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ORDER<br />
Kneidinger 1880 GmbH<br />
Streinesberg 12<br />
4134 Putzleinsdorf<br />
email.:<br />
company<br />
vehicle/type<br />
contact person<br />
serial number<br />
street<br />
Van Number<br />
cipcode/city<br />
telephone<br />
Email<br />
another Remark:<br />
VAT number<br />
Transport of warehouse or customer vehicles is always to be organized by the customer. For<br />
new orders ex works CNH = in each case agreement with CNH required.<br />
Retention of title: The object of purchase remains the property of Kneidinger 1880 GmbH<br />
until full payment has been made.<br />
Terms of payment: partial payment 50% 4 weeks before planned delivery,<br />
Final invoice: 50% upon delivery<br />
Date: (stamp and sign)<br />
Ordernr. description EUR excl. VAT<br />