Annual Report 2023
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Serge Gariepy, Principal<br />
A’Lisa Sorensen, Vice Principal<br />
Bruce Boggess, Vice Principal for Academics<br />
Susan Jenkins, Business Manager<br />
GCA's mission is to<br />
foster an educational<br />
environment of<br />
excellence where<br />
students, faculty, and<br />
staff pursue a shared<br />
goal to know Jesus<br />
as Savior and Friend, to<br />
love God and those He<br />
brings into our lives, and<br />
to serve the church<br />
and society.<br />
Kurt Allen<br />
Ryan Brossfield<br />
Amy Cirigliano<br />
Chester Clark<br />
Serge Gariepy<br />
Jeni Ingersoll<br />
Susan Jenkins<br />
Don Keele<br />
Kevin Kossick<br />
Todd Lang<br />
Louis Licht<br />
Barbara Livesay<br />
Brianna Lowery<br />
Jonathan Montes<br />
Melissa Murrill<br />
Dennis Negrón<br />
Larry Payne<br />
Gary Rustad, GCA Board Chairman<br />
David T. Smith<br />
Dennis Starkey<br />
Carla Thrower<br />
Dulce Villarruel<br />
Astrid Walton<br />
Chris Yamamoto<br />
Louis Licht, ’99 – President<br />
Matt Durante, ’10 – President-Elect<br />
Rhondda (Robinson) Thomas, ’78 – Past President<br />
2 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
In our nation, the phrase “In<br />
God We Trust” is a constant<br />
presence, appearing on our<br />
currency, flags, and license<br />
plates. While this phrase<br />
became our nation’s official motto in 1956, we find<br />
it peppered throughout our country’s history—Union<br />
supporters used it as a political motto to boost morale<br />
during the Civil War, and it was used to unify our<br />
nation against communism during the Cold War. The<br />
phrase “In God We Trust” shows up during times of<br />
crisis as a reminder of where our focus should be.<br />
As Christians, this phrase is more than just a<br />
motto. It is the very essence of our faith. It serves as a<br />
cornerstone where we center our beliefs, especially in<br />
times of uncertainty. It unifies us as a diverse community<br />
of believers, reminding us that, above all else, we trust in<br />
God. The words of Psalm 145:15 resonate with us: “The<br />
In late September<br />
2022, Hurricane Ian lashed<br />
Sanibel Island, destroying<br />
the island, as well as miles<br />
of the Florida mainland.<br />
This September, I was in Fort Myers for meetings. I<br />
found myself in awe as I drove around seeing signs<br />
of destruction from last year. The Hampton Inn where<br />
I stayed shared that their first floor was destroyed,<br />
covered in five feet of water during Hurricane Ian.<br />
The meetings were held at a location where access<br />
to the parking lot was via a walking bridge that went<br />
over a swampy area. I made my first trip across this<br />
bridge during the day when I could see everything. Yet<br />
the first night, after the meetings were over, I realized<br />
that I needed to get to my car across the bridge and it<br />
was pitch black out. Let me tell you, it is really unnerving<br />
walking across a bridge through a Florida swamp using<br />
your cell phone as a meager light. All of a sudden, the<br />
noises seemed to be everywhere and a bit more menacing<br />
than during the day! The squeaking of the bridge as<br />
I walked did not help! Then there were the boards I<br />
stepped on! Coming over earlier in the day, the boards<br />
did not seem to shift as much as they did at night.<br />
eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food in due<br />
season.” Our trust in God goes beyond mere words—it<br />
is the guiding force behind our actions and decisions.<br />
GCA’s history is rooted in faith and a trust in God. I<br />
am reminded of the Penny Campaign (1964) as GCA was<br />
getting its start as the conference’s boarding academy.<br />
During that campaign, people across the conference were<br />
united in a common goal and trusted that God would make<br />
a way for GCA to be a reality. The Continuing the Mission<br />
Campaign (2015-2020) taught us that, when we trust in<br />
God’s leading, He will unite the GCA community through<br />
generosity and gratitude. Today, we see “In God We Trust”<br />
in action at GCA as students look to God to navigate their<br />
day-to-day challenges, as parents turn to God for guidance<br />
in providing for their families, as faculty and staff rely on<br />
God for wisdom and grace when ministering and educating<br />
our students, and as donors demonstrate their trust in<br />
God through their generosity and support of our mission.<br />
My prayer is that “In God We Trust” will continue<br />
to be more than just words of a motto during<br />
times of uncertainty. Let us trust Him in all we do<br />
today, tomorrow, and until He comes again!<br />
As I walked, I kept telling myself two things. First, I<br />
reminded myself that I did not see any alligators earlier<br />
in the day…I think that was comforting! Second, I<br />
remembered that a hotel valet had told me earlier in the day<br />
that the walking bridge had to be completely rebuilt after the<br />
hurricane. Therefore, it must be sturdy. Basically, I had a lot<br />
of trust in the builders as I walked through the dark night!<br />
In this world, it so often seems that the darkness<br />
of sin is getting more and more overwhelming and all<br />
encompassing. There are times that we all may feel like we<br />
are walking through the darkness of this world with sounds<br />
coming from all directions. It may be that you, like me, can<br />
relate to David in the Psalms where he proclaims “The eyes<br />
of all look to you in hope…” as we navigate this world.<br />
On that dark night in September, I trusted in the<br />
builder as I crossed the bridge. Today as we walk through<br />
life’s journey, we must trust the one who has promised<br />
to be there with us. That trust is the power and value<br />
of Seventh-day Adventist Education! If our graduates<br />
leave knowing that they can trust their Heavenly<br />
Father, we have done what we were called to do.<br />
The statement, “In God We Trust,” should be a<br />
statement that Seventh-day Adventists are known for. It<br />
should not just be something we know is written somewhere<br />
on a bill in our purse or wallet. We trust in Him because<br />
our eyes are focused on Him with the hope in His promise<br />
that He is sending His Son back soon to take us Home!<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
As an accountant, I tend to<br />
think at a transactional level. In<br />
the Business Office, we pay a<br />
bill or we accept a payment or<br />
a donation. We process payroll<br />
or an expense reimbursement. Those are the simple<br />
transactions. Others are more complex and demanding.<br />
Whether it is basic or intricate, each transaction is a<br />
unique and distinct event, and all those transactions<br />
converge to form the GCA financial landscape. But<br />
behind each transaction is an interaction, and each<br />
interaction is a relationship. Some big and some small,<br />
but each crucial to the overall success of GCA.<br />
The Business Office is blessed to be a part of<br />
relationships with students, parents, donors, colleagues,<br />
church members, vendors, and the community at large.<br />
From a student buying a banquet ticket to a parent with a<br />
question about their bill; the donor making a contribution or<br />
a colleague needing assistance; the vendor that supplies<br />
our cafeteria food or the service technician making a<br />
repair; the mail carrier or bank teller where we deposit our<br />
funds. I am filled with gratitude for the many ways God has<br />
blessed not just GCA, but me personally, with each of these<br />
interactions and relationships. But each one involves some<br />
level of trust, as all relationships do. How fitting that right<br />
there on the dollar bill it says, “In God We Trust”. What a<br />
great reminder that each dollar bill that comes in and out<br />
of the Business Office at GCA is an opportunity to place<br />
my trust in God. So, for me, the responsibilities of my job<br />
are an exercise in trust. If I am doing it right, trust in God<br />
is at the foundation of each transaction and relationship.<br />
I am pleased to report that GCA finished the 2022-<br />
<strong>2023</strong> school year on solid financial footing in good<br />
position to follow God’s continued leading. We are<br />
thankful for the trust that our students, parents, donors,<br />
and others place in us and will seek to continually<br />
trust in God’s will and providence each day.<br />
YourGenerosity is an<br />
Inspiration!<br />
Google searches are interesting, aren’t they?<br />
Recently I searched the phrase, “Generosity is<br />
an act of” just to see what would come up.<br />
Here are a few of the ideas that came up in the search:<br />
• Generosity is an act of love.<br />
• Generosity is an act of faith.<br />
• Generosity is an act of obedience.<br />
• Generosity is an act of worship.<br />
Do any of these statements resonate with you?<br />
Any of them could speak volumes to our hearts, but for<br />
now, let’s focus on your generosity as an act of faith.<br />
What does faith have to do with generosity? Perhaps<br />
generosity is trusting God enough to give, even when<br />
you don’t know for sure what the future holds. Faith-filled<br />
generosity gives when the stock market is up and when<br />
it is down. By faith, the generous give no matter what<br />
the economy is doing. Generosity happens when we<br />
trust that God will take care of our needs, enabling us to<br />
freely give to the causes He has placed on our hearts.<br />
“In God We Trust,” the theme of this annual report,<br />
speaks to the faith you demonstrate when you give, and<br />
the faith we demonstrate as we trust God to provide<br />
for the needs of Georgia-Cumberland Academy. Your<br />
generosity, as an act of faith, is an inspiration to us!<br />
Our faith is strengthened as we see God use YOU!<br />
Some of the most inspiring donor conversations<br />
happen when faith-filled, big-hearted people generously<br />
offer support, not always knowing where it is going to<br />
come from. I think of the dear donor who said he wanted<br />
to help a student be at GCA a couple of years ago. His<br />
circumstances and outward signs of wealth would not<br />
have indicated that he would be able to do this. He said,<br />
“I have always been poor, but God has blessed me<br />
with a little extra money, and I want to help a student.”<br />
What love! What faith! What an inspiration to all of us<br />
who have a front row seat to this act of generosity!<br />
To all who give to support the ministry of<br />
Georgia-Cumberland Academy, thank you! Thank<br />
you for trusting God enough to generously give!<br />
May God richly bless you as you open your<br />
hearts and your hands in faith-filled generosity!<br />
4 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
“We decided to fund an<br />
endowment that would<br />
help school faculty and<br />
staff feel supported by<br />
grateful parents. We<br />
thank God for those in<br />
ministry at GCA as they<br />
positively influence<br />
students to know, to love,<br />
and to serve.”<br />
Carlyle and Astrid Walton,<br />
Alumni Parents of Chris, ’07<br />
and Ashleigh, ’09<br />
*Some donations qualify in more than one giving<br />
category and are reflected as such for the<br />
purposes of this section of the report.<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
“It’s no secret that I loved my time at GCA. I saw first-hand how much the<br />
faculty and staff cared, and how hard they worked to make GCA a safe place<br />
to learn and grow. Adventist education is expensive to attend, but also to<br />
operate, and I want to be a small part of GCA’s continued success.”<br />
Bree (Paradis) Lowery, ’13, pictured with her husband Jonathan<br />
Student Work<br />
Program Numbers –<br />
Over $420,000<br />
Paid to Students <br />
in the Student<br />
Work Program<br />
6 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
Since 2008, the state of Georgia has allowed for<br />
the redirection of state income tax liability to<br />
approved student scholarship programs (SSO),<br />
for the purpose of need-based financial aid. GCA<br />
participates in this program by partnering with<br />
the Georgia Tuition Assistance Program (GATAP),<br />
a qualified SSO. If you earn income in Georgia,<br />
making a gift for GCA through an SSO is a win-win<br />
opportunity. Your gifts made payable to GATAP,<br />
provide financial aid to GCA students who might<br />
not be able to attend without your assistance. As<br />
a donor, this is an incredible opportunity for you<br />
to make a significant impact on the life of a young<br />
person AND receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit<br />
for what you donate to this program.<br />
SSO contributions over the last fiscal year<br />
totaled $142,612! We would like to thank the<br />
following alumni, alumni parents, grandparents,<br />
faculty, and friends for their support of this<br />
important program:<br />
$<br />
Daniel and Susan Ahn<br />
Tony and Donna Baumann<br />
David and Cheryl Brannon<br />
Brad and Tina Carrick<br />
Donald and Michelle Chase<br />
Randy and Lynn Coble<br />
Wayne and Patricia Darville<br />
Dalton and Kat Day<br />
Cory and Sandra Fortner<br />
Bruce and Joanne Galbraith<br />
Greg and Nancy Gerard<br />
Brent and Synnova Goodge<br />
$<br />
Bill and Juli Hamilton<br />
Rick and Nancy Howell<br />
Larry and Valerie Jackson<br />
Monty and Susan Jenkins<br />
Laverne and Lishcia Keizer<br />
Michael Morgan<br />
Doug and Candace Nesmith<br />
David and Tami Richardson<br />
Frances Roe<br />
Doug and Debbie Schmidt<br />
Ted and Brenda Theus<br />
Marvin and Carrie Wilson<br />
for the 2024 tax year. To take of advantage of this<br />
opportunity, scan the QR code provided,<br />
or contact Beth Zeiss at (706) 625-7169.<br />
Memorial<br />
Gifts<br />
The following donors<br />
made gifts to GCA in<br />
honor and memory of<br />
those who have made<br />
a positive difference in<br />
their lives and the lives of<br />
others. These generous<br />
gifts enhance specific<br />
projects and scholarship<br />
through funds and<br />
endowments that benefit<br />
GCA students. Donors are<br />
listed below the honoree.<br />
Cyril Connelly<br />
Lyn Connelly<br />
Wally Fox<br />
Robbie and Darlene Peterson<br />
Zach Negrón<br />
Philip Barnett<br />
Terry and Janine Barnett<br />
David and Faith Kneller<br />
Dennis and Jennifer Negrón<br />
Bruce Rogerson<br />
The Unforgettables Foundation<br />
of Tennessee, Inc.<br />
Deborah Theus<br />
Tony and Donna Baumann<br />
Terri Britt<br />
Amy Burgett<br />
Rick and Judy Cusick<br />
Tressa Dunn<br />
Kim and Liz Glass<br />
Justin Gmelich<br />
James and Desiree Hissong<br />
Monty and Susan Jenkins<br />
Mark and Frances Kain<br />
Laverne and Lishcia Keizer<br />
Page Kelly<br />
Yung and Carmen Lau<br />
Victoria Lloyd-Williams<br />
Jennifer Michel<br />
Maysie Popp<br />
Valdon and Betsy Smith<br />
Samantha Somers<br />
Darrel and Connie Starkey<br />
Ted and Brenda Theus<br />
Thom and Peggy Theus<br />
Lane Van Arsdell<br />
Kent and Joan Van Arsdell<br />
This list recognizes<br />
gifts received between<br />
7/1/22 and 6/30/23.<br />
8 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
You have<br />
a<br />
made<br />
difference!<br />
Each of you is a part of our GCA story. Your generosity is<br />
powerful and helps shape the GCA experience. Thank you<br />
for your gifts that are moving us forward together!<br />
“Because of you,<br />
I have had the<br />
opportunity to have<br />
the resources at<br />
GCA to grow closer<br />
to God and have a<br />
better relationship with Him.”<br />
Abraham Hernandez, ’24<br />
This list recognizes gifts received between 7/1/22 and 6/30/23.<br />
The Fountain Society<br />
$50,000 AND HIGHER<br />
Anonymous<br />
Georgia Tuition Assistance Program<br />
Georgia-Cumberland Conference<br />
The Estate of Ken and<br />
Barbara Mittleider<br />
Southern Union Conference<br />
The Community Foundation for<br />
Greater Atlanta<br />
GCA Visionaries<br />
$25,000 - $49,999<br />
AAA Scholarship Foundation<br />
AdventHealth<br />
Anonymous<br />
Arete Scholars<br />
Janice Buchanan<br />
Calhoun Adventist Boomer Class<br />
John and Linda Chung<br />
General Conference of<br />
Seventh-day Adventists<br />
GCA Adventist Church<br />
Northwest Transportation<br />
Services, Inc.<br />
Ron and Christine Herr<br />
Clyde and Rena Holland<br />
Gary and Alexandra Hullquist<br />
Integrity Rehab<br />
Don and Ruthanne Leeper<br />
McKee Foods Corporation<br />
National Christian Foundation<br />
Vanguard Charitable<br />
David and Heidi Zinke<br />
GCA Leaders<br />
$10,000 - $24,999<br />
Anonymous<br />
Collegedale Community<br />
Adventist Church<br />
Dalton Adventist Church<br />
Edward Jones – Calhoun<br />
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund<br />
Cory and Sandra Fortner<br />
Jim and Ginger Gravell<br />
Bob and Joni Hamilton<br />
Wally and Carol Hasselbrack<br />
Richard and Darlene Hickam<br />
Audwin Nelson and Patrice Holman<br />
Carlyle and Jeni Ingersoll<br />
Jenkins Sales, Inc.,<br />
Monty and Susan Jenkins<br />
Richard and Sandra Johnson<br />
Jack and Susan McClarty<br />
Mark and Barbara McKinney<br />
Mike and Melissa Murrill<br />
Ooltewah Adventist Church<br />
Robert and Ruth Self<br />
Fernando and Dulce Villarruel<br />
Dana and Dawn Wales<br />
Chris and Joni Yamamoto<br />
GCA Partners<br />
$2,000 - $9,999<br />
ACGink<br />
Jeff and Shawna Wood<br />
Adairsville Adventist Church<br />
Anonymous<br />
Atlanta Metropolitan<br />
Hispanic Adventist Church<br />
Atlanta North Adventist Church<br />
Auburn Adventist Church<br />
Suzanne Babshaw<br />
Alisa Bechthold<br />
Bill and Connie Beckworth<br />
Scott and Debbie Begley<br />
Barry and Sandy Benton<br />
Cheryl Bierbaum<br />
Bowman Hills Adventist Church<br />
Marty Briggs<br />
Tyler and Cheri Britton<br />
Sheryl Brodie<br />
Ryan and Traci Brossfield<br />
Floyd and Evelyn Brown<br />
Dewey Campbell<br />
Marialice Carey Morales<br />
Cartersville Adventist Church<br />
Chase Farms, Inc.,<br />
Donald and Michelle Chase<br />
Glen Lee and Ellen Chase<br />
Chattanooga First Adventist Church<br />
Cherokee Adventist Church<br />
Columbus First Adventist Church<br />
G.A. and Marjorie Compton<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
“As I work with different families that need financial assistance, I witness the<br />
most powerful testimonies when the efforts of the parents are met with a financial<br />
commitment from their friends, family, and church along with donor gifts from the<br />
Worthy Student Fund. I am in awe of how the alliance of these three components<br />
make a strong financial cord that allows students to be at GCA.”<br />
Naila Betances-Diaz,<br />
Director of Enrollment Services<br />
Alan and Diane Connelly<br />
Lyn Connelly<br />
Jairo Cortes<br />
Jonas and Anna Courey<br />
Harold and Jeannie Cunningham<br />
Lester and Anita Cunningham<br />
Dalton Hispanic Adventist Church<br />
Ed and Laura Dancek<br />
Paula Elkins<br />
Ellen G. Pflugrad Trust<br />
Emanuel Adventist Church<br />
Kathleen Figueroa<br />
Scott Flemmer<br />
David Fogg<br />
Greg and Nancy Gerard<br />
Kim and Liz Glass<br />
Justin Gmelich<br />
Goldman Sachs Gives<br />
Jose and Amy Gomez<br />
Brent and Synnova Goodge<br />
Bill and Juli Hamilton<br />
John and Blainette Hanson<br />
Danny and Jackie Harris<br />
“I just want to<br />
say, “Thank<br />
you!” for your<br />
incredible<br />
generosity. I have<br />
loved being able to be<br />
an RA this year. I could not have had this<br />
opportunity without your financial help.<br />
Your support means the world to me!”<br />
Gwyn Hackler, ’24<br />
10 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
Hieb Farm,<br />
Keith and Linda Hieb<br />
Mary Ann Higginbotham<br />
Hogar Eliasib, Inc.<br />
Greg and Joely Hudson<br />
Laverne and Lishcia Keizer<br />
Karl and Diana Kellawan<br />
Keller Outdoor Landscaping, LLC,<br />
Bobby Keller<br />
Eddie and Debbie Klein<br />
LaGrange Adventist Church<br />
David and Alina Land<br />
Jack and Eleanor Langford<br />
Chris and Becky Lau<br />
Larry and Barbara Lawrence<br />
Chung and Ruth Liu<br />
Zonia Lopez<br />
Mableton Hispanic Adventist Church<br />
Jonathan Malloch and Rhonda<br />
Champion<br />
Marietta Adventist Church<br />
McDonald Road Adventist Church<br />
Kurt and Gail McKinley<br />
Miami Springs Adventist Church<br />
Midport Adventist Church<br />
Monteagle Adventist Church<br />
Gary and Gayle Moore<br />
Judy Moore<br />
Morehead Adventist Church<br />
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund<br />
Carine Moura<br />
Doug and Candace Nesmith<br />
New Hope Adventist Church<br />
Johnny and Georgia O’Brien<br />
Chuck and Chichi Onyeije<br />
Ron Oxentenko<br />
Ed and Susan Pan<br />
Pay It Forward Scholarships<br />
Larry and Caryn Payne<br />
Harold and Verna Peters<br />
Mark and Brenda Richardson<br />
Ken and Cheryl Rogers<br />
Denise Salisbury<br />
Curtis Seebeck<br />
David and Dorothy Self<br />
Shelburne RV,<br />
Steve and Je-Ann Shelburne<br />
Zach Smith<br />
Tonda Snoey<br />
South Atlantic Conference<br />
Standifer Gap Adventist Church<br />
Standout Resources Group,<br />
James and Kara Furness<br />
Dennis and Tami Starkey<br />
Don and Doris Starkey<br />
Vivian Stover<br />
Frank and Shari Taglavore<br />
The Artful Asker,<br />
Marcy Heim<br />
The Unforgettables Foundation<br />
of Tennessee, Inc.<br />
Wayne and Ramona Thompson<br />
Tri-star Title Co., LLC<br />
Tullahoma Adventist Church<br />
Kent and Joan Van Arsdell<br />
Dorsey and Mary Ellen Van Horn<br />
Carlyle and Astrid Walton<br />
Jason and Jessica Warren<br />
Wendy Dixon Realty, Inc.,<br />
Wendy Dixon<br />
Mike and June Whalley<br />
Linwood and Susan Wiley<br />
Don and Elizabeth Wilson<br />
Winder Hispanic Adventist Company<br />
David Woodcock<br />
Jonathan and Leslie Wurl<br />
William and Elaine Youngblood
The Academy Club<br />
$1,000 - $1,999<br />
ACES Dental, PLLC,<br />
Mike and Heather Lopez<br />
Daniel and Susan Kim Ahn<br />
Kurt Allen<br />
Aldo and Ileana Ancheta<br />
Anonymous<br />
Apison Adventist Church<br />
Jasmine Arellano<br />
Silvia Arredondo<br />
Juanita Avery<br />
Tony and Donna Baumann<br />
David and Lauri Beamish<br />
Best Choice Spray Foam<br />
Insulation, LLC<br />
Brad and Nancy Billington<br />
Terri Britt<br />
Julie Cadavero<br />
Chester and Jane Clark<br />
College Press,<br />
Brad and Jennifer Fisher<br />
Columbus Adventist Church<br />
Cumberland Heights Adventist Church<br />
David & Esther Kim Foundation<br />
Don and Peggy Day<br />
Byron and Susan DeFoor<br />
Marc and Carol Dyke<br />
Bill and Toni Einhellig<br />
Everett and Claudia Eklund<br />
Everts Construction, Inc.,<br />
Jason and Terri Everts<br />
Raymond and Earlene Freeman<br />
Matt and Alexia Gariepy<br />
Serge and LeAnn Gariepy<br />
Julie Gates<br />
Daniel Graham<br />
Greater Collegedale School System<br />
Green Mountain Forestry, LLC<br />
C.P. and Felecia Hawkins<br />
Lea Hernandez<br />
Robby and Kelly Herr<br />
High Springs Adventist Church<br />
Timothy and Sue Hullquist<br />
Collette Hyde-Montiel<br />
Ila Restaurant, LLC,<br />
Barry and Jackie Sinclair<br />
Felipe Itzep<br />
Don and Sandy Keele<br />
Page Kelly<br />
Jeff and Alicia King<br />
Jerry and Edith King<br />
Kevin and Gwen Kossick<br />
Lorenzo and Merry<br />
Lynn Lacson<br />
Sue Lim<br />
Jonathan and Bree Lowery<br />
Marty and Svetlana Luttrell<br />
Martin Leasing, LLC,<br />
Scot and Krista Martin<br />
Arlene McFarland<br />
Randall and Jeanie Meyer<br />
Harry and Kimberly Miller<br />
Doug and Julie Mittleider<br />
Momon Construction, Inc.<br />
Jonathan and Alana Montes<br />
Murfreesboro Adventist Church<br />
Keith and Sharon Murray<br />
Andy Nall<br />
North Atlanta Hispanic Adventist<br />
Church<br />
North Georgia National Bank<br />
Mary Orr<br />
Wayne and Shelly Perry<br />
Patricia Putnam<br />
Mary Lou Rahn<br />
Gary and Denise Rustad<br />
Joan Ryan<br />
John and Kathy Schleier<br />
Tom and Lorraine Self<br />
SFFC Foundation, Inc.<br />
Reginald Sherrill<br />
Sherwin Stewart<br />
Surgical Hope Foundation,<br />
Lionel and Kathryn Meadows<br />
U.S. Foods<br />
Veggie & Soul Nutrition,<br />
Samara Sterling<br />
Cheryl Waldrup<br />
Virginia Wood<br />
Woodstock Hispanic Adventist Church<br />
Rebecca Zacharias<br />
The Cumberlite Club<br />
$500 - $999<br />
Allstate Insurance Co.,<br />
Shayriee Ferguson<br />
Matt and Lauren Anderson<br />
Anonymous<br />
Jennifer Bouz<br />
“Because of<br />
your generosity,<br />
I have had the<br />
opportunity to<br />
attend GCA all four<br />
years and met the best<br />
friends of my life.”<br />
Ahmad Samuels, ’24<br />
Kelvin and Joselyn Burgoyne<br />
Richard Buschur<br />
Jim and Jan Campbell<br />
Carrollton Adventist Church<br />
Cartersville Hispanic Adventist Church<br />
Michelle Chin King<br />
Larry and Tina Curtis<br />
Julia Daggett<br />
Vernell Durand<br />
Jared and Emily Freeman<br />
Glenn E. Mitchell & Co., Inc.<br />
Todd and Melinda Goodman<br />
Charles and Janice Hackett<br />
Charles and Julie Hanson<br />
Tom and Regina Harrison<br />
Victor and Susan Hawkins<br />
Leon and Evelyn Hill<br />
Huntington Adventist Church<br />
Iglesia Adventista del Septimo<br />
Dia Hispana<br />
Kirk and Jennifer Jarrett<br />
Jonesboro South Hispanic<br />
Adventist Church<br />
Maria Joseph<br />
K.C. and Stephanie Larsen<br />
Steve and Carol Martin<br />
Chris and Janel McKee<br />
Wanda Mix<br />
Charity Muhs<br />
Dennis and Jennifer Negrón<br />
Benjamin and Joy Nwadike<br />
Orchard Park Adventist Church<br />
Joseph and Debbie Paulson<br />
Lance Pemberton<br />
Robbie and Darlene Peterson<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
“Thank you for your<br />
financial gifts that provide<br />
a wonderful place for us<br />
to stay, study, and grow<br />
closer to the Lord.”<br />
Hansen Lee, ’24<br />
David and Tami Richardson<br />
Jesmine Rivera<br />
Maryann Roberts<br />
Kevin and Charlene Rodman<br />
Edward and Olga Rojas<br />
Rome Adventist Church<br />
Doug Schneider<br />
Derin and Shannon Scott<br />
Jason and Marie Skiwski<br />
Shirley Thoresen<br />
Bill and Sunshine Waters<br />
Curt Woods<br />
Josh and Brittany Woods<br />
Charles and Joyce Young<br />
$100 - $499<br />
Wendy Adams<br />
Robert Aldrich<br />
Amazon<br />
Erik and Sherri Andersson<br />
Anonymous<br />
Chuck and Cindy Arellano<br />
Ryan Ashlock<br />
Cheré Atherton<br />
Rhonda Atkins<br />
Murdnal Baker<br />
Jennifer Bandel<br />
Wendi Barber<br />
Linda Bassett<br />
Michelle Bechthold<br />
Ellen Bedford<br />
Eddie Benedict<br />
Matthew Bennett<br />
Greg and Keila Birge<br />
David and Carla Bishop<br />
John and Gale Blount<br />
Bruce and Dori Boggess<br />
Stephen and Kerri Boone<br />
Darron and Ruth Boyd<br />
Bill and Connie Brackbill<br />
Steven and Sharon Bremner<br />
David Brouhard<br />
Greg Bryant<br />
Amy Burgett<br />
Charles and Jemece Burke<br />
David and Luminita Butler<br />
Calhoun Adventist Church<br />
Phil and Christine Campbell<br />
John and Tenera Carey<br />
Eldon and Sharlene Carman<br />
Parker Center<br />
Richard and Betty Chase<br />
Truby Christman<br />
Hoi Sing Chung<br />
Joe and Amy Cirigliano<br />
Allen Clark<br />
Rick Claus<br />
Debbie Clayton<br />
Joy Cliett<br />
Kristy Compton<br />
David and Stephanie Conrad<br />
Sparky Cook<br />
Erin Cook<br />
Zuath Cortes<br />
Rebekah Cote<br />
David and Jean Crittenden<br />
Gabriel and Thania Cruz<br />
Mary Curtis<br />
Rick and Judy Cusick<br />
John and Carolyn Dalton<br />
Edmund and Melanie Dapat<br />
Jim and Pam DeArk<br />
Rodney Dunkel<br />
Tressa Dunn<br />
Robert and Melody Durham<br />
Elkins Living Trust<br />
Denny and Jeanne Ennis<br />
David Ferguson<br />
Norman and Frances Fickling<br />
Jeff Fiebelkorn<br />
Gregory and Candace Foreman<br />
Joseph Forrest<br />
Shawn and Angella Forrester<br />
Darren and Jenny Fowler<br />
Fred and Renee Fuller<br />
Jesus and Ines Garcia<br />
Nelly Gonzalez de Garcia<br />
Angelo and Katherine Grasso<br />
George and Melanie Graves<br />
Shadeed Greenidge<br />
Holly Greer<br />
David Hadley<br />
Ronald and Mary Hagen<br />
Allen and Pamela Harris<br />
Maxine Harris<br />
Richard and Lizanna Harris<br />
Gene and Bobby Jean Harrison<br />
Esther Harter<br />
Virginia Harter<br />
Lance Hendley<br />
Roger and Kathy Hernandez<br />
Jack and Lynne Higdon<br />
Bradley Hillmon<br />
Beltha Hinton<br />
Stephen and Connie Hodges<br />
Darren and Lorie Holbrook<br />
Charles and Cherie Holverstott<br />
Jeff and Jeri Holweger<br />
Tim and Lorette Hufstetler<br />
Michelle Hulin<br />
Todd and Kim Hunt<br />
Marion and Alice Inman<br />
Richard Inman<br />
Craig Jach<br />
Jerry James<br />
William and Irma James<br />
Verdy and Suberina Jocelyn<br />
Eric Johnson<br />
Steve and Jennifer Johnson<br />
Juleun and Melissa Johnson<br />
Aaron and Michelle Jones<br />
Mark and Frances Kain<br />
Randy and Kalie Kelch<br />
Greg and Mary King<br />
Chad and Tanya Kirstein<br />
Shannon Knight<br />
Vic and Chana Kostenko<br />
Robert and Reina Kovalski<br />
Marlene Kreidler<br />
Stephen and Lisa Kuhlman<br />
Danny and Kelli Jo Lamberton<br />
Yung and Carmen Lau<br />
12 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
Learning Labs<br />
David Lewis<br />
Laurence and Melanie Lighthall<br />
LeClare “Litch” and Shelly Litchfield<br />
Victoria Lloyd-Williams<br />
Haidring Logreira Pinto<br />
Arturo and Heidi Lopez<br />
Brad Lorenz<br />
Alice Mabuto<br />
Barry and Sharryn Mahorney<br />
Brian Martin<br />
Benito Martinez<br />
Gilberto and Angeles Mercado<br />
W.C. and Margaret Merritt<br />
Jennifer Michel<br />
Brian and Michelle Milano<br />
Larry and Joyce Milliken<br />
Cecil and Judy Mills<br />
Ira and Cindy Mills, Sr.<br />
Bill and Kim Mitchell<br />
Linda Mitchell<br />
Michael Morgan<br />
Patricia Muriel<br />
JD Mutchler<br />
Constantin and Florica Nazaret<br />
Emily Nelson<br />
Oglethorpe Adventist Church<br />
Bob and Tammy Overstreet<br />
Geoff Owens<br />
Diana Oxentenko<br />
Luther and Melita Palmer<br />
Margaret Parker<br />
Debbie Payne<br />
Ann Pearman<br />
Joel and Jennifer Peel<br />
Reyna Penado<br />
Jeff Pepper<br />
Gail Phillips Venegas<br />
Paul and Shannin Pickle<br />
Maysie Popp<br />
Belinda Price<br />
Irish Pugao<br />
Jeffrey and Dian Rahming<br />
Real Facts News, LLC<br />
Christopher and Vanda Richards<br />
Delma Rigsbee<br />
Bruce Rogerson<br />
Rosallainne Rosalita<br />
Evan and Mariana Salter<br />
Ana Santiago<br />
Christopher Santiago<br />
David and Elizabeth Scott<br />
Matt Shafer<br />
Sam and Amanda Shafer<br />
Eduardo and Silvia Sicalo<br />
Rosa Sirleaf<br />
David and Cheryl Smith<br />
Dominic and Georgie Smith<br />
Jamie and Tonda Smith<br />
Valdon and Betsy Smith<br />
Samantha Somers<br />
Southern Adventist University<br />
Richard and Jeanette Spencer<br />
Elisabeth Spinella<br />
Darrel and Connie Starkey<br />
David and Jodi Steele<br />
Ric and Bea Stitzer<br />
Rod Storey<br />
Hudson and Jes Sutton<br />
Tucker Sutton<br />
Brenda Tae<br />
The Benevity Community<br />
Impact Fund<br />
Ted and Brenda Theus<br />
Thom and Peggy Theus<br />
Karah Thompson<br />
Dennis Thomsen<br />
Walter and Sandra Tinnin<br />
Michael and Cindy Tomaszewski<br />
Mark and Kaitlyn Torsney<br />
Layla Towers<br />
Murrell and Danette Tull<br />
Robert Underwood<br />
Conrad and Tammy Van Maanen<br />
Billy and Rhylma Villegas<br />
Keith Wahlbon<br />
Johnny and Ellen Walker<br />
Ashleigh Walton<br />
Jeremy and Courtney Wampler<br />
Chadd Watkins<br />
Mark and Kami<br />
Wegand<br />
Jamie Weinberg<br />
“GCA<br />
is grateful to<br />
“Athletics provides students the<br />
be the recipient of<br />
generous donations<br />
from donors who see the value of<br />
Christian education. The support has<br />
given students not only the opportunity<br />
to attend GCA, but for GCA to provide<br />
quality programming that aids students<br />
in the school’s mission to know Jesus as<br />
Savior and Friend, to love God and those<br />
He brings into our lives, and to serve the<br />
church and society.”<br />
opportunity to learn to work with others,<br />
support teammates, and lead on and off<br />
the court/field. These skills will transition into<br />
adulthood, careers, and peer relationships. The<br />
A’Lisa Sorensen, Vice Principal<br />
Desiree Wheeler-Hissong<br />
Janis White<br />
Jeff and Clare White<br />
Darryl and Laura Wilkens<br />
Greg and Deirdre Wilkens<br />
Yvonne Williams<br />
Nicole Woodcock<br />
Jonnye Yates<br />
John Yost<br />
Harold Zacharias<br />
Michael and Beth Zeiss<br />
financial resources to participate are more available for<br />
some students than others. With generous donors like you,<br />
students get an opportunity to be GREAT. Thank you for impacting students that<br />
you may not even know. The latent effects will be spectacular.”<br />
Cole Hagele, Athletic Director and Assistant Men’s Dean<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
CLASS OF 1966<br />
Jan (Spivey) Campbell<br />
Arlene (West) McFarland<br />
CLASS OF 1967<br />
Rick Howell<br />
Nancy (Blow) Howell<br />
Mary Lou Rahn<br />
CLASS OF 1968<br />
Mary (Martin) Hagen<br />
CLASS OF 1969<br />
Denny Ennis<br />
Norman Fickling<br />
Charles Holverstott<br />
Caryn (Carman) Payne<br />
Don Wilson<br />
CLASS OF 1970<br />
Barbara (Lee) Bearden<br />
CLASS OF 1971<br />
Marialice (Carey) Morales<br />
Cheryl (McGhee) Rogers<br />
Debbie (Howe) Payne<br />
CLASS OF 1972<br />
Eldon Carman<br />
CLASS OF 1973<br />
Alan Ashcraft<br />
Truby Christman<br />
Joy (Woodell) Cliett<br />
Harold Cunningham<br />
Jeannie (Newgard) Cunningham<br />
Byron DeFoor<br />
Susan (Summerour) DeFoor<br />
Theresa (Klein) Doran<br />
Candace (Elkins) Foreman<br />
Lynne (Britt) Higdon<br />
Geoffrey Owens<br />
Patricia (Thomson) Putnam<br />
Janis (Burnside) White<br />
CLASS OF 1974<br />
Gale (Blackburn) Blount<br />
Joni (Liles) Hamilton<br />
Jeff Holweger<br />
Eddie Klein<br />
Mark Richardson<br />
Barry Sinclair<br />
CLASS OF 1975<br />
Nancy (Graves) Billington<br />
Danny Harris<br />
Brian Martin<br />
David Richardson<br />
Kathy (McGhee) Schleier<br />
CLASS OF 1976<br />
Chuck Arellano<br />
Carolyn (Harris) Dalton<br />
John Dalton<br />
George Graves<br />
Jeff King<br />
Jeanie (Penner) Meyer<br />
Brenda (Brown) Richardson<br />
Tami (Baker) Richardson<br />
Curt Woods<br />
CLASS OF 1977<br />
Tina (Crauswell) Curtis<br />
Judy (McGhee) Fehlenberg<br />
Greg King<br />
Kim (Wygal) Miller<br />
CLASS OF 1978<br />
Cheré (Bresee) Atherton<br />
Richard Harris<br />
Monty Jenkins<br />
Andy Nall<br />
Rhondda (Robinson) Thomas<br />
Marvin Wilson<br />
CLASS OF 1979<br />
David Bishop<br />
Kim (Buckner) Mitchell<br />
CLASS OF 1980<br />
Carmen (Wilson) Lau<br />
Yung Lau<br />
Doug Schneider<br />
Connie (Coble) Starkey<br />
CLASS OF 1982<br />
Carol (Dickerhoff) Martin<br />
Steve Martin<br />
Jonathan Wurl<br />
CLASS OF 1983<br />
Georgia (Butterfield) O’Brien<br />
Leslie (Johnson) Wurl<br />
John Yost<br />
CLASS OF 1984<br />
Scott Begley<br />
Dewey Campbell<br />
Denise (Watley) Salisbury<br />
14 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
CLASS OF 1985<br />
Todd Hunt<br />
Steve Johnson<br />
David Woodcock<br />
CLASS OF 1986<br />
Krista (Kent) Martin<br />
Scot Martin<br />
CLASS OF 1987<br />
Stefanie Elkins-Bates<br />
CLASS OF 1988<br />
Alan Connelly<br />
Diane (Artress) Connelly<br />
Liz (Theus) Glass<br />
Lance Hendley<br />
David Kim<br />
Bob Overstreet<br />
Joel Peel<br />
Rhondalyne Reed<br />
Georgie (Seckler) Smith<br />
CLASS OF 1989<br />
Anonymous<br />
Jennifer (Gibson) Peel<br />
CLASS OF 1990<br />
Jeff Brought<br />
Keith Walhbon<br />
CLASS OF 1991<br />
Greg Hudson<br />
CLASS OF 1992<br />
Vance Schmidt<br />
Mike Whalley<br />
CLASS OF 1993<br />
Synnova (Hill) Goodge<br />
David Steele<br />
Joni (Self) Yamamoto<br />
CLASS OF 1994<br />
Jeff Pepper<br />
CLASS OF 1995<br />
Jonas Courey<br />
Darlene (Steele) Peterson<br />
CLASS OF 1996<br />
David Self<br />
CLASS OF 1997<br />
Terri (Holland) Everts<br />
Stephanie (Livesay) Larsen<br />
CLASS OF 1999<br />
Tiffany (Barefield) Aly<br />
Jesmine Rivera<br />
CLASS OF 2000<br />
Jason Everts<br />
CLASS OF 2001<br />
Sara Chase<br />
Brenda (Riggs) Tae<br />
CLASS OF 2002<br />
Jessica (Tunnell) Warren<br />
CLASS OF 2003<br />
Josh Woods<br />
CLASS OF 2004<br />
Kelly (Klein) Herr<br />
Kelli Jo (Leeper) Lamberton<br />
CLASS OF 2005<br />
Shayriee (Hickman) Ferguson<br />
Brittany (Gimbel) Stokes<br />
CLASS OF 2006<br />
Darren Fowler<br />
Jenny (Small) Fowler<br />
CLASS OF 2007<br />
Becky (Riggs) Lau<br />
Chris Lau<br />
Christopher Walton<br />
CLASS OF 2009<br />
Kristy Compton<br />
Melissa (Starkey) Tryon<br />
Ashleigh Walton<br />
CLASS OF 2010<br />
Courtney (Brackbill) Wampler<br />
CLASS OF 2013<br />
Jasmine Arellano<br />
Bree (Paradis) Lowery<br />
Leah (Teague) Pubillones<br />
Steven Pubillones<br />
CLASS OF 2014<br />
Caleb McKinney<br />
Carine Moura<br />
Tucker Sutton<br />
CLASS OF 2015<br />
Parker Center<br />
Brad Lorenz<br />
CLASS OF 2016<br />
Hudson Sutton<br />
Jes (Rosales) Sutton<br />
CLASS OF 2017<br />
Kayla Goodman<br />
CLASS OF 2019<br />
Jared Freeman<br />
Allison Ormes<br />
Class of 1973<br />
1st Place<br />
Class of 1978<br />
2nd Place<br />
Class of 1974<br />
3rd Place<br />
Class of 1997<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
70½<br />
OR OLDER<br />
Georgia-Cumberland Academy<br />
397 Academy Drive SW<br />
Calhoun, GA 30701<br />
(706) 625-7169<br /><br /><br />
YOU CAN<br />
$100,000<br />
16TH059<br />
An Easy Way to Transform<br />
the Lives of GCA Students<br />
If you are 70½ or older, you can<br />
direct your IRA administrator to<br />
distribute a gift from your IRA<br />
to Georgia-Cumberland Academy.<br />
Any amount you transfer may<br />
count against your required<br />
minimum distribution (RMD), and<br />
you can direct up to $100,000 to<br />
your favorite causes this year.<br />
Making an IRA Rollover Gift is<br />
Easier Than Ever<br />
●<br />
●<br />
●<br />
●<br />
Contact your IRA administrator.<br />
Because of the popularity of the<br />
rollover, most administrators<br />
provide forms and a procedure<br />
to help you make a rollover gift.<br />
You can direct a transfer of up to<br />
$100,000 to be made this year<br />
from your IRA to GCA.<br />
You will pay no income taxes<br />
on the amount transferred.<br />
Note: Because you are not<br />
claiming the transferred amount<br />
as income, you will not receive<br />
an income tax deduction for<br />
your gift.<br />
Please contact Beth Zeiss at<br />
(706) 625-7169 or<br /> to let us<br />
know how you would like your<br />
gift to be used.<br />
16 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
Rollover<br />
Your IRA for Good<br />
Are you frustrated by the required minimum distribution<br />
rules?<br />
●<br />
●<br />
●<br />
You must withdraw a portion of your IRA each year based<br />
upon your age.<br />
You must pay income tax on the portion you withdraw.<br />
You will face stiff penalties if you fail to withdraw your RMD.<br />
By taking a distribution from your IRA this year, you will likely pay<br />
more in taxes and may even reach a higher tax bracket. Rolling<br />
over part of your IRA’s "required minimum distribution" or<br />
"RMD" to Georgia-Cumberland Academy can help reduce your<br />
tax bill while impacting GCA students for eternity.<br />
You may not be aware that Congress passed a law that gives you<br />
another option for your IRA withdrawal. While you must withdraw<br />
a certain amount of money from your IRA each year, the IRA<br />
charitable rollover gives you a way to avoid paying income taxes<br />
and still meet your RMD.<br />
This information is not intended as tax, legal or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult<br />
your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.<br />
The names and images shown here are representative of typical donors and may or may not be<br />
actual donors to the organization. Under federal rules your benefits may be different from this<br />
example. Please contact us for your specific benefits.<br />
Copyright © <strong>2023</strong> Crescendo Interactive, Inc. Used by permission.
GCA Welcomes<br />
New Staff<br />
Naila<br />
Betances-Diaz,<br />
Naila joined the GCA family<br />
in November of <strong>2023</strong>. Her<br />
experience as a higher<br />
education enrollment<br />
counselor has been beneficial<br />
as she led GCA to their<br />
second highest enrollment since the school opened. She is<br />
married to Ricardo and has two children – Chiara, ’24, and Yago,<br />
’27. In her spare time, she enjoys taking walks, listening to and<br />
making music, or watching a great show or movie. She also loves<br />
traveling and eating different kinds of foods.<br />
Cole Hagele,<br />
Over the summer, Cole joined<br />
the GCA family as the athletic<br />
director and assistant men’s<br />
dean. He earned a BA from<br />
Arizona State University in<br />
multi/interdisciplinary studies<br />
and completed an internship<br />
as the athletic director at<br />
Ozark Adventist Academy<br />
prior to arriving at GCA.<br />
Whether it is fishing, hiking, kayaking, or bluff jumping – he and<br />
his family are ready and waiting for a new adventure to begin. He<br />
is married to Brittany, and they have four children, and are eagerly<br />
awaiting the arrival of the fifth in early November.<br />
Jessica Burns,<br />
DEAN<br />
Originally from Kentucky,<br />
Jessica graduated from<br />
Highland Academy. As a high<br />
school student, she thoroughly<br />
enjoyed her academy<br />
experience and dreamed of<br />
being a girls’ dean one day.<br />
She attributes her desire to be<br />
a girls’ dean from the positive experience that she had at academy<br />
with one of her deans. Several years later, that same dean was<br />
her work supervisor when Jessica served as a Task Force dean at<br />
Shenandoah Valley Academy. Jessica holds a BA from Southern<br />
Adventist University in psychology with a minor an art. She enjoys<br />
camping, gymnastics, gardening, and taking care of her<br />
hobby-farm animals.<br />
Deb Hagele,<br />
Deb grew up in Minneapolis<br />
and raised her family there<br />
as well. Her desire to be<br />
closer to her children and<br />
grandchildren led her to the<br />
Calhoun area. She enjoys<br />
the opportunity to assist the<br />
registrar and administration<br />
with clerical support. She<br />
loves her rescue German Shepherd, Roscoe, as well as her<br />
two tuxedo cats, Nora and Ozzie. Some of her hobbies include<br />
spending time outdoors biking, hiking, and gardening.<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
Cali Hann,<br />
Cali grew up familiar with<br />
boarding school life. Her<br />
father was a boys’ dean<br />
for 18 years at various<br />
boarding schools in the<br />
Adventist system and her<br />
mother was an assistant<br />
girls’ dean for over 10<br />
years. Cali attended Great<br />
Lakes Academy, graduating in 1996. In 2001, she earned<br />
an education degree from Andrews University. She recently<br />
received an MSE in technology enhanced learning from the<br />
University of Dayton. Over the past 30 years, she taught<br />
in Michigan, Vermont, and Ohio. She loves to spend time<br />
outdoors with her daughter Dahlia when she comes home<br />
from Andrews University on breaks.Cali has a love for her<br />
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and loves the great outdoors<br />
and learning new things. She is excited to continue the<br />
good work of helping to prepare the hearts and minds of<br />
young ladies to know and love Jesus!<br />
Tony Kepford,<br />
Calling Southern California<br />
home, Tony Kepford was<br />
hired at the beginning of<br />
the <strong>2023</strong>-2024 school<br />
year. From an early age,<br />
Tony showed that he had<br />
a talent for taking things<br />
apart and putting them<br />
back together successfully.<br />
He used those mechanical skills to earn a degree in<br />
computer technology. In his late 20s, he came to know<br />
God on a deeper level. His life changed as he got involved<br />
in various outreach ministries. He experienced the impact<br />
of God’s power in his life and the connections he made<br />
with others while serving in ministry. He and his wife Amy<br />
enjoy spending time hanging out with friends. They are the<br />
parents to their one-year-old son, Silas.<br />
Isaac Robles,<br />
Shannon<br />
Higginbotham,<br />
Shannon, ’97, also known<br />
as Coach Shannon,<br />
has been a part of the<br />
GCA community since<br />
1993. After graduating<br />
from Southern Adventist<br />
University in 2003, she has worked as a teacher, coach,<br />
and in church ministries. In her new role as a team support<br />
coordinator, she hopes to make GCA financially accessible<br />
to those who want to experience a community that she<br />
holds so close to her heart. She and her husband Clint, ’99,<br />
have three children – Maddox, ’26, Deacon, ’27, and Layla<br />
who is in fifth grade. Shannon and her family enjoy fitness,<br />
travel, and spending time with family and friends.<br />
For the past 19 years, Isaac has taught math, Bible, and<br />
ESL in both the Adventist and public school systems. Born<br />
and raised in New York for the first 13 years of his life, he<br />
left the hustle and bustle of the city to live in the mountains<br />
of Puerto Rico. He graduated from Antillean Adventist<br />
University with a BS in<br />
mathematics education.<br />
He also completed a<br />
MEd in curriculum and<br />
instruction with math<br />
studies from the University<br />
of Texas at Arlington. He<br />
believes wholeheartedly<br />
in expanding God’s<br />
kingdom through a Christlike<br />
educational model,<br />
growing students with<br />
Christ-like characters for<br />
this world and the world<br />
to come. Married to his wife Liria for 17 years, they have<br />
two daughters – Samara, ’26, and Sofia who is in sixth<br />
grade. In his free time, he enjoys traveling, spending time<br />
outdoors, and playing sports.<br />
18 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
Thanks to the generosity of GCA<br />
Alumna, Cathy (Becker) Prather (class<br />
of '87) of Happy Top Doodles, GCA<br />
now owns two Australian Bernedoodle<br />
therapy dogs, Georgia and Koda.<br />
Mrs. Susan Jenkins, business<br />
manager, will be Georgia's handler and<br />
Dr. Chris Harris, school counselor, will be<br />
Koda's handler. At about the age of 16<br />
weeks, both dogs will attend “boarding<br />
school” and begin their training as therapy<br />
dogs. The end goal will be for<br />
the dogs to get their “good<br />
citizen certification” through<br />
the American Kennel<br />
Club (AKC). Until then<br />
they will receive basic<br />
training and will be loved<br />
and gently acclimated to<br />
their new environment.<br />
Pets have been proven<br />
to lower anxiety in their owners,<br />
so we are excited to welcome these two<br />
puppies to our GCA family. We want to<br />
see our students thrive as they navigate<br />
the challenges of life. With the growing<br />
mental health issues our students face,<br />
these therapy dogs are another facet<br />
of our growing student services.<br />
Dr. Chris Harris began thinking about<br />
the potential mental health benefits of<br />
having therapy dogs on campus some<br />
time ago. “We introduced a therapy dog<br />
program to directly address student<br />
stress and anxiety, recognizing the<br />
genuine comfort and support dogs can<br />
provide. Their presence alleviates tension,<br />
offers a calming presence, and aids in<br />
maintaining the emotional well-being of<br />
our student body. We believe this initiative<br />
will positively impact student life<br />
and culture on our campus."<br />
Georgia-Cumberland<br />
Academy is not the first<br />
high school to receive<br />
donated dogs for a<br />
school therapy program<br />
from the Prathers and<br />
Happy Top Doodles.<br />
Cathy says that both North<br />
Forsyth High school (Cumming,<br />
Georgia) and Milton High School (Milton,<br />
Georgia) have received dogs from Happy<br />
Top Doodles. Cathy is delighted that<br />
students from her alma mater will now<br />
have these two pets from which they<br />
can find comfort and stress alleviation.<br />
Happy Top Doodles is dedicated to<br />
breeding<br />
Austratlian<br />
Bernedoodles,<br />
Bernedoodles,<br />
Goldendoodles, and<br />
Sheepadoodles with great temperaments<br />
and dispositions. Their website asks the<br />
question: “What makes a doodle special?<br />
Doodles are smart. They make great<br />
service and therapy dogs…Doodles<br />
also shed less than many other breeds.”<br />
We think our two new Bernedoodles,<br />
Georgia and Koda, will be a perfect fit<br />
for Georgia-Cumberland Academy.<br />
The therapy dog program will be<br />
an ongoing program that will need the<br />
financial support of donors. If you are a<br />
dog lover, or just someone who values the<br />
mental health of our students and would<br />
like to support this program, go to:<br /> and select<br />
“Other” in our list of giving options.<br />
Then please write in “Dogs” or “Dog<br />
Therapy Program” in the comment<br />
box. Thank you in advance for your<br />
support of this new program!<br /><br />
Introducing Matt Durante, '10,<br />
Originally from Los Angeles, California,<br />
Matt now considers the South to be his<br />
home. While serving at Cohutta Springs<br />
Youth Camp, he felt the pull towards<br />
ministry and decided to become a pastor.<br />
After graduating from Southern Adventist<br />
University in 2015, he began his pastoral<br />
ministry at the Bowman Hills Adventist<br />
Church in Cleveland, Tennessee as an<br />
associate pastor. He is currently the<br />
senior pastor of the Knoxville First Church<br />
in Tennessee. Matt’s personal mission<br />
is to “equip others with the knowledge<br />
and desire of allowing Jesus to saturate<br />
His work in all dimensions of life with an<br />
emphasis in empowering and equipping<br />
young adults for spiritual leadership.”<br />
Matt has been married to his wife Kat<br />
for seven years and they have a one-yearold<br />
daughter named Emeliana Lin. In their<br />
free time, Matt and Kat enjoy reading,<br />
being outdoors, and spending time with<br />
friends and family. He looks forward to<br />
working with the alumni association over<br />
the course of his term of service, as he<br />
becomes better acquainted with alumni,<br />
students, and staff.<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
THE CLASS OF 2016<br />
Jonathan<br />
(L), instructs<br />
an Acroflyer<br />
member on<br />
proper form<br />
We are always inspired by young alumni who choose<br />
to make giving a part of their lifestyle. Jonathan<br />
Alexandre, ’16, also known as Coach Jonathan, is<br />
an alumnus that has put forth a conscious effort to<br />
not only give back to Georgia-Cumberland Academy<br />
financially, but also to give of his time and expertise.<br />
Over the past several years, he has become a<br />
valuable part of the GCA Acroflyers volunteer staff.<br />
Jonathan’s GCA experience began when he attended<br />
a GCA Academy Days event as an eighth grader. After<br />
the event, his family made the decision that they wanted<br />
Jonathan and his brother, Gemel, ’16, to attend GCA.<br />
Coming up with the finances to attend, however, was<br />
challenging for his family. Because of the generosity<br />
of donors, Jonathan and Gemel were able to attend<br />
Georgia-Cumberland Academy all four years.<br />
Jonathan tried to take advantage of all the educational<br />
and extra-curricular opportunities available to him upon<br />
arriving at GCA. During his sophomore year, Jonathan<br />
made it onto the Acroflyers team and remained on the team<br />
until his graduation. Being a part of Acroflyers created a<br />
second family for him. When the opportunity to once again<br />
be involved in Acroflyers presented itself, his positive<br />
student experiences as a gymnastics team member made<br />
the decision easy. Jonathan shared, “I am where I am<br />
today only because of the investments made into me as<br />
I was growing up. Each person’s contribution played a<br />
part in my success. My hope is that by doing the same, I<br />
can help GCA students get a little bit better each day.”<br />
Bruce Boggess, Acroflyers Head Coach, appreciates<br />
Jonathan’s involvement with the team. Bruce<br />
says, “Jonathan has been a great part of GCA’s<br />
gymnastics program since he was a student here. It<br />
is awesome to see an alumnus who benefitted from<br />
the team now giving back. Not only is he a financial<br />
supporter, having sponsored several students, but he<br />
consistently gives of his time and efforts. Jonathan is<br />
a great coach and a great mentor for the team.”<br />
Jonathan hopes that through his gifts of time and money,<br />
he can help others experience the great friendships and<br />
personal growth he had while here. He encourages<br />
alumni to join him in giving back to their alma mater. He<br />
states, “It doesn’t matter who you are. No one gets to<br />
where they are on their own. We all need help in some<br />
form or another. I am where I am because of the help<br />
I have received. Your support, no matter how small,<br />
can make a huge wave of difference in someone’s<br />
life in the days, months, and years to come.”<br />
Do you have a financial gift or a gift of time or talent that<br />
you would like to share with GCA students? Your gifts can<br />
impact students now and for years to come. For more<br />
information on ways to partner with GCA, contact Nancy<br />
Gerard at (770) 548-3233 or<br />
20 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
ALUMNI &<br />
Please send us updates about educational accomplishments, new career opportunities,<br />
additions to your family (whether through marriage or birth), or any other<br />
news you would like to share. Email Beth Zeiss at<br />
SHERRY (ALFORD) CLAPP, ’70, recently<br />
retired after teaching for 30 years in the Texas<br />
Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Shortly<br />
after her retirement, she accepted a position<br />
as principal at Jefferson Christian Academy,<br />
an Adventist school in Jefferson, Texas. She<br />
and her husband Gene have been married for<br />
almost 50 years and have two adult sons who<br />
have married. Those unions have resulted in<br />
Sherry’s pride and joy - four grandchildren.<br />
1 ROGER DUDLEY, GCA guidance<br />
counselor from 1977-1980, passed away on<br />
September 15, <strong>2023</strong>, at the age of 92. For over<br />
40 years, he conducted important studies<br />
within the Adventist church focused on gaining<br />
a better understanding of youth engagement<br />
and church growth. He served as the director<br />
of the Institute of Church Ministry as well as an<br />
emeritus professor of Christian Ministry at the<br />
Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary<br />
of Andrews University until his retirement in<br />
2000. As an author, co-author, and editor of 16<br />
books and numerous articles, Roger presented<br />
content related to parenting and young<br />
people in the church. His wife Peggy preceded<br />
him in death after 68 years of marriage. A<br />
joint memorial service for Roger and Peggy<br />
was held on October 21, <strong>2023</strong>, at Pioneer<br />
Memorial Church in Berrien Springs, Michigan.<br />
LILLY (BOLES) TRYON, ’80, recently<br />
co-authored Health Promotion and Disease<br />
Prevention for Advanced Practice, a health<br />
promotion textbook. Lilly is a professor at<br />
Southern Adventist University’s School of<br />
Nursing and also practices part-time at A<br />
Pattern Medical Clinic and at Volunteers<br />
in Medicine in Chattanooga, Tennessee.<br />
PETER HWANG, ’93, recently started<br />
a new career as a real estate agent with<br />
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices<br />
Georgia Properties, selling both<br />
commercial and residential properties.<br />
2 Congratulations to ERIK AND<br />
on the birth of their son, Sage Michael.<br />
Sage was born on May 17, <strong>2023</strong>, weighing<br />
8 pounds and measuring 20 inches long.<br />
(HICKMAN) FERGUSON, ’05, and her<br />
husband Preston are the proud parents<br />
of their newest arrival, Prestige. Born<br />
on August 20, <strong>2023</strong>, Prestige weighed 8<br />
pounds, 2 ounces, and was 20 inches long.<br />
4 TYLER KLINNER, ’07, passed away<br />
on August 18, <strong>2023</strong>. Prior to his death,<br />
Tyler worked as a registered nurse at<br />
Moccasin Bend Hospital in Chattanooga,<br />
Tennessee. A memorial service was held<br />
on October 14, <strong>2023</strong> at the Ooltewah<br />
Adventist Church in Tennessee.<br />
BANKHEAD, ’09, welcomed Philip Michael<br />
to their family on July 30, <strong>2023</strong>. At birth, Philip<br />
was 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and 20 inches long.<br />
Bryan and Shelby are doing well, and big<br />
brother Porter is excited to have a playmate.<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
former GCA registrar from ’75-’78 (and wife of Lyle Anderson, GCA principal ’73-’77)<br />
who turned 100 on September 18, <strong>2023</strong>! A celebration was held with family and<br />
friends on September 16, <strong>2023</strong>, in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Lynette, reflecting on<br />
her years at GCA, said, “GCA will stay in my memory as working with people who<br />
were friendly, kind, and welcoming.” The students quickly became our extended<br />
family. It was a delight to receive birthday cards for my 100th birthday from<br />
students. I have fond memories of my days at Georgia-Cumberland Academy.”<br />
Congratulations to GREG CHASE, ’09, on the<br />
completion of his training program, resulting<br />
in the promotion to the rank of first officer.<br />
He currently flies 777F planes for FedEx.<br />
OWEN, ’09, and her husband Austin,<br />
recently welcomed their third child,<br />
Beckham Edward on June 6, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
JOEL GREVE, ’11, accepted a new<br />
position as the chaplain and Bible teacher<br />
at Spring Valley Academy in Ohio.<br />
7 LAURA (CHASE) SHETH, ’13,<br />
recently completed the nurse practitioner<br />
program through Vanderbilt University.<br />
8 Congratulations to JAMIL AND<br />
’14, on the birth of their daughter, Ismari<br />
Symone. Born on September 27, <strong>2023</strong>,<br />
Ismari weighed 7 pounds and 14 ounces<br />
at birth. She is happy and healthy, and<br />
her parents are thrilled that God has<br />
blessed them with their daughter.<br />
’15, along with her husband Jay, welcomed<br />
Kalvin Daniel on July<br />
21, <strong>2023</strong>. At birth, he<br />
weighed 8.1 pounds and and was 21 inches long.<br />
10 LAKEN (SCOTT) FREEDLE, ’18, graduated<br />
married her college sweetheart Luke on July 9,<br />
<strong>2023</strong> in an intimate wedding with family and<br />
friends. The next day, she started a new job as<br />
the church office manager of the GCA Church.<br />
She and her husband are the proud parents of<br />
their three-year-old bunny named Patricia.<br />
11 ALEXIS (CASTRO) GRENTZ, ’18, was wed<br />
to Brandon Grentz on September<br />
18, <strong>2023</strong>, at Blackberry Ridge, a<br />
wedding venue in Trenton, Georgia.<br />
’18, graduated from Gordon<br />
County Fire and Rescue, along<br />
with six other students after<br />
completing a 10-week-long class.<br />
He has accepted a position with<br />
the Gordon County, Georgia Fire Department.<br />
13 SHELBY (HUSE) KAMIENESKI, ’18, was<br />
married to her sweetheart Ryan on August 27,<br />
<strong>2023</strong>, at Black Fox Farms in Cleveland, Tennessee.<br />
22 CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong>
10 AM – 31st <strong>Annual</strong> Wally Fox Memorial<br />
Golf Tournament – Fields Ferry Golf Club<br />
7:30 PM – Vespers<br />
9:30 AM – Welcome Home Breakfast<br />
10:45 AM – Worship Service<br />
Lunch<br />
Afternoon – Honor Class Reunions<br />
7:30 PM – Eventide<br />
8:30 PM – Alumni vs. GCA Sports Night<br />
10 AM – Ride for GCA Motorcycle Event<br />
Register for the weekend and all events at<br /><br />
Save the Date for Alumni Weekend 2024!<br />
April 5-7, 2024<br />
We are celebrating honor classes ending in 4’s and 9’s. For more information, please contact<br />
your class reunion organizer or Nancy Gerard ( for more information!<br />
Name Email Phone Class<br />
Caryn (Carman) Payne (706) 264-7042 1969<br />
Kathy (Greenman) Burdorf (320) 267-1126 1974<br />
Joni (Liles) Hamilton (423) 400-0182 1974<br />
Lynn (Anderson) Young (864) 706-7183 1974<br />
Melanie (Wurl) DiBiase (770) 314-1216 1979<br />
Scott Begley (423) 366-4849 1984<br />
TBD 1989<br />
TBD 1994<br />
Clint Higginbotham (470) 230-9785 1999<br />
Paulette Greene (423) 552-4063 2004<br />
Ashleigh Walton (423) 972-5562 2009<br />
Cheyenne Pearson (678) 764-2612 2014<br />
Courtney (Day) Stephens (678) 637-9396 2014<br />
Zach Kirstein (706) 503-2216 2019<br />
Toni Sargeant (678) 740-4744 2019<br />
CUMBERLITE ISSUE 4 | <strong>2023</strong><br />
397 Academy Dr. SW<br />
Calhoun, GA 30701<br />
Phone: (706) 629-4591<br />
Fax: (706) 629-1272<br /><br /><br />
EDITOR:<br />
K.C. LARSEN<br />
Save the Date for Alumni Weekend 2024!<br />
APRIL 5-7, 2024<br />
1969 | 1974 | 1979 | 1984 | 1989 | 1994 | 1999 | 2004 | 2009 | 2014 | 2019