Windward Review Vol 21 (2023): Myths and Hauntings
"Myths and Hauntings" brings attention to the intimate connection between mythology, story, haunting and human history(s). With contributions from around the US and beyond, Myths and Hauntings is a collection made to empower creators beyond spaces and cultural prescriptions of beliefs. The pieces in the volume expand, negate, shock, and bring warmth to a stark world of narrative history(s). As a modern creative publication, we are pleased to showcase creators that have put their whole selves into their work. What emerges is an embodiment of cultural myths, hauntings, and more, 2023.
"Myths and Hauntings" brings attention to the intimate connection between mythology, story, haunting and human history(s). With contributions from around the US and beyond, Myths and Hauntings is a collection made to empower creators beyond spaces and cultural prescriptions of beliefs. The pieces in the volume expand, negate, shock, and bring warmth to a stark world of narrative history(s). As a modern creative publication, we are pleased to showcase creators that have put their whole selves into their work. What emerges is an embodiment of cultural myths, hauntings, and more, 2023.
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Table of Contents<br />
Letter of Gratitude from the Managing Editor ...................6<br />
Chloe Rodriguez<br />
My Mother Teaches Me to Pick Spanish Moss ..........................8<br />
Elegy as a Caja China ...............................................................10<br />
Please, Don’t Remind Me of What We Had in Cuba. .............12<br />
Samantha Caudillo<br />
Mariela ......................................................................................14<br />
Raizel Auza<br />
The Evening Dew .....................................................................17<br />
Elijah X.A. Esquivel<br />
The Spines of Names ................................................................18<br />
Eylie Sasajima<br />
the wych elm’s lullaby ................................................................20<br />
Julieta Corpus<br />
The Tradition of Silence ............................................................<strong>21</strong><br />
Prescience ..................................................................................22<br />
Kevin S<strong>and</strong>efur<br />
Persistence ..................................................................................23<br />
Am<strong>and</strong>a King<br />
Ghost Maker ..............................................................................33<br />
Roommates ................................................................................34<br />
Guillermo Gallegos<br />
We Will All Be Underwater .......................................................35<br />
Ellianna Nejat<br />
Giant Fleas ................................................................................38<br />
Fairy Ring .................................................................................39<br />
Thomas Piekarski<br />
Birth of Mars ............................................................................40<br />
Elijah X.A. Esquivel<br />
The Curse of Echo ....................................................................41<br />
Kevin S<strong>and</strong>efur<br />
Apollo ........................................................................................45<br />
Kathleen Naderer<br />
A Forsaken City-State ...............................................................46<br />
Jenna Ulizio<br />
Advent .......................................................................................49<br />
Raymond Tamez III<br />
Genesis X Revelation ................................................................61<br />