re creative enough it’s manageable.<br />
“<br />
Don’t blame our local<br />
merchants.<br />
Now that I have no wood stove, I’m<br />
looking at oil heat. Last time I had<br />
the tank filled from a little over half<br />
it cost over $900, so we don’t have the<br />
furnace on a lot. The next option is<br />
space heaters and prayer. Hydro is<br />
outrageous, but I send them money<br />
each time I have a payday and it’s<br />
manageable. I have a love for the Hydro<br />
workers during our storms. That<br />
brings us to gas prices. The joy I feel<br />
when I visit my son in Prince Rupert<br />
and fill up the gas tank there never<br />
gets old.<br />
The cost of living may be a pain but<br />
don’t blame our local merchants, their<br />
staff or our local governance. It’s just<br />
the state of the world due to many<br />
factors that are out of their hands.<br />
I am always nice to our cashiers;<br />
they’re champs for showing up. There<br />
are staff shortages everywhere! The<br />
banks, Fields, Co-op Home Centre,<br />
the list goes on.<br />
Go hunting, stock up food when there<br />
is product to spare, like fish or fruit<br />
from Joe. One more solution is to<br />
look in the Co-op freezer. I find many<br />
things there when other sale items are<br />
gone, and did you know Co-op offers<br />
rain checks for things you missed out<br />
on sale days? Ask at the counter and if<br />
they have it the following week, you’ll<br />
get it for the same price.<br />
And finally, be nice, don’t roast anyone<br />
online for high prices or supply<br />
issues. Save that energy for real injustices<br />
like racism, the missing and murdered<br />
Indigenous women movement<br />
and LGBTQ2S+ rights.<br />
Longhouse Gift Shop<br />
haida owned and operated<br />
genuine haida art & crafts<br />
affordable & unique gifts<br />
clothing & accessories<br />
front st, hlgaagilda skidegate<br />
250-559-8013<br /><br />
shop in-house or online!<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 21
Sustainable Forestry Practices - Environment and Culture Protection<br />
Image and article submitted by Taan Forest<br />
At Taan Forest (Taan), the process of<br />
selecting where and how we harvest<br />
‘blocks’ is a long and complex one, often<br />
taking up to two years. and costing<br />
thousands of dollars per area. Our goal<br />
is to strike a balance between providing<br />
employment and contract opportunities<br />
to the people of Haida Gwaii while<br />
preserving our unique cultural features<br />
and environment.<br />
In this article, we’ll break down some<br />
of the forestry practices at Taan in layman’s<br />
terms, giving you a brief overview<br />
of our planning processes.<br />
We are proud to follow the Haida Gwaii<br />
Land Use Objectives Order (HGLUOO),<br />
a legal framework that provides worldclass<br />
protection. Beyond this, we’ve<br />
gone the extra mile by obtaining certification<br />
from three third-party auditors<br />
who assess our practices for sustainability.<br />
This ensures that we exceed the<br />
protections outlined in the HGLUOO,<br />
offering maximum protection to Haida<br />
Gwaii’s culture and environment.<br />
Pre-Field Work Procedures<br />
Firstly, and up to five years before any<br />
harvesting occurs, potential areas are<br />
selected by our planning staff. These<br />
areas are only identified after considering<br />
several strategies and policies such<br />
as: Forest Certification, management<br />
plans, Haida Nation Agreements, cultural<br />
concerns, public comments, terrain<br />
stability, flood mapping, ecosystem<br />
mapping, recreational and visual objectives.<br />
Taan then completes a mapping<br />
review with the Council of the Haida<br />
Nation’s (CHN) Heritage and Natural<br />
Resource Department where we check<br />
22 HG<br />
for conflicts with the HGLUOO and cultural<br />
and archaeological features, wildlife<br />
habitats (especially for endangered<br />
species), mushroom habitat, visual sensitivities,<br />
nearby reserves or wildlife areas,<br />
and watershed restrictions. Only if<br />
all checks and balances are passed will<br />
Taan confirm whether they will proceed<br />
with developing the area for harvest.<br />
Fieldwork: Cultural Feature<br />
Identification (CFI) and Archaeological<br />
Survey<br />
Field staff then visit the proposed areas<br />
to estimate potential block location and<br />
size, road location, construction type<br />
and length and tree species composition.<br />
Handheld equipment is used to<br />
collect information to start to build a<br />
‘cut block’ map.<br />
We then have one of the first assessments<br />
- the Cultural Feature Identification<br />
Survey. These are conducted by<br />
a certified surveyor of CHN who can<br />
spend weeks to months in a potential<br />
development area identifying Cultural<br />
Heritage Features such as tluu canoes,<br />
burial sites, oral history site and shell<br />
middens. They are also on the lookout<br />
for Cultural Forest Features such as ts’iihlinjaaw<br />
devils club, skil taawaatllxaay<br />
fairy slipper, gwaay k’yah hellebore and<br />
other forest features such as Monumental<br />
trees, hlGiid yew trees and k’anhll<br />
crab apple. Where these are found appropriate<br />
buffers are established, and<br />
engineering layout can commence.<br />
Block Layout<br />
Assessments do not stop with the CFI<br />
surveyors. During block layout, additional<br />
assessments cover our archaeological,<br />
visual, terrain stability and timber<br />
cruising ecosystem impacts, whilst<br />
professional engineers are required for<br />
bridge designs.<br />
Post Layout<br />
Final mapping is completed for use in<br />
the field by staff and contractors and<br />
sent to the Council of the Haida Nation<br />
and Front Counter Haida Gwaii for consideration<br />
of approval to harvest.
Wall of Distinction<br />
Restoring the Causeway Mural<br />
By Thomas Arnatt<br />
The Causeway mural, at the intersection<br />
of Main and Collison Streets in<br />
Masset, was in rough shape. I painted it<br />
13 years ago and, in the interval, the bottom<br />
edges had rotted out from rain. As<br />
well, some of the reds and yellows had<br />
faded from direct sunlight. So when Brionne<br />
Lavoie, owner of Causeway, had<br />
the siding beneath the mural replaced,<br />
I jumped at the chance to restore the<br />
entire work, all 14 wood panels, hoping<br />
to give the mural a few more years<br />
before the elements eroded it into a<br />
weather-beaten artifact or worse, consigned<br />
it to landfill.<br />
At my studio on Sangan Drive, I cut out<br />
the rot and put in new material. I kept<br />
to the original design, repainting and<br />
glazing the areas that needed brightening<br />
or deepening. Initially, each four-byeight-foot<br />
panel took me about a week<br />
to paint and clear coat with UV protectant.<br />
The panels were primed, then<br />
painted with acrylic lightfast colours,<br />
sandwiched by three coats of exterior<br />
varnish. I then installed the panels on a<br />
wooden grid anchored to the Causeway<br />
wall. It was interesting to reflect back<br />
as I revisited my work, each panel like<br />
a week’s diary of the summer of 2010<br />
when I painted the original mural. A<br />
year later, I was chosen as one of three<br />
Artists in the Park and went on a six-day<br />
adventure to Gwaii Haanas, a tour that<br />
profoundly reinforced my love of Haida<br />
Gwaii nature and art.<br />
“<br />
Creating pieces that<br />
communicate.<br />
The Causeway mural wasn’t my first<br />
attempt at large-scale public art. My<br />
best-known mural is a sixty-panel creation<br />
painted for the Taj Mahal Restaurant<br />
in Calgary back in 1994. When the<br />
restaurant hired me to create the mural,<br />
I was excited to research this architectural<br />
marvel. As artists, we work on<br />
creating pieces that communicate. Core<br />
values will eventually reveal themselves<br />
and it’s up to the artist to discern which<br />
ones are emphasized. I find value in<br />
the natural world, in birds, in water, in<br />
Repaired Causeway Mural<br />
Photo by Thomas Arnatt<br />
beauty – all facets of the extraordinary<br />
environment of Haida Gwaii.<br />
I have had the good fortune to work<br />
alongside Haida artists who painted<br />
other murals here on Haida Gwaii. Artists<br />
like Dejah Busch (Masset Community<br />
Futures, Surf Shop, Funk It murals)<br />
and Kwi Jones (Crystal Cabin, Bayview<br />
Market, Super Valu) designed elements<br />
of the murals and I painted their designs<br />
as faithfully as I could, focusing on line<br />
and form. Josh Davidson and I painted<br />
and installed the Masset Farmers Market<br />
mural together. Collaboration in<br />
the arts shows that a system can exist<br />
without competition, creating a safe<br />
space potent with complexity and synchronicity.<br />
Thomas’s 60 panel Taj Mahal mural in Calgary<br />
Photo by C. Lane<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 23
Haida Gwaii Non-Profits<br />
In the Giving Spirit<br />
Photos and article by Lin Armstrong<br />
As we are fast approaching the Holiday<br />
Season, the societies spotlighted<br />
here all offer programs/services that<br />
meet the basic needs of the people<br />
on Haida Gwaii by focusing on food,<br />
housing, charity and wellness. Please<br />
consider donating to these local organizations<br />
when you are making out<br />
your gift list.<br />
Daajing Giids Thrift Shop Society<br />
(DGTSS) Since 1975, the focus continues<br />
to be collecting donated gently<br />
used clothing and household items<br />
sorted by volunteers and offered for<br />
sale at 206 2 nd Avenue, DG. Items are<br />
sold individually or in bulk in $5, $10<br />
and $15 bags. After paying operating<br />
costs, around $15,000 per year is<br />
donated back to Haida Gwaii communities<br />
including Hospital Day, the two<br />
island Food Banks, Christmas Drives,<br />
Island schools’ food programs, plus<br />
$5,500 and 250 five-dollar coupons<br />
donated to food hampers in <strong>December</strong>.<br />
How to help: Anyone interested in<br />
volunteering can call Joan at 250-559-<br />
4568. Comments and questions can<br />
be sent to Monetary<br />
donations to the DGTSS can be made<br />
in cash or by cheque at the shop or to<br />
Box 387 Daajing Giids, V0T 1S0.<br />
Haida Gwaii Society for Community<br />
Peace provides temporary,<br />
secure housing and supportive services,<br />
referrals, group and individual<br />
counselling. The Society has multiple<br />
Community Living BC inclusion<br />
programs that offer recreational and<br />
social support for adults with developmental<br />
disabilities. The Transition<br />
24 HG<br />
House Outreach Program includes<br />
accompaniment and transportation<br />
services for Transition House residents,<br />
education and consultation<br />
with community agencies.<br />
How to help: You can donate clothing,<br />
food or money. A cheque can be<br />
emailed to HGSCP Box 811 Masset,<br />
BC V0T 1M0 or you can contact the<br />
finance department at<br />
to find out how to e-transfer for a tax<br />
receipt. Call 250-626-4664.<br />
Islands Wellness Society (IWS) was<br />
formed in 1983 to address the main<br />
issues concerning women and children.<br />
Over the Holiday Season there<br />
will be opportunities to give to food<br />
drives including the Hamper Program,<br />
DG Thrift shop volunteers (left to right) Elna Macdonald,<br />
Eleanor Bowman, Hiromi Miyagi<br />
now run by the IWS. On <strong>December</strong> 7<br />
at the Co-op in HlGaagilda you can<br />
Cram the RCMP Cruiser, fill it to<br />
capacity with donated non-perishable<br />
edibles. Cash donations are used to<br />
buy what is needed and to fund the<br />
food vouchers the IWS distributes. To<br />
get onto the food bank list, call 250-<br />
559-4100 and leave a message.<br />
Along with the Feed the People food<br />
bank initiative, the IWS offers programs<br />
of service including a Child<br />
Care Resource and Referral Program<br />
(CCRR), Child and Youth Counselling,<br />
Victim Services and Women’s<br />
Counselling, a lending library and an<br />
annual bursary. Offices located at 204<br />
Oceanview Drive in DG.
How to help: Monthly IWS donations<br />
via e-transfers can be set up to continue<br />
to support programs like the food bank.<br />
Tax receipts are available. For further<br />
information and/or to volunteer call<br />
250-559-4743.<br />
Niislaa Naay Healing/House Society,<br />
is located at 347 Eagle Rd., Box<br />
176, Gaw Tlagée.The Society offers<br />
Traditional wellness, mental wellness,<br />
midwifery care to those in the north<br />
of Haida Gwaii, women’s programs<br />
and guidance on their healing journey,<br />
connecting to Xaadaa Cultural<br />
values and plant medicine, men’s<br />
health, community and maternal<br />
health, home care, youth services,<br />
dentistry, patient travel and hosts<br />
visiting specialists. Tl’aa gyaahlangdaang<br />
is Xaad Kil story and song<br />
time for babies, young children and<br />
their caregivers. Medical equipment<br />
is loaned out. The Lumara Society is<br />
offering Grief and Bereavement Care<br />
on <strong>November</strong> 23/24 called Heal the<br />
Healers and the community sessions<br />
are <strong>November</strong> 25/26. Community<br />
Wellbriety will begin January 2024.<br />
Check out the fitness class schedule at<br /><br />
IWS staffers Wendy Watts and Shani Sparrow<br />
How to help: Equipment donations<br />
are accepted. Kindly phone first to 250-<br />
626-3911 ext. 242.<br />
XaaydaaGa Dlaang Society/Skidegate<br />
Health Center has recently<br />
moved into their new building the<br />
Xaaynangaa Naay House of Life at<br />
156 2 nd Avenue HlGaagilda. Created<br />
in 2016, the society follows a traditional<br />
governance model with membership<br />
coming from the ten clans<br />
of HlGaagilda. Services include<br />
h o m e c a re , c o m m u n i t y h e a l t h , p re -<br />
and post-natal care, mental health,<br />
wellness, medical travel, cancer and<br />
diabetes care and a youth center. The<br />
society hosts regular traditional and<br />
alternative healing clinics and weekly<br />
family medicine clinics. There are<br />
regular specialist clinics for diabetes<br />
and cancer care. The hearing clinic<br />
is <strong>November</strong> 27 to <strong>December</strong> 1. Staff<br />
will be hosting an information table<br />
with a focus on mental health at the<br />
Band Council’s <strong>November</strong> 16 th Open<br />
House. On <strong>November</strong> 10 to 13 and<br />
again <strong>December</strong> 1 to 4 there is a Grief<br />
and Loss workshop.<br />
How to help: For more information<br />
call 250-559-4610.<br />
Gwaii Animal Helpline Society<br />
(GAHS) is a registered non-profit and<br />
is solely volunteer run to support and<br />
encourage humane treatment of companion<br />
animals. The Society offers<br />
Spay and Neuter Services, Emergency<br />
Medical Support, Vaccines and Boosters<br />
for low-income owners, (TNR)<br />
Trap, Neuter and Release for feral cats,<br />
rehoming abandoned or surrendered<br />
animals, receiving and fostering and<br />
adoption processes, all dependent on<br />
available funding.<br />
Animals coming into care are fostered<br />
in a volunteer’s home before being<br />
matched to their forever home. Volunteers<br />
drive animals (and owners) to<br />
vet appointments and deliver pet food<br />
and medications. Currently, there are<br />
bags of good quality cat food available,<br />
donated by the Vancouver-based<br />
company Petcurean. Anyone on a low<br />
income can apply for the food at the<br />
website shown below.<br />
How to help: You can apply to<br />
be a volunteer on their webpage<br />,<br />
message them on Facebook or donate<br />
money by sending a cheque to GAHS<br />
c/o Box 73, Tlell, BC V0T 1Y0, or you<br />
can donate directly on their website and<br />
get an immediate receipt.<br />
Bean, Lin’s adopted cat<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 25
Mountain Top to Seafloor<br />
Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole<br />
Story submitted by Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine<br />
Conservation Area Reserve and Haida Heritage Site<br />
This past August marked a momentous<br />
event on Haida Gwaii, the 10 th<br />
anniversary of the raising of the<br />
Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole at HIk’yah<br />
GawGa Windy Bay. It was a stirring<br />
opportunity for islanders to look back<br />
at the pole, its story, and what made<br />
its raising so special – a monument to<br />
a historic victory by the Haida people<br />
in 1985 in their protest against unsustainable<br />
logging on Moresby Island.<br />
The Gwaii Haanas Legacy Pole is a<br />
42-foot monumental pole, the first<br />
such structure raised in the Gwaii<br />
Haanas region in over 130 years, and<br />
it serves as a connection with the historic<br />
poles still standing in the villages<br />
of SGang Gwaay and K’uuna Llnagaay<br />
Skedans. In Haida tradition, after they<br />
are carved, danced and raised, monumental<br />
poles become living members<br />
of the community that tell stories and<br />
history.<br />
The lead Carver was Kayd guudang<br />
Jaalen Edenshaw, and his assistants<br />
were Kiidagaay K’uunas Gwaai Edenshaw<br />
and Stl’inga Tyler York. Jaalen<br />
draws his inspiration from the language,<br />
the stories and the natural<br />
world of Haida Gwaii.<br />
The Legacy Pole was carved in 2013<br />
to commemorate the 20th anniversary<br />
of the Gwaii Haanas Agreement,<br />
which established a unique management<br />
relationship between the<br />
Haida Nation and the Government<br />
of Canada. An equal number of Haida<br />
Nation and Government of Canada<br />
representatives manage Gwaii Haanas<br />
through the Archipelago Management<br />
Board, renowned throughout<br />
the world as a model for cultural and<br />
natural resource governance.<br />
The pole’s “Land, Sea, People” themed<br />
design is inspired by the connections<br />
between the Haida Nation and all<br />
those who take care of Gwaii Haanas,<br />
from mountain top to seafloor.<br />
26 HG<br />
HIk’yah G̱ awG̱ a Windy Bay
Legacy Pole <strong>2023</strong><br />
PC Peter Moore<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 27
Standing together at Athlii Gwaii<br />
PC Peter Moore<br />
Visitors, archaeologists, Haida Gwaii<br />
Watchmen, Haida Ravens and Eagles,<br />
those who participated in protests at<br />
Athlii Gwaii Lyell Island are all represented<br />
in the design.<br />
Hlk’yah GawGa is a Haida village<br />
site on Athlii Gwaii, the location of<br />
the historic stance the Haida people<br />
took against logging on Haida Gwaii.<br />
Protesters set up a blockade in 1985<br />
to prevent companies from pushing<br />
farther south down Moresby Island.<br />
On Oct. 30, Kilslaay Kaajii Sding Miles<br />
Richardson, then president of the<br />
Council of the Haida Nation, wearing<br />
a traditional button blanket, led a nonviolent<br />
blockade of a logging road on<br />
Athlii Gwaii. “We will not be pushed<br />
aside in our own homelands and told<br />
that our interests are not worthy of<br />
consideration.”<br />
28 HG<br />
Over the next three months, Haida<br />
community members and their allies<br />
stood their ground. As recounted in<br />
British Columbia: An Untold History<br />
(The Knowledge Network): “Seventy-two<br />
blockaders were arrested,<br />
including several Indigenous Elders.<br />
But the Haida succeeded in defending<br />
the forest.”<br />
A notable detail on the Legacy Pole for<br />
many is the gumboots worn by four<br />
of the five people standing together:<br />
this is to represent the brave people<br />
who held the line at the Athlii Gwaii<br />
blockade.<br />
“<br />
Monumental poles become<br />
living members of the<br />
community.<br />
More than 400 people participated<br />
in the raising of the Legacy Pole in<br />
mid-August 2013, while another<br />
400 watched via a live stream at the<br />
Haida Heritage Centre. A few days<br />
later, more than 700 people attended<br />
a community celebration to honour<br />
the event, as is done in the Haida tradition.<br />
Hlk’yah GawGa is one of five Watchmen<br />
sites in Gwaii Haanas. The Haida<br />
Gwaii Watchmen Program serves to<br />
protect sacred areas in Gwaii Haanas,<br />
but also welcomes visitors to the<br />
Haida village sites and offer a firsthand<br />
introduction to Haida culture by<br />
sharing their knowledge of the land<br />
and sea, their stories, songs, dances<br />
and traditional foods. For many, meeting<br />
the Watchmen is their favourite<br />
part of a memorable trip. The Watchmen<br />
are themselves depicted on the<br />
Legacy Pole, as is often the case on<br />
Haida monumental poles.
Curtain Rises for Playhouse<br />
New Masset Arts Centre<br />
By Valerie Henderson and Jack Litrell<br />
It was a standing-room-only success<br />
as the Playhouse opened its doors last<br />
month with an evening of Persian<br />
music performed by a string trio from<br />
the Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra.<br />
What was once a thrift store was<br />
transformed into an arts centre by a<br />
small group of volunteers with the<br />
support of numerous community<br />
organizations.<br />
The building on Collison St. in Masset<br />
was originally constructed by the<br />
Department of National Defence as a<br />
Catholic church for military personnel.<br />
In the 1990s the base downsized<br />
and ownership was transferred to the<br />
Anglican church. It became a community<br />
venue, and for several years<br />
many music and theatre events were<br />
held there. When the thrift shop in<br />
the adjacent Anglican church flooded,<br />
it was decided to use the Catholic<br />
church as the thrift store.<br />
After a run of more than twenty years,<br />
the thrift store closed. This inspired<br />
Jack Litrell to create a community<br />
arts venue once again. Together with<br />
Alison Keery and Lark Clark, they<br />
formed the Masset Arts Committee,<br />
with the intention of taking the proper<br />
steps to realize this dream.<br />
The Committee approached the Anglican<br />
diocese with a plan to take over<br />
the building. More like-minded people<br />
joined the committee with enthusiasm<br />
for this idea. Negotiations went<br />
on for a year. Thanks to the generosity<br />
of Masset physician, Dr. Caroline<br />
Walker, the Society now can operate<br />
this wonderful space.<br />
The Playhouse will be run by the<br />
non-profit Masset Arts Society. Current<br />
board members are Jack Litrell,<br />
Meredith Adams, Toby Sanmiya, Kyla<br />
Mitchell, Geoff Horner, and Gwaai<br />
Edenshaw. Active members are Alison<br />
Keery, Lark Clark, Val Henderson,<br />
Jenny Nelson and Etchi Zaleski.<br />
To raise money, the contents of the<br />
thrift store were sold in a well-attended<br />
liquidation sale. Committee<br />
members restored the building,<br />
removing old carpeting, sanding the<br />
floor, patching holes, and repainting<br />
the main room in preparation for the<br />
first season of performances.<br />
The HG Arts Council has booked<br />
the playhouse for its season of performances.<br />
Stay tuned for notices<br />
for more events. Future plans for the<br />
space include a visual arts gallery, and<br />
improvements to the kitchen for dinners<br />
and catering events.<br />
The multi-use space will also be available<br />
for rent for events, films, courses,<br />
and other gatherings. It’s a community<br />
resource, open to all. For more<br />
information about the Masset Arts<br />
Society, contact Meredith Adams at<br />
250-626-7737.<br />
Masset Arts Society members at the Playhouse<br />
Top row L-R<br />
Toby Sanmiya, Etchi Zaleski, Allegra Hooten-Menendez,<br />
Meredith Adams, Valerie Henderson<br />
Bottom row L-R<br />
Jenny Nelson, Gwaai Edenshaw, Kyla Mitchell, Jack Litrell<br />
Photo by Jack Litrell<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 29
Newly renovated pub with waterfront patio!<br />
Casual & Fine Dining • Full Bar with Beer on Tap<br />
Live Entertainment • Sports & Themed Events<br />
Daily Drink Specials • Happy Hour Every Day 3pm-5pm<br />
Take-out • Off Sales • Lotto & ATM Machine • Shuttle Bus<br />
Check out our Facebook & Instagram pages for up to<br />
date info or call 250-626-7939<br /><br />
Located at 117 Bayview Drive, Port Clements<br />
30 HG
The Science Corner<br />
Comes the Darkness into the Light<br />
By Ro Millham<br />
As the Harvest Moon waned, crops were harvested and daylight<br />
hours grew shorter, as they have since June’s solstice.<br />
Yes, June 22 marked the beginning of the shorter daylight<br />
hours (it is amazing we like to think of these days as longer)<br />
and we are getting closer to the beginning of increased<br />
daylight hours after the <strong>December</strong> equinox. Amazing how<br />
time and space shifts for us and all things living. This far<br />
north, insects disappear, birds migrate to winter havens,<br />
whales move on to better feeding grounds, and bears eat<br />
themselves silly preparing for hibernation. Here on Haida<br />
Gwaii, our rainy season brings wind and rain, power outages<br />
and loss of the Internet but I, for one, enjoy it all.<br />
Image credit: Lunar Planetary Institute at<br />
What we lack in major snowstorms we gain in increasing our watershed resources. What we lack in growing produce<br />
we gain in lovely visits from migrating birds of all types. The cormorants return covering the rocks along the coast,<br />
Oregon juncos fly back to munch on leftover grass seeds, and the broad-leafed trees shed their coats, providing more<br />
magnificent views in every direction.<br />
As our beautiful planet continues its orbit around the Sun, and the official winter begins, we rejoice knowing that<br />
this event also begins an increase in daylight hours. And the plans for our next growing season begins to plant seeds<br />
of thought as to what the next growing season of increased daylight will provide for us from our gardens and farmers<br />
markets throughout the long days. Enjoy!<br />
What’s up?<br />
On <strong>November</strong> 13 you can catch a sighting of Uranus,<br />
which will come into opposition. Using your trusty binoculars,<br />
look for a green “star” halfway between Jupiter and<br />
the Pleiades – the Seven Sisters Stars (read more about this<br />
star cluster at<br />
<strong>November</strong> 24 and 25 are another great chance to catch a<br />
view of Jupiter. Just look up! Jupiter will be the brightest<br />
“star” right next to the Moon.<br />
On <strong>November</strong> 27 at 4:16 am the Full Moon will reach its<br />
peak. This Moon is known as the “Beaver” Moon because<br />
this is the time of year when beavers begin to take shelter<br />
in their lodges, having laid up sufficient food stores for the<br />
long winter ahead.<br />
Image: Public Domain (Quora)<br />
The Geminids, king of meteor showers, produces up to 120 multicoloured meteors per hour as the Earth moves through<br />
the debris left behind by asteroid 3200 Phaethon, discovered in 1982. The shower runs annually <strong>December</strong> 7-17.<br />
Did you know?<br />
Twenty seven thousand trees a day are cut down to make toilet paper alone. In Ukraine, a company is using leaves<br />
raked up in cities to make recycled paper of all sorts! This saves huge amounts of water, reduces CO2 emissions, and<br />
saves millions of trees from being harvested each year. For more information go to<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 31
Youth Caring for the Land<br />
Stewardship in Action<br />
Article and photos by Nadja Smith-Hanson<br />
Gracelynn Edgars learned something<br />
surprising this summer about black<br />
bears and hibernation. “I didn’t know<br />
that taan can fit inside of a hole the<br />
size of its head,” she says. It was a<br />
discovery for Gracelynn as she took<br />
part in a four-week stewardship program.<br />
“Bear den surveys was by far the<br />
coolest day (on the schedule); they are<br />
amazing animals.”<br />
Every day started with the stewards<br />
verifying they had all required<br />
items, and youths took turns leading<br />
the tailgate safety meetings<br />
neighboring communities on Haida<br />
Gwaii, and the ability to think critically<br />
about issues that the archipelago<br />
faces. They also learn about potential<br />
solutions and see them in action.<br />
Traditionally the program engages<br />
youths from the north and south, and<br />
the cohorts take part in four weeks of<br />
field-based programming with a broad<br />
range of professional partners. This<br />
year’s program was the first since 2019<br />
and was launched in July with five<br />
Masset-based jaadas (young women<br />
in Xaad Kil). Under the gracious roof<br />
of the Haida House, the jaadas were<br />
met by the three program partners:<br />
Council of the Haida Nation (CHN),<br />
Gwaii Haanas/Parks Canada and B.C.<br />
Ministry of Forests. They were welcomed<br />
into their positions as stewards<br />
and heard from partner professionals<br />
about their own jobs, the work<br />
the organizations do on the land and<br />
waters of Haida Gwaii, and paths to<br />
getting there.<br />
Prior to entering the field for work, the<br />
stewards participated in team-building<br />
activities and a safety orientation,<br />
and they built a foundation of trust<br />
and respect with one another, their<br />
community and the land. Jaskwaan<br />
Bedard led a workshop on yahguudang<br />
and conflict resolution. In the<br />
workshop, the stewards brainstormed<br />
a collective agreement that reflected<br />
their expectations for one another,<br />
and incorporated Haida laws that they<br />
would follow throughout the program.<br />
Jaskwaan’s workshop was foundational<br />
for the stewards to reference<br />
as they grew throughout the program.<br />
The stewards had 18 days of in-thefield<br />
learning and experiences. Some<br />
highlights defined by the stewards<br />
included learning about wildfires<br />
through a modified S-100 course, bear<br />
Olivia Beeching says that she was first<br />
interested in the program because she<br />
needed money. “But I quickly realized<br />
that this is not about the money,” says<br />
Olivia. “It’s about the team and the<br />
beautiful islands we live on.”<br />
Gracelynn and Olivia both had an<br />
extraordinary life-expanding summer.<br />
Since 2005, the Haida Gwaii Youth<br />
Stewardship Program (HGYSP) has<br />
employed over 100 local youth to<br />
explore what “Stewardship” on Haida<br />
Gwaii really means. The HGYSP offers<br />
them the opportunity to build confidence,<br />
a sense of connection with<br />
32 HG<br />
Stewards checking traps and salmon size with<br />
Brad Yonkman, biotech with Streamkeepers
Coordinator, Nadja Smith-Hanson (5th from left), and<br />
stewards (L to R) Olivia Beeching, Sophia Schulbeck,<br />
Amaleia Pennier, Ocean Morgan, Gracelynn Edgars<br />
Stewards collecting shells to place around the Legacy<br />
Pole in Hlk’yah GawGa Windy Bay, Gwaii Haanas<br />
den surveys, cultural features identification<br />
(CFI), stream surveys, fish<br />
fence removal and setting fish traps,<br />
Haida Watchmen duties at Hlk’yah<br />
GawGa Windy Bay, trail maintenance<br />
around the islands and European<br />
green crab invasive species removal.<br />
This year’s YSP was unique because all<br />
the successful applicants were jaadas,<br />
a fact that held special meaning for<br />
the young women. “Being in an environment<br />
of all girls felt amazing,” said<br />
one. “I felt like I could openly speak<br />
my mind and didn’t fear judgment<br />
of others, like I could just say what I<br />
needed.” Said another: “I think having<br />
all girls had a huge effect on the<br />
energy of the group which was really<br />
positive, supportive and empowering.<br />
We really talked about some of our<br />
problems as women and held each<br />
other up [...].”<br />
“<br />
Being in an environment of<br />
all girls felt amazing<br />
There’s no question that the science,<br />
technology, engineering and mathematics<br />
(STEM) fields are largely dominated<br />
by men. Therefore, having this<br />
year’s group of jaadas support one<br />
another and dig deeper into their experiences<br />
and learnings as an all women-crew,<br />
shed light on the importance<br />
of having role models who identify as<br />
women or non-binary. It seems clear<br />
that all future stewards can benefit<br />
from the island-wide support network<br />
that the HGYSP connects them with!<br />
Háw’aa/hawaa to all organizations<br />
and governments involved in making<br />
another HGYSP season a great<br />
success: Council of the Haida Nation,<br />
Gwaii Haanas Archipelago Management<br />
Board, Parks Canada, BC Government;<br />
Ministry of Forests and BC<br />
Parks, Haida Fisheries, Haida Fisheries<br />
Watchmen/Guardians, Department<br />
of Fisheries and Oceans, Masset<br />
Market, Delkatla Sanctuary, Gwaii<br />
Haanas Watchmen Program, Haida<br />
House, Stream Keepers, Haida Gwaii<br />
Recreation, Taan Forests, and Northern<br />
Savings.<br />
Calling all youth who are eager to have<br />
a memorable summer experiencing<br />
diverse natural resource jobs in their<br />
communities, working outdoors all over<br />
the islands and building professional<br />
skills! Be on the look-out next spring<br />
2024 for HGYSP applications. You can<br />
find them on our social media, as well<br />
as through school.<br />
This year’s crew: Olivia Beeching, Amaleia Pennier,<br />
Gracelynn Edgars, Ocean Morgan, Sophia Schulbeck<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 33
Grow your business with Community Futures.<br />
Support and Funding are available now!<br />
Connect with your local Community Futures<br />
office to learn how Taking Care of Business<br />
can unlock a wealth of training resources<br />
- and funding - to help your business grow<br />
and thrive.<br />
Haida Gwaii Community Futures<br />
250-626-5594<br />
Visit:<br />
Kids' Musings<br />
The World According to Carter & Connor<br />
Article and photo by Jasmine Beachy<br />
The last few months have been so busy! Fishing,<br />
hunting and gathering. School, family dinners<br />
and routines. Carter lost two more teeth, only<br />
swallowed one of those two so he did pretty<br />
good! Connor is talking a lot more these days<br />
and is really coming out of his shell. It’s been<br />
very interesting watching them pursue their<br />
different interests and share our own with them.<br />
Life is good.<br />
Carter: “Uncle makes the soggiest meat. One<br />
time I was eating tacos at his house and the<br />
meat was like so soggy. My mom cooks the best.<br />
Ours isn’t like that.”<br />
Me: “Why are you always taking your socks off<br />
as soon as you get home?”<br />
Carter: “I dunno, because it’s so refreshing.”<br />
M: “Put your pants on.”<br />
C: “Why? Where are we going?”<br />
M: “Nowhere. We have company coming over.”<br />
C: “Well I’m not putting pants on! I refuse.<br />
Only shorts.”<br />
C: “Mom, the first thing that I do when I wake<br />
up is stretch.”<br />
M: “Why?”<br />
C: “Because it gives health to my bones.”<br />
Carter: “Oh my gosh.”<br />
Connor: “Cahyah, no.”<br />
Carter: “What? I’m not allowed to say ‘oh my<br />
gosh’?”<br />
Connor: “Nope.”<br />
Carter: “Well Connor, I am older than you so<br />
I can.”<br />
Groceries & Liquor<br />
Bakery & Deli<br />
Home & Office Supplies<br />
Gifts & Local Treasures<br />
91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />
Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />
34 HG<br />
M: “Carter, go to bed.”<br />
C: “Hey mom, what if a shark came out of a<br />
tunnel that is like our toilet and grabbed me<br />
in the butt?”<br />
M: “Just go to bed, that will never happen.”<br />
C: “No Mom, but seriously! It did to one guy!<br />
It really happened!”<br />
C: “I know more than everyone else.”<br />
C: “Are you making pancakes?”<br />
M: “Yes, for StrongStart.”<br />
C: “Oh, can you make some pancakes for me,<br />
for my healthy body?”<br />
Carter taking his tooth out of his tooth necklace<br />
he got from school.<br />
C: “Ok there my beauty. You were bugging me<br />
for a long time.”<br />
C: “Mom! Can you help me with my zipper? It<br />
gets stuck. Now it’s going to give my finger a<br />
headache because I can’t zip it down.”<br />
C: “Hey, you want this light highter?”<br />
M: “A high lighter?”<br />
C: “Yah, a light highter.”<br />
M: “Connor is still sick, how do you feel?”<br />
C: “I feel so good. So healthy. You wouldn’t even<br />
believe it that I’m so healthy.”<br />
5:30am playing pretend lemur hunting<br />
Carter:“Hey Connor! Let’s take a paintball gun<br />
to get that lemur outside in the tree.”<br />
Connor: “No Cahyah, that’s not going to work.<br />
It’s just going to bite us.”<br />
Playing with their trucks<br />
Connor: “Don’t worry about it Cahyah! The<br />
cops aren’t here! They are off island!”<br />
It’s hard to keep up with all the funny conversations<br />
and one-liners that come out of their<br />
mouths. They are so entertaining and sometimes<br />
shocking. They really keep us on our<br />
toes, and we wouldn’t have it any other way! If<br />
you have any funny children’s stories to share,<br />
send them to Shellene at HG Trader at info@<br /><br />
Catches of the day<br />
Carter (L) and brother Connor
Puzzle Page<br />
The Art of Kindness<br />
By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />
Answer key can be found after the Community Calendar at the back of the<br />
magazine.<br />
Down<br />
1 Creating moments of joy and delight often bring ___.<br />
2 This serpent is thought to be the opposite of a friendly and<br />
warm creature.<br />
4 This plant, like acts of goodwill, can grow and spread to<br />
beautify its surroundings.<br />
5 Rigid belief system, sometimes softened by a touch of<br />
understanding.<br />
6 To embody empathy and compassion in one’s actions.<br />
7 A touch of playfulness and confidence, often delivered with a<br />
wink and a smile.<br />
9 Car___, sure to create a giggle.<br />
Across<br />
1 Acts of kindness can ___the way for a smoother, more harmonious<br />
world.<br />
3 Displayed through compassionate actions, it’s a key to brightening<br />
the world.<br />
8 The ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.<br />
10 Santa’s surprises on Christmas morning.<br />
11 Charles Dickens character who learnt the art of kindness.<br />
13 Common word of agreement, often heard after a prayer.<br />
15 Acts of kindness, like hidden gems, are often these in a world of<br />
haste.<br />
17 A poetic tribute, like a kind gesture in verse.<br />
18 Compassion can reach across the miles, bringing comfort from<br />
___.<br />
19 Comforting Italian rice dish, cooked with love.<br />
23 Love, ___and oolichan grease. (Podcast)<br />
25 Acts of ___ help those in need, showing the warmth of humanity.<br />
26 Showing a big heart, synonymous with a kind and giving spirit.<br />
27 A short, sweet break - a gentle way to recharge your energy.<br />
12 One deserving respect, often cherished for their wisdom<br />
and life experience.<br />
14 When a word is of like meaning.<br />
16 Taking a break to ____ from the demands of daily life.<br />
20 Many friends and family cross the ____ to be together at<br />
this time of year.<br />
21 Coniferous evergreen forests of subarctic lands.<br />
22 Photo file type.<br />
24 Always ready to lend a sympathetic ___ when someone<br />
needs to talk.<br />
25 A wine term used to indicate a high-quality vineyard.<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 35
Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />
Horoscopes for <strong>November</strong> & <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
By Monica Caulfield<br />
Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) There’s a message that wants to be heard,<br />
dearest Aries, and you need to get quiet enough to receive it. Not the<br />
easiest thing to do for you. Loved ones are willing and able to help<br />
you understand different communication styles because sometimes<br />
what comes to you loud and clear is not actually words. Focus on<br />
the feelings. Keywords: dream, imagine and ascend.<br />
Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Cut to the chase, dearest Taurus, and<br />
see your loved ones for who they truly are. What has worked for<br />
you for months is coming to a fork in the road. Which direction<br />
leads to pure honesty? This is the road to take. Keywords: naked<br />
truth, candor and confidence.<br />
Gemini (May 20 – June 20) Get your ducks in order, dearest Gemini.<br />
Your list needs to be written and checked off, one by one. Don’t try to<br />
do too many things simultaneously, as you may become unfocused<br />
and distracted. Once you start this, it will be easier than you think.<br />
Keywords: endeavour, function and task.<br />
Cancer (June 21 – July 21) You are attempting to balance service<br />
to others with service to self, dearest Cancer. How can you continue<br />
to help others and keep your battery fully charged? How can<br />
you learn to say no while still loving your people? Do a little deep<br />
breathing before you fully commit your time and energy. Say yes<br />
when you 100% want to. Keywords: cherish, complete and affection.<br />
Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) Wow, you’ve got a major flare of creativity<br />
going, dearest Leo. What passions can you manifest into reality?<br />
Aspire to make something out of nothing, whatever that looks like<br />
to you. Music, writing, art, cooking, you name it. First, it wasn’t<br />
there, then poof, it was and is. Keywords: design, discover and forge.<br />
Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Dearest Virgo, you are being asked to<br />
address some family issues now. But let us define family. Family<br />
could mean your family of origin, the family you have created, your<br />
family of pets, or the friendships that feel like family. Whichever<br />
family it is, give all that you can, in a meaningful way. Keywords:<br />
household, clan and tribe.<br />
Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) Rise to your full potential, dearest Libra.<br />
When you step forward to greater possibilities, you build higher<br />
self-confidence and self-worth. Practice positive communication<br />
within your family and try to stay focused on what they are sharing<br />
with you. Seriously, you don’t want to miss it. Keywords: advice,<br />
connect and convey.<br />
Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) Even though you are typically authentic<br />
through and through, dearest Scorpio, you may be coming across<br />
as secretive and withholding. You’ve got a lot going on right now<br />
and it may be challenging to keep up with it all. Try to prioritize<br />
what is most important to you and follow that lead. Keywords:<br />
passion, purpose and process.<br />
Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) The end of an era is on your horizon,<br />
dearest Sagittarius. Everything that you think and believe is coming<br />
up for review. Don’t let your assumptions get the better of you. You<br />
can change your mind if needed, so be sure to give yourself an out.<br />
Keywords: modification, revision and shift.<br />
Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) Past issues want you to take another<br />
look at them, dearest Capricorn. What purpose do you have here,<br />
and how are you managing the present-day opportunities? Do what<br />
is needed to ground yourself to feel secure and hopeful. Read, walk<br />
the dog, work out in nature, stretch your body, or do anything that<br />
makes you feel tuned in. Keywords: mindful, wise and receptive.<br />
Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) Are you feeling the push-pull of life,<br />
dearest Aquarius? One direction wants to get away and travel;<br />
another direction asks you to advance forward in the comfort of<br />
your own home. You are presenting yourself as someone extremely<br />
honest, sometimes to a fault. And responsibilities are finding a<br />
home in your heart and needing your undivided attention. How<br />
are you going to navigate all this and still find peace? This is your<br />
quest. Keywords: perceptive, plugged-in and wise.<br />
Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) It’s imperative, dearest Pisces, that you<br />
try and stay aligned with your calling. It would be easy to stay distracted<br />
and unmotivated, feeling that whatever happens is what’s<br />
happening. But there is an opportunity to learn some deep and<br />
valuable lessons to propel you into your future if you can stay aware<br />
enough to see them. Keywords: focal point, target and centre yourself.<br />
Proud to Serve<br />
Haida Gwaii!<br />
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and Haida Gwaii<br />
@JenniferRiceBC<br />
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36 HG
Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto,<br />
click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />
way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 313, Port Clements,<br />
BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />
noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />
issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />
services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />
Supporting<br />
local makers<br />
Beautiful clothes<br />
for beautiful<br />
women!<br />
Exclusively made<br />
in Canada<br />
Size Inclusive<br />
XS to 3X<br />
Slow Fashion<br />
Sustainable Fabrics<br />
32 Cow Bay Rd<br />
Prince Rupert<br />
250-922-4342<br /><br />
Owner<br />
Trish Lazar<br />
In the Home & Office<br />
Flooring Staples. 4 boxes of hardwood<br />
flooring staples. Call Gord at (250) 637-5755<br />
or email<br />
Drywall Parts. Left over drywall parts.<br />
Corners and tape. Call Gord at (250) 637-<br />
5755 or email<br />
Smart Hub - Reduced to $50! MF279T<br />
Smart Hub, great price! No fibre optic yet?<br />
No problem, get the Internet from your cell<br />
tower with this ZTE Smart Hub. Paid $240<br />
from Telus. $50 Call George at (250) 559-<br />
7899 or email<br />
5 Cubic Foot Chest Freezer. One year old<br />
5 cuft. white Frigidaire chest freezer. Some<br />
3 years left on manufacturers warranty.<br />
$325 Call Sherry Johnsson at (250) 637-2370<br />
or email<br />
RAM Modules: 4 GB & 8 GB. Brand -<br />
Samsung These are from a recent model 64-<br />
bit HP AIO that I upgraded. These are the<br />
specs for that PC: Dual channel memory architecture,<br />
Two DDR4 SODIMM (260-pin)<br />
sockets, supports up to PC4-25600 (DDR4-<br />
3200), supports 4 GB and 8 GB DDR4<br />
1-DIMMs, supports up to 4 GB on 32-bit<br />
systems, supports up to 32 GB (unbuffered)<br />
with two 16 GB DIMMs on 64-bit systems.<br />
Prices are all over the place, but for both,<br />
these would probably list at between $40 &<br />
$60. The $15 price is for both. Will ship for<br />
cost of mailing plus $15. Call Dave Crossley<br />
at (250) 559-8208 or email crssldw@gmail.<br />
com<br />
Pet Cages. 1 small and 2 medium pet<br />
crates. $75 Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or<br />
email<br />
Antique Coat/Hat/Umbrella Stand.<br />
Wrought iron antique coat, hat and umbrella<br />
stand. Around 90-100 years old. Originally<br />
from former Austro-Hungarian Empire.<br />
$290 Contact Paul @ email hgtads@runbox.<br />
com<br />
Filing cabinet. 36” long, 18” deep, 27 ½”<br />
high. 2 slide out drawers. Call Gord at (250)<br />
637-5755 or email<br />
In the Yard & Workshop<br />
Rifle for Sale. Remington 700 7mm, composite<br />
stock, Weaver 3-9 scope, neoprene<br />
strap and hard case. Valid PAL is required.<br />
$500 Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or email<br /><br />
Gate. 2-6ft. Galvanized gates. Need new<br />
hinge pins. $50 Call Gord at (250) 637-5755<br />
or email<br />
40 KW Gen Set. 40 kw 3-phase diesel gen<br />
set. This unit is trailer mounted and is<br />
wired for 3-phase, 220 and 110 with breaker<br />
box. It has 760 hours on it $9,800 Call Dave<br />
Ellis at (250) 637-1454 or email drellis@<br /><br />
Wet/Dry Sharpener. Mastercraft<br />
wet/dry sharpener. $25<br />
Call Regina Williams at (250)<br />
626-9009 or email scouttsy@<br /><br />
IEL HB Chainsaw. Vintage 1952 chainsaw.<br />
Runs and comes bar and chain. Has<br />
regular float carb and swivel handle so you<br />
can turn the bar 90 degrees and keep the<br />
carb level and saw running. First direct<br />
drive clutch model saw made. Doesn’t run<br />
perfect but will cut. Good collector saw<br />
looking to trade for other chainsaws. Call<br />
Chris Burns at (250) 626-8968 or email<br /><br />
Steel Garage-You Build. Never<br />
assembled steel garage, 24ft<br />
Wide/28ft Long/12ft Tall, built<br />
with 2” x 3” galvanized steel<br />
tubing, 20-gauge furring channel strapping<br />
for roof, and 29-gauge rolled sheet metal<br />
and flashings. Summit Garage from Easy<br />
Build Structures-for more details: http://<br /><br />
php $33,500 Call Colton James at (250) 626-<br />
3833 or email<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 37
Circular Saw. Mastercraft<br />
maximum 7 ¼” Circular saw<br />
with laser line $80 Call Regina<br />
Williams at (250) 626-9009 or<br />
email<br />
240v Heater. Has been sitting<br />
in the shop for a decade since<br />
I don’t have 240v anymore but<br />
worked fine previously. Money<br />
back if it doesn’t. Can probably deliver.<br />
$20 Call Tyson at (778) 871-7817 or email<br /><br />
Leupold VX-3i 3.5-10x40<br />
Scope. Leupold VX-3i 3.5-10x40<br />
scope. Super Sharp with the<br />
Twilight light management<br />
system that allows you hunt earlier in the<br />
morning and later in the evening. $550 Call<br />
Perry at (250) 857-4740 or email<br />
Circular Saw. Black and decker<br />
21/3 HP. $10 Call Regina<br />
Williams at (250) 626-9009 or<br />
email<br />
Cordless Drill. Mastercraft 14.4 v<br />
cordless drill. $30 Call Regina Williams<br />
at (250) 626-9009 or email<br /><br />
On the Road<br />
Used Ford V8 Engine. 1998 Triton V8, under<br />
200.000 kms, frame rusted out on pickup<br />
but engine still ok. Changed most of the<br />
plugs and coils just before dismantling of<br />
p/u. It is still sitting on the front part of the<br />
frame including the front diff. which can go<br />
with it. $200 Call Ron Waldron at (250) 637-<br />
2401 or email<br />
Parts for Ford Van. Bearings and fuel<br />
filter. Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or email<br /><br />
2012 Ford 150 XLT Runs well. Extended<br />
cab. 2 bucket seats. Tires are brand new. 6’<br />
x 6’ box. $10,000 OBO Call Jeremy at (250)<br />
557-2007 or 557-4589 or email<br />
2012 Heartlland Road Warrior<br />
395rw Toy Hauler. 395rw<br />
41’ 5th Wheel Triple Axle.<br />
Needs water system and furnace<br />
looked at. Specs can be found online.<br />
Will also consider space rental over the<br />
winter season. Parking is private with power.<br />
Can be lived in full time. Stock Photos.<br />
$42,500 Call Ron Diaz at (250) 626-7927 or<br />
email<br />
38 HG
Haida Gwaii<br />
Auto Inc.<br />
Dealer #50179<br />
2013 Hyundai Elantra<br />
133,800km/Stk#78 $12,300<br />
2015 Nissan Sentra<br />
78,800km/Stk#6281 $13,995<br />
2015 Chevrolet Sonic<br />
101,400km/Stk#6147 $10,995<br />
2019 Subaru Forrester<br />
120,000km/Stk#90 $27,995<br />
“No reasonable offer<br />
refused!”<br />
250-559-4641<br />
605 Ocean View Dr.<br />
Daajing Giids<br /><br />
On the Road<br />
Steel 500LB Cargo Carrier.<br />
Carrier comes with a full nylon<br />
adjustable cover $110 Call Richard<br />
Sample at (780) 897-4665 or<br />
email<br />
12V Car Jack. Lift your vehicle<br />
at the touch of a button. $40<br />
Call Regina Williams at (250)<br />
626-9009 or email scouttsy@<br /><br />
Motomaster Hydraulic Pneumatic<br />
Jack. 20-ton capacity.<br />
Never used! $80 Call Regina Williams<br />
at (250) 626-9009 or email<br /><br />
Wildwood Trailer 2018. Trailer,<br />
c/w load leveling hitch and<br />
bars. Sleeps 2 children/2adults.<br />
Murphy bed over comfortable 3<br />
seat couch, dinette is also a bed with storage<br />
beneath. Large fridge with separate freezer,<br />
stainless range hood, dual sink, counter<br />
with extension, lots of storage throughout<br />
the trailer. Hot water tank, furnace, 3 burner<br />
glass top stove with oven, sound system<br />
with outdoor speakers, wired for cable and<br />
solar panel. Large bathroom with toilet,<br />
vanity and sink, and large corner shower<br />
with curved sliding glass doors. Outside is a<br />
large awning, LED lights, outdoor speakers,<br />
propane port for a BBQ, power tongue jack<br />
with light. Two 30lb propane tanks and dual<br />
wheels. This trailer is in remarkable shape.<br />
Please come and have a look. $26,400 Call<br />
Wayne Harris at (778) 772-4303 or email<br /><br />
New Tires on Rims. A set of 4<br />
new tires on rims off a Nissan.<br />
205/55R16 MS. Don’t need<br />
them so cut the price in half so<br />
only $500 for the set. My loss<br />
your gain. Call Danny Stewart<br />
at (250) 631-3478 or email<br /><br />
2008 Grand Caravan, Bandex Truck<br />
Service Bed and an Aluminum Canopy.<br />
2008 Grand Caravan: 236,000km. New tires.<br />
Open to offers. Bandex Truck Service Bed:<br />
for a dually truck. In decent shape. Offers.<br />
Aluminum Canopy: Comes with factory-built<br />
aluminum side toolboxes. Fits half<br />
ton truck. $500 OBO. Call Micheal @ 250-<br />
557-2053 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />
com<br />
Garmin/eTrex GPS Mounts...<br />
eTrex bike handlebar mount,<br />
should accommodate most<br />
GPS’s. $25 obo. Call George at<br />
(250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.<br />
net<br />
1975 Harley, 1967 Triumph Tiger and a<br />
Few More Toys. Day time calls only please.<br />
Call Lindsey Doerksen at (778) 260-4733 or<br />
email<br />
Alum/Steel Folding Loading<br />
Ramps. Heavy duty ramps.<br />
$190 Call Richard Sample at<br />
(780) 897-4665 or email<br />
On the Water<br />
Zodiac International Commando<br />
C3 Boat. New, Never<br />
Opened. $5,750 Call Coltan at<br />
(250) 626-3833 or email<br />
Scotty Manual Downriggers. 2 of them,<br />
30-inch booms. Detachable brackets.<br />
Factory rebuilt by Scotty Victoria. As new.<br />
$400 Call Matt at (778) 260-5909 or email<br /><br />
Real Estate & Rentals<br />
1868 Balsam Cr Masset. Fully<br />
renovated and ready to move<br />
in! This is a beautiful, newly<br />
renovated home. Everything<br />
has been done including both bathrooms,<br />
kitchen, new floors, and paint throughout,<br />
all new appliances and heat pump. Located<br />
in a quiet cul-de-sac walking distance<br />
to everything Masset has to offer. Masset<br />
is located on the northern end of Graham<br />
Island, with easy access to some of Haida<br />
Gwaii’s best beaches, forests, fishing, and<br />
recreational opportunities. Price $249,500.<br />
Call 250 922 5409 or email<br />
Masset Bike Shop. Great<br />
opportunity to run your own<br />
business without “breaking the<br />
bank.” Tremendous potential<br />
for bike sales and service along with other<br />
sports equipment. The building is in great<br />
shape, on 2 lots and room for small living<br />
quarters. The business is in the heart<br />
of Masset and close to the airport offering<br />
daily service to the mainland. Price<br />
$209,000. Call 250 218 9776 or email<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 39
40 HG<br />
Valley Boat<br />
Service<br />
Fabrication<br />
Custom Upgrades<br />
250-557-2057<br />
Port Clements, BC<br />
2226 Dogwood Cr Masset.<br />
Recently renovated and ready<br />
to move in! This 4-bedroom<br />
home has been fully renovated<br />
in the last year; both bathrooms and the<br />
kitchen have been tastefully updated, new<br />
floors, all new appliances, and a new heat<br />
pump. Located near the end of a quiet street<br />
with easy access to schools and shopping.<br />
Masset is a lovely community on the northern<br />
end of Graham Island, Haida Gwaii,<br />
which is famous for its world-renowned<br />
beaches, fishing, forests, and culture. Price<br />
$239,500. Sarah@250 922 5409 or<br />
Incredible Live/Work Opportunity.<br />
4 Newcombe Ave,<br />
Port Clements. This Motel in<br />
the heart of Haida Gwaii has it<br />
all, including a 3-bedroom, 1 bathroom residence,<br />
with kitchen, living room and dining<br />
room. Downstairs you will enter the motel<br />
guest space with office, washroom, dining<br />
room and fully equipped commercial kitchen.<br />
Motel guest rooms of various sizes are<br />
in adjacent buildings. Additionally, there is<br />
an office, storage room, indoor workshop,<br />
and a detached garage. Price $465,000. Call<br />
Sarah 250 922 5409 or email<br />
1 Froese 3/4 Acre Port Clements.<br />
3/4 Acre lot, fully serviced<br />
and subdividable in the heart<br />
of the village of Port Clements,<br />
now available at $179,000. Call John 250<br />
218 9776 email<br />
2024 Swan Cres Masset.<br />
Embrace the opportunity of a<br />
lifetime with this lovely 12,000<br />
sq ft lot! Tucked away on a<br />
peaceful cul-de-sac, this level<br />
and private lot eagerly awaits<br />
the construction of your dream<br />
home. Just steps from the bird sanctuary<br />
and near shopping, schools, and restaurants,<br />
this location offers the perfect blend<br />
of privacy and convenience. With water,<br />
sewer, and hydro services readily available,<br />
this idyllic lot is ready for you to turn your<br />
vision into a reality. Don’t miss out on this<br />
perfect chance to create the home you’ve<br />
always imagined. Act now and claim your<br />
dream home’s foundation! Price $80,000.<br />
Call 2506182434 or email tracey.defrane@<br /><br />
2150 Elm Crescent Masset.<br />
This charming single-detached<br />
house includes 3 bedrooms, 2<br />
bathrooms, and a full unfinished<br />
basement. The lovely, treed lot offers<br />
privacy and many places to relax and enjoy.<br />
The windows were updated in 2007 and<br />
a heat pump was added in Nov. 2022. The<br />
floors and cabinets are original, but many<br />
improvements are unseen such as updated<br />
plumbing and a dry well. This wellcared-for<br />
home is centrally located, a mere<br />
5-minute walk from the beach or downtown<br />
Masset and can be yours for $269,000.<br />
Please call (250) 626-5256.<br />
2083 Collison Ave, Masset.<br />
This is an incredible live/work<br />
opportunity awaiting your<br />
ideas, in the centre of the business<br />
district in the Village of Masset. The<br />
3000 sqft building on a large 8052 sqft lot, is<br />
zoned C1, allowing for multiple commercial<br />
uses and residential potential. Live and<br />
work in the heart of this growing community,<br />
with easy access to everything that<br />
Masset and Haida Gwaii has to offer. Price<br />
$180,000. Call Sarah 250 922 5409 or email<br /><br />
Great Building at 1605 Old<br />
Beach Rd Masset. Formerly<br />
Masset Grocery. 4,698 sqft<br />
building in top notch condition,<br />
includes all equipment, displays, shelving,<br />
walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer, and a fully<br />
equipped deli kitchen. Priced $725,000. Call<br />
250 218 9776<br />
45206A HWY 16, Tlell. This<br />
cozy 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom<br />
home features a wood fireplace,<br />
spacious kitchen, and<br />
a basement offering endless possibilities<br />
with its own outdoor access. You can add<br />
more bedrooms, a family room or put in a<br />
mortgage helper. Newer metal roof drilled<br />
well and hot water tank are some of the<br />
upgrades. A large workshop for storage or<br />
tools, a garden and large greenhouse are<br />
perfect for someone wishing to grow their<br />
own food. There’s even room for a small<br />
hobby farm. There is 1 bedroom cottage<br />
which is a great mortgage helper with separate<br />
hydro Price $525,000. Call Tracey De<br />
Frane 250-618-2434 Virtual Tour of House:<br /><br />
LacsH Virtual Tour of Cottage: https://app.<br />
372 School Road, Sandspit.<br />
Discover your dream home, in<br />
the small, lovely community<br />
of Sandspit, within a 5-minute<br />
walk to the golf course. This private,<br />
0.5-acre oasis with a spacious 4-bedroom, 2<br />
bath, newly renovated open concept home<br />
nestled on a large lot with a large workshop<br />
and covered parking for your fishing<br />
boat and RV. Price $600,000. Virtual Tour:<br /><br />
Call 250-618-2434 or email tracey.<br /><br />
1416 Delkatla Street Masset.<br />
Exquisite Coastal Retreat on a<br />
secluded 152 feet of SW facing<br />
waterfront lot, surrounded by<br />
the natural beauty of a private peninsula.<br />
Step inside the spacious main floor with<br />
wall-to-wall windows giving you a 180-degree<br />
panoramic view of Masset Sound.<br />
The bedroom is spacious with an elegantly<br />
designed bathroom, there’s a fabulous<br />
family room and a dining area making this<br />
an ideal space for relaxation and entertaining.<br />
Downstairs has been transformed into<br />
a true haven of comfort through a recent<br />
and impeccable remodeling. Price $900,000.<br />
Call Tracey 250-618-2434 or email tracey.<br /> Virtual Tour: https://<br /><br />
2044 Maple Crescent Masset.<br />
3-bedroom 1.5 bath, half duplex<br />
renovated in 2022. This open<br />
floor concept with solid oak<br />
gourmet kitchen, new appliances<br />
including Samsung Stainless Steel<br />
fridge, BOSH Stainless Steel dishwasher,<br />
microwave, Samsung clothes dryer, hot<br />
water tank, and new All Weather premium<br />
vinyl windows. Included: Master bedroom<br />
w/queen bed, 2nd bedroom w/two beds,3rd<br />
bedroom w/double bed Bonus-possibility of<br />
a much-coveted marine slip in the village of<br />
Masset Marina. Price $270,000. Call 778-<br />
773-4242 or email<br /><br />
175 Bayview Port Clements.<br />
What a great house to<br />
call home! Main floor entry<br />
with spacious bedroom, large<br />
kitchen and walk-in pantry and<br />
lovely open living/dining room<br />
with double doors to outside<br />
deck overlooking the panoramic views of<br />
the ocean and surrounding mountains.<br />
Launch your kayak right from the yard! The<br />
walk out basement is bright and features<br />
an additional 3 bedrooms, full bathroom<br />
and a cozy family room with wood burning<br />
stove. The house has had extensive upgrades<br />
in 2022 and comes fully furnished<br />
and equipped. This is a great opportunity<br />
to enjoy the great Port Clements lifestyle.<br />
Price $525,000. Call 250-218-9776 or email<br /><br />
122 Acre Lot- Masset. Old growth, not in<br />
the ALR. Price $600,000. Call Tracey 250-<br />
618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.<br />
com or check out www.listingnanaimo.<br />
com/#!listings<br />
Just Move In and Relax. 40<br />
Yakoun St. Port Clements. This<br />
is an immaculate, beautifully<br />
maintained 2-bedroom rancher<br />
in the charming Village of Port Clements.<br />
The entire home is in great shape with<br />
recent appliances, double windows, a metal<br />
roof, just steps away from Bayview Market,<br />
the fabulous Axe and Anchor Pub/Restaurant,<br />
the marina, Port Clements Elementary<br />
School, and magnificent walking trails.<br />
Priced to sell @ $274,500 Call 250-218-9776<br />
or email<br />
Shop for Sale. 60ft W X 72ft L<br />
X 26ft H, with 3 phase power<br />
located 4km from Sandspit.<br />
The shop is on License of Occupation<br />
land. Price: $40,000.<br />
Contact Phil @ 250 637 5614 or email<br /><br />
Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo<br />
Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />
Designed and handcrafted<br />
Tiiiddall SSiiillveer by Silver local artisan Jewellery jeweller by Laura Dutheil SStuddiiioo<br />
Zoonee<br />
Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />
Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll<br />
Available Laura at: Dutheil<br />
Designed • Funk and It! handcrafted<br />
by local Earrings, artisan rings, jewellerpendants,<br />
• DG<br />
Laura<br />
Visitor<br />
Dutheil<br />
Centre<br />
bracelets, ear cuffs & more,<br />
• Sandspit with tidal Visitor zone inspired<br />
Earrings, rings, pendants,<br />
bracelets, Centre ear cuffs engravings & more,<br />
with tidal zone inspired<br />
Appointments<br />
Welcome!<br />
engravings<br />
Custom orders welcome!<br />
Custom orders welcome!<br />
Available Available at Funk It! at and Funk the Queen It! and Charlotte the Queen Visitor Information Charlotte Centre Visitor Information Centre<br />
778-260-0434<br /><br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />
Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />
250-559-8561<br />
31857 Hwy 16<br />
in Tll.aal Tlell<br />
3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />
Available at Funk It and the<br />
Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 41
Organic Produce<br />
Groceries & Dairy<br />
• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />
• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />
• Free Range Meats<br />
• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />
• International Cheeses<br />
• Foods for All Diets<br />
250-559-8623<br /><br />
Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />
3219 Wharf Street<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Sarah Barnhardt<br />
Licensed Realtor<br />
Longtime Haida<br />
Gwaii resident<br />
Serving all<br />
island communities<br />
Call me!<br />
Prince<br />
Rupert<br />
250.922.5409<br /><br />
519 3rd Avenue West,<br />
Prince Rupert<br />
Haida Gwaii Essentials<br />
Handcrafted Soap<br />
& Body Products<br />
Available at: Or<br />
Masset Market & Shop<br />
Island Retailers Online!<br /><br />
Half Duplex 1848 Balsam<br />
Crescent Masset. Cozy<br />
4-bedrooms upstairs, 3-piece<br />
bath. Main floor: 2-piece bath,<br />
updated kitchen, large living<br />
room. New roof (’19), furnace (’17), updated<br />
kitchen & bathrooms. Large family<br />
room. Greenhouse and raised beds. Great<br />
family community, lovely neighborhood.<br />
Well-maintained village. Military-built<br />
home. 1 km to public wharf, nature walk<br />
to Cemetery Beach. Measurements approx.<br />
Don’t miss this potential-filled gem Price<br />
$259,900. MLS R2788990 Andrew Harks<br />
eXp Realty (Kelowna) 1-883-817-6506/1-<br />
250-299-5201 or email andrewharks@<br /><br />
Two Homes Oceanfront.<br />
Crown Lease. Motivated Sellers!<br />
Two homes on .69 acres,<br />
with direct access to an endless<br />
beach. This property is on Crown lease land<br />
(similar to pad rent) with 13 years remaining<br />
on a 30-year renewable lease. Traditional<br />
financing is not available. This property<br />
is offered @ $169,000. Bring us your offers!<br />
Trades! We may hold financing to an<br />
Islander with a suitable down payment.<br />
Price $169,000 Call 778-260-9696 or email<br /><br />
815 Oceanview Drive, Daajing<br />
Giids. This is a great<br />
starter home, income property<br />
or recreational property on a<br />
lovely 12,000 sqft lot. Beautiful ocean views<br />
and a park area across the road make this<br />
lot extra special. Enjoy the private yard and<br />
relax to the sounds of the salmon stream<br />
running by. The 4-bedroom mobile home<br />
with addition is in good condition, with a<br />
large mudroom for additional indoor storage<br />
and ocean views right from the living<br />
room. Also included is an 8 x 20 c-can for<br />
all your outdoor storage needs or turn it<br />
into a spacious workshop. Price $229,000.<br />
Call 250 922 5409 or email<br />
778 230 9871<br />
Worker Accommodations<br />
Long or Short Term. Port<br />
Clements: Furnished and<br />
unfurnished 1 and 2-bedroom apartments.<br />
Newly renovated including bathroom<br />
and kitchen. Internet, TV, king-size beds,<br />
laundry, and parking incl. Well suited for<br />
worker accommodation. Clean and secure<br />
building. Masset: several renovated housing<br />
units. 3 and 4-bedroom units. Furnished or<br />
unfurnished. Internet, cable, laundry, and<br />
parking are included. Call /email for prices.<br /> for more info<br />
or call/text 250 661 9012.<br />
Masset Services’ Assets for<br />
Sale. 33 years in business on<br />
the Island. 1 to 1.5 million<br />
annual revenues, 50-unit rental<br />
fleet, 20-unit heavy equipment fleet. Well<br />
managed and well-staffed. Selling assets<br />
only. Can split rental division off. 3 very<br />
good pieces of real estate. All in price<br />
$2,000,000 or purchase hard assets and<br />
rent real estate. Call 778 914 4487 or email<br /><br />
Wanted<br />
Wanted: 14-foot Aluminum Boat. Looking<br />
for a skookum 14ft aluminum boat with<br />
20” transom. Call Jack at (250) 626-3436 or<br />
email<br />
Want: Mini-Excavator or Compact Tractor.<br />
Looking for a good running machine.<br />
Call Jack at (256) 263-436 or email sales@<br /><br />
Wanted: Smallish Wood Stove. For<br />
largish cabin. (Will consider one needing<br />
repairs etc.) Call Craig Carmichael at (250)<br />
559-7735 or email<br />
Freebies<br />
FREE! 4” Fluorescent Tubes.<br />
11 free used 4” T12 (two prongs<br />
on each end) cool white, fluorescent<br />
bulbs 3 free new 4” T8<br />
cool whites Call Mitch at (778) 884-7018 or<br />
email<br />
42 HG
Space Rentals<br />
Online Gift Shop<br />
Events<br />
Tours<br />
#2 Second Beach Road<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
250-559-7885<br /><br /><br />
Put Your Ad<br />
Here<br /><br />
250-557-2088<br />
Employment & Training<br />
Hiring Temporary Receptionist.<br />
Northern Savings Credit<br />
Union has an opening for a Temporary<br />
F/T Receptionist (approx. 6-month term),<br />
for our Masset branch. This would appeal<br />
to a motivated and personable individual<br />
with a desire to be part of a team. Education:<br />
Secondary School Diploma required.<br />
Experience: Previous sales and service<br />
experience or an equivalent combination<br />
of education, training, and experience.<br />
Skills: Excellent written and verbal English<br />
communication skills. Working knowledge,<br />
skills and experience in Microsoft Office. $<br />
Call Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356 Apply<br />
online:<br />
Careers or email naomijuetten@northsave.<br />
com<br />
Custodian-Gaw Tlagée Old<br />
Massett. Wage: $20.02/hour<br />
Position: 15 hours per week<br />
(3 hours per day) Haida Child & Family is<br />
a Haida-led organization. The Custodian<br />
will perform routine cleaning and minor<br />
maintenance of HCF buildings and grounds<br />
to ensure a clean working environment.<br />
Pursuant to Section 41 of the BC Human<br />
Rights Code, preference may be given to<br />
qualified applicants of Aboriginal ancestry.<br />
This position requires Union membership<br />
and is open to all applicants. To Apply<br />
Please submit your resume with cover letter<br />
and 3 professional references to Chantel<br />
Wellman at The posting<br />
will remain open until the position is<br />
filled.<br />
CLBC Residence Support<br />
Worker. Casual/on-call $25.05-<br />
28.75/hour. Asleep Night Shifts:<br />
$22.02-25.26/hour. As a CLBC<br />
Residence Worker you will be<br />
providing respectful daily living support to<br />
adult residents with developmental disabilities<br />
living in the CLBC staffed residence.<br />
Training will be provided. Class 5 Drivers<br />
License & clean drivers abstract. Willing to<br />
complete First Aid certification as well as<br />
other training. Satisfactory Criminal Record<br />
Check. This position requires union membership<br />
with BCGEU, use their vehicle in<br />
the course of their duties. and two doses of<br />
Covid-19 vaccination as per CLBC policy<br />
and current Public Health Order. Full job<br />
description, To apply<br />
please contact: Call Daniel Kolpatzik at<br />
(250) 626-7977 or email<br />
Social Worker. Gaw Tlagée<br />
Old Massett or HIGaagilda<br />
Skidegate. $40.66/hour F/T<br />
permanent position. Haida Child & Family<br />
– Haida led organization providing culturally<br />
appropriate and holistic wrap around<br />
services to Haida children and families<br />
within the parameters provided by the B.C.<br />
Child, Family and Community Services Act,<br />
the Aboriginal Operational and Practice<br />
Standards and Indicators (AOPSI). Pursuant<br />
to Section 41 of the BC Human Rights<br />
Code, preference may be given to qualified<br />
applicants of Aboriginal ancestry This<br />
position requires Union membership and is<br />
open to all applicants. Please submit your<br />
resume with cover letter and 3 professional<br />
references to Chantel Wellman at chantel@<br /> The posting will remain open<br />
until the position is filled.<br />
Financial Service Representative.<br />
Northern Savings Credit<br />
Union looking for F/T FSR for our Masset<br />
branch. Education: Secondary School<br />
Diploma required. Completion of post-secondary<br />
education is an asset. Experience:<br />
Previous sales and service experience,<br />
previous financial services experience is<br />
preferred. Skills: Demonstrated sales skills<br />
and knowledge of products and services<br />
required, ability to prioritize, organize work<br />
within time constraints and under pressure.<br />
Ability to communicate and liaise professionally<br />
with members, potential customers,<br />
community groups and co-workers<br />
while maintaining confidentiality. Working<br />
knowledge, skills, and experience in Microsoft<br />
Office. $ Apply online: www.northsave.<br />
com/AboutUs/Careers or call Naomi Juetten<br />
at (250) 628-0356 or email<br />
Niislaa Naay Healing House<br />
Society (NNHHS) is seeking<br />
a Health Director. Reporting<br />
to the Board of Directors, and<br />
responsible for management of the Society.<br />
NNHHS services Old Massett and neighbouring<br />
communities. NNHHS hosts many<br />
interactive community health programs<br />
and offers a land-based healing approach<br />
incorporating the culture and traditions of<br />
the Haida people. Current salary range is<br />
$57.15 to $64.28 per hour commensurate<br />
with expertise and experience. The full<br />
job description is available on the NNHHS<br />
Facebook page or at Indeed-,<br />
or you<br />
can email<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 43
• Office Supplies<br />
• Everything C ricut<br />
• Computers<br />
• Printers<br />
• Accessories<br />
• Office Furniture<br />
• Art Supplies<br />
Happy to be serving<br />
Haida Gwaii<br />
(250) 624-3073<br /><br />
Regular Bus Driver. School<br />
District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii)<br />
Job Opportunity Notice.<br />
Primarily Route 2. Skidegate<br />
GidGalang Kuuyas Naay–<br />
Sk’aadgaa Naay. $30.40 p/h.<br />
Split shift four hours per day, five days per<br />
week. Successful candidate must be available<br />
for a two-day training/ orientation<br />
session. The Bus Driver is responsible for<br />
the operation of buses used to transport students<br />
and maintains the safety and cleanliness<br />
of the buses. Qualifications: Grade<br />
10, valid BC Class 2, ability to interact with<br />
students appropriately. To apply: Selection<br />
Committee SD50 PO Box 69, Daajing Giids,<br />
BC V0T 1S0 Fax: (250) 559-8849 - Maureen<br />
Benoit at (250) 559-8386/email mbenoit@<br /> All qualified candidates are encouraged<br />
to apply. Preference will be given<br />
to Haida and/or other Indigenous ancestry<br />
who have knowledge/experience of Haida<br />
culture.<br />
Regular Bus Driver. School<br />
District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii)<br />
Job Opportunity Notice. Primarily<br />
Route Route 5 Gid-<br />
Galang Kuuyas Naa–Sk’aadgaa<br />
Naay Split shift four hours per<br />
day, five days per week. $30.40 p/h. Successful<br />
candidate must be available for a<br />
two-day training/ orientation session. The<br />
Bus Driver is responsible for the operation<br />
of buses used to transport students and<br />
maintains the safety and cleanliness of the<br />
buses. Qualifications: Grade 10, valid BC<br />
Class 2, ability to interact with students<br />
appropriately. To apply: Selection Committee<br />
SD50 PO Box 69, Daajing Giids, BC V0T<br />
1S0 Fax: (250) 559-8849 Maureen Benoit at<br />
(250) 559-8386/email<br />
All qualified candidates are encouraged<br />
to apply. Preference will be given to Haida<br />
and/or other Indigenous ancestry who have<br />
knowledge/experience of Haida culture.<br />
Healing Temple<br />
Certified Reiki Teacher • Crystal Healer<br />
Alaskan Essence Practitioner<br />
Shirodhara/Hot Jade Massage<br />
250-534-9405<br /><br />
Haida Gwaii Trader Classifieds Get Results!<br />
Locally owned<br />
Real person help when you need it<br />
More Together Than Alone - Support Your Local Media!<br />
Callout for Directors<br />
Are you a community minded individual interested in helping us maintain and continue<br />
to build Haida Gwaii’s Internet infrastructure?<br />
GwaiiTel has an opening for 4 Directors to serve starting after our Dec 4/23 AGM. We are looking<br />
for you to help us steer this volunteer run, non-profit society.<br />
Internet access is important to the health of our communities and we need strong individuals to assist GwaiiTel in continuing to improve access to<br />
high-speed Internet on Haida Gwaii.<br />
Previous governance experience and a good knowledge of technology and/or telecommunications is an asset.<br />
If you are interested in serving as a Director for GwaiiTel, please contact Terri Walker at or call 250-559-7756 for an<br />
application package.<br />
Closing Date: <strong>November</strong> 22, <strong>2023</strong> at 4pm<br />
GwaiiTel Society’s Annual General Meeting (AGM)<br />
Monday, <strong>December</strong> 4th, <strong>2023</strong> via Zoom*<br />
In camera session for members: 6 to 7 pm / Open to the public: 7:15 to 8 pm<br />
*We will be posting the Zoom link for the public session of the meeting on our GwaiiTel Facebook page. If you don’t use Facebook, please<br />
email for the link.<br />
44 HG
Job Opportunity: Student Support Worker. Positions<br />
available in Masset or Port Clements! Compensation and<br />
Hours: 8-16 Hours per week at $25 per hour. Contracts are<br />
approximately 10 weeks long, with three contract periods in<br />
the school year: <strong>November</strong>-<strong>December</strong>, January-March, and<br />
April-June. Location: Tahayghen Elementary in Masset or<br />
Port Clements Elementary School. Applications are reviewed<br />
on a rolling basis until all positions are filled. Please apply<br />
as soon as possible. Anticipated Start Date: Nov. 1st, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
How to Apply: E-mail your resume and cover letter to Julia<br />
at Please indicate your community/<br />
school of preference (Tahayghen Elementary in Masset or<br />
Port Clements Elementary School) Call Julia Barnes at (250)<br />
626-5652 or email<br />
Bus Driver Training Free. School District No.<br />
50 is hiring School Bus Drivers. FREE training<br />
and test provided! Must hold a valid driver’s<br />
license (Class 5 or higher). This is an essential<br />
role that offers job security, a flexible schedule<br />
and allows you to make a difference on the front<br />
line by transporting our children to school safely. We are<br />
offering free personalized training, competitive wages, and<br />
flexibility within your personal life. P/T hours - perfect for a<br />
stay-at-home parent, entrepreneur, or retiree. Able to drive<br />
morning and afternoon shift (middle of the day off). Extra<br />
work available. Call Maureen Benoit at (250) 559-8471 or<br />
email<br />
Member Service Representative. Northern<br />
Savings Credit Union has an opening for a Full<br />
Time Member Service Representative for our Masset branch.<br />
This would appeal to an outgoing individual interested in<br />
providing excellent customer service and a career in sales.<br />
Minimum Qualifications: Secondary School Diploma required.<br />
Experience: Previous sales and service experience is<br />
preferred or an equivalent combination of education. Skills:<br />
Excellent written and verbal English communication skills.<br />
Working knowledge, skills and experience in Microsoft Office.<br />
$ Apply online:<br />
Call Naomi Juetten at (250) 628-0356 or email<br />
Family Preservation Worker - Gaw Tlagée<br />
or HlGaagilda. Wage: $37.74/hour Position:<br />
F/T Permanent (35-hours/week) Haida Child &<br />
Family is a Haida-led organization providing culturally appropriate<br />
services to Haida children and families. The Family<br />
Preservation Worker is responsible for development and<br />
implementation of individual, community, family and cultural<br />
health and wellness prevention programming. Pursuant<br />
to Section 41 of the BC Human Rights Code, preference<br />
may be given to qualified applicants of Aboriginal ancestry.<br />
This position requires Union membership and is open to all<br />
applicants. Please submit your resume with cover letter and<br />
3 professional references to Chantel Wellman at chantel@<br /> The posting will remain open until the position is<br />
filled.<br />
Community Service Listings<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking problem,<br />
we can help. If you live in the north end of Haida Gwaii call<br />
John at 250-626-7557. In-person meetings are<br />
on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset Fire Hall<br />
soup kitchen. If you live in the South end, call<br />
Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8<br />
pm on Saturday nights. For more info on how to join a local<br />
virtual Zoom meeting, call John at 250-626-7557. Call John/<br />
Lou at (250) 626-7557 or email<br />
Join Our Advertising<br />
Family<br />
Call us at<br />
250-557-2088<br />
or email<br /><br />
Affordable rates / Web and<br />
print exposure / Ad design<br />
assistance<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 45
Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2023</strong><br />
The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet (more than 7 meters)!<br />
The big tides (higher highs and lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and new moons. Knowing the<br />
tides is important for exploring tide pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation, and tidal currents. So<br />
before you head out, be sure to check the date, time, and tide height, and adjust the time for your<br />
specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />
<strong>2023</strong> Tide Tables for Prince Rupert<br />
<strong>November</strong> Daylight savings ends Nov 5<br />
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />
4:35 19.4 5:22 18.0 6:15 17.1 0:43 6.2<br />
1 10:08 8.2 2 10:51 9.5 3 11:41 10.5 4 7:20 16.4<br />
16:13 21.0 16:55 19.7 17:45 18.0 12:50 11.5<br />
Q 22:59 3.6 Q 23:48 4.9 R S 18:50 17.1<br />
1:47 7.2 1:57 7.9 3:04 7.9 3:58 7.5 4:41 7.2 5:18 7.2 0:04 18.7<br />
7:38 16.1 8:51 16.4 9:45 17.4 10:25 18.4 10:59 19.4 11:29 20.3 5:52 6.9<br />
13:26 11.5 14:55 10.8 15:56 9.5 16:40 8.2 17:17 6.6 17:51 5.2 11:59 21.0<br />
19:14 16.1 20:37 16.1 21:45 16.7 22:38 17.4 23:23 18.0 18:24 4.3<br />
0:42 19.4 1:19 19.7 1:57 19.7 2:36 19.4 3:18 19.0 4:05 18.4 4:59 17.7<br />
6:24 6.9 6:57 7.2 7:31 7.5 8:08 7.9 8:47 8.5 9:33 9.2 10:29 9.8<br />
12:28 22.0 12:59 22.3 13:32 22.3 14:07 22.3 14:47 21.7 15:34 20.7 16:30 19.7<br />
18:58 3.3 19:33 2.6 20:11 2.3 20:51 2.6 21:36 3.0 22:26 3.9 23:23 4.9<br />
6:05 17.4 0:27 5.6 1:36 5.9 2:43 6.2 3:44 6.2 4:37 6.6 5:25 6.6<br />
11:42 10.2 7:18 17.7 8:26 18.4 9:24 19.7 10:12 21.0 10:56 22.0 11:37 22.6<br />
17:39 18.7 13:09 9.8 14:31 8.9 15:38 6.9 16:34 5.2 17:23 3.6 18:09 2.3<br />
18:59 18.0 20:21 17.7 21:35 18.4 22:40 19.0 23:37 19.7<br />
0:28 20.0 1:14 20.3 1:58 20.0 2:40 19.7 3:22 19.0<br />
6:10 6.9 6:52 7.2 7:32 7.9 8:12 8.5 8:52 9.2 Nov 11: Sunrise 8:09 Sunset 16:56<br />
12:17 23.3 12:56 23.0 13:35 22.6 14:14 22.0 14:53 21.0 Nov 18: Sunrise 8:22 Sunset 16:45<br />
Nov 25: Sunrise 8:35 Sunset 16:36<br />
18:53 1.6 19:35 1.6 20:17 2.0 20:59 2.6 21:40 3.6<br />
5 6 7 8 9 10 11<br />
T U V W X X Y<br />
12 13 14 15 16 17 18<br />
Z * A B C D E<br />
19 20 21 22 23 24 25<br />
F G H I J K L<br />
26 27 28 29 30<br />
Nov 4: Sunrise 8:55 Sunset 18:09<br />
M @ N O P<br />
<strong>December</strong><br />
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat<br />
Dec 2: Sunrise 8:46 Sunset 16:30<br />
4:04 18.4 4:49 17.7<br />
Dec 9: Sunrise 8:55 Sunset 16:27<br />
1 9:34 9.8 2 10:20 10.5<br />
Dec 16: Sunrise 9:02 Sunset 16:26<br />
Dec 23: Sunrise 9:07 Sunset 16:29<br />
15:34 19.7 16:18 18.7<br />
Dec 30: Sunrise 9:08 Sunset 16:35<br />
Q 22:22 4.6 R 23:06 5.6<br />
5:38 17.4 6:33 17.1 0:44 7.5 1:42 8.2 2:42 8.9 3:38 8.9 4:27 8.9<br />
3 11:17 10.8 4 12:28 11.2 5 7:33 17.1 6 8:30 17.7 7 9:20 18.4 8 10:02 19.4 9 10:41 20.3<br />
17:10 17.4 18:12 16.4 13:45 10.5 14:55 9.5 15:51 8.2 16:37 6.9 17:18 5.6<br />
S 23:52 6.9 T U 19:26 15.7 V 20:43 15.7 W 21:52 16.1 X 22:49 16.7 X 23:38 17.7<br />
5:10 8.9 0:23 18.4 1:05 19.0 1:46 19.4 2:28 19.7 3:12 19.7 3:58 19.4<br />
10 11:17 21.0 11 5:52 8.5 12 6:32 8.5 13 7:13 8.2 14 7:55 8.2 15 8:41 8.2 16 9:32 8.5<br />
17:57 4.3 11:54 22.0 12:32 22.3 13:12 22.6 13:55 22.6 14:41 22.3 15:32 21.7<br />
Y Z 18:37 3.0 * 19:17 2.3 A 19:59 1.6 B 20:43 1.6 C 21:28 2.0 D 22:16 2.6<br />
4:48 19.4 5:42 19.4 6:39 19.4 0:54 5.9 1:56 7.2 3:02 8.2 4:06 8.5<br />
17 10:29 8.5 18 11:35 8.5 19 12:47 8.2 20 7:39 19.7 21 8:38 20.3 22 9:33 20.7 23 10:25 21.3<br />
16:27 20.7 17:28 19.4 18:37 18.0 14:00 7.5 15:09 6.6 16:12 5.2 17:07 4.3<br />
E 23:05 3.6 F 23:58 4.9 G H 19:53 17.4 I 21:12 17.1 J 22:26 17.4 K 23:30 18.0<br />
5:04 8.9 0:23 18.7 1:10 19.0 1:52 19.4 2:30 19.4 3:07 19.4 3:42 19.0<br />
24 11:13 21.7 25 5:55 8.9 26 6:41 8.9 27 7:22 8.5 28 8:01 8.5 29 8:39 8.9 30 9:17 9.2<br />
17:58 3.3 11:59 22.0 12:42 22.3 13:22 22.0 14:01 21.7 14:38 21.0 15:16 20.3<br />
18:44 2.6 19:27 2.3 20:07 2.6 20:44 3.0 21:20 3.3 21:54 4.3<br />
L M @ N O<br />
Happy Holiday Season to All!<br />
P<br />
Q<br />
Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />
Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />
K'iis Gwaay<br />
Langara Pt<br />
10 min early<br />
Masset<br />
Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />
Alexandra Narrows<br />
Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />
Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />
Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />
Nesto Inlet<br />
10 min early<br />
Skaats'insii<br />
Dawson Hbr<br />
15 min early<br />
Taan Guu<br />
Trounce Inlet<br />
Low 55 min late<br />
High 20 min late<br />
Daa.ulgaay<br />
East Skidegate Narrows<br />
(Floods west)<br />
West Beacon<br />
Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />
East Beacon<br />
Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />
Juus Kaahlii<br />
Juskatla<br />
Low 5:15 late<br />
High 4:45 late<br />
Designed by:<br />
Stu Crawford<br />
Box 788, Masset, BC<br /><br />
(250) 626-3868<br />
Crawford<br />
Ecological Consulting<br />
Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />
significantly from reality<br />
Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />
North Beach<br />
5 min early<br />
Taa Suu<br />
Hunger Hbr<br />
20 min early<br />
Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />
Gaw Kaahlii<br />
Masset Sound<br />
Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />
Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />
Gamadiis<br />
Port Clements<br />
Low 3:05 late<br />
High 2:50 late<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Queen Charlotte<br />
Low 20 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Kuuɢahl<br />
McCoy Cove<br />
Low 15 min late<br />
High 5 min late<br />
K'yal Gawɢa<br />
Pacofi<br />
Low 10 min late<br />
High same as P.R.<br />
Gwaay K'aas<br />
Copper Is.<br />
Same as P.R.<br />
Kay Tay Daanaay<br />
Cape St James<br />
Low 10 min early<br />
High 5 min early<br />
46 HG
Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar<br />
<strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Go to, click on the Calendar tab and post your event, or send your event details to<br />
Jamie McDonald at<br />
All calendar details appear as promoted at the time of printing.<br />
Island Wide & Online<br />
Alcoholics Anonymous If you have a drinking<br />
problem we can help. If you live in the north end<br />
of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />
meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the<br />
Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live in the<br />
South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are held in the<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday<br />
nights. For more info on how to join a virtual meeting, call John<br />
at 250-626-7557 or visit<br />
VIRL – Tech support with library Manager<br />
Patrick. If you need any tech support, contact your<br />
local VIRL branch and schedule a time to come<br />
in with your device. Contacts can be found at virl.<br /><br />
StrongStart – Free drop in and play based program<br />
for parents/caregivers and children ages<br />
0-kindergarten. Massett Mon-Fri 9-12/ Tahayghen Elementary<br />
School / 2151 Tahayghen Dr / For more information contact<br />
Beth Kellar at 250-626-5572 or or Facebook:<br />
Tahayghen Strong Start Port Clements Tue, Wed and Thu, 9-12<br />
/ Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West / For more information contact<br />
Jasmine Beachy at 250-557-4333 or or<br />
FB: PCES StrongStart. Sandspit Mon to Fri, 9-12 / Agnes L Mathers<br />
Elementary School / 406 Copper Bay / For more information<br />
contact Claire Gauthier at 250-637-5454 or<br />
or FB: ALM Strong Start Skidegate Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary<br />
/ 500 Skidegate Heights / For more information contact Janine<br />
Wilson at 250-559-8889 or or FB Sk’aadgaa<br />
Naay Strong Start<br />
Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />
Masset Market Fridays, year-round, 11am –<br />
2pm; Monthly Night Market Last Friday of the<br />
month, 6-8 pm / Across from the HG Co-op, 1575<br />
Main Street in Masset / Winter Craft Markets<br />
Fri Dec 8, 6-8pm & Sat Dec 9, 11am-3pm / Locally<br />
grown and prepared foods as well as locally handcrafted items<br />
and more! Delicious hot lunches are a regular feature at the<br />
market. For more info, contact Natalie Affolter at 250-626-9181<br />
or or check us out on Facebook and<br />
Instagram: Masset Market<br />
Holiday Market Masset Dec 17 / 11am-4pm / Howard<br />
Philips Community Hall / 1590 Cook St. / Join us<br />
for a festive Holiday Market! For more information<br />
contact Cynthia Davis at 250-626-7676 or FB msg: Cynthia<br />
Roxann Davis<br />
Tawlang Ga Tlaayds - Open Gym Mondays &<br />
Fridays, 10am-12; Wednesdays 3-5pm / Kwiiyaans<br />
Hall / 348 Eagle Ave / Join us, families with children<br />
0-6 years old & siblings. Snacks provided.<br />
Together Tuesdays Tuesdays 12-2pm + monthly<br />
dinner 6-8pm. Xaad Kil Story Time Thursdays 10am-12. Breastfeeding<br />
group, Pregnancy Outreach Program, and other activities<br />
offered at the Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre. For more information,<br />
contact Ashley Jacobson, Coordinator at 250-626-3573 or check<br />
our FB: Old Massett Tawlang ga Tlaayds.<br />
Kwiiyaans Community Hall Activities Every<br />
day of the week / Eagle Ave. / Old Masset / Cardio<br />
Bootcamp, Boxing, Yoga and Open Gym. For more<br />
information and current updates, contact Tando<br />
250-626-7995 or FB Kwiiyaans Community Hall<br />
Gaw Tlagee Youth Centre Activities – Pre-teen<br />
and teen activities, sports, movie nights, after<br />
school homework club (Thursdays from 3-4 pm) and more. For<br />
more information contact Toni-Lynn Davidson at Tonilynn.<br /> or FB Old Masset Youth Program<br />
Charlie Thompson Burger Night and Pool<br />
Tournament Nov 25 / 5-7pm / Masset Legion /<br />
2082 Collison Ave / Join us for Pool, Burger, Fries<br />
and Coleslaw for only 10$ An anonymous donor is<br />
subsidizing all meals and conributing to the Pool<br />
Tournament again this year. Brought to you by the Legion volunteers,<br />
serving the community. For more information contact<br />
250-626-3650 or or FB: Legion244<br />
Breastfeeding group Every 3rd Wednesday of the<br />
month / 11am-12:30pm / Old Masset Youth Centre<br />
/ 150B Raven Ave / This peer support group is for<br />
parents who are currently breastfeeding, chestfeeding, lactating<br />
or providing human milk to their little ones, as well as expecting<br />
parents thinking of human milk feeding, and elders and community<br />
care providers with lived human milk feeding experience.<br />
For more information contact Emma at 250-626-7688 or<br /> or FB: LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or<br /><br />
The Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum Christmas<br />
Social and Auctions Fundraiser Sat, Nov<br />
18 / 7-10pm / Royal Canadian Legion Branch 244 /<br />
2082 Collison Ave / A delightful evening of live and<br />
silent auctions starring Lorrie Joron as our amazing<br />
auctioneer. There will be tasty sweets and savouries. Admission<br />
is $10. Raised funds will go towards operating expenses and a<br />
much-needed replacement of windows. The DEMM Society<br />
would appreciate any donations that could be used in the live<br />
and silent auctions. For more information contact Anne Marie<br />
Mol at 250-626-5126 or<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 47
Learn Xaad Kíl - Mondays / 5-6:30 pm / 359 Eagle<br />
Ave. / Old Massett / Weekly Dinner Immersion Sessions,<br />
learn Xaad Kíl in our out-of-classroom weekly<br />
gatherings. Share food and company. Dinner provided.<br />
For more information, contact 250-626-3244<br />
Haida Gwaii Arts Council presents Silvia<br />
Moreno-Garcia: Literary Reading Nov 19 /<br />
4-5:30pm / Masset Playhouse / 1604 Millard /<br />
Literary Reading with Silvia Moreno-Garcia, author of Mexican<br />
Gothic, Velvet Was the Night and Silver Nitrate. Attend the event<br />
for a chance to win one of her books! For more information<br />
contact Astrid Egger at 250-637-1499 or<br />
or FB: hgartscouncil<br />
SGaanaGwa Concert Dec 1 / 7pm / Howard Phillips Hall / 1590<br />
Cook St / SGaanaGwa in concert, releasing their new album<br />
Haida Solstice. Free Event hosted by Guud san glans, Robert<br />
Davidson.<br />
Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time Thursdays except<br />
Dec 21 &28 / 10am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112<br />
Collison Ave. / Open to all self-identifying women!<br />
Healthy snacks provided. For more information<br />
contact Delevina at 250-626-3911 and Maureen Samuels @<br />
Northern Health 250-626-4725. Rides provided by Ellis Edgars<br />
250-626-9118. Indigenous Wellness: Grief and Bereavement<br />
Support Nov 23-26 / Brought to you by the Lumara Society Register<br />
at Djembe Drum Circles Educational<br />
Workshops Grief Support Groups Art Therapy and more.<br />
For more information contact Carly at 250-626-7884 or wellness.<br /> or FB: Niislaa Naay Healing House<br />
Society<br />
Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />
Port Clements Rod and Gun Club / Juskatla<br />
Road, 5 km out of Port / Xmas Turkey Shoot Dec<br />
10 / 12-3 pm / / A classic Haida Gwaii Turkey<br />
Shoot. Compete in a number of different categories to win a<br />
Christmas Turkey! For more information contact Jason Rupke at<br />
250-589-1420 or or FB: PortClements-<br />
RodandGunClub<br />
Seniors’ Yoga Thursdays / 11am-12pm / Multiplex<br />
Seniors’ Room / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Learn to<br />
respect your body and discover its intelligence as<br />
you stretch, strengthen, open, and relax. Mats are<br />
available, please bring a blanket and arrive a few<br />
minutes early. FREE! For more information contact HG Rec at<br />
250-626-5652 or or<br />
Daajing Giids<br />
Family Connection Drop In Monthly, 2nd<br />
Thursday / 10am-12 / Island Wellness Society<br />
Lounge / 204 Oceanview / Peer-to-peer support and<br />
connection group for folks who are expecting, or<br />
have had a baby in the past year. Join us for some<br />
delicious snacks and good company! Feel free to bring your baby<br />
and/or partner. Drop in Playgroup Fridays / 9-11am / This<br />
playgroup is available for littles age 0-5years old. Parents must<br />
be in attendance. For more information contact 250-559-4711 or<br /> or FB: Haida<br />
Gwaii Child Care Resource and Referral Program<br />
48 HG<br />
VIRL Daajing Giids Events 138 Bay Street. Storytime<br />
Thursdays / 11-11:30am / Join us at VIRL for<br />
stories and songs. All ages welcome. Movie night:<br />
Undertaker for Life Nov 23 / 6:30-8pm / Join us<br />
to watch Undertaker For Life showing at 6:30 pm.<br />
Matt Pierce, Community Undertaker will be on hand after the<br />
film to answer questions in our Fireside Chat portion of the<br />
evening. Tea and cookies provided. FREE. Movie night: Koko<br />
- a Red Dog Story Dec 14 / 6:30pm-8pm / Join us for our Movie<br />
Night for dog lovers. Our August cat themed film was so popular<br />
it’s only fair we give the dog lovers their film night too! So<br />
we’re screening the Australian documentary Koko: A Red Dog<br />
Story about a dog who became a film star.For more information<br />
contact Michelle Scott at 250-559-4518 or or virl.<br /><br />
Earth Temple Activities & Events 403 Oceanview<br />
Drive. The Groove - Monthly Ecstatic<br />
Dance Party Every 2nd Friday of the month /<br />
8-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom of movement.<br />
All ages; suggested donation $10. Yoga Inspired<br />
Fitness with Shelley Tuesdays / 6-7 / Shelley’s<br />
fitness classes are inspired by yoga poses along with pilates and<br />
strength training exercises. Exercise with Tai Chi Wednesdays<br />
/ 12-1pm. 5$ fee. Yoga for the Golden Years Tuesdays / 2-3 pm.<br />
After School Programs – Holiday Crafts Wednesdays Nov 22<br />
– Dec 13 / 3:30-5:15pm / For ages 6-12; 60$ / 4 weeks or 15$ drop<br />
in. Yoga for relaxation & Self Help Massage Techniques<br />
Wednesdays Nov 22 – Dec 13 / 7-8:30pm / Gentle Yin stretches<br />
& massage for vagus nerve followed by restorative yoga with<br />
crystal bowl sound waves. For more information on all programs<br />
contact Karen at 250-637-1918 or or<br /><br />
DG Community Market Saturdays, until the end<br />
of <strong>November</strong>, but a few Saturdays are still TBA / Nov<br />
18th: open. Nov 25th: not open as Christmas Craft<br />
Fair is on that day. 11am-2pm/Market space by ball<br />
field / 134 Bay street Fresh veggies, hand-made<br />
articles, baked goods and much more! Full season<br />
fee and drop in. Contact Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792<br />
Quilt Shop Quilting Retreat Nov 17-19 / 1-4pm /<br />
Community Hall / 134 Bay Street / QUILTERS –<br />
SAVE THE DATE! Join us for a quilting retreat<br />
for island – and off-island – quilters. For more<br />
information contact Dani at 250-637-1375 or dani.<br /><br />
Forbes Pharmacy<br />
at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />
9 am to 5 pm<br />
Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />
250-559-4910<br /><br />
Find us on Facebook!
Daajing Giids - cont.<br />
Taoist Tai Chi® Saturdays / 10am-12pm / Daajing Giids Community<br />
Hall / 134 Bay Street / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness For<br />
more information contact Charlie at 778-260-0061 or<br />
or<br />
Christmas Craft Fairs Nov 25 & Dec 2 / 10am-<br />
3pm / Come shop for all your Holiday gifts! Handmade<br />
products from a variety of local artisans will<br />
be available! DG Community Club Board Meeting<br />
Jan 10 / 6:30-8pm / Eric Ross Room / Join us for<br />
our Community Club Meeting! If you’re interested in becoming<br />
a member at large, it’s a one-time fee of $5. If you’d like to join<br />
the board, you must be a member and stand for election at the<br />
AGM. ***meeting dates may change if Quorum is not met*** For<br />
more information contact Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792 or on<br />
FB: charlottecommunityclub<br />
Breastfeeding group Last Wednesday of the month<br />
/ 9:30-11am / Gather / 223 Oceanview Drive / This<br />
peer support group is for parents who are currently<br />
breastfeeding, chestfeeding, lactating or providing human<br />
milk to their little ones, as well as expecting parents thinking of<br />
human milk feeding, and elders and community care providers<br />
with lived human milk feeding experience. For more information<br />
contact Emma at 250-626-7688 or or FB:<br />
LLLC -La Leche League Haida Gwaii or<br />
Sunday Church and Worship Service Sundays / 10am-12pm /<br />
Bethel Assembly Church / 222 Oceanview Drive / We are a friendly<br />
and welcoming family fellowship Pentacostal-Christian Church<br />
where everybody (including children) is welcome. Sunday<br />
services commence at 10am followed by fellowship. For more<br />
information contact Heather and Bill at 604-989-2364 or<br />
or<br />
@ GidGalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School<br />
Gymnasium / 801 Oceanview / Drop in Racquet<br />
Sports Wednesdays / 6-8 pm / Come out and play<br />
table tennis, pickleball or badminton. Drop in<br />
Basketball (Teen/Adult) Wednesdays / 7-9pm<br />
/ Drop-in fee of $2 paid to the school for use of space & equipment.<br />
AGE(S): 13 – 35 years. Drop in Tsinni Ball (Senior<br />
Basketball, 35+) Thursdays / 7-9pm / Drop-in fee of $2 paid to<br />
the school for use of space & equipment. AGE(S): 35+. Drop in<br />
Futsal Indoor Soccer Thursdays / 8-10pm / small-sided indoor<br />
football. Age(s): 16+. Hatha Yoga with Meghan Earth Temple<br />
/ 403 Oceanview Dr / Nov 2 – Dec 14 / Thursdays / 5:30-6:45 pm<br />
/ Join instructor Meghan Cross for a mixed level yoga practice.<br />
105$ / 7 classes or 17$/class for drop-ins. For more information,<br />
contact HG Rec at<br />
Spirit Square Holiday Lights Dec 1 / 6-8pm /<br />
Spirit Square / beside 3220 Wharf Way / Join us for<br />
festivities! More details to follow. For more information<br />
contact Caz Beaumont at<br />
or<br />
Gather Winter Market Dec 10 / 3-7pm / Gather / 223<br />
Oceanview Dr / Join us for our Winter Market and support<br />
local artists! For more information contact Jenna at<br /><br />
Coffee Social Tuesdays / 10-11am / Hecate Strait<br />
Employment Development Society Office / 101<br />
Causeway / We are thrilled to announce: Tuesday<br />
social hour with coffee and cookies! Drop in at either of our<br />
Masset or Daajing Giids locations to have coffee, cookies and see<br />
what we can do for YOU!!! Job Board Updated Daily. For more<br />
information contact 250-559-0049 or or<br />
FB: Hecate Strait Employment Development Society<br />
Brown Bag Lunch Conversations: Trauma<br />
Nov 16 / 11:30am-1pm / Join us for our Brown<br />
Bag Lunch series event working together with the<br />
BC Schizophrenia Society. The topic is Trauma.<br />
Interested participants can contact Shelley Braun<br />
for more information and to preregister if they wish to receive<br />
a free bagged lunch for the event. Support Group for Caring<br />
for Elders with dementia Nov 20 / 6:30-8pm / Senior’s room<br />
next to VIRL / 138 Bay Street / Topic: The six pillars of women’s<br />
brain health with information provided by the Women’s Brain<br />
Health Initiative. Do you care for an elder living with Dementia?<br />
Free group sharing sessions. The meetings take place every three<br />
weeks at the Seniors Room next to the Daajing Giids library.<br />
All are welcome – refreshments and a sweet treat included. For<br />
more information contact Shelley Braun at 250-600-0215 or<br /><br />
Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse – Solstice Celebration<br />
Dec 22 / 6:30-9pm / Daajing Giids Community<br />
Hall / Join us for a community Solstice potluck,<br />
featuring local talent both on stage and in the<br />
kitchen. Bring something to share - a song, a<br />
poem, a carol, a joke, good vibes or your favourite<br />
dessert. Come celebrate, get some lovin’ from your community<br />
and (in the words of Old Man Luedecke) “take your heart’s<br />
candle and relight it”! Mobius Jan 26 / 6:30-9pm / The doors<br />
open at 6:30pm. The evening will begin with a shared community<br />
meal, so please remember to bring a bowl, spoon and mug to<br />
partake. The open mic starts at 7pm (sign up between 6:30 and<br />
7pm). Everything is by donation. For more information, follow<br />
on Facebook or visit<br />
Silvia Moreno-Garcia: Literary Reading Nov 18<br />
/ 7-8:30pm / Earth Temple / 403 Oceanview Drive<br />
/ Literary Reading with Silvia Moreno-Garcia,<br />
author of Mexican Gothic, Velvet Was the Night and<br />
Silver Nitrate. Attend the event for a chance to win one of her<br />
books! For more information contact Astrid Egger at 250-637-<br />
1499 or or FB: hgartscouncil<br />
Daajing Giids Visitors Centre’s Artists' Christmas<br />
Fair Nov 25th, 10 - 3 pm / 3220 Wharf Street,<br />
Daajing Giids. For more info contact Skye Cantin<br />
at (250) 559-8316.<br />
K’il Kun Sandspit<br />
70th annual Coho Derby Nov 18 / 6:00pm-11:30pm / Sandspit<br />
Community Hall / 411 Alliford Bay / Dinner, Awards, Dance<br />
Everybody Welcome! Cash Bar and Door prizes. Dinner at 6<br />
pm, Awards 7 pm, Dancing to follow. Tickets 30$, available at<br />
SuperValu, Charlisle or call/text Ann to reserve. Events brought<br />
to you by the Sandspit Rod and Gun Club. For more information<br />
contact Ann at 604-202-0828 or FB groups: 2631705936977485<br />
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 49
K’il Kun Sandspit<br />
VIRL - Craft Night Thursdays / 5-7pm / Vancouver<br />
Island Regional Library / Seabreeze Plaza, Beach<br />
Rd / The Sandspit Branch continues to host craft<br />
night every Thursday evening. Bring a craft project<br />
you’re working on and join a fun, social crafting<br />
circle every week! Knitting, embroidery, crochet, beading, painting,<br />
paper crafts, anything goes! Drop-ins welcome. For more<br />
information Kelsey 250-637-2247 or or<br />
branches/sandspit<br />
Winter Night Market & Official Light Up<br />
Evening for the Winter Lights Festival Dec 3 /<br />
3-7pm / next to the Community Hall and the Sandspit<br />
baseball Court / 411 Alliford Bay / Our regular<br />
season may be over...but we’ve got some winter<br />
plans up our sleeves... save the date! $15/table ($10<br />
for kids) - proceeds supporting the Winter Lights Festival. Winter<br />
Night Market - 3 - 7pm (more details below), Light Up - 6pm<br />
sharp, Food - 5 - 7pm, Music - 7pm (Times subject to change).<br />
Contact for more questions<br />
or to book a table! For more information contact Sandspit<br />
Community Society at<br />
or<br />
Winter Lights Festival As of Dec 3 at 6pm / Next<br />
to Community Hall / 411 Alliford Bay / This year,<br />
the official light up event will happen <strong>December</strong> 3,<br />
<strong>2023</strong>. The grounds will then be lit up every evening<br />
in <strong>December</strong> afterward. For more information<br />
contact SCS at admin@sandspitcommunitysociety.<br />
com or<br />
HlGaagilda Skidegate<br />
Naa’yuuwans Xaaydaga Pole Raising and<br />
Potlach Nov 18 / 12noon Pole Raising / Front Street;<br />
Immediately following – Potlach / George Brown<br />
Recreation Centre / Hwy 16 / Naa’yuuwans Xaaydaga<br />
invite the Clans and good people of Haida Gwaii<br />
to witness and take part in the raising of a new pole<br />
with a potlatch to follow.<br />
Kay Winterfest Dec 9 / 10am-5pm / Haida Heritage<br />
Centre / 2 Second Beach Rd / Join us! Vendor<br />
tables, Arts n Crafts, HHC/HGM open hour with<br />
special presentations in the HGM, Food, Live music<br />
Details to follow. For more information contact<br />
Daws Sterritt at 250-559-7885 ext. 608 or<br />
or<br />
Breakfast with Santa Dec 17 / 9am-noon / Small<br />
Hall / Front Street / Join us for breakfast and help<br />
raise much needed funds for our communities. 5$<br />
per person or 20$ for a family of 4 or more. Money<br />
raised will go towards the medical emergencies<br />
travel fund and other community projects. There will be a draw<br />
as well. More info to follow! For more information contact Doug<br />
Louis at 250 559-8975 or or check out<br />
FB: skidegateinletlions<br />
SGaanaGwa Concert Dec 3 / 7pm / Small Hall / Front St /<br />
SGaanaGwa in concert, releasing their new album Haida Solstice.<br />
Free Event hosted by Guud san glans, Robert Davidson.<br />
Haida Gwaii Museum’s 9th Annual Gala + Art<br />
Auction Nov 25 / 4-10pm / Skidegate Community<br />
Hall / 102 Front Street Skidegate / This fun event<br />
raises funds to support the museum exhibits and programming<br />
while supporting artists who receive 50% of the sale price for<br />
the art they submit to the auction. Please join us for a 20›s<br />
Masquerade Gala. Doors open at 4PM, Auction starts at 5PM,<br />
Appies by Gather Food, Music by David Archer & DJ Big Duer,<br />
Licensed Event – No Minors. Tickets $40 for Contributing<br />
Artists/Elders, $50 General Admission. For more information<br />
contact Cherie Wilson at 250-559-4643 or adminassistant@<br /> or<br />
Tll.aal / Tlell<br />
Christmas Craft Market / Sunday, Dec 10th /<br />
11am – 2pm / Highway 16, behind and to the left<br />
of the Tlell Fire Hall. Look for the giant carrot! /<br />
Contact: Linda Louis / 250-559-8975 / sewwhat@<br /> / Facebook: Tlell Farmers Market<br />
Taoist Tai Chi® Wednesdays / 10am-noon / Tlell Firehall / 36542<br />
Hwy 16 / Strength, Flexibility, Stillness. For more information<br />
contact Charlie at 778 260 0061 or or<br /><br />
Your Communities, Your Councils<br />
Village of Port Clements Regular Council Meetings:<br />
Nov 20 th , Dec 18th ; Committee of the Whole<br />
meetings: Dec 4th / 7-8:30pm / 36 Cedar Avenue<br />
West / Regular Council meetings. For more information<br />
(250) 557-4295 or or<br />
Daajing Giids 1st and 3rd Monday of the month<br />
/ 7pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular Council<br />
Meetings. For more information (250) 559-4765 or office@<br />,<br />
Masset 2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm<br />
/ 1686 Main Street / Regular Council Meetings. For<br />
more information (250) 626-3995 or vomadmin@<br /> or<br />
Puzzle Page<br />
Answer Key<br />
50 HG
<strong>November</strong> / <strong>December</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 51
12 Months Same as Cash<br />
Pay Nothing Down<br />
Make no Payments for 1 year<br />
Haida Owned and Operated<br />
MacKenzie’s delivers throughout Haida Gwaii every Monday<br />
Call/Text 250-624-4146<br /> |<br />
150 - 1st Avenue West, Prince Rupert, BC