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Each Day will Start at 8:30 with Song & Prayer<br />
MONDAY<br />
6:30 Preaching Service Evg. Allen Barker<br />
9:00 – 9:45 The Preacher’s Family Pastor Wayne Cofield<br />
9:45 – 10:00 BREAK<br />
10:00 – 10:45 Preacher’s Personal Life (Pt 1) Dr. James Jones<br />
10:45 – 11:00 BREAK<br />
11:00 – 11:45 Preacher’s Personal Life (Pt 2) Dr. James Jones<br />
11:45 – 1:00 LUNCH<br />
1:00 – 1:45 Dealing with Disloyalty Dr. James Jones<br />
1:45 – 2:00 BREAK<br />
2:00 – 2:45 Dealing with Rejection & Isolation Dr. Fred Russell<br />
2:45 – 3:00 BREAK<br />
3:00 – 3:45 Innerworkings of ROA Dr. Terry Ellis<br />
Importance of The Local Church<br />
Annual Doctrinal Statement Signing<br />
Templates For Staff Meetings<br />
Ministry Reports<br />
3:45 – 4:00 BREAK<br />
4:00 – 4:45 Evangelism Evg. Allen Barker<br />
6:30 Preaching Service Evg. Allen Barker<br />
9:00 – 9:45 Dealing With Depression Pastor Rudy Smith<br />
9:45 – 10:00 BREAK<br />
10:00 – 10:45 Finishing Well (Part 1) Pastor Gene Rowell<br />
10:45 – 11:00 BREAK<br />
11:00 – 11:45 Finishing Well (Part 2) Pastor Gene Rowell<br />
11:45 – 1:00 LUNCH<br />
1:00 – 1:45 Emerging Contemporary Church Pastor Rudy Smith<br />
1:45 – 2:00 BREAK<br />
2:00 – 2:45 Associating With Godly Men Pastor Gene Rowell<br />
2:45 – 3:00 BREAK<br />
3:00 – 3:45 Transitioning Your Ministry Pastor David Gamble<br />
9:00 – 9:45 Building a Church, Post Covid Pastor David Gamble<br />
9:45 – 10:00 BREAK<br />
10:00 – 10:45 Overcoming Negativity (part one) Pastor Tim Fellure<br />
10:45 – 11:00 BREAK<br />
11:00 – 11:45 Overcoming Negativity (part two) Pastor Tim Fellure<br />
11:45 – 12:00 Tracts, Literature & Printing Pastor Tim Fellure<br />
12:00 – 1:00 LUNCH<br />
1:00 – 1:45 Administration & Communication Pastor Wayne Cofield<br />
1:45 – 2:00 BREAK<br />
2:00 – 2:45 Interworkings of ROA Dr. Ricky Dunsford<br />
2:45 – 3:00 BREAK<br />
3:00 – 3:45 <strong>Training</strong> Others Under You Pastor Ricky Gravley<br />
3:45 – 4:00 BREAK<br />
4:00 – 4:45 Assisting Your Missionaries Pastor Ricky Gravley<br />
4:45 – 5:00 Special Presentations Drs. Ellis & Dunsford<br />
Seasoned pastors, their wives and missionaries<br />
will be available for questions pertaining to ministry.<br />
Each Day will Start at 8:30 with Song & Prayer<br />
MONDAY<br />
6:30 Preaching Service<br />
9:00 – 9:45 The Preacher’s Family Pastor Wayne Cofield<br />
9:45 – 10:00 BREAK<br />
10:00 – 10:45 Dealing With Personal Emotions Ms. Glenda McNeese<br />
10:45 – 11:00 BREAK<br />
11:00 – 11:45 Dealing With Church Issues Ms. Glenda McNeese<br />
11:45 – 1:00 LUNCH<br />
1:00 – 1:45 Dealing With Disloyalty Dr. James Jones<br />
1:45 – 2:00 BREAK<br />
2:00 – 2:45 Balancing Biblical Priorities Mrs. Connie Cofield<br />
(God, Spouse, Children, Ministry...)<br />
2:45 – 3:00 BREAK<br />
3:00 – 3:45 Dealing With Criticism & Rejection Dr. Peggy Ellis<br />
3:45 – 4:00 BREAK<br />
4:00 – 4:45 Dealing With Depression Mrs. Nolita Gravley<br />
6:30 Preaching Service Evg. Allen Barker<br />
9:00 – 9:45 Helping The Missionary’s Wife Mrs. Nolita Gravley<br />
9:45 – 10:00 BREAK<br />
10:00 – 10:45 Unrealistic Expectations (Part 1) Mrs. Jan Barker<br />
Am I expected to attend every function at the church.<br />
Am I expected to know everything that is happening in the church.<br />
When church members complain to you about your husband.<br />
Members who subtly utilize you to get messages to your husband.<br />
10:45 – 11:00 BREAK<br />
11:00 – 11:45 Unrealistic Expectations (Part 2) Mrs. Jan Barker<br />
When members expect you to function as an employee of the church.<br />
When church members expect your children to be perfect.<br />
When it seems, the church expects your family to take a vow of poverty.<br />
When church members expect you to be their best friend.<br />
11:45 – 1:00 LUNCH<br />
1:00 – 1:45 Confidentiality & Setting Boundaries Mrs. Renee Gamble<br />
1:45 – 2:00 BREAK<br />
3:00 – 3:45 Transitioning Your Ministry Mrs. Renee Gamble<br />
9:00 – 9:45 Building a Church, Post Covid Pastor David Gamble<br />
9:45 – 10:00 BREAK<br />
10:00 – 10:45 Overcoming Negativity (Part 1) Pastor Tim Fellure<br />
10:45 – 11:00 BREAK<br />
11:00 – 11:45 Overcoming Negativity (Part 2) Pastor Tim Fellure<br />
11:45 – 12:00 Tracts, Literature & Printing Pastor Tim Fellure<br />
12:00 – 1:00 LUNCH<br />
1:00 – 1:45 Question & Answer Dr. Peggy Ellis<br />
1:45 – 2:00 BREAK<br />
2:00 – 2:45 Having A Demanding Schedule Dr. Peggy Ellis<br />
2:45 – 3:00 BREAK<br />
3:00 – 3:45 Tools Available For The Ministry Mrs. Nolita Gravley<br />
3:45 – 4:00 BREAK<br />
Dr. James Jones<br />
The Preacher’s Personal Life<br />
Instructor Dr. James Jones delves into the inter-aspects of a<br />
preacher’s personal life and walk with God, imparting practical<br />
knowledge on how to navigate the complexity and infl uences on<br />
our beliefs, values, preaching, message delivery, and engagement<br />
in ministry.<br />
Dealing With Disloyalty<br />
As spiritual leaders, pastors often fi nd themselves navigating the<br />
struggles of relationships among church members, staff, and close<br />
associates. Disloyalty can manifest itself in various forms within<br />
a church be it betrayal, gossip, division, or unfaithfulness. In this<br />
course we will learn from a seasoned pastor biblical insights and<br />
practical guidance on how to deal with disloyalty from a pastor’s<br />
perspective.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Dr. Fred Russell<br />
Dealing With Rejection and Isolation<br />
In a world where acceptance is sought after, the realities of rejection<br />
and isolation can be devastating. Our faith does not shield us from<br />
these trials. Through biblical insight, we will learn how to deal with<br />
rejection and isolation, and how their experiences can shape our<br />
character.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Dr. Terry R. Ellis<br />
Interworkings of Rock of Ages Ministries<br />
This course will shed light on the biblical signifi cance of the local<br />
church’s role in missions. It will offer templates for various aspects<br />
of ministry, including staff meetings, administrative oversight,<br />
ministry reports, accountability structures, and the maintenance of<br />
sound doctrine.<br />
Dr. Allen Barker<br />
Evangelism<br />
Throughout history, evangelism has been central to the growth of the<br />
church and the fulfi llment of the Great Commission. It’s more than a<br />
mere obligation; it’s a heartfelt response to share the power of the<br />
Gospel that transformed our lives.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Pastor Rudy Smith<br />
Dealing With Depression<br />
As preachers, we tirelessly tend to the spiritual, emotional, and<br />
physical needs of those we minister to, leading by example and<br />
offering guidance. As we serve others the weight we carry in silence,<br />
the challenges, and burdens we carry can lead to isolation, burnout,<br />
and at times, depression in our own life. Pastor Smith will share<br />
his personal experiences and scriptural insight on how to deal with<br />
depression.<br />
Dangers of The Emerging Church<br />
In recent years, the rise of the emerging church, a diverse movement<br />
characterized by its non-traditional approaches to theology and<br />
worship has impacted many churches including Independent Baptist<br />
churches. The use of contemporary music, corrupt biblical text,<br />
liberalism, and compromise defi nes the movement. Pastor Smith,<br />
with a Bible in hand, will expose the “Dangers of The Emerging<br />
Church.”<br />
____________________________________<br />
Pastor Gene Rowell<br />
How To Finish Well<br />
The path of every preacher is marked by numerous triumphs, joys,<br />
trials, and diffi culties. The ultimate goal for every pastor is not just to<br />
start well but to fi nish well. To fi nish with vigor, faithfulness, and leave<br />
a lasting impact for Christ. Pastor Rowell will guide us through the<br />
scripture and examine men of God that fi nished well.<br />
How To Keep From Losing Your Head<br />
The weight of responsibility and the incessant needs of those we<br />
minister to can sometimes blur the lines and cause confusion.<br />
Spiritual leadership is not merely a profession, it’s a sacred calling<br />
that requires emotional, physical, and spiritual sustenance. The<br />
weight of our responsibilities can be overwhelming, leading us to<br />
burnout. This liability is not a sign of weakness but a reminder of<br />
our humanity. This course will impart biblical principles to help us in<br />
challenging times.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Pastor David Gamble<br />
Transitioning Your Ministry<br />
Change is an inevitable facet of life, and ministries are not exempt.<br />
Whether you are a seasoned preacher or just beginning your ministry,<br />
this class help you with biblical principles, strategies, and insights to<br />
undergo an effective transition in your ministry that will honor God.<br />
Building A Church Post-Covid<br />
The challenges brought forth by COVID-19 profoundly impacted<br />
churches throughout America and around the world. It had a deep<br />
impact that affected church attendance, commitment, fi nancial giving,<br />
and worship services. Now, more than ever, there is a critical need<br />
to rebuild stronger churches. Pastor Gamble will give us practical<br />
advice from biblical principles that have helped Shenandoah Baptist<br />
Church rebound post-covid.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Pastor Tim Fellure<br />
Overcoming Negativity<br />
As preachers, we are not immune to negativity that can disrupt our<br />
sense of purpose, enthusiasm, and spiritual stability. This class will<br />
help us understand, confront, and overcome negativity. Negativity<br />
will often weave its way into the lives of preachers as they deal with<br />
others’ negative attitudes, and it can have a critical impact in the<br />
effectiveness of their ministry.<br />
Pastor Wayne Cofield<br />
Administration And Communication<br />
Effective administration and communication skills are essential<br />
for preachers. This class will emphasize organizational principles,<br />
planning, fi nancial stewardship, effi cient management, and<br />
administrative tasks that pastors encounter.<br />
The Preacher And His Family<br />
While a preacher shoulders a signifi cant spiritual responsibility to<br />
fulfi lling his calling, he also has a signifi cant responsibility to his family<br />
that faces its own set of expectations, sacrifi ces, and challenges.<br />
He must have a proper understanding and implementation of<br />
biblical principles and have his priorities in order where his family is<br />
concerned. This class will help preachers set their priorities in line<br />
with the Bible.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Pastor Ricky Gravley<br />
Assisting Missionaries & Evangelists Out Of Your Church<br />
One of the highest honors for a local church is for God to fi nd the<br />
church worthy of sending out fulltime missionaries and evangelists<br />
from its body. It is important for those sent out of the church to<br />
receive the support and backing of the pastor and church members.<br />
The missionary and evangelist obligation, communication, and<br />
faithfulness to fulfi ll their duty is critical to their church relationship<br />
and effectiveness in ministry. This class will present the tools needed<br />
to better assist your missionaries and evangelists.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Dr. Ricky Dunsford<br />
Interworkings of Rock of Ages Ministries Foreign Outreach<br />
This class will delve into the signifi cance of foreign missions,<br />
understanding cultural, language barriers, and the fi nancial dynamics<br />
of foreign missions. We will explore the ethical considerations,<br />
challenges, and opportunities that arise when engaging in missions<br />
work abroad.<br />
Ms. Glenda McNeese<br />
Dealing With Personal Emotions<br />
As pastors’ wives, you carry a multitude of roles - counselor,<br />
supporter, leader, and confi dante, all while managing your personal<br />
emotions. Your strength and grace in these roles are admirable,<br />
yet it’s crucial to acknowledge the signifi cance of nurturing your<br />
own emotional health. This class will be taught by one who served<br />
by her husband’s side in ministry for over 40 years.<br />
Dealing With Church Issues<br />
This class will focus on addressing various church-related issues<br />
that you might encounter in your roles. As the backbone of our<br />
churches, pastors’ wives often carry unspoken responsibilities,<br />
balancing personal lives, family commitments, and the needs of the<br />
congregation. This can be both rewarding and demanding, fi lled<br />
with moments of joy, but also complexities and challenges. This<br />
class will assist you with tried and proven principles to deal with<br />
church issues and encourage your husband.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Mrs. Connie Cofield<br />
The Role Of A Pasor’s Wife<br />
The role of a pastor’s wife is unique and often challenging, requiring<br />
a delicate balance between numerous responsibilities. This class<br />
aims to explore how you can honor God, support your husband,<br />
nurture your family, and take care of yourself while staying rooted<br />
in biblical truths and priorities.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Dr. Peggy Ellis<br />
Dealing With Criticism And Rejection<br />
In life, we often encounter situations where our ideas, and<br />
actions face scrutiny or rejection. While it’s natural to feel hurt<br />
or discouraged by criticism or rejection, it is essential to arm<br />
ourselves with the tools to handle these challenges with scripture.<br />
This class will give you the biblical principles needed to deal with<br />
criticism and rejection.<br />
Having A Demanding Schedule<br />
A demanding schedule can often leave you feeling overwhelmed.<br />
It is important to schedule time for yourself amidst the demands of<br />
the ministry. Throughout this class, you will explore strategies to<br />
help you manage your demanding schedules.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Mrs. Nolita Gravley<br />
Dealing With Depression<br />
Depression can often leave you feeling isolated and overwhelmed,<br />
especially when navigating the various roles and responsibilities<br />
that preacher’s wives shoulder every day. In this class, you will<br />
explore depression from a biblical perspective, focusing on tools<br />
that can help you traverse the challenges it presents.<br />
Helping The Missionary & Evangelist Wife<br />
It is important for the missionary and evangelist wives sent out of<br />
the church to receive the support and backing of the pastor’s wife.<br />
The missionary and evangelist wife’s roles are important to the<br />
success of their husband’s ministry. This class will give the tools<br />
and practical input to better assist these ladies.<br />
____________________________________<br />
Mrs. Jan Barker<br />
Unrealistic Expectations<br />
The role of a pastor’s wife is often met with unrealistic expectations.<br />
Am I expected to attend every function at the church? Am I expected<br />
to know everything that is happening in the church? How do you<br />
handle church members who subtly utilize you to get messages<br />
to your husband? This class will help you balance your role as a<br />
pastor’s wife and give you biblical principles to meet unrealistic<br />
expectations.<br />
Mrs. Renee Gamble<br />
Transitioning Ministries<br />
Transitioning within the realm of ministry can be both exhilarating<br />
and challenging. As the unsung heroes behind the scenes, you<br />
play a pivotal role in the lives of your husband’s ministry. The role<br />
of a preacher’s wife often comes with its unique set of joys, trials,<br />
and expectations. This class will both encourage and equip you for<br />
transition.<br />
Confidentiality And Setting Boundaries<br />
Two crucial aspects that are essential to your role: confi dentiality<br />
and setting healthy boundaries. These elements form the foundation<br />
for maintaining trust, preserving relationships, and safeguarding<br />
your reputation and role as a pastor’s wife. This class will give you<br />
practical guidance for setting proper boundaries and maintaining<br />
confi dentiality.<br />
Dr. Allen &<br />
Mrs. Jan Barker<br />
Dr. Allen Barker & Mrs. Jan Barker<br />
Dr. Allen Barker is a native of North Carolina and was<br />
brought up in a pastor’s home. At the age of 18 he<br />
was led to Christ by his dad, Rev. Olin Barker. Dr.<br />
Barker answered the call to preach when he was 22<br />
years old. This year he will celebrate 50 years in the<br />
ministry. During those years he pastored 4 different<br />
churches, served as the North American Field Director for Macedonia<br />
World Baptist Missions and currently is a fulltime evangelist.<br />
Dr. Barker has been married for 53 years to his wife Jan. They have<br />
2 children who are serving fulltime in the ministry. His son Jonathan<br />
pastors Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Mt. Airy, NC where Dr. and<br />
Mrs. Barker are members. Their daughter, Rebekah is married to<br />
Jeremy Simpson who is the pastor of Thanks to Calvary Baptist Church<br />
in Elkin, NC. They have fi ve grandchildren and fi ve great-grandchildren.<br />
Mrs. Jan Barker<br />
Although she was not brought up in a pastor’s home, she was brought<br />
up in a godly home and she is very thankful for parents that loved her<br />
and loved the Lord. She was saved at the age of 12. In 1970 she was<br />
married to Allen Barker and very soon after they dedicated their lives<br />
fully to the Lord. She has served the Lord alongside her husband for<br />
53 years and has no regrets. They have 2 children who are fulltime in<br />
the ministry, Rebekah and Jonathan and 5 grandchildren and 5 great<br />
grandchildren who are all in church and serving the Lord, for which she<br />
gives God all the glory.<br />
Pastor Wayne Cofield<br />
Wayne Cofi eld is the pastor and founder of Whitfi eld<br />
Baptist Church in Dalton,Ga. Pastor Cofi eld with<br />
his wife, Connie, have served at Whitfi eld Baptist<br />
for 46 years and established an independent Soul<br />
Pastor Wayne & Winning, Missionary Baptist Church that supports 120<br />
Mrs. Connie Cofield missionaries around the world.<br />
Pastor Cofi eld has been married to his wife, Connie, for 50 years and<br />
has been blessed with four children. His oldest son Jason has served<br />
24 years as his assistant pastor in Dalton and his youngest son is<br />
a deacon, Sunday School teacher and song leader in his church in<br />
Alpharetta, Ga. Their youngest, Stephanie, is a pastor’s wife, and his<br />
oldest daughter Amy serves as a missionary alongside of her husband<br />
Mark Coffey in South Africa. The Cofi elds have 14 grandchildren.<br />
Pastor Cofi eld has a real burden for the family and has preached and<br />
taught many marriage retreats and family conferences in America and<br />
internationally. He has had the privilege of not only seeing his family<br />
serve the Lord, but many of his members are fulltime on the mission<br />
fi eld or pastoring in the United States.<br />
Mrs. Connie Cofield<br />
Connie Cofi eld is the wife of Pastor Wayne Cofi eld, and they have<br />
been serving the Lord together for almost 50 years. They have four<br />
children and 14 grandchildren. She was raised in a Christian home<br />
and was saved at the age of 11.<br />
When they were married her husband was already the Youth Pastor of<br />
Gospel Baptist Temple in Claxton, Georgia where they served for four<br />
years. While there she loved working with the youth and working in the<br />
bus ministry. The Lord then led Pastor Cofi eld to start Whitfi eld Baptist<br />
Church in Dalton, Georgia where they have been for 46 years. She<br />
loves teaching the Junior Girls in Master Clubs and the weekly Ladies<br />
Bible Study.<br />
Dr. Ricky<br />
Dunsford<br />
Dr. Ricky Dunsford<br />
Dr. Ricky Dunsford serves as Ececutive Vice President<br />
of Rock of Ages Ministries. He experienced salvation<br />
in 1980 while on the job in Atmore, Alabama, and felt<br />
the call to preach just one year later, in May of 1981.<br />
Following his time in Bible College, Dr. Dunsford<br />
and his wife, Judy, served as youth directors in their home church,<br />
Faith Bible Baptist Church, until April 1988. It was at that point they<br />
felt the Lord’s calling to join Rock of Ages Ministries. Dr. Dunsford<br />
dedicated two years to serving on the ministry’s revival teams. In May<br />
of 1991, he participated in the fi rst Rock of Ages international trip. The<br />
Board of Directors later requested Dr. Dunsford to assume the role of<br />
Foreign Director. In the following years God used him to develop and<br />
establish the ministry’s international outreach. He faithfully served for<br />
the ensuing years as Foreign Director and eventually became Foreign<br />
Vice President within Rock of Ages. In September 2006, he transitioned<br />
to the role of Executive Vice President, where he continues to serve<br />
diligently.<br />
Dr. Terry R. Ellis<br />
President, Rock of Ages Ministries<br />
Drs. Terry &<br />
Peggy Ellis<br />
Dr. Terry Ellis serves as President of Rock of Ages<br />
Ministries. He was saved in the summer of 1977 at<br />
Dogwood Valley Baptist Church, Tunnel Hill, Georgia.<br />
He was called into the gospel ministry two months<br />
later.<br />
Dr. & Mrs. Ellis joined Rock of Ages Ministries January 31, 1986. He<br />
served as a Missionary Chaplain at the Wyoming State Penitentiary in<br />
Rawlins, Wyoming for seven years, followed by eleven years of service<br />
in Portland, Oregon serving as Western Director. January 2004, Dr.<br />
Ellis was appointed North American Vice-President, and by July 20,<br />
2005 he was assigned to the position of Executive Vice President. He<br />
was appointed President of Rock of Ages Ministries September 13,<br />
2006, a role in which he continues to serve. Rock of Ages Ministries is<br />
a mission outreach to governmental establishments including prisons,<br />
schools, and military correctional facilities throughout the world.<br />
Dr. Peggy Ellis<br />
Mrs. Peggy Ellis is the wife of Dr. Terry Ellis, President of Rock Of Ages<br />
Ministries. She was raised in a pastor’s home and has been married<br />
to Dr. Ellis for 45 years, and serving as a missionary alongside her<br />
husband for 38 years. They have two children who are actively involved<br />
in ministry, and they are blessed with fi ve grandchildren.<br />
In 2005, she earned her Doctorate degree in Biblical Studies from Rock<br />
of Ages Ministries. Mrs. Ellis initiated the Lovely Ladies ministry outreach<br />
to prisoners’ wives and children in Wyoming where Dr. Ellis served as a<br />
missionary chaplain. Additionally, she founded the Essential Women’s<br />
Prayer Group, which includes a prayer app she helped develop. This<br />
platform features organized monthly and daily prayer requests, as<br />
well as special prayer meetings. Mrs. Ellis is a frequent speaker at<br />
ladies’ conferences, mother-daughter banquets, and prayer breakfasts,<br />
bringing with her extensive experience in ministry.<br />
Pastor Tim<br />
Fellure<br />
Pastor Tim Fellure<br />
Pastor Tim Fellure was saved and felt the call to<br />
preach at an early age. From childhood to teen years<br />
he had a strong desire to preach the gospel and give<br />
his life to Christ. In 1991, he graduated with a B.A. in<br />
Youth Ministry/Sacred Music from Pensacola Christian<br />
College and married his high school sweetheart,<br />
Jennifer Givens, that same summer.<br />
Soon after marrying, they joined Victory Baptist Church and became<br />
fi eld representatives for Victory Baptist Press, serving under Dr. Thomas<br />
Woodward. After the passing of Pastor Woodward in 1994, Pastor Tim<br />
Fellure accepted the church’s call and became the pastor of the church.<br />
He rejoices in all the Lord has done at Victory, and trusts the Lord for<br />
wisdom as he continues to guide the church and its ministries.<br />
Pastor David & Mrs.<br />
Renee Gamble<br />
Pastor David and Mrs. Renee Gamble<br />
Pastor David Gamble was raised in the hills of East<br />
Tennessee in a Christian home. He was saved at age<br />
fi fteen in an old fashion revival meeting and later called<br />
to preach during his sophomore year at Pensacola<br />
Christian College. After graduate school he married<br />
Renee Knierim and began serving as a youth pastor<br />
in Florida. He was called to his fi rst pastorate at Grace<br />
Baptist Church of Newport, TN (1996-2004), and then to Bethel Baptist<br />
Church of Hartselle, AL (2004-2013). He later accepted a pastoral staff<br />
position at Temple Baptist Church and Crown College in Powell, TN<br />
(2013-2015) and then served at Tabernacle Baptist Church of Hickory,<br />
NC for 2 years. In the summer of 2018, the Lord led the Gamble family<br />
to Shenandoah Baptist Church where he currently serves as the senior<br />
pastor. He and his wife Renee, have three children: Michael, Mitchell<br />
and Bethany.<br />
Pastor Ricky & Mrs. Nolita Gravley<br />
Dr. Ricky Gravley has been the pastor of Bible Baptist<br />
Church in Rossville, GA since 1998. He was saved<br />
through a bus route at the age of thirteen, began<br />
preaching at the age of fi fteen, and pastored his fi rst<br />
church at the age of eighteen. He is a graduate of Faith<br />
Baptist Bible College in Resaca GA. He is the founder<br />
Pastor Ricky &<br />
and president of Heritage Baptist Bible College and<br />
Mrs. Nolita Gravley<br />
is being used in revivals and conferences across the<br />
country. He has a heart for the local church, missions, and to see God<br />
send revival to our generation.<br />
Mrs. Nolita Gravley<br />
Mrs. Nolita Gravley was saved at an early age and has been faithfully<br />
serving by her husband’s side since their marriage in 1993. She has<br />
been a pastor’s wife for over twenty-eight years. During this time, she<br />
has taught both Christian education and Sunday School. She earned<br />
a Bachelors degree from Heritage Baptist Bible College in Rossville,<br />
GA. She has spoken at several ladies’ conferences and has hosted<br />
an annual ladies’ conference each fall at her home church for the past<br />
eighteen years.<br />
Dr. James<br />
Jones<br />
Dr. James Jones<br />
Dr. Jones and his wife Sandra have been married<br />
for fi fty-eight years and blessed with three children.<br />
He was called into the ministry at the age of thirty.<br />
He pastored Way of Life Baptist Church in Titusville,<br />
Florida for four years and four months. While there he<br />
was called to Harriman Baptist Tabernacle in Harriman,<br />
Tennessee where he pastored forty-one years and two<br />
months. Currently, he is preaching revival meetings and conferences<br />
encouraging pastors and saints. He attended Florida Bible Institute in<br />
Mims, Florida, and did external study through Luther Rice Seminary<br />
in Jacksonville, Florida after moving to Harriman. He taught at Baptist<br />
International Bible Institute in Harriman for seven years. While pastoring<br />
Harriman Baptist Tabernacle he was burdened to start Harriman Baptist<br />
Bible Institute which was in operation fi fteen years until he retired from<br />
pastoring. In 1988 he received an Honorary Doctorate from Great<br />
Commission Theological Seminary at Bowling Green, Kentucky.<br />