Makoto 2024 Summer Program Brochure
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<strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />
2<br />
About the<br />
<strong>Program</strong><br />
3<br />
What You<br />
Need to Know<br />
4-5<br />
YOUTH Camp<br />
Information<br />
6<br />
TEEN Camp<br />
Information<br />
7<br />
Registration<br />
About the <strong>Program</strong><br />
Let's get excited! The <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> is<br />
back for <strong>2024</strong> with MORE fun... MORE exciting field<br />
trips... and MORE belt-earning opportunities. Plus, all<br />
those options and extras you love, like: "Extended<br />
Day," experienced/adult staff, and flexible scheduling.<br />
• Exciting adventures to such places as: Goat<br />
Yoga … Mt. Gretna Lake… the FunPlex… Big<br />
Kahuna Waterpark… Guppy Gulch… and more.<br />
Campers enjoy 3-4 DIFFERENT trips every week.<br />
• Cool martial arts training. A <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong><br />
experience includes daily martial arts classes<br />
where campers learn: cool self defense moves…<br />
how to use practical weapons… and earn belts.<br />
• Fun event days including: Carnival Day… the <strong>Makoto</strong> Olympics… Minute-to-Win-<br />
It Challenge… Scavenger Hunts… and much more.<br />
Plus the <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> offers:<br />
• Full-day of fun: hours are 8:00am-5:00pm. Extended Day is available.<br />
• Affordability: all field trips, martial arts classes, and pizza parties are included.<br />
• Flexible Scheduling: Select only the weeks you want to attend.<br />
• Education in Samurai Values: such as holding the door for others... putting forth<br />
100% effort… being respectful... much (much) more.<br />
Make the <strong>2024</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> one to remember. Send your kids to the <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong><br />
<strong>Program</strong> and we GUARANTEE they’ll: (1) make new friends, (2) come home with<br />
Stories, (3) learn new things, and (4) look forward to camp EVERY Day.<br />
Camp Ages:<br />
YOUTH: 6-11 years<br />
TEEN: 12-16 years<br />
Who is <strong>Makoto</strong>?<br />
<strong>Makoto</strong> (& The Martial Arts Studio) is a<br />
traditional martial arts dojo that has been<br />
serving Chester County for more than 25<br />
years. It features not only a focused selfdefense<br />
martial arts program but an After<br />
-School program whose purpose is to<br />
teach your child the skills they need to<br />
make successful decisions at life. It<br />
takes a village to raise a child and<br />
<strong>Makoto</strong> wants to be part of your village.
What You Need to Know…<br />
What to Bring Daily:<br />
Each day, please pack:<br />
• Lunch (in a small cooler, please)<br />
• XL Water Jug/Bottle<br />
• Closed toe shoes & a hat<br />
• Sunscreen & bug spray<br />
Extended Day:<br />
For YOUTH camp… just $47 per family.<br />
Drop Off... as early as 7:30am<br />
Pick Up… by 6:00pm<br />
For TEEN camp… just $37 per family.<br />
Pick Up… by 6:00pm<br />
Drop Off & Pick Up:<br />
Early Drop Off… 7:30-8:00am (Youth only)<br />
Drop Off… 8:00-9:00am (campers must be<br />
dropped off by 9:15am to take karate class)<br />
Early Pick Up… 4:15pm (before 2nd class)<br />
Regular Pick Up… by 5:15pm<br />
If your camper is not picked up by 4:15pm he/<br />
she will take the BONUS martial arts class<br />
(4:15-5:00pm) and will not be released until<br />
class is over.<br />
You MUST sign your camper out every day.<br />
Counselors will NOT release a camper until<br />
an authorized adult has signed the Sign Out<br />
sheet. If an un authorized adult arrives for pick<br />
up, the child will NOT be permitted to leave<br />
unless we have permission from a parent.<br />
Electronic-less Policy:<br />
The use of iPads, handheld gaming systems,<br />
tablets, etc. is NOT permitted during camp. DO<br />
NOT send electronics with your son or daughter.<br />
Phones and cameras may be allowed for<br />
specific field trips.<br />
During TEEN weeks, teens will be allowed to<br />
use phones and tablets on long van trips and<br />
at specific times. For most of the day, however,<br />
electronics will be kept in backpacks.<br />
Change of Plans Policy:<br />
If a camper needs to contact a parent the<br />
Counselors will do so. Also, if parent needs to<br />
contact his or her child, the parent MUST also<br />
call the camp. We are the ones responsible for<br />
your child and need to know what is happening.<br />
Medications:<br />
If your child needs any type of Medication, a<br />
parent's note must accompany the medication<br />
(labeled with your child’s name) and indicate:<br />
(1) permission to dispense the Medicine, (2)<br />
dosage amount, (3) time to dispense the<br />
medicine. If your child is taking the medicine<br />
themself, a Camp Counselor must be notified.<br />
Personal Property:<br />
The <strong>Makoto</strong> staff is not responsible for the loss<br />
of personal property. All found items that remain<br />
after the program ends will be donated.
YOUTH Weekly Adventures:<br />
(Ages 6-11 years)<br />
What’s a day like in the life of a <strong>Makoto</strong> Camper?<br />
• MORNING: Campers enjoy fun games and drills.<br />
Plus they take an early martial arts class.<br />
• TRIP TIME! It’s off an adventure we go. Taking field<br />
trips to different places in PA, NJ, DE, and even MD<br />
• AFTERNOON: Back for more fun with an afternoon<br />
martial arts class and more cool activities.<br />
Week 1: June 10-14<br />
Adventures include: Carnival Day… Trampoline Park… Big<br />
Kahuna Waterpark… Goat Yoga… and a Beach Volleyball Tournament.<br />
Week 2: June 17-21<br />
Adventures include: Park Day… Mt. Gretna Lake… Outdoor Laser Tag… Bowling… and a<br />
Picture Scavenger Hunt.<br />
Week 3: June 24-28<br />
Adventures include: Nature Center… Local Pool… Minuteto-Win-It<br />
Challenge… Charlie and the Chocolate Factory<br />
theater… and a Cool Down Day.<br />
July 1 - July 5<br />
CLOSED for the Fourth of July Holiday.<br />
Week 4: July 8-12:<br />
Adventures include: Rollerskating… Swimming at Mt.<br />
Gretna Lake… Park Day… Ziplining… and Fun Food<br />
Games.<br />
Week 5: July 15-19<br />
Adventures include: Swimming at a local Pool… the Reading Museum…<br />
Arnold’s Family Fun Center… and a Cool Down Day.<br />
Week 6: July 22-26<br />
Adventures include: an Ice Cream Tour… Park Day… Amish<br />
Buffet Tour… Overlook Pool… and a Cool Down Day.<br />
Week 7: July 29-August 2<br />
Adventures include: Swimming at Mt. Gretna Lake… a tour of Pea<br />
Patch Island… fun at Hellerick Farms… trip to the FunPlex… and<br />
Pet Crafting Day.
Week 8: Augus 5-9:<br />
Adventures include: tour of the Wolf Sanctuary… Park<br />
Day… swimming at New Holland Pool… the Turkey Hill<br />
Experience… and a Cool Down Day<br />
Week 9: August 12-16:<br />
Adventures include: Lunch and a Movie… Tyler Arboretum…<br />
Guppy Gulch… a Pizza Tour… and Sports Day.<br />
Week 10: August 19-23:<br />
Our adventures will include: Swimming at Mt. Gretna Lake…<br />
lunch at Shadymaple Buffet… Park Day… the Lititz Springs<br />
Pool… and Longwood Gardens.<br />
Staff Selfies:<br />
The <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Saff loves to jump in — get involved —and share ALL the fun<br />
with our campers! Always engaged. Always enjoying . Always making memories.
TEEN Weekly Adventures:<br />
(Ages 12-16 years)<br />
Crafted for young adults ONLY (ages 12-16) Teen weeks<br />
offer your middle & high schoolers great adventures, plus...<br />
• Community: There are no "youngsters" allowed in the<br />
"Teen Weeks" of the <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong>. Only<br />
kids ages 12-16 years can enroll. So your teen will have<br />
the opportunity to hang out and have fun with their<br />
peers.<br />
• Adventure: Forget the moonbounces. During "Teen<br />
Week" your kids will be experience fun, older-kid<br />
adventures such as: Hershey Park... ziplining... Ashbury<br />
Beach (NJ)... exploring Philadelphia... cooking classes...<br />
and much more. Not to mention learning some cool martial arts as well as<br />
some life skills like how to prepare for an interview.<br />
• FUN! No teen wants to spend their summer<br />
sitting on the couch staring at the wall. "Teen<br />
Weeks" in the <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> is a<br />
cool way for your teen to have the fun summer<br />
experience they are craving without having to<br />
say they went to "kiddie camp."<br />
Week 1: June 17-21<br />
Adventures include: Thrillz Adventure Park… OCNJ<br />
Beach… Outdoor Laser Tag… Hershey Park… Green<br />
Dragon Farmer’s Market<br />
Week 2: July 15-19:<br />
Adventures include: Point Pleasant Beach… Escape<br />
Room… Paintball… Arnold’s Family Fun Center… and the<br />
York Fair.<br />
Week 3: August 12-16:<br />
Adventures include: 3D Movie… Smash Room… Guppy<br />
Gulch… International Food Tour… and Asbury Park Beach.
Registration Information:<br />
Registration for the <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> <strong>Program</strong> begins February 4 and is available online at…<br /><strong>2024</strong>-summer-camp-registration<br />
There is limited space available for the <strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Camp. Registration will, however, remain<br />
open until all spots are taken. Weeks will then be closed on an individual basis.<br />
YOUTH Camp Pricing:<br />
Registration Fee: $47/child<br />
Extended Day: $47/family (7:30am-6:00pm)<br />
Member:<br />
• 1-3 wks: $297<br />
• 4-8 wks: $277<br />
• 9-10 wks: $257<br />
Non-Member:<br />
• 1-3 wks: $327<br />
• 4-8 wks: $307<br />
• 9-10 wks: $287<br />
* Sibling Discount: $25 per sibling will be deducted from the weekly payment .<br />
* Pay by automatic withdrawal from a checking account and we’ll waive the Registration Fee.<br />
* Members are <strong>Makoto</strong> and Martial Arts Studio students currently training at the dojos.<br />
Refunds & Cancelations:<br />
You have until April 9, <strong>2024</strong> to cancel or switch<br />
weeks.After that date you are responsible for payment<br />
of each week in which your camper is enrolled.<br />
Refunds will only be given if: (1) <strong>Makoto</strong> chooses to<br />
cancels a week of camp, or (2) a child cannot attend a<br />
full week of camp due to injury or family emergency.<br />
No allowance or refund is given for any full or partial<br />
days missed for: illness… family visiting… last-minute<br />
vacations… and unexpected change of plans.<br />
TEEN Camp Pricing:<br />
Registration Fee: $47/child<br />
Extended Day: $37/ family 8:00am-6:00pm)<br />
Member:<br />
• 1-3 wks: $327<br />
Non-Member:<br />
• 1-3 wks: $357
<strong>Makoto</strong> <strong>Summer</strong> Camp<br />
@ The Martial Arts Studio<br />
14 N. Village Ave.<br />
Exton, PA 19341<br />
(610) 280-0873<br />